Parasite Symptoms, Cleanse & Di - Christine Gerbehy

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Parasite Symptoms, Cleanse &

by Christine Gerbehy Brought to you by
Diesel On Life
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Hi everyone! I obviously wish that we could meet under better
circumstances, because battling parasites ain't no party, lol! But, I'm
obviously still alive and kicking...

I was starting to feel so sick, all the time, that my husband was
genuinely concerned. I've been plagued with problems with my
stomach for years, gastritis, ulcers, nausea, you name it. Let's not
forget the headaches. But I've always had high stress jobs, so I
would just attribute any health problems that I had to that. But for the
last few months, I started stealing so awful all the time, that even I
was getting sick and tired of being sick and tired. Now, like most
people, I have a natural fear of doctors, tests, needles, probing, you
get the idea. So, I decided to go see man's new best friend, Google.

Wow. That's all I could say. Page after page after website after blog,
it's just ridiculous. Now, I've been doing body detoxes for years, and
always felt better afterward. But here I was doing another one, and
after seven days, I felt just as bad as when I started. I knew
something was wrong. So, I started going to natural herbal websites.
As I try to remember what all of my symptoms started, I realized that
each time I started to feel really awful, I had just come off a round of
antibiotics. And then it hits me, maybe it's yeast. So, I start to
research that, and I probably had 18/22 symptoms. Yup, I figured
that was pretty much it.
But, (and you know there had to be a but) the more I read, I realized
that I felt even more crappy then they suggested I would feel. And it
was then that I read the fateful sentence. And that sentence
explained that if you have yeast, then more than likely you have
parasites, too. At that point, I start kicking myself for all of that sushi I
had been eating last few years... So now, I go to research parasite
problems, and sure enough, I had 12 out of the 15 symptoms on that
page. Great. Just great. What the heck do I do now?

Well, I tried to keep my lunch down as I looked at more pictures of

what could be crawling around in my intestines. And I won't even tell
you how hard that was to do after seeing the first one visible in the
toilet. But, I am one determined human being, and there ain't nothing
that's going to take a free ride in MY system. Anyway, I started the
parasite detox, adjusted my diet to speed up the process, and here I
am 60 days later; I'm happy to say that the scoreboard reads:
Chris:1 Parasites 0

So, come on! I'll show you how to wipe out these buggers the
quickest way possible. Heck, it might even put a little hair on your
chest. Don't worry ladies, it's only one or two...
"Death Begins in the Colon"
"DEATH Begins in the Colon"

There's an old saying eons old, you may have heard it before. That
saying is "death begins in the colon." Sounds silly to you? Well,
believe it or not there's been no saying more true. The root cause of
most terminal diseases, or at least many many of them, starts in the

If you think about it, the intestines are the body's "sewer." When
we're in good health, we eat, our system digests our food, and it is
eliminated through the intestines and colon. When our system is a bit
off, and our digestion is also, some of the food that we eat gets
backed up in our intestines. That leads to food literally putrefying in
our system. You have really bad, smelly gas? Well, chances are
pretty good but that's the problem. You say okay, so what's the big
deal? Well, the problem is that letting that food stagnate in your
system, more or less rotting in there, sends impurities into the blood,
and circulating through the nervous system. This is when we
become cranky, depressed, listless, and we start to feel general
malaise and weakness. Do you have bad breath also? Yep, it causes
that too. Then, your food gets backed up, and now you're bloated
and feeling abdominal/intestinal distress. And then, let's not forget,
you can get all of those lovely breakouts and rashes on your skin,
not to mention looking either pale or yellow. When you system goes
haywire in the digestion department, every organ in your body is
pretty much poisoned. The skin looks sallow, you can begin to age
prematurely, and then the pains in the joints start to kick in. You feel
like your get up and go got up and went.
One of the biggest causes of having parasites or yeast overgrowth is
giving them a place to thrive. If you're a person that deals with
chronic constipation, or has never done a colon cleanse, an enema,
or any type of bowel cleanse, you've got pretty good chances that
you're harboring parasites somewhere. Here's why...

If you have a really crappy diet, as in, you eat lots of junk food,
processed foods, fatty foods, a lot of that food gets left behind in
your intestines. Processed foods and white breads tend to be sticky,
and don't always like to leave the colon. After years of eating a diet
like this, all of this putrefying food coats the intestines, sometimes up
to an inch thick, ending some cases even thicker. Some parasites
are perfectly content to live on the surface of all that gunk, but some
like to hide. They will dig in, and lay their eggs in the under layers of
that buildup. The name of that buildup is mucoid plaque. If you've
never seen it before, it's quite a sight. When you do any kind of a
colon cleanse, it has the consistency of rubber. You literally,
sometimes would have to cut it with a knife. It's years and years of
buildup of food left behind in your system to rot. Many people will go
their entire lives with it, never giving it a second thought, but trust
me, it will take years off your life.

Why you ask? Well, if for no other reason, your body cannot process
vitamins, minerals, any of the healthy foods you are eating. All of the
nutrients from your food are taken in through the intestines. Well, if
you have half an inch of built up stuff that is thick as rubber stuck to
the surface, how the heck is your body supposed to absorb
anything? You need to get that garbage out of your system, clean
yourself out, and keep it out. This can take weeks, it may even take
months, but the effects are immediate, even from the start. Within
the first few days, if you do it right, you can go from sleeping 12
hours a day and feeling like you never went to sleep sleeping five
hours and feeling like you slept for 12. You'll be amazed when you
see how quickly your energy bounces back, and how much better
you feel. It's really not that hard to do, so don't go in thinking that it
is. Having that negativity, then looking at the diet that should follow
with the plan, you'll just look at it thinking there's no way in hell you
can do it. The fact of the matter is, I am a major foodie, and as I saw
how quickly I started to feel better, I was happy to eat the foods on
the list. I actually started to bypass the butter on my vegetables, and
I'm starting to appreciate the flavors that I haven't tasted in a long
time. I am the queen of extra gravy on everything, but I'm loving
tasting everything for what it is. You'll be amazed to see how good a
green salad is with just olive oil and fresh lemon, because I thought it
sounded disgusting, but it's actually awesome. Just try it, you'll see!
The Candida/Parasite
The Candida/Parasite Connection

So, as I did my research, I found that it is believed that if you have

candida, also known as yeast overgrowth, you probably have
parasites, too, and vice versa. Why? Well, they tend to thrive under
the same conditions. Maybe it's easier for me to explain if I tell you
first what they are..

What is Candida?

