The Secret Great White Brotherhood
The Secret Great White Brotherhood
The Secret Great White Brotherhood
Soulmates, Twin Rays and Special Lovers Autobiography of an IMMORTAL Your Soulmate Is Calling and many others ...
The Secret GREAT WHITE BROTHERHOOD Masters and Adepts of Planet Earth by Russ Michael
Russ Michael Books Copyright 2007 Russ Michael. All rights reserved worldwide. Front Cover Art: A highly talented volunteer Russ Michael eBook Team artist who prefers to remain anonymous created the beautiful front cover art for this book and for most of the other Russ Michael eBooks. The artist states: I just have to say this. Because of this immense effort that I have been putting forth, it has kept me coherent, sane and remaining in the light. It has kept me happy, moving forward in creative endeavors, and most of all, ALIVE. Thank you, dear Michael, for your giving freely to all that have ears to hear, and eyes to see of yourself, and that you are fulfilling the reasons that you came back into this life at 18 years old. Whenever you embark on ANY journey, you do it in a BIG way and that is incredible. A wonderful example to ALL
Published by: Russ Michael Books P.O. Box 654 Virginia Beach, VA 23451 USA
Dedicated to my own so beloved Master teacher, the TibetanDjwhal Khul, who has been and is a guiding light and an eternal bridge that links my own I Am soul Being to The Great White Brotherhood.
Foreword by Dr. Donald Curtis .............................. viii Head Pastor, Dallas Unity Church Introduction by Russ Michael ................................. xii 1 The Greater and the Lesser Mysteries .................... 1 2 My Own Living Spiritual Credentials ..................... 5 3 The White Brotherhood .......................................... 33 4 How You Can Become a Conscious Member ......... 39 5 Dawn of the Age of Aquarius ................................. 43 6 From Student to Aspirant ...................................... 47 7 The Aspirant Becomes a Disciple .......................... 49 8 From Disciple to Probationer ................................. 51 9 The Probationer Becomes an Initiate .................... 57 10 From Initiate to Adept ........................................... 61 11 The Adept Becomes a Master ................................ 65 12 From Master to Cohen ........................................... 69 13 The Cohen Becomes a MahaCohan ....................... 73 14 From MahaCohan to Planetary Deity ................... 75 15 Known Members of Our Earthly Hierarchy .......... 77 16 The Master Djwhal Khul ....................................... 85 17 The New Group of World Servers .......................... 89 18 The Holy Science of Meditation ............................. 93 19 The Greater Science of Service .............................. 97 20 White and Black Magic Defined .......................... 101 21 The Great Invocation ........................................... 105 22 Man Becomes A God Being on Earth.................... 109 Recommended High Vibration Books and Study Data .............................................. 113 What People Are Saying ........................................... 116 Twenty Russ Michael eBook Excerpts .................. 123 Final Note from the Author Scribe ........................ 151
By Dr. Donald Curtis
Head Pastor Dallas Unity Church
uss Michael, in this remarkable book, inspires us to enlist ourselves in the ranks of The Great White Brotherhood of which the Christ was and is the Guiding Light. Whatever our spiritual heritageor lack of itMr. Michael admonishes us, in his own words, to follow the Two Great Commandments: Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind. (Matthew 2:37) Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself. (Matthew 22:39) If thou wilt be perfect, go sell that thou hast, and give to the poor. (Matthew 9:21),
and come ye after me and I will make you to become fishers of men. (Mark 1:17) Jesus had no doubt what His mission was on earth as He declared, ... and for this cause came I into the world that I should bear witness unto the truth. He called this the Father's business, and even as a young child, upon being questioned as to his actions, He challenged Wist ye not that I must be about my Father's business?
In carrying out His earthly assignment, He knew that He was an instrument for the expression of the Father's will and was completely free from any selfishness whatsoever. His every thought, feeling and motivation was to live, to love and to serve. He was never in any doubt as to what He was to accomplish: I am come that they might have life, and that they might have it more abundantly. He focused His entire life upon this objective. He was motivated and guided by one purpose only: To do the Will of the Father at all times. As mighty works were accomplished through Him, He took no personal credit, explaining,... the words that I speak unto you, I speak not of myself; but the Father that dwelleth in me, he doeth the works. (John 14:10) Jesus lived constantly in a state of Grace, recognizing that there was no place where God left off and he began. He said, I and the Father are one. (John 10:30) Believest thou not that I am in the Father, and the Father in me? (John 14:10) He that has seen me has seen the Father. (John 14:9). Jesus never doubted his innate divinity and his infinite potential; even when tested and challenged in proving His Sonship, He never wavered, even though He had normal human reactions to suffering and pain. In the midst of travail, He prayed, Father, if thou be willing, remove this cup from me: nevertheless not my will, but thine, be done. (Luke 22:42) So aligned was He with Love and Faith that He ringingly affirmed them on the Cross, when among His last utterances was the supplication, Father, forgive them; for they know not what they do. (Luke 23:34),
and the release, Father, into thy hands I commend my spirit. (Luke 23:46) Jesus was the Great Example, establishing the archetypal pattern for all mankind to follow. His every utterance, action and deed illustrated and taught spiritual laws and principles. He emphasized not so much what He did, but what He taught that we could do: ... the works that I do shall ye do also and even greater works than these shall ye do. (John 14:12) He set forth the instruction for spiritual living in the Sermon on the Mount, and challenged us to follow the Way, which He exemplified by saying: Therefore whosoever heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them, I will liken him unto a wise man, which built his house upon a rock: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew and beat upon that house and it fell not; for it was founded upon a rock. And everyone that heareth these sayings of mine, and doeth them not, shall be likened unto a foolish man, which built his house upon the sand: And the rain descended, and the floods came, and the winds blew, and beat upon that house; and it fell; and great was the fall of it. And it came to pass, when Jesus had ended these sayings, the people were astonished at his doctrine: For he taught them as one having authority, and not as the scribes. (Matthew 7:42-29) There is no doubt that Russ Michael is a member of The Great White Brotherhood, and in this eloquent testimony for the Forces of Light, he inspires
us to follow the Christ within and assume our proper status in the Brotherhood. This book inspires us by reminding us: Ye are the light of the world. A city that is set on a hill cannot be hid. Neither do men light a candle, and put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick; and it giveth light unto all that are in the house. Let your light so shine before men, that they may see your good works, and glorify your Father which is in heaven. (Matthew 5:14-16) And strengthens us and motivates us to follow Him by reminding us of the Master's assurance: And I, if I be lifted up from the earth, will draw all men unto me. (John 12:32)
by Russ Michael
or ages, humankind upon earth has undergone war after war, cataclysm after cataclysm, suffering upon suffering. Will it ever end? Is there really more to your life and mine than this brief span of dimly lit consciousness between life and death in our human form? Where have we come from? Where are we going? Is there really a God, a Christ, a Spiritual Hierarchy, a secret Great White Brotherhood? Are there a divine purpose and a Plan of God working out on this planet? Is life as we know it here upon earth more than a mere accident of nature? Is there a deeper, higher, broader and truer meaning to your life and mine than what we feel or perceive at this moment in space and time? All these important questionsand many more may fully be answered for you in this volume. My entitya very human entity known to you as Russ Michaelis consciously linked with the White Brotherhood. My knowledge on this subject goes far beyond exhaustive book reading and the mental collection of a vast storehouse of facts.
The secret Laws of Nature discussed in this book are laws that, like you, I must work with daily. I have learned these laws through personal experience and conscious, experimental application. Like many others, I Am one of many Brothers already here now in the flesh. I make no outlandish claim to be an Adept or a Master myself, nor even an Initiate of a
High Degree. Let it be known that I Am here on Earth simply as an unwavering disciple of truth, with a mission to serve humanity and my Elder Brothers in whatever capacity that I can. An enlightened soul knows it is not the flesh and bloodline physical family or formal society he owes his allegiance to, but rather to the almighty spiritual family. The billions of brothers and sisters on Earth in different countries, of different nationalities, of different creedsyet who are all undoubtedly of and as the same spiritwho live for truth, who further the Will of God, the Love of God and the calm, full activity of good God Almighty upon earth! It is my very uplifted and supreme joy to be fully aware of my life work and thankfully able to dedicate and consecrate the moments of my days while in the flesh to the visionor God's known spiritual planand to unconditional love for all I know. Be assured. There are no accidents. It is no accident that you are thoughtfully now reading this book! Your own soul is calling for you to awaken more fully to your own life purpose, to your own Earth mission. Perhaps you are even now ready to make your own sacred and conscious application into our Earth Lodge of The Great White Brotherhood. I know you are here to make earth a better place than it was upon your arrival for you and for all kingdoms of nature! May you accomplish your divine and so very sacred mission with God-speed and dynamic electric awareness. We are One. Russ Michael
Chapter 1
he average man or woman is not familiar with the term Mysteries. Yet these secret ancient Mysteries have been affecting his or her life during and even before his or her birth. Indeed, these Mysteries are the basis of all major religions. It is the basis of the religion of your parents and was the source of religion for your ancestors through eons of time. All myths and children's fairy tales owe their source or inspiration to the Mysteries. Tribal religions practiced by the most primitive cultures owe its deep roots to the Mysteries. What, then, are these secret life Mysteries that hold such a profound sway over the hearts and minds of the most primitive to the most highly technical industrial scientific cultures known in most countries on earth today? The answer to this question must and will be found individually. I have found these answers, and I assure you that you certainly can and will discover them too! The Mysteries are a tried and proven exact body of scientific knowledge. It is a pure and simple Science of Life and is one hundred percent accurate. The Laws of Nature defined in the once very secret Mysteries are immutable, unchanging and so eternal. No man, group, nation, race or planetary civilization can change one particle, dash or dot of these eternal laws. The Mys-
teries have withstood the tests of all time. Many have tried, but no one living or now dead have succeeded in altering them. Where have they come from? They have descended into the minds of men through eons of time in the same way as humankind on earth has worked on the Science of Form or the Science of Material Existence to unearth astounding wonders in a few scant centuries. Through eons of existence, long before this galaxy or this solar system or this planet Earth came into existence, High Initiates and great Adepts and Masters had worked out the Mysteries into an exact Science of Life. You can imagine what the greatest intellects or genius-inspired minds of the world can do over eons in their pursuit of the science of life. This is especially evident if we compare it to what our own stumbling trial and error scientists have done about solving many of the secret mysteries of form or matter in just a paltry few hundred years of determined and ordered mental focus. You can surely see or realize that when the best intellects of our pastway back into the dark night of time started to go beyond form science and began to focus their inquiring reason into life science; that they long, long ago did solve all the answers to our vibrant living human and spiritual existence. Solving and perfecting the Science of Lifeor the Mysteriesmust have taken millions of years of human evolution. No one living on Earth today could give the exact time that it took for The Great White Brotherhood to formulate the Mysteries. Nevertheless, this science of life is taught by the great 2
Adepts and Masters that rule Earth today that these Mysteries were worked out or perfected long, long before our Earth took its first etheric shape in the heavens, and that surely equates to billions of years ago. It is also well known that the Mysteries contain all the information that can be currently known by our human intellect about the process of LIFE, CREATION and NATURE. There is more than enough data compiled in the Mysteries than what is needed, and the lowest aspirant or the highest Cohan on Earth can fill his plateor her cup or thirst for knowledgewith this data! All the laws of nature, creation and life are laid out in a pattern that enables perfect comprehension once the door into these arcane Mysteries has been entered. This door, incidentally, may only be entered in a certain way. In that vein, there is no other life path to immutable and unchanging spiritual knowledge. Only a well-founded understanding of the Law of One, meaning the awareness, or at least the beginning hypothesis, of ONE GOD or ONE LIFE or ONE ELECTRICITY; thus a unified field is the beginning point. This also means our approach to the Mysteries must be made from a stance of total UNIVERSAL AWARENESS, from a cognition of the Whole to the Part. First, there must be recognition that One Life is the source and sustenance of all life. All forms of consciousness and all forms of life must be observed; and this premise accepted by the follower or seeker who desires to understand, know and make wise use of ETERNAL TRUTH. 3
This approach is exactly on the opposite side of the form science spectrum. The Science of Form or material science accepts only that which is blindly proven again and again, step-by-step, and then finally accepted as a scientific truth and eventually added to a growing body or library of facts or truths. The form scientist searches ignorantly for answers to life by cutting up or physically dividing forms of life. She or he is thus on an endless treadmill of half-truths. Half of anything is constantly halved again, over and over. Eventually our form scientists will become a vanishing species and will disappear from our Earth. This must occur as more and more life scientists awaken and emerge to point out the error of looking for the answer to life by continuously dividing it as senseless and unreasonable thinking. Certainly, in many important ways, our form scientists have accomplished monumentally much in forwarding concrete knowledge about man and his physical universe. In time, however, scientists who put things together rather than take them apart will supersede this fumbling blind approach to life reality. The greater and lesser Mysteries of Cosmic and Human life will then be astutely solved by souls who proceed or work from the universal to the specific. Thus, the old age ends and a bright new age on our so beloved Earth begins.
