Fuck Calories KSD

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and Other

Dietary Heresies
Krista Scott-Dixon
and Other
Dietary Heresies
Krista Scott-Dixon
An irreverent, foul-mouthed, yet
surprisingly useful guide to what to
put in your eating hole. Guaranteed to
offend, surprise, and delight. *
*Results may vary. Not legal in Lithuania.
Id say check with your doctor before implementing any of this dietary advice but
well-meaning yet misguided and ill-informed experts are
half the reason were in this pickle.

So check with your stomach instead.

OK, I know all you kids out there with your Wikipedias and rock music and long hair and
funny pants are all into cutting-and-pasting.
In my day we called that plagiarizing. Except we had books, which made it much easier,
because the prof couldnt easily Google our idiocy. Ha ha ha!
Dont be a douche and rip my shit off.
I see you reaching for that CTRL-C. Dont.
However, please feel free to share this free book with family, friends, co-workers, Facebook
acquaintances you may or may not have slept with, strangers at the bus stop, etc.
Just like in kindergarten, sharing is fun.

If youre truly lazy, just read this bit.
Dont know what the fuck to eat any more?
Youre not alone.
Fuck calories.
Everything you think you know about how to eat
is probably bullshit.
Dont think about your food.
How you eat is a lot more important than what
you eat.
Eat slowly. S-l-o-w-l-y.
Dont watch TV while you eat. Dont eat at your
desk. Dont eat while driving.
If youre a big person, use a big plate. If youre a
small person, use a small plate.
Eat real food.
Read labels.
Buy the best quality food you can afford.
Get creative. Learn. Strategize.
What you eat isnt necessarily what you get.
Help food do its job.
Get dirty.
Fuck vitamins.
Orange juice is not real food.
Fortified means We took good stuff out so we
have to put it back in.
Some food doesnt want to be eaten.
Eat the rainbow.
Eat smelly.
Go ahead, put real cream in your coffee.
And while youre at it, have an avocado too.
You should cut the fat off your steak. But not for
the reason you think.
Dump sugar.
Sugar is sugar is sugar.
Vegetable oils are not real food.
Skip breakfast.
Unless you like to binge at night.
Seek nourishment. Seek sustenance.
Its the economy your relationships, stupid.
Nobody is coming to save you.
Stop learning and knowing. Start doing.
Tell yourself your food story.
Then, rewrite that food story.
Fuck willpower.
You cant fix your body because your body is not
You dont need me or any other expert.
You are only accountable to you.
Ask yourself one tough question.
Have compassion.
Get bigger, not smaller.
As you live, so you eat.

! "
Dont know what the fuck to eat any more?
Youre not alone.
When did eating get so damn complicated and stressful?
Why did we hand over responsibility and the chefs hat to large corporations and experts?
When did food start to suck?
Hey, where did our bellybuttons go?
Doesnt matter. Heres what were gonna do about it.
Start by saying fuck calories.

! "
Fuck calories.
Do you want to count that shit for all eternity?
Be calorie-aware in other words, know what foods are energy-dense (e.g. nuts, Brie, deep-fried
Coke) and which foods arent (e.g. spinach, shrimp, zucchini). But not calorie-paranoid.
Calories are just a measure of potential energy how brightly the flame burns if we light the food
on fire. (Which, when it comes to junk food, is probably a better idea than eating it.)
Your body is more than just a mechanical furnace.
Dozens of factors affect the energy you can get from food the soil its grown in, the processing,
the way your body handles it, the health of your intestinal bacteria
The calorie count on the food package itself may be off by as much as several hundred calories.
Dozens of other factors affect the energy you put out: your hormones, your daily activity, your
age, your health, your bone density
So you can never know for sure whats coming in or going out.
Focusing solely on calories also encourages you to tell yourself lies such as I didnt have breakfast so
its OK to eat this cake or This piece of sugared wax is only 100 calories so its good to eat.
Dont turn eating into accountancy. And dont try to defraud or embezzle your own body.
Cross calorie-counting off your to-do list. Now isnt that a relief?

! "
Everything you think you know about how to eat is
probably bullshit.
Unless you come from a culture and region that still eats like your great-great-great-great-great-
great-great grandparents did, you probably never learned the traditional knowledge that kept
them healthy.
Where do you get your information now?
the media?
Most editors are scientifically illiterate and love sensationalism. Broccoli Cures Cancer is much
more exciting than A Single Compound, When Isolated from Immature Brassica oleracea During The
Late Summer, Slightly Inhibits The Growth Of Tumour Cells In Vitro. You cant blame them, really.
published research?
Oh, you mean studies on fruit flies? Studies published to promote Professor So-and-Sos tenure
file? Studies funded by Big Food, Big Pharma, or Big Agribusiness? Studies looking at one single
nutrient in isolation perhaps in a petri dish, not in an actual humans tummy? Studies showing
lab significance not real world significance, like, with real effects on real people and stuff?
Studies with numbers and methods so dodgy they make illegal mahjongg games look like forensic

your family, buddies, or coworkers?
Tell me, are they the picture of health and wellness?
You see? Bullshit.
But this isnt bad news. Its good in fact, great news.
It means you can clear the slate and start again. Fresh. Now, youre going to hire a different
expert one whos got millions of years of experience.
No, its not your brain. In fact

Note: For a fun read on this subject, check out John P. A. Ioannidis, Why most published research findings are false.
PloS Medicine, August 2005.

