Central Florida Equestrian Magazine: June 2009

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1, Issue 5, June 2009 FREE

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Editor's Corner Contents

From the Editor
Feature article………………………….........…..……4
Yeah Rain! Now GO away… 'Horse Crazy'…………………………..........………...5
A Word from Wendy….…………….............………6
Hope everyone had a great Memorial Day weekend! This weather will make you wish you Opinions………………………………......…………….8
had a covered arena or indoor. Perfect occasion to go and support your local tack shop Show News…………………………….......…………10
(Equine Corral & The Hay Exchange both carry all the essentials & more!) if you DON'T (Horse Shows in the Park, Fox Lea,
have the covered option- go get your wellies, raincoats, helmet covers and for goodness Canterbury, GOHJA)
sake, don't forget the medicated shampoo, MTG and a soft curry to combat fungus, rain-rot Misc news……………………………….....………….14
and scratches. While you're at it, time to stock up on fly and mosquito spray. Once the rain Show Photos……………………………….........…...17
clears and the humidity sets in, they'll be merciless. Photo Classifieds……………………...........……...18
Product & Service Directory……...............……19
In this issue you'll find new monthly content including Opinions and a column by Wendy Classifieds……………………………….......………..19
Peralta. Look for health and training Tips & Bits starting in July (might involve a local vet List of Advertisers…………….……..........……….20
interested in contributing to articles and sharing really cool videos through my website). List of Distributors………………..........………….20
Event Calendar………………………...........………20
Over time the magazine will develop a theme for each month of the year. Here are some Summer Camps……………………........………….20
examples: Stable Directory…………………………............….22
December- 2010 Show Guide
January- Year End Awards
February- Stallion Issue Blog & Virtual Magazine
Other themes could include a particular show or event, fox-hunting, dressage, 4-H, Pony Coming Soon!
Club, a foal issue, College issue or something fun involving summer travel or
cultural/social events. Have an idea for an annual theme? Post it on
www.cfequestrian.com under 'Opinions'.
On the Cover
Thank you for reading & advertising!

Courtney (Bass) Weinzimer Cheeky and Michael Murphy:

Owned by Laura Murphy and Errol
Equestrian Center in Apopka. Cheeky
has been successful through 1.40M at
Thank You to Marya at Stablewoman Designs for Ads WEF and around the country.
the original February cover and logo. Also a Classifieds Cheeky is proudly offered for sale.
HUGE THANKS to Rupam of Graphicpoint Design $15/issue 45 words, .50/addt'l Please see his ad on page 12
and to Kevin & Rick at Whitney Printing for word
helping make the magazine possible.
Photo Classifieds
$25/issue 1 photo & 40 words
Central Florida Equestrian
Products & Services
Publisher-Editor, Ad Sales $20/issue Bus card/logo/40 words
Courtney Weinzimer
Online basic Classifieds & Directory
Copyright 2009 Central Florida Equestrian, Listings ALWAYS FREE!
All rights reserved DEADLINE: 10th for items needing
Printed in : CENTRAL FLORIDA design~15th for 'ready’

*The advertisements, news and opinions expressed within are not necessarily the views or
opinions of the publisher-editor or of Central Florida Equestrian magazine or website.
*Central Florida Equestrian assumes NO responsibility for copyright infringement due to
advertiser/reader submissions. Photo Credit: Sportphot.com
You must obtain the necessary permission for use of photos, articles, information or news.

www.cfequestrian.com. 3.
Champion Hunter Mare at the 4H District
Feature Article: Show and one of our ponies, Henry, shown
Sommersby Farms in Oviedo by Caroline Jackson, was Grand Champion
Lauren Kellar and Celtic Hunter Gelding. Juta and her horse Bounce
were Grand Champion Child Adult Jumper
at the GOHJA show in May.
We also hold shows at our barn twice a year.
The next show at our barn will be in the fall
and we are in the process of getting
Sommersby Farms Team approval to hold Marshall and Sterling
Reserve Circuit Champion for the Level 2 Classes! Twice a year we hold clinics at
Sommersby with some of the top
Jumpers on her horse Dino. Georgie
equestrians in the industry. Our last clinic
Hammond was Grand Champion in Short
was a huge success with Grand Prix and
Stirrup for one of the weeks and won second
Olympic level Rider Debi Connor of
place in the Bit O' Straw Classic on her new
Reddick, FL, as our clinician.
horse Perfect Partner.
Being able to do well at shows has a lot to do
with foundation work, horsemanship,
Sommersby Farms is a 30 stall barn located in regular training for the horse and rider, as
the Black Hammock area of Oviedo. We sit on well as keeping a healthy and sound horse.
10 acres and have ample grass pastures; nice At Sommersby, we have relationships with
sized arenas equipped with a full show top equine professionals to keep our horses
jumping course and a boarder tack room feeling their best and in top working
that's air conditioned and has been updated condition.
with custom wood lockers and a TV/DVD. The barn has three trainers, each
Being a native to the area, I was fortunate specializing in different areas. I
enough to stumble upon this barn, which at Contd. Sommersby Farms in Oviedo
the time was a “diamond in the rough”. Eight (Lauren) teach our advanced students who
years ago, the barn was known as a partial show regularly. Beth Collier teaches our
board barn and wasn't really into the horse beginner students up to the advanced
show scene. students, and really gives them a good
foundation that prepares them for the show
ring. Barb Kellar teaches our beginner to
intermediate riders. As an elementary
school teacher for Seminole County, she
also incorporates fun into lessons for the
Georgie Hammond younger riders.
Marisa Durocher showed for the first time in We are currently in the process of
an “A” show in the Short Stirrup division on revamping our lesson program and
her pony Princess Fiona placing 2nd, 4th and 5th. bringing in horses suitable for rated shows.
Celtic and I were Reserve Circuit Champion in More importantly they will have the
the Level 3 Jumpers, Grand Champion for experience to help teach our students lead
Sydni Glick and Henry at GOHJA week 6 and Reserve Champion for week 4. changes and to navigate around a proper
Now with the loyalty and commitment of my Celtic moved up to the Level 4 and Level 5 hunter or jumper course getting the right
boarders and students, Sommersby has been Jumpers during the season. Brian Plostnicks strides down the lines.
able to turn itself into the full service show showed at PSJ in February at Canterbury When in the market for your next horse or
barn that it is today, and we are proud to have winning 3rd place in the $5000 mini prix pony, look to our barn. We have a nice
a positive family atmosphere. aboard Qwazi. selection of hunters, jumpers, and ponies
We are actively involved with both local and available for sale year round. We have an
'A' rated showing but our barn welcomes all amazing sales team that will help you find
types of riders whether you take one lesson a the perfect match for any budget. Leasing is
week just for fun or are a top show another option and there are different
competitor in the hunter or jumper ring. programs available.
When we show locally, we prefer to attend At Sommersby, we are constantly striving
the GOHJA shows that are held at Clarcona to improve and upgrade our facilities and
Horseman's Park in Apopka once a month. I we welcome visitors, so if it has been awhile
find that those shows bring a lot of team since you have seen us-just stop by! We
support to our barn and give our trainers a would love to give you a tour. Please feel
chance to evaluate where our students are in free to call the barn at 407.366.5798 or visit
their riding from month to month which u s o n t h e w e b a t
helps them prepare for the next show. www.sommersbyfarms.com. We're not
HITS and WEF are the barn's favorite show your usual barn in that we take a truly
circuits when we travel in Florida. Every year personal interest in all our clients and
we go to HITS for the whole winter season would love for you to join us as we progress
and this year we had another great season. and grow.
Our HITS highlights were: Mandy Toor was Juta and Bounce at GOHJA
Hannah Russell's horse, LaJolie, was Grand Photo credit: Through My Eyes Photography

