Frequency DR Hulda Clark Zapper
Frequency DR Hulda Clark Zapper
Frequency DR Hulda Clark Zapper
Dr Royal Rife
2011 ETDFL
Acne: 0.05, 0.37, 0.83, 2.50, 3.00, 73.30, 383.75, 387.00, 389.00, 393.00,
Acute Inflammatory Polyneuropathy: (see Guillain-Barre Syndrome)
Addison Disease: 0.19, 0.75, 0.90, 7.50, 27.50, 222.70, 425.71, 563.19, 642.91, 978.05
Addison's Anemia: (see Anemia, Pernicious)
Adenitis: (see Lymphadenitis)
Adenohypophyseal Diseases: (see Pituitary Diseases)
Adenohypophyseal Hyposecretion: (see Hypopituitarism)
Adenoma: 0.04, 5.81, 22.50, 52.50, 92.50, 224.37, 527.00, 667.00, 721.00, 987.23
Adenoma, Basal Cell: (see Adenoma)
Adenoma, beta-Cell: (see Insulinoma)
Adenoma, Follicular: (see Adenoma)
Adenoma, Microcystic: (see Adenoma)
Adenoma, Monomorphic: (see Adenoma)
Adenoma, Papillary: (see Adenoma)
Adenoma, Trabecular: (see Adenoma)
Adenomatous Polyposis Coli: 0.04, 0.25, 0.50, 2.50, 322.06, 422.53, 561.93, 709.83, 842.50, 985.90
Adenomyosis: (see Endometriosis: (Adenomyosis)
Adenoviridae Infections: 0.18, 0.52, 0.80, 37.50, 93.20, 150.00, 392.90, 509.35, 755.00, 866.15
Adenovirus Infections: (see Adenoviridae Infections)
Adhesions, Pelvic: 0.02, 2.50, 35.16, 67.50, 90.00, 355.08, 419.34, 567.70, 707.26, 930.12
Adhesive Capsulitis: (see Bursitis)
Adiadochokinesis: (see Cerebellar Ataxia)
Adie Syndrome: 0.17, 0.46, 10.85, 55.16, 96.50, 350.00, 567.00, 692.33, 810.20, 982.11
Adiposis Dolorosa: 0.16, 0.97, 27.50, 110.25, 325.00, 476.50, 527.00, 665.34, 749.00, 985.67
Adnexitis: (see Pelvic Inflammatory Disease)
Adrenal Gland Diseases: 0.07, 5.50, 73.30, 134.25, 357.30, 454.37, 519.68, 689.41, 712.23, 993.41,
Adrenal Hyperplasia: Congenital, 0.22, 0.97, 52.50, 93.50, 236.42, 376.29, 426.90, 571.00, 813.00, 932.00,
Adrenoleukodystrophy: 0.19, 0.75, 0.90, 5.16, 30.00, 229.32, 434.25, 564.28, 714.82, 978.05
Adrenoleukodystrophy, Neonatal :(see Peroxisomal Disorders)
Adrenomyeloneuropathy: (see Adrenoleukodystrophy)
Adverse Drug Reaction: (see Drug Toxicity)
Affective Psychosis: Bipolar: (see Bipolar Disorder)
Afferent Pupillary Defect: (see PUPIL DISORDERS)
Afibrinogenemia: 0.15, 0.18, 2.50, 322.06, 458.50, 515.05, 684.81, 712.42, 995.38,
African Lymphoma: (see Burkitt Lymphoma)
African Sleeping Sickness: (see Trypanosomiasis, African)
Agammaglobulinemia: 0.12, 0.80, 22.50, 90.00, 175.00, 451.17, 517.50, 683.00, 712.23, 992.00,
Aganglionosis, Colonic: (see Hirschsprung Disease)
Age-Related Osteoporosis: (see Osteoporosis)
Agnosia: 0.12, 5.62, 67.50, 93.50, 222.70, 425.00, 522.53, 689.93, 752.63, 923.70,
Agyria: (see Lissencephaly)
Aicardi Syndrome: 0.78, 8.00, 92.50, 125.00, 355.08, 452.59, 515.16, 687.62, 712.81, 997.87,
AIDP: (see Guillain-Barre Syndrome)
AIDS: (see Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
Airflow Obstruction, Chronic: (see Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive)
Airsickness: (see Motion Sickness)
Alagille Syndrome: 0.08, 0.80, 0.95, 22.50, 57.50, 175.00, 419.34, 563.19, 813.96, 983.17
Alastrim: (see Smallpox)
Albers-Schoenberg Disease: (see Osteopetrosis)
Albright's Syndrome: (see Fibrous Dysplasia, Polyostotic)
Aldosteronism: (see Hyperaldosteronism)
Aldrich Syndrome: (see Wiskott-Aldrich Syndrome)
Alexander Disease: 0.14, 0.78, 2.50, 97.50, 357.77, 475.05, 527.00, 657.11, 749.00, 987.23
Algodystrophy: (see Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: (Type I Complex Regional Pain Syndrome))
Alkalosis: 0.05, 0.75, 2.25, 72.50, 110.25, 379.93, 424.37, 561.93, 642.06, 978.05
Alkaptonuria: 0.07, 0.40, 7.50, 55.00, 96.50, 376.29, 426.90, 571.00, 822.00, 937.41,
Allergic Angiitis: (see Churg-Strauss Syndrome: (Allergic Granulomatosis))
Allergic Granulomatous Angiitis: (see Churg-Strauss Syndrome: (Allergic Granulomatosis))
Allergic Purpura: (see Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch)
Alobar Holoprosencephaly: (see Holoprosencephaly)
Alopecia: 0.06, 5.07, 95.00, 275.05, 455.82, 515.16, 684.81, 712.23, 993.41,
Alpers Syndrome: (see Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis of Schilder)
alpha 1-Antitrypsin Deficiency: 0.04, 0.12, 7.50, 40.00, 132.41, 342.06, 419.34, 560.00, 642.91, 930.12
alpha-Mannosidosis: 0.75, 7.50, 57.50, 122.53, 269.71, 479.50, 527.00, 667.00, 742.00, 986.22
Alphavirus Infections: 0.12, 0.78, 12.71, 55.00, 90.00, 175.05, 425.00, 571.00, 822.00, 932.00,
Alport's Syndrome: (see Nephritis, Hereditary: (Alport's Syndrome))
ALS: (see Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
Alstrom Syndrome: (see Nystagmus, Pathologic)
Alveolitis, Fibrosing: (see Pulmonary Fibrosis)
Alzheimer Disease: 0.11, 7.50, 67.50, 92.50, 377.91, 453.72, 515.16, 688.29, 712.00, 995.38,
Amaurosis Fugax: 0.18, 0.78, 2.50, 85.00, 37.50, 110.25, 175.00, 352.93, 495.00
Amblyopia: 0.05, 0.70, 2.50, 67.50, 125.05, 322.06, 536.42, 655.20, 752.63, 924.37
Ambulation Disorders, Neurologic: (see Gait Disorders, Neurologic)
Amebiasis: 0.52, 2.50, 40.00, 95.00, 376.29, 476.50, 527.00, 665.34, 752.70, 987.23
Ameboma: (see Amebiasis)
Ametropia: (see REFRACTIVE ERRORS)
Amino Acid Metabolism: 0.17, 2.50, 20.00, 92.50, 310.25, 450.00, 517.50, 687.62, 712.23, 993.41,
Amino Acid Transport Disorder, Neutral: (see Hartnup Disease)
Amino Acidopathies, Congenital: (see Amino Acid Metabolism, Inborn Errors)
Amnesia: 0.07, 2.25, 87.50, 92.50, 275.00, 432.41, 564.28, 640.00, 978.05
Amniotic Band Syndrome: 0.07, 0.18, 5.62, 37.50, 100.00, 275.16, 525.71, 655.20, 750.00, 926.70,
Amniotic Bands: (see Amniotic Band Syndrome)
Amoebiasis: (see Amebiasis)
Amphibian Diseases: 0.07, 10.83, 5.81, 57.50, 125.05, 376.29, 419.34, 560.00, 642.91, 930.12
Amputation, Intrauterine: (see Amniotic Band Syndrome)
Amyloidosis: 0.06, 10.83, 7.50, 322.53, 452.59, 519.68, 689.41, 712.00, 833.21, 995.38,
Amyoplasia Congenita: (see Arthrogryposis)
Amyotonia Congenita: (see Neuromuscular Diseases)
Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: 0.02, 2.50, 60.00, 95.00, 225.33, 479.50, 527.00, 667.00, 742.00, 985.67
Amyotrophy, Neuralgic: (see Brachial Plexus Neuritis: (Parsonage-Turner Syndrome))
Analgesia: 0.04, 0.57, 10.53, 95.05, 210.25, 424.37, 563.19, 707.26, 985.90,
Analphalipoproteinemia: (see Tangier Disease)
Anankastic Personality: (see Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
Anaphylactic Reaction: (see Anaphylaxis)
Anaphylactoid Purpura: (see Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch)
Anaphylaxis: 0.14, 0.75, 2.50, 65.00, 87.30, 236.42, 400.00, 561.93, 714.82, 978.05
Anaplasmosis: 0.10, 0.24, 0.80, 15.20, 32.50, 97.50, 322.06, 377.91, 492.50, 723.00
Anderson-Fabry Disease: (see Fabry Disease)
Androgen-Insensitivity Syndrome: 0.06, 7.50, 67.50, 95.00, 376.29, 475.05, 527.00, 665.34, 761.85, 987.23
Anemia: 0.08, 0.55, 5.97, 23.00, 50.50, 80.50, 97.53, 210.50, 533.21, 909.26
Anemia, Addison's: (see Anemia, Pernicious)
Anemia, Aplastic: 0.65, 7.50, 2.50, 62.50, 150.00, 319.34, 425.33, 571.00, 823.00, 937.41,
Anemia, Fanconi: (see Fanconi Anemia)
Anemia, Hemolytic: 0.02, 0.12, 5.16, 62.50, 110.25, 332.41, 517.50, 684.81, 712.23, 992.00
Anemia, Hemolytic, Acquired: (see Anemia, Hemolytic)
Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital Nonspherocytic
Anemia, Hypoplastic: (see Anemia, Aplastic)
Anemia, Iron-Deficiency: 0.10, 0.32, 2.50, 57.20, 125.00, 175.00, 525.71, 682.02, 759.83, 932.41
Anemia, Megaloblastic: 0.11, 0.30, 0.37, 93.50, 224.37, 376.29, 475.05, 527.00, 657.11, 753.23
Anemia, Microangiopathic: (see Anemia, Hemolytic)
Anemia, Pernicious: (see Anemia, Hemolytic)
Anemia, Sickle Cell: (see Anemia, Hemolytic)
Anencephaly: 0.11, 0.49, 1.00, 2.25, 30.00, 97.50, 325.71, 342.06, 750.00, 934.25
Aneurysm: 0.15, 0.78, 2.50, 67.50, 222.53, 458.50, 518.92, 688.29, 712.81, 997.87,
Aneurysm, Cerebal: (see Intracranial Aneurysm)
Aneurysm, Intracranial: (see Intracranial Aneurysm)
Angelman Syndrome: 0.20, 7.50, 27.50, 95.33, 375.16, 419.34, 567.70, 642.06, 980.00
Angiitis: (see Vasculitis)
Angiitis, Allergic Granulomatous: (see Churg-Strauss Syndrome: (Allergic Granulomatosis))
Angina Pectoris: 0.10, 0.68, 0.83, 42.20, 92.50, 225.00, 534.20, 779.00, 882.10, 911.09
Angina Pectoris with Normal Coronary Arteriogram: (see Microvascular Angina)
Angina, Microvascular: (see Microvascular Angina)
Angioedema: 0.12, 0.52, 0.80, 5.07, 15.00, 90.00, 375.05, 410.25, 564.28, 824.96,
Angiofibroma: 0.16, 0.62, 7.50, 65.33, 175.00, 434.25, 563.19, 642.91, 930.12
Angiofollicular Lymphoid Hyperplasia: (see Giant Lymph Node Hyperplasia)
Angiohemophilia: (see von Willebrand Disease)
Angiokeratoma Corporis Diffusum: (see Fabry Disease)
Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia: 0.10, 1.00, 12.33, 5.50, 45.00, 234.51, 475.16, 527.00, 752.70, 987.23
Angioma: (see Hemangioma)
Angioma, Cavernous: (see Hemangioma, Cavernous)
Angiomyxoma: (see Myxoma)
Angiospasm, Intracranial: (see Vasospasm, Intracranial)
Angor Pectoris: (see Angina Pectoris)
Anguilluliasis: (see Strongyloidiasis)
Anhidrosis: (see Hypohidrosis)
Anhidrotic Ectodermal Dysplasia: (see Ectodermal Dysplasia)
Animal Diseases: 0.05, 0.57, 0.87, 2.50, 5.81, 92.50, 424.37, 561.93, 709.83, 985.90
Aniridia: 0.07, 0.24, 0.68, 0.83, 2.50, 157.00, 357.30, 451.17, 517.50, 687.62,
Anisakiasis: 0.04, 0.23, 0.78, 5.62, 15.05, 35.33, 67.50, 125.00, 225.00, 733.00
Anisocoria: 0.12, 0.57, 0.83, 2.50, 5.33, 65.00, 93.50, 325.16, 515.05, 884.81,
Anisocoria, Physiologic: (see Anisocoria)
Anisometropic Amblyopia: (see Amblyopia)
Ankyloglossia: 0.08, 0.78, 5.81, 67.50, 350.00, 475.00, 527.00, 665.34, 742.00, 985.67
Ankylosing Spondylitis: (see Spondylitis, Ankylosing)
Annular Grooves: (see Amniotic Band Syndrome)
Anomia: 0.52, 0.80, 7.50, 37.50, 175.33, 275.00, 379.93, 450.00, 519.68, 883.00,
Anophthalmos: 0.12, 0.97, 5.05, 7.00, 40.00, 222.70, 425.16, 571.00, 824.00, 932.00,
Anosmia: (see Olfaction Disorders)
Anoxia: 0.08, 0.85, 2.50 , 43.00, 97.23, 175.00, 388.00, 791.00, 853.00, 972.10
Anoxia, Brain: (see Hypoxia, Brain)
Anoxic Encephalopathy: (see Hypoxia, Brain)
Anterior Horn Cell Disease: (see Motor Neuron Disease)
Anterior Ischemic Optic Neuropathy: (see Optic Neuropathy, Ischemic)
Anterior Pituitary Hyposecretion Syndrome: (see Hypopituitarism)
Anthrax: 0.07, 0.68, 0.93, 5.50, 11.09, 119.34, 150.00, 175.33, 545.00, 705.00
Antibiotic-Associated Colitis: (see Enterocolitis, Pseudomembranous)
Behcet Syndrome: 0.11, 0.55, 0.85, 16.20, 47.50, 376.29, 476.50, 527.00, 667.00, 742.00
Behcet's Syndrome: (see Behcet Syndrome: (Silk-Road Disease))
