New Folder MPSC
New Folder MPSC
New Folder MPSC
The structure of MBA++ course will be as follows : 1. The entire duration of the MBA++ course will be of 24 months, comprising of six trimesters. The course structure is given in Annexure I. The detailed syllabus for the same is given in Annexure II. 2. The total number of courses and credits offered will be as follows:
Type of Course General Functional Elective Sector Specific Elective Foreign Language Projects / Training
5 (15 credits)
3 (6 credits)
8 (21 credits)
3 ( 9 credits)
2 (4 credits)
5 (13 credits)
1 (2 credits)
1 (2 credits)
3 ( 9 credits)
2 (4 credits)
5 (13 credits)
26 (78 credits)
11(22 credits)
37 (100 credits)
3. Each of the Trimesters will be of 13 weeks duration. Out of these 13 weeks, the teaching term will be of 11 weeks. For the full courses, there will be 4 sessions of 90 minutes each, per week; and for the half courses, there will be 3 sessions of 90 minutes each, per week. The trimester-end examination will be held in the last two weeks of each trimester. 4. Each course will have two heads of evaluation Internal and External. The internal evaluation will be in the form of continuous evaluation which will be carried out for 50% of the total marks. This will comprise of
(Written Tests: 40% + Class Participation:20% + Other mode/modes of evaluation as specified by the concerned teacher : 40%). The written tests will be conducted on the basis of the guidelines as specified in the Scheme for Credit System of the University of Pune. During each trimester, trimester-end written examination shall be conducted for the external evaluation for each course comprising of 50% of the total marks. This examination will be conducted as per University Circular No.255 pertaining to the departments conducting their own final examination. 5. All the students shall be required to attend minimum of 75% of the total number of sessions held for each course, failing which the term of the student/s shall not be granted for that course. Further, if the student fails to do so for more than 50% of the number of courses in any trimester, his/ her term shall not be granted for that full trimester. 6. If a student fails to pass in the Internal Evaluation of any course, he/she will have to reappear for the same in the next academic year during the respective Trimester. No separate evaluation will be carried out for these students during any other trimesters, except for the trimester in which he/she has failed. However, separate examinations for internal evaluation of any of the courses of Trimester I to Trimester V may be conducted for the students who will be appearing for the Sixth trimester examinations. 7. If a student fails to pass in the external evaluation i.e. the Trimester-end examination of any course, he/she will have to reappear for the same along with the immediate next Trimester-end examination only. However, if he/she still fails to pass in the said course, he/she shall appear for the same along with the regular concerned Trimester-end examination to be held in the immediate next academic year. For instance, if a student fails in course no. 101 of Trimester I (academic year 2007-08), he/ she can reappear for the same along with Trimester-end Examination of Trimester II. If he/she fails in this examination again, he/she can appear again during the examination of Trimester I of the next academic year (i.e. academic year 2008-09). No examination for the courses of Trimester I will be held along with the Trimester-end examination of Trimester III. However, separate trimester-end examinations for external evaluation of any of the courses of Trimester I and Trimester IV may be conducted for the students who will be appearing for the Sixth trimester examinations. 8. Each student will be required to choose TWO specializations One as a Functional Specialisation and one as a Sector Specific Specialization. The Functional Specialisation available are : A) Marketing Management B) Financial Management C) Systems Management D) Operations Management E) Human Resources Management F) International Business Management. The Sector Specific Specialisations available are : A) Retail Management B) Banking & Insurance Management C) Engineering Management D) Health Care Management E) IT & ITES Management. Only those Sector Specific Specialisations will be offered which will be selected by at least 20 students. 9. Except for the rules designed by the Department for this Credit System, all other rules prescribed from time to time, by the University of Pune and/or Government of Maharashtra shall be applicable to all the students. (For instance, Eligibility Criteria, Refund Rules etc.) 10. Minimum passing marks for the internal as well as the external evaluation is 40 %. Students will be awarded grade points for their performance during the internal and external evaluation for each subject (course) as per the following criteria.
Grade O A B C D E F
Grade Points 6 5 4 3 2 1 0
The grade points for each subject will be based on the Grades obtained for the total of the Internal and External evaluation. Students getting the grade F in either or both of the internal and external evaluation will be declared fail (Grade F) in the total evaluation.
For each of the subject, the Grade Points to be used for the calculation of the Grade Point Average (G.P.A.) will be obtained as : Grade Points for GPA = Grade Points for a subject Number of credits of the subject
Sum of the Grade Points for GPA of all the Subjects Final GPA = ---------------------------------------------------------------------(Total Number of credits = 100)
Final Grade O A B
The final grade sheet will also indicate the total of all the marks scored during the six trimesters.
* A Full Credit Course (F) has 3 credits and Half Credit Course (H) has 2 credits.
LECTURE HOURS 50 50 50 50 50 25
Principles & Practices of Management Management Accounting Managerial Economics Statistical & Quantitative Methods Legal Aspects of Business Organisational Behaviour TOTAL
F F F F F H 17
LECTURE HOURS 50 50 50 50 50 50 25
Marketing Management Financial Management Management Information Systems Operations Management Human Resources Management International Business Management Research Methodology TOTAL
F F F F F F H 20
Group Project I : At the end of the Trimester II, an Industrial Project of 10 days duration (Field Work) is to be carried out by a group of 10 students under the guidance and supervision of the nominated faculty.
Entrepreneurship Development & Project Management Functional Specialisation Paper I Functional Specialisation Paper II Functional Specialisation Paper III Functional Specialisation Paper IV Sectoral Specialisation Paper I Economic Environment of Business Group Project I (Industrial) TOTAL
F F F H F H H 21
50 50 50 25 50 25 ---
INDIVIDUAL SUMMER TRAINING (1st June 31st July) Individual summer training of minimum 50 days duration in a business organization / company is to be carried out under the guidance and supervision of the nominated faculty.
Business Policies & Strategic Management Management Control Systems Functional Specialisation Paper V Functional Specialisation Paper VI Sectoral Specialisation Paper II Sectoral Specialisation Paper III Individual Summer Training TOTAL
F F F H F H F 19
501 502
100 100
Functional Specialisation Paper VIII Sectoral Specialisation Paper IV Sectoral Specialisation Paper V Foreign Language Group Project II (Social) TOTAL
H F H H H 17
25 50 25 75 ---
50 100 50 50 50 500
NOTE : Group Project II : A Group Project is to be carried out by a group of 10 students under the guidance and supervision of the nominated faculty. This must be carried out with a non-profit organization during the Trimester - V. Foreign Language : The classes for the Foreign Language course will commence from the beginning of the Trimester IV.
Internship / Pre-Placement Project of Four Month (minimum 100 days) duration is to be completed in a company. The evaluation will be based on the performance report of the Employer and the Presentation / Viva-voce Examination.
6 100
200 3150
- Product and Brand Management - Integrated Marketing Communication - Marketing Research and Consumer Behavior
Paper IV (H) - Sales and Customer Relationship Management Paper V - Services Marketing
Paper VI (H) - Marketing Strategy and Rural Marketing Paper VII - Retail and Distribution Management - International Marketing
- Advanced Financial Management - Financial Services - Legal and Procedural Aspects Of finance
Paper VI (H) - Financial institutions and markets Paper VII - International Finance - Security Analysis & Portfolio Management
Paper I Paper II
Paper III
Paper VI (H) - Trends in Information Technology Paper VII - Information Systems Audit & Control
- Operations Planning & Control - Logistics & Supply Chain Management - Quality Management
Paper VI (H) - Strategic Manufacturing & Operations Management Paper VII - QT / IT Applications - World Class Manufacturing
- HR Administration & Information Systems - Performance Management Systems - Training & Development
Paper IV (H) - Industrial Relations Theory & Practice Paper V - Labour Legislation
Paper VII
Functional Specialisation (F) : INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT Paper I Paper II Paper III - IB Environment and Global Competitiveness - International Marketing - International Finance
Paper IV (H) - International Business Operations Paper V - International Logistics and Supply Chain Management
Paper VI (H) - International Diversity Management Paper VII - International Regulatory Environment - International Business Ethics and Social Responsibility
Paper I Paper II
Paper III (H) - Retail Operations Paper IV Paper V (H) - Buying and Merchandising - Retail Selling and Promotion
Paper I Paper II
Paper III (H) - Credit Management Paper IV Paper V (H) - Insurance, Regulations and Risk Management - Advanced Banking and Insurance
Paper I Paper II
Paper III (H) - HRM for Engineering Industries Paper IV Paper V (H) - Finance for Engineering Industries - Strategic Management for Engineering Industries
Paper I Paper II
Paper III (H) - Current Trends in Health Care Management Paper IV Paper V (H) - Hospital Management - Wellness and longevity
Paper I Paper II
Paper III (H) - Managing IT & ITES Business Paper IV Paper V (H) - ITES and Technology Management - Current and Future Technologies
1. Management
Define Managers And Management. Functions of management Management science or art? Mintzbergs Role of manager Concept of Business, Organization, Administration
Planning Importance of the planning function. Planning Process- Setting Objectives MBO. Types of Planning - Core components of strategic and tactical planning.
4. Organizing Nature and Purpose Structure of Organization Departmentalization Line and Staff Authority Decentralization Coordinating
5. Decision Making Nature and Purpose. Principles and Techniques of Decision Making Models of Decision Making.
6. Motivation Definition of Motive, Morale Characteristics and classification of motives. Theories of work motivation: Maslows, Herzbergs, McGregor.
7. Leadership Definition Importance Leadership Styles Models and Theories of Leadership Styles.
1. Communication Process and Principles of Communication Barriers to Communication. 2. Written Communication Letter and Report Writing. 3. Written Analysis of Business Situation Case Analysis.
Books Recommended: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Essentials of Management by Koontz Tata Mcgraw Hill Management by Stoner, Pearson Principles of Management by T. Ramasamy, Management Text & Cases, VSP Rao, Excel Books Principles of Management by Govind Rajan & Natrajan. Management 8/e, Robbins, Pearson Education Essentials of Management by Durbin, Thomson Business Communication by R.K. Madhukar Business Communication by Rai & Rai. Essential of Business Communication R. Pal and Kolahalli.
1 a).Double Entry accounting methods -Conventions and Concepts Rules for journalizing -Primary and Secondary books of accounts - Preparation of Trial Balance b)Final Accounts of profit making and non profit making organizations c) Introduction to company final accounts.
2. Cost Accounting cost , costing and cost accounting -Elements of Cost - Elementary study of Materials Costvaluation of inventory - . Labour Cost - overheads -Preparation of Cost Sheet. 3. Methods of costing job and process costing only
4. Working Knowledge of Managerial Decision Making Techniques likes i. Marginal Costing Cost Volume Profit Analysis-BEP analysis -problems on concepts of marginal costing, ii. application of marginal costing in decision making including key factor considerations iii. Budgetary Control types of budgets functional , budgets, Flexible Budgets, cash budget iv. Standard Costing - Materials Cost and Labour Cost Variances only
Note - Problems will be covered on the following topics a. Preparation of ledger accounts, trial balance and final accounts of proprietor, b. Cost Sheet preparation c. Inventory Valuation d. problems on concepts of Marginal Costing and Applications of Marginal Costing e. Budgets Cash, functional and flexible budgets f. Materials Cost and Labour Cost Variances
Books Recommended
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Introduction to Management Accounting - Horngreen and Sundlem Principles of Management Accounting - Manmohan & Goyal Cost and Management Accounting - S.M.Inamdar Management Accounting - Dr. Mahesh Kulkarni Double Entry Book Keeping - T.S.Grewal, S. Chand & Company Principles and Practice of Cost Accounting Ashish K. Bhattacharya
Management Accounting. - Khan & Jain, Tata McGraw Hill Theory & Problems in Management & Cost Accounting - Khan & Jain Cost Accounting - Jawaharlal , Himalaya Accounting and Analysis the Indian Experience 2004 - Published by global Data Services of India ltd. Management Accounting Pande Kumar, Excel Books Management Accounting Khan and Jain Management Accounting DRURY (Thomson Learning) Cost Accounting Dutta Financial Accounting Tulsian Advanced Management Accounting Robert S Kaplan and Anthony A. Atkinson Management Accounting Hansen, Thomson
1. Definition, nature and scope of Managerial Economics - Managerial Economics and Micro-economics Managerial Economics and Macro-economics 2. Types of business organization non profit organization organization goals- profit maximization- wealth maximization and sales maximization- satisfying theory- enhancing value of the firm and its goals.
3 Demand Analysis - Determinants of Market Demand - Law of Demand - Elasticity of Demand - Measurement and its use - Demand Forecasting - Techniques of Demand Forecasting
4 Supply analysis- production and costs law of variable proportions- law of supply and elasticity of supply- cost and cost functions determinants of costs- break even analysis
5. Pricing and output determination - Pricing decisions under different market forms like perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly - Pricing Methods 6.Government and Business - Need for Government intervention in the market - Price Controls - Support Prices and Administered Prices - Prevention and control of monopoly - Protection of consumers' interest globalization and Economic Liberalization - Process of disinvestments applications of economic principles in managerial decision making Books Recommended
2. Managerial Economics - Mote, Paul and Gupta, Nirali Prakashan 3. Managerial Economics - Varshney and Maheshwari 4. A study of Managerial Economics - D.Gopalkrishna 5. Managerial Economics - D.C.Hauge 6. Managerial Economics - Reckie and Crooke 7. Managerial Economics Atmanand, Excel Books 8. Managerial Economics - Gupta 9. Managerial Economics, 4th Ed. - Craig Peterson, Pearson Education 10. Managerial Economics, DM Mithani, Himalaya 11. Economics For Managers , Hirschey - Thomson
Books Recommended
1. Statistical Methods
- S.P.Gupta
2. Statistics for Management - Levin and Rubin, Pearson 3. Statistics - Spiegel 4. Quantitative Techniques Vol. 1 and 2 - L.C.Jhamb, Everest Publication 5. Statistics and Quantitative Techniques - M.G.Dhaygude 6. Operations Research - V.K.Kapoor 7. Operations Research - J.K.Sharma 8. Quantitative Techniques - N.D.Vohra, Tata Mcgraw Hill 9. Introduction to Operations Research - Hiller 10. Introduction to Operations Research - Gillett 11. Statistical and Quantitative Methods - Ranjeet.Chitale
105 -
IV. The Companies Act, 1956 up to only the first 100 sections
Books Recommended
Business Laws Bulchandani, Himalaya Business Laws - S.D.Geet and M.S.Patil Business Laws - Gulshan Kapoor Business and Commercial Laws - Sen and Mitra An Introduction to Mercantile Laws - N.D.Kapoor Business Laws - N.M.Wechlekar Business Laws - M.D.Mulla Company Law - Avtar Singh Bare Text of the relevant Act Business law P C Tulsian, Tata McGraw Hill Business Law S. S. Gulshan, Excel Books Business legislation for management M C Kuchhal and Deepa Prakash.