4. www.cfequestrian.com.
When the horse gene surfaces in a child, what's an equestrian-
challenged parent to do? One mom shares what works for her child and
Horse Crazy
By Kathe Jackson
In my experience, there are two types of little girls born into this
world: those who love dolls and those who love horses. I was one of
the former, happily spending my early years playing with winking,
wetting, head-turning baby dolls and graduating to the ever-popular
bride doll and swimsuit Barbie. So when my 8-pound-6-ounce baby
daughter came along, it didn't dawn on me that the doll gene might not
be passed on.
A series of holidays and birthdays brought a surprisingly large
accumulation of real-baby facsimiles, Beach Barbies, Polly Pockets,
and even a big-eyed Bratz doll or two. But unloved and untended, these
soon found their way into the underbed storage container, the kiss of
Spay N Save
death for any toy in my household.
Instead of baby bottles, tiny high heels, and colorful doll dresses, our
Offering low cost spay/neuter services
floors were littered with miniature hay bales and grooming supplies,
various to-scale saddles with attached girths, and Lincoln logs
in Central Florida.
constructed into corrals and jump rings. Here, the plastic horse thrived
and proliferated—not the squeezable pink and purple kind with a For more information call
profusion of curling manes and tails—but realistic-looking stallions For more information call
and mares, with legs frozen in mid-trot and hard muscles rippling
beneath their smooth plastic skin. 407.349.5255
Yes, I knew fairly early on that my daughter was of the horse-loving or visit
persuasion, but no one told me that it might not be just a passing fancy,
like dolls are for most girls. As a preschooler, she had the requisite www.spaynsave.org
pony ride birthday party. When she turned six, I began dutifully
transporting her to weekly horseback riding lessons, learning just
enough about tacking up myself to help with the hard parts. Adopt a barn cat!
Then came a time when we had to stop the lessons for a couple of
years. Traveling to the barn we had been going to was no longer
convenient, and other family commitments simply got in the way. This Today, at age 12, my daughter would gladly spend every waking
was no bad thing, I thought, figuring that time away from the four- moment at the barn—maybe even a lot of nonwaking ones as
legged creatures would allow other interests to flourish. well—and there is no sign of that changing. But she is not one of the
lucky ones. She—and her family—have other time and financial
Obviously, I did not understand the resilience of the horse gene, and commitments, so horse ownership and weekly horse shows are not in
before long we were back in the saddle. This time, the barn was much our here-and-now. Is there a happy solution for those of us with
closer, and my daughter was bigger, much more self-sufficient, and children bearing the horse gene, but who can't make the all-or-
more driven. nothing commitment that the sport seems to require?
It started out slowly enough, with a private lesson here, a group lesson I believe there is. For my child, the solution is a combination of two
there, a day every now and then helping out at the barn, grooming things: a wonderful, family-oriented barn with kid-friendly
horses. But the pace quickly increased, and I had to deliver an management and an active 4-H club. A partial lease allows my child to
ultimatum. There are only so many hours in the day and dollars in the have the attachment to a horse that the gene demands without our
checking account, I said. A choice of where both would be spent had to family bearing the burden of board payments, vet bills, farrier visits,
be made. Faster than a pony on a lunge line, my daughter abandoned and the overall commitment that accompanies owning a pet the size
her intense, two-year love affair with ice skating in favor of jumping of —well, a horse. Complementing this, 4-H offers a structured
fences and shoveling manure learning program and a few shows that the participant can work
toward and participate in. Seminole County's 4-H program is
extremely active and much more in line with the inclinations of my
outdoor- and horse-oriented daughter than the typical scouting
Would YOU like the Cover or Feature Article in an program.
upcoming issue of Central Florida Equestrian? For my husband and me, who find the equestrian world to be an ever-
unfolding mystery, these two opportunities offer a doable way for our
To inquire about availability and pricing for the cover, daughter to enjoy horses as a hobby, progress in skills, and share the
feature article or press release, email fun of her horse-owning friends. And if the horse gene is as dominant
as we think it is in our child, the equestrian world will likely have
info@cfequestrian.com another lifelong fanatic to keep the sport alive and well.
Kathe Jackson is a corporate communications professional, a nonrider,
and the mother of a barn rat at Sommersby Farms in Oviedo.
Next available cover & feature article:
SEPT '09

www.cfequestrian.com. 5.
A Word from Wendy Happy horse showing. aminimum of 9'10” (3 m) from the jump.
9. If a rail is placed on the lip of a cup it must
I hope to write monthly about things that be placed on the far side of the cup, and is
people may find interesting and hopefully only allowed at an oxer if it does not cause the
relevant to everyone that owns a hunter or front rail to be higher than the back rail (i.e.
a jumper. This month I chose to discuss offset).
specifically the jumper schooling area at
10. There may never be more rails on the
USEF sanctioned shows.
back of an oxer than on the front of the same
It is my belief that most people are oxer. When two (2) rails are used on the back
ignorant about some of the rules and not of an oxer, the lower rails on the front and
intentionally disrespectful of them! back elements must be of equal height. If the
Beyond the rules as they are stated there oxer is flagged so that it may only be jumped
are a few other common courtesy in one direction and there are two or more
practices that more people should be poles on the back of an oxer, the lowest of the
Wendy Peralta owns and operates Seabreeze
made aware of. At most of the bigger poles may be equal to, but no lower in height
Farm Inc., a successful show and sales barn
shows you have a starting order. If there than the top pole of the front of the oxer.
located in Geneva, Fl. She serves on the board
are 3 jumps available in the schooling area 11. A cross rail may only be made at a vertical
of the Zone 4 jumper committee and is the
usually the first person competing will either by itself or below a single rail lower
acting chef d' equip for its junior and young
choose their jump and the rest will follow, than 4'3” (1.30 m), or if the overall jump is
rider teams. She attends horse shows
so if rider one picks the jump on the left, lower than 4'3” (1.30 m) at the front of an
throughout the country as an owner, rider,
usually rider two will go to the middle and oxer, with a minimum distance A Contd.
trainer and parent.
three to the other end. Then, 4 should go to Word from Wendy
one, 5 should go to 2, 6 should go to three USEF Jumper Schooling Rules between the rails of the cross rails of 4” (10
and so forth. Of course multiple students 1. All rails must be either in cups or totally on cm) and a maximum distance of 12” (30 cm).
with one trainer can change the order but the ground (exception: one end of a cross rail 12. Horses are not permitted to walk over
communication is the key! Speak and may rest on the ground). Rails must be able to cross or slant rails. Walk jumps may not
share! Here in the US people tend to be fall easily when hit. exceed 12” (30cm), and may be built with one
courteous about sharing jumps. In Europe 2. No one may hold a rail or touch a standard end of the rail resting on the ground. Ground
you are offered a vertical and an oxer. The while it is being jumped. lines are not permitted. While using a walk
jump goes up and down-no one "owns it”. 3. If an item (blanket, cooler, etc.) is laid over jump the competitor must approach and
You and probably 3 others jump when you the rail of an oxer it may be laid over the front depart in a straight line. At no time may they
can. rail. If there is more than one rail on the front turn the horse while walking over the rail.
Another issue is communication with of the oxer, the item may be laid over any of 13. No Swedish Oxers!
your in gate staff. They are there to help those rails. 14. If a liverpool is supplied and used at a
and guide you through the day! Be 4. Jumps in the schooling area may not exceed vertical; the front of the liverpool may not be
punctual and don't make them wait for 5'3” (1.60 m) in height, 5'11” (1.80 m) in behind the front plane of the jump. Also, the
you to finish up with that final schooling width. Additionally for Pony Jumpers -- back of the liverpool may not exceed the front
jump. Be ready to go when it is your turn Jumps in the schooling area may not plane of the jump. If used at an oxer; the front
and when the rider before you is in the exceed 10 cm (4”) above the maximum of the liverpool may not be more than 3'3”
ring be standing at the in gate ready to go. specified height for the upcoming class. (1m) in front of the jump.
We are one of the only countries that I am 5. Any jump 4'3” (1.30 m) or higher must 15. If a water jump is available it may only be
aware of that doesn't pre-load. In Europe have a minimum of 2 rails, in cups, on the take used in one of the following manners; with
and Canada they may have as many as two off side of the jump, regardless of whether a take-off box only; with take-off box and a
riders getting ready to go while another is ground line is used. The lower rail must vertical jump with a single rail placed not
completing their course. always be below 4'3” (1.30 m). past the center of water jump not to exceed
6. Ground lines are not mandatory, however 3'3” (1m) in height; no take-off box with a
My final suggestion is to read your
if they are used they must be placed either vertical jump with 2 rails placed not past the
trainer's board and be on time! I try to
directly below the front of the jump or up to center of the water jump not to exceed 4'3”
have a barn meeting nightly and again in
3'3” (1 m) out. If a ground line is used on the (1.30 m) in height.
the morning to predict who will go when
landing side of a jump there must be one on 16. If space and available fence material
and come up with the 'plan'. This includes
the take off side, and it may not be any further allows and safety conditions permit,
whatever preparation your horse may
out than the one on the take off side. combinations may be built using correct
need such as a ride in the morning or a
7. If a trot/canter/placement rail is used, the distances. Bounce jumps may only be used
longe or whatever so you are not playing
jump may not exceed 4'3” (1.30 m) in height with verticals and may not exceed 3'9”
catch up. If your trainer has many rings to
and 4'3” (1.30 m) in width. If a rail is used on (1.15m) in height.
be in at the same time ask them where you
the take off side of a jump it may be no closer 17. At management's discretion (and if local
should be and when. For example be all
than 8'2” (2.50 m). If a rail is used on the laws allow) bamboo offsets may be
flatted and ready to jump when they arrive
landing side of a jump it may only be used at a permitted in designated schooling areas only.
in your schooling area. Know your course!
vertical and it may be no closer than 9'10” (3 Manual poling is not permitted.
There is nothing worse than a loss due to
m). (Exception Pony Jumper) These 18. Riders are fully responsible for any jump
not being on time or not knowing your
distances are for fences set at 4' (1.25m) to taken by their horse.
course. Same thing goes for the course
4'3” (1.3m). 19. Any action deemed not in the best
walks. If your trainer is running all over
the show grounds, do them the courtesies 8. If guide rails are used on the landing side of interest of the horse will not be allowed.
of knowing the general course and the a jump the closest part of the rail must be
jump off! Especially the jump off!