Bell Palsy: 0.12, 17.85, 27.50, 47.50, 150.00, 225.00, 452.59, 683.00, 712.00, 993.41,
Bell's Palsy: (see Bell Palsy)
Benign Essential Tremor: (see Essential Tremor)
Benign Intracranial Hypertension: (see Pseudotumor Cerebri)
Benign Meningioma: (see Meningioma)
Berger's Disease: (see Glomerulonephritis)
Beriberi: 0.12, 0.22, 5.81, 5.50, 40.00, 67.50, 150.00, 269.71, 749.00, 987.23
Beriberi, Cerebral: (see Wernicke Encephalopathy)
Bernard Syndrome: (see Horner Syndrome)
Bernard-Soulier Syndrome:
Berry Aneurysm: (see Intracranial Aneurysm)
Bertielliasis: (see Cestode Infections)
Berylliosis: 0.14, 0.26, 5.62, 42.50, 65.11, 90.00, 517.50, 688.29, 712.23, 997.87,
Beryllium Disease: (see Berylliosis)
Besnier-Boeck Disease: (see Sarcoidosis)
Best Disease: (see Macular Degeneration)
beta-Cell Tumor: (see Insulinoma)
Bilharziasis: (see Schistosomiasis)
Biliary Atresia: 0.16, 2.50, 10.53, 45.16, 62.50, 293.81, 425.00, 571.00, 833.00, 932.00,
Biliary Tract Diseases: 0.17, 0.49, 2.50, 32.50, 72.50, 312.33, 400.00, 560.00, 709.83, 985.90
Bilirubin Encephalopathy: (see Kernicterus)
Binswanger Disease: (see Dementia, Vascular)
Biotinidase Deficiency: 0.19, 0.35, 13.52, 90.00, 355.08, 475.16, 527.00, 667.00, 789.00, 986.22
Bipolar Disorder: 0.16, 0.80, 7.50, 30.00, 67.50, 125.00, 352.93, 563.19, 642.91, 930.12
Bird Diseases: 0.17, 0.83, 25.75, 87.50, 225.11, 450.00, 519.68, 687.62, 712.81, 992.00,
Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome: 0.18, 0.23, 0.97, 7.50, 32.50, 175.00, 453.72, 515.11, 684.81, 712.42,
Bites and Stings: 0.03, 0.55, 0.78, 7.25, 50.00, 85.16, 97.50, 210.50, 752.63, 925.71
Blackwater Fever: (see Malaria)
Bladder Diseases: (see Urinary Bladder Diseases)
Bladder Exstrophy: 0.02, 0.90, 2.25, 5.00, 132.41, 322.53, 412.33, 561.93, 714.82, 978.05
Blastocystis hominis infections: 0.04, 0.46, 0.75, 2.75, 7.50, 47.50, 96.50, 357.30, 834.00, 937.41,
Blepharitis: 0.10, 0.83, 5.00, 45.11, 93.50, 475.16, 527.00, 667.00, 752.70, 987.23
Blepharoptosis: 0.07, 0.25, 22.50, 42.50, 125.00, 377.91, 524.37, 650.00, 759.83, 926.70,
Blepharospasm: 0.12, 0.23, 0.73, 0.83, 5.62, 7.25, 32.50, 42.50, 90.00, 175.11,
Blepharospasm-Oromandibular Dystonia: (see Meige Syndrome)
Bloch-Sulzberger Syndrome: (see Incontinentia Pigmenti)
Blood Coagulation Disorders: 0.07, 0.52, 30.00, 47.50, 150.00, 225.16, 476.50, 527.00, 663.71, 742.00,
Blood Diseases: (see HEMATOLOGIC DISEASES)
Blood Platelet Disorders: 0.04, 0.52, 11.09, 55.75, 60.00, 125.00, 275.16, 571.00, 834.00, 932.00,
Blood Pressure, High: (see Hypertension)
Blood Pressure, Low: (see Hypotension)
Bloom Syndrome: 0.07, 0.49, 32.50, 125.75, 275.00, 425.00, 571.00, 721,00, 835.75, 937.41,
Bloom-Torre-Machacek Syndrome: (see Bloom Syndrome)
Blount's Disease: (see Osteochondritis)
Blue Rubber Bleb Nevus Syndrome: 0.08, 0.24, 4.22, 12.71, 92.50, 325.16, 400.00, 560.00, 642.06, 987.23
Boeck's Sarcoid: (see Sarcoidosis)
Boils: (see Furunculosis)
Bone Diseases: 0.23, 0.60, 12.00, 55.00, 96.50, 375.11, 512.33, 655.20, 750.00, 927.10,
Bone Diseases, Metabolic: : 0.23, 0.60, 12.00, 55.00, 96.50, 375.11, 512.33, 655.20, 750.00, 927.10,
Bone Fractures: (see Fractures, Bone)
Bone Hypertrophy: (see Hyperostosis)
Bone Loss, Age-Related: (see Osteoporosis)
Bonnevie-Ullrich Syndrome: (see Turner Syndrome)
BOOP: (see Bronchiolitis Obliterans Organizing Pneumonia)
BOR Syndrome: (see Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome)
Borna Disease: 0.04, 0.35, 2.50, 35.16, 93.50, 458.50, 517.50, 689.41, 712.00, 993.41,
Botulism: 0.02, 0.32, 16.55, 85.00, 232.41, 458.50, 519.68, 687.62, 712.42, 992.00,
Botulism, Infantile: (see Botulism)
Bouchard's Node: (see Osteoarthritis)
Bourneville Disease: (see Tuberous Sclerosis: (Bourneville's Disease))
Bowen's Disease: 0.04, 0.12, 17.33, 57.50, 250.00, 451.17, 515.11, 689.41, 712.00, 995.38,
Brachial Plexopathy: (see Brachial Plexus Neuropathies: (Erb's Palsy))
Brachial Plexus Neuritis: 0.15, 0.57, 15.16, 52.50, 119.34, 357.30, 424.37, 561.93, 642.91, 930.12
Brachial Plexus Neuropathies: : 0.15, 0.57, 15.16, 52.50, 119.34, 357.30, 424.37, 561.93, 642.91, 930.12
Brachmann-De Lange Syndrome: (see de Lange Syndrome)
Bradyarrhythmia: (see Bradycardia)
Bradycardia: 0.24, 0.70, 2.75, 17.50, 57.50, 92.50, 322.06, 567.70, 640.00, 980.00
Brain Abscess: 0.04, 0.05, 7.50, 25.75, 87.50, 325.11, 375.00, 519.34, 682.02, 759.83,
Brain Aneurysm: (see Intracranial Aneurysm)
Brain Concussion: 0.04, 0.20, 0.65, 85.75, 90.00, 325.00, 375.11, 497.61, 689.93, 753.07
Brain Diseases: 0.04, 0.20, 0.65, 85.75, 90.00, 375.11, 497.61, 689.93, 753.07, 983.22
Brain Dysfunction, Minimal: (see Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity)
Brain Hemorrhage, Cerebral: (see Cerebral Hemorrhage)
Brain Hypoxia: (see Hypoxia, Brain)
Brain Ischemia: 0.04, 0.02, 0.65, 85.75, 90.00, 375.11, 496.00, 682.00, 750.00, 911.20
Brain Stem Ischemia, Transient: (see Ischemic Attack, Transient)
Brain Vascular Disorders: (see Cerebrovascular Disorders)
Branched-Chain Ketoaciduria: (see Maple Syrup Urine Disease)
Branchio-Oculo-Facial Syndrome: (see Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome)
Branchio-Otorenal Dysplasia: (see Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome)
Branchio-Oto-Renal Syndrome: 0.15, 0.49, 0.62, 0.80, 5.11, 125.00, 426.90, 571.00, 838.00, 932.00,
Cancer: Gestational Trophoblastic Tumor: 0.25, 0.78, 0.93, 10.89, 7.50, 95.90, 322.53, 434.70, 562.91, 742.06,
Cancer: Head and Neck: 0.10, 0.52, 7.50, 30.00, 225.03, 434.15, 527.00, 662.71, 749.00, 986.22
Cancer: Hypopharyngeal: 0.11, 1.49, 32.57, 102.25, 212.50, 434.50, 672.50, 735.34, 893.50, 930.10
Cancer: Intestinal: 0.05, 0.52, 0.60, 0.93, 12.69, 125.00, 269.71, 434.03, 571.00, 839.00,
Cancer: Islet Cell Carcinoma: 0.13, 0.57, 0.78, 12.27, 68.29, 135.25, 272.72, 434.53, 733.91, 836.42
Cancer: Kidney Cancer (renal cell cancer): 0.13, 0.57, 0.78, 12.27, 68.29, 135.25, 272.72, 434.53, 733.91, 836.42
Cancer: Larynx: 0.03, 0.87, 2.50, 17.50, 35.15, 97.50, 434.61, 560.00, 840.96, 985.90
Cancer: Leukemia: 0.07, 0.12, 0.60, 0.80, 2.50, 22.50, 72.50, 434.39, 739.10, 905.31
Cancer: Leukemia, Acute Lymphoblastic, (Refer: Cancer: Leukemia)
Cancer: Leukemia, Acute Myeloid, (Refer: Cancer: Leukemia)
Cancer: Leukemia, Chronic Lymphocytic, (Refer: Cancer: Leukemia)
Cancer: Leukemia, Chronic Myelogenous, (Refer: Cancer: Leukemia)
Cancer: Leukemia, Hairy Cell, (Refer: Cancer: Leukemia)
Cancer: Lip and Oral Cavity: 0.08, 0.57, 15.75, 52.50, 62.50, 95.00, 250.00, 434.37, 682.02, 753.07.
Cancer: Liver Cancer: 0.11, 0.52, 81.30, 135.71, 221.50, 434.50, 570.51, 691.51, 775.48, 971.55
Cancer: Lung Cancer, Small Cell : 0.05, 0.41, 0.62, 15.75, 87.50, 434.00, 512.33, 655.20, 750.00, 927.10
Cancer: Lung Cancer Non-Small Cell: 0.05, 0.41, 0.62, 15.75, 87.50, 434.00, 512.33, 655.20, 750.00, 927.10
Cancer: Lymphoma: 0.35, 0.93, 7.50, 17.50, 52.50, 70.00, 93.50, 215.70, 434.00, 523.01
Cancer: Lymphoma, B-Cell: 0.41, 0.93, 2.75, 17.50, 35.67, 87.50, 93.50, 236.42, 434.00, 519.34,
Cancer: Lymphoma, Lymphoplasmacytoid: (see Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia)
Cancer: Lymphoma, Malignant: (see Cancer: LYMPHOMA)
Cancer: Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin: 0.35, 0.93, 12.33, 25.23, 35.68, 87.50, 93.50, 233.63, 434.00, 519.34,
Cancer: Lymphoma, T-Cell, Cutaneous: 0.35, 0.93, 12.33, 25.23, 35.68, 87.50, 93.50, 233.63, 434.00, 519.34,
Cancer: Malignant Mesothelioma: 0.49, 0.78, 7.50, 8.00, 15.43, 62.50, 325.00, 434.00, 515.70, 655.20
Cancer: Melanoma: 0.49, 0.70, 32.80, 102.25, 212.75, 321.20, 434.00, 545.68, 795.61, 857.77
Cancer: Merkel Cell Carcinoma: 0.52, 0.68, 0.80, 2.50, 5.17, 15.00, 42.50, 92.50, 325.43, 434.00,
Cancer: Metasatic Squamous Neck: 0.10, 0.52, 7.50, 30.00, 225.03, 434.15, 527.00, 662.71, 749.00, 986.22
Cancer: Mouth: 0.57, 15.75, 52.50, 62.50, 95.00, 250.00, 434.00, 524.37, 682.02, 753.07.
Cancer: Multiple Myeloma / Plasma Cell Neoplasms: 0.06, 0.35, 0.62, 0.97, 12.50, 27.50, 142.50, 434.87, 623.01, 815.58
Cancer: Mycosis Fungoides: 0.17, 0.22, 0.93, 2.75, 27.50, 132.50, 255.58, 434.85, 724.94, 825.87
Cancer: Myelodysplastic Syndrome: 0.19, 0.30, 0.80, 7.50, 27.50, 45.58, 96.50, 315.70, 434.34, 562.96
Cancer: Myeloproliferative Disorders: 0.05, 0.41, 0.60, 0.95, 5.78, 30.00, 57.50, 97.50, 434.87, 675.96
Cancer: Nasopharyngeal: 0.07, 0.32, 0.62, 0.85, 5.00, 22.50, 60.00, 352.93, 434.53, 563.19
Cancer: Neuroblastoma: 0.04, 2.12, 0.78, 2.50, 7.50, 55.91, 87.50, 96.50, 434.87, 523.01
Cancer: Nervous System Neoplasms: 0.04, 0.25, 0.65, 0.93, 2.50, 7.50, 96.50, 334.25, 434.87, 527.00
Cancer: Oral Cancer: 0.08, 0.57, 15.75, 52.50, 62.50, 95.00, 434.00, 524.37, 682.02, 753.07.
Cancer: Oropharyngeal: 0.10, 0.83, 10.89, 2.50, 52.50, 87.50, 95.19, 204.35, 434.59, 709.68
Cancer: Osteosarcoma: 0.14, 0.30, 0.83, 7.50, 128.00, 202.43, 340.00, 434.00, 575.37, 719.34
Cancer: Otorhinolaryngologic Neoplasms: 0.05, 0.41, 0.90, 7.50, 108.20, 217.50, 387.50, 434.23, 595.47, 701.99,
Cancer: Ovarian: 0.07, 0.55, 0.85, 22.50, 47.50, 434.03, 527.00, 667.00, 752.70, 988.90
Cancer: Ovarian Epithelial (Refer: Cancer: Ovarian)
Cancer: Ovarian Germ Cell Tumor (Refer: Cancer: Ovarian)
Cancer: Ovarian Low Malignant Potential Tumor (Refer: Cancer: Ovarian)
Cancer: Pancreatic, Exocrine & Islet Cell: 0.06, 0.50, 47.50, 150.00, 219.34, 225.15, 210.50, 434.50, 515.16, 688.29,
Cancer: Paranasal Sinus and Nasal Cavity: 0.57, 15.75, 52.50, 62.50, 95.00, 250.00, 434.00, 524.37, 682.02, 753.07
Cancer: Parathyroid: 0.03, 0.52, 0.48, 2.75, 7.50, 55.91, 434.37, 519.34, 613.69, 706.53
Cancer: Penile (Penis) 0.04, 0.55, 0.78, 50.00, 97.50, 229.32, 434.37, 519.68, 684.81, 712.00
Cancer: Pheochromocytoma: 0.06, 0.49, 0.73, 3.21, 30.89, 115.83, 322.50, 434.50, 697.50, 875.35
Cancer: Pituitary: 0.10, 0.52, 7.50, 30.00, 225.03, 434.15, 527.00, 662.71, 749.00, 986.22
Cancer: Plasma Cell Neoplasm: 0.07, 0.12, 0.60, 0.80, 2.50, 22.50, 72.50, 434.39, 739.10, 905.31
Cancer: Prostate: 0.13, 0.57, 0.83, 2.25, 97.50, 325.71, 434.16, 527.00, 667.00, 742.00,
Cancer: Rhabdomyosarcoma, 0.12, 0.27, 9.33, 34.21, 205.69, 317.25, 434.50, 692.50, 776.95, 838.25,
Cancer: Rectal (Rectum): 0.46, 27.50, 17.50, 37.50, 85.00, 95.75, 150.00, 434.00, 571.00, 840.00,
Cancer: Renal Cell (kidney): 0.13, 0.57, 0.78, 12.27, 68.29, 135.25, 272.72, 434.53, 733.91, 836.42
Cancer: Respiratory Tract Neoplasms: 0.10, 0.55, 0.73, 0.87, 67.20, 172.85, 230.00, 43420, 535.23, 608.21
Cancer: Salivary Gland: 0.57, 15.75, 52.50, 62.50, 95.00, 250.00, 434.00, 524.37, 682.02, 753.07.
