As 26 Intangible Assets
As 26 Intangible Assets
As 26 Intangible Assets
What is meant from AS 26 1. 2. 3. The statement gives Guidance on Recognition criterion Measurement norms Disclosure norms
Hardware forming integral part of Intangible asset ! H Ltd purchased the distribution rights of a motion picture for Rs 50 crores that includes the cost of 2600 prints of CDs, 5000 prints of DVDs and a master copy of the film to enable creating further copies of prints for a period of 6 years. How would the hardware cost be accounted here ? Here the intangible asset is contained on the hardware and therefore it is not separable. At the same time the comparative cost element of the hardware is not significant .Therefore the whole amount becomes intangible asset.
Intangible or fixed ?
X ltd purchased 100 computers from IBM and granted a turnkey contract of installing them in a networked set up . The contract also included the cost of licensed operating systems , anti virus systems , satellite connectivity etc.. The contract further included a tripartite arrangement with Oracle and IBM where in an Oracle based ERP system would be installed and IBM would facilitate the installation. Here the contract has two broad elements software and support systems that form an integral part of the hardware and those not forming its integral part. ERP system falls in second category. Therefore it is an intangible asset. However those falling as an integral part of the hardware is part of fixed assets.
Not necessarily . If separable, that means the asset is capable of being rented, sold or exchanged, independent of other assets . So identity is easily established. Even if not separable , a legal right to use makes it identifiable .
The first four only are intangible assets. Even amongst them, for brands and trademarks , only acquisition cost if any is allowed for capitalization.
When is an expenditure recognized as intangible asset When an enterprise is able to demonstrate that the item meets the Definition of intangible asset and When it is probable that future economic benefits , attributable to the asset will flow to the entity and That the cost of asset can be measured reliably
1. 2.
AS 26 requires the entity to assess the probability of future economic benefits using reasonable and supportable assumptions that represent best estimate of the economic conditions, that will exist over the useful life of the asset. In view of the market condition auditors have a case , a subjective matter
Can fair value be the initial intangible asset value AS 26 requires initial measurement at cost In case of an acquired intangible asset, fair value and cost may not be different In self generated assets , there could be variations where cost must be the basis.
Cost for the purpose of measurement of intangible asset does not include taxes that are refundable. The accounting therefore is incorrect
In the case of amalgamation in the nature of purchase , intangible assets of vendor company can be brought to purchasers book, even if it was not reflected in vendors books .However such accounting shall not create or increase any capital reserve, unless there is an active market for the intangible asset .Considering this the brand value can not be accounted for, more than Rs 25.00 crores.
Government has granted exploration licenses to H ltd for which a nominal licensee fee of Rs 10.00 lakh was charged . Should this be recognized as an intangible asset. Suppose there would have been no fees charged what would have been the difference. Cost incurred towards acquisition of an intangible asset or in case it is granted by government as a free license, actual cost or a nominal amount , as may be appropriate, has to be recognized towards intangible asset.
However in the given case the license is only for exploration. Unless the future economic benefit attributable to this asset is likely to flow to H LTD , it can not recognize it as an intangible asset
Internally generated assets X wants to recognize its internally generated goodwill and brand value as intangible assets .Comment. AS 26 does not permit capitalization of internally generated goodwill , brands mastheads, publishing titles, customer list or similar items as intangible asset . Expenses if any on them has to be charged to revenue
Norms on recognition of R&D Expenses Expenses incurred in research phase is not an intangible asset and to be charged off to revenue immediately Expenses incurred in the development phase is recognized as intangible asset, subject to its probability to contribute to future economic benefits.
Accounting policy of a listed company on R&D expenses Revenue expenditure on research and development is expensed as incurred. Capital expenditure incurred on research and development is capitalised as fixed assets and depreciated in accordance with the depreciation policy of the Company. Comment Language of the policy has failed to appreciate the spirit and tenets laid down in AS 26 ,as the crux is what constitutes revenue or capital. Similarly there is no differentiation of fixed assets and intangible assets. In addition research and development expenses are considered alike, which is against AS 26
A Ltd incurred Rs 20 L for developing a new product . However it has not been able to distinguish the research phase with development phase and showed the whole expenses under R&D Expenses. Wants to show appropriate amount under Intangible assets towards products rights In the absence of proper distinction the whole expense will be research expense to be charged to P/L.
