Navadvipa Sataka PDF
Navadvipa Sataka PDF
Navadvipa Sataka PDF
Text 1
Text 2
Text 3 (Antardvépa)
Text 5
Text 6
milantu cintämaëi-koöi-koöayaù
svayaà bahir dåñöim upaitu vä hariù
tathäpi tad godruma-dhüli-dhüsaraà
na deham anyatra kadäpi yätu me
Text 8 (Madhyadvépa)
Text 9 (Koladvépa)
Text 11
Text 12
rasena samadhiñöhitä bhuvana-vandhyayä rädhayä
cakästu hådi me hareù parama-dhäma gauòäöavé
May the Gauòa forest, which is Lord Hari's supreme abode, which is
filled with surging currents from the ocean of splendid and passionate
transcendental love, which is filled with the bliss of Lord
Rädhikäramaëa's sweet pastimes, and which was sweetly founded by Çré
Rädhä, who is worshiped by all the worlds, shine in my heart.
Text 13 (Jahnudvépa)
I pray that birth after birth I may be a clump of grass in the land of
Jahnudvépa, which is worshiped even by the king of the demigods. That
would be my joy.
Text 14 (Sémantadvépa)
rädhä-vallabha-päda-pallava-juñäà sad-dharma-nétäyuñäà
nityaà sevita-vaiñëaväìghri-rajasäà vairägya-séma-spåçäm
hantaikänta-rasa-praviñöa-manasäm apy asti yad düratas
tad rädhä-karuëävalokam aciräd vindantu sémantake
They who are ardently devoted to the flower-petal feet of Çré Rädhä's
beloved, whose entire lives are spent in carefully following
transcendental religious principles, who always serve the dust of the
Vaiñëavs' feet, who touch the highest point of renunciation, and whose
hearts are plunged in the nectar of divine love, find very far away Çré
Rädhä's merciful glance, which is very quickly and easily found at
Text 15
çacé-sünor dvépe samudayati våndävanam aho
mithaù premodghürëad rasika-mithunäkréòam aniçaà
tad evädhyäsénaà praviçati pade kväpi madhure
Text 16
Text 17
Text 18
Text 19
Text 20
Text 21
khaga-våndäà paçu-våndäà
druma-valli-våndam unmada-premëaù
préëayad amåta-rasair
navadvépäkhyaà vanaà namata
Text 22
bhaktyaikayänyatra kåtä-
rtha-mänino dhéräs tad etan na vayaà tu vidmaù
vallabhaà naù sadä navadvépa-vanaà tu saàçrayaù
Text 23
Now that I, who am a reservoir of faults, who have not the slightest
virtue, and who am the lowest of all but who still hankers for what is
very difficult to attain, have come to Lord Gaura's forest, the seed from
which the most splendid devotional service grows, will I become
Text 24
ananta-pärasya kim apy udäram
rädhä-pradattaà yad apürva-säraà
tad eva gauräìga-vanaà gatir me
çuddha-pure; ujjvala-splendid; prema-of love; rasa-of sweet; amåta-
nectar; abdher-of the ocean; ananta-pärasya-which has not farther
shore; kim api-something; udäram-noble; rädhä-Rädhä; abhidhaà-
named; yatra-where; cakästi-is splendidly manifest; säram-essence; tad-
that; eva-indeed; gauräìga-vanam-Lord Gauräìga's forest; gatir-the goal;
me-of me.
Lord Gauräìga's forest, where the name "Rädhä", the sweetest part of
shoreless nectar ocean of pure and splendid divine love, shines, is the
only goal of my life.
Text 25
sarva-sädhana-héno 'pi
yaù ko 'pi präpnüyäd eva
One who never performs any spiritual activities, but who has
wholeheartedly taken shelter of Navadvépa, will attain the great festival
of the nectar of pure love for Çré Rädhä's beloved.
Text 26
My own people may leave me. My body may collapse. Still, I will not
take a single step beyond the border of Navadvépa.
Text 27
sä me na mätä sa ca me pitä na
sa me na bandhuù sa ca me sakhä na
sa me na mitraà sa ca me gurur na
yo me na rädhävana-väsam icchet
Text 28
Text 29
Text 30
Text 31
ye çré-navadvépa-gateñu doñän
äropayanti sthira-jaìgameñu
änanda-mürtiñv aparädhinas te
çré-rädhikä-mädhavayoù kathaà syuù
våndävana-stheñu-among they who stay in Våndävana; api-even; ye-
they who; atra-here; doñän-faults; äropayanti-attribute; sthira-stationary;
jaìgameñu-and moving living entities; änanda-of bliss; mürtiñu-in forms;
aparädhinas-offenders; te-they; çré-rädhikä-mädhavayoù-of Çré Çré
Rädhä-Kåñëa; kathaà-how?; syuù-will be.
They who attribute faults to the blissful moving and stationary living
entities in Navadvépa are offenders. How can they attain Çré Çré Rädhä-
Text 32
ye gaura-sthala-väsi-nindana-ratä ye vä na mäyäpuraà
çläghante tulayanti ye ca kudhiyo kenäpi taà godrumam
ye modadrumam atra nitya-sukha-cid-rüpaà sahante na vä
taiù päpiñöha-narädhamair bhavatu svapne 'pi me saìgatiù
tyajati ya iha bhaktaù çré-navadvépa-dhämni
na khalu bhavati vandhyä tasya våndävanäçä
Text 34
Text 35
gauräraëye yan navadvépa-dhäma
yaù ko 'py asmin yädåças tädåço vä
dehasyänte präpnuyäd eva siddhim
Text 36
na loka-vedoddhåta-märga-bhedair
äviçya saìkliñyata re vimüòäù
haöhena sarvaà parihåtya gauòe
çré-godrume parëa-kuöéà kurudhvam
na-not; loka-of the world; veda-and of the Vedas; uddhåta-märga-
bhedair-by the paths; äviçya-entering; saìkliñyata-distressed; re-O;
vimüòäù-bewildered; haöhena-forcibly; sarvaà-everything; parihåtya-
renouncing; gauòe-in Gauòa; çré-godrume-in Çré Godruma; parëa-of
leaves; kuöéà-a hut; kurudhvam-make.
Fools, the paths of the world and the Vedas will bring you only
trouble! Give up everything and make yourself a leaf-hut in Çré
Godruma in Gauòa-deça!
Text 37
yat taj jalpantu çästräëy ahaha janatayä gåhyatäà yat tad eva
svaà svaà yat tan mataà sthäpayatu laghu-matis tarka-mätre
asmäkäà tüjjvalaikonmada-vimala-rasa-prema-péyüña-mürteù
rädhä-bhäväpta-léläöavim iha na vinänyatra niryäti cetaù
The Vedas may talk as they like, the people may think whatever they
like, and the unintelligent logicians may establish whatever theories
they like, but our heart will never leave the forest where Lord Kåñëa, His
form filled with the sweet nectar of splendid, pure, passionate spiritual
love, enjoyed the pastimes of Çré Rädhä.
Text 38
apära-karuëäkäraà vraja-viläsiné-nägaraà
muhuù subahu-käkubhir natibhir etad abhyarthaye
anargala-vahan-mahä-praëaya-sédhu-sindhau mama
kvacij januñi jäyatäà ratir ihaiva khaëòe nave
Bowing down again and again and begging with many plaintive
words, to the shoreless ocean of mercy that is the hero of Vraja's playful
girls I pray: In one birth allow me to find my happiness in Navadvépa,
which is a shoreless ocean of passionate transcendental love.
Text 39
Text 40
Text 41
Text 42
Text 43
durväsanä-su-dåòha-rajju-çatair nibaddham
äkåñya sarvata idaà sva-balena gaura
rädhävane viharataù saha rädhayä te
pädäravinda-savidhaà naya mänasà me
Text 45
Text 46
gauräraëyäd anyat
prakåter antar bahir väpi
naivästi madhura-vastv ity
avakalitaà yair namas tebhyaù
Text 47
vibhräjat-tilakä giréndratanayä-néraugha-çuklämbaro-
daïcat-käïcana-campaka-cchavir aho nänä-rasolläsiné
kåñëa-prema-payo-dhareëa rasadenätyanta-sammohiné
çré-miçrätmaja-vallabhä vijayate gauòe tu gauräöavé
Text 48
Text 49
Text 50
Text 51
viçvambharasya päda-
sarojopeta-sthaléñu nirbhara-premëä hari hari
kadä luöhämi pratipada-
galad-açrur ullasat-pulakaù
When, at every moment shedding tears of deep love, and the hairs of
my body erect with joy, will I roll upon the ground where Lord Gaura
placed His feet?
Text 52
yatraiva rädhä-valito harir me
tad eva gaura-sthalam äçritänäà
bhavet paraà bhakti-rahasya-läbhaù
The secret of pure devotional service rests in they who take shelter of
Lord Gaura's sacred place, where my Lord Hari, His transcendental form
filled with the nectar of splendid divine love, assumes the role of Çré
Text 53
Text 54
O brother, give up all your spiritual practices and take shelter of Lord
Gaura's sacred place. As you desire so your body, words, and heart will
Text 55
Text 56
When, wearing a kaupéna and one old cloth, day and night singing of
the waves of Çré Çré Rädhä-Madhupati's confidential pastimes, and at the
end of the day eating a fruit or a root, will I spend this lifetime in the
forest of Navadvépa?
Text 57
Text 58
yävan na gaura-sthala-väsi-jantuñu
tävat praviñöho 'pi na tatra vindate
tato 'parädhät padavéà parät paräm
Text 59
yadaiva sac-cid-rasa-rüpa-buddhi-
dvipe nave 'smin sthira-jaìgameñu
syän nirvyalékaà puruñas tadaiva
cakästi rädhä-priya-sevi-rüpaù
Text 60
sakala-vibhava-säraà sarva-dharmaika-säraà
sakala-bhajana-säraà sarva-siddhyaika-säram
sakala-mahima-säraà vastu khaëòe naväkhye
sakala-madhurimämbho-räçi-säraà vihäraù
Text 61
Text 63
Text 64
hema-sphäöika-padmaräga-racitair mahendranéla-drumair
nänä-ratnamaya-sthalébhir ali-jhaìkäraih sphuöad-vallibhiù
citraiù kéra-mayüra-kokila-mukhair nänä-vihaìgair lasat
padmädyais ca sarobhir adbhutam ahaà dhyayämi gaura-sthalam
Text 65
madhya-dvépa-vane sphuöat-kñitidharasyopatyakäsu sphuran
nänä-keli-nikuïja-véthiñu navonmélat-kadambädiñu
bhrämaà bhrämam ahar-niçam nanu paraà çré-räsa-keli-sthalé-
ramyäsv eva kadä prakäçita-rahaù-premä bhaveyaà kåté
Text 66
Text 67
Text 68
gaura-sthalam eva jévanaà yeñäm
äçäm eväham açäse
I long for the pollen of the lotus feet of they whose life and soul is Çré
Gaura-sthala, the root that sprouts love for Lord Rädhäpati.
Text 69
nänä-keli-nikuëja-maëòapa-yute nänä-saro-väpikä-
ramye gulma-latä-drumaiç ca parito nänä-vidhaiù çobhite
nänä-jäti-samullasat-khaga-mågair nänä-viläsa-sthalé-
pradyota-dyuti-rociñi priya kadä dhyeyo 'si gaura-sthale
Text 71
I will not talk of anything else. I will not hear of anything else. I will
not meditate on anything else. I will not go anywhere else. I will not
worship anything else. I will not take shelter of anything else. In dream
or awake I will not see anything but the forest where He who accepted
Çré Rädhikä's splendor enjoyed pastimes.
Text 72
Text 74
Text 75
This mostly unconscious world and even they who think they know
everything cannot know the truth about Navadvépa. When carefully
concealed Lord Hari appears, then His concealed abode also appears.