Just what is candida albicans exactly? It is an asexual plant like

fungus. Candida starts out as yeast, which everyone has in their
digestive system and other mucous membranes. We also have it on
our skin. Its presence in our intestines is controlled by the good
bacteria that we got from breast milk, if we were breast fed, and
whatever we got in our system as we were passed through the birth
canal when we were born. All of this good bacteria then rapidly sets
up colonies and becomes a good 75% chunk of our immune system.
It then keeps all bad bacteria, nasty viruses, and other yeasts and
fungi at bay so that we stay healthy and happy. These good guys
make up about 85% of our bacterial colony and all the rest is the bad
bacteria and yeasts.

Now TECHNICALLY, it can be fairly easy to wipe out. Alot of the

time. BUT, they can bounce back pretty fast, and under the right
conditions, one strain of bacteria can become billions pretty quick.
But our diet today can make our system, or break it. Our diets are
awful, junk food and sugar abound, and we all know about our
"genetically modified foods..." Our water is, well, easily
contaminated, and breathing in some areas is no party (have you
been to Newark lately?) Our produce is LOADED with pesticides,
unless you don't mind paying for organic. Meat? Chicken? Steroids,
antibiotics, you name it. Then, let me ask you, are you on any
prescription meds? ESPECIALLY antibiotics? That's pretty much the
nail in the coffin to have yeast overgrowth in your system. This is
where the good bacteria ratio in our system goes haywire.

If our diet is good, candida albicans exists as a yeast that multiplies

by budding. Now, if we don't feast on a high carb diet (read: LOTS
OF SUGAR/STARCH) it sends out root like hyphea to look for food.
This is when candida first becomes out of control and poisons our

Studies have shown that even though the 200 different types of
candida are very similiar, they have different dna structures. But, it
was discovered that when mice were injected with candida
tropicalis,they were tested later on to see what type of candida
turned up in their systems, doctors would find only candida albicans.

The bigger problem is that studies have shown that candida is not
only stubborn, it adapts and mutates to avoid being killed off. In tests
where candida was exposed to low dose ultraviolet light, the candida
adapted and shifted forms or changed species. If conditions are
right, they can do this at rates as high as 10 to the 10th power. This
is probably how candida can infect different sites in our bodies.
Many believe that keeping the body alkaline is the cure, hence my
belief in diatomaceous earth, or DE, but more on that later. Our diets
today are pretty acidic, andwhen that food is parked in our intestines,
not moving, it will ferment, creating alcohols and toxins that will
destroy good bacteria. When the 85%-15% good to bad ratio goes
off, that's when the trouble begins. The more bad bacteria, the more
depressed our immune system becomes. Candida does die off at a
ph of 8.2 or higher, just like cancer does, but it is difficult to get the
ph of the body that high, as the body tries to regulate itself. Dr Hulda
Regehr Clark had HUGE belief in the candida/parasite/cancer
connection. I'll refer you to 2 of her books at the end of this one,
interesting reading...

The candida with the injection of exo-enzymes as it tries to eat you,

releases mycotoxins or poisons. These poisons can affect many
areas of the body and cause the symptoms as described on the
symptoms page. It also has the ability to become resistant to the
drugs that kill it and eventually the drugs will not have any affect
what so ever.

Candida thrives in the toxic environment of the intestines when the

good bacteria population drops too low and can't keep you cleaned
out. High levels of mercury (got fillings?), lead (old pipes?),
aluminum, and iron help it to survive as it attaches to these
molecules traveling throughout your system. Alot of chronic candida
sufferers go wrong when trying to beat candida overgrowth, as they
don't consider possible heavy metal issues (tests are available). Sad
as it is to say, they will fight this beast for years and never beat it.

What are Intestinal Parasites, or Parasitic Worms?

In a nutshell, as there are so many different types and descriptions, I
will keep it short here. I will explain the most common ones shortly.
The simplest explanation is this, taken from the University of
Maryland's website:

"The two main types of intestinal parasites are helminths and

protozoa. Helminths are worms with many cells. Tapeworms,
pinworms, and roundworms are among the most common helminths
in the United States. In their adult form, helminths cannot multiply in
the human body. Protozoa have only one cell, and can multiply
inside the human body, which can allow serious infections to
develop. Intestinal parasites are usually transmitted when someone
comes in contact with infected feces (for example, through
contaminated soil, food, or water). In the U.S., the most common
protozoa are giardia and cryptosporidium." (Read more:

So, in a nutshell, you can get intestinal parasites from eating

undercooked beef, undercooked pork, undercooked fish,
contaminated water, eating sushi, walking barefoot, not washing your
hands after handling food, not washing your hands after handling a
diaper, not washing your hands after going to the bathroom, and so
on. You can even get them from walking on the beach, going in the
salt water, and even going in freshwater, like a lake. So now you see,
it's pretty darn easy to get parasites. 90% of humans will have
problems with parasites at some point in their lifetime, and that
number is for the US! Parasites are not just for Third World countries
anymore. Parasites as among the six most dangerous diseases that
infect humans. They outrank cancer as the number one global killer,
and account for many of the digestive woes from which people

So, What's the Connection???

It's quite simple, really. Both candida and parasites thrive on sugars
and starches, aka high carb diets. They both thrive when your good
bacteria numbers are low. The good bacteria fight off the bad
bacteria in numbers. Once the numbers aren't there, the candida
and parasites take over, and multiply at an ALARMING rate. The
candida will begin to overgrow and buildup on the lining of the
intestines. As this continues, any existing parasites will not only feed
off the surface of the intestines, they will bury themselves in the
yeast overgrowth, and lay eggs there, which can lie dormant for
years without your knowing they're there. So, just when you think
you've wiped out you parasite problem, you begin working on your
yeast problem. As you begin to wipe out yeast, the eggs that have
been lying dormant in their can begin to hatch, and start the process
all over again. This is why attacking all ends at once, and controlling
your diet are of the utmost importance. It really is the only way to
successfully wipe everything out, and begin to rebuild your system.
Next, let's look at the most commonly occurring parasites in

One of the most common parasites, especially families with young

children are pinworms. Pinworms (also known as threadworms) live
in human intestines. A small, white, and round worm, it is a parasite
that lives in the colon of infected people (known as the host) and
they look like short pieces of white cotton thread when seen. Found
worldwide, the pinworm tends to infect mainly children, although
anyone can be infected at any age. Most people that work in
childcare will come in contact with pinworms, as they are commonly
contracted by not washing hands well after diaper changes. These
can also be hard to beat, as they can go undetected for so long that
they are passed through contact with bedclothes and pajamas of
family members. To effectively treat them, the whole family should be
A closer look...

Ascaris lumbricoides is the giant roundwormof humans,

belonging to the phylum Nematoda. An ascarid nematode, it is
responsible for the disease ascariasis in humans, and it is THE
largest and most common parasitic worm in humans. One quarter of
the human population is estimated to be infected by this parasite.
These worms occur most commonly in the family dog or cat. How
can we get them? Well, the dog goes out to the yard to go to the
bathroom, the worms and/or eggs are passed out in the feces; all we
need to do is handle the dirt and not wash our hands properly, and
put your hands to your mouth, or your food, and the damage is done.
We would ingest the eggs, and then the cycle begins.