! "
Dont think about your food.
Dont trust your brain. It lies.
Your brain is easily fooled by shiny things.
Like yummy scents. Bright colours. Delectable tastes.
Food chemists and manufacturers know this. Thats why cotton candy isnt gray like dryer lint.
Thats why Cinnabon smells so damn good.
(Unfortunately, food companies havent figured out how to make Taco Bell look decent, but you
cant really fault them its like trying to make a kids Play-Doh and mud sandwich look tasty.)
Your brain also likes to think its in charge. So it tries to overthink things.
OK, I just worked out so that means I should have high-glycemic carbohydrates and according to
this formula the gram quantity should be 43.6 times my lean body mass in pounds but wait, I
skipped the cooldown so Ill subtract 12% off the total accounting for wind speed
Please, brain, shut up. Let the grownups talk.
Your brain thinks its smart. But its kinda dumb, sometimes. Especially when it comes to food.
Trust your body instead. It never bullshits you.
If youre not eating properly, your body will let you know. Its like the honest friend that tells you
when youve tucked your skirt into your underwear.
Stop reading now and do a quick scan from head to toe. What are you feeling, physically?
What is your face doing? What is your big toe doing? And when it comes to eating what
is your stomach doing? Practice knowing these things.
After you eat, how does your body feel?
Numb and zoned out? Heavy and sloshy?
Buzzed and squirrelly? Irritable and restless?
Sneezy? Headachey? Heartburny?
Light and springy? Full of zest and mojo?
Theres your clue.
Dont think about your food. Feel your food. Let your body be the expert.

! "
How you eat is a lot more important than what you
Weve gotten really hung up on what we eat. (And nutritionists are largely to blame.)
How much protein? How much fat? Are eggs bad? Should I have oatmeal for breakfast?
Fuck it. If youre eating like a crazed animal, an obsessive-compulsive nutcase, or a zombie, it
doesnt matter whether you eat seaweed or pork rinds.
Yes, food quality is very important. (Keep reading. Ill get to that.)
But how you eat trumps what you eat.
Where do you eat? In your car? Sitting down at a table? In restaurants?
With whom do you eat? Alone? With others? With others who reinforce unhealthy habits?
How fast do you eat? Eating slowly is the best thing you can do for both waistline and
What do you notice when you eat? Do you pay attention to your food the taste, the
texture, the smell, how it makes you feel? Are you tuned in to your stomach signals? How
full are you, right now? Do that body scan from the previous page.
How do you choose what to eat? Grab n go? Careful selection? What everyone else is
eating? Do you ask questions about where your food came from, who grew it, and how it
got to you?
Why do you eat? Because youre actually, physically hungry? Because youre sad, angry,
bored, or anxious?
Focus on the how, and the what often takes care of itself. Here is the how you are looking for:
Choose your food thoughtfully, focusing on food quality.
Eat sitting down, relaxed and without distractions.
Eat with others as often as possible sharing a meaningful connection, not enabling bad
Pay attention to your food. Treat it with respect and care.
Pay attention to your body, especially how your stomach feels, but also whatever else your
body is doing.
Eat mindfully and slowly, with awareness.

! "
Eat slowly. S-l-o-w-l-y.
Yeah, I know I already said this. Ill say it again:
Eat slowly.
If you get nothing out of this book, get this point.
Think youre eating slowly? Slow down some more.
Chew. Chew some more. Swallow. Notice flavours. And textures.
Pause before your next bite.
Doritos taste like shit when you slow down. But fresh berries still taste delicious.
Set a timer. If youre not hitting at least 15 minutes per meal, you need to slow the fuck down.
Damn it, I slaved over a hot stove to make this. The least you can do is taste it.
Oh hey, guess what, slow eating lets you pay attention to what your body not your brain, not
your emotions, not your busy schedule wants.

Dont watch TV while you eat. Dont eat at your
desk. Dont eat while driving.
For godsake, pay attention to what youre shoving in your mouth.
Almost no human besides an emergency room doctor or a soldier in a war zone is so busy or
important that they cant give their full attention to what they eat for 15-20 minutes.

! "
If youre a big person, use a big plate. If youre a small
person, use a small plate.
Thanks to my friend and colleague Dr. John Berardi for this gem. God, I wish hed told me this
20 years ago. That would have saved me 50 pounds.
How blindingly simple is this concept? Holy shit!
Again, in case you missed this complex equation:
Big person? Big plate.
Small person? Small plate.
Want to be a smaller person? Small plate.
Want to be a bigger person? Big plate.
We might protest that were smarter than this. Were not. (Remember? Brain dumb. Brain fibs.)
We eat (or dont) based on structural cues. Like plate size. Yes, it matters.
Oh, and if you regularly eat off one of them platters you get in American restaurants, youd better
be 7 feet tall.

! "
Eat real food.
Can you tell what a particular food used to be? If so, great. Thats probably real food. Eat it.
(Examples: an apple, a whole fish, an onion.)
If you dont know, then it isnt real food. (Or you might need to brush up on butchery and your
vegetable recognition skills. Hint: chicken is more than just tits n ass.)
Ask yourself how many steps that food took to get to you.
If it comes in a bag, box, or plastic package, it probably isnt real food.
(Examples: M&Ms, a corn dog, Froot Loops, aerosol cheese.)

