Plucked String Analysis
Plucked String Analysis
Plucked String Analysis
Espoo 2006
Teknillinen korkeakoulu
Tekniska Hogskolan
Helsinki University of Technology
Technische Universitat
Universite de Technologie dHelsinki
Report 79
Espoo, Finland 2006
Henri Penttinen
Date of manuscript
Field of research
This thesis explores acoustical properties of plucked stringed instruments and proposes sound synthesis methods for
plucked stringed instruments. In this thesis the investigations of the kantele, the acoustic guitar, the harpsichord, and the
guqin provide analysis results, a control algorithm, and two model-based sound synthesis methods in the following way.
For a modified design of the kantele, acoustical measurements and formal listening tests support the assumption of
increased loudness. The investigation also provides design rules to make a plucked stringed instrument louder. An
automatic plucking-point estimation algorithm is proposed for acoustic guitars with an under-saddle pickup. The automatic
plucking-point estimation can be used for controlling synthesis algorithms or sound effects. Model-based sound synthesis
algorithms are proposed for the harpsichord and the guqin. It was found that the harpsichord exhibits dynamic behavior,
albeit limited, when the tangent is pressed down with different speeds. Moreover, the string vibrations and the body
response show changes according to the playing level. Hence, the proposed synthesis algorithm is dynamic. The analysis
of the guqin reveals the existence of phantom partials in the tones, differences in tones according to the termination
technique, and extensive use of flageolet tones and sliding of tones. The model-based sound synthesis algorithm takes
these features into account.
Keywords digital signal processing, musical acoustics, model-based sound synthesis, computer music
ISBN (printed)
ISBN (pdf)
ISBN (others)
Number of pages
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ISSN (printed)
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Report 79 / TKK, Laboratory of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, Espoo, Finland
Henri Penttinen
Vitskirjan nimi
nekkyys- ja nenvrikysymyksi nppiltviss kielisoittimissa analyysi, synteesi ja suunnittelu
Shk ja tietoliikkennetekniikka
Akustiikka ja nenksittelytekniikka
Tyn valvoja
(Tyn ohjaaja)
Tm vitskirja ksittelee nppiltvien kielisoittimien akustiikkaa ja esitt nisynteesimenetelmi nppiltville
kielisoittimille. Vitskirjassa esitelln suunnittelusnnt nekklle kanteleelle, automaattinen menetelm kitaran
nppilykohdan arviointiin, virtuaalinen cembalo ja nisynteesimalli kiinalaiselle soittimelle. Suunnittelusnnt
kanteleen nekkyyden parantamiseksi on kehitetty yhteistyss soitinrakentaja Jyrki Plkin kanssa. Sntjen ptevyys
osoitetaan laskennallisesti, akustisin mittauksin ja kuuntelukokein. Akustiselle kitaralle kehitetty automaattinen
nppyskohdan arviointimenetelm toimii soittimessa, jossa kontaktimikrofoni on sijoitettu tallan alle. Tt automaattista
menetelm voidaan kytt ohjaamaan esimerkiksi nisynteesi tai niefekti. Lisksi vitsty esittelee mallipohjaiset
nisynteesimenetelmt cembalolle ja historialliselle kiinalaiselle kielisoittimelle, jonka nimi on guqin. Tutkimus osoittaa,
ett cembalossa esiintyy dynaamista vaihtelua, kun kosketinta painetaan eri nopeuksilla. Lisksi kielien vrhtelyss ja
kaikukopan vasteessa esiintyy eroja soittotason suhteen. Tst johtuen kehitetty nisynteesimalli on dynaaminen, jonka
lisksi mallilla voidaan tuottaa cembalomusiikkia, jossa on suuremmat nenvoimakkuusvaihtelut kuin todellisuudessa.
Guqinille analyysitulokset osoittavat, ett soittimessa esiintyy haamuneksi, eroja ness kielen sormitustavasta
riippuen ja laaja-alaista huilu- sek liuutusnten kytt. Esitetty synteesimalli ottaa nm ominaisuudet huomioon.
ISBN (painettu)
ISBN (pdf)
ISBN (muut)
ISSN (painettu)
ISSN (pdf)
This work was carried out in the Laboratory of Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, at Helsinki University of Technology (TKK), Finland during the period
between 2003 to 2006. Since day one the colleagues at the laboratory have given
an incredible amount of support and help. In addition, I have had the privilege to
work with skilful people from an exceptionally large range of disciplines such as,
instrument builders, musicians, a psychologist, software developers, and naturally
engineers. This preface aims at listing most of the important people involved and
who I am ever grateful to. For better or worse, this whole trip changed my life and
Ill never be the same again.
First of all, I would like to thank my supervisor Prof. Vesa Valimaki for his supervision and support throughout these years. It enabled me to bring the work
to a completion and you this thesis. I also want to express my gratitude to Prof.
Matti Karjalainen who has been very helpful regarding this work and for showing
his warm attitude. What is more, Ive been fortunate enough to have experienced
the tremendous support, extreme high level of professionalism, musical skills, and
positivity of collaborator Dr. Cumhur Erkut. Im also thankful to have co-operated
with Dr. Mikael Laurson and Mr. Jyrki Polkki, since they are superb professionals
and great characters. In addition, I would like to thank my other co-authors for
helping me in giving content to this work, Prof. Marc Leman, Ms. Henbing Li,
Mr. Jyri Pakarinen, Mr. Jonte Knif, and Mr. Jaakko Siiskonen. All the co-authors
helped me greatly with their comments, ideas, and positive feedback. Furthermore, I would like to thank the pre-examiners of my thesis, Prof. Anssi Klapuri
(Tampere Univ. of Tech., Finland), and Associate Prof. Stefania Serafin (Aalborg
Univ. Copenhagen, Denmark), for their comments that helped to bring coherence
to the text. Im also thankful for the gentlemen involved in the off-side publication
projects Mr. Mika Kuuskankare and Mr. Miikka Tikander.
