Guidelines For The Diagnosis and Management of Syncope (Version 2009)
Guidelines For The Diagnosis and Management of Syncope (Version 2009)
Guidelines For The Diagnosis and Management of Syncope (Version 2009)
* Corresponding authors: Angel Moya (Chairperson), Hospital Vall dHebron, P. Vall dHebron 119 129, 08035 Barcelona, Spain. Tel: 34 93 2746166, Fax: 34 93 2746002,
Email: Richard Sutton (UK) (Co-Chairperson), Imperial College, St Marys Hospital, Praed Street, London W2 1NY, UK. Tel: 44 20 79351011, Fax: 44 20 79356718, Email: r.sutton@ The content of these European Society of Cardiology (ESC) Guidelines has been published for personal and educational use only. No commercial use is authorized. No part of the ESC Guidelines may be translated or reproduced in any form without written permission from the ESC. Permission can be obtained upon submission of a written request to Oxford University Press, the publisher of the European Heart Journal and the party authorized to handle such permissions on behalf of the ESC. Disclaimer. The ESC Guidelines represent the views of the ESC and were arrived at after careful consideration of the available evidence at the time they were written. Health professionals are encouraged to take them fully into account when exercising their clinical judgement. The guidelines do not, however, override the individual responsibility of health professionals to make appropriate decisions in the circumstances of the individual patients, in consultation with that patient, and where appropriate and necessary the patients guardian or carer. It is also the health professionals responsibility to verify the rules and regulations applicable to drugs and devices at the time of prescription.
& The European Society of Cardiology 2009. All rights reserved. For permissions please email:
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Table of Contents
Abbreviations and acronyms . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Preamble . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part 1. Denitions, classication and pathophysiology, epidemiology, prognosis, impact on quality of life, and economic issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.1 Denitions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 Classication and pathophysiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Placing syncope in the larger framework of transient loss of consciousness (real or apparent) . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 Classication and pathophysiology of syncope . . . . Reex syncope (neurally mediated syncope) . . . Orthostatic hypotension and orthostatic intolerance syndromes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Cardiac syncope (cardiovascular) . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Epidemiology . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Prevalence of syncope in the general population. . . 1.3.2 Referral from the general population to medical settings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.3 Prevalence of the causes of syncope . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Prognosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4.1 Risk of death and life-threatening events . . . . . . . . 1.4.2 Recurrence of syncope and risk of physical injury . . 1.5 Impact on quality of life . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Economic issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part 2. Initial evaluation, diagnosis, and risk stratication . . . . . 2.1 Initial evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.1 Diagnosis of syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.2 Aetiological diagnosis . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.1.3 Risk stratication . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2 Diagnostic tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.1 Carotid sinus massage . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.2 Orthostatic challenge . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Active standing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Tilt testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.3 Electrocardiographic monitoring (non-invasive and invasive) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . In-hospital monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Holter monitoring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Prospective external event recorders . . . . . . . . External loop recorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Implantable loop recorders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Remote (at home) telemetry . . . . . . . . . . . . . Classication of electrocardiographic recordings . Electrocardiographic monitoring in syncope where in the work-up? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.4 Electrophysiological study . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Suspected intermittent bradycardia . . . . . . . . . Syncope in patients with bundle branch block (impending high degree atrioventricular block) . . Suspected tachycardia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.5 Adenosine triphosphate test . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.6 Echocardiography and other imaging techniques . . . 2.2.7 Exercise stress testing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.8 Cardiac catheterization . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 3 4
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2.2.9 Psychiatric evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2.2.10 Neurological evaluation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Clinical conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neurological tests . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part 3. Treatment . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1 Treatment of reex syncope and orthostatic intolerance . 3.1.1 Reex syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Therapeutic options . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Individual conditions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.1.2 Orthostatic hypotension and orthostatic intolerance syndromes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2 Cardiac arrhythmias as primary cause . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.1 Sinus node dysfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.2 Atrioventricular conduction system disease . . . . . . . 3.2.3 Paroxysmal supraventricular and ventricular tachycardias . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.2.4 Implanted device malfunction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.3 Syncope secondary to structural cardiac or cardiovascular disease . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4 Unexplained syncope in patients with high risk of sudden cardiac death . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.1 Ischaemic and non-ischaemic cardiomyopathies . . . . 3.4.2 Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.3 Arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy/ dysplasia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3.4.4 Patients with primary electrical diseases . . . . . . . . . Part 4. Special issues . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.1 Syncope in the elderly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.2 Syncope in paediatric patients . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4.3 Driving and syncope . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Part 5. Organizational aspects . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.1 Management of syncope in general practice . . . . . . . . . 5.2 Management of syncope in the Emergency Department . 5.3 Syncope (T-LOC) Management Unit . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.1 Existing models of Syncope (T-LOC) Management Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5.3.2 Proposed model . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . References . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
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Documents can be found on the ESC Web Site (http://www In brief, experts in the eld are selected and undertake a comprehensive review of the published evidence for management and/ or prevention of a given condition. A critical evaluation of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures is performed, including assessment of the risk/benet ratio. Estimates of expected health outcomes for larger societies are included, where data exist. The level of evidence and the strength of recommendation of particular treatment options are weighed and graded according to predened scales, as outlined in Tables 1 and 2. The experts of the writing panels have provided disclosure statements of all relationships they may have which might be perceived as real or potential sources of conicts of interest. These disclosure forms are kept on le at the European Heart House Headquarters of the ESC. Any changes in conict of interest that arise during the writing period must be notied to the ESC. The Task Force (TF) report was entirely supported nancially by the ESC and was developed without any involvement of industry. The ESC Committee for Practice Guidelines (CPG) supervises and coordinates the preparation of new Guidelines and Expert Consensus Documents produced by TF expert groups or consensus panels. The Committee is also responsible for the endorsement process of these Guidelines and Expert Consensus Documents or statements. Once the document has been nalized and approved by all the experts involved in the TF, it is submitted to outside specialists for review. The document is revised, nally approved by the CPG,and subsequently published. After publication, dissemination of the message is of paramount importance. Pocket-sized versions and personal digital assistant (PDA)-downloadable versions are useful at the point of care. Some surveys have shown that the intended end-users are sometimes not aware of the existence of the guidelines, or simply do not translate them into practice; this is why implementation programmes for new guidelines form an important component of the dissemination of knowledge. Meetings are organized by the ESC and are directed towards its member national societies and key opinion leaders in Europe. Implementation meetings can also be undertaken at national levels, once the guidelines have been endorsed by ESC member societies and translated into the national language. Implementation programmes are needed because it has been shown that the outcome of disease may be favourably inuenced by thorough application of clinical recommendations. Thus, the task of writing Guidelines or Expert Consensus Documents covers not only the integration of the most recent research, but also the creation of educational tools and implementation programmes for the recommendations. The loop between clinical research, the writing of guidelines, and implementing them into clinical practice can then only be completed if surveys and registries are performed to verify that real-life daily practice is in keeping with what is recommended in the guidelines. Such surveys and registries also make it possible to evaluate the impact of implementation of the guidelines on patient outcomes. Guidelines and recommendations should help physicians to make decisions in their clinical practice; however, the ultimate judgement regarding the care of an individual patient must be made by the physician in charge of that patient.
carotid sinus syndrome corrected sinus node recovery time computed tomography dilated cardiomyopathy electrocardiogram/electrocardiographic Emergency Department electroencephalogram Evaluation of Guidelines in Syncope Study electrophysiological study European Society of Cardiology Falls and Syncope Service Food and Drug Administration heart failure hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy heart rate His-ventricle implantable cardioverter debrillator implantable loop recorder International Study on Syncope of Unknown Etiology left bundle branch block loss of consciousness left ventricular ejection fraction magnetic resonance imaging orthostatic hypotension physical counterpressure manoeuvre personal digital assistant postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome right bundle branch block sudden cardiac death Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Trial sinus node recovery time systemic vascular resistance supraventricular tachycardia transient ischaemic attack Task Force transient loss of consciousness ventricular tachycardia vasovagal syncope
Guidelines and Expert Consensus Documents summarize and evaluate all currently available evidence on a particular issue with the aim of assisting physicians in selecting the best management strategies for a typical patient, suffering from a given condition, taking into account the impact on outcome, as well as the risk/ benet ratio of particular diagnostic or therapeutic means. Guidelines are no substitutes for textbooks. The legal implications of medical guidelines have been previously discussed. A great number of Guidelines and Expert Consensus Documents have been issued in recent years by the European Society of Cardiology (ESC) as well as by other societies and organizations. Because of the impact on clinical practice, quality criteria for the development of guidelines have been established in order to make all decisions transparent to the user. The recommendations for formulating and issuing ESC Guidelines and Expert Consensus
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Table 1
Classes of recommendations
Table 2
Levels of evidence
The rst ESC Guidelines for the management of syncope, were published in 2001, and reviewed in 2004.1 In March 2008, the CPG considered that there were enough new data to justify production of new guidelines. There are two main aspects of this document that differentiate it from its predecessors. The rst is to stress the concept that there are two distinct reasons for evaluating patients with syncope: one is to identify the precise cause in order to address an effective mechanismspecic treatment; the other is to identify the specic risk to the patient, which frequently depends on the underlying disease rather than on the mechanism of syncope itself. The background is provided for physicians to avoid confounding these two concepts. The second aspect is to produce a comprehensive document which is addressed not only to cardiologists but to all physicians who are interested in the eld. In order to achieve this aim a
great number of other specialists were involved, as either full members, external contributors, or reviewers nominated by international societies of neurology, autonomic disease, internal medicine, emergency medicine, geriatrics, and general medicine. In total 76 specialists from different disciplines participated in this project. The most relevant changes are listed here: An update of the classication of syncope in the larger framework of transient loss of consciousness (T-LOC). New data on epidemiology. A new diagnostic approach focusing on risk stratication of sudden cardiac death (SCD) and cardiovascular events after initial evaluation, including some recommendations for treatment in patients with unexplained syncope at high risk. Emphasis on the increasing role of a diagnostic strategy based on prolonged monitoring in contrast to the conventional strategy based on laboratory testing. An update of evidence-based therapy.