6. www.cfequestrian.com.
Centolys Z

.2 gelding 8 years old. Junior hunter-2nd year green

09. Honest easy,good mover, perfect changes.This
is a very versatile horse has has competed in the Acanto Z
equitation and jumper divisions as well as the
6 year old gelding.Has been showing in the 6 year old jumper
hunters. Easy and good natured.
divsions at such shows as Wellington.Competed last year in 5
Chingolo Z year old finals in the Hamptons.Very competitive
5 year old gelding. Laid back nice young horse,starting some mini-prix. Very talented horse,ready to
horse has has competed in both the go all the way to the top.
jumper and hunter divsions.Can be
molded in either direction.Comfortable
and great character.

Always a selection of sale horses in all price ranges and

ages-you may be surprised! In house leases also available.
Alibi Z
Wendy and Ezequiel Peralta, Nikko Ritter
5 year old gelding. Beautiful scopey jumper.
Competing in 5 year jumper division.
Seabreeze Farm Inc
Honest,willing has scope to be a junior or 407.399.1180 m 407.349-9088
amateur jumper with age. Fantastic personality.

2009 Summer Camp

Weekly sessions beginning June 8th
Monday – Friday
9am – 1pm

1 hour daily riding lesson

Learn proper horse care
and management


Wednesday 'Water Day'

Friday 'Pizza Party'

Camp t-shirt & picture CD

Horse Show at end of
each week
And Lots More!!!


www.cfequestrian.com. 7.
Opinions individuals, profitable for owners and
Next month's Opinion topic will be on $30,000 horse because that is the price successful for bidders. There are exceptions
USHJA's new Trainer Certification range people have money for. If the to the rule however. I've seen thoroughly
Program (TCP). Learn more at highest bid is way under value, it could be planned auctions with high quality horses
www.ushja.org/TCP/ assumed by future potential buyers that produce very little in sales. I've also been
and post your opinions on the website at the horse is worth its max bid. Some witness to glamorous auctions that sell
www.cfequestrian.com. success has been had with silent bidding. mediocre horses for very high prices. I think
Sport Horse Auctions The buyer comes to the site of sale and that if you attend an auction with the intent
“It's great to see each country finally sees the horse ridden etc. and then makes to buy, educate yourself or find a trusted
developing its own top jumpers. We've a silent bid. The bids are accepted for a advisor to help you with the process. This
always been behind the Europeans but period of time and then the owner leads into the dual agency aspect. I think
are catching up- maybe not on decides if any of the bids have come up to that if the agents are ethical, knowledgeable
breeding our own but certainly in the reserve. In the recent years with the and experienced I think that the person can
developing them. In Europe they have economy the way it is the auctions have lead buyers in a positive direction. However,
lots of horse auctions. We only have a not done as well as they had in the past. It the opposite can happen too. I had a
few and they haven't been successful. is a good idea but a lot of thought, work, conversation with a local sales agent whom I
Usually people put in (not) their best and organization are involved and still consider very ethical regarding dual agency.
horse. Nona Garson from The Ridge that is no guaranty that it will be a This person explained to me that the good
stable has tried to put on an auction at success. I think it is a great idea but hard agents will have the buyers best interest at
their farm in Wellington during the to make successful. “–Candace L. Rich, heart and will endeavor to meet the
WEF and has a hard time selling all the CAV-I Farm requirements for the horse. A good agent
horses. The auctions have not caught “I've been involved in a few sport horse will work diligently to make the customer
on here. Years ago Paul Shockmoeller specific auctions and some other breed happy as they know that positive
brought his famous auction the PSI auctions so I have had a little taste of the experiences generate repeat business or
auction to an event in RI called the scene. I personally think auctions in word of mouth referrals. Another aspect to
American Jumping Derby. A fabulous general can be a good thing. A well- auctions is to make sure that a trusted vet
event.- he was very successful that one planned auction can be entertaining for could either be there with you or evaluate
time but none of the horses proved to visitors, educational for interested the pre-purchase exam reports. One's
be as good as the people thought so it personal vet knows the
never happened again. Gene Mische requirements of their clients.
put on an auction in Tampa during the They will be able to best advise
shows and the horses sold relatively the client on any medical
cheap so the buyers where happy but issues that arise.” –Laurie Ann
not the sellers.” –Debbie Stephens, Salmi, Pink Horse Performance
Centennial Farm Looking for a Part-Time Job in the Equestrian World? “I hate auctions! I think
“I have been asked to participate in Work for Central Florida's newest Equestrian magazine Americans don't understand
some auctions. I feel they take a lot of Create your own schedule the concept that the Euro's and
organizing and advertising. An auction South Americans love so. I
Attractive Commission Plan
can't just be quickly planned. People think if you are buying very
are leery of sport horse auctions Seeking motivated, aggressive Advertising Sales Reps
young horses auctions are
because they have been to some where Throughout Central Florida
okay-but once the horses get
horse's prices were run up by owner Email resume: info@cfequestrian.com older you need to know their
contacts and then announced sold but character which is very hard
were not. Some auctions require the to evaluate in an auction
seller to provide x-rays which are very
expensive especially when your horse
does not sell. Trying to reach the right
Beautiful setting.” -Anonymous
Would you like to share your

buyers is another problem. Buyers Rolling acres opinion or experience? Find

the 'Opinions' headline on the
come expecting to spend little money Complete with spring-fed pond, currently website homepage with
and are surprised when the horses are used for horse / animal rescue. various topics listed. Comment
priced at $20,000 and above. It is good 3/2 Home with large 2 car garage plus on as many as you like. Your
to have previews where a horse can be out-buildings, completely fenced. comments may be printed in a
shown and maybe even ridden or future issue so indicate
Zoned Agricultural. 4 miles from St. Johns River.
vetted. This should be agreed upon by EQUAL HOUSING whether you want your name
the seller. It is hard for a seller to enter $ 575, 000.00 OPPORTUNITY
used or prefer to remain
their horse in an auction and then have anonymous.
no one bid more than $15,000 on a
Jim Taylor BANKER 386-943-1596
8. www.cfequestrian.com.
www.cfequestrian.com. 9.
Show News experience this lovely facility.