Another look...

Hookworms are bloodsucking roundworms living in the small

intestine. Some common names for hookworm infections are:
ancylostomiasis, necatoriasis, Egyptian chlorosis, tunnel disease,
miners' anemia and brickmaker's anemia. Hookworms are the
second most common human worms (the most common is Ascaris
lumbricoides). While hookworm can still be found in the
Southeastern states, it isvery important to remember that the species
is well controlled. They may be found in animals, but not often. It is
no longer a common occurrence in the U.S.. I had a dog get them
back in 1987, but it was the one and only time I ever experienced
them, and I've never heard about any cases or seen any since...
Need a better pic?

Tapeworm is contracted through contaminated pork, beef, raw fish,

and rarely chicken. Contaminated meats come from sewage that
gets into the livestock’s feed and then into the muscle of the
livestock. Humans eat the eggs when they eat undercooked
contaminated meats. The eggs turn into tapeworms and can either
attach to the intestinal wall or pass through the stool. Tapeworm
infections happens much more often than many people realize, it just
passes without incident through the stool. However, a tapeworm can
live in the human body for up to 20 years and grow to 50 feet long.
Each segment of an adult tapeworm can produce eggs. Larvae that
stay in the intestines are easy to treat. Larvae that leave the
intestines become much more difficult to treat.
a look...
Herxheimer Reactions and Die-
off Symptoms
Herxheimer Reactions and Die-off Symptoms
Have you ever heard the term "feeling a whole lot worse before
feeling a whole lot better?" That would probably be the best way to
describe what is now known as Herxheimer reactions, otherwise
known as die off symptoms.

Back in the day, the term "Herxheimer reaction" was created by Karl
Herxheimer (1861-1942) and Adolf Jarisch 1902). Herxheimer and
cherish had observed reactions in patients with syphilis that were
treated with Mercury. They first noticed the reaction in early and later
stages of syphilis treated with antibiotics. Both doctors were
dermatologists mainly treating lesions of the skin due to syphilis. In
response to treatment, many of the patients developed not only
favor, nausea and vomiting, along with night sweats and
perspiration, but their skin lesions became bigger and much more
inflamed before they completely healed. The weird thing is, they saw
the those who had the worst reactions healed the best and the
fastest. That person might be ill for two or three days, but then all of
their issues were resolved.
In present day, the symptoms are more commonly known as die off
reactions. The reason it's been given that name is that it's an
immune system reaction to the toxins that are released one large
amounts of pathogens are being killed off, and the body just can't
flush the toxins fast enough when you're doing any type of a body
detox, you're killing off bad bacteria. Yes, you've killed off the bad
bacteria, but as they die, they release toxins. Your body that needs
to flush those toxins anyway that it can. If you try to detox too
quickly, you can end up having a host of symptoms, such as chills,
headaches, fever, nausea, aches, joint pain, general malaise. The
one thing that you must remember though, is that as rotten as you
might feel while this is going on, it's a necessary part, and it means
that your treatment is working. When you keep this in mind, just
remember all the times that you were given prescription antibiotics.
Those would literally make you physically ill! That was a die off
reaction that you were experiencing, and it was harsh. Most people,
while doing any kind of natural detox, don't go through such a severe
reaction. Partly because if you start feeling bad enough, you just
back off of your dosage. That's never an option with antibiotics.

You see, when you have parasites, you can have many different
types, and all of them react differently, and release different toxins.
When yeast cells are killed off too quickly, they release toxic wastes
into your blood. In the case of Candida Albicans yeast, this means
79 different toxic substances, including acetaldehyde and ethanol.
These can cause any number of symptoms ranging from nausea,
aches, pains and headaches to fever.

The good news is, you can deal with this one of two ways. One
would be to continue your full detox, while trying to grin and bear the
symptoms as best you can. At this time, the best thing you can do is
be kind to your body. Sleep when you feel the need, don't push
yourself, and just remember that this too, shall pass. The other way
would be to back off a bit on the dosage is of whatever you're taking
for detox. As you feel a bit better, which usually happens quite
quickly, you start back up again on a lower dosage, and work your
way up. Most people will opt for the first option, knowing that you
might feel a little bit more miserable, but it will all be over much
quicker. But, there are many people that can deal with feeling so
crappy for more than a day or so, and will choose to take a slightly
slower route.

Either way would be fine, as long as you don't stop taking whatever
detoxifying supplements altogether. Things that will help you to get
through you detox are actually really simple. You must drink at least
8 to 10 glasses of water a day. Your body needs to be able to flush
all of the toxins out as it needs to. Never allow yourself to dehydrate,
drink constantly throughout the day. You especially need to
remember this if you like to use the sauna to help you detox along.
Skin scrubbing in the shower also helps. By exfoliating on a daily
basis, you will be able to sweat out the toxins easier. You also need
to be eating a lot of fresh fruits and vegetables. The fibers will keep
you from getting constipated. Laugh if you want, but one of the
scariest things for me was waking up in the middle of the night, with
night sweats, the shakes, and feeling nauseous, and then going to
the bathroom to poop, and have all of the above come to a complete
halt within 5 min. of going. It's literally a sign that your body is toxic
and needs to flush itself. It's very important when doing any kind of
detox that if your body tells you that you need to go to the bathroom,
you go NOW. Trust me, you can start to feel nauseous very quickly if
you don't.

The only thing you need to remember is that this too shall pass!
(ugh, no pun intended!)
The Symptoms, and the One
Common Problem...
The Symptoms, and the One Common Problem...

First, let's cover the common problem. Candida, or yeast

overgrowth, and parasites create many similar symptoms. And,
believe it or not, you can have worms in your intestines for YEARS
without even knowing it, because with certain worms, you have no
symptoms until you've got a ton of them. Heck, the ONLY outward
symptom you might get with pinworms is, and it's exactly as typed
here, "itchy butt." But you see, that's not the only problem.

When you go to get tested for parasites, a good 90% of the time, you
can get a false negative. The same goes for yeast overgrowth. Most
doctors don't even bother to test for either one of these. Now
normally, a doctor thinks that there's nothing wrong with this, but the
bigger problem is misdiagnosis. Unfortunately, as many people
know, tons of people have been put on meds for IBS, GE RDS, and
a host of other stomach problems that they don't have. People were
calling IBS the new epidemic, as it has almost become a blanket
diagnosis for anyone that has periodic diarrhea, along with stomach
pains, gas, and any other number of stomach ailments. One poor
woman on a forum actually went on a vent rant, because she
actually went to her doctor, after getting a false negative on a
parasites stool sample; she actually brought pictures of her poop in
the toilet with worms attached to it. He looked at them, turned his
head, looked back, and more or less said that he thought she had
worms in her brain! He refused to admit that he had been wrong, and
literally dismissed her from his office. Needless to say, she never
went back. In the beginning, she kept telling him that there had to be
something else wrong, because all of the medications he put her on
weren't working, and they were expensive meds! She had told him
she thought she had parasites, and begged him for pills to get rid of
them. He told her that he seriously doubted that she had them. I
mean, really? Seriously? Just say the you're wrong, and do the right
thing. Most mainstream GPs don't even think of testing for parasites.
This is when you need a Dr. of chiropractic, or a holistic doctor.