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The literature on syncope investigation and treatment is largely composed of case series, cohort studies, or retrospective analyses of already existing data. The impact of these approaches on guiding therapy and reducing syncope recurrences is difcult to discern without randomization and blinding. Because of these issues, the panel performed full reviews of the literature on diagnostic tests but did not use predened criteria for selection of articles to be reviewed. This TF recognizes that for some of the recommendations related to diagnostic processes, controlled trials have never been performed. Consequently, some of these recommendations are based on brief observational studies, accepted clinical practice, expert consensus and sometimes common sense. In those cases, according to the current format of recommendations, a level of evidence C is given.
Part 1. Denitions, classication and pathophysiology, epidemiology, prognosis, impact on quality of life, and economic issues 1.1 Denitions
Syncope is a T-LOC due to transient global cerebral hypoperfusion characterized by rapid onset, short duration, and spontaneous complete recovery. This denition of syncope differs from others by including the cause of unconsciousness, i.e. transient global cerebral hypoperfusion. Without that addition, the denition of syncope becomes wide enough to include disorders such as epileptic seizures and concussion. In fact, the denition then becomes that of T-LOC, a term purposely meant to encompass all disorders characterized by self-limited loss of consciousness (LOC), irrespective of mechanism (Figure 1). By distinguishing both T-LOC and syncope, the present denition minimizes conceptual and diagnostic confusion. In the past, papers often did not dene syncope, or did so in different ways.2 Syncope was sometimes used for T-LOC, thus including epileptic seizures and even stroke in syncope. This source of confusion may still be found in the literature.3,4 In some forms of syncope there may be a prodromal period in which various symptoms (e.g. lightheadedness, nausea, sweating, weakness, and visual disturbances) warn that syncope is imminent. Often, however, LOC occurs without warning. An accurate estimate of the duration of spontaneous episodes is rarely obtained. Typical syncope is brief. Complete LOC in reex syncope lasts no longer than 20 s in duration. However, syncope may rarely be longer, even as much as several minutes.5 In such cases, the differential diagnosis between syncope and other causes of LOC can be difcult. Recovery from syncope is usually accompanied by almost immediate restoration of appropriate behaviour and orientation. Retrograde amnesia, although believed to be uncommon, may be more frequent than previously thought, particularly in older individuals. Sometimes the post-recovery period may be marked by fatigue.5
Figure 1 Context of transient loss of consciousness (T-LOC). SCD sudden cardiac death.
The adjective pre-syncopal is used to indicate symptoms and signs that occur before unconsciousness in syncope, so its meaning is literal when used in this context and making it a synonym of warning and prodromal. The noun pre-syncope or near-syncope is used often to describe a state that resembles the prodrome of syncope but which is not followed by LOC; doubts remain as to whether the mechanisms involved are the same as in syncope.
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Table 3
resembles other forms of T-LOC only in rare circumstances (e.g. excessive daytime sleepiness). Several disorders may resemble syncope in two different ways (Table 3). In some, consciousness is truly lost, but the mechanism is something other than global cerebral hypoperfusion. Examples are epilepsy, several metabolic disorders (including hypoxia and hypoglycaemia), intoxication, and vertebrobasilar transient ischaemic attack (TIA). In other disorders, consciousness is only apparently lost; this is the case in cataplexy, drop attacks, falls, psychogenic pseudosyncope, and TIA of carotid origin. In these cases, the differential diagnosis from syncope is usually evident, but sometimes may be difcult because of lack of history, misleading features, or confusion over the denition of syncope. This differentiation is important for the clinician being confronted by patients with sudden LOC (real or apparent), which may be due to causes not associated with decreased global cerebral blood ow such as seizure and/or conversion reaction.
A low or inadequate peripheral resistance can be due to inappropriate reex activity depicted in the next ring, causing vasodilatation and bradycardia manifesting as vasodepressor, mixed, or cardioinhibitory reex syncope, seen in the outer ring. Other causes of a low or inadequate peripheral resistance are functional and structural impairments of the autonomic nervous system (ANS) with drug-induced, primary and secondary autonomic
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between individual patients. In most cases the efferent pathway does not depend strongly on the nature of the trigger [e.g. both micturition syncope and vasovagal syncope (VVS) may present as cardioinhibitory or vasodepressor syncope]. Knowing the various triggers is clinically important, as recognizing them may be instrumental in diagnosing syncope: Vasovagal syncope (VVS), also known as the common faint, is mediated by emotion or by orthostatic stress. It is usually preceded by prodromal symptoms of autonomic activation (sweating, pallor, nausea). Situational syncope traditionally refers to reex syncope associated with some specic circumstances. Post-exercise syncope can occur in young athletes as a form of reex syncope as well as in middle-aged and elderly subjects as an early manifestation of ANF before they experience typical OH. Carotid sinus syncope deserves special mention. In its rare spontaneous form it is triggered by mechanical manipulation of the carotid sinuses. In the more common form no mechanical trigger is found and it is diagnosed by carotid sinus massage (CSM).8 The term atypical form is used to describe those situations in which reex syncope occurs with uncertain or even apparently absent triggers. The diagnosis then rests less on history taking alone, and more on the exclusion of other causes of syncope (absence of structural heart disease) and on reproducing similar symptoms with tilt testing. Such less clear presentations may overlap with clear-cut occurrences within patients. The classical form of VVS usually starts in young subjects as an isolated episode and is distinct from other forms, frequently with an atypical presentation, starting in old age often associated with cardiovascular or neurological disorders possibly displaying orthostatic or post-prandial hypotension. In these latter forms, reex syncope appears as an expression of a pathological process, mainly related to impairment of the ANS to activate compensatory reexes, so there is an overlap with ANF.9 A comparison with other conditions causing syncope in the standing position is presented in Table 5. Orthostatic hypotension and orthostatic intolerance syndromes In contrast to reex syncope, in ANF sympathetic efferent activity is chronically impaired so that vasoconstriction is decient. Upon standing, BP falls and syncope or pre-syncope occurs. OH is dened as an abnormal decrease in systolic BP upon standing. Strictly from a pathophysiological point of view there is no overlap between reex syncope and ANF, but the clinical manifestations of the two conditions frequently overlap, sometimes making differential diagnosis difcult. Orthostatic intolerance refers to symptoms and signs in the upright position due to a circulatory abnormality. Syncope is one symptom, and others are: (i) dizziness/ lightheadedness, pre-syncope; (ii) weakness, fatigue, lethargy; (iii) palpitations, sweating; (iv) visual disturbances (including blurring, enhanced brightness, tunnel vision); (v) hearing disturbances (including impaired hearing, crackles, and tinnitus); and (vi) pain in the neck (occipital/paracervical and shoulder region), low back pain, or precordial pain.10,11
Figure 2 Pathophysiological basis of the classication (see text). ANF autonomic nervous failure; ANS autonomic nervous system; BP blood pressure; low periph. resist. low peripheral resistance; OH orthostatic hypotension.
failure (ANF) in the outer ring. In ANF, sympathetic vasomotor pathways are unable to increase total peripheral vascular resistance in response to the upright position. Gravitational stress, in combination with vasomotor failure, results in venous pooling of blood below the diaphragm, causing a decrease in venous return and consequently in CO. The causes of transient low CO are 3-fold. The rst is a reex causing bradycardia, known as cardioinhibitory type of reex syncope. The second is cardiovascular causes, due to arrhythmia and structural disease including pulmonary embolism/hypertension. The third is inadequate venous return, due to volume depletion or venous pooling. The three nal mechanisms, reex, secondary to orthostatic hypotension (OH), and cardiovascular, are shown outside the rings in Figure 2; reex syncope and OH span the two main pathophysiological categories. Reex syncope (neurally mediated syncope) Reex syncope traditionally refers to a heterogeneous group of conditions in which cardiovascular reexes that are normally useful in controlling the circulation become intermittently inappropriate, in response to a trigger, resulting in vasodilatation and/ or bradycardia and thereby in a fall in arterial BP and global cerebral perfusion.7 Reex syncope is usually classied based on the efferent pathway most involved, i.e. sympathethic or parasympathetic. The term vasodepressor type is commonly used if hypotension, due to a loss of upright vasoconstrictor tone, predominates. Cardioinhibitory is used when bradycardia or asystole predominate, and mixed is used if both mechanisms are present. Reex syncope may also be classied based on its trigger, i.e. the afferent pathway (Table 4). It must be recognized that this is a simplication, because many different mechanisms can be present in the context of a specic situation, such as micturition or defaecation syncope. The triggering situations vary considerably in and
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CO cardiac output; CSS carotid sinus syndrome; OH orthostatic hypotension; POTS postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome; SBP systolic blood pressure; SVR systemic vascular resistance; VVS vasovagal syncope.
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Figure 3 A case of initial orthostatic hypotension (left panel) and of classical orthostatic hypotension (right panel). In the left panel obtained in an otherwise healthy 17-year-old teenager with complaints of severe transient lightheadedness upon active standing, a pronounced initial fall in BP is observed. The nadir is at 7 10 s and followed by recovery of BP. The tracing on the right is obtained in a 47-year-old male with pure ANF. BP starts to fall immediately after standing to very low levels after 1 min upright with little increase in HR despite the hypotension.12,13 ANF autonomic failure; BP blood pressure; HR heart rate; b.p.m. beats per minute.
