Ritmi Euclidei
Ritmi Euclidei
Ritmi Euclidei
Godfried Toussaint School of Computer Science, McGill University Montr eal, Qu ebec, Canada godfried@cs.mcgill.ca
Abstract The Euclidean algorithm (which comes down to us from Euclids Elements) computes the greatest common divisor of two given integers. It is shown here that the structure of the Euclidean algorithm may be used to generate, very efciently, a large family of rhythms used as timelines (ostinatos), in sub-Saharan African music in particular, and world music in general. These rhythms, here dubbed Euclidean rhythms, have the property that their onset patterns are distributed as evenly as possible. Euclidean rhythms also nd application in nuclear physics accelerators and in computer science, and are closely related to several families of words and sequences of interest in the study of the combinatorics of words, such as Euclidean strings, to which the Euclidean rhythms are compared.
1. Introduction
What do African rhythms, spallation neutron source (SNS) accelerators in nuclear physics, string theory (stringology) in computer science, and an ancient algorithm described by Euclid have in common? The short answer is: patterns distributed as evenly as possible. For the long answer please read on. Mathematics and music have been intimately intertwined since the days of Pythagoras. However, most of this interaction has been in the domain of pitch and scales. For some historical snapshots of this interaction the reader is referred to H. S. M. Coxeters delightful account [9]. Rhythm, on the other hand has been historically mostly ignored. Here we make some mathematical connections between musical rhythm and other areas of knowledge such as nuclear physics and computer science, as well as the work of another famous ancient Greek mathematician, Euclid of Alexandria.
is [1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 1 0 0 0]. The problem of primary interest is when k and n are relatively prime numbers [23], i.e., when k and n are evenly divisible only by 1. Bjorklunds algorithm will be described simply by using one of his examples. Consider a sequence with n = 13 and k = 5. Since 13 5 = 8, we start by considering a sequence consisting of 5 ones followed by 8 zeros which should be thought of as 13 sequences of one bit each: [1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0] We begin moving zeros by placing a zero after each one, to produce ve sequences of two bits each, with three zeros remaining: [10] [10] [10] [10] [10] [0] [0] [0] Next we distribute the three remaining zeros in a similar manner, by placing a [0] sequence after each [10] sequence to obtain: [100] [100] [100] [10] [10] Now we have three sequences of three bits each, and a remainder of two sequences of two bits each. Therefore we continue in the same manner, by placing a [10] sequence after each [100] sequence to obtain: [10010] [10010] [100] The process stops when the remainder consists of only one sequence (in this case the sequence [100]), or we run out of zeros. The nal sequence is thus the concatenation of [10010], [10010], and [100]: [1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 1 0 1 0 0] Note that one could proceed one step further in this process by inserting [100] into [10010] [10010]. However, Bjorklund argues that since the sequence is cyclic it does not matter (hence his stopping rule). Bjorklund [5] shows that the nal sequence may be computed from the initial sequence using O (n) arithmetic operations in the worst case.
The algorithm may be described succinctly in a recursive manner as done in [8]. Let m and k be the input integers with m > k . EUCLID(m, k ) 1. if k = 0 2. then return m 3. else return EUCLID(k ,m mod k ) Running this algorithm with m = 8 and k = 5 we obtain: EUCLID(8,5) = EUCLID(5,3) = EUCLID(3,2) = EUCLID(2,1) = EUCLID(1,0) = 1 It is clear from the description of the Euclidean algorithm that if m and k are equal to the number of zeros and ones, respectively, in a binary sequence (with n = m + k ) then the structure of the Euclidean algorithm has the same structure as that of Bjorklunds algorithm described in the preceding. Indeed, Bjorklunds algorithm uses the repeated subtraction form of division, just as Euclid did in his Elements [12]. It is also well known that if algorithm EUCLID(m, k ) is applied to two O (n) bit numbers (binary sequences of length n) it will perform O (n) arithmetic operations in the worst case [8].
