Et Gate 2013
Et Gate 2013
Et Gate 2013
BHEL offers a challenging and rewarding career to young and dynamic graduates in the disciplines of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics Engineering to contribute towards Nation building in the fields of Power, Industry, Transmission, Transportation and Non-conventional Energy. Position Require Engineer Trainee 500 Nos. ** Discipline wise distribution of requirement Mechanical Electrical Electronics Total 300 150 50 500**
** The number of vacancies indicated above is tentative and actual requirement may vary based on further assessment. Category wise breakup of reserved vacancies shall be made available on our recruitment website towards end of May 2013.
27 Years
(Candidates born before 01/08/1986 are not eligible to apply)
Engineering Degrees obtained through examinations conducted by professional societies recognized by UPSC/AICTE (e.g. AMIE 29 years for candidates by Institute of Engineers (India); AMICE by Institute of Civil having two years full time Post Engineers (India)) in the disciplines of Mechanical, Electrical and Graduate in Engineering or Electronics as equivalent to B.E./B.Tech Business Administration /Management Candidates should be in a position to produce their final year degree/marks sheets by 1st August 2013
For the above three disciplines of Engineering, candidates with Engineering Degree in other disciplines as below will also be considered, for which they will, have to take the GATE-2013 exam in ME-for Mechanical & its equivalent, EE- for Electrical & its Equivalent, EC- for Electronics & its Equivalent only
BHEL Discipline
1. 2. 3. 4.
Industrial and Production Engineering Industrial Engineering Mechanical Production and Tool Engineering Production Technology Manufacturing Engineering (NIFFT Ranchi) 5. Mechatronics 6. Manufacturing Process and Automation 7. Power Plant Engineering 8. Production Engineering 9. Production and Industrial Engineering 10. Thermal Engineering 11. Manufacturing Technology Note : Candidates having above Engineering discipline should take GATE-2013 paper only in ME code, if they wish to be considered for Mechanical Discipline in BHEL
Electrical Engineering
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Electrical & Electronics Electrical, Instrumentation & Control High Voltage Engg. Power Systems & High Voltage Engg Electrical Machine Electronics & Power Power Electronics Power Plant Engineering. Energy Engineering
Note : Candidates having above Engineering discipline should take GATE-2013 paper only in EE code, if they wish to be considered for Electrical Discipline in BHEL
Electronics Engineering
1. Electronics & Telecommunication 2. Instrumentation 3. Electronics & Instrumentation 4. Electronics & Power 5. Electronics Design & Technology 6. Electronics & Biomedical 7. Applied Electronics 8. Power Electronics 9. Electronics & Communication 10. Electrical & Electronics 11. Industrial Electronics 12. Mechatronics 13. Electronics & Control 14. Control & Instrumentation
Note : Candidates having above Engineering discipline should take GATE-2013 paper only in EC code, if they wish to be considered for Electronics Discipline in BHEL
RESERVATION & RELAXATION 1. Upper age limit is relaxable for candidates belonging to the following category as under : SC/ST - by 5 years OBC (NCL) by 3 years For getting the reservation benefits under OBC category: a. The name of caste and community of the candidate must appear in the Central list of Other Backward Classes and the candidate must not belong to creamy layer. (to see list of centrally approved OBC caste/community name, log on to b. The candidate needs to furnish their OBC non creamy layer (NCL) certificate (not more than one year old as on 1st September, 2012) as per the format prescribed by Government of India (this format can be downloaded from BHEL careers website Physically Challenged - by 10 years for General, 13 years for OBC (NCL) and 15 years for SC/ST category. Relaxation in age for Ex-Servicemen will be as per extant Govt. rules. Upper age limit is relaxable by 5 years for the candidates who had ordinarily been domiciled in the state of Jammu & Kashmir during the period from 1/1/1980 to 31/12/1989. Reservation for different categories will be as per rule
