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MONTHLY REPORT No. [Project Month]654

JulyMonth /Augustne 2010Year

D0 Rev

09 July 2010 Date

FOR INFORMATION Purpose of Issue Prepd

FEC Checkd


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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 2 of 37


9.1 9.2 9.3 9.4 9.5


9.7 9.8 9.9 9.10 9.11 9.12


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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 3 of 37

INTRODUCTION SOUTH PARS Petropars has been awarded by Pars Oil and Gas Company (POGC) (owned by NIOC) the Contract to develop the South Pars Gas Field Phase 12. This field shall be developed to produce 3000 MMSCFD reservoir fluids from three wellhead platforms, 1000 MMSCFD each, and to transport the fluids, after separation of free water to the Onshore Gas Plant which is located in Tombak area some 65 km west of Assaluyeh, where the onshore treatment facilities are installed at a distance of approximately 145 Km from offshore dedicated block. On-Shore facilities are furthermore divided into 3 main Packages: Gas Plant EPC1 Non technical Buildings/ Tanks Gas Plant EPC2 - Liquid Processing/ Utilities Gas Plant EPC3 - Gas Processing The TNDG Consortium has been awarded by Petropars the Contract for the development of Gas Plant EPC3 Gas processing units. FINAL PRODUCTION Contractual final Production Date is set at 40 Months from the Commencement Date of the Contract. Evaluation about the new forecasted final production date, considering the new conditions of the Project, is on going EXECUTION PERIOD Contractual execution milestones are the following: Condensate Loading Pumps ready for commissioning: 22 Months form C.D.; First train of Gas Treatment (first production): 28 Months form C.D.; Second train of Gas Treatment: 31 Months form C.D.; Third and fourth train of Gas Treatment: 34 Months from C.D.; Fifth and Sixth train of Gas Treatment: 39 Months from C.D.; Final Production and competition of all works including PT and handover. Evaluation about the new forecasted execution milestones considering the new conditions of the Project is on going. FACILITIES EPC 3 Package includes the following facilities: PROCESS Six Gas Processing Trains including Gas Sweetening, Gas Dehydration, Gas Dew-Pointing and Gas Mercaptans Removal (Mol. Sieve) Export Gas Compression Sulphur Recovery and Tail Gas Treatment Sulphur Granulation and Transit Storage Propane Refrigerant Storage Relevant Technical and non-technical Buildings Relevant Roads and Paving NON PROCESS Accomodation Camps EXECUTIVE SUMMARY MANAGEMENT TOPICS AND HIGHLIGHTS On June 6th, 2009, COMPANY has issued a Letter of Intent to the CONSORTIUM composed by Tecnimont S.p.A., Nargan Engineering Company, Dorriz Construction Company and Gamma Construction Company, (hereinafter CONTRACTOR) for the execution of the Gas Processing Unit (EPC3) within the South Pars Phase 12 Offshore facilities, requesting the immediate start of the Project activities. On August 11th, 2009, the main body of the CONTRACT and Side Letter One have been signed by PARTIES, depicting a list of actions required for the finalization of the remaining parties of the CONTRACT and for the effectiveness of the same, to be completed by October 15 th, 2009. On December 13th, 2009 an Interim Agreement has been signed by PARTIES to allow the start the Project activities in full force to the maximum extent applicable, considering the impediments created by the non finalization of main contractual issues, such as: Tripartite Agreement, Trilateral Agreements, Assignment to Iskra, Assignment of COMPANY ITEMS. On January 11th, 2010 the Complimentary Soil Investigation Report commissioned by CONTRACTOR to Zamiran, and executed between November 2009 and January 2010, has been submitted to COMPANY for information and action. Such survey has identified some non-conformity of exiting soil in relation to the the conditions committed by COMPANY in the ITB.

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On January 13th, 2010, the first Instalment of the Advance Payment has been paid by COMPANY to CONTRACTOR, upon receipt of the relevant bank guarantees. On January 15th, 2010 a Pre-Kick Off Meeting has been held in Tehran for the definition of the agenda of the Kick-Off Meeting. In this period main management procedures such as: Coordination Procedure, Project Execution Procedure and Project Quality Procedure, have been finalized and submitted to COMPANY. During February and March 2010, just before and after the KOM, joint technical meetings for all technical disciplines have been held in Tehran. On March 3rd and 4th, 2010, the Project Kick Off Meeting has been held in Milan. During such Meeting, certain agreements (to be included in an Amendment to the Interim Agreement still under negotiation,) have been reached by PARTIES: Exposure curve to be submitted and agreed (Exposure Curve has been submitted to COMPANY by CONTRACTOR on March 16th, has been accepted by COMPANY and is in process to be sent to NICO). February 10th, 2010 has been fixed as COMMENCEMENT DATE under certain conditions: 1) ISKRA to be included as CONSORTIUM member by April 15 th, 2010; 2) Project Exposure Coverage with NICO to be defined by April 30 th, 2010. At the end of April both the above conditions were not met. Actual status is the following: Partial Assignment to ISKRA has been signed in July 2010. On 23-24 June a meeting has been held in Lausanne with NICO to discuss the Project Exposure Coverage. During the meeting, NICO has submitted to Consortium a Guarantee of 160 Million US Dollars to Cover the procurement exposure. Discussions are still on going for the necessary financial guarantees to be provided by PPL to allow Consortium to proceed with the procurement activities; the matter is not yet finalized. Upon request from COMPANY, Contractor has submitted on April 14 th, 2010 a plan of site activities that could be anticipated, subject to extraordinary effort to be paid by Contractor. List of achieved goals during the period is indicated in 3.2. In April the site mobilization of manpower and facilities has been started. Temporary offices has been established at site; excavation and foundations activities are on going; activities for main pipe-rack are started. On August 20th, the first forundation for Refrigeration Compressors has been successfully casted. The text and content of the Trilateral Agreement has been finalized on August 24 th, and the document is now under signature by parties. Acceptance by Licensors shall be expedited by Company. Documents issuance for COMPANY Review/Approval is ongoing. The list of documents issued up to end of August 2010 is herewith attached. On June 6th, 2009, COMPANY has issued a Letter of Intent to the CONSORTIUM composed by Tecnimont S.p.A., Nargan Engineering Company, Dorriz Construction Company and Gamma Construction Company, (hereinafter CONTRACTOR) for the execution of the Gas Processing Unit (EPC3) within the South Pars Phase 12 Offshore facilities, requesting the immediate start of the Project activities. On August 11th, 2009, the main body of the CONTRACT and Side Letter One have been signed by PARTIES, depicting a list of actions required for the finalization of the remaining parties of the CONTRACT and for the effectiveness of the same, to be completed by October 15 th, 2009. On December 13th, 2009 an Interim Agreement has been signed by PARTIES to allow the start the Project activities in full force to the maximum extent applicable, considering the impediments created by the non finalization of main contractual issues, such as: Tripartite Agreement, Trilateral Agreements, Assignment to Iskra, Assignment of COMPANY ITEMS. On January 11th, 2010 the Complimentary Soil Investigation Report commissioned by CONTRACTOR to Zamiran, and executed between November 2009 and January 2010, has been submitted to COMPANY for information and action. Such survey has identified some non-conformity of exiting soil in relation to the the conditions committed by COMPANY in the ITB. On January 13th, 2010, the first Instalment of the Advance Payment has been paid by COMPANY to CONTRACTOR, upon receipt of the relevant bank guarantees. On January 15th, 2010 a Pre-Kick Off Meeting has been held in Tehran for the definition of the agenda of the Kick-Off Meeting. In this period main management procedures such as: Coordination Procedure, Project Execution Procedure and Project Quality Procedure, have been finalized and submitted to COMPANY. During February and March 2010, just before and after the KOM, joint technical meetings for all technical disciplines have been held in Tehran. On March 3rd and 4th, 2010, the Project Kick Off Meeting has been held in Milan. During such Meeting, certain agreements (to be included in an Amendment to the Interim Agreement still under negotiation,) have been reached by PARTIES:

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Exposure curve to be submitted and agreed (Exposure Curve has been submitted to COMPANY by CONTRACTOR on March 16th, has been accepted by COMPANY and is in process to be sent to NICO). February 10th, 2010 has been fixed as COMMENCEMENT DATE under certain conditions: 1) ISKRA to be included as CONSORTIUM member by April 15 th, 2010; 2) Project Exposure Coverage with NICO to be defined by April 30 th, 2010. At the end of April both the above conditions were not met. Actual status is the following: Partial Assignment to ISKRA has beenis expected to be signed inby July 2010. On 23-24 June a meeting has been held in Lausanne with NICO to discuss the Project Exposure Coverage. During the meeting, NICO has submitted to Consortium a Guarantee of 160 Million US Dollars to Cover the procurement exposure. Discussions are still on going for the necessary additional financial guarantees to be provided by PPL to allow Consortium to proceed with the procurement activities; the matter is not yet finalized. Upon request from COMPANY, Contractor has submitted on April 14 th, 2010 a plan of site activities that could be anticipated in the period up to June 15th, subject to extraordinary effort to be paid by Contractor. List of achieved goals during the period is indicated in 3.2. In April the site mobilization of manpower and facilities has been started. Temporary offices has been established at site; eExcavation and foundations activities are on going; .activities for main pipe-rack are started. Documents issuance for COMPANY Review/Approval is ongoing. The list of documents issued up to end of Junely 2010 is herewith attached. SCHEDULE ANALYSIS AND CRITICAL ISSUE SUMMARY The Project Planning, Scheduling and Control System Procedure has been submitted to COMPANY for APPROVAL during the month of February 2010. A preliminary level 2 schedule has been submitted to COMPANY on April 7th, 2010, showing the shifting of some overdue milestones due to the delay of the finalization of main contractual provisions. The Project Level 3 Schedule has been issued for comments and approval to PPL on June 17th, 2010. The schedule has been approved by PPL on July. PROGRESS SUMMARY The progress measurement system from May 2010 onwards and the format of the WPA have been agreed during the current month. Progress control S-Curve for Engineering has been estimated according to the L3 schedule and WPA breakdown. (Attachment 9.6):.

