How To Hypnotize

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The document discusses various techniques for covert hypnosis including using your voice, body language, and the way you phrase things to unconsciously influence others. It emphasizes using these skills ethically to help rather than harm people.

Some techniques discussed include using your voice tone, pacing and leading language patterns, and considering how what you say affects both the listener and your own unconscious mind.

Examples given of binds include single binds that presuppose an action while redirecting to an irrelevant question, and double binds that give two choices that lead to the same outcome, fogging the double bind with additional language.

By, Nathan Blaszak Copyright 2003-2004 Life Tricks, All Rights Reserved No Part of this publication may be reproduced

d or transmitted in any form or by any means, Mechanical or electric, including photocopying and recording, or by any information storage and retrieval system, without permission in writing from author or publisher. Published by: Life Tricks Orders and enrollments: 7747 Greenback LN suite 301, Citrus Heights, CA 95610 U.S.A. OBLIGATORY LEGAL NOTICE: while all attempts have been made to verify information provided in this publication, neither the author nor the publisher assumes any responsibility for the errors, omissions or contrary interpretation of the subject matter herein. Any perceived slights of specific persons, peoples, or organization(s) is unintentional. The purchaser or reader of this publication assumes responsibility for the use of these materials and information, including adherence to all applicable laws and regulations, federal, state and local. No guarantees of results are made. The site of any action is Sacramento, CA. If you can't accept these terms, kindly return product. The Author and Publisher assume no responsibility or liability whatsoever on the behalf of any purchaser or reader of these materials. Original Title *How to Hypnotize Anyone Without Getting Caught*

Your Launch Pad For the last eight years, did I ever make dozens of mistakes with what youll be learning in this book? Absolutely. I learned about a particular technique, went out in the real world, and then tried it. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didnt. Finally, I realized that it wasnt just WHAT I was saying that compelled others to obey my commands. Rather, it was a combination of HOW you say WHAT youre saying. This would include the way your voice sounds, as well as your body language when youre delivering a hypnotic message and when communicating to others on an unconscious level. In this book, youll find a variety of different exercises and techniques that not only show you how to side-step the English language youre also going to learn how to use your voice and gestures in the most congruent and hypnotic way so you dont make the same mistakes I was making when I first started in unconscious communication. I was amazed (as you soon will be) at the amount of power covert hypnosis has when its used with others. Better still, I was excited when I realized the incredible influencing ability covert hypnosis brings you. Because; heres a set of communication tools where to you, it seems like youre giving direct commands for your listeners to obey, and to the listener, it seems like every day ordinary conversation. Needless to say, and Ill probably keep repeating it use these techniques honestly, ethically and judiciously. Since youll be communicating on an unconscious level with others, youll also be communicating to your own unconscious mind. So, in essence, everything you make other people experience in their own brains, youll be experiencing as well. With that said, always us these techniques to benefit others, period. You see, theres a big difference between using your power WITH someone, and using your power AGAINST a person.

Using your power AGAINST someone is using it without considering how it affects the person. Using your power WITH someone, is considering how what youre using covert hypnosis for is beneficial to either that person alone, or the both of you. If you cant answer yes to the question Is the other person benefiting from my using covert hypnosis? than youre not using it WITH, when you should be. When I first started using hypnosis, I failed to take in account of the fact that there are consequences to using hypnosis on others. Because these techniques can be used to make anyone practically do anything you want them to both verbally and in writing, I tested the limits to see how effective these techniques are, without thinking about how it affected me as well. I made people feel bad, and feel good. I realized that sometimes no matter how bad you want to slam someone to put them in their place using these stealth devices youll be better off in the long run if you just dont use it to make others feel bad. A good rule of thumb is to use these techniques only for the sake of helping others benefit, so remember that. Also, youre going to hear this phrase over and over again from the so called experts out there in the real world that you cant make people do anything against their will. I disagree. When you use hypnotic language patterns (which youll be learning to do), you can melt away resistance, and instill the desire to chase after the action youre spelling out for them to take oftentimes without them even knowing why they are taking action. ANYONE you talk with can be persuaded into performing any action you want them to. If I wanted a woman to take off her shirt in front of all my friends (which I have never done and

never would do) but for the sake of understanding my point it may take me a few minutes, but I could convince her conscious mind using hypnosis and get her to think it was a fun, perfectly natural thing for her to do. My point is this, even though it may be something that originally may have been against a persons will, covert hypnosis can change all that, and make it seem like the action is perfectly natural and safe to do -- just by delivering hypnotic commands to your listener. So put yourself in the mindset that anyone, (and I really do mean anyone) can be convinced and persuaded into doing anything you want them to. And youll find as you continue to read this book from front to back, a variety of ways that you can do this quickly and easily. Quick Start: Like anything new you learn for the first time, you must learn the basics. Covert hypnosis can be difficult or as easy as you want it to be. You can forge ahead to the later chapters and begin using the devices right off the bat -- not considering the basics and formula of covert hypnosis, or you can learn the fundamentals of hypnosis and master them. Therefore, the only real question to ask yourself right now is: Would you rather become a master using hypnosis and communicating effectively to others to the best of your ability, or just learn it half hazardless use it only once and a while, and only have subtle skills of unconscious communication? If you would rather be a master at hypnosis, Im not going to lie to you like anything new for the first time, it is going to require some painful climbing. But to reach to the top of the summit, you always have to start somewhere. So if you start by only by jumping ahead to the stealth devices, then be prepared to have a major challenge ahead of you.

However, if you follow through with this e-book, page by page, youll have more power than the person who just passively reads this material, and youll come to realize all the benefits of following this manual far outweigh just learning the tricks. In other words, practice what youre learning. You see, what most people dont realize is that your voice has to be projected a certain way, and there is a formula you must follow to properly lead someone to take action, and jumping ahead to learn only the tricks arent going to give you the same benefits if you were to follow this entire e-book -- page by page as you master every technique that you learn along the way. In short, its okay to jump ahead and read about the devices and even practice them if you want. But at some point youll want to sit down with this e-book, this time ready to follow each exercise given, and prepare yourself to have the most incredible power over others than youre even able to comprehend right now. Hypnosis is defined by The Apply Hypnosis Center as "unconscious communication." The conscious mind is quite difficult to try and convince -- and it's not even worth the effort. Therefore, you will be learning every way possible, as I have, to speak to a person's unconscious mind. Doing so will make your ability to convince and persuade others a breeze. When using hypnosis, keep in mind that it's not so much what you say, rather how you say it. The unconscious brain is sensitive to voice tone and inflection. You'll be learning this in the beginning chapters about how to make your voice hypnotically stimulating. So when you want something planted into a person's unconscious brain, it's as easy as applying your hypnotic tone of voice. Once you begin the process of constructing your proper hypnotic tone of voice, you'll then find yourself armed with a variety of tools which will give you the ability to make everything

you say compelling. These are the psychological devices, the tools, methods, the bullets. I like to call them bullets because thats what they are to me. When I am talking with a person, I instantly shoot my device into the brain with confidence knowing it is unconsciously accepted. You'll find near the end of this e-book "signs" others give off and that you can look for when you're using these hypnotic techniques which will cause you to have the same level of confidence I have when using hypnosis. When you combine this e-book with the other e-books you might have purchased in my gold program, you'll have everything you need to make what you say stimulating to the unconscious brain. You'll find as you continue to read, all the stops are all pulled away, and your learning this will be easy and fun. You'll be a master covert hypnotist in no time. And remember, once you begin to put these applications in use, and go out and in the real world armed with these hypnotic tools, if at anytime you can prove to me you cant get TEN TIMES the persuasion power from this material, give me a call or send me an e-mail and we can arrange for your refund. But I dont think thats going to happen. I have a good feeling about you. You bought this program because you wanted to improve your communication in one form or another, and as you continue to read this book, youll find a variety of ways where you can easily begin to do that. ~Chapter One A Mega-Watt Power -- Much Too Stimulating To Resist If you've ever wondered what the single most important skill is in communicating with anyone, that when mastered, would single-handedly account for more sales, seductions, and compliance than any other skill, I would tell you, without a doubt -- it's the ability to use hypnosis. That's because the single most important ingredient of any personal communication is....

words that persuade - instantly. Listen closely. You could spend a bundle reading books and attending seminars, use the "outdated" skills everyone already knows, and practice it like crazy -- but all the "win friends & influence people skills in the world isn't going to do you much good if your listener doesn't follow your way of thinking because your talk isn't compelling enough to make them agree, let alone, buy what you're selling, or surrendering to your charms. Throughout the pages of this e-book, I'll show you how to easily master the skill of hypnosis, achieve a double-digit conversion ratio for your sales, reap immeasurable romantic rewards in all your 'pick-up" efforts, and create more electrifying personal and professional relationships you could ever want or even imagine. Sound too good to be true? Well, it isnt if you have the right tools As you continue to read this chapter, you will find out: How your life is transparently controlled and manipulated, and how to change your way of viewing the world that ultimately leads you to success with others in the blink of an eye The reason hypnosis is single handedly the most powerful skill you could ever develop exactly who is using it on you, how it affects you and why its so easy to implement on those who know nothing of it. The 2,300 year old shocking secret of the human mind which yields the key to controlling others leveraging the initial weakness of the human mind. There is a science to speaking compelling language (as well as creating body language and non-verbal communications). And there are certain immutable laws which govern the creation of hypnotic presentations. Once these laws are followed, anyone

can achieve promising success in persuasion -- with mathematical certainty. Claim Whats Rightfully Yours This is an incredible opportunity that is available to you -- but only if you take the first step. Your first step is to read this ebook in its entirety. Please don't just skim through it -- I don't want you to miss a single word because when I demystify covert hypnosis for you, you simply cannot fail to create the persuasion and influence you want in life. "Nathan Blaszak is certainly a world-class persuader. When it comes to persuasion and influence, he is -- hands-down -- the best. He gave a sales presentation for my salesman, and all I could say was -Wow! Fabulous! Amazing! Im sold! and it was my bike that he was selling me!" -- Aaron Keeler, now a proud owner of a competitor killing motorcycle dealership.

The True Currency of The Civilized World You've heard it said before. Words are the underlying currency of today's business world. Words wield power that controls the entire planet -- and words have the power to influence people, alter beliefs, and even shape the destiny of the world. Therefore, wordsmiths (skillful speakers) are the real "power behind the throne," so to speak. In the brick-and-mortar world, the most prominent wordsmiths are the speechwriters,

journalists, spin doctors, politicians, religious leaders, advertising copywriters, and the like. In civilizations, the most powerful wordsmiths are skilled hypnotists. They are the ones who get people to obey, follow, read, listen, surrender, comply, order, subscribe, commit or take action that eventually leads to whatever they intend. Since they are the driving force of civilizations, is it any wonder that expert hypnotist's earn some of the highest incomes -and that world leaders who have the ability to use undetectable hypnosis are among the privileged few who generate serious power in life? The Truth About Hypnosis Hypnosis is commonly thought of therapy, "Follow My Watch From Side-to-side" and "you're getting sleepy" - obviously, thats not the kind of hypnosis youll be using to persuade and influence others to make them feel compelled to take the action you want. Myth: Hypnosis only consists of subliminal tapes, a leather sofa, and not everyone can be hypnotized. Wrong! Just because the internet and world consists of information that relies solely on these subjects, doesn't mean there aren't any other ways to hypnotize and persuade people. Here's a shocker - if you know how to persuade and influence others using hypnosis, every person you talk to will do whatever you want them to, often times - without even knowing why they feel compelled to do it. What most people don't realize is that you can side-step the English language and make what you say go right into a person's unconscious mind while making it sound like a totally innocent conversation. Thats exactly what youll be learning here the secrets of stealth hypnosis. And since most people dont know anything of it, its extremely hard to get caught.

In this way, you gain compliance effortlessly. Your subjects don't perceive that they've received a command. Typically, they will obey your command as if they had received it directly, but without any resistance whatsoever. What would you do if you had the ability to say special phrases that make what you say seem like an innocent conversation and get anyone to do what you want without having a clue youre doing it? Would you maybe use it to break the company sales record and achieve savvy business success? Seduce others within minutes? Land a job at an interview because you decided to MAKE it turn out that way? If you know how talk, you can get anyone to do what you want quickly and easily without strain. So today, you can kiss your old way of communicating with others goodbye because you now have a new found power within your reach, and its calling your name More sales Better relationships Control over others What more could you possibly get from ONE skill? If you aren't using hypnosis, or dont have a clue how its done by now, you must be tired of the dismal results youre getting socially because your lacking the single most important skill to influence anyone as strong as you should be able to. Clearly, how you say things to a person will affect them consciously or unconsciously. It will drive them emotionally or it wont. If youve ever been involved in a classic no-holdsbarred argument before Evidently, you were overwhelming the persons conscious mind, and you dont have a clue how your words affect a persons thoughts and emotions because if you did there wouldnt be any arguments in your life.

In fact, once you discover how covert hypnosis works, people would be so drawn to you, and like you so much -- there would be no reason whatsoever to argue or fight you because you wouldnt let that happen. Hypnosis truly is power --- which is too stimulating to resist! You Were Never Taught Covert Hypnosis Listen, its not your fault if youve never been taught these hard-hitting communicating secrets. If you were schooled in a government public schooling house, you weren't ever taught how to think, read or write hypnotically. If your parents didnt know about it, how were you taught? You werent! Just think about it - If you knew how, and everyone else did too, everyone who already knows this rare communication would lose their power. How many people do you know with power -- willing to part with any of it? Very few - if any. I stumbled across someone willing to reveal to me only some of the methods of covert hypnosis, but I had to pay a hefty price in the tens of thousands of dollars, and work up sometimes unlikable motivation to spend long hours of grueling study to find out what youll be learning in the this ebook. Listen, the truth is: the skills of hypnotic communication are hard to come by. And youre getting thousands of dollars worth of material in this single e-book. I dare you to try any of these techniques and prove me wrong that they dont work. If you follow the techniques exactly the way they are shown naturally, youll see the true power they hold. Most people once they find themselves discovering these breakthrough hypnotic skills, they find out that it is so extremely powerful and the intensity of the secrets of hypnosis are so

ingenious, they arent willing to let go if this mouth-watering knowledge from their mind and wont tell anyone they know these techniques. Hypnotic skill is protected by the single most aggravating emotion to the uneducated jealousy. Consider today to be your lucky day dear friend, I am going to be sharing with you all the secrets that took me years and cost me a small fortune to discover. You arent going to have to put forth the long hours and painstaking research like I did to find out what hypnosis in the covert form is all about. In fact, Im going to hand them to you on a silver platter, and you arent going to believe how easy it is to do! When you see how as you continue to read this e-book, to get what you want from others, you realize you can do it without any sweat! Just be sure to send me an email when you get a chance thanking me because I put a lot of effort into this e-book for you it took me two years to put this information in writing. I know, Im slow, but I have demanded to myself that I make sure that no stones were left unturned, and you completely understand every way hypnosis can be used covertly. As you can see, I put quite a daunting task on myself as well as expectations, and it is my dearest intention for you to find this ebook to be worth every cent of your investment. Have You already been successfully hypnotized covertly? If you've ever thought back about the good ole days and think to yourself how you wish you were a child again without a worry in the world, and have been wondering where the control in your own future went, where its hiding, and why you don't know what's going to happen next, you've been successfully hypnotized covertly! I apologize for this unpleasant and blatant truth, but in order for you to understand how it works, you must understand the way its used, and there really is no other way to show you other than to just come out with it.


A shocking Discovery Listen carefully, if you understand the secrets of the human mind which go back 2,300 years, all the mouth-watering power over others can be yours. With hypnosis, its never been easier. Since convert hypnosis is transparently difficult to detect, and most individuals have been "conditioned" and set-up right from the start to make choices by "following" external guidance, you might find it a little hard at first to accept what youre finding out now as the truth. Undoubtedly, what youre about to find out next will free your mind within minutes if youll let it. A Word of Caution The following information is not fiction, but thesis. By continuing reading, you agree not to hold Apply Hypnosis or anyone associated with Apply Hypnosis responsible for the damages for the instant shattering of beliefs due to the intensity of this information. If you arent the kind of person who can handle powerful knowledge, please scroll ahead to the following chapters now. However, if youre ready to achieve unlimited persuasion results and power over others that will make your wildest dreams, look like a joke -- By all means, please proceed The world is undeniably set up for you to fail. It all started years ago around the age of 7. This is when you begin the process of becoming mentally conditioned and built forcibly to let others make decisions for you. You were given the way of living trained to get up, go to school, memorize facts, do the work you are given, let your teachers make decisions for you, and worst of all: follow the way the world works you were never taught how to think for yourself. You then grow up to follow the same pattern. Get up, go to work youre given specialized tasks at your job and

enviously guarded against gaining any sort of power in the business you work for the white collar hoax hold political power in business a microcosm of the way the world is setup. Most people dont realize that is the foremost reason why most businesses fail to grow, diminish in value and lose the competitive edge. The reason for this is because, I wonder if youve ever noticed how corporations seem to be more political rather than focused on value-production. A short hand way of putting this is: Henry Ford created value-producing jobs for many Americans, distributed cars and made them affordable on a mass scale for everyone. That is the purpose of business, not who can create the award winning commercials, and who can suck up to the boss best. Unfortunately, the world is set up this way, and youve already heard the expression if you cant beat em, join em. Well, I am not only going to show you how to join them, I am going to show you how to beat them too using the worlds most enviously guarded social influencing power. If you come across a political game at your workplace, youll have the advantage. If anyone tries using covert hypnosis on you, youll stop them dead in their tracks. If you sincerely desire to hold the most power in your dealings with others, this e-book will give you that edge. Welcome to the world of unconscious communication. Certainly, what happens on a very rare occasion, a person realizes on their own the way society is shaped and molded as I have described to you understanding this set up gives them the leverage they need to break free from this society trap once and for all. Think about the government owned militaries for example. Early on you are taught to obey the authority over you

and to do what they say without question or asking of explanations. There is a chain of command and respect is shown by saluting the officer over you who only makes you feel inferior and that you must look up to the person with power. In the courtroom, the judge sits high, is trained to talk with a deep resonating voice designed to make you feel inferior meant to make you feel intimidated and project an illusion based heir of riotousness at the same time. There are several examples of this celebrities, religious leaders, politicians to name a few It is not my wish to draw arguments on this subject, just as so long as you understand one simple idea the world is set up for you to follow external authority. As you sit there and read more, youll realize this truth and youll break free and begin to use your own mind like you did before the age of 7. So, stick with me. Dont you think such established acts seem funny to a person when you realize the truth? nobody has power over anyone else, its nothing more than a mere gun backed -- forced illusion created and cast down by the elite high rollers of civilization which gives them to power to control people by the masses. And if you tell them no you are threatened with punishment. Therefore, since most people are conditioned to behave this way, and forced to remain this way, if you know the same reproducible tools of hypnosis, you can control the behavior of nearly anyone in the civilized world just like they do. In fact, when you finish this e-book, youll more than likely have more power then they do and youll see through their acts and childish, very immature, weak and youll always have in the back of your mind I can do that better.

Earlier I asked if youre ready to learn this incredibly powerful form of communication. If youre still reading this obviously, you want to find out exactly how to use hypnosis. With that understanding between us, before you learn the specific tools, are you willing to give me five more minutes to reveal to you the most powerful secret of all time? I thought so So heres the ultimate answer to the question: How exactly can people be controlled? There is a "glitch" if you will, in the human mind to search for outside guidance external authority. It goes back many centuries, and gives anyone who holds this knowledge of the "glitch" the power to make decisions for those who don't. Dr. Julian Jaynes efforts and extensive research and his integrated objectively factual book "The Origin Of Consciousness and his breakdown of the bicameral mind proves this to be true. Heres a selection of his book, he writes: "...the theory of evolution by natural selection was the hollowing knell of all that ennobling tradition of man as the purposed creation of Majestic Greatness, the elohim, that goes straight back into the unconscious depths of the Bicameral Age. It said in a word that there is no authorization from outside. Behold! there is nothing there. What we must do must come from ourselves. The king at Eynan can stop staring at Mount Hermon; the dead king can die at last. We, we fragile

human species at the end of the second millennium a.d., we must become our own authorization. And here at the end of the second millennium and about to enter the third, we are surrounded with this problem. It is one that the new millennium will be working out, perhaps slowly, perhaps swiftly, perhaps even with some further changes in our mentality." The Origin Of Consciousness Julian Jaynes, Princeton University The summarized version of his book entails that over 2,300 years ago, man "obeyed" hallucinated voices and did not think for themselves. They did not use consciousness. Studies reveal hieroglyphics; the odyssey and many other ancient writings did not involve the use of consciousness. They were right-brained actions better explained as hallucinations of the mind to automatically follow without question, debate or doubt actions delivered automatically by Mother Nature herself. Or better put the right-brain or even better, the unconscious mind. To keep this simple in short, man was not responsible for his own actions and he did not think for himself he only obeyed the laws of nature. A Metaphor to help you understand If youve ever seen an ant hill, such remarkable mountain so it seems is created by such a small creature. Ants automatically follow the laws of nature, and do what nature instructs. You do

not see these ants arguing, fighting, and stealing from oneanother dropping bombs over one another. Instead, you see them just cooperatively building and enhancing each others livability, and they do it naturally. Likewise, man once built thriving pyramids and civilizations automatically and naturally just like the great ant hill. Man learned from one another by mimicking the successful actions of others. Later they came to develop a child-like grammar simple language if you will, as society grew more complex. Unexplainably, as societies grew more complex than what the right brain could make sense of and handle, societies began to collapse, and one-by-one man now had to learn a new way of thinking man had to develop a particular organization of the mind in order to make sense of the tragedies and fall of their environment around them. The collapse of these thriving societies was the cause for man to INVENT what we commonly refer to today as the conscious mind. Man for the first time in history, became responsible for his own actions to make sense of the rising complexity of the civilizations. Before it was simple, but now its too complex for Mother Nature to control alone. So What Do You Do Now? Well, first -- that secret either hit your square between the eyes, or it went breezing over your head. You might want to read it again this time, focusing on the few paragraphs and making sense of what is written. If you understood what you just read, theres only one more piece of information to make that secret complete which is: You must remember that man back in the day, followed external authority by hallucinating voices from the right-brain -- across the corpus colossus, to the left brain and automatically followed what was instructed without question.


When those voices grew silent and as they jumped into conscious awareness, they invented idols, leaders, dictators, kings, queens, demons, angels, gods, Allah and everything that still exists today as an authority -- trying desperately to bring those hallucinated voices of automatic guidance back that only grew more quiet. Thus, observing the world with this in mind, perhaps now the wool is no longer pulled over your eyes and you can now see the behind the scenes truth about what is really going on in the anti-civilization we all live in -- still to this day. To further press this into your head, these remnants of the mind to search for external guidance still exists today, and desperately seek outside assistance rather than using consciousness to solve their own problems, man can easily be controlled by electing yourself to become that outside assistance for them often times, they will begin to idolize you for it. The next time you are in a mall, or somewhere in public, I encourage you to observe the zombie-like behavior in most people. They idolize celebrities, elect leaders to rule cities, states and countries. Which is quite ironic considering even the bible (one of the oldest books in history) states that no man has the power to rule and guide civilizations. Which brings us back to the fact that society is simply set-up this way. And if everyone knew this secret, it wouldnt be set-up this way, and everyone who already knows it now, would not have the power they do. Just look around. Politicians rule over the lower class and control what goes into the minds of your children by controlling public schools. Certain religious leaders like in the Middle East get individuals to believe they are doing well for an imagined Allah to crash planes into one of the most value producing set

of buildings in New York City. Addictive and harmful drugs like nicotine in tobacco products and caffeine in sodas, ice cream and chocolate are distributed, which destroys peoples health for a quick fix, or in better words, the products are set up and designed to be an external authority its a fix or an escape or evasion of reality. Indeed, Dr. Julian Jaynes makes a shocking discovery for the ordinary person. He talks about a new way of thinking we must learn to develop, and that is the ability to rule and guide ourselves the ability to use our conscious mind and to not follow anyones way of thinking, but our own. Sometimes even the BIGGEST secrets are hard to accept. I apologize because I realize I did not prepare you for this secret. If you find this secret fascinating, you can look that book up to realize the whole truth. You might come to believe like I do his book will mark the end of a 2,300 year old hoax, and its going to happen sooner than we probably expect. Im guessing sometime after 2005, or maybe even sooner. So, in essence, you can control other people easily today by becoming their authoritive voice their external authority. You can act as their decision maker. But in todays day in age its seemingly more difficult to do than it was just a few years back. Teenager thrash music is already showing signs of rebellion crying slogans such as we dont need authority. And there are signs that ruling over others is getting weaker. Simply put, the younger generations dont like to be told what to do. So as a rule of thumb, the older the person is, the easier it becomes to lead their mind. They hold much stronger beliefs based on years of governments and churches. It would be too late to give up the system now because everything theyve ever been taught would vanish in a heartbeat, so they hang on desperately to try to protect this strongly developed belief and code of living theyve grown to adapt and follow. Plus, they would realize theyve wasted years to follow others, instead of leading themselves and having much more control over their


own life. A strong belief is hard to break IF you dont have sufficient information or use mystical thinking. Is it any wonder the presidential campaigns aim towards the elderly, for they are the political worlds strongest crowd? The newer generations seemingly are detecting somethings not right, and are catching on to the dishonesty in politics, and the amount of support for the way we live today is dwindling we are losing faith and trust for the agenda way. Case closed. You can find out more about this amazing 2,300 year old secret by getting the book The Origin Of Consciousness Dr. Julian Jaynes. Now lets get on with the stealth devices of hypnotizing others without getting caught, shall we? Review: In civilization today, people are conditioned to follow authority. You can voluntarily become an authority. Most people dont mind following someone elses way of thinking. Chapter Two Engaging in Conversation To properly use hypnosis on others requires a strategic formula. The last chapter put you in the right frame of mind, and helped you understand how its considerably easy to lead the thoughts of others. Here in this chapter, you will develop the necessary general skills of properly preparing yourself to use hypnosis on others in conversation. This is where it is all going to start for you, and it just makes sense that you have tools which lead to using hypnosis effectively. You see, its not enough to just have a bunch of tools listed in a book, a pat on the back saying here they are, good luck! Im not leaving anything uncovered for you and if youre a gold member, I have given you just about every tool I know in order to unconsciously communicate. If you didnt elect to become a gold member, obviously, it might be something you want to consider doing. If thats the case, email me and Ill be glad to hook you up.


