Perfect Questions Perfect Answers - 1977 Edition
Perfect Questions Perfect Answers - 1977 Edition
Perfect Questions Perfect Answers - 1977 Edition
On a ancie1t island in Bengal, betWeen the
waters of the Ganges and the Sarasvatl, a young
Peace Corps. worker began a mystical, inner
journey into a new and deeper reality . ..
His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhupada
of the Interational Sciet for Krshna Consciousness
The world headquarters for the International Sciety for
Krishna Consciousness in Mayapur, India.
Everyone is bing controlled by the three modes of
nature-gooness, passion and ignorance. (. 32)
1a likes Radharali; therefore all the cowherd girls are
trying to push Her to Kn1a. (. 62)
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada
Bhagavad-gW As It Is
Srimad-Bhagavatam, Cantos 1-9 (27 Vols.)
Sri Caitanya-caritamrta (17 Vols.)
Teachings of Lord Caitanya
The Nectar of Devotion
The Nectar of Instruction
Sri Isopaniad
Easy Journey to Other Planets
Kn1a Consciousness: The Topmost Yoga System
Kr1a, the Supreme Personality of Godhead (3 Vols.)
Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
Transcendental Teachings ofPrahlad Maharaja
Kr1a, the Reservoir of Pleasure
Life Comes from Life
The Perfection of Yoga
Beyond Birth and Death
On the Way to Kr1a
Geetar-gan (Bengali}
Raja-vidya: The King of Knowledge
Elevation to Kn1a Consciousness
Kr1a Consciousness: The Matchless Gift
Back to Godhead Magazine (Founder)
A complete catalog is available upon request
Bhaktivedanta Book Trust
3764 Watseka Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90034
Perfect Questions
Perfect Answers
Conversations Between
His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada
and Bob Cohen,
a Peace Corps worker
in India
New York Los Angeles London Bmbay
Readers interested in the subject matter of this book
are invited by the International Society
for Krishna Consciousness
to correspond with its Secretary.
Intenational Society for Krishna Consciousness
3764 Watseka Avenue
Los Angles, California 90034
C1977 Bhaktivedanta Bok Trust
All Rights Reserved
Library of Congress Catalog Card Numbr: 74-27525
International Standard Book Numer: 0-912776-62-5
First printing, 1977: 220,000 copies
Printed in the United States of America
Introduction vii
KpIa, the All-Attractive
February 27, 1972
Vedic Culture: Vansrama-dharma
February 28, 1972 15
The Real Goal of Life
February 28, 1972 (continued) 21
The Three Modes ot Nature
February 28, 1972 (continued) 32
Becoming Pure
February 29, 1972 37
The Perfect Devotee
February 29, 1 972 (evening) 49
Acting in Knowledge of KpIa
February 29, 1972 (evening, continued) 67
Advancing in Kr!Ia Consciousness
(an exchange of leters) 83
Deciding for the Future
New York-July 4, 1972
Concluding Words
His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada
A Note from the Secretary
6 the International Society
for Krishna Consciousness
God, spiritual life-those were such vague terms to me
bfore I met Srila Prabhupada. I have always ben in
terested in religion, but before I met the Kn1a conscious
devotees, somehow I did not have the propr prspective
needed to inquire fruitfully about spiritual life. The exis
tence of a Creator is only common sense-but who is God?
Who am I? I had been to Hebrew School and had studied
Oriental philosophy, but I could never get satisfing
answers to my questions.
I frst heard the Hare Knla mantra in Greenwic
Village, New York, in late 1968.
Hare Knla Hare Knla
Knla Knla Hare Hare
Hare Rama Hare Rama
Rama Rama Hare Hare
The chanting was captivating, and it made me feel very
com- fortable. The mantra stuck in my mind, and I soon
regretted that I had not taken a magazine from the devotees.
As explained to me later, a transcendental seed had been
planted that could eventually ripen into love of Gohead.
Several months later, I came across a card with the Hare
Knla mantra on it. The card promised, "Chant these names
of God, and your life will be sublime!" I would ocasionally
chant, and I fund that the mntra did, in fact, give me a
feeling of peace of mind.
After graduating from college with a B.S. in chemistry,
I joined the Peace Corps in 1971 and went to India a a
science teacher. In India I inquired about the Hare lrIa
vii Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
movement. I was attracted by the chanting and intrigued by
the philosophy, and I was curious about the movement's
authenticity. I had visited the KnQa temple in New York
several times before going to India, but 1 did not consider
the seemingly austere life of a devotee for myself.
In India I frst met the KJIa conscious devotees at a
festival they were holding in Calcutta during October of
1971. The devotees explained to me the purpose of yoga and
the need to inquire about spiritual life. I began to feel that
the rituals and ceremonies they practiced were not dull,
sentimental obligations, but a real, sensible way of life.
At frst, however, it was very difcult for me to under
stand the philosophy of KrIa consciousness. In so many
subtle ways, my Western upbringing prevented me from
seeing things that were as plain as the nose on my face! For
tunately the devotees convinced me of the need to practice
some few basic austerities, and in this way I began to gain
some insight into spiritual life. I can now recall how distant
and tenuous were my concepts of spirituality and transcen
dental existence. I met Srila Prabhupada briefy at this
time-in November of 1971-and shortly thereafter I
decided to become a vegetarian. (I was proud of being a
vegetarian, but later Srila Prabhupada reminded me that
even pigeons are, too.)
In February of 1972, I met some devotees in Calcutta
who invited me to a festival in Mayapur (a holy island
ninety miles to the north). The festival was to be held in
honor of Lord Caitanya Mahaprabhu, who is considered an
incarnation of Knia Himself. I had then been planning a
trip to Nepal, but the Peace Corps denied me permission to
leave India, and so I went to Mayapur.
Introduction ix
I left for Mayapur planning to stay for two days at the
most, but I ended up staying a week. I was the only Western
nondevotee on the island, and since I was living with the
devotees on their land, this was a unique opportunity to
learn intimately about KHQa consciousness.
On the third day of the festival, I was invited in to see
Srila Prabhupada. He was living in a small hut-half-brick
and half-thatched, with two or three pieces of simple fur
niture. Srila Prabhupada asked me to be seated and then
asked how I was and whether I had any questions. The
devotees had explained to me that Srila Prabhupada could
answer my questions because he represents a disciplic suc
cession of spiritual masters. I thought that Srila Prabhupada
might really know what is going on in the world. After all,
his devotees claimed this, and I admired and respected
them. So with this in mind I began to ask my questions. In
advertently, I had aproached a guru, or spiritual master, in
the prescribed way-by submissively asking questions
about spiritual life.
Srila Prabhupada seemed pleased with me, and over the
next several days, he answered my questions. I asked them
mostly from a academic point of view, but he always gave
me personal answers so that I would actually spiritualize
my life. His answers were logical, scientifc, satisfing and
amazingly lucid. Before I met Srila Prabhupada and his dis
ciples, spiritual life was always obscure and nebulous. But
the discussions with Srila Prabhupada were realistic, clear
and exciting! Srila Prabhupada wa patiently trying to help
me understand that KHQa-Go-is the supreme enjoyer,
supreme friend and supreme proprietor. I put forward
many impediments to accepting the obvious: that I would
x Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
have to become serious about Go consciousness to under
stand God. But Srila Prabhupada relentlessly yet kindly
urged me on. Even though I had little ability to express
myself, Srila Prabhupada understoo my every inquiry and
answered perfectly.
Bob Cohen
August 14, 1974
Kr.Ia, the All-Attractive
February 27, 1972
BOB: What is a scientist?
sRiL PRABHUPADA: One who knows things as they are.
BOB: He thinks he knows things as they are.
BOB: He hopes he knows things as they are.
SRiL PRABHUPADA: No, he is supposed to know. We ap
proach the scientist because he is supposed to know things
correctly. A scientist Oeans one who knows things as they
are. Knia means "all-attractive."
BOB: All-attractive.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. So unless God is all-attractive,
how can He be God? A man is important when he is attrac
tive. Is it not?
BOB: It is so.
SRiL PRABHUPADA: So, God must be attractive and at
tractive for all. Therefore, if God has any name, or if you
want to give any name to God, only "Knia" can be given.
BOB: But why only the name Knia?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Because He's all-attractive. Knia
means "all-attractive."
BOB: Oh, I see.
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Yes. God has no name, but by His
2 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
qualities we give Him names. If a man is very beautiful, we
call him "beautiful." If a man is very intelligent, we call
him "wise." So the name is given according to the quality.
Because God is all-attractive, the name Kra can be ap
plied only to Him. Kna means "all-attractive." It includes
BOB: But what about a name meaning "all-pwerful"?
sRiL PRABHUPADA: Yes. . . . Unless you are powerful,
how can you be ll-attractive?
SYAMASUNDARA [an American devotee, Srila Prabhu
pada's secretary] : It includes everything.
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Everything. He must be very
beautiful, He must be very wise, He must b very powerful,
He must be very famous . . .
BOB: Is Kra attractive to rascals?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Oh, yes! He was the greatest rascal
BOB: How is that?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: [laughing] Because He was always
teasing the gopis.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. Sometimes when Radharai
would go out, Kna would attack Her, and when She
would fall down-"Kna, don't torture Me in that way"
They would fall down, and Kna would take the oppor
tunity and kiss Her. [He laughs.] So, Radharai was very
pleased, but superfcially Kra was the greatest rascal. S
unless rascaldom is in Kna, how could rascaldom be exis
tent in the world? Our formula of God is that He is the
source of everything. Unless rascaldom is in Kna, how
can it be manifest . . . because He is the source of every-
Kna, the All-Attractive 3
thing. But His rascaldom is so nice that everyone worships
His rascaldom.
BOB: What about the rascals who are not so nice?
SRL PRABHUPAIA: No, rascaldom is not nice, but Kr1a
is absolute. He is God. Therefore His rascaldom is also
good. Kn1a is aU-good. Go is good.
BOB: Yes.
SRL PRABHUPAIA: Therefore, when He becomes a ras
cal, that is also god. That is lrla. Rascaldom is not god,
but when it is practiced by Kn1a, because He is absolutely
goo, that rascaldom is also good. "his one has to
BOB: Are there some pople who do not fnd Kn1a
SRL PRABHUPADA: No. All people will fnd Him attrac
tive. Who is not attracted? Just give an example: "This
man or this living entir is not attracted to lrla." Just fnd
such a prson.
BOB: Somebody who wishes to do things i life that he may
feel are wrong but who wishes to gain pwer or prestige or
money ...
BOB: . . . may fnd God unattractive. He may not fnd
God attractive, because God gives him guilt.
SRL PRABHUPAIA: No, not God. His attraction is to be
come powerful. A man wants to become powerful or rich
is it not? But nobdy is richer than lrla. Therefore Kn1a
is attractive to him.
BOB: If a prson who wants to become rich prays to Kn1a,
will he bcome rich?
4 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
BOB: He can become rich through this means?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Oh, yes. Because Knta is all
powerful, if you pray to Knta to become rich, Knta will
make you rich.
BOB: If somebody lives an evil life but prays to become rich,
he may still become rich?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. Praying to Knta is not evil.
BOB: Oh, yes.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: [chuckling] Somehow or other he
prays to Krta, so you cannot say that he is evil.
BOB: Yes.
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Krta says in Bhagavad-giti, api cet
suduridro bhajate mim ananya-bhak. Have you read it?
BOB: Yes. The Sanskrit I don't know, but the English I do.
BOB: "Even if the most evil man prays to Me
BOB: ". . . He will be elevated."
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. As soon as he begins to pray to
Krt;, that is not evil. Therefore He is all-attractive. It is
said .in the Veds that the Absolute Truth, or the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, is the reservoir of all pleasure-raso
vai sab. Everyone is hankering afer someone because he
realizes some mellow in it.
BOB: Excuse me?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Some mellow. Suppose a man is
drinking. Why is he drinking? He is getting some mellow
out of that drinking. A man is hankering after money be
cause by possessing money he gets a mellow out of it.
BOB: What does mellow mean?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: [to Syamasundara] How do they defne
Kr,,., the All-Attractive
SYAMASUNDAR: Taste, pleasure.
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Pleasing taste. So the Veds say, raso
vai sab. The exact translation of mellow is rasa. [Malati,
Syimasundara's wi, enters with a tray of food] What is that?
MALATI: Eggplant, fried.
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Oh! All-attractive! All-attractive!
SYAMASUNDARA: How is Kn1a the greatest scientist?
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Because He knows everything. A
scientist is one who knows a subject matter thoroughly. He
is a scientist. Kn1a-He knows everything.
BOB: I am presently a science teacher.
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Yes, teaching. But, unless you have
perfect knowledge, how can you teach? That is our ques
BOB: Without prfect tf owledge, though, you can teach
SRIL PRABHUPADA: That is cheating; that is not teach
ing. That is cheating. Just like the scientists say, "There was
a chunk . . . and the creation took place. Perhaps.
Maybe ... " What is this? Simply cheating! It is not
teaching; it is cheating.
BOB: Let me repat what you said this morning-that was
interesting. I asked about miracles, and you said that only a
fool would believe in miracles because-let us say you are a
child and an adult lifts this table. That's a miracle. Or
you're a chemist and you combine acid and base and you
make smoke, an explosion or whatever. To somebody ig
norant, that's a miracle. But for everything there is a pro
cess, and so when you see a miracle, it's just ignorance of
the process. So that only a fol would believe in miracles,
and-you correct me if I say wrong ...
6 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
BOB: You said when Jesus came the pople then were
somewhat more ignorant and needed miracles as aid. I
wasn't sure if that's quite what you said.
sRL PRABHUPADA: Yes, yes. Miracles are for the
BOB: I had asked this in relation to all the miracle men you
hear about in India.
sRiLA PRABHUPADA: Knta is the highest miracle man.
BOB: Yes.
SRLA PRABHUPADA: That is stated by Kunti. .
BOB: Without perfect knowledge, can I not teach some
things? For example, I may-
sRLA PRABHUPADA: You can teach up to the point you
BOB: Yes, but I should not claim to teach more than I know:
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Yes, that is cheating.
SYAMASUNDARA: In other words, he can't teach the truth
with partial knowledge.
SRiLA PRBHUPADA: Yes. That is not possible for any
human being. A human being has imperfect senses. So how
can he teach perfect knowledge? Suppose you see the sun as
a disc. You have no means to approach the sun. If you say.
that we can see the sun by telescope and this and that, they
are also made by you, and you are imperfect. So how can
your machine b prfect? Therefore, your knowledge of the
sun is imperfect. So don't teach about the sun unless you
have perfect knowledge. That is cheating.
BOB: But what about to teach that it is supposed that the
sun is 93,000,000 miles away?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: As soon as you say "it is supposed," it
is not scientifc.
Knaa, the All-Attractive 7
BOB: But I think that almost all science, then, is not
SRL PRABHUPADA: That is the pint!
BOB: All science is based on, you know, suppsitions of this
or that.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. They are teaching imperfectly.
Just like they are advertising so much about the moon. Do
you think their knowledge is prfect?
BOB: No.
BOB: What is the proper duty of the teacher in society? Let
us say a science teacher What should he b doing in the
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Classrom? You should simply teach
about Kra.
BOB: He should not teach about ...
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: No. That will include everything.
His aim should be to know Kna.
BOB: Can a scientist teach the science of combining acid
and alkaline, and this kind of science, with Kna as its
SRiLA PRABHUPAIA: How can it be?
BOB: If you-when one studies science, one fnds general
tendencies of nature, and these general tendencies of nature
point to a controlling force. . . .
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: That I was explaining the other day.
I asked one chemist whether, according to chemical for
mulas, hydrogen and oxygen linked together become water.
Do they not?
BOB: It's true.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Now, there is a vast amount of water
in the Atlantic Ocean and Pacifc Ocean. What quantity of
8 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
chemicals was required?
BOB: How much?
SRL PRABHUPAIA: Yes. How many tons?
BOB: Many!
SRIL PRABHUPAIA: So who supplied it?
BOB: This was supplied by God.
SRL PRABHUPAIA: Somebody must have supplied it.
BOB: Yes.
SRL PRABHUPAIA: So that is science. You can teach like
BOB: Should one bother teaching that if you combine acid
and alkaline they form a neutral?
SRIL PRABHUPADA: The same thing. There are so many
efervescents. So, who is prforming it? Who is supplying
the acid and alkaline? [There is a long pause.]
BOB: So this comes from the same source as the water.
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Yes. You cannot manufacture water
unless you have hydroen and oxygen. So, here is a vast
not only this Atlantic or Pacifc: there are millions of plan
ets, and there are millions of Atlantic and Pacifc oeans. So
who created this water with hydrogen and oxygen, and
how was it supplied? That is our question. Somebdy must
have supplied it, otherwise how has it come into existence?
BOB: But should it also b taught how you make water from
hydrogen and oxygen? The procedure of burning them
together-should this also b taught? That is, you ourn hy
drogen and oxygen together . . .
SRiL PRABHUPADA: That is secondary. That is not very
difcult. Just like Malati made this puri [a kind of bread].
so: there is four, and there is ghee [clarifed butter]. and
she made a pur. But unless there is ghee and four, where is
the chance of making a pur? In the Bhagavad-giti there is
Kn_a, the All-Attractive 9
this statement: "Water, earth, air, fre-they are My en
ergies." What is your body? This external body-that is
your energy. Do you know that? Your body is made out of
your energy. For example, I am eating . . .
BOB: Yes.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: So I am creating some energy, and
therefore my body is maintained.
BOB: Oh, I see.
sRLA PRABHUPADA: So therefore your body is made out of
your energy.
BOB: But when you eat the fod, there is energy from the
sun in the food.
SRiLA PRABHUPAIA: So, I am giving an example. I am
creating some energy by digesting the food, and that is
maintaining my body. If your energy supply is not proper,
then your bdy bcomes weak or unhealthy. Your bdy is
made out of your o\n energy. Similarly,' this gigantic cos
mic body-the universe-is made of Knia's energy. How
can you deny it? As your body is made out of your energy,
similarly the universal bdy must be made by somebody's
energy. That is Knia. [There is a long pause.]
BOB: I'll have to think about it to follow that .
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: What is to follow? It is a fact. [He
laughs.] Your hair is growing daily. Why? Because you have
some energy.
BOB: The energy I obtain from my fod.
sRiL PRABHUPADA: Somehow or other you have obtained
that energy! And through that energy your hair is growing.
So if your body is manufactured by your energy, similarly
the whole gigantic manifestation is made of God's energy. It
is a fact! It is not your energy.
BOB: Yes. Oh, I see that .
10 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
A DEVOTEE: Just like-aren't the planets in this universe
the sun's energy-a prouct of the sun's energy?
SRLA PRABHUPAIA: Yes, but who produced the sun?
That is Kt"ta's energy. Because it is heat, and KnQa says,
bhumir apo 'nalo vayub: "Heat-that is My energy. " The sun
is the representation of the heating energy of Kta. It is not
your energy. You cannot say, "The sun is made by me." But
somebody must have made it, and Kta says that He did.
So, we believe Kta. Therefore we are KnQa-ites.
BOB: KnQa-ites?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Yes. Our knowledge is perfect. If I
say that heat is the energy of KnQa, you cannot deny it, be
cause it is not y our energy. In y our body there is_ some cer
tain amount of heat. Similarly, heat is someone's energy.