Chapter 2
Not one thought, feeling or action escaped my stern human mental judgment. I saw so very clearly when and where I had failed or succeeded. There was a very clear dividing line between each and all of the good and the bad of my life. Each side was fully added up to a sum total! There was absolutely no escaping the facts and figures of that former human life existence. Absolute truth reigned fully and clearly throughout that single expanded, seeming frozen, moment. I saw all I had and had not done each moment of my 18-year life span, from birth to death. Click! Suddenly, an even more astonishing thing occurred. My memory leaped to flash back through the Halls of Time to a long past lifetime of mine in ancient India. Click! Then in another great leap and flash to a former human life embodiment in old Egypt. In both of these former incarnations, I was aware that I had incarnated as a World Disciple with a worldly Earth mission. If I succeeded in my mission, I would greatly help to awaken and uplift many of the sleeping masses, but only if I succeeded. I saw instantly, with crystal-clear vision, that I had also failed to accomplish my avowed Earth mission in the two additional past life times shown. My whole being was tremendously moved and shaken by the impact of viewing and seeing my three vividly revealed human-mission failures. A cha-
grined awareness that I had failed to accomplish this very exact same soul-avowed mission on earth, for the third time over the ages, overwhelmed and saddened my entire Being. For I pondered, What could I do to make amends? Here, once again, I was suddenly bereft of a living physical human body. Upon absorption of this solemn and awful realization, I decided at once that if there were any way possible, I would repossess my 18-year-old physical body and while in it, dedicate my whole life to fulfilling my former failed missions. Immediately, with that thought in mind, I began slowly moving forward on a narrow path of light. I knew that somehow and somewhere before me, if I moved forward on this path of light it would lead me to a door that would open and allow me re-existence or re-embodimentin my physical body again. Meanwhile, during this entire death experience, I was fully consciously aware of my death, of my sudden, startling exit out of my body. Yet even without my physical coat of skin, I felt and I knew I was still one hundred percent me and more fully alive than ever. Indeed! I was still me! I lived. I moved. I thought. I felt, and to all my very shocked sense of being, I was much more free and alive than I had been while encased within the small space or confines of my human physical body. I knew and I experienced a wonderful moment of pure lucidity or light as I looked back toward the 7
physical plane. All the Laws of Life and of Universal Nature were clearly known and understood by me. I understood fully why man lived by faith alone. I saw that every speck and iota of the seeming so rock-solid physical world on our Earth was cocreated and re-created by the shifting desires and thoughts of all souls in human form. In essence, the physical world was simply a dream world where God Creator Sourceand His human children cocreator eternal soulsdreamed dreams. I then fully understood why without vision men perish, for it is the daily moment-to-moment vision or dream that holds man into his 3-D physical world, and in his or her so very precious human physical body carriage. I knew without a good dream or Godly vision to live by, we humankind create illnesses or accidents. Sadly, in some dire foolish case, she or he commits suicide so that she or he can be soon released from the limiting confines of his or her selfcreated world of empty or unfulfilled dreams. All this was fully and vividly revealed to me. It was crystal-clear as I looked back toward earth human life was truly, as Shakespeare knew, only a dream; yet how I longed to return to that familiar sweet and exciting homeland of dreams. For a sudden brief moment, I questioned the sanity of my desire! Why am I so foolish? Why leave full blissful reality to enter dreamland? My deeply felt soul-searching question produced the perfect swift answer meant for me. I caught the sudden new vision of all of the exciting new things that I would soon dream and make come true on earth. I fore-
saw and felt the wonderful deep fellowship I would share on Earth with a great spiritual family. I viewed and felt the great love I would know and share with several very true, so loving and beautiful heart-throbbing soulmates, and, finally, before my Ascension, many thrilling and fulfilling Earth years spent with my very own beloved Twin Ray, Maria. Above all, I saw my immediate pressing need to recover my own physical human body again. I needed it in order for me to finish the sacred mission that I had undertaken, that I had vowed to accomplish on and in the Earth dream. This thought built up a tremendous urge in me to go back, to descend from my home in the heavens once more, and to revive and again take up residence in my nowknown dead body. So, with that increased pull from mind and heart, I sped forward at a greater speed on the thin white path of light that led me through the narrow tunnel of a wide black abyss that stood between my death and my renewed life embodiment. Before going ahead with my story, let us first go back to the known start of my death experience. My story begins with me as a reserve seaman in the U.S. Navy aboard an oil tanker in the Yellow Seas. The Second World War had just finished and our ship was port tanker in China. We had earlier turned up the Yellow River and were slowly cruising inland that day. My top deck bosun had just ordered me to stop my work of chipping brown-red rust spots off the gray metal deck and to report below decks to the Bosun in the ship's engine room. He told me I
was to help paint the now emptied water ballast tanks. I dutifully reported to the engine room Bosun below, who handed me a large pair of white coveralls with a five-gallon bucket of thick black paint and a large eight-inch brush. He then directed me to step through the large porthole-like aperture leading from a wall of the engine room back into the empty water ballast tanks. He assured me I would get my how-to-do-it orders inside from Mac, the older of the two sailors who were already painting in one of the tanks. The Bosun also cautioned me that the paint fumes were already getting thick and could be very dangerous to anyone who stayed in too long, so he said I could feel free to come out for a breath of fresh air from time to time. I thanked him for that kind warning and forged ahead into and through the first empty tank toward the next porthole to join my two naval co-workers ahead. Suddenly George, a young sailor friend of mine, appeared before me. George was lurching unsteadily. At the sight of me, a big grin of recognition lit his face. He stumbled forward and slapped me hard on my back while babbling incoherently. My eyes widened as I saw him sway and reel from side to side. Oh, Lord, I thought. He's drunk. What's wrong with that stupid engine room bosun? He should not allow a drunken sailor to work in here if it's dangerous. 10
Then all at once, I realized it must be the paint fumes making my sailor friend drunk. Instead of moving on ahead, I turned around to help him ease his body carefully through the engine room hatch and back to the engine room where the bosun rushed up and reached in to give him a helping hand. I turned around and continued forward toward my new painting job, but now suddenly with considerably far less enthusiasm. The adventure of painting inside our smelly ship's empty water ballast tanks was not so glamorous anymore. A minute or so later, I clambered through the last hatch hole and arrived at my dimly lit destination. Mac, the old salt who greeted me, was very brusque. He was not friendly at all. He told me, in that rasping voice of his, to cover all the surfaces of the entire inside water ballast tank with paint. He said speed was essential and to throw the black paint on the walls and ceilings fast and heavy with my brush, my hands, or in in any way that I could. I dunked my big paintbrush deep into the bucket of paint and joined him splashing paint on any not yet painted surface I could see. Hardly two minutes of grim silence had passed when Mac threw down his paintbrush and said he was going out for a breath of fresh air. Playing boss to the hilt, he ordered me to keep on painting. I nodded and continued dunking my bignow heavy brush into the oozy black paint and spread it thickly over every spot of unpainted water-ballast tank surface in sight.
A few minutes passed, when all at once I felt a wave of sudden nausea fill my entire being. I stopped painting and seriously thought of going out for a breath of fresh air. However, I swiftly discarded the thought. I reasoned that I had just begun to paint and it was too soon for a rest break. Another thought was, What would the Engine Room Bosun, Mac, and my good buddy George think if I quit and came back for a fresh air break so soon? However, the nausea was becoming more overwhelming and, fearful of losing consciousness, I made a snap decision to drop everything, as Mac had done, and go out to get a breath of sweet fresh air. I moved heavily and laboriously, hatch through hatch, until I finally emerged at the now relatively very bright light of the engine room. I stood by the hatch and drew in a sweet smelling breath of so wonderful fresh, revitalizing air. The old salt, Mac, looked up. He had already spied and noted my way-too-fast return to the comfort of the engine room. I could see the three of themMac, the engine room Bosun, and my young sailor friend Georgeresting and talking over a cup of coffee. I saw Mac's lips curl into a sarcastic expression and I heard him intentionally snort aloud, These new navy kids! They're all just a bunch of damn 'gold-brick babies'! I stopped short. I seethed with anger. My ego felt sorely wounded. Mac was announcing to everyone in sight that I was intentionally shirking my work. My sense of injustice flared and my ego was outraged.
I know the paint fumes had aided considerably to whip up my extreme anger. I was furious. If thoughts could kill, Mac would have been dead on the spot! After deeply inhaling one last long deep gulp of fresh air, I clambered quicklyfrom dark hatch hole through dark hatch holethrough the empty water ballast tanks until I reached the last water tank where all of us had left off painting. A low wattage light bulb attached to an extension cord dimly lighted the water ballast tank. Now I applied paint to the surfaces with wild vigorous anger. I imagined that I was plastering, painting, the sarcastic, clearly sneering face of the old salt, Mac. In a few minutes, my anger vanished. I began feeling weak. I felt the same, now worse, very sickening waves of nausea returning into and through every cell and nerve of my body. Yet I stubbornly kept on painting, more slowly but persistently. However, the nausea was not only also persisting; it was growing stronger and stronger. Because I was so angry with Mac, I first foolishly thought and decided that I did not care if I dropped over. Indeed! I was going to show themmeaning him (Mac, the old sailor)that I was not a goldbrick. All at once, I wised up to the lack of wisdom in that thought; no need killing myself over what grumpy old Mac thought or said! However, no doubt about it now, I felt deathly ill. I sensed I might fall down in a faint if I did not get my butt out and back into breathing some normal
fresh air soon. I made a decision: As soon as I finish that small as yet unpainted spot on the ceiling above my head, I would renege on my decision to stay until I dropped. It was stupid. I really, really needed to go out for fresh air right away. Whirl! It was too late! As I reached up toward it, the ceiling overhead started spinning faster and faster. I felt myself being sucked up into the center of the whirling vortex of it. Zoom! At the same time, I was startled to be centered in a rotating array of brilliant colors flashing through my mind. I was seeing and possibly being every sparkling color of the rainbow. Click! All at once, I felt a sudden terrible, excruciating, burning pain. The pain was everywhere. It was totally inescapable. My whole life Being felt like it was on fire. For an endlessly long moment, I felt as if I were a red-hot spark of high voltage blue electrical fire. No matter which way I turned, my conscious being could not escape. I could not find a refuge place where that terrible fiery pain was not. Click! Incredible relief! The fiery pain suddenly vanished. Now an infinite void of utter blackness engulfed me. 14
NOTE: Obtain and read my book, Life in the DEAD ZONE, and you will understand exactly where that life-stripping, fiery pain came from. Years later, I discovered who had zapped my personal life energy field. I learned how denizens of the dead zone can and do zap new residents arriving at a lower level of the dead zone. They literally steal their life vitality. They store and use it to sustain and prolong their own longer lifetime in the dead zone. Click! Once again, I felt joyfully alive and whole. Yet, at a consciousness level, I knewwithout a doubt that I, Russ Michael, age 18, had just died! I focused my whirling mind to mentally phrase the questioning thought, What's happening? Click! In response to my question, the answer came. The entire flashback of every moment of the first eighteen years of my life in this body, as I recounted earlier in this volume, occurred. At the same time, I basked in the awareness of my sudden, totally non-physical, very free and blissful reality. I knew myself as a conscious soul without a dense physical body. It was quite a stark contrast to the vivid dream world that I had just left behind, where our lower three mental, emotional and physical worlds of 3-D duality dwell. I knew that back there in duality there existed both a personal and a collective world of good and bad, male and female, fear and trust, hate and love, poverty and abun15
dance, etc. All those lower level aspects of personal dream experiences could be freely explored and known on that Earth plane of reality. I felt eager to return to that seemingly so very solid and dramatic dream world of time and space. Instantly my decisive thought propelled me forward. I was now on my way on what felt like a surefooted path of return toward that specific point in time and space of 3-D Earth plane reality where my lifeless physical body had fallen. While zooming back on this very thin threada narrow path of lighta sudden swarm of demonic beings in the guise of suddenly audible angelic voices amassed around me. In soft, sweet, alluring angelic voices, they tried to coax me out of what they termed my foolish attempt to return to my body. They argued, Why go back? to what they described would be a long, grim embodied human life on Earth of misery, of agony, of many trials, of many sorrowful tears shed. They explained it would be better for me to stay in the dead zone and rest. They appeared so very desperate as they pleaded and begged me to abandon my forward movement on that path of light. They urged me to give up my strong intent to get back to Earth to repossess my now lifeless body on the physical plane of existence. I listened and I faltered, which immediately slowed down my forward moving speed. Suddenly, though, I felt and saw through their persuasive but deceitful deception. I quickly rallied all my forces
together and at once again began to speed ahead through the lower void toward my far distant body. At that point, seeing I was determined to go back to my body, these frustrated and now thoroughly enraged demons, knowing I had chosen to disregard their pleas, abruptly manifested visibly before me in full form. They each and all took on the forms of the most frightful ugly ghouls, of monsters, spooks, phantoms, and ghosts in every imaginable hideous, ungodly form possible. They swarmed overhead and began to swoop down, upon and around me with howls and shrieks that froze the inner heart and soul of my outer being. My immense fear immediately brought my forward progress on the lighted path to an immediate halt. I came to a full stop. Loud, ghastly, chaotic terror reigned all around me. I was so frightened that I could not move. I was momentarily frozen with fear through and through. It appeared that these dark forces had won. It seemed, for a terror-stricken moment, that these demons had apparently succeeded in their unholy attempt to keep me from getting back to and repossessing my physical body again. For some unholy or diabolic reason they were determined to keep me from being re-embodied, from completing my avowed soul mission on Earth. However, simultaneously, deep, deep down inside of my being, a new revelation welled up into my mind. I heard myself mentally saying, I am doing this the hard way. All that I really need to do is to ask God for help!
Help! Ask and it is given. That exact instant, the very moment my revelatory call for help sounded forth, out of the depths of my Being I saw a tiny pinpoint of white Light suddenly appear in the far, far, distance of the utter black void. The Light sped through the dark void of the dead zone, rapidly moving closer and closer, brighter and brighter. It grew in size and radiance as it drew nearer and nearer to me with astonishing speed. I could see it was the most shining snow-white, white, white light I had ever known or seen. At the same instant, the past darkness and crowd of fearful demons around me had miraculously vanished. The moment that radiant white light appeared close to my now calmed I Am conscious self, I felt bathed sparking clean in that dazzling white, white Light. Click! I was instantly and consciously transformed into a beautiful, innocent golden lamb. My tangible form was now pure, alive, radiant gold, but not hard metallic gold. The gold was crystalline light and I fully and literallysuddenly knew myself as that golden lamb! I knew and I felt the sweet, sacred holy innocence of my Being as that pure golden lamb.
As that golden lamb, gifted with the precious gift of life, I felt immense loving gratitude to my Creator Source. I bent my golden forepaws and I knelt humbly before that Good Shepherd, the Living Christ embodied in the dazzling white, white Light of my own mighty I Am presence before me. At the same instant, a flood of the most exquisite happiness, joy and bliss coursed through my entire golden lamb light-Being. Click! I knew, with another wave of exquisite rapture, that my desire was being fulfilled. In another moment, I would now return to and live within my strong, young physical 18-year-old human bodyback on Earth once again. Click! I felt a sudden seeming breath of wind accompanied by an immediate drop of my personal high vibratory rate. Down, down, down I wentand all at once, I experienced the abrupt peculiar, but familiar, sensation of sluggish human body heaviness. I knew with great joy in my soul that I was restored back as a resident in my human Earth body. I was back here in the seeming concrete 3-D physical world again. I heard a huge wave of sound and opened my eyes to see a large group of anxious, very concerned sailors milling excitedly around me. I overheard and remember several of their many poignant remarks. He's coming to and Give him air!