Only a sincere devotee, by his guru's mercy, can know the truth of
Text 76
kadä navadvépa-vanäntareñv ahaà
paribhraman saikata-pürëa-catvare
haréti rämeti haréti kértane
vilokya gauraà prapatämi vihvalaù
Text 77
When, eating ripe fruits fallen to the ground and drinking the
delicious river-water, will I wander in the forests by the Ganges' shore?
Text 78
ärädhitaà nava-vanaà vraja-känanaà te
närädhitaà nava-vanaà vraja eva düre
ärädhito dvija-suto vraja-nägaras te
närädhito dvija-suto na taveha kåñëaù
If you worship Navadvépa, then you also worship the forest of Vraja.
If you don't worship Navadvépa, then the forest of Vraja is far away. If
you worship Lord Caitanya, then you also worship the hero of Vraja. If
you don't worship Lord Caitanya, then you cannot worship Lord Kåñëa.
Text 79
Text 80
They who chant Hari! Hari! Hari! in Våndävana become free from all
offenses and attain Vraja's divine couple. In Navadvépa Lord Gaura
forgives multitudes of sins and frreely gives the sweet nectar of the bliss
of Vraja.
Text 81
One who lives in Navadvépa holds Vraja in his hand. In any other
place Våndävana is like a far-away mirage.
Text 82
Text 83
Text 84
Text 85
Text 86
What is the use of studying many scriptures? What is the use of going
on pilgrimage to holy places? Fear women who are like tigers! Spit on the
opulences of Svargaloka! Know that all material benefits are as worthless
as a handful of straw! Instead of chasing after them please take sheletr of
Lord Gauräìga, who is dressed in the garments of a sannyäsé, and who,
intoxicated by tasting the nectar of Kåñëa-prema, dances on the Ganges'
Text 87
Text 88
Text 89
Text 90
Text 91
Text 92
upäsatäà vä guru-varya-koöir
adhéyatäà vä çruti-çästra-koöiù
caitanyacandrasya purotsukänäà
sadyaù paraà syäd dhi rahasya-läbhaù
upäsatäà-may worship; vä-or; guru-of teachers; varya-the best; koöir-
millions; adhéyatäà-may study; vä-or; çruti-çästra-of scriptures; koöiù-
millions; caitanyacandrasya-of Lord Caitanyacandra; pura-of the city;
utsukänäà-of they who are eager; sadyaù-at once; paraà-supreme; syäd-
may be; hi-indeed; rahasya-of the secret; läbhaù-attainment.
Text 93
Now it is the age of Kali. My enemies, the senses, have become very
strong. The splendid path of pure devotional service is blocked by
millions of brambles. I am weak and agitated. Alas! Alas! Where can I
go? O abode of Lord Caitanya, if now you will not give me your mercy,
what shall I do?
Text 94
duñkarma-koöi-niratasya duranta-ghora-
durväsanä-nigaòa-çåìkhalitasya gäòham
kliçyan mateù kumati-koöi-kadarthitasya
gauòaà vinädya mama ko bhaviteha bandhuù
Text 95
Alas! Alas! How will the desire creeper of pure devotional service
sprout in the desert of my heart? In my heart there is only one hope. I
shall reside in Lord Gauräìga's holy abode. Then I shall never again
Text 96
Text 97
His complexion as fair as molten gold, and His form filled with the
splendid and blissful nectar of pure transcendental love, the Supreme
Personality of Godhead has mercifully appeared in the town of
Navadvépa. In Navadvépa every home celebrates great festivals in honor
of Bhakti-devé, the goddess of devotion. Navadvépa is sweeter than
Vaikuëöha. My heart finds its happiness in the transcendental abode of
Text 98
Text 99
Text 100
Text 101
O foolish people, please seek the path of pure hari-bhakti, which even
th great sages in ancient times could not find after long searching. If in
your heart there is no faith, and if you think it is too difficult to attain,
then please abandon all these misconceptions and take shelter of Lord
Gaura's city.
Text 102