Preliminary Application Form For FFE Scholarships

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Preliminary Application Form for FFE Scholarships

Foundation For Excellence India Trust, No. 840 MHT House, 1
Email to:


Floor, 5


Main, Indiranagar 1


Stage, Bengaluru 560 038

I am interested in applying for a scholarship from the Foundation For Excellence. I furnish the following particulars about myself.
Name (in capitals): _________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Address: _________________________________________________________________________________________________
Phone No. (Mobile and/or land line) (
Email ( required


): ___________________________________________________________________

): _____________________________________________________________ _____________________________

Family Background

Fathers age: __________ Education: _________________ Occupation: _______________________________________________

Mothers age: __________ Education: _________________ Occupation: ______________________________________________
Age, education, occupation of other family members: _____________________________________________________________
Familys gross annual income before deductions (Rs): ____________ Is yours a Below pov erty line (BPL) family: ________ (yes/no)
Academic Background/Plans:
Secondary School (Standard) results
Year of passing: _______ Marks obtained ______ Out of (total) _______ marks ________ (%) Class/Grade: __________________
Stream/Subjects appeared in: ________________________________________________________________________________
Full name of higher secondary school/college: ____________________________________________________________________
Type of school/college: Government/Aided/Private: ________________________________________________________________
Higher Secondary/Pre-university or Intermediate College results
Year of passing: _______ Marks obtained ______ Out of (total) _______ marks ________ (%) Class/Grade: __________________
Stream/Subjects appeared in: ________________________________________________________________________________
Full name of higher secondary school/college: ____________________________________________________________________
Type of school/college: Government/Aided/Private: ________________________________________________________________
Professional Courses (Engineering, Medical) Admission/Entrance Examination/Test Results:
Name of entrance exam/test: ____________________________________________________ Exam/test taken in year: _________
Registration/Admission No. _______ Entrance exam/test or qualifying marks obtained: _____ out of total/aggregate: _____ marks.
General/Open Merit/All India/Admission or Qualifying rank: ______________ (engineering/technology) _______________ (medical)
Plans for Further Study (

Only students starting 1


year of professional studies are eligible for scholarships)

Course name: _______________ Course duration (years): _______ Course year: ______ Course start date (Month/year): _______
If already admitted, name and address of college/ institution: ________________________________________________________
Type of college/institution: Government/Aided/Private: _____________________________________________________________
If I am found eligible for a scholarship, I undertake to provide a more complete application with supporting documents, as required.
I would be grateful if you could advise me on the next steps.

Signature: ___________________________________
Date: _________________________________________________________________________
Foundation for Excellence ( ) EIN: 77-0474749
2620 Augustine Drive, Suite#185, Santa Clara, CA 95054
Tel: (408) 985 2001; Fax: (408) 985 2001. FFE is a 501 (c) (3) publicly supported organization

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