WPA Code





1 1.1 1.2 1.3 1.4 1.5 2 2.1 2.2 2.3 2.4 2.5


92.24% 4.96% 7.77% 59.52% 17.11% 2.88% 7.76% 0.01% 1.59% 3.51% 2.63% 0.02% 100% 0.16% 20.45% 45.26% 33.83% 0.30% 5.38% 8.42% 64.53% 18.55% 3.12%

1.03% 1.36% 11.41%

1.03% 1.36% 11.31%



14.80% 0.69% 10.05%

14.80% 0.69% 10.05%




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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 6 of 37

As instructed by COMPANY with the Letter Of Intent dated June 2009, CONTRACTOR has started the mobilization of the Management Personnel and the execution of preliminary general management activities related to Project and Procedures set up. With the signature of the Interim Agreement on December 2009, CONTRACTOR has opened the consortium offices in Tehran and he has mobilized the Project teams in Tehran Operating Center (TOC) and Milan Operating Center (MOC), starting the execution of the project activities to the maximum extent allowed by the contractual situation. At the end of April, the Project teams were fully mobilized in the operating centres. The full time mobilization of Consortium Team in Tehran is partly jeopardized by the current administrative constraints (e.g. Visa obtainment etc.) on mobilizing foreign personnel in Iran. The mobilization of manpower and facilities in SOC, started in March, is on going. Man power status is attached as attachment 9.5. HSE HSE Superintendent at Site has been introduced to Company The required facilities and equipment for HSE Training Center are prepared and submitted. HAZID has been executed and the relevant report submitted to Company. QA/QC The following Quality Procedures: SP12-2Y3-QA-PP-993-002-D0 Milan Operating Centre Quality Plan has been commented by PPL and the comments are under review. P12-2Y3-QA-PP-993-007-D0 Site Operating Centre Quality Plan has been rejected by PPL and the reason why is under review. The following Quality Procedure is under signing ready to be issued: SP12-2Y3-QA-PP-993-003-D0 Tehran Operating Centre Quality Plan CONSORTIUM PMT QUALITY PLAN has been enforced including, in the Quality Management Team at Directorate level, the focal point towards PPL for the QC activities. The first Quality Audit has been performed to the Directorate Organization on 21st, 22nd, 23rd of June at the Directorate Office in Tehran. The result of the audit was the finding of 8 observations and 2 recommendations. Bi-weekly meetings for QA/QC with PPL have been decided starting from 18th of July in Directorate Office at Tehran. Re-Issue of SOC Quality Plan based on Company Comments. FINANCIAL The Invoicing Procedure and Payment Procedure have been submitted to COMPANY on March for APPROVAL. The procedure is presently under revision to reflect the latest agreements regarding the retention policy The WPA up to the month of May 2010 has been approved and the relevant invoice is expected to be issued on July 2010. The first instalment` of the Advance Payment (2.5% of CONTRACT price), has been paid to Contractor on January 13th, 2010; the payment . The payment of the second instalment of the Advance Payment (2.5% of CONTRACT price) has been executed inis expected by July 2010. The WPA up to the month of May 2010 has been approved and the relevant invoice has been issued on 22nd July 2010. Various invoices for procurement progress have been submitted to PPL. Payment of the progress invoices is urgently awaited to allow Contractor to proceed with project. VARIATION ORDER STATUS Text The Variation Order Procedure has been submitted on March to COMPANY for APPROVAL. Comments from Company have been received and are under evaluation. Preparation of variation proposal due to deletion of Managerial Camp from Contractor scope of work is ongoing. Variation request for remedial works of Labor Camps submitted to PPL. AREA OF CONCERNS CONTRACT issues still open: Appendix A03 Tripartite Agreement; Appendix A04 Trilateral Agreements; Appendixes C09, C12, C19, C20; Appendixes E01, E04; Assignment Agreement with ISKRA; Amendment of Interim Agreement; Confidentiality Agreement. Impact on Procurement activities due to the delay on finalizing the following: Assignment to ISKRA, Confidentiality Agreement, NICO financial coverage of the Project. Late receipt/non submission of common documents by COMPANY through EPC2 contractor;

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Lack of Vendor information regarding the COMPANY ITEMS (C.I.) and non finalization of the C.I. Assignment Agreement. Difficulties on obtaining export licenses to IRAN for materials of foreign origin. Non conformities of site soil conditions. Unavailability and suitability of adequate land at SITE and finalization of handing over of land for mobilization. Finalization of handing over of the Site & Labor Camp lands with respect to their Geotechnical and Site preparation issues; the issue is going to be worst respecting the recent excavations made on Unit 106 area. Finalization of changes in scope of work for Managerial camp / POGC camp. Finalization of exemption of CONTRACT from any Iranian VAT. Finalization of AGREEMENT text for Escalation issue. Finalization of AGREEMENT text for Change in Law issue Payment of second instalment of Advance Payment. Agreement on payment procedure with respect to new scheme of Tripartite Payment Agreement. MANAGEMENT OVERALL MANAGEMENT S-CURVE Hold ACHIEVED GOALS DURING THE PERIOD Bi-weekly management meetings on goinghave been started. TAmong the anticipated site activities the following goals have been achieved during the month of May: Excavation of compressor foundations in Unit 106. Excavation of Substation foundations Issue of PO for site temporary offices. TBE Issue of PO for Storage Tanks and Column Internalsof Drums and Column TBE of ASME reactors Technical Specification of Main Packages, Rotating and Static Equipment PLANNED FOR THE NEXT PERIOD TAmong the anticipated site activities the following events are planned during the month of AugustJune: Excavation of compressor foundations in Unit 106. Excavation of Substation foundations. Excavation of Interconnecting Piperack foundations; Issue of various TBE (see 5.3); Issue of PO for .various equipment (see 5.3) During the month of June is also envisaged tThe closure of pending contractual issues is awaited at the soonest to minimize the impacts on the project.. AREA OF CONCERN See point 2.9 ENGINEERING OVERALL ENGINEERING S-CURVE Overall Engineering S-Curve is reported in Attachment 9.6 Overall Engineering S-Curve is reported in Attachment 9.6 ACHIEVED GOALS DURING THE PERIOD General Engineering Model review with PPL commenced Issued PIDs for Fire Water Network & Deluge valves in D0 Revision Updated and issued all IPR study piping plans Review/comments of vendor documents for (COMPANY ITEM) - Refrigerant compressor package & Export gas compressor package. Issue of first IFC Drawings for Company Items foundations, piperack foundations and Substations PROCESS Engineering Instrument datasheet IDS preparation Preparation of Hierarchic diagram and Cause and Effect tables of units from 101 to 111 P&ID master copy preparation for P&ID review (with Process comments) Revision of medium pressure flare load for optimization of main headers Commenting vendor documents for TBE of pumps Assistance to Nargan engineering disciplines. Material Selection Diagram completion and issue PSFS drawings preparation Updating and issue of equipment PDS based on client comments (in revision D1).

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Filling process data in Instrument PDS from NEC. On-off valve typical list preparation. P&ID mark-up for valve typical and other general comments. Review of Finder pump offer. Review and comments on vendor drawings. Draft check of Hierarchy Diagrams. Update of process Datasheets based on client comments Review and comments on vendor drawings Issue of P&IDs Rev. D0 issued (All Units) Instrument datasheet IDS preparation Preparation of Hierarchic diagram and Cause and Effect tables Updating and issue of equipment PDS based on client comments (in revision D1) Chemical and catalyst list preparation P&ID master copy preparation (with Process comments) Revision of flare load summary for optimization of flare main headers Commenting vendor documents Meeting with vendor for TEG package, air blowers, solidification package, high power pumps Tie-in point list issue Assistance to engineering disciplines Preparation of Material Selection Diagram Studies of flare lines Comments on Company items documents (refrigeration and export gas package compressors) Legends for ESDV/SDV valves clarified through interface meeting (with PPL/EPC2) Preparation of Depressurization report. Receiving PPL comments for process data sheets. Finalization of process data sheets. Review of Mechanical drawings. Coordination with other disciplines. Thermal design of shell & Tube heat exchangers. Review of vendor proposals received for plate heat exchangers. Review of vendor proposals received for Air Coolers. Review of vendor proposals for Column Internals. Review of vendor proposals for Chemical dosing packages. Review of vendor proposals for Dehydration package. Review of vendor proposals for Sulphur solidification package. Providing Process data for instrument data sheets. MECHANICAL Engineering Offer evaluation for Filter (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-F-001)-(under progress). Review/comments of vendor documents for Refrigerant compressor package (COMPANY ITEM). Review/comments of vendor documents for Export gas compressor package (COMPANY ITEM). Prepared technical query for KSB Pumps (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-001). TQ sent to FINDER offer ((SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-002). TQ sent to KSB offer (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-002). TQ sent to FINDER offer (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-004). MR ready for issue of Bid enquiry for SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-108-U-142. Completed Meeting with CBI for SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-108-K-001. Completed TBE for Client Review for the SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-108-K-001 & SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-144-U-001. Meeting with Vendors for SULZER (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-001), HOWDEN (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-108-K001) & SBS (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-144-U-001). Completed TBE for API 610 Pumps >150 KW (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-001) for Client review. Follow-up with vendors for TQ/Meeting date Meeting with Vendors for MR-P-001 (API Pumps >150 KW), MR-K-001 (Blowers) & MR-U-001 (Sulphur solidification package). Updating of engineering drawings for drums Reissue of engineering drawings for reactors Bid evaluation of offers for plate type heat exchangers Bid evaluation of offers for shell and tube made of titanium Bid evaluation of offers for chemical injection package, Bid evaluation of offers for air coolers Preparation of engineering drawings for shell and tube made of CS/SS

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Reissue of MR for column internals Bid evaluation of offers for drum internals Review of JMC vendor documents for columns according to PD-5500 Review of HYOSUNG vendor documents for drums according to PD-5500 Review of JMC vendor documents for columns according to ASME Reissue of TBE for reactors according to PD-5500 Preparation of spec. for cranes Preparation of data sheets for cranes of compressors of 106-K-101 and 111-K-101 Issued supply specifications for MR005-Solvent filtration. Issued supply specifications for MR006 - Sulphur Degassing Package for inter dept for comments. Review/comments of vendor documents for Refrigerant compressor package (COMPANY ITEM). Review/comments of vendor documents for Export gas compressor package (COMPANY ITEM). Follow-up with vendors for TQ/Meeting date Meeting with Vendors for SULZER (MR-P-001, API Pumps >150 KW), HOWDEN (MR-K-001, Blowers) & SBS (MR-U-001, Sulphur Solidification package) Completed TBE for API 610 Pumps >150 KW (MR-P-001) for Client review Bids closing for Regeneration Gas Heaters, n.4 Vendors to be evaluated Bids closing for Reducing Gas Generators, n.4 Vendors to be evaluate Vendor Document Review Completion of MR for HE Technical meeting for AC TBE Issuance of S&T HEX Engineering Drawings Storage Tank KOM Issued MR for Solvent filtration Package (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-101-F-005). Issued supply specifications for Sulphur Degassing Package (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-108-U-006). Offer evaluation for Filter (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-F-001) Review/comments of vendor documents for Refrigerant compressor package (COMPANY ITEM). Review/comments of vendor documents for Export gas compressor package (COMPANY ITEM). Completed Meeting with CBI for Blower (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-108-K-001). Completed TBE for Client Review for the SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-108-K-001 & SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-144-U-001. Preparation of technical query for KSB Pumps (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-001). Preparation of technical query for FINDER Pumps (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-002). MR issued for Bid enquiry for Antifoam Injection Package (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-101-U-001). Prepared technical query for KSB Pumps (3546-GG-MR-004). TQ sent to FINDER offer (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-002). MR ready for issue Bid enquiry Lubricants & Consumables (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-X-001) Internal Communication. Job co-ordination TBE for Reaction Furnace 001 TBE for Thermal Oxidizer - 002 Incinerator TBE for Reducing Gas Generator 003 TBE for Regeneration Furnace - 004 Updating of Engineering Drawings for all Drums, Columns Bid Evaluation of offers for Plate Type Heat Exchangers, Issue of TBE for Shell and Tube made of Titanium, Bid evaluation of offers for Chemical Injection Package, Reissue of MR for Air Coolers Reissue of TBE for Air Coolers Final Technical meeting with TASHA for Drums according to ASME Final Technical meeting with PIDEMCO for Drums according to ASME Bid evaluation of offers for Refractory lined Heat Exchangers Bid evaluation of offers for multi-tube hairpin Heat Exchangers Review of JMC vendor documents for columns according to PD-5500, Review of HYOSUNG vendor documents for drums according to PD-5500, Review of JMC vendor documents for Columns according to ASME, Review of FSK vendor documents for Reactors according to ASME Review of MACHINE SAZI ESFAHAN vendor documents for Storage Tanks Preparation of data sheets for Cranes of Compressors of 106-K-101 and 111-K-101 MR and supply specifications for filters, ejector and desuperheater issued

