7 Steps Brand
7 Steps Brand
7 Steps Brand
What is a brand?
A brand isnt just a logo. Alone, a logo is just a picture nothing more. A brands a promise your customers believe in. Its a promise about who you are and what benefits you deliver, that gets reinforced every single time people come in contact with any part of your business. A brand is a promise that your customers believe in. And branding is the packaging and presentation of your promise.
Research tips 1. Identify your target market. Your information will only be as good as your market research sample. Be careful when selecting your market research sample group to question. To get useful market research data, your sample group needs to be relevant to and representative of your target population. 2. Design your survey or market research questionnaire carefully. Make sure that it's focused specifically on the information you need to know, and that you haven't included any questions that may offend anyone. Many people are put off by questions that ask them how much money they earn, for instance. If you offend or confuse them, they won't bother to fill out your market research survey. The key information that you should aim to acquire is: Who they are? Where they live? What lifestyle do they lead? What car they drive? Their perceived need for your product or service? Would they buy it from you? How much would they be willing to pay? Have they heard of your company or product? If so, from where? Where would they go to source this type of product or service? Have they sourced it elsewhere? If so, where and why? What magazines and newspapers they read? What TV channels or shows do they watch? What radio stations do they listen to and at what times? What websites they visit? How do they like to be communicated with? Email, phone and/or by post?
3. Keep it short. If possible, your market research survey or questionnaire should all fit on one page. Long forms intimidate some people; others see multiple page forms as just too much of an imposition on their time. 4. Always provide some opportunity for detailed answers. Not everyone will take advantage of it, but some will, and sometimes these written-in comments are the most valuable of all. 5. Work out your market research recording techniques first. Telephone market research surveys are popular, but how are you going to record what the respondents say? If you're orally interviewing someone, will you record them or take notes? The purpose of market research is to gather and analyse the data, so you've got to have a system of recording the data worked out in advance. Websites like www.surveymonkey.com are very effective tools, as they record and provide reports on the data collected. And, if youre surveying fewer than 100 people, its free. 6. Invest in the process The amount of market research you do is limited only by your time (if you're doing it yourself) or your budget (if you hire someone else to do it). But market research is necessary at all stages of a business's life, if you want continued success. Only market research can truly keep us in touch with what's most important your customers, and their needs and desires. If this sounds like a daunting task and youve yet to venture forth with a clipboard and a forced smile, dont worry we can carry out the research on your behalf.
Establishing your mission Think of your mission as the route youll follow to achieve your vision. Define the purpose of your company State what effect you intend to have on the world around you State what you do for others And the approach you follow in order to achieve your aspirations
Identifying your values You need a set of principles and values that guide how you operate. What you are and arent willing to do to achieve success Theyre fundamental to what your business is and stands for Theyre essential to the brand image thats reflected to the public
Writing your business promise Your business promise is the pledge upon which you build your brand and stake your reputation. What do you assure those who come into contact with your business The expectation that you live up to every time people experience your brand Your promise is the essence of your brand Your promise is essential to your brand strategy Dont make promises that you cant deliver on consistently Delivering your promise is essential to building business trust and loyalty Its something translated into and presented as a motto or tagline
Understanding your character Your brand character is the personality of your brand. Its an accurate reflection of your vision, mission, values, and promise Is it serious or sombre, fun or playful Is it youthful or very grown up
Defining your brand Your brand definition shrinks all your thoughts about your business mission, values, and promise into a concise statement. It defines what you do and how you differ from all other solutions It defines your promise to your customers Its the face of your brand It serves as the steering wheel for your branding strategy It influences every turn you make in presenting your brand
Inventing or confirming your name If you already have a brand name, you can use this exercise to check if it truly reflects the attributes of your brand. If you dont have a brand name, itll help you list the attributes that you want to reflect in your name. It identifies the terms out of your brand identity statement that you most want your name to convey, reflect, or support It identifies the aspects of your brand promise that you would like your name to advance It will help you identify words that define the character you want your name to convey
Life-cycle strategies Every product category has a limited life and old products are replaced by new. The result is the never-ending cycle of birth, growth and decline. This strategy looks at long-term trends and evolves as the products evolve. Positioning strategies A positioning strategy takes a psychological approach to marketing. This strategy focuses on getting customers or prospects to see your product or service in a positive light. Simplicity strategies This strategy focuses on targeting customers and prospects with products that offer a simple alternative to increasingly complex technology they dont need. Quality strategies This strategy is favoured by already established brands that have built up a reputation for superior quality products or services. Reminder strategies Products that are routinely purchased to remind customers that they still exist use this strategy.
Unless you have a marketing degree or the inclination to absorb a library of strategy books, we recommend that you get us to create your strategy for you. But if moneys tight and you have no alternative but to do it yourself, heres what your strategy should include: Introduction Your vision, mission and business promise Strengths and weaknesses Opportunities and threats Competitor analysis Target market analysis primary and secondary Ideal customer profile Customer needs, desires and expectations Key objectives Core strategy Key messages Potential channels to market Media plan and costs Tactics Implementation action plan Summary
21 Forbes Place, Paisley, Renfrewshire PA1 1UT. Telephone: 0845 643 0993, Email: pascal@brandsavvy.co.uk, Web: brandsavvy.co.uk
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