Various clinical syndromes of orthostatic intolerance are given in Table 5. Among these, the forms of reex syncope in which orthostatic stress is the main trigger are also included. Classical OH is a physical sign dened as a decrease in systolic BP 20 mmHg and in diastolic BP 10 mmHg within 3 min of standing12 (Figure 3), described in patients with pure ANF, hypovolaemia, or other forms of ANF. Initial OH13 is characterized by a BP decrease immediately on standing of . 40 mmHg.13 BP then spontaneously and rapidly returns to normal, so the period of hypotension and symptoms is short ( , 30 s) (Figure 3). Delayed (progressive) OH14 16 is not uncommon in elderly persons. It is attributed to age-related impairment of compensatory reexes and stiffer hearts in the elderly sensitive to a decrease in preload.16 Delayed OH is characterized by a slow progressive decrease in systolic BP on assuming erect posture. The absence of a bradycardiac reex (vagal) differentiates delayed OH from reex syncope. Delayed OH may, however, be followed by reex bradycardia, where, in the elderly, the fall in BP is less steep than in the young (Figure 4). Postural orthostatic tachycardia syndrome (POTS). Some patients, mostly young women, present with severe complaints of orthostatic intolerance, but not syncope, with very marked heart rate (HR) increases [ . 30 beats per minute (b.p.m.) or to . 120 b.p.m.] and instability of BP.17 POTS is frequently associated with chronic fatigue syndrome. The underlying pathophysiology remains to be determined.
Figure 4 Reex syncope (mixed form) induced by tilt testing in a 31-year-old (upper panel) and in a 69-year-old patient (lower panel). Note the typical age differences with a much steeper fall in BP in the younger subject compared with the older subject (revised after Verheyden et al. 16). BP blood pressure; HR heart rate; b.p.m. beats per minute. Cardiac syncope (cardiovascular) Arrhythmia Arrhythmias are the most common cardiac causes of syncope. They induce haemodynamic impairment, which can cause a critical decrease in CO and cerebral blood ow. Nonetheless, syncope often has multiple contributory factors, including HR, type of arrhythmia (supraventricular or ventricular), left ventricular function, posture, and adequacy of vascular compensation. The latter include baroreceptor neural reexes as well as responses to OH induced by the arrhythmia.18,19 Regardless of such contributing effects, when an arrhythmia is the primary cause of syncope, it should be specically treated. In intrinsic sick sinus syndrome, the sinoatrial node is damaged, because of either abnormal automaticity or sinoatrial conduction abnormalities. In this situation syncope is due to long pauses caused by sinus arrest or sinoatrial block and a failure of escape mechanism. These pauses are most frequently encountered when an atrial tachyarrhythmia suddenly stops (brady-tachy syndrome).19 As a rule, the more severe forms of acquired atrioventricular (AV) block (Mobitz II block, high grade, and complete AV block) are most closely related to syncope. In these cases, the
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cardiac rhythm may become dependent on subsidiary or escape (often unreliable) pacemaker sites. Syncope occurs because the delay before these pacemakers begin to re is long. In addition these subsidiary pacemaker sites typically have relatively slow rates (25 40 b.p.m.). Bradycardia also prolongs repolarization and predisposes to polymorphic ventricular tachycardia (VT), especially of the torsade de pointes type. Syncope or near-syncope occurs at the onset of paroxysmal tachycardia, before vascular compensation develops.18,19 Consciousness is, in general, restored before tachycardia terminates. If haemodynamics remain inadequate due to tachycardia, unconsciousness is maintained. Recovery is then not spontaneous, no longer classied as syncope, and constitutes cardiac arrest. Several drugs can cause brady- and tachyarrhythmias. Many antiarrhythmic drugs can cause bradycardia as a consequence of their specic effect on sinus node function or AV conduction. Syncope due to torsade de pointes is not uncommon, especially in women, and is caused by drugs prolonging the QT interval. It is particulary frequent in patients affected by the long QT syndrome. QT-prolonging drugs belong to different categories, i.e. antiarrhythmics, vasodilators, psychotropics, antimicrobials, non-sedating antihistamines, etc. Much has been learned about the inherited long QT syndrome through the collection of data in an international registry. Far less is known about the drug-induced syndrome because of the absence of a comprehensive database. Only 1% of serious adverse reactions to drugs are ever reported to the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).20,21 Owing to the wide variety of these drugs and the need for continuous updating, this TF recommends accessing a dedicated website ( Structural disease Structural cardiovascular diseases can cause syncope when circulatory demands outweigh the impaired ability of the heart to increase its output. Table 4 lists the most frequent cardiovascular diseases that can cause syncope. Syncope is of great concern when it is associated with conditions in which there is xed or dynamic obstruction to left ventricular outow. The basis for the faint is inadequate blood ow due to mechanical obstruction. Nonetheless, in several cases, syncope is not solely the result of restricted CO, but may be in part due to an inappropriate reex or OH. For instance, in the setting of valvular aortic stenosis, syncope is not solely the result of restricted CO, but may be in part due to inappropriate reex vasodilation and/or primary cardiac arrhythmia. Furthermore, arrhythmias, particularly atrial brillation, are frequently important causes of faint. Thus, the mechanism of syncope may be multifactorial. To recognize the heart as the cause of the problem is justied by the need to correct the underlying structural disease, when possible.
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have a form of VVS.22,23 There is a very high prevalence of rst faints in patients between 10 and 30 years, with a peak of 47% in females and 31% in males around the age of 15.24,25 Reex syncope is by far the most common cause. In contrast, the frequency of epileptic seizures in a similar young age group is much lower ( , 1%) and syncope from cardiac arrhythmia is even less common.26 In a cohort study, only 5% of adults in the community have a rst syncope over the age of 40 years. The majority have experienced reex-mediated episodes as teenagers and adolescents.26 Finally, there appears to be a peak above the age of 65 years in both males and females. In the Framingham study the incidence of syncope shows a sharp rise after the age of 70 years, from 5.7 events per 1000 person-years in men aged 60 69, to 11.1 in men aged 70 79.3,26 However, in older adults and elderly subjects ( . 60 years) the lifetime cumulative incidence of syncope becomes increasingly difcult to obtain due to recollection bias of fainting episodes decades ago.26,27
1.3 Epidemiology
1.3.1 Prevalence of syncope in the general population
Syncope is common in the general population and the rst episode presents at characteristic ages (Figure 5). About 1% of toddlers may
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range 20 96 years) with an episode of LOC reported that they did not seek medical advice.3 The proportion of patients not seeking medical evaluation in the younger population is much higher.25,26 In The Netherlands the prevalence of the complaint of fainting in general practice is estimated at 9.3 per 1000 encounter-years.26,28 Recent studies report a remarkably constant frequency of syncope in community-based Emergency Departments (EDs) in Europe, with an incidence of 1% of all attendances (range 0.9 1.7%).29 35
1.4 Prognosis
With regard to the prognosis (i.e. risk stratication) associated with syncope, two important elements should be considered: (i) risk of death and life-threatening events; and (ii) risk of recurrence of syncope and physical injury.
with permission). ED
Recurrent syncope has serious effects on quality of life. The physical impairment due to syncope is comparable with chronic illnesses such as chronic arthritis, recurrent moderate depressive disorders, and end-stage renal disease.57 59 In
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Table 6 Frequency of the causes of syncope in general population, Emergency Department and specialized clinical settings from some recent studies
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patients with frequent recurrent syncope, psychosocial impairment had an estimated average adverse impact on 33% of the assessed aspects of daily life. Syncope reduces mobility, usual abilities, and self-caring, and increases depression, pain, and discomfort. Female gender, high level of co-morbidity, number of episodes of syncope, and presence of pre-syncope seemed to be associated with poorer quality of life. Finally, it should be stressed that, while syncope occurs intermittently, its threat of recurrence continuously impairs quality of life. Although quality of life usually improves over time, it remains poor, especially in older age due to recurrences and higher level of co-morbidity.60
Table 7
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Table 8 Risk stratication at initial evaluation in prospective population studies including a validation cohort
This table shows several different studies that have analysed the impact of different clinical data on the follow-up of patients presenting with syncope. Overall, the presence of abnormal ECG, increased age, or data suggestive of heart disease imply a worse prognosis at 12 year follow-up a Nausea/vomiting b Warm-crowded place/ prolonged orthostasis/fear pain emotion. ECG electrocardiogram
Part 2. Initial evaluation, diagnosis, and risk stratication 2.1 Initial evaluation
The initial evaluation of a patient presenting with T-LOC consists of careful history, physical examination, including orthostatic BP measurements, and electrocardiogram (ECG). Based on these ndings, additional examinations may be performed: CSM in patients . 40 years. Echocardiogram when there is previous known heart disease or data suggestive of structural heart disease or syncope secondary to cardiovascular cause. Immediate ECG monitoring when there is a suspicion of arrhythmic syncope. Orthostatic challenge (lying-to-standing orthostatic test and/or head-up tilt testing) when syncope is related to the standing position or there is a suspicion of a reex mechanism. Other less specic tests such as neurological evaluation or blood tests are only indicated when there is suspicion of nonsyncopal T-LOC. The initial evaluation should answer three key questions: (1) Is it a syncopal episode or not? (2) Has the aetiological diagnosis been determined?
(3) Are there data suggestive of a high risk of cardiovascular events or death?
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results in an abnormal response. A ventricular pause lasting . 3 s and/or a fall in systolic BP of . 50 mmHg denes carotid sinus hypersensitivity (CSH). When associated with spontaneous syncope, CSH denes CSS. Precise methodology and results of CSM are reported in the previous guidelines on syncope.1 Diagnosis of CSS requires the reproduction of spontaneous symptoms during 10 s sequential right and left CSM performed supine and erect, under continuous monitoring of HR and periodic measurement of BP, permitting better evaluation of the vasodepressor component.74 In up to 30% of patients, an abnormal reex is present only in the upright position. It should be stressed that CSH is a common nding in older male individuals,8 but patients with CSS are more unusual.75 CSS is exceptional in patients , 40 years old.74
Table 9
considered diagnostic of the cause of syncope, permiting no further evaluation and institution of treatment. In many other situations, the ndings of initial evaluation do not permit a denite diagnosis to be made, but suggest some causes (Table 10). In these cases, additional testing is usually needed.