Another shouted loudly, Move back everybody! I opened my eyes and asked, What happened? We pulled you out of the empty water ballast tanks, one voice answered. Two others chirped, You were painting and Your heart stopped. Someone else, probably a medic, said, You stopped breathing for a long time, but we kept working on you. I knew my return back into my former dead body was totally an inside job, no matter what outside agency Creator Source had used. I gathered in a sudden burst of dynamic energy and sat upright. Eager to be upright, and to the astonishment of them all, I slowly pulled my body up to an unsteady, but standing position. The feeling hit me strong! The joy of being back in my physical human body again was overwhelming. I needed to be alone. I gently, but firmly pushed my way through what had been a growing throng of curious sailors without saying a word. I walked slowly, but with sure-footed steps, up, up and around the circular stairwell that led from the engine room below to the brightly lit noonday upper deck. As I moved to climb the stairwell, I shrugged off the support offered by several sailors. I wanted to ascend alone, without any helping hands. When I reached top-deck, the heavenly clear blue sky and brilliantly bright golden sunlightand now
seeming ultra fresh airwas a sight and a feeling moment I will never forget. What a thrill to be alive! I had never before been or felt so totally alive. With a heart brimming over with joyin the light of the brilliant day suddenly again before and around meI threw my body down upon the metal deck and sobbed wave upon wave of deep heart-felt sobs of gratitude. I was back on Earth in my human body again! A few sailors stood by and watched me for several minutes as gut-wrenching sobs wracked through my physical being again and again. Be fully assured, these were sobs of utter pure joy! The thought uppermost in my mind was, I am back in this breathlessly beautiful physical world again. I never realized before that I lived in such a great, good and beautiful world! As I lay there absorbing the sheer, utter ecstasy of life in the physical body, an abrupt rude awakeningcongruent with the jolt of returning to gross physical realityoccurred and I heard a loud angry voice shouting down at me. Sailor, how dare you sun yourself here on this deck during work hours! thundered the top-deck bosun. My great sobs of joy had subsided. He had just passed by to see me basking and resting so languidly in the warm mid-noon sun. Even though I quickly sat up and explained I had just gone through a very real death experience
and received an immediate sincere and heartfelt apologyit was a subtle sign that perhaps the up and down trials of the joy and agonies of physical existence had begun with a start once again. For almost exactly a full thirty days after my death experience, I held a constant moment-tomoment high state of consciousness. I literally and actually could simply not think, feel or deliberately act in any negative way toward anyone or anything. Then gradually the frequency rate of my consciousness dropped. My vibratory state moved down slowly but surely from knowing, thinking, feeling and acting like a pure human soul to my former lower self, ego-dominated personality. My focus again dropped back to carnal thoughts and the low self-esteem ego-defense thoughts and feelings I had formerly held. Obviously, I amor wasa slow learner. This carnal or more earthy focus of my mind and body stayed with me until age 35 when, through meditation and a retreat from civilization to a cave in the jungle wilderness of Hawaii, I again awoke to my true self identity as the soul I Am. From that day forth, I have accepted, allowed and re-taken that higher I Am soul posture in my daily moment-to-moment consciousness. Even though I lived carnally for many years after my death experience, that brief soul contact at age 18 had an indelible lasting effect throughout my entire lifetime since. Notably, my intuitive and psy-
chic sensitivity became more and more pronounced over the years. When needed, many accurate previsions of the future passed in vivid 3-D color before my eyes. I often saw or felt clearly what to expect in time ahead. What I was given to see was observed visually in the same way that any average person views a television screen. Thus, after once fully conquering the death of my physical body, that pattern of being a survivor of what would have or could have been another body death for me, has rung constantly in and through me over the years. Besides, I do have a known mission I aim to continue to DO (and that I Am doing) on Earth before I ascend this physical human body. I know, as many others now know, that I will skip body death (again) in that final hour of your and my end times on Earthwhen at the birth of Earth as a star, when we who ascend with Mother Earth will demonstrate a triumphant and eternal victory over 3-D duality life and consciousness. If you plan to be an Immortalan ageless woman or man who does not pass through a physical body death, this time aroundI suggest you obtain, enjoy reading and follow the TIPS and guides in my recently published book, Autobiography of an IMMORTAL.
big Lincoln, skidded on some ice, hit the bridge rail, and hurled me out and down and over a seventeenfoot embankment in Font Du Lac, Wisconsin, January 9, 1955. The car broke through the rail, teetered a moment over the edge and then dropped down to land directly and squarely on top of me! In a small town in Michigan more than 200 miles away, my mother, who had just come home from a late wedding party and fallen asleep, awoke to see the entire panoramic accident sequence of events in a lucid vision! She saw the car come down and land squarely on me. In shock, she saw my etheric bodya smoky gray colorrise up through the car and reshape itself into my human, but misty, fog-like body form. She said I arose and hung poised in mid-air, looking down at the wreck as if pondering whether I should leave my body behind, or remain on Earth and go back down to again take possession of my body below. My mother told me it appeared that I decided to stay. She saw my wispy ethereal body descend back down through the roof of the car andobvious now back into my 3-D physical human body. The car and I both landed squarely on a huge pile of heaped snow. How I came to and got out from under that car by my own power is another story. You can read about it, and about my so many other escapes from death, in detail in my 360-page Autobiography of an IMMORTAL.
I was astounded. It seemed the world had never before looked brighter. With each footstep, to my further amazement and delight, I seemed to lift several feet higher into the air. The relative pure oxygen of the early bright morning Hollywood outdoors street seemed super-exhilarating. I felt like superman leaping tall buildings with one leap. However, before long the high I was feeling gradually wore down. I had walked two blocks, so I turned around and I walked back to my motel. At that point, I was certainly wide-awake, even though it was still only about 4:00 o'clock in the morning. The sun had just risen. Only when I got back and opened the front door of motel did I smell gas. Only after frantically awakening the still sleeping night clerk and sounding the alarm NOT to light a match while frantically search for the source did I realize that the gas had been pouring out into my very own motel room steadily for two hours through the night.
Death Foiled
Another time, a year or so later, a friend of mine drove through an intersection with a car coming straight at my passenger side. I looked up to see it speeding at least 75 or 80 miles per hour. I was sitting on the passenger side, but when I saw the car heading straight for me like a massive bullet, I suddenly realized I had no place to go. However, I felt no fear!
Both drivers thought they could beat the red light change through the intersection. I simply sat calmly and watched the inevitable. I also instantly put my life in the hands of the Almighty. The other racing car crashed into our car straight on precisely where I sat. Glass shattered and metal screamed, twisted and fused together in a chaotic few split seconds amid loud, terrified screams from the driver and Cathy, a woman passenger friend who was in the rear seat. Our smashed car was skidding sideways, tires screeching loudly. Then all at once, all motion stopped and a pall of silence descended. Both cars were totaled out; both were completely wrecked. Both drivers and Cathy had injuries, yet I did not receive a single scratch, or bruise on my body, or even a tear on my clothes. I was not in shock. The driver and rear passenger were both in a severe state of shock. All three (the two drivers and Cathy) also needed to go to a hospital for immediate care. I kept my cool and was perfectly calm and poised while I aided both Ralph to step out of the drivers seat and Cathy to clamber out of the rear seat. Other car drivers who stopped to help helped the driver of the other car, a young man, out of his wrecked vehicle. I was able to console all three of them during their obvious in shock state. I gently reminded them it was a miracle. We were each and all truly fortunate to be alive!
Sure enough, even though before starting home the next morning I tested and re-tested my brakes, the exact same physical chain of dream sequences occurred. Forewarned and knowing exactly what to do, when I saw the rock pile, I turned the Cadillac straight for it instead of rounding the curve, skidding off the road and over the cliff to my death as shown in my first vivid vision. When it was over, I climbed calmly out of my car, walked ahead a few hundred yards around the curve and peered gingerly down. It was thousands of feet to the ground below. I knew beyond any doubt that below was where I would have been at almost that precise moment, lying dead in a twisted heap of wreckage, if I had not consciously and willfully followed orders and consciously altered a dream of my MORTAL death into a dream of my IMMORTAL life.
up like a sharp stake; it looked like something in olden days, according to legend, could be used to drive into the heart of a human vampire or a human werewolf. Was I physically impaled or not? For a brief instant at impact, a fiery stream of pain shot through my belly, through my internal organs, entire body and through my back. At the same moment, a miracle must have occurred. The pain subsided completely and instantly as if I had never experienced that high fall from my ladder. Yet I had. I swung my body down to the ground and found a big rip in my shirt. There was a rip in the same exact spot in my undershirt. Beneath that, where my belly and the weight of my nearly 200-pound body had fallen on the stake, was a one-inch round blue spot. This round, slightly blue spot is still highly visible on my body now, more than twenty years later, directly under and just a few inches below my right rib cage on my belly. This round black-and-blue spot has stayed with me all these years, but after that first searing pain through and through my body, there was never any further pain, not even the slightest twinge. I often recall this miracle and ask myself, Was I impaled or not? I believe that I was. Somehow, someway, I am convinced my inner higher Divine God Self altered that time/space event, thus allowing me to continue forward with my unfinished work on Earth. These are only a few of many such episodes of how the God Self within meand that is within us
allhas overcome what otherwise would have assuredly been my physical body death. At age 35, I re-awakened to my true self-identity as my I Am soul. Therefore a true material death occurredat least at a consciousness levelin my body, mind and spirit, at that time. My life is dedicated to allowing the extension and expansion of God-Self on Earth, in through and around my body and being. That is clearly my conscious soul-fulfilling life mission. Life is good. I can truly say I Am grateful beyond words for every new day of life on Earth. I envision not only a constant good life for my loved ones and me but for each and all of us on Earth. Humanity is One. It is so. Let's all consciously and deliberately make it a better day for each and all of us. So be it.
See more of this excerpt and other Russ Michael eBook excerpts at the back of this book. For information on how to obtain Russ Michael eBooks or to sign up for my daily free spiritual Michael Worldwide Newsletter, see Final Notes from the Author Scribe at the end of this book.
Chapter 3
s there a secret Great White Brotherhood? If so, what is it? How does it differ from a secret Black Brotherhood? These are all pertinent questions we can and will carefully explore now together.
First, know that the great spiritual hierarchy known as The Great White Brotherhood most certainly does exist upon earth. It has existed down through the ages on other matured planets, long, long before earth emerged as a light in the heavens. Am I a conscious member of this group? Are you? DISCLAIMER: Be assured that I, Russ Michael, make no special high spiritual status claims. No Master or High Initiate will make public claims about being such. It simply never is done and is not the kind of foolishness a Master, an Adept or a High Initiate would do. If others make such claims, it is their business, not yours or mine. I hope this is clearly understood. Know, furthermore, that alongside this great band of Holy Spiritual Beings, the Black Brotherhood also lives and works with equal passion and value for the material or satanic way of life. These two Brotherhoods are inseparable at universal or individual levels. One balances and coun-
teracts the other, in the same way as the male and female principles interact to balance the male and female forms. Both are equally divine. Both forces (good and evil, high and low, right and wrong, etc.) throughout 3-D duality are direct projections from the One Creator Source. This duality exists in all of us who are extensions or expansions of the One God who presides over our universe. Duality exists in you, in me, and in every small or large particle of manifest existence. Every iota of our universal manifestation is God created, God conditioned, and God extended. Co-creatorsyou and meat our individual levels also have a dual level of being and consciousness. We are both spiritual and material. One without the other cannot exist. In 3-D reality, duality is necessary for consciousness and growth of life. Duality is within and without, inside and outside, all bodies in time and space. Light and Dark, White and Black are the two primary forces of nature. The interaction between these dual natures is what gives life meaning, direction and purpose. These three primary aspects of life are relative as applied to one side or the other. The purpose of spirit is evolution, upward motion. The purpose of matter is involution, downward motion. Thus, the lowering centripetal swirling toward a self-centered state of life, of selfishness, is the natural direction and purpose of The Great Black Brotherhood and their minions or agents.
Conversely, the uplifting centrifugal decentralization of lifeor altruismis the right direction and purpose of The Great White Brotherhood and their agents. In addition to your study of this volume, I suggest you obtain three other of my books to read, understand and see how you fit into this sacred spectrum of consciousness and Being: The Secret Doctrine of The Ancient Mysteries; Science of the Secret Arcane Doctrine; and The Secret Science of White Magic, the Science of the Soul. Both selfishness and unselfishness are divine aspects of Creation. There is no one on Earth who has not experienced the dark side as well as the light side of life. It is all a matter of relativity. The question that any point of life in form, you, me, or any other greater or lesser being must ask is, Is this the right way for me? For, to go contrary to selfdevelopment is the only sin. To thine self be true. A baby simply, by Law, cannot exhibit altruism. It must first exhibit selfishness. Only when the self is strong and secure can the I Am life fragment identified with that goddess-self, or god-self move out of its small haven of refuge of small self into the big world outside of group self, God Self, etc. Yes. Be assured that from the highest and greatest stars in the heaven down to Earth, the Great White Brotherhood exists. There are White and Black, and Light and Dark forces in hierarchical form throughout all the endless planetary heavens and the earths.
It is an immutable Divine Law: The greater controls the lesser. This law is fixed into place and never can be broken. It has been ordainedset forthby the One God of Creation. The Creator Source never loses control of its Three-Fold Self, the Trinity. These Three Godsin turn following Lawcontrol the Seven Gods; the Seven control the Forty-Nine Gods; and so on down to our own Universal God. Likewise our Planetary DeityEarthis controlled and depends on Her life source from our Solar Logos, our radiant sun. However, our own Parent Lodge (Father in Heaven) is not our material solar sun but the sun Sirius. It is Sirius who fathered our consciousness and our very soul. The star Sirius is the Parent Lodge of our Great White Brotherhood on earth. It is Sirius that transmits that mysterious electrical impulse to all earthly forms and kingdoms which evokes that desire for freedom within each and all of us. It is this basic desire for freedom that speeds your and my evolutionary progress. It is this basic note of the desire for freedom that rings through the consciousness of every member of the Great White Brotherhood The freedom to be gained is not merely for self, but for all. There is definitely a growing new band of spiritual men and women gathered who comprise The White Brotherhood on earth. This constitutes members, both incarnate in their human form, and incarnate who are not in their human form. These members are from all nations, races and creeds on
earth. All of them have transcended national, racial and religious limitations. The members of The Great White Brotherhood are very physically real. Some of them walk unrecognized in our midst. They are all busy at world salvage, at reconstruction, and the salvation of humankind. There is a definite hierarchy on Earth of these members. Sanat Kumara, the God in whom we live and move and have our being, is our Head Planetary Representative and presides over our Earth hierarchy. He rules, but divides His rule between three departmental heads: the Manu, the Christ, and the Mahachohan. These three great Masters preside over the affairs of government, religion and the business functions of earth, respectively. The membership on earth itself consists of Disciples and Initiates of all ranksup to Sanat Kumara himself who is an Initiate of the 9th Degree. The Great White Brotherhood consists of average human beings like you and me who, through meditation and divine service, have transcended narrow thinking and ignorant self-seeking. The door to membership stands wide at all times. You alone can bar yourself from entrance and from the joy of a working membership in this great hierarchy upon earth. Thereby, drop all your antagonisms, apply harmlessness to every life situation, stand above and command your personality to serve, not to be served.
