Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki Manual

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Aphrodite Shining Star

Reiki Manual

Angel Events and workshops



It fills my heart with joy to be with you and I am grateful to be sharing these selflove
techniques and universal teachings



10:00-10:15 TEA AND REGISTRATION Self - Healing
10:45-11:00 COMFORT BREAK Share the Reiki
12:00-12:15 SELF HEALING

Personal Preparation for Aphrodite’s shining star Reiki

Before we do any spiritual work, it is important to be personally prepared so we need to be

grounded, connected and protected then we are ready to clear and dedicate our space.

It is vital that you ensure that you are grounded and safe before starting any spiritual work.
When we use the term ascension this means anchoring your higher self into your physical
body to bring heaven on earth. It is not about escaping to higher realms. We cannot raise
our light quotient and frequency unless we ground the light into our body, cells, DNA, blood
stream and the earth below us. So, by grounding, it keeps us safe and protected.

A short grounding Exercise

Bring your awareness into your heart, focus on unconditional love and send this love down
through your body, though your womb, into your feet and earth star. Visualizing beams of
love and light going down to the centre of the earth from the your womb and the soles of
your feet. Set your intent to connect to the 5th Dimensional womb of the earth, the Rose
grid and the web of light . Send your love to mother earth and the womb of the earth and
wrap your beams of light around the crystal in her centre You are now safe, protected and
grounded from below. Draw this loving energy from earth, up into your heart.

A short Attunement exercise

Now that you are grounded, focus on unconditional love in your heart and send this love up
through your body to father universe, the Galactic womb of creation and your celestial
team. Feel this love returning to you. Now you are safe and protected from above. Allow
this love to fill your whole body and cells. You have created the holy trinity within you.
When you partake in any type of energy work there is a chance you may pick up energies
from your environment or people’s feelings, so it is important to protect yourself first. Here
are some examples of protection techniques. You may choose to use your own.

• Invoke Archangel Michael and Lady Faith to blaze their cobalt blue light in, through
and around you and your group, in every dimension, separate reality, time and
• Invoke Aphrodite to place her protective Rose light around you and your group.
• Invoke the light of Christ for your total protection.

Create a sacred space for Healings and Attunement’s

• Open a window and let in some fresh air.

• Clear the room with sacred sound with either a singing bowl, tuning forks, Ting shars
or high vibrational music.
• Light a candle to bring in the light.
• Clear the space with sage, Paulo Santo, or an Angel spray.
• Burn your favourite incense or aromatherapy oils in a vaporiser.

Create a Aphrodite Reiki Altar

Your altar is a sacred space where you can connect to the divine with love and devotion. It
will become an anchor the Rose light where you feel the presence of the Mary’s,
Magdalene’s, goddess, the sister and brotherhood of light.. It will become a healing portal
for healing.

Items you may like to place on your Altar

• Two pillar candles to represent Mother Father God

• Items to represent Earth, Air, Fire and Water.
• Holy water from sacred wells
• Images of Aphrodite your favourite goddesses.
• Crystals to anchor the energy
• A chalice to represent the womb of creation.
• Oils and perfumes for anointing ( particularly Rose & Myrtle) • Flowers Roses and
• Statues of Aphrodite
• Stars, Shells, Dolphins, Doves, Swans, pearls.

We Create a beautiful space for the ceremony to connect and activate the divine
feminine healing ray so that the initiate becomes a clear channel to transmit and
anchor into you the Aphrodite shining Star healing ray. The energy of this
activation transcends time and space and the ray is an intelligent force.


• SAY “ I now receive the attunement of Aphrodite Shining Star from my teacher Eloise
Bennett with perfectly”.
• Visualize the Shining Star, over your crown chakra, and enjoy the energy.
• Do the daily meditation, for 15 minutes.
• During the attunement you will feel the energy enter for 30 minutes.
• You may also work with this Shining Star - To call the energy of Aphrodite Shining
Star draw this symbol in your Third-Eye, visualise the Star become brighter and
brighter in colour gold.