0 7
2 3
0 1 7 1
2 5 4 (a) 3
6 5 4 (b) 3
Figure 1: (a) The Euclidean rhythm E (3, 8) is the Cuban tresillo, (b) The Euclidean rhythm E (5, 8) is the Cuban cinquillo. In the two examples in the preceding (E (5, 13) and E (3, 8)) the number of ones is less than the number of zeros. If instead the number of ones is greater than the number of zeros, Bjorklunds algorithm yields the following steps with, for example k = 5 and n = 8. [1 1 1 1 1 0 0 0] [10] [10] [10] [1] [1] [101] [101] [10] [1 0 1 1 0 1 1 0] The resulting Euclidean rhythm is E (5,8) = [x . x x . x x .]. This rhythm is illustrated as a polygon (pentagon) in Figure 1 (b). It is another famous rhythm on the world scene. In Cuba it goes by the name of the cinquillo and is intimately related to the tresillo [15]. It has been used in jazz throughout the 20th century [27], as well as in the rockabilly music of the 1950s. For example it is the hand-clapping pattern in Elvis Presleys Hound Dog [7]. The cinquillo pattern is also widely used in West African traditional music [26],[31]. In the remainder of this section we list some of the most common Euclidean rhythms found in world music. In some cases the Euclidean rhythm is a rotated version of a commonly used rhythm. If a rhythm is a rotated version of another we say that both belong to the same necklace. Thus a rhythm necklace is the inter-onset duration interval pattern that disregards the starting point in the cycle. An example of two rhythms that are instances of one and the same necklace is illustrated in Figure 2. The simplest rhythms have a value of k = 1. This subfamily of Euclidean rhythms yields: E (1,2) = [x .] E (1,3) = [x . .] E (1,4) = [x . . .], etc. Note that since we are interested in cyclic non-periodic rhythms it is not necessary to enumerate these rhythms with multiples of k and n. For example, multiplying (1,3) by 4 gives (4,12) which yields: E (4,12) = [x . . x . . x . . x . .], which is periodic with four repetitions of E (1,3) = [x . .]. Incidentally, E (4,12) = [x . . x . . x . . x . .] is the (12/8)-time Fandango clapping pattern in the Flamenco music of southern Spain, where x denotes a loud clap and . a soft clap [10]. E (2,3) = [x . x] is a common Afro-Cuban drum pattern. For example, it is the conga rhythm of the (6/8)time Swing Tumbao [18]. It is also common in Latin American music, as for example in the Cueca [33].
11 10 9 8 7
1 2 3 4 10 9 8
1 2 3 4
Figure 2: These two rhythms are instances of one and the same rhythm necklace. E (2,5)=[x . x . .] is a thirteenth century Persian rhythm called Khaf-e-ramal [34]. It is also the metric pattern of the second movement of Tchaikovskys Symphony No. 6 [17]. When it is started on the second onset ([x . . x .]) it is the metric pattern of Dave Brubecks Take Five as well as Mars from The Planets by Gustav Holst [17]. E (3,4)=[x . x x] is the archetypal pattern of the Cumbia from Colombia [20], as well as a Calypso rhythm from Trinidad [13]. It is also a thirteenth century Persian rhythm called Khalif-e-saghil [34], as well as the trochoid choreic rhythmic pattern of ancient Greece [21]. E (3,5)=[x . x . x], when started on the second onset, is another thirteenth century Persian rhythm by the name of Khaf-e-ramal [34], as well as a Rumanian folk-dance rhythm [25]. E (3,7)=[x . x . x . .] is a Ruchenitza rhythm used in a Bulgarian folk-dance [24]. It is also the metric pattern of Pink Floyds Money [17]. E (3,8)=[x . . x . . x .] is the Cuban tresillo pattern discussed in the preceding [15]. E (4,7)=[x . x . x . x] is another Ruchenitza Bulgarian folk-dance rhythm [24]. E (4,9) = [x . x . x . x . .] is the Aksak rhythm of Turkey [6]. It is also the metric pattern used by Dave Brubeck in his piece Rondo a la Turk [17]. E (4,11) = [x . . x . . x . . x .] is the metric pattern used by Frank Zappa in his piece titled Outside Now [17]. E (5,6)=[x . x x x x] yields the York-Samai pattern, a popular Arab rhythm, when started on the second onset [30]. E (5,7)=[x . x x . x x] is the Nawakhat pattern, another popular Arab rhythm [30]. E (5,8)=[x . x x . x x .] is the Cuban cinquillo pattern discussed in the preceding [15]. When it is started on the second onset it is also the Spanish Tango [13] and a thirteenth century Persian rhythm, the Al-saghilal-sani [34]. E (5,9)=[x . x . x . x . x] is a popular Arab rhythm called Agsag-Samai [30]. When started on the second onset, it is a drum pattern used by the Venda in South Africa [26], as well as a Rumanian folk-dance rhythm [25]. E (5,11)=[x . x . x . x . x . .] is the metric pattern used by Moussorgsky in Pictures at an Exhibition [17]. E (5,12) = [x . . x . x . . x . x .] is the Venda clapping pattern of a South African childrens song [24]. E (5,16) = [x . . x . . x . . x . . x . . . .] is the Bossa-Nova rhythm necklace of Brazil. The actual BossaNova rhythm usually starts on the third onset as follows: [x . . x . . x . . . x . . x . .] [31]. However, there are other starting places as well, as for example [x . . x . . x . . x . . . x . .] [3]. E (7,8) = [x . x x x x x x] is a typical rhythm played on the Bendir (frame drum), and used in the accompaniment of songs of the Tuareg people of Libya [30].