Okay, the first step in communicating to a persons unconscious mind is the frame of mind youre in. People may not pick up consciously to what your intention is, but their unconscious mind will. If youve ever met someone and had a gut feeling that they were up to no good, your unconscious mind is picking up those signals of the mindset that person is in. Studies show that the unconscious mind can pick up on the shrinking and expanding of a persons pore size. It records all five physical senses at the same time. So if it can pick up on your pore size, it can pick up your unconscious signaling or in better words, your frame of mind. Clearly, the frame of mind is not going to be ha ha Im doing this to you. Instead, make your frame of mind isnt this fun to talk with me? Putting yourself in this frame of mind gives you the leverage to make sure that you arent sending the wrong non-verbal messages. Gold members, see The Unconscious Book of Gestures for more information on non-verbal communication. Now that you understand the frame of mind youre in, next would be to establish rapport and trust in the person you are talking with. The more obvious methods would be to show that you understand that persons situation whatever it is. Theres nothing more powerful than the truth. For example: If you want to meet an attractive man or woman, its never failed me to just come out with the truth. Not only are you being honest, but youre showing that you are observant of reality, and youll come from a place where you really are sincere with what you say instead of just pretending to be sincere. I would walk up and say: Excuse me, its never easy meeting complete strangers, especially one as beautiful as you without being properly introduced, but lets try anyway Im Nathan and you are? and I would stick my hand out to shake theirs.


Or you can say : Excuse me, can I ask you a question?.... Have you ever considered dating a person you just met in a place like this? They say almost 9 out of 10 times: Well that depends. You say: Great, My name is Nathan, and you are? sticking your hand out to shake theirs. Both of these introductions are honest and forth right. There is no need to play games with another persons mind just yet, just point out the obviousness in the situation and youll find yourself gracefully meeting people easily as you remember these lines. Notice that there is no trickery here or the slip of a tongue. Theres no need for it just yet its important to realize that there has to be at least some level of trust. Preferably more because you want to be able to talk about another persons feelings. Feelings are the ultimate way to compel others to do what you want. Once you can gain rapport with another person, you will have the chance to talk about the most intrusive subjects with them. The following methods of rapport will get you at this level of conversation with them faster than any other method Ive ever tried. There are only three basic requirements for rapport. I believe you may already have one of them. They are: 1. Flexibility 2. Self-Control 3. Perception You already have the ability to perceive, whether on a conscious or unconscious level, sights, sounds, tastes, smells and touch.


Suppose you had the ability to take control of how a person thinks about and responds to you without having utter a single word. Sound too good to be true? Well, it isn't if you have the right tools. So Im going to give them to you. Youll find these tools give you dramatic power without even having to use hypnosis. With rapport, you'll have all the tools you'll need to be able to communicate to others on the unconscious level. The willingness to be flexible and aware of what you do is all that is required to successfully apply this magical form of unconscious communication. Consider this: Have you ever met someone and immediately know that you were going to like that person? If you can remember that time, can you pinpoint and remember how you felt and what it was exactly that made you decide that you like this person? Remember, if your unconscious mind "picks up" and reads the persons state of mind, learning how to send the correct unconscious cues are vital. Let's face it, rapport is what makes a person like you or not, period. You see, you'll be learning how to have the ability to send signals which are processed only in their unconscious mind. Everyone else in the world is sending random signals without using self control. Some are processed as liking, some as not liking. Others will send signals of deception. You are going to send all positive signals. What's that mean exactly? Their "instinct" is going to tell them that, "I don't know why, but I really like you! I just have a feeling this is 'right'!"


For starters, let's learn how you can display authority and power. If you want to express leadership, you'll have to learn to strike a certain pose. The ability to appear as the person who leads sets you up for easier persuasion and influence because if you can strike up the body language of a leader, it makes it easier to get the person to believe and follow what you say naturally. Okay, your eye contact should be steady and frequent. Try to keep them from dropping below the bridge of the persons nose. Here are a few facts about eye contact to consider:

When eye contact decreases men tend to disclose more and women tend to disclose less! The longer your eye contact, the more self esteem you are perceived to have! You rate your self-esteem on how long you can hold eye contact! Here's more... If you're a man meeting a woman, keep your eyes above the shoulders. She will think of you have possibility and depth. If you're a woman, the first look at a man should be from head to toe - he will be flattered. In short, the more eye contact, the better. But that's not all...

Keep your shoulders back and the chin up. This posture will project outwards and that you are on edge and able to control anything that comes your way. So maintain an erect posture, yet keep its appearance perceived as comfortable. Your tone of voice should be deep and resonant. Each sentence you say should end in a downward inflection and you should pause to punctuate phrases and sentences. The gestures of a leader are carried out in sweeping motions and when they are not speaking and while listening they are holding their hands behind their back. (Hands clenched behind the back betray a desire to show power thus unconsciously you'll express power)

While sitting you'll be at the head of a table with your hands steeppled. Hands are never near the face and both feet are planted on the floor. It is best to just keep your hands away from your body and face as much as possible. But don't just take my word for it, next time you're talking with someone, see for yourself how this works. If you can follow these simple ideas, and incorporate them into your daily activity, you'll find that your overall aura will emanate sizzling power. As a result, you'll transform yourself to have the best pose to adopt for persuasion power. Using what you've just learned sets you up for pacing and leading a person's mind. And this is just the tip of the iceberg to creating rapport. Look at the next part: The next best thing to increasing your rapport and in dealing with other people is to properly understand people and their nature. The fact is when you have a proper understanding of human nature and others; when you know why people do the things they do - when you know why and how people will react under certain circumstances, then and only then can you become a skillful manager of people. It's simple: Understanding people and human nature simply involves recognizing people are what they are - not so much what you think they are or what you want them to be. What are they? People are more interested in themselves, not you! Let me put this very same thought another way - the other person is 100 times more interested in themselves than they are with you.

Needless to say, the same holds true for you too! You're more interested in yourself than any other person in the world. With that in mind, remember that a person's actions are based on self-interest. This trait is so strong in man that the dominant thought in charity is the satisfaction or pleasure that the giver gets from giving, not the good the gift will do. That comes second! One more important point: You'll be glad to know, you don't have to apologize or become embarrassed in recognizing that man's nature is self - interest. It has been that way since the beginning of man, and will always be that way until the end of time. Let's face it, this knowledge - that people are primarily interested in themselves, will give you the basis on which to work your dealings with others. It also gives you the power and skill in your dealing with others. You will see as you read on. Remember: People are primarily interested in themselves and not in you! Here's your chance to, when you're talking to someone, to skillfully talk to them. Why not pick out the most interesting subject for that person to talk about? And what is that most interesting subject in the whole wide world? THEMSELVES! Think about it, when you talk to someone about themselves they will be so fascinated and deeply interested. They will remember you for doing this for them and look forward into


talking with you again. This only makes you appear to be a likeable person. Best of all, letting the other person talk about them allows you to work directly with human nature. Start talking about yourself and you're working against the nature of human beings and you're going about it all the wrong way. Despite what you may have heard, if you want to successfully get people to like you when you talk, remove these words out of your vocabulary and never use them again: "I, Me, Mine, My" Now, take all those words and replace it with one "You" Examples: YOU will benefit if you do this. This is for YOU. This will make YOU look great. YOU will be well liked... this will make YOU and your acquaintances happy. When YOU speak the word YOU, YOU have the advantage. And the result? If you're willing to give up the satisfaction from talking about yourself, and that you get from the use of the words "I. Me. my, mine", YOUR personality, efficiency and YOUR influence and power over others will be greatly increased. But, here's the problem... Honestly, this is pretty tough to do because it takes practice, you'll need to make changes - but, the rewards will make it well worth it. I'd like to tell you more about what you should talk about. It's so funny when someone says "but I don't know what to talk about" that in fact, is too funny. Why?


Because it's easy to just get the person to talk about themselves. While you do this, you'll find that others would rather talk about themselves as a subject than anything else. Let me explain: If you can steer the conversation to get that person to talk about them, you will be well remembered for it and people will automatically love you for it. Ask them question such as:

How is your family, Tina? How long have you worked with the company? Did you enjoy your vacation? Did your family go with you? What do you think of when...? Is this where you grew up? What is your home like? What is most challenging to you about your job? How is that boy of yours coming along?

Let me share a secret with you. You'll know when you meet someone that knows the importance of getting the other person to talk about themselves because the both of you will be trying to get each other talking about yourself. Ironically, this rarely happens. Most people are not effective at influencing others because they are too busy talking about themselves. Remember, it's not how you like how you say something or are amused by the remarks you make, its how the person you are talking to likes to listen to them. Getting the other person talking about themselves puts you in the position of being the most interesting conversationalist! Now that you've learned the importance of getting others to like you, and how exactly how to go about doing that, now you're ready to continue reading on to discover the next most powerful method of rapport. You're going to love me for this.

Why? In a moment, I'll tell you how you can influence others in a more covert manner. These methods are extremely sneaky. It's okay to get excited now because these methods are sensational. But before we get into that, there's only one more useful subject to read about and overcome. And that is: "How To Make People Feel Important" Don't skip over this section because it deals with human nature also, and to exploit human nature could lead you towards gaining remarkably positive results with others. And that's what rapport is all about. Here are the details: The most interesting trait of all of mankind, a trait so powerful that it makes them do the things they do, good and bad, is the strong desire to feel important, the driving desire to feel that they are appreciated and recognized. With that in mind, the more important you can make another person feel, the more they will respond to you and think "Man that person is great." Let me ask you this: Have you ever had the experience of working someplace, and all your co-workers fight over your attention? Let me tell you, it's great. Why would they fight for your attention? Because you have the ability to make them feel important. Everyone wants to feel like somebody. This is the habit of "saving face."


In essence, nobody wants to feel like or be treated like they are nothing, or a nobody. If you want them to feel like that, just ignore them, talk down to them, or show them that you can do it better... They'll despise you for it. This is a great way to get people to talk behind your back that's for sure. Keep in mind... to the other person; he is just as important to himself as you feel important to yourself. The sums of these traits are the hallmark of successful human relations. Here are some tips on how to make person feel important 1. Listen to them! Not listening to them is just about the surest way to rate them as a nobody and make them feel unimportant. When you listen however, it gives you the best results and makes them feel important. 2. Use their names often! Call them by their first name. Dont over do it but the sweetest sound to any person is their own name. 3. Pay attention to everyone in a group and treat each other equally Don't just talk to one person or the leader of the group (if you're paying attention you'll be the leader) remember that a group of people are more than just one person. 4. If someone is waiting to see you, acknowledge it. If they are waiting, take the ten seconds to let them know that they are there and that you'll be there in a moment. 5. Compliment a person and applaud them when they deserve it. 6. When someone talks, pause when they get done speaking don't answer them right away. Doing this gives them the impression that you're in deep thought about what they are telling you and that what they say is worth thinking 0ver.. They will pick up on this subconsciously. Now, in just a few paragraphs your power over others is going to be more impacting than you've ever dreamed possible. You're going to be learning the most stimulating, magical, and revolutionary methods to create the sensation in others to like you instantly.


Sounds too good to be true, I know. But it isn't if you use these striking techniques. Let me show you method number one: Breathe with the person. Watch using your peripheral vision and how their shoulders are moving up and down. What does this do? Their unconscious mind will read this and take it as an indicator that you are like them and that the two of you match. When you look at a couple sitting at a table away from one another, and they are deep in gaze and expressing a liking for one another, you'll realize this is true because you'll notice that their breathing matches. Method Number Two: Talk like they do. Match the tone of their voice, the tempo and the speed at which they speak. Speak smooth, congruent, dynamic, and with a rhythm. Why? Because if someone speaks slower than normal, and you rattle off 1,000 words in 30 seconds, how much do you think that you're going to get through to them? Very little. The only time that you should consider this is if you were to use covert hypnosis and you were to embed commands while you speak. Now, make sure you do this too: Talk at the same tone and pitch as them. If they talk slow and deep, than you'll do the same. Eventually, and slowly, begin to slide into pacing and leading the conversation when you talk. This is when you begin the process to undergo the


transformation to capture their imagination, and then take it in any direction you choose. Method Number Three: On occasion, pretend you are that person. I know it seems weird, but there are three things that'll happen when you do this: 1. You can remotely plant any idea or feeling in them 2. You'll become more intuitive of what others think of you 3. You'll make them feel like you and they have a powerful connection The process goes like this: Try their body on for size -- as if you're actually them. If they have long hair, begin to imagine that you do too, and see the world through there eyes. If they are wearing a scarf, how does that feel around their neck? What is that person thinking when you're pretending to be them? What do they see? What are they feeling? You'll also want to make sure that you slide into becoming that person slowly and naturally. Don't jump into being that person. It's like taking a cattle prong and sticking it right where your butt meets your upper leg. Not a good feeling. Take a mental image of the person and raise them up in your mind. Visualize this person clearly. See the detail, notice the colors and shadows and slowly begin to transform into this person. Another thing to consider is that state of mind you're in. Remember, its not "ha ha I'm doing this to you" instead, use a playful attitude.


I cannot emphasize enough how powerful this technique is. There's literally no way of me describing all the possibilities of using this. Just go out there in the real world and practice. If it makes it easier for you, grab a friend, spouse or someone your trust and do it with them to get a better idea about how this works. You'll find that you can plant any feeling that you want inside them. I've found that the playful, adventurous attitude is the way to go with me. You might find other states of mind that work just as well. Simply experiment and you'll get the hang of this! Method Number Four: Model their gestures and mirror them. If they touch their face, you've got 5, 10, 15, or before 30 seconds to do something similar. It's doesn't have to be right away. It doesn't even have to be the same gesture or exact same movement. Just something similar. Their unconscious mind will pick up on this. This only makes you appear to be more like them. The essence of rapport! Also, suppose they use a certain gesture to get excited. If later in the conversation you want them to get excited, say - about going out with you, use that same gesture when you speak... Imagine the value in all the possibilities of mirroring another person's movements, they're priceless. Method Number Five: Talk at the pace of which they breathe. Doing this makes it seem to the other person that they are saying what you are saying. Stated it another way, a person has to take a breath when they go to say something. If you're matching their breathing as you learned in method one, when you go to say something as the

two of you exhale together, it will align better with a person's internal dialogue. It makes it seem like what you say is a natural thought theyre having. This method is simple and extremely powerful not to mention, sneaky. I think youll agree so use it. Method Number Six: Talk Their Language! What are the benefits of talking in terms of how someone else thinks? There are a ton of them but mostly, its best used for getting in rapport with a person. Let me show you how this is done by giving you some examples. A person thinks in certain ways. Some might hear, some might taste (very rare), others might see pictures, and some might smell. One of these is going to overpower the others and so you would look out for which one they speak more of. This is how you can determine which representational system they think most in: If a person says "I see what you mean". This comment shows you that they think visually, so you would speak in terms of seeing something. "Picture this... you're walking down the road and...." Another person might say, "That doesn't sound right" and this will be your cue to talk in sound. "Are you hearing what I'm saying?" Underdog might say "I smell trouble" so you would speak more in his language by saying something like "Yes, something seems fishy doesn't it?" Here are a few examples of sensory based words that someone might say during conversation to help you determine which internal representation over-powers the rest:


Visual: Look, focus, examine, see, clarify, reveal, illustrate. Auditory: Say, discuss, remark, speechless, clear, silence, shout. Kinesthetic: Touch, contact, handle, push, hold, scrape, gentle. Smell/Olfactory: Scented, stale, fishy, fresh, putrid, smoky, nosy. Taste/gustatory: Sour, bitter, sweet, salty, taste, juicy, flavor. These words will help you to determine just how someone is thinking and what internal representation over powers the rest so that you can speak the language they think! People think in pictures. They think in pictures rather quickly, but realize that pictures are actually the universal language of the mind. Think about the street signs for example. There are different colors, shapes, and pictures to express the meaning of that picture. If an illiterate person is driving, and sees a yellow street sign with a picture of a two people walking across the road, they will know that it is a cross walk and to drive with caution. Just like a circle with a diagonal slash over the picture over a lit cigarette means no smoking. But thinking in pictures isn't all that people use to perceive the world. Ive already told you buts worth repeating again Its important that when you first talk with someone to determine which representational system is more dominant to them. Here are all the defined representational systems: Visual Auditory Kinesthetic Neutral

Olfactory Gustatory When you're first talking with someone, to apply hypnosis more effectively, it makes sense to speak more of their language. Its easy to spot. If someone is prefers to be a visual thinker, they will say phrases such as: I see what you mean It looks like it Now that's a sight to remember Picture this I can see it happening now show me what you mean If someone thinks more with sound, they will say phrases such as: That doesn't sound right That's music to my ears Mumbo Jumbo Word for word Mind your tongue I hear you Loud and clear If someone is a more kinesthetic thinker, they will say phrases such as: We should keep in touch Hold on a second Just beginning to scratch the surface I can't put my finger on it Warm hearted you are Chilled to the bones If someone thinks more olfactory and gustatory, they will say phrases such as:

Such a sweet person Somethings fishy That's the flavor to have I smell a snitch Thats not my cup of tea Having an awareness of what their preferred representation of thinking is can help you decide how to structure what you say. A good rule of thumb to have is: Always try to determine the persons primary representational system first when youre getting ready to apply hypnosis on them. Chapter Three: The Hypnotic Formula Now, before we get started with the psychological devices, I want to share with you the basic formula for hypnotizing others. This formula is necessary for you to hypnotize others without them knowing you're doing it, and following this scientific sequence gives you the power to compel others to do what you say naturally. If there is more than one way you can hypnotize others, is there more than one formula? Well, yes and no because I am talking about the basic sequence to deliver your unconscious commands inside a person's brain. It doesn't matter what method you use, this formula will be used as a foundation with all methods shown in this e-book. To clear up any confusion right now, let's look at the formula, and then let's look at the different methods and how this one formula will be applied with each of these methods. Basically, in this chapter you are learning how to properly deliver and embedded command when you talk. The formula for covertly hypnotizing others entails the crafting of your language and wrapping it in smooth velvet to make it


appear to be an innocent sounding sentence when it's really an unconscious command. The formula is: a careful set of words, an action verb that presupposes "you" and the command. That's it. The careful set of words you'll find listed in Appendix A called "sneak phrases." If you should say one of these phrases, followed by the action verb (i.e. get, become, start, begin etc.) and then your command, then poof, you've spoken to the unconscious mind. Its as simple as that. Your command should be simple. The unconscious brain is very complex, but as complex as it is; it can only really process and understand simple childhood grammar. Commands like "feel excited" would be better than "feel like you're prepared to have a lot of fun" - it's important that you make it easy for the unconscious brain to follow what you instruct it to, so keep your commands easy to follow, and strait to the point. Some of the most powerful ideas in the world, when observed, better yet -- put into action are the most simplest. That just makes sense. If you were a smoker and you were to quit, the most powerful way to quit would be to just give it up. That is also the simplest way. Sometimes people like to make it harder for themselves by getting gum, patches, or using some other crutch. I've given you this formula right off the bat because it will be necessary for you to use it in all your hypnotic efforts, and so you do not confuse hypnosis to be complicated because it is not. So keep it as simple as already is and you'll find that learning this is quick and easy. Unfortunately, as simple as it is, in order for it to work to its fullest requires the combination of a method as well. Methods? These are simple too. Some methods would be telling a story about someone. Using quotes, the 54321

method, the 4321 method, and questions. There are also presuppositions, cause and effect, the Ziegarnik effect, and several others. I will show you these methods later in this ebook. I demystify everything for you so you can use hypnosis to the point where you could do it in your sleep if you had to. In any case, all these methods should be combined with the formula you just learned about because these methods all require the use of the action verb, and presupposing "you" and the command. So covert hypnosis is really a two-step process. Or is it? There is also one more ingredient which is optional to use. I will touch up on this more later but it's called anchoring. If you go through all the trouble making someone feel a certain way, or comply with what you want them to in the moment, an anchor will give you the ability to bring back that exact same state of mind with a single utter of a word, or a touch, taste etc... just about anything you want and can think of can be anchored. For example: You successfully hypnotize someone into going out with you, and you anchored that feeling with a gentle touch on the arm -- when you're ready for them to go out with you again, simply give them that same touch you "set-up" for them to follow, and they will without you having to hypnotize them all over again. Anchors are fascinating to me because they allow you to make hypnosis a one time effort and it communicates to the unconscious mind. More about this later... You can consider this chapter as a "primer" to hypnosis. You know the formula, and you have the foundation. Hypnotic communication will be the formula combined with a method, and ended with an anchor for maximum effect. Let's take a moment to just stop.... And imagine learning hypnosis as a game. Before this chapter, you were at level apprentice and you're looking to become a master. So as you think about what you've just read, you've put on a new belt. You've added a new certification to your communication ability and have made progress. You understand the formula, you

discovered youll not only be learning the methods, but how they are used together. You are already 50% there. Shortly, as you continue to read this e-book, you'll begin to develop your skills -- how to use your voice, the different methods of hypnosis and how to apply each one. Each skill, one skill then the next, you'll develop into a master of hypnotic communication, and you'll win this game. You see, I've not only made this an informative e-book for you, but I have made it as fun an entertaining as possible. You're going to love this e-book, I promise. Now, let's move on to the next chapter and see just how much fun there is waiting for you there. You're skills after the next chapter, when developed will put you 75% on the way to becoming a master of hypnosis. Remember earlier when I told you it's not so much what you say; it's how you say it? The next chapter focuses on the tone of your voice, and understanding how your voice should sound causes you to get really good talking hypnotically already, even if you don't have any tools or methods or what I like to call "bullets." So let's move on to master the hypnotic voice so you'll be closer to the finish line and win this game you're playing. Chapter Four: Designing Your Hypnotic Voice Before you even open your mouth to talk to a person, you have to learn how to speak so that everything you say is effectively communicated. In this chapter, youll find out how to design your voice to have the hypnotic effect you need when youre applying hypnosis. Consider there are three ways to talk. 1. 2. 3. Questions that go up? In the end. Statements which are at a monotone level. And commands that reflect in a downward tonality


The first thing to consider when applying hypnosis in your language is to end in a down tonality. If youre a woman, you might try to raise your voice a hint. You can embed a command using any tone level or "note", but for the sake of keeping it simple and easy, we're going to talk about embedding commands by dropping your tone slightly on the command. I like to tell women to raise their voice because by nature, the man is the dominant of the man/woman relationship. That is, if a woman were to fight a man to the death bare fisted, most always will the woman lose. Most guys understand this as well as women, but the man wants to, and will fight if he had to, so he can be or at least feel like hes dominant. Unfortunately, most men also wrongfully assume women arent capable of performing tasks men can do, when thats simply not true. A man should never make the mistake of making women feel inferior, especially when theres probably something she can do better than you anyway thats the truth. But because of this nature, naturally, men dont want to be told what to do by women. In fact, they despise it. They dont even like another man telling them what to do because of the dominant reason. So if you are a woman and you want to use covert hypnosis to tell a man what to do, simply maintain that womanly appearance as you sound innocently passive, by raising your voice when you say your command When you do this it makes it seem like you are keeping your non-dominant nature, when really your compelling their unconscious mind to do what you say, and the man wont recognize it. Now, you can turn any question into a command. Think about a military drill instructor when the private is asked Whats your major malfunction! notice that it is not said with a wimpy upward inflection whats your major malfunction?