In addition to these books, students are advised to refer to the monthly journals like Chartered Accountant, Chartered Secretary and All India Reporter for latest case laws
1. Definition Importance Historical Background Fundamental concepts of OB Different model of OB i.e. autocratic, custodial, supportive, collegian and SOBC. 2. Perception Process Nature and Importance Perpetual Organization 3. Personality & Attitudes Meaning of personality Development of personality - Nature and dimensions of attitude Job Satisfaction Organizational Commitment 4. Learning Process of Learning Principles of Learning Organizational Reward Systems Behavioural Management 5. Group Dynamics and Teams Theories of Group Formation Formal
Organization and informal Groups and their interaction Importance of teams Formation of teams Team Work 6. Organizational Design Various organizational structures and their effects on human behaviour Organizational Culture Organizational Effectiveness. 7. Management of Change Importance Forces responsible for change Resistance to change Overcoming resistance to change Introduction of change in organization Organizational Development as a tool for introduction of change 8. Conflict Management Traditional vis a vis Modern view of conflict Constructive and Destructive and Destructive conflict Conflict Process Strategies for encouraging constructive conflict Strategies for resolving destructive conflict
Books Recommended
1. Organizational Behaviour, 9th Ed. Stephen Robbins, Pearson Education 2. Human Behaviour at work Davis and Newstrom, Tata Mcgraw Hill 3. Organizational Behaviour Uma Sekaran 4. Organizational Behaviour Fred Luthans, Mcgraw Hill 5. Organizational Behaviour K. Aswathappa, Himalaya 6. Human Behaviour at Work Keith Davis 7. Organizational Behaviour Jit S. Chandran 8. Human Relations & Organizational Behaviour R. S. Dwivedi , Oxford Mcgraw Hill 9. Organizational Behaviour McShane 10. Organizational Behaviour Sharma 11. Organizational Behaviour PG Aquinas
1. Marketing Concepts Marketing Concept, Marketing Process, Marketing Mix, Customer value, Customer Satisfaction and delight, Functions of Marketing
2. Marketing Planning- Analysis of Marketing opportunity, Product Market Selection, Process of Marketing Planning and Contents of Marketing Plan
3. Sales Forecasting Concept and methods, Introduction to Marketing Research-Process- Scope, Obstacles in acceptance.
4. Consumer Behaviour- Factors influencing consumer behaviour- Consumer decision making process- Industrial Buyer behaviour Vs. Domestic Buyer behaviour.
6. Market segmentation- Bases for market segmentation of consumer goods, industrial goods and services- Market Targeting and positioning strategies.
7. Market Evaluation and Controls- Process, types of control techniques- Marketing Audit- Marketing Ethics, internet Marketing, e commerce.
Books Recommended
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Marketing Management- Philip Kotler, Pearson Education Marketing Management- Philip Kotler and Kevin Lane Keller, Pearson Education Fundamentals of Marketing-Stanton. Marketing Management Rajan Saxena, Tata McGraw Hill Marketing Management- S. Ramaswamy and S. Namakumari, McMillan India Marketing Management- Arun Kumar and N Meenaxi, Vikas Publishing
Marketing Concepts and Cases Michael J. Etzel, Bruce J. Walker, William J. Stanton, Ajay Pandit. Principles of Marketing - Philip Kotler and Gary Armstrong, Pearson Marketing Models- Lilien & Kotler & Moorthy, Prentice Hall Marketing Management, B.V.Sangvikar, S.V.Kadavekar, Ravindra Deshmukh, C.M.Joshi,Biyani, Diamond Marketing Management TK Panda, Excel Books Case Studies in Marketing Indian context- R. Srinivas. Case study solutions- H. Kaushal Marketing Management Czinkota, (Thomson) Basic marketing- William D. Perreault Jr. Marketing - Chunawalla
1. Finance function Broad areas under finance- Scope and Significance - Role of a finance executive Implications of Various Forms of Business Organizations.
2. Financial system Meaning and significance, Players in the financial system and their role.
3. Financial Statements of corporate organizations Introduction to Schedule VI provisions of Companies Act, 1956.
4. Analysis and interpretation of Financial Statements using the techniques of Ratio Analysis and Funds Flow Analysis and Cash flow Analysis.
5. Working Capital Management - Nature of working capital - Need for working capital Operating cycle, Estimation of working capital requirement - Financing working capital requirement - Commercial Papers - Management of Cash and Receivables - Factoring
6. Capitalization - Under Capitalization and Over Capitalization - Raising the Long Term and Medium Term funds Own Vs. Borrowed Funds - Public Deposits - Leasing and Hire Purchase, Venture capital - Computation of Cost of Capital - Trading on Equity - Leverages type & significance.
7. Capital Budgeting - Nature and Significance - Time Value of Money - Discounting and Compounding - Methods for evaluating capital expenditure proposals (all important methods including IRR)
A) Management of Profits - Dividend Policy - Procedural and Legal formalities involved in the payment of dividend Bonus Shares B) Dividend Distribution Theories: Theories of dividend Gordon growth model Walters valuation model MM Irrelevancy theory
a. Simple problems on Ratio Analysis - Calculation of Ratios and analysis of Financial Statements on the basis of Ratio Analysis. b. Simple problems on Funds Flow Analysis and Cash Flow Analysis. d. Calculation of Cost of Capital e. Leverages Operating Financial and Combined f. Estimation of Working Capital Requirement g. Simple problems in Management of Receivables h. Methods for evaluation of Capital Expenditure decisions (all important methods including IRR)
Books Recommended
Financial Management - I.M.Pandey, Vikas Publishing Financial Management - Khan & Jain, Tata Mc Graw Hill Financial Management - S.M.Inamdar Financial Management - N.M.Vechlekar Financial Management - S.C.Kuchal Financial Management S. Bhat, Excel Books Financial Management & Policy - R.M.Shrivastava, Taxman Publishers Financial Management - Prasanna Chandra Accounting and Analysis The Indian Experience 2007 - Published by global Data Services of India ltd. Financial Management and Policy R. M. Shrivastava Financial Analysis of Indian Companies GDSIL Managerial Finance lawrence J. Gitman Financial management Rustagi Essentials of Financial Management I M Pandey
15. Financial Management Subhindra bhat 16. Fundamentals of Financial Management - Brigham
Special Readings for Students: Special features of Final Accounts of Banking Companies. Special features of Final Accounts of insurance companies.
Management Information Systems Nature, Need, Purpose and Objectives, Approaches to MIS, New opportunities with technologies, Information as a strategic resource Strategic information systems for competitive advantage - MIS as an instrument for the organizational change.
Information, Management and Decision Making Organizations & information systems, Major types of systems and functional perspective, Information, Information systems & business strategies, Models of Decision Making
Information Technology - IT infrastructure, components, Planning, contemporary platforms, IT Capabilities and their organizational impact Telecommunication, Networks & internet, current trends in technologies & tools - IT enabled services, e business, wireless technologies etc.
Data Resource Management - Organizing data, Database environment & data management, Database trends, Database & web, opportunities & challenges, data warehouses, data centers & mining..
Building & managing information systems IT Planning, Process Redesign, Systems development, Systems Analysis and Design - Systems Development Life Cycle - Alternative System Building Approaches - Prototyping Rapid Development Tools - CASE Tools - Object Oriented Systems, redesigning the organization with information systems, BPR & process improvement, End user computing and Judging Info Systems Effectiveness, Controlling the systems
Managing International/ Global Information Systems, Decision Support Systems - Group Decision Support Systems, Intelligent systems - Executive Information Systems - Executive Support Systems - Expert Systems and Knowledge Based Expert Systems - Artificial Intelligence, Knowledge Management Systems, Enterprise
Managing change and understand business value of systems, BCP, DRM, Management Issues in MIS Information Security and Control - Quality Assurance - Ethical and Social Dimensions - Intellectual Property Rights as related to IT Services / IT Products
Applications of MIS in functional areas in the service sector should be covered with the help of minimum 5 case studies.
Books Recommended Management Information Systems - Laudon and Laudon, 9th Edition, Pearson Education Asia Information technology for management, Turban, Mclean, Wetherbe Wiley India Management Information Systems - Davis and Olson,Tata McGraw Hill Management Information Systems, 8/e - James A. O'Brien, George M. Marakas - McGraw Hill Management Information Systems - Thomson Introduction to Information Systems, 13/e James A. O'Brien, George M. Marakas - McGraw Hill Analysis and Design of Information Systems - Rajaraman, Prentice Hall Decision Support Systems and Intelligent Systems -Turban and Aronson, Pearson Education Asia Management Information Systems - Schulthesis, Tata McGraw Hill Management Information Systems - Sadagopan, Prentice Hall Management Information Systems - Jayant Oke Management Information Systems - Jawadekar, Tata McGraw Hill Systems Analysis and design igor hawryszkiewycz prentice-hall India Data mining adriaans Zantinge pearson education Data warehousing in the real world Anahory/Murray Pearson Education Computer ethics Deborah G. Johnson Pearson Education Ethics in information technology Reynolds - thomson Expert Systems Giarratano/ Riley Thomson Systems Analysis & design SatZinger-Jackson-Burd Thomson Knowledge Management Systems Stuart Barnes Thomson Learning Information Systems Today Jessup/Valacich Pearson Education
Historical perspective- Industrial Revolution Evolution of OM concepts from local Factories to Globalization, Change of focus from cost Productivity Quality to Environmental concerns. Types of industries Variety of Business Integration OF Manufacturing and
services Scale of Operations Economics Creation of Wealth and Prosperity. 3. OM as a system Functional / Decision areas Organizational Structures (Traditional& Modern) Product Design Process Choice Process Characteristics. 4. Planning & Control Operations Demand Forecasting Aggregate Planning Resource / Capacity planning - Just in Time systems Production Activity Control Scheduling Bottleneck Introduction to MRP, ERP. 5. Materials Management Importance Supply chain / Value chain conceptLogistics. Material Flow Management Purchasing & Supply Management. 6. Inventory Concept Need Types Classification Inventory costs EOQ- Fixed order & Fixed period models Safety Stock Lead time. Facility Location - Advantages Types of Layouts- Building Material Handling & Storage system Quality Management System ISO 9000 , ISO 14000 TQM Maintenance Management Total Productive Maintenance (TPM) 9. Competitive OM Flexible Manufacturing System , Group Technology , Cellular Manufacturing , Focus Manufacturing , Lean Manufacturing 5-S , 3M Eliminating Waste Value Analysis 10. Tools & Techniques for problem solving SQC, SPC,Kaizen,7QC Tools, Pokayoke, Six Sigma Work Study Work Measurement
7. 8.
Books Recommended :
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Operations Management Theory & Practice B. Mahadevan ( Pearson Education) Operations Management J. Heizer, Barry Render. (Pearson Education) Introduction to Materials Management J.R. Tony Arnold & Stephan N. Chapmann Work study- I.L.O Competitive Manufacturing Management Nicholas Logistics & Supply chain Management Martin Christopher (Pearson Education) ISO 9000 & 14000 By Bureau of Indian Standard Production & Operations Management U. Kachru, (Excel Books)
Human Resources Management Introduction and Importance Evolution Difference between HR Management and HRM role of HR Manager Structure of HR department Duties and responsibilities of HR Manager. HRD Systems- Evolution Goals _ Elements and their interrelationship HR Strategies HR strategies and Organizational Strategies. Manpower Planning Objectives Estimating manpower requirement Recruitment and selection process Main resources of recruitment Assessment Devices Succession Planning. Merit Rating Promotions Transfers Job Description Job Evaluation Job Enlargement Job Enrichment Job Rotation. Training and Development Training Process and Methodology Need and objectives training ProcedureMethods of Training- Tools and Aids Evaluation of Training Programmes. Performance Appraisal systems- Definition, Concepts of Performance Management Different methods of Performance Appraisal Rating Errors. Kinds of Separation Resignation, Discharge, Dismissal, Retirement, Voluntary Retirement, Golden handshake and Contractual employment etc Tools to improve managerial effectiveness Kaizen Quality Circles- times Management
Books Recommended : 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Human Resource Management Garry Dessler, Pearson Education HR Management C.B. Mamaoria, Himalaya Managing Human Resources- R.S. Dwiwedi Human resource Management B.P Michael Human resource Management de. P.C. Pardeshi, Nirali Prakashan Human resources Management Mirza & Saiyadin Managing Human Resources Arun Monappa, McMillan India Ltd. Human Resource Management VSP Rao
206 - INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS MANAGEMENT 1. International Business Environment - Globalization - Forces, Meaning, dimensions and stages in Globalization - Kenchi Ohmae Model - Introduction to theories of International Trade by Adam Smith, Ricardo and Ohlin & Heckler - Trading Environment of International Trade - Tariff and Non-tariff Barriers - Trade Blocks - Rise of new economies like Japan, South East Asia and China 2. Country Risk Analysis - Political, Social and Economic - Cultural and Ethical practices - Responsibilities of
3. 4.