And who is that prson? That is KrQa. KnQa says, "Yes, it
is My energy." S my knowledge is perfect. Because I take
the version of the greatest scientist, I am the greatest scien
tist. I may be a fool personally, but because I take knowl
edge from the greatest scientist, I am the greatest scientist. I
have no difculty.
BOB: Excuse me?
SRiLA PRABHUPAIA: I have no difculty in becoming the
greatest scientist bcause I take the knowledge from the
greatest scientist. [There is a long pause.] "This earth, water
fre, air ether mind, intelligence and ego-they are My
eight separated energies."
BOB: They are searated energies?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. Just like this milk. What is this
milk? The separated energy of the cow. [Syamasundra and
Bob, stunned, laugh in realization.] Is it not? It is the
manifestation of the separated energy of the cow.
SYAMASUNDARA: Is it like a by-prouct?
KnJ, the All-Attractive 11
BOB: So, what is the signifcance of this energy's being
separated from KnQa?
sRL PRABHUPAIA: "Sparated " means that this is made
out of the body of the cow but it is not the cow. That is
BOB: So, this earth and all is made out of !4ta but it is not
SRL PRABHUPAIA: It is not f4Qa. Or, you can say,
J4Qa and not Kta simultaneously. That is our philoso
phy. One and diferent. You cannot say that these things are
diferent from 14ta, because without KnQa they have no
existence. At the same time, you cannot say, "Then let me
worship water Why f4Qa? The pantheists say that because
everything is God, whatever we do is God worship. This is
Mayavada philosophy-that because everything is made of
Go, therefore everthing is God. But our philosophy is
that everything is Go but also not Go.
BOB: So what on earth is God? Is there anything on earth
that is God?
sRL PRABHUPADA: Yes. Because everything is made out
of the energy o God. But that does not mean that by
worshiping anything you are worshiping God.
BOB: So what is on earth that is not ma [illusion]?
It is ...
sRL PRABHUPAIA: Maya means "energy."
BOB: It means energy?
sRL PRABHUPAIA: Yes. Maya-and another meaning is
"illusion." So folish prsons accept the energy as the en
ergetic. That is miyt Just like sunshine. Sunshine enters
your room. Sunshine is the energy of the sun. But because
the sunshine enters your room, you cannot say that the sun
12 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
has entered. If the sun enters your room, then your rom
and yourself-everything-will be fnished. Immediately.
You will not have the leisure to understand that the sun has
entered. Is it not?
BOB: It is so.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: But you cannot say that sunshine is
not the sun. Without the sun, where is the sunshine? So you
cannot say that sunshine is not the sun. But at the same
time, it is not the sun. It is the sun and not the sun-bth.
That is our philosophy. Acintya-bhedibhed-inconceivable.
In the material sense, you cannot conceive that a thing is
simultaneously positive and negative. That you cannot
think of. That is inconceivable energy. And because every
thing is Krta's energy, Knta can manifest Himself from
any energy. Therefore, when we worship Knta in a form
made of something-of earth, water or something like
that-that is Knta. You cannot say that it is not' Knta.
When we worship this metal form ofKnta [the Deity form
in the temple], that is Knta. That's a fact, because metal is
an energy of Krta. Therefore, it is nondiferent from
Knta, and Krta is so powerful that He can present Him
self fully in His energy. So this Deity worship is not
heathenism. It is actually worship of God, provided you .
know the process.
BOB: If you know the process, then the Deity becomes
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Not becomes-it is Knta.
BOB: The Deity is Knta, but only if you know the process?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. Just like this electric wire-it is
electricity. One who knows the process, he can derive
electricity out of it.
SYAMASUNDARA: Otherwise it's just wire.
Kr.Jl, the All-Attractive 13
BB: So if I build a statue of Kn1a, it is not Kn1a un
less ...
SRIL PRABHUPAIA: It is KHQa. But you have to know the
proess of understanding that it is K1a. It is Kr1a.
BOB: It is not just earth and mud.
SRL PRABHUPADA: No. Earth has no separate existence
without KH1a. KH1a says, "My energy." You cannot sepa
rate the energy from the energetic. It is not pssible. You
cannot separate heat from fre. But fre is diferent from the
heat, and heat is diferent from the fre. You are taking
heat; that does not mean you are touching fre. Fire, in spite
of emanating heat, keeps its identity. Similarly, althoigh
KHIa, by His diferent energies, is creating everything, He
remains Kr1a. The Mayavadi philosophers think that if
KrQa is everything, then Kn1a's separate identity is lost .
That is material thinking. For example, by drinking this
milk, little by little, when I fnish, there is no more milk; it
has gone to my blly. Kr1a is not like that. He is omnipo
tent. We are utilizing His energy continually; still He is
there, present. Just like a man bgetting children un
limitedly, but the man is there. A crude example. It's not
that because he has produced hundreds of children, he is
fnished. S, similarly, Go or Kn1a, in spite of His un
limited numbr of children, is there.
pursya pu11am aya
pu11am evava.i$yate
"Because He is the complete whole, even though so many
complete units emanate from Him, He remains the
complete balance." This is Kr1a consciousness. KHIa is
never fnished. Kn1a is so powerfl. Therefore He is
14 Perfect Qestions, Perfect Answers
all-attractive. This is one side of the display of Kn1a's en
ergy. Similarly, He has unlimited energies. This study of
l41a's energy is only one side, or a portion only. So in this
way, if you go on studying Kn1a, that is l41a conscious
ness. It is not a bogus thing-"maybe," "perhaps not." Ab
solutely! It is!
SYAMASUNDARA: And the study itself is never fnished.
SRiL PRABHUPAIA: No. How can it be? Kn1a has un
limited energy.
Vedic Culture: VarQasrama-dharma
February 28, 1972
BOB: I've asked devotees about how they feel towards sex in
their relations, and I see the way they feel, but I can't see
myself acting the same way. See, I'll be getting married at
the end of this summer.
BOB: I'll be getting married at the end of this summer, in
September or August mhen I return to America. And the
devotees say that the householders only have sex to con
ceive a child, and I cannot picture myself at all in such a
psition, and-What kind pf sex life can one lead, living in
the material world?
SRL PRABHUPADA: The Vedic principle is that one
should avoid sex life altogether. The whole Vedic principle
is to get liberation from material bndage. There are dif
ferent attachments for material enoyment, of which sex
life is the topmost enjoyment. The Bhagavatm says that this
material world . . .
pumsab strya mithuni-bhavam etam
Man is attached to woman, and woman is attached to man.
Not only in human society-in animal soiety also. That
attachment is the basic principle of material life. S, a
16 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
woman is hankering or seeking after the association of a
man, and a man is hankering or seeking for the association
of a woman. All the fction novels, dramas, cinema and
even ordinary advertisements that you see simply depict the
attachment between man and woman. Even in the tailor's
shop you will fnd in the window some woman and some
pravtir ei bhutinim
nivrttis tu mahiphalim
So this attachment is already there.
BOB: Attachment between man and woman?
SL PRABHUPADA: Man and woman. S if you want to
get liberation from this material world, then that attach
ment should be reduced to nil. Otherwise, simply further
attachment-You will have to take rebirth, either as a
human being or as a demigod or as an animal, as a serpent,
as a bird, as a bast. You will have to take birth. So, this
basic principle of increasing attachment is not our business,
although it is the general tendency. Grha, ketra, suta [home,
land, sons] . But if one can reduce and stop it, that is frst
class. Therefore our Vedic system is to frst of all train a boy
as a brahmcari-no sex life. The Vedic principle is to reduce.
attachment, not to increase it. Therefore the whole system
is called va,asrama-dhara. The Indian system calls for vafa
and iram-four social orders and four spiritual orders.
Brahmacara [celibate student life] , grhastha [married life] ,
vanprastha [retired life] and sannyisa [renounced life]
these are the spiritul orders. And the social orders consist
of brihm [intellectuls] , katriyas [administrators] , vaiSyas
[merchants and farmers] and sadras [ordinary workers] . S
d" thi 'l'-the reguloti principle. ue ., nke thot
Vedic Culture: Varlisrama-dharma 17
even if one has the tendency to enjoy material life, he is so
nicely molded that at last he achieves libration and goes
back home, back to Gohead. This is the proess. S sex life
is not required, but bcause we are attached to it, therefore
there are some
regulative principles under which it is
[Chanting starts somewhere in the background with exotic mrdai
drumbeats amidst laughing and the loud blowing of horns.]
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: It is said in Srimd-Bhigavatam that-
pumsab striyi mithuni-bhivam etam
tayor mitho hrdya-granthim ihub
ato grha-k$etra-sutipta-vittair
janasya moho 'yam aham mameti
[Bhig. 5.5.8]
This sex life is the basic principle of material life-attach
ment for man or woman. And when they are united, when
a man and woman are united, that attachment becomes in
creased, and that increased attachment will induce one to
accumulate grha (a home), k$etra {land), suta (children), ipta
(friendship or society) and vitta. Vitta means money. In this
way -grha-k$etra-sutipta-vittaib-he becomes entangled.
Janasya moho 'yam: this is the illusion. And by this illusion he
thinks, aham mameti: "I am this body, and anything in rela
tionship with this bdy is mine."
BOB: What is that again?
SRL PRABHUPADA: This attachment increases. The ma
terial attachment involves thinking, "I am this body, and
because I have this bdy in a particular place, that is my
country." And that is going on: "I am American, I am In
dian, I am German, I am this, I am that-this bdy. This is
my country. I shall sacrifce everything for my country and
18 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
society." So in this way, the illusion increases. And under
this illusion, when he dies he gets another body. That may
b a suprior bdy or inferior bdy, according to his kara.
So if he gets a superior boy, then that is also an entangle
ment, even if he goes to the heavenly planets. But if he be
comes a cat or dog, then his life is lost. Or a tree-there is
every chance of it. So this science is not known in the
world-how the soul is transmigrating from one body to
another and how he is bing entrappd in diferent types of
bodies. This science is unknown. Therefore when Arjuna
was speaking-"Ifl kill my brother if I kill my grandfather
on the other side ... " -he was simply thinking on the
basis of the bodily concept of life. But when his problems
could not be solved, he surrendered to Knta and accepted
Him as spiritual master And when Knta bcame his spiri
tual master, He chastised Arjuna in the beginning:
asocyan anvocas tvar
prait-vim ca base
gattun agattsuri ca
ntnusocanti pa4i t
"You are talking like a learned man, but you are fol num
br one bcause you are talking about the bodily concept of
life." So this sex life increases the bdily concept of life.
Therefore, the whole process is to reduce it to nil.
BB: To reduce it over the stages of your life?
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes. Reduce it. A boy is trained as a
student up to twenty-fve years, restricting sex life.
Brahmactri. S, some of the boys remain naithika-brahmactri
[celibate for life]. Because they are given education and
they become flly conversant with spiritual knowledge,
they don't want to marry. That is also restricted-he cannot
Vedic Culture: Vanisrama-dharma 19
have sex life without being married. Therefore in human
society there is marriage, not in animal soiety.
But pople are gradually descending from human society
to animal society. They are forgetting marriage. That is also
predicted in the sistras. Dmpate 'bhircir hetu: in the Kali
yuga [the present age of quarrel], eventually there will b
no marriage performances; the boy and the girl will simply
agree to live toether and their relationship will exist on
sexual pwer If the man or the woman is defcient in sex
life, then there is divorce. So, for this philosophy there are
many Western philosophers like Freud and others who
have written so many bok. But according to Vedic
culture, we are interested in sex only for begetting children,
that's all. Not to study the psychology of sex life. There is
already natural psychology for that. Even if one does not
read any philosophy, he is sexually inclined. Nobody is
taught it in the sch&ols and colleges. Everyone already
knows how to do it. [He laughs.] That is the-general ten
dency. But education should b given to stop it. That is real
education. [There is a long pause, flled with the sound of bicycle
hors, children playing and throngs of pople calling to one another]
BB: Presently, in America, that's a radical concept.
SRILA PRABHUPAIA: Well, in America there are so many
things that require reformation, and this lrla conscious
ness movement will bring that. I went to your country and
saw that the boys and girls were living like friends, so I said
to my students, "You cannot live together as friends; you
must get yourselves married."
BOB: Many pople see that even marriage is not sacred, so
they fnd no desire to marry. Because people get married,
and if things are not proper they get a divorce so very
20 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes, that also.
BOB: -that some people feel that to get married is not
SRLA PRABHUPADA: No, their idea is that marriage is for
legalized prostitution. They think like that, but that is not
marriage. Even that Christian papr-what is that?
SY AMASUNDARA: Watchtower?
SRLA PRABHUPADA: Watchtower. It has criticized that one
priest has allowed a marriage btween two men-homosex
uality. So these things are all going on. They take it purely
for prostitution, that's all. So therefore pople are thinking,
"What is the use of keeping a regular prostitute at such
heavy expenditure? Better not to have this."
SYAMASUNDARA: You use that example of the cow and the
SRLA PRABHUPADA: Yes-when the milk is available in
the marketplace, what is the use of keeping a cow?
[Everone laughs.] It is a very abominable condition in the
Western countries-! have seen it. Here also in India,
gradually it is coming. Therefore we have started this Kn1a
consciousness movement to educate Pople in the essential
principles of spiritual life. It is not a sectarian religious
movement. It is a cultural movement for everyone's beneft.
The Real Goal of Life
February 28, 1 a12 (continued)
SRLA PRBHUPAIA: This movement is especially meant
to enable a human bing to reach the real goal of life.
BOB: The real gal . . . ?
SR L PRABHUPAA: The real goal of life.
BOB: Is the real goal of life to know Go?
SRL PRABHUPAIA: Yes. To go back home, back to God
head. That is the rea goal of life. The water that comes
from the sea forms clouds, the clouds fll down as rain, and
the actual goal is to fow down the river and again enter the
sea. So, we have come from God, and now we are embar
rassed by material life. Therefore, our aim should be to get
out of this embarrassing situation and go back home, back
to Gohead. This is the real goal of life.
m upeta punar janma
dubkhalayam a5svatam
nanuvanti mahatmanab
samsiJhim paramam gatab
['er attaining Me, the great souls, who are yogis in devo
tion, never return to this temprary world; which is full of
miseries, because they have attained the highest perfec
tion."] That is the version of Bhagavad-gitt If anyone comes
to Me-m upeta: he dos not come back again. Where?
22 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
To this place-dukhilayam asisvatam. This place is the
abode of miseries. Everyone knows, but they have been
befoled by so-called leaders. Material life is miserable life.
KnQa says, God says, that this place is dubkhilayam-it is a
place of miseries. And it is also a5i vatam, temporary. You
cannot make a compromise: "All right, let it be miserable. I
shall remain here as an American or Indian." No. That also
you cannot do. You cannot remain an American. You may
think that, having ben brn in America, you are very
happy. But you cannot remain an American for long. You
will have to be kicked out of that place. And your next life
you do not know! Therefore, it is dukhilayam asivatam
miserable and temporary. That is our philosophy.
BOB: But when you have some knowledge of God, then life
is not so miserable?
SRiL PRBHUPADA: No! Some knowledge will not do.
You must have perfect knowledge.
janma karma ca me divam
evar yo vetti tattvatab
Tattvatab means "perfectly. " Perfect knowledge is being
taught in Bhagavad-giti. So, we are giving everyone in
human society a chance to learn Bhagavad-gitd as it is and
make his life perfect. That is the KnQa consciousness
movement. What does your science say about the
transmigration of the soul?
BOB: I think . . . that science . . . cannot deny or
afrm it. Science does not know it.
SRiL PRBHUPADA: Therefore I say that science ts
BOB: Science may, though, say something. It is said m
science that energy is never destroyed; it is changed.
The Real Goal of Life 23
SRiLA PRBHUPADA: That's all right. But how the energy
is working in the future-that science does not know. How
is the energy diverted? How, by diferent manipulations, is
the energy working diferently? For instance, electrical en
ergy. By diferent handling it is oprating the heater and it
is operating the refrigerator. They are just the opposite, but
the electrical energy is the same. Similarly, this energy
living energy-how is it being directed? Which way is it
going? How is it fructifing in the next life? That they do
not know. But in Bhagavad-git it is very simply stated.
visdmsi }indni yatha vihaya
You are covered by a dress, by a shirt. When this shirt is
unusable, you change it. Similarly, this body is just like a
shirt and coat. When it is no longer workable, we have to
change it.
BOB: What is the "we" that has to change? What is
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: That is the soul.
BOB: From one life to the next?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: That is the soul-1. What "you" is
speaking? You! What "I" is speaking? Identity: dtmd, or
BOB: My soul is diferent from your soul?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. You are an indivdual soul, I am
an individual soul.
BOB: You have removed yourself from karmic infuences. If
I was to remove myself from karmic infuences, would our
souls be the same or diferent?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: The soul is of the same quality in all.
You are under a certain conception of life at the present
moment, and these countrymen of yours [the Kra
24 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
conscious devotees] were under a certain conception of life,
but by training they have taken to another conception of
life. So the ultimate training is how to become KHIa con
scious. That is the perfection.
BOB: If two people are KHIa conscious, is their soul the
SILA PRABHUPAIA: The soul is always the same.
BOB: In each prson? In each prson is it the same?
BOB: [pointing to two devotees] If these two are KHIa con
scious, are their souls the same?
UPADA: The soul is the same but always in
dividual, even if one is not KHIa conscious. For instance,
you are a human being, and I am a human being. Even if I
am not a Christian, even if you are not a Hindu, still we are
human beings. Similarly, the soul may not be KHIa con
scious, or he may be KfIa conscious-it doesn't matter.
But the soul is the soul.
BOB: Can you tell me more about this?
SIL PRABHUPAIA: Soul-as pure spirit, all souls are
equal. Even in an animal. Therefore it is said, paitab sama
drsinab: those who are actually learned do not see the out
ward covering, either in a human being or in an animal.
BOB: If I may ask another question on this?
BOB: I have considered the soul somewhat as part of God.
At times I think I feel God. I'm here, and you may say Go
is here. So if the soul is inside me, then should I be able to
feel God inside me? Not all of Go, I mean, but a . . .
SRi L PRABHUPAIA: Part of God.
BOB: But I don't feel God in me, but Go may be here,
separate-separate from me. But should I be able to feel
The Real Goal of Life
Go inside me, since my soul is part of God?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Yes. God is inside also. God is every
where. Go is inside and outside also. This is to b known.
BOB: How do you feel God inside you?
SRiiA PRABHUPADA: Not in the beginning, but you have
to know from the sistras [scriptures), by the Vedic informa
tion. For example, in the Bhagavad-giti it is said, isvarab
sarva-bhutinim hrd-dese 'runa ti$fhati: God is there in every
one's heart. Paramiru-ca
intara-stham: Go is also within
every atom. So this is the frst information. And then, by
the yogic process, you have to realize it.
BOB: Yogic process?
BOB: Is chanting Hare Kn1a such a yoic process?
SRiA PRABHUPADA: Yes, it is also a yogic process.
BOB: What kind of yoic proess must I do to fnd out-to
feel this information-t feel the soul inside?