I want to acknowledge the financial supporters of this thesis work: Academy of
Finland (through the Pythagoras Graduate school) and Tekniikan edistamissaa tio.
The Pythagoras Graduate school, the teachers and the fellow students, Im deeply
indebted for the four year cruise I was involved in. I want to also thank all the
collaborators around Europe that have given new faces and insights to many issues, mainly through the EU projects Sound to Sense, Sense to Sound (S2S2 ), and
A special thank you goes also to Luis Costa who is my most avid reader, as he has
been the native English speaker who has corrected the grammar etc. of this thesis
and four of my articles.
The Aku Lab has been an amazing environment to work in and Im sure I couldve
not experience anything like it anywhere else. Ms. Lea Soderman will always be
my favorite secretary, through her professional skills and her cheerful persona. Aki
Harma was a great model for me and I want to thank his support and encourage
ment to continue his and Unto Laines work on the SPANK
course (Digital Signal
Processors and Audio Signal Processing), and all the amazing co-assistants Miikka
Tikander, Julia Jakka, Markku Ursin and assistants Juha Merimaa, Antti Huovilainen, Toni Liitola, Hannu Pulakka, and Matti Airas. I enjoyed and appreciate
the company and help of my room mate Tom Backstrom, people around Siberia,
Tuomas Paatero, Patty Huang, Jussi Pekonen, Jukka Rauhala, Seppo Fagerlund...;
all the Ladies room versions, Riitta Vaa nanen, Ville Pulkki, Kalle Palomaki...; The
Moscow area, Mara Rahkila, Hynde,...; The Tsetsenia crew, Toni Hirvonen, Carlo
Magi, Petri Korhonen; Miikkas brother-in-arms Toomas Aaltosaar, The ladies of
Siberia, Laura Lehto, and Heidi-Maria Lehtonen, and their Swedish reinforcements
Eva Bjorkner, and Laura Enflo. I also want to thank Hanna Jarvelainen for her
friendship and support in and outside the lab.
This preface is already ridiculously long and Im not even finished yet. Theres a
vast realm of people outside the work community which have kept me intact and
inspired. I would like to give special acknowledgments and a hats-off-bow to: long
time friends, Lauri Halme, Marko Piispa, Panu Kaukinen, Harry Kuusela, Ville
Palkosaari, and Miika Valve, and ex-room mate Jussi Lampiselka. My friends introduced through music, but not only; Antero Kuisma ja Suojatyopiakka, Janne
Toivanen, Petri Naukkarinen, Perttu Hamalainen, Jussi Koski, and Kristian Sahldstet; Kitarakerho, Petteri Kekalainen; Bottle Consotrium; Jaakko Prattala, Mikko
Ojanen, and Anna Dantchev; and Miikka Jarvinen.
Finally, Im grateful for the endless support and love I have received from my
mother and my sister.
This work is dedicated to my father Markku Penttinen.
Henri Penttinen, Espoo, Finland, 13.9.2006
Table of Contents
Table of Contents
List of Publications
Authors Contributions
List of Abbreviations
List of Symbols
Background . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Vibrating string . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Publication [P1] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Publication [P2] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Publication [P3] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Publication [P4] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Publication [P5] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
Publication [P6] . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
List of Publications
P1 Penttinen H., Erkut, C., Polkki, J., Valimaki, V., and Karjalainen, M. Design
and analysis of a modified kantele with increased loudness, Acta Acustica
united with Acustica, vol. 91, pp. 261268, 2005. Special issue on Musical
P2 Penttinen, H., and Valimaki, V., A time-domain approach to estimating the
plucking point of guitar tones obtained with an under-saddle pickup, Applied Acoustics vol. 65, no. 12, pp. 12071220, December 2004.
P3 Penttinen, H., Siiskonen, J., and Valimaki, V., Acoustic guitar plucking
point estimation in real time, in Proc. IEEE International Conference on
Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, vol. 3, pp. 209212, Philadelphia, PA, USA, March 19-23, 2005.
P4 Valimaki, V., Penttinen, H., Knif, J., Laurson, M., and Erkut, C., Sound synthesis of the harpsichord using a computationally efficient physical model,
EURASIP Journal on Applied Signal Processing, vol. 2004, no. 7, pp. 934
948, 15 June 2004. Special Issue on Model-Based Sound Synthesis.
P5 Penttinen, H., On the dynamics of the harpsichord and its synthesis, Accepted for publication in Proc. of the Int. Conf. on Digital Audio Effects
DAFx06, September 18-20, Montreal, Canada, 2006.
P6 Penttinen, H., Pakarinen, J., Valimaki, V., Laurson, M., Li, H., and Leman,
M., Model-based sound synthesis of the guqin, Tech. Rep. 78, Lab. of
Acoustics and Audio Signal Processing, Helsinki University of Technology,
Sept. 2006, (Submitted to the Journal of the Acoustical Society of America
on May the 5th 2006).
Authors Contributions
Publication [P1]
The author made the acoustical measurements and reported these results in collaboration with the second author by being the corresponding person (Secs. 1, 2, 3,
and 5). Co-author #3 also provided input to Sec. 1. The author conducted the
listening tests and reported them in Sec. 4. The initial design rules were suggested
by instrument builder Jyrki Polkki.
Publication [P2]
The author conducted the experiments and reported the greater part of the results
discussed in this article. The method was developed in collaboration with the coauthor, who provided input to Sec. 5. The author also prepared the companion
Publication [P3]
The author developed the improvements of the algorithm, coded the simulations,
and initiated the tests and supervised the coding of the real-time system. The author
wrote the publication and prepared the companion webpage.