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Meeting with Gas dehydration package vendors In Tehran - M/s Gastech; In Milan - M/s IMS, M/s COMART Follow-up with vendors for TQ Review/comments of vendor documents for (COMPANY ITEM) - Refrigerant compressor package & Export gas compressor package Follow-up with vendors for TQ/Meeting date. Vendor offers for Gas Dehydration Package (GASTEC/COMART/IMS), reviewed/ commented. Vendor offers for Blowers (HOWDEN, CONTINENTAL), reviewed/commented. Issued of Dimension and weight for Machinery equipments. Issued MR for Bid Enquiry for API 610 Vertical centrifugal pumps (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-004) & Metering Pumps (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-005). Technical clarification meeting with EBARA (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-001) & HOWDEN, CONTINENTAL (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-108-K-001) completed. Vendor documents issued for Export Gas Compressor & Refrigeration compressor for squad check Participated in the Export Gas Compressor Vendor documents Handover Meeting with OTC/PPL at Teheran (held on 10~16 Jun 2010) Preparation of Supply specifications for Filters, Ejectors, Desuperheaters Updating of engineering drawings for drums. Updating of engineering drawings for columns. Reissue of engineering drawings for reactors. Updating of engineering drawings for storage tanks. Issue of mechanical data sheets for refractory lined heat exchangers. Issue of mechanical data sheets for multi-tube hairpin heat exchangers. Issue of engineering drawings for shell and tube made of titanium. Reissue of MR for reactors according to PD-5500. Issue of MR for multi-tube hairpin heat exchangers. Issue of MR for shell and tube made of titanium. Reissue of TBE for drums according to PD-5500. Reissue of TBE for columns according to PD-5500. Reissue of TBE for reactors according to ASME. Reissue of TBE for columns according to ASME. Bid evaluation of offers for reactors according to PD-5500. Issue of TBE of offers for storage tanks. Bid evaluation of offers for air coolers. Bid evaluation of offers for plate type heat exchangers. Issue of TBE of offers for column internals. issue of MR for drum internals. Bid evaluation of offers for drum internals. Bid evaluation of offers for shell and tube made of titanium. KOM with Vendor for columns according to PD-5500. Bid evaluation of offers for chemical injection package. CIVIL / STRUCTURE / BUILDING Engineering Issued Support reaction of IPR NS-GTU/EW-COMP module no PR-3-160-601/607/308. Base Plate drawings issued. Issued Structural steel drawings for E-W IPR, module no. PR-3-160-309, 310, 201 to 206. Issued Tekla Model of module no. PR-3-160-310, 201 to 206. Issued Support reaction of E-W-IPR module no PR-3-160-310/201 to 206. Issued Structural steel drawings for N-S IPR, module no. PR-3-160-503, 506 and 507. Issued TEKLA Model of module no. PR-3-160-503/504/505/506/507/508. Issued Support reaction of E-W-IPR module no PR-3-160-309. TEKLA Model & structural steel drawings for N-S IPR, module no. PR-3-160-601, 605, 606 & 607 (GTU) & PR-3-160-501, 502 & 509 issued during the week as per schedule. Analysis/Design for E-W racks started. Load data for one module in case of E-W racks issued. Start of 30% Modelling Sewer System Networks and Ditches from EPC2 Tie-in Building Clash Checking Checking of HPP Civil Drawings and Key Plan Preparation Review of 56 Pipeline Profile

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SRU Interconnecting Pipe Rack Foundation Plan SRU Interconnecting Pipe Rack Foundation Formwork SRU Interconnecting Pipe Rack Foundation Bar Bending Issuing of SS-05/06/07 Bar Bending Sch. Issuing of Rev.2 SS-05/06/07 Foundation Form Work Issuing of Rev.2 SS-05/06/07 Foundation Reinforcement SS-05/06/07 LER/LCR Architectural Layout Completion of SS-09/10 Architectural Layout Issuing of the 1st Equipment Foundation 106-D-101 Operator Building HVAC Load Calculations HVAC Ducting for Gate House Recalculation of SS-05/06/07 HVAC Loads Issued Structural steel drawings for N-S SRU IPR Issued TEKLA Model of module no. PR-3-160-503/504/505/506/507/508. Issued Support reaction of E-W-IPR module no PR-3-160-309. Analysis/Design for E-W racks module no. PR-3-160-201/202/203/204 started Calculation of sewer UG pipe network. Calculation of surface drainage ditch network. Working on Key plan dwgs for civil items. Working on coordinate for buildings and related clash checking. Participation on clash removing meeting for site cable trenches. Communication with Dor-Riz surveyor for 56 pipe line route surveying. Giving comment on mechanical equipment dwgs. (EDMS) 3D modeling of civil items for model review 30%. Calculating MTO of gravity UG pipe for piping department. Participation on Bi-weekly meeting with PPL and EPC2 Recalculation of SS-05/06/07/09/10 HVAC Loads Issuing of the HVAC SYSTEM FLOW DIAGRAM FOR SS5/SS6/SS7 Issuance of SS-05/06/07 Column BBS Issuance of SS-05/06/07 Wall/Column Formwork Issuance of SS-05/06/07 Wall/Column Reinforcement Issuance of BBS of SRU IPR Foundation Structural steel drawings for E-W IPR, module no. PR-3-160-309, 310, 201 to 206 issued during the week. Tekla Model of module no. PR-3-160-310, 201 to 206 issued during this week. Support reaction of E-W-IPR module no PR-3-160-310/201 to 206 issued during the week Support reaction of IPR NS-GTU/EW-COMP module no PR-3-160-601/607/308 issued during the week. Base Plate drawings issued during the week. Design of Unit106-compressor shelter (SH-3-106-101) Design of Unit111-compressor shelter (SH-3-111-101) Design of foundation for interconnecting pipe rack Parts-201,203&205-EW/SRU Equipment foundation design ( 101-D-102~602, 107-D-101~601,107-D-102~602,107-R-101~601 A to D, 108-C-102~402, 108-C-103~403, 108-D-141, 108-D-142) Design of Equipment structure Unit-105 (ST-3-105-201) Design of Unit-108 Main pipe rack Continue of Unit-101 Main pipe rack design Design of SS-10 Continue of SS5,SS6,SS7,SS9 design Calculation of AC UNITS for SS-09. Preparation the AC UNITS & PLUMBING PLAN for Operating Building. Check of the HVAC system ducting plan (supply & return& exhaust) for SS5 PIPING EngineeringModels & drawings for N-S IPR under progress. Analysis/Design for E-W racks started. Structural steel drawings for N-S IPR, module no. PR-3-160-608, 607, 606, 605,601, 509, 508, 505, 502 & 501 issued. STAAD file for N-S IPR, module no. PR-3-160-608 issued for PPL review. TEKLA model issued for PR-3-160-601, 605, 606, 607, 608, 501, 502 & 509. Preparation of STAAD model for interconnecting piperacks (IPR) Preparation of models for Inteconnecting Piperack (under progress). Support reactions for foundation design for N-S racks issued. Issued HVAC design basis data sheet for Operator Shelter

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Issued HVAC flow diagram for Operator Shelter Issue of HVAC Calculation for Substation 5, 6, 7, 9 &10. Preparation of flow diagram for Substation 5, 6, 7, 9 &10. Preliminary routing study and site visit for 56 gas pipe line. Preparing preliminary key plan for interconnecting UG composite plan. Preparing coordinate and clash checking for SS-05, 06, 07, 09, 10 and gate house and operator building 01, 05, 06, 07. Preparing preliminary location for heavy duty concrete paving and access for units (with piping department). Preparing, sending and receiving Tie in point information for UG pipe and ditches. Working on level of buildings at site and on output level of end point of ditch network Clash checking for foundation of interconnecting pipe rack Architectural /Foundation drawings for Substation # 5, 6, 7 issued with AFC status, as well as calculation notes for foundation design Foundation design for interconnecting pipe rack [North- South parts issued for excavation] Start of design for gas treatment units pipe racks. Equipment foundation design for 101-T- 101, 108-T-101, 144-T-101 A/B Review & comments for air coolers technical offers Issue of MR for Steel Structure based on BOQ at Bidding Stage. Issue of MR for Steel Structure First Lot Completed revised stress analysis for Interconnecting Pipe Rack (IPR), for change in the flare line size rework (from 28 to 30)and load data given as input to Civil. Comments on Vendor offer for filters, Desuperheater. Study of IPR, for rework due to pipe bridge span change. Reissued E-W revised IPR piping study plans according 10mtr width to NEC for further engineering. IPR key plan issued. Comments on vendor offer for Sulphur solidification package-SANDVIK. Meeting with PPL for changes in flare line sizes NS IPR Reselecting of piping component Preparation of single line for some shelter Piping modelling in all units U/G pipe route Checking of Mechanical Vendor drawing Study of N-S & E-W IPR in GT area as per revised flare lines. Review/Comments on Vendor documents for Export gas Compressor (Company Items). Preparation of single line for some shelter Piping modelling in all units U/G pipe modelling Checking of Mechanical Vendor drawing Piping study of N-S IPR in SRU area for revised flare lines. Stress analysis of GT N-S and E W IPR is in progress. Piping load data for N-S SRU, N-S GT and E-W GT IPR Issued to civil. Updated and issued section drawings for IPR for UDL marking. Vendor drawing review and comments on Desuperheater (101-X-101). Starting of %30 Model Review for All Units Piping modelling in all units U/G pipe modelling Checking of Mechanical Vendor drawing Loop study in SRU and GT units Loop modelling in SRU Internal model review in SRU and 108 ELECTRICAL Engineering Review of package vendor offers. Review of vendor clarifications for package comments. Checking of company items vendor documents. Issuing of Telecom layout SS/LER/LCR/05 Issuing of Telecom layout SS/LER/LCR/06 Issuing of Telecom layout SS/LER/LCR/07 Issuing of Earthing layout-UNIT 144

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Issuing of SS 05/06/07/09/10 Electrical cable ladder layout Issuing of TBE for H.V SWG.(D1) Issuing of Bill of material for local control station Issuing of Earthing layout Unit-106) Issuing of power factor calculation Study on LER/LCR of Substations 5, 9 Architectural Drawings Vendor offer Review Electrical and mechanical Issuing of overall cable routing Issuing of earthing Unit 144 Issuing of earthing Unit 143 Issuing of earthing Unit 145 Review of vendor clarifications for package comments. Checking of company items vendor documents. Issuance of Telecom layout Technical meeting for Power Transformer TBE Technical clarifications with vendors for finalization of Transformers & Panels (no. and size) Technical meeting for SS-09/10 electrical equipment layout Preparation of 30% modelling Interface Technical meeting for Telecom issues Finalization of electrical main cable layout Issuance of AC UPS calculation Issuance of Revised TBE for HV SWGR Review of vendor clarifications for package comments. Checking of company items vendor documents. Vendor offer Review Electrical and mechanical Overall cable routing Review and clash check with instrument ,civil and piping Clash check Underground cable routing modelling 30% Clash check Above ground modelling 30% Meeting with HV SWG Vendor Issue of TBE NGR Issue of MR LCS Study on Opening SS05,06,07 Issuing of lighting ss,9,10 Issue of TBE NGR Issue of DC UPS Review with other DIs. for earthing Unit 101,104,105,107,111 Review with other DIs. for earthing Unit 108 PIPING Engineering IPR study piping plans issued for further engineering activity. Updated IPR piping loading data issued to civil for further design. Internal issue of IPR piping stress documentation Issued E-W revised IPR piping study plans according 10mtr width for further engineering. IPR key plan issued. Comments on vendor offer for sulphur solidification package. Completed stress analysis for Interconnecting Pipe Rack (IPR) and loading data issued to Civil Group. Comments on Vendor offer for Gas Dehydration package Line numbering for fire water deluge systems Completion of equipment modelling in Units 101,108 and 111. Completion of equipment modelling in Unit 104. Completion of equipment modelling in Unit 105. Completion of equipment modelling in Unit 107. Completion of equipment modelling in Unit 143. Completion of equipment modelling in Unit 144. Completion of equipment modelling in Unit 145. Temporary pipe rack modelling in all units. Piping modelling in interconnecting unit. Mechanical drawing checking. Checking of piping route study. Issuing of plot plan for Gas train (1). Issuing of plot plan for Unit 108.

