Curvefitting Manual PDF
Curvefitting Manual PDF
Curvefitting Manual PDF
Chapter 1 Curve Fitting Overview
1.1 Purpose of Curve Fitting............................................................................. 5 1.2 Types of Curve Fits .................................................................................... 5 Least Squares Curve Fits..................................................................... 5 Nonlinear Curve Fits ............................................................................ 6 Smoothing Curve Fits........................................................................... 6 1.3 Choosing a Curve Fit Model ....................................................................... 6
Appendix A Troubleshooting Curve Fit Problems................................... 47 Appendix B Reference Information......................................................... 49 Index........................................................................................................ 51
Exponential Rise
Exponential Growth
Exponential Decay
2.1.2 Polynomial
This function fits a curve through your data, of the form y=m0 + m1 * x + m2 * x2 + m3 * x3 +...+ m9 * x9. The more complex the curvature of the data, the higher the polynomial order required to fit it. There are no data restrictions associated with this curve fit.
2.1.3 Exponential
This function fits a curve through your data, of the form y = m0 * em1 * x. It is generally used to fit data that increases or decreases at a high rate. This curve fit cannot fit negative data or data equal to zero. Note: On a semi-log plot with a linear X axis, the curve appears as a straight line.
2.1.4 Logarithmic
This function fits a curve through your data, of the form y = m0 + m1 * log(x). A logarithmic curve fit is generally used with data that spans decades (100, 101, 102, and so on). This curve fit cannot be used to fit negative data or data equal to zero. Note: On a semi-log plot with a linear Y axis, the curve appears as a straight line.
2.1.5 Power
This function fits a curve through your data, of the form y = m0 * xm1. This curve fit cannot be used to fit negative data or data equal to zero. Note: On a log-log plot, the curve appears as a straight line.
Figure 2-1 Sample plot 2. Choose Curve Fit > Polynomial. A Curve Fit Selections dialog similar to Figure 2-2 appears. All dependent variables are listed under Column Names.
Click the check box for each variable to be fit. A keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+A under Windows or +A on a Macintosh) is available to select all of the variables at once. Each time a variable is selected, a second dialog appears (Figure 2-3). Use this dialog to specify the order of the polynomial to be fit. The maximum value that can be selected is nine. Note: This extra dialog is only displayed when using the Polynomial fit.
Figure 2-3 Polynomial Order dialog 4. Click OK to exit each dialog and apply the curve fit. After the curve fit is applied, you can display its equation or extrapolate the fit to the axis limits. These are a few of the features covered in Chapter 6 of this guide. Figure 2-4 shows the sample plot after applying a Polynomial curve fit (represented by the dashed line) and displaying the equation. Sinc(5x) 1 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 0 -0.2 -0.4 -2 -1.5 -1 -0.5 0 0.5 - /2 to /2 1 1.5
M0 M1 M2 M3 M4 M5 R
+ M9*x
The following table lists some equations and how they appear as curve fit definitions in KaleidaGraph. Original Equations a*x+b a + b * x^c a + b * exp(c * x) a * exp(b * x) * cos(c * x + d) Curve Fit Denitions m1 * m0 + m2 m1 + m2 * m0^m3 m1 + m2 * exp(m3 * m0) m1 * exp(m2 * m0) * cos(m3 * m0 + m4)
The various features of the Curve Fit Definition dialog are discussed below.
5 1 2 7 3 4
Curve fit definitions and initial guesses are entered in this area of the dialog.
Allowable Error:
The value entered in this field helps KaleidaGraph determine when to stop iterating. Iterations stop if either of the following occurs:
Chi Square does not change for a certain number of iterations. The percent change in the normalized Chi Square is less than the Allowable Error.
Weight Data
When selected, you can specify a data column that contains weights for the variable you are fitting. These weights should represent the individual errors of the data values. Each weight is used internally as: 1/(weight^2). The smaller the error value, the larger the internal weight. If this check box is not selected, a weight value of 1.0 is used for all data points.
4. Specify Partials
The algorithm that KaleidaGraph uses in calculating each iteration of the General curve fit requires evaluating the partial derivative of the function with respect to each parameter. If Specify Partials is not selected, KaleidaGraph numerically approximates the derivative. If this option is selected, the dialog expands, as shown in Figure 3-2.