SRiiA PRABHUPADA: Yes, there are many diferent yoic
proesses, but for this age this process is very nice.
BOB: Chanting.
BOB: Throuh this I can feel not only God outside but God
SRii PRABHUPADA: You'll understand everything of
Go-how Go is inside, how God is outside, how God is
working. Everything will b revealed. By this attitude of
service, Go will reveal Himself. You cannot understand
God by your endeavor Only if God reveals Himself. For
instance, when the sun is out of your sight at night, you
cannot see it by your torchlight, or any light. But in the
morning you can see the sun automatically, without any
torchlight. Similarly, you have to create a situation-you
26 Perfect Qestions, Perfect Answers
have to put yourself in a situation-in which Go will be
revealed. It is not that by some method you can ask God,
"Please come. I will see You." No, Go is not your order
BOB: You must please Go for Him to reveal Himself. Is
that correct?
SYAMASUNDARA: How do we know when we are pleasing
SRL PRABHUPADA: When we see Him. Then you will
understand. Just as, when you eat, you do not require to ask
anyone whether you are feeling strength or your hunger is
satisfed. If you eat, you understand that you are feeling en
ergy. You don't need to inquire from anyone. Similarly, if
you actually serve Go, then you will understand, "Go is
dictating to me. God is there. I am seeing God."
A DEVOTEE: Or God's representative.
DEVOTEE: It comes easier
sRL PRABHUPADA: You have to go through God's
yasya prasid bhagavat-prasidb
"By the mercy of the spiritual master one is benedicted by
the mercy of Knla. " If you please God's representative,
then automatically Go becomes pleased, and thus you can
directly see Him.
AN INDIAN GENTLEMAN: How to please Go's representa
SR.L PRABHUPADA: You have to carry out his orders,
that's all. God's representative is the guru. He asks you to do
this, to do that-if you do that, that is pleasing.
The Real Goal of Life 27
yasyiprasan na gatib kuto 'i
"Without the grace of the spiritual master one cannot make
any advancement." If you displease him, then you are
nowhere. Therefore we worship the gur.
sak$i-dhartvena samasta-sitrair
uktas tathi bhiata eva sadbhib
kintu prabhor yab prya eva tasya
vande gurob sri-caratravindm
["The spiritual master is to b honored as much as the
Supreme Lord because of his being the most confdential
servitor of the Lord. This is acknowledged by all revealed
scriptures and is followed by all authorities. Therefore I
ofer my respctful obisances unto the lotus feet of such a
spiritual master who is a bona fde representative of Lord
KrJ:a. "] The guru should be accepted as God. That is the
injunction of all sistra.
BOB: The guru should b accepted as a representative of
sRi L PRABHUPAIA: Yes, the guru is God's representative.
The gur is the external manifestation of KrJ: a.
BOB: But diferent from the incarnations of KnJ:a that
BOB: In what way is the external manifestation of the gur
diferent fom the external manifestation of, let us say,
KrIa or Caitanya when They come to earth?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: The gur is the representative of
KnJ: a. S there are symptoms of who is a gur. The general
symptoms are describd in the Veds.
28 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
tad-vijiindrtham sa gurm evibhigacchet
samit-piib srotryam brahma-ni${ham
A guru must come in a disciplic succession, and he must
have heard thoroughly about the Vd from his spiritual
master. Generally a gur's symptom is that he is a perfect
devotee, that's all. And he serves Kna by preaching His
BOB: Lord Caitanya-He was a diferent type of guru than
you are?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: No, no. Gurs cannot be of diferent
types. All gurs are of one type.
BOB: But He was-was He also an incarnation at the same
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Yes, He is Kna Himself, but He is
representing the gur.
BOB: I . . . I see.
BOB: And then . . .
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Because Kna was God, He
sarva-dharmin paritajya
mim ekam saraam vraja
"Abandon all varieties of religion and just surrender unto
Me." But people misunderstod Him. Therefore Kra
again came as a gur and taught people how to surrender to
SYAMASUNDARA: Doesn't He say in Bhagavad-giti, "I am
the spiritual master"?
SRLA PRABHUPADA: Yes, He is the original spiritual
master because He was accepted as spiritual master by
Arjuna. So what is the difculty? Si$yas te 'ham sadhi mim
The Real Goal of Life 29
tvcm prapnnam. Arjuna told the Lord, "I am Your disciple,
and a soul surrendered unto You. Please instruct me." So
unless He is a spiritual master how does Arjuna become His
disciple? He is the original gur. Tene brahma hrd ya adi
kavaye: "It is He only who frst imparted Vedic kowledge
unt the heart of Brahma, the frst created being."
Therefore He is the original gur.
BOB: }1a.
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Yes. He is the original guru. Then His
disciple Brahma is a gur, then his disciple Narada is a gur,
then his disciple Vyasa is a guru-in this way there is aguru
patamparc [disciplic succession of gurs] . Evam parampard
prcptam: the transcendental knowledge is received through
the disciplic succession.
BOB: So a guru receives his knowledge through the disciplic
succession, not directly from KrIa? Do you receive some
knowledge directly from KnQa?
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Yes. KnQa's direct instruction is
there: Bhagavad-git
BOB: I see, but . . .
SRL PRABHUPADA: But you have to learn it through the
disciplic succession, oherwise you will misunderstand it.
BB: But presently you do not receive information directly
from }Qa? It coes through the disciplic succession from
the books?
SRLA PRABHUPADA: There is no diference. Sppose I say
that this is a pncil. If you say to him, "There is a pncil;'
and if he says to another man, "This is a pncil;' then what
is the difference between his instruction and my
BB: KnQa's mercy allows you to know this now?
SRL PRABHUPADA: You can take KIa's mercy also,
30 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
provided it is delivered as it is. Just as we are teaching
Bhaavad-gitd In Bhagavad-git KrIa says:
sarva-dharan partajya
mam ekam saram vraja
"Just give up all other forms of religion and simply sur
render unto Me." Now we are saying that you should give
up everything and surrender to Knla. Therefore, there is
no diference between K\$Ia's instruction and our instruc
tion. There is no deviation. So if you receive knowledge in
that prfect way, that is as good as receiving instruction
directly from Knla. But we don't change anything.
BOB: When I pray reverently, faithfully, does KnQa hear
BOB: From me to Him?
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes, because He is within
your heart
He is always hearing you-whether you are praying or not
praying. When you are doing some nonsense, He is also
hearing you. And when you pray, that is very good
BOB: To K\$Ia's ear is praying louder than nonsense?
SRL PRABHUPADA: No. He is all-perfect. He can hear
everything. Even if you don't spak, even if you simply
think, "I shall do it ," then He hears you. Srvasya caham hrdi
sannivi.tb: Knla is seated in everyone's heart.
BOB: But one should pray-is that so?
SRL PRABHUPADA: That is his business-praying.
BOB: Whose business?
SRL PRABHUPADA: Every living entity's. That is the only
business. Eko bahunam yo viddhati kaman. That is the state
ment of the Veds.
The Real Goal of Life 31
BOB: What does that mean?
SRL PRBHUPADA: He supplies everything to everyone.
He is supplying food to everyone. S He is the Father S
why should you not pray, "Father give me this"? Just as in
the Christian Bible there is, "Father give us our daily
bread." That is god-they are accepting the Supreme
Father But grown-up children should not ask from the
father; rather they should b prepared to serve the father.
That is bhakti [devotion].
BOB: My questions you solve so nicely. [Everone laughs with
SRL PRABHUPADA: Thank you very much.
BOB: So, should I ask you another question now?
The Three Modes of Nature
February 28, 1972
BOB: I have read that there are three guas-passion, ig
norance and goodness-in life. I was wishing that you
would explain this somewhat, espcially what is meant by
the mode of ignorance and the mode of goodness.
SRL PRBHUPADA: In godness you can understand
things-knowledge. You can know that there is God, that
this world was created by Him, and so many things, actual
things-the sun is this, the moon is this-prfect knowl
edge. If one has some knowledge, even though it may not b
perfct, that is goodness. And in passion one identifes with
his material body and tries to gratif his senses. That is pas
sion. And ignorance is animal life-in ignorance, one dos
not know what is God, how to bcome happy, why we are
in this world. For example, if you take an animal to the
slaughterhouse, it will go. This is ignorance. But a man will
protest. If a goat is to b killed afer fve minutes but you
give it a morsel of grass, it is happy bcause it is eating. Jut
like a child-even if you are planning to kill her or kll
him, he is happy and laughs because he is innocent. That is
BB: Being in these modes determines your kar Is that ,
The Three Modes of Nature 33
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes. According to the association of
the modes of nature, yur activities are being contaminated.
kiratr guta-satgo 'sya
A man gets a higher birth or lower birth according to the
association of the gut, or the modes of nature.
BOB: So cheating and like that-what mode is that?
sRIL PRABHUPADA: Cheating is mixed passion and ig
norance. Suppse one man cheats another. That means he
wants to obtain something; he is passionate. But if he com
mits murder, he does not know that he will have to sufer
for it, so it is a mixture of passion and ignorance.
BOB: And what about when someboy helps another
SBLA PRABHUPADA: That is goodness.
BOB: Why is that goodness" What intelligence is that? I
mean-this represents knowledge of what? You said that
goodness is when you have knowledge.
BOB: Intelligence.
BOB: So helping another person?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: That means that he is ignorant and
you are trying to enlighten him.
BOB: So giving intelligence . . .
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Yes, that is goodness.
BOB: And what about just giving assistance?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: That is also goodness.
BOB: If a beggar has nothing and you give him alms
SBL PRABHUPADA: So that may still be goodness. But
in your Bowery Street, they give some charity, and
34 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
immediately he purchases one bottle of wine and drinks
and lies down Aat. [All laugh.] So that is charity. But that is
not goodness; that is ignorance.
BB: Charity is ignorance?
SRL PRABHUPADA: There are three kinds of charities
go, passionate and ignorant. Goodness is giving charity
where charity must be given. Just like this Krla conscious
ness movement-if anyone gives charity to this movement,
that is goodness because it is spreading Go consciousness,
KJ$1a consciousness. That is goodness. And if one gives
charity for some return, that is passion. And if somebody
gives in charity in an impropr place and time, without
respect and to an unworthy person, just like the Bowery
man, that is ignorance. But l4$1a says:
yat karo# yad asni
yaj juho# ddi yat
"All that you do, all that you eat, all that you ofer and give
away, as well as all austerities that you may prform, should
b done as an ofring unto Me." If l4$1a takes, that is the
perfection of charity. Or anyone who is a representative of
l4$1a-if he takes, that is prfection.
BB: And what kind of charity is it when you give food to
somebdy who is hungry?
SRL PRABHUPADA: Well, that depnds on the circum
stances. For example, a doctor has forbidden his patient to
take any solid fod, and if the patient is asking, "Give me
some solids," and if you give him solid fod in charity, then
you are not doing good to him. That is ignorance.
BOB: Are the devotees beyond accumulating kara? These
devotees-do they feel karma? Do they work in these
moes? Are they in the moe of goodness?
The Three Modes of Nature 35
SRL PRABHUPADA: They are above godness! Sudha
sattva. The devotees are not in this material world. They are
in the spiritual world. That is stated in the Bhagavad-glta:
mim ca yo 'vabhicarta
bhakti-yogena sevate
sa gun samtitaitn
brahma-bhuyaya kalpate
["One who engages in fll devotional service, who does not
fall down in any circumstances," at once transcends the
moes of material nature and thus comes to the level of
Brahman." ] Devotees are neither in godness, passion nor
ignorance. They are transcendental to all these qualities.
BOB: A devotee who is very faithful reaches this stage?
SRL PRABHUPAIA: Yes. Devotee ... You can become
a devotee as they have bcome. It is not difcult. Simply
you have to engage yorself in the transcendental loving
service of the Lord, that's all.
BOB: I wish to gain more knowledge of Go and be able to
feel God's presence more. The reason for this is because I
. feel life has little meaning without this.
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes! If you miss this human form of
life, then it is a great loss. That is a great chance given to the
living entity to get out of the entanglement of material
BOB: I feel thankful that I've been able to ask these
questions ...
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes, you can learn more and more.
BOB: But I still have . . . my connections at home. Mar
riage is . . .. I am engaged. . . .
SRIL PRABHUPADA: No, no. There are so many mar
riages. [He indicates Syamasundra.] He is married. Marriage
36 Prfect Questions, Perfect Answers
is no barrier. I told you that there are four diferent orders
of spiritual life-brahmacdri, grhastha, vdnaprastha and san
nydsa. So afer brahmaciri life, one can marry. That is not
obligatory. One may remain nai.tika-brahmacdri for his
whole life. But a brahmacdri can marry. And after marriage,
there is vdnaprastha life. This means that one is a little aloof
from family-the husband and wife live separately. At
that time there is no sex life. Then when he is fully
renounced, detached from family life, he takes sannyda.
BOB: Dos somebdy forget his wife completely then?
SRiL PRABHUPAIA: Yes. Forgetting is not very difcult,
if you try to forget. Out of sight, out of mind. [All laugh.]
Just as I have my wife, children, grandchildren-every
thing. But, out of sight, out of mind, that's all. Therefore,
vdnaprastha, sannyasa -everthing is nicely arranged by the
Vedic system.
Becoming Pure
February 29, 1972
BOB: Thank you so much for allowing me to ask my
SRIL PRABHUPADA: That is my mission. People should
understand the science of God. Unless we cooprate with
the Supreme Lord, our life is bafed. I have given the ex
ample many times that a screw which has fallen from a
machine has no value. But when the same screw is again at
tached to the machine, it has value. Similarly, we are part
and parcel of Go. S without God, what is our value? No
value! We should again come back to our psition of at
tachment to Go. Then we have value.
BB: I met a fellow today who came in the afternon. His
reason for coming-you may fnd it humorous-was that
he heard the hippies were in Mayapur
BOB: He heard that hippies were in Mayapur. I was talking
to him, and then some devotees were talking to him. He
had said some things to me which I could fnd no answer
for. And he said he would come back tomorrow and meet
some devotees. But let me tell you what he said. This is
confusing. When he was young-
38 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
BOB: Yes, Indian. He lives nearby and speaks English fairly
well. When he was young he worshipd Kali [a popular
demigoddess] every day very rigorously, and then the fods
came. When the fods came, the pople saw hardship, and
now he has no religion, and he says he fnds his happiness
in trying to develop love among pople. And I couldn't
think of what to say to him to add Go and religion to his
life. He says that after he dies, "maybe I'll become part of
Go, maybe not," but he can't worry about it now. He says
he's tried these religious experiences, but they didn't work.
One reason I ask this is because when I go back to America,
a lot of pople I come across are like this. They see that
religion, like his worship of Kali or other knds of religion
they've experienced, doesn't work. Ar.d I don't know what
to say to them to convince them it's ' orth trying.
SRL PRABHUPADA: Do not try at the present moment.
You try to be convinced yourself.
BOB: Yes. I asked him to see devotees, but then on the way
out, as he was leaving down the road, I met him again and
told him, "Come back," but . . . Oh, I see.
SRL PRABHUPADA: You frst of all be convinced. And
then try to convince others. Caitanya Mahaprabhu's in
struction is that you can improve the welfare of others
when your own life is a success:
blrata-bhamite haila manu$ya-anma yara
janma sirthaka kari' kara para-upakira
Firstmake your life prfect. Then try to teach others.
BOB: The devotees have told me that without consciousness
of KnQa all the time, you cannot be happy. But at times I
feel happy.
SRILA PRABHUPADA: At times. Not always.
Bcoming Pure 39
BB: Yes.
SRL PRABHUPAIA: But if you become lrg1a conscious,
you will feel happy always.
BOB: They had implied that you cannot feel happy without
lrla consciousness.
SRL PRABHUPAIA: That is a fact. For example, if you are
an animal of the land and you are thrown into the water
you cannot be happy in water in any condition. When you
are again taken up t the land, then you'll be happy.
Similarly, we are part and parcel of lrla. We cannot be
happy without bing part and parcel of lrla. The same
example: the machine part, without the machine, has no
value, but when it is again put into the machine it has
value. We are part of lrla; we must join Knla. And you
can join Knla immediately by your consciousness, simply
by thinking, "I am Kla's, Knla is mine: That's all.
BOB: What is that? Krla is ...
SRLA PRABHUPADA: lrla is mine.
BOB: Mine?
SRLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. Mine. My Krla.
SRIL PRABHUPADA: lrla is mine. lrla is mine.
BOB: Yes.
SRiL PRABHUPADA: And I am lla's. That is our actual
BOB: We are part of lla.
SRIL PRABHUPAIA: Yes. Everything is part and parcel of
lrla. Because everything is generated by the energy of
lrla and everything is the energy of Knla.
AN INDIAN GENTLEMAN: Srila Prabhupada, r have one
question. What is the status of service minus devotion?
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Hmm? That is not service, that is
. -
40 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
business. [Everone laughs.] For example, here in Mayapur
we have employed a contractor. That is not service-that is
business. Is it not? Sometimes they will advertise, "Our
customers are our masters:' Is it not? But in spite of the
fowery language-"Our customers are our masters"-this
is business, because nobody is a qualifed customer unless he
pays. But service is not like that. Service-Caitanya Maha
prabhu prays to Knra:
yathi tthi vi viddhitu lampato
mat-pria-nithas tu sa eva nipara
"You do whatever You like, but still You are my worship
able Lord:' That is service. "I don't ask any return from
You:' That is service. When you expct some return, that is
BOB: I wish to ask you to advise me on how I can come to
feel closer to Go. I'll be leaving you soon. And I'm
sRL PRABHUPADA: You have to b purifed.
BOB: I come to the temple at times, and then I leave, and
I'm not sure how much I take with me.
SRL PRABHUPADA: It does not take much time. Within
six months you will realize your proress. But you have to
follow the regulative principles. Then it will be all right.
Just like these boys and girls are doing.
BOB: Yes, I see.
SRL PRABHUPADA: They have no tendency for going to
the cinema or going to a hotel. No. They have stopped all
anarthas, all unnecessary things.
BOB: I-I feel that when I go back, they'll-
SIL PRABHUPADA: The whole human life is meant for
BOB: Yes;
iL -
Pure 41
tapo divam putraki yena sattvam
suddhyed yasm brahma-saukhyam tv anantam
Sattva means existence. So if you don't purif your exis
tence, then you will have to change your body. From this
body to that. Sometimes it may be highe sometimes lower.
For example, if you don't cure a disease, it can put you into
trouble in so many ways. Similarly, if you don't purif your
existence, then you will have to transmigrate from one
boy to another. There are very subtle laws of nature. Now
there is no guarantee that you will get a very comfortable
body or an American bdy. Therefore, it is essential for the
human being to purify his existence. Unless you purif
your existence, you will hanker after happiness but will not
always be happy.
BOB: When I go to my job in New York, I hop I'll become
pure, but I'm sure that I won't become as pure as your devo
tees here. I-I don't see myself doing that.
RL PRABHUPADA: You can do as they are doing. They
were not pure in the beginning; now they are pure.
Similarly, you can become pure. For example, in your
childhood you were not educated-but now you are
BOB: So, what are the things that I may do? When I go
back, I must-
sRL PRABHUPADA: When do you go back?
