I 129f k1 Fiance Petition Cover Letter
I 129f k1 Fiance Petition Cover Letter
I 129f k1 Fiance Petition Cover Letter
Citizenship and Immigration Services <service center address> <todays date> Re: I-129F petition Dear Sir or Madam: Enclosed please find the Form I-129F, Petition for K-1 Fianc[e] for <beneficiarys name> and supporting documents as follows: Application fee - $<455> Form I-129F Form I-129F Supplement: Part B, Question 18, explanation of meeting in person Evidence of my US citizenship Form G-325A and photograph of the petitioner Form G-325A and photograph of the beneficiary Form FC-029 Proof of having met in person within last 2 years Letters of intent to marry, petitioner and beneficiary
Copies of documents submitted are exact photocopies of unaltered documents and I agree to submit original documents to an Immigration or Consular officer at a later date, if required. Yours truly, <petitioners signature> <petitioners name>