• You may also do this in the next 30 mins during the attunement. You may also feel it
go into other places. You may feel Aphrodite before you placing it into places in your


Day by day I Am more younger,

Day by day I Am more beautiful,
Day by day I Am more attractive

To feel beautiful is to be beautiful.

Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki Self-treatment

To remain in your heart, balanced, centred, peaceful and in harmony with your
surroundings in these times of change, it is important to perform a daily practice of clearing,
cutting cords and self-healing. I recommend this first thing on waking, particularly as you
may have been engaging in service work during your dreamtime.

Before I go to bed I also check that I am in my heart. I ask for a clearing, I say a prayer for
protection and ask that I may travel to the soul planes, Angelic or Magdelene Retreats for
healing whilst I sleep.

Short treatment - 10 minutes

• Create a sacred space by preparing your room.

• Lie down and make yourself comfortable. Imagine you are being transported to the
perfect healing space, Perhaps the temple of the Aphrodite .
• Prepare yourself by moving your awareness into your heart and a space of
unconditional love.
• Ground, attune, protect .
• Invoke your higher self, your body deva, Aphrodite and the Aphrodite shining star.
• We ask that this healing is across all incarnations, in this universe or any other and all
time and space.
• Ask that the treatment be for your highest good under grace, in the divine perfect
• Draw the Aphrodite’s star in your 3hird Eye Visulise the star becoming Brighter and
brighter in the colour Gold.
• Say the Affirmation
• Day by day I am more younger
• Day by day I am more beautiful
• Day by day I am more attractive
• To feel beautiful is to be beautiful.
• Channel the energy into your heart and solar plexus for 10 minutes.
• Visualise Sandalphon sealing the healing into your cells, atoms and DNA and
grounding all the energy into your earthstar and then into the centre of the earth
and 5th Dimensional womb.
• Invoke Sophia and Christos to place a protective, sphere of unconditional love and
light around you.
• Give gratitude to the universe, your higher self, body deva, Aphrodite and celestial
• Afterwards it is healthy to drink some water, to assist your body with integrating the
new energies, detoxing and grounding.
Aphrodite’s Shining Star Reiki distance Treatment

1. Create a sacred space by preparing your room.

2. Ask your client to relax at their appointment time, and play some relaxing music,
ensuring they will be undisturbed. Imagine you are both being transported to the
perfect healing space, Perhaps the Temple of Aphrodite.

3. I set the Intent to be a clear channel of the Aphrodite Shining star Reiki I ask that this
healing is set to ....................... at ...............(say the time they wish to receive it.)

4. say "I bring in the perfect healing light required for ………………… healing at this time. For
the highest good of all under grace. We are divinely protected and shielded as this
healing takes place".

5. Prepare yourself by moving your awareness into your heart and a space of
unconditional love.

6. Ground, attune, protect.

7. Invoke your clients higher self, your clients body deva, Aphrodite and the Aphrodite
shining star ask that the treatment is for your clients highest good, under grace, in the
divine perfect way.

8. Visualise the Shining star symbol, activated in your mind's eye.

9. Visualise your client in front of you receiving the healing.

10. Visualise Sandalphon sealing the healing into your client's cells, atoms and DNA and
grounding all the energy into your earthstar and then into the centre of the earth and
5th Dimensional womb.

11. Invoke Sophia and Christos to place a protective, sphere of unconditional love and light
around your client.

12. Give gratitude to the universe, your higher self, and celestial team.

13. please encourage your client to drink some water, to assist their body with integrating
the new energies, detoxing and grounding.

14. Please remind your client that As we clear blockages from our bodies and raise our
frequency, it is normal to have some ascension symptoms. This is very positive as it
shows a shift in consciousness and that healing is occurring.

Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki Treatment for in person others

“I set the Intent to be a clear channel of the, Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki to I bring in the
perfect healing light required for ………………… healing at this time. For the highest good of
all under grace. We are divinely protected and shielded as this healing takes place.”