BOB: I'll be going back to Chaibasa to do my work there,
and ...
SIL PRABHUPADA: What is there in Chaibasa?
BOB: That is where I do my teaching. I live there.
42 Perfect Quesons, Perfect Answers
SRL PRABHUPAIA: S better not to teach-because you
do not know what to teach.
BOB: [Laughs.] I'll be going-1 don't like this teaching so
much, and I'll b returning to America in May, but while
I'm here, this is my agreement for staying in India.
SRL PRABHUPADA: If you are serious, you can keep your
self pure anywhere. It doesn't matter whether you stay in
America or India. But you must know how to keep yourself
purifed. That's all.
BOB: You mean by following these principles?
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes. I went to America, for instance,
but either in America or India, I am the same man.
BOB: 1-1 have tried somewhat to follow since I met you
the frst time [a brief visit in Calcutta during Novembr
SRL PRABHUPADA: Hm-m. But follow-you must strctly
follow if you are serious.
BOB: Mayb-OK mayb-what I say now is-well-the
most foolish of all I've said. But let me tell you how I feel.
SRL PRBHUPADA: No, no, not folish. I don't say
foolish-but imprfect.
BOB: OK. [He laughs.] Imprfect. But let me tell you. I feel
that right now I admire and respect your devotees, but I .
don't feel as if I am part of them, or even that I have a great
desire to b part of them. I feel that I just want-1 want to
do what is right, come closer to God, and if-and if ljust go
to a btter life next time-l'd be satisfed.
BOB: I guess it's material clinging, but . . .
SRL PRABHUPADA: So, you just follow in their fotsteps,
and your desire will be flflled. We are training them how
to become purifed and happy. That is our mission. We
Bcoming Pure 43
want to see everyone happy. Sre sukhino bhavantu. People
do not know how to bcome happy. They do not take the
standard path to become happy. They manufacture their
own way. That is the difculty. Therefore, Rabhadeva gave
this advice to his sons: "My dear by, just undergo
austerity for transcendental realization." Everyone is per
forming austerity. This boy I know-he had to go to a
foreign country to learn commercial management . Now he
is well situated. In this way, everyone must undergo some
austerity for future life. So why not take that austerity for
peranent happiness? You have to purif your existence and
your body. As many times as you accept a material body,
you will have to change it . But as son as you get a spiritual
body, there is no question of change. You already have a
spiritual body. Now, due to our material contamination, we
are developing the material bdy. But if we associate with
spiritual life, then we shll develop a spiritual body. The
same example I have several times given is that if you put
an iron ro within fre, it will become like fre. Is it not?
BOB: Put the iron rod into fre?
sRL PRABHUPAA: Yes, and it will become like fre.
BoB: Yes.
SRL PRABHUPADA: Although iron.
BOB: Yes.
sRL PRABHUPADA: Similarly, if you always keep yourself
spiritually engaged, your bdy will act spiritually, although
it is material . The same example: when an iron ro is red
hot, touch it anywhere, and it will burn. It takes on the
quality of fre. Similarly, if you always keep yourself in
KHIa consciousness, then you will bcome spiritualized.
You will act spiritually. No more material demands.
BOB: How do I do this?
44 Perfect Qestions, Perfect Answers
SRiL PRABHUPADA: This process. They are doing it. You
have seen these boys, our six boys who have been initiated
today. It is very simple. You have to follow the four restric
tive regulations and chant these bads. Very easy.
BOB: Well, but, see-when I am back in Bihar and follow
ing my lifestyle there, I-if I follow all these regulative
principles-some I follow now, but not all-
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: "Some" means . . . ?
BOB: "Some"?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: There are only four regulative prin
ciples. "Some" means three, or two?
BOB: Two or three.
sRiL PRABHUPADA: S why not the other one?
BOB: No, no. I mean I follow one or two. One or two I
follow now.
SRiL PRABHUPADA: [Laughs.] Why not the other thre_e?
What is the difculty? Which one do you follow?
BOB: Which one do I follow? Well, I'm almost vegetarian,
but I eat eggs.
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Then that is also not complete.
BOB: No, not even complete. Since last time [November] .
I've become vegetarian, but . . .
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Vegetarian is no qualifcation.
BOB: Not much.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: The pigeon is vegetarian. The mon-
. key is vegetarian-the most rubbish creature . , .
BOB: Well ...
SRLA PRABHUPADA: The monkey is vegetarian. This
naked sannytsi lives in the f orest . . . the most
mischievous . . .
BOB: I-I felt that it was a little bit of proress because it
Bcoming Pure 45
was somewhat difcult at frst, then easy, and I had
returned to-
SRL PRABHUPAA: No, you can stick to all the regula
tive principles, provided you take to the {Qa conscious
ness proess-otherwise it is not pssible.
BOB: Yes, this is it. I have-when I'm back in Bihar, and
u-my friends may say ... We're sitting in the even
ing, and there's nothing to do but fght mosquitoes, and
they say, "How about smoking some marijuana?" And I say,
"Sure, there's nothing else to do," and then I sit down, and I
enjoy myself for the evening. Now we did this, we got car
ried away, we were doing it every day and realizing we
were hurting ourselves and stopped, but still on occasion
we ...
SRL PRABHUPAIA: You have to live with us. Then your
friends will not ask you, "What abut mariuana?" [Bob
laughs.] Keep the association of devotees. We are opening
centers to give pople a chance to assoiate with us. Why
have we taken so much land [in Mayapur]? Those who are
seriously desirous-they will come and live with us.
ssociation is very infuential. If you assoiate with
drunkards, you bcome drunk; if you assoiate with sihus,
then you bcome a sihu.
SYAMASUNDARA [Srila Prabhupada's secretary] : He can
come and stay with you in Bombay.
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes, you can stay with us in Bombay.
But he wants friends with marijuana. That is the difculty.
BB: Let me ask you abut smething else; then mayb I'll
come back to this. I fnd that I thin of myself to much,
and this way I can't think of G so much. I think of myself
in to many places. How can I forget abut myself so I can
46 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
concentrate on other, more important things?
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: As they [the devotees] have done.
BOB: [Laughs.] You are saying to me that my path-I think
what you're saying is that my path to purity is to become a
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Do you hesitate?
BOB: Well, I . . .
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Is it very difcult to become a
BOB: For myself-it is. I-I don't feel so much the desire.
First the devotees tell me that they have given up material
life. These four regulative principles, they have explained
to me, mean giving up material life, and that I see. And in
place of this they have . . .
sRL PRABHUPADA: What do you mean by material life?
[Bob is silent] I am sitting on this bed. Is it material or spiri
BOB: Material.
sRL PRABHUPADA: Then how have we given up ma
terial life?
BOB: I think how I interpreted it was "a desire for our ma
terial gains . . . "
SRL PRABHUPADA: What is material?
BOB: Working towards material gains and not giving up all
SRL PRABHUPADA: Material life means-when you
desire to gratif your senses, that is material life. And when
you desire to serve Go, that is spiritual life. That is the dif
ference beteen material life and spiritul life. Now we are
trying to serve our senses. But instead of serving the senses,
when we serve God, that is spiritul life. What is the dif
ference btween our activities and others' activities? We
Pure 47
are using everything-table, chair, bd, tape recorder,
typewriter-so what is the diference? The diference is
that we are using everything for KrJa.
BOB: The devotees have said that the sensual pleasures they
have given up are replaced with spiritual kinds of pleasures,
but-see-I haven't felt this.
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Spiritual pleasures come when you
desire to please KrJa. That is spiritual pleasure. For exam
ple, a mother is more pleased by feeding her son. She's not
eating, but when she sees that her son is eating very nicely,
then she becomes pleased.
BOB: Hmm-m. Spiritual pleasure, then, is pleasing God.
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Spiritual pleasure means the pleasure
of KnJa.
BOB: Pleasing KrJa.
SRlLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. Material pleasure means the
pleasure of the senses. That's all. This il the diference.
When you simply try to please KnJa, that is spiritual
BOB: I had viewed this as-my thought of pleasing God was
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Don't manufacture your ways of
pleasing God. Don't manufacture. Suppse I want to please
you. Then I shall ask you, "How can I serve you?" Not that
I manufacture some service. That is not pleasing. Suppse I
want a glass of water If you concot the idea, "Svamljl will
be more pleased if I give him a glass of milk, hot milk," that
will not please me. If you want to please me, then you
should ask me, "How can I please you?" And if you do
what I order, that will please me.
BOB: And pleasing KfJa, then, is bing a devotee of KnJa.
SRlLA PRABHUPADA: A devotee is one who is always
48 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
pleasing Knta. He has no other business. That is a devotee.
BOB: Can you tell me some more abut chanting Hare
a? I have for quite some time chanted, but never
regularly-just a little bit here and there. I just got beads
very recently, and once in a while I feel comfortable chant
ing, and once in a while not comfortable at all. Maybe I
don't chant proprly. I don't know.
SRLA PABHUPAA: Yes, everything has a proess. You
have to adopt the process.
BOB: The devotees tell me of the ecstasy they feel when
SRlLA PRABHUPADA: Yes, the more you become purifed,
the more you will feel ecstasy . This chanting process is the
purifing process.
The Perfect Devotee
February 29, 1972, evening
SYAMASUNDARA: Srila Prabhupada, this afternoon we
were discussing austerities.
SYAMASUNDARA: If we don't practice austerities volun
tarily, then we must involuntarily practice some austerities.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Yes, under the direction of the spiri
tual master one should . . . You have no mind to follow
austerities, but when you accept a spiritual master, you have
to carry out his order That is austerity.
SYAMASUNDARA: Even if you don't want to practice
austerity, you must.
SRiLAPRABHUPADA: Yes, you must. Because you have sur
rendered to your spiritual master, his order is fnal. So even
if you don't like it, you have to do it. To please me.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: But you don't like ... [He laughs.)
Nobody likes to fast, but the spiritual master says, "Today,
fasting," so what can be done? [Syamsundra laughs.] A dis
ciple is one who has voluntarily agred to b disciplined by
the spiritual master That is austerity.
SYAMASUNDARA: Say, like our parents or many people in
the material world, completely enamored by the material
Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
life-they don't want to undergo austerity or bdily pain,
but still they must. They are being forced by nature to
sufer austerities.
sRL PRABHUPAIA: That is forced austerity. That is not
good. Voluntary austerity will help.
SYAMASUNDARA: If you don't undergo voluntary austerity,
then you must be forced to undergo austerity.
SRL PRABHUPAIA: That is the diference between man
and animal. An animal cannot accept austerity. But a man
can accept it. There is a nice foodstuf in the confectioner's
shop, so a man wants to eat it, but he sees that he has no
money, so he can restrain himself. But when a cow comes,
immediately she pushes her mouth in. You can beat her
with a stick, but she will tolerate it. She will do that.
Therefore an animal cannot undergo austerity. Our
austerity is very nice. We chant Hare Knla, dance, and
Krta sends very nice foodstuf, and we eat. That's all.
Why are your people not agreeable to such austerity?
Chanting, dancing and eating nicely?
BOB: What is that?
sRL PRABHUPADA: Because we are following austerities,
Kta sends us nice things. b we are not losers. When you
become Kta-ized, then you get t comforts than at the
present moment. That's a fact. I have been living alone for
the last twenty years, but I have no difculties. Before tak
ing sannyisa I was livng in Delhi. b had no difculties,
although I was living alone.
SYAMASUNDARA: If you don't accept spiritual discipline,
then nature will force so many calamities.
SRL PRABHUPADA: Oh, yes. That is stated in the
, '
. - _
The Pert Devotee
di hy e$i gtmyi
mma maya duratayt
mam eva ye prapadyante
maydm etdm tranti te
["This divine energy of Mine, consisting of the three moes
of material nature, is difcult to overcome. But those who
have surrendered unto Me can easily cross beyond it."]
Mit is impsing so many difculties, but as son as you
surrender to Knta, no more imposition.
SYAMASUNDARA: We were so foolish that we were always
thinking, "In the future I'll be happy. "
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Yes, that is mayi illusion. That is like
the ass. You sit down on the back of the ass and just take a
morsel of grass. The ass is thinking, "Let me go forward a
little, and I shall get the grass." [Bob laughs.] But it is always
one fot distant. That is ass-i;m, [The all laugh.] Everyone
is thinking, "Let me go a little forward, and I'll gt it. I'll be
very happy."
BOB: I . . . I thank you so much for . . .
BOB: Tomorrow I'll have to leave you and-
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Don't talk 1-e-a-v-e, but talk 1-i-v-e.
BOB: I cannot yet, but I was thinking now of returning
tomorrow to my town. But . . .
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Don't return.
BOB: I should stay here tomorrow-here?
BOB: You tell me to, I'll stay.
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Yes, yu are a very good boy. (There is
a long pause. It is now much quieter] It is very simple. When
52 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
the living entities forget Krla, they are in this material
world. Krla means His name, His form, His abode, His
pastimes -everything.
BOB: What was that last?
BOB: Pastimes.
SRIL PRABHUPADA: When we speak of a king, it means
the king's government, king's palace, king's queen, king's
sons, secretaries, military strength-everything. Is it not?
BOB: Yes.
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Similarly, Knla being the Supreme
Personality of Godhead, as son as we think of Knla, this
means all the energies of Krla. That is complete by saying,
"Ridha-Krla." Radha represents all the energy of Knla.
And Knla is the Supreme Lord. S when we speak of
Krla, the living entities are also included bcause the liv
ing entities are energies, diferent energies of Krla
suprior energy. So when this energy is not serving the en
ergetic, that is material existence. The whole world is not
serving Knla. They are serving Knla in a diferent way.
They are serving indirectly, just as disobedient citizens
serve the government indirectly. Prisoners come to the
prison house on account of their disobedience of the laws of
the state. So, in the prison house, they are forced to obey the
laws of the state. Similarly, all the living entities here are
godless, either by ignorance or by choice. They do not lik
to accept the supremacy of Go. Demoniac; So we are try
ing to bring them to their original condition. That is the
Knla consciousness movement.
BB: I'd like to ask you just something I talked with devo
tees about-medicine. I walked to the river with some
The Perfect Devotee 53
devotees today. fave a cold, so I said I shouldn't go in the
water. Some felt I should because it is the Ganges, and some
said I shouldn't bcause I have a cold, and we were talking,
and I don't understand. Do we get sick because of our bad
actions in the past?
SRL PRABHUPAIA: Yes, that's a fact.
BOB: But when one . . .
SRIL PRABHUPAIA: Any kind of distress we sufr is due
to our impious activities in the past.
BOB: But when someone is removed from karmic
infuence ...
BOB: ... does he still get sick?
SRIL PRABHUPADA: No. Even if he gets sick, that is very
temporary. For instance, this fan is moving. If you discon
nect the electric pow&r then the fan will move for a
moment. That movement is not due to the electric cur
rent. That is force-what is it called, physically, this
SRL PRAB' UPADA: Momentum. But as son as it stops,
no more mo. :ment. Similarly, even if a devotee who has
surrendered to KHIa is sufering from material conse
quences, that is temporary. Therefore, a devotee does not
take any material miseries as miseries. He takes them as
KrQa's, God's, mercy.
BOB: A prfected soul, a devotee, a pure devotee . . .
SRIL PRABHUPAIA: A perfected soul is one who engages
twenty-four hours a day in KHQa consciousness. That is
prfection. That is a transcendental position. Perfection
means to engage in one's original consciousness. That is
54 Per
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prfection. That is stated in Bhagavad-git:
sve sve karay abhiratb
samsidhim labhate nrab
"By following his qualities of work, every man can become
perfect." Complete perfection. Smidhi. Siddhi is perfec
tion. That is Brahman realization, spiritual realization. And
samiddhi means devotion, which comes after Brahman
BOB: Could you just say that last thing again please?
SlL PRABHUPADA: Samsiddhi.
BOB: Yes.
SlL PRABHUPADA: Sam means complete.
BOB: Yes.
SRIL PRBHUPADA: And siddhi means perfection. In the
Bhagavad-giti it is stated that one who goes back to home,
back to Godhead, has attained the complete perfection. So
perfection comes when one realizes that he is not this body;
he is spirit soul. Brahma-bhuta-that is called Brahman
realization. That is perfection. And samsiddhi comes afer
Brahman realization, when one engages in devotional ser
vice. Therefore if one is already engaged in devotional ser
vice, it is to be understod that Brahman realization is
there. Therefore it is called samsiddhi.
BOB: I ask you this very humbly, but do you feel diseases
and sickness?
BOB: Do you personally feel disease and sickness?
BOB: Is this a result of your past kara?
The Perfect Devotee 55
BOB: So one in this material world never escapes his kara
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Yes, he escapes. No more kara for a
devotee. No more krmic reaction.
BOB: But yu must be the best devotee.
SRL PRABHUPAIA: Hm-m ... No, I don't consider
myself the best devotee. I am the lowest.
BOB: No!
SRILA PRABHUPADA: You are the best devotee.
BOB: [Laughs.] Oh, no, no! But, see, you say-what you
say . . . always seems right.
BOB: Then you must be the best devotee.
SRILA PRABHUPADA: The thing is that even the bst devo
tee, when he preaches, comes to the second-class platform
of a devotee.
BOB: What would the bst devotee be doing?
SRI LA PRABHUPADA: The bst devotee does not preach.
BOB: What does he do?
SRL PRABHUPADA: He sees that there is no need of
preaching. For him, everyone is a devotee. [Bob laughs
heartily] Yes, he sees no more nondevotees-all devotees.
He is called an uttama-adhikiri. But while I am preaching,
how can I say I am the bst devotee? Just like Ridharal
She does not see anyone as a nondevotee. Therefore we try
to approach Radharal.
BOB: Who is this?
SRILA PRABHUPADA: RidharaQl, i$Qa's consort.
BOB: Ah.
SRILA PRABHUPADA: If anyone approaches Ridharai, She
recommends to Kna, "Here is the best devotee. He is
56 Per
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better than Me," and Kn1a cannot refuse him. That is the
best devotee. But it is not to be imitated: "I have become
the best devotee. "
isvare tad-adhine?U
bali5e$U dvi?atsu ca
yab karoti sa madhyamab
[Bhag. 11.2.46]
A second-class devotee has the vision that some are envious
of God, but this is not the vision of the best devotee. The
bst devotee sees, "Nobdy is envious of God. Everyone is
btter than me." Just like Caitnya-cartamrta's author,
l41adasa Kaviraja. He says, "I am lower than the worm in
the stool."
BB: Who is saying this?
SRL PRABHUPADA: Kn1adasa Kavraja, the author of
Caitanya-caritamrta: puri?era kit haite muni se laghi?tha. He is
not making a show. He is feeling like that. "I am the lowest.
Everyone is best, but I am the lowest. Everyone is engaged
in l41a's service. I am not engaged." Caitanya Maha
prabhu said, "Oh, I have not a pinch of devotion to Kr1a. I
cry to make a show. If I had been a devotee of Kr1a, I
would have died long ago. But I am living. That is the prof
that I do not love Kn1a." That is the vision of the best
devotee. He is so much absorbd in Kn1a's love that he
says, "Everything is going on, but I am the lowest.
Therefore I cannot see God." That is the bst devotee.
BOB: So a devotee must work for everybody's liberation?