Figure 3-2 Expanded Curve Fit Definition dialog The nine buttons at the bottom of the dialog allow each partial derivative to be entered in the text field above the buttons. The biggest advantage of specifying the partial derivatives is accuracy. The curve fit algorithm uses these partial derivatives to direct itself where to move after each iteration to find the best solution. You can choose to specify only some of the partial derivatives, but not all of them. It is better to let KaleidaGraph approximate the partial instead of specifying the wrong derivative. If a partial derivative is missing, KaleidaGraph numerically approximates that partial derivative.
5. 6. 7. Degrees/Radians Buttons
These buttons determine whether the results of trigonometric functions are in degrees or radians.
Clicking this button displays a text editor that can be used to create, open, or save a curve fit definition. The definition appears on the first line and any partial derivatives appear on the lines below it.
Adding a Curve Fit to the Master List To add a curve fit to the master curve fit list: 1. 2. Create a new plot. Choose Curve Fit > General > Edit General. The dialog in Figure 3-3 appears.
Figure 3-3 Edit General dialog 3. 4. 5. 6. Select a fit in the current list. Click Add and a New Fit appears below the selected fit in the list. The name of the fit can be changed by selecting it and editing the name in the text field. Click Edit to enter the definition in the Curve Fit Definition dialog. Click OK when you are finished. Now you can use this fit in the active plot or any new plots that are created. Remember to save changes to the Macros file to make the changes permanent.
Rearranging the Master Curve Fit List To rearrange the curve fit list: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Create a new plot. Choose Curve Fit > General > Edit General. Select the curve fit to be repositioned. Click Copy to copy the fit to the trash bin. Click Remove to delete the name from the listing. Select a curve fit in the current list. Select the name of the curve fit that was copied to the trash bin. Click Add and the curve fit appears below the selected fit in the list.
Note: When rearranging curve fits, do not leave the Edit General dialog until you are completely finished. As soon as you click OK or Cancel in this dialog, anything in the trash bin is deleted. The only permanent trash bin item is New Fit. Removing a Curve Fit from the Master List To remove a curve fit from the master list: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Create a new plot. Choose Curve Fit > General > Edit General. Select the curve fit to be deleted. Click Remove to delete the curve fit from the listing. Click OK.
Adding Curve Fits from the Master List to Saved Plots When a saved plot is opened, the General submenu displays the curve fits that were available when the plot was originally created, regardless of what is currently in the master list. To add curve fits from the master curve fit list to a saved plot: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Open a saved plot. Choose Curve Fit > General > Edit General. The curve fits stored in the master list appear below the dotted line in the trash bin. Select the name of the curve fit to be added from the trash bin listing. Select a fit in the current list. Click Add and the curve fit appears below the selected fit in the list. Click OK when you are finished. Now you can use this fit in the saved plot.
Saving Changes to the Curve Fit Menu The curve fits in the General submenu are saved, by default, in a file called KG Macros. This file is loaded each time you start KaleidaGraph. To save any changes made to the Curve Fit menu, it is necessary to save the changes to the default Macros file using one of the following methods: In the Preferences dialog, select Prompt from the Macros pop-up menu. When exiting KaleidaGraph, a dialog asks whether or not to overwrite the Macros file that was opened at launch. In the Preferences dialog, select Always from the Macros pop-up menu. When exiting KaleidaGraph, the Macros file that was opened at launch is automatically overwritten. Choose File > Export > Macros and overwrite the default Macros file.
Note: Only changes made to a new plot using the Edit General command are saved as part of the macros file. Any changes made to a saved plot or by choosing a curve fit from the General submenu and clicking Define apply solely to that particular plot.
Importing Definitions from a Text File The Curve Fits folder contains each curve fit definition as a text file. This allows you to import specific curve fit definitions for use in KaleidaGraph. To load a text file containing a curve fit definition (and have it available for all future plots): 1. 2. Create a new plot. Choose Curve Fit > General > Edit General. The dialog in Figure 3-4 appears.
Figure 3-4 Edit General dialog 3. 4. Select a fit in the current list. Click Add and a New Fit appears below the selected fit in the list. The name of the fit can be changed by selecting it and editing the name in the text field.
3.3 Using the General Curve Fit 21
5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Click Edit to display the Curve Fit Definition dialog. Click File in the Curve Fit Definition dialog. A text editor appears. Choose File > Open. Locate and open a curve fit definition from the Curve Fits folder. The definition and initial guesses for the parameters will be displayed in the editor. Choose File > Close to display the curve fit equation in the Curve Fit Definition dialog. Make sure you change the initial guesses, because all of the initial guesses are set equal to 1.0 by default.
