Introducing The White Eagle Lodge 15
Introducing The White Eagle Lodge 15
Introducing The White Eagle Lodge 15
The White Eagle Teaching
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The W aling, for
everyonnegland . GU33 7HY The White Eagle teaching is a simple, heart-centred and
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for peac. eB,rewells Lane . Liss . H7a3m0 893300 . Fax: 0rg1730 89
pshire . 2235 profound spiritual philosophy which brings with it the
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Tel: 017 3 0 8
.org . practical support in day-to-day living. Within this beautiful restatement of
w w w.w ‘ancient wisdom’ many find answers to some of the most difficult questions
of human existence: What is the purpose of life? Why does suffering exist?
Why does life seem so unfair? What happens after death? Are healing miracles
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Who is White Eagle?
White E k a n d
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u r h o p e is that the hearts of pe ards
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ill touch White Eagle is the name given by the wise teacher
White Eagle w luable contribu
of a va and philosopher working from the inner world of
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w he spirit who guided the foundation of the White
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world pe p ocket po areas Eagle Lodge and continues to inspire its work of
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in the of the peace and healing worldwide. The name White
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i o Eagle is symbolic and means a ‘spiritual teacher’,
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fu sb who guides us from separation back to Oneness.
c h e d o n in thi
tou In his service from the spiritual level, White Eagle
used the help of Grace Cooke as his channel. For
his work in the present day he came in the outward personality of a wise
Native American chief, manifesting the deep simplicity and closeness to the
life of nature this ‘dress’ from a particular earthly life provided. However, we
Jenny D her do not see this beautiful teacher as limited to one ‘dress’ but as a wise bearer
Lodge M ales. of light for the 21st century.
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arantee No spiritual teacher or truly illumined being ever makes claims for
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Compan themselves—their hallmark is always simplicity and humility. White Eagle
merely says he is spokesperson for a group known as the Star Brotherhood,
and many of those who have followed his teaching and path of unfoldment
recognise the presence of a master behind his words and behind his work.
Temple, was opened on 9th June 1974 and became the spiritual centre for
the work. Further unfoldment came in September 1990, with the building
and opening of a ‘sister’ Temple in Maleny, Australia, and then in October
1992 with the third of our triangle of Temples opened in Montgomery, Texas.
During this time and subsequently, many other beautiful Star Centres have
formed, especially in Europe, and many smaller groups within the UK and
other countries. These now form part of our family of groups worldwide.
The whole of the White Eagle work has been founded on the spirit of
a family. Begun by Grace and Ivan Cooke and their family it has grown into
a ‘family’ or open fraternity of many people all over the world whose hearts
have been touched by the teaching and the work. Members are warmly
welcomed into the spiritual ‘family’ of White Eagle, and love, brotherhood
and service are keynotes.
God is within all life, and we each have that spirit (the Christ Spirit) within us.
We are all on a path of spiritual unfoldment, although we may not realize it,
and this continues throughout many, varied lives, as well as in the real world
of spirit which is our true home. He says:
‘First of all, we would like to make it clear that the spirit world, the world of
spiritual life is not geographically far away from you. It is within you, it is within
your own consciousness. We come to you to expand your consciousness to
that world of light which is interpenetrating your physical world. A time will
come when every soul will be aware of its higher life and of its true self. Then
it will be able to see the two selves in contrast—the limited earthly self and
the higher, heavenly and eternal self. As development proceeds the higher
self becomes stronger and more in evidence in everyday life. Then problems
and difficulties no longer overwhelm; they keep their rightful place. The
aspirant develops vision, not only of God and of heavenly things, but also of The White Eagle publications include books of sayings such as the very widely
earthly things. He or she sees things in their true perspective.’ known ‘The Quiet Mind’ and ‘White Eagle’s Little Book of Healing Comfort’;
visionary books on changing consciousness such as ‘The Light Bringer’,
Above all White Eagle’s teaching is a teaching of love, love in all its most ‘Chakras, Auras, Subtle Bodies’ and ‘Walking with the Angels’; systematic
beautiful and creative forms. expositions of traditional mystical teaching, as in ‘The Living Word of St John’;
practitioners’ handbooks on meditation such as ‘The Still Voice’, and a broad
‘Spiritual truth, and indeed all truth, must be acceptable to both the heart compass of spiritual teaching in the current ‘Spiritual Unfoldment’ and ‘White
and to the mind. Some people think that love is purely an emotion, and that Eagle On...’ series. We also have a significant number of our books in digital,
therefore the voice of love cannot satisfy their reason; but love in its divine downloadable forms. Whatever format is used the hallmark of White Eagle’s
sense completely satisfies. And when fully developed, it can raise you from teaching is a gentle voice speaking to ‘the mind in the heart’ rather than the
the valley to the heights, giving you a range of vision which is only possible outer mind and bringing a deep sense of safety and freedom to love.