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes. A devotee must work under the
direction of a bona fde spiritual master, not imitate the best
The Perect Devote 57
BOB: Excuse me?
SlL PRABHUPAIA: One should not imitate the best
BOB: Imitate. Oh. I see.
SYAASUNDARA: One time you said that sometimes you
feel sickness or pain due to the sinful activities of your
devotees. Can sometimes disease be due to that? Caused by
SRL PRABHUPAIA: You see, KnQa says:
aham tvat sara-papebhyo
mok$ayi$ydmi m suca
"I will deliver you from all sinful reaction. Do not fear." So
KHQa is so powerful that He can immediately take up all
the sins of others and immediately make them right. But
when a living entity plays the part on behalf of ir$Qa, he
also takes the respnsiblity for the sinful activities of his
devotees. Therefore to become a gur is not an easy task.
You see? He has to take all the pisons and absorb them. So
sometimes-because he is not KHQa-sometimes there is
some trouble. Therefore Caitanya Mahaprabhu has forbid
den, "Don't make many 5i$yas, many disciples." But for
preaching work we have to accept many disciples-for ex
panding preaching-even if we sufer That's a fact. The
spiritual master has to take the respnsibility for all the sin
ful activities of his disciples. Therefore to make many disci
ples is a risky job unless one is able to assimilate all the sins.
vaicha-kalpa-tarubhyas ca
kra-sindhubhya eva ca
patitanat pavanebhyo
vai$tVebhyo namo nama
58 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
["I ofer my respectful obeisances unto all the Vaigtava
devotees of the Lord. They are just like desire trees who can
flfll the desires of everyone, and they are full of compas
sion for the fallen conditioned souls."] He takes respn
sibility for all the fallen souls. That idea is also in the Bible.
Jesus Christ tok all the sinful reactions of the pople and
sacrifced his life. That is the responsibility of a spiritual
master. Because Knta is Krta, He is apipa-vddha-He
cannot be attacked by sinful reactions. But a living entity is
sometimes subjected to their infuence bcause he is so
small. Big fre, small fre. If you put some big thing in a
small fre, the fre itself may b extinguished. But in a big
fre, whatever you put in is all right. The big fre can con
sume anything.
BOB: Christ's sufering was of that nature?
BOB: Was Christ's sufering-
SRiL PRBHUPADA: That I have already explained. He
took the sinful reactions of all the people. Therefore he
BOB: I see.
SRIL PRBHUPADA: He said-that is in the Bible-that
he took all the sinful reactions of the people and sacrifced
his life. But these Christian pople have made it a law for
Christ to sufer while they do all nonsense. [Bob
ives a short
h.] Such great fols they are! They have let Jesus Christ
make a contract for taking all their sinful reactions so they
can go on with all nonsense. That is their religion. Christ
was so magnanimous that he took all their sins and sufered,
but that does not induce them to stop all these sins. They
have not come to that sense. They have taken it very easily.
The Perect Devotee 59
"Let Lord Jesus Christ sufer, and we'll do all nonsense." Is
it not?
BOB: It is so.
SRL PRABHUPADA: They should have been ashamed:
"Lord Jesus Christ sufered for us, but we are continuing
the sinful activities." He told everyone, "Thou shalt not
kill;' but they are indulging in killing, thinking, "Lord
Jesus Christ will excuse us and take all the sinful reactions."
This is going on. We should b very much cautious: "For
my sinful actions my spiritual master will sufer, so I'll not
commit even a pinch of sinful activities." That is the duty of
the disciple. Afer initiation, all sinful reaction is fnished.
Now if he again commits sinful activities, his spiritul
master has to sufer. A disciple should be sympathetic and
consider this. "For my sinful activities, my spiritual master
will sufer." If the spiritual master is attacked by some dis
ease, it is due to the sinful activities of others. "Don't make
many disciples." But we do it because we are preaching.
Never mind-let us sufer-still we shall accept them.
Therefore your question was-when I sufr is it due to my
past misdeeds? Was it not? That is my misdeed-that I ac
cepted some disciples who are nonsense. That is my
BOB: This happens on ocasions?
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Yes. This is sure to happn because
we are accepting so many men. It is the duty of the disciples
to be cautious. "My spiritual master has saved me. I should
not put him again into sufering." When the spiritual
master is in sufering, KHJa saves him. Kn1a thinks, "Oh,
he has taken so much responsibility for delivering a fallen
prson." So KHJa is there.
60 Perfect Qestions, Perfect Answers
kaunteya pratiinihi
na me bhaktab prata5yati
["0 son of Kunti, declare it boldly that My devotee never
perishes."] Because the spiritual master takes the risk on ac
count of Krg1a.
BOB: Your sufering is not the same kind of pain . . .
SIL PRABHUPADA: No, it is not due to kara. The pain is
there sometimes, so that the disciples may know, "Due to
our sinful activities, our spiritual master is sufering."
BOB: You look very well now.
SIL PRABHUPADA: I am always well . . . in the sense
that even if there is sufering, I know Kna will protect
me. But this sufering is not due to my sinful activities.
BOB: But let us say when l-in the town I live in, I take
biled water because some of the water has disease in it.
Now, why should I drink biled water if I have been god
enough not to get a disease? Then I may drink any water
And if I have been not acting proprly, then I shall get dis
ease anyway.
SIL PRABHUPADA: So long as you are in the material
world, you cannot neglect physical laws. Suppose you go to
a jungle and there is a tiger. It is known that it will attack
you, so why should you voluntarily go and be attacked? It is
not that a devotee should take physical risk so long as he has
a physical body. It is not a challenge to the physical laws: "I
have become a devotee. I challenge everything." That is
anisaktasya vi$ayin
yathirham upayunjatab
nirbandhab kr$-sambandhe
yuktm vairigyam ucyate
The Perect Devotee 61
The devotee is advised to accept the necessities of life with
out attachment. He'll take boiled water, but if boiled water
is not available, does it mean he will not drink water? If it
is not available, he will drink ordinary water. We take
KnQa prasid, but while touring, sometimes we have to take
some food in a hotel. Because one is a devotee, should he
think, "I will not take any fodstuf from the hotel. I shall
starve"? If I starve, then I will be weak and will not be able
to preach.
BOB: Dos a devotee lose some of his indivduality, in
SRIL PRABHUPAIA: No, he has full individuality for
pleasing Kt'Qa. KnQa says, "You surrender unto Me." So he
voluntarily surrenders. It is not that he has lost his in
dividuality. He keeps his individuality. Just like Arjuna-in
the beginning, he was declining to fght, on account of his
individuality. But when he accepted !g1a as his spiritual
master, he became 5i$ya [a disciple]. Then whatever KtQa
ordered, he said y es. That dosn't mean he lost his in
dividuality. He voluntarily accepted: "Whatever KrQa
says, I shall do it." Just like all my disciples-they have not
lost their individuality, but they have surrendered their in
dividuality. That is required. For example, suppse a man
does not use sex. It does not mean he has become impotent.
If he likes, he can have sex life a thousand times. But he has
voluntarily avoided it. Param dmva nivartate: he has a higher
taste. Sometimes we fast, but that dos not mean we are dis
eased. We voluntarily fast. It does not mean that I am not
hungry or cannot eat. But we voluntarily fast.
BB: Dos the devotee who surrenders keep his individual
SRIL PRABHUPAIA: Yes, in full.
62 Per
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BOB: Taste for diferent things?
BOB: Does he keep his individual likes and dislikes?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Yes, he keeps everything. But he
gives preference to Knta. Suppose I like this thing but
!41a says, "No, you cannot use it. " Then I shall not use it.
It is for Knta's sake.
nirbandhab km;a-sambandhe
yuktam vairagyam ucyate
!41a says psitively, "I like these things." So we have to
ofr to KnQa what He likes, and then we'll take prasad.
I4$1a likes RadharaQi. Therefore all the gopis, they are try
ing to push RadharaQi to Knta. "I4$1a likes this gopi. All
right, push Her." That is !41a consciousness. To satisf
the senses of Knta, not to satisfy my senses. That is bhakti.
That is called prema, love for Knta. "Ah, !41a likes this. I
must give Him this."
BOB: There is some prasa [fod ofered to Knta]. It's
ofred, and then we go and eat, and diferent prasadms are
served. Some I like, and some I fnd the taste not at all to my
SRL PRABHUPADA: You should not do that. The perfec
tion is that whatever is ofered to Knta you should accept.
That is prfection. You cannot say, "I like this, I don't like
this." So long as you make such discrimination, that means
you have not appreciated what prasa is.
A DEVOTEE: What if there is someone speaking of likes
and dislikes? Say someone is preparing some prasa . . .
SRL PRABHUPADA: No dislikng, no liking. Whatever
I4$1a likes, that's all right.
A DEVOTEE: Yes. But say someone prepares something,
The Perfect Devotee 63
like some prasa for 14ta, but he dos not make it so good;
and it is-
RL PRBHUPADA: No, if made sincerely with devotion,
then Knta will like it. Just like Vidu. Vidu was feeding
Knta bananas, but he was so absorbed in thought that he
was throwing away the real bananas and he was giving
Knta the skin, and 14ta was eating. [All laugh.] Knta
knew that he was giving in devotion, and Knta can eat
anything, provided there is devotion. It does not matter
whether it is materially tastefl or not. Similarly, a devotee
also takes Krta prasad, whether it is materially tasteful or
not. We should accept everything.
A DEVOTEE: But if the devotion is not there, like in
India ...
SRL PRBHUPADA: If devotion is not there, He doesn't
like any food, either tasteful or not tasteful. He does not ac-
cept it.
A DEVOTEE: In India . . . Somebdy-
SRL PRBHUPADA: Oh, India, India. Dn't talk of India!
Talk of philosophy. If there is not devotion, 14ta does not
accept anything, either in India or in your country. Lord
Knta is not obliged to accept anything costly because it is
very tasty. Knta has very many tasteful dishes in
Vaikuttha. He is not hankering afer your food. He accepts
your devotion, bhakti. The real thing is devotion, not the
food. Krsna does not accept any fod of this material world.
He accepts only the devotion.
patrat pu$pam phalam toyam
yo me bhaktyi prayacchati
tad aham bhakt-upahrtm
asnimi prayatitmnab
64 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
["If one ofers Me with love and devotion a lea( a Bower,
fruit or water, I will accept it."] "Because it has been
ofered to Me with devotion and love"-that is required.
Therefore we do not allow anyone to cook who is not a
devotee. KfQa does not accept anything from the hands of a
nondevotee. Why should He accept? He is not hungry. He
does not require any food. He accepts only the devotion,
that's all. That is the main pint. So one has to become a
devotee. Not a good cook. But if he is a devotee, then he
will be a good cook also. Autmatically he will become a
good cok. Therefore one has to bcome a devotee only.
Then all other good qualifcations will automatically be
there. And if he is a nondevotee, any good qualifcations
have no value. He is on the mental plane, so he has no good
qualifcation. [There is a long pause in the convrsation.]
SRL PRABHUPADA: And the time?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Questions and answers are required.
They are benefcial to all.
BOB: I still have a qustion on the prasi.
SRlL PRABHUPADA: Sita Gosvimi says:
munayab sahu pmo 'ham
bhavadbhir loka-mtgalam
yat krtab kmra-samprasno
yenatma suprasidti
["0 sages, I have ben justly questioned by you. Your ques
tions are worthy because they relate to Lord KnQa and so
are relevant to the world's welfare. Only questions of this
sort are capable of completely satisfying the self."] Kmra
samprasnab, that is very good. When you discuss and hear,
that is loka-matgalam, auspicious for everyone. Both tht
The Perect Devotee 65
questions and the answers.
BOB: I still do not understand so much abut prasid But if
you like I'll think abut it and ask y ou again tomorrow.
RIL PRABHUPADA: Prasa is alwy prasi But because
we are not elevated sufciently, therefore we do not like
some prasad.
BOB: I found spcifcally that what I mean-that some are
too spicy, and it hurts my stomach.
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Well . . . That is also due to not
appreciating, but the cook should have consideration. Kma
must be ofered frst-class fodstuf. So if he ofers some
thing last class, he is not performing his duty. But Kn1a can
accept anything if it is ofered by a devotee, and a devotee
can accept any prasa, even if it is spicy. Hiralyakasipu
gave his son pison [and the son ofered it to Kn1al. and
the son drank it as nectar S even if it is spicy to others'
taste, it is very palatable t the devotee. What is the ques
tion of spicy? He was ofered pison, real poison. And
Pitana Rakasi-she also ofered l41a pison. But Kn1a
is so nice that He thought, "She tok Me as My mother," so
He took the pison and delivered her Kr1a does not take
the bad side. A good man does not take the bad side-he
takes only the good side. Just like one of my big
Godbrothers-he wanted to make business with my Guru
Maharaja [spiritul master], but my Guru Maharaja did not
take the bad side. He took the good side. He thought, "He
has come forward to give me some service."
BOB: Business with your-what was that? Business with
SRIL PRABHUPADA: I am talking about my Guru
BOB: Oh, I see. I have another question on prasa, if I may.
66 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
Let us say some devotee has some trouble and does not eat a
certain type of food-like some devotees do not eat ghee be
cause of liver trouble. So these devotees, should they take all
the prast?
SRIL PRBHUPADA: No, no. Those who are not perfect
devotees may discriminate. But a prfect devotee does not
discriminate. Why should you imitate a prfect devotee? So
long as you have discrimination, you are not a prfect devo
tee. So why should you artifcially imitate a prfect devotee
and eat everything?
BB: Oh.
SRIL PRABHUPADA: The point is, a perfect devotee does
not make any discrimination. Whatever is ofered to Knla
is nectar That's all. lla accepts anything from a devotee.
"Whatever is ofered to Me by My devotee," He accepts.
The same thing for a devotee. Don't you see the point? A
perfect devotee does not make any discrimination. But if I
am not a perfect devotee and I have discrimination, why
shall I imitate the perfect devotee? It may not b pssible
for me to digest everything because I am not a perfect devo
tee. A devotee should not b a folish man. It is said:
krta ye bhe se ba! catura
So a devotee knows his psition, and he is intelligent
enough to deal with others accordingly .
Acting in Knowledge of Kroa
Februar 29, 1972
(evening, continued)
AN INDIAN GENTLEMAN: By what kind of actions does
one earn god karma?
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Good karma means what is
prescribed in the Veds. Spcifcally, it is prescribed that one
should perform yajfa. Yajfa means actions for the satisfac
tion of Lord ViIu, the upreme Personality of Godhead. So
good kara means performance of the yajfas as they are
prescribed in the Vedic literatures. And the purpse of this
yajna is to satisfy the Supreme Lord. A good, law-abiding
citizen is one whose actions satisf the government. So,
good kara is to satisfy Lord ViIu, the Supreme Lord. Un
fortunately, modern civilization dos not know what the
Supreme Personality of Godhead is, what to speak of
satisfing Him. People do not know. They are simply busy
with material activities. Therefore all of them are perform
ing only bad karma and therefore sufering. They are blind
men leading other blind men. And bth are then sufering
by bad karma. That is very easy to understand. If you do
something criminal, you will sufer If you do something
benevolent for the state, for the pople, then you are recog
nized; you are sometimes given a title. This is good and bad
68 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
kara. So, good karma means you enjoy some material hap
piness; bad kara means you sufer from material distress.
By good karma you get birth in a god family; you get
riches, good money. Then you become a learned scholar;
you become bautiful also.
[Sme time passes.]
BOB: What about the prson who-who is not very aware
of God, but ...
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Then he is an animal. The animal
does not know what is good. A prson who does not know
what is God, or one who does not try to understand what is
God-he is an animal. The animals are with four legs, and
that animal is with two legs. And Darwin's theory is they
are monkeys. S anyone who does not know God, or does
not try to understand God, is nothing but an animal.
BOB: What abut the innocent people?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: The animal is very innocent. If you
cut its throat, it won't protest. So innocence is not a very
good qualifcation. The animals are all innocent. Therefore
you get the chance to cut their throats. So to become inno
cent is not a very good qualifcation. Our proposition is that
one must be very, very intelligent, and then he can under
stand Kna. To bcome an innocent ignorant simpleton is
not a very good qualifcation. Simplicity is all right, but one
should not be unintelligent.
BOB: Can you tell me again what intelligence is?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Intelligence means . . . One who
knows what he is, what is this world, what is God, what are
the interrelations-he is intelligent. The animal does not
know what he is. He thinks that he is the body. Simi
larly, anyone who dos not know what he is, he is not
Acting in Knowledge of Kn,a 69
BOB: What about a person who does-tries to do-what s
right and is very conscientious instead of hing unconscio.s
about the things he does? Like the servant who is very
honest to his master but knows that if he were not honest he
would not be caught. I he stays honest anyway . . . a per
son like that? Is that some kind of god karma?
sRL PRABHUPADA: Yes, to become honest is also goo
kara. How to become a god man is describd in the
Bhagavad-giti very elaborately.
divi sampad vimo/ia
nibandhiisuri mti
So if you bcome qualifed with the divi sampad (transcen
dental qualities) , then, vimok$ia-you will be liberated.
And, nibandhiyisuri-if you are qualifed with the demoniac
qualifcations, then you will be more and more entangled.
Unfortunately the modern civilization does not know what
is liberation and what is entanglement. They are so much
ignorant; they do not know. Suppse if I ask you what you
mean by liberation, can you answer? [No answer] And if I
ask you what you mean by entanglement, can you answer?
[Again no answer] These words are there in the Vedic
literature-libration and entanglement-but, at the pres
ent moment, people do not even know what is liberation
and what is entanglement. They are so ignorant and
foolish, and still they are proud of their advancement in
knowledge. Can you answer what is liberation? You are a
professor, teacher, but if I ask you, can you explain what is
BOB: Not adequately because if I could explain, then I
would become librated very fast.
sRL PRABHUPADA: But if you do not know what is
71 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
liberation, then how fast or slow liberation? [Everone
laugh] There is no question of liberation. It is neither fast
nor slow. You should frst know what is libration. If you do
not know where the train is going, then what is the use of
asking, understanding, whether it is going fast or slow? You
do not know your destination. What is libration?
BOB:Umm ...
SRlLA PRABHUPADA: I am asking. You daily ask me. I am
asking you.
BOB: [Laughs.] Ah-okay . . . I'll think for a moment.
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Libration is describd in the Srimad
Bhagavatm. The exact Sanskrit word for liberation is mukti.
So that is defned in the Srimad-Bhagavatam.
muktir hitvanyatha rpar
svarpeta vavasthitib
One should stop doing all nonsense, and he must be situated
in his original psition. But this is also more embarrassing
because nobody knows his original psition and how to act
properly. Because people are generally acting diferently,
bcause they do not know what is proper-the moern
population is so much ignorant about their life-it is a very
awkward position. They do not know.
BOB: Can you tell me who is honest?
SRLA PRABHUPADA: If one does not know what is
honesty, how can he be honest? But if you know what is
honesty, then you can be honest. What is honesty? First of
all explain.
BOB: Aaah, ummm-Honesty is doing what you really feel
is right.