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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 14 of 37

Issuing of plot plan for Unit 106. Equipment structures modelling in Gas train ELECTRICAL Engineering Review of package vendor offers for Company Items (Refrigerant compressor package & Export gas compressor package) Issue of Main and feeder 6KV Single Line Diagram for substation 5. Issue of Main and feeder 0.4KV Single Line Diagram for substation 5. Issue of Main and feeder 0.4KV emergency Single Line Diagram for substation 5. Issue of AC and DC Single Line Diagram for substation 5. Issue of Main and feeder 6KV Single Line Diagram for substation 6. Issue of Main and feeder 0.4KV Single Line Diagram for substation 6. Issue of Main and feeder 0.4KV emergency Single Line Diagram for substation 6. Issue of AC and DC Single Line Diagram for substation 6. Issue of Main and feeder 6KV Single Line Diagram for substation 7. Issue of Main and feeder 0.4KV Single Line Diagram for substation 7. Issue of Main and feeder 0.4KV emergency Single Line Diagram for substation 7. Issue of AC and DC Single Line Diagram for substation 7. Issue of Main and feeder 6KV Single Line Diagram for substation 10. Issue of Main and feeder 0.4KV Single Line Diagram for substation 10. Issue of Main and feeder 0.4KV emergency Single Line Diagram for substation 10. Issue of AC and DC Single Line Diagram for substation 10. Issue of AC and DC Single Line Diagram for substation 9. Issue of Battery and Battery Charger Sizing Calculation for UPS System. Issue of Data Sheet for AC UPS Panels and Batteries. Issue of MR for LV Switchgear. Issue of MR for Neutral Earthing Resistor. Issue of Earthing Layout-Overall. Issue of Panel Board Schedule-Street Lighting. Issue of TBE HV Switchgear. Issue of TBE Power switchgear. Issue of Lightning Layout- SS 5, 6, 7,9,10. Issue of Earthing Layout- SS 5, 6, 7,9,10. TELECOMMUNICATION Engineering N.A. N.A. INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL Engineering Review/comments of vendor documents for Refrigerant compressor package & Export gas compressor package (Company item). Issued LER/LCR-9, LER/LCR-10 equipment layout based on changes received from IPCS vendor, PPL comments and other changes. Comments on Temperature transmitter MR and Thermal relief valve datasheet general comments as requested by NEC, before issue of MR. Level sketch comments issued. Comments provided on On-off valve P&ID legend typical, motor legend typical and issued to EPC-2/PPL. Comments on package documents and assistance to machinery. Meeting with centrifugal blower package vendor (M/s CBI). Instrument Index issued in EPC-2 format. Instrument specification prepared for Sulphur Degassing package. Interface meeting with EPC-2/PPL. Support to Machinery package requirements e.g. revised offer evaluation, reply to vendor queries. Comments on piping/Instrument interface document received from EPC-2/PPL. Issue of Instrument specification for Sulphur Degassing package. On-off valve (32 and above) datasheet comment issued. Meeting with Centrifugal blower package vendors (M/s Continental, M/s Howden). Meeting with Gas dehydration package vendor (M/s Comart). Meeting with Sulphur solidification package vendor (M/s SBS). Review/comments of vendor documents for Refrigerant compressor package (Company item). Review/comments of vendor documents for Export gas compressor package (Company item). Revised LER/LCR equipment layout for LER/LCR-05/09. Meeting with PPL regarding layout for LER/LCR 05/06/07

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LCR/LER heat load calculation under preparation. Verification of IPCS system I/O count. Preparation of Instrument Data Sheet Review/comments of vendor documents for Refrigerant compressor package (Company item) Review/comments of vendor documents for Export gas compressor package (Company item) Issued LER/LCR-09 equipment layout based on changes due input received from package vendor/IPCS vendor and also due to changes from civil/architect LER/LCR-09 heat load calculation Meeting with Sulphur solidification package vendor (M/s SBS) Meeting with API High pressure pump package vendor (M/s Sulzer) Updation of Inst index based on Rev-DO P&ID IO COUNT revised based on the Rev DB P&IDS Interface meeting with EPC2/PPL Vendor document review Provision of Instrument data sheet Provision of 30% Modelling Finalization of C&I main cable layout Interface meeting with EPC2/ PPL. Review/comments of vendor documents for Refrigerant compressor package (Company item). Review/comments of vendor documents for Export gas compressor package (Company item). Issued LER/LCR-10 equipment layout based on changes due input received from IPCS vendor, PPL comments and other changes. Meeting with centrifugal blower package vendor (M/s CBI). Instrument Index issued in EPC-2 format. Instrument specification prepared for Sulphur Degassing package. Comments on Electrical/Instrument interface typical legend and issued to EPC-2/PPL Comments on package documents and assistance to machinery Instrument data sheet (pressure relief valves)-Unit 104 (issued) Instrument data sheet (temperature transmitter)-Unit 101 (issued) Instrument data sheet (temperature transmitter)-Unit 106 (issued) Instrument data sheet (pressure relief valves)-Unit 105 in progress Instrument data sheet (pressure relief valves)-Unit 107 in progress Instrument data sheet (pressure relief valves)-Unit 111in progress Instrument data sheet (temperature transmitter)-Unit 111in progress Instrument data sheet (temperature transmitter)-Unit 104in progress Instrument data sheet (temperature transmitter)-Unit 143in progress Instrument data sheet (temperature transmitter)-Unit 144in progress Instrument data sheet (temperature transmitter)-Unit 145in progress Instrument data sheet (control valve)-Unit 106 -in progress Instrument data sheet (control valve)-Unit 105 -in progress Instrument data sheet (control valve)-Unit 101 -in progress Nozzle arrangements for level instrument of all units-in progress (implementation of owner comments) Instrument data sheet (analyzer-CO2)-Unit 101-in progress Instrument data sheet (analyzer- H2S)-Unit 101- in progress Instrument data sheet (analyzer- H2S/SO2)-Unit 108- in progress Instrument data sheet (analyzer- GC)-Unit 104- in progress Instrument data sheet (analyzer- RSH)-Unit 107- in progress Instrument data sheet (analyzer- H2O)-Unit 104- in progress Instrument data sheet (analyzer-PH)-Unit 108- in progress Instrument data sheet (analyzer-H2 )-Unit 101 in progress Instrument data sheet (pressure differential transmitter)-all units in progress Instrument data sheet (pressure transmitter)- all units in progress Instrument data sheet (pressure relief valves)-Unit 101 (input to process) Instrument index all units in progress Starting of instrument data sheet (level gauges)-Unit 101&104,105,106,107,108 (input to process) Review of mechanical engineering drawings (vessels, drums, exchangers,) in different units Review of mechanical received vendor Bids (air coolers, chemical injection packages) Review and comments on P&ID (S)-Rev.D TBE of vendor offer for IPCS issued. Interface meeting with EPC-2/PPL

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Export gas compressor handover meeting with PPL and OTC at Tehran. Meeting with Export gas compressor vendor OTC in Tehran Instrument index update in excel based on Rev-D0 P&ID. Bulk MTO and QPL Refrigerant compressor package vendor dwgs/documents review/comments Export gas compressor contract document review, Communication /MOM / Clarification between client and vendor are reviewed and comments provided, Listed all open points where clients / vendors confirmation required. Support to Machinery and AUSI package requirements. Study review of Project common documents issued by EPC-2 for Instrument and Telecom system Machinery package vendor offer review and comments provided for following package Sulphur solidification (M/s SBS) Gas dehydration package (M/s Gastech, M/s IMS, M/s Comart) Centrifugal Blower package (M/s Howden, M/s Continental, M/s CBI) API- pump (M/s Ebara, M/s Sulzur, M/s Weir) Start of Bid evaluation for IPCS Assistance in Review of offers for Gas dehydration package received Assistance in Review of offers received for Centrifugal blower package Assistance in Review of offers received for API 610 heavy duty process centrifugal pumps. Assistance in Review/comments of vendor documents for Refrigerant compressor package (Company item) Assistance in Review/comments of vendor documents for Export gas compressor package (Company item) Starting of instrument data sheet (control valve)-Unit 101 (input to process). Starting of instrument data sheet (pressure differential transmitter)-Unit 101 (input to process). Starting of instrument data sheet (pressure differential transmitter-level)-Unit 101 (input to process). Starting of instrument data sheet (pressure relief valves)-Unit 101 (input to process). Starting of instrument data sheet (orifice assembly)-Unit 101 (input to process). Preparation of nozzle arrangement for level instrument (unit-101). Preparation of nozzle arrangement for level instrument (all units). Implementation of F&G devices tag Nos. in the EPC3 Buildings (SS/LER/LCR) F&G layouts (drawings by HSE). Review of mechanical engineering drawings (vessels, drums, exchangers) in different units. Review of mechanical received vendor Bids (air coolers). Review of SS/LCR/LER (S) architectural drawings. Preparation of instrument index in unit-101, unit-104, unit-105, unit -106. HVAC Engineering Issued HVAC design basis data sheet for Substation 5, 6, 7 , 9, 10 and North fence gate houseNil Issued HVAC flow diagram for Substation 5, 6, 7 , 9, 10 and North fence gate house Issued HVAC Conceptual design basis Issued HVAC Legend and Symbol drawing Finalization of document list & Numbering the Documents Preparation of HVAC Calculation for Substation 5&6&7 Preparation of PFD for Substation 5&6&7 Receiving the HVAC Philosophy, Basis of Design, Specs, Symbol& Abbreviation from PPL. HSE/SAFETY Engineering Planning of HAZOP activities Planning of 3D Model Safety Review Review and comments on Electrical Hazardous Areas Issue D1 Issued 4 Nos. PIDs for Fire Water Network in D0 Revision. Issued 22 Nos. PIDs for Deluge valves in D0 Revision. Issued Fire Proofing Layouts (General Layout) in D0 Revision. Issued Fire Proofing Layouts (Gas Train/Unit 143/Unit106/Unit 144/Unit 145/Unit 108) in D0 Revision. Meeting with PPL on Substation Layout and Clean Agent Systems Meeting with PPL on F&G Cause & Effect Diagrams Issue of F&G Cause & Effect Diagram Preparing hazardous area classification of process units. Comments on hazardous source list. Checking MR for fire fighting equipments. Checking and comments on substation DWG.