A company has earmarked 30% of its advertisement and sales promotion expenses towards brand value, every year. Auditors objected to the act. Comment
Internally generated brands, Publishing titles, customer lists and similar items can not be recognized as intangible assets .Auditor is right. Charge them to revenue.
AS 26 has no application here as the Brand endorsement right as an asset is As inventory. Therefore AS 2 and AS 9 are applicable here.
A BPO company spends Rs 30000.00 per employee as induction training cost and recognizes it as an intangible asset, amortized over 4 years. The company faces 40 % attrition on an average, out of which 50 % or more are employees served less than one year. Comment.
Control over the resources is not with the company as employees can leave the company . So Training costs are not expected to give future economic benefits to the company with certainty , and are not eligible to be reckoned as intangible assets .They are required to be charged off expenses in the year of incurrence as per paragraph 55-56 of AS 26.
Asset or expense ?.
A company on amalgamating with another one acquired a brand use license originally belonging to an overseas company and which required their approval for use by any transferee company. The company is hopeful of getting brand owners approval sooner or later and hence desirous of keeping the asset value in balance sheet. Comment. In the given case although the absolute ownership is not with the company for brand use they have done all right steps to enjoy the usefulness of the asset for economic benefit in future and therefore subject to impairment losses the asset can remain in the books.
Past expenses During the quarter ended 30th sep 2007, X Ltd recognized Rs 2.00 crores towards R&D expenses as expenses although it was realized that it belonged to a new product line ready for commercial launch soon and was to be treated as intangible asset. Company reversed the expenses and capitalized the expenses. Comment. As per paragraph 58 of AS 26 such reversal are not possible. However according to A S 5 prior period items can be reported suitably in the subsequent reporting period.
General principle is that the subsequent expenses are not to be capitalized. There are exceptions. When additional expenses have enhanced the future economic benefits and such cost is reliably measured, capitalization is allowed
In case of deferred payments, capitalization is to be done at cash price only . This amendment to AS 26 is consequential to introduction of AS 30 and hence effective from 1-4-2011
Depreciation, if any, be allocated on systematic basis over the best estimated useful life There is rebuttable presumption that the useful life period does not exceed 10 years. There must be cogent evidences to establish the useful life beyond 10 years
Method of Amortisation
A company decides to amortize the cost of its licensee rights for movie distribution as 8:1:1:5:1:1:2 over 7 year period with the reasoning that it expects to reap good revenues after every two year break, with a renewed launch of the movie in the market .Comments The method of amortisation shall reflect the pattern in which economic benefits are accrued to the company . If there are empirical evidences to the claim of the company from past, the method can be accepted. Otherwise straight line method may be used.
Economic life Vs Legal life A patent right was acquired for 15 year period. The patent is renewable for another 5 years subject to revised terms to be agreed up on at the time of such renewal. Company wants to amortize it over 20 years. 10 year period of useful life stipulated in AS 26 is rebutted by evidences in the form of legal agreement which provides the useful life as 15 years. Only if the contract is virtually certain to be renewed by virtue of renewal clause, a longer than legal period as useful life period is permitted ( para 69) . Here virtual certainty is not established and hence amortize over 15 years
Residual value
Unless there is an active market for the asset ( from where residual value can be determined )which would exist at the end of the useful life or There is a commitment by a third party to buy the asset at the end of useful life The residual value is zero
Should the intangible asset be tested for impairment 1. Yes , AS 28 applies to intangible assets where, in case there are indications of impairment, test of impairment has to be done . Even if there are no indications of impairment In the case of intangible asset that is not yet available for use and That is amortized for longer than 10 years Recoverable amount has to be ascertained in line of A S 28 , once in a year and impairment losses if any be recognised.
Retirement and disposals Derecognize intangible assets when no longer in use or disposed off. Gains or losses be charged to revenue .
1. 2. 3. 4. Class wise disclosures distinguishing internally generated and purchased assets for Useful life, amortization rates Amortization method Opening and closing gross and net figures Movement data (that includes impairment data also) If amortized over longer than 10 years, reason, period, etc.. A description of material intangible assets Existence and carrying amounts of intangible assets whose title is restricted Intangible assets pledged Commitment for acquisition of intangible assets Amount of R&D Expenses recognized as expenses.
Largely principles are same under both the statements, except that
Subsequent measurements can follow revaluation policy also, under IAS . Amortization only when there is a definite useful life term. So in case of indefinite life term no amortization required under IAS .