Using embedded commands when speaking, calls for altering your voice when the command is spoken. In other words, I would lower or raise my voice and say the command portion of the sentence more s l o w l y for emphasis, and to produce a h y p n o t I c effect. Properly delivering an embedded command is a skill - it plays a role on how effectively that command gets communicated. A person will respond to this sub-section part of your sentence, and follow the command without realizing it consciously. In this way, you gain compliance effortlessly. Your subjects don't perceive that they've received a command. Typically, they will obey your command as if they had received it directly, but without any resistance whatsoever. Exercise 1: Say the following sentences using a downward intonation at the end. Lets make love. Stay with me. I love you. Do you want to go cut for ice cream... with me? (Take the intonation down on "with me") Do you follow this exorcise? Your tonality is extremely important if you want to embed commands in your sentences. This is the foundation of hypnosis. And to embed commands would be to apply hypnosis correctly. The difference in your tone not only doesn't have to be extreme, but it should be slight so it is only perceptible to the trained ear. Just drop your tone slightly in the end so it is just barely recognized.


Just as so long as you embed your command with the tiniest hint of changing tone - the subconscious mind will pick it up as a command. Practice saying commands, and pause slightly, before you say the command as you drop or raise the tone of your voice. You Have To Pause To Induce your Commands The use of pausing while speaking is extremely important. It can make A person anticipate your every word. Or it can make you seem. . . .uh. . . .slow. There are a few times when you can as a rule use pausing. One is when you are trying to keep a person in suspense and anticipate what you are going to say next. When you.. break up your... language a little.. bit. Second is when you want to emphasize a particular word or phrase. Third is when you're using punctuation ambiguity (more on this later). For example, When you say "... can you feel that. (pause) With me (pause) I find.. the pause might only be a split second in this case but the unconscious mind will hear it and pick up the difference and associate feeling what you described with you! Exercise 1-Get a tape recorder and practice language patterns, read poems, articles, stories, etc. into it. Play it back and listen to yourself trying to notice where you pause, and where you can improve on your tonality. Discover The Power Of Your Own Voice To Make Everything You Say Sound Irresistible


When you want to hypnotize others by just talking, tonality is very important because you are using your voice to persuade and influence others. Your voice is the most important tool you have, so your mastery of a hypnotic voice is essential if you were to want to create compelling hypnotic messages. Think about it, if your voice and your presentation isn't pleasant to be hearing, why would anyone want to listen to it long enough for you to get what you desire? Also, you need to be able to accurately control your voice projection in order to use techniques such as subconscious commands and voice leading. Your voice projection is the amount of volume you place behind the words you say. While youre talking, youll want to create a compelling set of words that cause your listener surrender to your command. Heres how youll be able to do this Posture is important because if your body is not properly aligned your voice can't unleash its power, the essence, and the projection that it naturally has. If you're looking for more powerful influence over others, and become more persuasive with your hypnotizing efforts, learn to put enthusiasm behind your words and do these following exorcises: Exercise 1: Start by allowing yourself to imagine there is a slim rope that slides through the top of your head and down through the neck, and all the way down through the spine. Then imagine that someone pulls up gently on the slim rope, straightening your neck and the spine to the point where even if there were no muscles holding them there, the alignment would stay perfect one on top of the other, and at the same time you feel your shoulders naturally slide back into place. Now,

imagine moving in the world this way ... when you sit at your computer ... drive in your car... watching TV, working, or while your working on getting something from someone by hypnotizing them. Exercise 2 - Some people keep their shoulders back in place when they stretch out the chest and strengthen the back (especially the rhomboids, (between shoulder blades), and the rear deltoids, (backs of the shoulders). This is true especially for people who sit at computers all day long or anything that can classify into those similar responsibilities. Alignment Stretches Stretch #1 You should be able to feel this stretch just above the collarbone in that little triangle. 1. Stand with your lower back completely straight. Your legs should be shoulder width apart, and your knees easily bent. 2. Reach behind your back with your right arm and grab your other one (which should be down by your side) at or just above the elbow. 3. Next, Rotate your left arm back in the socket gently and easily, making sure you're turning the arm at your shoulder joint and not your elbow. 4. Then, turn your head to the right looking over your shoulder, and tilt your chin down easily now toward the shoulder. 5. Hold this position for 60 seconds. 6. Repeat this with the other arm. Alternate Step 3 - If you have trouble reaching your arm that way, just gently rotate your shoulder back in the socket without holding your arm. You'll know if you're doing this stretch right by where you can feel it. Stretch # 2 1. Slide your shoulders up toward your ear. 2. Roll them back while gently squeezing your shoulder blades together. 3. Allow your shoulders drop, letting them relax back naturally.

Stretch # 3 You should feel this stretch in your chest, just below your collarbone, from the breastbone all the way to the shoulder. 1. Place the palm of your hand against a wall-any wall, now with your arm straight, and your hand about three inches above your shoulder. 2. Gently begin to lean into and stretch, so your body is as perpendicular to the wall as possible while you still remain comfortable. 3. Hold stretch for at least 60 seconds. 4. Do the same on other side. You should also roll your neck and shoulders so you can loosen up these specific areas and help them realign after you do these stretches. Make Sure You Are Breathing Properly It's important you breathe in deeply so you can project your voice and to have power and essence. You won't be breathing in more air per-say, more you will be breathing into the "lower" part of the lungs instead of into the upper portion of the chest. Exercise - Start by placing your hand on your upper chest. Breathe in so that the part you're touching moves out when you breathe in. And as you exhale, notice how you cal let out an Aaahhh" with the breath. Now do this again with your hand on the middle of your chest and breath into this area, and as you release your breath, again say 'Aaahhh." Now put your hand on your solar plexus and do the same thing. Lastly put your hand on your stomach and as you say "Aaahhh" as you exhale, notice how much more powerful your voice is when you speak from here, and notice how much more congruent your voice is.

If you're having a hard time with this, try holding your hands above your head while you do this. Worst case scenario would be for you to you lie on the floor and practice there so you know how it feels, before you practice standing up. While you do this, remember to keep your shoulders slid back and your back straight like you learned earlier. How To Make What You Say Sound Even Better! Why Enthusiasm and Emotion is a Must! When you're speaking to someone and you're hypnotizing them, it's important you can hear your feelings in the words you say, otherwise you won't sound sincere. Be sure to add some excitement in your voice when you talk about a ballgame and create wonder in your voice when you talk about incredible experiences. You should make words sound like what they mean. For example - if you were saying the word- "LOUD" you would make the word sound just that-loud, or if you're saying the word 'enormous" you would draw out the syllables a little and maybe even raise your voice a hint when you get to the nor part of the word. Exercise I. - Here are some emotions that you can practice saying out loud with the feeling of the emotion in your voice when you say it. For ease of practice, you might want to go back... and imagine a time when you experienced this emotion, and see what you saw, feel what you felt, and hear what you heard. Also, make sure when you imagine this event so that you're looking through your own eyes and not watching yourself. Lastly think of a sound that might represent that emotion for you. Curiosity

Sincerity Love Lust Desire Amazement Excitement Exhilaration Thrill Victory Triumph Happiness Calm Playful Relax This list of words would sound like what they mean Enormous Huge Attractive Beautiful Anticipation Powerful Tiny Bright Smooth Tough Rich Amazing Exercise 2- Now, practice using these words in sentences, since many of them might be in one sentence together. Have you ever had an incredible experience, maybe you had an overwhelmingly beautiful ocean view? I was fishing down at the river and I saw the biggest brook trout ever, and I was so excited that I could hardly move.


Have you ever met someone and instantly it was like you were really curious, and the more curious you became, the more connected to this person you became in your thoughts? Notice the words might not actually match the way you say them. For example, in the last sentence the word thoughts could be vocalized in a seductive manner. Exercise 3 - Go and listen in on other people's conversations, or talk to one of your friends or coworkers. Don't pay attention to what they are saying and just listen for what state of emotion they are in while they are talking. Notice when the states of emotion alter as they change between one state and another. Understand please, to put forth your own ideas and persuade others is being aware of other people's states of emotion so you can know where they're at and what effect you're having on them regardless of the words that come out of their mouths. When you're up for a good challenge, ask someone to talk about one thing while they think about something completely different, and try to figure out what state of mind they're really in. For example, talk about sky diving while thinking about sleeping in bed. Chapter Five: The Hypnotic Process In order to lead a persons mind effectively, you have to lead them in the right sequence. The following sequence is the formula to get virtually anyone to follow what youre saying. This 4-step process is the process to use to hypnotize a person most effectively. 1. Get their attention 2. Establish states of the person feeling an incredible bond, connection, or rapport to you. 3. Creates the state you want them in (outcome mainly feelings)


4. Amplify those states, double, triple, and supercharge those feelings you create and then link them to you or to the action you want them to take. Now, don't make this difficult because it is not. It can be as easy as making it only three or four sentences long, and it doesnt take more than 2-5 minutes to do. I am explaining all this to you because I want you to understand how what you're doing works, so you can improve upon it and come up with your own language patterns and persuasion tactics that are even better and just right for you. You see, everyone who just buys my language patterns to mimic and model will just memorize the words in them, without really understanding what they are doing. And, in many cases this still works. That person will still be able to beat his competition 9 times out of ten who dont know about hypnosis. But the smart person, the ambitious, determined, deep in the practice of covert hypnosis, will want to understand what theyre doing. And theyll get so good at it that.. ANYONE YOU CONVERSE WITH WILL TALK ABOUT YOU AND BRING YOU MORE AND MORE OPPORTUNITIES, AND YOU'LL WIND UP SELLING, SEDUCING, AND CHARMING THEM TOO!! So let me make this easy for you. You have to get their attention and as you read this book you will find a variety of ways to do this. Now, after that, you want to set them up to follow and listen to what you say. You do this by simply suggesting hypnotically that they feel a bond with you, or they are connected and in extreme rapport with you. Next, use hypnosis to make them experience feelings towards what you want them to feel compelled to do, and then make those


feelings grow stronger by hypnotic suggestion, and anchor the feeling you created. As you sit there reading this book, youll realize this is fairly easy to do once you begin learning the bullets and methods of covert hypnosis. A quick example to give you an idea would be, and Ive highlighted the unconscious commands in the language pattern: Hi, Im curious so I have to ask you a question. Have you ever felt an incredible bond with someone. You know, maybe you just, begin to feel like you can like and trust this person for a real long time and maybe you even feel it so strong you begin to feel that wonderful click, right there in the pit of your belly that just makes you feel totally drawn to this person. And its so funny because on the one hand, you feel absolutely safe, you feel totally comfortable, as if youve known this person youre whole life, as if you were just meant to know this person and that voice on the inside of your head just says gosh I just, I just have to get to know you. And you just make that kind of connection. Now, with me, as I sense it, the beauty comes when you can just let that happen instantaneously with this person, can you feel that, would be an incredible experience to have? (as you anchor that feeling) and simply continue with the conversation. Chapter Six: Using Soft Words -- To Talk About The Most Intrusive Subjects One of the things that can be useful to you as you find yourself using these patterns in a very powerful way, is to make sure you soften what you do, by throwing in some softening phrases. For example, I'll often say things like, "You know, I hope you don't mind my asking this, but one of things I like to do is to find out more about the person I'm getting to know, and I do that by asking questions about what's important to them. So as you

look at me and think about what we're talking about, I'd just like to ask you:" And then I get on to the pattern I'm going to use with them. Now, you'll find that by doing this you can get away with stuff that they normally might call you on. Other softeners lines are: 1. I know this might seem a little off the wall, but just for the sake of this interesting discussion we're having... 2. I just want to say, and I hope you don't find this too intrusive..... 3. Would you mind if I just asked you, just for the sake of helping me to understand easier.... All of these work well because they pace any possible objection they might have to going along with you and what youre saying. Fluff talk is an important part of approaching, gaining rapport and pacing a leading a person's thoughts. Especially if you plan to launch into powerful language patterns, which you can't begin the conversation with on their own. Fluff talk is also needed, if you plan to continue with eliciting values - you must have had at least some sort of a casual conversation with the person, for then it would sound only natural for you to have become a little more interested in them, to the point of asking all sorts of intrusive questions. The number one rule of fluff talk is - direct the conversation towards, and talk about FEELINGS. What fluff talk usually ends up being is an exchange of facts "where ya goin?", "whatcha doin?", "How are you today?", "oh that's interesting" "Isn't that neat". Facts are a BORE! Feeding another person fact makes them feel NOTHING. Nobody is really going to put to use facts you

are giving them in conversation unless of course you're selling something. Just remember to grab any opportunity you have to get to feelings! "So what did you do yesterday?" "Oh I went shopping" "You like shopping don't ya." "Oh yeah" "Gets you excited dont it." "Uh huh" "I know what you mean..." And you go on to describe shopping as the most liberating, beautiful, earth-shattering experience (that's what making up patterns on the fly is all about.) Or have them describe you their feelings, if they like to talk. Voila - you've switched from fluff talk to patterning easily and instantly. They begin to feel enthralled. But in case you don't know how to follow up on that, let the fluff talk continue on. "So... em... have you eaten anything today?" "Yea, I had a muffin. Why?" "Well I was just hoping to pick up on some tips on how to have a delicious breakfast without having to spend too much time making it. So whats you're favorite plate of breakfast look like if you were to make it?" "Um..." they either go on and on because you are showing interest. Or they say something like "I just don't have time for breakfast in the morning" "But if you did, let's say you had your own personal cook, what would you like to start your morning with?" "Oh, well, pancakes and bacon, and a large cup of hot coco, and some French toast (etc, let that person describe it to their heart's content)"

"Ah, that would really feel good wouldnt it? Still lazily laying in your bed, to have all that delicious food brought to you on a silver tray by someone you really enjoy (PTS) - you take a sip of cocoa and can feel the pleasant warmth of it spreading through your entire body, which after a goodnight's sleep is more fresh and receptive to the pleasantness of that feeling than usual, and you take a taste of muffin and can feel it melting in your mouth and the sweetness of it waking you up for yet another wonderful day" The key is to make good use of all the things they told you they like and describe. Once again - fluff talk to pattern talk easily. Youll learn more about creating patterns later in this e-book. In any case, use fluff talk to introduce your patterns! Chapter Seven: Indirect Hypnotic Persuasion Indirect hypnosis is the use of subjective language to force another person into a trance state, where they are open to suggestion. Once open to suggestion, a person may use hypnotic commands to make another feel a certain way. When you have made someone open to suggestion you can use the hypnotic command techniques -- which youll find later in this e-book, to make him or her feel whatever you want them to. To manipulate someone into a state where he or she is open to suggestion requires the use subjective language. Subjective language words that are appropriate for this exercise are words that will relax the person you want to seduce. The essential element is to capture and lead a person's imagination, and guide it into a state where they will be easy to program for taking action. They should be in relaxed state of mind, trust you, and in rapport with you.


The Trance States The first thing that we need to talk about is the definition of trance. A trance is an altered state of consciousness. What does that mean? Well if you think of any state that you are in now, when that state changes it is altered into another state. So simply put - every state of mind is an altered state from the state you were in just a moment ago. The advantages of learning how to go into a trance or induce a trance are infinite. Inside of trance states your learning abilities and can perceive things more clearly. You are actually able to accelerate the learning process if you go into an easy trance. Blank Interrupt Altered states are pretty easy to make happen. The simplest way to do this is the blank interrupt. Anytime you can interrupt a state of mind that somebody else is in, they have to go inside their head and figure out where they were so that they can start at the point you interrupted them. So there you have a blank spot that can be filled. If you think about this, you realize that it's true. Every time you talk, you form the sentence in your mind first. Your mind will do this fast using pictures but it is rare that you speak a complete sentence before it is formed inside your mind. If I were to interrupt you in the middle of speaking the sentence you had already formed, your mind would go blank for moment. There is an empty world of possibilities inside of that blank space. While you are like - huh? I can put anything I want in there. The reason that I can do this without getting caught is that if you hear me, it will simply interrupt the process of finding where you were. In essence, it is a double interrupt. Person talking: I was walking down the road and I thought" You interrupt: "I've gotta go out with this guy" (as you point to yourself)

More than likely that person will laugh, when they do, you can quietly recognize that as a sure sign that the unconscious mind thought exactly that. The following conversation stoppers use phrases that are mild trance inducers. Or in better words they can be used to brain bust the listener. You can use them when you need to gain control of the conversation or regroup. You will then have time to collect your thoughts while others lose theirs. You may want to read them several times because of the "huh?" effect. 1. Do you really believe what you thought you knew? 2. If you expected me to believe that, you wouldn't have said that. 3. Why are you asking me what you don't know for sure? 4. Your question is what you knew it would be, isn't it? 5. How do you stop a thought once you get it? 6. Could you give me... an example.. would be helpful. 7. Your response says what you're unaware of. 8. Do you believe what you knew you thought? 9. I understand what you're saying it doesn't make it true. 10. You can pretend anything and master it. 11. What happens when you get a thought? 12. Are you unaware of what you forgot? 13. The less you try, the more you'll agree 14. Why are you agreeing with what you already know? 15. Why would you believe something that's not true? When you use one of these questions, youll then follow through with a statement or command immediately after you get done saying it. For example: Do you really believe what you thought you knew? Obviously, you need to pay attention to whats being said. So as you think about that, notice what youll come to realize as I continue to talk, and you continue to listen And that is the psychological devices that are coming up next!


Chapter Eight : Psychological Devices Language Pattenrs Youll find this chapter to be the most powerful of them all. This is going to be the heart of this e-book. You understand about rapport, your tonality you know the 2,300 year old secret, and you understand that people are looking for outside guidance. You also have learned the trance states, how to talk enthusiastically, and using fluff talk. Finally, you know the nature of human beings and what you should talk about when you first engage in conversation with someone. Now, youre ready for the stealth psychological devices. So lets get started. Youll find as you read, both how these devices can be used offensively that is, how you can use them on others. And youll also learn how to use them defensively, or, how to render them powerless if they are used on you. With some of the bullets, I will give you actual examples of how to use it offensively and defensively. Others youll find the defense and offense to be obvious using common sense. In a moment, youll learn the different psychological devices I like to refer to as bullets. But before you do this, you must learn one last thing, and thats how people think. Youre not going to want to miss this step because when I demystify how people process information, persuasion and influence couldnt be any easier. You see, good communicators exploit the strengths and the weaknesses of language. If you want to be professional in your communication with others, precision with your language is essential. To be able to use the precise words that will have meaning in the other person's map of the world, and to determine exactly what a person means by the words they use are invaluable communication skills.


In order to be able to do this, it is important you should know how thoughts are translated into words. When we speak to others, we go from the deep structure of thought, generalize it, and leave out part of our ideas when we speak the words to others. A person that says something will have a complete and full idea of what they wish to say, in NLP terms, this is called the deep structure. This "deep structure" is not conscious. Language exists at a very deep level in our minds. When we shorten this deep structure so we can speak clearly and what actually comes out of our mouths is referred to as surface structure. If we didn't make the transition to shorten this deep structure our conversations would be long and drawn out and extremely long winded. If someone asks you where the nearest McDonald's is, they aren't going to be thankful for you giving them transformational grammar. When we process language from our deep structure to our surface structure, we unconsciously do three things. 1. Select only some of the information available in the deep structure. A lot of this will be left out. 2. We inevitably distort the meaning by giving a simplified version 3. We generalize. There are questions that will actually reverse and make these distortions and generalizations reappear. These questions fill in the missing information, reshape the structure and make more sense of what is being communicated. There are consequences to using these questions. It all depends in which context they are used. Keep in mind that they are neither good nor bad questions to ask.


There are two things you are going to learn about here. Youll learn the questions you must ask in order to go probing for more detailed information, and the bullets you can use to hypnotize anyone without them knowing youre doing it. This chapter, by far, is the most powerful chapter in this entire ebook. Your mastery of this chapter is highly recommended. There are many time in our lives when we are in social situation where we arent communicating effectively to the other person for we don't really know how to effectively communicate the kind of message that we want to deliver when were talking with them. This whole entire section is dedicated to provide you with accurate and useful information that allows you to structure your language in a certain way that allows you to deliver hypnotic commands. The easiest and one of the most certain ways to you can improve your professional and communication ability is to really open up your mind and fill your mind with knowledge and skill in the use of language and hypnotic language patterns. Whether you're looking to multiply your ability to improve your daily relationships, and whether it be personal or professional communication, you can and you must do it by using language. It doesn't matter what social situation you're in, whether it be today, or tomorrow, or in the near future, the chances you're going to have to use language in that particular social situation are very high. So, no matter what social situation you find yourself in, when you can learn how to create hypnotic language patterns, and you use advanced applications of covert hypnosis while you talk with others, which will communicate both on a conscious and unconscious level youll have a major advantage. As you begin to put each of these applications you're learning into practice, you're going to find yourself beginning to make incredible changes just by being precise with your language.


You have already learned in the tonality section of this book, that the words you use, and how you say them, make a big difference when it comes to unconsciously influencing others. When you learn to apply these psychological devices, and begin to design hypnotic language patterns of your own, you'll notice it becomes quite easy to make big changes and create new possibilities in your life and social situations. Remember in the how people think lesson that people mostly think in pictures but they also think at the auditory level and can kinesthetically. When it comes to communicating to others unconsciously it is both verbal and nonverbal experience. As you continue to go through this material, you might notice how what you say and do matches the experiences and our future that we desire. You'll also notice that you can make the changes that are necessary to achieve that desire -- just by how we communicate to ourselves. So as you think about communication being both a verbal and the nonverbal experience, think about these facts. Numerous studies and extensive research have shown us that communication is made up of 55% language, 38% how we use our voice, and only 7% to words we say. So it is important that when you construct a language pattern and then say it to someone to remember that it is absolutely essential that your gestures, facial expressions, tonality, and inflection all matches perfectly with the content of your message. This is why I had you do you numerous exercises with your voice. Simply because those lessons tie into the application of hypnotic language patterns. So with that in mind, let's begin learning how to form and construct hypnotic language patterns. What were going to be doing is learning how words affect our minds. You can think of these tools as the main ingredients of a hypnotic language pattern outside from sneak phrases.