Publication [P4]
The author conducted the acoustical measurements and recordings of the harpsichord in co-operation with the third author. The author created the basic excitation
sample database for the harpsichord synthesizer, which the co-authors extended
with their design tools. The author was responsible for the body model design and
calibration, and was the main contributor in Sec. 2, 3.4, and 4.5. He also contributed to Secs. 3.2, 3.3, and 4.1. In addition, the author contributed to the overall
polishing and commenting of the paper.
Publication [P5]
The author was responsible for this research. Discussions with colleague Jonte
Knif supported the initial planning of the work.
Publication [P6]
The author was responsible for the conducted recordings and measurements of the
instrument. The author created the sound synthesis model in co-operation with
the second and third authors. The acoustical measurements and the analysis of
the instrument were done by the author, except for the friction sound and energy
compensation of the string. The author was the main writer of sections III A and B,
intro to IV, IV A.3, B, C.1, and C.2, and VI. Section I was written with co-authors
#3 and #6 and Sec. II was written with co-author #5, respectively. In other words,
the author was mainly responsible for writing the article except for Secs. III C, IV
A.1, A.2, C.3, and V. The author also prepared the companion webpage.
List of Abbreviations
List of Symbols
Ad (z)
F (f )
F (z)
f (x, t)
f1 and f2
HLF (z)
V (f )
Allpass filter
Initial amplitude of mode n
Loop coefficient in the loop filter
Velocity of longitudinal wavefront
Velocity of transversal wavefront
Youngs modulus
Fourier transform of the force exerted to the support
Fractional delay filter
Force distribution
Fundamental frequency
Waves traveling to left and right, respectively
Frequency of mode n
Initial phase of mode n
Gain coefficient in the loop filter
Loop filter transfer function
Length of the string
Mass of the string
Linear mass density
Mode number
String radius
Cross-sectional area of the string
Transfer function of the DWG string model
Tension applied to the string
Decay time of mode n
Viscous decay time
Fourier transform of the velocity exerted to the support
Coordinate a long the string
Y (f )
z L1
Fourier transform of the mechanical admittance at the bridge
Delay line of integer length L1
Spatial derivative
Temporal derivative
Chapter 1
This thesis deals with analysis of musical instruments and sound synthesis methods
to mimic the sounds of plucked stringed instruments. Analysis of the instruments
falls typically under the category of musical acoustics, while sound synthesis is
a part of music technology. Also, as in this thesis, analysis results can be used
directly for purposes of music technology. A sound synthesis method that imitates,
on a computer, the behavior and sound production mechanism of a sound source is
called physical modeling synthesis or model-based sound synthesis [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6,
7, 8, 9].
The history of plucked string instruments started about four thousand years ago
in Mesopotamia, situated in modern day Iraq [10]. The construction of stringed
instruments has evolved tremendously over the years, and plucked stringed instruments are nowadays practically used in every corner of the globe. Some musical
instruments are fine examples of constructions with complicated machinery, such
as the piano and the harpsichord. Also, the violin is an example of a sophisticated
instrument. The violin and the piano have played a crucial role in the development of western music. What is more, they both have a significant role in the
progression of musical acoustics [11, 12, 13]. They have played an important role
in acoustical findings and investigations regarding phenomena such as inharmonicity [14, 11], phantom partials and longitudinal vibrations [15, 16], string coupling
[17], Helmholtz motion and wolf tones [12], and body modeling [18]. The violin
has also been a part of virtual reconstruction by eliminating both the strings and the
resonating body [19]. Plucked stringed instruments are also part of this trajectory,
and, for example the guitar has been investigated thoroughly [20].
Besides the general development of musical instruments over the years, the trend of
building louder instruments has been on going for a few hundred years now. This
is to meet the requirements of larger audiences and concert halls. The evolvement
of keyboard instruments, or the emergence of the piano, is a prime example of this
kind of a progression: clavichord harpsichord piano [20]. The acoustic guitar
underwent a stepwise jump in the treatment of luthier de Torres [20]. Similarly, the
modern flute is an example where a single instrument builder, Mr. Boehm, made
significant changes. The violin has also experienced many changes over the years,
i.e., a violin built today differs from the ones built by Antonio Stradivari. That is to
say, today the neck is longer, the strings are under higher tension, and the bass bar,
or sound bar, is tuned better than during the baroque era [20].
In the field of sound synthesis, the first physical modeling scheme was proposed
in the early 1970s by Hiller and Ruiz [21, 22], by using the finite-difference timedomain (FDTD) approximation of the wave equation. The first real-time system
was the CORDIS system presented in the early 1980s [23, 24]. The first commercial synthesizer, the Yamaha VL-1, applying physical modeling or model-based
synthesis was introduced in 1994 [25]. Consequently, the field of sound synthesis is still relatively young compared, for example, to the history of acoustical instruments. The research around sound synthesis, and especially model-based synthesis has been active during recent years (see for example recent doctoral theses
[26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34]). The discussion on sound synthesis methods
will continue in Section 3.
Control issues are also a crucial part of sound synthesis and have been discussed,
e.g., in [35, 36, 37]. Software environments as well are important for sound synthesis and research purposes. Such applications have appeared: e.g., the Synthesis
Tool Kit (STK) [38], Pure Data (PD) [39, 40] and physical modeling extensions for
it [41, 42], the BlockCompiler [43], and the PWGLSynth [44].
The usage of physical models in music has mostly occurred via modern and experimental composers [45] and this widespread use is hopefully just around the
corner. The concept physics in physical models can partly scare some composers
and restrain them to use physical sound synthesis models. On the other hand, even
if physical models can seem complex the control parameters involved have strong
equivalence with a real instrument. Therefore, the control parameters should be
more familiar to the users, but so far it is not yet the case. This thesis deals with the
issues for making stringed instruments louder, proposes a method for control, and
attempts to narrow down the gap between academia and musicians by for example
using the PWGLSynth [44] for implementations of the sound synthesis algorithms
it proposes.
