Annex J - Delay Damages and Performance Liquidated Damages
Annex J - Delay Damages and Performance Liquidated Damages
Annex J - Delay Damages and Performance Liquidated Damages
2. The Contractor therefore guarantees the specific date(s) set forth in the Contract
Schedule that are necessary for the substantial completion of the Work by each assigned
Sites. It is hereby agreed that the actual damages and loss which the Employer would
incur as a result of Contractors failure to complete the work by such a date would be
impracticable and infeasible to determine. The parties agree that the amount set forth
below are a reasonable and fair estimate of the damages and loss which Employer
would suffer for each calendar day by which Contractor is late in completing such work.
3. It therefore agreed that, in the event of such failure by Contractor, Contractor shall pay
the Employer the appropriate daily amount(s) set forth below for each calendar day, or
fraction of by which the actual final date of completion of work is later than the firm date
set forth in the Construction Portion of the Contract Schedule, up to a maximum of such
calendar days or an agreed upon percentage of the Contract Price set forth in the
Contracts commercial terms.
4. The Liquidated Damages shall be zero point one five percent (0.15%) of the total
aggregate Contract Price for the Contract per Calendar Day, or part of day, and shall not
exceed a maximum total of ten percent (10%) of the aggregate Contract Price for the
If Performance Tests show that the performance of the Water Pipeline system does not meet
the requirements specified in the CONTRACT by [completion date] , Employer shall notify
Contractor thereof in writing and the Contractor shall be liable to damages for non-
performance by Employer enforcing payment through the Performance Bond lodged with
the Employer as follows: The parties agree that such payment, commonly referred to as
liquidated damages shall be to the exclusion of any other Contractor liabilities for delays.
1.1 Quantity
For each whole or part of one percent (1%) by which the throughput of the Water
Pipeline system during the PERFORMANCE TEST is less than the respective specified
amount stipulated in the CONTRACT, the Contractor shall pay two percent (2.00%) of
the aggregate of the Contract Price of the Contract.
Should however, the throughput be less than ninety five percent (95%) of the one
specified in the CONTRACT, over and above the payment specified in the preceding
paragraph, Contractor shall at Employers option without delay and without any cost to
COMPANY adjust, complete or replace equipment or parts thereof so that at least ninety
five percent (95%) of the capacity is reached.