The relationship between abnormal response to CSM and syncope is a crucial point that has been studied by two different methods. The rst was a pre post comparison of the recurrence rate of syncope after pacing. Nonrandomized studies demonstrated fewer recurrences at follow-up in patients implanted than in patients without
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ARVC arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; AV atrioventricular; LBBB left bundle branch block; OH orthostatic hypotension; RBBB right bundle branch block; VT ventricular tachycardia.
pacing, and these results were conrmed by two randomized trials.76,77 The second method was to analyse the occurrence of asystolic episodes registered in patients with cardioinhibitory response to CSM by an implanted device. In the two trials that employed this methodology, recordings of long pauses were very common.78,79 These results suggest that a positive response to CSM in patients with syncope is highly predictive of the occurrence of spontaneous asystolic episodes. The main complications of CSM are neurological. Pooling the data of three studies74,80,81 in which 7319 patients were analysed, neurological complications were observed in 21 (0.29%). CSM
Class of recommendation. Level of evidence. BP blood pressure; CSM carotid sinus massage; TIA transient ischaemic attack.
should be avoided in patients with previous TIA, stroke within the past 3 months, or with carotid bruits, except if carotid Doppler studies excluded signicant stenosis.80
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ARVC arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; b.p.m. beats per minute; LBBB left bundle branch block; LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction; RBBB right bundle branch block; SCD sudden cardiac death; VT ventricular tachycardia. Tilt testing Background Tilt testing enables the reproduction of a neurally mediated reex in laboratory settings. Blood pooling and decrease in venous return due to orthostatic stress and immobilization trigger the reex. The nal effect, hypotension and usually concomitant HR slowing, is related to impaired vasoconstrictor capability followed by sympathetic withdrawal and vagal overactivity. The clinical situation corresponding to tilt testing is reex syncope triggered by prolonged standing. However, this test can also be positive in patients with other forms of reex syncope83 and in patients with sick sinus syndrome.84 Methodology Tilt testing was introduced into clinical evaluation of patients with syncope of unknown origin by Kenny et al. in 1986.85 Since then, many protocols have been reported with variations in the initial stabilization phase, duration, tilt angle, type of support, and different pharmacological provocation. The sensitivity and specicity of different protocols are described in detail in different reviews.1,86 The most commonly used protocols are the low-dose intravenous isoproterenol test, which uses incremental doses in order to increase average HR by 20 25% over baseline (usually 3 mg/min)87 and the protocol using 300 400 mg of sublingual nitroglycerine after a 20 min unmedicated phase.88 In older patients omission of the passive phase and commencing the test with nitroglycerine may be effective and improve compliance.89 Both protocols have a similar rate of positive responses (61 69%), with a high specicity (92 94%). Patients should be fasted for 4 h prior to the test. Due to the need for venous cannulation Active standing This test is used to diagnose different types of orthostatic intolerance; see section and Table 5. The sphygmomanometer is adequate for routine clinical testing because of its ubiquity and simplicity. Automatic arm-cuff devices, as they are programmed to repeat and conrm measurements when discrepant values are recorded, may be a disadvantage due to the rapidly falling BP during OH. With a sphygmomanometer more than four measurements per minute cannot be obtained without venous obstruction in the arm. When more frequent values are required continuous beat-to-beat non-invasive BP measurement can be used.
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in the isoproterenol protocol a pre-tilt phase of stabilization of 20 min is required, whereas with sublingual nitroglycerine the pre-tilt phase can be shortened to 5 min. Indications. In most studies the main indication for tilt testing has been to conrm a diagnosis of reex syncope in patients in whom this diagnosis was suspected but not conrmed by initial evaluation.85 89 Tilt testing is not usually needed in patients whose reex syncope is already diagnosed by clinical history and in patients with single or rare syncope unless special situations (e.g. injury, anxiety, occupational implications such as aircraft pilots, etc.). In patients with a high risk prole for cardiovascular events or with data suggestive of arrhythmic syncope, tilt testing has been reported to be useful when a cardiovascular cause has been reasonably excluded by a comprehensive evaluation. In patients with T-LOC associated with jerking movements tilt testing has been demonstrated to be helpful in discriminating syncope from epilepsy.90 Tilt testing has been used in patients with frequent episodes of T-LOC and suspicion of psychiatric problems, even with traumatic injury, to investigate the reex nature of the syncope.91 Similarly, tilt testing has been used in the elderly in order to distinguish syncope from falls.92 The pattern of response to tilt testing has recently been used to discriminate pure reex syncope from non-classical forms of delayed OH (see Table 5).14 Tilt testing has no value in assessing the treatment efcacy.93 However tilt table testing is widely accepted as a useful tool to demonstrate susceptibility of the patient to reex syncope, and thereby to initiate treatment (e.g. physical manoeuvres, see Part 3).94 96 Responses to tilt testing. The endpoint of tilt testing is the induction of either reex hypotension/bradycardia or delayed OH associated with syncope or pre-syncope. When a reex is induced, according to the predominance of vasodepressor or cardioinhibitory components, the responses have been classied as cardioinhibitory, vasodepressor, or mixed.97 A negative tilt table response does not exclude the diagnosis of reex syncope. The clinical signicance of the type of response to tilt testing in predicting the behaviour of BP and HR during spontaneous syncope has recently been questioned.98,99 Some studies have compared the response to tilt testing with spontaneous syncope recorded by implantable loop recorder (ILR). While a positive cardioinhibitory response to tilt testing predicts with a high probability an asystolic spontaneous syncope, the presence of a positive vasodepressor or mixed response or even a negative response does not exclude the presence of asystole during spontaneous syncope.98,99 Complications and contraindications. Tilt testing is safe. There have been no reported deaths during the test. However, some rare life-threatening ventricular arrhythmias with isoproterenol in the presence of ischaemic heart disease100 or sick sinus syndrome101 have been reported. No complications have been published with the use of nitroglycerine. Minor side effects are common and include palpitations with isoproterenol and headache with nitroglycerine. Atrial brillation can be induced during or after a positive tilt test and is usually self-limited.102 Despite the low risk, it is recommended that resuscitation equipment should available. Contraindications to the administration of isoproterenol include ischaemic heart disease, uncontrolled hypertension, left ventricular outow tract obstruction, and signicant aortic stenosis. Caution should be used in patients with known arrhythmias.
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Class of recommendation. Level of evidence. BP blood pressure; CSM carotid sinus massage; HR heart rate; LOC loss of consciousness; OH orthostatic hypotension; TIA transient ischaemic attack; mg micrograms.
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can be useful in the investigation of patients with palpitations,113 they have no role in the evaluation of syncope. External loop recorders These devices have a loop memory that continuously records and deletes ECG. When activated by the patient, typically after a symptom has occurred, 515 min of pre-activation ECG is stored and can be retrieved for analysis. They are connected to the patient through cutaneous patch electrodes. Previous studies gave conicting results about the usefulness of external loop recorders: one study showed that external retrospective loop recorders allowed ECG documentation of syncope in up to 25% of enrolled patients114 monitored for 1 month, whereas in another115 external loop recorders were not useful. A recent study found that external loop recorders had an increased diagnostic yield, when compared with Holter monitoring.116 However, since patients usually do not comply for more than a few weeks, symptomECG correlation cannot be achieved when syncope recurrence is infrequent. Implantable loop recorders ILRs are implanted subcutaneously under local anaesthesia and have a battery life of up to 36 months. These devices have a solid-state loop memory that stores retrospective ECG recordings, when activated either by the patient or a bystander, usually after a syncopal episode,103,104 or automatically activated in the case of occurrence of predened arrhythmias.105 107 Some of these devices have the capability of transmitting the signals transtelephonically. Advantages of ILRs include continuous loop high-delity ECG recording. Disadvantages include: the need for a minor surgical procedure, the fact that sometimes it can be difcult to differentiate between supraventricular or ventricular arrhythmias, the presence of under- or oversensing that may ll the memory, and the high cost of the implantable device. The ILR has a high initial cost. However, if symptomECG correlation can be achieved in a substantial number of patients during the active life of the device, then analysis of the cost per symptom ECG yield has shown than the implanted device may be more cost-effective than a strategy using conventional investigation.117,118 In the initial experience, ILRs were used for diagnosis in patients with unexplained syncope at the end of complete negative work-up. In a small series of highly selected patients, symptomECG correlation was achieved in 88% of patients within a mean of 5 months of implantation.103 Pooled data from nine studies,103,104,108,119 124 including 506 patients with unexplained syncope at the end of a complete conventional investigation, show that a correlation between syncope and ECG was found in 176 patients (35%); of these, 56% had asystole (or bradycardia in a few cases) at the time of the recorded event, 11% had tachycardia and 33% had no arrhythmia. In pooled data from seven studies104,108,119 123 pre-syncope was much less likely to be associated with an arrhythmia than syncope. These data suggest that in the absence of a documented arrhythmia pre-syncope cannot be considered a surrogate for syncope; in contrast, the documentation of a signicant arrhythmia at the time of pre-syncope can be considered a diagnostic nding.