Give every thing and you shall receive everything. On the other hand, what you hold, you lose. So, is it not wisdom to make application now? You are needed. There is a whole new world to build, a great final new Golden Age on Earth wherein you and all embodied here now can live and move and have such joyously Sacred Being in.
Chapter 4
these streams of human consciousness need to be opened up and sustained by proven disciples. This work moves apace in every major country upon earth. It is the leavening process that raises each national consciousness and literally brings about the long awaited prophecy of the healing of the nations. For whether we deal with individuals or nations, the healing process is the same. If material forces dominate the life pattern, then individuals or nations eventually sicken and die. Only when the healing forces are brought into the life of the individual or the nation can there be a permanent and whole, holy, whole I restoration and a sound health. Therefore, it is vitally urgent that the white radiation of the soul permeate the heart and body of every country upon earth. The ambassadors of this radiant light are the awakened and consciously serving members of The Great White Brotherhood. Be assured that every already existing member of The White Brotherhood desires your conscious, self-chosen membership in this august body of souls. The only barrier to a conscious affiliation with your Elder Brothers is your self. You must put personal self behind and group self to the fore! Your soul consciousness and group consciousness are synonyms; one is equal to the other. How then do you, or I, or anyone else who chooses, apply for membership in The Great White Brotherhood? To whom must this application be presented? Then there is the question of where do we get these application forms, along with a host of
other pertinent questions. All of these questions are relevant, but the answers may surprise you. The application form you use is yourself. It is the lower self, or the personality, that makes application to your true selfyour own human soul. Once there is a genuine, stable fusion of your personality (animal soul) and your human soul, you consciously enter into the ranks of The White Brotherhood. Along with this transition will be a true recognition of your status, your rank and your station by your peers. You will know your peers, your superiors and your subordinates beyond any question of doubt. And, even though there may be differences of opinions or approaches in solving the host of world problems allocated or taken on by your Ashram between yourself and your peers, superiors or subordinates; there will be no arguments. It is always the senior member of The Great White Brotherhood present at any local group meeting who makes the final decision concerning the plan for any intended group work. All members, including yourself, are aware that She or He has a greater, more encompassing view of realityand thus of the futureso His or Her decision is final and acted upon by all the Ashram members. From a very down-to-earth posture, then, how do you or I or another go about making ourselves ready for conscious membership in this spiritual hierarchy? Simply by transforming, transmuting and transfiguring our down-to-earth posture into an up-in-heaven stance instead.
We do this through meditation, through entering the great silence, through practiced identification with the center of peace within us. Not only must this meditation posture be practiced formally for at least twenty minutes each day, it must eventually be the posture, altitude and attitude that we hold during all hours of our day, awake or asleep. When you are able to consciously fuse your upin-heaven and down-to-earth postures into one radiant synthesis, you will automatically establish a linkupa lighted strand of self-awarenesswith your own soulthe Hierarchical Master withinand your teacher of old, the Master within the externalized ranks of The Great White Brotherhood who presides over your Ashram. Do make application. Give all that you have in the great service of uplifting the hearts, bodies, and animal souls of your fellow men and women. Guard your thoughts, words, feelings and actions. Choose consciously the higher thought, the higher word, the higher feeling, and the higher action. Be harmless as a dove. Remember that the White Brotherhood is the fully flowered embodiment of LOVE. Soul and hierarchy are also synonymous. Therefore, be the conscious human soulthe Son or Daughter of God Sourcenot the son of man. That is how you will become a conscious member of The Great White Brotherhood.
Chapter 5
and streams, then neither man nor beast may survive on earth. Here and there, the light bursts forth. This concerned individual and that one sees and alerts their others to the foul avalanche of garbage and refuse, the poisons and the dangers carelessly foisted upon themselves and their posterity simply because the ignorant, unscrupulous politician and the greedy business heads conspire to hold the power and the affluence of life within their hands. These paltry few evil and soul-less people would rather see the entire destruction of humanity upon earth than to give up their ill-gained power and possessions. Be forewarned: There is no crime too horrible for the imagination of a decent human being to conceive that these few shrewd (though insanely so) business heads will not commit. They conspire together regularly to keep their very real, but demented control over the price of the dollar, of oil, sugar, lettuce, bananas and every other commodity of our world over which they exercise almost absolute control. These same few maniacal individuals foster the cold war and keep the great wheel of the military industrial complex pouring countless billions of dollars into their factories and other diverse holdings. These relatively very few corrupt men breed new hatred between individuals, groups, nations, creeds, and races. They keep citizens restricted to national boundaries and work ceaselessly to combat the idea of World Citizenship.
Nevertheless, the wheel of life grinds on. The future belongs to the new of heart, the new of mind, and the young in spirit. The old is destined to die out of the lives and consciousness of humanity. The day will soon be with us when materialismas we know it so fully todaywill be a dim memory. The Aquarian age is ringing in and the Pisces age sinks slowly beneath our threshold of consciousness. New points of light are appearing within the gathering throng daily. Some of the characteristics of the New Age are the growing ability of the mind to function in two directions: outward in the world of forms; and inward in the world of synthesis, of unity and spirit. Men and women will be evidencing a new sense of better values. Goodwill becomes a more prevalent characteristic as the animal nature and selfish instinct and purpose of man fades into the background of life. The recognition of brotherhood and group responsibility will be increasingly evident each passing day. Man will keep the law of the land in which he lives, and if the law is wrong, he will change it. Theories about the many Mysteries of life will become facts in this final new Golden Age on Earth. Divine service will be the goal of many. Immortality will be a proven thing scientifically. There will be no doubt in the fact that man exists consciously after he sheds his physical body. This will be proven through etheric vision, Kirlian photography and by way of radio communication by those who passed on back to us. Mark Macy has already done a great amount of work in this field. The 45
electrical nature of man and God will be recognized and understood. The light of the sun, in our planet and from the astral plane, will fuse together, producing new mental light upon all things. The Christ light is also appearing, for He comes in the hearts and souls of all humankind this time. These and a host of other divine characteristics now emerging within humankind herald the arrival of end times and the dawning of the final new Golden Age upon Earth.
Chapter 6
dering? If there is purpose to life, what is it, and where is it? Questions such as these finally cause her or him to stop the constant circlingand this pause is the answer. Only in the still, quiet center of self does he or she find that long sought haven of peacea secure refugea permanent fortress amid raging battles without. Now the outer world with its ever-shifting happiness, sorrow, pleasure, pain, and ceaseless instability will gradually lose its glamour and deceptive luster. The inquiring student has found an eternal clue. Now all ephemeral values are seen in correct perspective. Forms will come and goincluding his or her own. Worlds will come and gofor nothing outside can withstand the ravages of time and motion. Yet he has seen, he has touched. He now knows his own everlasting self, his own soul. Life, the master teacher, takes every one of Her (His) students into all walks of lifein all dimensionsin all worlds.
Chapter 7
Others may fast, abstain from sex, practice holding a high meditation posture during all their waking hours, plan and maintain a daily reading schedule, or sustain a self-awareness, or physiopsycho exercise program. Thus, it matters not what disciplines are chosen and practiced. What is of paramount importance is the fact that average man has aspired, and through that aspiration has found true inspiration to check his carnal appetites and his former aimless circling. She or he has moved out of the mutable- Cross position into the fixed-Cross position of consciousness. A new and truer center of awareness has been found. Now it is merely a matter of time when this living new point of reference must be establishedfor it must. And this task is done through discipline. When the soul of the individual has added sentient quality and self-awareness to group consciousness, this produces identification with a ray-group and the Disciple is born. Thus, a Disciple is born! Whether he or she can hold that posture of consciousness through the fiercest storms and wildest seas of life, remains yet to be discovered. This constant effort to prove his or her ability gives birth then to the Probationary Disciple.
Chapter 8
ten p.m. and awakening at seven a.m. is a sleep pattern highly recommended for all disciples. To this, add as much physical exercise as needed, with lots of fresh air and at least an hour of sunshine every day. At the same time, if there is no serious handicap to the regime, a vegetarian diet may well be advised. A healthy diet of live fruits, live grains, and live nuts will certainly do much to lift the vibrations and increase the sensitivity of the physical mechanism. However, my teacher, the Master D.K., advises disciples to continue eating meat for a while, especially if the change over brings more emphasis to the physical body and thus the physical plane of life. What the new disciple needs to learn is decentralization, not a greater focus of his special desires. Herein lays the test. Can the Probationer sustain this high way of life? Can he leave alcohol, cigarettes, drugs and all other wrong habits of selfindulgence behind? Only time will tell. Next, the Probationer is following a parallel regime at the emotional or feeling level. He or she determines to lift the electrical forces now quivering and centered in the solar plexus chakra into the heart chakra. This means that animal emotion and feeling must be transmuted into genuine human love and reason. The soul energies need to become dominant, while the personality forces must become subordinate. The question, of course, is how can such a great transition of energies be safely accomplished? All energy transfers within the human systemfrom one point to another or from one dimension to anothermust be handled with reason and care. The
answer exists within time tested techniques and utilization of the Laws of Nature. One of the most used Laws of Creation, by old souls and new souls alike, is the great law energy follows thought! The Probationer uses this law by transferring thought away from any area of feeling that creates undue disturbance within his emotional being. The emotional world cannot fester and grow if it has no life to sustain its growth. Thus, the negative emotion dies through attrition. Bad or negative feelings can only live, be guests, in your house (body) if you permit. Therefore, this is the major way the Probationer defeats the monsters of negativity that vampire energies from his or her emotional body. The stronger the soul, the easier it will be to cease feeding negative emotions. Of course, if the individual likes feeling bad and dotes on those feelings, then he or she is not yet ready to leave the kingdom without to enjoy the rich rewards of tranquility and peace found within, and which is added to the Probationer who has found that kingdom within. Seek the kingdom within, and all else shall be added unto you, is no idle saying. Another very definite way to overcome solar plexus reactions is to close the door where evil dwells. This door in this case is the door of expectation. For as long as we bind others to us by our expectation we are immediately open to frustration, thus emotional turmoil, when we are let down by our prisoner. The Probationer must realize that he or she has no right to expect another to act as high, wise, or
ethically as he or she under any situation. Everyone deserves the rightjust as you and Ito make a selfchoice between good and bad, wisdom and ignorance, high and low! If someone chooses what is in our estimation willful wrongdoing, that is his or her divine right; for no one escapes the eternal wheel of karma. All of us learn through our mistakes, as well as through our correct choices. Who is to say which learning device is better for another? Certainly, it is not for you, me, the Probationer or anyone else to say. The human soul of each person is the only true judge of his or her action. The disciple on probation who learns to close the door of expectation earns the calmness of heart and, therefore, of his emotions immediately. The last plateau or high ground to be taken in the Probationers battle of life is the purification of the mind. All of the fixations, prejudices and narrow or closed-minded concepts must be shattered. The accident of birth in this country or that, the incarnation into that race body or another, the countless clouds of limiting social thought-forms that date and hinder his or her mind from clear, pure thinking must be transcended and left behind. Here, again, conscious effort to control energy or thought processes is necessary. This is where Raja Yoga, the yoga of the mind, is brought to bear in the life of the Probationer. He learns to work with new concepts, ideas or seed thoughts. The reflective or meditative process itself serves to shatter the old barriers, the fixations and prejudices, as the lighted stream of thought builds new bridges of conscious-
ness between individuals, groups, nations, races and creeds. In due time, having proved his or her ability to keep the probationary standards set forth by his own soul, the Probationer moves on in consciousness to become the Initiate.
See more Russ Michael eBook excerpts at the back of this book. For information on how to obtain Russ Michael eBooks or to sign up for my daily free spiritual Michael Worldwide Newsletter, see Final Notes from the Author Scribe at the end of this book.