6. 7. 8. 9. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
International Business - Economic crisis of Brazil, Mexico, India, South East Asia and Argentina Managing Multinational Enterprises - Problems and Potential - Multinational Service Organizations - Indian companies becoming Multinationals - Potential, Need and Problems Introduction to International Financial Management - Balance of Trade and Balance of Payment - International Monetary Fund, Asian Development Bank and World Bank - Financial Markets and Instruments - Introduction to Export and Import Finance - Methods of payment in International Trade Bilateral and Multilateral Trade Laws - General Agreement on Trade and Tariffs, (GATT), World Trade Organization - Seattle and Doha round of talks - Dispute settlement mechanism under WTO - Problems of Patent Laws - International convention on competitiveness International Marketing - Entry strategies - Market selection - Barriers Global sourcing and its impact on Indian Industry - Globalization and internal reform process - Indias competitive advantage in industries like IT, Textiles, Gems & Jewellery etc. - Potential and threats. Negotiations and commercial diplomacy. Minimum 10 Case Studies to be covered in the class Books Recommended International Business Environment - Sundaram and Black, Prentice Hall of India International Business Environment - Bhalla and Raju, Anmol Publishers International Financial Management - P.G.Apte, Tata McGraw Hill International Business - Francis Cherulinam, Himalaya International Business - Rao and Rangachari Export Management - Rathod Global Business Today - Charles Hill, Tata McGraw Hill International Business - Charles Hill, Tata McGraw Hill International Business Environment & Operations - John D.Daniels
207 (H) - RESEARCH METHODOLOGY The objective of the subject is to provide the skills required for the writing of Project Report. The suggested syllabus for the subject is as below 1. Meaning, Objectives and Motivation in research - Types of research - Research Approaches - Research Process - Validity and Reliability in research 2. Research Design - Features of a good design - Types of Research Design - Basic principles of Experimental Design 3. Sampling Design - Steps in Sample Design - Characteristics of a good sample design - Random Samples and Random Sampling Design 4. Measurement and Scaling Techniques - Errors in Measurement - Tests of sound measurement - Scaling and Scale Construction Techniques - Forecasting Techniques - Time Series Analysis - Interpolation and Extrapolation 5. Methods of data collection - Primary Data - Questionnaire and Interviews - Collection of Secondary Data Cases and Schedules 6. Testing of Hypothesis - Procedure for Hypothesis Testing - Use of Statistical Techniques for testing of
hypothesis - Sampling Errors 7. Testing of samples - Sampling Distributions, Sampling Theory - Determining size of the sample, codification level - Internal Estimation 8. Chi-square Test - Analysis of Variance and Co-variance - Multi Variate Analysis 9. Interpretation of Data and Report Writing - Layout of a Research Paper - Techniques of Interpretation
10. Use of computer in Research - Creating a Database and its use for Statistical Analysis Books Recommended 1. Research Methodology - C.R.Kothari 2. Methodology and Techniques of Social Research Wilkinson, Bhandarkar 3. Research Methodology - Dr. V.P.Micahel 4. Research Design & Methods - Kenneth S. Bordens 5. Business Research Methods - Donald R. Cooper 6. Methods in Social Research - Good & Hatt 7. Research Methodology Bhattacharyya
301 - Entrepreneurship Development and Project Management Part A : Entrepreneurship Development 1. The Entrepreneurial Revolution Role of entrepreneur in Indian Economy and developing economies. Entrepreneurial Culture in Developing and Developed Countries. 2. Entrepreneurship: An Evolving Concept Definition of Entrepreneur Process of Entrepreneurship Types of Entrepreneur
Intrapreneurship: Developing Corporate Entrepreneurship Definition, Need and Importance of Intrapreneurship Entrepreneur Vs Intrapreneur Vs Manager Developing Organization Culture for Intrapreneurship
Understanding the Entrepreneurial Perspective in Individuals Qualities of Entrepreneur Push and Pull Factors for Individuals. Barriers for Entrepreneurship
Creating Entrepreneurial Venture Environmental Assessment: Preparation for a New Venture Assessment and Evaluation of Entrepreneurial Opportunities Developing Creativity and Understanding Innovation for Business Idea Generation.
Developing an Effective Business Plan Marketing Research for New Ventures. Technical and Financial Feasibility Financial Preparation for Entrepreneurial Ventures Why do entrepreneurs fail? - Four Entrepreneurial Pitfalls.
7. 8.
Sources of Capital for Entrepreneurs Developing First Generation Entrepreneurs EDP Model Role of EDII, NISEBUD, NISET, SISI, CON, CED and NGOs etc.
9. 10.
* Case studies
Books Recommended
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
New Venture Creation by Jeffery Timmons Entrepreneurship Donald F. Karatko & Richard M. Hodgetts Entrepreneurship - Holt Entrepreneurship Development Vasant Desai Entrepreneurship M. Lall, Excel Books
2. Project formulation and appraisal idea generation, concept formulation, objective definition and development; Feasibility study and evaluation; Preparation of DPR; Project appraisal criteria, Analysis of risks, social cost benefit analysis.
3. Planning of Projects A global perspective critical success factors; stages of planning; reasons and consequences of failure; planning for projects execution.
4. Project Scheduling scope and work breakdown structure; Gantt Charts, Network Techniques; CPM / PERT.
5. Project Organization types, functions; role of project manager, functional managers and other functionaries.
Books Recommended:
1. Projects Planning, Analysis, Selection, Implementation & Review Prasanna Chandra : Tata Mc. Grow-Hill, New Delhi
2. A Management Guide to PERT/CPM Jerome D. Wiest, Ferdinend K. Levy : Prentice Hall India Pvt. Ltd.
5. Project Cost Control for Managers Bill Tompkins : Jaico Publishing House
NOTE ON SPECIALISATIONS Each student will be required to choose TWO specializations One as a Functional Specialisation and one as a Sector Specific Specialization. The Functional Specialisation available are : A) Marketing Management B) Financial Management C) Systems Management D) Operations Management E) Human Resources Management F) International Business Management. The Sector Specific Specialisations available are : A) Retail Management B) Banking & Insurance Management C) Engineering Management D) Health Care Management E) IT & ITES Management. Only those Sector Specific Specialisations will be offered which will be selected by at least 20 students.
1. Introduction to Product Management : Product Concept, Types of Products, Product Line, Line Extension Product Mix Decisions, Product Life Cycle, Strategies in Different Phases.
2. New Product Decisions :Types of New Products, New Product Development Process, Adoption of New Products. Packaging- Purpose, Types and new trends in packaging.
3. Pricing Decisions: Factors influencing pricing decisions, Approaches to Pricing, Setting the Price and Managing the price Change.
4. Introduction to Brand Management: Concept of Brand, Brands and Product, Brand Management Process, Brand Design : Brand Essence, Brand Promise, Brand Personality.
5. Brand Equity: Concept, Value to Customers, Brand equity/ Brand Image Relationship, Brand Image Dimensions, Brand Association, Brand Awareness, Brand Loyalty, Brand Extension-Types.
6. Managing Brands overtime: Functional , Symbolic and Experiential Brands. Brand Repositioning.
7. Brand Valuation: Financial value of Brands, Cost based valuation methods, Market price based valuation, Valuation by potential earnings
Books Recommended 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. Product management Donal R. Lehmann, Russel S. Winer Strategic Brand Management -Kevin Lane Keller The Brand Management Checklist- Brad VanAuken Brand ManagementDr S.L. Gupta Branding Concepts & Process - Debashish Pati Brand Management - H. Varma Successful Branding - Pran K Choudhary Brand Positioning Strategies for Competitive Advantage -Subrato Sen Gupta Strategic Brand Management -Kapferer Managing Indian Brands -S. Ramesh Kumar 302 (B) : FINANCE SPECIALIZATION PAPER I ADVANCED FINANCIAL MANAGEMENT 1. Accounting Standards: 1. Role of Accounting Standard board 2. International Accounting Standards, Indian GAAP and US GAAP. 3. Accounting Standards: Disclosure of Accounting Policies Inventory, Deprecation, Cash Flow, Investment, Fixed Assets, Amalgamation. 2. Capital Structure Theories: A) Net income approach B) Modiglliani and Miller theory (MM approach) Problems on Capital Structure. 3. Working Capital Management: 1. Overtrading 2. Symptoms of poor W.C. management 3. W.C management Strategies 4. Tandon committee Narsimhan Committee Recommendations. 5. Latest trend in W.C. finance 6. R.B.I guidelines on W.C. finance
4. Capital Budgeting: A) Capital rationing B) Capital budgeting during inflation C) Techniques of decision making under risk and uncertainty
Profitability and expected values, standard deviation, risk adjusted discounted rate, certainty equivalent approach, sensitivity analysis, capital asset pricing model (CAPM). 5. Recent Trends in Finance: I. Zero Based Budgeting II. Inflation Accounting III. Human Resource Accounting IV. Activity Based Costing V. Economic Value Added (EVA) 6. Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements : Expert Knowledge of tools Such as Ratio Analysis, Funds Flow, Cash Flow, Horizontal, vertical and trend analysis. Financial planning and forecasting, Projected Financial Statements. 7. SEBI guidelines regarding Mergers and Acquisitions. 8. Working Knowledge of Valuation of Shares, Bonds and Goodwill. Problems will be covered on the following topics: Working Capital Management Capital Budgeting Advanced problems on Ratio Analysis, Funds Flow, Cash Flow, Cash Budget. Capital Structure Theories.
Books Recommended 1. Managerial Finance lawrence J. Gitman 2. Financial management Rustagi 3. Essentials of Financial Management I M Pandey 4. Financial Management Subhindra bhat 5. Financial Management - I.M.Pandey 6. Financial Management - Khan & Jain 7. Financial Management - S.M.Inamdar 8. Financial Management - N.M.Vechlekar 9. Financial Management - S.C.Kuchal 10. Financial Management & Policy - R.M.Shrivastava 11. Financial Management - Prasanna Chandra 12. Accounting and Analysis The Indian Experience 2007 - Published by global Data Services of India ltd. 13. Financial Analysis of Indian Companies GDSIL
8. 9. 10.
b. Why IT matters? c. IT in modern organization Computer hardware & software a. Computation platforms (hardware & software) and Availability b. Operating systems c. Evaluation d. Introduction to technologies like cluster and grid etc. e. Real time & embedded systems Programming introduction a. Procedural, object oriented and scripting languages b. Different languages like VB .Net, JAVA, C++ etc. c. 4 GL languages Networking technologies a. Hardware b. Software c. Connectivity d. Designing network infrastructure e. Concepts of networking programs Database environment a. Concepts of DBMS types of databases b. Data warehousing & mining c. Data centers d. Analysis & design Computational technologies for stand alone and online applications a. High performance computing introduction b. Client-Server environment Computing facilities requirements in organizations. a. Environment for IT infrastructure b. processes distributed & collaborative computing Intelligent systems etc. introduction to security, ethics, IPR etc & IT technology current and future trends in computation and technology
Books Recommended
Decision Support and Data Warehouse Systems Efrem Mallach Tata McGraw Hill Data warehousing fundamentals raulraj ponniah Wiley Excel models for business and operations management John Barlow wiley Information technology turban-rainer-potter - wiley Applied Data Mining paolo giudici wiley Web Programming - thomson Data communication and computer networks Rajneesh agrawal, bharat bhushan tiwari vikas Data mining adriaans Zantinge pearson education Computer ethics Deborah G. Johnson Pearson Education Grid Computing Joseph/ Fellenstein person education Data warehousing in the real world Anahory/Murray Pearson Education Real time embedded systems and components Sam Siewert Thomson Ethics in information technology Reynolds Thomson Principles of Information Systems Stair/Reynolds Thompson Principles of Information Security Whitman and mattord Thomson Learning Frontiers of electronic commerce kalakota whinston pearson education
1. Production Planning and Control: Role and Importance of PPC in various manufacturing systems Functions of PPC Capacity Planning Estimating Routing Loading Dispatching - Expediting 2. Capacity planning: Rough Cut Planning Capacity Planning Shop Floor Planning Control & Feedback System 3. Aggregate Planning Concept of aggregate planning, nature of aggregate planning decisions, Aggregate planning strategies and methods; problems in aggregate planning 4. Master Production Schedule: Meaning of MPS, Purpose of MPS, Bill Of Material, MPS process, Managing MPS, 5. Material Requirement Planning System: MRP concepts, Basic MRP system, lot sizing; MRPI and MRP II; Inventory Models. 6. Job Shop Production Activity Planning and Control: Scheduling, Shop Loading, Sequencing, priority rules for dispatching jobs, Job Shop scheduling: Johnsons method, Jacksons Method, Heuristic methods and simulation. Dispatching, Factors affecting completing time of jobs 7. Mass and Batch Production Activity Control: Controlling continuous production, Line balancing techniques, Batch processing techniques 8. Project Scheduling: CPM/PERT Techniques, Crashing, Limitations of CPM and PERT: (PDM) Precedence Diagramming Method and critical chain scheduling 9. Advanced Concepts in OPC Kanban, CONWIP model ,TOC ,Planning for services, IT in planning
Books Recommended :
1. MANUFACTURING PLANNING AND CONTROL FOR SUPPLY CHAIN MANAGEMENT -Thomas E Vollman, William L Berry, D Cay Whybark and F Roberts Jacob, Tata McGraw Hill Publishing company Ltd (2005)
2. PRODUCTION PLANNING ,CONTROL AND INTEGRATION -Daniel Sipper, Robert L, Bulfin,Jr - The McGrawHill Companies Inc
3. PRODUCTION PLANNING AND INVENTORY CONTROL - Seetharama L Narsimhan, Dennis W McLeavy, Peter J Billington Prentice Hall Of India Pvt Ltd, New Delhi (2003)
4. WORLD CLASS PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY MANAGEMENT - Landvater Darryl V - John Wiley and Sons, New York 1997
5. QUANTITATIVE MODELS FOR PRODUCTION MANAGEMENT - H J Zimmermann, M G Sovereign Englewood Cliffs N J- Prentice Hall 1974
8. PRODUCTION AND INVENTORY CONTROL - J H Greene ,Homewood III - Richard D Irwin 2004
1. 2.
HR Management Role of HR Manager Functions of HR Department Structure of HR Department. HR administration Definition, Nature, Concept, Objectives, Principles- Administration of welfare benefits like group insurance schemes, canteen administration, transportation, security, house keeping etc. HR Policy Definition, scope, Need Objectives Maintenance of various statutory records and formalities to be completed under various labour laws, Income tax act Time Keeping and attendance- statutory Reports and returns
3. 4.
Written communication relating to HR administration drafting of various HR communications like Memos, Notices, Circulars, charge sheet, show cause notice, House Journals, Termination order Personnel problems in public, private and cooperative sectors. Changing labour laws and their effect on HR praciiess Study of various software of HRIS Books Recommended
7. 8. 9.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Personnel Administration Paul Pigors and Charles Mayers Dynamic Personnel administration- M.N. Rudrabasavraj Personnel Administration Handbook Wilbert schar Human Resource Management Stephen Robbins Personnel Management Arun Monappa
302 (F) : INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SPECIALIZATION PAPER I IB Environment and Global Competitiveness
1. Overview of commercial geography. Impact of geographical aspects on international business and business strategies.
2. Global dynamics: interplay of local, national , regional and worldwide forces OECD / WEF/ G8 / G33. Economic, political, social, cultural, legal, technological forces.