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Patients in whom epilepsy was suspected but the treatment has proven ineffective.90 Patients who have suspected recurrent neurally mediated syncope when the understanding of the mechanism of spontaneous syncope may alter the therapeutic approach.110 Patients with bundle branch block (BBB) in whom paroxysmal AV block is likely despite negative complete electrophysiological evaluation.120 Patients with denite structural heart disease and/or nonsustained ventricular tachyarrhythmia in whom a ventricular tachyarrhythmia is likely despite a negative complete electrophysiological study (EPS).119 Patients with unexplained falls.125 Remote (at home) telemetry Most recently, external and implantable device systems that are able to provide continuous ECG recording or 24 h loop memory, with wireless transmission (real time) to a service centre, have been developed. Daily and warning reports for predened events are sent from the centre to the physician. Initial data showed that a mobile cardiac outpatient telemetry system had a higher diagnostic yield than a patient-activated external looping event monitor in patients with syncope or pre-syncope.126 The potential role of these systems in the diagnostic work-up of patients with syncope needs to be further evaluated. Classication of electrocardiographic recordings Because of the heterogeneity of ndings and the wide variety of rhythm disturbances recorded with an ILR at the time of syncope, the International Study on Syncope of Unknown Etiology (ISSUE) investigators have proposed a classication aimed to group the observations into homogeneous patterns in order to dene an acceptable standard useful for future studies and clinical practice.127 This classication divided ECG recordings into four groups according to the main rhythm change and the suggested mechanism of syncope (Table 12). Electrocardiographic monitoring in syncope where in the work-up? The role of ECG monitoring cannot be dened in isolation. Physicians will be guided by the results of initial evaluation. In some situations, where the clinical evidence strongly suggests a diagnosis of reex syncope, and especially when syncope occurs occasionally, ECG monitoring may be deemed unnecessary. In those patients with frequent symptoms or in those in whom arrhythmic syncope is suspected, but who are not at high risk, an ILR can be useful. In the initial experience, ILRs were used as last resort in the evaluation of syncope after all investigations were negative. In one study,128 60 patients with unexplained syncope were randomized to conventional strategy consisting of an external loop recorder, tilt testing, and EPS or to prolonged monitoring with an ILR. The results were that a strategy of implantation of an ILR initially in the work-up was more likely to provide a diagnosis than the conventional strategy (52 vs. 20%). However, patients at high risk of life-threatening arrhythmias, as well as those with a left ventricular ejection fraction (LVEF) , 35%, were excluded. According to these data and due to the limited diagnostic value of tilt testing,98,99 adenosine triphosphate (ATP) test,99,129 EPS,119,120 and short-term ECG monitoring (Holter,
Class of recommendation. Level of evidence. AV atrioventricular; ECG electrocardiogram; ILR implantable loopr recorder; SVT supraventricular tachyradia; VT ventricular tachycardia.
There are several areas of interest other than unexplained syncope in which ILRs have been investigated:
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Table 12 Classication of ECG recordings obtained with ILR, with their probable-related mechanism (adapted from ISSUE classication)
AV atrioventricular; b.p.m. beats per minute; ECG electrocardiographic; HR heart rate; ILR implantable loop recorder; ISSUE International Study on Syncope of Unknown Etiology; SVT supraventricular tachycardia; VT ventricular tachycardia.
external loop recorder), it appears that early use of an ILR in the diagnostic work-up might become the reference standard to be adopted when an arrhythmic cause of syncope is suspected but not sufciently proven to allow treatment based on aetiology. Future technology may allow recording of multiple signals in addition to the ECG and will place emphasis on the features occurring during spontaneous syncope, rather than provoked syncope. For this reason it is likely that implantable monitors will become increasingly emphasized in syncope and that their use will be anticipated in the diagnostic work-up instead or before many other conventional investigations. However, in patients with important structural heart disease that expose them to a high risk of lifethreatening arrhythmias, the implantation of an implantable cardioverter debrillator (ICD) or an EPS preceding the use of ECG monitoring systems should be performed. Although the documentation of a bradyarrhythmia concurrent with syncope is considered diagnostic, further evaluation may sometimes be necessary in order to discriminate between an intrinsic cardiac abnormality and a reex mechanism, the latter being the most frequent cause of paroxysmal bradyarrhythmia in patients without structural heart disease and normal ECG.
In an overview of eight studies including 625 patients with syncope undergoing EPS,130 it was shown that positive results occurred predominantly in patients with structural heart disease. Sensitivity and specicity of EPS in general are not good. For a complete review of this topic please refer to previous guidelines.1 In addition, in recent years the development of powerful noninvasive methods, i.e. prolonged monitoring, showing a higher diagnostic value has decreased the importance of EPS as a diagnostic test. Moreover, EPS is no longer indicated in the setting of patients with severely depressed LVEF, because in these cases there is general consensus that ICD implantation should be performed regardless of mechanism of syncope, as discussed elsewhere in this document. In clinical practice, data from some registries show that nowadays 2% of patients with unexplained syncope evaluated by cardiologists undergo EPS and even fewer if they are evaluated by other specialists.27,31,36,40,56,131 Nevertheless, this test still remains useful for diagnosis in specic clinical situations listed below. Suspected intermittent bradycardia The pre-test probability of syncope-related bradycardia is relatively high when there is asymptomatic sinus bradycardia ( , 50 b.p.m.) or sinoatrial block, usually documented by 12-lead ECG or ECG monitoring. The prognostic value of a prolonged sinus node recovery time (SNRT) is not well dened. An abnormal response is dened as
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1.6 or 2 s for SNRT or 525 ms for corrected sinus node recovery time (CSNRT).132,133 One observational study, however, showed a relationship between the presence of prolonged SNRT at EPS and the effect of pacing on symptoms. Another small prospective study showed that patients with a CSNRT 800 ms had an eight times higher risk of syncope than patients with a CSNRT below this value.134 Syncope in patients with bundle branch block (impending high degree atrioventricular block) Patients with BBB are at higher risk of developing high degree AV block. Two factors were shown to increase the risk of AV block in BBB patients: a history of syncope and a prolonged His-ventricular (HV) interval. The risk of developing AV block increased from 2% in patients without syncope to 17% in patients with syncope during 42 months follow-up.135 The progression rate to AV block at 4 years was 4, 12, and 24%, respectively, for patients with an HV interval , 55 ms (normal), 70 ms and 100 ms.136 The development of intra- or infra-His block on incremental atrial pacing is highly predictive of impending AV block, but has low sensitivity. The development of intra- or infra-His block with pharmacological challenge by class I antiarrhythmic drugs predicts the subsequent development of spontaneous AV block with higher sensitivity. The prognostic value of a pharmacologically prolonged HV interval to a value of 120 ms without induction of AV block is uncertain. On the other hand, about one-third of patients with negative EPS in whom an ILR was implanted developed intermittent or permanent AV block on follow-up.120 Thus EPS has a low sensitivity and specity. In pooled data from nine studies (1761 patients) the total mortality was 28% at 40 months; 32% of deaths were sudden.1 However, neither syncope nor prolonged HV interval were associated with a higher risk of death, and pacemaker therapy did not decrease this risk.135 In conclusion, prolonged HV interval or induction of AV block by pacing or by pharmacological stress identies a group of patients at higher risk of developing AV block in follow-up, but the absence of abnormal ndings does not exclude the development of AV block. Suspected tachycardia In patients with syncope preceded by sudden-onset brief palpitations suggesting SVT, an EPS may be indicated in order to assess the exact mechanism especially when a curative catheter ablation procedure can be performed. In patients with previous myocardial infarction and preserved LVEF, induction of sustained monomorphic VT is strongly predictive of the cause of syncope,137 whereas the induction of ventricular brillation is considered a non-specic nding.138 The absence of induction of ventricular arrhythmias identies a group of patients at lower risk of arrhythmic syncope.139 The role of EPS and the use of pharmacological challenge by class I antiarrhythmic drugs in patients with syncope and suspected Brugada syndrome is controversial.52 In a meta-analysis of worldwide published data, concerning 1036 patients, in 54% of whom VT or ventricular brillation had been induced by premature
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ventricular stimulation, no difference in outcome was observed in 34 months follow-up.140 Recommendations: electrophysiological study
Class of recommendation. Level of evidence. ARVC arrhythmogenic right ventricular cardiomyopathy; BBB bundle branch block; CSNRT corrected sinus node recovery time; DCM dilated cardiomyopathy; EPS electrophysiological study; ICD implantable cardioverter debrillator; HV His-ventricle; SVT supraventricular tachycardia; VT ventricular tachycardia.
