Laboratory Services
Laboratory Services
Laboratory Services
s Consultancy to the cement industry s Cement quality trouble shooting s Chemical and physical analyses s Materials testing
Main features
We offer the cement industry to benet from our expertise through a wide range of services backed by: Standard and customised chemical and physical testing procedures Global experience of raw materials and their behaviour in the cement production process State-of-the-art bench and large scale testing facilities for comminution, pyroprocessing and other powder technology applications
Additional support:
Process troubleshooting Supply of standard reference samples based on the customer's own raw materials Detailed specications as well as quotations are submitted to customers upon request. Investigations in addition to those mentioned above and in the chart may also be performed in consultation with F.L.Smidth
Chemical analyses Analysis of fuels Physical testing of cement Particle size analysis Microscopy investigations Thermal analysis X-Ray diffraction
5 Kiln feed
Filter/ESP dust is often recycled to the kiln feed. It may therefore be important to know whether a kiln feed sample was extracted upstream or downstream of the point where the recycled dust enters Purpose: Assessment of: Burnability of the kiln feed Heat consumption in the kiln (heat of reaction) Consistency between kiln feed and clinker analysis Material balances (e.g. K, Na, S, Cl) Blending efciency of the raw meal silo Analyses: Sieving analyses Chemical analyses Heat of reaction Burnability Theoretical burnability
10 Separator samples
10-1 Separator feed / mill product 10-2 Separator nes / nished cement 10-3 Coarse return 10-4 Flakes / agglomerates (from roller press) Purpose: Assessment of separator efciency and mill circulation factor Analyses: Sieving analyses Specic surface area, density Particle size distribution Desagglomeration test (on akes)
F.L.Smidth Laboratory
6 Cyclone samples
Purpose: Assessment of: Dust separation efciency at the various stages Dewatering and calcining of the raw meal as it descends through the preheater Fuel burnout in the calciner Material balances (e.g. K, Na, S, Cl) Analyses: Chemical analyses Water of crystallisation Analyses: Chemical analyses Physical analyses e.g. caloric value, moisture, gas, ash Chemical analyses on ash Sieving analyses Oil Purpose: Assessment of: Fuel consumption Sulphur absorption in clinker Material balances (e.g. K, Na, S, Cl) Handling NOx formation Analyses: Chemical analyses Physical analyses e.g. caloric value, viscosity
12 Cement despatch
Purpose: Checking of the cement quality before despatch (i.e. to check that the cement has not been damaged during storage in the silos) Analyses: The same analyses as for nished cement
7 Fuel
Coal meal Purpose: Checking of mill operation and quality of coal meal with a view to: Fuel consumption Ash absorption in clinker Material balances (e.g. K, Na, S, Cl) Burnout in calciner NOx formation
Optimisation of raw meal design The F.L.Smidth Laboratory offers to optimise raw meal design with regard to chemical composition and neness. The work is based on a combination of in-house testing and an assessment of burnability that takes into account the effects of variations in chemistry and studies of raw mix mineralogy by optical microscopy. The optimisation effort takes a number of factors into account: the availability and cost of the individual raw materials, the neness of the raw mix, the desired burnability and the fuel, the kiln system, clinker grindability, and the nal cement quality.
Burnability furnaces
by an F.L.Smidth expert to present the test results and plan a subsequent mineralising test at the plant. The plant test will be conducted by F.L.Smidth staff. Evaluation of the plant test will include analysis in the F.L.Smidth Laboratory of samples taken during the test and a nal report.
Environmental measurements
Evaluation of plant emissions We conduct continuous measurements of emissions such as NO, SO2, O2, CO and THC (total hydrocarbons). We perform all necessary stages of a full emission study on site or in our own large scale test facilities. Non-continuous testing of other gases is also an option. Raw material dependent emissions We provide laboratory methods for estimating emission levels from cement plants resulting from the use of specic raw materials in production. Trace metals We provide measurements of a large number of elements in raw materials, dust and cement using a scanning ICP Optical Emission Spectrometer or Atomic Absorption with hydride system (for Hg). We have developed special microwaveassisted decomposition methods in closed vessels for complete dissolution, avoiding evaporation of volatile components.
The F.L.Smidth Laboratory is equipped to make a complete characterisation of cements and to perform cement testing according to international standard specications (ISO, EN, ASTM, BS). Utilising our long-standing experience in measuring and ensuring cement quality, we offer general assessment of cement products, support in solving cement quality problems, evaluation of the consequences of changing process or process equipment, and for blended cements, assessment of clinker replacement materials (slag, y ash, pozzolana, etc.) and tests for optimisation of cement products.
Use of mineralisers
Assessing the benets of using mineralisers This assessment typically entails thorough examination of site materials in the F.L.Smidth laboratory including mineralising tests. If the laboratory tests yield promising results, they may be followed by a site visit
Different size, stationary or rotary furnaces and kilns Capacity: Up to 50 kg/h and temperatures up to 2100C. Batch rotating kilns allowing sampling during heating Capacity from a few grams to approximately 40 kg and temperatures up to 2100C. Gas Suspension calciner Capacity: 4-10 kg/h and temperatures up to 1100C. The F.L.Smidth Laboratory performs tests based on own standard procedures or in accordance with customer requirements.
Data in this brochure is intended for preliminary project planning only. Manufacturer reserves the right to modify equipment details and/or specications without notice. 07-01-258 Gramstrup Design ApS
Up-to-date addresses of worldwide subsidiaries and sales ofces are available from our website
Fuller India Limited Capital Towers 180, Kodambakkam High Road Nungambakkam Chennai 600 034 Tel: +91 44-827-6030/8228623 Fax: +91 44-827-9393 E-mail:
F.L.Smidth A/S Vigerslev All 77 DK-2500 Valby Copenhagen Tel: +45 36 18 10 00 Fax: +45 36 30 18 20 E-mail:
F.L.Smidth Inc. 2040 Avenue C Bethlehem, PA 18017-2188 Tel: +1 610-264-6011 Tel: +1 800-523-9482 Fax: +1 610-264-6170 E-mail: