Timothy S. Bray: Leadership Experience
Timothy S. Bray: Leadership Experience
Timothy S. Bray: Leadership Experience
Korea International School 373-6 Baekhyun-dong, Bundang-gu Seongnam-si, Gyeonggi-do Korea, 463-420 Phone: 82-31-789-0509 Fax: 82-31-748-0509 Email: tbray@kis.or.kr Website: http://tsbray.blogpsot.kr
Leadership Experience:
2008-13 Technology Integration Specialist, Korea International School Co-managed the launch of Korea International Schools iTunes U portal Developed and curated content for four courses and three collections on iTunes U Developed and implemented professional development opportunities for faculty through after school help sessions, professional development full-day workshops, and prep period offerings Conducted and facilitated workshops on software and websites for education Supported teachers use of technology in the classroom by helping with brainstorming, planning, and co-teaching of lessons Constructed websites to support teachers and share student artifacts involving technology Organized and managed the Phoenix Student Film Festival 2009-2011 Presented at Apple Asia Leadership Conference in Hong Kong, 2009 Attended Apple Distinguished Educator Conference in Singapore, 2008 Presented at KORCOS conference in Seoul, 2008-2012 2008-10 Middle School Dean of Students, Korea International School Assisted the principal with all operations of the middle school Arranged, organized, and supervised duty schedule for middle school faculty Implemented, developed, organized, and supervised all House Activities for entire middle school Coordinated House Activities with 6-10 grade Counselor to support and enhance guidance program Implemented middle school discipline policies, handled detention duties, investigated, recorded, and tracked discipline infractions Communicated discipline infractions to parents when appropriate as set out in the student handbook Coordinated and communicated discipline issues with 6-10 Counselor to develop intervention plans for students Organized, contributed, and designed middle school publication, Middle Matters, to facilitate communication with school community Contributed to student handbook Managed middle school in absence of the principal 2004-07 Secondary Team Leader, Saipan International School Organized and facilitated meetings about curriculum development Facilitated, contributed, and organized Action Research Plans about school issues Developed and constructed websites to communicate homework and testing information to school community
Teaching Experience:
2007-08, 2010-11 Grade 9 World Literature and Speech & Debate, Korea International School Designed, implemented, organized, and articulated 9th grade World Literature curricula Coordinated with other 9th grade World Literature teacher and social studies department Designed and organized a one-to-one computer environment with Macbook computers 2003-07 Grades 8-12 English, Saipan International School Taught 8-12 grade English language courses Designed, implemented, organized, and articulated Language Arts curriculum for 8-12 grades Designed and organized a one-to-one computer environment with PC computers 2000-03 Grades 8 and 10 British Literature and EFL, American Colligate Institute of Izmir Coordinated and taught British Literature within team of teachers Coordinated and taught EFL for students entering ACI 1998-00 High School English and Social Studies, Galena City Schools Designed, implemented, organized, and articulated a Project Based Learning curriculum in all high school grades Facilitated workshops on the writing process and Project Based Learning for school community 1997-98 EFL/ESL, Mirae Language School Designed, organized, and delivered ESL lessons
David Christenbury formerly High School Principal, Korea International School current: retired 116 Bellshire Drive Flat Rock, North Carolina. 28731 email: dcrunch33@gmail.com Skype: dchristenbury phone: 001-919-525-4667 Rich Nies formerly Middle School Principal, Korea International School current: Middle School Associate Principal, United World College of Southeast Asia Singapore Phone: 6585712533 Email: rni@gapps.uwcsea.edu.sg Addition recommendations available upon request.