Chapter 9
First Degree has consciously gained the majority control of his own physical appetites. He or she has become a World Citizen. There is a full recognition for the need and desire to be of physical service wherever possible to alleviate world suffering. The soul is making its presence felt in his or her dense gross brain and the man or woman becomes a positive, uplifting force in the family, community, national or world life. In the wonderful Age of Aquarius, when spiritual stimulation proffers immense opportunity for evolutionary advancement, it is possible for a disciple to take up to three initiations in one lifetime. When the Second Initiation occurs, the Initiate gains the majority control of his emotional nature. The love aspect (pure soul energy) becomes suddenly or gradually pronounced. Now the Initiate of the Second Degree not only is inclusive with all races, creeds, groups and nations at a physical level, but at an emotional or heart level as well. The love that stirs within him or her bridges across to every human being upon earth; there is a genuine love response to all of humanity. Animal emotion is under control. In its stead, the sure, cool identification, attachment through detachment, prevails! Pure reason presides. Man finally graduates into human awareness, human sensitivity, and human response. In the due course of events, the light of the soul gradually enables the light of life, meaning spiritual light, to be discerned. Thus the Father within be-
comes self-evident to the Initiate. He slowly manages to exert the majority control over his mental body or mind. This precipitates the Third Initiation. Now the prevailing tone of synthesis plays through the consciousness of the Initiate of the Third Degree. The law is that the greater always includes the lesser, though the lesser cannot include the greater. Therefore, not only does the Initiate of the Third Degree include the many aspects of the physical, emotional and mental kingdoms of nature within his awareness, he is also able to synthesize them all together. He or she recognizes the fact that life not only exists in every form, but that it also holds every form and its parts together. The hallmark of the Initiate of the Third Degree is his ability to respond to Spirit. He is able to focus on the Will of God upon earth and lives therefore by the revelation or vision of God. Gods will is the underlying and objective purpose of his or her existence. Another outstanding characteristic of this Initiate is his or her ability to control time. The Initiate of the Third Degree does an average of three times the amount of work as the normal man or woman in the same period of time. This is because he can wield the fifth ray energy wisely. He can eliminate the non-essentials and focuses only on that which constitutes merit under any situation. Little does the average person realize how much loss of economy of timethus lifeis wasted on relatively non-essential details. Only the person with a broad grasp, a sense of synthesis, is able to correctly gauge the true situa-
tion and give the proper amount of time to the various functions that need his attention. A last and important point that must be understood at this juncture is that the Initiate of any of these first three degrees merely has a majority control over his physical, emotional, or mental appetites. Therefore, it is unwise to judge a man or woman who has reached this high status of consciousness by the event of time, rather than the intent of time. If anyone presumes to judge another, then let his judgment be upon the major thrust of the life direction of the one upon whom he renders his judgment. For, as pointed out by my beloved Tibetan Master, if we place undue emphasis upon the little faults of loved ones, friends, strangers or co-workers, we lose sight of the grandeur of the soul shining radiantly within them. We forget the countless good things and heights within and without that we have shared or may share with them soon. Let us be meek and humble before the soul of another, for the humble and the meek shall inherit the earth. So be it.
Chapter 10
The Adept is pure soul. He or she has become a perfected human being through his or her own hardfought struggles. They have overcome the temptations of the flesh, one-by-one, until none remain to hinder her or his true Self-expression. The Adept may take on the same physical form as he wore before taking his Fourth Initiation, if he or she chooses; or he or she may build a male or female body of their own liking at will. If the latter maya varupamaya means not physically real and varupa means bodyis built and used, it looks just like any other body of skin and bones and flesh, especially when dressed in the garb of the country or of the day. The Adept simply gathers together the 3-D substance that he needs from the reservoir that exists at each levelphysical, emotional, and mentaland shapes the size, shape, color, gender, form and characteristics adequate to his or her functions within the lower three worlds. It is that latter ability of the Adept to create or recreate his body at will that has given rise to the statement that Adepts can appear and disappear at will, for it is a fact. There is nothing in the three worlds that an Adept cannot do at will. And, whether he or she is in the body or not, an Adept can work in both the seen and unseen worlds. He or she can bridge across time and space, to past, present and future. All the worlds and elemental forces within the worlds beneath her or him are at an Adept's command.
This is the ultimate freedom of the human soul. The Adept has overcome the trammels of matter and stands free as the arbiter of his or her destiny. Surely, this is a goal worthy of every man and woman upon earth. The Master within calls to us constantly, the Adept is the one who hears and responds to that call. May we each and all hear and respond to that call soon ourselves.
More What People Are Saying can be found near the end of this book. For information on how to obtain Russ Michael eBooks or to sign up for my daily free spiritual Michael Worldwide Newsletter, see Final Notes from the Author Scribe at the end of this book.
Chapter 11
A Master can dominate everything that evolves through duality within the three worlds. Through the practice of meditation, He has learned the laws of mind. He is capable of expanding His mind to include and demonstrate the power of the Law of Universal Mind on earth. A Master stands above the five senses of the world. He has merged the five into the synthesis two. He thus has a true sense of proportion and a correct recognition of the geometry of the world. He knows reality fully and the illusions of the three worlds can no longer entrap him. A Master has left the Hall of Learning and walks in the Hall of Wisdom. In graduation through the five grades of awareness, He has transmuted lower mind into pure mind, desire into intuition, and consciousness into pure spirit. All of this, He has accomplished through a disciplined life of steadfast daily meditation. A Master has learned to take the straightest line of consciousness to His Father in Heaven. He truly knows the full meaning of consciousness, life, and spirit. A Master has become the five-pointed star. He has moved out of the Quaternary and entered into the Triad. A Master of Wisdom is one who has made a choice to stay on earth to help His fellowmen. He thus limits or sacrifices Himself that other men and women may also attain the high goals of evolution. It is through the manipulation of thought, matter,
meditation and work on the mental bodies of the human race that the evolutionary process proceeds. A Master functions consciously in the body of the Heavenly Man to Whose Body He belongs. He understands and works wisely with groups and group souls. He Himself stands at the head of an Ashram or ray group. Through meditation, His sense of unity is esoterically understood and all separateness is transcended. A Master is a First Initiate with The Greater White Brotherhood of Sirius. He is in touch with all galactic Solar systems and will soon expand His conscious outreach into cosmic dimensions beyond the limiting surmise of man on earth. A Master knows and wields Words of Power. He uses these to aid the various kingdoms of nature evolving on His planet. He blends His consciousness with the Third Aspect of the Planetary Logos. Eventually, through these Words, he learns to work with the First Aspect of our Logos, as he takes the Sixth and Seventh Initiations. A Master is one who works with the heads of our planetary hierarchy, and with heads of the other three hierarchies connected with our chain. When He takes the Sixth and Seventh Initiations He will begin working with the heads of all seven planetary logos of our solar system. At that point, He will embrace the entire objective solar system within His consciousness. Some Masters work at personally training groups of students, though other Masters do not.
It is all a matter of choice. Masters choose, just like you and I do. Free choice, natural aptitudes and individual proclivities are innate within every atom of nature. Without free choice, we could not become, would not and could not be the new breeds of gods and goddesses maturing upon our Earth. Do Masters marry? Yes, the Masters will demonstrate the physical married life in this age. They will show that mastery can and should be demonstrated in all works of life. The true marriage is, of course, between body and spirit. These must be fused or wedded in all of us. May the day be with us soon when you and I are a Master, when you and I are no longer confined or cribbed to the lower four sheaths, when karma will have run its course and you and I will stand forth as a radiant light in the heavens of earth. So be it.
Chapter 12
impels His or Her consciousness in a divine line of direction. What are the ways and how many are there for the Cohan? There are six other waysseven in all from which the Sixth Initiate may choose. He may decide to pursue His present course, the way of earth service or earthly service on another planet. In this case, She or He would stay upon our planet Earth and continue to be one of the ruling hierarchy upon one of the seven major streams of consciousness in the human kingdom, or upon a major electrical stream in one of the other subhuman kingdoms. Should the Cohan decide to leave earth and trod another way within the heavens, He or She could take any one of six directions through space. All of these ways are simply personal expansions and extensions into subtler dimensions of awareness and control within the six other worlds of experience. The choice made is a conscious one and invariably correct for His or Her natural abilities and talents. What is most important is that the Cohan chooses the highest way, for He, like the Third and Ninth Initiate, can choose to go the lower way if He wills it, for power earned is power available, at any level. It may be used for good or bad, for the evolution or involution of the Self. Fortunately, very few Initiates choose the way of the Dark Brotherhood. They continue naturally upon the way of evolution, thus the path or way of the White Brotherhood. Those Cohans Who do stay upon our planet to aid our planetary deity, Sanat Kumara, will stay until all the evolutionary work on earth is consum-
mated. Thus at all times, humankind and his lesser brothers in consciousness, the subhuman entities, have a guiding hierarchy lighting their way in the heavens. According to the Master Djwhal Khul, the great Cohan whom we all know from biblical history as Jesus, and who was then a Fourth Initiate, was to be working out of Rome in his physical vest (body) by or before the year 1980 (see note below) providing all of the hierarchical plans of evolution as then seen went on schedule. Not only He, but also many other Cohans will then be in the skin and fully known and recognized by their fellow co-workers, as well as by the masses upon earth. Therefore, let us all be busy preparing the way, that their work will be highly effective and the Christ may reappear. NOTE FROM AUTHOR: there has been much speculation in esoteric circles that Pope John was an actual preliminary unrecognized incarnation or an incarnated soul-fragment of Jesus. The end times, our final seventh Golden Age on Earth surely now on our immediate horizon, when our E.T. galactic neighbors arrive in masshas now been extended to by or before 2012 A.D. The year 2007 may well be when this blessed arrival of our space brothers and sisters event occurs on our Earth. Let us all hold the vision that it may be soon. So be it. Bless us all.
Chapter 13
s we move into higher regions of God consciousness, the ability of words to communicate meaning becomes lessened and finally nil. Just as there is no way that a car mechanic could go back in time and explain to a primitive savage the working principles and purposes of pistons, rods, spark plugs, transmissions and so forth, to the undeveloped intellect; all these things whether in appearance or theoryare meaningless symbols or abstractions. In the same way, the life and purpose of a Mahacohan is beyond exact human definition. However, we can set forth certain postulates. A Mahacohan is an Initiate of the Seventh Degree. This means He or She responds to all seven phenomenal streams of electricity. A Mahacohan is an Initiate of a lesser degree at cosmic levels. A Mahacohan embraces the entire solar system in his consciousness. A Mahacohan usually holds a post in Shamballa, where the will of God is known. Maha means great, so a Mahacohan is a Great Cohan. The Mahacohan, meaning the specific Master who heads up this one of three major departments of human affairs on Earth, presides over the material affairs of civilization. He heads up the business of 73
keeping the wheels of life turning properly. This explains why one of the many titles bequeathed on this great Master is The Lord of Civilization.
Chapter 14
t one point in the grand caravan of life through the heavens, man truly becomes God. The goal of humanity, or of man, is to become a God, just as the goal of an ordinary atom at our feet is to become a man. All of us have burst forth from nothing (no thing) at atomic levels and have risen over eons of time to the stage of human individualization. By the same token, our continuous path or return to our Central Source, the One God, takes us through many hundreds of human incarnations. Eventually, as Adepts, we graduate out of the human family into the Spiritual Kingdom. There, as Masters, we finally transcend the spiritual plane to become Sixth Degree Initiates, or Cohans, at the monadic plane of consciousness. The last plateau of our journey in human consciousness is achieved when we surmount monadic awareness and partake fully in Divine Consciousness, attaining the rank and manifestation of a Mahacohan. From that supreme human posture, we make the grand transition to God Consciousness as a Planetary Deity. Thus a new God is born!
Who is to say what constitutes the work and recreation, the plan and purpose of planetary deities, for we as fourth graders (human kingdom) may attempt to understand the eighth grader (planetary deity), but that is too vast of a leap for human consciousness! Thus, let us as students of Mysteries be content in knowing that there are divine progression and order, above and below. We are not left alone, bereft of aid, but are eternally linked, point-by-point, light-by-light to the Son of Sunsof Suns without end!
Chapter 15
such powerful first ray energies, His gaze appears stern at first glance; yet is quickly offset by the expression of Godliness shining radiantly within His eyes. The Master M., as He is sometimes called, lives with His centuries old friend and close co-worker, the Master Koot Humi (also spelled Kuthumi). These two Masters dwell in houses close together and work in close association with each other. All of the mystery schools and large esoteric organizations of any kind fall under the care and jurisdiction of the Master M. He also works closely with the great devas and angels who aid Him in His work of guidance with struggling humanity. His last external authoritative position was a Rajput Prince in India. The Master Morya has many American and European pupils. The Master Koot Humi has deep-set blue eyes, expressing a love of the ages. He has golden brown hair and a beard of the same color. His complexion is fair. Though lighter in build than the Master M., He holds a very noble bearing. Educated at a British University, He speaks several languages, reads many books and constantly energizes the great philosophic and philanthropic institutions of the world. The Master K.H., also a Cohan and a second ray Master, stands next in line for the post of planetary Christ. Since our existing planetary Christ, the Master Maitreya, will be finishing His work on earth by 2025, the Master Koot Humi will soon assume that exulted post.
The Master K.H. works side-by-side with our Lord Maitreya and the Master Jesus seeking to unite eastern and western thinking. They aim to establish One Church upon earth. The Master Jesus, a sixth ray Master, later took His Fifth Initiation as Appollonyius of Tyana. Today, He occupies a Syrian body and lives in the Holy Land, though He travels extensively through Europe. Tall and spare, He has piercing blue eyes, a fair complexion, and black hair. A martial figure, this beloved Master is a man of iron rule and will, a strong disciplinarian. His work centers on the task of preparing the world for the coming of the Great Teacher. Well known in Bible history first as Joshua the Son of Nun and next as Jeshua at the time of Ezra, He is the Piscean-Age Disciple Who was divinely overshadowed by our planetary Christ two-thousand years ago. He presides as a distinct General over the affairs of the Christian Church and works closely with several Anglican and Catholic prelates who actually know, but preserve secret, His true identity. The Master Rackowzi, a seventh ray Master, has the form of a Hungarian, with a home in the Carpathian Mountains. There is a great deal of reference to Him in old history books, where He was a wellknown person in the Hungarian Court. A small, spare figure of a man with black hair and a black pointed beard, He has often held the public spotlight. Called the Count by His distinguished colleagues, the Master R. acts as the general
manager for carrying out, thus of grounding, the plans of the White Brotherhood. He was known in history as Comte de St. Germaine and incarnated as both Roger Bacon and Francis Bacon. Being a seventh ray Master, He prefers to employ ritual and ceremony in His work and constantly vitalizes the Freemasons and other such ceremonial organizations. The Master Hilarion, formerly known as Paul of Tarsus, a fifth ray Master, today occupies a Cretan body and spends a great amount of His time in Egypt. He wrote the interesting treatise Light on the Path and works very closely to support and uplift the spiritualistic movement and psychical research groups now so prevalent in all nations upon earth. He works incessantly to aid in the removal of the veil between the seen and unseen. Certain devas of the astral plane work closely with Him. All the while, He seeks out and assists psychics of a higher order to develop their powers. The Master Djwhal Khul took His Fifth Initiation to become a Master in 1875. His is a Tibetan and is extremely devoted to His teacher, the Master K.H., Who lives in a small house nearby. Profoundly learned, the Tibetan knows more about the rays and planetary hierarchies than any other Master on Earth. He was who telepathically dictated a greater part of the Secret Doctrine to H.P. Blavatsky, as well as most of the many astute esoteric volumes authored under the name of Alice A. Bailey.