Read labels.
If youre gonna insist on buying food in bags, boxes, or plastic packages, at least read the label.
Anything with more than 2-3 ingredients is probably not real food.
Anything with long chemical names is probably not real food.
Anything promoted by a mascot is probably not real food.
Anything with its own commercial is probably not real food.
Anything that contains something ending in ose (such as glucose, fructose, sucrose, or
cellulose) is probably not real food.
Just because you buy it in a health food store, or because the package is marked natural,
organic, good for you, or gently nurtured into being by hippie Care Bears, doesnt mean it
cant be crap.
Read. The. Label.
With extreme prejudice.

! "
Buy the best quality food you can afford.
I dont mean buy caviar. I dont mean shop at snooty, overpriced, upscale gourmet grocery
I mean spend that extra 50 cents or a dollar per pound to get real, decent food.
I mean learn to cook from scratch so your hard-earned food money can go to high-quality
ingredients, not the profits of Big Food. And so you know like your creative and resourceful
Depression-era ancestors how to make the proverbial stone soup taste like five-star Michelin
I mean get in your grocery store managers face and ask him or her why the store is buying cheap
pesticide-riddled apples from China when you live in Vermont and its September.
I mean take an hour on Saturday and hit the farmers market. Spend a little more on something
thats fresh and local. Youll support your community and small family farmers while youre at it.
(Then they too can have money to spend on food.)
No matter how big or small your food budget is, make sure you get your moneys worth.
Dont treat food as an extraneous expense. Food makes your body go. Thats worth more than
cable TV, velour sweat pants with JUICY written on the ass, or anything on eBay.
Food is an investment, not a cost.
But dont mistake volume for value. A discount case of soda is still shit, even though its cheap
Opt for quality over quantity.
Compared to the rest of the world, we North Americans spend the lowest proportion of our
disposable income on food about 10%.
That means the other 90% is going to other stuff. Stuff you may not actually need.
If youre concerned about food money, try keeping a spending diary for a week. See where your
money really goes.
Can you allocate a few extra dollars here and there to upgrading?

! "
Get creative. Learn. Strategize.
Yeah, I said dont over-think your food. But you can use your brain for good, not evil.
Thinky brain is real smart at figuring stuff out. Throw a problem at it and ask it for a solution.
If you want to eat well on a budget, get out your pencil and paper and ask thinky brain to help
you shuffle some money around.
Or figure out where to find sales. Or how to cook a whole chicken, because thats much cheaper
than a skinless chicken breast. Or buy fruits and veggies in season. Or find the phone number of a
friend with whom you can split a bulk grassfed meat purchase.
See? I used my thinky brain for all of 45 seconds to type that. (My thinky brain took typing in
Grade 9, back when it was typing and not keyboarding.) Just imagine what you could thinky-
brain-storm if you had 3 whole minutes.
If you find yourself stuck in bad habits, ask thinky brain to come up with substitutions or
alternatives. Thinky brain loves planning. (But make sure thinky brain also comes up with a way
to execute your Plan B, or youll get stuck in an endless loop of coulda-shoulda-woulda.)
Start small. Very small. As small as possible. Thinky brain gets over-excited and has delusions of
Tell thinky brain to calm down, get over itself, and come up with one VERY small task to do today.
Use thinky brain to plan and do smart stuff only. As soon as you see thinky brains hand moving to
the calorie counting calculator or the Big Book O Bullshit Rationalizations For Bad Behaviour,
slap it.
Then hand off the observation, analysis, and judgement to your body.

! "
What you eat isnt necessarily what you get.
Just because a food contains Substance X doesnt mean youll absorb or use Substance X.
For example, grass has vitamin A. But unless youre a cow, all youll get from eating grass is a
stomach ache.
Nutritionists are up our ass about drinking milk. Gotta have that calcium! By that logic, ice cream
is a smart choice.
Yeah, dairy contains calcium. But when it comes to how our body actually absorbs and uses calcium,
dairy is a FAIL.
Calcium WIN? Cooked kale.
More calcium WIN? Real-food sources of magnesium and other minerals. Bone broth. Getting
out in the sun. Plenty of protein. Proper rest and recovery. Dietary fat to keep your sex hormones
happy. Lifting weights, running, and jumping. Lots of veggies and fruits these help keep the
body alkaline so that its not sucking minerals off your skeleton to buffer acidity. Feeding your
intestinal bacteria.
All these things help your body use calcium and all your other nutrients properly.
Just providing calcium without providing a signal to use it is like dropping off a load of lumber
and expecting a house to magically appear. And over-consuming one nutrient puts other ones out
of balance.
If youre worried about bone density:
eat lots of colourful veggies (I mean LOTS), especially leafy greens;
eat plenty of protein (yes, bones are largely protein, not simply skeleton-shaped rocks);
avoid sugar;
eat a variety of minerals (not just calcium) from real foods;
eat plenty of naturally occurring saturated fats;
give your bones something to do load them! run! jump! punch!

