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Lovely Professional University, Punjab

Course Code CSE340 Course Category Course Title LABORATORY IN OPERATING SYSTEMS AND SYSTEM SOFTWARE Practical Course Course Planner 15740::Sheena Singh Lectures 0.0 Tutorials Practicals Credits 0.0 4.0 2.0

TextBooks Sr No T-1 T-2 Title "Beginning Linux Programming" system software Reference Books Sr No R-1 R-2 Other Reading Sr No OR-1 OR-2 OR-3 OR-4 Journals articles as Compulsary reading (specific articles, complete reference) http://www.linuxjournal.com/article/1059 , http://anale-informatica.tibiscus.ro/download/lucrari/8-2-02-Opeyemi.pdf , http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=searchArticles&uiLanguage=en&q1=system+call&f1=all&b1=and&q2=&f2=all , http://www.doaj.org/doaj?func=abstract&id=695328&q1=system%20call&f1=all&b1=and&q2=&f2=all&recNo=2&uiLanguage=en , Title Author Edition 2nd 3rd Year Publisher Name Tata McGraw Hill Prentice Hall of India Systems Programming and Operating D. M. Dhamdhere Systems Operating Systems: Design and Implementation A.S. Tanenbaum Author Neil Matthew, Richard Stones Leland L.Beck Edition 4th 3rd Year 2011 2009 Publisher Name Wrox press Pearson Education

Relevant Websites Sr No RW-1 RW-2 RW-3 RW-4 RW-5 RW-6 RW-7 (Web address) (only if relevant to the course) http://knowledgerush.com/kr/encyclopedia/Selfmodifying_ code/ http://www.drpaulcarter.com/cs/debug.php csis.pace.edu/~dwyer/fall03docs/is112/ppts/is112Ch11.ppt http://www2.cs.uregina.ca/~hamilton/courses/330/notes/unix/fil esyscalls.html http://www.freeos.com/guides/lsst/ch01sec01.html http://www.debianhelp.co.uk/commands.htm inuxreviews.org/beginner/ Salient Features Gives information about self modified code in assembly language Errors,Various debugging tools and header files, functions, determining the cause of the bugs Presentation covering all topics on operating system and system software Gives detailed information of System calls alongwith example code Brief introduction of Linux and Shell Commands Linux Commands Basic Information on Linux and Shell

RW-8 RW-9 RW-10 RW-11 RW-12 RW-13

http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/linux/library/l-memory/ http://oopweb.com/CPP/Documents/DebugCPP/Volume/techn iques.html http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms859408.aspx http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/System_call http://embedded.centurysoftware.com/docs/nx/fltk-editor.html http://www.catch22.net/tuts/neatpad

Memory Management Techniques Debugging Techniques Detailed Description of Memory Leaks Basic Understanding of System Calls Designing a Simple Text Editor Design and Implementation of a Win32 Text Editor

*Each experiment of the lab will be evaluated using following relative scheme:
Component J/E WR VIVA % of Marks 50 20 30

Detailed Plan For Practicals

Practical No Practical 1 Broad topic (Subtopic) Introduction to Linux(Features, layered structure of LINUX OS.) Introduction to Linux(Panel,workspace, main menu,running applications etc,terminal emulator& running programs from terminal emulator) Practical Description Learning Outcomes Equipment Used Linux platform Linux platform Detailed features and layered structure of Student will learn about the basic Linux Os concepts of linux Demonstration of Moving around the desktop KDE/GNOME Panel, Workspace, Main Menu, Running Applications etc, Terminal emulator & running programs(/Commands) from terminal emulator Student will learn about the basic concepts,terms of linux environmet

Introduction to Linux(using KDE/Gnome Using KDE/Gnome for copying, moving, Familarity with linux environment for copying,moving,creating files) creating directories/files.

Linux platform

Basic Linux commands(Basic Shell Working with Command Line Interface in studentwill learn basic shell commands Linux platform Commands: pwd,man, info, ls, date, cal, Linux: Using who, whoami etc) Shell. Shell commands:pwd,man,info,ls,date,cal,who, whoami Basic Linux commands(File and directory Working with Command Line Interface in studentwill learn basic file/directory management commands: mkdir, rmdir, Linux: Using management commands cat, rm, touch, mv, cp) Shell. Shell commands:mkdir, rmdir, cat, rm, touch, mv, cp Linux platform

Practical 2

Basic Linux commands(Process management commands- ps,top, fg, bg, kill etc.) File permissions and ownerships (Understanding and changing the permissions and ownership using CLI mode) File permissions and ownerships (Understanding and changing the permissions and ownership using GUI mode) Creating links and searching files(hard and soft links and mounting removable media.)