You'll use each one of these psychological devices when you construct your very own hypnotic language patterns. Plus, you'll understand and know exactly how it affects your listener. Alongside these psychological devices you'll be learning are exercises. Make sure you do each and every one of these exercises. And youll be designing and creating language patterns in no time. Finally, each of these exercises and psychological devices can be used to create hypnotic language patterns with. So realize that each psychological device is a method to create a hypnotic language pattern. Okay let's get started by talking about the hypnotic process. Bullet # 1 Unspecified Nouns If youre looking to go probing for more information use the questions WHO or WHAT Specifically? "This guy ate it" Who is this guy? "They think I am funny?" Who does? "Trash is annoying" What trash? You can see in these examples, the nouns are missing information. When you talk, you can also leave out missing information to confuse the listeners conscious mind and force them to begin sorting out the information youre presenting, as they do this you can begin to pace and lead their thoughts. Stated in another way if you generalize your nouns when you talk to someone, they are going to be forced to try and figure out what the heck you mean because you are leaving out specific information they must figure out what you are referring to. As they are doing this, its your open invitation to lead their thoughts, towards whatever you want. If the brain is forced to go searching for left out information, it focuses its energy on that, and as that happens, its easy to just

let something externally, and in this case you lead the rest of their thinking because it takes the stress away from trying to figure out what the heck youre saying. So in essence, the rest of what you say can appear to sound logical, when it really might not be. More than likely, they will agree with whatever you say Now, remember that you have to speak hypnotically. The bold print is the commands you would give the listener. For example: Youre at a party and youre walking back to your date from another room laughing and you say They think Im funny, I mean, most people think Im funny because when they listen to what I say, you can just find humor in it, and laugh its really funny at least thats what they just said, how funny.(and start laughing) In this example, its starts out with a statement with an unspecified noun, and then it is clarified immediately, thus you pace their thoughts towards how you want a person to view you as they question who they are in this case, you are making them find you to be a funny person. The process of using unspecified nouns is very simple. Say a phrase with one in it, just when they raise the question to clarify what you mean, answer it for them and deliver embedded commands to make them process unconsciously whatever you want. Say the example above to someone and youll see what I mean. Even if you only get a hmp reply when you finish saying it, thats just a sign that they didnt catch what you were saying consciously, but thats a sign that you got their unconscious mind to accept what you commanded it to do. This is covert hypnosis and bullet number one. If you say the example above correctly to someone (i.e. using a hypnotic

voice, pausing, slightly, and embedding your commands) they will laugh more at the things you say probably talk behind your back about how funny they find you to be as well. Bullet #2 -- Unspecified Verbs This is the question HOW specifically? "He Hurt me" How did he hurt you? "I'm trying to fix the car" How are you trying to fix it? "Change this sheet before the end of the day" How should I change it? In the above examples, you can see the verb is what is being generalized, and in order to clarify what it means, you must ask how? When you generalize a verb, naturally, the person will unconsciously observe how exactly? knowing this, you can immediately answer that question just after you generalize a verb. This, in effect, will also make what you say appear to be logical when it really might not be, but it will trick the mind into believing what youre saying is true, or best case scenario They will feel compelled to do what you ask. For example: Take the example I gave you above Change this sheet before the end of the day it would simply go like this Please change this sheet before the end of the day, when you go downstairs, look on the bottom shelf next to the dryer and youll see a fresh one, take the dirty one thats on your bed right now off first, when you take it downstairs and leave it next to the washer, while youre there, grab a fresh sheet and put it on your bed itll only take you five minutes to do, so hop to it, and when youre done you can go and play. Suppose you were talking to your child in that example, actually spelling out the exact steps distracts them from the other thoughts they might have if you were to only say the generalized statement.


As were growing up, we get so used to generalized statements. How could we not when most parental figures use them constantly? Clarifying the verb and using hypnotic language causes the child to actually think of the exact steps they should take, and youll find many times no remorse or arguments when using this approach. The reason for this is because they arent thinking about how they want to play their video game or playing outside with the neighbor youre taking control of their thought sequence, showing them how easy it is to do, telling them its only going to take a few minutes, and when they finish they will be rewarded with playtime. Not to mention, the embedded command to do it right now. This example holds a variety of different approaches to hypnotizing anyone without getting caught. Ive used time distortion presuppositions, and few sneak phrases and chain phrases. As you continue to read the different hypnotic bullets and you begin to understand them, it will cause you to be able to come up with your very own hypnotic language very easily and youll realize the use of embedded commands and hypotonic language thats all around you. Bullet # 3 - Presuppositions We all have our beliefs and expectations from our personal experience - it is impossible to live without them. Since we have to make assumptions, they might as well be ones that allow us freedoms, choice and fun in the world rather than ones that limit us. You often get from life what you expect to get. Basic assumptions that limit choice may need to be brought out into the open. They are often camouflaged by "why" questions. "Why can't you treat me fairly?" presupposes that you do not treat that person fairly. If you try to answer the questions directly, you are lost before you even begin. Presupposing something makes the unconscious mind believe something will happen later on, or is happening and takes away

the need to defend what is being assumed. If you were to think of it as assumption, you'll find it easier to use this psychological device in your language. Presuppositions come in many forms, and it allows you to use it in your conversations frequently because of the many different ways you can use it. Very seldom do I ever come across a person who catches me using them, more often than not, I will try to get caught using them, and they just do what I say -- go figure. By the way, dont forget you're going to find that while you're talking with people, they would rather have someone outside their own mind make decisions for them. However tragic that may be, it's the truth -- so use it to your advantage. Offense: The first example I am going to give you is how to structure your language to make what you say seem and even "sound" logical, when it really isn't necessarily logical. You'll find while using it, you'll easily be able to apply hypnosis with a person and get them to comply because you're making the "assumption" that what you are saying is logical, so they just go along with what you say and accept it as truth. It's a very simple presupposition and it's very powerful. You give a fact, then you start with a word that usually ends in (ly), and then say what you want to go into the unconscious mind, and that's it. For example: You're reading about presuppositions. Obviously, youre getting the hang of using hypnosis. Now, there are some words that I list below that will help you in presupposing in the same method I've shown you in the above example. But take a look at that sentence and how it sounds logical -- it even looks logical, but be on guard for these, they are used a lot in writing and advertisements -- good ones anyway.

This form of presupposition is very powerful considering that sure, you're learning about presuppositions. But to whom is it obvious to that you're getting the hang of using hypnosis? And just because you're reading something, doesn't necessarily mean you're getting the hang of using it because you're reading about it, not really using it. Doesnt that just make sense? Think about it, the example above doesn't show much logic, only it sounds logical. This is a very simple yet powerful form of unconscious communication. This is covert hypnosis. Here are some psychological words and adverbs that you can use when you decide to apply presuppositions in this form: Clearly, Obviously, Suddenly, Objectively, Naturally, Easily, Ethically, Apparently, Actually, Evidently, Normally, Shortly, and However, Now, So, Again, Anyway, Duh, Think about it, You see, Remember, ... Some examples of how it would be used: "Clearly, you're learning hypnosis." "Obviously, you need to practice." "Suddenly, you might find the next phrase amusing." "Objectively, its the truth I have to poop." "Naturally, I told you it would be amusing" "Easily, you'll get the hang of this." "However, that doesn't mean..." "Now, just by learning this will cause you to..." "Again, you have to make sure..." "Duh, I could have told you that." (this presupposes the person is stupid and inferior to the one saying it -- a good defense for this is "Well maybe next time you'll speak up then?" or a more sarcastic remark and if youre looking for argument would be "Oh yes, I forgot you know everything don't you?") Defense:

You can make presuppositions weaker and have no effect if you ask the right questions when they are used. You can render the first example of a presupposition above powerless if you ask the question "To whom is it obvious?" and/or "What causes you to come to the conclusion I'll be or am using hypnosis?" Bullet # 4 - Presupposing using questions Offense: Presuppositions can also come in the form of questions and are just as equally powerful, and only involve a little more skill than the bullet above. For example: "What will you do when you have a new car to drive next month?" This presupposes or "assumes" you'll own a new car. Who says? But when you ask the brain a question, it is forced to come up with an answer, and even if a person doesn't give you a verbal answer, they will answer it internally. Normally, the presupposing question above won't get a person to think "What makes you think I will own a new car?" to defend against it. Instead, it will tug on the psych and cause a person to think about all the different things they would do if they were to own a new car next month, thus, the thought of owning a brand new car becomes more appealing. Advertisements also use this often. Questions like "What will you do when the IRS ceases your assets and takes everything you own?" This question presupposes that the IRS is after you when they probably arent. This is also a form of using painful emotions to keep a reader curious to discover what something that terrible is all about, because they don't want that to happen to them. By the time theyre finished reading, they discover it is a firm offering to protect your assets for you. Offense:


Another form a presupposition using questions is the double question "If you were to go ahead and buy this, will you be paying in cash, or are you planning on using your credit card?" This double question forces the listener to make a choice, and presupposes or "assumes" they will be making a purchase in one way or another. A humorous example of this is when I asked a woman once "Would you like me to stay the night with you, or would it be better if I leave in the morning?" by the way, that always gets a good laugh. Defense: To render double presupposing questions powerless, ask the question "What causes you to think I am going to buy something?" Or "What causes you to believe you're staying the night?" These questions will take the pressure off you and bounce it back to the person using presuppositions on you. Bullet # 5 - Simple Presuppositions The next examples are simple but still a psychological device that conveys a hidden message in what's being said. For example: A mother saying to her child, "You're as stupid as your father." is telling the child two things. They are stupid, which is the message that's out in the open. The hidden message in this presupposition is that the child's father is stupid. Sentences that contain the words "since, if, and when more often than not will contain a presupposition, and so does anything after such words as "be aware, realize, come to the conclusion, ignore example: "When you continue to read, youll know what I mean and ignore any preconceived notions about hypnosis naturally, it will cause you to come to the conclusion that you must use hypnosis. So, what will you do when you use your new found social power tomorrow?" Clearly, the above example contains many hidden messages, or I better words, is a powerful psychological device. It

presupposes you will continue to read and when you do youll forget and ignore any other previous notions you have about hypnosis, youll draw the conclusion to feel you must use hypnosis, and youll use your new found social power hypnosis tomorrow. As you can see, presuppositions hold covert driven forces, undetectable to the uneducated. By now, I think youll agree when I say You dont learn this in English class. Other examples of presuppositions: When you grow up, you'll understand this. (You are not grown up) You're not going to trick me again? (you have tricked me already) Why don't you smile more? (you don't smile enough) I will do my best to get this difficult task completed (this task is difficult) Presuppositions can be defended and brought into the open by asking the question: "What leads you to believe that...? And filling in the presupposition. Bullet # 6 Linguistic Binds Linguistic binds are simple yet very powerful. The listener will think what you say of course is true. This is another form of hypnotic persuasion. A linguistic bind consists of two parts. Simply state something obvious, and then say what you want the person to think, say, do, experience etc. i.e. your command. For example: As you sit there and read this e-book, you begin to understand why you cant afford not to waste another minute getting anything less from others than what covert hypnosis has to offer you.


Using linguistic binds causes a person to believe whats being said is logical and true, when in fact, part one and two of the sentence are not linked by logic at all. Are you beginning to see how you can use this device to make anyone agree with practically anything you say? More examples would be: Now that youve learned a few covert hypnosis bullets, Im sure you realize that you need to use them in your conversation by practicing using them on others. As you sit there and read this, I know that youre thinking about all the ways you can use these techniques you will remember as a result of following the previous example. As you think about what you really want to get others to do, you begin to realize that you only have one choice to make, and that is to begin using covert hypnosis. Another form of a linguistic bind is the more you A, the more you B. Here are some examples: The more you understand the power of this one psychological trigger, the more you realize that you need to remember and use all of them that are taught in this e-book. The more you read, the more you wont want to be without these incredible psychological devices. Defense: The only defense for this is to be on guard for them, and then discard the thought of it being true. They are extremely sneaky and get past the awareness of most people. Youll find this used in advertising. They will be in sales letters you get in the


mail, sales letters on the Internet, advertisements on TV, the radio etc. And of course, everyone who reads this book. Bullet # 7 Cause and Effect The English language encourages thinking in terms of cause and effect. "You make me feel stupid. I can't help it." There is a danger of thinking that people follow the laws of cause and effect. "The power plant makes the light turn on" is a shorthand way of expressing and extremely complex relationship. When a person thinks in causes, it doesn't explain anything; it just invites the questions "How?" There is a difference between saying "The lightning made the tree branch fall" and "you made me feel bad." To believe that someone else is responsible for your emotional state is to give them some sort of magic power over you that they do not have. Some examples would be: "You bore me" (you make me feel bored) I'm glad that I'm here and you're there. (you being away from me makes me glad) The rain makes me depressed (the rain makes you feel down) One person does not have direct control over another person's emotional state. If you think that you can force another person into experiencing a different state of mind or that others can do the same to you is very limiting and will cause distress and frustration. There is a heavy burden you carry to be responsible for how someone else feels. You will have to take exaggerated and necessary care in what you say and what you do. With cause and effect patterns, you either become a victim or a maid of others. The word "but" often will imply cause and effect by introducing a reason why a person feels compelled to do something.


I would go but, I don't feel good. I would play but my foot hurts" There are two ways you can question cause and effect. One is by asking how exactly one thing causes the other. You'll find that a description of how this happens will open up new choices for you to respond with. There still is a powerful belief that is strongly rooted in our culture, namely that other people have power over, and are responsible for, our own personal internal emotional states. However, we really do generate our own emotional states. No one else has the power to do that for us. We are responsible for our own responses. The feelings we generate are often the result of synesthesia. We hear or see something and respond with a feeling. It seems as if the link is automatic. A question that will address the basic cause effect assumption of a statement like "You make me feel sad" is, "how exactly do you make yourself feel sad at what he says or does?" This builds on the idea that the person has some choice in their emotional response. Its not easy assuming responsibility or one's own feelings, so use these types of questions only when you have good rapport. It can be very challenging. When persuading another, cause and effect is simply using the words cause, because, causing in your sentences presupposing you. For example: Reading this book causes you to find out what hypnosis is all about who says? And this e-book certainly doesnt cover everything about hypnosis just the covert methods. So even though the example above sounds logical, it really isnt. Again, this is covert hypnosis. If you were to read this e-book again as you absorb even more information, youll notice the use of cause and effect, as well as everything youve learned so far.


Cause and effect can be questioned and defended against by asking "How exactly does this, cause that?" or "What happens for this not to be caused by that?" To question and defend against the cause and effect belief, ask: "How exactly do you make yourself feel or respond like that to what you saw or heard?" Now, lets stop for a moment here Are you beginning to see how covert hypnosis can be and is extremely covert? Everything so far appears to be logical, and sounds innocent, but really is just a way to mask your language to deliver unconscious commands, while making it seem like every day ordinary conversation. So remember, use the psychological devices judiciously and ethically in your dealings with others. But were not even close to being done. As you continue to read, youll find there are still many more bullets and psychological devices you can use. So lets keep going.

Bullet #8 -- Modal Operators Of Necessity Necessity involves a need and these modalities of thought are indicated by the use of words like "should' and "should not," must" and "must not", "ought" and "ought not". You can bring these comments out in the open by asking "what would happen if you did, or did not, do this?" I must always make other people like me "What would happen if you did not?" I must not let them see. "What would happen if you did?" I ought to learn hypnosis. "What would happen if you did not? You shouldn't try it.

"What would happen if you did?" You should wash your hands before cooking. "What happen if you did not?" Once these consequences are made explicit they can be thought over and evaluated critically, otherwise they just might limit choice and behavior. This is in NLP terms is called negation. A good example of negation would be to say Dont think about a wedding. Clearly, you probably started thinking about one didnt you? Maybe you saw a bride in her wedding dress walking down the isle, or perhaps the best man and the groom standing before the alter with a priest. Negation is very powerful. Tell a kid not to do something and sooner or later they are curious to find out why not. Obviously, a more careful set of words would be to say be careful crossing the road rather than dont get hit by the car. In appendix A, there are negation phrases you can use such as try not to as in try not to think about using hypnosis, it might cause you to become very good at influencing others. Naturally, this brings about the attitude in another, I want that, like Im not going to do that. Rules of conduct are obviously important and society lives from a code of morals, but there is a big difference between "you should do onto others as you would have them do onto you" and, " you should spend more time outside." The words should and shouldn't often attract moral judgments that a person does not deserve. Discoveries are made by asking the question "what would happen if...?... I kept driving south?... I could fly like superman... This question is the basis of the scientific method.


When negation is used, the mind will immediately if only unconsciously begin to wonder the opposite of what is said. Such as Dont well, what would happen if I did? If you tell a little kid you should do this"' you are only stating what you believe. Another person cannot answer the question sensibly if the child answered reasonably "what would happen if I don't?" When capabilities come into play, it is easier to think in terms of what a person can and cannot do than what they should and should not do. Using should on the level of capabilities will usually put a person on the defense; you ought to be able to do something, but can't, so a quite unnecessary feeling is introduced to the person you say that to. Using should in this way conjurers up instant guilt. This guilt creates an artificial gap between what is expected and what is real. Is the explanation realistic? Is this rule useful or appropriate? Should is usually used as scape - goat by others because the person is angry and won't admit that anger or their expectations... they are evading to take up the responsibility for their feelings and what they expect. Operators of Necessity - I mustn't do that - are clarified and defended by asking What would happen if you did/didn't...? Bullet # 8 -- Comparisons With these next two bullets, youll be learning two different missing information categories that are often found together comparisons and judgments. New, widgets are better. "Compared to what?"


There is a comparison being made but it is not clear. Better than what? Better than it was before? Better than the other widgets out there? Better to use widgets instead of wadgets? Any sentence that uses words such as "best, better, worse, worst." is making a comparison. You can only make a comparison if you have something to compare with. If that's missing. You'll want to ask what that is. Comparisons can be used to unconsciously influence others by using them with the word because to make what you say sound logical and true even if it isnt. For example: Our new widgets are better because we use titanium instead of aluminum like so many other companies out there. This, is effect, sounds logical it even may ring true. The only question to ask now is am I telling the truth? Of course I am, why would I lie? Comparisons can be deceptively powerful, and convey truth when really there is no truth in what youre saying. Comparisons can also be used the same as unspecified nouns and verbs. Simply state the comparison, and then continue to answer the unconsciously raised question compared to what? For example: Our new widgets are better. Take a look our competitors. As youre looking at it youll notice this flaw, and that flaw. Now mind you, our product certainly doesnt look great, and in fact a little cheap doesnt it? But when you compare the benefits, you realize our widgets are much more valuable than the one youre holding. Here, let me show you what I mean You can begin your language pattern with a comparison, and immediately begin to lead a persons mind explaining what you are comparing it to, and more importantly, why its better. If you put emphasis on why more than likely, theres no need to answer compared to what they will certainly be more interested in why it is better. A simple explanation will cause

them to believe what youre saying. They will form the belief that your widget is better than any other out there. Comparisons are clarified and defended against by asking: Compared to what? Bullet # 9 -- Judgments Judgments are the allies of comparisons. The widget is simply the best tool you can buy" it would be interesting to know whose opinion that is. The president of the company Widget maker? Was there an opinion poll? John Doe said that? This also works with the word because to give a justified reason what youre saying is true, when really it might not be logical or true at all. For example: This tool is simply the best tool you can buy because no other comes close to the quality. Here, you are the judge, Im sure youll realize as you begin to notice the difference in the two, Im not just wasting my breath. Judgments do not need to involve a comparison but they often do. "I'm a bad person" who says? If the answer is I do, then you might ask "by what standard do you judge yourself to be a bad person? As you can see, it is useful to know who is making the judgment. What are the reasons for the judgment being made? Judgments can often sneak in on coat tails of adverbs and be mixed with a presupposing statement. Consider this sentence: "Obviously, this widget is the right tool." To whom is it obvious? Often times, adverbs that end in -ly will erase who is making the judgment. Clearly, it is obvious. It must be obvious to someone. (and who was it clear to?) Heres a good example of how you can create a hypnotic judgment:

Honestly, youll do better with this cleaner than without because it obviously gets the job done better. You can notice the difference in the floor as you begin realizing how much better it smells it doesnt have that harmful and annoying ammonia smell to it like the rest am I right? Yes. And just feel how much smoother no to mention, cleaner as you run your hand across the aftermath of our product, compared to brand x. In this example, you compel others to believe what youre saying is logical as you give proof that what youre saying must be the truth. Youll be surprised to know -- just by having a person run his hand along the different areas where you used two different products that just by suggesting your product feels better, they begin to believe the same thing even if it really doesnt. Judgments can be clarified and defended against by asking "who is making the judgment, and by what grounds are they making it?" Bullet # 10 -- Nominalization This is when a verb describing an ongoing process has been turned into a noun. This called nominalization. Read the following sentence and think about what it might mean: Focus and determination, applied with motivation and persistence are essentials in the process of exorcise. This sentence contains a nominalization (nearly ever other word) and is a perfect grammatically structured sentence. If a noun can't been seen, touched, tasted, smelt, in short, if it can't be set on a table, it is a nominalization.


There is nothing wrong with them. They can be useful at times, but they hide the biggest differences between people's maps of the world. Take "exorcise" for example. How are they exorcising? And what is the exorcise affecting? Or "motivation" Who is motivated and how are they doing it? A verb involves action or an ongoing process. This is lost if it is nationalized and is changed into a static noun. If a thought can corrupt language, language can corrupt a thought. To come to believe that external world is patterned by the way we talk about it is even worse than eating the cake box - it is eating the printed ink off the cake box. Words can be combined and manipulated in such ways that they will have nothing to do with sensory experience. I can say dogs meow but that doesn't make it true. To think so is to believe pigs can fly. Nominalizations are the demons of this chapter. They cause no troubling to you as long as you do not think they actually exist. They delete so much information there is little left. Nominalizations very well could be the most misleading language pattern. Now, how could you use nominalizations? The answer to that question is mostly you dont. I dont personally use nominalizations when I am persuading others unless I am selling something to someone. The reason is because they are corrupting to a persons mind, including your own, and as many of them there are out there, there isnt a need to use them because you have enough trouble trying to stay aware of them all. However, in advertising rings a different bell. Youll see them a lot on infomercials such as 20 minutes a day, combined with exorcise and commitment is the hallmark of success. What?


It sounds logical, but notice all the deletions in that language pattern. Success in what? What kind of exorcise and how easy are you talking? But instead a person wanting to go through the strain of answering all the questions, they just accept what is said. A nominalization is clarified and defended against by turning it into a verb and asking for the missing information. "Who is nationalizing about what, and how are they doing it?" Bullet # 11 -- Modal Operators of Possibility Possibilities come into play when someone says "I can't. What would happen if you did?... "What prevents you? Possible, impossible... I just couldnt refuse, or I am the way that I am, I can't change that. "It's impossible to get the truth out of him... Cannot is limiting. It is often taken as an absolute state of incompetence, not amendable to change. This can be used to influence and persuade others to believe they arent capable of doing something, but if they follow your advice or buy your product, they can cure it. For example if youre not following the proper steps, youre missing the biggest reason why you cant make the cake turn out the same as shown on the box. Just follow the steps accordingly and you shouldnt have a problem try it again. The statement above expresses the person cant bake a cake properly, and suggests they have a problem by using the Model Operator Of Necessity by using the word should, and the only way they can is if they follow the advice on the box. When using model operators of possibility, it is cautioned you be careful because you could create an unpleasant reaction in

another person. Telling a person they cant do something is not recommended and has very little happiness to offer. Again, I caution you to only use hypnosis to make others feel happy and good. A truly sad story one time in my life was when I would visit a friends house often and the father would always tell his son he cant do something and the reason was always because and to generalize it hes not doing it the way his father showed him. To make it worse, he would always do it in front of me, only to make my friend feel even less competent. This father obviously had a superiority problem and it blinded him that problems can be solved in more than one way, and for his son to show him a better way would make his father seem inferior which was not a place his father would be put. The end of this story could have been different for his father if he only were to realize it was not his responsibility to think for both himself and his son and to just let go and allow his son to do his own thinking. My friends mother had died a few years before this all started happening of cancer, so there was no motherly influence in his life, nor was there the protection of the mother who often encourages independent thinking, and would tell the father to back off in a warm and subtle motherly way. This type of fathering went on for several years. My friend reached the age a little past 16 and wanted to escape his fathers belittling. Evidently from my observation, it affected him socially and in school because he developed the attitude that he had to be like his father, when he really wanted to do it his own way, and be himself. He was simply struggling to escape into the new realm that his way worked, but it seemed he had a hard time believing it was possible. Eventually, the father took his controlling nature too far and ended up trying to force his son to observe the world his way by pulling out a gun and waving in his face. Later that day, his son


turned him into the police, moved into his grandmothers house and couldnt be happier. Unfortunately, his father lost touch with reality. You see, for several years his father evaded the responsibility to think for himself, for, how could he when he was always thinking for his son. Instead of observing honestly and admit his wrong doings, he eventually selfishly escaped the world and the responsibility by ending his own life. If he could have only known that instead of always showing his son what hes doing wrong, telling him he couldnt do something, or suggesting he cant ever do anything right, he encouraged his sons smart independent thinking and supported his growing mind. How differently the relationship would have been. Therefore, it is warned to tell someone they cant do something and cautioned to be used only in extremely subtle cases. If you would have gone to my webpage, you would not have bought my program if the headline said Why you cant get what you want from others obviously, your reaction would have more than like been get bent. or not so extreme. In any case, I dont use model operators of possibility on others, only am aware of it to help them as I mirror it when they are brought out into the open. For example: Instead of cant, you can. What stops you is the question that sets up the possibility of discovering the barriers, later to ask, so what would happen if?... If someone says I can't sit still, they obviously have an idea of what sitting still is like, how else would they know what it wouldn't be like? Take the positive goal (what could be done) uncover what could be realized, (whats preventing you), or you can examine the consequences, (what would happen if you did). It is these consequences and barriers that have been erased from a persons thought process when these things are

said. And on critical examination they may turn out to be less formidable than you thought in the 1st place. Bullet # 12 -- Universal Quantifiers As you probably remember, a generalization is when one example is taken as a number of different possibilities. If we did not generalize, we would have to do things over and over again, and to think of all possible exceptions and qualifications would be time consuming. We sort our knowledge into general categories, but we gain our knowledge in the first place by comparing and evaluating the difference and it is changed if need be later on. There are times when we need to be generalizations are unstable and inaccurate. specific and

If you can admit exceptions it would allow you to be more realistic. Decisions do not have to be all or nothing. A person who thinks they are always right is more a nuisance than one who thinks they are always wrong. At worst, this can be prejudice, discrimination and narrow-mindedness. Clear communication gets clogged with the fluff of generalizations. Take a few instances and represent them as a whole group containing unspecified verbs and generalized nouns and you've formed a generalization. They are usually expressed with words like "all, every, never, always, none." These words admit no expectations and are known as universal quantifiers. In some case they don't appear and are only implied e.g. "I think TV is a waste of time" or "punk rock is a bunch of trash." Some other examples would be: "Mexican food tastes gross" "All generalizations are wrong" "New cars are too expensive"

"All Politicians are honest" Universal quantifiers are paradoxically limiting. To extend a statement to cover or deny all possibilities makes an exception difficult to spot. A self - fulfilling prophecy is then created - you see and hear what you expect to see and hear. Universal quantifiers are not always wrong. They can be facts too. The moon is always orbiting, and you never fall upwards. There is a big difference between this statement and one like "I never say things right" If someone believes this, they'll always notice only the times when they don't, and forget or not count all the times that they have said something right. No-one can consistently do something wrong. Nobody is that perfect, such perfection does not exist. They limit the world by the way they talk about it. Successful people on the other hand will generalize the opposite way. They believe they always do things right, excluding isolated instances. They believe they are capable. Some examples for you: For the person who says "I never say any thing right" you might reply, can you think of any time that you did do something right? And when you think about that time, can remember what you saw and heard as you remember how good that feels? Suppose a person is lacking in happiness. "Was there ever a time when you were happy?" No. "You mean to say in your whole life you have never felt happy?" Yep, that's right. Not even on one occasion?" Not once. "You sure about this now?" Yes I'm positive. "Well then, I guess you're right, youll never be happy. It's obviously too good for you to feel. Why not just give up now?