And then, the other problem is the plethora of symptoms! There is

such a wide scope of symptoms, any combination of which could be
symptoms of something else. Most worms and parasites have pretty
much the same symptoms, with the exception of pinworms. What's
weird about those is that they're most common in children and their
moms, and the main symptom of all things is "itchy butt." Seriously.
They literally lay their eggs on the skin outside the anus, and they
tend to come out at night, no joke. If you take a piece of tape, and
press it against the anus at nighttime, preferably overnight, and then
pull the tape off, even if you don't see the worms, you will see their
eggs. If you think I'm joking, just Google it!

What Causes Parasites:

These things raise your risk for getting intestinal parasites:

Living in or visiting an area known to have parasites

International travel Yes, out of country travel, but you don't have to
travel to get parasites! There's plenty here in the US!
Poor sanitation (for both food and water) Not washing hands,
drinking water from a questionable source. Poor hygiene Not
washing hands after using the toilet or handling raw meat or fish.
Age -- children and the elderly are more likely to get infected
Exposure to child and institutional care centers Again, handling of
dirty diapers, possible improper hand washing or disposal of feces.
Having a weakened immune system
Anyway, that being said, here's the list of symptoms of parasite

gas and bloating irritable bowel syndrome
joint and muscle aches
skin conditions
sleep disorders
teeth grinding
chronic fatigue
immune dysfunction

Now some worms are actually big enough to block the passage of
nutrients and waste at certain points in the intestines. Severe
parasite infections in the bile duct or the intestines can make bowel
movements difficult, leading to constipation.

On the other end of the spectrum, another common symptom of

parasites is diarrhea, or frequent, loose, watery stools. Many worms
produce a prostaglandin that can turn into a sodium and chloride
loss in the body. This in turn can causes diarrhea.

Parasites that live in the upper small intestines can cause intestinal
symptoms such as inflammation that leads to gas and bloating.
Frequent bouts of gas and bloating are classic signs of a parasite
infection. The annoying discomfort is aggravated by eating any type
of hard to digest foods, such as beans, seeds and non-organic
meats. One of the more common signs of parasites, is IBS, or
irritable bowel syndrome. It is not uncommon for IBS to be caused by
an intestinal parasite, because they can dig in and attach themselves
to the intestinal wall. This will cause irritation and inflammation that
can lead to muscle spasms, intestinal blockage, and a malabsorption
of nutrients, possible signs of leaky gut. Fatty foods can be really
difficult to digest.

Intestinal parasites can also move and migrate throughout the body.
It is not uncommon for them to become encysted in joint fluids or
even in the muscles themselves. This causes pain, aching and
irritation that are often mistaken for arthritis. Joint and muscle pain
can also be caused by the body’s own immune system response to
the parasite infection.

There are several types of parasites that attach themselves to the

lining of the intestines. Hookworms actually have teeth to do this,
and they divert nutrients away from the human body. In severe
infections, these parasites can lead to sufficient blood loss, enough
to cause anemia.

Intestinal parasites cause irritation and inflammation. This in turn can

make it difficult to digest certain types of foods.In my case, I could
barely digest ANYTHING that wasn't eggs. The body’s response to
these undigested food particles may be to produce increased levels
of eosinophils, which are one of the body’s immune system
defenders. These eosinophils then inflame the body’s tissue and
cause an allergic reaction. As you tackle the parasite problem, you
can begin to SLOWLY reintroduce the offending foods, but you need
to do it slowly. I spent many a night awake with cramps, diarrhea,
and skin rashes by the next day...

Yep, intestinal parasites can cause the release of hormones and

immune system defenders that can in turn irritate the skin. Hives,
flaking skin, rashes, weeping eczema, peeling skin and other allergic
reactions are common with intestinal parasites. Protozoan infections
can also cause ulcers, swelling, sores, lesions, and dermatitis.
Lovely, right?

The body may develop a tumor like mass called a granuloma in

response to the parasite infection. The tumor is made to encase
parasitic larvae or eggs. Granulomas most of the time develop in the
colon or on the rectal wall, but they are also found in the lungs, liver,
peritoneum, and the uterus.

Intestinal parasites will also release waste products and other toxic
substances into your system. In chronic or severe parasitic
infections, these toxins will irritate the central nervous system
resulting in sleeplessness, restlessness, nervousness, and anxiety.
These are all common symptoms of parasites in your body. They can
cause irritation that can disturb sleep patterns, making it difficult to
fall asleep and to stay asleep. At night, the body tries to eliminate
toxins by way of the liver. Parasitic infections can interrupt this
process and upset the rhythms of the body. In fact, some parasites
may try to migrate out of the anus at night remember the pinworms?)
causing itching, discomfort, and irritation.

Wake up with an achy jaw? Toothache? This symptom of parasite

infection can also cause a condition known as bruxism, or the
unusual grinding, clenching, and gnashing of the teeth. This
condition occurs most often at night, and it may be linked to the
restlessness and anxiety caused in the body by the parasite’s
release of waste and other toxins. I couldn't figure out why my jaw
was killing me when I woke up, now I know why.

Parasites can exhaust and deplete the body, on every level,

physical, mental, and emotional. This can lead to the mal-absorption
of any nutrients in the foods you eat; protein, carbohydrates, fats,
and vitamins, thus draining the body of nutrients and energy. As a
result, you might get chronic fatigue, with symptoms such as
exhaustion, aches, apathy, crankiness, depression, brain fog, and
inability to concentrate or think straight.
When you have parasites hitching a free ride, it will leech vital
nutrients from your body, forcing your immune system to work and
function with a poor supply of vitamins, minerals, and energy
sources. Parasites also up the production of immunoglobulin A,
which is a defender against foreign substances in your body. As time
goes by, this over stimulation can burn up the body’s supply of
immunoglobulin A, leaving your body open to attacks from bacteria,
yeast, fungus, virus, and other foreign invaders.