SELECTION PROCESS Selection process will comprise of GATE 2013 Marks (out of 100) of the candidates in the concerned discipline & performance in Interview 1. The candidates will be shortlisted for interview on the basis of GATE-2013 marks (out of 100) in order of merit in the ratio of 1:3 to the number of vacancies in each discipline and category. For Physically Challenged candidates, relaxation of 50% below the cut-off marks will be provided in their respective categories for being shortlisted for interview. 2. Final selection panels shall be prepared by assigning a weightage of 75% for GATE2013 marks (marks out of 100) and 25% to Interview marks. For applying the above ratio, initially, all UR candidates of each discipline of Engineering along with such reserved category (i.e. OBC, SC, ST) candidates of that discipline, who do not avail any relaxation, will be grouped together and then arranged in descending order of merit of GATE-2013 marks (marks out of 100) and candidates, shall be called for interview in the ratio of 1: 3 in UR category. After this, candidates belonging to OBC/SC/ST categories, who are not shortlisted for interview under UR category, shall be regrouped with their respective categories for further consideration in their respective categories and candidates will be called for interview in prescribed ratio of 1:3. Later on, at the time of final selection, the same exercise will be carried out. TRAINING & EMOLUMENTS Candidates joining BHEL as Engineer Trainees will undergo training for one year. During training, basic pay of Rs.20600/- in the scale of pay of Rs.20600-46500/- will be paid. After successful completion of training, the trainees will be absorbed as Engineers in the scale of pay of Rs.24900-50500/- with a basic pay of Rs.24900/-. For the above post, besides Basic Pay, Industrial Dearness Allowance, Perks and others allowances admissible under the Company Rules will be payable during training/after absorption. Cost to Company (Approximate): Engineer Trainees in the of Scale of pay of Rs. 20600-46500/At Project Sites Rs. 9.0 lakhs / annum At Manufacturing Units/ Division/ Power Sector Regions Rs. 8.0 lakhs/annum
SERVICE AGREEMENT BOND Candidates joining BHEL as Engineer Trainees will have to execute a service agreement bond of Rs.2,00,000/- (Rupees Two Lakhs only) to serve the Company (or any Government Department or Undertaking at the discretion of the Company) for a period of three years after successful completion of training. Candidates will also be required to furnish a Surety Bond executed by parents/ guardian/ reliable surety. No request for transfer or change in place of posting shall be entertained for the first five years of service including the training period, unless transferred by the Company in Organizational interest. In case any outside influence is brought upon any superior authority in this matter, it will be construed as a misconduct as per Rule 17 of the BHEL Conduct, Discipline and Appeal Rules, 1975. MEDICAL STANDARDS Candidates finally selected by BHEL will have to undergo a Medical Examination before joining. Candidates should have sound health which will be assessed by Company's Authorized Medical Officer and the appointment will be subject to meeting the health standards prescribed by the Company. For viewing BHEL's Medical Standards click here For Physically Challenged candidates the definition of Locomotor Disability and Hearing Impairment will be as per The Persons with Disabilities (Equal Opportunities, Protection of Rights and Full Participation) Act, 1995'. The Physically Challenged candidates are required to furnish duly stamped Medical Certificate in relation to their disability from Competent Authority. The Competent Authority for this purpose would mean a Medical Board duly constituted by Central Government or a State Government for this purpose. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS 1. Candidates presently employed in Central/ State Government, Autonomous bodies, PSUs may apply through 'Proper channel' or submit 'No Objection Certificate' at the time of interview from their employer. 2. Candidates are advised to possess a valid e-mail ID, which is to be entered in the online Application Form. They are also advised to retain this e-mail ID active for atleast one year as any important intimation to the candidates shall be provided by BHEL through e-mail/ or through our recruitment website. They are further requested to check regularly their e-mail for any communication from BHEL in this regard. 3. Candidates belonging to OBC category, but coming in creamy layer will not be entitled to the benefit of reservation and should apply as General Category candidate. 4. Candidates not found to be meeting the prescribed eligibility criteria shall be rejected at any stage of the selection process