The scope of this thesis is analysis and model-based sound synthesis of plucked
stringed instruments. The instruments used in this thesis are the harpsichord, the
kantele, the guqin, and the acoustic guitar. Acoustical measurements and analysis
have been performed for all the instruments. The output and goals of these analysis
procedures vary. The main focus areas are loudness and timbral investigations,
including plucking point identification and model-based sound synthesis.
Acoustical measurements have been performed in the form of recording of tones
and playing with microphones, vibrations of the body have been measured with microphones and a laser vibrometer. Also, formal listening tests have been executed
to gain knowledge of the perceived loudness of the kantele and the harpsichord.
When applied to model-based synthesis, on one hand, the measurement data have
been used to understand the properties of the instrument. On the other hand, the
measurement data have been used to calibrate the synthesis models. Thereafter, the
measurement data are compared, by signal analysis means, with the output of the
synthesis to verify the legitimacy of the synthesis algorithm. Calibration is based on
methods introduced and discussed in [46, 47, 48]. Extensions to these calibration
routines in the publications of this thesis are given and used regarding inharmonic
inverse filtering [P4 and P6], flageolet tone synthesis [P6], and synthesis of phantom partials [P6].
The model-based sound synthesis approach taken in this thesis is physically oriented. The sound synthesis models are designed with the knowledge that they will
be used and implemented in a real-time synthesis environment. The synthesis environment encompasses the synthesis engine PWGLSynth [44], which is a visual synthesis language, and the Expressive Notation Package (ENP) [49], which controls
the PWGLSynth. Recently, an interface has been designed for the PWGLSynth for
real-time control purposes [50].
Models for loudness have been developed and they are evolving towards modeling
of time-varying properties [51, 52, 53]. However, the models are very recent and
are not yet at a satisfactory level to replace formal listening tests with human subjects. This applies especially to the case of a vibrating string, since the behavior of
a vibrating string is highly non-stationary as it exhibits timbre changes, initial pitch
drift, non-linear phenomena, which all occur as functions of time. Since this thesis
concentrates on analysis and synthesis of musical instruments, the development of
perceptual loudness models is outside the scope of this thesis.
The sound synthesis algorithms proposed in this thesis can be viewed as virtual
instruments that mimic and approximate acoustic instruments. This thesis touches
on some of the control issues regarding sound synthesizers, e.g., in [P2] and [P3],
This doctoral thesis consists of six articles and an introduction. The articles investigate the behavior of plucked string instruments through analysis, synthesis, and
design, with an emphasis on loudness1 and timbral2 issues. The articles in this thesis cover a wide range of issues related to plucked string instruments, some of the
issues overlapping with each other. These overlaps are highlighted by looking at
the content of the articles from different view points.
Analysis has been performed in all the publications of this thesis, but in [P1], [P2],
and [P3] the emphasis is particularly on acoustical measurements and signal analysis. More specifically, in [P1] rules based on the ideas of instrument builder Jyrki
Polkki for making a plucked string instrument louder are introduced. These rules
have been implemented and verified in the case of the kantele by means of acoustical measurements and subjective listening tests. Furthermore, articles [P2] and [P3]
follow the development of an automatic plucking point algorithm. Sound synthesis
has a more significant role in articles [P4], [P5], and [P6], so that [P4] and [P5]
discuss the sound synthesis and analysis of the harpsichord and [P6] tackles the
Chinese instrument called the guqin. Loudness issues are discussed in publications
[P1] and [P5], where signal analysis has been conducted and listening tests have
been performed to investigate the perception of the sound of these instruments.
Timbral issues are present in all the articles in one way or another. Moreover, the
body or soundboard of a musical instrument has a major effect on its timbre. Body
modeling methods are proposed in [P4], [P5], and [P6].
loudness - the attribute of a sound that determines the magnitude of the auditory sensation produced and that primarily depends on the amplitude of the sound wave involved. (Merriam-Webster
Online, URL:, 2006.)
timbre - that quality which distinguishes two sounds with the same pitch, loudness, and duration.
(as defined by the Acoustical Society of America, ASA)
Chapter 2
Figure 2.1: Two block diagrams of a plucked stringed instrument. (a) The functional sub-blocks and (b) a generalized plucked stringed instrument with optional
parts shown with a dashed line.
Vibrating string
Research around a vibrating string is not in its adolescence anymore. Pythagora has
been reported to have noticed to the pleasing sound two segments of a stretched
string produced when the ratio of the segments is simple, such as 2:1, 3:1, 4:1,
and so on [20]1 . These are examples of the normal modes of a string fixed at its
ends. Later, it has been revealed that the normal modes depend upon the mass m
of the string, its length L, the tension T applied to it, and the end conditions [20].
By expressing the linear mass density of a stretched string, the familiar wave
equation for transverse waves in a vibrating string, can be expressed as
f (x, t) =
2y T 2y
2 y
where ct is the speed of the propagating transverse wave, t is time, x the coordinate
along the string, and y is the displacement of the string. x
and y
t are the spatial
and the temporal derivatives, respectively. Equation 2.1 is a simplification of what
happens in a real string but, for example reveals aspects of how a harmonic, lossless,
and flexible string behaves. For a plucked string f (x, t) becomes zero after the
qof the string. As expressed in Eq. 2.1 the transversal speed of the wave is
ct = T . Similarly, the motion of the longitudinal wave can be expressed like in
Eq. 2.1, but ct is replaced by the longitudinal speed
cl =
The ratio 3:2 mentioned in [20] is not a normal mode that an individual string exhibits, but rather
a ratio that two strings or two parts of a string can exhibit.
