An R Tutorial Starting Out
An R Tutorial Starting Out
An R Tutorial Starting Out
1. Starting Out
Once you enter R, you will receive the following prompt: >
To exit R, issue the following command:
> q()
Note: You should always type your code in a separate text file. (Notepad is preferable
to Word because it won’t try to auto-correct your code.) You can cut and paste from
notepad into R and keep a copy of everything you’ve done in the text file. It is good
practice to put your data, written code, and .RData file all in the same folder (e.g.
2. Basics
# Here are some illustrations of R’s interactive nature:
> 5 # you type in a 5 at the prompt (note that anything on a line following
# a ‘#’ sign is considered a comment and will not be processed)
[1] 5 # → here a 5 is returned
# To view x:
> x
[1] 3 4 7
# The last two arguments of the matrix function are the number of rows and columns,
# respectively. If you would like the numbers to be entered by row instead of the default
# by column, add an additional argument, byrow=T.
# matrix(vector of data, numrows, numcols, byrow=T)
# You can create your own functions using the following format:
> newfunc <- function(args)
> x[-3] # this will provide all numbers in a vector except for the third
[1] 3 4
> x[x >=5] # this will produce all numbers in x that are greater than or equal to 5
[1] 7
# Notice that arithmetic operations are applied to each element in a vector. For example:
> x+3
[1] 6 7 10
4. Distributional Functions
# Determine the area to the left of 0 for a normal (0,1) random variable:
> pnorm(0) # for the normal dist, the default mean is 0 and sd is 1
[1] 0.5
# Functions for other distributions work in a similar way. Remember that any manual
# can be accessed using the help( ) function. For example, if you want the syntax for
# the t distribution function, try help(rt)
5. Plotting Data
# R has some very nice graphics capabilities. We’ll only cover a minimal amount of
# information here.
# Here, the first column is the explanatory variable and the second column is the
# response variable.
# To plot the data points and have the points connected by lines:
> plot(regdata[,1], regdata[,2], type=‘b’)
# Enter ‘help(par)’ to see the many options available for dealing with graphics. Many
# of the options (e.g., xlim, ylim) can be used directly with the plotting functions.
8. Useful References
Dalgaard P. (2002). Introductory Statistics with R. New York: Springer-Verlag.
Ripley B.D., Venables W.N. (2002). Modern Applied Statistics with S (4ed). New
York: Springer-Verlag.