Cancer: Sarcoma General Resonant Light Alternate Low Frequency Set:
10.00, 6.00, 5.00, 3.17, 2.49, 2.04, 2.10, 1.97, 2.04, 8.03,
Cancer: Sezary Syndrome: 2.12, 0.30, 2.33, 17.50, 45.75, 375.17, 434.00, 527.00, 662.71, 723.01,
Cancer: Skin: 0.15, 2.12, 20.00, 45.15, 73.30, 96.50, 125.00, 375.75, 434.33, 563.19,
Cancer: Skin, Cutaneous T-Cell Lymphoma, (Refer: Cancer: Skin)
Cancer: Skin, Kaposi's Sarcoma (Refer: Cancer: Skin)
Cancer: Skin, Melanoma (Refer: Cancer: Skin)
Cancer: Small Intestine: 0.05, 0.52, 0.60, 0.93, 12.69, 125.00, 269.71, 434.03, 571.00, 839.00,
Cancer: Soft Tissue Sarcoma, 0.15, 2.12, 20.00, 45.15, 73.30, 96.50, 125.00, 375.75, 434.33, 563.19,
Cancer: Stomach: 0.03, 2.12, 2.50, 15.03, 96.50, 125.15, 434.91, 647.00, 789.00, 985.67
Cancer: Testicular (Testis): 0.04, 0.55, 7.25, 50.00, 97.50, 222.70, 434.59, 517.50, 687.62, 712.00
Cancer: Thoracic Neoplasms: 0.04, 0.40, 0.60, 7.25, 55.00, 92.50, 175.75, 434.16, 527.00, 667.00
Cancer: Thymoma, Malignant: 0.02, 0.22, 25.00, 55.75, 105.00, 229.32, 434.00, 515.16, 782.81, 993.41
Cancer: Thyroid: 0.13, 0.57, 32.50, 97.50, 322.53, 434.16, 527.00, 662.71, 749.00, 988.90
Cancer: Tonsil: 0.08, 0.12, 40.00, 85.00, 136.42, 357.30, 434.75, 571.00, 840.00, 937.41,
Cancer: Trophoblastic Neoplasms: 0.13, 7.50, 35.16, 67.50, 96.50, 275.16, 434.16, 527.00, 663.71, 752.70,
Cancer: Urethral (Urinary Tract) : 0.03, 2.75, 7.50, 17.50, 96.50, 358.57, 434.82, 518.92, 683.00, 712.23
Cancer: Urinary Bladder Neoplasms: 0.08, 5.75, 7.25, 50.00, 97.50, 210.50, 434.37, 655.20, 750.00, 927.10
Cancer: Urologic Neoplasms: 0.03, 0.46, 0.75, 0.85, 2.50, 7.50, 17.50, 96.50, 434.93, 451.17,
Cancer: Uterine , Sarcoma, 0.04, 0.40, 0.78, 5.29, 7.50, 37.00, 95.50, 434.00, 792.00, 985.67
Cancer: Uterine Cervical Neoplasms: : 0.04, 0.40, 0.78, 5.29, 7.50, 37.00, 95.50, 434.00, 792.00, 985.67
Cancer: Vaginal: 0.03, 0.46, 27.50, 17.50, 40.00, 85.16, 95.00, 150.00, 210.50, 434.17,
Cancer: Vulvar: 0.03, 0.46, 27.50, 17.50, 40.00, 85.16, 95.00, 150.00, 210.50, 434.17,
Cancer: Wilms' Tumor
Candidiasis: 0.18, 0.93, 2.50, 42.50, 71.50, 96.50, 125.75, 434.00, 642.91, 983.17
Candidiasis, Vulvovaginal: 0.18, 0.93, 3.78, 42.50, 71.50, 96.50, 125.75, 434.00, 642.91, 983.17
Canker Sore: (see Stomatitis, Aphthous)
Costello Syndrome: 0.06, 0.32, 0.73, 0.85, 10.89, 66.30, 185.29, 253.04, 735.30, 957.50,
Costochondritis: (see Tietze's Syndrome)
Costoclavicular Syndrome: (see Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)
Cough: 0.07, 0.24, 0.91, 7.50, 12.08, 145.50, 442.00, 574.50, 797.50, 983.50
Cowden Disease: (see Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple: (Cowden's Disease))
Coxa Plana: (see Legg-Perthes Disease)
Coxsackie virus Infections: 0.07, 0.22, 0.62, 2.50, 360.50, 366.10, 364.00, 475.29, 527.00, 667.00,
Cramp: (see Muscle Cramp)
Cranial Arteritis: (see Giant Cell Arteritis)
Cranial Epidural Hematoma: (see Hematoma, Epidural, Cranial)
Cranial Nerve Diseases: 0.06, 0.26, 0.95, 5.15, 27.25, 42.50, 95.95, 427.50, 607.00, 862.02,
Cranial Nerve II Diseases: (see OPTIC NERVE DISEASES)
Cranial Nerve III Diseases: (see Oculomotor Nerve Diseases)
Cranial Nerve IX Diseases: (see Glossopharyngeal Nerve Diseases)
Cranial Nerve VII Diseases: (see Facial Nerve Diseases)
Cranial Neuropathies: (see Cranial Nerve Diseases)
Cranial Neuropathies, Multiple: (see Cranial Nerve Diseases)
Craniocerebral Trauma: 0.13, 0.23, 1.60, 8.53, 17.50, 72.53, 155.29, 396.50, 437.48, 828.57,
Craniofacial Dysostosis: 0.09, 3.50, 12.68, 51.89, 110.30, 292.50, 452.50, 695.75, 825.29, 953.72,
Craniopharyngioma: 0.15, 1.35, 16.75, 81.93, 118.85, 282.50, 315.95, 523.50, 775.29, 954.50,
Craniopharyngioma, Adamantinous: (see Craniopharyngioma)
Craniopharyngioma, Papillary: (see Craniopharyngioma)
Craniorachischisis: (see Neural Tube Defects)
Craniosynostoses: 0.03, 0.32, 0.73, 0.95, 10.30, 21.80, 85.29, 234.51, 482.50, 717.52
Creeping Eruption: (see Larva Migrans)
Crescendo Transient Ischemic Attacks: (see Ischemic Attack, Transient)
Cretinism: (see Congenital Hypothyroidism)
Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome: 0.07, 0.12, 0.75, 0.93, 15.09, 24.40, 417.50, 505.00, 791.50, 995.15, ,
Crib Death: (see Sudden Infant Death)
Cri-du-Chat Syndrome: 0.16, 0.55, 9.85, 87.50, 162.50, 212.50, 452.50, 597.50, 650.00, 726.07
Crohn Disease: 0.03, 0.41, 0.62, 0.95, 7.50, 25.75, 87.50, 480.00, 525.29, 825.00
Cross Infection: 0.06, 0.23, 0.73, 0.83, 2.75, 17.50, 62.50, 195.95, 491.00, 769.71
Cross-Transfusion, Intrauterine: (see Fetofetal Transfusion)
Croup: 0.04, 0.49, 0.82, 9.80, 67.50, 215.50, 332.50, 441.12, 625.29, 810.50,
Crouzon's Disease: (see Craniofacial Dysostosis)
Crow-Fukase Syndrome: (see POEMS Syndrome)
Cruveilhier-Baumgarten Syndrome: (see Hypertension, Portal)
Cryoablation: (see Cryosurgery)
Cryoglobulinemia: 0.15, 0.24, 0.65, 0.97, 12.71, 27.30, 212.50, 435.29, 695.75, 875.95,
Cryptococcosis: 0.97, 1.12, 17.75, 51.20, 131.02, 217.50, 517.50, 653.00, 772.29, 956.03,
Cryptogenic Chronic Hepatitis: (see Hepatitis, Chronic)
Cryptogenic Infantile Spasms: (see Spasms, Infantile)
Cryptorchidism: 0.07, 0.57, 0.85, 10.89, 2.50, 25.29, 152.50, 324.37, 455.72, 879.93,
Cryptosporidiosis: 0.11, 0.84, 1.71, 12.81, 82.50, 112.50, 235.95, 657.50, 802.50, 925.29,
Cuada Equina Syndrome: (see Polyradiculopathy)
Cubital Tunnel Syndrome: 0.12, 0.55, 0.85, 2.50, 22.50, 147.50, 472.50, 725.00, 851.03, 975.29,
Curling's Ulcer: (see Duodenal Ulcer)
Currarino Syndrome: 0.07, 0.37, 0.85, 2.50, 3.00, 62.50, 95.75, 375.29, 633.91, 875.00
Cushing Syndrome: 0.25, 0.78, 0.93, 10.53, 7.50, 95.95, 322.53, 419.34, 564.28, 642.06,
Cutaneous Larva Migrans: (see Larva Migrans)
Cutis Elastica: (see Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome)
Cutis Laxa: 0.04, 0.37, 0.85, 2.75, 3.00, 65.75, 95.29, 475.00, 650.00, 825.75
Cyanosis: 0.20, 0.25, 0.78, 2.50, 12.85, 117.50, 295.29, 432.41, 751.17, 917.50,
Cyclosporiasis: 0.03, 0.24, 0.70, 7.50, 12.33, 325.50, 440.00, 672.50, 797.50, 925.95,
Cyclothymic Disorder: 0.15, 0.23, 0.60, 0.95, 7.50, 18.30, 155.03, 517.50, 696.50, 893.00,
Cyclothymic Personality: (see Cyclothymic Disorder)
Cystathionine beta-Synthase Deficiency Disease: (see Homocystinuria)
Cystic Fibrosis: 0.10, 0.50, 0.68, 0.83, 190.89, 312.50, 452.50, 687.50, 795.69, 892.50,
Cysticercosis: 0.08, 0.35, 0.75, 17.93, 119.00, 217.50, 385.95, 620.00, 781.33, 903.50,
Cysticercosis, Brain: (see Neurocysticercosis)
Cysticercosis, Central Nervous System: (see Neurocysticercosis)
Cystinosis: 0.06, 0.32, 0.73, 0.83, 12.33, 20.00, 85.00, 150.00, 95.31, 122.53
Cystinuria: 0.23, 0.85, 10.53, 28.21, 17.50, 41.90, 62.50, 150.00, 326.07, 975.31
Cystitis, Chronic Interstitial: (see Cystitis, Interstitial)
Cystitis, Interstitial: 0.04, 0.46, 0.80, 2.25, 113.95, 232.50, 335.69, 587.50, 821.00, 975.31,
Cysts: 0.17, 0.18, 0.93, 9.50, 157.50, 281.02, 342.50, 571.08, 725.00, 825.31,
Cysts, Hydatid: (see Echinococcosis)
Cytomegalic Inclusion Disease: (see Cytomegalovirus Infections)
Cytomegalovirus Infections: 0.07, 0.12, 0.85, 9.50, 88.00, 141.20, 297.50, 425.95, 675.31, 827.00
Dandy-Walker Malformation: (see Dandy-Walker Syndrome)
Dandy-Walker Syndrome: 0.10, 0.57, 0.80, 7.50, 17.50, 52.50, 199.30, 445.21, 675.62, 821.43
Darier-White Disease: (see Keratosis Follicularis)
De Lange Syndrome: 0.07, 0.24, 0.70, 7.50, 13.52, 45.53, 137.50, 572.50, 715.70, 903.50
De Quervain Thyroiditis: (see Thyroiditis, Subacute)
De Quervain's Tendinitis: (see Tenosynovitis)
Decubitus Ulcer: (see Pressure Ulcer)
Deep Vein Thrombosis: (see Thrombosis)
Deformities: (see Congenital Abnormalities)
Deglutition Disorders: 0.07, 0.22, 0.62, 2.75, 5.50, 40.00, 100.00, 522.53, 682.45, 754.19
Dejerine-Roussy Syndrome: (see Thalamic Diseases)
Ear Diseases: 0.55, 0.90, 5.15, 55.34, 151.09, 387.50, 452.50, 621.81, 870.53, 921.02,
Eardrum Perforation: (see Tympanic Membrane Perforation)
Eating Disorders: 0.14, 0.22, 0.62, 58.25, 215.50, 442.01, 537.50, 617.50, 869.71, 975.34,
Eaton-Lambert Syndrome: (see Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome)
Ebola Virus Infections: (see Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral)
Ebstein Anomaly: 0.26, 0.65, 11.09, 5.71, 42.50, 65.83, 92.50, 234.25, 452.59, 815.87,
EBV Infections: (see Epstein-Barr Virus Infections)
Ecchymosis: 0.11, 0.55, 0.80, 23.50, 117.50, 252.50, 462.50, 596.50, 797.50, 975.34
Echinococcosis: 0.12, 0.55, 5.85, 81.50, 127.55, 241.52, 471.50, 625.30, 853.00, 915.09
Eclampsia: 0.03, 0.50, 0.85, 5.71, 7.25, 13.98, 247.50, 450.00, 695.83, 895.87,
Ecthyma, Contagious: 0.15, 0.83, 7.62, 67.92, 197.50, 212.85, 405.00, 527.50, 716.50, 871.20
Ectodermal Defect, Congenital: (see Ectodermal Dysplasia)
Ectodermal Dysplasia: 0.13, 0.52, 0.83, 8.50, 12.53, 145.83, 262.50, 397.50, 633.91, 825.17
Ectoparasitic Infestations: 0.11, 1.49, 32.57, 102.25, 212.50, 432.50, 672.50, 735.34, 893.50, 930.10
Ectropion: 0.12, 0.35, 0.95, 7.50, 127.50, 247.50, 465.00, 596.50, 655.72, 875.34
Eczema: 0.08, 0.41, 9.80, 87.50, 202.50, 345.00, 607.50, 725.83, 850.00, 924.37
Edema: 0.07, 0.23, 8.97, 77.50, 132.50, 232.50, 431.87, 602.53, 775.30, 852.72
Epiglottitis: 0.07, 0.46, 0.60, 0.95, 11.09, 32.50, 127.50, 395.83, 619.34, 725.54,
Epilepsy: 0.07, 0.18, 0.73, 0.87, 5.71, 7.25, 22.50, 97.50, 375.35, 500.00, 655.20, 751.87, 932.41
Epileptic Seizures: (see Epilepsy)
Epiloia: (see Tuberous Sclerosis: (Bourneville's Disease))
Episcleritis: (see Scleritis)
Episiotomy: 0.12, 0.25, 51.62, 72.25, 105.17, 237.32, 421.51, 602.50, 725.00, 822.35,
Epistaxis: 0.13, 0.23, 0.62, 6.95, 27.50, 85.54, 122.71, 453.02, 743.54, 836.42,
Epithelial Neoplasms, Malignant: (see Carcinoma)
Epithelioma: (see Carcinoma)
Epithelioma, Basal Cell: (see Carcinoma, Basal Cell)
Epstein-Barr Virus Infections: 0.07, 0.52, 0.70, 0.93, 372.50, 375.00, 380.00, 382.85, 519.34, 791.28
Equinovarus: (see Clubfoot)
Erb Paralysis: (see Brachial Plexus Neuropathies: (Erb's Palsy))
Erdheim-Chester Disease: 0.04, 1.52, 14.75, 71.87, 152.25, 217.50, 335.00, 492.50, 675.54, 775.35
Erectile Dysfunction: 0.08, 0.24, 0.65, 0.90, 2.50, 27.50, 55.36, 115.70, 326.07, 534.25,
Ergot Poisoning: (see Ergotism)
Ergotism: 0.07, 0.52, 0.68, 0.90, 2.75, 5.00, 15.36, 0.04, 325.54, 533.63
Erysipelas: 0.04, 0.52, 0.73, 0.87, 2.25, 17.50, 35.83, 192.50, 675.36, 826.90,
Erythema: 0.07, 0.24, 0.65, 0.90, 2.50, 27.50, 55.54, 124.37, 475.36, 778.50,
Erythema Infectiosum: 0.07, 0.24, 0.65, 0.90, 2.50, 27.50, 155.36, 215.70, 375.54, 522.53,
Erythremia: (see Polycythemia Vera)
Erythroderma: (see Dermatitis, Exfoliative: (Erythroderma))
Erythroderma, Maculopapular: (see Parapsoriasis)
Erythroderma, Sezary: (see Sezary Syndrome)
Erythropoietic Porphyria: (see Porphyria, Erythropoietic)
Escherichia coli Infections: 0.16, 0.41, 0.73, 0.83, 7.50, 356.00, 393.00, 425.00, 610.50, 826.07
Esophageal Achalasia: 0.22, 0.65, 0.83, 7.50, 120.00, 357.50, 425.36, 651.00, 754.37, 819.68
Esophageal Atresia: 0.22, 0.75, 0.85, 10.89, 32.50, 62.03, 225.54, 410.50, 719.34, 865.36,
Esophageal Diseases: 0.22, 0.65, 0.83, 7.50, 30.00, 57.50, 225.54, 410.50, 719.34, 865.36,
Esophageal Reflux: (see Gastroesophageal Reflux)
Esophagitis: 0.11, 0.57, 1.09, 7.50, 30.00, 37.50, 225.54, 410.50, 719.34, 865.36,
Esophagopharyngeal Diverticulum: (see Zenker Diverticulum)
Esophagotracheal Fistula: (see Tracheoesophageal Fistula)
Esophagus, Barrett: (see Barrett Esophagus)
Esophoria: (see Esotropia)
Esotropia: 0.12, 0.55, 0.95, 5.25, 25.51, 42.50, 162.52, 492.57, 675.51, 828.53
ESRD: (see Kidney Failure, Chronic: (End Stage Renal Disease))
Essential Polyarteritis: (see Polyarteritis Nodosa)
Essential Tremor: 0.11, 0.57, 81.30, 105.71, 221.50, 337.50, 570.51, 691.51, 775.48, 971.55
Ethnomedicine: (see Medicine, Traditional)
Evans Syndrome: 0.12, 0.55, 0.95, 5.17, 22.50, 142.50, 362.50, 562.50, 775.36, 924.37
Ewing's Tumor: (see Sarcoma, Ewing's)
Exanthema Subitum: 0.07, 0.50, 0.95, 7.50, 10.53, 132.50, 242.50, 392.01, 629.26, 915.48
Exencephaly: (see Neural Tube Defects)
Exfoliation Syndrome: 0.15, 0.23, 0.73, 0.85, 5.36, 147.25, 335.48, 487.50, 695.83, 875.36
Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency: 0.10, 0.50, 0.68, 5.95, 35.71, 87.50, 137.50, 357.50, 596.50, 742.06
Exodontics: (see Surgery, Oral)
Exomphalos: (see Hernia, Umbilical: (Omphalocele))
Exomphalos-Macroglossia-Gigantism Syndrome: (see Beckwith-Wiedemann Syndrome)
Exophoria: (see Exotropia)
Exophthalmic Goiter: (see Graves Disease)
Exostoses: 0.07, 0.50, 0.97, 9.00, 11.09, 32.50, 42.50, 190.00, 450.00, 856.72
Exotropia: 0.15, 0.23, 12.75, 38.85, 105.25, 217.25, 435.36, 617.52, 791.48, 877.91
Experimental Lung Inflammation: (see Pneumonia)
Extracorporeal Dialysis: (see Renal Dialysis)
Eye Abnormalities: 0.10, 0.50, 0.70, 2.97, 15.87, 37.50, 77.50, 157.50, 326.50, 722.01
Eye Cancer: (see CANCER: EYE)
