EU Schemes Meetin Dublin

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Press release Wednesday July 3, 2013

Robust selection and qualification measures are vital components in the safety and quality management systems and strategy of all businesses. The Irish Grain and Feed Association (IGFA) has hosted a series of meetings in Dublin and has led calls across the industry for the introduction of internationally recognised feed safety standards in order to maintain the high reputation of Irish feed products internationally. This key message emerged as the IGFA invited The International Feed Safety Scheme to discuss common areas and issues across the industry in order to enhance greater harmonisation. This was the first such meeting and we are very proud to have been able to assist with this meeting before the Irish Presidency hosting came to an end. It is essential for Ireland to have internationally recognised feed safety standards in place and to promote harmonisation of these schemes so that they do not act as trade blocks to Irish products says Deirdre Webb, Director, IGFA. The series of meetings came on the back of several high profile food scandals in the last few months in Europe which included the horse meat scandal, mislabelled organic eggs and aflatoxin contamination in milk in the Netherlands due to contaminated Serbian and Romanian grains. We have used the lessons and crises from the first half of 2013 to assess our early warning and incident control procedures and looked at what lessons can be learned from the horsemeat scandal in particular. The food industry must be protected and the IGFA, as a critical part of this chain, takes its responsibility very seriously. While we accept that no system is foolproof, particularly where deliberate fraud occurs, this should not lead to complacency but instead reinforces the need for a more dynamic approach to feed safety to be adopted in order to attempt to reduce the risk to the food chain, says Webb. EDITORS NOTES The Irish Grain and Feed Association (IGFA) represents the interests of the Irish feed manufacturers and suppliers. Members are encouraged to be members of an Internationally recognised Feed safety assurance scheme. Schemes must be independently certified to EN 45011 standard. The IGFA receives no commercial advantage from any of the schemes. For further information please contact Deirdre Webb on 086 0522 094.

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