As a second ray server, the Master D.K. spends much time teaching and healing. He has many thousands of students and devoted Disciples in almost every major country upon earth, and presides over several other Masters and high Adepts in His Ashram as well. The Master Serapis, a fourth ray Master, is known as the Egyptian. He stands behind and slowly fosters the great New Age art movements, the evolution of drama, painting, music and so forth. This Master works with the angel, or deva, evolution to make these beautiful new revelations manifest. The Master P., also a fourth ray Master, resides in North America. It was He Who initiated the many New Thought schools and religions like Christian Science, Unity, Religious Science, Silva Mind Control, etc. He occupies an Irish body and works closely with the Master Serapis. Of the two known English Masters, neither one takes on new chelas or students as we understand the term. One of them lives in Great Britain and deftly guides the Labor movement throughout the world. This Master has taken a directing hand on the rising tide of democracy. He seeks to eliminate centralization and competition and replace with distribution and cooperation instead. The Venetian Master, our planetary Mahacohan, presides as Lord of Civilization on earth. It has been indicated that the Master R. is being trained to take over this great planetary post.
Our present planetary Christ, Lord Maitreya, a Cohan, Lord of Love and Compassion, occupies the focal point of second ray energy on earth. Our Christ is unique in two distinct ways. He has become the first human being of our own matured earth humanity to attain the post of planetary Christ. From another interesting angle, He is the first planetary Christ to hold this post on our earth for two successive world periods of two thousand years each. Formerly in every two-thousand year world period in the past, a different Master has held the post of Christ on earth. Our Lord Maitreya is known as the Master of Masters and Teacher of Angels. Thus, He presides over the deva or angelic kingdom as well as over humanity. The Supreme Master, Sanat Kumara, is literally the KING, Lord of the World, directing all evolution on earth. He is the God in Whom we live and move and have our Being. He is known as The Ancient of Days, Melkezidek, the Youth of Endless Summers, the Fountainhead of Will, the Silent Watcher, and countless other divine names. All life on Earthin form and formlessissues from HIM. The Buddha, Lord of Wisdom, has already transcended earth work. He has gone off to service in greater areas of the Cosmos. However, He visits our planet and gives it a blessing yearly at that annual conclave of our Spiritual Hierarchy called the Wesak Festival.
These are a few of the many known and unknown Masters and Adepts Who work unseen in the background of human life. They are real. They and Their Disciples constitute The Great White Brotherhood, Who truly does rule over the evolutionary destiny of humankind on earth. May you soon consciously walk freely and nobly by their side.
More What People Are Saying can be found near the end of this book. For information on how to obtain Russ Michael eBooks or to sign up for my daily free spiritual Michael Worldwide Newsletter, see Final Notes from the Author Scribe at the end of this book.
Chapter 16
Beware of the man or woman who hails him or herself as a Master (or permits, unchecked, his or her disciples to herald such sacred information to the masses). No Master even seeks to call attention to Himself and to His work. He is far too busy working, and is ever preserving occult silence so that His good work proceeds without undue resistance. D.K. is a second ray Master and, like all other hierarchical members, has a direct superior or guru. His own revered teacher is the Master K.H., or Koot Humi, Who too is a second ray Master. In turn, Koot Humi (Who is now training for the post of our Planetary Christ) is a diligent student of the Lord Maitreya, our existing planetary Christ. Lord Maitreya is the supreme second ray Master on earth, known by Master and masses alike, as the Master of Masters and Teacher of Teachers. Thus, a great stream of Light, Love, and Power is transmitted down from the heavens, in direct line, from these great Masters on through their Disciples and the New Group of World Servers to light the dark places of men. Djwhal Khul acts as a General Manager over earthly hierarchical affairs. It is His task to see that the Word is heard and transmitted down through the lowest trammels of matter. He is fondly referred to by His fellow hierarchical co-workers as The Messenger of the God. And of the Masters on earth (Christ excepted), He is said to know more about natural law and the astrophysics of the universe than any other member of the hierarchy.
You merely need to glance at the Secret Doctrine and Isis Unveiled authored (or rather scribed) by Madam Blavatsky (60 percent of which He telepathically dictated to her) and you know the statement is correct. The other forty percent of the material received and published by Madam Blavatsky on these profound works was dictated by the Masters Morya and Koot Humi. Add to the above colossal works, the eighteen and one-half astute volumes on the Mysteries dictated one hundred percent by Himself to Alice A. Bailey, and you have a stupendous output of data on the Science of Life unmatched by any other modern hierarchical agent on earth. All the Masters are unique in their greatness. I merely report here that Djwhal Khul is an outstanding specialist in this field. It was prophesied that: In approximately 1925, D.K. will finish dictating the last third of His three-part presentation to earthly humanity. Then, a Senior Initiate in His ashram will transmit the balance of revelation He has taken upon Himself to reveal to humankind here. (This prophecy was fulfilled in 1975.) Djwhal Khul was also the first hierarchical recipient (directly from the Christ) of the Great Invocation. In sequence, He shared this great new world prayer with key disciples in His ashram. He then relayed it out into mass consciousness via His Disciples, the New Group of World Servers, and men and
women of goodwill in all the major countries upon earth. As a result, in only a few decades this world prayer has been voiced and read more upon earth than the familiar Lords Prayer. In essence, it is literally the new Lords Prayer! The wording has merely been updated to fit our age. Within this Great Invocation are the divine healing forces that may heal all nations. The Light, Love, and Power of God Himself are prayed for in this new prayer. Djwhal Khul is also one of the few Masters who takes on new pupils by the thousands. Since every new student is a personal liability and a great spiritual responsibility, it is no wonder that He is so well loved by myself and all other of His conscious followers. It is my extreme pleasure, beloved Master and teacher of mine, to walk upon earth with you, and I express through this volume, for all humanity and myself. many, many heartfelt thanks for the endless good work (Gods work) you have done for humankind! Thank you, my dear beloved brother in spirit, Djwhal Khul.
Chapter 17
These and scores of other illumined World Servers rose to the occasion and accomplished their missions. All of them succeeded. Not one was a failure! Today we have a New Group of World Servers. These individuals (though many are the same souls) sound quite a different note. The keynote for all World Servers in this age is SYNTHESIS. All of them are working for cooperation and fusion between groups. A partisan approach is totally contrary to their natures. Each one of these New Age World Servers seeks to unite brother with brother, group with group, and nation with nation. Thus, the confining, limiting walls of separation will come tumbling down. A balanced circulation of energy will flow from person to person, group to group, country to country. This is how the prophesied healing of the nations will occur and is now occurring. There are thousands of these New Age Disciples already in the body, working silently in the fields. They are of every race and body type, male and female, young and old. Their main characteristic is their constant sound of synthesis. They are busy in every major country upon earth, bridging between every major branch of human life. They can be seen (by those who have eyes to see) working in government, religion, education, medicine, business, science, social services, art, philanthropy, civil affairs and all other key walks of life. These souls, many of them readers of this volume, you and me, all knew and fully accepted their mission prior to incarnation. Some kept a continuity of consciousness and therefore began their mission
early; that applies especially to those old souls who incarnated in wealthy families. These individuals will make a right use, a spiritual use, of money. Steward Rawlings Mott is one of these, whether conscious of membership or not. His interest in population control and other socially significant concerns at an early age is apparent. Ralph Nader, Leo Russell, Richard Buckminster Fuller, Jack Shwartz, Dr. Douglas Baker, Swami Rama, Ray Stanford, Uri Geller, Komar, Noel Street, William Finch, Anthony Fisichella, Henry Nagorka, Don Curtis, Gina Cerminara, Jonathan Stone, Diana Adkins, George Harrison, Jane Roberts, Jerry and Esther Hicks; and literally thousands of the other New Group of World Servers are in the body working in their respective fields. All of them are force centers or points of light in their field. Each one can be recognized for his or her obvious one world view and constant sounding out of the need for spiritual unity and synthesis. The New Group of World Servers began incarnating into human form on earth immediately after the great planetary spiritual conclave in 1925. Some, like Martin Luther King, John F. Kennedy, Robert Kennedy, as well as many other great souls (Walter Russell, for example) have come and gone out of human form already. Some of these have already reincarnated again, and many tens of thousand of very high and old souls are taking on new bodies again. This New Group of World Servers gives physical form to the communion of Saints upon earth. They
have chosen to prepare the way for our planetary Christ, to aid Him and His Heavenly Hosts usher in the New Age.
Chapter 18
1. 2. 3.
editation, or Raja Yoga, is a science. The formal patterns of meditation vary, but the results are the same. There is a startling difference in the attitudes and values of the person who goes into the silence. Normally, the average person is overloaded with electricity. Most of it is frictional electricity, caused and generated by the inter-movement with other physical objects. This static electricity is discharged one of three ways: An explosion of anger or other hard physical action. Dissipated over a period of time via natural discharge from extremities (hands and feet). Through meditation by releasing the tension from our physical, emotional and mental bodies.
This occurs the moment you or I let go of the tight grip that we have on each of these bodies. The entire world can be approached scientifically as a unified field of electricity. One God equals one electricity. One divides into three different electrical streams in every atom of nature. Every particle of
nature, whether star size or pinpoint, may be correctly differentiated into spirit, soul and body. Body is the outer, exterior part of any three-inone unity. Most people are focused at that level. Our entire lower self, or personality, is a quaternary made up of four specific shells, rings, bands or frictional force fields, namely: (1) Gross mass; (2) Etheric physical; (3) Etheric astral; and (4) Etheric mental. This is the tabernacle-four-square in which you live. Therefore, do understand that you are none of these four coats of skin (as referred to in Genesis). You are not the body (gross or etheric). You are not your emotions. You are not your mind. You are the soul and these are your instruments. Think about it. Who is it inside of you, the I Am that says my body? You might say, my mind. All right then, who inside of you says, my mind? It is you, THE SOUL. Your mind is your servant. If not, then you are the slave and your mind is your master. This is why Christ, who overshadowed His Disciple Jesus two thousand years ago, said, You cannot serve God and man. You either give life to your lower self (personality and any of its parts), or to your higher Self (your human soul). The regular practice of daily meditation will quiet the electric storms within the personality. As you move away from your erroneous and center your consciousness in your true Soul-Self, it automatically does two things:
1. 2.
The tension between you, the Soul, and your parts is discharged. Your lower four bodies are recharged to a proper balance.
Naturally, when you come out of your meditation posture you feel good, and Good is a corruption of the word God. That is how you want to feel like God. This also explains why you feel so holy after meditation. For holy means when a person is whole, whole-I, they are sound and well. It is only the fragmented person or personality that is ill or diseased. My book, Why and How of Meditation, explains in detail how you can scientifically achieve the greatest economy from your meditation pattern. Since meditation is the key technique for developing greater self-awareness and self-control, I recommend that you obtain and read it. Meditation is a science, just like any other form of science. It can be improved as the scientist taps greater Laws of Life. The greatest Adepts, Masters, Cohans, Mahacohans, etc., still use an extended form of Raja Yoga meditation techniques to further Their Self-advancement. They all have arrived at their sublime heights through these same meditation techniques you and I are using today. Let us use this same science to ascend to those heights ourselves.
Chapter 19
needs of life that you encounter moment-tomoment every day. The Science of Service is the applied ability to distinguish between desires and need. It is the conscious sorting and setting forth of the essential priorities versus the non-essential time-consuming trivia that bogs the often wellmeaning, but shortsighted, server. This Science of Service has an immediate effect on the scientist who uses it (the server). It produces almost immediately what meditation by itself can never do. It awakens the etheric centers within you. This is the consuming, transmuting, golden flame of service that speeds the Disciple on to Adeptship. A loving life of steadfast harmlessness and service opens the proper chakras and produces the psychic powers and other desirable traits that all advanced Initiates possess. This is the only safe way to lift the kundalini forces at the base of your spine. Action breeds action, thus every act of service increases the range of power and effectiveness in the being of the server. That explains why the busy man always asks another busy man for help. The idlers who have plenty of time for meditation are spiritually selfish. They lack the initiative needed to carry out immediately needed objectives. Therefore, be wiseseek out the company and help of busy men or women. This volume is written as an act of service. Through much new light of knowledge now shining in the otherwise dark rooms of your consciousness, you can hopefully see your own pathway clearer.
Thus, since this is practical, down-to-earth knowledge being transmitted to you, try it! See how much action you breed by initiating it. Remember, action breeds action! Say the first word of greeting, of forgiveness, of sympathy, of love. Extend the first helping hand to family, friends, and neighbors, to the organizations in your community that deserve and need your support. Give your money, possessions and time, but above all, give yourself in service! Do it scientifically and you will soon be a Master. Such Mastery may be possible in this lifetime. Do remember, beloved of mine, only the server (the servant) reverses the wheel of circumstance (a stance that takes full circle) of life and becomes the Master instead! May that be your own high and welldeserved status of Self-Power, Compassion and Wisdom soon.
More What People Are Saying can be found near the end of this book. For information on how to obtain Russ Michael eBooks or to sign up for my daily free spiritual Michael Worldwide Newsletter, see Final Notes from the Author Scribe at the end of this book.
Chapter 20
he difference between the sound, color and activity of the White Magician and the Black Magician can be clearly known and seen by all.
White magic is the ancient tool of the member of the White Brotherhood. Black magic is the ancient tool of the member of the Black Brotherhood. Magic is simply the exhibited use of natural law. A greater law is applied to the consciousness or form of life and the miracle that results is called magic. In essence, there are neither miracles nor magic, THERE IS ONLY LAW! No mortal man or highest magician (black or white) can change any law. The magician must work with law; he cannot change it. He simply applies the use of a greater law to his situation, thus transcends the otherwise limiting, or offending, time-spacemotion ratios. Magic can be defined as the lawful use of forces or energies, resulting in the collapse of normal time-space-motion relationships. When one or two primary relationships are altered, it produces a subsequent modification of the remaining one (or two).
If the magician lengthens or shortens time, then motion and space are modified proportionately. Speed up or slow down motion, and time and space are modified proportionately. Increase or decrease space, and time and motion are modified proportionately. These are all lawful productions of phenomenal events. Action (or cause) is applied by the magician and reaction (or effect) is manifested, thus magic is produced. The most pertinent question that concerns you and me should be, How can we discern the difference between the work of the White Magician and the Black Magician? The answer rests in the wellknown and immutably true phrase, By their fruits all men shall be known! What then are these fruits? How can you and I, on a day-to-day, moment-to-moment, down-to-earth basis, gauge the difference between those out to destroy us and those out to aid us? The following yardstick is an eternally accurate measuring stick. Use it to measure your works, or the works of your fellow humans. This yardstick applies equally to individual, group, national, planetary, or interplanetary relationships.