The traveling wave solution (to Eq. 2.1, when f (x, t) = 0) first presented by
dAlembert (1717-1783), can be formulated as
y = f1 (ct x) + f2 (ct + x),
where functions f1 and f2 represent the waves traveling to the right and left, respectively. In an ideal case for a string, Eq. 2.3 tells us that the vibrations of the
string constitute of two pulses traveling in opposite directions. The traveling waves
reflect from the end terminations and with y = 0 for a fixed end when x = 0, Eq. 2.3
y = 0 = f1 (ct 0) + f2 (ct + 0),
and furthermore
f1 (ct) = f2 (ct).
This means that a positive pulse, or an up pulse, reflects as a negative pulse. The
knowledge of the traveling wave decomposition and the speed of the transversal
wave as a function of frequency were crucial for formulating and designing the
automatic plucking-point estimation algorithm discussed in [P2] and [P3].
The general solution for the equation of a freely vibrating, lossy, and rigidly supported string that is transversely displaced at a position 0 6 x 6 L, i.e., the plucking point is x and time t > 0 can be stated as
y(x, t) =
where fn is the frequency, n is the decay time, An is the initial amplitude, and n
is the initial phase of mode n, and L is the length of the string. The et/n term
represents the losses. From Eq. 2.6, by using the Fourier analysis, An can be solved
for fixed boundary conditions so that [63]
T n
fn =
With these solutions one can look at the effect the plucking point has in the frequency domain. This is the typical and most obvious way to look at the consequences of the plucking point, also for automatic estimation purposes as in [64, 65,
66], because it reflects how the plucking point effect is auditorily perceived.
An =
After the initial release of the string the vibrations start to decay. There are three
main causes for these losses: air damping, internal damping, and energy losses
through the supports [20]. These damping mechanisms are frequency dependent
and their effect varies in relation to each other and the rest of the vibrating system
Air damping has to do with the fact that a vibrating string radiates poorly. This
is because the string acts as dipole radiator that produces a compression (dense)
in front and a rarefaction (sparse) behind as it moves. The radius is so small that
these fronts effectively cancel each other out2 . However, this means that the string
interacts with the surrounding air. Hence, under some conditions viscous flow of
air around the moving string can cause considerable damping [20]. The effect of
viscous drag causes the mode frequency to lower very slightly and an exponential
decay in amplitude. The viscous decay time air is proportional to the string density
but depends on the string radius r and
frequency: at low frequencies as r
and at high frequencies as r/ f .
Internal damping is prominently characterized by the Youngs modulus of the string.
Moreover, all strings show an elastic behavior where when a stress is applied, immediately a strain occurs that increases slightly with time. This chain of events can
be presented with a complex Youngs modulus [20, 69]
E = E1 + iE2 .
This equation represents the viscoelastic losses, while the thermoelastic losses are
described with the same formula but with a different ratio of E1 and E2 . Viscoelastic losses affect mainly the high frequencies and thermoelastic losses have a
resonant frequency at a lower frequency region.
Energy loss through the supports is introduced via the mechanical characteristics of
the supports. The mechanical characteristics of the supports, i.e., the way the string
and the bridge are in contact with each other, is usually described as the mechanical
Somewhat similar behavior occurs during the radiation from the soundboard of a traditional
kantele. This is one of the things design rule III proposed in [P1] tries to prevent.
F (f )
V (f )
where F (f ) and V (f ) are the Fourier transforms of the force exerted on the support
and the speed at the support, respectively. The damping is described by the real part
of Y and the imaginary part changes the effective length of the string, respectively
[63]. Measurement techniques for measuring the admittance for the guitar are discussed in [70] and for the violin in [71, 72]. Measuring the admittance functions of
the kanteles investigated in [P1] had a crucial role in the analytical comparisons of
the input power of the instruments.
On the whole, the different damping mechanisms contribute to the decay time in
the following manner
Vibrating strings interact within the string and with other strings, both interactions
occur through the bridge. The interactions within the string occur between the three
orthogonal directions (longitudinal, horizontal, and vertical), for example, either
one of the transverse directions (horizontal or vertical) are coupled with the longitudinal vibrations [16]. Furthermore, the admittance function given in Eq. 2.10 can
be generalized to an admittance matrix that describes the behavior of the bridge via
three orthogonal directions [73].
Real strings exhibit two-stage decay and amplitude beating of decaying partials
due to differences between admittance functions of the horizontal and the vertical
directions [17]. In other words, if the vibrational modes of the string have slightly
different frequencies in the horizontal from the vertical direction, complicated nonexponential decay patterns appear.
Some harmonics have a very low amplitude in the spectrum of a string due to the
plucking point. Generation of missing or weak harmonics occur if the admittance
function in at least one direction has a finite value, i.e., Y 6= 0 in any direction [74].
In other words, if a harmonic is missing due to the plucking point it is possible
The wave equation in Eq. 2.1 is a linear approximation of string behavior. This
approximation assumes that the length of the string does not change during vibration. This, however, occurs and affects also the tension of the string, and in effect,
causes tension modulation. The first analytical and experimental investigations of
nonlinear string vibrations are reported in [78, 79] during the 1940s. Later comprehension of the issue has widened, see for example [80] for an overview. Here,
a few related issues are mentioned and a short discussion on the coupling between
transversal and longitudinal motion is given.
A fundamental property of all strings, the initial pitch glide, has been proven to be
caused by tension modulation [78, 63]. When a string is excited with continuous sinusoidal force that has a frequency close to the fundamental of the string it has been
shown that tension modulation also causes whirling motion3 in the string [82, 81],
coupling between different modes and planes of motion [82, 74], and amplitude
jumps [83].
The longitudinal motion of a string has been a recent and active subject of research.