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Preparation of F&G detection layout. Preparation of Manual Alarm Call Point general layout. Preparation of MTO for fire fighting equipments. Preparation of MR for fire fighting equipments. Preparation of MTO for fire extinguishers. Preparation of MR for fire extinguishers. Preparation of Safety equipment data sheets. Preparing of simulation files of HP, MP & LP flare networks. Reviewing the Plot Plans of EPC3 scope of work units. Filling the instrument data sheets containing process devices. Preparing the F.F. & safety equipment layout. Review and comments on Consequence Analysis from EPC2. Preparation of Consequence Analysis for EPC3. Mechanical Data sheets and drawings review. Reviewing comments on vendor packages. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Engineering BE for Reaction Furnace 001 TBE for Thermal Oxidizer - 002 Incinerator TBE for Reducing Gas Generator 003 TBE for Regeneration Furnace - 004 Engineering assistance to other disciplines Technical evaluation on going for offers for Reaction furnace, Thermal Oxidizer, Reducing Gas generator and Regeneration Furnace.Nil PLANNED FOR THE NEXT PERIOD General Engineering P&IDs review and HAZOP meetings 30% Model Review planned in August First Issue of P&IDsPreparation of HAZOP PROCESS Engineering Chemical and catalyst list preparation Completion of Cause and Effect tables Unit 143, 144, 145 P&ID review meeting HAZOP meeting Instrument datasheet IDS completion for local instruments (PI, TI, LG) Issue of Material Selection Diagram PSFS drawings issue Depressurization report issue revision D0 Electrical tracing list preparation for equipment, lines, instruments Assistance to Nargan engineering disciplines Catalyst and chemical list preparation P&ID master copy updating with P&ID review comment P&ID master copy updating with HAZOP review comment Commenting vendor documents for TBE Commenting vendor documents of company items Completion of Hierarchic diagram and Cause and Effect tables Instrument datasheet IDS completion Updating and issue of equipment PDS based on client comments (in revision D1) Material Selection Diagram completion and issue PSFS drawings preparation Depressurization report finalization for issue D0 Electrical user list preparation Assistance to engineering disciplines Catalyst and chemical list preparation P&ID master copy updating for P&ID review Finalization of studies for flare lines Issue of P&IDs Rev. D0 issued (All Units) Cause and Effect Matrix and hierarchy diagram preparation Commenting vendor documents Updating equipment PDS based on client comments Review of process and interconnecting P&IDs revision D0.

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Finalization of Depressurization report. Revised process data sheets having final depressurizing report. Review of Mechanical drawings. Process data for instrument data sheets. Checking and commenting of vendor proposals MECHANICAL Engineering Offer evaluation for Filter (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-F-001/ SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-J-002). Offer evaluation of Ejector (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-J-002). Offer evaluation of Desuperheater (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-X-003). Review/comments of vendor documents for Refrigerant compressor package (Company item). Preparation of Technical query on FINDER Pump (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-004). Review/comments of vendor documents for Refrigerant compressor package (COMPANY ITEM). Review/comments of vendor documents for Export gas compressor package (COMPANY ITEM). Preparation of Technical query on FINDER Pump & KSB Pumps (SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-004). Attendance of meeting for Export gas compressor in Teheran. Follow-up, communication, review of vendor reply on TQ for SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-002, SP12-2Y3-MEMR-993-P-004. MR and supply specifications for Filtration package and Sulphur Degassing Unit completion. Offer evaluation in case of receipt of the same. MR to be issued for Bid enquiry for SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-101-U-001 (Antifoam package) Preparation of comments for vendor offers for API 610 Vertical centrifugal pumps. Meeting with Vendors & Preparation of comments for vendor offers for MR nos. SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P001 (SULZER) & SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-108-K-001 (CBI). Review of vendor documentation for Export Gas compressor and Refrigeration package. Preparation of Technical query & Meeting with Vendors for MR no. SP12-2Y3-ME-MR-993-P-002 & SP122Y3-ME-MR-993-P-003. Preparation of MR for issue of Bid Enquiry (API 610 Vertical centrifugal pumps & Metering Pumps) Preparation of Comments for vendor offers for Gas Dehydration Package Preparation of comments for vendor offers for Blowers Preparation of comments for vendor offers for API 610 Vertical centrifugal pumps Vendor meeting with vendors for API 610 Vertical centrifugal pumps /Blowers/ Gas Dehydration Package Review of vendor documentation for Export Gas compressor and Refrigeration package Export Gas Compressor Vendor documents 2nd. Handover Meeting with OTC/PPL at Teheran Preparation of Material Requisition for Filtration package and degassing package Update of engineering drawings for drums. Reissue of engineering drawings for columns. Updating of engineering drawings for reactors. Updating of engineering drawings for storage tanks. Updating of engineering drawings for shell and tube made of titanium. Bid evaluation of offers for reactors according to PD-5500. Reissue of TBE of offers for storage tanks. Bid evaluation of offers for air coolers. Issue of TBE of offers for drums according to ASME. Bid evaluation of offers for plate type heat exchangers. Reissue of TBE of offers for column internals. Issue of TBE for drum internals. Bid evaluation of offers for shell and tube made of titanium. KOM with HYOSUNG for columns according to PD-5500. KOM with FSK for reactor According to ASME. Bid evaluation of offers for chemical injection package. CIVIL / STRUCTURE / BUILDING Engineering Further revised Support Reaction of IPR-NS-GTU/EW-COMP module no PR3-160-601 to 608/ 301 to 308 to be issued. Further revised Structural steel drawings of IPR-NS-GTU/EW-COMP module no PR3-160-601 to 608/ 301 to 308. Support Reaction & Structural steel drawings of IPR-NS-SRU modified module no PR3-160-501, 505 & 508 to updated as per the new 20m pipe bridge span & to be issued. TEKLA model & structural steel drawings for E-W IPR to be issued as per schedule. Revised TEKLA model & structural steel drawings for N-S to be issued. Load data for foundation design of remaining E-W racks to be issued progressively.

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Load data for foundation design of N-S racks (GTU/SRU) to be issued. N-S racks Support reactions to be modified due to comments received from PPL and Piping Group N-S racks Structural drawings to be issued for comments. E-W racks - Support reactions to be prepared for foundation design Issue of flow diagram for Substation 5, 6, 7, 9 &10. Issue of HVAC Calculation for Operating Buildings. Preparation of Equipment schedule for Substation 5, 6, 7, 9 &10. Preparing preliminary key plan for units for UG composite and road & paving. Receiving tie in point information and starting of preliminary calculation for Ditches network. Receiving tie in point information and starting of preliminary calculation for UG pipe network. Clash checking for foundation of interconnecting pipe rack. Start of modelling for U/G work. Receiving of as built drawings for site preparation works and comparison with plot plans and FEED documents. Architectural drawings for Substation # 9 & 10 will be issued AFC. Foundation drawings for Substation # 9 & 10 will be issued AFC. Architectural drawings of Operator building & Gatehouse will be revised and reissued. Re-Issue of MR for Steel Structure based on 1st BOQ Issue of TBE for Steel Structure Issue of MR for Anchor Bolts Issue of MR for Steel Rebars PIPING Engineering Temporary structure modeling for all Units. Completion of temporary pipe rack modeling in all units Piping modeling in interconnecting unit Piping modeling in Gas Train Piping modeling in SRU Piping modeling in Export Gas Compression Equipment structures modeling in SRU Issuing of plot plan for Gas trains(2~5) Issuing of plot plan for SRU(2~4) Revised load data to civil for IPR, for rework due to pipe bridge span change. Issue of revised piping study plans of IPR to NEC for further engineering. ELECTRICAL Engineering Review of vendors offers as received Issue of Above Ground Cable Ladder Layout-(Unit 101/104/105/107/111) TRAIN 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 Issue of Earthing Layout-(Unit 101/104/105/107/111) TRAIN 1, 2, 3,4,5,6 Issue of Above Ground Cable Ladder Layout-(Unit 106) Issue of Earthing Layout-(Unit 106) Issue of Above Ground Cable Ladder Layout-(Unit 108) Train 1,2,3,4 Issue of Earthing Layout-(Unit 108) Train 1,2,3,4 Issue of Earthing Layout-(Unit 143) Issue of Earthing Layout-(Unit 144) Issue of Earthing Layout-(Unit 145) Issue of Power Factor Calculation and Schedule Issue of Data Sheet for Power Factor Issue of MR Power factor Issue of Overall Electrical Cable Routing - Aboveground Issue of Earthing Layout-Outside Area SS5, 6, 7,9,10 Issue of Electrical cable ladder/Tray Layout- SS5, 6, 7,9,10 Issue of Lighting and small power Layout- SS5, 6, 7,9,10 Issue of Lighting Layout- Gate house Issue of Lighting Layout- Operation building Issue of Earthing Layout- Gate house Issue of Earthing Layout- Operation building Substation-SS5 Electrical Cable Ladder/Tray Layout Substation-SS6 Electrical Cable Ladder/Tray Layout Substation-SS7 Electrical Cable Ladder/Tray Layout Substation-SS9 Electrical Cable Ladder/Tray Layout Substation-SS10 Electrical Cable Ladder/Tray Layout

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Elec. Cable List & Schedule -SS5 Elec. Cable List & Schedule SS6 Elec. Cable List & Schedule SS7 I/O List Data Sheet for Power Factor TBE for DC UPS Panels And Batteries TBE for AC UPS Panels And Batteries TBE for Neutral Earthing Resistor Bill of Material for Local Control Stations TBE for LV Bus Duct Review of package vendor offers. TELECOMMUNICATION Engineering Issue of Telecom Layout- SS5, 6, 7,9,10 Nil INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL Engineering Meeting with Export gas compressor package vendor in Tehran Issue of LCR/LER-05, LCR/LER-06, LCR/LER-07, LCR/LER-09 based on final architecture layout prepared by NEC. P&ID review meeting in Tehran. Interface meeting with EPC-2/PPL. Refrigerant Gas compressor package vendor dwgs/document review/comments. Export gas compressor package vendor dwgs/documents review/comments. UPS power consumption data (Preliminary) for each LCR/LER-05, -06, -07, -09, -10. Heat load calculation for each LCR/LER-10. Support to Machinery package requirements e.g. revised offer evaluation, TBE preparation. Issue of Instrument Electrical Interface Document. Review of NEC-Instrument deliverables uploaded in PCIM. Preliminary MCC interface list Interface meeting with EPC-2/PPL Instrument index update in Intools based on Rev-D0 P&ID. Refrigerant Gas compressor package vendor dwgs/document review/comments. Export gas compressor package vendor dwgs/documents review/comments UPS power consumption data (Preliminary) for each LCR/LER-05, -06, -07, -09, -10. Heat load calculation for each LCR/LER-05, -06, -07, -09, -10 Support to Machinery and Auxiliary Equipment package requirements. Study review of Project common documents issued by EPC-2 Revision of LCR/LER layouts based on revised input received from IPCS vendor and package vendors Bulk MTO and QPL Machinery package vendor technical clarification meeting for following packages Centrifugal Blower (Offer from M/s HOWDEN, M/S CBI, M/s CONTINENTAL) Gas Dehydration (Offer from M/s Gastech, M/s Comart, M/s IMS) Sulphur solidification package (offer from M/s Sandvik, M/s SBS) API-610 Heavy duty pump package (M/s Sulzur, M/s Ebara, M/s Weir) Assistance to machinery for preparation of TBE for following packages Gas Dehydration (Offer from M/s Gastech, M/s Comart, M/s IMS) Completion of Bid evaluation for IPCS Assistance in Bid evaluation for API 610 heavy duty process centrifugal pumps for offers received Assistance in Bid evaluation for Sulphur solidification package offer received Starting of instrument data sheet (On-off valve)-Unit 101&104,105,107 (input to process) Start of remain instrument data sheets-for remain units Start of F&G field devices data sheets provided receiving template from EPC2 Start of F&G field cable routing Issue of nozzle arrangement for level instrument (all units) Review of mechanical engineering drawings (vessels, drums, exchangers,) in different units Review of mechanical received vendor Bids HVAC Engineering Preparation of HVAC Calculation for Substation 9&10& Operating Buildings & Gate House. Preparation of PFD for Substation 9&10