The Yardstick
HIGHER END: He or she who, by thought, feeling, word or action, frees, lifts, unites and progresses individuals, groups, nations, races or creeds does the work of God, of Christ, of light. He or she is the White Magician or His agent. LOWER END: He or she who, by thought, feeling, word or action, imprisons, lowers, separates and retards individuals, groups, nations, races or creeds does the work of Satan, of Anti-Christ, of darkness. He or she is the Black Magician or His agent. Memorize and use this yardstick, and from this day on you will never again be in the dark as to whether you or another is doing the right or wrong thing. Do not allow yourself to be swayed by the specious argument that all is one by those who wish to pursue their lower ways without conscious interfering; who say sweetly, There is no difference! There is a world of difference! Yes, the difference is relative; but it is your relativity that counts! Which world do you choose to live in? Be assured; you will be known by all by the above yardstick. There will be no secrets in this New Age. They are already being shouted from the rooftops. All personal, as well as national and international Watergates will be known. They are being broadcast from antenna to antenna. You broadcast exactly what you are!
As this yardstick becomes globally known (and it shall), every thought, feeling, word and action of yours, of your group, your creed, your race, and your nation will be known too. Do think about it. Which end of this yardstick will others apply to you?
Chapter 21
this great Teacher of Teachers and Master of Masters forwarded it to the Master Djwhal Khul, requesting He present it to the masses. Since that inception by Christ only 40 years ago, through mass communication and technology, this new Lords Prayer, the Great Invocation, has already been said or sounded forth more times than the old Lords Prayer has been said in two thousand years. It has been divinely designed (as only the Christ can so Masterfully design) to bridge across the narrow doctrines of all philosophies and religions upon earth. It invokes not only the imminent reappearance of our Planetary Christ, but summarizes with a call for the very Light, Love and Power of God Himself to restore the divine Plan He holds in His Being for Earth. This means a restoration of true spiritual values and surrender of the false man-made material values. If your meditation group, religious study group, or your own church group has not yet discovered the beauty and blessed use of The Great Invocation, we urge you to make copies of this one and introduce it to them. The Great Invocation is a powerful prayer for individual, group, nation, race, or creed. Use it! It has the innate potency of its Creator, the Christ is within it, plus it has the added potency of the effect of law, for ENERGY FOLLOWS THOUGHT. Hundreds of millions of souls on earth have heard, reflected, and sounded out this sacred prayer with much devotion.
Study it. Ponder it. Sound it out audibly. Use it often and you will bless the world, as well as yourself.
See more of this excerpt and other Russ Michael eBook excerpts at the back of this book. For information on how to obtain Russ Michael eBooks or to sign up for my daily free spiritual Michael Worldwide Newsletter, see Final Notes from the Author Scribe at the end of this book.
Chapter 22
he answer to that questionor factual statementhas been ruefully apparent to the onlooking White Brotherhood up through the ages. Man has almost entirely forgotten the source of his becoming. He lost his true identity. He wrongly assumed that he was his animal body, his animal passions, and his gross animal thoughts. Thus, he has clung tightly to his physical, emotional, or mental body; possessed with the delusion that, during his varying levels of polarization, he was literally one or the other of these elemental lives. At last, the light shines within the world. Reality can now be seen clearly. Man is his soul, not his mechanisms. He uses these divine instruments to move within the heights, widths, and depths of the three lower realmsthe mysterious and awesome mental, astral, and etheric worlds. The following mantra, repeated and brooded upon several times daily, will aid you to establish your own genuine God awareness, your own true Self-identity as your I Am soul:
Identification Affirmation
I AM NOT my body I AM NOT my emotions! I AM NOT my mind! I AM THE SOUL and these are my instruments! The man or woman who finally reaches and holds this point of true identification with real human Self has attained conscious Goddess-hood or God-hood. At long last, at this great crossroad of the long journey of His consciousness up through the trammels of matter, man becomes God! This is but the first infant step upon the shining path before Him (you). At this juncture, He can see the greater Light of which He is a part. He can say as Jesus, the man who become God twenty centuries ago, My Father and I are One. Once God Man knows Himself, He will forevermore consciously pass through this shining infancy of Godship to glorious maturity after maturity. He will go radiantly from Father to Father, Source to Source, until He returns fully to Himself, the One God, the One Life, the One Creator of all heavens and earths. Know, as you move ahead, that all of the highest Gods you can imagine once trod an earth like ours, as humans like you and I, just as you and I were eons past but tiny atoms upon some earth. Furthermore, every minute atom in the sands, seas and all breaths of life will someday walk upon
an earth in human form. ALL moves from NOTHING to SOMETHING to NOTHING endlessly. Truly all is ONE, and you and I are that ONE in SPIRIT, though not yet in consciousness or form. Know that Man becomes God at the moment He recognizes, accepts, and displays His Divinity. May you do it soon. Know now fully well that The Great White Brotherhood stands by and reaches a strong hand down to all those brave souls who climb the mountain of aspiration toward conscious, gloriously aware I Am Self-Divinity. May the heavens open and pour down a great divine flow of Light, Love, and Power into your life, into the lives of your loved ones, and into your work. So be it. Bless your heart. We are One. I Am, Russ Michael.
SETH Speaks, by Jane Roberts. Read all of the many SETH books. Autobiography of a Yogi, by Yogananda Parmahansa. A classic that is published in 40 or more languages. Be sure to read this one. Wowee! The Masters of the Far East, by Baird Spaulding (series of 4 books). Very inspirational and a fascinating adventures read. The Seven Rays, by Alice A Bailey. All 20-plus books in the Alice A. Bailey series. The Magic Presence, by Godfre Ray King. All of the 20plus St. Germain I Am book series by Godfre Ray King. ALL Deepak Chopra books ALL Louise Hays books ALL my own Russ Michael books (please see the final section, Final Note from the Author Scribe, for information on how to obtain eBooks and how to sign up for my FREE daily email Michael Worldwide Newsletter) Finding Your Soulmate, by Russ Michael. In 13 languages, this best seller is still selling strong after 35 years. Publisher: Jan Johnson Red Wheel/Weiser Books/Conari Press, 500 3rd Street, Suite 230, San Francisco, CA 94107. Phone: 415-978-2665, x102. Fax: 415-869-1022. Email: or visit their website at Your Soulmate is Calling, by Russ Michael. Hazard Press New Zealand (in 12 languages). Email: or visit their website at
Autobiography of an IMMORTAL, by Michael, I Am (AKA Russ Michael). Already contracted for publication in Romanian, Greek and German. I am expecting to contract publication with an English language publication soon. Available to publishers in Word or as a PDF file through email: THE SECRETis No Secret Anymore. ASK and There Is NOTHING You Cannot BEDO or HAVE, by Russ Michael. Available through this publisher, and probably many others worldwide. Available to publishers in Word or as a PDF file through my email: Soulmates, Twin Rays and Special Lovers, by Russ Michael. Latest authored book is expected to be published in many languages soon. Available to publishers in Word or as a PDF file through my email: HARNESSING the Power of The Universe, by Russ Michael. Coming up next. When completed, it will be available to publishers in Word or as a PDF file through email:
Just wanted you to know how much Finding Your SoulMate meant to me...I have given away about 5-6 copies of your book. Your lectures and ideas set forth in your book FINDING YOUR SOUL-MATE still have us searching for ours. The time we spent with you created another level of consciousness...we all enjoyed it very much. ...glad you decided to return to this planet for a while, we need you. Ive loaned SOUL-MATES to Sue Ann, WHITE MAGIC to Billie, and Im reading the MYSTERIES. I found your book Finding Your Soul-Mate at the ICC Brotherhood. I literally could not put it down till I had completely read it. Bless you. I want to let you know how much many of us in Omaha enjoyed your latest books. I love reading your e-mails and am collecting your books. Have three would now like to order books #1 -5- 7. That makes three more! Please forward instructions... CELEBRITIES I certainly applaud your intention and efforts to bring more responsible programming to television, and to foster a spiritual cleansing in our nation. -Pat Boone By the way, Sue Ann said she mentioned to you about Willie Nelson loving your book, The Great White Brotherhood, and that he wanted more copies of itmaybe a half dozen or so would do it for now. Note: Willie shared this book with Kris Kristofferson and many of his other peers. This book also led to a deep spiri-
tual and personal friendship between Willie and me, as disclosed in my autobiography. MAN IN PRISON I do feel very enlightened by your teachings and by thismy efforts to create good positive soul force has greatly improved.
Thanks for a real experience found during your seminar in find new and real beliefs. Thank you again for coming to Tucson and sharing your light and knowledge with us, we enjoyed your visit above all else this year...want to add a word of personal praise to your books, I read them all and am suggesting them to many others. My friend...of St. Louis called me today and told me about the wonderful experience she had in attending your lecture and seminar there. Im very sorry not to have been present. You have left me much to think about, probe into, thrill over and work with. Thank you for another marvelous workshop. Two years ago Russ Michael gave a seminar on the mysteries here in Santa Cruz. I have made rapid progress since then. It was truly a blessing to be able to attend your lecture...all of us in Little Rock are waiting with open arms for your return. We want to tell you how much everyone appreciated your enlightening lectures and workshops. So many people have been helped with the formula for creating a better self image. A huge thank you for a super terrific training conference. The quality of the training...was the most outstanding of any conference or seminar Ive ever attended. Doors are opening for me on subtle I examine my current belief systems and see the effect they have been having on me. Its a very interesting time. gives me such pleasure and joy to be saying to you thank you for your helpyou brought love back into my life.
Your instructions had the effect of synthesizing all the previous information I received.
evolved and inspired teachers in the world today. I know that all who are in touch with him will be inspired and will gain new vision for their own potential. -Donald Curtis ******
When you are sensual, you are dynamically alive, as opposed to being a seemingly unfeeling and sexless person. Sensuality makes the blood flow to the face and through your veins and organs. It brings a pleasing rush into your body consciousness and being. It makes you want to get up and conquer the world. Sensuality makes you feel like being productive and creative. It adds zip to your walk and your talk. Sensuality enhances everyone who has an abundant flow of it in their physical body both physically and spiritually. It makes you unusually attractive and magnetic. Therefore, cultivate and generate your own growing supply of ever on-hand sensuality as much as possible. Do not buy into the social-consciousness pressure that says being sensual is being sexual. It is no crime to be either sensual or sexual. Everyone is sexual whether they acknowledge it or not, as explained in more depth in later.
Instead of us ruling our bodies...our bodies...our ruling us. What a great waste of priceless consciously God-gifted new life moments. However a rare few individuals have learned how to be their goddess self or god self so totally that they indeed can know and easily express spiritual love to one another daily. The ultimate fantasy of a great spiritual love is very possible indeed. However it requires that both mates know who and what they are...and both feel 100 percent safe and secure in sharing and being vulnerable with each other. Until such a shared intimacy with others is known a fully expressed spiritual life is impossible. Yes...each one of us is a god in human form but only when we know and express it. Otherwise we are operating on and from a mass of neurons...firing electrically and chemically in our biological form...we call our physical human body. The hu in hu-man means spiritual! Hu and man together in one body form is named a human. The womb-man...naturally fits this same body/ spirit fusion as a female hu-man. A human is a human is a human. Once spiritual lovers impact with each other lightning strikes and the deep passionate love they share with each other defies description! Sheer bliss is....
Thousands of people have made their dreams come true by following the $UCCE$$ FORMULA outlined in this book and presented in my countless lectures in most of the major cities across our vast USA country. There is no reason
why you cannot make all of the yearning, burning desires within you a physical reality within any reasonable time that you choose. By the time you have finished reading this book you should feel completely assured that you can and will have all the success that you have ever longed for or dreamed about. Think about it. If I can make my wildest, seemingly impossible dreams come trueif tens of thousands of other ordinary individuals like myself and you have used this $UCCE$$ FORMULA to make their dreams come truewhy cant you? You can, of course! For no single person or group has any greater access to the universal wealth that is waiting to be shared than you or anyone else who chooses to have it. It is not necessary for you to have a single dollar or a single obvious talentor any kind of material possessionsto make this $UCCE$$ FORMULA work for you. The world is an ever-changing pattern of living energies, for no one is destined to hold a star or key position forever! The Creator Source of this world made it a school of learning, allowing each one of us in our own right and time to create joy or sadness, to find wealth or poverty, to know love and warm companionship or express, greed hatred and icecold loneliness. The very substance of earth, sun, moon, stars and endless realms of existence are in constant change. From one very real viewpoint this entire drama of creation is a huge play. The material world at our fingertips at any given moment gives each one of us the props and pieces set upon a huge theatre-in-the-round called Earth. You and I are the actors and actresses in a splendid, exciting living dream, watching and experiencing our faiths and our fears coming true. From this angle all the scenes and acts within this evermoving-drama-of-life are a dream. As Shakespearethat wise sage of old expressesWe are the substance that dreams are made of....
Just because we take the dream so very seriously does not make it so serious and sombre. Just because the atoms of stone and steel seem so hard and everlasting does not change the fact that they are only an electrical sea of ever-changing light and shadow energy patterns and shapes that will eventually all disappear! This earth, our moon, our sun and all the stars in the heavens above will someday be gone. Each thing in 3-D life experience takes on only a momentary dream form! The dream is real. It is significant, it has purpose, meaning and life. The purpose behind and within all dreams is that you and I learn how to build good life experiences together. That is your and my ultimate creative act. Our many deaths and births of ideas, ideals, idols formsare only relative expressions. Birth from one side of the coin is death and is life on the other side. From the viewpoint of the One Life there is no death! There is only a river or ocean of life moving continuously from point to point, sphere to sphere, world to world and from form to form. Life moves constantly in three steps from an idea of it to the most ideal etheric form of the final gross form structureor idolof it. In this book you will discover I make my dreams come true because I have learned how to leave the old nightmares and most ideas of limitation behind. Without vision, hope and a dream of something better, life becomes a living death for anyone! That is why the Biblical statement was often spoken. Without dreams we perish.
fest. I needed to allow me, for my belief factor, at least six months for my impossible dream to manifest physically into my world. Six months later, as is very detailed in my autobiography, the three great desires I had asked for lined up to be in my very real, living, joyful possession. You must understand, as I did then, that the vibratory place I then stood in consciousness to where I wanted to be was far too different from where I stood to be an instant, or even a three- or fourmonth manifestation from the ethers. To go from where I was to where I then strongly wanted to be in three short months was simply too big of a jump for my mind to accept. Thanks again to all my mentors, by Law I knew I had to believe absolutely in what I believed in. My mind found a six-month manifestation time-frame lag possible, and it proved to be true. I knew the Law of Attraction would only permit what....