Eye Hemorrhage: 0.03, 0.23, 0.73, 0.80, 12.69, 5.17, 32.50, 93.50, 175.00, 526.07
Eye Infections: 0.11, 0.35, 0.70, 0.95, 7.50, 8.00, 30.00, 90.00, 322.53, 534.25,
Eye Movement Disorders: (see OCULAR MOTILITY DISORDERS)
Fabry Disease: 0.07, 0.22, 0.73, 2.50, 5.25, 50.00, 275.36, 536.42, 655.20, 755.49
Facial Hemiatrophy: 0.10, 0.50, 0.70, 0.97, 5.83, 17.50, 87.50, 157.50, 596.50, 857.77
Facial Myokymia: (see Facial Nerve Diseases)
Facial Nerve Diseases: 0.08, 0.32, 0.610, 2.27, 44.25, 115.71, 255.48, 485.00, 697.50, 856.72
Facial Neuralgia: 0.60, 0.87, 2.25, 5.17, 55.83, 115.71, 255.48, 485.00, 697.50, 856.72
Facial Neuropathy: (see Facial Nerve Diseases)
Facial Neuropathy, Inflammatory, Acute: (see Bell Palsy)
Facial Pain Syndromes: (see Facial Neuralgia)
Facial Palsy: (see Facial Paralysis)
Facial Paralysis: 0.08, 0.32, 0.610, 2.27, 44.25, 115.71, 255.48, 485.00, 697.50, 856.72
Facial Paralysis, Idiopathic: (see Bell Palsy)
Facial Recognition Agnosia: (see Prosopagnosia)
Factor IX Deficiency: (see Hemophilia B: (Factor IX Deficiency, Christmas Disease))
Factor V Deficiency: 0.04, 0.32, 0.62, 0.97, 5.00, 22.50, 60.00, 90.00, 325.36, 863.65,
Factor V Leiden: (see Blood Coagulation Disorders)
Factor VII Deficiency: 0.08, 0.22, 0.73, 2.50, 5.71, 50.00, 322.53, 415.70, 566.41, 707.26,
Factor VIII Deficiency: (see Hemophilia A: (Factor VIII Deficiency))
Factor X Deficiency: 0.04, 0.24, 0.65, 5.48, 67.25, 177.20, 252.50, 562.50, 793.50, 814.50
Factor XI Deficiency: 0.10, 0.26, 0.68, 7.50, 11.09, 45.00, 325.43, 515.70, 682.45, 755.49
Factor XII Deficiency: 0.05, 0.12, 0.60, 0.87, 2.25, 45.00, 325.43, 515.70, 682.45, 755.49
Familial Benign Chronic Pemphigus: (see Pemphigus, Benign Familial)
Familial Juvenile Parkinsonism: (see Parkinsonian Disorders)
Familial Mediterranean Fever: 0.16, 0.57, 0.95, 5.25, 37.25, 132.50, 237.50, 522.53, 675.43, 819.34,
Familial Motor Neuron Disease: (see Motor Neuron Disease)
Familial Tremor: (see Essential Tremor)
Fanconi Anemia: 0.05, 0.41, 1.29, 5.43, 7.25, 125.44, 467.50, 605.91, 702.50, 815.43,
Fasciculation: 0.10, 0.26, 0.68, 9.70, 13.52, 45.00, 352.93, 496.01, 682.45, 755.49,
Fasciitis: 0.05, 0.12, 0.60, 3.87, 72.25, 125.43, 387.50, 525.91, 712.50, 825.44,
Fasciitis, Necrotizing: 0.16, 0.57, 0.95, 3.87, 72.25, 125.43, 387.50, 525.91, 712.50, 825.44
Fascioliasis: 0.05, 0.41, 1.00, 5.75, 7.25, 15.91, 173.30, 435.44, 792.50, 915.70,
Fatal Familial Insomnia: (see Insomnia, Fatal Familial)
Fatigue: 0.04, 0.25, 0.95, 7.50, 12.85, 29.03, 157.50, 381.02, 595.42, 875.00,
Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic: 0.05, 0.23, 0.95, 12.33, 22.50, 45.91, 72.50, 92.50, 347.51, 821.00,
Fatty Acid Oxidation Disorders: 0.02, 0.52, 0.73, 2.25, 5.43, 45.44, 269.71, 534.25, 682.45, 751.87,
Fatty Liver: 0.04, 0.49, 0.78, 7.50, 8.00, 15.43, 62.50, 325.00, 515.70, 655.20
Fatty Tumor: (see Lipoma)
Favism: (see Glucosephosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency)
Fazio-Londe Syndrome: (see Bulbar Palsy, Progressive)
Fecal Incontinence: 0.13, 0.35, 0.85, 5.75, 17.50, 42.50, 221.02, 425.43, 771.00, 815.91
Felty Syndrome: (see Arthritis, Rheumatoid)
Fever: 0.12, 0.23, 0.83, 5.50, 13.93, 12.71, 92.50, 376.29, 519.34, 652.43
Fever Blister: (see Herpes Labialis)
Fibrinogen Deficiency: (see Afibrinogenemia: (Factor I Deficiency, Fibrinogen Deficiency))
Fibrocystic Breast Disease: 0.04, 0.25, 0.97, 9.00, 73.89, 123.20, 257.51, 302.58, 592.49, 875.43
Fibrocystic Mastopathy: (see Fibrocystic Breast Disease)
Fibrodysplasia Ossificans Progressiva: (see Myositis Ossificans)
Fibroid: (see Leiomyoma: (Fibroid Tumor))
Fibroid Tumor: (see Leiomyoma: (Fibroid Tumor))
Fibroid Uterus: (see Leiomyoma: (Fibroid Tumor))
Fibroids, Uterine: (see Leiomyoma: (Fibroid Tumor))
Fibroma, Shope: (see TUMOR VIRUS INFECTIONS)
Fibroma, Uterine: (see Leiomyoma: (Fibroid Tumor))
Fibromatosis, Aggressive: 0.05, 0.23, 0.95, 13.39, 121.59, 285.43, 315.91, 472.50, 612.50, 930.00
Fibromatosis, Juvenile Hyaline: 0.05, 0.23, 0.95, 10.53, 32.51, 62.48, 145.44, 372.50, 522.50, 792.30
Fibromuscular Dysplasia: 0.02, 0.52, 0.75, 2.75, 5.25, 47.50, 275.00, 424.37, 560.00, 815.96
Fibromyalgia: 0.04, 0.49, 0.78, 7.50, 118.00, 215.43, 362.51, 422.06, 608.41, 751.20
Fibromyoma: (see Leiomyoma: (Fibroid Tumor))
Fibrosis: 0.08, 0.55, 0.57, 7.50, 8.00, 12.69, 140.00, 363.02, 492.53, 912.48,
Fibrosis, Liver: (see Liver Cirrhosis)
Fibrositis: (see Fibromyalgia)
Fibrous Dysplasia of Bone: 0.13, 0.57, 0.78, 0.90, 2.25, 144.90, 323.72, 602.53, 918.28
Fibrous Dysplasia, Polyostotic: 0.20, 0.46, 0.60, 2.25, 12.85, 144.90, 323.72, 602.53, 918.28
Fifth Disease: (see Erythema Infectiosum)
Filariasis: 0.19, 0.18, 0.73, 7.50, 68.00, 115.44, 322.50, 545.43, 612.37, 779.93,
Filarioidea Infections: (see Filariasis)
Finger Agnosia: (see Agnosia)
Fisher Syndrome: (see Miller Fisher Syndrome)
Fissure in Ano: (see Anus Diseases)
Fistula: 0.13, 0.25, 0.62, 5.75, 17.25, 37.30, 129.56, 345.43, 415.70, 682.02
Floaters: 0.13, 0.35, 0.85, 5.43, 17.50, 42.50, 236.42, 478.50, 527.00, 667.00
Floppy Mitral Valve: (see Mitral Valve Prolapse)
Follicle Stimulating Hormone, Inappropriate Secretion: (see Hyperpituitarism)
Food Poisoning: 0.12, 0.23, 0.83, 5.50, 12.71, 83.93, 192.50, 475.44, 624.37, 882.45
Foot and Mouth Disease: (see Cattle Diseases)
Foot and Mouth Disease: (see Swine Diseases)
Foot Deformities: 0.92, 32.75, 150.01, 293.70, 329.05, 415.84, 423.47, 472.12, 512.14, 629.90,
Forestier-Certonciny Syndrome: (see Polymyalgia Rheumatica)
Foster-Kennedy Syndrome: (see OPTIC NERVE DISEASES)
Fournier Disease: (see Fournier Gangrene)
Fournier Gangrene: 0.08, 0.55, 0.57, 7.50, 18.00, 121.09, 242.90, 360.00, 596.50, 975.43
Fournier's Gangrene: (see Fournier Gangrene)
Fowl Plague: (see Influenza in Birds)
Fractures, Bone: 0.13, 0.57, 0.78, 0.93, 32.50, 217.50, 552.71, 743.01, 815.91, 913.52
Fragile X Syndrome: 0.23, 0.62, 0.95, 7.50, 5.50, 33.98, 145.43, 295.30, 375.43, 522.53
Fragilitas Ossium: (see Osteogenesis Imperfecta)
Frambesia: (see Yaws)
FRAXA Syndrome: (see Fragile X Syndrome: (Martin-Bell syndrome))
FRAXE Syndrome: (see Fragile X Syndrome: (Martin-Bell syndrome))
Freckle, Melanotic: (see Hutchinson's Melanotic Freckle)
Freckles: (see Melanosis)
Freeman-Sheldon Syndrome: 0.19, 0.52, 0.68, 0.80, 2.50, 5.17, 15.00, 42.50, 92.50, 325.43,
Freiberg's Disease: 0.17, 0.52, 0.73, 0.95, 2.25, 17.50, 35.91, 72.50, 90.00, 275.37,
Friedreich Ataxia: 0.16, 0.49, 0.73, 0.95, 5.26, 7.25, 12.71, 92.50, 275.00, 425.43,
Friedreich Disease: (see Friedreich Ataxia)
Frigidity: (see Sexual Dysfunctions, Psychological)
Frontal Encephalocele: (see Encephalocele)
Frontal Region Trauma: (see Craniocerebral Trauma)
Frontotemporal Lobar Degeneration: (see Dementia)
Fucosidase Deficiency Disease: (see Fucosidosis)
Fucosidosis: 0.05, 0.24, 0.68, 0.95, 2.50, 7.50, 32.50, 96.50, 275.47, 522.53
G(M2) Gangliosidosis, Type I: (see Tay-Sachs Disease)
G(M2) Gangliosidosis, Type II: (see Sandhoff Disease)
Gait Disorders, Neurologic: 0.13, 0.25, 0.62, 10.89, 2.75, 25.26, 125.37, 245.47, 393.50, 505.10,
Galactokinase Deficiency Disease: (see Galactosemias)
Galactorrhea: (see Lactation Disorders)
Galactose-1-Phosphate Uridyl-Transferase Deficiency Disease: (see Galactosemias)
Galactosemias: 0.11, 0.24, 0.65, 0.83, 2.50, 127.50, 255.47, 387.50, 696.50, 825.91
Galactosylceramidase Deficiency Disease: (see Leukodystrophy, Globoid Cell)
Gallbladder Diseases: 0.12, 0.55, 0.95, 5.37, 22.50, 42.50, 162.50, 292.50, 442.20, 524.37
Gallbladder Inflammation: (see Cholecystitis)
Gammapathy, Monoclonal: (see Paraproteinemias)
Gammopathy, Monoclonal: (see Paraproteinemias)
Ganglioside Sialidase Deficiency Disease: (see Mucolipidoses)
Gangliosidosis G(M2), Type I: (see Tay-Sachs Disease)
Gangliosidosis G(M2), Type II: (see Sandhoff Disease)
Gangliosidosis, B Variant: (see Tay-Sachs Disease)
Gangrene: 0.07, 0.50, 0.95, 7.50, 13.52, 132.50, 342.50, 490.00, 696.50, 796.50,
Gardner Syndrome: (see Intestinal Polyps)
Gasser's Syndrome: (see Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome)
Gastric Stasis: (see Gastroparesis)
Gastritis: 0.15, 0.23, 0.73, 0.85, 5.26, 127.25, 335.91, 487.50, 692.47, 752.01,
Gastritis, Hypertrophic:
Gastroduodenal Ulcer: (see Peptic Ulcer)
Gastroenteritis: 0.10, 0.50, 0.68, 0.95, 5.75, 17.50, 237.50, 517.50, 696.50, 816.50,
Gastroesophageal Reflux: 0.23, 0.62, 0.97, 7.50, 5.50, 13.93, 45.37, 95.47, 376.29, 422.53
Gastrointestinal Cancer: (see Cancer Digestive system)
Gastrointestinal Disease: 0.02, 0.52, 0.70, 0.90, 2.50, 5.25, 15.47, 142.50, 292.50, 821.06
Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage: 0.05, 0.52, 0.71, 0.93, 2.56, 33.18, 215.47, 402.53, 592.50, 7325.37
Gastrointestinal Stromal Tumors: 0.07, 0.52, 0.70, 0.95, 2.50, 3.00, 125.91, 347.50, 492.50, 675.47
Gastrointestinal Surgical Procedures: (see Digestive System Surgical Procedures)
Gastroparesis: 0.17, 0.52, 0.75, 0.95, 2.25, 17.50, 135.37, 385.91, 591.00, 722.53,
Gastroschisis: 0.16, 0.49, 0.73, 0.95, 12.69, 5.26, 12.71, 92.50, 269.71, 475.47
Gaucher Disease: 0.05, 0.24, 0.70, 0.95, 2.50, 7.50, 32.50, 125.37, 319.34, 519.34
Gelineau Syndrome: (see Narcolepsy)
General Fibrosis Syndrome:
Geniculate Ganglionitis: (see Facial Nerve Diseases)
Geniculate Herpes Zoster: (see Herpes Zoster Oticus)
Genital Diseases, Female: 0.08, 0.35, 0.60, 0.87, 2.25, 5.00, 55.47, 172.50, 397.50, 796.50
Genital Diseases, Male: 0.08, 0.35, 0.60, 0.87, 2.25, 5.00, 55.47, 329.88, 401.22, 721.50
Geographic Tongue: (see Glossitis, Benign Migratory)
German Measles: (see Rubella)
Germinoblastoma: (see LYMPHOMA)
Gerstmann-Straussler Syndrome: (see Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Disease)
Gerstmann-Straussler-Scheinker Disease: 0.06, 0.26, 0.68, 7.50, 10.53, 45.37, 96.50, 536.42, 655.20, 751.87
Gestational Diabetes: (see Diabetes, Gestational)
Giant Cell Arteritis: 0.13, 0.23, 0.75, 0.80, 5.25, 7.25, 35.00, 95.47, 226.32, 422.53
Giant Cell Glioblastoma: (see Glioblastoma)
Giant Intracranial Aneurysm: (see Intracranial Aneurysm)
Giant Lymph Node Hyperplasia: 0.04, 0.50, 0.70, 0.97, 5.75, 7.50, 37.50, 96.50, 225.91, 425.37
Giant Platelet Syndrome: (see Bernard-Soulier Syndrome: (Giant Platelet Syndrome))
Giardiasis: 0.05, 0.35, 0.60, 0.87, 2.25, 5.29, 55.47, 97.50, 324.37, 425.52
Giedion-Langer Syndrome: (see Langer-Giedion Syndrome)
Gilbert Disease: 0.07, 0.32, 0.62, 0.85, 5.00, 22.50, 60.00, 352.93, 422.53, 563.19,
Gilles de la Tourette's Disease: (see Tourette Syndrome)
Gingivitis: 0.07, 0.12, 0.60, 0.87, 2.25, 22.50, 187.50, 396.50, 587.50, 696.50
GIST: (see Cancer: Digestive System)
Glanders: (see Burkholderia Infections)
Glandular Fever: (see Infectious Mononucleosis)
Glanzmann Thrombasthenia: (see Thrombasthenia)
Glaucoma: 0.16, 0.55, 0.95, 5.29, 7.25, 32.50, 137.50, 326.07, 490.00, 515.70
Glaucoma Capsulare: (see Exfoliation Syndrome)
Glial Cell Tumors: (see Glioma)
Glioblastoma: 0.07, 0.41, 0.73, 0.85, 7.50, 20.00, 57.50, 150.00, 225.37, 342.06,
Glioblastoma Multiforme: (see Glioblastoma)
Glioblastoma, Retinal: (see Retinoblastoma)
Glioma: 0.05, 0.49, 9.73, 88.00, 105.75, 237.25, 413.93, 651.20, 732.59, 973.52
Glioma, Astrocytic: (see Astrocytoma)
Glioma, Retinal: (see Retinoblastoma)
GLNH: (see Giant Lymph Node Hyperplasia)
Glomerulonephritis: 0.15, 0.24, 0.68, 0.83, 32.50, 197.50, 332.50, 555.37, 696.50, 875.52,
Glossitis Areata Exfoliativa: (see Glossitis, Benign Migratory)
Glossitis, Benign Migratory: 0.03, 0.12, 0.60, 0.93, 2.25, 217.50, 387.50, 475.00, 575.52, 726.90
Glossopharyngeal Nerve Diseases: 0.07, 0.57, 0.95, 2.25, 125.25, 320.00, 437.50, 593.50, 615.70, 824.37
Glossopharyngeal Neuralgia: (see Glossopharyngeal Nerve Diseases)
Glucocerebrosidase Deficiency Disease: (see Gaucher Disease)
Glucosephosphate Dehydrogenase Deficiency: 0.11, 0.24, 0.65, 0.83, 2.50, 27.50, 55.37, 87.50, 125.52, 322.06, 519.34, 652.43, 751.87,
Glucosylceramide Beta-Glucosidase Deficiency Disease: (see Gaucher Disease)
Glutaric Acidemia: 0.12, 0.55, 0.95, 5.29, 95.52, 142.50, 362.50, 402.50, 590.00, 822.53
Gluten Enteropathy: (see Celiac Disease)
Glycogen Storage Disease: 0.03, 0.37, 0.95, 2.50, 7.50, 72.50, 96.50, 375.37, 269.71, 377.91
Glycogenosis: (see Glycogen Storage Disease)
Glycoprotein Syndrome, Carbohydrate-Deficient: (see Carbohydrate-Deficient Glycoprotein Syndrome)
Goiter, Exophthalmic: (see Graves Disease)
Goldenhar Syndrome: 0.04, 0.25, 0.57, 0.87, 2.25, 2.50, 96.50, 226.32, 515.70, 682.02
Gonadal Disorders: 0.37, 0.95, 2.50, 7.50, 67.50, 96.50, 375.52, 475.91, 525.91, 801.29
Gonadal Dysgenesis, 45,X: (see Turner Syndrome)
Gonadal Dysgenesis, XO: (see Turner Syndrome)
Gonorrhea: 0.20, 0.25, 0.57, 13.61, 23.25, 221.75, 333.85, 336.50, 334.00, 971.00
Goodpasture Syndrome: (see Anti-Glomerular Basement Membrane Disease)