The effect of the longitudinal vibrations on tone and string design in pianos was
pointed out by Conklin [84]. Also, it was found that the amplitude of the longitudinal vibrations is a nonlinear function of the amplitude of the transverse vibrations
[85]. Nakamura and Naganuma [86] found a second set of partials with one fourth
of the inharmonicity of the main set of partials. Conklin later named these phantom
partials [87] and still later explained that the generation occurred through nonlinear
mixing [15], apparently without being aware, at the time, of [86]. Also, Woodhouse
reported of the same phantom partial set [88]. Recently, Bank and Sujbert aggregated these reports and provided a theoretical explanation for the phenomenon [16].
They explain that the generation of phantom partials and longitudinal free modes
arise from the coupling of transverse vibrations to the longitudinal polarization.
Whirling motion - Such motion corresponds to each point of the string moving in phase in an
elliptical orbit about the equilibrium position [81].
In other words, the second set of partials found by [86] and named by Conklin
as phantom partials[87] exist due to the coupling between longitudinal vibrations
and transverse vibrations. In [P6] a linearized model for synthesizing the phantom
partials is given.
The string is a poor radiator, as mentioned above. Therefore, an acoustic amplifier, a wooden box and/or a plate of some kind, is attached to the stringed instrument. Multitude of practical implementations for this amplification are evident
from the wide range of existing musical instruments. The research tradition around
the acoustic guitar, the violin, and the piano is wide [20]. For the harpsichord
the behavior of soundboards, and air and structural modes have been discussed in
[89, 90, 91]. The acoustics of the kantele has been addressed in [92, 93, 94].
To a good approximation the soundboard and body can be considered to behave
as a linear and time invariant (LTI) system, as suggested in Refs [18, 95, 96] and
by sound synthesis algorithms that have a body model of some kind. An opposite
opinion is given in [97] based on experimental data, but this opinion is mentioned
as a side remark since no supporting formulation has yet appeared and there is
a possibility that the amplitude region where the measurements were conducted
cannot force the system into the nonlinear region. On the other hand, for example
the top-plate in the tanbur [98] could produce nonlinear behavior due to its curved
Typically, at low frequencies the body response of an instrument tends to have a
few distinct modes, which are very clear, for example in the acoustic guitar [20]. At
higher frequencies the mode density increases and modes overlap heavily with each
other. Following the path from the plucking event after the string has interacted
with the admittance of the bridge the motion is filtered by a frequency dependent
radiation function. In [P1] the radiation characteristics, at a point one meter above
the instrument, of two designs of the kantele are compared with each other.
Chapter 3
Model-based algorithms aim to model the behavior of the sound source, in this
case, the musical instrument at hand. These mathematical formulations produce a
discrete output that can be implemented on a computer. When a synthesis algorithm is built this way, based on the physics, its output should resemble the original
instrument. The resemblance is not perfect but is typically a good starting point
for development. In addition to the resemblance between the sounds, the modelbased algorithm possesses resemblances to the real world. This is beneficial in the
sense that when a parameter, e.g., the length of the string, of the synthesis model is
changed it has a relevance to the real instrument. In contrast, more abstract sound
synthesis methods such as FM-synthesis, wave shaping, and others aim to synthesize sound with any method, without any restrictions to the methodology behind
the algorithm [99]. These methods also produce synthetic sound, but do not have
the controllability of model-based algorithms. However, while model-based algorithms are superior in control issues the sound quality at the moment is still better
in sample-based synthesizers.
Within the field of physical modeling of musical instruments lie two schools, reflecting the outlook on computational complexity. One extreme concentrates on
being completely physical with the burden of heavy computation and being far
from the possibility of practical real-time implementation. The other end has the
real-time implementation as an important objective and concentrates on it and usually cuts corners on being completely physical. Both have the goal of producing
can be seen as a generalization of the Karplus-Strong algorithm [111, 112, 4]. For
a review see, e.g., [1, 2].
Typically, the DWG models the resonating part of the instrument, such as the string
[113, 114, 115, 116] or the tube [117, 30]. The modeling scheme can also be
extended to two and three dimensions and in this way be able to model drums
and other multidimensional systems [118, 119, 120, 121]. Banded waveguides are
another recent extension to the DWG family where the feedback loop(s) contain a
cascade of a bandpass filter and a delay line [122].
Based on the LTI assumption of the body of a stringed instrument the so called
commuted waveguide synthesis (CWS) method was developed [123, 124]. Here
commuting means that the order of the process is changed, i.e., the effect of the
body is moved to the beginning (compare with Fig. 2.1). In practice, the crux of
the matter is to remove the string resonances from a recorded tone. This way an
excitation signal is created which is inserted into the DWG that models the string.
Furthermore, the excitation signal contains the interactions occurring during the
attack, the effect of the body and radiation, and the nonlinear string behavior not
removed during the inverse-filtering process. Hence, the body is inserted into the
string, which is the complete opposite of what occurs in the acoustic instrument.
This method works especially well for stringed instruments [26, 31].
Figure 3.1 shows the block diagram for a single-delay loop (SDL) digital waveguide
filter. It contains the traditional SDL components HLF (z), F (z), and Ad [4] that
have the following purpose. Frequency dependent losses in the string are modeled
with a simple loop filter [47]
HLF (z) = g
1 + az 1
where g is the gain term and a controls the frequency-dependent decay characteristics. The fundamental frequency of the string model is tuned with a fractional
delay filter F (z) [125], such as Lagrange interpolator [125]. Inharmonicity and
dispersion in DWGs is often modeled with allpass filters Ad [112, 126, 127, 128].
The transfer function of the SDL-DWG is
S(z) =
1 z L1 F (z)Ad (z)HLF (z)
where z L1 is the integer part of the delay line. A complete commuted DWG synthesizer consists of an excitation database, string model, and tonal control units
[129], see Fig. 3.2. Alterations and additions are usually added for accurate instrument specific modeling, such as special guitar sounds difficult to model [129] or
knocks caused by key release in the clavichord [130].