It's hopeless; the rest of your life isn't long enough for you to feel happy" This normally will get a response like "okay, okay, I'm not always unhappy, that stupid or I know what you're doing." If you question the generalization by exaggerating it forcibly enough, they will often find themselves switching and defending the opposite view. Simply feed back to them the absurdity of the generalization. Most people have a few beliefs and limits they live by. The most common in people would be the belief they arent worth it. They arent worth a million dollars a year, or worth having a huge business. When combining that belief with I cant do it even if I tried the person will stay stuck for years, all because of those two beliefs and limits placed inside their mind. By the way, if you desire anything more, such as money for example, all you really need to do, and this may even seem a little too easy but I assure you it works is to believe you are worth whatever amount of money you want to be worth a year, and make it possible by forcing yourself to believe in your ability that you can do it, period. Universal Quantifiers get clarification and can be defended from asking... has there ever been a time when? Bullet # 13 -- Complicated Equals A complicated equal is when two statements are linked in such a way, they are taken to mean the same thing. For example, "You are not wet... You don't like to take showers." "You aren't looking at me when I'm talking, you aren't paying attention to me" This you'll hear from visual thinkers - they feel the need to look at the speaker in order to make sense of what he is saying.


A person, who thinks more kinesthetically, will want to look down and process the information by hearing what is said. Of course, if the visual person would look down, he would not be able to pay attention. The visual thinker has made a generalization to include everyone else and has forgotten that people think in different forms. There is really no need to use complicated equals in your persuasion and influence with others. Nobody likes a know-it-all and if you desire to project that negative image than use complicated equals in your dealings with others. Complicated equals are used most often by bullies in school, to influence those who look up to their ideas. Yes, kids can be cruel. An example would be look at his shirt, his parents are broke ha ha and everyone around the bully laughs because they surely dont want to get picked on and humiliated the same as the person with the cheap shirt so they play along. Although the shirt might look cheap, it certainly doesnt mean their parents are broke. It could have been a shirt the kids grandmother made for his birthday and he wanted to make a nice gesture and express his love to his grandmother because he knew she was picking him up from school. The kid could, however, if he wanted to -- come back with a great remark even if it meant meeting at the flag pole after school, and draw back the power in the situation by reflecting the bullies absurdity by saying youre a clever one, did you think of that on your own because that just doesnt make sense. How does my shirt mean my parents are broke, you must want to be a professional fashion designer? (pointing and laughing) he thinks my parents are broke, and he rides the bus ha ha. And he could even stop him from future attacks by ending that statement with the suggestion thats the only thing he can come up with, How sad! Ha ha How everyone would then look up to that kid, and would even forget about the comment of his shirt because he stood up to


the bully and gives hope to those who get picked on and humiliated the same. So many times I hear kids telling their parents they are getting picked in school. Its no fun to be humiliated in front of others and sometimes all it takes is the right defense, and the proper questions to be taught to the child early on so they can come home smiling proud about how they stuck up for themselves. Kids seldom these days are taught how to protect their selfesteem by parents telling their children aww its okay, mommy still loves you. Even though that may satisfy the moment, the problem still persists. Or worse, the father saying suck it up and take it like a man or even worse yet, dont take that crap from him, next time he says that, show him what youre made of. These all ignore the problem and could lead the child into further depression or trouble. Its certainly okay to teach your kids how to protect themselves from harmful generalizations and words by simply showing them what to listen for, then what to say. The mind is always more powerful than the fist, and is certainly better to use its resources than to not for solving problems even the simple problem of a bully in school. Nobody likes a bully, so complicated equals are not recommended in persuasion. More often, they are provided in this chapter for defense against them. Remember, theres nothing wrong with protecting your self-esteem, and this is one way to do just that. Complicated Equals can be questioned and defended against by asking... "How does this mean that? Bullet #14 -- Reading Peoples Minds People sometimes presume to think they are mind reading, even if there is no direct evidence what another person is thinking or feeling. We do it often.


It can sometimes be more of a "sixth-sense" response to some non-verbal clues that are noticed on an unconscious level. Often it is hallucination or what we ourselves would think or feel in that situation. We project our own conscious thoughts and feelings, and experience them as coming from the other person. It is always the miser who experiences other people as mean. People usually feel they are right when they mind read, but there is no guarantee that they are. But what it all boils down to is: Why guess when you can ask? There are two main types of mind reading. Number one is presuming to know what another person is thinking. Examples would be: "Kim is upset" "I can tell she didn't like that remark." "I know what makes him say yes" "He was pissed but was too proud to admit it." There needs to be good sensory-based evidence for attributing thoughts, feelings and opinions to others. You might say "Kim is feeling blue," but it might be better and more useful to say "Kim is looking down to the floor, her skin is pale and her breathing is calm. The corners of her mouth are tight and turned down and her posture is hunched." Interrogators will use this often to force a suspect to admit to a crime. It might go something like this So you went in to the store at 9 pm to get a candy bar? yes, I went in at 9:15 to get a candy bar And you bought it and left. yeah


So let me get this strait, you were at the store at 10:15 and you didnt see anything happen before or after you paid for your candy bar. yes, I didnt see anything. Obviously, a person who was sincere about not being at the store during a robbery would be very detailed and sure about every line of defense, but in this case, the suspect being interrogated is too busy agreeing with what the officer says because it is always better to let someone lie for you. And the officer proceeds to say: Cmon now, I know what happened, you just told me two different times, I asked you 9:15 the first time, and 10:15 the second, obviously, youre not telling me the whole story. I know what happened what you did. I was hoping I would hear it from you first. It would save you a lot of trouble to tell me your side of it. Youre in a lot of trouble if I only go by what I already know. I know there are two sides to every story, and before I decide what to do, I want to hear yours. This gives the suspect the feeling he still has a chance if he confesses. After all, what really happened cant be as bad as what the officer heard. Confessing now is a way of cutting the suspects losses. This conveys the mind reading message you cant fool me, I know what youve been up to even though you havent told me, so out with it. The second type of mind reading is a mirror of the first and we give the other people the power to read your mind. This can be used to blame them for not understanding when you think they should. For example: "If you loved me you would say yes" "Can't you see how I feel?"

"I'm hurt because you didn't consider my feelings" "You should know that I don't like it when you do that." A person using this language pattern will not communicate clearly to others what they want; the others are presumed to know anyway. This could lead to some classic no holds barred arguments. The way to question mind reading is to ask how specifically they know what you were thinking. Or, in projected mind reading, how specifically were you supposed to know how they felt. When you are trying to clarify mind reading by asking "how do you know?" the answer is usually some belief or generalization. For example:

"He doesn't care about me anymore" How do you know that he doesn't care about you anymore? Because he never does what I tell him to. So the person in this example's model of the world, "doing what I say" equals "caring for me". This is a questionable assumption to say the least. It is a complicated equal and invites the questions, "how exactly does caring about someone mean doing what I say? If you care about someone, do you always do what they say?" Mind reading is questioned and defended by simply asking: "How exactly do you know...?" Final Thoughts, Wrap Up and General Advice for this chapter You can use these principles to reconnect language with experiences, and you may also use them for: 1. Gathering information

2. Clarifying meanings 3. Identifying limitations 4. Opening up choices 5. Protection 6. Unconsciously communicating with others. This chapter is an extremely powerful tool in business, education, helping others and hypnotizing them too. The basic presupposition behind it is that people make different models of the world and you can't assume that you know exactly what the words mean. First and foremost, it gives you the ability to gather high quality information when it is important to understand what people mean. If someone is complaining about a problem, you need to find out, in the person's mind, what this means, rather than wrongly assuming that you already know. Then follow that with as you begin to lead their mind, using a hypnotic language pattern filled with embedded commands towards the change or action you want them to take. If someone says they always do a particular something wrong, you can find out if they have ever done something right, and also, precisely how they manage to get that something wrong so consistently. There is no "why" questions in this chapter. Why questions have very little value, at best they get justifications or long explanations which do nothing to change the situation. If a person asks why, a simple because answer will more than likely all you need to get them to agree. Secondly, This chapter will help you to clarify meanings. It gives you the systematic framework for asking the question, "what exactly do you mean?" Thirdly, this chapter gives you choices. Beliefs, universals, nominalizations and rules all set limits. These limits really only exist in the words and not in the world. Questioning and find out the consequences or exceptions can open up the floodgates in

large areas of life. Limiting beliefs are identified and then changed. Which pattern you choose to question will depend on the context of the communication and your outcome. Consider this sentence: "Why don't these idiot people stop trying to always help me, it makes me even more mad; I know I should keep my cool, but I just can't." The sentence above contains mind reading and presuppositions (they are trying to make me mad), cause and effect (makes), universal quantifiers (always), judgments (idiot), comparisons (more mad), Possibility and necessity (should, can't), unspecified verbs (trying and help), nominalization (cool), and unspecified nouns (people, it). In this example, the mind reading, presuppositions and causality fuel all the others. Sorting these out would be the first step towards change. The nominalization, unspecified verbs and nouns are the least important here. The rest, generalizations universal quantifiers, judgments, comparisons and modal operators, lie somewhere more in the middle. A general easy strategy would be to specify nouns, verbs, then sort out the distortions with a priority to override any modal operators that come up. Keep in mind that you shouldnt have to specify all the deletions. Practice with the above chapter and its information will start to give you the feel for what is important to question. This chapter also touches and relates to the logical level. I-B-CB-E ((I) (B)elieve, (C)apabilities cause certain (B)ehaviors to (E)xist).


Consider the statement "I can't do that here" "I" is the persons identity "Shouldn't" relates to their belief "Do" expresses their capability "That" indicates a behavior "Here" is the environment Observing it logically puts you in the position to challenge this statement on a number of grounds. Which one would you like to start on? The person might "mark" the most important part of that sentence as you might do as you talk hypnotically with others, by leaning on and putting emphasis on a particular word. "I can't do that here" - What prevents you? "I cant do that here" - What specifically? Are you beginning to see how powerful this is yet? You can gather information from another person easily if you learn this chapter. You'll be able to identify the limits of other persons as well as your own. If they are dissatisfied with something, you can change it using the psychological devices weaved all throughout. If they are satisfied with a particular something, you can link that to you. If they feel strongly and confident about something, you can link and shift those powerful feelings towards the action and outcome you have in mind. We're talking about some real powerful technology here!


What would they rather have? Where would they rather be? How would they rather be feeling? How can I use this to my advantage?... Ask yourself while speaking to someone, What is the most useful question to ask?, and how should I go about pacing and leading their thoughts? Rather than asking why, ask "how do you specifically know that? or, I'm curious to know exactly how you knew that? or "I don't exactly know how you knew this stuff" Use a polite voice and soft voice tones. It will seem pleasant and not like you're cross examining a witness. When you're looking to hypnotize others without them knowing, asking questions is a way to get them to change their mind, and they will do it themselves. I've given you several powerful ways to do this. This chapter is important to know. In fact, It is essential to know what was laid out here. Its the heart of Hypnotizing anyone without getting Caught Chapter Nine More psychological Devices or Better Put Triggers (Preview of Transparent Motivations) Covert hypnosis and changing peoples minds doesnt always involve side-stepping the English language and using a sly tongue. In this chapter, we will look at a few elements that psychologically trigger specific responses when used. This section of the e-book are excerpts of my upcoming e-book Transparent Motivations which show you how to motivate others by triggering unconscious mechanisms that exist deep in the unconscious mind of others. Remember, in the beginning of the book you learned Apply Hypnosis defines hypnosis as unconscious communication. So lets look at what these triggers do.


Bullet # 15 Commitment/Consistency People put themselves under tremendous pressure to stay committed and to behave consistently with a commitment made which causes us to justify our earlier decision. Youll see this element used often where when you purchase something and theres an up sell to spend a few bucks to buy more. When a person purchases a car, the salesman will take the contract that is signed and while they are walking away will turn and ask you want new floor mats with that too right? and the reply is normally sure, why not. And then they are asked youll probably want an extended warranty to cover what the original one doesnt cover too, for the few extra bucks, its worth it. And the reply is show me more. And these up sell elements are then added to the already signed contract. If youve ever purchased something from a television commercial, often you are asked when you call to place your order if you would like to purchase two more and get one free. Or youre asked to purchase additional products. The reason this works so well is because we as human beings, have a strong desire to or to appear consistent to others and to ourselves. Once we have agreed to something, we then like to follow through with it, even if it only makes us appear to be consistent and it goes against our best interests. You can use this if you are selling, and thats where you will see it used most often, but you can also use this secretly to get others to do more than what you originally asked. For example: If you ask someone to take out the trash and they agree, as they are walking away you can then ask oh, could you also go into the garage and grab me the hammer too? Nine times out of ten, they will agree to perform the second behavior without argument because of the desire to be consistent with what we commit to.

Its easy to convince someone to do one thing at once, and while they are walking away to add on another task and they will more often than not agree to that too. Try this experiment: ask someone to do two different things at the same time, and see how aggravated they get. And later, ask them to do one thing, and as you remember to use this trigger and they are walking away, add another favor to the list and notice their response this time. You can also use this in the persuasion process early on to get them to commit to a question, and ask them later towards the end of the process to keep them committed to giving in to your influence. Even if you ask a committing question and they dont give you a verbal audible response, and they answer it internally this works. The internally answered questions answered are more than likely going to be in writing. Youll see this in sales letters you get in the mail, or on the Internet and on commercials in the beginning and end. When I wrote a sales letter for, it asks the question If you could get motorcycle accessories for mouthwatering prices, would you buy it at Motorcyclemart? More often than not, a person is going to answer yes to that question, and they will continue to read. Later in the sales letter they stay committed to that question when I write earlier I asked you if you would buy from Motorcyclemart, and obviously, if youve read this far Im assuming youre ready to begin shopping. You can also use this in the face to face sales presentations. For example: When I was going door-to-door selling medical devices, early in my presentation I would ask If you could put a price tag on your health, it would be priceless wouldnt it? (and I would begin nodding my head to unconsciously confirm their

agreement) and I would continue to say Well, if I can show you a way where you can de-pollute your home from harmful bacteria, dust and other health hazards by up to 99.9%, you would want not only want to see, but you would be interested in how you can keep your home like that 24/7 right? (And would nod my head again and wait for an answer). And all through the presentation I would confirm their agreement at certain points in my demonstration by asking Are you beginning to see how you would like to get rid of this nasty stuff? (as I showed them a cloth with captured air pollutants). I would play the husband and the wife against one another when it came time to show them the vacuum cleaner replacement by asking the husband, Would you really let your wife have to push this clunker of a vacuum around the house, its a beast and its heavy isnt it? I would ask the wife and she would agree. And both she and I would stand there staring at the husband just waiting for him to give the wrong answer, and he would obviously say no. And when it came time to finish my presentation and go for the sale, I would bring all those committing questions back into the picture by saying something like Well, you already agreed that your health is priceless, and you also told me how you definitely wouldnt mind getting rid of all this pollution by up to 99.9%, and you agreed, John, that your wife shouldnt have to push that heavy beast around the house, after all, shes delicate isnt she. Now, after all youve told me, clearly, you want whats best for you and you certainly do know quality when you see it, and if you were to go ahead and make a purchase like this, would you go with a finance plan, or would you rather just pay me in cash? Naturally, using this one method alone, I developed a lot of sales that one trigger was the result of me selling at a 95.7% rate which seems unbelievable but true. It only took me a few weeks and I was running an entire office, training new salesman to follow my same actions.


Of course, I also used the psychological devices in the previous chapter combined with this element of persuasion you just learned about. Now, from what youve read so far, are you beginning to see how hypnosis is probably the most valuable and important skill you could ever possess? By now, I think youll agree. Bullet # 16 The Ziegarnik Effect For Copywriters This method is named after a Gestalt theorist with the same name. When we dont complete a task, we are often aggravated with a certain level of mental tension to complete it. Its important to keep in mind, as you find yourself using this technique in a powerful way that you stick to a single direction a message that leads a person down your intended path of persuasion. This is part of advertising and copywriting and worth knowing. Youve already been to websites that have a sales letter on the home page such as the one at And if you were to read it word for word, thats one thing but most visitors will scroll the page and only read what catches their eye and whats interesting to them. Knowing this, obviously, its a good idea to break up your page with Bullets, Bold print, italics, quotations and mini-headlines to stop the reader dead in their tracks, and to read your hypnotic message. Its important to understand that reading a sales letter on a web page is different from reading an actual sales letter thats in your hand. Its easy to scan an entire page which youre holding in your hand, but on the website, they dont have the same leisure. So many websites dont really take the reader down the intended sales path, and distract them by placing banners, buttons and links going this way and that. This is where most


website owners go wrong, and they wonder why they arent getting sales. I get questioned all the time if I would look at someones sales page and to give pointers. Comments like The average reader only looks at three pages and then leaves. And my answer is all the same, if you want sales, there is plenty of time to show them other pages, but remember your website isnt made to impress someone of how much work youve done for them its making a sale, or getting them to sign up for your product or service, and then show them where they can read more. People think whats in it for me? and if you dont lead them specifically, then youre throwing your sales out the window. More Psychological Devices The following set of psychological devices are designed for your active participation. You will learn how the particular psychological device works, and then at the end of each lesson, you'll create your own hypnotic pattern using the particular psychological device you've just learned. Remember, you can "mark" commands in your voice when you say them. Also, try to keep only one hypnotic approach in mind as you go through these psychological devices, that is, think about one outcome you want someone to experience, process or feel, and use that one you've chosen for each psychological device. Once you've completed these exercises, you'll be amazed how you can take each of your examples, put them together forming a completely hypnotic, logical and presupposing language pattern. Bullet # 17 VERB TENSES People think in three different levels of time. We think in the past, we think in the present, and we think in the future. A person experiences subjective changes when we use different verb tenses. For example:

Look at the following three sentences and notice how it changes what level of time you're speaking in: No. 1 -- I played that game. No. 2 -- I'm playing that game. No. 3 -- I will play that game. Now, notice how that expresses "I did," "I am," "I will." You can also use verb tenses with the words: had and have. What you can also do is combine two different levels of time per sentence. For example: Let's take a look at Ex. 1 above. It's "I played that game." You can add another level of time into that statement by injecting the word "had." And you get "I had played that game." OR instead of saying "I'm playing that game," you can add another level of time into that statement and say "I have played that game." Finally, to talk about a future experience, instead of saying "I will play that game," you could say "I will have played that game." Understanding how verb tenses work, go back and remember that exercise we did in the tonality section of this home study course. I'm sure you remember using those questions that you tag onto the end of the sentence, don't you? You can combine those questions with verb tenses and screw up a person sense of time. You can place a present situation into the past. For example: "That has happened to you before, hasn't it?" "That was something you knew how to do, wasnt it?"


You could take a present situation and put it in to the past by saying: "That is a pain, wasnt it?" "You want to learn how to do this, didn't you?" You can use verb tenses in the basic way as shown in the above exercise, or you can use it in a more complex way. Remember that the tagging questions on the end are spoken as a command, so you can use this psychological device to make it easier to get someone agree with your statement. As in Youve learned the first psychological device, havent you? And You can probably think about how you can use this, arent you? Now, verb tenses can also be used in the more advanced way. Remember you primarily can use this psychological device to shift a persons sense of time. If they are experiencing something in present time, you can make it seem like they are done experiencing it because its in the past now. Heres a more advanced method of using verb tenses, and a TEMPLATE you can use to modify and create your own language pattern with: TEMPLATE So, up until this moment, you had no clue about how verb tenses work and now that you know that you can use this psychological device and will do just that, if you find a situation where you can use this type of language pattern, isnt that so? Manipulating A Persons SENSE OF TIME This psychological device is neat considering you can shift a persons sense of time around, almost to the point where its so confusing that the person just accepts what is said so they dont have to bother trying to figure out what youre saying.


For example: Notice the different levels of time in the following sentence: I will have used this psychological device once after Ive finished learning about it. Are you starting to see how you can use this method? It sounds confusing (and it is) but its a logical sentence. Lets try another one: I am learning something I could have been learning a long time ago, and now I would have been more knowledgeable on this subject if I were to have taken the time long before just a few days ago when I first started my study of this subject that Im studying right now. Whew! Talk about shifting a persons sense of time around! Lets look at the basic ways this can be used: I will have done something, before I actually do it. The statement above shows that the first event described will happen before you begin to do whatever it is that you will do. OR, you will do what youll do after youve done something. Having taken this lesson, Ive used what I learned successfully. The statement above shows that youve completed the lesson before you successfully used it. OR youve successfully used what you learned in the lesson because youve completed this lesson. You had had trouble, hadnt you? The statement above uses had as an auxiliary to had. As in You had had success with comprehending this lesson, hadnt you?


You want to learn how to use this, didnt you? The example above takes a present situation and puts it in the past, and its a perfect grammatical sentence. It is easy to follow this exercise, wasnt it? We all have out limitations with certain areas of our lives. It is necessary that if we want to make changes and remove limitations from our experiences, we must know what level of time the problem resides in. Think of a limitation you would like to get rid of. Suppose a person wanted to stop smoking. I wanted to quit smoking. The person says. (Limitation is located in past time) You respond: So, you want to quit smoking. (Response is brought into present time) paces towards the future and says: How do you want to become smoke free? They respond: I want to just quit smoking forever You could put the outcome into present time or the future and say: So youll just become smoke free forever when you have what you desire now Notice the bold letters in the example above, and how you would deliver an embedded command using your voice when you get to that section of the language pattern. Exercise: It is useful to begin to notice how you use your own language that places outcomes and circumstances in each of these levels of time. Think of three limits youve had in the past, that you would like changed today, and begin to create your own time distortion language patterns that will have made the change for your future below:


1. 2. 3.

