Errors in Sampling
Errors in Sampling
Errors in Sampling
A brief Revision :
Population. Sample.
Sampling. Types-Random Sampling.
-Non-Random Sampling.
Sampling Errors :
In words of Patterson, "Sampling error is the difference between the results of studying a sample and inferring a result about the population , and the results of the census of the whole population.
Non-Sampling Errors :
In words of Patterson, Non Sampling errors are that occur in acquiring, recording , or tabulating statistical data that can not be ascribed to sampling error. They may arise in either a census or a sample .
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Sampling Distribution :
Sampling distribution of a statistic is the frequency distribution which is formed with various values of a statistic computed from different samples of the same size drawn from the same population. This helps in :: To test a hypothesis, draw a inference from it. estimate unkown parameters through known statistic Set the limits under which paramaters will lie.