DIT Papers

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Khyber PakhtunKhwa Board of Technical & Commerce Education Peshawar

Diploma in Information Technology

(Part -- I)

2nd Term Examination 2022

Paper:- Computer Programming C/C++

Time Allowed:- 03 Hours Max. Marks:- 50

Note:- Attempt any four Questions by selecting at least one question from each section

Below. All Question carry equal (10) marks.

Q1. Define Computer Languages, and Explain different types constant used
In C/C++ Programming.

Q2. Discuss the following with examples.

I) Reserve Word
II) Operators
III) Expression
IV) Syntax of for Loop

Q3. Discuss basic structure of C Program?

Q4. Discuss the following function with examples.

i) Scanf
ii) Getch
iii) Cin
iv) Syntax of Do, while Loop

Q5. Explain IF statement and nested if statement with example?

Q6. Write C++ Program to display multiples of 5 up to 50.

Q7. Write C program to print average of n numbers?

Q8. Explain logical operators with example?

Khyber PakhtunKhwa Board of Technical & Commerce Education Peshawar

Diploma in Information Technology

(Part -- I)

2nd Term Examination 2022

Paper:- Office Automation (Ms-Word/Excel/Power Point

Time Allowed:- 03 Hours Max. Marks:- 40

Note:- Attempt any five Questions. All carry equal Marks. Mobile Phone &

Programmable Calculator are not allowed.

Q2. Discuss Book Mark and Water Mark in MS word Documents.
Q3. Write short note on the following commands: (MS Word)
a. Find and Replace
b. Undo and Redo
c. Save a document
Q4. Define the following Functions. Write down its syntax with example.
I) Product II) Count III) IF
Q5. Write the procedure of the following commands in MS Excel?
a) Data Sorting and Filtering
b) Apply Password to Excel file.

Q6. Discuss Slide Transition. Write steps for adding transition to a slide show.
Q7. Discuss the following terms in Power Point.
a) Tital Bar
b) Menu Bar
c) Slide View

Khyber PakhtunKhwa Board of Technical & Commerce Education Peshawar

Diploma in Information Technology

(Part -- I)

2nd Term Examination 2022

Paper:- Operating System (OS)

Time Allowed:- 03 Hours Max. Marks:- 50

Note:- Attempt any five Questions. Select at least two questions from each part. All
Questions carry equal marks. Mobile Phone & Programmable Calculators are not allowed.

( Part-I )

Q1:- Discuss in detail Operating system with its major parts?

Q2:- Define following scheduling algorithems.

a) SJF b) SJN c) RR d) LIFO

Q3:- Write Steps of creating new partition and formatting in windows 7?

Q4:- How to configure and Install Sound Card & printer in windows 7?


Q5:- Discuss group policy in detail?

Q6:- Write the main features of windows server 2008 in detail?

Q7:- Define the Following Linux Commands:

a) Head b) Sort c) Rmdir e) Echo

Q8:- How to create user account in Linux using shell Commands?

Khyber PakhtunKhwa Board of Technical & Commerce Education Peshawar

Diploma in Information Technology

(Part -- I)

2nd Term Examination 2022

Paper:- Information & Computer Networking

Time Allowed:- 03 Hours Max. Marks:- 50

Note:- Attempt any five Questions. All carry equal Marks. Mobile Phone &
Programmable Calculator are not allowed.

Q1:- List different Networking devices. Explain any two of them.

Q2:- Discuss and explain the following terms used in computer Networks.

I) Data
II) Data Rate
III) Peak Data Rate

Q3:- Discuss Coaxical Cable and Fiber Optics Cable used in Networking?

Q4:- What is OSI Model? Explain Data Link Layer and Physical Layer of OSI

Q5:- Differeniate between NIC and Bridge used in data communication.

Q6:- What is meant by transmittion media? Write various reasons for using
Wireless media

Q7:- Defferentiate between various connectors used in LAN.

Q8:- Write short note on any two:

a) Router
b) Active Hub
c) Broad Band

Khyber PakhtunKhwa Board of Technical & Commerce Education Peshawar

Diploma in Information Technology

(Part -- I)

2nd Term Examination 2022

Paper:- Information & Communication Technology(ICT)

Time Allowed:- 03 Hours Max. Marks:- 100

Note:- Attempt any five Questions. All carry equal Marks. Mobile Phone &
Programmable Calculator are not allowed.

Q1:- Define SSD. Differeniate between SSD and HDD?

Q2:- Define software? Discuss various types of system Software.

Q3:- For which purpose flow chart is used? Write five basic building

Block of flow Chart.

Q4:- Define and Deffereniate between RAM and ROM?

Q5:- Write note on following.

I. Virus
II. Antivirus
III. Expert System
IV. Firewall

Q6:- What is transmission media? Discuss various types of wired/guided

media. Q7:- Convert the following

i) (010100001) 2 to octal.
ii) (111011)2 to decimal.

Q8:- Define hardware. Elaborate printer brifly?


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