_______________________________ _______________________________ _______________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________ _____________________________________ More Single presuppositions The following presuppositions you'll be learning here are one form of a presupposition. I will use each of them as an example in order for you to understand how they can be used. Remember as you go through this section, you'll be creating assumptions and/or logical truth, even if it's not logical, or a true assumption. As you go through these examples, you'll understand this section more. The more you A, the more you B. This is a comparative presupposition. You would use words that end in ER, and the words MORE, and LESS

Exercise: The more you use this presupposition, the more you'll get someone to feel, think, process or experience what you want them to after the comma in this language pattern. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 18 Comparative AS presupposition The world famous headline used all over the Internet at one time was the presupposition "Who else wants to have AS much success AS a particular benefit? A language pattern like that presupposes that the person reading that headline will not be the first, and that other people are doing what the headline promises, and they can to. Exercise: I'm not really sure if there's anything else that can make as dramatic changes as the use of language patterns to make people do what you want. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 19 VERBS HAVING SUBJECTIVE TENSE


If you had followed this home study course properly, you could have created more power than you've ever imagined. This language pattern presupposes that a person does not perform well because they failed to do something correctly in the past. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE If we had used more thought to build this bridge, we could have prevented this collapse from happening. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 20 Expectation - (SHOULD) If you should fail to comply with our request, it may result in legal action. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE If you should happen to not realize that your failure to comply with our request can lead to lawsuit, you may want to read the enclosed letter again. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________

Bullet # 21 Change time using Verbs and Adverbs (BEGIN, START, PROCEED, ALREADY, YET, STILL, ANYMORE, END) When you begin to write your own language patterns, you will start to gain superior advantages. Use the list of words above to help introduce a feeling, process or experience a person can BEGIN or START to feel. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE Once you've created a few language pattern sentences and phrases by developing the skill to become more creative and focused, you can continue to automatically use language patterns at your convenience while you talk with others. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 22 CHANGE THE STATE VERBS AND ADJECTIVES It would definitely be quite a move if you were to pack all your stuff change locations, wouldn't it? (BECOME, INTO, TRANSFORM, CHANGE) Once you get someone to begin to feel, process or experience what you're describing, you can also change the sate by using the words above. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below.

TEMPLATE Once you begin to feel that wonderful feeling, you might notice how that feeling begins to change into an even more pleasurable emotion to experience. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 23 FACTIVE ADJECTIVES AND VERBS (ODD, KNOW, REGRET, PLEASED, AWARE, REALIZE, BELIEVE) Are you aware of how quickly you've been learning how to create hypnotic language patterns with presuppositions alone? Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE When you realize you can become aware of your positive emotions, are you pleased with how you have made yourself feel? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 24 Adjectives and Adverbs that are Commentary


(INNOCENTLY, NECESSARILY, FAR OUT, OUT OF SIGHT, LUCKY, FORTUNATLY, HAPPILY, REMARKABLE/LY ) Could you picture how what you've comprehended this far is remarkable? Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE Fortunately, most people realize how easy it is to create hypnotic language patterns and how it's not necessarily difficult at all. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 25 TRADING PLACES - VERBS (LEAVE, ARRIVE, DEPART, ENTER, COME, GO) If you come home before I leave, you'll arrive at the right time. *Don't forget, these language patterns can be used to EMBED YOUR COMMANDS when you say them. Read the sentence above and embed the bold letters when you say it. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE When you arrive in your mind to the point where you come to the conclusion over and over again that you could embed commands in virtually every sentence you say, you're a master at creating hypnosis from thin air. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 26 Restrict What You Select If she listens to me, I'll be extremely grateful. When you realize you can begin to use these patterns, then you will be much more influential when you speak with others. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE When people realize how I love hearing from their successes and they call me on the phone to say thank you, I'll be more than pleased. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 27 Rhetorical Questions Who cares if they think I'm smart? What difference does it make what they think? Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE What does it matter what people think? I know what it is... __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 28 Negative Questions? Are you not happy with your investment? Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE Are you not seeing the whole picture and how knowing what you're learning can benefit you? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 29 Single/Double Questions? What are the sizeable and measurable amounts of power hypnosis can give you? Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE How does knowing that we create our own outcomes socially through the use of language make you feel that you are more powerful with others? (Notice the embedded command) __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 30 Spurious Not I wonder if you're not already more influential than most people you can think of now? Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE I wonder if you're not constantly thinking about the many different ways you'll be using hypnosis and NLP to create positive states of mind in yourself and others in the future? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 31 Properly Expressing A Person's Name (build credibility) John Tracy has endorsed this product to make sure you keep it forever, and never return it. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE Richard Bandler gives it two thumbs up! __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________


__________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 32 Pronouns I saw him there. (There is a male there) Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE It would be marvelous to know he can talk hypnotically too -- I could exchange ideas with him. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 33 Describing as Though It's Definite I liked the woman with the red dress. (A woman in a red dress exists) Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE I like the way he explains the difference in all these presuppositions, psychological devices and language patterns. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________


Bullet # 34 Cue Words That Are Repetitive (TOO, EITHER, AGAIN, ALSO, BACK) And you really have done exceptional again. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE Over and over again I have seen people come in and out of this risky business, and I've also seen they are either winners, or losers in this game. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 35 Repetitive Adverbs and Verbs (These are words that begin with "re" examples: RESTART, REITERATE, RETURN, RESTORE, RENEW, REPLACE, RELOCATE) If the president calls before I return from this meeting, make sure you put him through. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE We can replace any way we talked before, into new and more possible and predictive ways that'll renew our communication skills forever. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 36 QUANTIFIERS (ONLY, EXCEPT, JUST, EVEN) Is not only beneficial, it's amazing, isn't it? Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE Even when you thought you knew you know it all, you realize you're only just beginning, aren't you? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 37 Relative Clauses (Statements that have a noun followed by a phrase beginning with THAT, WHICH, or WHO) I've noticed that those students who do the exercises are better at using hypnosis because they develop the habit of recognizing each psychological device used in language. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE I've realized people and students of this course who use hypnosis intentionally when they talk with others use hypnosis more to create new understandings and new ideas to create a new and more refreshed future, can you realize that right now? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 38 Subordinate Clause Of Time (BEFORE, AFTER, NOW, AGAIN, WHILE, YET, PRIOR, SINCE, AS, DURIING) After you start using hypnosis when you talk with others, and you embed your commands, you'll realize that you're able to easily get people to comply with what you command. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE After you develop the idea you can have great advantages with others socially, I wonder if you'll begin to master these psychological devices as you realize they all can be used hypnotically. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 39 Cleft Sentences (These sentences begin with IT IS, or IT WAS) It is probably safe to say, you get how presuppositions work, and you might use them easily now. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE

It was refreshing to realize you have an entire manual chocked full of useful ideas and information to reference back to as often as possible so each time you do that you actually being to open up to a while new world of endless possibilities you've never realized before. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 40 Some Quantifiers (ALL, EACH, EVERY, SOME, FEW, MANY, NONE) Each and every one of my students can have amazing ability to first learn how hypnosis gives them power, then use it because they already expressed desire to learn it when they made the commitment to use this home study course in their life, and future. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE There are few people who have ever taken the time to develop such a massive study course of hypnotic techniques that can be used in the near future by you through repetition and practice. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________

Bullet # 41 Nouns That Are Generic (Create arguments using nouns for groups of individuals) And I sometimes think, "If hypnotic language is so powerful, why do most people fail to master it?" And I'm not really sure of all the reasons why they don't, but can think of a few, can't you? Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE Now and again I envision all my students successfully completing this home study course because I think they feel the need to master this subject. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 42 Pseudo Cleft Sentences (This is a "what sentence, is sentence"). What you can do is devote 30 minutes a day to this course until it's mastered. Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE What is so necessary about actually finishing this course is that you can gain mastery of these principles and then be able to create new possibilities through hypnotic language patterns, and powerful uses for them, which let you gain more control and power over your social situations. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 43 Ordinal Numerals (FIRST, SECOND, THIRD, FOURTH, ANOTHER, NEXT) The 5th belief I've changed went came to hypnotic mastery was about... Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE I don't know if we might first remove the paint from the wall, then add another fresh coat of paint, or just add another coat of paint to the wall, which seems like the faster and easier way to do that instead, don't you think? __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 44 Stressing A Sentence (Marking POWER words in the sentence) I would like to introduce John Doe, the AMAZING magician... Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE It is absolutely MARVELOUS what you've done with the place.

__________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Bullet # 45 Complex Adjectives (PREVIOUS, FORMER, PRESENT, OLD, NEW) Exercise: Create a similar language pattern as below. TEMPLATE Once we have created more powerful and new methods of speaking, we can never go back to the random conversation again as we look towards the future. __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ __________________________________________________ _______________________ Chapter Ten Pacing and Leading The Listener One of the most important aspects to hypnotizing others using your speech revolves around capturing their imagination, begin to lead it, deliver your commands, and this chapter shows you how. The easiest way to capture a persons imagination is to point out whats obvious in the situation. Youve already learned this with linguistic binds. The next way you can capture their


imagination is by asking questions. Youve learned the best way to do this with presuppositions. Once youve accomplished capturing their thought, simply launch into your language pattern Now, I dont know how you would begin to create your own language pattern in the most stimulating way A language pattern that enlivens your listeners soul, touches their imagination, introduces pleasure, satisfaction and enjoyment And I dont if you could imagine being able to talk about the most intrusive subjects, deliver your hypnotic commands, live on the edge knowing youre using hypnosis on others, and loving every minute of it. But something inside me tells me you can Understand, to pace a persons mind is an art. And it can seem complicated but it is not. Ill be giving you language patterns and templates to help you gain a better understanding about how you would go about creating your own language pattern, and here are even more ideas for you: State whats obvious, get them focused on what they MUST be feeling, seeing, hearing etc Here are some examples: The colors on the wall The sound of the music in the background The weight of their body The beating of their heart The sound of your voice The rise and fall of their chest, etc


Once youve got them consciously focused on something obvious (which can be a chain of ideas e.g. the comfort of the chair, the sound of his voice, and the beating of your heart) while theyre observing those obvious things, you can then launch into a chain of commands, or just one. Heres what I mean: You can feel the weight of your body being pulled to the floor, the rise and fall of your chest when you breathe, and the beating of your heart as you begin to wonder you understand how this works now. Did you notice how distracting that is? Obviously, the nonitalicized sentence would be the command. And you can use this in your language patterns or if you need to create a language pattern on the fly. Just point out a few things that must be obvious, and deliver a command, and then another if you want. Then, start the process all over again. Now, lets look at how you can do that which only makes it more hypnotic: You can feel the weight of your body being pulled to the floor, the rise and fall of your chest when you breathe, and the beating of your heart as you begin to wonder you understand how this works now and when you can understand how it works, it just makes it easy for you to create your own, and get really good at its fun, and youll see what I mean when you try it, wont you? (take your tonality down wont you) Did you notice where I picked up from the first example how it smoothly links to the last sentence when I say and when you understand how it works? You can think of this as a distraction/anticipation/linking sentence. What this does is: it gets them to focus on what youve just said while at the same time anticipating what comes next PLUS it keeps hold of their thought process, and you continue to deliver commands. As you begin to use hypnosis, youll find a variety of ways you can create dynamic language patterns. And to get an even better idea about it, let me share a secret with you: just go to my Home Page Apply And when

you do, youll see just how many different paragraphs and ways you can craft your own language. And when you get done doing that, you can read each paragraph in this book, because, most of them are hypnotic in effect just like my home page. Even this paragraph youre reading is hypnotic in effect! Now, heres another idea about how you might go about creating hypnotic patterns Your Unconscious Awareness Bringing to the conscious mind awareness of something that is generally thought of as unconscious will bring about a trance state, If I would ask you right now, to think about the rhythm of your breathing, it would be something that you normally would never think of. If I would ask you to think about how your knee on the back of your head feels, that is also outside your conscious awareness. The key is to think about the things that people normally don't think about, and get them focused somewhere other than on their consciousness. As you watch them you'll catch them going inside their minds to find the information. When they do you can slip your commands in 1,2,3. The easiest way to induce a trance is a 54321 method 1. 2. 3. 4. Something you feel Something you see Something you hear Something you feel

Let me give you an example: As you sit there in your chair and feel the weight of your body pressing down, you can stare at these words and notice the blackness as your eyes scan these words. You might hear the sounds around you and feel the shirt on your back as you relax. Then followed by:

1. Feel 2. See 3. Hear 4. Command 5. Command You might notice the rhythm of your breathing and see the colors of the room while listening to the sounds around you. See you can feel excellent about knowing that you're about to learn all this. This would be followed with two things you notice and three commands. Then one thing that you notice and four commands. I think you get the picture. This is also easiest technique to do self-hypnosis. Or you can use the 4321 method Make 4 truthful statements followed by one command, then 3 truthful statements followed by two commands, 2 truthful statements followed by three commands, and then 1 truthful statement followed by four commands. Let me give you an example of this: As you're sitting in your chair, wondering what you should do, you're probably weighing your options. You want to do what's best for you and that would be to learn everything in this manual. You probably find these secrets to be interesting, and that you are enjoying reading about them. I know that you're probably excited and I want you to know I'm on your side, and I want you to see the benefits of practicing these techniques. Look, you want to be successful. And you know that it takes more than just reading about secrets all day. Learning to use these tools may make you feel better. You'll be saving yourself

a lot of heartache when you go out in the real world when you see them working. Chapter Eleven -- Structuring Your Hypnotic Presentations If youve made it this far, then youre well on your way to using covert hypnosis successfully in all your encounters with others. Youve learned the 2,300 year old secret that gives you the same power to control others, how to open conversation youve learned about human nature, fluff talk to talk about the most intrusive subjects with others (mainly feelings), how to use your voice and talk hypnotically, the formula for embedding commands, psychological devices and triggers and now youre ready to begin learning the different ways to design your own hypnotic presentations. The only question to ask is: How is it that you want to use it first? Indeed, you can use these psychological devices casually in your ever day conversation, but you can supercharge your persuasion by developing powerful hypnotic language patterns thatll bring you the kind of results you want, and you may even find the results of your presentation baffling and extremely powerful. A language pattern is simply a way to use your language hypnotically. Perhaps it will be a memorized script, which would be 2-3 paragraphs in length, takes you 2-5 minutes to say that youve pre-written to use at your convenience. The advantages of creating a language patterns are: Once you know it works, you can use it over and over again to repeat your success. It makes you appear to have a fascinating way of looking at the world because of how you can make the person feel


They will tell all their friends and relatives about you and how amazing you are, or however you want a person to view you. When that happens, youll have even more opportunities to get what you want from others. There are three elements you can use to develop the most fascinating hypnotic presentation. The first element consists of answering 6 questions, the next would be to inject emotion into it, and the third involves adding hypnotic phrases, psychological devices and triggers to it. Now, dont make this difficult because it is not. If you can answer when you sit down to write your very own hypnotic language pattern, the next 6 questions that will act as a blue print youre 75% to developing a compelling hypnotic presentation. The rest is simply a matter of adding a few psychological devices to it. The six questions are, and they dont have to be answered in order, just make sure you answer them: 1. What is the problem? 2. Why hasnt the problem been solved? 3. Whats different? 4. Whats possible? 5. What should they feel, process and experience? 6. What should they do now? Each of these answers only has to be a few sentences long, and should only take a few minutes to complete. Lets look at how I answer these questions when others ask what I do. I will answer it in the following sequence: Lets a say you have a few people skills, and you want to increase your ability to win friends and influence people. Now,

you want your persuasion to generate in others actions, behaviors, and choices based on your best interests for you right? What Ive done is simply answered question #1: Ive brought their awareness their problem, pain or predicament, and gain their agreement. Well in your social situations, thats easy to do. This answers the question Whats possible? (question #3) Whats possible is you can influence and persuade others to generate actions, behaviors, and make choices based on your best interests And its easy to do. But most people just talk and communicate with others without knowing what theyre doing and how it affects a person, and wonder why the heck they arent getting what they desire from others in their social situations. This answers why the problem hasnt been solved (question #2). What I do is show people how to talk to others unconsciously using hypnosis, which means I teach others to speak hypnotically that makes others feel compelled to do what you say. I show you how to get others to buy what youre selling, make love to you, go out with you, listen to you, and anything else you desire more from others. This answers the question Whats different now? (question #4) At this point, they are interested or will show their interest in what I am saying Here is my website. Just email me on the web or read more about it and youll find out exactly how to do it. What should they do now? Go to my website, which answers question number 6. Remember, my interest was to get them to go to my website and find out more about it normally, most

people are ready to find out how to do it right then and there, and are fascinated with what Im saying and I havent even added any hypnotic elements to those answers. The closest thing to telling them what to do was to go to my website -- and say that directly. Are you beginning to see how powerful and hypnotic answering just these five questions can be? But what happens when you answer question #5? You supercharge your persuasion many fold. Injecting Emotions Into Your Language Pattern You can take any hum dum sentence or boring statement and make it sound immediately more valuable to someone just by adding one or two words to it. So lets first look at how you inject emotion into a sentence and develop a sweet sounding motivational hypnotic script: Injecting emotion into a sentence is simple. Take the statement how to develop hypnotic language. Now, the next step is simply choosing an emotion by answering the question What kind of hypnotic language? In this example I will choose the word fascinating. Now lets look at how much better that unemotional statement above sounds with a single emotion added to it How to Develop Fascinating Hypnotic Language. Just by adding one emotion to that sentence, it sounds more inviting doesnt it? You can do this with virtually all and any of the sentences you use in your hypnotic script. You just have to use this in order to understand its benefits. Look in a magazine or book and choose some boring sentences and inject emotion into them to get the hang of it. If youre a gold member, I give you over 300 psychologically compelling words you can use. After about 2, 3 or 4 sentences when you do this exorcise, you realize just how easy you can

add a variety benefits to sentences just by adding one emotional word. Adding two words as an example would be How To Develop Psychologically Compelling Language. Five Words I am going to have to add a couple of linkage phrases to this sentence by saying Discover How To Develop Psychologically Compelling Hypnotic Language Quickly And Easily. Are you beginning to see how easy and effective this can be for you? Just practice a bit and youll get the hang of it. Adding Psychological Devices And Triggers To Your Language Patterns Lets take that last example I use Discover How To Develop Psychologically Compelling Hypnotic Language Quickly And Easily and turn it into a hypnotic language pattern. First Ill give you the pattern, and then explain the elements Ive added, and then show you how you can do the same easily. Here is a hypnotic pattern that will relate to a persons unconscious mind. Remember to pause and drop your tone of voice when you say a language pattern. It might even help to practice saying this out loud when youre alone to get the hang of it: Have you ever thought to yourself I wish I had more power over others? Maybe as you can remember a time when you really didnt get the kind of response you wanted from a person and you feel like you were missing something, but you really couldnt put a finger on it, and you see, it could be anything, perhaps you failed with your last date, or the one before. Maybe you didnt make a sale when you probably should have or you arent making the kind of sales you really would like to be making, and you want to find out how to make this improvement in your life.


Now, there are of course several different ways you can learn to do this while you continue to think about all the changes you want to make socially, but theres only one way in particular that you should really pay attention to when it comes to you getting what you want from others, and that is how to develop fascinating hypnotic language. Youve probably heard of hypnosis while you find yourself becoming ever more curious about it, and how surprised would you be to discover that most people have the wrong idea about hypnosis. Some people think its follow my watch from side to side, others believe its making people do silly things on stage and some people think it doesnt work at all. Youll come to realize as you continue to listen to me, that when you develop covert skills of hypnosis, you can quickly and easily compel others to do what you want, and they dont even know. Now, would you like to know how this is done, or are you already past that thought as you find yourself more stimulated than youve ever thought possible about one subject, and you want to begin developing these skills right now? Obviously, by the look youre giving me, youre ready to begin learning. Heres my card, and try not to get too excited on your way home as you find yourself thinking about all the delightful ways youll be using hypnosis after youve read your e-book thats waiting for you while youre getting on the Internet. Im wondering if you were able to spot as you read that language pattern, all the different commands and psychological devices used in it. If you cant you will in a minute. Youll notice Ive used several different patterns of language you have yet to learn. Most of them Ive used are the sneak phrases listed in Appendix A. Youll notice as you read this over again that I started out with a question to arouse curiosity and get the person to think about all the things they would like to change. As they continue to read, I keep them thinking about those changes they want to

make even if only on an unconscious level. I proceed to explain how they can solve their problem, and what not to think of when hypnosis comes to mind. Next, I use a presupposing double question, which is quite tricky I might add, that gives a benefit, followed by an even more powerful benefit they wouldnt want to refuse or disagree with. Then, I bring to their awareness using a presupposition again (obviously) how they are giving me a look, and begin to paint a picture in the future of driving home as they think about how they will use hypnosis in every way they can imagine. Finally, I presuppose again they will read the e-book by suggesting After youve read and tell them to get on the Internet because my e-book is waiting for them, and I know they are excited. Are you beginning to see how easy it really is to create hypnotic language? Now, Im sure you probably have some questions, and youre probably thinking yeah right, like Im going to talk like to with someone, theyll know what Im up to, and well cover each of those elements individually later on. But for now, youve probably noticed the different highlights Ive made to the language pattern above, and heres what each of them represent: Bold letters indicate the commands Sneak Phrases are indicated with Quotes I use italics with the emotional words. Now, Go ahead and look at each individual element I have highlighted for you. Then come back to this section, and Ill show you the ways Ive structured my language to make it hypnotic in effect.


Developing a Single Hypnotic Sentence When you use sneak phrases, its simply a matter of choosing a state of mind, process or experience you want your listener to have, and combining it with a command, or using in between a statement. When most people begin the process of being told a story, naturally, they will want to finish to the end. The same method can be used when you say your sentence. Heres what I mean: Consider the following statement When you look at this page and read these words, youll notice the blackness of the letters. Now, I am already using a sneak phrase when you, and did you find yourself noticing the blackness letters as you read that? If you wanted proof that sneak phrases really do work, there it is. Now, how many different commands can you think of that you would like your listener to experience just by using a sneak phrase in its simplest form? The possibilities are endless. Lets look at what I mean about interrupting in between a statement, and then Ill explain why it works. Well use the use the same example I just used, slightly modified because I am going to add another sneak phrase and command, which doubles the intensity of this sentence. When you look at this page and read these words as you find yourself becoming more curious, youll notice the blackness of the letters. Obviously, the bold letters in that hypnotic sentence indicates the new hypnotic element Ive added to the example above. Now, I told you just a few paragraphs back about telling a story and then finishing it, remember? By the way, Im wondering as you read that last paragraph above you noticed to bold letters in the one above it, didnt you?

The reason this is powerful is because when a person reads that hypnotic sentence, their conscious mind will be more fixed on finishing the sentence or story. So as they read the middle part, they arent going to stop and argue with it, more often than not, they will simply accept it as they continue to read and finish what they started. It might even be safe to say that theres a commitment/consistency element you learned earlier in this ebook because the reader begins reading and naturally wants to finish reading the sentence. What do you think? When you add in a sub-section command, youll want to describe mainly feelings and emotions for them to experience as I did in that example by commanding find yourself becoming more curious As you can see, a simple sentence can be most powerful. Earlier I asked you about how many different commands you can think of that you would like to use, naturally, you can use this blue print as you allow yourself to remember this method, and easily create hypnotic language in the commands you really want someone to accept unconsciously. Did you catch the hypnotic devices in the paragraph above, or were you not really paying attention? You see, hypnosis is everywhere and Ive already explained this to you, but its important to notice if you want to protect yourself, you consider developing a defense for it so you can stop its influence on you and use your own mind to make decisions. Its particularly easy to allow your mind to follow accordingly, and Im not saying that all hypnosis is harmful to any extent, and I may even seem a little but paranoid, but it is a persons responsibility to make sure they choose carefully what goes into the mind and what comes out of it. And you do this by focusing on the language people use by becoming aware and choosing whether you want it to allow it to impact you unconsciously, or not.

Chapter Twelve -- PART II Language Patterns: REAL WORLD APPLICATIONS This section of the book deals with no-brainer, real world application of all the patterns to the various situations you are likely to face with people. Keep in mind as you read through this section, that the general sequence that any good pattern follows, involves these steps: Step 1: Create a state of intense connection, time distortion, love, fascination, knowing you forever, feeling comfortable, trust, intrigued etc. Tools to use for this: "What's it like when," Im wondering if, Have you ever, and other sneak phrases; process descriptions, etc. Also, as you read through these real-word patterns youll notice you can alter and change them for various situations you encounter, such as attracting lovers, making your customers trust you, kids to listen or open up, and capture the attention of your listeners while giving a speech or lecture etc. And youll notice as you read them how easy it is to secretly influence a persons unconscious mind while making it seem like an innocent statement. Step 2: Create states of emotion and feeling by causing your listener to focus in on pleasurable feelings in the body. Tools to use for this: anchoring, quotes, stories, describing another person's experiences... Once youve gained their attention, or have them feeling close or trust with you and what you say, or how you make them feel SPELL OUT the exact sequence you want them to process unconsciously by creating intense emotions and feelings thatll make them feel compelled to do what you say. Step one -- PATTERNS


Heres a quick example of a pattern so you know what a pattern consists of: 1. Did you ever immediately realize that you'd be absolutely intrigued by something you started to read? I mean, maybe as you continued to read this paragraph, and notice the curves, lines, and shape of the letters, the darkness of the ink, and the whiteness of the page, it allowed you to GO INSIDE, and remember a time when learning was accelerated, easy, focused, instantly processed, and fun? NOW, as I've told you before, it's extremely important to first create the states of POWERFUL connection, fascination, and intriguing desire to follow what you instruct their brain to do what you say. When you do so, you'll find that oftentimes that's enough, that you won't even have to use the other patterns Ill be giving you because youll set them up to listen to and obey you right from the start. The opening language pattern 1 (if you didnt notice) sets you up to go into a state of mind where learning becomes accelerated and fun. Notice the instantly processed and how it acts as a subliminal hit if you were to pretend you were saying it loud. Which means, youd draw out the syllables 1234 -5? In a casual chant-like way, (in-stant-ly-pro-cessed?) raising your voice just a hint as you say it in a devilish frame of mind. Then, fun can be delivered ending in a note just slightly below (half/step) the processed? tone you used. What youre trying to do when you say fun is hit that note that kind of makes you go err or your head tilt and it will hit the unconscious mind. Try it, and youll see what I mean. Also, remember to keep in mind that every person youll communicate with is different. Some will be more suggestible than others; some will naturally follow anything, and would do or believe anything you say or command anyway -- as youve learned in chapter one. Others will just be so dead inside youll feel sorry for them and just leave them be theyre boring company.