10. Click OK until you return to the plot window. Now you can use this fit in the active plot or any new plots that are created. Remember to save changes to the Macros file to make the changes permanent. Importing Definitions from a Macros File The Macros folder contains a Macros file for each category of curve fit definitions. Importing one of these Macros files loads the curve fit definitions into the General submenu. Note: If a plot is already open, you will not see the imported curve fit definitions until a new plot is created. To load the definitions from a Macros file: 1. 2. 3. 4. Choose File > Open. Locate and open the Macros file of interest from the Macros folder. Create a new plot. The curve fit definitions stored in the Macros file will be listed under the General submenu. You can now apply one of these fits to your data. Make sure you change the initial guesses, because all of the initial guesses are set equal to 1.0 by default.
Importing Definitions into the Library The Library folder contains text files for each category of curve fit definitions. These text files can be loaded into the library for use in the General curve fit. To load a text file into the library: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Choose Macros > Library or Curve Fit > General > Library. Choose File > Open. Locate and open the curve fit category of interest from the Library folder. Browse through the library and make note of the shorthand reference and number of unknowns for the curve fits that you will be using. Choose File > Close.
You can now use these library definitions to apply a General curve fit. When entering the definition in the Curve Fit Definition dialog, you can enter the shorthand reference defined in the library with the initial guesses, for example gaussfit(1,5,1,10). KaleidaGraph will perform the necessary substitutions before applying the fit.
Figure 3-5 Example curve fit equation 7. Click OK until you return to the plot window. Now you can use this fit in the active plot or any new plots that are created. Remember to save changes to the Macros file to make the changes permanent.
Data 1
Figure 3-6 Sample plot 2. Choose a curve fit from the General submenu (Curve Fit menu). A Curve Fit Selections dialog similar to Figure 3-7 appears. All dependent variables are listed under Column Names.
Figure 3-7 Curve Fit Selections dialog 3. If the equation has not been entered, click Define to enter the equation or shorthand reference to be applied to the data. Figure 3-8 shows the Curve Fit Definition dialog containing a curve fit definition. When you are finished, click OK. Note: For information on including this fit in your master curve fit list, refer to Section 3.2.4.
Figure 3-8 Curve Fit Definition dialog 4. 5. Click the check box of each variable to be fit. Typing Ctrl+A (Windows) or selects all of the variables at once. +A (Macintosh)
Click OK to apply the curve fit. A status dialog will show the progress of the curve fit. It is updated after each iteration. Note: Typing Ctrl+Period (Windows) or +Period (Macintosh) cancels a General curve fit. The current state of the fit is calculated and the resulting curve is drawn. When the curve fitting process is complete, the curve is drawn on the plot. Once the curve fit is applied, you can display its equation or extrapolate the fit to the axis limits. These are a few of the features covered in Chapter 6 of this guide. Figure 3-9 shows the sample plot after applying a General curve fit (represented by the dashed line) and displaying the equation. B 16 14 12 10 8 6 4 -80 -60 -40 -20 0 20 40 60 80 Figure 3-9 Sample plot with General curve fit applied
Data 1
y = m1 + m2*exp(-(m0-m3)*(m0... Value m1 m2 m3 m4 Chisq R 5 10 3.3389e-11 20 4.2923e-12 1 Error 2.5606e-08 4.9058e-08 7.1266e-08 1.2765e-07 NA NA
In the first definition, a conditional test is performed to see if b is less than zero. If true, b is set to zero; if false, b is set equal to itself. In the second definition, the limit function is used. The limit function requires that a lower and upper boundary be set for the parameter. In this case, zero and 1000 are used to bound the extremes of b. Whenever a parameter is bound in a General curve fit definition, you must specify partial derivatives. Otherwise, a Singular Coefficient Matrix error may occur if the parameter being limited gets pegged at a bounding point for multiple iterations.
Note: Almost all memory registers, alpha registers, and program space are overwritten during the execution of a General curve fit.
4.1.2 Weighted
This function fits a curve to the data, using the locally weighted Least Squared error (Lowess) method. The result of this curve fit is to plot a best fit smooth curve through the center of the data. This is an extremely robust fitting technique. Unlike the standard Least Squared error method, this technique is nearly insensitive to outliers. However, this does not come for free. The Weighted curve fit is computationally complex and can take a very long time for a large data set. The only data restriction associated with this curve fit is that the independent (X) variable must be in ascending order in the data window. There is no single expression that represents this curve; therefore, there are no parameters to view or copy.