Now, about the symptoms of Candida, or Yeast Overgrowth:

These symptoms can be sobroad spectrum that it's hard to figure out
what the hell is wrong with you, lol! Candida and yeast infections
really are a sneaky parasitic form of yeast that creates in you such a
wide variety of symptoms it's insane. This diverse range of
complaints and symptoms will baffle most doctors. They are trained
that for you to have this, you have to have HIV, or have a serious
illness like leukemia. Don't get me wrong, the two diseases do have
a high rate of candida overgrowth, but so do diabetics. Diabetes is a
much more common problem, growing at a rapid rate from the
processed diet we eat.

Some common yeast/candida symptoms include:

Chronic skin problems
Constipation, or alternately, frequent diarrhea
Frequent intestinal gas Halitosis (bad breath)
Stiff shoulders
Chronic headaches
Red, inflamed and dry flaky skin
Chronic fatigue

Really, the most common yeast overgrowth symptoms are the

intestinal problems. That's when candida starts to overrun the body.
From there it travels throughout the body. Most of the time candida is
confined to the intestines, vagina and skin.

Candida will release toxins in th body, and when the body can't rid
itself of those toxins fast enough, your system will try to purge them
any way it can, including through the skin. Is it any wonder why skin
problems will seem to crop up with this before long? Think about it,
the load on the body to remove this waste. Before long, your system
can't handle it, so the skin tries its best to help out; chronic rashes,
skin eruptions and outbreaks are usually the result.

Other Candida Symptoms are:

Urinary disorders, UTI's, impotence, menstrual irregularities,

recurring vaginitis, muscle fatigue and pain, irritability and mood
swings, hyperactivity, suicidal depression, fatigue or lack of energy,
worsening premenstrual syndrome... need I go on?

As the yeast goes into overdrive the intestine, many women and
men will be plagued with occasional anal itching. Oh boy, are we
getting excited yet??? Ladies, this can be your worst nightmare,
since it means that the yeast is on the move and headed for the
vagina; either that, or you have pinworms... If you're not careful with
how you wipe yourself, it can be transfered to the vagina. It'll start
there if your good bacterial levels are low, and then the vaginal yeast
infections start. Often, it goes dormant only to kick up again around
ovulation as the hormonal levels fluctuate. Candida and parasites
LOVE progesterone, and after you ovulate in the middle of your
cycle, the progesterone goes through the ceiling. It itches,
sometimes smells when vaginosis is present, and sometimes has a
white cottage cheesy discharge if it gets bad enough. Are we having
fun yet? No? You want MORE? Okay... Memory loss, blurred vision,
short attention span, respiratory problems, chronic sinus and ear
problems, acne and hormone imbalance, excessive craving for
sugars, but that's not even the best, are you ready? Being told it is
all in your head. You're imagining it, it's your nerves, it's stress.
You're crazy. (moreso than usual. HEY! I resemble that remark! :0)~

Then, let's not forget to pass the sugar! Sugar cravings and cravings
for breads, potatoes and simple grains can become out of control as
you obviously become clearly addicted to the sugar. The yeast feeds
on all of this sugar, and one of the waste products is methyl alcohol.
This alcohol isjust like any other kind and can put you in a state of
"auto brewery syndrome." This is where you kind of always have a
very low level feeling of hangover.

Then, there's the irritability and short fuse towards everyone. Brain
fog is an understatement, some people can't function. Many can't,
they quit their jobs, quit school, spend their days sleeping in, and in
their wake hours they hide from the world. I would sleep for 10
hours, be up for 5, and crawl right back into bed for 3, get up, cook
dinner, eat, feel like hell and go back to bed til the next day, it is

A candida test would solve a host of problems, if only the doctor

would put things together and run them. Misdiagnosis is rampant.
They think you might have depression, and give you meds for that,
which makes things worse. Then, if they do find it, the usual
treatment is a1-7 day script of Diflucan that may work in the
beginning, but it doesn't get all of the yeast, because it hides.
Diflucan also doesn't work in the intestines, only in the blood stream.
More often than not, it returns with a vengeance, aching for a fight,
and more ornery than ever to consume you.

Using prescription drugs to kill yeast is like (kinda) using drugs to

treat parasites; if you used a drug for each different parasite you
had, it's expensive, and one drug kills one type worm, and not any
others. You'd be eating a ton of pills. And, they become resistant,
and even if you kill the worms, you haven't killed the eggs. Those will
hatch, and the cycle starts all over again.

Same thing almost with yeast meds. Yeast quickly becomes

resistant, mutates... If you take one medication for a period of time
instead of rotating 2 or 3 every 2 weeks, the candida will literally
become "immune" to the meds! And, it will run rampant through your
system. Even if you rotate the meds and beat the yeast down, you
still have to replace all the good bacteria that got killed off or it will
start all over again.

So do you have Candida?

Take the test! (courtesy of
So now you can see what you're up against. Now that I've given you
the bad, the worse and the ugly, let's move on to how you can beat
these bad boys for good!
First Method of Attack and a
First Method of Attack and a MUST DO: DIET
Do or Diet?

Okay. Now remember, parasites and candida thrive under pretty

much exactly the same conditions; That's why most of the time if you
have one, you have both. Thusly, one of the BIGGEST factors in
your success is your diet and eating habits. A diet high in fiber from
quality meats, vegetables, fruits and good fats, create an
environment that speeds the transit time of food through the
intestines and promotes good bacterial growth. This keeps you
healthy as it keeps the good bacteria at optimum levels so they
maintain the delicate 85 to 15% balance. When this bacterial
balance gets thrown off and the good bacteria are reduced, it can
become a cause of candida, and permits the parasites to breed and

New West Diet

I found this diet on one of my NEW favorite websites, "The Doctor

Within." The website is the brainchild of Tim O’Shea DC. I absolutely
love his no BS, no sissies allowed approach to his beliefs and his
practice. I first looked at this diet, and thought it might dang near kill
me, when in all actuality, it's much easier than it looks. And, I feel
better than I have in a very long time. You definitely want to check
out his website, as he's got tons of great info, and he also has an
entire line of supplements that will help you to rebuild your system.
You can check him out here:

The easiest way to get through this diet is to remember that the more
strictly you adhere to it, the faster your results will be. The cleaner
you eat, the quicker your detox will be. You need to understand the
damage has been done to your system, especially in your intestines,
and you need to help your body to repair that damage. Any parasites
that you have have been creating inflammation and irritation in your
intestines; Hookworms and other parasites may have caused some
"leaky gut." This happens when parasites eat their way through the
intestinal wall. In so doing, food particles and bacteria "leak" out of
the intestinal wall and into the bloodstream. This is part of the over-
all ill feeling that you have going on. Then, you also may have food
allergies and die off going on.