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Investigation & Responding to the HVAC Philosophy, Basis of Design, Specs, Symbol & Abbreviation Received from PPL. Nil HSE/SAFETY Engineering Planning of HAZOP activities Planning of 3D Model Safety Review Interface meetings on F&G C&E Diagrams, Consequence Analysis & Fire Zone Layout, Muster Point Locations Planning of HAZOP activities Planning of 3D Model Safety Review Review and comments on FF&SE Layout Issue D1. PIDs for Fire Water Network and for Deluge valves Hazardous area Layouts for Fire Proofing Issuing the hazardous area classification of process units Preparing hazardous source list Preparation of F.F. & F.G. substation based on new architecture drawing Preparation of Consequence Analysis for EPC3 Issuing F&G detection layout Issue of Manual Alarm Call Point general layout Issue of MTO for fire fighting equipments Issuing MTO for fire extinguishers Issue of Safety equipment data sheets Issuing MR for fire fighting equipments Issuing MR for fire extinguishers Preparing escape routes for process units Reviewing and comments on F&G cause & effect matrices Review and comments on vendor documents & mechanical drawings & datasheets Reviewing and commenting of Rev. D0 of Process P&IDs Filling the instrument data sheets containing process devices Reviewing the Plot Plans of EPC3 scope of work units Flare networks design and simulation Preparing F.F. & F&G drawings of buildings Preparing Fireproofing list and drawings Issuing F.F. & safety equipment layout Reviewing and preparing fire protection layout for EPC3 AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Engineering Nil Nil AREA OF CONCERN General Engineering Unavailability of Common Documents. Design changes in the Flare headers & sub header N-S IPR GTU/SRU & E-W Comp Modules are getting affected. The support reaction, structural drawings & TEKLA model for modules issued till date may be revised. Non finalization of Trilateral Agreement and consequent lack of direct communication with Licensors; communication channel through PPL not effective.. Unavailability of Common Documents. PROCESS Engineering Refer to 4.4.1 in particular clarifications on Unit 108 are needed Approval from Licensors (Prosernat, Whorley Parson) of documentation according to trilateral Agreement (signed but not yet available) Presence of Licensors at Hazop Meeting. MECHANICAL Engineering Approval from client awaited on the following: Nameplate specification (SP12-2Y3-ME-SP-993-004_ D0 ) Handover of Manufacturing data report (SP12-2Y3-ME-SP-993-002_ D0). For MR001 and MR006, all vendors has regretted to supply Vibration probes and monitoring system due to Embargo issue.

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Approval from client awaited on various specifications (Nameplate, Handover of Manufacturing data report, General specification for the supply of pressure and non-pressure equipments) Client reply to technical queries awaited. Licensor/PPL approval of TBE for Column Internals in order to provide relevant column vendors with internals information Finalization of EPC3 comments on Material Specifications CIVIL / STRUCTURE / BUILDING Engineering Due to recent study of flare lines, there are changes in line size & load data. This will affect N-S IPR GTU/SRU & E-W Comp.N.A.N/A PIPING Engineering Finalization of EPC3 comments on PMS Finalization of EPC3 comments on Material Specifications Nil ELECTRICAL Engineering EPC2 to provide interface information about refrigeration compressors and typical scheme for MV and LV feeder.N.A. The following information to be provided by EPC-2 Total cable length (NEC already forwarded EPC-3 battery limit length to EPC-2) for refrigeration gas compressor motors to be informed to Siemens to check terminal box size. Details of differential protection CTs for refrigeration gas compressor motors. TELECOMMUNICATION Engineering N.A. N.A. INSTRUMENT AND CONTROL Engineering Finalisation of P&ID legend for Motors typical by EPC-2/PPL EPC-2 to provide input required for standardization Receiving F&G data sheets templates from EPC2 HVAC Engineering N.A. N.A. HSE/SAFETY Engineering N.A. N.A. AUXILIARY EQUIPMENT Engineering N.A. N.A. PROCUREMENT OVERALL PROCUREMENT S-CURVE N.A. ACHIEVED GOALS DURING THE PERIOD Filtration Package Heat Exchangers, Shell & Tube, Made of CS/SS Local Control Station Other Bid Inquiries Issued Anchor Bolts for Plant Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel API 610 Centrifugal Pumps (>150 kw) Centrifugal Blowers Sulphur Solidification Package

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Reaction Furnace Thermal Oxidizer (Incinerator) Reducing Gas Generator Regeneration Furnace Drum Internals Heat Exchangers, Shell & Tube, Made of Titanium Neutral Earthing Resistor (NER) Filters API 610 Centrifugal Pumps (<= 150 kw) API 610 Vertical CF Pumps Heat Exchangers, Shell & Tube, Made of CS/SS Heat Exchangers, Shell & Tube, Refractory Lined Heat Exchangers, Multi Tube, Hairpin Type Power Factor Impr. Bid inquires compiled and issued N.A. Reactors according to PD5500 Drums according to ASME Air coolers Steel pipes HV Switchgear Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel (DR Scope of Supply - Early Production) Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel (GM Scope of Supply - Early Production) Reactors according to PD5500 Drums according to ASME Air coolers Steel pipes Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel (DR Scope of Supply - Early Production Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel (GM Scope of Supply - Early Production) Reactors according to PD5500 Drums according to ASME Air coolers All the Procurement Procedures have been revised including Company comments and issued for Company approval. Balance Procurement Procedures to be issued: Transport, Custom clearance and Shipping Management Procedure Refrigerant Compressors: follow-up activities in progress Export Gas Compressors: follow-up activities in progress Due to the present market situation many bids are in a critical status. Degassing Package Plant Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel (DR Scope of Supply- Except Early Production) Plant Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel (GM Scope of Supply- Except Early Production) Filters API 610 Centrifugal Pumps (<= 150 kw) API 610 Vertical CF Pumps Heat Exchangers, Shell & Tube, Refractory Lined Heat Exchangers, Multi Tube, Hairpin Type Heat Exchangers, Plate Type Chemical Injection Package A certain number of MR for Steel Pipes DC UPS Panels and Batteries

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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 24 of 37

LV Bus Duct AC UPS Panels and Batteries LV Switchgear Power Factor Impr. Anchor Bolts for Plant Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel HV Cable Cable Ladder/Tray Termination Kit Earthing & Lightning Protection System Street Lighting Poles Diff. Pressure Transmitters Level Diff. Pressure Transmitters Pressure Transmitters Temperature Transmitters Hydrants/Monitors/Hose Reels Personnel Protection Equipment Safety Showers and Eye Wash Portable/Wheeled Extinguishers Degassing Ejectors / Start Up Gas Stream Ejectors Desuperheaters Feed Gas Filter Coalescer / Regeneration Gas Filters Filtration Package Degassing Package Local Control Station Hydrants/Monitors/Hose Reels Portable/Wheeled Extinguishers API 610 Centrifugal Pumps (>150 kw) Centrifugal Blowers Sulphur Solidification Package Reaction Furnace Thermal Oxidizer (Incinerator) Reducing Gas Generator Regeneration Furnace Catalyst for Mercaptane Removal Beds Drum Internals Heat Exchangers, Shell & Tube, Made of Titanium Chemical Injection Package Power Transformers Neutral Earthing Resistor (NER) Anchor Bolts for Plant Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel API 610 Centrifugal Pumps (>150 kw) Centrifugal Blowers Sulphur Solidification Package Reaction Furnace Thermal Oxidizer (Incinerator) Reducing Gas Generator

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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 25 of 37

Regeneration Furnace Catalyst for Mercaptane Removal Beds Drum Internals Heat Exchangers, Shell & Tube, Made of Titanium Power Transformers Neutral Earthing Resistor (NER) Anchor Bolts for Plant Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel IPCS API 610 Centrifugal Pumps (>150 kw) Centrifugal Blowers Sulphur Solidification Package Reaction Furnace Thermal Oxidizer (Incinerator) Reducing Gas Generator Catalyst for Mercaptane Removal Beds Drum Internals Heat Exchangers, Shell & Tube, Made of Titanium Steel Pipes HV Switchgear Power Transformers Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel (DR Scope of Supply - Early Production) Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel (GM Scope of Supply - Early Production) Anchor Bolts for Plant Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel TBE to be approved by PPL in order to proceed with procurement activities Issuance of reviewed Vendor list. Site Survey activities in progress Refrigerant Compressors: follow-up activities in progress Export Gas Compressors: follow-up activities in progress Issue of Vendors Prequalification documents To COMPANY, for approval of additional Vendors proposed/to be proposed by Consortium for Plant Pre-Fabricated Structural Steel (Except Early Production Portion) Delay on procurement activities due the unresolved contractual issues. Company Items: finalization of the open contractual and technical issues highlighted by EPC3 are awaited from PPL/Vendor to allow the finalization of the Partial Assignment Agreement. Further EU sanctions & restrictions causing more and more Vendor declines. .Bid Inquiries Issued (PRELIMINARY, waiting for resolution of the open issues indicated in the area of concerns): Issue of Inquiry Package for Steel Structure fabricators. API 610 Centrifugal Pumps (<=150kw) High Head Pumps Regeneration Furnace Catalyst for Sulphur Recovery Unit Steel Structures Other Bid Inquiries Issued: Drum Internals Heat Exchangers Titanium DC Battery Charger Bid Inquiries complete and offer evaluated for: HV Switchgears Storage Tanks Column Internals

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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 26 of 37

Offer received for: Heat Exchangers Titanium DC Battery Charger Chemical Injection Packages Award Recommendation submission to COMPANY Drums acc. to PD-5500 Columns acc. to PD-5500 Reactors acc. to ASME Columns acc. to ASME Award Recommendation Approved by COMPANY Drums acc. to PD-5500 Columns acc. to PD-5500 Reactors acc. to ASME Columns acc. to ASME LOI/POs Issue Drums acc. to PD-5500 Columns acc. to PD-5500 Reactors acc. to ASME Columns acc. to ASME Other points All the Procurement Procedures commented by Company are under revision. Support Documentation for Yokogawa Italy submitted to COMPANY through letter SP12-EPC3-L-PPL-161, dtd. June 12th, 2010. Prequalification Documents of Esfahan Machinery for Storage Tank submitted to COMPANY for Approval through letter SP12-EPC3-L-PPL-175, dtd. June 27th, 2010. The collection of Vendors' Prequalification documents is being finalized for submission to COMPANY Company Items Export Gas Compressor: meeting has been held in Tehran at Company office with OTC/MIGT for review of the open technical issues highlighted by Consortium (Report Doc. No. SP12-2Y3-ME-RP-106-K-001-D0, transmitted to PPL with letter SP12-EPC3-L-PPL-133 dtd. May 15th, 2010); since Vendor (OTC/MIGT) could not provide the required clarification a new meeting, with participations of COMPANY, Siemens and OTC/MIGT and EPC3, will be held in Tehran in the early July 2010. PLANNED FOR NEXT PERIOD Bid Inquiries Issued Issue of Inquiry Package for Steel Structure Anchor Bolts Issuing of Bid Inquiries for Steel Structure first lot. Filters Degassing Ejectors / Start Up Gas Stream Ejectors Desuperheaters Feed Gas Filter Coalescer / Regeneration Gas Filter Degassing Package API 610 Vertical CF Pumps Metering Pumps Lubricants & Consumables Antifoam package Steel Structure Anchor Bolts Steel Rebars Complete offer evaluations to be issued for following MRs IPCS - Integrated Plant Control System API 610 Centrifugal Pumps (>150kw) Centrifugal Blowers Sulphur Solidification Package Gas Dehydration Package Drums acc. to ASME Transformers Air Coolers Reactors acc. to PD-5500 Heat Exchanger Plate type Steel Structure for first lot Bid inquiry to be issued for following MRs