The effect of the body can be modeled with carefully designed digital filters or
reverb algorithms [131, 132, 133, 134, 135, 136, 137, 138]. Body modeling issues
x (n )
z L1
F (z )
Ad ( z )
z 1
H LF ( z )
Figure 3.1: Block diagram of a simple one-polarization DWG string model, after
Trigger at
attack time
Trigger at
release time
Parameters for a sound synthesis algorithm can be derived from the physical measurements of the system [113], typically these being a combination of acoustical
measurements and recordings of isolated tones [31].
Usually the starting point in automatic parameter estimation is to locate the start of
the event, i.e., define the onset of a tone. A simple derivative based method has been
used in this work in the context of model estimation. More sophisticated methods
do exist [139, 140], and in [P2]-[P3] an onset detection algorithm is proposed which
operates in two steps and uses a pitch-synchronized analysis window. After the
onset detection the next step in parameter estimation is to estimate the fundamental
frequency f0 of the tone. An autocorrelation based technique, the YIN method, was
used in this work [141]. Algorithms for estimating the f0 s of polyphonic signals
are also available [142] and can be used, for example to analyze chords.
Parameters for controlling the decay characteristics of the string model in Fig. 3.1
can be derived analytically from the physical model [143]. Recorded tones can
be viewed by the short-time Fourier transform (STFT) analysis to obtain the same
information [46, 47]. Design methods for the one-pole loop filter HLF (z) have
been addressed in [46, 47, 137]. Design methods for higher order infinite impulse
response (IIR) filters are discussed in [144, 145]. Recently, a higher order finite
impulse response (FIR) design method has also been proposed [146]. [P4] proposes
the ripple filter extension and [P5] discusses the calibration of the ripple filter for
flageolet tone synthesis. Other ways to extract model parameters include parametric
techniques [147, 148] and nonlinear optimization methods [149, 150].
The model in Fig. 3.1 is a simplification of what happens in a real string. To be able
to model other phenomena than just the frequency dependent exponential decay of
partials the model has to be made more complex. In a way, the addition of Ad is
such a step. There are methods to model dispersion in stiff strings [112, 126, 127,
151, 128, 152]. As mentioned above, strings exhibit two-stage decay and amplitude
beating of decaying partials, see, for example [153, 137] for methods to estimate
and model these phenomena. Differences in horizontal and vertical vibrations can
be estimated and synthesized with the methods discussed in [4, 137]. Sympathetic
coupling between strings is addressed in [4, 154]. In [P4] a simple lumped and
unidirectional model for modeling sympathetic vibrations of the highest octave in
a harpsichord is proposed.
Nonlinearities in physical models was first addressed in [155]. This was a finitedifference time-domain (FDTD) method, whereas an early nonlinear DWG model
was presented in [93] for the kantele. After this, the issue of tension modulation
has been investigated further [156, 80, 75, 157]. Nonlinear synthesis methods for
bowed stringed instruments and fret-string interactions or nonlinear boundary conditions have also been discussed [158, 159, 160, 161]. Nonlinear models relevant
and interesting with regard to this thesis are the ones that consider the synthesis of
phantom partials. Many synthesis models for this phenomenon have been proposed
recently [162, 163, 16]. Another computationally efficient solution for this purpose
is proposed in [P6]. Calibration of DWG synthesis models is addressed and novel
synthesis methods are proposed in [P4], [P5], and [P6].
Perception and, more importantly, inaudibility of different features in instrument
tones rises to a momentous topic when considering sound synthesis and its computational burden. It is an interesting and useful topic that has been addressed to some
extent, see for example [33]. Moreover, this thesis has used the results reported in
[33] to make decisions if a feature, such as the initial pitch glide or inharmonicity,
should be synthesized or not (see [P4]- [P6]). Additionally, based on the results obtained in [P5], it can be said that harpsichords exhibit observable dynamics, hence
this characteristics should be included in high quality synthesis of the instrument.
Chapter 4
Publication [P1]
This paper discusses analysis and measurement results of a modified kantele, designed to have an increased loudness. New design rules to make the modified kantele louder are also proposed. The conducted measurements confirm and support
the proposed design rules. The design rules suggest (1) to increase the tension of
the string, (2) to increase the radiation surface, and (3) to isolate the top plate from
the sound-box with an air gap. To some extent rules (1) and (2) are straightforward
and familiar to most musical acousticians. In contrast, rule (3) is more evolved and
unique since it enables a freely vibrating top plate. To confirm the design rules the
traditional design is compared with the new one through analytical treatments and
acoustical measurements. Two listening tests were also conducted and the results
of these tests support the assumption of an increase in loudness for the new kantele
design. More specifically, on the average, loud plucks of the modified design are
perceived as 3 dB louder than in the traditional design. Furthermore, on certain
strings the loud plucks are perceived as 6 dB louder. It was also found out that the
initial pitch glide does not affect the perception of loudness. The proposed design
ideas can also be applied to other string instruments.
Main results:
New design of the kantele proven to be louder
Design rules for making a plucked stringed instrument louder
Initial pitch drift does not affect the perception of loudness
Publication [P2]
This is the first publication of two that together propose a new method for estimating the plucking point of guitar tones. Previous research concentrated on looking
at the phenomenon in the frequency domain. This algorithm relies on investigating
the time lag between two consecutive pulses arriving at the bridge of the guitar. In
practice, the minimum of the autocorrelation function for one period of the input
signal is used. The minimum of the autocorrelation function gives the time lag that
can be converted into the plucking point, i.e., the distance from the bridge where
the string is plucked. The signal is detected with an under-saddle pickup attached
to the bridge. The results obtained with the algorithm are good, so that the error
remains smaller than one centimeter, except for a few outliers.