Working with Command Line Interface in Studentwill learn basic process Linux: Using management commands commands Shell. Shell commands:ps,top, fg, bg, kill etc Understanding and changing the permissions and ownership using CLI mode Understanding and changing the permissions and ownership using GUI mode Creation of hard and soft links Learn about the permissions and ownership concept in CLI mode

Linux platform

Linux platform

Learn about the permissions and ownership concept in GUI mode

Linux platform

Learn about the implementation of creating links

Linux platform

Practical 3

Creating links and searching files (Searching files using find and locate commands) Implementing following system calls of linux-I(File handling (open,read,write,close)) Implementing following system calls of linux-I(Changing the modes and ownership of files using chmod(), chown()) Implementing following system calls of linux-I(Changing attributes of files)

Working with Command Line Interface in Learn about basic searching commands Linux platform Linux: Using Shell. Shell commands:find,locate Write Programs using System calls of Linux for the following: File Handling (open, read,write,close) Write Programs using System calls of Linux for Changing the modes and ownership of files using chmod(),chown() Write Programs using System calls of Linux for Changing the attributes of files using chgrp(),touch() Learning about the workinh of system calls foe file handling Linux platform

Learn about the working of chmod() ,chown() concept

Linux platform

Learning about changing attributes of files

Linux platform

Practical 4

Implementing following system calls of linux-II(fork() to duplicate process) Implementing following system calls of linux-II(kill(), wait(), sleep() and exit() system calls of Linux) Implementing following system calls of linux-II(stat(), opendir(), readdir)

Write a program using fork() to duplicate Learn to implement fork system call process Write programs using kill(), wait(),sleep() Learn to implement kill,wait,sleep.exit and exit() system system calls calls of Linux Write programs using following system calls of Linux OS: stat, opendir(), readdir() Write Programs using System calls of Linux for the following: Creating links using ln command, Directory maintenance using link (),symlink(),unlink (),chdir()

Linux platform Linux platform

Learn to implement stat,opendir,readdir Linux platform system calls

Implementing following system calls of linux-II(Creating links using ln command, Directory maintenance using link (),symlink(),unlink(), chdir())

Understanding following commands:link,symlink,unlink,chdir

Linux platform

Practical 5

simulation of Linux commands (simulation of commands : rm, mv,cat,touch,mkdir,rmdir,grep ,cp) simulation of Linux commands(ls, pwd,chmod, chown)

Write program to simulate following commands:rm, mv,cat,touch,mkdir,rmdir,grep ,cp Write program to simulate following commands: ls, pwd,chmod, chown

Learns about the simulation of linux commands Learns about the simulation of linux commands Learning detailed working of FCFS

Linux platform

Linux platform C/C++

Simulation of CPU scheduling algorithm Simulate the following CPU scheduling (FCFS) algorithms: FCFS and by writing a program and print the average waiting time and average turnaround time Simulation of CPU scheduling algorithm Simulate the following CPU scheduling (SJF) algorithms: Shortest Job First and by writing a program and print the average waiting time and average turnaround time Practical 6 Simulation of CPU scheduling algorithm Simulate the following CPU scheduling (Priority) algorithms:Priority and print the average waiting time and average turnaround time Simulation of CPU scheduling algorithm Simulate the following CPU scheduling (Round Robin) algorithms:Round Robin and print the average waiting time and average turnaround time simulation of page replacement algo (FIFO) Practical 7 simulation of page replacement algo (Optimal) Programs to simulate page replacement algorithms like FIFO Programs to simulate page replacement algorithms like Optimal

Learning detailed working of SJF


Learning detailed working of priority


Learning detailed working of round robin


Learning detailed working of FIFO


Learning detailed working of optimal


Thread creation, cancellation and Write a program of creating a thread Implementing semaphore(implementation of creating threads) Thread creation, cancellation and Implementing semaphore(implemention of cancelling a thread) Write a program of cancelling a thread

Learn to implement the detailed working about creating a thread Learn to implement the detailed working about cancelling a thread Learn to implement the detailed working of semaphore Learn to implement memory management stratergies Learn about the workinh of deadlock



Thread creation, cancellation and Write a program to Implement the Implementing semaphore(implementation semaphores of semaphore) Practical 8 Implementing memory management schemes(Malloc,calloc,free,alloc) Implement some memory management schemes (malloc,alloc,calloc,free)



Implementing following concepts: Write a program to simulate deadlock deadlocks,file locking(simulate deadlock detection concept)


Practical 8

Implementing following concepts: deadlocks,file locking(applying read and write locks)

Write a program to apply read and write locks

Learn about the implementation of locks


Practical 9

Use C graphics to build a text editor(File Use C graphics to build a text editor: menu, edit menu) File menu, edit menu Use C graphics to build a text editor (Format menu) generating tables during first pass assembler(to generate a Machine OPCODE table during first pass assemble) Use C graphics to build a text editor: Format menu Write a program to generate a Machine OP-CODE table during first pass assembler.

Learn to use c graphics for building text C/C++ editors Learn to use c graphics for building text C/C++ editors Learn about the detailed C/C++ implementation of Machine OP-CODE table in assemblers C/C++

Practical 10

generating tables during first pass assembler(to generate a SYMBOL table during first pass assembler) generating tables during first pass assembler(to generate a Pseudo OPCODE table during first pass assembler.) macros(implementaion of Macros)

Write a program to generate a SYMBOL Learn about the detailed table during implementation of symbol table in first pass assembler. assemblers Write a program to generate a Pseudo OP-CODE table during first pass assembler. write a program to develop a simple understanding of Macros. Learn about the detailed implementation of Pseudo OP-CODE table in assemblers Learn about the detailed implementation of macors



Practical 11 Issues in program development:Compiler Learn about bugs in compiler Bugs. C/C++

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