5. Evaluation of diverse environmental forces to create database to do business with various nations /regions 6. Definition and Scope of competitiveness
7. Theories of international trade: Adam Smith , Recardo, Heauhar& Ohalin, Jagdish Bhagawati.
9. Indicators of world competitiveness. Ranking of the current year and Indias position.
10. Changes in the top 5 rankings in last 3 year and lessons thereof
Books Recommended:
303 (A) : MARKETING SPECIALIZATION PAPER II INTEGRATED MARKETING COMMUNICATION 1) IMC; The concept and the process, The value of IMC plans. 2) Advertising; Definition, Objectives, Functions of Advertising, Advertising in Marketing Mix, Decisions in Advertising. 3) Advertising Creativity : Planning creative process, Creative strategy implementation. 4) Advertising Media; Media strategy and media planning, Media factors, Media mix, Media evaluation. 5) Evaluation of Advertising: Evaluating Advertising Effectiveness through Pretests, Posttest, Recognition Test, Recall Test. 6) Sales promotion; Definition, Objectives of Sales Promotion, Channels of Sales Promotion, Different types of promotion, Relationship between sales promotion and advertising. 7) Public Relations; PR department and its functions, Tools and techniques, Public Relations and sponsorship programs. 8) Cases & Caselets of IMC
Books Recommended 1) Integrated Advertising, Promotions and Marketing Communication by Clow &
Baack 2) Promotions and Integrated Marketing Communications by Richard Semantic 3) Advertising and Promotions by Belch and Belch, TM GH, 2001 4) Otto Kllipners Advertising procedure The prentice hall 5) Advertising, sales and promotion mgt Himalayan publishing house 6) Advertising frank Jerkins Prentice Hall 7) Advertising and Promotion An Integrated Marketing communications Perspective _ Tate McGraw Hill. 8) Contemporary advertising - William Fares Irwin / McGraw hill series. 9) Advertising Management Rajiv Batra, John G Myers, David Aaker 10) Ogilvy on advertising David Ogilvy 11) Advertising management; David Oglivy 12)Advertising Management; Manendra Mohan 13) Advertising Principles & Practices; Willium Wells, John Burnett, Sandra Moriarty
303 (B) : FINANCE SPECIALIZATION PAPER II FINANCIAL SERVICES 1) Capital Market Capital Market in India Operations in Primary Markets Instruments involved Role of SEBI and Merchant Bankers (Pre-issue and Post-issue) venture capital financing- mutual fundsregulations-role and functions- private placements 2) Secondary Markets Stock Exchanges in India National Stock Exchange (NSE) over the counter exchange of India-(OTCEI)- Stock Holding Corporation of India (SHCIL) D-MAT Trading E-Trading Index/Futures Trading Share Lending Scheme Stock Market operations on International Level Book Building Buy back of shares Bombay Stock exchange (BSE) 3) Money Market Nature and role of money market in India Instruments in money market viz. CPs, CDs, Bills of Exchanges, ICDs, Treasury Bills Role of DFHI/STCI in money market 4) Financial Services Credit Rating Factoring and Forfeiting Leasing and Hire Purchasing RBI guidelines for NBFCs Credit Cards Securitization of debts Housing Finance 5) Commodities Markets- Role and functions of MCX and NCDEX 6) Recent trends in Financial services.
Books Recommended 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Relevant text of SEBI guidelines Indian Financial Services M. Y. Khan Marketing of Financial Services Audhani Advance Financial Management - Kohak Financial markets and services Gordon and Natrajan Financial Markets + institutions Fredric S. Mishkin & Stanley G. Eakins Management of Financial Services V K Bhalla Indian Financial System H R Machiraju
WEB-SITE references 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Website of HDFC securities SEBI, AMFI websites
Information Technology and Businesses, Information Systems for Business application, Enterprise resource planning and other systems 1. Sales and Distribution * Sales Budgeting - Market Segments / Customers / Products * Customer Enquiry and Preparation of Quotation * Customer Order Processing - From Order Acknowledgement to Dispatch and Invoicing * Follow up for Pending Customer Orders * Sales Analysis 2. Manufacturing * Bill of Materials Processing with Product Configuration * Master Production Schedule * Capacity Requirement Planning for Equipment, Manpower and Time * Material Requirements Planning * Production Planning - Work Order Management * Shop Floor Control - Calculation of Labour Efficiency, Productivity and Down-Time Analysis
Material Procurement - Indenting, Purchasing, Vendor Analysis, Suppliers Bill Passing and Receipt of Material * Stock Accounting and Control - Raw Material, Work In Progress and Finished Goods * Job / Product / WIP Costing - Standard / FIFO / LIFO / Average / Weighted Average Costing Methods * Sub-Contracting of work to outside vendors Financial Accounting * Accounting - General Ledger * Balance Sheet / Profit & Loss Account / Schedules * Trial Balance * Journals / Day Books * Ratio / Expenses Analysis * Accounts Receivables * Accounts Payables Human Resources * Employee Database * Recruitment * Employee Appraisal * Employee Training * Leave Accounting * Payroll * Salary Calculation and Reporting * Income tax Calculations and Reporting * Loan Accounting * PF and Gratuity * Bonus, Ex-Gratia, Incentive, Superannuation * Arrears Calculation Banking * Savings Bank Accounting - Real Time * Internet Banking * Fixed Deposits Hospital/Hospitality Management * Patients Registration - On-Line * Services of Lab and Operation Theatre * Inventory of Medicines and Consumables * Billing and Credit Control * Patients Medical History Database * Hotel Management * Reservation and Registration - Client Server * Services of restaurant, House Keeping etc. * Inventory of Food Items and Consumables * Billing and Credit Control * Sales Analysis *
Books Recommended
1. Excel models for business and operations management John Barlow wiley 2. Computer simulation in management science Michael pidd wiley 3. Modeling the supply chain Jeremy Shapiro - thomson
1. INTRODUCTION: Concept, evolution, importance and objectives of Logistics and Supply Chain Management; Components of Logistics Management; Introduction to Global Logistics; Logistical Competitive advantage; Integrated Logistics Management; Supply Chain Strategies Need, Framework and Linkages to Corporate Strategies.
2. CUSTOMER SERVICE: Concept, importance and components of Customer Service; Customer Service Costs; Evolving Customer Service Strategies.
3. TRANSPORTATION: Role of Transportation in Logistics; Modes of Transport; Containerization; Carrier Selection Decision; Carrier Selection determinants; Third Party Logistics; Forth Party Logistics.
4. NETWORK DESIGN Strategic importance of Network Design; Decision on Network Design; Concept of Warehousing; Importance and role of Warehousing; Warehousing Operations; Protective Packaging Role & Functions.
5. IVENTORY FLOW: Concept & Types of Inventory; Trade-off between Service levels & inventory; Inventory Control across the supply chain; Inventory management in JIT; Inventory accuracy; Symptoms of poor Inventory Management; Advanced inventory models; Evaluation of Inventory performance.
6. COORDINATION IN SUPPLY CHAIN: Importance of Coordination in Supply Chain; Strategies to achieve Partnership and Trust in Supply Chain. coordination; Building Strategic
7. INFORMATION TECHNLOGY IN SUPPLY CHAIN: Role and Importance of IT in Supply Chain Management; Supply Chain Information Technology in Practice.
PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT: Parameters of Performance Measurement; Approaches/tools for Performance Measurement; Performance Measurement in practice.
Books Recommended:
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Textbook Of Supply Chain And Logistics Management -D K Agrawal - Macmillan Designing And Managing The Supply Chain-Concepts, Strategies and Case Studies -David Simchi-Levi, Philip Kaminski,Edith Simchi-Levi - Tata MacGraw Hill. The Management of Business Logistics-A supply Chain Perspective -Coyle, Bardi and Langley-Thomson Southwest Managing The Supply Chain -A Strategic Perspective -Gattorna And Walters Palgrave Supply Chain Management- Strategy , Planning and Operation -Sunil Chopra , Peter Meindl-Pearson Education Logistics and Supply Chain Management Martin Christopher - Pearson Education Principles of Supply Chain Management A Balanced Approach Wisner, Leong, Tan Thomson Southwestern
* *
Defining Performance Management system Performance Coaching and Performance appraisal Performance Measurement system and other workforce processes like career Planning, Retention of employees
* *
Linking individual and team goals to organizational goals Goal Setting Procedure
3. Performance Appraisal
* * *
Definition and Objectives of Performance appraisal Process of Performance Appraisal Self Assessment and its importance Methods of Performance Appraisal Traditional and Modern - Straight Ranking Method - Paired Comparison Method - Critical Incident Method
* * *
Behaviorally Anchored Rating Scale Management by Objectives Process and Importance Why Performance Appraisal fails - Halo Effect - Cultural issues in performance Appraisal - Managing Expectations - Role of communication in process
4. Performance Coaching
* * *
Performance Appraisal as a Training Need Assessment Counseling for better Performance Feedback Mechanism in organization Training the superiors to give constructive feedback
* * * * * * * * * *
Emphasis on continuous feedback 360Degree Debate Assessment Centers Use of Technology Challenges ahead in Performance Management System Potential Appraisal System of Pay for Performance Adhering to Business Plan Competency Mapping Balance Scorecard
Books Recommended 1. 2. 3. 4. Human Resource Management K. Ashwathappa Human Resource Management I. M. Prasad Human Resource Management Gary Dessler Human Resource Management - Evanswitch
1 Objectives of International Marketing Challenges and opportunities in International Marketing Quality considerations in International Marketing Underlying forces of International Marketing.
2. Global marketing environment Economic Environment, Socio-cultural Environment Legal and Statutory Framework.
5.Planning for International Marketing- Global Marketing Mix 6.Market Analysis and Foreign Market Entry Strategies.
8.Documentation and procedural complexities- Registration with various agencies Compulsory Quality ControlProcessing Export Orders.
Books Recommended 1.International Marketing, R.M.Joshi, OUP 2. Global Marketing Management, K. Lee, OUP 3. International Marketing-Cateora. 4.Managing International Marketing Varkey. 5.Creating Market across the Globe: Strategies for business excellence 6.Essence of International Marketing Stan Paliwoda. 7.Global Marketing Management-Warren J. Keegan. 8.International Marketing Management-Subhash Jain. 9.International Marketing Micheal- R Czinkota, IIkka A Ronkainen 10.International Business, P. Subba Rao Korwar
304 (A) : MARKETING SPECIALIZATION PAPER III MARKETING RESEARCH and CONSUMER BEHAVIOUR Part A : Marketing Research 1. Marketing Research Role of marketing research in marketing - Scope and obstacles in acceptance Limitations of marketing research ethics in marketing research.
2. Marketing intelligence Marketing Decision Support System components - Scope and Significance of Marketing Intelligence in decision making - Quality and quantity of Market Information value of information Decision tree and Bayesian analysis concept
3. Various sources of market Information Methods of collecting Market Information - Secondary data sources problems of fit and accuracy. Shop and retail audits, Readership surveys and viewership surveys, Syndicated services.
4. Data analysis Univariate analysis Bivariate analysis Multivariate analysis. Simple and cross tabulation, simple and multiple regression, Factor analysis
5. Applications of Marketing Research: Cluster analysis for identifying market segments, Conjoint analysis for Product research, Multi-dimensional scaling, Discriminant analysis and perceptual mapping for Brand positioning research Sales Forecasting Tools.
1. Introduction to Consumer Behavior - Consumer as an individual - Consumer needs and motivation - positive and negative motivation - rational versus emotional motives - Consumer imagery and perceived risks - personality traits.
2. Consumers in their social and cultural setting: Consumer relevant reference groups - family decisions making and consumption related roles - family life cycle - social class and consumer behaviour - influence of culture on consumer behaviour - cross cultural context.
3. Consumer decision making, : Levels of consumer decision making - extensive problem solving - limited problem solving - routinized responsive behavior -Consumer behaviour modeling - the economic model - learning model - psychoanalytical model - sociological model - the Howard Sheth model - the Engel-Kollat-Blackwell model.
4. Consumption and post purchase behavior: Consumer satisfaction concept, cognitive dissonance, consumer delight, Consumer Value, Consumer Value Delivery Strategies, Competitive advantage through customer value Information - Customer value determination process - Measuring customer satisfaction.
Books Recommended 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Consumer Behavior Hawkins, Best, Coney TMH, 9/e, 2004 Consumer Behavior Leon Schiffman, Leslie Lazar Kanuk Pearson / PHI, 8/e Consumer Behavior In Indian Perspective Suja Nair Himalaya Publishers, Customer Behavior A Managerial Perspective Sheth, Mittal Conceptual Issues In Consumer Behavior Indian Context S Ramesh Kumar Customer Relationship Management Peeru Ahamed & Sagadevan Consumer Market demographics in India Edited by S.L.Rao Consumer Behaviour - Walker Understanding Your Customer - R.Woodruff and S.F.Gardial Consumer behaviour - Louden, Delebeta Consumer Behavior - J.Paul Peter Marketing Research Beri Marketing Research Nargundkar Research for Marketing Decisions Paul Green, Donald Tull, Gerald Albaurn Marketing Research Measurement & Methods Donald S.Tull, Del I.Hawkins Marketing Research Thomas C. Kinnear Business Research Methods Cooper Marketing Research Aakar, Kumar, Day Marketing Research Debashis Patil Consumer Behaviour SSH Kazmi
304 (B) : FINANCE SPECIALIZATION PAPER III Legal and Procedural Aspects Of finance
Section I Introduction to following Industrial and labour laws: 1. Payment of wages act 2. Payment of bonus act 3. Payment of gratuity 4. Minimum wages act 5. Employees provident fund act 6. Employees state insurance act 7. Workmens compensation act Administrative aspects need not be studied
Section II 1.directors appointment / reappointment qualifications disqualifications, remunerations, vacation of office, retirement, resignation, vacation of office, removal powers and duties office or place of profit borrowing powers of directors. 2. Auditors appointment, resignation, removal rights and duties powers of central govt to direct special auditcost audit. 3. Company final account format and structure directors report auditors report- auditors report- directors responsibility statement- corporate governance statement- secretarial compliance certificate. 4. Arbitration, compromises, arrangements and reconstruction section 390-396A Winding up modes of winding up- contributories official liquidator. 5. Law relating to inter corporate deposits and inter corporate loans 6. Law relating to majority powers and minority rights- prevention and oppression and mismanagement 7. secretarial practices relating to- formation of private and public limited company, alteration of memorandum and articles of association, allotment and change in share capital, appointment, resignation , remuneration of directors, meetings. Creation, modification and satisfaction of charges. Maintenance of statutory books, registers and filing of returns.
Books Recommended: 1. Bare acts 2. Guide to companies act A Ramaiya 3. Company law Avtar Singh
304 (C) : SYSTEMS SPECIALIZATION PAPER III Human Resource Management & Infrastructure Management for IT
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
The Manager as Leader Managing technical and professional people The identification & development of talented people innovation & innovative teams issues in HRM in IT change and strategies for managing change best practices a. work environment b. communication
c. d. e. f. g. h. i. j. k. l. m.
staffing managing performance training compensation competency development career development team building culture development Mentoring, Employee Empowerment and Workforce Planning
9. IT infrastructure a. What is IT infrastructure b. Components of IT infrastructure c. Planning of IT infrastructure d. Implantation of IT infrastructure e. Maintenance of IT infrastructure
Books Recommended:
1. 2. 3. 4.
