Corpse Party Manga Order

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slowlylosinglolita asked: Is there any way you could tell me the ordering of the Corpse Party Mangas?

There's like six different ones and I just want to make su re I read them in the right order. Thanks so much! There are no set gcanon order h for the Corpse Party series manga.

Some of the manga are concurrent or they follow their own timeline. But if I rea lly have to put them in order, I would personally suggest this and these are jus t my own personal opinions on this matter: Corpse Party CEMETERY0 ~The Creation of Ars Moriendi~ This manga gives you Naho Saenoki fs backstory. Corpseparty; Musume I would consider this manga as its own timeline separate from BloodCovered. It i s based off of the PC-98 version of CORPSE-PARTY with influences from the remake s. Corpse Party BloodCovered I would consider this separate from Musume. This is mainly based off of the PC a nd PSP versions. Corpse Party: Another Child This manga may be concurrent with BloodCovered fs timeline. I would recommend peop le to read BloodCovered first before read Another Child in order to not be spoil ed. CORPSE PARTY COUPLING x ANTHOLOGY This manga is a collection of random stories that does not follow any specific t imeline. You can read this at any time, but I would recommend it after reading B loodCovered since it is based off of that. Corpse Party: Book of Shadows This is the sequel to the BloodCovered manga. Corpse Party: Sachiko fs Game of Love ? Hysteric Birthday 2U The events in this manga does not follow any specific timeline. Although I would suggest reading it after CEMETERY0, BloodCovered, and Book of Shadows to unders tand the cast of characters better. Basically, in short, the only manga I can safely say is safe to read in order ar e BloodCovered to Book of Shadows. Fans are able to enjoy Another Child by itsel f, but due to spoilers for BloodCovered, it would be best to read Another Child afterward. CEMETERY0 is more of a prologue than anything. It can be read after B loodCovered or Book of Shadows if fans are interested in Naho and Sayaka. The mo re light-hearted manga, CORPSE PARTY COUPLING x ANTHOLOGY and Corpse Party: Sach iko fs Game of Love ? Hysteric Birthday 2U, can be read at any time. Although know ledge of the cast of characters is highly recommended.

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