! "
Help food do its job.
Eat a wide range of foods. Nutrients work synergistically aka in teams. They reinforce each
other and play well together.
Eat real foods. Industrial food chemicals (such as preservatives, artificial sweeteners, and artificial
colours) harm intestinal health and digestion. And real foods are super-nutrient delivery packages.
Eat slowly. Youll feel satisfied with less, enjoy mealtime more, and your GI tract can digest food
properly. Chew properly while youre at it. You think your stomach wants a whole chicken wing
to deal with?
Eat fat. You cant absorb fat-soluble vitamins without it.
Eat helpful bacteria. Fermented foods like sauerkraut and kimchi have bacteria that help us digest
things properly. (See the next point.)

! "
Get dirty.
Its a Lysol and antibiotic world out there now. And we have the resistant bacteria to prove it.
Clean hands are a smart idea. Removing cow poop and pesticides from food with careful washing
also a solid plan.
But dont go overboard. Good bacteria are, well, good.
We have trillions of little critters in our tummies and they work hard to keep us healthy. We need
them to help digest things. We need them for our immune system. We need them believe it or
not to keep us sane.
Without them, wed have to live in a bubble.
You dont need to disinfect your food. Arguably, you shouldnt.
Just wash your hands with basic soap (let the surfactant and scrubbing shoo the bacteria away
you dont have to napalm everything) and refrigerate and cook things properly.
Eat some good bacteria on purpose.
Have some sauerkraut, kimchi, or anything else fermented. Veggie bacteria are better than dairy
bacteria, but real, plain yogurt (not the sweetened crap thats basically ice cream in a cup) will do
in a pinch.
If you hate all things fermented, have a good multi-spectrum probiotic instead. And know you are
breaking your babas heart.
Occasionally, eat something from your garden without washing it. Our bodies like a spot of soil
bacteria now and again.
As my baba says, A little dirt never hurt anyone.
Shes made it to 85 and still grows her own food, undoubtedly eating plenty of soil along the way.
So she must be doing something right.

! "
Fuck vitamins.
Nature laughs at your puny human attempts to replicate its wonders in a pill. Its put more
beneficial chemicals in a single orange than youd find in the average lab.
If youve got scurvy or rickets, and youre living on a rock in the middle of the ocean, OK, have a
vitamin pill.
The rest of you: Eat real food. (Remember?)

Orange juice is not real food.
Its a product of wartime military rations. Thats right food that soldiers eat out of freeze-dried
Orange juice is a product of food industry propaganda. Its not fresh-squeezed by some
grinning, overall-wearing farmer. Its crapped out of a machine and a chemistry lab.
Eat the whole goddamned orange.

! "
Fortified means We took good stuff out so we have
to put it back in.
Except what we put back in is rarely as good as what was there in the first place.
Grind up a vitamin pill and mix it into some sawdust. Congratulations. You just fortified that
sawdust. Pour some milk over it, and youve got breakfast cereal.
You think Im kidding? Hell, wood pulp is probably better for you than most cereals.
In fact, look for cellulose on the label of your favourite foods. Thats mashed-up trees, and its in
your Eggo waffles, Fiber One cereal, breads and bagels, and pretty much anything from
McDonalds. Even your Jimmy Dean frozen breakfasts.
If you own a wood chipper, you could start your own cereal business.

! "
Some food doesnt want to be eaten.
Nature is cruel. Life feeds on life. Its the reality we all accept to be part of this ecosystem. (If you
want to opt out, I recommend Breatharianism, but it wont get you very far.)
Up till recently, we were cat food. We just got smart about using pointy sticks and smashy rocks.
But its only a matter of time before our alien overlords get around to toasting us like popcorn. Or
your toy poodle dines on your leg like the devolved wolf it is after you fall down the stairs.
(Actually, bacteria are eating your dead cells right now, the greedy little bastards.)
Dont be fooled by trees that seem to love being hugged: Plants are mean motherfuckers. They
dont want you to eat them. Or take their babies.
Since plants never got around to evolving feet for running away, theyll blast you with chemicals
Some chemicals, we can tolerate. In fact, some chemicals are great for us. Like many plant
pigments the things that make fruits and vegetables colourful. (See the next point.)
Other chemicals, we cant. In particular, plants dont want you to digest their seeds. They need
that shit to reproduce. So like a mother bear defending her cubs, plants will make sure their seeds
either poison you or pass through you undigested.
Grains are seeds and their chemist mommies have ensured your body will be sorry you ate them.
Grains, especially wheat, spread their ill-will far and wide, starting with tearing you a third
(fourth, and six thousandth) asshole inside your intestines, and then running amok into the rest of
your body.
Finding yourself farty, bloated, pooparrific, burpish, itchy, snuffly, headachey, zitty, achey, creaky,
puffy, forgetful, and/or cranky?
Take all grains yes, that means bread, pasta, rice, muffins, bagels, cake, oatmeal, cereals, corn,
and any other sneaky little monkeys like gluten in your processed food out of your diet for a
month and see whether you get better.
Youre welcome.

! "
Eat the rainbow.
Plants dont want their babies to be eaten. Nor do they want bugs to nibble them, the sun to
scorch them, fungi to infect them, or bees to ignore them.
Luckily, plants paranoia and survival instincts can also help you.
The pigments and chemicals that plants have evolved to protect themselves are usually very
nutritious. With the exception of grass babies (aka grains), what makes plants colourful and tough
generally makes you healthy.
When youre eating plants, eat the rainbow. For instance:
Red: red peppers, red tomatoes, pink grapefruit, watermelon, strawberries, etc.
Orange-yellow: oranges, squash, orange sweet potatoes, carrots, apricots, etc.
Green: leafy greens, broccoli, green beans, etc.
Blue-purple: blueberries and blackberries, eggplant, purple cabbage, etc.
FYI: When it comes to meat, do not eat the rainbow. Just sayin.
Blue chicken in the back of the fridge probably wont make you feel better, although it will help
you lose 20 lb of unsightly intestinal contents.

