Islamology - Ali Shariati
Islamology - Ali Shariati
Islamology - Ali Shariati
years ago being quite unknown, believed that when an idea can be
guage in which to express and explain itself. That is, when an idea
of its expression.
through a geometric form, is itself proof of its being both valid and
sound. The most exact scientific concepts in the world are mathe-
understood and knowledge which has just been learned. You may
person who has simply learned about Islam but does not under-
stand it.
have only learned about Islam. On the other hand, there are some
poems of Hafiz exist in the world, where each one is, what the
which different ones are included in each edition and who know
the names and attributes of all those who were praised by Hafiz,
what effect they had upon him, what their position was in relation
to him, etc. They know how many Persian or Arabic words exist in
standing Hafiz differs from having learned some things about him.
artist. Someone may come along and take down all the physical
characteristics of a person and define each cell in his body, know his
complete physiology, his age, etc. and have very accurate informa-
tion about him but not understand this person as a great thinker or
artist. Another person may come along and in just one meeting, one
this person better and more deeply than the other with all of his
scientific information.
of the ideology of Islam, not just Islamic sciences which are rou-
All of the French literary schools of the 19th and 20th centuries
sity. They began at first with the masses and those who had genius,
on the streets.
deviation. They used the argument that the intention was to spoil
art and literature and that the new ideas would impair the inde-
a new logic which weakened, defeated and destroyed the old logic.
And, then, after a few years, the new 'condemned' school found
professors of the universities were then proud that they taught the
The other kind is seen in those who may or may not be special-
ists of that school of thought but they sense it. They feel it and thus
know and understand it better than the first group because the
sciences and each has its own specialized field of study. What one
does is to study, gain technical knowledge and become an expert in
one field.
one, even if, for instance, he be a physicist, you can guess what his
school of thought, you can foresee what his philosophical views are
in regard to nature.
may know a physicist who is, say, a fascist. In that case, you can say
move on the left, right or center? You do not know. You have to ask
him. Such a person discusses issues from all sides. You have to first
listen to his discussions to see what his opinion is and then condude
that his view is this or that because it is possible that in every area,
A person who has a 'maktab' thinks about all issues of life - ideo-
logical, literary, artistic, historic, whatever. His conclusion about is-
social school. Although he has not said a single word about litera-
thought, you know that he does not believe in literature for litera-
ture's sake, art for art's sake or poetry for poetry's sake or in
I have not taken this very simple figure from anywhere. I have
have designed a form which is not only useful from the point of
Part Two
through three pillars which form the 'ideology' and are based in the
support system from which all its ideas develop. This consists of a
A person who does not have a world view is like a person who
having a definite world view is like having all the materials needed
It would be better for a person to lack the materials than the design.
Here lies the real difference between Abu Dharr and Avicenna,
life, ethics and even existence itself will find meaning, spirit and
school of thought. This is only possible when all of these are based
World View
form and then answer the question: "What is your world view?" A
person who has a world view can reply that his world view is
Khayyam is their world views. Khayyam says: "As no one has ever
returned from the other world to bring news of that world (his
world view), we must enjoy the present (his ideology)." Hafiz says:
"As our fate has been determined in our absence (his world view),
if it is not according to our liking, do not complain (his ideology)."
Conscious and has Will-power and that from the accurate accounts
and reckonings which are kept, he will have the rewards of his acts
world view. It is based upon this very world view whereby one
says: "My way of life should be such and such. This or that must be
the pain and 'niruana' of Buddha, the unity of being of Hallaj, the
Philosophical Anthropology
has about a human being which forms its world view, such as:
"What is a human being"?", "What must a human being be?"
end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century or the meaning
in a different way. One school calls the human being, 'a materialis-
and Van Gogh describe, explain and paint the human being not as
Claude Bernard, Darwin and Freud speak about the human being.
has its own special meaning and orientation as Ibn Khaldun, Virgo,
three have been shown in the Fig. 1. All of them rise from
a world view and have a logical cause and effect relationship with
it. These are the three columns which build a school of thought, the
himself like Atlas who bore the weight of the world upon his
The Basic Design for
a School of Thought and Action
by: Dr. Ali Shariati
Part Three
By this I am referring to the special human belief, based upon
given to causes.
other hand, along with the general attitude in other sciences, the
ideology or a goal will harm science and will limit it to the frame-
will automatically take the issuein hand. It will direct it towards the
searching for the truth, whatever it may be, will be obliged to seek
one just looks for class struggle. Whenever one finds it, it confirms
one's view and whenever one does not find it, he/she justifies it.
Wherever one finds something that opposes this view, one ignores
it. Sometimes one does not even see it and cannot see it because one
We see how firm these arguments are and, from one point of
view, they are sound in the sense that we saw in the Middle Ages,
peared. Science, which had been freed from serving religion in the
of thought.
ation so that because of one skillful error, those who supported this
view were able to separate science from its mission and essential
and separated science from the people with arguments like 'objec-
were all attractive and logical. This was particularly true with the
Science has been separated from the fabric of society. It has lost
touch with people's thoughts. Not being able to criticize the present
human beings realize the causes of their past and present miseries.