Controlling your diet will also help to break down any mucoid plaque
buildup you may have, AND you'll also be adding probiotics and
enzymes to your diet. The diet will soften any buildup in your
intestines, and the enzymes will not only help you to digest your food
better for more nutrients, it also kills yeast overgrowth, and without
any die off effect! The enzymes actually "eat up" and dissolve the
candida from the intestines. When you have bowel movements from
this point on, you'll be amazed at what you might see yourself

Anyway, by eliminating all refined foods, anything that's considered

processed, really, anything that's not natural or organic, you'll be
amazed at how quickly you will feel so much better. You'll also notice
that your blood sugar will be even throughout the day, and in so
doing, you will be fine tuning your body. From here down is taken

For the next 60 days, only eat what you see in Categories I and II.
Religiously — no cheating. Don’t be fooled — there’s still a lot of
variety in those two categories. The important part is that you eat a
lot, eat all the time, and don’t let yourself feel the least bit hungry. If
the body gets the idea that it is being starved or deprived, it will hold
onto everything, including stored toxins. That’s just its natural
survival mechanism.
This is a program of nourishing abundance. The body must be
shown that it is getting an abundance of easily digestible nutrients.
Then it can let go of the debris.

The enzymes in the raw food coupled with the natural enzyme
supplements are the active components of blood detoxification.
Remember, the blood goes everywhere – it is the milieu in which all
cells of the body are bathed every second. So if that blood is clean
and oxygen-rich, so will the cells be. This program approaches the
body at the cellular level — that’s why it cannot fail to work — every
time. Because no matter how sick you are, no matter what diseases
you may believe you have, as long as you’re still alive your cells
have to follow the same human physiological principles as the rest of
us. After all, you’re just flesh and blood.

So here it is, the classic traditional human diet, responsible for the
healthiest people who have ever lived.

•Brown rice
•Grilled fish
•Selected food grade herbs
•Whole grains
•Integral breads (no high fructose, no hydrogenated oils)
•2 litres good water


•Organic meats (no hormones or antibiotics)

•Unprocessed fruit and vegetable juices
•Eggs (organic)
•Raw dairy

III. ON RARE OCCASIONS – (not during initial detox period, and

only with enzyme supplements, when you feel like re-toxifying)

•Processed cheese
•Commercial pizza
•Commercial butter
•Real ice cream
•Canned foods
•Pasteurized dairy
•Raw nuts


•Soft drinks
•French fries
•Potato chips
•Refined protein powders
•Hydrogenated oils
•Hydrogenated oil snacks
•Diet soft drinks
•Soy in any form
•White bread
Now one thing you WILL notice on this diet; I had never eaten
"organic" anything. EVER. The first thing I noticed is the taste of the
vegetables. OMG, given the choice, you would NEVER eat any
"regular" farm produce again! The taste of carrots and baby spinach
were the BIGGEST shockers for me. You will be AMAZED. I've
actually decided that I will stay on this diet for good. It costs a little
more, but you know what? My health is worth it, and everything
tastes GOOD!
Second Method of Attack: NO
MEDS, Use Supplements!
Second Method of Attack: NO MEDS, Use Supplements!

Now, if you remember correctly, antibiotics and antifungal

medications can do more harm than good. When you take
antibiotics, they kill off all of the bad bacteria, but at the same time,
there killing off all of the good bacteria. This is what creates the
imbalance that causes yeast overgrowth. Then, as far as the
parasites go, if the doctor gives you medication for the wrong type of
parasite, you'll still have all of the other worms that that particular
medication doesn't cover. You see, pinworms have one type of
medication, tapeworms have another, and so one. Each medication
will pretty much only kill that particular type of worm. So, if your
doctor hasn't been able to rule out all others, or even worse,
prescribes medication for the wrong type of worm, you can be
battling this for a long time they can get expensive.

The other problem is that these medications will kill the worms, and
they might even kill the babies, but they will not kill the eggs. This is
why some people end up battling parasites four months, and even
years. But, there is fabulous news; it doesn't have to be this way, and
I've been very fortunate so far. I have taken no prescription
medications whatsoever, everything I've taken is all natural, from the
health food store, and there is nothing ridiculously expensive. I'm
going to tell you what I have taken, and what I'm still taking, just in
case. Everything I've read says that we should do "maintenance"
twice a year. Like I said, 90% of all Americans have parasites at any
given time in their life. And, if you have a bad infestation, you need to
be sure that you get everything, the adults, the babies, and the eggs.
I'm going to tell you exactly how to do that...

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth, or DE

Maybe you've heard of diatomaceous earth and maybe you haven't.
There's not a lot written about it, but it seems to be fast becoming a
supplement with incredible health benefits. It can be used to kill
bugs, eliminate pests, your parasites and worms in people, pets, and
livestock. There is also pool grade DE, which is used for water
filtration. The only thing that you must absolutely do always is make
sure that when using it for anything other than a pool, that you use
nothing but food grade/human grade DE, as the pool grade is
considered toxic when ingested by humans or animals.

What is DE?
From Earthworks Health, my FAVORITE DE supplier's website:
Mined from the purest of deposits from prehistoric freshwater

Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth consists of finely milled silica shells

ancient microscopic freshwater plants called diatoms. Of 600
deposits in
the US, only 4 rate in purity to label as "Food Grade" by FDA
Well, when I explain what DE is, you'll kinda laugh... Diatomaceous
earth consists of fossilized remains of diatoms, a type of hard-
shelled algae. When it is ground-up into a powder, it is more
commonly known as "shell flour." They are, literally diatoms that are
millions of years old. When you look at them under a microscope,
they look kind of like rice Chex cereal, only cylindrical shaped, with a
waffle looking shell. DE works in two different ways. One way is that
those microscopic particles are as sharp as diamonds on a hardness
scale, yet they will not hurt your insides. When you have any type of
parasites or yeast overgrowth, as it goes through your system, the
particles will more or less "scrape" the parasites, which not only cuts
them, it dehydrates them, killing them. In the case of yeast
overgrowth, it almost has the same effect. It has an almost abrasive
effect, brushing the colon and cleaning it. Having DE in your system
also creates an alkaline environment, which is an instant turnoff for
both parasites and yeast overgrowth. The second way the DE works
is that the cylinders have a very strong negative charge. As these
millions of cylinders move through the stomach and digestive tract,
they attract and absorb fungi, protozoa, viruses, endotoxins,
pesticides and drug residues, E-Coli, and heavy metals. These are
trapped inside the cylinder and passed out of the body. So, in
addition, any larger parasites that happen to be in the stomach or
digestive tract are "cut up" and killed by the sharp edges of the
Diatomaceous Earth. All of these activities result in a much healthier
body with less sickness. We often hear the phrase "I just feel better"
with our Diatomaceous Earth users. This better feeling comes from
all the "junk" being removed from the body and by giving the immune
system the "jump start" it needs.
Diatomaceous earth is completely non-toxic, and you don't have to
to worry about taking too much. Anything your body doesn't use, it
passes through your system. The only thing you need to do is, in
case you're system is incredibly toxic, start taking it in a very small
amount. Start off with one quarter to one half teaspoon stirred into
some juice. Then, the idea is to work your way up to 1 to 2
tablespoons a day. The only reason I tell you to start slow is that if
your body is super toxic, you can get some heavy die off symptoms if
you start to take too much too fast. For instance, I decided to shoot
straight for the full tablespoon, and had wicked migraines for the first
three days until I backed off the dose. As soon as I backed off, the
headaches stopped. The other thing that you need to remember is
that you must drink a lot of water the whole time that you're taking
DE, or you can encounter some pretty good bouts of constipation.
You'll feel bloated, you might feel crampy, and this is not the time for
your system not to be able to eliminate. With all the toxins the you'll
be flushing, your body needs to be able to rid itself of things quickly.
If you're not able to poop, you can start to feel nauseous until you
do. So, start out small, and within a week or two you should be up to
1 tablespoon. But it's super easy to take. DE has no real taste, so
when you mix it in juice and drink it through a straw, it goes right
down. The only reason I suggest using a straw is that if you use a
clear juice, it tends to sink to the bottom pretty quickly. By drinking it
through a straw, you don't have to keep stirring it. But, like I said, it
really has no flavor. So you can mix it in pretty much anything. I
found that the easiest way to take it is 1 tablespoon in juice in the
morning, and another one in the evening around dinnertime. I will tell
you this, by the third day I was able to see the worms I was passing.
The DE works fast! Then, as you keep taking it, you will see any
yeast overgrowth that you have coming out along with everything
else. And, the major bonus of diatomaceous earth is that a 10 pound
bag only costs about $15!