Gorlin Syndrome: (see Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome: (Gorlin/Goltz Syndrome))
Gout: 0.07, 0.24, 30.65, 78.52, 197.25, 267.00, 512.35, 602.21, 733.63, 925.00,
Graft vs Host Disease: 0.07, 0.50, 0.97, 9.00, 12.85, 32.50, 42.50, 190.00, 325.37, 425.52,
Gram-Negative Bacterial Infections: 0.15, 9.23, 42.75, 183.85, 275.29, 307.25, 435.37, 587.50, 795.52, 901.03
Gram-Positive Bacterial Infections: 0.15, 0.92, 2.75, 13.22, 163.00, 275.29, 307.25, 435.37, 587.50, 795.52 (Optional 901.03)
Granular Dystrophy, Corneal: (see Corneal Dystrophies, Hereditary)
Granuloma: 0.10, 0.50, 0.70, 0.97, 5.75, 39.50, 132.81, 387.21, 506.53, 925.37,
Granuloma Annulare: 0.50, 0.70, 0.97, 7.50, 88.00, 370.50, 547.50, 656.50, 725.37, 825.52
Granuloma Inguinale: 0.03, 0.50, 0.70, 0.97, 88.00, 370.50, 547.50, 656.50, 725.37, 825.52
Granuloma Venereum: (see Granuloma Inguinale: (Donovanosis))
Granuloma, Hodgkin: (see Hodgkin Disease)
Granuloma, Malignant: (see Hodgkin Disease)
Granuloma, Pseudopyogenic: (see Angiolymphoid Hyperplasia with Eosinophilia)
Granulomatosis, Lipid: (see Erdheim-Chester Disease)
Granulomatosis, Wegener's: (see Wegener Granulomatosis)
Granulomatous Cheilitis: (see Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome: (Cheilitis Granulomatosa))
Granulomatous Disease, Chronic:
Granulomatous Slack Skin: (see Lymphoma, T-cell, Cutaneous)
Graves Disease: 0.08, 0.35, 55.61, 119.87,232.25, 308.29, 455.52, 585.37, 697.50, 825.91
Great Pox: (see Syphilis: (Lues))
Grippe: (see Influenza, Human)
Groenouw's Dystrophies: (see Corneal Dystrophies, Hereditary)
Gronblad-Strandberg Syndrome: (see Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum)
Growth Retardation, Intrauterine: (see Fetal Growth Retardation)
Guerin-Stern Syndrome: (see Arthrogryposis)
Guillain Barre Syndrome, Miller Fisher Variant: (see Miller Fisher Syndrome)
Guillain-Barre Syndrome: 0.04, 0.32, 0.62, 5.97, 35.25, 112.73, 296.00, 392.97, 701.66, 933.50,
Guinea Worm Infection: (see Dracunculiasis)
Gunther's Disease: (see Porphyria, Erythropoietic)
Guyon Syndrome: (see Ulnar Nerve Compression Syndromes)
Gynecologic Diseases: (see GENITAL DISEASES, FEMALE)
Gynecologic Neoplasms: (see Cancer: Genital Neoplasms, Female)
Gynecomastia: 0.19, 0.23, 0.95, 2.25, 112.50, 227.50, 252.20, 322.50, 421.00, 826.32,
Gyrate Atrophy: 0.05, 0.66, 1.32, 7.50, 17.50, 15.91, 151.20, 231.20, 341.00, 525.29
H1N1- Swine Flu: 0.02, 0.45, 0.65, 2.21, 6.15, 10.23, 15.91, 30.28, 77.50, 327.11
H5N1- Bird Flu: 0.02, 0.45, 0.65, 2.74, 8.32, 11.69, 25.12, 77.01, 351.29, 501.71
Habilitation: (see Rehabilitation)
Haemophilus influenzae: 0.05, 0.37, 0.83, 2.50, 3.00, 73.30, 95.75, 175.00, 269.71, 336.41
Hageman Trait: (see Factor XII Deficiency: (Hageman Factor Deficiency))
Hailey-Hailey Disease: (see Pemphigus, Benign Familial)
Hair Diseases: 0.17, 0.18, 0.87, 2.50, 27.50, 82.50, 85.52, 165.00, 692.50, 825.52,
Hakim Syndrome: (see Hydrocephalus, Normal Pressure)
Halitosis: 0.03, 0.12, 0.95, 2.50, 22.50, 50.00, 126.16, 325.29, 519.34, 682.45
Hallucinations: 0.10, 0.57, 1.00, 7.50, 27.50, 37.50, 96.50, 342.06, 515.70, 691.27, 756.53, 990.50,
Hallux Abductovalgus: (see Hallux Valgus)
Hallux Valgus: 0.07, 0.24, 0.65, 5.75, 72.25, 123.00, 502.50, 622.88, 713.23, 807.73
Hamartoma: 0.07, 0.22, 0.73, 2.50, 5.52, 50.00, 93.50, 423.01, 568.43, 642.91
Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple: 0.06, 0.26, 0.68, 9.00, 10.89, 45.91, 125.29, 526.16, 652.43, 750.00
Hamman-Rich Syndrome: (see Pulmonary Fibrosis)
Hammertoes: (see FOOT DEFORMITIES)
Hand-Schuller-Christian Syndrome: (see Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell)
Hansen's Disease: (see Leprosy: (Hansen's Disease))
Hantavirus Infections: 0.07, 0.12, 0.60, 0.87, 2.25, 125.52, 387.50, 525.00, 707.50, 816.50,
Hartnup Disease: 0.16, 0.55, 0.95, 5.75, 67.25, 132.50, 237.50, 391.50, 421.22, 515.70
Head and Neck Cancer: (see Cancer: Head and Neck)
Head Cancer: (see Cancer: Head and Neck)
Head Injuries: (see Craniocerebral Trauma)
Head Lice: (see Lice Infestations)
Head Trauma: (see Craniocerebral Trauma)
Headache: 0.16, 0.55, 0.95, 7.50, 22.50, 42.50, 96.50, 275.52, 515.70, 650.00
Headache, Migraine: (see Migraine Disorders)
Hearing Disorders: 0.04, 0.50, 0.93, 2.25, 5.29, 30.00, 142.50, 350.00, 422.06, 775.29
Hearing Loss, Sudden: 0.04, 0.50, 0.95, 2.25, 10.53, 105.91, 242.50, 391.28, 425.52, 815.29
Heart Abnormalities: (see Heart Defects, Congenital)
Heart Block:
Heart Catheterization: 0.11, 0.57, 0.80, 1.52, 15.29, 52.50, 62.50, 196.50, 412.50, 673.11
Heart Decompensation: (see Heart Failure)
Heart Defects, Congenital: 0.14, 0.22, 0.73, 5.25, 7.25, 52.51, 167.53, 326.16, 569.71, 719.34,
Heart Disease, Ischemic: (see Myocardial Ischemia)
Heart Diseases: 0.07, 0.22, 0.70, 2.75, 7.25, 50.00, 67.50, 115.70, 356.72, 475.52
Heart Failure: 0.14, 0.22, 0.75, 5.29, 7.25, 50.00, 167.50, 334.25, 425.00, 805.29,
Heart Hypertrophy: (see Cardiomegaly)
Heart Septal Defects: 0.14, 0.22, 0.65, 5.29, 7.85, 51.02, 167.50, 324.37, 551.03, 725.52
Heart Valve Diseases: 0.11, 0.22, 0.73, 3.75, 7.05, 51.27, 137.50, 236.42, 472.29, 851.17
Heat Cramps: (see Heat Stress Disorders)
Heat Stress Disorders: 0.07, 0.41, 0.73, 0.85, 7.50, 20.00, 57.50, 150.00, 225.52, 322.06
Heat Stress Syndromes: (see Heat Stress Disorders)
Heavy Metals Detox:: 0.20, 0.14, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.55, 0.52, 0.76, 128.33, 435.21
Heberden's Node: (see Osteoarthritis)
Helicobacter Pylori : 0.25, 0.85, 2.23, 30.00, 95.00, 107.10, 225.30, 438.95, 633.10, 823.41
HELLP Syndrome: (see Eclampsia)
Helminthiasis: 0.06, 0.49, 0.73, 1.27, 12.33, 5.87, 112.71, 252.50, 492.50, 675.29
Hemangioma: 0.15, 0.24, 0.70, 0.83, 2.50, 17.50, 432.50, 555.91, 625.29, 775.52
Hemangioma, Cavernous: 0.03, 0.37, 0.97, 2.75, 81.50, 172.50, 396.50, 475.29, 533.63, 876.29
Hemangioma, Histiocytoid: (see Hemangioma)
Hemangioma, Intramuscular: (see Hemangioma)
Hemangioma, Sclerosing: (see Histiocytoma, Benign Fibrous)
Hematochezia: (see Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage)
Hematologic Diseases: 0.07, 0.25, 0.57, 0.87, 2.25, 72.50, 96.50, 226.32, 526.16, 682.02
Hematoma, Epidural, Cranial: 0.37, 0.97, 2.50, 17.50, 71.50, 96.50, 179.93, 224.37, 451.22, 567.21
Hematoma, Subdural: 0.21, 0.25, 4.57, 42.69, 112.25, 412.50, 596.50, 643.74, 825.52, 971.00
Hematospermia: 0.08, 0.24, 0.65, 5.25, 73.25, 147.18, 351.52, 412.58, 539.21, 725.29
Hematuria: 0.04, 0.26, 0.68, 2.28, 12.85, 45.23, 167.50, 396.50, 425.52, 625.29
Hemeralopia: (see VISION DISORDERS)
Hemianopsia: 0.13, 0.58, 0.73, 2.58, 5.78, 145.91, 372.52, 428.01, 511.19, 605.59
Hemianopsia, Binasal: (see Hemianopsia)
Hemianopsia, Bitemporal: (see Hemianopsia)
Hemianopsia, Homonymous: (see Hemianopsia)
Hemicrania: (see Headache)
Hemifacial Atrophy: (see Facial Hemiatrophy: (Romberg Disease))
Hemifacial Microsomia: (see Facial Asymmetry)
Hemifacial Paralysis: (see Facial Paralysis)
Hemiplegia: 0.11, 0.49, 0.78, 2.25, 77.50, 102.71, 262.50, 455.91, 837.50, 910.50
Hemispinal Cord Syndrome: (see Brown-Sequard Syndrome)
Hemochromatosis: 0.12, 0.35, 0.85, 189.59, 287.58, 342.52, 467.50, 591.29, 619.34, 897.01
Hemodialysis: (see Renal Dialysis)
Hemoglobin S Disease: (see Anemia, Sickle Cell)
Hemoglobinopathies: 0.08, 0.41, 1.89, 145.56, 297.25, 315.29, 407.50, 562.53, 735.68, 854.38
Hemoglobinuria, Paroxysmal: 0.19, 0.23, 3.95, 62.50, 162.50, 219.11, 320.10, 472.53, 888.03, 937.39,
Hemolytic Anemia: (see Anemia, Hemolytic)
Hemolytic-Uremic Syndrome:
Hemopericardium: (see Pericardial Effusion)
Hemophilia: (see Hemophilia A: (Factor VIII Deficiency))
Hemophilia A: 0.05, 0.46, 3.80, 18.89, 175.20, 212.97, 321.51, 471.21, 647.07, 815.56,
Hemophilia B: 0.06, 0.23, 0.97, 7.50, , 175.20, 212.97, 321.51, 471.21, 647.07, 815.56,
Hemophilia C: (see Factor XI Deficiency: (Rosenthal Syndrome))
Hemophilia, Vascular: (see von Willebrand Disease)
Hemophthalmos: (see EYE HEMORRHAGE)
Hemoptysis: 0.17, 0.18, 0.87, 2.75, 22.01, 41.58, 187.52, 265.29, 692.50, 742.06,
Hemorrhage, Cerebral: (see Cerebral Hemorrhage)
Hemorrhage, Cranial Epidural: (see Hematoma, Epidural, Cranial)
Hemorrhage, Eye: (see EYE HEMORRHAGE)
Hemorrhage, Gastrointestinal: (see Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage)
Hemorrhage, Postpartum: (see Postpartum Hemorrhage)
Hemorrhage, Subdural: (see Hematoma, Subdural)
Hemorrhagic Fevers, Viral: 0.03, 0.12, 0.95, 2.50, 22.50, 51.33, 193.50, 356.72, 426.16, 567.70
Hemorrhagic Shock: (see Shock, Hemorrhagic)
Hemorrhoids: 0.10, 0.57, 2.83, 12.33, 30.00, 87.53, 196.50, 551.03, 777.30, 866.41
Hemosiderosis: 0.14, 0.25, 0.95, 7.50, 10.53, 20.00, 57.50, 325.56, 497.61, 660.41
Hendra Virus Disease: (see Paramyxoviridae Infections)
Henoch Purpura: (see Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch)
Henoch-Schoenlein Purpura: (see Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch)
Hepatic Cirrhosis: (see Liver Cirrhosis)
Hepatic Venous Outflow Obstruction: (see Budd-Chiari Syndrome)
Hepatitis A: 0.15, 0.87, 5.29, 27.50, 65.29, 95.22, 182.50, 233.45, 420.80, 418.00
Hepatitis B: 0.18 0.87, 5.29, 27.50, 45.56, 95.22, 182.50, 414.55, 420.80, 418.00
Hepatitis C: 0.20, 0.87, 5.29, 27.50, 65.29, 95.22, 182.50, 233.45, 414.55, 421.80
Hepatitis, Chronic: 0.87, 27.50, 45.56, 65.29, 95.22, 182.50, 233.45, 414.55, 420.80, 418.00
Hepatitis, Chronic, Cryptogenic: (see Hepatitis, Chronic)
Hepatitis, Viral, Human: 0.15, 0.18, 0.87, 5.29, 27.50, 45.56, 65.29, 95.22, 182.50, 233.45,
Hepatolenticular Degeneration: 0.16, 0.55, 0.95, 7.50, 22.50, 42.50, 125.22, 275.56, 533.63, 652.43,
Hepatomegaly: 0.02, 0.50, 0.97, 2.25, 12.85, 15.22, 42.50, 90.00, 322.06, 326.16,
Hypopituitarism: 0.15, 0.26, 0.80, 5.50, 20.00, 32.50, 45.68, 57.50, 93.50, 92.50, 356.72,
Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome: 0.07, 0.18, 0.75, 0.83, 2.50, 7.50, 150.00, 379.93, 425.68, 932.00,
Hypopotassemia: (see Hypokalemia)
Hypoproconvertinemia: (see Factor VII Deficiency)
Hyposalivation: (see Xerostomia)
Hypospadias: 0.13, 0.57, 0.73, 0.85, 13.93, 45.52, 132.02, 255.10, 775.61, 813.63
Hypotension: 0.02, 0.24, 0.85, 37.50, 101.32, 221.10, 419.34, 562.91, 709.83, 976.90
Hypothermia: 0.03, 0.46, 0.60, 0.85, 2.50, 5.25, 17.50, 93.50, 224.94, 425.61,
Hypothyroidism: 0.07, 0.46, 0.83, 7.50, 20.00, 85.23, 313.63, 405.79, 429.70, 539.00,
Hypoventilation, Central Alveolar: (see Sleep Apnea, Central)
Hypovolemic Shock: (see Shock)
Hypoxanthine-Phosphoribosyl-Transferase Deficiency Disease: (see Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome)
Hypoxia: (see Anoxia)
Hypoxia, Brain: 0.15, 0.18, 0.80, 5.50, 17.50, 32.50, 151.27, 257.46, 413.91, 692.27
Hypoxic Encephalopathy: (see Hypoxia, Brain)
Hypsarrhythmia: (see Spasms, Infantile)
Hysteria, Dissociative: (see DISSOCIATIVE DISORDERS)
I-Cell Disease: (see Mucolipidoses)
Ichthyosis: 0.03, 0.18, 0.65, 0.80, 33.52, 72.50, 270.96, 321.80, 505.67, 715.28
Icterus: (see Jaundice)
IDDM: (see Diabetes Mellitus, Type 1)
Ideational Apraxia: (see Apraxias)
Idiopathic Environmental Intolerances: (see Multiple Chemical Sensitivity)
Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subaortic Stenosis: (see Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic)
Idiopathic Hypertrophic Subvalvular Stenosis: (see Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic)
Idiopathic Intracranial Hypertension: (see Pseudotumor Cerebri)
Idiopathic Orofacial Dyskinesia: (see Meige Syndrome)
Idiopathic Orthostatic Hypotension, Shy-Drager Type: (see Shy-Drager Syndrome)
Idiopathic Parkinson Disease: (see Parkinson Disease)
Idiopathic Scrotal Calcinosis: 0.12, 0.26, 0.70, 2.50, 31.00, 72.75, 122.50, 282.81, 357.77, 426.16
IgA Deficiency: 0.13, 0.23, 0.70, 0.87, 5.78, 7.25, 30.00, 96.50, 322.06, 519.34
IgA Neuropathy: (see Glomerulonephritis)
IgE-Mediated Hypersensitivity: (see Hypersensitivity, Immediate)
Ileitis, Regional: (see Crohn Disease)
Ileitis, Terminal: (see Crohn Disease)
Ileocolitis: (see Crohn Disease)
Immune Complex Diseases: 0.02, 0.30, 0.85, 7.50, 32.50, 240.28, 346.00, 628.00, 833.70, 925.68
Immune System Diseases: 0.02, 0.30, 0.85, 7.50, 12.50, 40.00, 162.90, 350.00, 433.63, 909.21
Immunodeficiency Syndrome, Acquired: (see Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
Immunodeficiency, Common Variable: (see Common Variable Immunodeficiency)
Immunodeficiency, Severe Combined: (see Severe Combined Immunodeficiency)
Immunologic Deficiency Syndrome, Acquired: (see Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome)
Immunologic Deficiency Syndromes: 0.02, 0.30, 0.85, 32.88, 234.51, 425.68, 571.00, 879.00, 938.00,
Impetigo: 0.15, 0.23, 0.65, 0.93, 37.50, 130.72, 352.50, 712.50, 693.50
Impetigo Contagiosa: (see Impetigo)
Inappropriate Follicle Stimulating Hormone Secretion: (see Hyperpituitarism)