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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 27 of 37

Heat Exchanger Refractory Lined Heat Exchanger Multi Tube Hairpin Type LV Switchgear LV Bus Duct Power Factor Impv. AC UPS Panels and Batteries Neutral Grounding Resistor (NGR) Steel Structure for first lot Offers expected to arrive for the following MRs Drum Internals LV Switchgear LV Bus Duct Neutral Grounding Resistor (NGR) Award Recommendation submission to COMPANY Issue of Award Recommendation for Steel Structure Issue of Award Recommendation for Steel Structure Anchor Bolts IPCS - Integrated Plant Control System Drums acc. to ASME Reactors acc. to PD-5500 Column Internals Storage Tanks HV Switchgears Transformers Steel Structures Steel Structure Anchor Bolts Award Recommendation to be Approved by COMPANY Drums acc. to ASME Reactors acc. to PD-5500 Column Internals Storage Tanks HV Switchgears Transformers Steel Structures Steel Structure Anchor Bolts LOI/POs to be Issued Issue of PO for Steel Structure Issue of PO for Steel Structure Anchor Bolts Issue of PO for Steel Rebar Drums acc. to ASME Reactors acc. to PD-5500 Column Internals Storage Tanks HV Switchgears Transformers Steel Structures Steel Structure Anchor Bolts Steel Rebars Other points Issue of balance Procurement Procedures: Vendor Prequalification Procedure, Request to Import Procedure. Issue of revised Procurement Procedures, including COMPANYs comments. Issue of Vendors Prequalification documents to COMPANY, for approval of additional Vendors proposed/to be proposed by Consortium. Issuance of reviewed Vendor list. Company Items: Refrigerant Compressors: follow-up meeting will be held with Siemens in the month of July 2010 Export Gas Compressors: review meeting of EPC3 Report to be held in Tehran with participations of COMPANY and Siemens and OTC/MIGT Issuing of TBE for Steel Structure. AREA OF CONCERNS

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Delay on procurement activities due the unresolved contractual issues. Company Items: finalization of the open contractual and technical issues highlighted by EPC3 are awaited from PPL/Vendor to allow the finalization of the Partial Assignment Agreement.


OVERALL CONSTRUCTION AND PRECOMMISSIONING S-CURVE N.A. ACHIEVED GOALS DURING THE PERIOD Excavation of Export Gas Compressor foundations (106-K-101,201,301,401) has been done. Excavation of Sub-Station No.7 foundation has been started. Excavation of Pipe Rack Foundation (WP 17) continued. Excavation of Foundation 106-K-201, 106-K-301 & 106-K-401 is finished. Grading and Compaction of Foundation 106-K-201,106-K-301 & 106-K-401 is done. Polyethylene Sheet for Foundation 106-K-101, 106-K-201, 106-K-301 & 106-K-401 is done. Lean Concrete for Foundation 106-K-101, 106-K-201, 106-K-301 & 106-K-401 is done. Bar Bending for Foundation 106-K-101, 106-K-201, 106-K-301 is done. Lean Concrete for Foundation 111-K-201 A/B is done. Bar Bending for Foundation 111-K-201 A/B is done. Form Work for Foundation 111-K-201 A/B is done. Grading and Compaction for Foundation 111-K-501 A/B is done. Polyethylene Sheet for Foundation 111-K-501 A/B is done. Lean Concrete for Foundation 111-K-501 A/B is done. Bar Bending for Foundation 111-K-501 A/B is started. (90% Completed). Grading and Compaction for Foundation 111-K-601 A/B is done. Polyethylene Sheet for Foundation 111-K-601 A/B is done Lean Concrete for Foundation 111-K-601 A/B is done. Bar Bending for Foundation 111-K-601 A is started. (7% Completed). Bar Bending for Foundation 111-K-601 B is started. (42% Completed) Grading and Compaction for Foundation Substation No.07 is started. (45% Completed). Continuing of SS05 Foundations Excavation (95% Completed) Completion of SS06 foundation Excavation. Continuation of interconnecting pipe racks (PR-3-160) Foundations Excavation. Completion of Main Concrete for 111-K-101 B Concrete Pouring for 111-K-101 B Foundation Completion of Form Work for 111-K-101 A Completion of bar bending for 111-K-301 A / B & 111-K-401 A / B Continuation of preparation and levelling of west construction area Continuation of foundation works for batching plants Relocation of construction area to the new 35Ha of land located on the east side of SP12 site Mobilization of field engineering team at site140794324.91268.2Form Work 141.72Concrete Pouring
M2 M3

873.16 198

Kg Rebar 189390 l858153 PLANNED FOR THE NEXT PERIOD Foundation of Sub-Station No.7 will be started. Excavation of common pipe rack foundations will be done. Excavation of substation foundations. Excavation of Interconnecting pipe rack foundations Form Work of FDN 106-K-101 will be started. Excavation of refrigerant compressors foundation unit 111Pocket of FDN 106-K-101 will be started. Insert Plate of FDN 106-K-101 will be started. Concrete Pouring of FDN 106-K-101 will be started. Curing of FDN 106-K-101 will be started Form Work of FDN 106-K-201 will be started.

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Pocket of FDN 106-K-201 will be started.Insert Plate of FDN 106-K-201 will be started. Concrete Pouring of FDN 106-K-201 will be started.Curing of FDN 106-K-201 will be started. Form Work of FDN 106-K-301 will be started. Pocket of FDN 106-K-301 will be started. Bar Bending of FDN 106-K-401 will be started. Pocket of FDN 111-K-201 A will be started. Concrete Pouring of FDN 111-K-201 A will be started. Curing of FDN 111-K-201 A will be started. Pocket of FDN 111-K-201 B will be started. Concrete Pouring of FDN 111-K-201 B will be started. Curing of FDN 111-K-201 B will be started. Bar Bending of FDN 111-K-501 A will be Completed. Form Work of FDN 111-K-501 A will be started. Pocket of FDN 111-K-501 A will be started. Concrete Pouring of FDN 111-K-501 A will be started Curing of FDN 111-K-501 A will be started. Bar Bending of FDN 111-K-501 B will be completed Form Work of FDN 111-K-501 B will be started. Pocket of FDN 111-K-501 B will be started. Concrete Pouring of FDN 111-K-501 B will be started. Curing of FDN 111-K-501 B will be started. Bar Bending of FDN 111-K-601 A will be Completed. Form Work of FDN 111-K-601 A will be started. Pocket of FDN 111-K-601 A will be started. Concrete Pouring of FDN 111-K-601 A will be started. Curing of FDN 111-K-601 A will be started. Bar Bending of FDN 111-K-601 B will be completed. Form Work of FDN 111-K-601 B will be started. Pocket of FDN 111-K-601 B will be started. Concrete Pouring of FDN 111-K-601 B will be started. Curing of FDN 111-K-601 B will be started. Grading & Compaction of SUB STATION NO.07 will be completed. Polyethylene Sheet of SUBSTATION NO.07 will be started. Lean Concrete of SUBSTATION NO.07 will be started. Bar Bending of SUBSTATION NO.07 will be started. Excavation of Pipe Rack PR-3-160 will be started. Grading & Compaction of Pipe Rack PR-3-160 will be started. Polyethylene Sheet of Pipe Rack PR-3-160 will be started. Lean Concrete of Pipe Rack PR-3-160 will be started. Bar Bending of Pipe Rack PR-3-160 will be started. Completion of foundations of 6 refrigerant compressors in Units 111 (finish concreting) Completion of Interconnecting Pipe rack Foundation Excavation Start of Lean Concrete for of Interconnecting Pipe rack Foundation Start of bar bending for interconnecting pipe rack foundations Completion of SS 5 Foundations Excavation Start of Lean Concrete for SS5 Start of bar bending & Form Working for SS 5 Foundations Start of bar bending & Form Working for SS 6 Foundations AREA OF CONCERNS

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Idle time of manpower and construction equipment due to holding of temporary facility activities at eastern area. Approval of Method Statement for foundation bed preparation for Substation No.07 highlighted through CXCS-3-L-00087. Receiving of NIOPDC letter for TNDG Consortium regarding Gas/Oil Consumption. general services OVERALL GENERAL SEVICES S-CURVE N.A. ACHIEVED GOALS DURING THE PERIOD Accomodation Camp Foreign Labour CampArchitectural Drawings for Toilet and Shower Type B. HV Drawings for Admin, Laundry, Work Shop, Toilet and Shower Type A, Toilet and Shower Type B. Structural Drawings for Clinic, Toilet and Shower Type B. Achieving approval with Comment & Review for: Material requisition for painting and coating materials.(Architectural Documents) Material requisitions for Diesel Generator, Main Switchgear, Fire Alarm system, UPS & Battery Bank, and PA/GA System.(Electrical Documents) Submitting following Drawing and Document to client for comment: Electrical Drawings in Admin, Clinic, Labour Dormitory Type A, Work shop, Toilet and Shower Type A, Material requisition for Earthing Material and electrical Documents. Material requisition for piping material.( HV Documents) Achieving approval for Foreign Labour Camp: Description Des cription

Total DrawingsIssued is s ued Balance Total Drawings Balance to be issued Drawings to be is s ued Drawings
417 336

Iranian Iranian Labor Labourcamps Camp

Foreign Labour Camp


243 158


174 178


Foreigners Labour Camp Issue Bid Inquiry for Diesel Generator for Foreign Labour Accommodation Camp Iranian Labour Camp: Bid Inquiry completed for Painting & Coating Material for Iranian Labour Accomodation Camp PO issued for Painting & Coating Material for Iranian Labour Accomodation Camp Cutting of Foreigner Camp Construction has been started. Filling of Foreigner Camp Construction has been started. Disposal of Foreigner Camp Construction has been started. Engineering Achieving Approval for: Architectural Drawing in Generator Block, Engineers Dormitory, Managers Dormitory, Staff Dormitory, Service Staff Dormitory, Sport Hall





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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 31 of 37









Tota Iranian Labour Camp: Completion of Excavation of 43 Buildings up to now Completion of Lean Concrete for 35 Buildings up to now Completion of Rebar for 32 Buildings up to now Completion of Form working for 30 Buildings up to now Completion of Main Concrete Pouring for 26 Buildings Continuing of Steel Structure Fabrication in Shop Continuing of Steel Structure Sand Blasting in Shop Continuing of Steel Structure Painting in Shop