! "
Eat smelly.
Along with eating the rainbow, eat some strong-smelling foods.
Just like the colourful pigments, scent oils protect plants from disease and critters. You reap the
taste and health benefits. Yum!
This includes:
fresh herbs such as basil, parsley, and thyme
garlic, onions, leeks, chives, etc.
spices such as cinnamon, turmeric, pepper, and nutmeg
All have compounds that fight disease, aging, inflammation, bacteria, viruses and even
Word on the street is that garlic also helps the blood flow to your naughty bits. Just sayin.
If you like cheese, try some artisanal raw milk cheese as a treat. You only need a little, and it really
punches things up. Real, bacterially fermented cheese makes fake processed cheese look like
coloured wax. (Which, technically, it is.)
Dont forget your fermented stuff. This will put funk in your trunks and make your belly bugs
dance the kimchi cha-cha!

! "

Go ahead, put real cream in your coffee.
A daily tablespoon of cream never made anyone fat, and itll probably cut down your cravings later
Read the label first, though. (Like I said.)
Youll be surprised to find that most cream isnt. Its a bastardized milk-emulsifier hybrid.
And coffee flavouring? Frappucinos? Please. Ancient African goat herders did not discover and
perfect the wondrous coffee cherry juice so that you could dump a sugar and chemical turd into it.
Find yourself some nice organic 35% butterfat whipping cream real cream, without all the crap
and use a tiny splash of that. Your taste buds will thank you.

And while youre at it, have an avocado too.
Avocados are loaded with beneficial fibre, vitamin E, and good fats. The monounsaturated fat in
them increases satiety.
Eat em straight up or in a decent guacamole.
Try eating an entire avocado plus a couple of eggs fried in real butter for breakfast. You wont be
hungry for the next two days, and youll grin like a fool from a hazy, hallucinatory sense of well-

An unfortunate few of you will have trouble digesting avocados, whether because of a relatively common intolerance
or the presence of FODMAPs: fermentable oligo-, di- and mono-saccharides, and polyols. Please accept my sincerest

! "
You should cut the fat off your steak. But not for the
reason you think.
Fat is Natures storage depot. Whatever an animal is fed will nestle into its fat.
Unless its grass-fed/pastured meat, your steak (and pork, and chicken) was raised in a factory-
style feedlot with grains and medications. That means the animals fat has all the crap you dont
want in your body including hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, and excess omega-6 fatty acids.
Naturally occurring animal fats are not bad. They are an important part of our diet. They do not
make you keel over from heart disease. (Thats sugar. See next point.)
Our ancestors ate every part of the animals they killed, even the squishy fatty bits. Especially the
squishy fatty bits. The squishy fatty bits made our brains big and our hormones happy. Fat make
smart. Fat make sexytime.
Fat is only bad when its laden with garbage. Or human-created. Or combined with sugar.
Buy organic, grass-fed/pastured meat, butter, and cream. Buy wild-caught, ideally sustainable
fatty fish like salmon and mackerel.
Then enjoy that fat to your hearts content. (Yes, your heart is also quite content with saturated
If you dont eat animals, go find yourself a coconut instead.

! "
Dump sugar.
Some people will say there are no bad foods, because theyre chickenshits or being suckled by
Big Food.
I am neither, and thus I disagree. There are bad foods.
Sugar is one of them.
Table sugar appeared in Western diets in the late 1700s. High-fructose corn syrup appeared in
the mid-20
We have million-year-old bodies. They cant handle that newfangled crap. They can tolerate it
barely. Until they cant.
Know how sugar gets sticky or caramelized when you spill it or cook with it? Thats what happens
in your body.
85-90% of diabetes cases are type 2 diabetes. Unlike getting hit by a safe falling from a window,
Type 2 diabetes is entirely preventable.
Read that again: 85 to 90 percent of diabetics are now suffering something that did not have to happen.
Knowing that fact makes my soul shrivel just a little bit.
Same with heart disease. Or fatty liver disease. Or any of the dozens of other problems that come
from too much sugar and its henchmen: too much insulin, too many free-floating triglycerides,
and too many inflammatory chemicals.
If you want to be vain about it, sugar causes wrinkles. Dump sugar and embrace your new, foxy
cougar self.
Yes, I know sugar is yummy. Cats think antifreeze is yummy too.
You dont have to get all moralistic, rebellious, and/or self-flagellating about your sugar
addiction. Just cut down. Recalibrate your taste buds.
Slow eating helps. (Did I mention that already?) Use your thinky brain to help with solutions.

! "
Sugar is sugar is sugar.
Whether its table sugar, high-fructose corn syrup, honey, agave, molasses, beet sugar, sugar cane,
or any other natural sweetener
Almost anything that ends in ose is sugar.
Anything called sugar (such as coconut sugar or date sugar) is sugar.
Anything called syrup (such as maple syrup or brown rice syrup) is sugar.
Any food whose only job is to be sweet is sugar. Or artificial sweetener.
Sorry. I didnt make up the rules of organic chemistry.