4.1.4 Interpolate
This function fits a curve that passes through the data points and matches the slopes at those points. The advantage of this curve fit is that it does not produce wild results near an abrupt change of slope, as can happen with the Cubic Spline curve fit. The only data restriction associated with this curve fit is that the independent (X) variable must be in ascending order in the data window. There is no single expression that represents this curve; therefore, there are no parameters to view or copy.
7 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4
example #1
Test #1 Test #2
Figure 4-1 Sample plot 2. Choose Curve Fit > Cubic Spline. A Curve Fit Selections dialog similar to Figure 4-2 appears. All dependent variables are listed under Column Names.
Click the check box for each variable to be fit. A keyboard shortcut (Ctrl+A under Windows or +A on a Macintosh) is available to select all of the variables at once. Note: When applying a Weighted fit, a second dialog appears each time a variable is selected. Use this dialog to specify the smoothing factor.
Click OK to apply the curve fit. Note: If an error message appears saying the data needs to be sorted, you will need to use the Ascending Sort command from the Data menu. Once the independent variable is sorted, the curve fit can be applied. After the curve fit is applied, you can increase the number of curve fit points or hide the original data to only display the curve fit. These are a few of the features covered in Chapter 6 of this guide. Figure 4-3 shows the sample plot after applying a Cubic Spline curve fit (represented by the solid line).
7 6 5
example #1
Test #1 Test #2
4 3 2 1 0 0 2 4 6 Time 8 10 12 14
Figure 4-3 Sample plot with Cubic Spline curve fit applied
Figure 5-1 Curve Fit Selections dialog 2. Click one of the drop-down arrows and choose View Results from the pop-up menu that appears. A dialog similar to Figure 5-2 will be displayed containing the coefficients from the curve fit.
Figure 5-2 Viewing coefficients 3. 4. 5. To copy the coefficients to the Clipboard, click Clipboard. This enables you to paste the results into another window or program. To copy the coefficients to the Calculator, click Calculator. This enables you to use the results in a Formula Entry function. Click OK until you return to the plot window.
Figure 5-3 Curve Fit Selections dialog 2. To copy the coefficients to the Clipboard, click one of the drop-down arrows and choose Copy Parameters to Clipboard from the pop-up menu that appears. This enables you to paste the results into another window or program. Note: If you paste the results into the plot window, the coefficients in the table do not change if the curve fit is updated. For this reason, we recommend that you use the Display Equation command instead. 3. To copy the coefficients to the Calculator, click one of the drop-down arrows and choose Copy Parameters to Calculator from the pop-up menu that appears. This enables you to use the results in a Formula Entry function. Click OK to return to the plot window.
Note: It is also possible to copy the parameters by choosing View Results from the pop-up menu and clicking the Clipboard or Calculator button.
KaleidaGraph will append the results after any existing data in your data window. The first column will be a series of X values. Except for the Weighted curve fit which uses the original X values, the number of X values will be equal to the number of curve fit points specified in the Curve Fit Options dialog (Format menu). The second column will contain the values from the curve fit at each of these locations. Note: If you want to use the original X values or supply your own X values, you need to use Formula Entry to calculate the curve fit values. Section 5.4 provides instructions for using the curve fit functions in Formula Entry to obtain values from the curve fit.
KaleidaGraph will append the residual values after any existing data in the data window. These values represent the difference between the original Y values and the values calculated by the curve fit.
+ M9*x
To calculate values from a curve fit: 1. Activate the data window that contains the fitted variables. Figure 5-5 shows a portion of the data used to create the sample plot.
Figure 5-5 Data used to create sample plot 2. 3. Choose Windows > Formula Entry. Enter the formula into the window. Figure 5-6 shows the formula for this example. The formula should be of the form z = fit(x,y), where: z is the destination column. x is either a single data value or a column containing X values. y is the column that had the curve fit applied. fit is replaced by the appropriate command from the Curve Fits menu of Formula Entry.
Figure 5-6 Curve fit function entered in Formula Entry 4. Click Run to execute the formula. The destination column is filled with the values of the curve fit at the specified X values. Figure 5-7 shows the resulting data window, with the curve fit values in the last column (column 2).
Figure 5-7 Data window containing curve fit values Note: This method uses the curve fit points originally calculated when the fit was applied. You may want to increase the number of calculated points to make the values from the fit more accurate. See Section 6.5 for instructions on increasing the number of curve fit points.
3. 4.
Choose Windows > Formula Entry. Enter your formula into the window. Figure 5-9 shows the formula used to obtain values from a curve fit at designated points, where: c3 is the destination column for the curve fit values. c2 is the column containing the new X values. m0m5 are the curve fit coefficients previously copied to the Calculator.