Horse Shows In The Park June 13, 14 HSITP H/J at the

From Jeanne Winslow Jacksonville Equestrian Center

Join us June 13,14 at Florida's newest

equestrian venue The Jacksonville
Equestrian Center - as we kick off a 4
hunter/jumper show series "stepping it up a
notch" for Callie Rickert & Wits End Ally Oop
something to put on the barn wall to show
off!! Runner up will receive a plaque for the
barn wall also. Exciting classes will be added
to the day's activities in each arena to add to
the competition - the following classes will be
Summer Time Horse Show Fun double pointed: Main Arena - Parent/Adult
Under the Oaks June 6,7 at the Leadline/Commands class at 12 noon; Walk-
Florida Carriage Museum and Resort Trot Arena - Water Sponge Shootout at 4pm ;
Jumper Arena - Canine Jump Off at conclusion
We' re g e t t i n g re a dy fo r o u r f i r s t of scheduled jumper rounds.
hunter/jumper show of the summer at our Jacksonville Equestrian Center
newest and most elegant venue - at
Weirsdale's Florida Carriage Museum and our HSITP competitors as they enter the
Resort. Weirsdale is located just southeast of amazingly huge Indoor Arena... our Hunters
Ocala and west of The Villages - and was and Equitation riders will enjoy the Indoor,
formerly known as "Continental Acres" or the jumpers will have the 200 x 400 Grand
the "Austin Horse Park" named after the Prix between...Should pre-entries warrant,
owner, Gloria Austin. Their website is yes we will add a 4th arena...so please get
www.fcmr.org. We will be using the main your pre-entry in before the Tuesday
arena under the shady oaks and have access deadline if possible. The program booklet is
to all 400+ grassy pristinely groomed acres, on the website and our new Jacksonville
HSITP competitors will soon come to enjoy
Horse Shows in the Park's reputation of Taylor Culpepper & Foxwater Amazin'
h i g h e s t q u a l i t y, c o m p e t i t i v e n e s s ,
professionalism, and fun! We're hoping our The barn showing the most Team Spirit during
Canterbury based HSITP competitors will each day will receive 25 extra points each day,
make the drive over to see what so wear zany shirts, think of how you can show
Jacksonville's all about - the indoor is support for your riders, decorate your horse,
awesome!! Keep in mind too - there's a get your spectators on the ball and involved in
multimillion $ new Aquatic Center on the the competition. Hire strangers to act
showgrounds for our riders to cool off at for supportive!! Start a wave! This is a polo shirt
free. There are 3 new hotels within 4 miles show too - no jackets required. Pre-entries
of the show grounds too! HSITP suggested, so Jeanne can know if she needs to
recommends the brand new Best Western add that 4th arena. On a Party Note - Sandy
Florida Carriage Museum and Resort Inn & Suites with a $79 rate. Our May and Toni Werner and Show News,
including the pool, tennis courts, shady USEF/USDF Dressage show was a smashing Susan Hartman have invited all of our June
trails and extensive network of homes, success at this facility!! HSITP Canterbury "Battle of the Barns"
villas, partments (at a 30% summertime JUNE 27,28 at Canterbury Equestrian competitors over to their farm Saturday night
discount!) and stabling throughout the at "Castlekeep" just 10 minutes from the show
complex. The show program is posted on the grounds for a fun Saturday night party with
Round up the folks who will admit to being
website at www.horseshowsinthepark.com Lots of Food, Drinks, Beer on Tap, Games, Live
with your barn/farm/stable or trainer and
and is currently slated to be held in one Music and a Bonfire... 5pm til ?. Don't miss the
come on out and show! The more the
arena so that if we need to add another arena party of the year and the opportunity to see
merrier and the hotter the competition for
for our hunters, preparations can be made in some beautiful warmblood horses as well!!
points. HSITP will be limiting any one
a timely manner. We'd like to finish the show Maps to the party will be located in the show
horse/rider combination to 12 classes per
by 4pm Saturday to allow time for our riders office at check in on Friday.
day (excluding in hand classes). Points
to enjoy and get to know the facilty. earned by barn will be tracked all day long
Pre-entries required for this show- see and posted for all to see....and at the end of JUNE 27,28 at Canterbury Equestrian
the show the top 5 riders from each barn Showplace
the Entry page on the website for all options
with the most points (no matter how many
available to you. We're hoping for a good horses they rode) will be counted, and their
turnout at this show so our HSITP riders can names/totals posted. The one barn or
trainer with the most points from these
riders will receive a check for $500 and

10. www.cfequestrian.com.
Canterbury News Robertson's look on life! This is the 5th year of to all who made these special classes
From Wendy Low the May Day Qualifier and it keeps getting bigger possible.
and better. Next year we hope to go 3 days and GOHJA introduced a new line of products
We just had a wonderful USDF May Days offer the High Performance Horse classes. Since all containing the GOHJA logo by giving
show with 122 horses, 3 rings, 3 judges, and we had a wait list we will plan on 4 judges. Hope these items as the awards for class winners.
lots of happy people. The Freestyle Challenge to see everyone at the October 3-4 Ride Lite Hats, T-shirts, aprons, notebooks, bags, etc.
was exciting with 32 rides ranging from FEI Show! Prize list available June 13th. Always were a big hit and our now available at
Young Riders to First Level to Intermediarre. something interesting at Canterbury! cafepress.com for purchase.
A complete list of winners will be on the GOHJA's new Fundraising Chairperson,
results page of the website: GOHJA, Inc. Lauren Kellar, organized a silent auction of
www.canterburyshowplace.com. The new 31st Annual Benefit Horse Show several different types of baskets donated
footing was a huge hit. Riders gave it thumbs From Wendy Trocano by local businesses and individuals.
up. We've now placed it in the outdoor warm Bidding lasted both days and was hotly
up ring as well, it helps keep the dust down WOW!!! What a success!!! With a crew of mostly contested for the Cinco de Mayo basket,
and is spongy, level and the horses love it. volunteers, the Greater Orlando Hunter Jumper which was eventually won by Nancy Hirt.
The rides this year were fantastic with Association organized and presented its 31st Enjoy!
some scores in the 70's. There were many Benefit Show. This is the one show a year that This year's awards banquet will be held
fine horses and Erin Brinkman's Imminence members get together to put on a show with all November 21, 2009 at the Orlando Marriott
is one to watch in the future. The pair walked the proceeds going to the organization. Those Lake Mary in the Grand Ballroom from 6:30
off with Training and First Level Highpoint. monies are then used to host the annual awards to Midnight. Plans are already being made
The Juniors and Young riders came out in banquet. as to menus and types of awards.
force, Mary Cameron-Rollins (see photo Steve and Heidi Lengyl officiated over the two Invitations to this fun-filled evening will be
below) took top freestyle FEI honors and a days, judging 170 entries in all levels and types sent the first week of October. Check out the
check for $200 with 73.750% and Katrin of classes. There were 4 Hunter Classics website gohja.org for all the details.
Dagge on Dream of Love won the First-Third sponsored by McAbee Veterinary Hospital, The bottom line… this was the most
Level Freestyle Challenge with a 73.125%. Brookmore Farms, Waters Edge, and Wendover successful show GOHJA has ever had. The
The weather although a tad hot was great for Place and one Jumper Stake sponsored by Board wishes to thank everyone who
showing. The whole feel of the show was Mardebri Manor. Gracie Ryan and her pony donated time and money to help make the
energetic, positive with lots of laughs going Pirouette scored two 90s to win the Waters 31st the best yet!
on in the show office mostly due to Alex Edge Short/Long Stirrup Classic! Many thanks