1. Create a sacred space by preparing your room.

2. Make your client comfortable. Imagine you are both being transported to the perfect
healing space, Perhaps the Temple of Aphrodite

3. Prepare yourself by moving your awareness into your heart and a space of
unconditional love.

4. Ground, attune, protect.

5. Invoke your clients higher self, your clients body deva, Aphrodite and the Aphrodite
shining star.

6. Ask that the treatment be for your clients highest good, under grace, in the divine
perfect way.

7. Place your hands on the heart and solar plexus of your client (you can do the whole
treatment from this position if you wish or move to where healing is required.

8. Visualise Sandalphon sealing the healing into your cells, atoms and DNA and
grounding all the energy into your earthstar and then into the centre of the earth
and 5th Dimensional womb.

9. Invoke Sophia and Christos to place a protective, sphere of unconditional love and
light around you.

10. Give gratitude to the universe, your higher self, Aphrodite shining star and celestial

11. Afterwards it is healthy to ask your client to drink some water, to assist their body
with integrating the new energies, detoxing and grounding.

As we clear blockages from our bodies and raise our frequency, it is normal to have some ascension symptoms. This is very
positive as it shows a shift in consciousness and that healing is occurring.
Next step with Aphrodite’s shining star Reiki

• Regular self-treatments.
• Daily meditation with Affirmation.

• Please remember to bless yourself, bless your heart, your womb and feel the Star of
Venus vibration there.

• Attune food, water and your beauty products with the Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki.

• Anoint yourself with blessed, diluted Rose and Myrtle oil. (DO NOT USE IF

• Work with the Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki to Bless spaces, you can put THE STAR
into the corner of the room.

• Share the Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki with others in person or at a distance.

• Send Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki to your inner child, future Events or past lives.

• Attune rocks or crystals by blessing them with Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki

• Bless the waters with the Star, you may invite the dolphins or wales to take this
Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki and let them carry the light vibration around the

• Place star attuned crystal in the earth.

• You now have the power of the star light within each of your palms and whenever
you remember you use the light there and shine it upon all that you touch.

• Even if you never do anything with this again you will be carrying it and you will be
blessing yourself and others by carrying this light.

After Care for Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki

The Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki is a very powerful experience, it Is quite common to have a
healing curve and clearing after a treatment or an attainment, this may include feeling sad,
depressed, angry, irritable, frustrated as all the suppressed feelings come up to be healed.
Humankind have been suppressed for centuries and we hold this pain in our womb and
Hara, we carry it for our genetic lineage of seven generations.

To nurture yourself after a Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki treatment or Attunement’s.

• Get plenty of rest and take care of yourself.

• Take salt baths with aromatherapy oils.

• Wash your face in this Star light every morning.

• Say the mantra daily.

• Have a healing, massage or energy healing session?

• Give yourself Aphrodite Shining Star Reiki self-healing.

• Seek support and help if you’re in an abusive toxic relationship.

• Take your power back.

• Love yourself, love your womb, celebrate your femininity.

• Work with the way of the Aphrodite’s Affirmation.

Day by day I am more younger

Day by day I am more beautiful
Day by day I am more attractive
To feel beautiful is to be beautiful.

Aphrodite’s Shining Star - Your Professional Healing Practice

o Insurance: you will require a therapist cover Indemnity, Malpractice and Public
Liability Insurance. I recommend Balens: www.balens.co.uk as they have certified
this course and cover practitioner and teacher in most complimentary therapies.
Cover ranges from £70 - £120 per year and can be paid in direct debit instalments.

o Client case notes: by law you are required to take notes and ask your client to sign
the disclaimer. These are confidential and must be kept in a locked safe place (if your
records are kept on a PC you must sign the data protection act.). Records need to be
kept for seven years but children’s notes need to be kept until they are 21 years old.