Inappropriate FSH Secretion Syndrome: (see Hyperpituitarism)
Inappropriate Growth Hormone Secretion Syndrome: (Acromegaly): (see Acromegaly)
Inappropriate LH Secretion Syndrome: (see Hyperpituitarism)
Inappropriate Luteinizing Hormone Secretion: (see Hyperpituitarism)
Inappropriate Thyroid Stimulating Hormone Secretion: (see Hyperpituitarism)
Inappropriate TSH Secretion Syndrome: (see Hyperpituitarism)
Inborn Errors of Metabolism: (see Metabolism, Inborn Errors)
Inclusion Disease: (see Cytomegalovirus Infections)
Incontinentia Pigmenti: 0.10, 0.57, 0.68, 0.87, 35.58, 127.50, 337.50, 638.61, 715.23, 903.74,
Incontinentia Pigmenti Achromians: (see Pigmentation Disorders)
Infectious Mononucleosis: 0.08, 0.35, 0.60, 0.80, 212.03, 305.21, 451.27, 565.61, 690.00, 826.32
Infectious Mononucleosis-Like Syndrome, Chronic: (see Fatigue Syndrome, Chronic)
Inflammation: 0.08, 0.12, 0.60, 0.80, 2.50, 30.98, 103.00, 362.50, 692.01, 825.00
Inflammation, Brain: (see Encephalitis)
Inflammatory Bowel Diseases: 0.04, 0.32, 0.70, 0.85, 5.61, 32.50, 60.00, 125.23, 225.68, 375.61,
Inflammatory Myopathy: (see Myositis)
Inflammatory Response Syndrome, Systemic: (see Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome)
Influenza (Bird) H5N1: 0.08, 0.25, 0.57, 7.50, 10.53, 12.50, 40.00, 173.30, 329.37, 675.00,
Influenza, Avian: (see Influenza H5N1)
Influenza, General: 0.08, 0.25, 0.57, 7.50, 10.53, 12.50, 40.00, 313.35, 320.00, 615.00,
Influenza A: 0.25, 10.53, 12.50, 40.00, 170.00, 315.00, 317.60 324.50, 321.00, 615.00,
Influenza B: 0.25, 10.53, 12.50, 40.00, 170.00, 313.35, 315.00 323.90, 320.00, 615.00,
Inner Ear Disease: (see Labyrinth Diseases)
Inoculation Lymphoreticulosis: (see Cat-scratch Disease)
Insensitivity to Pain with Anhidrosis, Congenital: (see Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathies)
Insulinoma: 0.04, 0.32, 0.70, 0.87, 5.25, 32.50, 60.00, 125.68, 225.65, 275.68
Insuloma: (see Insulinoma)
Intention Tremor: (see Tremor)
Intermittent Claudication: 0.08, 0.24, 0.57, 7.50, 12.05, 2.50, 42.50, 271.50, 415.70, 675.68,
Internuclear Ophthalmoplegia: (see OCULAR MOTILITY DISORDERS)
Interstitial Cystitis: (see Cystitis, Interstitial)
Interstitial Lung Diseases: (see Lung Diseases, Interstitial)
Intervertebral Disk Displacement: 0.04, 0.41, 0.62, 7.50, 2.75, 40.00, 275.65, 475.68, 527.00, 667.00
Labhart-Willi Syndrome: (see Prader-Willi Syndrome)
Labyrinth Diseases: 0.11, 0.24, 0.57, 281.83, 301.09, 392.41, 431.19, 672.53, 703.54, 821.69
Labyrinthitis: 0.11, 0.24, 0.62, 0.85, 118.33, 209.18, 321.00, 544.10, 631.17, 705.00
Lacrimal Apparatus Diseases: 0.12, 0.55, 0.85, 5.50, 22.50, 35.69, 73.30, 92.50, 125.23, 527.81
Lacrimal Duct Obstruction: 0.20, 0.46, 0.60, 2.75, 122.00, 275.69, 327.50, 649.54, 735.00, 833.69
Lactation Disorders: 0.19, 0.30, 0.62, 7.50, 8.00, 2.50, 32.50, 55.23, 150.00, 325.54
Lactobacillus acidophilus: 346.05, 347.00, 348.00, 349.00, 350.00, 351.65, 352.00, 353.00, 354.00, 355.00
Lactose Intolerance: 0.13, 0.25, 0.70, 7.50, 12.33, 32.13, 232.50, 355.69, 430.00, 855.08,
Lactose Malabsorption: (see Lactose Intolerance)
Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome: 0.13, 0.32, 0.93, 2.44, 81.27, 131.61, 334.25, 415.70, 568.43, 813.96
Lambliasis: (see Giardiasis)
Landau-Kleffner Syndrome: 0.12, 0.23, 0.83, 5.25, 97.00, 128.21, 162.50, 338.06, 511.94, 631.41
Landry-Guillain-Barre Syndrome: (see Guillain-Barre Syndrome)
Langer-Giedion Syndrome: 0.08, 0.35, 0.75, 7.50, 32.58, 174.50, 407.50, 632.00, 723.54, 885.54
Langerhans-Cell Granulomatosis: (see Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell)
Langerhans-Cell Histiocytosis: (see Histiocytosis, Langerhans-Cell)
Larsen Syndrome: 0.13, 0.57, 0.73, 0.90, 2.25, 35.78, 137.09, 490.21, 822.50, 935.22,
Larva Migrans: 0.07, 0.37, 0.70, 0.85, 5.69, 7.25, 30.00, 55.54, 93.50, 322.06, 515.70, 689.93, 752.05, 970.50,
Larva Migrans, Cutaneous: (see Larva Migrans)
Larva Migrans, Ocular: (see Larva Migrans)
Laryngeal Cancer: (see cancer: Larynx / Laryngeal)
Laryngeal Diseases: 0.03, 0.24, 0.62, 0.83, 183.39, 315.62, 432.39, 691.50, 822.54, 923.01
Laryngeal Nerve Palsy, Recurrent: (see Vocal Cord Paralysis)
Laryngeal Paralysis: (see Vocal Cord Paralysis)
Laryngeal Perichondritis: (see LARYNGEAL DISEASES)
Laryngeal Stenosis: (see Laryngostenosis)
Laryngitis: 0.03, 0.24, 0.60, 0.80, 11.95, 52.71, 50.00, 197.50, 305.61, 432.41
Laryngomalacia: 0.19, 0.52, 0.78, 0.97, 7.50, 116.72, 205.54, 325.00, 422.50, 925.69
Laryngostenosis: 0.20, 0.25, 0.75, 2.50, 3.00, 5.58, 95.23, 175.54, 425.69, 571.00
Larynx Neoplasms: (see cancer: Larynx / Laryngeal)
Lassa Fever: 0.03, 0.24, 4.57, 57.50, 110.47, 321.82, 491.31, 681.28, 721.66, 839.34 Lassitude: (see Fatigue)
Lateral Bulbar Syndrome: (see Lateral Medullary Syndrome: (Wallenberg Syndrome))
Lateral Medullary Syndrome: 0.03, 0.50, 0.87, 13.52, 7.50, 27.50, 35.00, 125.69, 297.50, 437.50
Lateral Sclerosis: (see Motor Neuron Disease)
Latex Allergy: (see Latex Hypersensitivity)
Latex Hypersensitivity: 0.15, 0.23, 0.65, 0.93, 7.50, 11.09, 52.50, 172.51, 383.50, 516.52
Laurence-Moon Syndrome: 0.10, 0.50, 0.68, 0.87, 35.25, 164.27, 204.19, 325.69, 521.29, 662.52
Laurence-Moon-Biedl Syndrome: (see Laurence-Moon Syndrome)
Leber's Congenital Amaurosis: (see Blindness)
Left Heart Syndrome, Hypoplastic: (see Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome)
Left Ventricular Hypertrophy: (see Hypertrophy, Left Ventricular)
Leg Ulcer: 0.08, 0.35, 0.60, 31.80, 191.50, 228.50, 321.00, 523.69, 691.00, 797.50
Legg-Perthes Disease: 0.04, 0.32, 0.70, 0.87, 5.78, 32.50, 181.93, 621.69, 705.54, 815.70
Legionellosis: 0.19, 0.23, 0.85, 2.50, 32.50, 192.28, 391.28, 562.50, 725.69, 975.23
Leigh Disease: 0.46, 0.95, 7.50, 25.54, 15.69, 40.00, 60.00, 125.00, 300.00, 527.81
Leiomyoma: 0.85, 0.98, 1.80, 17.53, 213.23, 321.29, 423.69, 597.50, 862.50, 915.54
Leiomyosarcoma: 0.17, 0.18, 0.80, 7.50, 47.21, 132.580, 355.23, 486.90, 530.22, 841.69
Leiomyosarcoma, Epithelioid: (see Leiomyosarcoma)
Leiomyosarcoma, Myxoid: (see Leiomyosarcoma)
Leishmaniasis: 0.06, 0.12, 0.85, 7.51, 32.52, 43.06, 151.18, 225.53, 515.76, 659.02,
Lennox-Gastaut Syndrome: (see Epilepsy)
Lens Opacities: (see Cataract)
Lentiginosis: (see Lentigo)
Lentiginosis, Perioral: (see Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome)
Lentigo: 0.10, 0.57, 0.95, 7.50, 17.50, 37.50, 95.54, 225.69, 536.42, 689.93
Lentigo, Malignant: (see Hutchinson's Melanotic Freckle)
Leptomeningeal Cysts: (see Arachnoid Cysts)
Leptospirosis: 0.07, 0.24, 10.57, 37.29, 132.81, 313.75, 437.50, 520.50, 631.94, 771.00
Lesch-Nyhan Syndrome: 0.07, 0.22, 0.62, 7.50, 2.50, 41.01, 119.34, 475.69, 527.00, 667.00
Leucine Metabolism Disorders: 0.03, 0.26, 0.78, 11.95, 7.50, 55.54, 97.50, 515.70, 652.43, 758.78,
Leukemia: 0.07, 0.12, 0.60, 0.80, 2.50, 22.50, 72.50, 421.39, 739.10, 905.31
Leukocytopenia: (see Leukopenia)
Leukodystrophy, Globoid Cell: 0.16, 0.55, 0.85, 2.50, 5.50, 27.50, 37.50, 123.01, 327.23, 533.69
Leukodystrophy, Metachromatic: 0.16, 0.55, 0.85, 7.50, 32.50, 35.54, 95.69, 376.29, 515.70, 689.93
Leukodystrophy, Spongiform: (see Canavan Disease)
Leukoencephalitis, Subacute Sclerosing: (see Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis)
Leukoencephalopathy, Subcortical: (see Dementia, Vascular)
Leukopenia: 0.02, 0.50, 0.85, 2.50, 7.50, 15.69, 35.54, 125.00, 225.69, 377.91
Lewy Body Disease: 0.14, 0.22, 0.62, 7.50, 2.50, 40.00, 87.50, 150.00, 375.69, 519.34,
Lewy Body Parkinson Disease: (see Parkinson Disease)
Lhermitte-Duclos Disease: (see Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple: (Cowden's Disease))
Libman-Sacks Disease: (see Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic)
Lice Infestations: 0.03, 0.41, 0.62, 0.93, 7.50, 13.93, 85.54, 96.50, 327.81, 405.23
Lichen Planus: 0.05, 0.49, 0.62, 0.95, 10.47,32.71, 330.22, 402.80, 692.10, 775.09
Lichen Ruber Planus: (see Lichen Planus)
Lichen Sclerosus: (see Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus: (White Spot Disease))
Lichen Sclerosus et Atrophicus: 0.15, 0.18, 0.80, 5.50, 107.50, 372.50, 515.54, 631.85, 711.12, 907.50
Light Sensitivity: (see Photophobia)
Lightheadedness: (see Dizziness)
Limb Cramp: (see Muscle Cramp)
Lindau Disease: (see von Hippel-Lindau Disease)
Lingual-Facial-Buccal Dyskinesia: (see MOVEMENT DISORDERS)
Lipodystrophy: 0.02, 0.12, 0.85, 7.50, 32.50, 40.00, 60.00, 150.00, 92.50, 426.90,
Lipodystrophy, Intestinal: (see Whipple Disease)
Lipoma: 0.16, 0.55, 0.85, 7.50, 32.50, 35.67, 97.50, 375.54, 515.70, 660.41
Lipoma, Pleomorphic: (see Lipoma)
Lipomatosis: 0.02, 0.50, 0.87, 172.50, 207.50, 315.23, 425.62, 691.22, 735.54, 962.07,
Lipomucopolysaccharidosis: (see Mucolipidoses)
Lissencephaly: 0.14, 0.22, 0.62, 10.72, 2.50, 124.00, 327.50, 421.20, 505.52, 632.01,
Listeria Infections: 0.08, 0.26, 0.78, 2.50, 7.50, 55.67, 87.50, 123.52, 543.32, 662.54,
Little Disease: (see Cerebral Palsy)
Livedo Reticularis, Systemic Involvement: (see Sneddon Syndrome)
Liver Cirrhosis: 0.11, 0.55, 0.95, 5.50, 17.50, 37.50, 162.50, 383.50, 421.00, 645.25,
Liver Diseases: 0.11, 0.55, 0.97, 12.33, 17.50, 30.00, 160.10, 383.50, 421.00, 645.25,
Liver Fibrosis: (see Liver Cirrhosis)
Loaiasis: (see Loiasis: (African Eye Worm))
Lobar Holoprosencephaly: (see Holoprosencephaly)
Lobar Pneumonia: (see Pneumonia)
Lobstein Disease: (see Osteogenesis Imperfecta)
Locked-In Syndrome: (see Quadriplegia)
Loiasis: 0.12, 0.55, 0.85, 5.50, 32.50, 35.54, 71.50, 92.50, 125.67, 515.70,
Long QT Syndrome: 0.03, 0.50, 0.85, 7.50, 8.00, 27.50, 35.54, 125.69, 95.69, 95.00
Lordosis: 0.15, 0.23, 0.62, 0.93, 7.50, 12.69, 52.50, 72.50, 93.50, 96.50, 519.34, 660.41, 750.00, 970.50,
Lou Gehrig Disease: (see Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
Loudness Recruitment: (see Hyperacusis)
Louis-Bar Syndrome: (see Ataxia Telangiectasia: (Louis-Bar Syndrome))
Lowe Syndrome: (see Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome: (Lowe Syndrome))
Lower Nephron Nephrosis: (see Kidney Tubular Necrosis, Acute)
Ludwig's Angina: 0.13, 0.52, 0.65, 9.00, 11.09, 45.00, 62.50, 168.30, 335.62, 443.16,
Lung Abscess: 0.04, 0.24, 0.60, 0.83, 2.50, 39.98, 203.50, 741.67, 835.62, 917.81,
Lung Collapse: (see Atelectasis)
Lung Diseases: 0.03, 0.41, 0.62, 0.93, 7.50, 12.71, 85.00, 206.50, 324.94, 735.62,
Lung Diseases, Interstitial: 0.05, 0.24, 0.60, 0.97, 7.50, 35.62, 117.52, 402.06, 675.62, 823.01
Lung Inflammation: (see Pneumonia)
Lupus Erythematosus Disseminatus: (see Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic)
Lupus Erythematosus, Cutaneous: 0.11, 0.49, 0.73, 2.25, 7.50, 30.00, 270.28, 333.91, 791.03, 905.07
Lupus Erythematosus, Cutaneous, Subacute: (see Lupus Erythematosus, Cutaneous)
Lupus Erythematosus, Subacute Cutaneous: (see Lupus Erythematosus, Cutaneous)
Lupus Erythematosus, Systemic: 0.11, 0.49, 0.73, 2.25, 7.50, 30.00, 270.28, 333.91, 791.03, 905.07
Luteinizing Hormone, Inappropriate Secretion: (see Hyperpituitarism)
Lyme Borreliosis: (see Lyme Disease)
Lyme Disease: 0.65, 2.50, 7.50, 25.23, 70.00, 42.50, 95.67, 378.95, 523.01, 682.02
Lymph Node Hyperplasia, Giant: (see Giant Lymph Node Hyperplasia)
Lymph Node Syndrome, Mucocutaneous: (see Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome)
Lymphadenitis: 0.12, 0.24, 0.93, 7.50, 25.54, 35.67, 87.50, 93.50, 215.70, 533.69,
Lymphadenopathy: (see LYMPHATIC DISEASES)
Lymphangioendothelioma: (see Lymphangioma)
Lymphangioleiomyomatosis: 0.12, 0.18, 0.93, 7.50, 30.00, 35.23, 87.50, 93.50, 219.34, 496.01
Lymphangioma: 0.12, 0.35, 0.93, 7.50, 27.50, 35.67, 87.50, 93.50, 223.01, 515.70
Lymphangioma, Cavernous: (see Lymphangioma)
Lymphatic Diseases: 0.14, 0.35, 0.93, 11.95, 25.54, 35.67, 87.50, 93.50, 234.25, 527.81
Lymphatism: (see LYMPHATIC DISEASES)
Lymphedema: 0.12, 0.35, 0.93, 7.50, 17.50, 35.00, 87.50, 93.50, 224.94, 497.61,
Lymphogranuloma Inguinale: (see Lymphogranuloma Venereum)
Lymphogranuloma Venereum:
Lymphogranuloma, Malignant: (see Hodgkin Disease)
Lymphoproliferative Disorders: 0.12, 0.35, 0.87, 7.50, 25.00, 35.68, 87.50, 93.50, 234.51, 519.34
Lysosomal Enzyme Disorders: (see Lysosomal Storage Diseases)
Lysosomal Storage Diseases: 0.08, 0.41, 0.95, 2.75, 5.50, 15.65, 67.50, 192.93, 236.42, 585.70
Machado-Joseph Disease: 0.14, 0.25, 0.87, 7.50, 8.00, 13.93, 85.68, 225.23, 475.68, 527.00
Macroglobulinemia: (see Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia)
Macroglossia: 0.07, 0.23, 0.83, 2.75, 30.00, 30.00, 50.00, 134.25, 325.65, 425.68
Macropsia: (see VISION DISORDERS)
Macular Degeneration: 0.15, 0.18, 0.80, 5.50, 33.20, 172.30, 471.20, 557.82, 603.44, 921.88,
Macular Dystrophy, Corneal: (see Corneal Dystrophies, Hereditary)
Maculopathy, Age-Related: (see Macular Degeneration)
Madura Foot: (see Maduromycosis: (Mycetoma))
Maduromycosis: (see Maduromycosis: (Mycetoma))