Figure 5-9 Using the curve fit equation to calculate values 5. Click Run to execute the formula. The destination column is filled with the values of the curve fit at the specified X values. Figure 5-10 shows the resulting data window, with the curve fit values in the last column (column 3).
Figure 5-10 Data window containing curve fit values Note: This method can similarly be used to calculate the X value when the Y value on the fit is known. You need to rearrange the formula so that it solves for X instead of Y.
Figure 6-1 Curve Fit Options dialog 2. 3. Select the Extrapolate Fit to Axis Limits check box. Click OK to return to the plot. After recalculating the curve fits, the plot is redrawn to extend the curve fits to the axis limits.
Figure 6-2 Curve Fit Selections dialog 2. 3. Clear any check boxes for the fits to be removed. Clicking Deselect clears all of the check boxes at once. Click OK to return to the plot and remove the curve fits and any associated equations.
Appendix A
Singular Coefficient Matrix error message KaleidaGraph could not converge on a solution or was getting a divide by zero error in the General curve fit. Verify that none of the initial guesses are set to 0. Try changing the initial guesses to steer KaleidaGraph away from whatever caused the error. You can also try to specify the partial derivatives to point KaleidaGraph in the right direction after each iteration. The data must be sorted first error message. This error results when you attempt to apply a Smooth, Weighted, Cubic Spline, or Interpolate curve fit to data which does not have the independent variable sorted in ascending order. Once the independent variable is sorted using the Ascending Sort command (Functions menu), the curve fit can be applied. Syntax Errors These result when illegal characters or undefined functions are used in a curve fit definition. Some common mistakes include using the letter o instead of a zero, having a different number of left and right parentheses, and attempting to call a library function that is not defined in the current library. Syntax error in the Macro Library error message. This error results when the library contains an undefined function. These errors commonly result when opening a saved curve fit definition in the library instead of opening it in the Curve Fit Definition dialog. To replace the current contents of the Library with the default Macro Library: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Select the Library command from either the Macros menu or the Curve Fit menu. Choose File > Open. Locate and open the Library file within the Library folder and open it. Choose File > Exit. After doing this, make sure you save the Macros when quitting KaleidaGraph in order for the Library to be saved as part of the KG Macros file.
Tried to limit the parameter values, but the resulting parameters were outside of the specified limits. It is possible to get values outside of the limits. During each iteration, KaleidaGraph tries to improve upon the parameter values to get the best fit. These new values are not passed through the function to limit their value. The number you are seeing is KaleidaGraphs last best guess at what the value should be. Right now, the only way to avoid this is to replace the unknown with a constant.
Not getting the correct results when typing the results of a curve fit into a formula. By default, the results of a curve fit are displayed with five significant digits. You can obtain more accuracy by choosing Format > Equation Label Format and increasing the number of digits or decimals. This will make the results of your formula more accurate. Another solution is to copy the results of the curve fit to the Calculator. These values are always stored as double precision numbers. See Section 5.3.1 for more information on copying the results to the Calculator. Linear Fits on Plots with Log or Semi-Log Scales When applying a Linear curve fit to data displayed on a log-log or semi-log scale, the curve fit may not appear to be a straight line. This is because the divisions along logarithmic axes are not equally spaced. However, it is possible to get the appearance of a straight line on plots with either log-log or semi-log scales. You can get the appearance of a straight line on a plot with a log-log scale (both the X and Y axes are logarithmic) by applying a Power curve fit to the data. The resulting curve fit will look like a straight line. Getting the appearance of a straight line on a plot with a semi-log scale (either the X or Y axis is logarithmic) depends on which axis is logarithmic: If the X axis is logarithmic (Y axis is linear), applying a Logarithmic curve fit will result in a straight line. If the Y axis is logarithmic (X axis is linear), applying an Exponential curve fit will result in a straight line.