from the apex of the mountain.’ White Eagle
Make it a daily habit to concentrate on the Star. Carry it with you in your life.
The Star is a creator of miracles’ .
White Eagle
The service offered to the pubic through the White Eagle healing work is
of long standing—the very first absent healing groups were formed under
White Eagle’s guidance in 1936. A growing point is our absent healing work
with animals; an animal absent healing group focuses both on individual
By helping us to recognize that life not only continues after death, but in a However, we believe that the power and efficacy of a group working together
world much finer and full of love than the physical world apparently is, he in the same way, with a common, clearly defined purpose, is much greater
gives us the opportunity to overcome not only the fear of death but that than the sum of the individual parts.
of loneliness, sickness and rejection. He shows how to find comfort and
upliftment in times of personal bereavement. White Eagle’s teaching also The Star Brotherhood is the core of White Eagle’s work. Those who have
helps us to discover how this world of spirit interpenetrates our physical prepared through service in the healing work, in the way described, can
world, so that all earthly life can be lived in awareness of the inner beauty and choose to take a further step, which involves both dedication and a profound
love in which we are all held. Thus White Eagle’s teaching offers a ‘religion of trust and understanding that through working with the Star at the inner level
happiness’—a way of living joyfully in the ‘now’, more conscious of God’s love an energy and blessing can be invoked which truly can heal world conditions.
and the perfect divine plan for all life. The love Service in this way brings both a fuller realization
inherent in White Eagle’s teaching is in itself of who we really are—spirit—and also of love in
(as one reviewer of his books suggested) an action.
indication of the source of his message.
The compass of the Brotherhood work includes
Our book ‘A Guide to Living with Death and bringing into the light of the Star places of conflict
Dying’ expands this theme. and suffering, animals and the environment, and
the consciousness of humanity as a whole.
‘The purpose of our work here is that every soul who enters the Lodge, by
Membership of the White Eagle Lodge is open to everyone. Becoming a
which we mean every soul who takes part in this spiritual service, shall grow
member is a way of saying ‘I feel in harmony with White Eagle’s work. I would
in spiritual power, which will radiate from him/her to give light and healing
like to join in spiritual service in whatever way feels right to me’. Members to the world. Remember, it is not what comes from the lips, but from the
in the Lodge form an open community of spirit on the inner planes which
heart, which can inspire a life with love
strengthens our ability to give service, and can be very nurturing. We support
and joy and peace. The White Eagle work
members in many different ways, through the White Eagle magazine, ‘Stella
should be as leaven in the bread of life to
Polaris’ (free to members) and correspondence courses. the world.’
White Eagle
The structure of Regional Centres in the UK is designed to give the opportunity
to join in at least occasional activities wherever in the country you live.
That the ultimate goal of humankind is that the inner light should
become so strong and radiant that even the cells of the physical
body are transmuted into finer substances which can overcome
mortality. This is known as the Christing of the human being or, in
the words of the ancient Brotherhood, the blooming of the Rose
upon the Cross of matter.
London Centre:
Telephone: 07944 423228
Regional Centres
and UK Groups:
Please ask for contact details.