11 10 9 8 7
1 2 3 4 10 9 8
1 2 3 4 10 9 8
1 2 3 4
Figure 3: Two right-rotations of the Bemb e string: (a) the Bemb e, (b) rotation by one unit, (c) rotation by seven units. E (7,12) = [x . x x . x . x x . x .] is a common West African bell pattern. For example, it is used in the Mpre rhythm of the Ashanti people of Ghana [32]. E (7,16) = [x . . x . x . x . . x . x . x .] is a Samba rhythm necklace from Brazil. The actual Samba rhythm is [x . x . . x . x . x . . x . x .] obtained by starting E (7,16) on the last onset. When E (7,16) is started on the fth onset it is a clapping pattern from Ghana [24]. E (9,16) = [x . x x . x . x . x x . x . x .] is a rhythm necklace used in the Central African Republic [2]. When it is started on the fourth onset it is a rhythm played in West and Central Africa [15], as well as a cow-bell pattern in the Brazilian samba [29]. When it is started on the penultimate onset it is the bell pattern of the Ngbaka-Maibo rhythms of the Central African Republic [2]. E (11,24) = [x . . x . x . x . x . x . . x . x . x . x . x .] is a rhythm necklace of the Aka Pygmies of Central Africa [2]. It is usually started on the seventh onset. E (13,24) = [x . x x . x . x . x . x . x x . x . x . x . x .] is another rhythm necklace of the Aka Pygmies of the upper Sangha [2]. It is usually started on the fourth onset.
5. Euclidean Strings
In the study of the combinatorics of words and sequences, there exists a family of strings called Euclidean strings [11]. In this section we explore the relationship that exists between Euclidean strings and Euclidean rhythms. We use the same terminology and notation introduced in [11]. Let P = (p0 , p1 , ..., pn1 ) denote a string of non-negative integers. Let (P ) denote the right rotation of P by one position, i.e., (P ) = (pn1 , p0 , p1 , ..., pn2 ), and let d (P ) denote the right rotation of P by d positions. Figure 3 illustrates the (P ) operator with P equal to the Bemb e bell-pattern of West Africa [32]. Figure 3 (a) shows the Bemb e bell-pattern, Figure 3 (b) shows (P ), which is a hand-clapping pattern from West Africa [24], and Figure 3 (c) shows 7 (P ), which is the Tamb u rhythm of Curac ao [28]. Ellis et al., [11] dene a string P = (p0 , p1 , ..., pn1 ) as a Euclidean string if increasing p 0 by one, and decreasing pn1 by one, yields a new string, denoted by (P ), that is a rotation of P , i.e., P and (P ) are instances of one and the same necklace. Therefore, if we represent rhythms as binary sequences, Euclidean rhythms cannot be Euclidean strings because by virtue of the Euclidean algorithm employed, all Euclidean rhythms begin with a one. Increasing p 0 by one makes it a two, which is not a binary string. Therefore, to explore the relationship between Euclidean strings and Euclidean rhythms, here we will represent rhythms by their adjacent-inter-onset-duration-interval-vectors, (interval-vectors for short) which are also strings of non-negative integers. As an example, consider the Aksak rhythm of Turkey [6] given by E (4,9) = [x . x . x . x . .]. In interval-vector notation we have that E (4,9) = (2223). Now (2223) = (3222),
which is a rotation of E (4,9), and is thus a Euclidean string. Indeed, for P =E (4,9), (P ) = 3 (P ). As a second example. consider the West African clapping-pattern shown in Figure 3 (b) given by P =(1221222). We have that (P ) = (2221221) = 6 (P ), the pattern shown in Figure 3 (c), which also happens to be the mirror image of P about the (0, 6) axis. Therefore P is a Euclidean string. However, note that P is not a Euclidean rhythm. Nevertheless, P is a rotation of the Euclidean rhythm E (7,12)=(2122122). Ellis et al., [11] have many beautiful results about Euclidean strings. They show that Euclidean strings exist if, and only if, n and (p0 + p1 + ... + pn1 ) are relatively prime numbers, and that when they exist they are unique. They also show how to construct Euclidean strings using an algorithm that has the same structure as the Euclidean algorithm. In addition they relate Euclidean strings to many other families of sequences studied in the combinatorics of words [1], [19]. Let R(P ) denote the reversal (or mirror image) of P , i.e., R(P ) = (p n1 , pn2 , ..., p1 , p0 ). For example, for the Aksak rhythm