What is clarkia? Well, it's a combination of three of the best parasite

killing herbs that exist, black walnut bark, wormwood and cloves.
They're usually made in a tincture, or you can find them in
combinations in parasite cleanses, were sold individually and
capsules. No matter which way you choose, you must have these
three herbs in your parasite arsenal. Why? Well, the combination of
the three used together will not only kill adult parasites and worms, it
will also kill the babies and the unhatched eggs. No medication that
any doctor will give you can do that. It is the most effective treatment
in combination with the diet that you can possibly use.

Now I will give you the honest truth here; I purchased the tincture, I
wasn't too bad with the smell of the cloves, but I couldn't get past the
taste. After doing a lot of studying, I chose to go with Nature's Secret
Parastroy. It is a two-part capsule system consisting of one capsule
that kills off all of the parasites and their eggs, and then there's part
two which is another capsule to keep your intestinal system moving,
creating an environment in which parasites cannot survive in your
system. The main ingredients in the first capsule are those that make
up clarkia, along with grapefruit powder and pumpkin seed, which
parasites hate. The main ingredients in the second capsule are
psyllium powder, bentonite clay, which also absorbs many toxins,
and slippery elm powder, to make sure that you don't become
constipated. For me, this is an all-in-one, one-stop shopping system.
I don't think it costs $20, as opposed to having to buy all of these
supplements separately. It's really easy to take, too. For the first
week, take one capsule of each twice a day. Then, for the 2nd week,
take 2 of each twice a day. Once with breakfast, once with dinner.
ALWAYS take them with food. No nausea, no problems. I usually
wash these down with my DE and juice at the same time each day.

There are two or three other systems available at most health food
stores, but after reading the reviews on all of them, this one seems
to be the most effective. I can swear by it, as it has been my
salvation, no joke. I'm on a fairly limited budget, and this, plus the DE
really did the trick! But, if you're feeling froggy, you can go to Google
and check out Dr. Flora's Parasite Cleanse, The Life Tree's Purify,
and a host of other "systems." I'm sure that they're ok also, but I saw
a few bad write ups... I swear by Nature's Secret products, I've been
using their Ultimate Cleanse for YEARS, about 13 years now. And
no, I don't get paid for saying that, and I don't work for them, lol!
Their products WORK!

Vitamin C with Echinacea

This will go miles in helping you to deal with any potential die off
symptoms. We all know that vitamin C helps to cure colds and
whatever else you more quickly, and with added Echinacea, it's a
one two to punch to help wipe the toxins out quicker. You should be
shooting for 1000 mg a day; I just take two 500s.

I would take 20 - 30 mg per day. It also helps support the immune
Okay. Now that probiotics are all the rage, every supplement
company is coming out with a newfangled version of a very simple
concept. Probiotics can be incredibly expensive, or incredibly cheap,
you can choose.

You don't even need to go to a health food store and pay a crazy
price, you can go to your local grocery store that has a vitamin
section and grab a bottle of acidophilus. You can get them in
capsules, soft shoes or hard pills. Remember when I told you about
all that good bacteria that you need to rebuild? Well, here it is in a
capsule. depending on the capsules or gels, they all have different
dosages. You can go by what is on the bottle and double it.
Probiotics won't hurt you. I take them twice a day, also. It doesn't get
any easier than that! And the best part, it only costs about $4 to $6 a

If you really want to start creating good eating habits as far as

probiotics go, you can stick with the old standby, yogurt. If you're
feeling a little more adventurous, you can try Kefir, which is almost
like drinkable yogurt, but it's got tons more probiotics in it. You can
also try Kombucha, which is actually a fermented tea with some
ginger or unsweetened cranberry juice added. It almost has an
effervescent texture when you drink it. At first, I was a little bit put off
with the vinegary smell, but it actually tastes pretty good.


Originally when I first looked at the new West diet,I read that a major
part of eradicating parasites and yeast overgrowth was taking
digestive enzymes with each meal; I assumed, which you know we
should never do, that they were for helping to break down the food
we had just eaten, as our digestive symptoms are already
impaired.However, I was wrong; That is part of the reason, but the
main reason for taking them is to break down the yeast overgrowth
that may have taken over our systems.Within two or three days of
starting to take the digestive enzymes, I not only started passing
visible pieces of yeast overgrowth, but I immediately started feeling
much better health wise.Taking these are a must have in the New
West diet. According to the bottle, AND Dr. Tim's website, you can
start with one capsule with each meal, and work your way up to 3
with each meal. If you don't like to swallow capsules, you can empty
them into a glass of juice, they really haven't got much flavor to


Garlic (Allium sativa) has been found to help kill off Ascaris
(roundworm) and Giardia, and quite a few others. The only drawback
is that you really need to eat it raw. Some people have no problem
with it, but it can make some people nauseous. You're supposed to
eat as much of it as you can stand.