Introduction : Quality concept, definition, principles, types; Evolution of Quality management Quality control functions : methods of inspection sampling, SQC ,control charts, OC curves. TQM philosophy, quality assurance; PDCA cycle; Reliability engineering concepts; zero defects concept. Quality for customer satisfaction; standardization of parts ; testing of products destructive & nondestructive tests, life of a product. Process control: concepts of process variability; stability; SPC; tools and techniques- TQM methods, six sigma.
Reliability : concepts and components; Failures concepts, types; failure mode & effect analysis; methods of achieving higher reliability; concept of maintainability and availability. Quality management systems : defining and recognizing organizational excellence, Malcom Baldridge award. International standards ISO 9000-2000, TS 16949, OHSAS, SEI-CMM, ISO 14000; Global quality consciousness and environmental awareness. Cost of Quality.
Books Recommended: 1. 2. 3. TQM Ashwathapa & Bhat. 100 Methods for TQM Kanji & Asher.- Response books, New Delhi. ISO 9001, 9004 Standards Bureau of Indian Standards.
1. Introduction to Training & Development * * * * * * Need for Training Individual, Operational and Organizational Meaning and Distinction Education, training and development. Types of Training Aligning training function to business strategies Challenges in training Concept of Skills Inventory.
2. Process of Training * * * * * Need analysis to Evaluation including Training Budgets Methods of Training Needs Assessment Training Delivery Use of various training methodologies and their impact on training effectiveness. Training feedback and analysis Training Evaluation Need for evaluation, concept of Return on Investment, Cost- Benefit analysis, developing Models of Training Evaluation for Technical and Behavioral Training
4. Prerequisites to Effective Training * * * * * Creating a climate for training Principles of Learning Understanding Learning Styles of the trainees Adult Learning Why people resist training? Overcoming resistance to training
5. Changes in Training needs for Modern Organization * * * * * * * * * * * Concept and need for learning Organizations Training for Trainers Trainer certifications Creativity Managing Change Leadership Team Playing and Effective Group dynamics Managing differences at workplace Effective Communication Managing Cultural Diversity Sensitivity training Total quality Management Books Recommended 1. 2. Employee Training & Development Noe Training Instruments for HRD Uday Pareek
304 (F) : INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SPECIALIZATION PAPER III INTERNATIONAL FINANCE 1. International Trade Dynamics of Export Growth Integration of Global Markets Trade Blocks International Financial Institutions Development Banks International Liquidity and Special Drawing Rights- International debt crisis- origin , history ands status with reference to brazil, Mexico, Argentina, south east Asia- oil crisis.
2. Forex Markets Operations in Foreign Exchange Markets Mechanism of Spot and Forward Exchange contracts Exchange Trading, and position international money- Capital and Forex Markets with reference to new York, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Euro land - Theories of Exchange Rate Purchasing power Parity, Interest Rate Parity, Demand & Supply and Elasticity in Foreign Exchange Rate determination Balance of Payment historical perspective on interest rates Gold Standard -inter war instability bretten woods International Monetary System - Fixed Vs. Fluctuating Exchange Rates The rise of Euro currencies the rise of private world money 3. Exchange Control Regulations & FEMA Export Credit Guarantee Corporation Exim Bank Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India Convertibility uniform customs and practices for documentary credit- uniform rules for collection-uniform rules for reimbursement. 4. Export Import Financing Mechanism Buyers Credit Suppliers Credit Financing in foreign currency for exports and rupee finance 5. Financial Management of the Multinational Firm Foreign Direct Investment Cost of Capital and Capital Structure of a Multinational Firm ADRs, GDRs, ECBs Syndication - Multinational Capital Budgeting Multinational Cash Management Country Risk Analysis International Taxation Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements Books Recommended: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. Essence of International Money Adrian Buckley International Finance A.V.Rajwade International Finance P.G.Apte International Finance Shapiro Exchange Control Regulations Nabhi MAFA S. D. Bala & Pattabhai Ram.
305 (A) (H): MARKETING SPECIALIZATION PAPER IV SALES AND CUSTOMER RELATIONSHIP MANAGEMENT Part A : Sales Management 1.Sales Management- Objectives- Sales Planning- Strategic role of sales management. 2.Organizing the sales force-Recruitment, selection and training the sales force. 3.Personal selling process- Sales knowledge-Knowledge about the product, customers and technology Relationship Selling Process. 4.Planning sales calls-Building long term partnership by selling-Sales Aids-Use of technology in sales . 5. Field Sales Planning- Compensation and Evaluation of Sales Force. 6.Sales Quotas and Targets-Sales Control. 7.Specialized techniques in selling-Tele Marketing-Online Marketing.
CRM concept and Evolution Need of CRM in Business Benefits of CRM Building Customer Relationship & Customer Value Strategic CRM CRM in B2C Marketing CRM in B2B Marketing Data Warehousing and Data Mining Sales force Automation Introduction to Various CRM Softwares Implementation of CRM Implementation Options Operational Issues in Implementation
Books Recommended
Sales management-Richard Still, Edward Cundiff,Norman Govani. Sales Management Cunnndiff Bolling. Professional Sales Management- Rolph Anderson, Joseph Hair. Sales Management- M.V. Kulkarni. Sales & Marketing Training- Patrick Forsyth. Sales Management Rosan Spiro Customer Relationship Management-Jagdish Seth, Parvatiyar, Shainesh. 8.Sales management- the Indian perceptive- Dasgupta. Fundamentals of Selling, 7th Ed.-Charles Futrell. Selling & Sales Management, 3rd Ed.-Geoffrey Lancaster. CRM Strategic Perspective G. Shainesh & Jagdish Sheth CRM v. Kumar & Werener J. Reinartz Handbook of Relationship MarketingJagdish.Sheth,Atul Parvatiyar Leading Through Relationship Marketing -Richard Batterley Relationship Marketing -S.Shajahan Customer relationship Management - Sheth, Parvatiyar, Shainesh Sales and Distribution , Hawaldar, Kawale
1. Introduction to Risk Management Identifying Types of Risks Management of Translation, Transaction and Economic Exposure - Quantifying Risk and Hedging Techniques Internal and External Techniques viz. Netting, Matching, Leading and Lagging, Price Variation, Short Term Borrowing, Pricing in Foreign Currency, Assets Liability Management 2. Instruments of External Techniques for Risk Management viz. Forwards, Futures, Swaps, Options, Forward Rate Agreement, Caps, Collars, Floors and their applications Pricing techniques, operational aspects 3. Financial Reengineering innovative international financial products viz. Swap options and other derivativesderiving new instruments for hedging. 4. Insurance as an instruments of risk cover- marine, life, accident, process, loss of profit-export credit Guarantee Corporation.
Books Recommended 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Options & Futures Hull International Finance A. V. Rajwade International Finance P. G. Apte International Finance Shapiro Principles of Insurance : Holioke Insurance Law manual : Taxman Principles of Insurance : Mishra
305 (C) (H): SYSTEMS SPECIALIZATION PAPER IV Strategic IT Management and Planning
1. Historical context of Information Technology in Organizations 2. Strategic Information Systems as Conventional Information Systems Used in Innovative Ways - Supporting Organizational Strategy via IT - Evolution of IT strategy, Stages of IT maturity- An Overview of IT Strategy Formulation 3. Strategic Information Systems Frameworks - IT Strategy Planning and Implementation 4. Business value of information technology -The Impact of Strategic Information Systems on Industries, Firms, and Strategies -Information technology as competitive advantage 5. The Impact of Strategic Information Systems on the Internal Structure and Processes of OrganizationStructural Effects of IT on Organizations 6. The impact of Information Technology on Strategic Alliances- Electronic business, use of Intranets and Internet in business -IT Operations and Management Consulting / Outsourcing 7. Global Strategic Information Systems 8. Sustainability of Information Technology-Based Competitive Advantage 9. Strategic Information Systems Risks 10. Organizational Requirements for Introducing Strategic Information Systems 11. Identifying Strategic Information Systems Opportunities 12. New Technologies for Strategic Information Systems 13. At least 5 cases on strategic Information technology management should be covered
Books Recommended
1. Luftman, Jerry. Managing the Information Technology Resource: Leadership in the Information Age. Prentice Hall, 2004. 2. Managing innovation joe till, john bessant, keith pavitt wiley 3. Information technology turban-rainer-potter wiley 4. The management of technology and innovation a strategic approach white/bruton Thomson south-western 5. Hunter or hunted rochilin Thomson 6. Strategic Information Systems - Competition through information technologies - Neumann, Seev. 1994.. Macmillan College Publishing Company, New York. 7. Strategic transformation and information technology: Paradigms for performing while transformingParker, M.M. 1996..- Prentice-Hall, NJ.
TECHNOLOGY MANAGEMENT 1. Concept and meaning of technology, Evolution and growth of technology, Impact of technology on society and business,
2. Competitive advantages through new technologies : product development from scientific breakthrough to marketable product 3. Role of Government in Technology Development, Technology strategy and planning ,Technology forecasting 4. Linkage between technology, development and competition, Managing research and development (R&D) ,Managing Intellectual Property 5. Meaning of Innovation and creativity, innovation management 6. Technology absorption and diffusion; project management in adoption and implementation of new technologies 7. Technology Transfer Management: Technology transfer-process; outsourcing-strategic issues; joint ventures, technology sourcing 8. Environment, ethical and Social Aspects of Technology Books Recommended: 1. 2. Strategic Technology Management - Betz. F.- McGraw-Hill. Strategic Management of Technology & Innovation - Burgelman, R.A., M.A. Madique, and S.C. Wheelwright - Irwin. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Handbook Of Technology Management - Gaynor -Mcgraw Hill Managing New Technology Development - Souder, W.C. and C.M. Crawford - McGraw-Hill. Managing Technological Innovation - Twiss, B. - Pitman. Management of R&D and Engineering - Kocaoglu, D.F. (Ed) - North Holland. Management Of New Technologies For Global Competitiveness - Christian N Madu Jaico Publishing House
Industrial Relations- Origin and Growth Objectives and significance in the changing scenario- Effect of Social, Political, Economic and Legal changes
2. 3.
Approaches to the study of Industrial Relations IR and its effect on Management Labour Welfare- Principles, Concepts, Objectives and Scope- Labour Welfare Officer Duties and Responsibilities- Labour Welfare and Productivity Effect of various statutory provisions Industrial Relations Machinery Settlement of Disputes- Negotiations, Conciliations, Arbitration, Adjudication of disputes. Ethical Code and IR employee involvement in Management- Negotiations and Collective Bargaining Theory Mechanics Critical Review of success of Collective Bargaining Options if Collective Bargaining fails Employees Stock Option Plans. Role of HRD in developing Industrial Relations Concept Industrial Democracy Industrial Peace. Trade Union- Meaning and concept Characteristics- Role and Functions- Types and structure Trade Union, Impact of Globalization and Liberalization on Trade Union movement in India. Principle of Natural Justice Model- Standing Order- Domestic Enquiry Disciplinary Norms Impact of Latest Notifications, Land mark Judgments etc. Agreements and Implementation Salient Features of Trade Union Act 1926
6. 7.
Books Recommended
2. 3. 4.
Industtrial Relations Arun Monappa Management of Industrial Realations Pramod Verma Labour Management Relations in India K.M. Subramanian.
305 (F) (H) : INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS SPECIALIZATION PAPER IV International Business Operations
- Variations in Operating Practices - Benchmarking International Operations International Operations-Critical Issues - International Operations Planning - International Facilities Location - International Sourcing & Logistics Internationalization of Technology - International Technology Transfer - Management of Global Products
Interfaces with other Functions - Interface with Marketing - Interface with R & D - Interface with Communications Joint Ventures, strategic alliances (Partnership and relationship management)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Books Recommended: Schniederjans, M.J. Operations Management in a Global Context Production and Operations Management, 2/e , K Bedi, OUP Flaherty, M.T. Global Operations Management Dornier, P-P. et al. Global Operations and Logistics Bartlett, C. A. & Ghoshal, S. Transnational Management Globalization and Business - Daniels, Radebaugh and Sullivan International Economics- Marrewijk OUP
1. Introduction to major sectorsRetailing, Banking & insurance, engineering, I.T & ITES, Healthcare. 2. Important Macro economic concepts: National Income concepts like GDP, GNP etc. Index numbers- WPI, CPI, Index Numbers of Industrial Production Inflation, deflation, trade cycles, balance of payments, terms related to public finance, bank rate, H.D.I 3. Features of Indian Economy 4. Indias Industrial sectorMajor industries, classification of industries, Industrial growth. 5. Study of each sector with respect to the following: a) Meaning and role b) Historical perspective c) Present position of the sector d) Relative picture in the global set up. e) Problem and challenges of the sector.
Books Recommended::
1. Indian Economy by Agarwal 2. Economic environment of business by Cherunilam 3. Economic environment of business By Misra Puri 4. Economic Survey of India 5. Statistical Outline of India 6. Indian Economy : Dutt Sundaram 7. Banking : theory and Practice by K.C.Shekhar 8. Banking : theory and Practice By P.K. shrivastava 9. Principles and Practice of Banking and Insurance by O. P Agarwal 10 .Principles and Practice of Banking and Insurance by V.S.Gopal 11.Retailing Management by Swapna Pradhan 12.retail Management Gibson Vedamani
1. a) Internal and external environment of business. b) Changing Economic environment. 2. Background of economic reforms in India 3. Reforms in Agricultural sector 4. Reforms in Industrial sector/ service sector 5. Reforms in Banking Sector 6. Reforms in Money & Capital Markets 7. Reforms in Industrial Trade 8. Budget and Reforms in Taxation.