Vegetable oils are not real food.
Call me a gourmet snob but I dont think anything made with solvents, bleaches, or heavy metals
should be considered real food.
You can make your own butter, but you cant make your own shelf-stable canola or sunflower
seed oil. Think about it.
Theres an awful lot of steel canisters, pipey things, hazmat suits, and engineers standing between
you and the bottle of cooking oil youre holding.
Your cells know the difference too.

! "
Skip breakfast.
Or any other meal you like.
If you arent physically hungry, dont eat.
Yeah, yeah, studies show that breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
Ever wonder who funds those studies? The same people who bring you wood pulp waffles.
Ignore the well-meaning dietitians who advise you to graze like a ruminant. Our ancestors did
just fine eating one square a day. Or couple of days.
Im not saying starve yourself. Im saying eat only when you are truly physically hungry.
(Not psychologically hungry. Not wanting a snack. Not Man, I could totally go for [insert food
X] right now. Physically, stomach-growling hungry.)

Unless you like to binge at night.
Then eat a big breakfast and a decent lunch, and skip dinner instead.
May I recommend those colourful veggies, avocados, and pastured bacon?

! "
Seek nourishment. Seek sustenance.
Food should nourish us truly nourish us in all senses of the word.
Does your food nourish
your body?
your soul?
your connections with others?
your activity?
your life?

Food should also sustain us. Sustain implies long-term benefit and growth.
Does your food and eating sustain
your spirit?
your community?
your heritage and traditions?
your environment?

! "
Its the economy your relationships, stupid.
For 90% of my female clients, their eating problem is actually a relationship problem.
Guys, I cant stick a percentage on you, but I bet its not much less, despite your macho exteriors.
(I know you have a crunchy shells but chewy centres, you tasty things.)
If you struggle with food and eating, theres a very good chance that you dont just have a food
problem. You also have a relationship problem.
Maybe you are grieving a loss.
Maybe you cant ask for what you want.
Maybe you need to say no more often. Or yes more often.
Maybe youre alone, together.
Maybe you cant find the words to say the things you need to say.
Maybe you want to run away but your feet are stuck, like in a bad dream.
Whether its your relationship with your partner, family, friends, coworkers, boss, mail carrier, or
Starbucks barista or most importantly, your relationship with yourself your food and eating
issues are almost always about your relationships.
Fix the relationships, and you go a long way to fixing the food.

! "
Nobody is coming to save you.
This point comes from a manifesto that my colleague, Scrawny to Brawny coach Paul Valiulis,
wrote in the middle of the night while sitting on a beach.
Unlike most crazy thoughts that occur under these conditions (such as Everything is mustard, man
or Why dont we live underground in abandoned railway cars like human Habitrails? or I wonder if I
could build a slingshot out of old underwear and turnips?), this was a pretty darn good idea.
In Pauls case, he was thinking about human relationships. (Ladies, FYI, no prince on a white
horse is on his way. Get your own bank account.)
But it applies to eating too.
There is no special food, no combination of nutrients, no supplement, no diet (ugh), no magical
ritual, that will ever make you perfectly un-hungry, or fix your life.
Nothing takes away human discomfort and suffering forever. Hunger whether physical or
existential is unavoidable. Life is glorious imperfection.
I know. For years I searched.
Eventually I realized: Its OK to be hungry, sometimes. Its OK to want stuff and not have it,
sometimes. Its OK to be uncomfortable, sometimes. Its OK to be mad, sad, bored, anxious, or
just kinda empty, sometimes.
I dont need a food saviour to bail me out of that.
Youve been hungry before, right? Peckish? Perhaps even ravenous? Maybe you were somewhere
that they didnt have your special fussy pedigreed-dog kibble? And you survived?
Well, thats as bad as it gets.
You already know how to be uncomfortable. Dont run away from it. Turn around and go into
the discomfort instead.
Change is itchy. Downright scratchy.
If you want to change your eating, expect a little itchiness.
On the plus side, now you dont have to sit around waiting for the sound of hoofbeats.

! "
Stop learning and knowing. Start doing.
Learning is good. I have the Piled Higher and Deeper and the stacks of unread journal articles to
prove it.
But at some point you gotta get off your ass and do something. Right now.
Stop reading the blogs. Stop fussing with details. Stop wondering whether X grams of this is
better than Y grams of that. Stop arguing on the interwebs. Especially stop reading any nutrition
articles in mainstream media. (See Everything you think you know about how to eat is probably
bullshit, above.)
Give thinky brain a break (if thinky brain could be said to be involved in online arguments, which
is debatable ha, debatable, geddit?). Put your body in charge. Your body loves action.
If you want to improve your eating, stop reading this right now. (Come back to it in three
In the next three minutes yes, these ones coming up take action to make your eating better.
Even if thats just writing down a shopping list or canceling the pizza order you just made. Even
if thats just a quick body scan and a tummy poke to see whether youre actually hungry. Even if
its having a glass of water. Even if its spitting out the last, mushy, slimy, chewed-up bite of that
marshmallow Peep.
I dont care what it is. Just do something.
Change comes from doing.
From harnessing your bodys knowledge and putting it into action. Not just intent. Not just
Build a better eating experience through daily practice. Through learning to speak your bodys
language, and reading its cues. And through taking action.
Set a reminder on your cell phone or computer. Call it Three-Minute Action.
Whenever you hear that beep, do your three-minute thing. Then high five yourself.