SRlLA PRABHUPADA: A thief is feeling, "I must steal to
provide for my children. It is right." Dos it mean that he is
Acting in Knowledge of Kna 71
honest? Everyone thinks-The butcher thinks, "It is my
life. I must cut the throat of the animals daily. " Just like
that-what is that hunter? And Narada Muni met him?
SIL PRABHUPADA: Yes, Mrgari. Narada asked him,
"Why are you killing in this way?" And he said, "Oh, it is
my business. My father taught it." S he was honestly doing
that. So a feeling of honesty depnds on culture. A thiePs
culture is diferent. He thinks stealing is honest.
BOB: So what is honesty?
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes, that is my question. [Everone
laughs.] Real honesty is that you should not encroach upn
another's property. This is honesty. For instance, this is my
table. If you want to take it away while going, is that
honesty? So therefore the simple defnition of honesty is
that you should not encroach upn another's rights. That is
BOB: So somebody who is honest would be in the mode of
goodness? Would that be correct?
SIL PRBHUPADA: Certainly, certainly. Because the
. moe of goodness means knowledge. So if you know, "This
table dos not belong to me; it belongs to Svamiji," you will
not try to take it away. Therefore, one must know-be
thoroughly well conversant-then he can be honest.
BOB: So, now you have said the mode of goodness was
knowledge of God, but somebdy may be honest without
having very much knowledge of Go.
BOB: Without-without being honest-without thinkng
they are honest bcause it is God's wishes-they just feel
like they ought to be honest.
SRL PRABHUPADA: Mmm. God wishes everyone to b
72 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
honest. Why should Go think otherwise?
BOB: So . . . so you may follow God's wishes without
knowing you are following God's wishes? Like someboy
may be in the mode . . .
SRL PRABHUPAIA: No, following without knowing
that is absurd. You must know the order of God. And if you
follow that, then that is honesty.
BOB: But somebdy would not be honest without knowing
sRL PRABHUPADA: Yes, bcause God is the supreme
proprietor, the supreme enjoyer, and He is the supreme
friend. That is the statement of the Bhagavad-gita. If anyone
knows these three things, then he is in fll knowledge.
These three things only: that God is the proprietor of
everything, Go is friend of everyone, and God is the en
joyer of everything. For example, everyone knows that in
the body, the stomach is the enjoyer. Not the hands, legs,
eyes, ears. These are there simply to help the stomach.
Eyes-the vulture goes seven miles up to see where there is
food for the stomach. Is it not?
BOB: That is so.
SRL PRABHUPADA: Then the wings fy there, and the
jaws catch the food. Similarly, as in this body the stomach is
the enjoyer, the central fgure of the whole cosmic
manifestation, material or spiritual, is KrQa, God. He is the
enjoyer. We can understand this just by considering our
own bodies. The body is also a creation. The body has the
same mechanical nature you will fnd in the whole uni
verse. The same mechanical arrangement will be found
anywhere you go, even in animals. In the human bdy or in
the cosmic manifestation-almost the same mechanism. S
you can understand very easily that in this bdy-my bdy,
Acting in Knowledge of Kna 73
your body-the stomach is the enjoyer There is a central
enjoyer And the stomach is the friend also. Because if you
cannot digest foo, you see, then all other limbs of the boy
bcome weak. Therefore the stomach is the friend. It is
digesting and distributing the energy to all the limbs of the
body. Is it not?
BOB: It is so.
sRL PRBHUPADA: Similarly, the central stomach of the
whole creation is Go, or Krta. He is the enjoyer, He is the
friend, and, as the supreme propietor, He is maintaining
everyone. Just as a king can maintain the whole country's
citizens bcause he is the proprietor. Without being the
proprietor, how can one become everyone's friend? So these
things have to be understod. Kt"ta is the enjoyer, Krta is
the proprietor, and Knta is the friend. If you know these
three things, then your knowledge is full; you do not re-
quire to understand anything more.
yasmin vijidte sarvam evam vijitam bhavati
If you simply understand Knta by these three formulas,
then your knowledge is complete. You don't require any
more knowledge. But people will not agree. "Why should
Knta be the proprietor? Hitler should be the proprietor.
Nixon . . ." That is going on. Therefore you are in trou
ble. But if you understand these three things only, then
your knowledge is complete. But you will not accept-you
will put forward so many impdiments to understanding
these three things, and that is the cause of our trouble. But
in the Bhagavad-gitt it is plainly said:
bhoktaram yana-tapasam
74 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
suhrdm sara-bhutanm
jftvd mm sdntim rcchati
["The sages, knowing Me as the ultimate purpose of all
sacrifces and austerities, the Supreme Lord of all planets
and demigods and the benefactor and well-wisher of all liv
ing entities, attain pace from the pangs of material mis
eries."] But we won't take this. We shall put forward so
many false proprietors, false friends, false enjoyers, and
they will fght one another This is the situation of the
world. If education is given and pople take this knowl
edge, there is immediately pace (santim rcchati). This is
knowledge, and if anyone follows this principle, he is
honest. He does not claim, "It is mine." He knows every
thing: "Oh, it is KHJa's, so therefore everything should b
utilized for KHJa's service." That is honesty. If this pencil
belongs to me, the etiquette is-My students sometimes
ask, "Can I use this pencil?" "Yes, you can." Similarly, if I
know that everything blongs to KHJa, I will not use any
thing without His permission. That is honesty. And that is
knowledge. One who does not know is ignorant; he is
foolish. And a foolish man commits criminality. All
criminals are folish men. Out of ignorance one commits
lawbreaking. S ignorance is not bliss, but it is folly to be
wise where ignorance is bliss. That is the difculty. The
whole world is enjoying ignorance. And when you talk
about KHJa consciousness, they do not very much appreci
ate it. If I say, "KrJa is the proprietor; you are not the
proprietor," you will not be very much satisfed. [They
laugh.] Just see-ignorance is bliss. S it is my foolishness to
say the real truth. Therefore it is folly to b wise where ig
norance is bliss. So we are taking the risk of ofending
Acting in Knowledge of KnQa 75
pople, and they will think we are fols. If I say to a rich
man, "You are not the proprietor. Kn1a is the proprietor,
so whatever money you have, spnd it for 141a," he will be
upadeso hi murkhm
prakopiya na sintaye
"If you instruct a rascal, he'll b angry." Therefore we go as
beggars: "My dear sir, you are a very nice man. I am a san
nyii beggar, so I want to construct a temple; Can you spare
some money?" S he will think, "Oh, here is a beggar. Give
him some money." [The laugh.] But if I say, "Dear sir, you
have millions of dollars at your disposal. That is Kn1a's
money. Give it to me. I am l41a's servant." Oh,
he'll . . . [Everone laughs.] He will not be very satisfed.
Rather, if I go as a beggar, he will give me something. And
if I tell him the truth, he will not give me a farthing. [The
laugh.] We convince him as bggars. We are not beggars.
We are Kn1a's servants. We don't want anything from
anyone. Because we know Kfla will provide everything.
BOB: Oh-h ...
sRL PRBHUPADA: This is knowledge. For instance, a
child will sometimes take something important, so we have
to fatter him. "Oh, you are so nice. Please take these
lozenges and give me that papr It is nothing; it is paper"
And he will say, "Oh, yes. Take. That's nice." Two-paise
lozenges-very nice and sweet. S we have to do that.
Why? Because a man will go to hell by taking Kn1a's
money. S some way or other, take some money from him
and engage him in the Kn1a consciousness movement.
BOB: And then he may not go to hell?
SRL PRBHUPADA: Yes. You save him from going to hell.
76 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
Because a farthing spent for lrQa will be accounted: "Oh,
this man has given a farthing." This is called qnata-sukrti
[spiritual activity one performs unknowingly]. They are
very poor in their thought. Therefore the saintly persons
move just to enlighten them a little. To give them a chance.
Giving them a chance to serve KnQa. That is the saintly
person's duty.
BOB: That is what?
SRiL PRABHUPAIA: That is his duty. But if he takes
money from others and utilizes it for his sense gratifcation,
then he goes to hell. Then it is fnished. Then he is a
cheater; actually he is a criminal. You cannot take money, a
farthing, from anyone, and use it for your own sense
BOB: I think of people I know who are not lrQa conscious.
SRi L PRABHUPADA: KnQa means God.
BOB: They are just slightly God conscious, but still these
people are honest to the extent that they don't take from
other people at all. And they try to be honest with other
people. Will these-
sRiL PRABHUPAIA: He does not take from other people,
but he takes from God.
BOB: So these people are half-good?
BOB: These people are then half-good?
SRL PRABHUPADA: Not god. If he does not learn this
principle-that God is the proprietor ... Others' things?
What do you mean, "others' things"?
BOB: Like, people I'm thinking of-they're poor people
who need money and food but-
SRL PRABHUPADA: Everyone needs money. Everyone
Acting in Knowledge of Kna 77
needs it. Who is not poor? There are so many gentlemen
sitting here. Who is not in need of money and food? You
are also in need of money. So how do you distinguish poor
from rich? Everyone needs it. If that is your defni
tion . . . If one needs money and food, then everyone
needs money and foo. S everyone is poor.
BOB: So, but, well-I was thinking in terms of just people
who are relatively poor.
sRL PRABHUPAIA: Relatively, relatively, maybe. You are
more hungry than me. That does not mean you are not
hungry or I am not hungry. I do not feel hungry now. That
does not mean I do not feel hungry or I am not hungry. For
the time bing you may not be hungry. But tomorrow you'll
be hungry.
BOB: What I feel is that-somehow these people
that ... Everybody ar
und them may be stealing, but
they still stand up and don't steal. These pople somehow
deserve something good to happen to them.
SRL PRABHUPADA: But the man who is thinking that he
is not stealing is also a thief because he does not know that
everything blongs to l1a. Therefore, whatever he is ac-
cepting, he is stealing.
BOB: Is he less of a thief?
sRL PRABHUPAIA: You may not know that I am the
proprietor of this wrappr, but if you take it away, are you
not stealing?
BOB: But mayb if I know it is yours and I take it, I a a
worse thief than if I do not know whose it is. I just think it
may be nobdy's, and I take it.
SRL PRABHUPADA: That is also stealing. Because it must
belong to somebody. And you take it without his
1 ' 1 I
78 Per
ect Questions, Per
ect Answers
permission. You may not know exactly who is the proprie
tor, but you know, "It must belong to someone." That is
knowledge. Smetimes we see on the road so many valuable
things lef there-government property for repairing roads
or some electrical work. A man may think, "Oh, for
tunately these things are lying here, so I may take them." Is
it not stealing?
BCB: It is stealing.
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes. He does not know that this is all
government proprty. He takes it away. That is stealing.
And when he is caught, he is arrested, and he is punished.
So, similarly, whatever you are collecting-suppose you are
drinking a glass of water from the river. Is the river your
BOB: No.
SR L PRABHUPADA: Then? It is stealing. You have not
created the river. You do not know who is the proprietor.
Therefore it is not your proprty. So, even if you drink a
glass of water without knowing to whom it belongs, you are
a thief. So you may think, "I am honest," but actually you
are a thief. You must remember KrQa. "Oh, KHQa, it is
Your creation, so kindly allow me to drink." This is
honesty. Therefore a devotee always thinks of KrQa. In all
activities: "Oh, it is KrQa's." This is honesty. So
without Kr$Qa consciousness, everyone is a rascal, is a thief,
is a rogue, is a robber These qualifcations. Therefore our
conclusion is that anyone who dos not understand KrQa
has no good qualifcations. Neither is he honest, nor has he
kowledge. Therefore he is a third-class man. Is that cor
rect? What do you think, Giriraja?
GIRIRAJA [a disciple]: Yes.
SRL PRABHUPADA: This is not dogatism. This is a fact.
Acting in Knowledge of Kna 79
[Some time elapses.] So, you have understood what is knowl
edge ana what is honesty?
BOB: l-in a way. In a way.
SRiL PRABHUPADA: And is there another way? (Bob
laughs.] Is there any other way? Def it! [Bob laughs again.
Sri/a Prabhupa also laughs.] Another way? Giriraja?
SRLA PRABHUPADA: Is there an alternative? We do not
say anything that can be defed by anyone. That experience
we have. Rather, we def everyone: "Any questions?" Till
now, Kn1a has given us protection. In big, big meetings in
big, big countries, afer speaking I ask, "Any questions?"
BOB: Now, I have none.
SRLA PRABHUPADA: In London, we had-how many
days' lectures in that-what is that? Conway Hall?
A DEVOTEE: Twelve da). Conway Hall.
A DEVOTEE: Twelve days.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. So after every meeting I was
asking, "Any questions?"
BOB: Did you get many questions?
SRLA PRABHUPADA: Oh, yes. Many foolish questions.
[Everone laughs.]
BOB: Let me ask one more question. What is being foolish?
sRLA PRABHUPADA: One having no knowledge is to b
considered foolish.
AN INDIAN GENTLEMAN: Prabhupada, I have one personal
question. Can I ask?
INDIAN GENTLEMAN: Some time ago in Calcutta they ob
served a week-it was named "Prevention of Cruelty to
Animals Week."
80 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
SRLA PRABHUPADA: Mmm. (He gi:es a quick laugh.] This is
another foolishness. They are advertising prevention of
cruelty, and they are maintaining thousands of
slaughterhouses. You see? That is another foolishness.
INDIAN GENTLEMAN: So !wanted just to ask-
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Asking-before you ask, I give you
the answer [All laugh.] That is another folishness. They
are regularly cruel to animals, nd they are making a
society ...
BOB: Maybe this is-
SRL PRABHUPADA: Suppse a gang of thieves has a
signboard-"Goodman and Company." You sometimes
fnd such a signboard.
SYAMASUNDARA: Our landlord in the San Francisco tem
ple was named Goodman.
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: The philosophy is that when an
animal is not properly nourished, that is cruelty. Therefore
instead of allowing it to starve, better to kill it. That is their
theory. Is it not?
BOB: Yes.
SRLA PRABHUPADA: They say, "Oh, it is btter to kill him
than to give him so much pain." That theory is coming in
communist countries. An old man-grandfather-is sufer
ing, so btter to kill him. And there-in Africa there is a
class of men who make a festival by klling their great
grandfathers. Is it not? Yes.
SAMASUNDARA: They eat them?
SRlLA PRABHUPADA: Yes. (Sytmasunra laughs.] Yes?
A DEVOTEE: I had an uncle and aunt. They were in the
Army. So when they went overseas, they could not take
their dog with them. S they said, "The por dog. He will
Acting in Knowledge of Kn9a 81
b so heartbroken not to be with us," so they put him to
sleep-killed him.
sRL PRABHUPADA: In Gandhi's life also, he once killed
one calf or some cow. It was sufring very much. S
Gandhi ordered, "Instead of letting it sufer, just kill it."
GIRIRAJA: Yesterday you said that the spiritual master may
have to sufer due to the sinfl activities of his disciples.
What do you mean by sinful activities?
sRL PRABHUPADA: Sinful activities means that you
promised, "I shall follow the regulative principles." If you
do not follow, that is sinful. That is the promise. Very sim
ple. You break the promise and do nasty things; therefore
you are sinful. Is it not?
GIRIRAJA: Yes. [ause] But there are some things that we're
instructed to do . . .
GIRIR.JA: There are other things which we're instructed
to do which, even though we try to do, we cannot do per
fectly yet.
SRLA PRABHUPADA: How is that? You try to do and can
not do? How is that?
GIRIRAJA: Like chanting attentively. Sometimes we try to,
sRLA PRABHUPADA: Well, that is not a fault. Suppose you
are trying to do something. Due to your inexprience if you
sometimes fail, that is not a fault. You are trying. There is a
verse in the Bhagavatam-hm-m-that if a devotee is trying
his best but due to his incapability he sometimes fails,
Kra excuses him. And in the Bhagavad-git also it is said:
api cet suduriciro
bhaate mim ananya-bhi
82 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
Sometimes not willingly but due to past bad habits-habit
is second nature-one does something nonsensical. But that
does not mean he is faulty. But he must repnt for that-"I
have done this." And he should try to avoid it as far as pssi
ble. But habit is second nature. Sometimes, in spite of your
trying hard, mya is so strong that it pushes with pitfalls.
That can b excused. KnQa excuses. But those who are
doing something willingly are not excused. On the strength
that I am a devotee, if I think, "Because I am chanting, I
may therefore commit all this nonsense, and it will b
nullifed," that is the greatest ofense.
Advancing in Krra Consciousness
(an exchange of letters)
Dear Prabhupada,
I ofer my humble obisances.
Springfeld, New Jersey
June 12, 1972
I have been associating with the devotees of the New
York temple. With th association of such fne, advanced
devotees, I hope that I may make some advancement in
1a consciousness. My fancee has started to come to the
temple and is chanting a little. She knew nothing about
}41a consciousness until I wrote her about it from India.
Atreya i has been kind enough to invite u to his home so
that we may see an ideal householder life.
I went to Bombay the end of April for termination from
the Peace Corps. I was fortunate enough to come down
with a minor illness, so that I had to stay in Bombay for two
weeks. I spnt the time with the advanced and kind devo
tees at Juhu. Unfortunately you had left fve days
I understand so little, but I have faith in the process of
Kn1a consciousness and hop to take to it more and more.
I look forward to Atreya li's description of the temple
84 Perfect Qestions, Perfect Answers
in Los Angeles and hop that I may prsonally hear you in
New York.
Thank you for the kindness you have shown to a ver un
deserving boy.
Bob Cohen
Springfeld, New Jersey
My dear Bob,
Bob Cohen
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
ISKCON Los Angeles
June 16, 1972
Please accept my blessings. I thank you very much for
your letter dated J e 12, 19 72. I have noted the senti
ments expressed therein with great pleasure. I am very glad
to hear that you are associating with us. I know that you are
a very god boy, very intelligent, and your bhavior is gen
tle, so I have all confdence that very quickly Kna will
bestow all His blessings upn you, and you will feel yourself
bcoming perfectly happy in Kra consciousness. One
makes his advancement in Kna consciousness by volun
tarily giving up his attachment to material nature, or ma.
Such renunciation is called tapasya. But we are not very
willing to perform austerities without good reason;
therefore any man with a good scientifc and philosophical
mind, like your good self, must frst appreciate what
transcendental knowledge is. If you get knowledge, auto
matically tapasya will follow, and then you make your ad-
Advancing in Kn.a Consciousness 85
vancement in spiritual life. So to get knowledge is the frst
item for anyone who is hoping to fnd the prfection of his
life. Therefore I advise you to read our books daily as far as
pssible and try to understand the subject matter from dif
ferent angles of vision by discussing it frequently with the
devotees at the New York temple. In this way you will
gradually become convinced, and by your sincere attitude
and devotional service you will make progress.
Yes, having some faith in me and in this KHa con
sciousness process is the frst and only requirement for get
ting actual wisdom. If there is faith, understanding will
follow. And as your understanding increases, so will your
disgust with the spll of illusory energy. And when you
voluntarily give up your entanglements in the material
world, then the proress is assured.
I think we are just now typing up the taps of those con
versations we held in Maya pur, and we shall b publishing
them as a book. It will b called Perct Qestions, Perct
Answers. I shall send you a copy as son as they are ready to
distribute. Meanwhile, I shall b stopping in New York for
two or three days on my way to London for the Ratha-yatra
Festival there. I am not yet certain when I shall b ar riving
in New York, but it will b some time in the early part of
July. You may keep in regular contact with Bali Mardana
regarding the arrival date, and I shall b very much englad
dened to meet with you in New York once again. Again we
shall discuss if you have any questions.