o Advertising: Usually the angels and your clients do this for you by word of mouth, I

have found google business to be fantastic for new clients in my local area. o
Professional logo: I am delighted with my new logos designed by Lars Doerwald from
LD Elements Media. Please contact him via FB and mention you are a graduate of

mine to receive a discount. o Web design: My latest website was created by Paul
Leppard of Pans House, you can contact him via FB or paul@pans-house.com

o Business cards: Vista print provide good quality cards for free. All you pay for is
postage. I have found that the 21-day service arrives much quicker and the fee is
about £4. They also offer leaflet design and other useful business tools.

o Google Business: Google offer a free service to advertise and an app to monitor your

o Accounts: If you are charging for your time you must submit you accounts via a self-
assessment to the tax office. Keep a note of all your income and expenditure. Your
accountant will need to see your receipts and bank statements. It is good practice to
have a separate bank account for this. You can claim for your course fees, couch,
crystals, leaflets, business cards and equipment. Your accountant can make up your
books and submit your forms to the tax office. A year’s accounts as a therapist
usually costs about £250.00.

o Be Professional: A Medical doctor will not treat close family or friends. It is hard to
make professional decisions if you emotionally evolved. You should not be in a
relationship with a client.

o Confidentiality: All healing consultations are confidential. Tell your clients this. It will

help them to relax. o Boundaries: Set good boundaries from the start. Be
compassionate but do not get emotionally evolved. Do not become a crutch for your
client. It is important to empower and teach them to take responsibility for their

growth and healing. Keep to the session's time. o Energy Exchange: As a

practitioner you have worked hard, invested time, commitment and money in
achieving your qualification. We do not charge for the treatment; we charge for our
time and this is precious. Remember to value yourself, then your client will do the
same. It is very important that the client values their treatment and healing so there
must be an exchange of some kind. This does not have to be money. It could be
flowers or a cake, and perhaps there is something they can do for you. If you feel
uncomfortable in charging, then give the money or donation to your favourite

charity. o Recommended Energy Exchange: Investment at least £88.00 per hour

(or the equivalent in other countries), you may be inspired to offer concessions or
discount’s for block bookings. Please remember session can equate to at least 3 hours
work when you take into consideration booking, setup of room, the treatment,
clearing the room and closing space down, aftercare and follow up after the

consultation. o Payment: I recommend payment at the time of booking and before

the treatment, as sometimes clients cancel, and you are left out of pocket or perhaps
you have turned away other clients.

o Cancellation policy: If a client cancels less than 24 hours before a treatment, then
consider charging them. It’s good to have a terms and conditions displayed on your
website which highlights your cancelation policy which could state that you offer a
credit note for all cancellations.
Reiki Client Health Questionnaire.
Private and Confidential.
Surname: ________________________________ Doctor’s Name: _________________________
Forenames: ______________________________
Address: ________________________________ Doctor’s Address:
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
_________________________________________ _______________________________________
Postcode: _______________________________ _______________________________________
Landline Number: _________________________ Doctor’s Telephone: _____________________
Mobile Number: ___________________________
Email Address: ___________________________
Date of Birth: _____________________________ Contact Person in case of emergency:
Male or Female (please circle) Name: _________________________________
Occupation: ______________________________ Day time telephone: ______________________
Relationship to you: _____________________

Medical Conditions (please tick): Medical History
Arthritis (Please detail anything you consider important e.g.
Asthma past conditions, operations, emotional events in
Alcohol your life)
Back problems
Blood Pressure - High / Low
Chest problems / Lung Disease
Drug dependency / additions
Eye problems
Heart disorder / pacemaker Current Medication / Supplements etc (Please give
Headaches / Migraines details of any prescribed medication and self-
Hearing problems prescribed supplements etc.)
Mental disability / problems
Physical disability / problems
Pregnant (give due date)
Recent operations or injuries
Stomach problems Other current treatments / therapists
Skin disorders (e.g. herbalist / homoeopath)
Spare parts surgery
Thyroid imbalance
Other (please detail)
How did you hear of me? Have you had a healing treatment before?
Advertisement Yes / No
Recommendation What is the reason for requested healing today?
Other: -