Horse Shows in the Park, LLC

2009 Hunter / Jumper Shows

Fax your pre-entries to 321-978-0231

www.cfequestrian.com. 11.
Fox Lea Farm: Aldrich-Farrell; Clay Farrell; Course Designer: Jamie
Schooling Shows to Grand Prix lovely show with nice jumps and good space to
Alder; Winners of Grand Prix: Aaron Vale and Tarco, school and flat in. I particularly enjoy the larger
By Courtney Weinzimer owned by Joan Kalman.
shows at Fox Lea, the previous one we attended in
“We like Fox Lea Farm. The show rings are nice, April and the “Camp” series, due to the larger
the footing is very good...it is important for a purses”-Brock Clermont, Clermark Equestrian LLP
horse show in Florida to have footing that can
hold up with a lot of rain, and they have done a “I love the footing in the rings. Also the grass jump
great job of that. Besides the facility being nice, field is so much fun to show in!”
we like the owners and all who help to put the Peggy Stevens, Brookmore Farms
horse shows on, the secretary Angie, Leanne
who helps manage the show, Nigel Hale the
announcer, they hire good judges for the shows.
We also like the area, the hotels are close and
(This privately owned, 46 acre show there are many great places to eat, and the
venue in Venice, FL hosts over 30 shows beaches are close to the show. In the summer the
every year and has been doing so since "camp" themed shows are great for the kids, plus
1985. They successfully cover all levels they are still "A" rated shows....certainly a "win
of showing, from a non-rated win" situation”
“economically friendly” schooling series -Mary Eufemia, Ravenwood Farm
(8 shows) to not just 1 but 3 Grand Prix
show jumping events each year. There
are 3 dressage shows, 4 “C” rated shows
and 9 “A” rated. This year the USEF South (Photo Credit: Photos By Barb)
Julianna Fischer's clean Grand Prix round helped her to
Zone 4 Championship will be hosted complete the 'Certificate of Capability' necessary for
during their November “A” show, one qualification for NAJYRC Finals in KY
which also boasts a $25K Grand Prix.
Fox Lea has accumulated a strong
following amongst Central Florida show
barns. Here's what some of them have to
say about Fox Lea Farm:
“I like the footing, the bank and that they
are trying to have real Grand Prix' there
and attracting some good riders by
having good course designers etc. I've (Staisha Bejarano Photography)
suggested that they purchase a water John Paul Jimenez at recent Open Show
jump as it would be a fabulous place for
juniors and especially young riders to “Our barn loves to show at Fox Lea because they
come and learn how to jump water. fit in 3 shows in about a week and a half. The .(Staisha Bejarano Photography)
Since Wellington is the only other place show is also geared towards kids, and lets
in Florida that has a water jump it would Roger Seitzmeir over the bank jump
everyone dress up in something different each
be another “feather in their cap” so to day, and the kids really think that is fun! The
speak. HITS Ocala does not offer a water Fox Lea is one of few venues to incorporate a bank
older kids and parents from our barn love the jump element into their jumper field. This jump
jump, nor do the events at Mississippi or fact that the beach is so close, and we make a
Atlanta. I think they are on the right can be ridden by going up the ramp over a fence
vacation out of it while we are down there.” - and down the ramp. It is also used side to side
track and it (Fox Lea) would be a great Lauren Kellar, Sommersby Farms
facility to host some young rider training jumping up the bank and off the bank, and some
sessions!” course designers add a fence on the jump down
“I enjoy competing at Fox Lea during the summer side. This jump was used in the Platinum
–Wendy Peralta, Seabreeze Farm for its casual atmosphere and it's fun for the Performance/USEF Show Jumper Talent Search at
kids!” Jenni Medlock, Showtime LLC the Venice H/J Spring Concours I held in April
2009. The bank was originally designed and
“Both my horses and I enjoy jumping on the large constructed by the late Juan Hernandez before his
grass field, which has a similarly consistency to accident in 2002. He was a well respected and
mine, soft yet firm sand with nice grass. The liked rider, trainer and course designer from
owners and management have been extremely Tampa. Fox Lea dedicated the jump to Juan after
kind, welcoming, and helpful to me…even his death. The only changes since were in creating
though I am from Canada! I recently canceled my another ramp on the west side of the jump. This
arrangements to Aiken, SC, to come to Fox Lea for redesign was possible with the help of Pablo
the $25K Grand Prix. The location is close in Gamboa and was reconstructed by Larry Ballard in
(Photo Credit: Photos By Barb) proximity to my barn so it's very convenient. May 2008.
Course designer ass. & jump crew coord: Affordability is another reason why I take young
Luciano Cesario; Show manager: Kimberly and green horses plus they get exposure at a

12. www.cfequestrian.com.
Offering grassroot shows to USEF
“A” rated events with Grand Prix
Non-rated shows:
“An economically friendly, high quality,
family fun open horse show series”
A special thank you for the efforts of our Open H/J & Performance show committee:
Reggie Sayat, Carole Wilson, Shanon Bejarano, Daila Lybarger, & Andy Moorman

JUNE 20 & 21
AUGUST 29 & 30
OCTOBER 17 & 18
NOVEMBER 21 & 22
DECEMBER 12 & 13 – Championship Show
***Top 12 Invited for each class/division***

“A” Rated Shows

JUNE 12-14 'Mid-June'
JUNE 26-28 'Summer's Here!'

“Camp Show Series”

JULY 13-16 'Pre-Camp S'Mores'
JULY 18-21 'Camp Fox Lea'
JULY 23-26 'Plain Brown Wrapper'
Including $25K Grand Prix & $5K Welcome Stake
Special Discounted Rate for Camp Circuit Stalls!

SEPTEMBER 4-6 'Fox Lea Sept'

NOVEMBER 12-15 'Fox Lea Farm November'
Hosting the Zone 4 Championship Show South
Including $25K Grand Prix & $5K Welcome Stake

“C” Rated Shows

AUGUST 15 & 16 "C" Circuit II
OCTOBER 31 & NOVEMBER 1 “C” Circuit Grand Finale
Fox Lea Farm has lowered general fees and stall fees for regular rated shows!

Show Manager: Kimberly Aldrich-Farrell 941-809-6365

Office Manager: Angela Gordy 941-809-6361

www.cfequestrian.com. 13.
Misc News UCF Student Finishes Second in the and riders earn points thru their placings.
Nation! Each division has a maximum number of
From Wendy Trocano points that must be earned before a rider
Heart Land Horse Rescue Press can move on to the next division. Team
Release Alisha Mays, a sophomore in legal studies
at the University of Central Florida, was members take weekly lessons with Lesli and
Heart Land Horse Rescue wishes to ride as often as they can to perfect their
named the IHSA National Reserve
congratulate Calvin Borel for an skills.
Champion in the Individual Novice
exceptional ride at the 2009 Preakness, This is the first year UCF has sent a rider to
Equitation on the Flat division at the
riding Rachel Alexandra! Nationals. Riding in IHSA is completely
Intercollegiate Horse Show Association's
Calvin Borel and his fiancée, Lisa Funk different than hunter-jumper shows in that
Hunter Seat National Championship on
(of Chuluota, Florida), are Board of the host school provides horses and each
April 23, 2009. The finals were held at the
Director members for Heart Land Horse rider draws a name from a hat. Riders are
Miller Coliseum in Mufreesboro, Tenn. with
Rescue. not allowed to warm-up but must enter the
18 teams competing.
Heart Land Horse Rescue is a not for ring cold and perform. For the finals Lesli
Lesli Isaacson has been the coach of the
profit equine rescue facility located in and Alisha arrived a day early to watch the
UCF Equestrian Team for 5 years. This year
Chuluota Florida. It was founded by horses schooled and to get an idea how they
thru dedication and hard work Lesli
Suzanne Funk and Lori Tankel in 2007. would need to be ridden. Alisha had a good
trained the team to be first of the Florida
The mission of Heart Land is to help draw and made the top four to perform a test
abused, neglected and starved horses. In schools and 4th in the zone. Home base for
the club is Wendover Place where Lesli and before the judges. In only two years on the
addition, we are dedicated to rehoming team Alisha was awarded 2nd in the country.
Off the Track Thoroughbreds, by placing sister Wendy Trocano teach and train.
Try-outs were held last August where Lesli Congratulations Alisha and Lesli on a job
retired racehorses in new homes and well done!
giving them a chance at a second career. chose 15 out of 30+ riders to comprise the
We are very honored to be associated team. These individuals were then placed
with Calvin, who is a dedicated and in one or two divisions depending on their
compassionate horseman. riding skills and show records. Divisions
www.heartlandhorserescue.org range from Walk-trot to Open Equitation