Books Recommended:: 1. Indian Economy by Agarwal 2. Economic environment of business by Cherunilam 3. Economic environment of business By Misra Puri 4. Economic Survey Of India 5. Statistical Outline of India 6. Indian Economy : Dutt Sundaram
Evaluation of the Group Project Activity carried out after Trimester - III
1. Strategic Management - An Introduction - Evolution of business policy as a discipline - Concept of strategic management - Characteristics of strategic management - Defining strategy 2. Strategy formulation - Stakeholders in business - Vision, mission and purpose - Business definition, objectives and goals - Environmental appraisal - Types of strategies - Guidelines for crafting successful business strategies 3. Tailoring strategy to fit specific industry 4. Strategic analysis and choice - Environmental Threat and Opportunity Profile (ETOP) - Organizational Capability Profile - Strategic Advantage Profile - Corporate Portfolio Analysis - SWOT Analysis - Synergy and Dysergy - GAP Analysis - Porters Five Forces Model of competition - Mc Kinseys 7s Framework - GE 9 Cell Model - Distinctive competitiveness - Selection of matrix 5. Strategy implementation - Issues in implementation - Project implementation - Procedural implementation Resource Allocation - Budgets - Organization Structure - Matching structure and strategy - Behavioral issues Leadership style - Corporate culture - Values - Power - Social responsibilities - Ethics - Building a capable organization - Functional issues - Functional plans and policies - Financial, Marketing, Operations and Personnel plans and policies 6. Strategy Evaluation - Importance - Symptoms of malfunctioning of strategy - Organization anarchies Operations Control and Strategic Control - Measurement of performance - Analyzing variances - Role of organizational systems in evaluation
7. New Business Models and strategies for Internet Economy - Shaping characteristics of E-Commerce environment - E-Commerce Business Model and Strategies - Internet Strategies for Traditional Business - Key success factors in E-Commerce 8. Cases in strategic management. A minimum of 10 cases encompassing the above topics to be analyzed and discussed in the class. Cases to be incorporated in the Question Paper. Books Recommended 1. Business Policy, 2nd Ed. - Azhar Kazmi and A.J.Strickland - R.M.Shrivastava
2. Strategic Management, 12th Ed. - Arthur A. Thompson Jr.- Concepts and Cases 3. Management Policy and Strategic Management (Concepts, Skills and Practices) 4. Business Policy and Strategic Management - P.Subba Rao 5. Strategic Management - Pearce 6. Strategy & Business Landscape - Pankaj Ghemawat
1. Characteristics of Management Control System Evolution of control systems in an organization Relating system to organizational objectives - Strategic Planning, Management Control and Operational Control Goal Congruence Cybernetic Paradigm of Grissinger Functions of the Controller 2. Responsibility Centers Types of Responsibility Centers Expense Centers, Profit Centers and Investment Centers Budgetary Control as a tool for Management Control Systems - Engineered, Discretionary and Committed Costs Approaches to budgeting w.r.t. Engineered and Discretionary costs Benchmarking and Total Cost Management 3. Transfer Pricing (Market based and Cost Based) Related numerical problems Return on Investment, Economic Value Added, Capital Budgeting and ratio analysis as a tool for management performance measurement 4. Management Control Systems in Service Sector vis--vis in Manufacturing Sector 5. Financial and non- financial performance measures w.r.t.Balanced Scorecard ( Rock Waters Model) 6. Long Range Planning Converting corporate vision into a long-range plan input output relationship. 7. Introduction to Audit Function as a control tool covering Financial Audit, Internal Audit, Cost Audit Management Audit Principles and Objectives 8. A Minimum Five cases I designing and implementation of control systems Books Recommended
1. Management Control Systems, 10th Ed. Anthony and Govindrajan 2. Practical Auditing B.N.Tandon 3. Cost Accounting B.K.Bhar
1. Service Industry Growth in services sector, Nature of Services, Classification of services Importance of Service Marketing.
3. Designing the service enterprise: New service development, Service blueprinting, Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning of Services
4. Pricing strategies in services: Factors involved in pricing a service product, Demand variation and capacity constraints, measures to respond to changes in demand, strategies to manage perish ability
5. Integrated Service Marketing Communication: Advertising and sales promotion in services, , Physical evidences in services- Importance of Physical evidences in services, tangibilising through physical evidence
7. Service Quality: Service Quality Models, Measuring service quality, Continuous quality improvement, Service guarantee and Service Recovery
8. Employees and customers role in service delivery: Managing the service encounter, Service encounter triad, Managing customer expectations and attitude, contact person selection and training, monitoring and measuring customer satisfaction.
Books Recommended 1. Services Management- James A Fitzsimmons, Mona J Fitzsimmons 2. Service Marketing- M.K.Rampal, S.L. Gupta.
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Essentials of Service Marketing- Douglas Hoffman, John E G Bateson Services Management, C.Bhattacharjee Essence of Services Marketing- Ardian payne. Services Marketing-S.M.Jha. Services Marketing,2nd Ed.-Zeithaml & Bitner Services Marketing- Christopher Lovelock, Jochen Wirtz and Jayanta Chatterjee. Services Marketing Helen Woodruffe.
Taxation Laws
PART A : Direct Taxes 1. Income Tax Act 1961, - Definitions Assessee, Person, Agricultural Income, Income, casual income-previous year, Assessment year, Residential Status Incomes exempt from Tax. 2. Computation of Various heads of income Income from salaries- Income from House Property- Capital Gains important calculations under income from business and profession-long term and short term capital gains-Income from other sources deductions from each head of income, 3.. Returns of Income Compulsory filing of returns based upon economic criteria - forms of returns- assessment Types of assessments- Deduction of Tax at source- Tax deduction certificates. 5. Taxation of Companies-, Minimum Alternate Tax,
1. Central Excise Nature and Contemporary Legislation for the same- Liability for the central excise Definitions Goods, Manufacture, , Manufacturer-Excisable goods, Job Workers Classification Determination of Tariff Headings Valuation of Goods Transaction Value Administrative Structure of Excise Departments Various Procedures registration -Self Removable under Invoice, Manner and Payment of Duty Interest, Penalty, Confiscation , Seizure, duty Payment under protest, Refunds, CENVAT Credit-Concessions for SSI Units. Introduction to service tax. 2..Maharashtra Value Added Tax (VAT)2005: Definition Agriculture, business, capital assets, dealer, non resident dealer, goods, place of business, purchase price, sale price, resale, turnover of purchases and turn over of sales. Levy and incidence of tax, registration, set off and refunds
3. customs duty- nature and contemporary legislation- taxable event for import and export of goods- types and rates of duties- valuation of goods- procedures of import and export, manual and electronic documentation, baggage ,courier, duty drawback exemptions, remission refund of duty. 4...Central Sales Tax Definitions goods- dealer, business, inter state sale, sale inside the state- sale during the course, import and export- penultimate sale , registration ,returns liability of CST.
Notes: a) Assessment Year applicable for the paper will be the Assessment Year pertaining to the academic year. E.g. for the academic year 2007-2008applicable assessment year will be 20072008. b) Problems will be asked on the following areas; i. ii. Simple Problems on computation of Income from Salaries with deduction there from. Simple Problems on computation of income from business and profession Books Recommended 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Direct Taxes Law & Practice Vinod Singhania Bare Acts & Rule of the relevant taxes. Direct taxes by Girish Ahuja & Dr. Ravi Gupta. Direct Taxes T. N. Manoharan Indirect Taxes Law & Practice V S Datey Bare Acts and Rules of relevant taxes Indirect Taxes Dr. Sanjeev Kumar Indirect Taxes Yogendra Bangar & Vandana bangar Indirect Taxes Snowwhite Publications
Software Engineering
1. 2. 3. 4.
Systems Concept, Integrated Systems, Sub-systems, Modules Software and its evolving role, changing nature of software Role of different types of people involved in System Development Processes and Process models a. Framework, patterns, assessment, technology b. CMMI c. Prescriptive
d. Waterfall e. Incremental f. Evolutionary g. Component based h. Unified process i. Agile process models 5. Software Engineering in practice a. Communication b. Planning c. Modeling i. Analysis modeling ii. Design modeling d. Construction i. Coding and concepts ii. Testing e. deployment 6. Systems Engineering a. Computer based systems b. System modeling i. UML c. System simulation d. Business process engineering
e. Product engineering
7. Structured Analysis and Design Method and Software Engineering Techniques, Tools and Methodologies in Systems Development 8. Application Systems Modeling a. Data Modeling b. Process Modeling c. Concept of Object Oriented Modeling d. Temporal Modeling e. Component based modeling 9. System Documentation Techniques 10. Users Interface Analysis and Design 11. Testing strategies and tactics 12. Introduction to Computer Aided Software Engineering (CASE) a. Centralized data Dictionaries b. Diagrammers c. Database Designer d. Code Generator in CASE Tools e. Tools for Static and Dynamic Analysis of programs and Impact Analysis for introducing changes f. The concept of Reverse Engineering 13. Reengineering Books Recommended
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Analysis and Design of Information System 2nd Ed.- Senn Software Engineering Practitioners Approach - Roger Pressman Introduction to Systems Analysis and Design - Hawrys zkiwycz - Hawryszkiwycz Systems Analysis and Design - Elies Awad Introducing Systems Analysis and Design - Lee Systems Analysis and Design - Perry Edwards Software Engineering Concepts - Fairley Software Engineering Shari Lawrence Pfleeger
1. Project Management Concepts - concept and characteristics of a project, need and significance of project management, organizational structure, the roles and responsibilities of the project manager, project team, management, and stakeholders, project life cycle, types of project 2. Project Conception - Concept, significance of project concept in competitive business environment, characteristics, project process from conception to approval, project life cycle, 3. Project Planning - Statement of Work, Work Breakdown Structure, Schedule, Project planning and scheduling techniques: CPM/PERT and PDM, GERT -application, limitations; Line Of Balance methodology and application in projects; scheduling multiple projects 4. Critical Chain Scheduling - Concept of critical chain scheduling: critical chain scheduling method; application of Critical chain scheduling. 5. Project Quality Management - Concept of project quality, responsibility for quality in projects, quality management at different stages of project, tools and techniques, TPI, TQM in projects 6. Project performance Measurement and Control - Performance measurement methods to monitor, evaluate, and control planned cost and schedule performance, Earned value Management: concept and application 7. Risk Management - Meaning of risk, types of risks, assessment of risk, managing risks in projects 8. Project Closure/ Termination - Meaning of closure/ termination, closure/ termination steps, final closure. 9. IT in Projects - Overview of types of software for projects, major features of soft wares like MS Project/PRIMAVERA 10. International Projects - Issues in managing international projects , Selection and training of employees, cross cultural considerations
Books Recommended
1. A Guide to the Project Management Body of Knowledge, (PMBOK Guides) by Project Management Institute Third Edition (2004)
2. Clifford F Gray, Erik W Larson , Project Management-The Managerial Process Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 3. Jack Meredith, Samuel J. Mantel Jr. Project Management- A Managerial Approach John Wiley and Sons 4. John M Nicholas Project Management For Business And Technology: Principles and Practice, Prentice Hall Of India Pvt Ltd 5. James P Lewis Project Planning ,Scheduling And Control Tata Mcgraw-Hill Publishing Co Ltd 6. Parviz F. Rad and Ginger Levin , Metrics for Project Management: Formalized Approaches, Management Concepts (September 1, 2005) 7. Quentin W. Fleming and Joel M. Koppelman, Earned Value Project Management Project Management Institute; 3rd edition (February 2006)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11.
The Factory Act The Contract Labour Act The workmens Compensation Act The Provident Fund act Employees State Insurance Act The Gratuity Act The Payment of Wages Act The Payment of Bonus act Industrial Dispute Act The MRTU and PULP Act The Industrial Employment (Standing Order) Act
Note Relevant sections/Provisions to be studied from above acts, given in separate hand out
INTRODUCTION - International Logistics and Supply chain management: meaning and objectives, importance in global economy , Characteristics of global supply chains,: Supply chain relationship to business performance, -Key tasks of logistics and supply chain managers, Role of Government in controlling international trade and its impact on Logistics and supply chain
SUPPLY CHAIN STRATEGY - Supply chain as a competitive advantage, Global Supply chain strategy, Structuring supply chain capabilities, Business matching supply chain design with business strategy
TRANSPORTATION - Strategic importance of transport in global logistics, logistical objectives of transport, International Ocean Transportation, International Air Transportation, and International Land Transportation: types, characteristics and salient features, intermodal transportation in international operations, factors influencing mode and carrier selection decision,
OUTSOURCING AND LOGISTICS SERVICE PROVIDERS - Intermediaries and Alliances in Global Logistics, Meaning of 3 PL and 4 PL service providers, role in Global logistics, types of services, considerations for hiring 3PL and 4 PL service providers. Concept and need of outsourcing, determinants for outsourcing decisions, role of outsourcing in global supply chain management
CUSTOMER SERVICE - The marketing and logistics interface, customer service and customer retention, Service driven logistics systems, customer service priorities and standards, customer service strategy
PLANNING GLOBAL SUPPLY CHAIN - Planning the global supply chain, Network design for global supply chain management, Risk management in the global context, Measuring logistics cost and performance. Benchmarking the supply chain, Performance measurement and evaluation in global supply chains.
GLOBAL TRADE ENVIRONMENT- Global trade environment: various trade blocks/FTZ and their impact on supply chain management, Customs and Regulations, Trade Documentation, International Contracts, Terms of Trade, Term of Payment, International Currency, INCO terms, Logistical packaging ,containerization.
NETWORK DESIGN - Decisions in Network design-strategic importance, location of plant, warehouse, facilities; capacity and number of warehouses: Factors influencing network design decisions.
INVENTORY FLOW AND MODELING - Approaches to Inventory Management in Global Supply Chain Management;; Distribution Resource Planning; Symptoms of poor Inventory Management,
Modeling in Supply chain: inventory models, safety stock determination for service level, and lead time; forecasting models, routing problem
COORDINATION IN SUPPLY CHAIN - Importance of Coordination in Supply Chain, Bullwhip Effect, Effect of lack of Coordination on performance, Obstacles to Coordination, Strategies to achieve coordination, Building Strategic Partnership and Trust In Supply Chain.
INFORMATION TECHNLOGY IN SUPPLY CHAIN - Role and Importance of IT in Supply Chain Management, IT solutions for Supply Chain Management, Supply Chain Information Technology in Practice
PERFORMANCE MEASUREMENT AND TRENDS - Dimensions of Performance Metrics, Approaches/tools for Performance Measurement, Measuring logistics cost and performance. Benchmarking the supply chain, Performance measurement and evaluation in global supply chains, Impediments to improve Performance, Trends in International supply chain management
Books Recommended 1. Douglas Long International Logistics: Global Supply Chain Management Springer-Verlag New York, LLC;2004 2. Philippe-Pierre Dornier, Panos Kouvelis, Michel Fender Global Operations and Logistics: Text and Cases Wiley, John & Sons, Incorporated 1998 3. Alan Branch Global Supply Chain Management in International Logistics Routledge 2007 (tobe published) 4. Kent N. Gourdin Global Logistics Management: A Competitive Advantage for the New Millennium Blackwell Publishing 2006 5. Sridhar R. Tayur (Editor), Michael J. Magazine (Editor), RAM Ganeshan (Editor) Quantitative Models for Supply Chain Management Kluwer Academic Publishers 1998
1. 2. 3. 4.
Strategic Marketing Management An Overview- Characteristics and trends of Strategic Marketing Management. Generic Competitive Strategy Three generic strategies, stuck in middle, Risk of generic strategy. Corporate Strategic Planning- SWOT Analysis in Strategy Formulation. Differentiation Strategies- Obtaining sustainable competitive advantage- Strategies in declining and hostile markets, Implementing various strategies.
