Cse Paper
Cse Paper
Cse Paper
a) Differentiate between open loop and closed loop system giving suitable examples 3
b) Simplify the block diagram as shown in fig 1 and find the transfer function by block diagram reduction method. 7
c) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of Block diagram method. 3 OR Q. a) Explain with examples: i) Linear and Non-linear system ii) Time varying and Time invariant system. 4 b) What is Mason's gain formula? Find transfer function of system represented by signal flow graph as shown in Figure. 9
(Winter 2013) Q. a) State principle of superposition. 2 b) Compare open loop and closed loop control systems. 3 c) By block diagram reduction method find the transfer function of a control system shown in Figure. 8
OR Q. a) Compare block diagram method and signal flow graph method. 4 b) What is Mason's gain formula. Find the transfer function of system represented by signal flow graph in Figure 9
(Summer 2013) Q. a) What are advantages and disadvantages of Hydraulic System? 4 b) Sketch and explain Hydraulic Proportional plus Integral controller, with its block diagram. Find the transfer function. 9 OR Q. a) What are basic control actions? Explain in short. 4
b) Explain Pneumatic Proportional plus Integral plus Derivative controller with neat sketch. Also draw its block diagram and find the transfer function. 9
(Winter 2013) Q. What are basic control actions? Sketch and explain Pneumatic PID controller. Draw its block diagram and find the transfer function. 14 OR Q. a) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of hydraulic systems. 4 b) Sketch and explain: i) Hydraulic Integral Controller ii) Hydraulic Proportional Controller. 10 (Summer 2013) Q. a) Explain time response specifications, with neat sketch. 7 b) Find out transient response specifications for a second order underdamped control system subjected to unit step input having damping ratio 0.6 and undamped natural frequency 5rad/sec. 7 OR Q. a) For a unity feedback system, its output is c(t) = 10(1 + 0.207e-60.6t 1.207e-10.4t) Determine its damping ratio and undamped natural frequency. 5 b) A unity feedback system is characterized by an open loop transfer function:
G( s)
K s( s 10)
Determine the gain K so that the system will have damping ratio of 0.6. For this value of K, determine settling time, peak overshoot and time to peak overshoot for unit step input. 5 c) A unity feedback system has G ( s ) Determine: i) Type of system ii) All error coefficients and iii) Error for ramp input with magnitude. 4 (Winter 2013) Q. a) Sketch and explain time response specifications with neat sketch. 6 b) A unity feedback system with G ( s )
40( s 2) s( s 1)( s 4)
reduced from 75% to 25%. Find the factor by which 'K' should be multiplied. 7 OR Q. a) For G ( s )
b) For the control system shown in Fig. Find time response specifications when a unit step input is applied. 8
(Summer 2013) Q. Draw the root locus for the system with G ( s ) H ( s )
K ( s 4) s ( s 2)( s 6)( s 8)
Mark the salient points on it and comment on the stability of the system. 14 OR Q. a) Draw the root locus for
G (s) H ( s)
K s ( s 12s 45)
b) For unity feedback system with open loop transfer function: G ( s ) find the range K for stability using Routh's stability criteria. 5
(Winter 2013) Q. a) Discuss advantages and disadvantages of Routh's stability criteria. 4 b) Sketch the root locus for the control system with: G ( s ) H ( s ) OR Q. a) The characteristic equations for certain feedback control systems are given below. In each case, determine the range of K for the system to be stable: i) s4 + 8s3 + 24s2 + 32s + k = 0 ii) s4 + 25s3 + 15s2 + 20s + k = 0. 6 b) The open loop T.F. of feedback system is: G ( s ) H ( s ) Draw the complete root locus. 7 (Summer 2013) Q. For the system having open loop transfer function
K ( s 1) S ( s 1)
K s ( s 4)( s 2 4s 20)
G( s) H ( s)
10 s ( s 1)( s 10)
Determine the stability of the system by plotting the Bode plot of the system. 13 OR Q. The control system has: G ( s ) H ( s ) Sketch Bode plot and Determine i) Gain Margin ii) Phase Margin iii) Stability of system. 1 3 (Winter 2013) Q. a) Define: i) Gain crossover frequency
ii) Phase crossover frequency iii) Gain margin iv) Phase margin b) Draw the Bode plot for the T.F.
G ( s) H ( s)
10 OR
10 plot the Bode plot. Determine the gain s (1 0.5s )(1 0.05s)
crossover frequency, phase crossover frequency, gain margin and phase margin of the system. Comment on the stability of the system. 14 (Summer 2013) Q. Explain working and derive transfer function for armature controlled D.C. servo-motor. Draw its block diagram and find the transfer function. 13 OR Q. Sketch and explain working of fly ball governor used for speed control. Draw its block diagram and derive the transfer function of it. 13 (Winter 2013) Q. Sketch and explain field controlled dc servomotor with its block diagram. Also find its transfer function. 13 OR Q. Sketch and explain speed control system for the steam turbine. Draw its block diagram and find its transfer function. 13