where P = (2223), we obtain that R(P ) = (3222), i.e., R(P ) implies playing the rhythm P backwards by starting at the same onset. Now we may determine which of the Euclidean rhythms used in world music listed in the preceding, are Euclidean strings or reverse Euclidean strings. The length of a Euclidean string is dened as the number of integers it has. This translates in the rhythm domain to the number of onsets a rhythm contains. Furthermore, strings of length one are Euclidean strings, trivially. Therefore all the trivial Euclidean rhythms with only one onset, such as E (1,2) = [x .] = (2), E (1,3) = [x . .] = (3), and E (1,4) = [x . . .] =(4), etc., are both Euclidean strings as well as reverse Euclidean strings. In the lists that follow the Euclidean rhythms are shown in their box-notation format as well as in the interval-vector representation. The styles of music that use these rhythms is also included. Finally, if only a rotated version of the Euclidean rhythm is played, then it is still included in the list but referred to as a necklace. The following Euclidean rhythms are Euclidean strings: E (2,5)=[x . x . .] = (23) (classical, jazz, and Persian). E (3,7)=[x . x . x . .] = (223) (Bulgarian folk). E (4,9) = [x . x . x . x . .] = (2223) (Turkey). E (5,11)=[x . x . x . x . x . .] = (22223) (classical). E (5,16) = [x . . x . . x . . x . . x . . . .] = (33334) (Brazilian necklace). The following Euclidean rhythms are reverse Euclidean strings: E (2,3) = [x . x] = (21) (West Africa, Latin America). E (3,4)=[x . x x] = (211) (Trinidad, Persia). E (3,5)=[x . x . x] = (221) (Rumanian and Persian necklaces). E (3,8)=[x . . x . . x .] = (332) (West Africa). E (4,7)=[x . x . x . x] = (2221) (Bulgaria). E (4,11) = [x . . x . . x . . x .] = (3332) (Frank Zappa). E (5,6)=[x . x x x x] = (21111) (Arab). E (5,7)=[x . x x . x x] = (21211) (Arab). E (5,9)=[x . x . x . x . x] = (22221) (Arab rhythm, South African and Rumanian necklaces). E (5,12) = [x . . x . x . . x . x .] = (32322) (South Africa). E (7,8) = [x . x x x x x x] = (2111111) (Tuareg rhythm of Libya). E (7,16) = [x . . x . x . x . . x . x . x .] = (3223222) (Brazilian necklace). E (11,24) = [x . . x . x . x . x . x . . x . x . x . x . x .] = (32222322222) (Central Africa).
The following Euclidean rhythms are neither Euclidean nor reverse Euclidean strings: E (5,8)=[x . x x . x x .] = (21212) (West Africa). E (7,12) = [x . x x . x . x x . x .] = (2122122) (West Africa). E (9,16) = [x . x x . x . x . x x . x . x .] = (212221222) (West and Central African, and Brazilian necklaces). E (13,24) = [x . x x . x . x . x . x . x x . x . x . x . x .] = (2122222122222) (Central African necklace).
6. Concluding Remarks
A new family of musical rhythms has been described, called Euclidean rhythms, which are obtained by using Bjorklunds sequence generation algorithm, which has the same structure as the Euclidean algorithm. It was shown that many rhythms used in world music are Euclidean rhythms. Some of these Euclidean rhythms are also Euclidean strings [11]. The three groups of Euclidean rhythms listed in the preceding section reveal a tantalizing pattern. Those Euclidean rhythms that are also Euclidean strings (the rst four of group one) are favoured in classical, jazz, Bulgarian, Turkish and Persian music, but are not popular in African music. The Euclidean rhythms that are neither Euclidean strings nor reverse Euclidean strings (the rst two of group three) are used only in subSaharan African music. Finally, the Euclidean rhythms that are reverse Euclidean strings (the second group) appear to have a much wider appeal. Finding musicological explanations for the preferences apparent in these mathematical properties raizes an interesting ethnomusicological question. The Euclidean strings dened in [11] determine another family of rhythms, many of which are also used in world music but are not necessarily Euclidean rhythms, as for example (1221222), an Afro-Cuban bell pattern. Therefore it would be interesting to explore empirically the relation between Euclidean strings and world music rhythms, and to determine formally the exact mathematical relation between Euclidean rhythms and Euclidean strings.
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