Main results:
Automatic plucking-point estimation algorithm
New view point to the plucking event and its effect
Publication [P3]
This paper continues the work proposed in [P2] by improving the plucking-point
estimation algorithm, providing a real-time implementation of it, and testing the
real implementation usage. The improvements were made to the onset detection
part of the algorithm by dividing it into two parts and by doing pitch-synchronous
analysis. First, the rough onset detection signals a plucking event. Then, the exact
detection block looks for the exact moment of the pluck. This is analyzed pitchsynchronously with a window which is half of the wavelength of the fundamental
frequency of the signal. This improves the robustness to extract the correct first
period of the signal. The real-time implementation is done as an external in the pure
data (PD) environment. The testing of the algorithm was executed with the realtime implementation and with a database created for the purpose. The testing has
been done for separated signals for reasons of consistency, but the onset detection
algorithm is able to detect a new onset also during continuous playing. In addition,
the used under-saddle pickup receives the signal of all the strings, hence, for a more
practical implementation of the system a six-channel microphone would be needed,
one channel for each string. This way all the strings are managed separately and
the algorithm is able to process normal playing. The proposed algorithm can be
used to control, e.g., audio effects and a sound synthesizer.
Main results:
Improved version of the automatic plucking-point estimation algorithm proposed in [P2] including real-time testing and implementation
Onset algorithm proposed for plucked tones with pitch-synchronous analysis
A manner to do real-time control
Publication [P4]
Main results:
Efficient parametric model-based sound synthesis method for the harpsichord
Analysis of harpsichord tones and timbre
Digital body model filter for soundboard response, the undamped strings, and
the ringing of the short parts of the strings behind the bridge
Publication [P5]
The investigations around the harpsichord are continued in this paper by addressing the issue of playing dynamics in harpsichords and by proposing a synthesis
model for the phenomenon. In spite of the common assumption, it is shown that
the harpsichord contains a limited amount of dynamics and some timbral changes
occur when the tangent is pressed down with different speeds. The signal analysis made on recorded harpsichord tones revealed differences in the levels of string
harmonics, so that stronger playing forces produced higher levels. The differences
for isolated harmonics were as high as 5 dB for some low tones. For higher tones
the level differences were smaller, about 1-3 dB. Based on the conducted listening test, it can be said that during each dynamic step (from piano-pianissimo (pp)
to mezzo-forte (mf ) and from mezzo-forte to forte-fortissimo (f f ) the loudness
of the instrument increases about 1 dB. In addition to the changes in the level of
harmonics, their relative levels differ according to the used dynamic level. Furthermore, mf and f f level tones exhibit soundboard resonances, so that the f f
tones have the most prominent soundboard resonances. A general framework for
building a model-based synthesis algorithm for the dynamic behavior of the harpsichord is also proposed. Based on this, a digital waveguide model is proposed
with a dynamic gain and timbre control, and a dynamic soundboard filter. The dynamic soundboard filter is connected in parallel with the string model to simulate
the soundboard knock.
Main results:
Harpsichord observed to contain dynamics and changes in timbre occur according to playing level
Refined version of the synthesis algorithm proposed in [P4]
Publication [P6]
This paper proposes a sound synthesis model for the ancient Chinese plucked string
instrument called the guqin. The guqin has seven strings and is fretless, which enables smooth glides from a tone to another. The body of the guqin is 120 cm long
and 18 cm wide hollow box made from two pieces of wooden board, and the top
board is carved into an arch while the bottom is flat. The strings are pressed with
the left hand against the top board, and hence, it is used as the fingerboard. For
pressed tones, one end of a vibrating string is terminated either by the nail of the
thumb or a fingertip. The right-hand fingers pluck the strings. Guqin playing also
incorporates plenty of flageolet tones in its music. Analysis showed that the string
vibrations are inharmonic enough to be audible and that the tones terminated with
a fingertip decay faster than those terminated with a thumb. Also, guqin tones exhibit phantom partials. The model-based sound synthesis algorithm uses the digital
waveguide approach. A body model filter is placed in cascade with the string model
so that when the length of the string changes some of the filtering effect of the body
is preserved. Flageolet tones are synthesized with the so called ripple filter structure
and a systematic calibration method is introduced. The ripple filter is an FIR comb
filter used as an extension to the one-pole loss filter in the delay line of the digital
waveguide model. The synthesis model takes into account the important characteristics of the instrument and is able to reproduce them. The synthesis model will be
used for rule based synthesis of guqin music.
Main results:
Efficient parametric model-based sound synthesis method for the guqin
Analysis of guqin tones and timbre. First systematic acoustic analysis of the
guqin to the authors knowledge
Digital body model filter to compensate for time-varying string
Flageolet tone and phantom partial synthesis and calibration
Chapter 5
and virtual instrument building can be raised. Naturally, previously not modeled
instruments can, will, and should be tackled with the existing methods, and consequently stretch the known algorithms. This would also include improving of
already modeled instruments. At the current state, many sound synthesis schemes
are able to reach a relatively high level of sound quality. In other words, a synthesized tone is not necessarily distinguished from a recorded one. One of the future
steps required is to obtain sophisticated, user friendly, control schemes that make
the music played with a synthesis model sound natural. This should occur both in
the algorithm and interface domain. That is to say, a gap remains between the rigid
tones/music produced with a computer and a human playing an acoustic instrument.
Extensive methods for objective sound quality measurement of musical instrument
synthesis algorithms, which account for auditory perception (and human taste), are
still missing at large. Sound synthesis algorithms have so far been assessed through
basic signal analysis schemes, which is well validated. However, formal listening
tests, methods, and research around this topic are juvenile or completely missing,
whereas research around quality assessment of, e.g., speech codecs is far more
mature. Beyond this, a future dream of probably all musical acousticians is to be
able to accomplish instrument design in the digital domain. This would mean that
one could build and reshape an instrument on the computer and listen to how the
changes affect the final instrument before a single finger has even touched wood.
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