5. Category (SC/ ST/ OBC/ Ph.Ch.) should be carefully filled-up in the application form, as the same will normally not be allowed to be changed later. Also, in the event of finally being appointed, if it is found that such a statement was wrong, the candidate will be liable for suitable actions including termination and prosecution. HOW TO APPLY Candidates who wish to apply for Engineer Trainee position in BHEL for the year 201314 will be required to take the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering - 2013 (GATE2013). Marks obtained in GATE-2013 (marks out of 100) will be utilized by BHEL for inviting candidates for a Personal Interview for consideration for the position of Engineer Trainees. GATE-2013 Registration No. is required for submission of online application to BHEL Candidates will have to separately apply on-line to BHEL for which BHEL recruitment website will be activated during January 2013 In BHELs on-line application, candidates will have to give their GATE-2013 registration Number. The GATE-2013 Admit Card shall contain the GATE-2013 Registration Number. BHEL will not be responsible if candidates wrongly fill up GATE-2013 Registration Number in BHEL online application. As such, candidate should correctly fill in the GATE-2013 Registration Number. Applying for GATE-2013 1. For detailed information on GATE- 2013 and on-line submission of application for GATE2013, interested candidates may log on to : or Websites of IISc, Bangalore or following IITs:- Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee. 2. Candidates should fill-in and submit the GATE-2013 application form as instructed by the GATE authorities and wait for the admit card to get the GATE-2013 registration number. 3. On receipt of GATE registration number, the candidates need to apply on-line t o BHEL at For this purpose, the relevant link will be made available from January 2013 at our recruitment website 4. For the vacancies in the disciplines of Mechanical, Electrical and Electronics advertised by BHEL, the GATE-2013 e xam is scheduled on 10th February 2013. However candidates are advised to visit GATE-2013 website for any changes. BHEL has no role in case of any changes in GATE-2013.
Note : Candidates who wish to apply for BHEL should choose their GATE-2013 exam paper code ME for Mechanical and equivalent discipline, EE for Electrical and equivalent discipline EC for Electronics and equivalent discipline only. Candidates taking GATE - 2013 exam in codes other than ME, EE or EC will not be considered. For applying to BHEL 1. Candidates may read the instructions given on this website ( carefully and fill-in the on-line application form giving accurate information including the GATE-2013 registration number. BHEL will not be responsible, if a candidate fills up GATE-2013 Registration Number wrongly. 2. The website for applying on-line will be opened during January 2013. 3. GEN/OBC candidates are required to make a payment of Rs. 100/- as processing fee (non-refundable). The details on the mode of payment will be made available during January, 2013. 4. Candidates are advised to retain extra copies of passport size photograph used for GATE-2013 application as this will be required to be produced during BHEL Selection process. 5. In case the candidate i s called for interview, he/she should bring with him/her the GATE-2013 admit card, GATE-2013 official score card and other relevant documents which will be mentioned in the interview call letter. For Departmental candidates (BHEL Regular Employees only):Departmental candidates should have served the company, for a minimum of one year, after training/regularization in the grade to which they have been recruited. For this purpose they will be treated as eligible in case they fulfill the eligibility as on the last date specified for submitting applications online. There is no upper age limit for Departmental Candidates. Departmental Candidates desirous of applying, having a Bachelor's Degree in any branch of Engineering may take the Graduate Aptitude Test in Engineering - 2013 in any one of the 3 discipline advertised by BHEL.
Important Dates Milestones Opening of BHEL recruitment website for viewing detailed advertisement Online submission of applications commences For GATE-2013 Commencement of on-line Submission of applications Last date for on-line submission of applications 1st September 2012 30th September 2012 Schedule date 14th September 2012
January, 2013
Candidates may log on to : or Websites of IISc, Bangalore or following IITs:- Bombay, Delhi, Guwahati, Kanpur, Kharagpur, Madras and Roorkee