Foreigners Camp Cutting Filling Disposal Iranian Camp Excavation

Meas. Unit

Work Performed Cumulative


4560 4560 6137

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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 32 of 37

Grading & Compaction Form Work Lean Concrete Concrete Pouring Rebar Anchor Bolt U/G Surface Coating Disposal Rubble Stone Sub Base Course Fabrication Structure Sand Blasting Structure Painting Chipping & Padding Erection

M2 M2 M Kg EA M M M M M Ton Ton Ton EA Ton

8908 3260 295 616 38500 1124 520 6401 215 2469 65.8 26.1 27.9 440 13.4

Electrical Doc HV Drawing in Clinic, Engineers Dormitory, Managers Dormitory, Laundry, Mosque, Service Staff Dormitory, Staff Dormitory Structural Drawing in Generator Block, Engineers Dormitory, Managers Dormitory, Staff Dormitory Achieving Approval with Comment & Review for: Architectural Drawing in Generator Block, Kitchen & Restaurant Electrical Drawing in Admin Generator Block , Kitchen & Restaurant, Engineers Dormitory, Managers Dormitory, Service Staff Dormitory, Staff Dormitory & Electrical Document HV Drawing in Clinic, Generator Block, Engineers Dormitory, Managers Dormitory, Laundry, Mosque, Service Staff Dormitory, Staff Dormitory, Work Shop MR Issued: MR for Diesel Generators issued. Procurement: TBE for selection of steel structure fabricator (for camps) completed. 1st batch of steel structure materials purchased. (for Labor camps) 1st batch of rebar purchased (for foundation works) Construction: Completion of Excavation & Grading & Compaction of Iranian Labors' Dormitories ( 23 Buildings ) Total Volume is 45 Completion of Form Work for 6 Buildings Completion of Excavation & Compacting for dormitory Bul. (Zone A & B) Starting of Excavation Fabrication for WC & Shower Bul. (Zone A) Completion of lean Concrete for dormitory Bul. (Zone A & B) Completion of Rebar Foundation for dormitory Bul. (Zone A) Form Work Foundation for dormitory Bul. (Zone A) In Progress Concrete Foundation for dormitory Bul. (Zone A) In Progress Starting of Steel Structure Fabrication for dormitory Bul. (Zone A) Starting of lean Concrete for dormitory Bul. (Zone B) Starting of Rebar & Form work Foundation for dormitory Bul. (Zone B)

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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 33 of 37

SP12-EPC3 Iraninan Labor's Camp Monitoring - EPC3 SP-12

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Date: 09th July 2010 Page: 34 of 37

Site Mobilization POs Issued for: 4 X 100 Tons Cement Silos Micro-Silica Batching Plant Issue of PO for temporary site offices Cutting and filling activities for site preparation of temporary facility area. Fabrication and Installation of Site Fencing between EPC2 and EPC. Continuation of preparation and levelling of west construction area. Continuation of foundation works for batching plants. Installation of rebar shop at site. Relocation of construction area to the new 35Ha of land located on the east side of SP12 site Work Performed Cumulative 93.630 85.399

Activity Cutting Filling

Meas. Unit M M

Preparation of land for rebar workshop and warehouse at west side of site Mobilization of temporary site offices in plant area Completion of Mobilization in Managerial and Iranian Labour Camp areas. Site Mobilization including setting out of caravans, warehouse canteens, Generator block and transportation of construction equipments completed. Home Office preparatory works for mobilization of Batching Plants at site. Coordination works for mobilization of Customs Office at sulphur export Gate. Complementary survey study and land mark were done to help finalization of the Plot Plan. Cost estimation for completion of remedial works left by site preparation subcontractor prepared and submitted to Company PLANNED FOR THE NEXT PERIOD Accomodation Camp

DescriptionCutting Iranian Labour Camp Foreigner Labour CampFilling

Total DWGsM 174 178M

Issued Dwgs93.630 60 6085.399

Balance 114 118

Foreign Labour camp: Getting Approval for: Architectural Drawings in Site plan 9D4, Kitchen & Restaurant, Generator Block, Sport Hall Electrical Documents and Drawings in Site and Clear Comments for all Electrical Drawings and Documents. HV Drawings in Site and Sport Hall, Kitchen & Restaurant and Generator Block. Structural Drawings in Kitchen & Restaurant, Sport hall and Generator Block. Issue of Vendors Prequalification documents for Diesel Generator for Iranian/Foreign Labour Accommodation Camp Issue of Vendors Prequalification documents for Steel Structure for Iranian/Foreign Labour P lanne d Accommodation Camp D e s crip tion T otal R e m ain B alan c e Is s u e Issue of Vendors Prequalification documents for Main Switchgear for Iranian/Foreign Labour Accommodation Camp Iranian Labor camps 207 57 150 Issue Bid Inquiry for Steel Structure for Iranian/Foreign Labour Accommodation Camp Issue Bid Inquiry for Main Switchgear for Iranian/Foreign Labour Accommodation Camp

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Issue Bid Inquiry For Earthing System and Lighting And Distribution Panels of Iranian/Foreign Labour Accomodation Camp Issue Bid Inquiry For Power & Control & Telecom Cables of Foreign Labour Accomodation Camp Issue Bid Inquiry For Waste Water Treatment package of Iranian Labour Accomodation Camp Award Recommendation submission for Steel Structure for Foreign Labour Accommodation Camp Award Recommendation submission for Diesel Generator for Iranian/Foreign Labour Accommodation Camp PO Issue for Diesel Generator for Iranian/Foreign Labour Accommodation Camp Foreign Labour camp Shop fabrication of steel structure will be started Iranian Labour camp Continuation erection of steel frames for area "A" dormitories Start masonry works for area "A" dormitories Continuation foundation works for area "D" buildings Completion of remaining foundations in areas "B" and "C" of Iranian labour camps Start of Fabrication of steel structure for restaurant & mosque Receiving PPL reply to the submitted drawings and documents for: Electrical Drawing in Overall HV Drawing in Sport Hall Structural Drawing in Kitchen & Restaurant Issue of inquiry package for diesel generator vendors Issue of TBE for diesel generator sets Issue of Award Recommendation for diesel generator sets Issue of inquiry package for LV switch gears Issue of TBE for LV switch gears Issue of Award Recommendation for LV switch gears Engineering MR Will Be Issued for Waste Water Treatment Package Procurement TBE for Diesel generators Will Be Issued Steel structure vendor selection. Issue of P.O for steel structure Construction Steel structure vendor selection. Starting of Steel structures erection (fabricated by GAMMA at site) at zone A Continued of construction work such as bar bending, formwork, concrete foundation at zone B & C. Site Mobilization Site preparation for Workshop, Warehouse continues in construction east area. Fabrication and installation of site fencing between EPC2 and EPC3 will be continued. Completion of batching plant foundation. Delivery of 4 X 100 Tons cement silos to site. Delivery of Micro-Silica batching plant to site. Issue of PO for batching plant silos Delivery of batching plants main parts to the site Preparation of land for workshop and warehouse at west side of site Transportation of Batching Plant. Temporary site offices mobilization in plant area has been performed area of concern AREA OF CONCERNS Accomodation Camp Remedial works of Site preparation subcontractor should be solved by Company. Site Mobilization Delay in mobilization and its impact on the work time schedule. Finalization of Area for site mobilization (West, East or North) Finalization of handing over adequate land for mobilization. It is worth mentioning that allocation of proper land on east side of plant is still under negotiation with PSEEZ by PPL. commissioning and start up OVERALL COMMISSIONING AND START S-CURVE N.A. ACHIEVED GOALS DURING THE PERIOD

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Marked-up P&IDs Rev D0 covering first production train has been completed. Thorough review is ongoing. Additional and/or change in the sub-system number is expected due to some Revision on P&IDs. Tag collection for process area ISBL has been finished. Although detailed equipment lists for each process system as required per item (d) of Annex D13, page 10 of 31 and item (f) of SP12-2Y-PR-PP-999-001_B0, page 6 of 17 are already complete according to FEED documentation and ready for submission to PPL in Excel format. This deliverable was not issued as planned because Contractor is waiting to know if the collected data shall be supplied by entering them in ICAPS Database or in any other database provided by EPC2/Company. Confirmation of using ICAPS as system completion software by COMPANY. The main issue is, who will provide this software? Level -4 scheduling & planning for pre-commissioning/commissioning with respect to sub-system; is in progress. Data collection and identification of pre-commissioning methods for pre-commissioning manuals is in progress.SP12-2Y3-CO-CM-993-001-D0_System Definition SP12-2Y3-CO-SH-993-003-D0_Site Commissioning Organization SP12-2Y3-CO-SH-993-002-D0_Integrated Systems Completion Schedule up to Provisional Acceptance Preparation of Home Office Commissioning Deliverables as required by Agreement, Appendix D/ Annex 20/ Project Procedures/ SP12-2Y-PR-PP-999-001-Rev B0: Commissioning and Acceptance Procedure. Drafts of the following deliverables are in progress: SP12-2Y3-CO-CM-993-001-D0_System Definition SP12-2Y3-CO-SH-993-002-D0_Integrated Schedule SP12-2Y3-CO-SH-993-003-D0_Site Commissioning Organization Data collection of plant components subsystem-wise for population of Status Index and Technical Database in progress for process systems/subsystems. Data collection and data loading in Excel of Check List/Test Sheets/Etc. subsystem-wise and equipment type-wise is in progress for process systems/subsystems in order to populate Status Index and Technical Database. Preparation of Piping Test Pack Management Procedure is in progress PLANNED FOR THE NEXT PERIOD Revision and updating of Marking Up of P&IDs Rev D0 in Acrobat 8 Pro will continue Preparation and issue of pending commissioning Home Office deliverables will continue depending upon clarifications to be provided by EPC2/Company. Detailed definition of scope of work of precommissioning and commissioning activities is in progress. Pressure Testing and Piping Cleaning requirements identification are in progress. This activity is aiming to allow Level 4 planning and scheduling of precommissioning and commissioning activities subsystem-wise. Preparation of detailed procedure of Commissioning will be started. Gathering template procedures from previous SP4&5 Database population if ICAPS software available Issue of the following Deliverables: SP12-2Y3-CO-CM-993-001-D0_System Definition SP12-2Y3-CO-SH-993-002-D0_Integrated Schedule SP12-2Y3-CO-SH-993-003-D0_Site Commissioning Organization Prepare draft & structure and schedules for the following deliverables: System Completion Manual (Structure) Precommissioning Manuals Turnover Procedure Marked P&IDs in Acrobat Reader 8 Professional for Vendor Package P&IDs Data collection of plant components subsystem-wise for population of Status Index and Technical Database in progress for process systems/subsystems. Data collection and data loading in Excel of Check List/Test Sheets/Etc. subsystem-wise and equipment type-wise is in progress for process systems/subsystems in order to populate Status Index and Technical Database. AREA OF CONCERNS Unavailability of a dedicated interface for commissioning within PPL; establishment of a Commissioning Management Team by PPL is awaited at the soonest There is still no communication or dialog between EPC3 Contractor Commissioning Team and EPC2/Company Commissioning interfaces. This lack of communication is affecting performance of Commissioning Home Office activities Unavailability of a dedicated

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interface for commissioning within PPL; establishment Management Team by PPL is awaited at the soonest. ICAPS Software availability to be obtained soon .




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