Maffucci Syndrome: (see Enchondromatosis)
Maggot Infestations: (see Myiasis)
Mal de Debarquement: (see Motion Sickness)
Malaria: 0.04, 0.24, 0.57, 1.00, 12.05, 177.71, 234.00, 591.00, 683.16, 849.34,
Male Urogenital Diseases: 0.19, 0.22, 0.62, 0.83, 7.50, 32.50, 85.65, 143.50, 304.42, 581.28,
Malignant Fibrous Histiocytoma: (see Histiocytoma, Malignant Fibrous)
Malignant Hyperpyrexia: (see Malignant Hyperthermia)
Malignant Hyperthermia: 0.11, 0.55, 0.95, 5.25, 20.00, 37.50, 62.50, 93.50, 150.00, 478.50
Malignant Melanoma: (see Melanoma)
Malignant Meningioma: (see Meningioma)
Malta Fever: (see Brucellosis)
Mammary Dysplasia: (see Fibrocystic Breast Disease)
Mandibulofacial Dysostosis: 0.12, 0.55, 0.85, 5.50, 22.50, 35.68, 70.00, 261.11, 385.65, 705.70
Manic-Depressive Psychosis: (see Bipolar Disorder)
Mannosidosis, alpha B, Lysosomal: (see alpha-Mannosidosis)
Maple Syrup Urine Disease: 0.03, 0.50, 0.87, 10.47, 37.11, 87.50, 135.23, 225.68, 397.50, 597.50
Marble Bone Disease: (see Osteopetrosis)
Marcus-Gunn Pupil: (see PUPIL DISORDERS)
Marfan Syndrome: 0.15, 0.23, 0.65, 0.93, 36.29, 211.09, 475.68, 527.00, 665.34, 749.00
Marginal Ulcer: (see Peptic Ulcer)
Marie-Struempell Disease: (see Spondylitis, Ankylosing)
Marsh Fever: (see Malaria)
Martin-Bell Syndrome: (see Fragile X Syndrome: (Martin-Bell syndrome))
Masseter Muscle Spasm: (see Trismus)
Mastalgia: (see Breast Diseases)
Mast-Cell Disease: (see Mastocytosis)
Mastocytosis: 0.07, 0.24, 0.78, 12.50, 57.50, 112.05, 241.21, 361.28, 596.50, 888.20
Mastoiditis: 0.07, 0.22, 0.70, 2.50, 39.00, 300.50, 411.51, 605.65, 747.00, 907.11,
Maturity-Onset Diabetes Mellitus: (see Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2)
Maxillofacial Procedures: (see Oral Surgical Procedures)
McArdle Disease: (see Glycogen Storage Disease)
McCune-Albright Syndrome: (see Fibrous Dysplasia, Polyostotic)
MCLS: (see Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome)
Measles: 0.06, 0.26, 0.75, 2.25, 7.50, 52.50, 369.50, 373.01, 371.05, 687.62
Measles Inclusion Body Encephalitis: (see Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis)
Measles, German: (see Rubella)
Meckel Diverticulum: 0.07, 0.12, 0.62, 3.78, 12.69, 27.50, 57.50, 126.16, 150.00, 403.86,
Meconium Aspiration Syndrome: 0.16, 0.35, 0.93, 35.78, 112.50, 212.71, 331.79, 396.50, 597.50, 751.17,
Mediastinal Cyst: 0.16, 0.35, 0.93, 22.50, 130.00, 251.23, 493.50, 555.08, 754.37, 815.68,
Mediterranean Fever, Familial: (see Familial Mediterranean Fever: (Yerevanian Disease))
Medullary Sponge Kidney: 0.03, 0.50, 0.93, 10.72, 38.10, 47.50, 155.65, 297.50, 334.25, 757.77
Medulloblastoma: 0.14, 0.22, 0.72, 2.58, 193.11, 247.59, 385.21, 521.68, 657.30, 729.34
Medulloblastoma, Desmoplastic: (see Medulloblastoma)
Medullomyoblastoma: (see Medulloblastoma)
Megacolon, Congenital: (see Hirschsprung Disease)
Megaesophagus: (see Esophageal Achalasia)
Meibomian Cyst: (see Chalazion)
Meige Syndrome: 0.06, 0.41, 0.70, 0.83, 2.50, 32.50, 305.05, 431.20, 632.59, 723.01
Meigs Syndrome: (see Cancer: Ovarian)
Melancholia: (see Depressive Disorder)
Melanoma: 0.07, 0.49, 0.70, 32.80, 102.25, 212.75, 321.20, 545.68, 795.61, 857.77
Melanoma, Amelanotic: 0.15, 0.18, 1.32, 2.51, 25.68, 212.75, 321.20, 545.68, 795.61, 857.77
Melanosis: 0.03, 0.12, 0.93, 7.50, 30.00, 147.50, 262.50, 315.61, 505.68, 756.50,
Melanotic Freckle: (see Hutchinson's Melanotic Freckle)
MELAS Syndrome: 0.16, 0.35, 0.93, 2.50, 130.00, 355.68, 419.34, 651.10, 723.03, 868.43
Melasma: (see Melanosis)
Melena: (see Gastrointestinal Hemorrhage)
Melioidosis: 0.03, 0.50, 0.90, 13.61, 37.50, 117.50, 255.61, 497.50, 715.70, 842.06
Melkersson-Rosenthal Syndrome: 0.14, 0.22, 0.70, 6.21, 102.50, 247.50, 372.50, 505.61, 625.68, 956.16
Melorheostosis: 0.04, 0.26, 0.75, 12.05, 177.50, 252.50, 385.00, 404.92, 625.61, 853.72
Menetrier Disease: (see Gastritis, Hypertrophic)
Meniere Disease: 0.11, 0.35, 12.80, 88.50, 125.68, 240.00, 470.00, 592.50, 625.23, 723.01
Meniere's Disease: (see Meniere Disease)
Meniere's Syndrome: (see Meniere Disease)
Meningeal Plague: (see Plague)
Meningioma: 0.10, 0.41, 0.87, 5.50, 130.00, 255.61, 362.00, 492.68, 597.50, 654.37
Meningiomas, Multiple: (see Meningioma)
Meningiomatosis: (see Meningioma)
Meningitis, Bacterial: 0.12, 0.23, 0.93, 2.50, 30.00, 155.68, 262.10, 315.61, 527.50, 725.37
Meningitis, Viral: 0.12, 0.25, 0.93, 2.75, 30.00, 155.68, 262.10, 315.61, 527.50, 725.37
Meningoencephalitis, Herpes Simplex Virus: (see Encephalitis, Herpes Simplex)
Menkes Syndrome: (see Menkes Kinky Hair Syndrome)
Menstruation Disorders: (see Menstruation Disturbances)
Menstruation Disturbances: 0.06, 0.53, 49.93, 172.50, 287.50, 313.98, 455.23, 607.50, 811.52, 903.54
Menstruation, Retrograde: (see Menstruation Disturbances)
Mercury Poisoning Hydrargyria (Detox): 0.20, 0.14, 0.33, 0.42, 0.44, 0.55, 0.52, 0.76, 128.33, 435.21
Merkel Cell Tumor: (see Carcinoma, Merkel Cell)
Mesothelioma: 0.15, 0.23, 0.72, 1.83, 82.53, 137.51, 242.10, 407.50, 592.52, 693.20,
Metabolic Diseases: 0.13, 0.52, 2.61, 110.39, 211.11, 351.02, 405.85, 622.28, 753.08, 832.63
Metabolic Stress: (see Stress)
Metabolic Syndrome X: 0.11, 0.49, 0.57, 7.50, 12.33, 190.81, 431.33, 501.20, 653.80, 825.61
Metastasis: (see Cancer: Metastasis)
Metatarsal Deformity: (see FOOT DEFORMITIES)
Metatarsus Primus Varus: (see Hallux Valgus)
Methemoglobinemia: 0.12, 0.35, 0.83, 2.50, 15.23, 55.68, 85.61, 92.50, 225.68, 451.17
Microcephaly: 0.08, 0.41, 0.80, 5.25, 42.50, 117.50, 272.50, 395.68, 725.00, 956.50
Microlissencephaly: (see Microcephaly)
Microphthalmos: 0.14, 0.25, 0.90, 2.50, 57.50, 132.50, 365.61, 426.16, 675.68, 897.00,
Micropsia: (see VISION DISORDERS)
Micropunctures: (see Punctures)
Microvascular Angina: 0.07, 0.23, 0.85, 35.23, 63.02, 125.03, 235.68, 396.50, 575.61, 751.77
Middle Ear Cholesteatoma: (see Cholesteatoma, Middle Ear)
Migraine Disorders: 0.15, 0.18, 2.32, 63.75, 72.30, 132.20, 220.30, 587.30, 722.52, 915.20
Miliaria: (see Sweat Gland Diseases)
Milk-Alkali Syndrome: (see Hypercalcemia)
Miller Fisher Syndrome: 0.03, 0.12, 0.93, 7.50, 132.31, 247.52, 362.54, 596.52, 695.61, 819.34
Milroy's Disease: (see Lymphedema)
Minimal Access Surgical Procedures: (see Surgical Procedures, Minimally Invasive)
Minimal Brain Dysfunction: (see Attention Deficit Disorder with Hyperactivity)
Minimal Change Disease: (see Nephrosis)
Minimal Residual Disease: (see Cancer: Residual)
Miosis, Innervational Defect: (see Horner Syndrome)
Mite Infestations: 0.05, 6.24, 30.78, 129.97, 321.53, 565.68, 615.22, 705.68, 892.50, 952.17
Mitochondrial Myopathy, Lactic Acidosis, Stroke-Like Episode: (see Melas Syndrome)
Mitral Click-Murmur Syndrome: (see Mitral Valve Prolapse)
Mitral Stenosis: (see Mitral Valve Stenosis)
Mitral Valve Prolapse: 0.04, 0.24, 49.71, 132.85, 235.51, 321.51, 405.62, 592.52, 654.32, 779.50,
Mitral Valve Stenosis: 0.04, 0.24, 62.23, 135.00, 235.51, 340.04, 405.62, 592.52, 654.32, 779.50,
Mixed Connective Tissue Disease:
MODY: (see Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2)
Moebius Syndrome: (see Paralysis)
Moersch-Woltmann Syndrome: (see Stiff-Person Syndrome: (Stiff Man Syndrome))
Molds General Comprehensive: 77.00, 126.00, 133.00, 177.00, 181.00, 188.00, 232.00, 242.00, 277.00, 288.00,
Molluscum Contagiosum: 0.11, 0.35, 0.80, 35.25, 72.50, 142.37, 271.50, 592.50, 725.68, 836.42,
Mongolism: (see Down Syndrome)
Moniliasis: (see Candidiasis)
Moniliasis, Vulvovaginal: (see Candidiasis, Vulvovaginal)
Monkeypox: 0.12, 0.35, 0.93, 22.50, 77.50, 150.61, 260.00, 395.00, 597.50, 975.68,
Monochromatopsia: (see Color Vision Defects)
Monoclonal Gammopathies: (see Paraproteinemias)
Monocular Blindness, Transient: (see Amaurosis Fugax)
Monoplegia: (see Hemiplegia)
Monoplegic Cerebral Palsy: (see Cerebral Palsy)
Monosomy: 0.06, 0.50, 0.90, 2.25, 7.50, 32.71, 155.61, 397.50, 624.94, 815.70
Morgellons (Internal Parasites): 0.16, 0.30, 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 356.72, 451.17, 483.52,
Morgellons (Internal & External Skin Parasites): 0.16, 0.30, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 356.72, 451.17, 483.52, 680.00,
Morgellons Chronic (Ruptures and Fibre growths): 0.30, 0.68, 0.90, 13.93, 93.50, 380.67, 412.12, 424.40, 483.52, 680.00,
Morgellons External Skin Parasite (Symptoms: Surface Scratching, itching skin) <RUN> 680.00 for 1 hour
Morton's Neuroma: (see FOOT DEFORMITIES)
Morvan Disease: (see Syringomyelia)
Moschkowitz Disease: (see Purpura, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic)
Mosquito-Borne Encephalitis: (see Encephalitis, Arbovirus)
Motion Sickness: 0.15, 0.23, 0.68, 0.83, 72.52, 137.57, 292.61, 537.30, 822.59, 921.05
Motor Neuron Disease: 0.17, 0.32, 0.95, 5.51, 32.45, 47.51, 162.21, 215.70, 397.50, 475.87
Motor Neuron Disease, Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis: (see Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis)
Motor Neuron Disease, Lower: (see Motor Neuron Disease)
Motor Neuron Disease, Upper: (see Motor Neuron Disease)
Mountain Sickness: (see Altitude Sickness)
Mouth Cancer: (see Cancer: Mouth )
Mouth Dryness: (see Xerostomia)
Movement Disorder: 0.02, 0.24, 0.95, 2.50, 25.78, 172.50, 296.50, 475.58, 576.29, 772.20
Moyamoya Disease: 0.04, 0.25, 0.65, 0.93, 2.50, 7.50, 96.50, 324.94, 475.87, 527.00
MS: (see Multiple Sclerosis):
Muscle Dystonia: (see Dystonia)
Muscle Spasm: (see Spasm)
Muscle Spasticity: 0.13, 0.40, 0.62, 0.90, 5.58, 117.25, 442.52, 657.51, 722.59, 865.87
Muscular Atrophy, Peroneal: (see Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease: (HMSN I, II))
Muscular Atrophy, Postpoliomyelitis: (see Postpoliomyelitis Syndrome)
Muscular Atrophy, Spinal:
Muscular Atrophy, Spinal, Infantile: (see Spinal Muscular Atrophies of Childhood)
Muscular Diseases: 0.13, 0.40, 5.78, 66.83, 132.50, 205.78, 472.50, 507.50, 782.20, 932.10
Muscular Dystrophies: 0.13, 0.40, 0.60, 0.83, 5.87, 47.25, 142.50, 357.52, 702.51, 882.11
Muscular Dystrophy: (see Muscular Dystrophies)
Mutism: 0.19, 0.37, 0.75, 0.85, 2.25, 58.58, 129.58, 448.87, 553.50, 695.91
Mucocutaneous Lymph Node Syndrome: 0.04, 0.24, 0.95, 2.75, 5.87, 178.50, 326.50, 571.52, 705.87, 827.23
Mucolipidoses: 0.20, 0.25, 0.65, 2.50, 3.00, 7.50, 96.50, 326.16, 534.25, 652.43,
Mucolipidosis: (see Mucolipidoses)
Mucopolysaccharidoses: 0.07, 0.35, 0.70, 5.58, 17.25, 22.50, 150.00, 413.02, 550.00, 719.34
Mucoviscidosis: (see Cystic Fibrosis)
Multicystic Dysplastic Kidney: 0.07, 0.37, 3.85, 67.50, 108.20, 402.71, 547.50, 667.50, 705.87, 895.58
Multiple Carboxylase Deficiency, Late-Onset: (see Biotinidase Deficiency)
Multiple Chemical Sensitivity: 0.08, 0.37, 0.78, 8.85, 45.50, 113.52, 241.01, 392.50, 675.87, 812.02
Multiple Hamartoma Syndrome: (see Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple: (Cowden's Disease))
Multiple Myeloma: 0.06, 0.35, 0.62, 0.97, 12.50, 27.50, 142.50, 325.87, 623.01, 815.58
Multiple Sclerosis: 0.05, 0.32, 0.73, 3.95, 17.51, 125.21, 162.52, 275.87, 523.52, 671.22,
Multiple Sclerosis, Acute Fulminating: (see Multiple Sclerosis)
Multiple System Atrophy: 0.04, 0.46, 0.62, 1.00, 2.75, 15.87, 65.00, 324.94, 219.34, 425.87
Mumps: 0.13, 0.30, 0.83, 2.50, 7.50, 22.50, 142.02, 251.02, 325.58, 471.87
Munchausen Syndrome: 0.04, 0.24, 0.75, 4.85, 182.51, 219.29, 412.11, 505.29, 881.00, 905.09
Munchausen Syndrome, by Proxy: (see Aggression)
Muscle Cramp: 0.13, 0.40, 0.62, 3.83, 35.25, 132.25, 282.50, 327.50, 522.50, 748.00
Muscle Disorders: (see MUSCULAR DISEASES)
Myasthenia Gravis: 0.08, 0.35, 0.68, 0.93, 2.50, 5.50, 135.58, 333.57, 613.54, 705.57
Myasthenic Syndrome, Lambert-Eaton: (see Lambert-Eaton Myasthenic Syndrome)
Mycetoma: 0.02, 0.12, 0.85, 7.50, 32.50, 40.00, 60.00, 115.70, 92.50, 423.01, 563.19, 640.00, 985.90
Mycobacterium Infections: 0.06, 0.32, 0.60, 409.65, 410.65, 410.00, 430.55, 434.20, 432.00, 825.00
Mycoplasma Infections: 0.19, 0.40, 0.95, 322.85, 323.90, 323.50, 342.75, 346.00, 349.30, 923.01
Mycoses: 0.17, 0.22, 0.93, 2.75, 27.50, 132.50, 255.58, 475.85, 724.94, 825.87
Mycotic Aneurysm, Intracranial: (see Intracranial Aneurysm)
Myelinoclastic Diffuse Sclerosis: (see Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis of Schilder)
Myelitis: 0.02, 0.46, 0.95, 2.50, 32.50, 50.00, 150.00, 350.00, 475.87, 527.00
Myelodysplastic Syndromes: 0.19, 0.30, 0.80, 7.50, 27.50, 45.58, 96.50, 315.70, 419.34, 562.96
Myeloencephalitis: (see ENCEPHALOMYELITIS)
Myeloma, Plasma-Cell: (see Multiple Myeloma)
Myelopathy: (see SPINAL CORD DISEASES)
Myelopathy, Inflammatory: (see Myelitis)
Myelopathy, Traumatic: (see Spinal Cord Injuries)
Myeloproliferative Disorders: 0.05, 0.41, 0.60, 0.95, 5.78, 30.00, 57.50, 97.50, 325.87, 675.96
Myiasis: 0.13, 0.49, 0.60, 0.87, 2.25, 5.25, 113.98, 545.87, 735.00, 805.07
Myocardial Infarction: 0.19, 0.37, 0.78, 0.90, 7.50, 121.72, 340.00, 457.50, 592.50, 775.58
