Embedded and Real Time Systems

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Code No: B7001 JAWAHARLAL NEHRU TECHNOLOGICAL UNIVERSITY HYDERABAD M.Tech II Semester Supplementary Examinations March/April 2010 EMBEDDED AND REAL TIME SYSTEMS (ELECTRONICS AND COMMUNICATIONS) Time: 3hours Max.Marks:60 Answer any five questions All questions carry equal marks --1. a) Explain briefly with neat diagram about a model train control system? b) What are the challenges faced in embedded computing system design? [6+6] 2. a) What is an interrupt? Explain about various interrupts? b) Explain briefly about various serial data transmission modes? [6+6]


3. a) Explain about how data transfer is done in embedded systems? b) Explain about assembly language programming process? [6+6] 4. a) Write program for the following problem using few lines of code as you can. Place comments on each line of code. Problem:- Count the number of 1s in any number in register B and put the count in R5. b) Write notes on the following: 1. Unconditional jumps. 2. EA bit. [8+4] 5. a) Explain about multiple interrupts equipped in 8051? b) Write notes on lead-per-key keyboard? [8+4] 6. a) Discuss the methods queues and mail boxes offered by RTOS? b) What is task? Explain various task states? [6+6] 7. a) Explain how cross-compilers and cross assemblers are used for host and target machines?

b) Explain the abilities and problems with simulators? [6+6] 8. a) Write notes about SHARC processor? ***** b) Write notes on I2C Bus? [6+6]


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