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These two situations should be considered separately. Indeed, syncope occurring during exercise may be due to cardiac causes (even if some case reports showed that it might be a manifestation of an exaggerated reex vasodilatation), whereas syncope occurring after exercise is almost invariably due to a reex mechanism. Tachycardia-related exercise-induced second and third degree AV block has been shown to be located distal to the AV node and predicts progression to permanent AV block. Resting ECG frequently shows intraventricular conduction abnormalities.141 There are no data supporting an indication for exercise testing in a general population with syncope. Recommendations: exercise testing
endogenous adenosine release in triggering some forms of syncope due to otherwise unexplained paroxysmal AV block (the so-called adenosine-sensitive syncope) remains under investigation. Recommendations: adenosine triphosphate test
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terms are inconsistent with the denition of syncope because there is no cerebral hypoperfusion in functional T-LOC. The basic difference between functional T-LOC and what it resembles is the absence of a somatic mechanism: in pseudoepilepsy there is no epileptiform brain activity, and in pseudosyncope BP and HR are not low, and the electroencephalogram (EEG) does not show delta activity or attening during the attack. The frequency of such attacks is not known, as they vary with the setting. Functional T-LOC mimicking epilepsy occurs in 15 20% of cases in specialized epilepsy clinics and in up to 6% in syncope clinics.142 Diagnosis Pseudosyncope usually lasts longer than syncope: patients may lie on the oor for many minutes; 15 min is not exceptional. Other clues are a high frequency including numerous attacks in a day, and lack of a recognizable trigger. Injury does not exclude functional T-LOC: trauma occurred in . 50% in pseudoseizures. The eyes are usually open in epileptic seizures and syncope but are usually closed in functional T-LOC. Documenting attacks is very helpful; parameters to assess are posture and muscle tone (video recording or neurological investigation), BP, HR, and EEG. The latter is feasible as functional disorders are prone to suggestion, allowing a near certain diagnosis.142 During tilt testing, the combination of apparent unconsciousness with loss of motor control, normal BP, HR, and EEG rules out syncope and most forms of epilepsy. Proving the nature of attacks is useful in conrming the diagnosis. Announcing a psychogenic diagnosis to patients may be difcult, but, without it, referral may be impossible. A psychological explanation may imply to patients that they are personally responsible or that they fake attacks on purpose. Patients see their attacks as involuntary, as they probably are. Stressing that attacks are as involuntary as syncope or an epileptic seizure avoids stigmatization, avoids counterproductive clashes, and provides a therapeutic opening. Recommendations: psychiatric evaluation
ESC Guidelines Clinical conditions Autonomic failure In ANF the ANS cannot cope with physiological demands, which is expressed as OH. Post-exercise hypotension, a related condition, concerns hypotension directly following the cessation of physical exercise. There are three categories of ANF. Primary ANF comprises degenerative neurological disease such as pure ANF, multiple system atrophy, Parkinsons disease, and Lewy body dementia.143 Secondary ANF involves autonomic damage by other diseases, such as diabetes mellitus, amyloidosis, and various polyneuropathies.143 Drug-induced OH is the most frequent cause of OH; drugs commonly causing OH are antihypertensives, diuretics, tricyclic antidepressives, phenothiazines, and alcohol. While in primary and secondary ANF the dysfunction is due to structural damage to the ANS system (either central or peripheral), in drug-induced OH the failure is functional. Neurological evaluation should be considered in primary ANF. Warning signs are early impotence and disturbed micturition, and later Parkinsonism and ataxia. Referral in secondary ANF and in drug-induced OH depends on which physician treats the underlying disease. Cerebrovascular disorders Subclavian steal refers to rerouting of blood ow to the arm through the vertebral artery due to stenosis or occlusion of the subclavian artery. TIA may occur when ow through the vertebral artery cannot supply both the arm and part of the brain, during forceful use of the arm. Steal most often affects the left side. When detected with ultrasound, steal is asymptomatic in 64%.144 A TIA is only likely to be due to steal when it is vertebrobasilar (see below) and associated with exercise of one arm. There are no reliable reports of isolated LOC without focal neurological symptoms and signs in subclavian steal. TIA related to a carotid artery does not cause T-LOC. When almost all cerebral arteries are occluded, transient obstruction of the remaining vessel subtending a large portion of the brain may extremely rarely affect consciousness only in the standing position. Moreover, focal neurological signs are much more prevalent. TIA of the vertebrobasilar system can cause LOC, but there are always focal signs, usually limb weakness, gait and limb ataxia, oculomotor palsies, and oropharyngeal dysfunction. For all practical purposes a TIA concerns a focal decit without LOC, and syncope the opposite. Migraine Syncope occurs more often in patients with migraine, who have a higher lifetime prevalence of syncope and often frequent syncope.145 Syncopal and migraine attacks do not usually occur together in these patients. Epilepsy Epilepsy can cause T-LOC: patients are non-responsive, fall, and later have amnesia. This only occurs in tonic, clonic, tonicclonic, and atonic generalized seizures. In absence epilepsy in children and partial complex epilepsy in adults consciousness is altered, not lost; these patients remain upright during attacks, in contrast to T-LOC.
Class of recommendation. Level of evidence. EEG electroencephalogram; T-LOC transient loss of consciousness.
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Other attacks Cataplexy concerns paresis or paralysis triggered by emotions, usually laughter. Patients are conscious, so there is no amnesia. Together with daytime sleepiness cataplexy ensures a diagnosis of narcolepsy. Falls may be due to syncope; elderly subjects may not be aware of having lost consciousness. In some subjects disorders of posture, gait, and equilibrium may mimic falls in syncope. ` res disease, The term drop attacks is variably used for Menie atonic epileptic seizures, and unexplained falls. The clearest use of the term concerns middle-aged women (rarely men) who suddenly nd themselves falling.148 They remember hitting the oor. Unexplained falls deserve medical attention.148
Complete accidity during unconsciousness argues against epilepsy. The only exception is atonic seizure, but it is rare, and occurs without a trigger in children with pre-existing neurological problems. Movements can be present in both epilepsy and syncope. In epilepsy movements last 1 min and, in syncope, seconds. The jerks in epilepsy are coarse, rhythmic, and usually synchronous, whereas those in syncope are usually asynchronous, small, and non-rhythmic. However, synchronous jerks may occur in syncope,146 and eyewitnesses may incorrectly report movements.147 In syncope movements only occur after the onset of unconsciousness and after the fall; this is not the case in epilepsy. Syncope is usually triggered; epilepsy rarely is. The triggers in reex epilepsy such as ashing lights differ from those in syncope. A typical aura consists of a rising sensation in the abdomen (epigastric aura) and/or an unusual unpleasant smell. A rising sensation may rarely occur in syncope. Sweating and pallor are uncommon in epilepsy. A tongue bite occurs much more often in epilepsy and is on the side of the tongue whereas it is the tip in syncope.5,147 Urinary incontinence occurs in both. Patients may be confused post-ictally a long time in epilepsy, whereas in syncope clearheadedness is usually immediate (Table 13). Headache, muscle pain, and elevation of creatinine kinase and prolactin are more frequent after epilepsy. Neurological tests Electroencephalography Interictal EEGs are normal in syncope.5,149 An interictal normal EEG cannot rule out epilepsy, but must always be interpreted in a clinical context. When uncertain it is better to postpone the diagnosis of epilepsy than falsely diagnose it. An EEG is not recommended when syncope is the most likely cause of T-LOC, but it is when epilepsy is the likely cause or when clinical data are equivocal. The EEG may be useful to establish psychogenic pseudosyncope, if recorded during a provoked attack.
Table 13 The value of history for distinguishing seizure from syncope (adapted from Hoefnagels et al. 5)
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Computed tomography and magnetic resonance imaging No studies evaluated the use of brain imaging for syncope. CT or MRI in uncomplicated syncope should be avoided. Imaging may be needed based on a neurological evaluation. Neurovascular studies No studies suggest that carotid Doppler ultrasonography is valuable in patients with typical syncope Recommendations: neurological evaluation
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Part 3. Treatment
General principles of treatment of syncope The principal goals of treatment for patients with syncope are to prolong survival, limit physical injuries, and prevent recurrences. The importance and priority of these different goals are dependent on the cause of syncope. For example, in patients with VT causing syncope, the mortality risk is clearly predominant, while in patients with reex syncope it is the prevention of recurrences and/or limitation of injuries. Knowledge of the cause of syncope has a key role in selection of treatment. Once the cause has been ascertained, the second goal is to assess the mechanism leading to syncope. For example, the mechanism is obvious in the case of AV block in the context of intraventricular conduction defects, but it could be more complex in the context of reex syncope: is it cardioinhibitory, vasodepressor, or a mixed response? Investigations of the cause and mechanism of syncope are generally performed at the same time and could lead to different treatments (or absence of treatment). For example, syncope during the acute phase of an inferior myocardial infarction is generally of reex origin, and consequent severe bradycardia, hypotension, or both are just a part of the infarction and have to be treated as a complication of the infarct. On the other hand, recurrent reex syncope due to severe bradycardia, hypotension, or both in the absence of an acute disease has to be treated for what it is. Finally, the optimal treatment of syncope must be directed to the responsible cause of the global cerebral hypoperfusion. However, to the extent that these causes are
either unknown or not responsive to present therapy (e.g. there is no specic treatment for degenerative AV block) treatment is directed to the mechanisms leading to global cerebral hypoperfusion (pacing in the above-mentioned example). The general framework of treatment is based on risk stratication and the identication of specic mechanisms when possible, as summarized in Figure 8.
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studies have showed apparent contrasting effects. Moya et al. 93 administered etilefrine for 1 week, then repeated the test and found no difference between active and placebo treatment. In contrast, Kaufman et al. 156 administered a single dose of midodrine just 1 h before tilt testing, and found a signicant reduction in syncope during tilt with active treatment. Etilefrine was studied in a randomized placebo-controlled double-blind clinical trial.157 During follow-up, patients treated with etilefrine 25 mg twice daily or placebo showed no difference in frequency or time to recurrent syncope. Thus, the evidence fails to support use of etilefrine. Midodrine was studied in three small, open label, randomized trials in patients affected by very frequent hypotensive symptoms ( . 1 syncope/month).158 160 Even if dened as neurally mediated, there is overlap in clinical features of patients in these studies with other forms of orthostatic intolerance, rendering the results difcult to interpret. Positive results were obtained in one small, randomized trial of paediatric patients.161 The major limitation of midodrine is frequent dosing, limiting long-term compliance. Caution in its use in older males is necessary because of adverse effects on urinary outow. Overall, these data suggest that chronic pharmacological treatment with a-agonists alone may be of little use in reex syncope, and long-term treatment cannot be advised for occasional symptoms. Even if not proven, a selfadministered single dose, for example one dose 1 h before prolonged standing or performing an activity that usually triggers syncope (the so-called pill in the pocket strategy), may be useful in selected patients in addition to lifestyle measures and PCMs. It must be advised, however, that currently, midrodine is not available in all countries in Europe. Fludrocortisone has been shown to be ineffective in a small, randomized double-blind trial in children.162 Fludrocortisone has been widely used in adults with reex syncope, but there is no trial evidence to support this. b-Blockers have been presumed to lessen the degree of ventricular mechanoreceptor activation owing to their negative inotropic effect in reex syncope. This theory has not been supported by the outcome of clinical trials. A rationale for use of b-blockers in other forms of neurally mediated syncope is lacking. They may enhance bradycardia in CSS. b-Blockers have failed to be effective in ve of six long-term follow-up studies.163 167 Paroxetine was shown to be effective in one placebo-controlled trial, which included highly symptomatic patients from one institution.168 This has not been conrmed by other studies. Paroxetine may reduce anxiety, which precipitates events. Paroxetine is a psychotropic drug requiring caution in use in patients without severe psychiatric disease. Cardiac pacing Pacing for reex syncope has been the subject of ve major multicentre, randomized controlled trials, which gave contrasting results.169 173 In all the patients the pre-implant selection was based on tilt testing response. Adding together the results of the ve trials, 318 patients were evaluated; syncope recurred in 21% of the paced patients and in 44% of unpaced patients (P , 0.001). A recent meta-analysis of all studies suggested a nonsignicant 17% reduction in syncope from the double-blinded studies, and an 84% reduction in the studies where the control group did not receive a pacemaker.174 The suboptimal results
syncope. Careful avoidance of agents that lower BP (including a-blockers, diuretics, and alcohol) is important. Additional treatment may be necessary in unpredictable and frequent syncope. In particular when: very frequent syncope alters quality of life recurrent syncope without, or with very short prodrome exposes patients to risk of trauma syncope occurs during high risk activity (e.g. driving, machine operation, ying, competitive athletics, etc.).