... The ancient doctrines comprising the long held secret MYSTERIES were formulated far back in the distant night of time, long, long before our tiny planet Earth came into existence. The knowledge about these immovable laws of life and nature were handed up by spoken word from generation to generationfrom planet to planetfrom sun to sun until all the Sons of the Suns of the Sons and Suns in the heavensand sentient humanoids upon the countless planetary bodies like our earthare today able to discover the secret. Or perhaps led or drawn to He or Shein their midst who holds the Keys to the Kingdom....
more into worldly being. The God within us becomes a more radiant living reality outside of us. Your ideal does exist. May he or she unfold rapidly within your present field of awareness
Adept is only an Adept when he functions consciously as such. By no means are the members of The Great White Brotherhood out of this world. With a few rarely known exceptions, most of them maintain and operate a physical body like our own. An Adept is just as ordinary as you or I in our daily pursuits of life. Why do most Adepts remain in seclusion from the mass of humanity? Their seclusion is not necessarily physical seclusion, for several of them live unknown among us. It is seclusion in thought and word; they dont tell us who they are. So you may indeed look with great suspicion upon any loudly and self-proclaimed Adept...for this is contrary to all occult rules. They will appear and give their true identities againas soon as humanity is uplifted enough and readybut in no case will they herald the fact publicly.
He clearly envisioned, saw and felt the $80,000 coming to him. The next daydriving along tourist shops at a pier George had the strangest urge to stop at an outdoor bar and have a bottle of beer. Now George didnt even like beer. But he remembered how the RAM suggested we follow up on ideas and feelings that bubble to the surface of awareness. So George stopped for a beer. I had a similar such experience, as related in my Autobiography. Shortly after George was seated and sipping his beer he overheard the two men beside him talking about 500,000 plastic egg cartons. One of the men said he needed to hire someone to dispose of them to make room for other merchandise. George perked up his ears. The instant he heard the man talk about the huge surplus of egg cartons, his mind leaped to the knowledge that seed companies plant seedlings in egg cartons, and one of the major seed companies might possibly be interested in purchasing them. George leaned over and introduced himself to the two men. After a brief chat, he took the name and telephone number of the man who owned the extra egg cartons, and told him he had an idea of how he could get rid of the egg cartons at no cost to him. If it worked, he would give him a call the next day. First thing the next morning he called one of the largest seed growers in the country. No surprise. The delighted companys purchasing agent told him indeed they were short on egg cartons. The buyer agreed to buy all of the 500,000 cartons on hand. He wanted another million if George could supply them. Next, George called the man with the egg cartons. He bought the egg cartons and sold them to the seed company at a profit. By the time the seed company quit ordering a few weeks later, they had bought three million egg cartons from George. 135
When George tallied up his profit, he had a little over $80,000 cash in hand, exactly what he needed....
negative human emotions. They frantically devour these energies since it is the only way that they can continue a live existence. Otherwise, they would soon disintegratefall awayinto nothing (no-thing). Thus the thing that is eating youor me feverishly, or anyone else that feels negative emotionsis very alive and very hungry. It is a vampire since it feeds on the life energy of others! It lives and grows a little more in the DEAD ZONE every time you and I, or others in human form feed it.
When the three bodies of man are interpreted in terms of electricity, then accuracy concerning the material and psychological states of man can be expected. Until then all the fragmented sciences will continue to work in error. Modern science knows much about the material world, but almost nothing about the life aspect. And at present there is no single branch or science of learning on Earth that deals with the whole organism of man. Thus none of these sciences can deal adequately with reality. As long as the material concept of one plus one equals two, instead of three prevails, science will remain blind to the higher laws of the universe. Dimensional consciousness is needed. But never fear, many scientists who read these words will do so with an open mind; many will be inspired to blaze open amazing new frontierswithin their own field or apart from it. The old-timers, who are unable to change their present fixed view, no matter how logical the new ones present their caseor who simply cannot comprehend the mystery of life at causal levelswill die out.
There is a new breed of scientist appearing. She or he is open-minded and naturally think in whole terms. Many of them have discovered the use of a formal meditation technique and are using it to expand their insight into divinity. These new-age scientists will gradually...
genuine daily passion for life and lead you to making your sweetest and wildest dreams come true! MR. RIGHT or MRS. RIGHT wants you as much as you want him or her. You only need to know how to work the law of Attraction.
her sweet feminine pure naked beauty.. coupled.with my very strong desire to sexually engageat a consciously experienced physical body level with my dream. It simply took a few evenings, night after night, of strong selfsuggestions and the placement of a window of opportunity for her to materialize into my open and waiting arms. The window or trigger I used is the suggestion that I would fall into a deep sleep and I would be awakened by a sudden natural soundlike a dog barking or whateversometime during the night. At that point I would open my eyes consciously and my now summoned lovely naked female lover would appear and melt into my open arms with a smileand in a sultry inviting female tonespeak the 4 spoken words, I am! On the third night of my intense invocation and desire this very alive...lovely vision materialized in my arms in that exact blissful manner in a torrid and impassioned sexual dream episode. Was she real? Yes, to mand to and through all my sentient human bodily beingshe was just as delightfully solid, real and sensuous as any other truly memorable sexual tryst that I have experienced with another loving female in my life. It may interest you to know I was prompted to create and to give life tothis fantasy lover of mine after reading how this famous hypnotist author had described in detail how he had self hallucinated a huge friendly and playful bear. The bear was very solid and real to him but invisible to others... I associated the word bare with bear.
Here is precisely how you personally create your very own human spirit...The erection of your spirit begins immediately upon the entry of your life spark into the point of conception, moving on through the growing fetus or the young child stage. You could delay an actual entry into your birth body via the process of consciously surrounding or envelopingyour body up to age four, but actual physical entry is seldom later than age four. Once you take full conscious command of your human vehicle every molecule and particle of your human body down to the atomic and subatomic levels of beingbegin to carry or sound your particular spiritual tone, a note based on your very own unique vibratory frequency wave. Your neurons keep firingto maintain and rebuild your human form, according to the blueprint encoded by your DNA strands and gene poolthey however fire with excessive energy, more than needed. It is this residual energy radiating out of your body which quickly and continually builds your auric or spiritual body being.
broader and truer meaning to your life and mine than what we feel or perceive at this moment in space and time? All these important questionsand many moremay fully be answered for you in this volume. My entitya very human entity known to you as Russ Michaelis consciously linked with the White Brotherhood. My knowledge on this subject goes far beyond exhaustive book reading and the mental collection of a vast storehouse of facts. The secret Laws of Nature discussed in this book are laws that, like you, I must work with daily. I have learned these laws through personal experience and conscious, experimental application. Like many others, I Am one of many Brothers already here now in the flesh. I make no outlandish claim to be an Adept or a Master myself, nor even an Initiate of a High Degree. Let it be known that I Am here on Earth simply as an unwavering disciple of truth, with a mission to serve humanity and my Elder Brothers in whatever capacity that I can. An enlightened soul knows
develop specific areas of a human being and her or his lower three planes of consciousness. In their chronological sequenceof human development on our late blooming planetary Earththese approaches are: A. HATHA YOGA...control of our physical body B. LAYA YOGA...control of our electrical centers of the etheric or higher frequency physical our body. C. BHAKTI YOGA...control of our emotional body or emotional nature. D. RAJA YOGA...control of our mental body or nature. Raja Yogathe here last listed yogaevolving out of the Aryan Race of our body of Earth humanity. It is known as The Royal Yoga because it contains all the disciplines and functions of all the many major former yogas. The physical body is first to conquered and controlled...then the electric or etheric body...then the emotional body...and finally the mental. In all aspects of life the lesser forces are controlled by the greater. The greater also contains or holds the lesser. This universal Law is immutable, forever inviolate... Meditation concentrates the many processes of a held thought. A mind focused on any objectiveand held on it for any length of timecan accomplish miracles. As I wrote this chapter a newspaper headline of the Long Beach PressTelegram stated, DIES, THEN REVIVED BY HYPNOSIS! The newsman who reported this rare episode disclosed that a woman had no radial pulse...she had stopped breathing. Her blood pressure was 0/0 and the heart revealed no sounds. She was declared medically dead...but she was talked back to life through hypnosis administered by Dr. James T. Milton. We call these amazing demonstrations of focused thoughtmiraclesonly because we have not yet defined the specific energy relationship formulas involved.
Probably the most impressive revelation in your very first practice of meditationto those readers introduced to it for the first timewill be a modestly humblebut rather joyfulintroduction to your silent I Am inner and real self. Meditation will take you further and further behind the scenes of our perceivedseemingly so physically objective but illusionary universe.
My eyes opened wide in shock at what I heard. The loud inner voice spoke again, repeating the same sentences of the stern directive to me once more exactly, word for word. There is no way that you will spend the rest of your days vegetating here in a cave. You must bid your brother goodbye and begin your journey back to civilization this day. Hear me. I have spoken. I knew instantly that I was NOT dreaming or imagining things. This was the voice of my own Higher Self that I had heard so clearly on my life path on Earth at appropriate lifealtering moments before. I knew at onceno matter how much of a paradise Heaven on Earth place this exquisite tropical valley was for methere was no way that I could or would choose to defy such a clearly stated inner soul command. I obviously had to get up, go forth, and do my Fathers business. When I told the hermitDr. Wheatleythat I wanted to gift him with my copy of Volume 3 of The Masters of The Far East book series because I was going to be trekking back across the 4000 year old trail to Lihue, then back to the Mainland of the USA . . . because I had been given that decree from inner spirit upon awakeninghe was shocked.
Howeverbeing of calm spirithe took it in stride. He said that each soul must do what he knows he must do, for that is why he left civilization. He extended his hand and wished me the very best trip back along the trail and great success in my plan to do what I could do to awaken a still very barbaric human Civilization to the fact it had a Divine Soul and a Divine Source. My trip back on the 4000 year old trail was much easier and quicker. I knew what to watch out for and how to find the path again much faster, and where nature had wiped out a portion of it. I estimate that it took about 17 hours of continuous hiking, with occasional very brief rests. Dr. Wheatley had given me six sweet ripe oranges to eat along the wayalong with a good supply of dried coconut in a goatskin knapsackso that energized my body and being and eased my trip back toward Lihue immensely. Once arriving, around midnightback at the same North end of the highway, where the arrow sign pointed toward the old 4000 year old trailI began walking south toward Lihue and got a lift from a man going to his late night job. When he asked and I told him where I had come from and where I was going he was amazed and wanted to be as helpful to me as possible. He dropped me off in the central section of Lihue, beside a small Pentecostal missionary church. He advised, since I was flat broke, to sit and wait there beside the door until morning and talk to the Pastor of the church and his wife. He was sure they would find or supply a place for me to stay and help me find work so I could earn enough money to catch a plane back to Los Angeles. He was right. In small towns everyone knows almost everyone and the Pastor and his wife were a God-send. They were very charitable and helpful beyond words. While I was there, the main Lihue daily newspaper called and sent a reporter to interview me and did a write-up of my trip. One of
their reporters had actually flown in by helicopter to interview Dr. Wheatley two years earlier. They learned a black hermit was living in The Valley of The Lost Tribeso my meeting and talking with Dr. Wheatley was a human interest storywhich they eagerly published. Approximately 15 years laterin my journey forward through timeI would meet and establish a good friendship with Dr. Christopher Hill, at a huge spiritual conference where both of us lectured and conducted workshops. Christopher was the man self-destined to introduce SPIRULINA into the mass consciousness awareness of Earth humanity via his Light Force group. Chistopher Hill had also left civilization to live in a cave for the very same reason I did. In addition Christopher and I had the very same identical experience of the Holy Spirit sending us both back to civilization to complete the mission we had agreed to complete on Earth before our human embodiments. In less than two months, a part time job brought me enough saved income to buy a one-way ticket back to Los Angeles and my Hollywood friends.
probedor found to existin our very real now moment. Scientists can try and try senselessly forever to probeour past or futurebut it is nowhere on record now. Its becausefrom our very limited physical three-dimensional perspectiveor viewonly the one Eternal Now time exists. Right now. In this immediate nowplanetary moment Earth is laden with promise. Its now that more and more soulsabiding herewill be attracted to and will find their soulmate or Twin Ray! It has been ordained that all of us embodied on Earth nowas you will hopefully understand before or by the time you finish reading and pondering this volumeare destined to meet and merge now with our own very, very special lover in these swiftly closingfinal daysof our duality cycle upon Earth. This warm intimate human gender duality union is simply a needed first step in the ultimate mergers of humanoid individuals with individualsthen groups with groupsand nations with nations. This is how we each and all get to personally know ourselvesas loving brothers and sistersof one mighty, lovingly unified human family on our daily ever more radiant Star Nation Earth. In the now unstoppable rebirth of our 3-D physical Earthinto a 5-D newly born renamed Terraall of uswho so choosewill rapidly be attracting and merging with our soulmates or our Twin Rays. The light of knowledge and the new light of the soul has lifted mass human consciousness tonow sudden new near critical mass heights. This in turn leads all of us on Earthto the higher dimensions around and within the sacred I Am self of each and all of us.... Never beforein the more than 8 million years of sentient souls embodied in humanoid bodiesin our universe, has there been a timeor a human inhabited planetwhen
soulmates and Twin Rays call out so loudly and so strongly to each other! We are privileged and so very fortunate to live in what is now known in spiritual terms as the end times. The end times does not mean the end of our physical world orthe destruction and end of any planetsolar systemor near or far galaxy, in the omniverses, or cosmos. It means one fully experienced life cycle or turn of events has finished as those in whatever kingdoms of nature or bodily formsimply and naturally, move on to greater goodin the endless realms and many mansionsof Godsour Creatorsvast and infinite universal reality!
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Bless your heart, forever and forever. Bless us all. We are all blessed.