Hoping this will meet you in good health and a happy
Your ever well-wisher,
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami
Deciding for the Future
New York-July 4, 1972
BOB: I received your very kind letter.
BOB: About a week ago.
SRL PRABHUPADA: Now, you are a very intelligent boy.
You can try to understand this philosophy. It is very impor
tant. For sense gratifcation people are wasting so' much en
ergy. They are not aware of what is going to happen in the
next life. There is a next life, but folish people are ig
norant. This life is preparation for the next life. That they
do not know. The modern education and its universities are
completely in darkness about this simple knowledge. We
are changing bodies every moment-that is a medical fact.
Afer leaving this body, we will have to accept another
bdy. How are we going to accept that bdy? What kind of
body? This can also be known. For example, if someone is
bing educated, one can understand that when he passes his
examination, he is going to be an engineer or medical prac
titioner. Similarly, in this life, you can prepare yourself to
become something in the next life.
BARBARA [Bob's wie]: Can we decide what we want to be
next life?
Deciding for the Future 87
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes, you can decide. We have
decided that next life we are going to Kna. This is our
decision-back home, back to Godhead. Suppose you want
to become educated. After this decision that you are going
to be an engineer or you are going to b a medical practi-
tioner, with that objective you prepare and educate your-
self. Similarly, you can decide what you are going to do next
life. But if you don't decide, then the material nature will
BARBARA: Could I have ben Kn1a conscious in my last
SRiL PRABHUPADA: It dosn't matter But you can
become. Take advantage of our K1a consciousness
A DEVOTEE: She's asking if it was possible that in her last
life she was a Kn1a devotee and has come back again.
SRiL PRABHUPADA: Wen one is perfectly Kn1a's devo
tee, he dos not come back. But if there is a little defciency,
then there is a possibility of coming back. But even though
there is a defciency, he comes back to a nice family .
. Sucinam srimatam gehe yoga-bhra$.to 'bhiayate. ["The unsuc
cessful yogi takes birth in a religious or aristocratic family." ]
Human intelligence can decide for the future. That is
human intelligence. The animal cannot decide. We have
discriminatory power. If I do this, I will be benefted; if I do
that, I will not be benefted. This is there in human life. So
you have to use it properly. You should know what is our
goal of life and decide in that way. That is human civiliza
tion ....
BARBARA: Have you ever seen K1a?
88 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
BARBARA: You have?
SRLA PRABHUPAoA: Daily. Every moment.
BARBARA: But not in the material bdy?
SRLA PRABHUPADA: He has no material body.
BARBARA: Well, in the temple here they have pictures of
KrIa ....
SRILA PRABHUPADA: That is not a material body. You are
seeing materially because you have material eyes. Because
you have material eyes, you cannot see the spiritual form.
Therefore He kindly appears to be in a material body so
that you can see. However, because He has kindly made
Himself just ft for your seeing, that does not mean He has a
material body. Suppose the President of the United States
kindly comes to your house. That does not mean that his
position and your position are the same. It is his kindness.
Out of love, he may come to your house, but that does not
mean he is on the same level as you. Similarly, because we
cannot see Knia with our present eyes, KJIa therefore ap
pears before us as a painting, as made of stone, as made of
wood. And Knia is not diferent from these paintings and
wood because everything is Knia.
BARBARA: After we die, what happens to our spirit?
SRLA PRABHUPADA: You get another body.
BARBARA: Immediately?
SRIL PRABHUPADA: Yes. Just as when you change your
apartment: you fx up your new apartment frst; then you
leave this one and go there.
BARBARA: So do we know what type of body we will get?
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes, provided you are qualifed.
Otherwise nature will arrange for it. Those who know
they know what is there. But for those who do not know,
nature will arrange things. If you do not know, this means
Deciding for the Future
you have not prepared your life, so accidentally, at the time
of death, your mentality will create another by, and
nature will supply it.
BARBARA: And chanting-what dos chanting do?
SRIL PRABHUPADA: That you can ask these boys [the
devotees]. They will explain.
BOB: If Kn1a controls everything, how dos Kn1a control
a non devotee?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: By maya. Just as the government con
trols everything. A kingdom is controlled by the king's
BOB: And how does Kn1a control a devotee?
SRIL PRABHUPADA:Just as you control your beloved. For
example, if you have a beloved child, you control him for
his beneft. If he is going to touch fre, you will immediately
tell him, "No, no, my dear child. Don't touch it." S a
!4Ia conscious prson: a devotee, is never misled, because
Kn1a is always guiding him, whereas those who are not
!4Ia conscious are in the charge of maya, and maya will do
the needful, as you have seen.
BOB: Is it preset, when we're born, the time that we'll die?
BOB: Is the time that I'm going to die, and others are going
to die, preset before we are born? When I'm born, do I have
a certain given life span?
A DEVOTEE: And he cannot change that?
SRiL PRABHUPADA: No, he cannot change it, but Kn1a
can change it.
DEVOTEE: If he commits suicide, is that also preset?
SRLA PRABHUPADA: Not preset. That you can do because
you have a little indepndence. It is not natural to commit
90 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
suicide; it is unnatural. So bcause we have independence,
we can go from nature to "un-nature. " A prisoner cannot
go out of the prison house naturally, but somehow or other
he arranges to jump over the wall and goes away. Then he
becomes a criminal for further imprisonment. Naturally,
the prisoner cannot go out of the prison house, but if some
how or other he manages to escap, that means he becomes
again a criminal. He will be arrested again, and his term of
imprisonment will be increased, or he will be punished
more. So, naturally we cannot violate destiny. But if we do
it, then we will sufer. But our destiny can be changed by
Krta when we are Krta conscious. We do not do it, but
KHta will do it. Krta says: aham tvim sarva-pipebhyo mok
$ayi$yimi: "I shall give you protection." That change takes
place for my protection.
There are two stages-nondevotee and devotee. The
non devotee is under the control of material nature, and the
devotee is under the direct control of Knta. In the ofce of
a big man, an executive of a big company, there are many
employ ees, and they are controlled by different
departmental suprintendents. But although outside of
home he controls indirectly, the same man at home is con
trolling his children directly. But he is always a controller.
Similarly, God is the controller always. When one becomes
a devotee, he is controlled by God; when he is a non
devctee, he is controlled by His agent, miyi But he has to
be controlled. For example, every citizen of America is con
trolled by the government. When he is all right, the civil
department controls him; when he is not all right, the cri
minal department controls him. But he cannot say, "I am
not controlled." That is not pssible. Everyone is con
trolled. If somebody says, "I am not controlled," he is not
Deciding for the Future 91
sane; he is crazy. Everyone is controlled. So either you are
controlled directly by God, or you are controlled by His
agency, maya. Being controlled by maa, you spil your life;
you remain in material existence one birth afer another,
changing your bodies. But if you chose to be controlled by
God, then afer this body, you go back home, back to God
head. Then your life is successful. You cannot exist without
being controlled; that is not possible. That is intelligence.
And that is stated in the Bha
iti. Bahunam janmanim
ante jfanavan mat prapadyate: "Afer many births of traveling
or speculation, one surrenders unto Me." Visudevab sarvam
iti: "KHIa, You are everything. S I have come. Accept me.
I am now fully surrendered unto You, and You control me. I
am controlled. For so long I have been controlled by these
rascals. There is no beneft. I have been controlled by my
senses. So under the contrql of the senses I have served so
called family, society, country, nation-up to serving the
dogs. But nothing has given me satisfaction. Therefore now
I have good sense; I put myself under Your control. Instead
of being controlled by dog, let me b controlled by God."
This is KHIa consciousness. Have you not seen how a man
is controlled by a dog? In the street the dog stops, passes
stol, and his master will stand and wait. Is it not? He is
passing stool and urine, and the master is thinking, "I am
master. " But he is being controlled. That is mayi. He has
become servant of the dog, but he is thinking, "I am
master." So unless one is Knia conscious, one cannot
understand. We can understand that this rascal is being
controlled by his dog, but he is thinking that he is the
master. We can understand. What do you think? Has he
not become controlled by the dog?
BOB: That is so.
92 Perfet Qestions, Perfect Answers
SRL PRBHUPAIA: But he is thinking, "I am the master
of the dog." A family man is controlled by his wife, his
children, by his servants, by everyone, but he is thinking,
"I am master" President Nixon is thinking that he is master
of his country, but he is controlled. At once he can be dis
missed by the public, his servants! And he will take a posi
tion, claiming, "I will give you very good service," and "I
shall be a frst-class servant.' Therefore pople vote, "All.
right, you bcome president.'' And he is advertising:
"Reelect me! Reelect me!" That means he is a servant. But
he is thinking, "I am master.' That is the psition. Mid
One who is controlled by maya is thinking himself master,
but he is a servant. And a devotee never thinks to himself,
"I am master," only "I am servant." That is the diference
between maya and reality. He at least knows: 1 am never
master. I am always a servant.' When a servant is thinking,
"I am master," that is called illusion. But when a servant
thinks, "I am a servant," that is not illusion. That is mukti,
liberation. Because he is not controlled by false thoughts.
Try to think about this subject matter A devotee is never
controlled by false thoughts. He knows his position.
Svarlpeta vavasthitib. Mukti, liberation, means to be situated
in one's own constitutional psition. I am a servant. So if I
know that I am a servant, that is my liberation. And if I
think that I am master, that is bndage. This is the dif
ference between conditioned life and liberated life.
So these KQa conscious devotees are always thinking
that they are servants of KQa. Therefore they are all liber
ated. They do not endeavor for liberation. They are already
liberated bcause they are situated in their constitutional
position. They are not artifcially thinking, "I am master."
Otherwise, everyone is thinking, "I am master" That is il-
Deciding for the Fnture 93
lusion. You cannot be master in any state of your life; you
must remain a servant. That .s your position. When one
thinks artifcially that he is master, that is his conditioned
life. And when one voluntarily surrenders to the supreme
master, that is his libration. A devotee does not try for
liberation separately. As soon as he surrenders to Knia or
KrIa's representative, he is librated.
BOB: Prabhupada, people that engage in religions, like
these "Jesus freaks" and other people, claim that Jesus is
guiding them. Can this be so?
SRL PRABHUPADA: Yes, but they are not taking the guid
ance. Just like the Christians. Jesus is guiding them, "Thou
shalt not kill," but they are killing. Where is the Jesus guid
ance? Simply saying, "I am guided by Jesus Christ" -will
that do? "But I don't care for his words." Is that guidance?
Nobody is being guided by Jesus Christ. Their claim is
false. It is very hard to fnd a man who is actually being
guided by Jesus Christ. Jesus Christ's guidance is available,
but nobody is caring for him. They have taken Jesus Christ
as contractor to take up their sins. That is their philosophy.
They commit all kinds of sins, and por Jesu!Christ will be
responsible. That is their religion. Therefore they say, "We
have a very good religion. For all our sinful activities, Jesus
Christ will die." So is that good religion? TBey have no
sympathy for Jesus Christ. He died for our sins. Why
should we commit sins again? Such a great life has been
sacrifced for our sins, so we should be guided by Jesus
Christ. But if you take it otherwise-"Ah, we shall go on
committing all sins, and Jesus Christ will make a contract
to nullif all my sins; I'll simply go to the church and con
fess and coie back and again do all nonsense"-do you
think that shows very goo intellige
94 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
BOB: No.
SRILA PRABHUPADA: Actually, one who is guided by Jesus
Christ will certainly get liberation. But it is very hard to
fnd a man who is actually being guided by Jesus Christ.
BOB: What about the "Jesus freaks," the young people that
have joined the Jesus movement? They read the Bible very
often, and they try to-
SRL PRABHUPADA: But violence is against the Bible's in
junctions. How can they kill if they are following the
BOB: I asked one this, and he claimed that Jesus was also
eating meat in the Bible.
SRlLA PRABHUPADA: That's all right. He may eat any
thing. He is powerful. But he has ordered, "Thou shalt not
kill. You must stop killing." He is powerful. He can eat the
whole world. But you cannot compare to Jesus Christ. You
cannot imitate Jesus Christ; you have to abide by his order
Then you are guided by Jesus Christ. That is actually obe
dience. That is explained in the Bhagavata. One who is
isvara, who is empowered, can do anything, but we cannot
imitate. We have to abide by his order: "What he says to
me, that I will do." You cannot imitate. You say that Jesus
Christ ate meat. Admitting that, you do not know in what
condition he ate meat. He is himself eating meat, but he is
advising others not to kill. Do you think that Jesus Christ
was contradicting himself?
BOB: No.
SRlLA PRABHUPADA: He cannot do that. That is real faith
in him-that he cannot do that. So why has he eaten meat?
He knows, but he has asked me not to kill. I have to follow.
That is the real system. You are not Jesus Christ; you can
not imitate him. He has sacrifced his life for Go. Can you
Deciding for the Future 95
do that? So why shall you imitate Jesus Christ? You are
imitating Jesus Christ by eating meat. Why not imitate
Jesus Christ and sacrifce your life for spreading God con
sciousness? What do you think? Yes, when you preach you
can say what you think. They are so-called Christians-but
what are they doing for Go? Just consider the sun. The
sun is absorbing urine. Can you drink urine? If you want to
imitate the sun-"Oh, here is the sun absorbing urine. Let
me drink urine"-can you? Jesus Christ is powerful; he
can do everything. But we cannot imitate; we have to
simply abide by his order. That is real Christianity. We can
not imitate a powerful man. That is wrong. In our Vedic
literature, there was a pison ocean, so pople could not
fnd out what to do with it. Then Lord Siva said, "All right,
I'll drink it." So he drank the whole pison ocean and kept
it in his throat. Can you crink poison? Not the ocean-just
one cup? So how can we imitate Lord Siva? Lord Siva never
advised that we drink poison. S you have to abide by the
advice, not imitate. These LSD and marijuana people say
that Lord Siva used to smoke gaija. But Lord Siva drank the
whole poisoned ocean. Can you do that? Lord Siva's instruc
tions should be taken. He says that the best worship is wor
ship of ViglU. Vi$!Or trahanam param. When he was asked
by Parvati what method of worship is best, then he said,
"The best worship is worship of Lord ViglU [KnQa]."
There are many demigods, but he recommended ViQU
worship as the bst. And better than ViQU worship is wor
ship of a VaiQava. Tadiyant-His servants, or those who
are in relation to Him. For instance, we are worshiping this
plant, tulasi. We are not worshiping all plants, but because
this tulasi has a very intimate connection with KnQa, ViQu,
we are therefore worshiping her Similarly, if anyhing is
96 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
intimately related with Knla, worship of that thing is bet
ter than worship of ViIU.
BOB: Why is that?
SRiLA PRABHUPAIA: Because Kn1a will be pleased. Sup
pose you have a dog and some friends come and pat your
dog. [Sri/a Prabhupida makes big patting motions.] You become
pleased. You become pleased: "Oh, he is my good friend."
You see how they think. We see this-some friend come
and says, "My, what a nice dog you have." [Laughter.]
[Some Indian guests enter the room.]
SRiLA PRABHUPADA: Please have some prasid.
[Sri/a Prabhupi continues speaking with his guests, sometimes in
English and sometimes Hindi. It is his last dy in New York, and
his plane to Londn is scheduled to leave in only a few hours. Bob
has brought a car to drive Sri/a Prabhupi to Kenedy Airort.
The devotees are scuring about, brnging lugage to the car putting
the manuscripts of Sri/a Prabhupid's latest translating work in
order and making other last-minute arrangements.]
SYAMASUNDARA: Everything's ready, Srila Prabhupada.
The car is waiting for us.
SRLA PRABHUPADA: So? We can go now? All right. Hare
Concluding Words
On July 19, 1976, His Divine Grace Srila Prabhup:da
accepted my wife and me as his disciples and initiated us
with the names Bhakti-devi dasi and Brahmatirtha dasa. As
I refect back on that day, I can see how fortunate I was to
have met His Divine Grace and my Gobrothers in the
Hare Kn1a movement.
When I was handed my beads at initiation, I promised to
follow the regulative principles and to chant God's names
daily. Four years previouly, Srila Prabhupada had advised
me to follow these principles, and within six months, he
said, I could b like the other devotees; all unnecessary
things (anarthas), such as mundane movies and restaurants,
would cease to attract me. "The whole human life is meant
for purifcation," he said. I was interested in being purifed,
even though I did not really know what purifcation meant.
I had gone to India with the Peace Corps hoping to fnd a
higher level of consciousness. I could not believe that
satisfing the senses was the all in all, yet I myself was
bound by the senses. Later I could understand that
means becoming free from the dictation of the senses.
Upon returning to America, I started graduate school in
geology, got married, and became somewhat entangled in
domestic responsibilities, but I would very often think of
98 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
my conversations with Srila Prabhupada, and of his instruc
tions. One of his primary instructions was simply to associ
ate with the devotees, and this I gladly did. Devotees are
diferent: by understanding that loving service to the
Supreme Lord is the goal of life, they avoid getting caught
up in the petty afairs of sense gratifcation and false ego.
Visiting the temple was most refreshing. Gradually, my
wife and I became friends with many devotees and wanted '
somehow to do some service for the-movement. I sponsored
a Bhakti-yoga club at the university, and our apartment
served as a way station for traveling parties of devotees.
As we followed Srila Prabhupada's instructions, even
our eating became purifed. In India I had told Srila
Prabhupada that I could not ofer my food as the devotees
do because I did not understand that Kn1a i, s God. So he
told me simply to thank God for my food before eating.
This we did, and fnally our devotion matured, and we
started actually ofering our food to the Supreme Lord.
What a wonderful feeling, to be coking for the Supreme
Lord! This actually freed us from the control of the tongue.
Finally, we were ready to bcome involved fully in tem
ple life. By Kn1a's grace, I obtained a job near a temple in
Texas and began to take part in all the temple programs. In
this way, all the anarthas disappeared, just as Srila Prabhu
pada had predicted. It was like having a burden lifted from
our shoulders. We were no longer servants of our senses,
but servants of God and His devotees. The value of Srila
Prabhupada's instructions had become clear. A human
being is not meant to labor like an ass and enjoy like
a dog. Purifcation means coming to a higher level of
Concluding Words 99
Even though I hav ben initiated, I still admire my
Godbrothers' spiritual awareness and wish to advance.
Actually, initiation is the bginning.
Houston, Texs
Octobr 16, 1976
Brahmatlrtha disa Adbikrl
(Bob Cohen)
His Divine Grace
A. C. Bhaktivedanta
Swami Prabhupada
His Divine Grace A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabhu
pada appeared in this world in 1896 in Calcutta, India. He
frst met his spiritual master, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta
Sarasvati Gosvami, in Calcutta in 1922. Bhaktisiddhanta
Sarasvati, a prominent devotional scholar and the founder
of sixty-four Gau4iya Mahas (Vedic institutes}, liked this
educated young man and convinced him to dedicate his life
to teaching Vedic knowledge. Srila Prabhupada became his
student, and eleven years later (1933) at Allahabad he be
came his formally initiated disciple.