! "
Tell yourself your food story.
When you consult a nutritionist, often the first thing they want you to do is write down a food
journal with lots of numbers and measurements, like this:
Monday, 8 am: 1 cup bran flakes with 17 raisins, 1/2 cup 1% fat milk, 1.5 cups apple juice, 8
oz. coffee with 1 tbsp cream.
Fuck it. Who the hell thinks about food like that? Nutritionists, thats who. This is what happens
when you let thinky brain drive the bus.
Can you even imagine what 1 cup bran flakes with 17 raisins and 1/2 cup milk looks like? Of
course you cant. Most normal people make stories out of food, or pictures. (Or, occasionally,
songs, such as the classic Raffi track Peanut Butter Sandwich Made With Jam [One for me, and
one for David M], hopefully followed by Raffis other hit Brush Your Teeth.)
When you eat food you eat stories. Youre telling yourself a food story right now. It goes
something like this.
Bran flakes. I love this blue cereal bowl. [singing] 2 scoops of raisins in a packet of Kelloggs
Raisin Bran! How much is 2 scoops? I wonder. Ugh, 1% milk tastes so watery. But its good for
me. Right? Im afraid if I dont cut down on fat Ill get fat. Krista says eat slowly. Wow, when I
do that, the bran flakes taste like little chips of papier-mch in my mouth. They make piatas out
of that. I am eating a piata. With no candy in it.
And so forth.
Its good to keep a record of your eating, especially when youre trying to change or improve it. A
record keeps you honest. Humans are top-notch self-bullshitters. Its just how were wired.
But you never need to measure like this. Ever. Fuck calories. Seriously fuck em.
Lets try this a different (and more fun) way. Get a camera or your cellphone, and a stack of post-
it notes. For each meal, take two pictures.
The first picture is the meal itself. On a post-it note, write down what youre feeling and
thinking before you eat. Stick the note next to the plate, bowl, platter, or washed-out
hubcap and snap a photo.
The second picture is the meal when youre done. Same deal with the post-it note. Write
down what youre feeling now. Snap it.
At the end of every day, look through your pictures. What is your food story? What does it tell

! "
Then, rewrite that food story.
If you want to change your food, tell yourself a new food story. Youre the author of your life,
after all.
Find a picture of the food youd like to eat. The food that would make your body, mind and spirit
feel good lean, light, energized, full of exuberant mojo and the sweetness of self-care.
Think about the story that food tells. What kind of person eats that? How does s/he feel when
she eats it? Who does s/he become? What life does s/he live?
Is that the life you truly, deeply want? Is that the person you truly, deeply want to be?
If so, start chasing that life, and that identity. Start writing that story.
Put that picture next to your own food pictures. How could you get to that destination from
where you are?
Would you need to think differently? (Probably.)
Would you need to act differently? (Very likely.)
Would you need to plan a bit? (Usually.)
Well, thats a fun game! (Certainly more fun than measuring cups of bran flakes.)
Dont get freaked out if that destination feels too far away. All you have to do is take one teeny
tiny step towards it.
You have the rest of your life to finish the journey. And you get to have some food adventures
along the way! Whee!
Ask yourself: Whats ONE very small thing I could do to get closer to that new food story?
Then do that one very small thing. Today. Now.
Tomorrow, do another very small thing.
Keep snapping those photos and writing those notes. You never know one day it could be a

! "
Fuck willpower.
If you struggle to do the right thing when it comes to food, youre not a sloth; your rational
brain is just over-booked. Your self-control is busy preventing you from stabbing your boss,
shoplifting, and running red lights.
Thus, willpower wont help you much when it comes to eating. Its an overdrawn bank account.
Use stronger stuff: scheduling, structure, social support, space, systems, and strategies.
Schedule time to shop and prepare good food. Then itll be available when you need and want it.
(If you need an extra hour, try dumping Facebook, celebrity blogs, and Say Yes To The Dress on
Structure your life so that its easy to eat healthy, and hard to eat poorly. Make it fun, simple, and
affirming to eat nutritiously. (For instance, learn to cook so you enjoy making delicious yet
nutritious meals and can do it easily.) Make it inconvenient, difficult, and painful to eat crap.
Social support is a good way to do this. Hang out with other healthy eaters and cut down on
codependent or toxic people. Choose activities that help you get moving, and connect
meaningfully with other people. (Getting wasted and going dancing doesnt count, though.)
Organize your space to keep the crap out and the healthy stuff in. Get rid of the junk in your
cupboards and fridge.
You think your willpower is strong enough to keep you out of the potato chips after a tough day
of not stabbing your boss? Hah! Make sure the chips arent there, make sure some tasty crunchy
veggies are there, and then you dont have to use your over-booked thinky brain to make that
Keep your friends close, your enemies closer, and the junk food as far away as possible.
Use systems like a regular shopping appointment, meal prep times, buying prewashed veggies, a
collection of easy-prep go-to meals, or whatever else you need in order to streamline healthy
eating. Make it efficient and effective.
Strategize and think ahead. Put your systems in place well before you have to make any tough
decisions. Figure out dinner around breakfast or lunch time not at 7:15 p.m. when you arrive
home ravenous, ready to snort frozen pizza.
Then, the decision is made for you.
Your self-control can return to making sure you wear pants.