Now that you understand that, here are some patterns for creating those connections, fascinations, and listen to me now and/or forever using the legendary technique of distorting a persons sense of time. You'll see me use time distortion again later in another pattern, but right now, let's look at one of my favorite openers, and youd say this after fluff talk of course: Instantaneous/BOND WITH ME NOW Pattern: When should you say this pattern? The first few minutes of meeting someone, or talking to a person youve known for a while after using fluff talk, and get intrusive. This pattern can be used on the phone, in writing, or of course, as it works best, in person! As you read this pattern, youll notice the use of sneak phrases, embedded commands and distorting their sense of time (picture in the future). When you say this pattern to someone, remember to pause and embed commands, and to sound enthusiastic etc (what youve learned). And here it is ~~~~~~~ You Say: Have you ever felt an INSTANTANEOUS click with someone? (Create and anchor as you gesture to yourself -subtly) Like maybe as you stand there, looking at them, and you started to LISTEN CLOSELY, it was like there was a unseen FORCE (gesture between the two of you) working back and forth from you to them? And as that unseen force began to GROW, WITH THE WARM SENSATION of that bond, maybe you were even able to CLEARLY PICTURE A TIME IN YOUR FUTURE, say twelve years (however long you want them to feel it) from now, still FEELING THAT SENSE OF INCREDIBLE BOND, and LOOKING BACK ON TODAY (gesture again to yourself subtly and secretive, and casual-like) as having been the start of it?


At this point, they 9 times out of 10 will say: Oh yeah, or give you a look like What the heck do you mean?... If thats the case, or they dont say anything (they are aww struck or curious) and you can continue without waiting for an answer. But its always good to gain their agreement to confirm whats being said and so you know its being unconsciously processed. You Continue: See, I think it's so funny and interesting and fascinating how some people can JUST DO THAT and LET IT HAPPEN IMMEDIATELY (snap your fingers) because for me it takes a bit longer. But I do find that during the course of the time you share with this person, as you REALLY (PAY ATTENTION/LISTEN) to someone (point to yourself), and you BEGIN TO REALIZE those values and qualities in them that you hold so closely for yourself...(pause slightly)....WITH ME that's when you can CREATE THAT CLICK and really FEEL THAT GROWING BOND. Did you notice the use of punctuation ambiguity (with me)? Did you see the sneak phrases, how time distortion was used, and the use of anchors when you gesture as well? The pattern above clearly gets the person to experience in their mind having a bond with you NOW, and INTO THE FUTURE -and they will if you embed your commands properly using the proper inflection, and being enthusiastic when you say this to someone. This will probably be a good time to tell you to use these patterns youre learning, and any variation you create on your own for that matter, as I told you in the very first chapter of this book use them ethically, and judiciously. Now and as you think into the future youre cautioned to NOT underestimate the power in these language patterns. If you fail to take in account the idea that you can set someone up to literally love you forever, feel drawn to you, obey you etc. for as long you tell them -- this technology might cause trouble for you, because, they might become OBSESSIVE of you, and

even STALK you when you seriously arent looking for that, and youll have to de-program their brain for defense. And I can show you a way where you can de-program someone if you were to not take my advice, but Im not going to. Why? Because I dont advocate nor endorse the use of making people your slave. And I certainly dont recommend you use this technology in that way. Its hard enough to think for yourself, let alone think for you and whomever you use this on. So if you use it in this way youre on your own. And deprogramming what youve screwed up is not as easy as you think, and so, just dont use it that way. Anyway, sometimes even after how powerful the first language pattern is, when you ask if they've felt what it describes, they'll say "NO!". So you might try this one instead, and use your judgment when it comes time to decide which one youll use. Youll notice when you read -- it's similar, and just as powerful: Instantaneous/BOND WITH ME NOW Pattern #2: Did you ever instantly and immediately know you were going to enjoy/like and trust/love someone for a long, long time? (PTS) Like, maybe even though you only knew them a small period of time, it seemed like you had known them your entire life, as if there were a priceless and timeless connection between you and them? (gesture from you to them) I mean, when I think. you know that feeling of distinguished bonding, when all the walls and barriers between you and they.. just melt, and crumble away and you just feel so absolutely comfortable safe, and at ease with them. And it's like maybe you were even able to imagine a time in your future, say 6 weeks from now, still being


sensationally close to this person (point to yourself again) and looking back on today as having been the start of it? I just think, and find it interesting how that's the neatest thing when a person can GO INSIDE and INSTANTLY recognize and realize all those qualities and values in that other person, that LETS THAT BOND TAKE PLACE WITH SOMEONE. .(pause for s split second ) ME, it usually takes a while for that to happen. Now, are you starting to see how fiercely powerful these language patterns are, and how you can use the format to place your own ideas, thoughts, and feelings you want to introduce to your listener? As Ive already said, and Ill probably keep repeating it even if only on the inside of your mind use them ethically and judiciously! Now, would you like a TEMPLATE you can use so you can plug-in your own spelled out actions? I thoughts so. And here it is: PLUG IN TEMPLATE # 1 To create your very own language pattern Did you ever instantly and immediately know you were going to (what you want them to begin to experience, process think or do)? Like, maybe even though you only (point out whats obvious in the situation), it seemed like you (give a more detailed description of what youre talking about or how they should feel the first parentheses)? I mean, when I think. (Describe how it should feel) when all the walls and barriers between you and (whatever you want them to open up to or let go of).. just melt, and crumble away and you just feel so (how should they feel) (Similar feeling the one youve just mentioned), and (Another similar feeling) with (whomever or whatever you want them to feel it with). And it's

like maybe you were even able to imagine a time in your future, say (how far into the future they should picture in their mind), still being (insert a power word and feeling process or experience) to this (person place or thing Noun!) and looking back on today as having been the start of it? I just think, and find interesting, how that's the neatest thing when a person can GO INSIDE and INSTANTLY recognize and realize all those qualities and values in that (noun), that LETS THAT (what you began your pattern with) TAKE PLACE WITH (what youve been describing). .(pause for s split second this next part is optional ) ME, it usually takes a for that to happen. I think youll agree it doesnt get any easier than this. Just fill in the blanks and PRESTO youve just created a hypnotic language pattern to use anytime, anyway you can think of, want, as you imagine the different ways you can use it, and feel excited. Thats why whats left in the rest of this chapter is nothing but string of templates designed for specific reasons and use for your own personal pleasure and satisfaction. When you read the sentences in the patterns and how they are structured, do you notice how they capture, pace and then launch into unconscious commands? This youll find, as you begin to create your own patterns -- is where the sneak phrases become extremely useful, and NECCESSARY. For example: Look at how the last paragraph in the template above starts I just think, and find interesting, how thats the neatest thing when a person can (Insert your command here). I invite you to notice how that sentence is dynamic, paced and has rhythm. When you add to the pace of the sentence on the end a sneak phrase, it will cause the listeners brain to BUZZ OUT momentarily. That way, whatever follows gets


unconsciously accepted, when you drop or raise your tone of voice, and embed your commands. You do this in your language patterns because, and dont forget you want to GRAB their thought process and state of mind they are in. Obviously, in the way I used that sentence structure was for one reason: and one reason alone: to maintain and KEEP CONTROL of their thoughts But remember, its also important to start your patterns using dynamically paced sentence structure. As you read these patterns youll see how its done, and easily you can create and design your own patterns outside of these templates. Just practice a bit, and youll get the hang of it! Why is time distortion important? The above patterns youve learned, all distort a persons sense of time, and make it seem like theyve already done what youve described, and has, in fact, felt that way for some time already. You see: if someone is resisting you, or refusing and arguing, or whatever annoying problem theyre giving you -- rather than trying to fight past that resistance in present time, the better approach would be to attack after it, or before it. Time distortion is a mega-watt tazer gun in your new age hypnotic communication arsenal, and after you've used it a few times, you'll look back on learning it as having been one of the best things that youve ever used, realizing that reading this was the start of it. Wasn't it? Whoa!... Did you notice how I shifted your time sense around? Youll realize its easy to do this, and if I can do it in one paragraph, you can do this easily after youve practiced it, realizing today. Okay, nuff foolin around. Well come back to time distortion in a while


TEMPLATE TWO To Change The Minds Of Others This next pattern will be template you can use to create a change of mind or heart in anyone, anywhere. It works best in any setting, like dinner, or at home in the living room, and even work, and in sales. Heres what youll use in this pattern: 1. Use "have you ever" sneak phrase to set up state 2. Use "quotes" to amplify the state. 3. Use "anchoring" to grab the state. You: Have you ever (what is obvious) (who, what where or when) you weren't really (what they arent doing and youd like to change) to but then, for whatever mysterious reason, you just suddenly found that you started to THINK THINGS DIFFERENTLY and SEE (One Word Describing What They Should Change Their Mind About) IN A WHOLE NEW WAY? (create anchor) I mean, I think sometimes people really don't know what they want, at least consciously...but then it's like YOUR CONSCIOUS MIND DIPS DOWN (gesture down) into your unconscious, and just (gesture back up) BRINGS BACK UP ALL THOSE DESIRES AND IMAGES AND FEELINGS INTO YOUR MIND. I mean like my (friend, family, roommate etc) looks at me one day, and right out of the blue he/she looks me square in the eye and says, "Can you IMAGINE IF (what should they imagine?), And (something/someone) was (Verb(ing)) you exactly the way you like to be (same verb(ed)), (another verb(ing)) you exactly the way you liked to be (Verb(ed)), and you were starting to FEEL (Power Word, and the Feeling), so (repeat the feeling) you had to (What do they have to do?).?" Can you believe (who were you talking about? He/she) said that? Now, see, if I had wanted to have some fun, and play back with him/her? I wouldve said something like, "Oh yeah? Well you


know that feeling you get just before you (describe an intrusive, powerful feeling). When the pleasure is just building and warming and throbbing all through your body? If you could IMAGINE THAT FEELING, could you FEEL THAT RIGHT NOW? (Create anchor maybe slide your finger across their arm, or squeeze the shoulder) TEMPLATE THREE Creating ANY feeling, amplifying it, and then arousing DESIRE and call for ACTION This next pattern template can be used if you wish to further accelerate the state of mind the language pattern above creates, or if you want to arouse desire to take a specific action. You would only use this AFTER youve created a sense of comfort and bond, established rapport, trust and youve used some softener lines. Youll notice I this pattern, youll be talking abut another persons experience. This is a great way to get someone to experience what you describe sound innocent, and youll find very little resistance to follow what youre saying when you use this approach. Like first, as he/she looks at the (noun/this person), and starts to REALLY PAY ATTENTION, he/she just becomes aware of certain the rise and fall of his/her chest, and the beating of his/her heart, and the (out line, colors, temperatures whats obvious about it that they can notice?) of (the same noun) as he/she becomes aware of all these things, one particular feature of (the noun again) just starts to capture his/her attention, so he/she becomes completely and totally absorbed in the (whats?) taking place.. and as that's all happening, it's like the (warmth, rich texture/exotic color etc..) of (noun/his/the table anything!) (noun/energy, voice, color), the deep rich warmth of it, just starts to penetrate his/her (consciousness/mind/thighs - ahem), and spread all through his/her body, and as his/her heart beats faster and his/her breathing accelerates, that (what were you describing/warmth) just (what does it do?/heats up into a fire/blows up in raging

oblivion etc.. have fun!), spreading through his/her chest and down through his/her belly, as the pleasure of it just starts to pound and pulsate all through him/her, (down/around/wherever) to where he/she really desires to (have it go/let it go/have it really go BOOM etc), until that desire for (what are they desiring?) just BECOMES AMAZINGLY OVERWHELMING, and he/she just (surrenders to it completely/goes for it immediately/grabs it instantly/buys it instantly - etc.). Whoa! are you beginning to see how easy it is to virtually make up your own language patterns to create the kind of states of mind, feeling, desires and aroused emotions you want a person to experience? And because the pattern above is described as though someone else is experiencing it, what do they have to do? THEY have to experience for themselves in order to make sense of what youre describing and their ideas, fantasies, thoughts, dreams, desires and emotions and feelings are literally at your mercy! Just PLUG-IN your ideas! Now, Im wondering if you might have thought you would get caught using this type of language pattern, so let me give you THREE reasons thatll cause you to relax, and let me put your mind at ease RIGHT NOW: 1. If youve used softening phrases, youll find you can talk about them being HORNY if you wanted to and get away with it easily. 2. Because youre talking about another person, it seems completely innocent 3. Ive used this pattern template for over SIX YEARS and the closest Ive came to getting caught was when someone said ONCE I know youre doing something, but I just cant put my finger on I, but I like it and thats it! Remember, Ive spent the time trying to get caught, and used combination after application and approach subtle and

outrageous and otherwise, to try and figure out the fool proof ways to hypnotize people conversational style, and so you wont have to go through that trial and tribulation. Seriously! I invite you to try out your own pattern using the above template, and if youve followed what Ive shown you youll be so amazed, and completely spell bounded, youll want to write me, thanking me for showing you this stuff honest-togoodness -- youll see what I mean. And if you think the above pattern is outrageous, wait until you see the next one! The next one can be used the same as the above example, only, youll start from a different place. And, if it seems to too much to handle, you can re-structure it using quotes, and talk about how your sister or husband or whomever was telling you the pattern youre saying! Personally (and youll find this out when you start using this stuff) I like to push the limits and just have fun -- because it is, and see if can get them to call me on it and would you be surprised if I told you its nearly IMPOSSIBLE to get caught? Well let me tell you, take my word for it: Ive been so blatantly obvious with this stuff, Ive tried desperately to get another person to catch me using it and you know what? Every time I dont, and it makes me sad, because still to this day, Ive yet to achieve this goal. Okay. Heres a Variation of the Pattern Above: TEMPLATE FOUR CREATING BODILIY DESIRES & EMOTIONS IF YOU WERE TO waltz through the day, and suddenly realize that you were (what are they deeply and profoundly feeling)


with (who/what?), how do you think your body would feel different, when you were near (Who/What)? How do you think youd (command/feel that rush etc) as they/it (what did they/it do?/) to you, the (describe a kinesthetic feeling) when you (hear their voice/look in their eyes etc), as that longing in you builds, the longing to be (verb(ed)), exactly the way you like to be (verb(ed)), until that (feeling get specific!/excitement, exhilaration etc) built so strong inside you, and you were getting (so, what, what/so hot fast etc) that you were begging to be (what?), in a way a man/woman can long to be (what were they begging for?)

Creating Your Own Language Patterns -- Because its important to dynamically structure your words, here is a structured sentence you can use at your own convenience when decide to create your own language patterns. Bear in mind, youll want to aim at what youre talking about, and that will be feelings, remember? Plus, it would take me forever to write out the different combinations and different ways you can create language patterns. This is designed to help give you a better idea, and if youre interested, I have an audio course Im currently developing (depending on when youre reading this it may already be developed) for you that will make you an expert in no time. PLUS, if you have Private Language Patterns youll have more understandings about how this works, and I give you ten more templates and several ideas. Ill give you an example, and then some ways you can design your own dynamically paced patterns. TEMPLATE: I dont know how you would (insert your command) and (insert your command) when you do, and as you think about (the last command), I dont know if you could (insert a more


compelling command) to the point where (insert command), and (command), (command) that youd just have to (insert command) Example: I dont know how you would PICTURE USING THIS TEMPLATE and ENJOY THE POWER YOU FEEL RACING THROUGH YOUR VEINS when you do, and as you think about HOW GOOD THAT FEELSI dont know if you could FEEL THE POWER YOU FEEL GROWING, to the point where YOU JUST FEEL IT PULSATING, and POUNDING, GROWING EVEN MORE, that youd just have to ENJOY IT COMPLETELY. Now, notice the growing even more it would be almost chanted in a way where youre actually feeling what youre saying and you say it at a quicker pace... and smooth, almost as if its a subliminal hit. Try it, and come back. In any case, are you starting to see how to embed your commands in your language? I cant stress enough that you must pause, take a short breath if you have to, and then say your command. If you can think of it as youre pausing to deliver a DIRECT command, youll do okay. And also, MAKE SURE you put enthusiasm behind what youre saying, and if you are, then naturally, youll have to take a breath anyway to be able to say the full command. Chapter ThirteenMore About Time Distortion Time distortion as you already know is simply a matter of getting another person to focus on a different time frame than the one they are currently in, and maybe even adding a hypnotic command to it to boot. Youll find that people think in three different levels of time. 1. Past

2. Present 3. Future Most salesmen will find this to be an obstacle they must overcome because they are in direct competition with every other salesman your prospect has ever encountered. If your prospect has had a bad experience with a salesman in the past, chances are, you are going to be classified right from the start and put in the same location in their mind as the bad salesman. Its your job to show them youre different by using the methods of rapport, fluff talk, the six questions and eventually language patterns and anchors to influence them, make the sale and get them to walk away happy and excited so they go and tell everyone what a great salesman you are. Youll rarely find anyone fixed on all three levels of time, and will only choose one level for any event. For example: When you want to purchase a new car, you might think about the last time you bought one, and that is your motivation or you might think in the future about what it would be like to drive a new car. And finally, you might think in the present time and just buy it because you wanted it at the moment. Each of these elements of time exists in everyone on the planet. And we normally are in one time frame for each choice we encounter in life. Time can be thought of as a foundation on which we base our choices on, if you will. Most often, youll find that people on a general level are motivated and influenced by the majority of one level of time. Heres what people will say and how you can determine which level of time they think mostly in: A person thinking in the past will say phrases like: Ive been there, done that. Or I dont want to make the same mistake Or Ive never done that before


A person who thinks in present time will say stuff like Live in the moment Or Lets just have some fun And Oo I like that, I want it now. A person thinking in the future will say things like Theres always tomorrow Or You never know unless you try And I wonder what happens when To distort a persons general time frame causes them to observe the situation from a different point of view one they might not normally think of. You can do this easily by first determining what level of time they are in, and simply shifting their sense by one of the other two. I like to follow a pattern which involves letting the person experience all three levels of time, and youll notice I did that in the highlighted language pattern I give you earlier in this chapter. I get them to think about the past, then now, and into the future, and each level of time I paint a picture for them to think of. Its very powerful shifting anothers sense of time because most people who generally only experience one level of time will often times be fascinated if you were to show them another way of looking at something. If you wanted to toy with someone, just to show you how well this works, consider the following language pattern: If you were to think about what you did yesterday, you might find what you did useful to use tomorrow and today as you think about two days from now, and you mine as well do the same as you think about two days ago and what you did then too, then two days from now and yesterday then today and how that can help you too. The example above certainly shifts someones mind around, and Im aware it its hard to make sense of, but it just goes to show how it transparently motivates a person to follow whats being said as it shifts their mind all over the place in time.


Time distortion is very powerful, and I encourage you to become aware as you encounter different choices in your life, to use all three levels of time to help you make more clear decisions. Chapter Fourteen More Language Pattern Construction Ambiguity You can use the word "buy" in place of the word "by." "Presents" in pace of "Presence." This is called a phonological ambiguity. It can be two words that sound alike, such as Mind and Mine. It can also be two words that sound like one word, such as in trance and entrance. You see, the unconscious has to take the word and reference back to all the meanings it has. In random conversations this doesn't mean much, but when you're embedding commands and stacking phrases, which are on a certain subject, the unconscious will try to figure out what you really mean. Remember that the words actually don't have to sound exactly alike. If you were to substitute the word chew for the word you in the stream of conversation 99.9% of people would never notice the difference. Punctuation Ambiguity Punctuation ambiguity is when you make it hard to determine where one sentence ends and the other begins. One way of using this psychological device as you what you would use it for, is by having a word or phrase that could either be tagged on the last sentence or start out the next one. In the conscious conversation this, phase is usually part of the second sentence. By using the tonality in the phrase that you embedded the commands in the first sentence with, the unconscious will automatically associate the phrase with the end of the first sentence. Some examples of commonly used phrases and words are:


1. 2. 3. 4.

Now For me To me With me

For Example: I'm sure that if you want, you can easily feel that hopeless connection. Now with me, when I feel that that wonderful... Punctuation ambiguity can also be used with full sentences. The listener wont really consciously recognize it but the unconscious mind will associate the two together. Heres an example: Punctuation ambiguity is easy to use and youll find many ways you can do this. While youre reading this e-book, notice how I just used punctuation ambiguity and linked the last sentence of that paragraph with the beginning of this one Chapter Fifteen -- Anchoring An anchor is anything that brings up a feeling or thought of any other thing. It will remind you of something that you have experienced. It might actually bring back that feeling or emotion completely such as an old song that makes you think back the when you were in high school and it was your high school sweethearts and your song. I have this habit. Whenever someone around me is having fun I will anchor that. If they are laughing, I anchor it. I want other people to feel good around me and why take chances? If the next time I see them and they are in a depressed or in a not so playful mood I will fire off the anchor. How could you use this? You could just keep it in the context of anchoring only yourself and never use it in real life or you could


practice the art of it and learn how this can help you in social or business situations. The choice is yours. Just exactly how do you set an anchor on someone? Touch Them! It can be a gentle squeeze on the arm or shoulder. A pat on the arm. I brush of your hand down the persons cheek. If you want to keep from others being able to fire off and anchor you created, make it unique like two pats on the arm and then a slide of your finger up or down. But knowing this wont do you any good until you understand more about how they work. Setting anchors is timing. Before you even set and anchor, youll want to consider how you are going to build the pleasurable state first. To successfully anchor you have to first be able to notice when they are peaking a state of emotion. How do you do this? Start by spending less time thinking about you and more time observing the other person. If they go into a state of mind where it is strong enough, you will have to only set it once. Set the anchor just before the state peaks and hold it until it does. Then you simply test it later. I can not tell you how important it is to get them into the state first. If you use a language pattern, notice when you get the response youre looking for and anchor it. This is very powerful considering that if you notice and anchor it you will never have to use that pattern to get them to go back in that state. Say you used a 54321 method language pattern, to get someone to feel attracted towards you. Instead of having to say it every time you want them to feel that way towards you, its simply a matter of firing off the anchor.


If the anchor does not hold, it is usually because you did not time it correctly and either anchored too late or anchored to early. Whats the importance of an anchor? Imagine youre walking into your home and suddenly and unexplainably your spouse or roommates look at you and feel great. Could it have been the result of something youve done? Could it be that you actually used what you are learning here and you anchored that feeling to yourself? Another sad fact to consider is most companies work as politics so people do not get promoted due to ability or what theyve done. They get promoted more often than not, because they have a power to make someone feel a certain way. You mine as well use the art of anchoring to your advantage. Exercise one Setting The Anchor Go out and get a person to think of a time when they did something very enjoyable or a time when they were very happy or extremely horny or something pleasurable. Watch them closely. Get them to relive that time and describe it to you. Actually get them to the point or they are bringing that state back by asking If you were to see a giant movie screen in your mind, where might that feeling be coming from if you were to point at it? Notice how their state changes as they begin to go into the experience. You can help get them into the state by asking questions. You can ask them what images they see. Can they hear anything? Tastes or smells? What did they feel? As you begin to notice their state change, Anchor it by patting them on the arm and saying thats great. Now test the anchor. Say something terrible while firing the anchor of something that was extremely enjoyable for them. What you'll find is that it's very hard for them to take what you're

saying seriously while you're firing the anchor of something is very enjoyable. Exercise Two Increasing The Anchors Intensity Take the enjoyable anchor that you have just installed and make it into a sliding anchor. Start with the pat on the spot on their arm and tell them sneak phrase that as you move the anchor towards their shoulder that the feeling will double. And then go back to the point of beginning and slide it all over and double it again. The Art Of Anchoring Anchoring is an art. Some people ask me Should I really touch them like that often? My answer is if you do your job gaining rapport as taught in my free newsletter The Secret Mindset Of The Covert Hypnotist they should love you touching them. Touching another person makes them like you even more and theyll feel closer to you. When I first learned about anchoring, my girlfriend had around 20 different anchors that I set up. Without going into too much detail about what they all were exactly, around 7 of them didnt have anything to do with me touching her. Remember, an anchor is anything that brings up a feeling or thought of any other thing. You dont have to limit it to a touch. It can be certain words, a tapping of your foot, an object in the room, the toilet, sounds, a song, a street sign For example: If you get a person to think loving thoughts about you, you could create dozens of anchors just by suggestion. Suppose you ran a language pattern that got a person to feel really good while thinking of this person (as you point to yourself) thats an anchor. You could then also say something like and how surprised would you be to notice, that even the smallest things remind you of this person, in every door you walk through, every window you see when you look at the floor, bathtub and while getting in a carand you notice just how much more

powerful those feelings become as you do that, as you see each of those things and sometimes, you arent even aware why, you cant help yourself, why its like those feelings just grow stronger to the point where the bond you share with this person just becomes, unbreakable. As you can see in the example above, this person every time they see the floor, door, bathtub, window and car the strong bonding feeling they share with you becomes unbreakable. Dont neglect using anchors, or youre missing out on a lot of power because they work for you when you arent even around. Some examples of anchors other than touching? The sound of your voice Your face A picture Objects Places Teddy bears The moon Stars The Sun A song A Movie Sounds Virtually anything can be used as an anchor! Chapter Sixteen Making sure you dont get caught While hypnotizing others as you begin using the techniques in this e-book, sometimes you might think that talking using language patterns will cause you to be caught using hypnosis. This idea might seem as though that might be the case when you find yourself saying a language pattern with someone, but thats just not true. When youre attention is brought to the covert methods of hypnosis, you understand and you know how it effects others

unconsciously you are now aware of how it works, but youll find most people as youre saying a language pattern smiling along and nodding their head thinking that you just talk in the fascinating way language patterns make you sound. As you begin your pursuit in using hypnosis with others -- they dont really know the type of person you are, and you can naturally use the methods youve learned with certainty that what youre saying clearly will be affecting them unconsciously, they wont know it, and often times they will find you to be one in a million because of how you can make them feel great, with your words alone. However, you have to be certain of the steps in order to use language patterns on another. Of course, a simple one, two or three line pattern is going to be different than talking for 1,2, or 5 minutes strait. A good rule of thumb is: the longer the language pattern youre planning to use, the more rapport you should be in with a person. Because of this reason, make sure you follow the steps laid out for you in this e-book about how to get in rapport, using fluff talk and then launching into a language pattern. Also, while youre saying a language pattern, there are signs you can have in the back of your mind that what youre saying surely has their attention as they listen. One of the most common signs that what youre saying is impacting them unconsciously will be laughter they will laugh at what youre saying, and thats a good sign. As mysterious as this may seem, one of the biggest reasons they laugh is because youll notice when you get better and better using hypnosis, the more you talk using language patterns, the more you become aware of how a person must be feeling when you describe something to someone in language pattern style. Heres what I mean: If the person youre talking with should feel happy by your standards, simply saying feel happy is not going to do the trick. A more subtle and powerful approach would be to say

Have you ever been with someone that makes you just feel so happy as you begin to notice that feeling grow, and the more it grows the better you really do feel? Are you beginning to see how easy it is to make another person feel virtually anything you want them to feel, and how powerful covert hypnosis really is? When you say that above example to someone, they more than likely will laugh as you say that, and you can take that as a sure sign that what youre describing is exactly what they are feeling because with hypnosis, they cant help but to. Perhaps they are thinking as you say that how could you possibly know? Or Im not sure how you are doing, but I really am feeling that. Language patterns certainly do make you appear to be a sensational person with others. When you can develop language patterns that make others enjoy your company, like you, feel great, and happy -- they will tell everyone they know about you, and bring you even more opportunities to use more language patterns on others you have yet to meet. There are also some more not so obvious signs when you say a language pattern to someone that you can have in the back of your mind as well. They are flushing of the face, movements or squirming, or they lean closer towards you and listen even closer. When I say a language pattern to someone, I always like to command to listen carefully and really look or pay attention. I have found out that when you put these commands in the beginning of your language pattern, and then again in the middle of it the listeners says focused on what youre saying, and it allows you to get the message across easier. You dont want the listener to not listen to what youre saying. Covert hypnosis is not putting another into a deep sleep and delivering direct commands, so what you must do instead is keep them consciously distracted long enough to make your commands penetrate into the unconscious mind, and using

those commands as you develop a language pattern will make it easier for you to get them to follow along and listen long enough so that can happen. The years of practice using covert hypnosis has cause me to be able to put together some helpful attitudes you can develop to make sure you dont get caught. If you were to incorporate and use these attitudes in your dealings with others, itll be difficult for others to know you even know these psychological devices or what youre doing, they are: 1. Always communicate with a direction or outcome in mind. When you talk to a person, never do it just to be saying anything. Think of the states you want the person in and then use your skills to direct them there. 2. First create states of fascination, connection, feeling an intense bond, trust or comfort before you move for the kill. Most people will not feel comfortable if you go right at them and attack! 3. Keep your skills a secret! Any technique works best if it is hidden an unexpected, so don't tell anyone that you know this! 4. Always be as low key and understated as possible in the application of your skills. Not, "ha ha, I'm Mind %@#! you", but, "hmm, isnt it so interesting how our minds work?" 5. The purpose of your communication is not to give the person an understanding; the purpose is to get the result youre after. Covert Hypnosis works by manipulating and directing unconscious processes, NOT by getting their conscious agreement. Its difficult to argue with a conscious mind, its easy to convince the unconscious mind. 6. Covert Hypnosis is fun!! If you aren't being directed by a playful attitude, then you aren't doing it correctly! 7. Never resist what a person offers--turn it around and use it as leverage!! Any response a person gives to your moves can

be turned on them and used to get what you want, if you relax and DON'T ARGUE or ASK WHY? 8. Always go from least intrusive to most intrusive! Some of the techniques I show involve getting people to picture things inside their heads in a certain way. This is something you always want to do LAST, when they are already trusting of you and utterly fascinated by you, NEVER BEFORE!!! 9. Challenge is where the fun is. If you find that what youre trying isnt working, thats an open invitation for new power and understanding!!! 10. The less responsive they are to you, or the less a person expresses feelings, the more you'll have to rely on firing up their body feelings to get them to act! You'll find that every person you encounter varies; Watch what responses you are getting from them and respond accordingly. 11. Use softeners often and sprinkle it in your conversation. By doing so, you'll be able to introduce the wildest topics, ask the most intrusive questions, and still seem like a respectful, normal person, instead of a pushy person. Chapter Seventeen Patterns You Can Use Now You understand what language patterns consist of, and you have an idea behind how you should use your language carefully, and precisely, now lets look at some real world examples about how you can hypnotize anyone you talk with. As you read through these language patterns, I invite you to notice how you can begin to create your own in similar ways. Try to determine as you read them the use of psychological devices, time distortion etc. (everything youve learned). Pattern # 1


Appendix A Sneak Phrases There are many ways to embed commands in your language so a person's unconscious mind hears and obeys, but they don't catch on consciously to what you're doing. In this section you wont have to talk about made up stories, rather youll discover how to link sentences together that describes an experience. Think of the outcome (action) that you would like the person to take then describe the process or experience towards the outcome and use the emotions you generate to get them to take action. You can do this by talking about another persons experience, using quotes and simply repeating what other people say. To supercharge this, simply get them to imagine a time in the future experiencing the outcome you have in mind. This form of hypnosis requires you to create vivid pictures in someones mind. Whip out the paint brush and start making movies. After all, people think in pictures right? Capture their attention; get them curious and then lead their thinking by what you describe. These phrases will help you do that. We'll use each one to embed the command, "feel compelled to practice". 1. A person can... By talking about a "person" it melts away any resistance on the part of the person you're talking with, since you really aren't talking about them. "A person can feel compelled to practice, reading something they really, really enjoy!"

Alternatives: Most People (can, will, should, feel etc...) Many people (can , will, should, feel etc..) It's Like You're 2. When you... "When you" presupposes that the person is going to do the thing or experience the state you describe, so it's no longer open to debate or doubt. "When you feel seriously compelled to practice, do you find yourself compelled to act on it?" Alternatives: If you (can, will, should, feel etc...) While you (can , will, should, feel etc..) You're Like 3. You really shouldn't..... This is a negation phrase. Since you're saying they "shouldn't", it's not like you're trying to get them to do as you say, aren't you? "You really shouldn't...feel compelled to practice!!" Alternatives: You don't have to I'm not really sure if you Try Not to Don't (think, say, feel, hear, etc...) 4. What would it be like if...? This phrase is in effect, a command for the person to imagine the condition or situation

named or described after it. "What would it be like if you were to feel compelled to practice?" Alternatives: Can you just imagine...? Is it really possible to...? Wouldn't you know it...? Could you...? (transition from if you were to) "If you were to feel that, could you feel it right now? 5. As you...This phrase assumes the person will do the behavior or undergo the condition you describe. "As you feel compelled to practice, can you feel how excited you're getting?" Alternatives: When you and you 6. To the point where... This phrase connects one thing the person is experiencing with the next thing you would like them to experience, so you can use it both to connect and to amplify. "You might find those pictures start to get bigger and brighter to the point where you seriously feel compelled to practice." Alternatives: Until you're And (it's, you're) like 7. It's not necessary to... This is an example of negation. By saying it isn't necessary, it eliminates any resistance, since you're saying they don't really have to do it (even though they


will!). "It's not necessary to feel compelled to learn, as you listen carefully to what you're reading!" Alternatives: You can't You won't You aren't 8. You might find... This phrase is useful when starting an intense chain of phrases. It implies that they are going to experience what you describe as something that just happens, so it seems like you're not commanding them to do it!! "You might find as you feel compelled to learn, it could lead to your acting on it! Alternatives: You'll be You might become You might enjoy You might go 9. Invite you to notice..... This phrase has the same effect as "you might find" because it is implying that what you are describing is going to happen. Plus, "invite" is pleasantly voluntary and polite! Ha! Super-hypnotic! "And I invite you to notice, how the words in this book can allow you to really feel compelled to practice! Alternatives: I Wish you would like I like how you

It's interesting to notice If you were to... By saying, "If" it vanishes resistance while directing the person to imagine the experience, condition, feeling or situation you are describing. "If you were to feel compelled to practice, do you think you might feel compelled to act on it?" (There's a second command hidden in that last sentence. did you notice?) How surprised would you be to....? This implies that the event you're describing is certainly going to happen, and the only question is how surprised they'll be by it! One of my more favorite phrases, an example is: "How surprised will you be to find that you can feel compelled to practice? Are you starting to feel compelled to practice yet? Whether you are or you are, remember that using these basic building blocks, you'll be able to create virtually any and all states you want to, very quickly, in the person you wish to control. Here are 97 more you can use: 1. How do you think youd 2. How do you think you could 3. How do you think you can 4. How do you think you cant. 5. How do you think you should 6. How do you think you shouldnt

7. How do you think you might 8. How do you think you 9. I dont know how you would 10. I dont know how you wouldnt 11. I dont know how you couldnt 12. I dont know how you could

13. I dont know how you can 14. I dont know how you cant 15. I dont know how you should 16. I dont know how you shouldnt 17. I dont know how you might 18. I dont know how you might not 19. I dont know how you aught not 20. I certainly wouldnt imagine 21. I certainly wouldnt picture you 22. I certainly couldnt imagine you 23. I certainly couldnt picture you 24. I certainly cant imagine you 25. I certainly cant picture you

26. I certainly shouldnt imagine you 27. I certainly picture you 28. I invite you to realize 29. I invite you to picture.. 30. I invite you to imagine 31. I invite you to get 32. I invite you to become 33. You might picture 34. You might imagine 35. You might realize 36. You might become 37. You might get

38. You might cause yourself to.


39. You might allow yourself to 40. How happy would you be to? 41. How excited would you be to? 42. How much pleasure can you stand to feel when you. 43. Most people when they 44. Isnt it neat how you can 45. Doesnt it feel compelling to 46. Doesnt it make you want to 47. Doesnt it seem like youre 48. Doesnt it cause you to 49. Cant you allow yourself to 50. Cant you become 51. Cant you just get

52. Isnt that something that just makes you.. because you 53. Isnt it just something that causes you to .. because you 54. Isnt it interesting how youre able to because you 55. Isnt something like that what youve always... because you 56. Arent you getting 57. Arent you becoming 58. Arent you realizing. 59. Arent you glad you can allow 60. Arent you happy to discover 61. Well, arent you a? 62. Well, arent you getting?

63. Well, arent you becoming? 64. Well, I can see it, so can you? 65. Well, I can imagine that, so can you..? 66. Well, I can feel it, so can you? 67. Because, when you can 68. Because, if you should.. 69. Because, if you could 70. Because, when you allow 71. Because, I know that 72. Because, it just makes sense to 73. Because, you should have seen it when you 74. Because, its interesting to share that

75. Because, how surprised would you be to? 76. Because, you might notice 77. Because, you might realize 78. Because, its not something that you can 79. Because, you really shouldnt 80. Because, you really might cause yourself to get the idea with the word because. 81. Now, when you 82. Now, with me, its not 83. Now, with me, its not quite the same 84. Now, the way Im invited to see it in the brain would be to 85. Now, if you should


86. Now, if you shouldnt imagine. 87. Now, if you should begin to picture it like Ive describe 88. Now, its the kind of feeling 89. Now, youll notice how 90. Now, realize you can 91. Now, it causes you to see that if you should 92. Now, it causes you to imagine that if you could

93. Now, if causes you to picture that if you couldnt before 94. Now, it allows you to be able to do that easily if you can 95. Now, I invite you to 96. Now, you really dont have to 97. Now, its not something everyone can but if you could begin to see all the different ways you can use Now, and then more sneak phrases, I won have to write them all...

You can also mix and match these phrases and link them together in sentences, in a variety of different ways. And in invite you to notice just how easy that gets for you, and that list should give you s good idea about how that works but just in case you need something more When you combine the sneak phrase with a command verb, like "feel", "become", "get", "remember", notice etc, and then tack on the state, process or experience you want them to have, then... PRESTO! You've made an embedded command. As youre thinking about that... Embedded Command ~Formula~

Trance Phrases + Command Verbs + States, Processes or Experiences = Embedded Commands (Example: What's it like when you become compelled to practice?) It's actually quite simple. Practice a bit and you'll get the hang of it!!

Appendix B Formulas You Dont Do Or Say Things Cuz It Sounds Good To You! You do what you do and say because it will help them get what THEY want, thereby getting you what YOU want. A Win-Win Situation! When you're influencing someone it is important that you set it up so it is a win/win situation. If you are in the frame of mind that you are going to make them do things against their will, you're setting yourself up for failure right from the start. You should make sure that the action you lead the person to taking is something that they see as a benefit. You do this by making them feel good around you and then make them feel good knowing that the action that you are getting them to take is worth it, and that they can't lose. Beliefs will determine how you perceive new input, information or ideas. This goes for everyone else in the world as well. Beliefs will ultimately determine your attitude. Your attitude will be perceived by others. Your attitude will account for a great deal of your success in persuasion. People perceive confidence different from a person with low self-esteem, if you aren't projecting confidence, then you're going to lose your credibility with others.


The most successful attitude I have found to work best is the playful - flirty type attitude. If you can find fun in situations or have fun with people, and "play" just like you did when you were a child, you'll definitely find it to be successful. Everyone wants to have fun, and if they aren't having fun then you're missing out too. Notice the humor in what people say and do then point it out. If you were to think about the fact that you only have so much time in the world, because face it; our medical technology has not evolved enough yet so you can live forever, so you mine as well use every opportunity, every day, hour, minute, and every second to it's fullest, than you can open up a lot more adventure in your life because to you - every second counts. What is the frame of mind that you would like them in? Setting The Frame: 1. What is the context of the conversation; relationship; exchange and what action are you ultimately leading them to? *The person must accept the frame as true in order to continue to interact with you. If you can't set a person's frame of mind and it is set in such a way that any strong disagreement/objection to your ideas would be considered either rude or ignorant, it is going to lead to an undesirable breaking of rapport. It is important that when you are creating the state of mind to set the frame that anything which might be suggested by you would be perceived as natural and acceptable. The frame should also be set such that you are either immediately or ultimately perceived as the leader, i.e. the authority, and that you know what is good for them. To sum this up, If you project a confidence in what you're saying so much that it sounds natural, it will be easy for a person to follow what you are saying, and you'll find it much easier to persuade and influence others.

Rapport Pacing and Leading: 1. Without rapport, nothing is possible. With rapport, anything becomes possible. It's that simple. If you're looking to gain rapport, Sameness, alignment and agreement is the essence to capture. Pretend you are them, mimic their movements within 30 seconds. Speak at the pace of their breathing, the tempo at which they speak and the tone and pitch of their voice as well. Match their breathing. Simply enough - Speech: pitch; tempo; inflections. mirror and match: breathing rate; gestures, facial expressions - match their physiology - body postures and movements. Once you have gained rapport, begin to pace their mind by describing experiences that lead toward the outcome you have in mind . You do this by using trance-words and sneak phrases. One you begin leading their mind, next would be to bring up psychological: ideas; sentiments; and feelings (expound upon using their patterns when possible (paraphrasing and backtracking of their ideas and thoughts in a context of agreement)). NOTE: Be cautious when pacing values, ideas and perceptions, especially if the idea in question is negative in nature. Be CERTAIN that the idea or perception is a core belief (ongoing and legitimate) before pacing it. When you are in rapport, remember whos in charge! In every area a seduction, especially rapport, always remember the 6 principles of automatic influence: 1 - Liking (sameness) - Others will want to interact with those whom they like. 2- Social Proof - Everyone else believes/does it... I should believe/do it too.


3- Authority - If this profession/expert says its okay, it must be ok! 4- Commitment and Consistency - I want to be perceived as stable and decisive. 5- Reciprocity - Returning a kind favor is the socially correct thing to do. 6- Scarcity - Anything which is rare or short-lived, MUST be valuable! --- Also keep in mind the CONTRAST principle - Any given event/thing will be perceived differently according to what comes before it or what surrounds it. (Also related to FRAMES, above). --- The word "Because" - Relates to cause & effect language/logic/beliefs. "You can do this because...." Criteria Establishing what a person's core values and perceptions are for any given topic. 1. Maneuvering to ask the question first using softener phrases: a. Setting up a context or frame in which it would be natural or even expected of you to ask the question. 2. Asking the question properly: X = relationship, experience, etc. boyfriend/girlfriend, experience, sexual

a. "Whats important to you about X?" 1. Agree 2. Soften


3. Backtrack X ---> Y "Whats important to you about Y?" 1. Agree 2. Soften 3. Backtrack Y ---> Z "And ultimately, whats important about Z?" Z ---> U (for Ultimate) "What would U give you/make you feel?" (reinforcement) 3. Feedback of criteria and linking it to you, or the action you want the person to take: a. "Me, what I can do, who I am = U, Z, and Y." (Their Criteria) 4. Alternates: a. "What do you feel/think is [absolutely] necessary about/in X?" b. "What do you consider to be most valuable about/regarding X?" c. "What would be most fulfilling to you regarding/about X?" --- Follow steps 2-a above ---

Appendix C A Few Summarized Applications


Applications of Presuppositions. Presupposing that something will/is happening or is assumed to be true. 1. Presuppositions of Awareness a. aware b. realize c. experience d. (understand) 1. "As you become aware, Jacob, of all the fulfilling aspects of our relationship, you can realize [just] how important all those aspects are to you. [Do you understand what I mean?]" (reinforcement - search for understanding the proper meaning of the communication and redirection - Presupposition: Can you understand what you are now aware of and can realize now?) 2. Adverb/Adjective presuppositions - Presupposes anything said after them to be true. a. naturally b. easily c. comfortably d. quickly, etc. 1. "Naturally and easily, Debbie, you might find yourself comfortably feeling good about us getting to know each other

in such a profound and special way." [How positively does really knowing this affect you?] (redirection - Presupposition: How positively does knowing this information to be true, affect you?) Applications of Cause and Effect Language Cause and effect language is the language of logic... is the language of beliefs. 1. People organize/structure their beliefs in the form of cause and effect, usually with the causal linking word of because or its equivalent. a. Belief = "I believe learning hypnosis is good." b. A belief is logically linked to a reason which enforces and/or justifies the belief whether it really is justified in reality or not. 1. There are always two parts to a belief. The belief itself and the cause of the belief. c. "I believe hypnosis is good" ---> because ---> "Ill be able to get more of what I want in life." (generalization) - More of what are you getting? (There's a Presupposition in here as well ) - You want to get more, or you're not getting enough in life. You can be more specific to the extent to say something more powerful, "I believe hypnosis is good because I will be able to capture and lead another person's imagination. I don't know if you thought about this, but it could lead to more sales of you're a salesman, it could lead to seducing others easier, and making new friends that find your company fabulous and exciting. Now, I'm not really sure if you can see all those possibilities, and allow those things to happen to you as you imagine all the possibilities and opportunities opening up before you, but if you were to, can you tell how excited you feel because everything you want that hypnosis will get you, will begin to reveal itself from now well into the future?"

"Learning about hypnosis allows me to get more of what I want in life." is just a generalization, but you can take any generalization and get specific with it. You can stack up realities using sneak phrases to create powerful pacing and leading language patterns as I did above. How would you use this to change a person's or your own belief? Start by learning what the generalization is. Ask questions to uncover more of what forms the generalization. You're probing for specifics, core values and powerful words they lean on when they say it. i.e. "BLAH BLAH BLAH and it's just such an AMAZING experience - I LOVE swimming when the moon is out" (interpretation and changed into cause and effect) - "I love swimming when the moon is out because it's such an amazing experience" You might use that to your advantage by saying: "Isn't it so great how certain things cause us to really love something, and when you enjoy doing something like that, to some people, it could be incredible, and to others, it's just so amazing to feel that way. Now, with me, some things in life are just worth doing something LIKE THAT, just to experience life's priceless events and experiences." Speaking in terms of cause and effect minimizes a person's resistance! because it sounds logical. (more examples) 1. "You might find that listening to what it is that Im saying causes you to... become even more interested in what I might say next." 2. As you realize the good points of our relationship Terry, it can allow you to become aware of just how much better it will continue to get, and that would only naturally cause you to feel really good about us being together. [modal operator - can] Binds


Binds leave the person no choice and have the effect of "false choice." 1. Single binds - Presuppose the desired action/event while redirecting attention to (usually) a question which is irrelevant to the desired action/event. "Would you like to slip into something more comfortable while I put on some soft music?" b. "Would you like to have another drink before we go someplace quieter where we can be alone together?" c. Should we stop by your place before or after we eat?" 2. Double Binds - Gives the person an option between two "choices" which lead to the same outcome. (operative word, or) a. "Would you like to go back to my place to party some more, or would you rather just cuddle up on the couch and watch a good movie?" b. "Would you like to make an offer on the house today, or just give me what your bottom-line offer will be before Sunday?" c. "Should I just spend the night at your place, or wait until tomorrow morning to leave when the time is better?" {laugh} they'll laugh and accept it in. (when people laugh when you're saying a language pattern, they aren't laughing at you, they're laughing everything you say into them) 3. Hidden Double Binds - "Fog up" the double bind with additional language and redirecting focus of attention, usually with a question. Also makes use of additional initial Presupposition. a. "Im not sure if youd rather go on that vacation weve been talking about, or just go lay on a luxurious and relaxing beach, either way, the important thing is that we both get the time off that we need. Does that sound/look/feel good to you?"

b. I only know that most people in a situation like this would just prefer to spend the night with each other, or just have a good time together all night long in each others company, but whats really important is that we make it an awesome experience that well always remember in a wonderful way! Does this sound desirable to you, or just extremely exciting? [bind within a bind in the midst of redirection. Also implies social-proof 'most people' and invokes Lost Per formative] Copyright 2003 - 2004 Life Tricks, All Rights Reserved.


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