Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July 2007 Me/Ip/Im/Ma/Au
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July 2007 Me/Ip/Im/Ma/Au
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination, July 2007 Me/Ip/Im/Ma/Au
Fifth Semester B.E. Degree Examination , July 2007 ME/IP/IM/MA/AU Control Engineering
Time: 3 hrs.) [Max. Marks:100 Note : Answer any FIVE full questions. 1 a. Explain the concept of feed back control system and the requirements of an ideal control system. ( 10 Marks) b. Explain the working principle of an automatic electric iron with temperature control
using block diagram. List the advantages of this system with conventional non automatic electric iron . (10 Marks) 2 a. Derive an expression for the translational response of a mechanical Mass-SpringDamper system with a small damping for a step input. Sketch the response of this system. ( 10 Marks) b. Explain Routh-Hurwitz criterion for stability of a control system and examine the stability of S4 + 2S3 + 3S2 + 8S + 2 = 0 using the same. (
10 Marks)
3 a. Reduce the given block diagram shown in figure Q3 (a) and then obtain the transfer function of the system if G) = GZ = 1, G3 = G4 = 2 and H1 = H2 = 1, H3 = 2.
(10 Marks)
Fig. Q3(a)
b. Find the transfer function of the system shown in figure Q3 (b) using Mason's gain formula. ( 10 Marks)
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4 a. Explain integral control and show how integral control action can eliminate or reduce the steady state error in control system . (10 Marks)
b. Explain proportional + integral + differential controller and their effect on stability. (10 Marks)
Sketch the Nyquist plot, path and ascertain the stability. b. A unity feed back control system has G(s)H(s) =
(10 Marks)
K (10 Marks) s(s + 4)(s + 10) Draw the Bode plot and find the value of K for which the system is marginally stable.
6 Construct a Root-locus plot for the open loop transfer function
G(s)H(s) = K(s + 2)
s(s + 1)(s + 8)
(20 Marks)
a. Write short note on series and feedback compensation. b. Explain any one physical device for Lag-lead system compensation. a. Explain controllability and observability with suitable examples. b. A feed back control system has a closed loop transfer function, C(s) _ 10(s+4)
R(s) s(s+l)(s+2) construct any two different state models for the system and suggest the block diagrams represented for each state variable. (10 Marks)