It no longer concerned itself with the fate of society and its ability
Just like the pious and devoted people who are isolated by their
human beings so that science could better achieve their goals and
or is passing for human beings nor what they must do nor in what
lies their salvation. They were negligent of the fact that when they
tools by those who play with history and the powerful elements of
tual and social servitude of the human being. As we see today, the
search out the truth of the universe or to prove or deny the existence
of God, but for all practical purposes, it has become the slave of
Sociology is no longer disturbed by faith as it was in the Middle
and measuring the problems in order to find the truth. The physi-
ologist who previous to making any study believes that the 'soul'
exists or does not exist, certainly cannot find the real truth. A
believed in.
The Tradition which clearly states; "Anyone who interprets the
Quran with his own 'opinion' will be burnt in a fire," explains the
change the meaning of the Quran so that it agrees with his own pre-
etc. study the Quran, they achieve the same results as they had
before they began . The Quran has become a means for proving their
has the right to interpret the Quran with his own intellect! as if there
understand something!
understand the Quran. The same was true in the Middle Ages
where the reading and understanding of the Bible and the Penta-
This same thing has been done with the Quran. By preventing
people from studying the Quran and thinking about it, religious
scholars made it into a book so that only its form remained for the
people. Its spirit, purpose and aim remain unknown. They turned
Thus, there are two basic theories. The first - science at, the ser-
vice of a belief system - makes science the means for justifying pre-
and for the sake of science alone - makes science ineffective and
the scientist no longer serves the people and society and for all
search, must be free of any particular beliefs and after achieving re-
ted to the extent that through the studies they are about to under-
show the truth to them and then this proven truth become a belief
ity towards people and their times for their own scientific con-
sciousness. That it, the belief or idea which their research proved to
people. It does not remove it from seeing to the needs of the human
ceived and unscientific notions. They should not allow those who
believe to use science as a means to their goals. Neither should they
stop with this knowledge, that is, be satisfied with a logical and
prophetic-like way. They should recall the causes for the back-
way and become committed to it, neither 'science for ideology' nor
Part Four
Philosophy of History
but it is a poem. The poem is not an outdated reality which the poet
poem. He invents it and creates that which had not existed. Using
the same argument, history is the poem that a historian sings and
that I myself have. That is, I enter history and select anything and
any shape which I wish, cut and change it and then use the selected
of history.
cause and effect, one can accurately foresee the changes of weathert
we can guess what will happen in the future. A person who adheres
philosophy of history.
according to its own views. As the 'science of history' has not as yet
beliefs about life, the relationship to 'self' with others and with the
It makes it clear how one must live, what one must do, what
the questions: What are you like? What do you do? What must you
two points are made clear: Its views on the ideal city and the ideal
human being.
mind, desires and struggles for so that human society take that
society in the mind of a religious man. Plato's utopia was the ideal
city for the aristocratic Greeks and intellectuals of his age. The City
of God of St. Augustine, The Sacred City of Jean Isolah and the
Society of Universal Justice of the Shitites, at the end of time, are all
ideal societies.
Jabalwa and Jabalsa have been described - cities with idealistic peo-
All of this shows that the desire to have a higher form of society
exists both in the primordial nature of each and every human being
from the ideology of that school of thought. This is because the be-
way of life and not only believe in the possibility of such a life and
The desired, the ideal or higher form of society is the ideal men-
Ideal Prototype
'should be' and 'must become'. It was this person that the mystics
illumination. It is the person who has reached the highest level that
a human being can reach and evolve towards . It is a person who has
released the 'self' from the bond of 1ust' and 'passion' and has
man who becomes the heir of the gods. Hegel, in his philosophy of
primordial nature.
animal, speaks about 'a total human being'. This person is one who
lyzed, cut into pieces or alienated. He has not been made insane by
to move. It requires that both our hands and our thoughts be put to
in the training of the human being what is intended for each person
They cannot argue: "We are experts and are only responsible
for their training and teaching. The universal prototype does not
an idealist. I just cut wood but I have no idea what it is for and who
exalted human being that we must be and yet are not. The main aim
prototype, otherwise all its efforts are in vain and its movement,
without aim.
always destroys fixed moulds and standards upon its way. The
and takes that person out of the stagnancy of each course of action
and system. It moves the person in the streams of time towards the
must be selected not in its 'form of being' nor 'in being without
towards a direction.
Ideal Prototype
Ideal Society
Philosophy of
Philosophical Supra
Anthropology Structure
Sociology --|
World View -----> Infrastructure
Figure - 2
School of Islam
Successor of God on
Protype of the School of Islam
Muslim Community
Temporary Revolutionary
Dialectic: ---|
Cane vs Abel |
Commited Democracy
(Occultation) |
World Revolution |
Dialectic: |
Mire vs Spirit |
Divine spirit/Iblis ---|
Four prisons: nature |
history, society, self |
Dialectic: |
Cane vs Abel |
Tyranny/Justice |
Religion vs Religion ---|
Human Being