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are not surprising if we consider that pacing may affect the cardioinhibitory component of the vasovagal reex, but will have no effect on the vasodepressor component, which is often dominant. Two non-randomized trials evaluated the efcacy of pacing by selecting patients with documented asystole during spontaneous syncope by ILR. In the study of Sud et al.,175 after the insertion of a cardiac pacemaker, syncope burden decreased from 2.7 per year to 0.45 per year (P 0.02). The ISSUE 2 study110 hypothesized that spontaneous asystole and not tilt test results should form the basis for patient selection for pacemaker therapy. This study followed 392 patients with presumed reex syncope with an ILR. Of the 102 patients with a symptom rhythm correlation, 53 underwent loop recorder-guided therapy, predominantly pacing for asystole. These patients experienced a striking reduction in recurrence of syncope compared with non-loop recorder-guided therapy (10% vs. 41%, P 0.002). It must be stressed that ISSUE 2 was not a randomized trial. It merely provides the basis for such a trial, now ongoing, ISSUE 3. In conclusion, pacing plays a small role in therapy for reex syncope, unless severe spontaneous bradycardia is detected during prolonged monitoring. Individual conditions Vasovagal syncope Management of this condition has been covered above. A few points require emphasis. Tilt table testing can be employed to teach the patient to recognize early prodromal symptoms. All patients should be taught PCMs, which now form the cornerstone of therapy together with education and reassurance. In patients that continue to faint despite adequate lifestyle measures and PCMs, tilt training may be considered, particularly in the younger, very symptomatic, well-motivated patients, despite lack of proven efcacy, because it can act by reassuring the patient without side effects. Situational syncope Treatment strategies are similar to VVS and have been covered. Treatment of most forms of situational syncope relies heavily on avoiding or ameliorating the triggering event. Avoidance of the trigger may be difcult, but the response may be attenuated by maintenance of central volume, protected posture, and slower changes in posture. Carotid sinus syndrome Cardiac pacing appears to be benecial in CSS,75 77,176 and, although only two relatively small, randomized controlled trials have been undertaken, pacing is acknowledged to be the treatment of choice when bradycardia has been documented.76,77 Singlechamber atrial pacing is not appropriate for CSS, and dual-chamber pacing is generally preferred over single-chamber ventricular pacing.78,177 There are as yet no randomized studies examining treatment of dominant vasodepressor CSS, which also pertains for other vasodepressor conditions.
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Class of recommendation. Level of evidence. CSS carotid sinus syndrome; PCM physical isometric counterpressure manouuvre; VVS vasovagal syncope.
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when bradyarrhythmia has been demonstrated to account for syncope by means of ECG documentation during spontaneous syncope, or as a consequence of abnormal SNRT.134,189 Permanent pacing frequently relieves symptoms but may not affect survival. Despite adequate pacing, syncope recurs in 20% of patients in long-term follow-up.190 This is due to the frequent association of a vasodepressor reex mechanism with sinus node disease. Newly developed atrial-based minimal ventricular pacing modes are recommended as an alternative to conventional DDDR (dual chamber rateadaptive pacemaker) pacing in patients essentially needing atrial support.70,73 Elimination of drugs that may exacerbate or unmask underlying susceptibility to bradycardia is an important element in preventing syncope recurrence. However, when substitution is not feasible, cardiac pacing may be necessary. Percutaneous cardiac ablative techniques for atrial tachyarrhythmia control have become of increasing importance in selected patients with the bradycardia tachycardia form of sick sinus syndrome, but are only infrequently used primarily for prevention of syncope.
In contrast to reex syncope, the use of the a-agonist, midodrine, is a useful addition to the rst-line treatment in patients with chronic ANF. It cannot be regarded as a cure, nor is it helpful in all affected patients, but it is very useful in some. There is no doubt that midodrine increases BP in both supine and upright posture and that it amelioriates the symptoms of OH. Midodrine (520 mg, three times daily) has been shown to be effective in three randomized placebo-controlled trials.183 185 Fludrocortisone (0.1 0.3 mg once daily) is a mineralocorticoid that stimulates renal sodium retention and expands uid volume.186 The evidence in favour of udrocortisone is from two small observational studies (in combination with head-up sleeping) and one double-blind trial in 60 patients; the observational studies showed haemodymanic benet and, in the trial, treated patients were less symptomatic with higher blood pressures.186 188 Additional and less frequently used treatments, alone or in combination, include desmopressin in patients with nocturnal polyuria, octeotride in post-prandial hypotension, erythropoietin in anaemia, pyridostigmine, use of walking-sticks, frequent small meals, and judicious exercise of leg and abdominal muscles, especially swimming. Recommendations: treatment of orthostatic hypotension
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When syncope is attributable to the implanted device, it may occur as a result of pulse generator battery depletion or failure, or lead failure. Device/lead replacement is indicated and eliminates the problem. Alternatively, some patients may experience syncope due to pacemaker syndrome, a condition, which incorporates many possible mechanisms of hypotension. In pacemaker syndrome with retrograde AV conduction, device re-programming to eliminate the problem is usually feasible, although replacement is occasionally needed (e.g. replace a single-chamber ventricular with a dual chamber-pacing system). ICDs may also be associated with syncope most commonly because even appropriate intervention is too late to prevent LOC.49 Re-programming of the device (more aggressive antitachycardia pacing and/or earlier shock) is only seldom able to solve the problem. In those patients, antiarrhythmic drugs or catheter ablation may be helpful.
Class of recommendation. Level of evidence. AV atrioventricular; BBB bundle branch block; CSNRT corrected sinus node recovery time; ECG electrocardiogram; EPS electrophysiological study; ICD implantable cardioverter debrillator; SVT supraventricular tachycardia; VT ventricular tachycardia.
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3.4 Unexplained syncope in patients with high risk of sudden cardiac death
In patients at high risk of SCD a disease-specic treatment is warranted in order to reduce the risk of death and of lifethreatening events, even if the exact mechanism of syncope is still unknown or uncertain at the end of a complete work-up. In these patients the goal of treatment is primarily the reduction of mortality risk. It is important to bear in mind, however, that even if an effective specic treatment of the underlying disease is found, patients may remain at risk of recurrence of syncope. For example, ICD-treated patient may remain at risk for fainting because only the SCD risk is being addressed and not the cause of syncope. An analysis of the Sudden Cardiac Death in Heart Failure Trial (SCD-HeFT)50 has shown that ICD did not protect patients against syncope recurrence compared with those treated with amiodarone or placebo. This implies the need for precise identication of the mechanism of syncope and specic treatment as far as possible.
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Recommendations: indications for ICD in patients with unexplained syncope and a high risk of SCD
Class of recommendation. Level of evidence. HF heart failure; ECG electrocardiogram; ICD implantable cardioverter debrillator; ILR implantable loop recorder; LVEF left ventricular ejection fraction; SCD sudden cardiac death.
ICD discharge in syncope patients was similar to that of asymptomatic patients. In a recent study197 that evaluated the outcome of 59 Brugada patients treated with ICD, none of the 31 patients with syncope received an appropriate ICD shock during a mean of 39 months follow-up, and appropriate device therapy was limited to cardiac arrest survivors; conversely, the overall complication rate was high. However, the differential diagnosis between benign and malignant forms is usually very difcult in the setting of an inherited disease based on conventional investigations. Consequently, in some patients there is a rationale for more precise diagnosis (i.e. ILR documentation) of the mechanism of syncope before embarking on ICD therapy, although existing data are insufcient to make recommendations. The few available data in the literature on patients with syncope and short QT syndrome do not permit any recommendation.
vasodepressor form is equally prevalent,198 but its potential role in syncope is much less clear. Diagnostic evaluation Following a standardized algorithm a denite diagnosis may be obtained in . 90% of older patients with syncope.199 Some aspects of the history, which may be difcult to obtain, are pertinent in older patients. Syncope occurring in the morning favours OH. One-third of individuals over 65 years are taking three or more prescribed medications, which may cause or contribute to syncope. Their withdrawal reduces recurrences of syncope and falls.200 Medication history should include the time relationship with onset of syncope. History should include co-morbidity, association with physical frailty, and locomotor disability. Gait, balance instability, and slow protective reexes are present in 2050% of community-dwelling elderly. In these circumstances moderate haemodynamic changes, insufcient to cause syncope, may result in falls. Therefore, it is important to pursue a witness account of episodes, although this is not available in up to 60% of cases.200 Cognitive impairment is present in 5% of 65 year olds and 20% of 80 year olds. This may attenuate the patients memory of syncope and falls.40 The cognitive status should be determined in addition to details of social circumstances, injurious events, impact of events on condence, and ability to carry out activities of daily life. Initial evaluation determines a denite diagnosis in a lower proportion than in the young because symptoms suggestive of VVS are less frequent in older patients.40,198 In all, assessment of the autonomic system (CSM, tilt test) may be necessary. Evaluation of neurological and locomotor systems, including observation of gait and balance, is useful. If cognitive impairment is suspected, the Mini-Mental State Examination should be performed. Otherwise, the clinical examination and diagnostic work-up is the same as for younger adults with the exception of routine supine and upright CSM at the rst assessment.