At their frst meeting, in 1922, Srila Bhaktisiddhanta
Sarasvati Thakura requestec Srila Prabhupada to broadcast
Vedic knowledge through the English language. In the
years that followed, Srila Prabhupada wrote a commentary
on the Bhagavad-gita, assisted the Gau4iya Maha in its work
and, in 1944, without assistance, started an English
fortnightly magazine, edited it, typed the manuscripts and
checked the galley proofs. He even distributed the in
dividual copies freely and struggled to maintain the
publication. Once begun, the magazine never stopped; it is
now being continued by his disciples in the West.
Recognizing Srila Prabhupada's philosophical learning
and devotion, the Gau4iya Vaiava Society honored him
in 194 7 with the title "Bhaktivedanta." In 19 50, at the age
of ffty-four, Srila Prabhupada retired from married life,
and four years later he adopted the vanaprastha (retired)
102 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
order to devote more time to his studies and writing. Srila
Prabhupada traveled to the holy city of Vrndavana, where
he lived in very humble circumstances in the historic
medieval temple of Radha-Damodara. There he engaged
for several years in deep study and writing. He accepted the
renounced order of life (sannyasa) in 1959. At Radha
Damodara, Srila Prabhupada began work on his life's
masterpiece: a multivolume translation and commen
tary on the eighteen-thousand-verse Srimad-Bhagavatam
(Bhagavata Prda). He also wrote Easy Journey to Other
After publishing three volumes of Bhagavatam, Srila
Prabhupada came to the United States, in 1965, to fulfll
the mission of his spiritual master. Since that time, His
Divine Grace has written over forty volumes of authorita
tive translations, commentaries and summary studies of the
philosophical and religious classics of India.
In 1965, when he frst arrived by freighter in New York
City, Srila Prabhupada was practically penniless. It was
after almost a year of great difculty that he established the
International Society for Krishna Consciousness in July of
1966. Under his careful guidance, the Soiety has grown
within a decade to a worldwide confederation of almost one
hundred aramas, schols, temples, institutes and farm com
In 1968, Srila Prabhupada created New Vrndavana, an
experimental Vedic community in the hills of West
Virginia. Inspired by the success of New Vrndavana, now a
thriving farm community of more than one thousand acres,
his students have since founded several similar com
munities in the United States and abroad.
A. C. Bhaktivedanta Swami Prabbupida 103
In 1972, His Divine Grace introduced the Vedic system
of primary and secondary education in the West by found
ing the Gurukula schol in Dallas, Texas. The shol bgan
with three children in 1972, and by the beginning of 1975
the enrollment had grown to one hundred f.
Srila Prabhupada has also inspired the constrco of a
large international center at Sridhama Mayapu in West
Bengal, India, which is also the site for a planned Institute
of Vedic Studies. A similar project is the magnifcent }Qa
Balar:ma Temple and International Guest House in
Vrnd:vana, India. These are centers where Westerners can
live to gain frsthand experience of Vedic culture.
Srila Prabhup:da's most signifcant contribution,
however, is his books. Highly respected by the academic
community for their authoritativeness, depth and clarity,
they are used as standard textbooks in numerous college
courses. His writings haTe been translated into eleven
languages. The Bhaktivedanta Book Trust, established in
1972 exclusively to publish the works of His Divine Grace,
has thus become the world's largest publisher of books in
the feld of Indian religion and philosophy. Its latest project
is the publishing ofSrila Prabhup:a's most recent work: a
seventeen-volume translation and commentary-com
pleted by Srila Prabhup:da in only eighteen months-on
the Bengali religious classic Sri Caitanya-caritamrta.
In the past ten years, in spite of his advanced age, Srila
Prabhup:da has circled the globe twelve times on lecture
tours that have taken him to six continents. In spite of such
a vigorous schedule, Srila Prabhup:da continues to write
prolifcally. His writings constitute a veritable library of
Vedic philosophy, religion, literature and culture.
Acara-a spiritual master who teaches by example.
Arati -a ceremony for greeting the Lord with oferings of
food, lamps, fans, fowers and incense.
Arana-the devotional practice of Deity worship.
Asrama-a spiritual order of life.
Asuras -atheistic demons.
Avatara-a descent of the Supreme Lord.
Bhgavad-gita-the basic directions for spiritual life spoken
by the Lord Himself.
Bhakta-a devotee.
Bhakti-yoga-linking with the Supreme Lord in ecstatic
devotional service.
Brahmacara-celibate student life; the frst order of Vedic
spiritual life.
Brahman-the Absolute Truth; especially, the imprsonal
aspect of the Absolute.
Brahmai-a person in the mode of goodness; frst Vedic
social order.
Dhrm-eternal occupational duty; religious principles.
Ekadasi-a special fast day for increased remembrance of
Kfta, which comes on the eleventh day of both the
waxing and waning moon.
Goloka (Kftaloka) -the highest spiritual planet, con
taining Kfta's personal abodes, Dvaraka, Mathura
and Vfndavana.
106 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
Gopis-K\a's cowherd girl friends who are His most
confdential servitors.
Grhastha-regulated householder life; the second order of
Vedic spiritual life.
Gur-a spiritual master or superior person.
Hare K\a mantra-See: Maha-mantra
Jiva-tattva-the living entities, who are small parts of the
Kali-yuga (Age of Kali) -the present age, which is
characterized by quarrel. It is last in the cycle of
four, and began fve thousand years ago.
Karatalas-hand cymbals used in kirtana.
Karma-fruitive action, for which there is always re
action, good or bad.
Karmi-one who is satisfed with working hard for
fickering sense gratifcation.
Kirtana-chanting the glories of the Supreme Lord.
K\aloka-See: Goloka
Katriyas-a warrior or administrator; the second Vedic
social order.
Maha-mantra-the great chanting for deliverance:
Hare K\a, Hare K\a, K\a K\a, Hare Hare/
Hare Rima, Hare Rima, Rima Rima, Hare Hare.
Mantra-a sound vibration that can deliver the mind from
Mathuri-Lord K\a's abode, surrounding Vndivana,
where He took birth and later returned to after per
forming His Vndivana pastimes.
Glossar 107
Maya-(ma-not; ya-this) , illusion; forgetfulness of
one's relationship with KrJa.
Mayavadis-impersonal philosophers who say that the
Lord cannot have a transcendental body.
Mrdanga-a clay drum used for congregational chanting.
Parampara-the chain of spiritual masters in disciplic
Prasada-food spiritualized by being ofered to the Lord.
Sac-cid-ananda-vigraha-the Lord's transcendental form,
which is eternal, full of knowledge and bliss.
Sankirtana-public chanting of the names of God, the ap
proved yoga process for this age.
Sannyasa-renounced life; the fourth order of Vedic
spiritual life.
Sstras-revealed scriptures.
Sravam kirtanam vi?ob-the devotional processes of
hearing and chanting about Lord ViJU.
Sudra-a laborer; the fourth of the Vedic social orders.
Svami-one who controls his mind and senses; title of one
in the renounced order of life.
Tapasya-austerity; accepting some voluntary incon
venience for a higher purpose.
Tilaka-auspicious clay marks that sanctify a devotee's
body as a temple of the Lord.
VaikuJtha-the spiritual world, where there 1s no
Vailava-a devotee of Lord ViJu, or KfJa.
108 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
Vaisyas-farmers and merchants; the third Vedic social
Vdnprasth-one who has retired from family life; the
third order of Vedic spiritual life.
Va7srama-the Vedic social system of four social and
four spiritual orders.
Vdas-the original revealed scriptures, frst spoken by the
Lord Himself.
Vitu, Lord-Krta's frst expansion for the creation and
maintenance of the material universes.
Vrndavana-Krta's personal abode, where He fully
manifests His quality of sweetness.
Vyasadeva-Krta's incarnation, at the end of Dvapara
yuga, for compiling the Ved.
Yajta-sacrifce, work done for the satisfaction of Lord
Yogi-a transcendentalist who, in one way or another, is
striving for union with the Supreme.
Yuga-ages in the life of a universe, occurring in a
repeated cycle of four.
A Note from t
e Secretary
of t
e International Society
for Kris
na Consciousness
Dear Reader:
Afer fnishing Perect Questions, Perect Answers, you may
want to go further in understanding Kna consciousness.
You may want to fnd out more about the KHa conscious
philosophy; you may want to practice some of the tech
niques of bhakti-yoga; you may even want to become a fully
KHa conscious devotee. In any case, there's much you
can do.
First, we have a virtual library of Kra conscious books.
We generally recommend starting of with Bhagavad-giti As
It Is, our spiritual master's translation and commentary for
the famous Bhagav'd-giti, to which he so often referred in
his talks with Bob. After the Giticomes Srimad-Bhigavatam,
a multivolume work that could b called a postgraduate
study for spiritual life. All told, we've published some ffty
large books of KHa conscious philosophy, enough to read
and stud for a whole lifetime. We also have a monthly
magazine, Back to Godhead, and records and tape cassettes of
transcendental chanting.
If you'd like to meet and talk with devotees and get some
frsthand experience of Kra consciousness in action, we
have about one hundred centers around the world, most of
them in the United States. Generally our centers are in
110 Perfect Questions, Perfect Answers
large cities, although we also have some ffteen Kn!a con
scious farm communities for "simple living and high think
ing." All of our centers have regular classes every day, feast
programs every Sunday, and also special festivals
throughout the year. For more spcifc information, you
can write or call the center nearest you. And if you ever
travel to India, you can visit our International Center at
Sridhama Mayapura, the holy city where the conversations
in this book took place. We also have a wonderful Inter
national Center and Guest House in Vrndavana, the an
cient Indian city of Lord Kn!a's eternal pastimes.
Of course, wherever you are, you can always take advan
tage of chanting the Hare Kn!a mantra: Hare Kn!a, Hare
Kn!a, Kn!a Kn!a, Hare Hare/ Hare Rama, Hare Rama,
Rama Rama, Hare Hare. Our spiritual master says, "Just
chant Hare Kn!a, and your life will b sublime."
Finally, for any questions at all that you might have
about spiritual life in Kna consciousness, please feel free
to get in touch with us here at our central ofce in Los
Angeles, and we'll do whatever we can to be of service.
Yours in the service of Kn!a,
Swarup das Adhikari
The International Society for Krishna Consciousness
3764 Watseka Avenue
Los Angeles, California 90034
Telephone: (213)871-0717
International Society
for Krishna Consciousness
Centers Around the World
Durban {Natal), S. Africa-P.O. Box 212, Cato Ridge, Natal
3680, South Africa
Mombasa, Kenya, E. Africa-Maungano Rd., P.O. Box 82224
Nairobi, Kenya, E. Africa-Muhoroni Close, Ngara Rd., P.O.
Box 28946/ 331568
Port Louis, Mauritius-P.O. Box 718
Ahmedabad, lndia-1687 Kadwa Pol, Dariapur,
Ahmedabad-1, Gujarat
Bombay, India-Hare Krishna Land, Gandhi Gram Rd., Juhu,
Bombay 400 054 / 579-373
Calcutta, lndia-3 Albert Rd., Calcutta 700017 / 44-3757
Chandigarh, India-c/o ISK<ON, 103, Sector 23-A / 27996
Hong Kong-38 Mody Rd., 4th fl., Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon I
Hyderabad,lndia-Hare Krishna Land, Nampally Station Rd.,
Hyderabad, A.P.
Jakarta, Indonesia-c/o Srimati Aravindak$i dasi, J 1 n Ang
kasa Dalam 11/19
Madras, India-50, Aspiran Gardens, 2nd St., Kilpauk, Madras
10 / 612515
Mayapur,lndia-ISKCON International Center, P.O. Sree
Mayapur Dham, W. Bengal (District Nadia)
New Delhi,lndia-21A Feroze Gandhi Rd.Lajpatnagar Ill,
New Delhi 110024 / 382-742
Taipei, Taiwan-158 Roosevelt Rd., Section 3, 2nd fl.
Tehran,lran-ISKCON, c/o P.O. Box 66-1540, Niavaran 1
Tokyo, Japan-4-25-14, Chua Nakano-ku I (03)381-417 4
Vrindavan,lndia-Krishna-Balarama Mandir, Chattikara Rd.,
Raman Reti, Vrindaban, Mathura, U.P.
Amsterdam, Holland-Herengracht 96 / 020-:49-410
, ..
Dublin,lreland-5 Talbot St.. Dublin 1
Frankfurt A. Main, W. Germany-6241 Schloss Rettershof,
bei Konigstein-Taunus I 06174-21357
Geneva, Switzerland-Chateau Banquet, 94, Rue de
Lausanne Ch. 1202 I (022)32.63.60
London, England (city) -7 Bury Pl., Bloomsbury, London
London, England (country)-Bhaktivedanta Manor, Letch
more Heath, Watford, Hertfordshire WD2 8EP I Radlett
Paris, France-4 rue Le Sueur, Paris 75016/727-0202
Rome,ltaly-Viale Di Porta Ardeatina No. 53 (Cristo Foro
Colombo No. 2) 00154 I 57 40416
Stockholm, Sweden-Grevgatan 18, Stockholm 11453/
Bogota, Colombia-Carrera 4. No. 54A-40
Buenos Aires, Argentina-Galle Ecuador 473/ 86-36-73
Caracas, Venezuela-Galle Luis Roche No. 61, Colinas de
Los Chaguaramos
Georgetown, Guyana-ISKCON, c/o 78 Robb St., Bourda
Guadalajara, Mexico-Avenida Vallarta 2035, Sector
Juarez /157 498
Guayaquil, Ecuador-Huacavilca 1204, Apt. 3
Lima, Peru-976 Jiron Juan de Ia Fuente, San Antonio
Mexico City, Mexico-Gob. Tiburcio Montiel 45, San Miguel
Chapultepec, Mexico City 18 D.F./ (905)277-3124
Quito, Ecuador-P.O. Box 181 A
Rio de Janeiro, Brazii -Estrada Velha da Tijuca, 102, Usina
San Augustine, Trinidad and Tobago-Gordon St. at Santa
Margarita Circular Rd., San Augustine, Trinidad and
Tobago /662-4605
San Juan, Puerto Rico-Calle ltalia 1957, Ocean Park,
Santurce 00911
San Pedro, Costa Rica-c/o ISKCON, C.3a A.4, Montes de
Oca I 25-44-57
Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic-Calle Cayetano
Rodriguez No. 36
Sao Paulo, S.P., Brazii -Rua Pandia Cal6geras, 84, (Caixa
Postal 4.855), Liberdade /278-0138
Turrialba, Costa Rica-Gopi Bhumi Dham, Dulce nombre
Adelaide, S. Australia-13-A Frome St./ 020-253-160
Aukland, New Zealand-67 Gribblehirst Rd., Mt. Albert I
Lautoka, Fiji-P.O. Box 125
Melbourne, Australia-197 Danks St., Albert Park, Mel
bourne, Victoria 3206 I 329-9844
Sydney, Australia-50 Buckingham St., Surry Hills, NSW
2010 /698-9141
Ann Arbor, Michigan-718 W. Madison St. 48103/
Atlanta, Georgia-1287 Ponce de Leon Ave. NE 30306/
Baltimore, Maryland-200 Bloomsbury Ave., Catonsville
21228/ (301 )7 47-9815
Berkeley, California-2334 Stuart St. 94705/
Bloomington,lndiana-214 No. Dunn St.
Boston, Massachusetts-72 Commonwealth Ave. 02116/
Buffalo, New York-132 Bidwell Pkwy. 14222/ (716)882-
Charlotte, North Carolina-1824 E. 7th St. 28204/
(704) 596-5151
Chicago,lllinois-1014 Emerson St., Evanston 60201/
(312) 273-3960
Cleveland, Ohio-15720 Euclid Ave., E. Cleveland 44112/
Dallas, Texas-5430 Gurley Ave. 75223/ (214)827-6330
Denver, Colorado-1400 Cherry St. 80220 I (303)333-5461
Detroit, Michigan-383 Lenox 48215/ (313)824-6000
Gainesville, Florida-921 S.W. Depot Ave. 32601/
(904) 377-1496
Honolulu, Hawaii-51 Coelho Way 96817 I (808)595-3947
Houston, Texas-1111 Rosalie St. 77004/ (713)528-9004
Laguna Beach, California-644 S. Coast Hwy. 92651/
Las Vegas, Nevada-2600 Demetrius, Las Vegas 89101/
Los Angeles, California-3764 Watseka Ave. 90034/
Miami, Florida-1 0900 Coral Way 33165/ (305)552-1766
Minneapolis, Minnesota-21.6 Ridgewood Ave. 55403/
(612)87 4-8780
Montreal, Canada-1626 Pie IX Blvd., Que. H 1V 2C5/
(514) 527-1101
New Orleans, Louisiana-2936 Esplanade Ave. 70119/
(504)488-7 433
New York, New York-340 W. 55th St., 10019/
Ottawa, Canada-224 Besserer St., Ont./ (613)236-9091
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania-424 E. Woodlawn St. 19144/
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania-4626 Forbes Ave. 15213/
Portland, Oregon-2805 S.E. Hawthorne St. 97214/
(503) 234-17 55
Radha-Damodara traveling temples-c/o ISKCON, New
St. Louis, Missouri-4544 Laclede Ave. 63108/
(314) 361-1224
San Diego, California-3300 Third Ave. 92103/
Seattle, Washington-400 18th Ave. East 98102/
(206) 329-9348
Toronto, Canada-243 Avenue Rd., Ont. M5R 2J6/
Vancouver, Canada -177 4 W. 16th Ave., Vancouver, B.C. V6J
2M1/ (604)732-8422
Washington, D.C.-1 0310 Oaklyn Rd., Potomac, Maryland
20854/ (301)299-21 00
Buffalo, New York-(contact ISKCON Buffalo)
Carriere, Mississippi-At. No. 2, Box 449,39426/
(60 1 )798-6705
Costa Rica, South America (New Vi raja)-Dulce Nombre
Tayutic Turrialba, Costa Rica, Central America (Contact
ISKCON Costa Rica.)
Delaplane, Virginia-At. No. 1, Box 22, 22025/
( 703)364-2156
Dixon, Missouri (New Godruma)-Box 81 Tavern Route,
Dixon, Missouri 65459/ (314)422-3966
lndre, France-Lucay-Le-Male, 36600 Valencay Chateau
London, England-Bhaktivedanta Manor, Letchmore Heath,
Watford, Hertfordshire WD2 BEP I Radlett 7244
Mayapur, lndla-(contact ISKCON Mayapur)
Moundsville, West VIrginia (N Vrlndavan)-R.D. No.1,
Box 620, Moundsville 26041 I (304)845-2790
Mulbrry, Tennesse (Murari Sevak)-Rt. No.1, Box 146-A
373591 (615)759-7058
Petropolls, Brall-(contact ISKCON Rio de Janeiro)
Port Royal, Pennsylvania-A.D. No. 1, 17082 I
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search for meaning caries
a young American Peace Corps
worker halway around
the world, to an ancient cit in
the midst of West Bengal.
There, in a small bamboo house
in the holy land of Mayapur,
he fnds himsel at /h8 feet of
one of India's greatest saintly
teachers, a teacher who seems -
able to tell him anything
he ever wanted io know ....