Reference Information
Appendix B
This chapter provides information on the methods and equations used when performing regression analysis in KaleidaGraph.
i R = ---------------------------------------------------------------
( xi x ) ( yi y )
( xi x ) 2 ( yi y ) 2
yi xi
adding curve fits to Curve Fit menu 18 curve fits to saved plots 20 Allowable Error field 16 applying Cubic Spline curve fit 3031 General curve fit 2425 Polynomial curve fit 1011 correlation coefficient display 35 displaying 33 editing 33 Curve Fit menu adding a new fit 18 rearranging curve fits 19 removing curve fit definitions 19 saving changes 20 Curve Fit Options command 4445 Curve Fit Points field 45 curve fit results Chi Square 35 copying fit values to data window 37 copying residuals to data window 37 copying to Calculator 36 copying to Clipboard 36 correlation coefficients 35 displaying the equation 33 editing the equation 33 parameter errors 35 viewing coefficients 34 curve fit types Cubic Spline 29 Exponential 9 General 13 Interpolate 30 Linear 9 Logarithmic 9 Polynomial 9 Power 9 Smooth 29 Weighted 29 curve fits applying 10, 24, 30 color 43 displaying equation 33 displaying only the curve fit 44 editing resulting equation 33 exporting results 3637 extrapolating 43 forcing fit through the origin 45 getting values from 3841 increasing curve fit points 45
calculating curve fit values 3841 canceling a General curve fit 25 Chi Square 35 Chi Square equation 35, 50 Coefficient of Determination 35 color curve fit 43 variable 43 constraining parameters 27 copying curve fit coefficients 34, 36 curve fit values to data window 37 residuals to data window 37 correlation coefficients 35 Cubic Spline curve fit applying 3031 data restrictions 29 description 29 reference 49 curve fit coefficients 34, 36 curve fit definition constructing 14 entering custom equation 23 importing 2122 initial conditions 15 multiple independent variables 26 predefined equations 2122 Curve Fit Definition dialog 15 curve fit equations
The KaleidaGraph Guide to Curve Fitting limiting parameters 27 line style 43 line width 43 multiple independent variables 26 removing 46 viewing coefficients 34 weighting data 26
Force Line fit through zero check box 45 Formula Entry, calculating values from a fit 3841
General curve fit 1427 adding a new fit 18 adding fits to saved plots 20 affect on Macro Calculator 27 applying 2425 Chi Square 35 constructing equation 14 Curve Fit Definition dialog 15 curve fit equation 14 description 13 entering custom curve fit definition 23 equations 50 importing definitions 2122 importing definitions from a text file 21 importing library definitions 22 initial conditions 15 limiting parameters 27 master curve fit list 18 multivariate fits 26 parameter errors 35 predefined equations 2122 rearranging a curve fit 19 reference 49 removing a curve fit definition 19 saving changes 20 specifying partial derivatives 16 weighting data 26 General submenu 1822
data windows copying curve fit values into 37 copying residuals into 37 defining custom curve fit equation 23 Display Equation command 33 Display R^2 instead of R check box 35 displaying curve fit coefficients 34 curve fit equations 33
Edit General command 1821 editing curve fit color 43 curve fit equations 33 curve fit line style 43 curve fit line width 43 master curve fit list 18 variable color 43 variable line style 43 variable line width 43 entering custom curve fit definition 23 Equation Label Format command 33 equations Chi Square 35, 50 General curve fit 50 R 50 See also curve fit equations errors, General curve fit results 35 Exponential curve fit data restrictions 9 description 9 function 9 reference 49 Extrapolate Fit to Axis Limits check box 44 extrapolating curve fits 43
importing curve fit definitions 2122 increasing number of curve fit points 45 initial conditions 15 Interpolate curve fit data restrictions 30 description 30 reference 49
Least Squares curve fitting 5 Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm 6, 13 Library command 22 library, importing curve fit definitions 22
Index limit() function 27 limits on parameters 27 line style curve fit 43 variable 43 line width curve fit 43 variable 43 Linear Correlation Coefficient 35 Linear curve fit applying to log/semi-log scales 48 description 9 forcing through origin 45 function 9 reference 49 Logarithmic curve fit data restrictions 9 description 9 function 9 reference 49 data restrictions 9 description 9 function 9 reference 49 predefined curve fit definitions 2122
R 35 R equation 50 R2 35 rearranging the master curve fit list 19 removing curve fit 46 curve fit from master list 19 residuals 37
saving changes to Curve Fit menu 20 setting limits on parameters 27 Smooth curve fit data restrictions 29 description 29 reference 49 Specify Partials check box 16
Macro Calculator 27 macro files, saving curve fit changes 20 master curve fit list 1820 memory registers 27 multiple independent variables 26 multivariate fits 26
table() function 26
nonlinear curve fit 6
variable color 43 line style 43 line width 43 viewing coefficients 34
obtaining values from a curve fit 38 origin 45
parameter errors 35 limits 27 Polynomial curve fit applying 1011 description 9 function 9 reference 49 Power curve fit Weight Data check box 16, 26 Weighted curve fit data restrictions 29 description 29 reference 49 weights 16