Honors English 12 Syllabus
Honors English 12 Syllabus
Honors English 12 Syllabus
Instructor: Mr. Hanley hanleyt@pt-sd.org (724) 941 6250 ext. 5302 Room 125 True ease in writing comes from art, not chance, As those move easiest who have learned to dance. --Alexander Pope, An Essay on Criticism The poets voice need not merely be the record of man, it can be one of the props, the pillars to help him endure and prevail. --William Faulkner, Nobel Prize Acceptance Speech, 1950. Materials Needed Textbook/Book One spiral notebook One binder with pockets Pen or pencil Grading 1. All graded assignments will be given a point value. 2. Assignments submitted late will not receive full point value. Generally, late papers will be docked fifteen percent of the original value (after grading) for each day the assignment is overdue. Late papers will not be accepted after three days. Once the three days have passed the grade becomes a zero. Daily homework assignments will not be accepted late! (Unless you are absent). 3. Tests will carry more weight than quizzes. All tests will be announced ahead of time; quizzes may or may not be announced. Note: Quizzes will be given more frequently than tests. 4. Rubrics will be provided for each major composition, project, presentation, etc 5. Class discussion and participation will be considered in determining ones grade. This includes a students willingness to ask as well as answer questions. Students are expected to keep up with the rigors of the assignments and to create original, academically honest work.
Course Work 1. Formal Writing Assignments: Students will spend a significant portion of class time writing both timed and un-timed formal pieces, including responses to prompts and critical papers (primarily literary analysis and explication). Students will revise their critical papers through self-evaluation, peer evaluation, and conferences with the teacher. 2. Informal Writing Assignments: Students may write weekly informal pieces in the form of reading log entries (e.g., quote logs, text-based journal writing, and creative writing). 3. Grammar/Mechanics instruction will focus on crediting sources of quoted, paraphrased, and summarized ideas and using standard MLA documentation for citations. 4. Reading Assignments: Students will have regular reading assignments. It is imperative that you read carefully (close reading) and that you come to class prepared to discuss your ideas about the works we study. Survey Topics I. The Golden Age of Athens i. The Theban Play King Oedipus The Old English and Medieval Periods (A.D. 449-1485) i. Beowulf and The Seafarer ii. Canterbury Tales, by Geoffrey Chaucer iii. Sir Gawain and the Green Knight (?) The English Renaissance Period (1485-1660) i. Epigrammatic, Carpe diem, and Metaphysical Poetry ii. The Shakespearean sonnet form and the play, Hamlet The Restoration and 18th Century (1660-1800) i. Satire and parody The Romantic Period (1798-1832) i. Fantasy and Reality ii. Lyric Poetry: Wordsworth, Coleridge, Lord Byron, Percy Shelley, and John Keats The Victorian Period (1833-1901) i. The Rise of Realism ii. Texts TBD The Modern and Postmodern Periods (1901-Present) i. Short Stories/Essay 1. James Joyce 2. Virginia Woolf 3. Graham Greene 4. Nadine Gordimer ii. Novel Lord of the Flies
ATTENDANCE POLICY As the study of English requires YOU to engage as a writer, reader, speaker, and LISTENER, it is therefore imperative that you are in class ON TIME every day. Please refer to your student handbook for the districts (and my) policy on attendance. LATE WORK Unless specifically stated by your teacher, homework assignments are due at the BEGINNING of class on the due date. Typed assignments are expected to be printed BEFORE you arrive in class; if this presents a particular problem for you, please discuss this with me prior to the due date. A failed printer is NOT an acceptable excuse for late work. In addition, files on a computer disk or via email will NOT be accepted in place of hard, printed copies unless specified. A 15% deduction will be taken for each class day, up to three days, the assignment is late. After three days, the assignment will earn a zero. MAKE-UP WORK If you know in advance you will be missing class, it is your responsibility to obtain assignments prior to your absence. No extensions will be given for such instances. If you have an unexpected and EXCUSED absence (as shown by an attendance pass), you should get your missed assignments upon your return. The time you have to complete those assignments will be equal to the number of consecutive days you have missed. Extenuating circumstances will be considered on a case-by-case basis. CLASSROOM CONDUCT Because this is SENIOR English, we hope that we will all be focused and interested in the learning process. Aside from the policies stated in the student handbook, it is expected of each student to show respect for every other member of the learning community and responsibility for his or her own actions so that we can achieve results that far exceed any of our expectations. PERSONAL COMFORT ISSUES Restroom/Water Fountain UseStudents are expected to take care of this business on their own time between classes. We do understand, however, that occasional emergency situations will present themselves. Abuse of these privileges will result in possible limitation of excusal from class. Cellular Phones/Audio DevicesIn accordance with school guidelines, cellular phones/audio devices are not to be seen or heard during class time unless they are a part of class activities. Violation of this policy will result in immediate confiscation of the phone and disciplinary action via the principal. Text messaging during any assessment will result in a zero. Abuse of restroom privileges to use your cell phone will result in the revoking of such privileges and possible referral to the principal. Food and DrinkWith the exception of water in a closed container, NO food or drink should be brought into the classroom.
PLAGIARISM Plagiarism is the most severe of academic offenses. In accordance with school policy, any assignment containing deliberately plagiarized material will NOT be passing and will be subject to disciplinary action: 1st offense: loss of credit for the assignment/assessment, referral to office. 2nd offense: loss of credit and referral resulting in 1 day OSS. 3rd offense: failing grade for the quarter, parent-teacher-administrator meeting, and administrator discretion. Plagiarism is defined more clearly in the student handbook. Students will be required to submit major assignments to turnitin.com, an anti-plagiarism database. MANUSCRIPT NOTES All final, and some preliminary as specified, drafts of major papers should be typed and double-spaced using 12-point Times New Roman font and default margins. This is an accurate representation of what you can expect in a college setting. Unless an exception is stated, use of standard written English is expected in spelling, grammar, and diction. CARE OF TEXTS All texts provided in this classroom are the property of Peters Township School District. As such, books are expected to be returned in the condition in which they were distributed. Damaged books may result in being charged the full cost of a replacement text. Please DO NOT take books without first signing them out. WEBSITE UPDATES Students will be reminded regularly of the events and assignments coming up in class. It will, therefore, be your responsibility to check the teachers website (http://goldhattedgatsby.weebly.com/) at least once weekly to keep up with assignments. Parents/Guardians, please check teachers website as well so we can keep you updated on class activities.
Dear Student and Parent, I am eager to begin the learning experience with your student. I believe we will have a rewarding year, and I hope to see all of our horizons expand just a bit through our study of the world around us. I have also made it my goal to continue to prepare students for their post-high school years. I appreciate your taking the time to review all pages of this document with your student in order to better support our endeavors this year. Please sign this form and have your student return it to me by Friday, August 30. This will serve to confirm that you have read the course of study and are familiar with the information provided, including policies and guidelines. Should you have any questions or concerns, please contact me using the email address hanleyt@pt-sd.org. Thank you, and I to see you at Open House. Students name __________________________________ Class period ______________ Parent/guardian name(s) ____________________________________________________ Parent/guardian signature _________________________________Date______________ Parent e-mail address ______________________________________________________ Student signature ________________________________________Date_____________ My student has home computer and Internet access available for research, homework assignments, and updated PowerSchool grades. ____ Yes ____ No (Access is available at the school for all students.)