Rural Markets in India Features, Significance with special reference to Consumer Behavior, Logistics and Pricing. 6. Communication Strategies for rural markets. 7. Marketing of Agricultural Inputs Seeds, Fertilizers, Pesticides, Technology, irrigation equipments, Machinery. 8. Specialized Techniques for Rural market research. 9. Databases for Rural Markets. 10. Procurement of Rural products for rural and urban Malls.
Books Recommended
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Strategic Marketing Management David Aaker. Principles of Marketing- Philip Kotler, Gary Armstrong. Competitive strategy Michael E Porter. Essentials of Marketing Geoff Lancaster. Marketing Strategy, 3rd Ed. Boyd Walker, Mullins Larrech. Agri-Business Marketing Dr. S. W. Bhave. Rural Marketing T. P. Gopalaswamy. Cases in Rural Marketing by Krishnamacharyulu & Ramakrishnan Marketing Strategy by Ferrell & Hartline.
FINANCIAL INSTITUTIONS AND MARKETS 1. Overview of Indian Financial System and Markets Developments since 1991 Recent Trends Role of Financial Intermediaries in a financial system Various financial intermediaries 2. Study of various interest rates Short Term, Medium Term and Long Term Emergence of Repos rate as the benchmark rate in the short term Floating and Fixed rates of interest LIBOR,MIBOR and MIBID 3. Regulatory mechanism and statutory authorities in financial markets SEBI and RBI Role played by them Salient features of statues governed by them 4. Commercial Banking Management of assets and liabilities Lending policies Risk and Profitability planning Effect of RBI policies on the operations of commercial banks - Recent reforms in Banking Sector Recovery of debts. 5. Non-Banking Financial Companies Status Regulations affecting operations of NBFCs in India 6. Development Banking relationship with commercial banks growth and role- sources of funds. Books Recommended 1. Financial Institutions & Markets - L.M.Bhole 2. Indian Financial System - M.Y.Khan
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Relevant text of SEBI guidelines Marketing of Financial Services Audhani Advance Financial Management - Kohak Financial markets and services Gordon and Natrajan Financial Markets + institutions Fredric S. Mishkin & Stanley G. Eakins Management of Financial Services V K Bhalla Indian Financial System H R Machiraju
404(C) : SYSTEMS SPECIALIZATION PAPER 6 TRENDS IN INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY In this paper the current trends in information technology will be taught and discussed by the experts on the technologies which are current at that point of time
3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Introduction to strategic manufacturing : relation to corporate strategy, business strategy analytical techniques Porters 5 forces model for competition, Mackinseys 7 s framework, Force analysis, Gap analysis, SWOT analysis etc. as applicable to manufacturing New economy (knowledge economy) Role of manufacturing in formulating strategy : Strategic issues in manufacturing, core competency, capability of organization importance of value addition structure - infrastructure size of manufacturing facilities Framework for Developing Manufacturing Strategy : Methodology linking manufacturing to markets strategic integration why products sell in the markets order winners and qualifiers Generic strategies : Process choice business implications of process choice progression and regression manufacturing methods trade offs Focused Manufacturing lean manufacturing down sizing decision criteria mass production and mass customization assembly line management Supply Chain Networks - make or buy decisions JIT production value chain concept Infrastructure and Organizational Development- -controlling operations performance indicators PQCDSM Investment Decisions: Linking investment to product life cycle traditional accounting and financial perspectives for operational strategy. Periodic review of manufacturing strategy to survive in dynamic markets R&D, innovation, using technology
Books Recommended
1. Operations Strategy -- David Walters Palgvave Mcmillan 2. Operations Management for Competitive Advantage Chase 3. Competitive Manufacturing Management Nicholas 4. Manufacturing Strategy - Terry Hill 5. Strategic Operations Management - Steeve Brown,Richard Lamming,John Bessant,Peter Jones (Butterworth Heinemann) 6. Competitive strategy M.E Porter. 7. Operations Management Terry Hill. 8. JIT in manufacturing M.G.Koregaonkar (Mac Millan) 9. Managing Technology & Innovation for Competitive Advantage - Narayanan
Wages and Salaries determination Difference between salary and wages- Basis for compensation fixation Preparation of Pay Roll. Components of wages Basic Wages Overtime wages Dearness Allowance Basis for calculation Time Rate Wages and Efficiency Based Wages- Incentive Schemes Individual Bonus schemes- Halsey, Halsey Weir, Rowan Group Bonus schemes Effect of various labour laws on wages - Managerial Compensation Components of Salary- Effects of various Industrial laws on Salary. Non- Monetary Motivational Methods.
4. 5.
Managerial Compensations Tax implications While calculating the income of an individual Cost to the Company Valuation of Perquisites- Taxability of various components like allowances, Leave Encashment, Leave Travel Assistance,
Medical Reimbursement, Employees Stock Option Scheme- Tax deduction at source deductions and Tax Rebates to be considered while deciding tax deducted at source Tax deduction Certificates
Books Recommended 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. HR Management C.B. Mamoria Managing Human Resources R. S. Dwiwedi Human Resource Management B.P. Michael Human Resource Management - Dr. P.C. Pardeshi Income Tax vinod Singhania.
Explanation of the dimension of race , ethnicity , gender , caste, sevtual orientation , social economic status , age, physical abilities, religious beliefs, political ideologies
Limitations of Affirmative action welcoming ex-party evaluation and other legal policies
Diversity management training programs for all employees and continuous monitoring of results, Diversity audit.
Organization culture.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9.
Introduction: Definition and Concepts. Theories of retail evolution. Types of Retailing and Emerging Retail formats. Strategic Retail Planning Decisions of Retailer Franchising in Retailing Global retailing e tailing Snapshot of retail in India: Past Present Future. Managing Retail HRM in Retail Ethics in Retail Cases. Books Recommended Retailing Management text & cases Swapna Pradhan THH Publication Retailing Patric M. Dunne Thompson Publication Retail Management, PPC David Walters. Retailing Mgt. W stewarg Retailing Mgt. Levy & Weitz
Functions of money, monetary standards, Pre and post nationalization, privatization, liberalization, globalization. Indian banking system- features drawbacks, types of banks, functions of banks Central Bank/ reserve bank- role, functions, RBI and monetary policy, lender of last resort, bank for international settlements, credit control by RBI, forex reserves. Commercial Banking functions of commercial banks retail banking- credit creation- determination of interest rates- LIBOR-REPO-SLR-CRR-PLR-MIBOR RTGS-NPA- development banking Banking products, banking services, corporate banking, plastic money, E-banking Operation of bank accounts- types of bank accounts- Marketing of bank products and product development. Financial statements of a bank introduction Bank laws overview of banking regulation act, RBI act, Basel norms and other laws.
Recent development and other concepts Mergers and acquisitions- wealth management- long and short term financing-financing of SMEs Forex- international banking.
405(I): ENGINEERING SPECIALIZATION PAPER 2 MARKETING FOR ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES The nature and scope of marketing for Engineering Industries Concepts, policies and Philosophy of customer focused marketing Differences between Engineering marketing and Consumer marketing Internal marketing Communication processes / responsiveness Marketing environment and Engineering Economics Corporate culture Application of Market segmentation, targeting and positioning principles to engineering industries Effective marketing strategies Relationship marketing Buying behaviour in engineering companies Purchase policies and processes Market intelligence and marketing research, derived and independent demands. Total economy and industry picture and end user expectations Product development and modifications Pricing policies for different segments Channel management and distributions Promotion strategies Brand building both for finished and intermediate products Product related services management Engineering services marketing Project marketing pre-bid actions, bid preparation, submission # # # # Negotiations and execution Procedures for World Bank, Asian/African Development bank financed projects E-commerce strategies, B2B , B2C, BOTs Technology and innovations
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Introduction, Definition, Scope Medical terminology Basics of human biology Basics of human physiology and anatomy Epidemiology Etiology of modern-day Diseases: Cardiovascular Diseases, Cancer, Diabetes, HIV etc Indian Health Care Systems Economics of HCM
405(K): IT AND ITES SPECIALIZATION PAPER 2 PACKAGE APPLICATION SERVICES 1. Engineering Applications a. Scientific support tools b. Business enablement tools 2. Business management Applications and tools a. Customer Relationship Management b. Enterprise Resource Planning c. Enterprise Application Integration d. Enterprise Content Management e. Supply Chain Management f. HR management tools g. Operations management tools h. others 3. Analytical tools a. Statistical tools b. BI tools c. KM tools d. Others 4. Business Modeling and Simulation Tools 5. Office and back office automation tools
1. 2. 3. 4. 5.
Introduction: elements & components of Retail operations. Retail Locations. Store design and Layout. Retail supply chain management. Retail store operations.
Books Recommended
Retail Management, PPC David Walters. Retailing Mgt. W stewarg Retailing Mgt. Levy & Weitz
Credit Management
Introduction, Meaning, objectives, Importance of Credit Management Credit Analysis, Credit appraisal, Installing a strong credit culture and common credit problems. Credit and Banking Risks Documentation Types of borrowers Lending Function, loan policy, loan pricing, credit risk and loan losses( NPA) Credit Evaluation Credit Monitoring Follow up and recovery management Regulatory Framework
406(I): ENGINEERING SPECIALIZATION PAPER 3 HRM FOR ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES Improving Productivity and efficiency Productivity linked incentive schemes Reducing Manpower Cost # Down sizing / right sizing by reducing unproductive workforce # Voluntary separation schemes # Outsourcing non core activities of the organization Motivating employees Monetary and no monetary incentive schemes Training and Development programmes to improve competency level Retention of employees Bringing down the attrition rate Compensation systems Salary / perks to be comparable Providing growth opportunity Making learning individuals and organization Relevant and important provisions of The Factories Act 1947. Employee Safety
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.
Social Marketing Public Health Policies in India Health Tourism Telemedicine Bioethics Legal Aspects of HC
406(K) : IT AND ITES SPECIALIZATION PAPER 3 MANAGING IT AND ITES BUSINESS 1. IT/ITES industry -- Historical perspective, present status, future trends. 2. Managing IT and ITES businesses in the current and future scenario. Functioning of IT Companies, Typical departments in IT company Study of IT offerings of Indian companies Understand various business models of IT companies - Product, services, revenue share, profit share etc Eco system of IT company - partners, suppliers, customers etc. Understanding of Indian IT industry - current state, challenges, prospects. IT/ITES market -- Size, major players, market shares, global/domestic market sizes, Managing IT service operations the differences and similarities between service and manufacturing organizations will be analyzed. Specifically, the course examines how to identify hallmarks of superior service; manage capacity and demand for services, and improve service operations. This possibly can cover various outsourcing businesses such as - Voice call support - Managed Services - BPO - KPO 3. Economic Environment -- Government policy framework, laws, regulations; FDI (both inbound and outbound); Comparison of state-level policies; SEZ; Software parks; RBI norms for software/services export; etc. 4. IT/ITES marketing -- Apply marketing concepts learnt in earlier trimesters to IT/ITES industry, B2B marketing, Competitive scenario, Branding, Competition between companies, Competition between countries, etc. 5. HR perspectives in IT/ITES -- How is IT/ITES industry different from other industries in terms of HR goals, practices and methodologies 6. Industry associations and their role in policy making as well as global marketing (NASSCOM, CSI, CII, etc.)
7. Managing global Sourcing Models
a. b. c. d. e. f. g.
International Laws - Service Outsourcing - Contracts/Bids Management - Which functions are outsourced by large firms - Cost Benefit analysis of IT outsource models - Critical factors of effectively managing IT outsourcing - Evaluating performance in outsourced environments
Evaluation of the Individual Summer Training carried out after Trimester III (Project Report and Viva-voce Examination)
This paper will cover a broad overview of the current and most relevant concepts, trends and issues influencing the business and Industry.
1.Marketing Channels-Structure, Functions and Significance-Basic Channel Role in the dynamic market placeDesigning the Market Channel system.
2.C&F Agents introduction organisation & unorganized Retailing Formats, retails Newer Trends.
4.Nature and Importance of Retailing- Types of the Retailers-Retail Merchandising- Retail Decision Location and Size.
5.Retailer Promotion-Advertising, Sales Promotion and POP Promotion- Shelf Management-Communicating with the retailer customer.
6. Significance and importance of Franchisee in Channel Decission Advantages of Franchisee Process of appointment of Franchisee- Franchiser Franchisee relationship.
7.Managing Marketing Channels- Channel Policies Choice of the channelOrganizational Pattern in the Channel- Assessing Channel Performance- Causes for Channel Conflict- Techniques to overcome Channel Conflict.
8.Economic cost of retailing.Channels for Consumer goods, Industrial goods and Services. 9. Concept, Role and Significance of Multi-level Marketing.
Books Recommended
1.Physical distribution and logistics management-Dr. S. W. Bhave. 2. Physical Distribution Management M. V. Kulkarni. 3. Distribution Management S. Eliton. 4.Marketing Bovee, Thill. 5.Retail Marketing Ronald W. Hasty. 6.Retailing Management Michael Levy.
INTERNATIONAL FINANCE 6. International Trade Dynamics of Export Growth Integration of Global Markets Trade Blocks International Financial Institutions Development Banks International Liquidity and Special Drawing Rights- International debt crisis- origin , history ands status with reference to brazil, Mexico, Argentina, south east Asia- oil crisis. 7. Forex Markets Operations in Foreign Exchange Markets Mechanism of Spot and Forward Exchange contracts Exchange Trading, and position international money- Capital and Forex Markets with reference
to new York, London, Hong Kong, Singapore, Euro land - Theories of Exchange Rate Purchasing power Parity, Interest Rate Parity, Demand & Supply and Elasticity in Foreign Exchange Rate determination Balance of Payment historical perspective on interest rates Gold Standard -inter war instability bretten woods International Monetary System - Fixed Vs. Fluctuating Exchange Rates The rise of Euro currencies the rise of private world money 8. Exchange Control Regulations & FEMA Export Credit Guarantee Corporation Exim Bank Foreign Exchange Dealers Association of India Convertibility uniform customs and practices for documentary credit- uniform rules for collection-uniform rules for reimbursement. 9. Export Import Financing Mechanism Buyers Credit Suppliers Credit Financing in foreign currency for exports and rupee finance 10. Financial Management of the Multinational Firm Foreign Direct Investment Cost of Capital and Capital Structure of a Multinational Firm ADRs, GDRs, ECBs Syndication - Multinational Capital Budgeting Multinational Cash Management Country Risk Analysis International Taxation Double Taxation Avoidance Agreements Books Recommended 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. Essence of International Money Adrian Buckley International Finance A.V.Rajwade International Finance P.G.Apte International Finance Shapiro Exchange Control Regulations Nabhi 12. MAFA S. D. Bala & Pattabhai Ram.