Full Partners Farm Summer Camp

Full Partners Farm offers the only truly advanced camp program available in the U.S.
Beginner programs are also offered.
Advanced Camp Dates:
June 8-12
June 15-19
June 22-26
June 29-July3
July 6-10
July 13-17
July 20-24 (Florida/Georgia College Bound Invitational week)
July 27-30 (College Bound Invitational camp for out of state riders)
Beginner Camp Dates:

June 8-12 July 13-17

June 15-19 July 20-24
June 22-26 August 3-7
June 29-July 3 August 10-14
July 6-10
Day camp: $325.00 per week
Overnight camp: $825.00 per week
Boarding spaces are available for riders who would like to
bring their own horses

All registration forms available on website

For more information contact Denna Johnson dennaj2713@aol.com
(M) 352-328-5801 (B) 352-472-7669
www.Fullpartnersfarm.com www.collegeboundinvitationalhorseshow.com
All registration forms available on website

14. www.cfequestrian.com.
Mauricio Garcia Ballesteros
Grand Prix Rider * FEI Course Designer * FEI Trainer, Levels 1 $ 2

Some highlights as a trainer & coach:

1997 Children FEI World Jumping Challenge, Cat. BDominican Republic
1st Place by Miss Chantal Stoker.
1997 Children FEI World Jumping Challenge, Cat. BDominican Republic
World Champion by Miss Chantal Stoker.
Experience in Course Design:
2002 Assistant to Course Designer Mr Helio Pessoa, Brazil
XIX Central American and Caribbean Games, El Salvador
2003 Assistant to Course DesignerArch .Javier Fernandez , Mexico
XIV Panamerican Games, Dominican Republic.
2005 Course Designer Assistant to: Arno Gego, Guilherme Noguiera, Leopoldo Palacios,
Arch. Javier Fernández. Winter Equestrian Festival, Wellington, FL
2007 Assistant to Course DesignerGuilherme Nogueira Jorge, Brazil
XV Panamerican Games, Rio De Janeiro, Brazil
2007 Assistant to Course DesignerPierre Jolicoeur, USA
124th National Horse Show, Wellington, FL
2008 Assistant to Course DesignerGuilherme Nogueira Jorge, Brazil
FEI 5* “ NATIONAL”, Spruce Meadows, Calgary, Canada , June 2008
2008 Assistant to Course DesignerLeopoldo Palacios Jugo, Venezuela
CSI-W Bromont, Bromont, Canada, July 2008
2008 Course Designer for National Capital Open $75.000.00 Grand Prix ,
Kubota Cup Series Annex Ring ,Napean Equestrian Center, Ottawa, Canada, August 2008
2008 Assistant to Course DesignerAnthony D'ambrosio
Rolex/USEF National Showjumping Championship. Wellington, FL
2009 Course Designer- Ocala Jumping Classic, $50K Brookledge Grand Prix

Mauricio is available for coaching, training and course design.

Email: magbgarcia@aol.com Mobile: 787-243-4045

www.cfequestrian.com. 15.
for Equestrians
CF Fit2Ride presents
Cortney Singleton of Anywhere yoga and pilates
as the instructor for our new equestrian
balance and fitness classes
Looking for a Part-Time Job
Cortney's qualifications include
·Power Pilates Certified (Mat & Apparatus) in the Equestrian World?
·Integrative Yoga, RYT (2001)
·CPR & AED (Current) · Insured Work for Central Florida's newest
·AFAA Personal Trainer · OPD Equine Volunteer Equestrian magazine
JOIN US Create your own schedule
in our Sanford Studio
or ORGANISE A GROUP Attractive Commission Plan
at your barn or show
Seeking motivated, aggressive
Contact Cortney Singleton 407-256-8559
Advertising Sales Reps
*mention you saw this ad in CF Equestrian
Throughout Central Florida
for 50% off 1st session! Email resume: info@cfequestrian.com

16. www.cfequestrian.com.
GOHJA May 2009

Burberry and Casey Accola Oriental Rose and Parker Wright Cassie Gustafson
-Beg Rider Hunter -Baby Green Hunter 15-17 Equitation

Broadway Joe and Carly Keltner DaVinci and Christina Inserillo Cleopatra and Elaine Horvath
-Hopeful Jumper -Schooling Hunter -Schooling Hunter

Celebrity Interview and Christina Montesquieu and Elizabeth D'Angelo and Lana Mottram
Hilmer-Schooling Hunter Cloutier- Second Year Green Hunter -Hopeful Jumper

See April photos


Daddy's Dollar Kramer and Kat Black

and Delaney Smith- - Adult Hunter Photo credit:
Children's Pony Thanks to Shutterpug Photography for photos

www.cfequestrian.com. 17.

Cheeky : Blue Strutter:

10yo bay Selle Francais gelding. Great low Moonwalk: Child/adult jumper Cruiser 2000 14.1 7/8 grey gelding by
junior/amateur horse. Awards for 2008 include
USEF Horse of the year, Zone 4 Champion, Reserve Circuit Champion at HITS 1999 ApHC chestnut gelding. 16h. Gayfields Vida Blue. Finished 6th
1st Place WEF Classic, Tampa Equestrian Tons of show mileage. 2008 USEF Large Pony Hunter
Festival Circuit Champion, Champion in Shown in Hunters, fox hunted, trails.
Owner off to college. division, qualified for 2009 Pony
Vermont, Champion Kentucky Summer to Beginner safe. No vices. Current on
name a few. Was first in 1.40 meter in WEF Very honest horse-always wins! Finals. Sadly outgrown. Marylu
everything. $4500 OBO 407-718-0674
2007 (2 classes). Serious inquires only. Sommersby Farms 407.376.5378
Please call Errol Equestrian Center at (407) Gallagher at Ridge Point Stables

Selling your horse, pony, truck or trailer?

Order your Photo Classified for $25/Month
Discount for multiple PC's in a single month
Email ads@cfequestrian.com or order directly
Handmade patchwork quilts with
theme of choice. All custom and Scroll down page and select
original. Other photos available.
Debbie 410-960-4731 option from drop box

Pegasus Closet
We buy your gently used show clothing

Special Offer:
Mention you saw this ad in Central Florida Equestrian and
receive 10% off your next purchase, or use code CFE10
when making a purchase from the website. High End
Jackets (Grand Prix, TS, Ariat, etc) pre-owned and all under
$200, Tailored Sportsman new and used $100, everything
ready to go back in the show ring!

17 S. Broadway
Pitman, NJ 08071
www.cfequestrian.com. 11.

18. www.cfequestrian.com.

English Riding Apparel for Adults & Children

10419 CR 39 South, Lithia, FL 33547

your product
or service HERE
for $20 month!