! "
You cant fix your body because your body is not
Your body works just fine. Otherwise you wouldnt be alive.
In fact, your body works magnificently. Youre lucky your body is so damn clever.
If you dont like the output your body is giving you, fix the input. That means everything: your
food, your thoughts, your feelings, and your life.
Your body is smarter than you. It has millions of years of experience handling your shit. Let it do
its job.
And if its telling you it needs help, or that youre doing something stupid, listen.
Your body cant talk, so you have to learn its language. Pain is a language. Food and eating is a
language. Anxiety, fear, and distress is a language. Disease is a language.
Listen to what your body is saying.
Always assume your body is looking out for you, even if its actions seem misguided. Theres a
reason it does or says what it does. Figure out the logic and youll know what to do with yourself.
Make friends with your body.
All it wants is to keep you alive, and to be loved.

! "
You dont need me or any other expert.
You dont need any of us to tell you what to eat.
If I asked you to give me a list of 10 ways to eat healthy, you could generate it just fine, even
before you read this book.
Your list would probably look something like this:
1. Eat fresh vegetables and fruits.
2. Eat real food, not processed crap.
3. Read labels carefully. Better yet, dont buy food that comes in a package.
4. Dont gorge.
5. Drink water instead of Kool-Aid.
Hell, I didnt even need 10 points.
What you need is an honest, compassionate, trusting, thoughtful relationship with yourself. With
your body.
You know what bullshit youre doing.
You dont need me to tell you.

! "
You are only accountable to you.
And your body.
Make your body the ultimate authority.
If your body is unhappy, get real with yourself. Do what is in your power to fix it.
You report only to you. Not me. Not your mother. Not an expert. You. Your body.
Your body will always be honest with you. Return the favour.

Ask yourself one tough question.
My colleague Dr. John Berardi likes to whip out this brilliantly simple, inconvenient-truth
question on unsuspecting people:
Hows that workin for ya?
In other words: What does the evidence of your own experience show you to be true? Are your
choices and behaviours actually taking you where you want to go?
I heard that you should never eat after 6 pm. Hows that workin for ya?
Im only eating raw food. Hows that workin for ya?
I just downloaded this new pedometer-calorie-counter app that combines my target heart
rate with my DNA. Hows that workin for ya?
The only correct answer to this question is: Great. (Awesome is OK too.)
If your answer is anything else, you need to make some adjustments.

! "
Have compassion.
Your body is doing its very best.
Compassion doesnt mean anything goes. It doesnt mean tell yourself lies about how everything
is fine.
But it doesnt mean be a pinchy-face hardass either. Unfortunately for many medieval penitents,
self-criticism and self-flagellation is not the path to enlightenment.
If self-loathing actually worked, wed all be millionaires and musical prodigies.
Junk that self-criticism shit along with the sugar.
Compassion means be honest. Clear-eyed. And yet kind.
Compassions Latin root com + pati means suffering together. Compassion is an active desire
to alleviate pain, by trying to share experiences.
You and your body, youre a team.
Youre walking this road together.
Why not hold hands?

! "
Get bigger, not smaller.
Fuck the details. You dont just eat carbs or protein or antioxidants.
Fuck the calories. Right on.
You eat food. In a context.
The world of food is bigger than this. You are bigger than this.
Start with thinking about details as you learn. Focus briefly on the nuances. Read labels. Be a
little picky, for a while, as you experiment.
But do not end there.
Move towards self-love and asking how you can live that bigness through your food choices.
Move towards food quality.
Move towards connections. Between you and your body. (In fact there is no division. You are
your body.)
Between you and your food. Between you and your loved ones as you share meals.
Between you and your identity, values, and needs as you continue to define who you are and
what you need and want, and ask for this in an honest way.
Between you and your family traditions and history. You and your community. You and the
human hands that grow, pick, and process your food. You and your land.
Think through and beyond nutrients to the bigger picture to you as a bigger person
(metaphorically, of course, unless youre trying to get swole) in a bigger universe.
Use this practice of detail focus only to get real with your body, and then let the practice go. That
is a juicy, wonderful, raw journey.
Honesty, compassion, connectedness, and self-love is a delicious brew.

! "
As you live, so you eat.
So heres the final thought. Its the secret to everything.
Your relationship with food and eating is your relationship with life.
If you rush your food, you probably rush through life.
If you eat furtively and shamefully, you probably carry other secrets.
If your food is a release, youre probably over-burdened and over-responsible elsewhere.
If you fear deprivation, you probably need more abundance.
All of this is negotiable. You can change this.
Start with some questions.
Who are you and what are you about?
What is important truly important to you, right now?
How do you live your life?
How do you want to live your life? (Ignore, for now, whether thats possible.)
Feel and observe your body cues as you think about these questions. Play the hotter-colder game.
Go away from the values, people, and things that make your face squinch up, your jaw clench,
your ribcage shrink, your shoulders migrate to your ears, and/or your stomach turn into a black
Go towards the values, people, and things that make your cheeks droop into a stoned-out smile,
your body feel light and floaty, your skin feel tingly and warm, and your feet dance a little jig.
When you dig up the thoughts and ideas that make your body feel deeply joyful, go towards that
If you live joyfully, you eat joyfully.
Once you have your body-generated, joy-based marching orders
take action.

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