502(C): SYSTEMS SPECIALIZATION PAPER 7 INFORMATION SYSTEMS AUDIT AND CONTROL 1. Introduction a. Overview of the information systems and auditing i. Need for control and audit ii. Effect of computers on internal control iii. Effect of computers on auditing iv. Foundations of IS auditing b. conducting and information system audit i. nature of controls ii. complexities iii. risks iv. types of audit procedures Management Control Framework a. Top management b. Systems development management c. Programming management
6. 7. 8. 9.
d. Data resource management e. Security management controls f. Operations management g. Quality assurance management Application Control Framework a. Boundry b. Input c. Communication d. Processing e. Database f. output Evidence Collection a. Audit software b. Code review, test data, code comparison c. Concurrent auditing techniques d. Fact finding and control flowcharts e. Performance measurement tools Evidence Evaluation a. Evaluating asset safeguarding and data integrity b. Evaluating system effectiveness and efficiency Information Systems audit management a. Managing the IS audit Functions IS strategies and tactics, plans committees, policies IT crimes and issues professionalism, US and British Standards, E-commerce and legal framework
Books Recommended 1. Information System Control and Audit Ron Weber pearson 2. CISA review manual
502(D) : OPERATIONS SPECIALIZATION PAPER 7 QT/IT APPLICATIONS 1. Introduction to Business modeling : the modeling process, certainty and uncertainty in models. Importance of understanding data before modeling, and modeling with spreadsheet in simple decision situations. 2. Linear Programming Problem (LPP) : Application of LPP in operations Management, Problem Formulation, simplex method, duality, sensitivity analysis, Trans-shipment problems, Concept of Goal programming, Goal programming model formulation
3. Sequencing Problems : n jobs 2 machines, n jobs - 3 machines, n jobs m machines. Comparison of priority sequencing rules.
1. Application of Decision Trees in operations management. 5. Introduction to Dynamic Programming 6. Simulation Applications in Operations management 7. IT In Operations: Role and Impact of IT on operations, IT as a competitive edge, Overview of Soft wares in Operations : Introduction, characteristics and key features of soft wares on Logistics/ SCM, Project Management, Quality Management.
8. ERP: Meaning, salient features, features of ERP systems offered by leading vendors, prerequisite and process of implementation Books Recommended
N.D. Vohra Quantitative Techniques in Management- Tata- Mcgraw-Hill Publications J.K.Sharma Quantitative Techniques for Managerial Decisions Macmillan India Ltd. Balakrishnan, Render, Stair , Jr. - Managerial Decisions Modeling with Spreadsheets Pearson Education. Chase, Aquilano, Jacobs, Agarwal Operations Management for Competitive Advantage Tata McGraw- Hill Publications Chary - Production and Operations Management Tata McGraw- Hill Publications Gillet B.E. Introduction to Operations Research A computer oriented Approach Tata McGraw Hill Publications Taha Hatndy , A Operations Research An Introduction- PHI New Delhi Render, Stair , Jr. Quantitative Analysis for Management Pearson Education. Mittal and Mohan - Optimization Methods in Operations Research and Systems Analysis New Age International Publishers , New Delhi Eilon ERP Demystified Wayne L Winston - Operations Research, , Thomson Hiller, F.S. & Limerman, G. 1. - Introduction to Operations Research, 2nd Edn., holden Day Inc., London Gupta and Khanna - Quantitative Techniques for Decision Making, PHI Publication Render and Stair, Jr.- Quantitative Analysis for Management, Pearson/PHI Terry Lucey - Quantitative Techniques, Thomson Learning
1. Introduction
* * * *
Defining Strategy Types of Strategies Defining Strategic HRM and reasons for its evolution. Linking Business Strategies and HR strategies
* * *
Recruitment and Selection current techniques Training Evolving techniques for creating a Learning Organization Compensation Management Current Trends
3. Manifestations of HR Strategies
* * * * *
Outsourcing HA in OD initiatives Managing Human side of Mergers and Acquisition Domestic and International. Retention Strategies Knowledge Management
2. 6.
Books Recommended
1. 2.
Human Resource Management, 8th ED. Gary Dessier Strategic Management Gregory Dess and Allex Miller
4. What is WTO
6. Ministerial Conferences
9. Regional trade agreements and WTO, ILO 10. International arbitration UNICITRA
2. Global marketing environment Economic Environment, Socio-cultural Environment Legal and Statutory Framework.
4. Planning for International Marketing- Market Analysis and Foreign Market Entry Strategies.
6. Documentation and procedural complexities- Registration with various agencies Compulsory Quality ControlProcessing Export Orders.
Books Recommended
1. International Marketing-Cateora. 2. Managing International Marketing Varkey. 3. Creating Market across the Globe: Strategies for business excellence Korwar
4. Essence of International Marketing Stan Paliwoda. 5. Global Marketing Management-Warren J. Keegan. 6. International Marketing Management-Subhash Jain.
SECURITY ANALYSIS & PORTFOLIO MANAGEMENT 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. introduction and Investment scenario Risk and Return Alpha & beta Stock Market in India Security Market Indicators Fundamental Analysis , Technical analysis Efficient market hypothesis impact of changes accounting policies Equity stock valuation models Bond valuation Portfolio analysis and portfolio selection Managed portfolios and performance measurements Derivatives-Futures and Options Market Trading and investments in commodity markets Books Recommended 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Portfolio Management Kevin Portfolio Management Barua Stock Exchanges and Investments Raghunathan Security analysis and Portfolio Management Punithavathy Pandian Security Analysis and Portfolio Management Fisher and Jordon.
4. 5. 6.
a. History b. Characteristics c. Components d. Approaches to information security implementation Security Systems development a. Life cycles b. Professionalism c. Communities of interest Need for Security a. Business needs b. Threats c. Attacks Intellectual Property Rights a. Legal, Ethical and professional issues Risk Management Planning and implementation a. Digital security b. Physical security c. Personnel d. maintenance Technologies a. Firewalls and VPNs b. IDS, Access control c. Cryptography d. Other tools
1. Historical perspective: World class Excellent organizations American and Japanese Companies Deming Awards , Malcom Baldrige National Quality Award Globalization Global Companies Models for manufacturing excellence Business Excellence. 2. Benchmarks, Bottlenecks and Best Practices: Concepts of benchmarking, bottleneck and best practices, Best performers Gaining competitive edge through
world class manufacturing Value added manufacturing eliminating waste Toyota Production System example. 3. System & tools for world class manufacturing: Improving Product & Process Design Lean Production SQC , FMS,Rapid Prototyping , Poka Yoke , 5-S ,3 M, use of IT ,JIT, Product Mix , Optimizing , Procurement & stores practices , Total Productive maintenance , Visual Control. 4. Human Resource Management in WCM: Adding value to the organization Organizational learning techniques of removing Root cause of problems People as problem solvers New organizational structures . Associates Facilitators Teamsmanship Motivation and reward in the age of continuous improvement. 5. Typical characteristics of WCM companies: Performance indicators (PQCDSM) what is world class Performance Six Sigma philosophy 6. Indian Scenario: Leading Indian companies towards world class manufacturing Task Ahead.
Books Recommended
1. World Class Manufacturing - Strategic Perspective - B.S. Sahay ,KBC Saxena , Ashish Kumar .(Mac Millan) 2. Making Common Sense Common Practice Models for manufacturing excellence Ron Moore (Butter worth Heinmann) 3. The Toyota Way - Jeffrey K.Liker (Tata Macgraw Hill ) 4. Operations Management for Competitive Advantage Chase 5. Making Common Sense Common Practice Moore 6. Managing Technology & Innovation for Competitive Advantage Narayanan 7. Just In Time Manufacturing M.G.Korgaonkar 8. Machine That Changed The World Womack
* * *
Defining OD Important characteristics of OD Values, Beliefs and Assumptions underlying the field of OD
* * * *
Models of Change Management Systems theory Parallel Learning Structure Action Research
a. Diagnosis
* * *
Why diagnosis Importance of correct diagnosis in success of OD SIX BOX MODEL, 7 S Frameworks, and Organizational Iceberg Model Force Field Analysis
b. OD Interventions
* *
Introducing the term interventions Types of Interventions Team, Third party, Structural and Comprehensive
c. Team Interventions
* * * * * * * * * *
What are Teams and Effective Teams? Stages of Team Development Gestalt Approach Role of Analysis Technique Interdependency Exercise Role Negotiation Appreciations and Concerns Exercise Visioning Responsibility Charting Appreciative Inquiry
d. Structural Interventions
* * * * *
Scio-Technical systems as an intervention Work Redesign Quality of Work Life TQM Reengineering
e. Comprehensive Interventions
* *
f. OD Consultant
* * * * *
Choosing the OD Consultant Role of the OD Consultant Competencies of the OD Consultant Ethical issues in OD consulting Organizational Power and Politics and its impact on OD
Books Recommended
1. 2. 3.
Organization development French & Bell Changing Organizations warren Bennis Organizational Development, 6th ED. Vendell L. French
Normative and relative ethics , concept and choice. Legal compliances Home and host countrys regulations and compulsions of international agencies
Human dignity Meeting stake holders, exploitations and , competitiveness and fair trade practices Employee wellness. Internationally Importance of integrity avoidance of corrupt practices
Balance between profit and moral obligations. Ethics and human rights Balanced global environment , judicious use of natural resources
Sustainable development
Cost benefit analysis of internal corporate social responsibility and good corporate activities
Case Analysis of failure of fortune 500 corporates and top auditing firms
Concept of ombudsman
Books Recommended
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Basics of Retail merchandising. Process of merchandise planning. Merchandise Procurement vendor negotiations. In store merchandise handling Retail Pricing and Evaluating merchandize performance. Creation of private labels. Concept of category management. Short term project and cases.
Books Recommended
1. Merchandize management- - John Donnellan 2. Why we Buy, The science of shopping Paco Underhill.
Evolution and features of insurance, classification of insurance, double insurance and reinsurance, Conditions relating to risk, Selection of Risk Insurance Agent History of Insurance, Privatization, Types of Insurance Life and General insurance
Life insurance Principles, Contacts, Risk, Policies, Marketing, Privatization of Life insurance business Role and performance of LIC vis--vis Private insurance companies
Practice of non life insurance - Fire, Automobile, Marine, Health, Rural, Social and Miscellaneous insurances Public and Private insurance companies
Management of Insurance Companies Functions and organization of insurers Underwriting Claims Management Insurance intermediaries Financial Management in Insurance companies Information technology in Insurance business Features of Financial Statements of Insurance companies Marketing of Insurance companies Product design and Development, Insurance pricing, Insurance Marketing, Comparison of Marketing Strategies of public and private insurance companies Bank assurance Regulation of Insurance business and IRDA Its role Classification of Insurance laws insurance legislation IRDA Act Ombudsman
504(I): ENGINEERING SPECIALIZATION PAPER 4 FINANCE FOR ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES Investment appraisal for hi-tech machines/process Linkage of investment to product life cycle Critical issues in investment in manufacturing infrastructure Overview of costing method Working capital management Use of ratio analysis
1. Introduction to hospitals 2. Hospital planning and organizing 3. Human Resource Management in hospitals 4. Marketing of hospitals 5. Material Management in hospitals 6. Financial Management in hospitals 7. Hospital Information System
504(K) : IT AND ITES SPECIALIZATION PAPER 4 ITES and Technology Management 1. 2. The Role of Technology in ITES Introduction to Technologies a. Open source b. JAVA/J2EE offerings c. Content management/Portals d. Web 2.0 e. SOA and Web services f. .NET g. e-Commerce h. B2B i. Business Intelligence j. EAI k. Other relevant technologies Applications of Technologies for ITES a. Students require to visit at least one ITES company to see the working of the technologies in the live environment and note down the learning about Technology implementation in ITES.
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8.
Introduction to retail sells and customer service. The retail selling process customer study & approach. CRM in Retail Customer service. Retail marketing mix. Retail communication mix. Consumer Buying behaviour in Retail. Visual merchandising method of display. The concept of integrated marketing communication.
Books Recommended
Retailing Management text & cases Swapna Pradhan THH Publication Retailing Patric M. Dunne Thompson Publication Retail Management, PPC David Walters. Retailing Mgt. W stewarg Retailing Mgt. Levy & Weitz
Insurance policies of different companies Comparisons Banking Products Comparison Mergers, Acquisitions and Takeovers of banking and insurance companies Wealth management Meaning, Definition Introduction to Treasury Management CRM Cash Management and demand forecasting in ATMs Foreign Banking Systems International banking Hi-tech Banking Anti Money laundering Know your Customer
505(I): ENGINEERING SPECIALIZATION PAPER 5 STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT FOR ENGINEERING INDUSTRIES World &Indian economy --- Sectoral Projections Engineering industry & its contributions Management Process in Manufacturing - from R & D to markets -technology absorption in new product development - time from concept to market - collaborations , M &As - market drivers -&challenges - outsourcing, lean production, supply chain, logistics, - ISO certification & 6sigma quality - B 2 B business & e -commerce Core competency, & diversification Management tools &corporate structure
- financial performance, HR &industrial relations Policies - customer focus & KRAs at Corporate & Functional levels Focused factory Strategic decisions in manufacturing Recent trends in manufacturing Technology strategy Creating competitive advantage Critique of Six Sigma as a strategy
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7.
Stress Management Alternative Medicine (Ayurved, Homeopathy, AOL, Reiki etc) Nutrition, Diet and Health Environment, Safety and Hygiene Geriatrics Health Insurance Healthy Mind
505(K): IT AND ITES SPECIALIZATION PAPER 5 CURRENT AND FUTURE TECHNOLOGIES In this paper the current and future information technologies will be taught and discussed by the experts on the technologies which are current and upcoming/future at that point of time.
506. FOREIGN LANGUAGE One Foreign Language of choice to be selected out of those offered at the department.
601. INTERNSHIP / PRE-PLACEMENT PROJECT (INTERNAL) Internal evaluation of the Internship / Pre- placement work carried out during Trimester - VI
602. INTERNSHIP / PRE-PLACEMENT PROJECT (EXTERNAL) External evaluation of the Internship / Pre- placement work carried out during Trimester - VI
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1. ( . . . ) 2.
3. 5. (...)
4. - -
6. ()
7. ( ) 8. 7. ? () / ()
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Year of Passing
4) L.L.B.
5) B.S.L.L.B. 6) L.L.M.
11. 12. . . /
12 a. Sr. No. Post held Actual Period as a Law Practitioner From To Total Experience as a Law Practitioner Year Month Day
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I.D. No.