Reiki Client Health Questionnaire. Private and


1. What is your energy like on waking in the morning?


2. What is your sleep pattern?


3. What is your current diet like?


4. General health, past?


5. General health, present?

6. Have you ever felt suicidal?


7. How many hours do you work per week?


8. How are you coping with life?


9. What factors create the most stress in your life?


10. What are your current symptoms?

a. _________________________________ b. _________________________________
c. _________________________________ d. _________________________________

e. _________________________________ f. _________________________________
11. Given the above symptoms what do you suppose your body might be saying?

12. When did you first have these conditions? ______________________________________

13. What life stresses happened 2 - 3 years prior to having these conditions?

14. Doctor’s diagnosis for your condition? _________________________________________

15. How often do you visit your Doctor? ___________________________________________ 16.

Other Comments / Recommendation __________________________________________


___________________________________________________________________ _____

Reiki Declaration.
Private and Confidential.

I ____________________ understand that the Rose Reiki treatment given here is for the
purpose of promoting relaxation, clarity, feeling of well-being and increased energy flow.

I understand that the therapist does not prescribe medication, diagnose, or perform spinal
manipulations, but may advise me of options for self-help and natural healing for which I
will take responsibility myself.
I understand that Reiki is complementary to other professional treatments.

I have been advised that it is not a substitute for medical examination and / or diagnosis and
that it is recommended that I see my GP or another professional for any physical or mental

I agree to have Reiki as explained to me by my practitioner.

Client’s Signature: ______________________________ Date: _____ / _____ /_____

Practitioner’s Signature: _________________________ Date: _____ / _____ /_____


Please note to attune others you need to be a qualified Reiki Master

• Create a sacred Safe space, you may like to activate the Rose Temple sphere of
• Ground, Attune, Protect.
• Say “I now Invoke and call upon, Aphrodite Shining Star, I Set the intention to attune
the recipient for the highest good of all.
• Ask Permission of the Higher Self of the recipient to receive the Attunement that
you are sending.
• Ask Aphrodite to help you in the attunement process.
• Draw the Shining Star in all chakras of the person to attune. ;
• Say : “ I Now, I give the attunement of Aphrodite Shining Star to ... (your student’s
name), with perfectly. Thank you.”

COMPLETION : laying your hands upon their shoulders.

Say “..........................you have now received the Aphrodite Shining Star Attunement
for your Highest Good”.


• Create a sacred Safe space, you may like to activate the Rose Temple sphere of
• Ground, Attune, Protect.
• Visulise your student sitting in front of you.
• Say “I now Invoke and call upon, Aphrodite Shining Star, I Set the intention to attune
the recipient for the highest good of all.
• Ask Permission of the Higher Self of the recipient to receive the Attunement that
you are sending.
• Ask Aphrodite to help you in the attunement process.
• Draw the Reiki symbol Hon – Sha – Ze – Sho – Nen and Cho – Ku – Rei,
• Draw the Shining Star in all chakras of the person to attune. ;
• Say : “ I Now, I give the attunement of Aphrodite Shining Star to ... (your student’s
name), with perfectly. Thank you.”

COMPLETION: visualise laying your hands upon their shoulders.

Say “..........................you have now received the Aphrodite Shining Star Attunement for your
Highest Good”.



Maria Joao Sereno (founder)

Jean Myrner

Daelyn Wolf

Amanda Hadley

Ishtara Rose

Eloise Bennett

Caroline Healey


This material is not to be re-published on other website, Servers, Face Book, Instagram,
YouTube, or translated. No text or portion of this manual or Mp4 meditations, may be copied
or plagiarized, displayed, altered or in any other way used without the express written
permission of the author. Ishtara Ammuna Rose.

Only those who are a Reiki Master Teacher and have obtained their official Aphrodite
Shining Star Reiki Master Teacher Certification are authorised to teach the Aphrodite’s
Shining Star Reiki course.


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