Tiger Reiki
Tiger Reiki
Tiger Reiki
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beo! beo! beo! beo! T\or T\or T\or T\or Ro\k\ Ro\k\ Ro\k\ Ro\k\
Tiger Reiki was initially channeled by Korey Long. The initial energy
was used by intent only (no symbols or manual). I have since
expanded the system to include the symbols and other practices in
this manual.
According to the founder, Tiger Reiki helps to balance those who
work with it as well as those receiving it. It is excellent in use for
meditation and adds a sense of aggressiveness in working to heal
via this energy. Even with this admission, it also is a very soothing
energy as well.
Tiger Reiki is a powerful energy, not just through its the connection
with the tiger but its symbolism. The tiger has an important place in
the mythology of many world religions and regions.
Buddhists, for example, consider the tiger to be a symbol of spiritual
illumination, due to the tigers keen ability to see in the dark. An
image of a tiger walking through a bamboo forest represents the
human soul, which is strengthened by faith as it struggles through the
Forest of Sin.
In Chinese mythology and symbolism, the tiger is the King of the
Beasts. Five tigers serve to guard the universe against the forces of
chaos. Here are the realms they protect:
Red tiger: summer, south, and fire.
Black tiger: winter, north, and water.
Blue tiger: spring, east, fertility, and vegetation.
White tiger: autumn, west, and metals, and the afterlife.
Yellow tiger: the sun, center, and the Chinese emperor.
Element Energy Center www.elementenergy.com
(The yellow tiger rules and oversees the other tigers.)
The ancient Chinese also believed that the tiger had the power to
fight off demons. In Tiger Reiki, these can be internal or external
demons, but the main focus is healing internal demons. Tiger Reiki
brings grace, strength, and nobility to the recipient and practitioner.
Tiger Reiki is an excellent tool for increasing courage and motivation.
Remember too, that the tiger is not just a hunter but also is a fierce
Another benefit of attuning to Tiger Reiki is that it connects you with
all feline energy. If you are a cat lover, or work with healing cats, then
you will find that Tiger Reiki is a great benefit!
c!\vo!\- c!\vo!\- c!\vo!\- c!\vo!\- T\or T\or T\or T\or Ro\k\ Ro\k\ Ro\k\ Ro\k\
To use this system, you should understand the basics of Reiki and
how to visualize a Reiki symbol to flow the Reiki energy.
Tiger Reiki can be used in the same way that regular Reiki can. You
can flow the energy to yourself or another person through the palms
of your hands just as in regular Reiki. It can be used alone or with
regular Reiki or any other Reiki style.
According to the founder: Tiger Reiki can work very well with other
energies, as well as on its own. It does augment or enhance Reiki
only in that it adds a different aspect (or dimension) in the energies.
Initially, Tiger Reiki was designed to be sent through intent only.
Sending Reiki through intent is quite simple, actually. All you need to
do is intend you are sending it.
For example: Just say to yourself I am now sending Tiger Reiki.
I have also received two additional symbols to use with Tiger Reiki,
for those who prefer to use symbols.
The first symbol is actually the word tiger (hu) written in Chinese:
Element Energy Center www.elementenergy.com
You can use this symbol as the basic symbol to activate Tiger Reiki
energy, alone, or in conjunction with other forms of Reiki. It does not
matter what order you draw the individual lines of the symbol. You
can also picture the symbol all at once.
Sacred Whiskers
The second symbol is called Sacred Whiskers (for lack of a better
term). This symbol is a series of lines fanning out from each other,
like cats whiskers:
Whiskers are used by a cat to sense things and also for protection.
You can use this symbol in meditation to heighten your intuition
(sensing things around you), and also in healing sessions to whisk
away bad energy.
When receiving information, the information is brought inward along
the whisker lines. When releasing energy, the energy is released
outward along those same lines.
Working with the Tigers
You can also summon the guardian tigers of Chinese mythology to
assist with any healing session. Simply ask for their help, or imagine
a tiger of the proper color joining you in the session.
Ive also been guided to include new colors of tigers. You see each
listed with their properties below:
Element Energy Center www.elementenergy.com
Red tiger: Increasing health, vitality, life-force energy, courage,
father energy.
Black tiger: Soothing energy, calming down excess worry and
agitation, good for anxiety.
Blue tiger: Creativity, fertility, sexuality, new ventures.
White tiger: Spirituality, connection with guides and angels, intuition,
life path.
Yellow tiger: Christ consciousness, love, purity, protection.
Brown tiger: Grounding, earth energy, security, home and hearth.
Green tiger: Money, abundance, wealth, success, luck.
Purple tiger: Fun, lightening up, inner child, happiness.
Pink tiger: Romance, relationships, receiving love, communication.
Orange tiger: Generosity, giving to others, giving unconditional love,
mother energy, nurturing.
Sometimes a tiger will show up of a particular color or combination of
colors. This can often tell you what needs to be worked on in an
These tigers can also be summoned at any time for additional
protection. For example, if you are walking in a dangerous
neighborhood alone at night, ask for one of the tigers to join you and
protect you.
The tigers can also be set up as guards to protect from evil spirits.
These can be used to protect homes. Ask for them to provide
protection around yourself and your client during a healing session.
Element Energy Center www.elementenergy.com
Yeor 0oord\o- T\or Yeor 0oord\o- T\or Yeor 0oord\o- T\or Yeor 0oord\o- T\or
During your attunement, you may have connected with your Guardian
Tiger. This is a tiger you may be given to work with using Tiger Reiki
(and for your life in general). The tiger may give you a special name
for you to call it.
If you did not receive a Guardian Tiger, you can ask for one in
meditation. Imagine yourself in a field and ask your tiger to come to
you. Ask it what its name is. Note its colors (they will tell you what
you need to work on in your life). The tiger may be multi-hued, yellow
with red stripes and a black tail, or even more colors!
You may find your tiger changes colors as you work on specific
issues in your life.
Your Guardian Tiger is a gift and will help you with anything (for your
highest good). Just ask.
Element Energy Center www.elementenergy.com
werk\- w\!b Co!s werk\- w\!b Co!s werk\- w\!b Co!s werk\- w\!b Co!s
Element Energy Center www.elementenergy.com
Reor Reor Reor Reor! !! ! Tbo F-d! Tbo F-d! Tbo F-d! Tbo F-d!