Premier Hunter Jumper Facility Summer Riding Camps in Cocoa

Over The Hill Farm- making winners 5 day camps each week
at all levels. Central Florida's best June 8th -July 31st
kept secret. Come ride with the best $220/wk 8:30-1:30 M-F
Meals, snacks & water
from local level to AA's - Devon and Ages 3 & up, beginner to advanced
Indoors.. Convenient location near Riders divided into age/skill THE HORSE BEDDING www.fex.at
SR 417 and I-4. appropriate groups
Visit our website: www.othfarm.com Pre registration required
5010 Thomas Stable Road Donna Hakanson 321-759-1605
Sanford, FL 32773
www.desertacresstables.com HORSE BEDDING
Compressed, pelleted, dust free straw bedding that
you do NOT add water toprior to use!
Turn Key Horse Farm Looking for Advertising Absorbs four to five times its own weight.
Sales Reps
Breaks down in 2 to 4 weeks and is safe to spread on fields.
26 acres in Marion Co.
Throughout Central Reduces odor. Keeps dry, clean and smelling fresh.
Main house, guest house,
Florida Weekly maintenance of 1 to 2 bags for a 12’ X 12’ stall.
3 barns, Round pen,
Great Commission Stringent manufacturing process removes all dust, mold
equipment barn,
Structure and allergens from raw straw.
Paddocks, pastures.
Excellent condition. Make your own hours & Ideal for horses with breathing or skin allergies.
Call Carolyn 352-591-6088 schedule
Reduces manure pile size and labor costs.
www.PureLusitanos.com Send inquiries to
info@cfequestrian.com Reliable supply year round and safe for the environment.
Oil added during process to prevent dry hooves.

www.cfequestrian.com. 19.
List of Magazine Distributors
List of Advertisers
ASW&M Law Foxwood Saddlery SEHJA Shows
Dunbar Construction
Alachua Farm & Lumber GOHJA Shows Seminole Stores
Geneva Grocery & Feed Silver Sands Shows Errol Equestrian-Summer Camp
Altoona Station
Amber Glen Feed & Tack Hall's Feed Smith's Ranch & Garden Fit2Ride Yoga & Pilates
B&W Hendrix Feed Sparr Building Supply Fox Lea Farm.
Backwoods Vet Clinic Horse & Hound Stockmans Harness Full Partners Farm
Bailey's Feed & Pet Horse Shows in the Park Suburban Feed Mauricio Garcia-Ballesteros
Barrington Hill Shows Horse Tack & More Sumter Equestrian Center Horse Shows in the Park
Bull Run Horstmeyer's Feed Tack Shack Ocala Laurich Enterprises Photography
C&J Feed Store Hot to Trot Tack Tack Shack Oviedo Over The Hill Farm
Canterbury Showplace JC Saddlery Tamoka Feed
Pegasus Closet
Chazal Insurance J&J Tack Tenneys Custom Saddlery
Jerry Parks Insurance Tomoka Feed Ridge Point Stables
Chuluota Feed
Circus Feed & Supply Lake Farm & Feed The Feed Store Seabreeze Farm
Clermont Eq Feed & Tack Malabar Feed The Hay Exchange Sommersby Farms
Coast to Coast Trailer Sales Marion Saddle Club The Paddock Room Spay 'n Save
Dan's Feed & Fence Mel's Tack Room Thomas Feed & Hay Showtime, LLC
Double ZZ Feed Midwest Feed & Farm Tractor Supply Shutterpug Photography
East Coast Equine Nelson's Trailers Trading Post StreuFex Bedding
Equine Corral Ocala Breeders Feed United Hay Sales Suncoast Bedding
Equine Supply Depot Ocala Horse Properties Volusia Feed
The Hay Exchange
Fannin Hill Orlando Dressage Whip 'n Spur Tack
Oviedo Feed Wildwood Feed Through My Eyes Photography
Farm City
Farm & Pet Outlet Orlando PCHA Shows Winning Edge Tack
Farrier Corral Rocking Horse events Winter Garden Feed Central Florida Equestrian is paid
Florida Carriage Museum Ruff's Saddle Shop for through advertising.
Fox Lea Farm Saddler of Orlando Please mention seeing these ads.
Schiro's Hay & Feed

Calendar of Events Hunter US, West Plsr, Lithia 16-19 Fox Lea Farm 'A'
www.dshowhorses.com Venice, www.foxleafarm.com
12-14 Fox Lea Farm 'A' 18-19 Silver Sands St Jude Benefit
June www.silversands.org
Venice, www.foxleafarm.com
6-Silver Sands HJ Show 23-26 Fox Lea Farm 'A'
13-14 Horse Shows in the Park
Venice, www.foxleafarm.com
www.silversands.org Jacksonville EC 25-26 Horse Shows in the Park
6-Orlando Arabian Horse Club www.horseshowsinthepark.com Canterbury EqShowplace-Newberry
20-Freedom Ride's Texas Hold'em www.horseshowsinthepark.com
Intro to Jumping Clinic RT 46 Entertainment Complex Summer Camps
Clarcona Horseman's Park Apopka www.freedomride.com
Sommersby Farms-Oviedo
www.orlandoarabian.org 20-Horsey Yard Sale-Buy/Sell!
Equine Corral's parking lot-Lithia Begins first wk of June
6-7 Horse Shows in the Park
Austin Horse Park, Weirsdale Call for details: 813-737-4400 www.sommersbyfarms.com
www.horseshowsinthepark.com 20- 21 Silver Sands Rated Dressage Ashmore Eq Center-Apopka
6-7 Canterbury Eq Showplace New Smyrna, www.silversands.org
Begins June 8th
Schooling driving and dressage 26-28 Fox Lea Farm 'A'
www.canterburyshowplace.com Venice, www.foxleafarm.com
6-7 Barrington Hill SS 26-28 Horse Shows in the Park Errol Equestrian Center-Apopka
Dade City, www.barringtonhill.com Canterbury EqShowplace-Newberry June 15-19/July 6-10
6-7 PCHA Tampa Fairgrounds www.horseshowsinthepark.com 407.886.1955 eeclaura@gmail.com
Pinellas, www.pcha-fl.org 27-28 Marion Saddle Club H/J
Full Partners Farm-Newberry
Ocala, www.mschorseshows.com
7-Orlando Arabian Horse Club Dressage SS- Begins June 8th
27-28 OAHC AHA Comm Show
Clarcona Hrsms Prk
Silver Sands-New Smyrna Bch www.fullpartnersfarm.com
www.orlandoarabian.org www.orlandoarabian.org Desert Acres Stables-Cocoa
12-13 Wendover Place-GOHJA 28- OAHC AHA Dressage Show
Clarcona Horseman's Park-Apopka Silver Sands-New Smyrna Bch Begins June 8th
www.gohja.org www.orlandoarabian.org www.desertacresstables.com
13- Rocking Horse D/S/3 Phs July Ledesma Eq Center-Orlando
Altoona, www.rockinghorseht.com 3-5 Barrington Hill ACS Benefit Begins June 8th
13- Silver Sands English Plsr Show www.barringtonhill.com
New Smyrna, www.silversands.org www.lequestriancenter.com
10-Barrington Hill USEF C Show
13- Canterbury Eq Showplace www.barringtonhill.com Brookmore Farms
H/J Indoors- Newberry 11-12 Horse Shows in the Park Begins June 8th
www.canterburyshowplace.com Austin Horse Park, Weirsdale www.brookmorefarms.com
13- Kristin DeLiebro Clinic www.horseshowsinthepark.com

20. www.cfequestrian.com.
Showtime, LLC
Hidden Oaks
Equestrian Center
Geneva, FL

Jennifer Medlock (407)312-5584

aur ch
Two one week sessions
June 15-19 and
July 6-10, 2009
For Ages 6-16 Yrs.
From 9 A.M. to 3 P.M.