Pumpkin seeds

This is an easy one. Parasites hate pumpkin seeds. It is suggested

to eat large quantities, to the tune of about 25 ounces worth.If you
want to try doing this, make sure you do it on a day off and you're
close to a toilet. Have you ever heard the term, "it'll clean you right
out?" Ummmmm.... yeahhhhh....
Oregano is used to relieve the symptoms of colds, influenza, mild
fevers, fungal infections, indigestion, enteric parasites, and
menstrual cramping. I add it directly on my salad with olive oil and
cider vinegar or lemon juice.
Pau D'arco
Increases oxygen levels in cells and helps to fight bacteria,
parasites, fungi, and parasites in the body. I buy the Pau D'arco tea
bags from the health food store, not too bad!
Grapefruit Seed Extract
Helps alkalize the body, which in turns helps fight off infections and
disease caused by viruses, bacteria, fungi, and parasites. Comes in
pills, liquid or nasal inhaler. One pill a day, usually 125 mg.
Okay, So, How Long Do I Have
To Do This???
Okay, So, How Long Do I Have To Do This???

That's a good question. But, truth be told, that's ENTIRELY up to

YOU. How closely have you followed the diet? How do you FEEL?
How do you feel compared to when you started? If you did things
right, you should be feeling STELLAR right now! Now I'll say the
obvious; if you go back to your old eating habits, eating a ton of
improperly prepared sushi and fish, undercooked pork and beef (my
BIGGEST weaknesses!), drinking water from questionable sources,
well, it won't take long before things can start all over again.

Knowing what I know now, I'm a bit scared to eat ALOT of things, my
rare beef, sushi and what not, but as my husband said, I'd never eat
any of it again, lol! And in the wake of recent produce problems with
E. Coli, I'm all for organic EVERYTHING, even if it meand paying
more to grocery shop. I don't ever want to go through all of this again
any time soon, lol! I'm not craving sugar like I was, nor the mass
quantities of pasta and potatoes, either. I actually crave greens
now... ME!!! THAT is some SCARY stuff!!!

Follow the diet, get past the die off, that's the MOST important thing.
Once you get past that, the feeling great will snowball! I had it BAD,
so it took me about 2 months until I TRULY started to feel like myself
again. Trust me, you'll know! Just don't quit the second the die off
stops, it will be TOO SOON to stop. You NEED to wait until you feel
AMAZING. No more brain fog, cramps, indigestion, reflux or stomach
gurgling. That being said, once you're truly back up to par, you're
supposed to do maintenance twice a year. Whether you use the
clarkia, Parastroy, Dr. Flora's, WHATEVER, you should do a cycle at
least twice a year. I, personally, am staying on the DE all year round
now. That, along with acidophilus capsules, is supposed to keep
things optimally balanced, pH wise, creating an environment
"unfavorable to parasites and candida." AND, it's so cheap it's not
even funny, lol! Costs almost nothing to have! I'll probably still do a
maintenance of Parastroy at the end of the year, we shall see...

So, I hope that my story and experience with this will help you to
cure your own case. I'll tell you what, I felt AWFUL for a good 3
WEEKS, but I feel better NOW than I have in almost 3 YEARS... I'm
only sorry I hadn't tripped on MY info sooner! Take it, use it, and

Wishin you good health, peace, love and light...

Christine Gerbehy 3/9/2012
Awesome Websites to Check
Awesome Websites to Check Out...

Ok, these are, in my humble opinion, some of the best, most

informative websites that I have found in my "quest for knowledge" of
all things parasite and candida. Alot of sites just have rehashed
garbage, copied and pasted, and very vague. These are the sites
that DELIVER! Take a look... Educating Instead of Medicating

Probably THE most incredible and informative website on the 'net.
From parasites to candida to liver to cancer, there's nothing you can't
find natural cure for on the web. Just one look, you'll be hooked, lol! I
have spent HOURS on this site, many aha moments... Dr. Tom O'Shea's site for Natural

Health. He's a Doctor of Chiropractic, and his attitude is a riot! He
calls it like he sees it, and you'd better listen. He tells you how to eat
to naturally heal your body, no "big pharma" here. He warns of the
dangers of prescription meds. I have gotten better because of him!
LOVE this website! Bar none, THE best source of info

for Food Grade Diatomaceous Earth. They're also the best grade,
and by far the cheapest. Once you start using the DE, you'll be
feeling so much better, you'll take it for life! Go to the site, see
everything you can use DE for, even on your animals, you'll be
amazed at the health benefits... See "how DE works," and "human
use" first... The Biamonte Center for Clinical

Nutrition Incredibly informative site, tons of good info here. I got alot
of good education on candida from the site. I opted for the natural
diet to treat my symptoms, as I didn't have the resources to travel to
their office for treatment, but you may. GREAT reading! Another body cleanse site, with

interesting explanations as to why NOT to take prescription meds...
HEAL your body, you won't need them. Taking meds may cure the
surface problem, but if you don't heal your BODY, the problem will
come right back. Go across the menu toolbar at the top of their page,
mouse over all of the options, and READ. The "Self Diagnosis"
section is really great! Dr. Michael Biamonte is the Premier

NYC doctor for treating chronic candida in the body. You have to
watch the videos on his site to give you a scope of the extent of the
problems candida can cause. You can also take the candidiasis test
on his site, it's the best one yet! I put the link back in the Candida
chapter, you can find it on his site...
Choice is always yours (Photo credit: Bindaas Madhavi)Knowledge
is power, my friend. I have spent quite a few nights getting "lost" in
the website. Take a look at their section on iodine,
you'll be amazed... It goes against EVERYTHING we've ever been
told about iodine by doctors and pharmacies. So much good info on
their site. If you have any sites you'd like to recommend for addition
to this book, please contact me at, I'd love
to hear from you!
Thanks for Reading!
Thanks for Reading!
Photo Credits
Photo Credits
Introduction: Parasite pic, courtesy of
"Death Begins in the Colon": Intestines image courtesy of Wikipedia
The Candida/Parasite Connection: Candida Albicans stained under
microscope, photo credit ACJ1
Pinworms: Pinworm Life Cycle, photo courtesy of CDC. Pinworm
Photo courtesy of
Roundworm: Roundworm Life Cycle photo courtesy of CDC.
Roundworm Photo credit Zemanta
Hookworms: Hookworm Life Cycle photo courtesy of CDC.
Hookworm photo courtesy of Zemanta
Okay, So, How Long Do I Have To Do This???:
Belly Pic courtesy of Zemanta. Sushi pic courtesy of
Tapeworms: Tapeworm Life Cycle Photo credit CDC. Tapeworm
Photo credit Zemanta
Herxheimer Reactions and Die-off Symptoms: Herx Reaction Photo
courtesy of Wikipedia
The Symptoms, and the One Common Problem...: Intestinal Candida
Overgrowth, photo courtesy of Zemanta
First Method of Attack and a MUST DO: DIET: Smoothie and fruit pic
Photo courtesy of Wikipedia
Second Method of Attack: NO MEDS, Use Supplements!: Magnified
Diatomaceous earth, or DE, photo courtesy of DE
Mine, Photo courtesy of Zemanta
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