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disease of the heart should be considered rst. Some children with reex syncope also have a positive family history,203 the genetics of which are not understood. In patients with a typical history of reex syncope, normal physical examination and ECG are usually sufcient to cease investigation. Tilt testing seems to have high false-negative and false-positive rates and should be used with caution for primary identication of patients with reex syncope. A remarkably high incidence of near-fainting (40%) was reported during tilt testing after placement of a simple intravenous line in healthy children and teenagers. Since tilt protocols commonly used in adults may lack specicity in teenage patients, in one study a shorter tilt test duration of 10 min at 60 or 708 was used and showed a specicity . 85%.204 In young patients, syncope may rarely be the initial manifestation of unusual but life-threatening conditions, like the long QT syndrome, KearnsSayre syndrome (external ophthalmoplegia and progressive heart block), Brugada syndrome, catecholaminergic polymorphic VT, WolffParkinsonWhite syndrome, right ventricular arrhythmogenic cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic cardiomyopathy, pulmonary arterial hypertension, myocarditis, arrhythmia after repaired congenital heart disease, or anomalous origin of a coronary artery. Some aspects of the history can suggest a cardiac origin, and should prompt cardiac evaluation: Family history: premature SCD , 30 years; familial heart disease. Known or suspected heart disease. Event triggers: loud noise, fright, extreme emotional stress. Syncope during exercise, including swimming. Syncope without prodrome, while supine or sleeping, or preceded by chest pain or palpitations.
Some important aspects of diagnostic testing and use of devices in older patients are illustrated: OH is not always reproducible in older adults (particularly medication- and age-related). Therefore, orthostatic BP appraisal should be repeated, preferably in the morning and/or promptly after syncope. CSM is particularly important to use even if non-specic CSH is frequent without history of syncope. In evaluation of reex syncope in older patients, tilt testing is well tolerated and safe, with positivity rates similar to those observed in younger patients, particularly after nitroglycerine challenge. Twenty-four hour ambulatory BP recordings may be helpful if instability of BP is suspected (e.g. medication or post-prandial). Due to the high frequency of arrhythmias, an ILR may be especially useful in the elderly with unexplained syncope.108,119,120 Evaluation of the frail elderly Being old is not a contraindication to assessment and treatment. However, in frail patients, the rigour of assessment will depend on compliance with tests and on prognosis. Evaluation of mobile, independent, cognitively normal older adults must be performed as for younger individuals. Orthostatic BP measurements, CSM, and tilt testing are well tolerated, even in the frail elderly with cognitive impairment. Multiple risk factors are more common in the frail elderly and distinguishing falls from syncope may be difcult. In one recent study, symptomatic elderly patients with cognitive impairment had a median of ve risk factors for syncope or falls.57 There is some evidence that modication of cardiovascular risk factors for falls/syncope reduces the incidence of subsequent events in community-dwelling frail elderly, even in those with dementia, but not in institutionalized elderly.201 The inuence of hypotension or arrhythmia on cognitive decline in patients with dementia remains unknown.58
Therapy The therapeutic approach is the same as in adults. However, it should be stressed that effectiveness of pharmacological agents and tilt training for recurrent syncope is undetermined in the absence of welldesigned paediatric trials. Furthermore, even in the presence of VVS with prolonged asystole, pacemakers should be avoided due to the relatively transient and benign nature of the syndrome.205 In summary, the key points for the evaluation of syncope in paediatrics are as follows: Syncope in childhood is common, the vast majority being of reex origin, with only a minority having a potentially lifethreatening cause. Discrimination between benign and serious causes is made primarily by history, physical examination, and ECG. The cornerstone of therapy for young patients with reex syncope includes education and reassurance.
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Group 1: private drivers of motorcycles, cars and other small vehicles with and without a trailer; Group 2: professional drivers of vehicles over 3.5 tons or passenger-carrying vehicles exceeding eight seats excluding the driver. Drivers of taxicabs, small ambulances, and other vehicles form an intermediate category between the ordinary private driver and the vocational driver and should follow local legislation. *Neurally mediated syncope is dened as severe if it is very frequent, or occurring during the prosecution of a high risk activity, or recurrent or unpredictable in high risk patients (see Part 3, treatment).
annual accident rate in the general population and was independent of the duration of abstinence from driving. A recent study208 provided long-term follow-up information on recurrence of syncope in a large population who had syncope while driving. Among 3877 consecutive patients evaluated for syncope, 380 (9.8%) had syncope while driving, which was commonly caused by reex syncope (37%) or cardiac arrhythmia (12%). Recurrence of syncope during driving occurred in only 10 patients. The cumulative probability of recurrence while driving was 7% in 8 years. Total recurrence rate and long-term survival in the driving group was comparable with that of patients who did not have syncope while driving. For public safety, the risk of syncope-mediated driving accidents (0.8% per year) appeared to be substantially less than in young (1624 years) and in elderly drivers (high risk accident groups). The 2004 ESC Guidelines on syncope made recommendations on driving and syncope.1 This TF has the benet of a further relevant publication.208 Data suggest that the risk of vehicle accident in patients with a history of syncope is not different from that of the general population of drivers without syncope. Specic recommendations for driving in patients with an implanted ICD have been recently published.209 The mere presence of syncope while driving should not change the clinical evaluation.
in this setting. The diagnosis is based upon a carefully taken medical history and the context of the event. Most of these typical common faints can be diagnosed by the patients general practitioner and need only reassurance. An active searching for alarming symptoms is recommended. Alarming symptoms are: syncope during exertion, syncope in the lying position, absence of external factors, family history of SCD, or slow recovery from syncope (Tables 9 and 10). If the diagnosis remains uncertain and there is potential risk of dangerous consequences then the patient should be referred to cardiologist, internist, neurologist, psychologist/psychiatrist as appropriate or to a specialized syncope facility if available.
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care unit. Patients are referred to the syncope unit from the ED and from inpatient or outpatient clinics, but the personnel of the unit are not usually involved in the initial evaluation of the patient. In the Evaluation of Guidelines in Syncope Study (EGSYS) 232,131 implementation of this practice was facilitated by decision-making software based on the ESC Guidelines, a designated physician trained in syncope evaluation, and a central supervisor. Among 19 Italian hospitals, these investigators demonstrated that 78% of study subjects adhered to the guideline-based evaluation, resulting in a lower hospitalization rate (39% vs. 47%), shorter in-hospital stay (7.2 + 5.7 vs. 8.1 + 5.9 days), and fewer tests performed per patient (median 2.6% vs. 3.4) than historical controls. More standardized-care patients had a diagnosis of reex (65% vs. 46%) and orthostatic syncope (10% vs. 6%). The mean cost per patient and the mean cost per diagnosis were 19 and 29% lower in the standardized-care group.
among physicians and hospitals. This results in inappropriate use of diagnostic tests and in many misdiagnosed and/or unexplained episodes. It is the opinion of this Syncope TF that a cohesive, structured care pathway delivered either within a single syncope facility or as a more multifaceted service, is optimal for quality service delivery. Furthermore, considerable improvement in diagnostic yield and costeffectiveness (i.e. cost per reliable diagnosis) can be achieved.
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Equipment Core equipment for the Syncope Unit includes: ECG recorders, BP monitors, tilt table, external and implantable ECG monitoring systems, 24 h ambulatory BP monitoring, and autonomic function testing. The facility should have preferential access to echocardiography, EPS, coronary angiography, stress testing, and, when needed, CT, MRI, and electroencephalography. Patients should have preferential access to hospitalization for dedicated therapeutic procedures: pacemaker and debrillator implantation, catheter ablation, etc. Key points for standardized care delivery:
ESC Guidelines
A cohesive, structured care pathwaydelivered either within a single syncope facility or as a more multifaceted serviceis recommended for global assessment of patients with T-LOC (suspected syncope). Referral can be directly from: family practitioners, ED, acute hospital inpatients, institutional settings. Objectives are to: give the patient continuity of care, reduce inappropriate hospitalizations, and set standards of clinical excellence. Experience and training in key components of cardiology, neurology, emergency and geriatric medicine are pertinent.
The CME Text Guidelines for the diagnosis and management of syncope is accredited by the European Board for Accreditation in Cardiology (EBAC). EBAC works according to the quality standards of the European Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (EACCME), which is an institution of the European Union of Medical Specialists (UEMS). In compliance with EBAC/EACCME guidelines, all authors participating in this programme have disclosed potential conicts of interest that might cause a bias in the article. The Organizing Committee is responsible for ensuring that all potential conicts of interest relevant to the programme are declared to the participants prior to the CME activities. CME questions for this article are available at: European Heart Journal;ehj and European Society of Cardiology
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54. Bartoletti A, Fabiani P, Bagnoli L, Cappelletti C, Cappellini M, Nappini G, Gianni R, Lavacchi A, Santoro G. Physical injuries caused by a transient loss of consciousness: main clinical characteristics of patients and diagnostic contribution of carotid sinus massage. Eur Heart J 2008;29:618 624. 55. Costantino G, Perego F, Dipaola F, Borella M, Galli A, Cantoni G, DellOrto S, Dassi S, Filardo N, Duca PG, Montano N, Furlan R; STePS Investigators. Shortand long-term prognosis of syncope, risk factors, and role of hospital admission: results from the STePS (Short-Term Prognosis of Syncope) study. J Am Coll Cardiol 2008;51:276 283. 56. Ungar A, Mussi C, Del Rosso A, Noro G, Abete P, Ghirelli L, Cellai T, Landi A, Salvioli G, Rengo F, Marchionni N, Masotti G. Diagnosis and characteristics of syncope in older patients referred to geriatric departments. J Am Geriatr Soc 2006;54:1531 1536. 57. Linzer M, Pontinen M, Gold DT, Divine GW, Felder A, Brooks WB. 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