Basic Riding Skills

Safe Horsemanship
Stable Management
Specializing in equine & pet photography that •
Trail Rides
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Special Graduation Ceremony
Other services available Lots of Summer Fun!
Serving Central Florida Sign-up now! Reserved Space Only
Laurie Mix, Photographer
407-463-7533 Errol Equestrian Center, Inc. Office 407-886-1955
359 W. Lester Rd. Cell 407-832-8268
Sellgreatstuff@embarqmail.com Apopka, FL 32712 Fax 800-715-0940
http://LMixedup.imagekind.com/ eeclaura@gmail.com

www.cfequestrian.com. 21.
Stable Directory
Alachua County Hillsborough County Marion County Polk County
Canterbury 352-472-6758 DeLibero Shw Hrs770-298-7415 Cav-I Farm 352-351-9428 7 Acres School 863-858-7110
Eclipse Sporthorses 352-283-3722 Dover Oaks 813-752-4076 Greenway Stables 888-676-4425 Aloha Equestrian 863-318-8700
Full Partners Farm 352-472-7669 High Standards 813-982-2944 Hidden Lark Farm 352-854-5151 Platinum Equestrian 863-644-2291
Great Beginnings 352-331-9069 Keilyn, Inc 813-948-8544 Hillcrest Farm 352-854-8402 Ridge Point Train 863-438-0801
Legacy Farms 352-495-2725 Karnes Stables 813-610-7199 Integrity Eq Ctr 352-732-5768
Kingsmeade Farm 813-968-7469 It's My Pleasure 352-245-9235 Sarasota County
Rolling Acres 386-462-7183
Misty Farms 813-758-5252 Marablue Farm 352-591-2679 Circle W Ranch 941-378-9429
Victory Sport 352-468-1220 Masterpiece 352-465-2553 Farr Crest Farms 941-322-9519
Rising Star Ranch 813-928-5587
Sharon Oaks 919-260-4040 Nouveau Eq Ctr 352-595-4369 Fox Lea Farm 941-485-0486
Bradford County Ocala Layup Center 352-732-2271 Shamrock Lee Farms 941-360-2231
Soaring Eagle 813-920-5932
Euphoria Stables 904-964-2325 Sundance Eq Ctr 303-518-2047
Stafford Hill 813-986-8842
Straight Forward 813-926-1285 Orange County True Blue Farm 440-840-1118
Brevard County Ashmore EqCtr 407-884-9292
Top Call Farm 813-792-8171
Ace of Hearts 321-638-0104 Avalon Ridge 407-877-0406 Seminole County
Triple H EC 813-265-0778
Common Sense 321-385-0216 Bay Hills EqCtr 407-884-5255 Barrett Farm 407-365-5456
Five Oaks Stables 321-452-0041 Class Act Farm 407-889-9816 Bridlewood Farm 407-349-5874
Indian River
Greener Pastures 321-724-5008 Corporate Woods 407-739-9897 Brookmore Farms 407-538-4185
Half Halt EC 321-777-4898 Vero Beach Riding 772-567-2899
Windemere EC 772-567-8868 Errol Eq Ctr 407-886-1955 Claudia Heath Farm 407-402-6454
Hidden Hoofprints 321-432-3436 High Life Farms 407-293-0110 Crooked Creek 407-341-3342
Limestone Stable 321-266-9292 Jewel Court Stables 407-654-8718 Dream Catcher 352-243-8755
North Hammock 321-453-5918 Lake County
Ledesma EqCtr 407-295-2925 Findlymine Farm 407-687-3449
Thunder Oaks 321-631-1504 Autumn Valley St 352-242-1341
MG Sport Horses 407-718-3300 Fox Cry Farms 407-365-5909
Trout Creek SC 321-302-8179 Equest Ctr Clermont 352-241-7583 Painted Oaks Acad 407-929-0970
Greystone Stables 407-268-4118
Citrus County Fair-Dinkum Farm 352-430-4604 Sandhill EqCtr 407-654-6517 Hidden Oaks 407-349-3732
In Harmony Farm 352-637-7287 Live the Dash 352-385-4644 Snow Kissed Stables 407-325-5562 Longwood Eq Ctr 407-265-6151
Loch Eden 352-266-0066 Summer Wind Farm 407-493-5456 Mardebri Manor 407-221-5001
Clay County McKai Equine 352-669-4425 Sweet Music Farms 407-909-1603 Martin Farms 407-366-2227
Mane Event EC 904-472-1634 Redwood Park St 321-402-4822 Trademark Eq Ctr 407-889-8752 Meliora Stables 407-925-4417
Penney Farms EC 904-529-5660 Rocking Horse St 352-669-9982 Twighlight Farms 407-982-0882 Mr. Ed's Barn 954-701-4221
Taylor Oaks Eq Ctr 904-291-8764 Sandbar Farms 352-429-8450 Water's Edge 407-492-3509 Over the Hill Farm 407-322-1912
The Oaks Ranch 904-284-7212 South Lake Eq Ctr 352-536-9189 Wendover Place 407-679-9595 Palma Rubia Eq Ctr 407-427-0850
Southern Cross St 407-654-3689
Quail Roost Hunters 407-721-6474
Duval County Woden Walk 352-383-9454 Osceola County Rustic Pine Ranch 407-619-1409
Bella Donna Farm 904-287-1502 Rising Star Stables 407-346-5622 Ridgewood Eq Ctr 407-971-4955
Empire Eq Center 904-594-6220 Levy County
Rustling Oaks Farm 407-679-2271
Hidden Fields 904-565-1471 Blue Sky Farm 954-434-2301
Pasco County Seabreeze Farm 407-349-9088
Oak Haven 994-998-4257 Maho Bay Farm352-207-1838
Country Lace Acres 727-869-4832 Showtime 407-312-5584
Skyway Meadows 904-704-0493 Whispering Dream 352-342-6469
Katie Acres Riding 727-243-9593 Sommersby Farms 407-366-5798
Sundance Farm 904-287-3590 KC Creek Ranch 813-310-7271 Waterford Eventing 253-219-7321
Twin Branch Stables 904-880- Manatee County
Olive Branch Ranch 727-710-0215 WB Equestrian 407-353-0633
0687 Centennial Farm 941-723-1616
El Tesoro 941-928-4852 Shadowhawk Farms 727-243-5865
St Lucie County
Hernando County Elysian Eq Ctr 941-745-1292
Pinellas County LJM Stables 772-528-0786
C & H Ranch 352-754-1759 Equisports 941-776-5942
Anvil Acres 727-546-3478 Rubidoux Stables 772-461-8489
Hoof Print Valley 352-754-9258 Hidden Hils Eq Ctr 941-776-0970
Calypso Bay Stables 727-587-0024 Tu-Bahd Farms 772-878-4829
Lake Lindsey Eq Ctr 352-799- Snaffles Farm 941-746-0287
Spanish Legacy St 941-322-4151 Clermont Saddle 352-223-7969
5258 Cross Rails Academy 352-143-7433 Sumter County
Sacramonte Farm 352-208-7003
El Cazador Eq Ctr 813-416-0986 Cypress Creek 352-793-8495
Hillsborough County Serenity Stables 352-615-5171
Elite Farm 727-541-5513 Sunset Riding 727-234-5854
Admiralty Farm 813-920-9041 Shaw's Training Ctr 351-591-9613
First Choice Eq Ctr 727-541-3797 The Leigh Over 352-797-9575
Barefoot Farm 813-754-0713 Three Phase Farm 352-245-2193
Windsor Farm 352-591-2392 Lakeview Stables 727-480=7557
Cheval EC 813-949-7370 Majestic Oaks EqCtr 727-564-1710 Volusia County
Citrus Oaks Farm 813-391-0089 Pinellas Horse 727-637-3022 Aspen Meadows 386-345-0580
Cross Point Farm 813-672-1515 Okeechobee County
Florida Equine Svc 561-644-9032 Ravenwood Farm 727-787-7433 Brass Head Farm 386-676-7363
Cypress Trails 813-920-5313 Skyview Farm 727-564-1710
Eden Oaks Farm 813-624-6867 Timber Trace Farm 863-634-3096 Cypress St Eq Ctr 386-676-1164
Southern Star 727-546-1371
Equicross 866-715-6006 Step Ahead Stables 797-725-9949
Galaxy Farms 813-689-1175 Marion County
A Bit of Luck 352-732-7670 Windward Farms 727-937-3110
Hawk Haven 813-926-7822
Hawksbill Farm 727-481-3472 Abracadabra Farms 352-347-1115
Hidden Meadow 813-777-2061 Almost Heaven 352-861-8883
Hidden Springs 813-926-2603 Dancing Horse Farm 352-873-
Destiny Farm 352-347-7555
Farwinds Stables 352-615-1788
Fallen Oak Farm 352-804-8851

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