Myocardial Ischemia: 0.08, 0.35, 0.62, 0.97, 12.50, 117.50, 345.23, 567.50, 625.87, 775.58
Myocarditis: 0.08, 0.32, 1.73, 32.90, 67.50, 125.23, 322.50, 539.00, 832.59, 915.58
Myoclonus: 0.07, 0.35, 0.70, 45.00, 77.25, 114.69, 320.00, 637.08, 805.87, 973.50
Myoclonus Cherry Red Spot Syndrome: (see Mucolipidoses)
Myoclonus, Action: (see Myoclonus)
Myoclonus, Nocturnal: (see Myoclonus)
Nagana: (see Trypanosomiasis, African)
Nail Disease: 0.05, 0.37, 0.95, 2.75, 7.50, 22.50, 47.50, 607.50, 834.56, 911.87
Nail Fungus: (see Onychomycosis)
Nail-Patella Syndrome: 0.07, 0.35, 0.70, 45.00, 78.25, 114.69, 323.00, 637.08, 845.87, 973.50
Narcolepsy: 0.14, 0.57, 0.73, 7.50, 2.50, 50.00, 187.50, 455.30, 672.23, 775.87,
Narcolepsy-Cataplexy Syndrome: (see Narcolepsy)
Nasal Catarrh: (see Rhinitis)
Nasal Diseases: (see NOSE DISEASES)
Nausea: 0.07, 0.41, 0.73, 4.83, 67.51, 220.53, 325.87, 451.23, 704.94, 815.08
Neck Cancer: (see Cancer: Head and Neck)
Neck Neoplasms: (see Cancer: Head and Neck)
Neck Pain: 0.08, 0.49, 0.73, 0.80, 7.50, 142.53, 285.02, 412.03, 528.23, 775.56
Neckache: (see Neck Pain)
Necrobacillosis: (see Fusobacterium Infections)
Necrosis, Aseptic, of Bone: (see Osteonecrosis)
Necrosis, Avascular, of Bone: (see Osteonecrosis)
Necrotizing Arteritis: (see Polyarteritis Nodosa)
Nelson Syndrome: 0.03, 0.24, 2.78, 78.85, 233.56, 475.87, 527.00, 667.00, 752.70, 990.62
Nematomorpha Infections: (see HELMINTHIASIS)
Neoplasms (All individual listings for Neoplasms are under CANCER)
Nephritis, Familial: (see Nephritis, Hereditary: (Alport's Syndrome))
Nephritis, Hereditary: 0.03, 0.37, 0.78, 0.90, 7.50, 10.72, 40.00, 157.50, 392.50, 575.56
Nephroblastoma: (see Wilms Tumor)
Nephrosis: 0.13, 0.24, 0.75, 0.90, 213.52, 335.58, 413.98, 635.00, 795.22, 826.32
Nephrotic Syndrome: 0.13, 0.24, 0.78, 0.93, 2.25, 112.33, 217.50, 335.56, 595.87, 813.50
Nerve Compression Syndromes: 0.02, 0.24, 0.85, 2.50, 5.25, 72.50, 196.50, 375.91, 456.72, 880.00
Nerve Entrapments: (see Nerve Compression Syndromes)
Nerve Pain: (see Neuralgia)
Nervous System Diseases: 0.04, 0.25, 0.65, 0.93, 2.75, 7.50, 96.50, 326.16, 475.56, 527.00
Nervous System Diseases, (see Autonomic Nervous System Diseases)
Netherton Syndrome: (see Ichthyosis)
Neural Tube Defects: 0.03, 0.24, 0.85, 2.50, 5.87, 85.00, 96.50, 175.87, 357.77, 452.59
Neuralgia: 0.08, 0.25, 0.65, 2.50, 8.00, 77.50, 196.50, 315.70, 524.94, 660.41,
Neuralgia, Amyotrophic: (see Brachial Plexus Neuritis: (Parsonage-Turner Syndrome))
Neuralgia, Diabetic: (see Diabetic Neuropathies)
Neuralgia, Geniculate: (see Herpes Zoster Oticus)
Neuralgia, Sciatic: (see Sciatica)
Neuralgic Amyotrophy: (see Brachial Plexus Neuritis: (Parsonage-Turner Syndrome))
Neurenteric Cyst: (see Neural Tube Defects)
Neurilemmoma: 0.03, 0.35, 0.70, 2.78, 7.25, 12.50, 42.02, 175.87, 527.00, 658.81
Neurilemmosarcoma: (see Neurilemmoma: (Neurinoma))
Neurinoma: (see Neurilemmoma: (Neurinoma))
Neuritis, Brachial Plexus: (see Brachial Plexus Neuritis: (Parsonage-Turner Syndrome))
Neuritis, Vestibular: (see Vestibular Neuronitis)
Neuroblastoma: 0.04, 0.18, 0.78, 2.50, 7.50, 55.91, 87.50, 96.50, 325.87, 523.01
Neuroblastoma, Retinal: (see Retinoblastoma)
Neurocysticercosis: 0.13, 0.52, 0.73, 13.61, 125.29, 255.56, 372.58, 551.23, 673.29, 713.72
Neurodynia: (see Neuralgia)
Neuroendocrine Tumors: 0.11, 0.49, 5.57, 62.75, 145.18, 246.71, 361.03, 435.29, 693.50, 787.00
Neurofibromatoses: 0.17, 0.35, 0.83, 7.50, 115.29, 347.50, 487.50, 592.50, 675.91, 775.56
Neurofibromatosis: (see Neurofibromatoses)
Neurohepatic Degeneration: (see Hepatolenticular Degeneration)
Neurohypophyseal Diseases: (see Pituitary Diseases)
Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: 0.08, 0.41, 0.80, 5.75, 5.50, 122.50, 287.50, 319.34, 472.29, 678.51
Neuroleptic-Induced Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome: (see Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome)
Neuroleptic-Malignant Syndrome, Neuroleptic Induced: (see Neuroleptic Malignant Syndrome)
Neurologic Disorders: (see Nervous System Diseases)
Neuroma, Acoustic: 0.05, 0.35, 0.62, 0.97, 2.50, 7.50, 122.50, 307.50, 425.52, 624.37
Neuromuscular Diseases: 0.04, 0.35, 6.79, 52.25, 115.78, 234.25, 342.12, 472.50, 551.22, 657.71
Neuromyelitis Optica: 0.05, 0.57, 0.60, 2.25, 5.29, 37.50, 375.56, 475.29, 527.00, 831.90,
Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses: 0.19, 0.18, 0.70, 2.25, 5.78, 47.50, 269.71, 450.00, 515.56, 686.21
Neuronitis, Vestibular: (see Vestibular Neuronitis)
Neuronopathic Gaucher Disease: (see Gaucher Disease)
Neuropapillitis: (see Optic Neuritis)
Neuropathies, Cranial: (see Cranial Nerve Diseases)
Neuropathies, Hereditary Motor and Sensory: (see Hereditary Motor and Sensory Neuropathies)
Neuropathies, Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic: (see Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathies)
Neuropathy, Hereditary and Autonomic, Type III: (see Dysautonomia, Familial)
Neuropathy, Hereditary Motor and Sensory, Type IV: (see Refsum Disease)
Neuroretinoangiomatosis: (see Sturge-Weber Syndrome)
Neuroses, Anxiety: (see ANXIETY DISORDERS)
Neuroses, Phobic: (see Phobic Disorders)
Neuroses, Post-Traumatic: (see Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic)
Neuroses, War: (see Combat Disorders)
Neurosis, Depressive: (see Depressive Disorder)
Neurosis, Hypochondriacal: (see Hypochondriasis)
Neurosis, Obsessive-Compulsive: (see Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder)
Neurotoxicity Syndrome, Manganese: (see Manganese Poisoning: )
Neurovascular Syndrome, Thoracic Outlet: (see Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)
Neutral Amino Acid Transport Disorder: (see Hartnup Disease)
Neutropenia: 0.06, 0.46, 0.62, 0.97, 2.50, 22.68, 167.51, 436.42, 558.57, 726.16
Neutrophilic Dermatosis, Acute Febrile: (see Sweet's Syndrome)
New Variant Creutzfeldt-Jakob Disease: (see Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome)
Nevoid Basal Cell Carcinoma Syndrome: (see Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome: (Gorlin/Goltz Syndrome))
Nevus: 0.03, 0.32, 0.73, 0.91, 7.52, 25.67, 162.58, 392.11, 612.34, 815.29
Nevus Flammeus: (see Port-Wine Stain)
Nevus Syndrome, Basal Cell: (see Basal Cell Nevus Syndrome: (Gorlin/Goltz Syndrome))
NIDDM: (see Diabetes Mellitus, Type 2)
Niemann-Pick Disease: (see Niemann-Pick Diseases)
Niemann-Pick Diseases: 0.05, 0.46, 0.95, 7.50, 32.50, 154.31, 267.50, 352.57, 411.12, 634.25
Night Terror: (see SLEEP DISORDERS)
Ninth Cranial Nerve Diseases: (see Glossopharyngeal Nerve Diseases)
Nipah Virus Encephalitis: (see Paramyxoviridae Infections)
Nocardia Infections: 0.16, 0.32, 0.95, 7.50, 32.50, 47.50, 95.29, 376.29, 675.29, 727.00
Nocturia: 0.05, 0.37, 0.85, 2.50, 7.50, 122.53, 441.15, 611.21, 715.22, 852.93
Nocturnal enuresis Bed Wetting: 0.03, 0.24, 0.70, 15.83, 29.75, 187.50, 345.95, 512.50, 829.01, 943.13,
Nodding Spasm: (see Spasms, Infantile)
Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma: (see Lymphoma, Non-Hodgkin)
Nonreassuring Fetal Status: (see Fetal Distress)
Non-Small-Cell Lung Carcinoma: (see Carcinoma, Non-Small-Cell Lung)
Nonverbal Learning Disorder: 0.14, 0.57, 0.73, 7.50, 14.50, 327.03, 555.91, 665.02, 756.72, 875.29
Noonan Syndrome: 0.04, 0.18, 0.78, 2.50, 7.50, 55.29, 87.50, 95.52, 225.29, 519.34,
Normal Pressure Hydrocephalus: (see Hydrocephalus, Normal Pressure)
Normokalemic Periodic Paralysis: (see Paralyses, Familial Periodic)
Nose Diseases: 0.18, 0.32, 0.80, 5.50, 27.50, 45.56, 172.50, 392.50, 553.20, 675.29,
Nosebleed: (see Epistaxis)
Nosocomial Infections: (see Cross Infection)
Nycturia: (see Nocturia)
Nystagmus, Pathologic: 0.07, 0.37, 0.95, 7.50, 82.00, 193.93, 237.50, 487.50, 706.21, 946.50
Obesity, includes eating disorders: 0.14, 0.22, 0.62, 58.25, 215.50, 442.01, 537.50, 617.50, 869.71, 975.34,
Obstructive Hydrocephalus: (see Hydrocephalus)
Occipital Encephalocele: (see Encephalocele)
Occipital Region Trauma: (see Craniocerebral Trauma)
Ochoa Syndrome: (Urofacial Syndrome, Hydronephrosis with Peculiar Facial Expression; not on MeSH)
Ocular Infections: (see EYE INFECTIONS)
Ocular Larva Migrans: (see Larva Migrans)
Ocular Motility Disorders: 0.17, 0.32, 0.95, 5.50, 32.50, 47.50, 162.12, 232.03, 397.50, 679.93
Ocular Retraction Syndrome: (see Duane Retraction Syndrome)
Ocular Torticollis: (see OCULAR MOTILITY DISORDERS)
Oculoauriculovertebral Syndrome: (see Goldenhar Syndrome)
Oculocerebrorenal Syndrome: 0.07, 0.37, 0.95, 7.52, 28.10, 123.98, 407.91, 627.28, 736.22, 816.61
Oculomotor Nerve Diseases: 0.13, 0.40, 0.73, 0.83, 5.75, 7.25, 142.50, 557.50, 792.50, 891.00
Oculomotor Paralysis: (see Ophthalmoplegia)
Oculopharyngeal Spinal Muscular Atrophy: (see Muscular Atrophy, Spinal)
Oculosympathetic Syndrome: (see Horner Syndrome)
Odontogenic Tumors: 0.13, 0.52, 0.62, 13.52, 5.87, 52.50, 72.50, 153.67, 375.29, 453.72
Olfaction Disorders: 0.11, 0.49, 0.57, 13.39, 5.25, 20.00, 60.00, 35.52, 93.50, 315.70,
Oligoastrocytoma, Mixed: (see Astrocytoma)
Oliguria: 0.17, 0.35, 0.83, 7.50, 15.91, 47.50, 87.50, 392.50, 475.52, 575.29,
Olivopontocerebellar Atrophies: 0.08, 0.41, 0.80, 57.19, 105.50, 212.50, 385.00, 426.16, 675.52, 875.29
Olivopontocerebellar Atrophy, Idiopathic: (see Olivopontocerebellar Atrophies)
Ollier's Disease: (see Enchondromatosis)
Pallister-Killian Syndrome: 0.08, 0.25, 0.90, 2.25, 5.29, 30.00, 57.50, 45.37, 96.50, 233.63
Palmoplantaris Pustulosis: (see Psoriasis)
Palsy: (see Paralysis)
Pancreatic Cancer: (see Cancer: Pancreatic)
Pancreatic Diseases: 0.08, 0.40, 0.83, 5.47, 105.00, 215.47, 417.50, 631.00, 801.91, 931.22
Pancreatic Insufficiency: (see Exocrine Pancreatic Insufficiency)
Pancreatitis: 0.03, 0.52, 0.68, 2.75, 7.50, 55.91, 324.37, 519.34, 653.69, 756.53
Panencephalitis, Subacute Sclerosing: (see Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis)
Panhypopituitarism: (see Hypopituitarism)
Panniculitis: 0.08, 0.49, 0.65, 7.50, 12.85, 17.50, 72.50, 226.07, 475.47, 527.00
Panniculitis, Subacute Nodular Migratory: (see Panniculitis)
Pantothenate Kinase-Associated Neurodegeneration: 0.16, 0.35, 0.95, 5.87, 27.50, 52.50, 225.37, 451.17, 517.50, 687.62
Papilledema: 0.05, 0.40, 0.85, 2.50, 13.98, 12.71, 95.47, 233.91, 426.90, 571.00,
Papillitis, Optic: (see Papilledema)
Papilloma: 0.04, 0.32, 0.57, 0.85, 30.25, 173.21, 301.80, 402.85, 410.70., 475.47
Papilloma, Shope: (see TUMOR VIRUS INFECTIONS)
Papilloma, Squamous Cell: (see Papilloma)
Papillomatosis: (see Papilloma)
Papillomavirus Infections: 0.05, 0.32, 0.60, 0.85, 12.33, 57.26, 152.00, 93.50, 315.70, 425.37
Pappataci Fever: (see Phlebotomus Fever: (Sandfly Fever, Pappataci Fever))
Paraganglioma: 0.04, 0.30, 0.65, 0.90, 2.50, 57.22, 113.93, 293.50, 358.57, 479.50,
Paraganglioma, Gangliocytic: (see Paraganglioma)
Parahemophilia: (see Factor V Deficiency: (Owren's Disease, Parahemophilia))
Paraimmunoglobulinemias: (see Paraproteinemias)
Parainfluenza: (see Paramyxoviridae Infections)
Parainfluenza Virus Infections: (see Paramyxoviridae Infections)
Parakeratosis Variegata: (see Parapsoriasis)
Paralyses, Familial Periodic: 0.05, 0.12, 0.87, 3.21, 27.50, 62.71, 145.47, 262.50, 392.50, 591.00
Paralysis: 0.02, 0.22, 0.97, 7.50, 22.50, 85.37, 155.47, 285.00, 416.50, 605.41
Paralysis Agitans: (see Parkinson Disease)
Paralysis, Bulbar: (see Bulbar Palsy, Progressive)
Paramyxoviridae Infections:
Paraneoplastic Autonomic Dysfunction: (see Paraneoplastic Syndromes, Nervous System)
Paraneoplastic Encephalomyelitis: (see Paraneoplastic Syndromes, Nervous System)
Paraneoplastic Syndromes, Nervous System: 0.14, 0.49, 0.60, 0.83, 2.25, 17.75, 81.08, 95.47, 319.34, 533.63
Paraosmia: (see Olfaction Disorders)
Paraphilias: 0.06, 0.24, 0.78, 0.83, 2.50, 10.89, 22.50, 124.37, 375.00, 515.70
Paraplegia: (see Paralysis)
Paraproteinemias: 0.13, 0.40, 0.68, 0.80, 5.26, 72.50, 135.47, 296.50, 556.72, 879.93,
Parapsoriasis: 0.08, 0.37, 0.78, 0.90, 7.52, 10.32, 140.00, 232.50, 725.47, 925.37
Parapsoriasis en Plaques: (see Parapsoriasis)
Parasites Anaplasma marginale: 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 388.00 387.00, 422.00
Parasites Anaplasma marginale: (2nd range) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 383.00 400.00 415.30, 424.00
Parasites Ancylostoma braziliense (adult): 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60 397.60, 403.25, 401.00
Parasites Ancylostoma caninum 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 13.93, 123.53, 383.10, 402.90, 400.00, 393.00, 386.00
Parasites common roundworm of cats and dogs: 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 13.93, 198.51, 323.30, 376.90, 404.90, 409.15, 408.00
Parasites Ascaris megalocephala (male) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 13.93, 204.51, 337.30, 331.00, 403.85, 409.70, 408.00
Parasites Balantidium coli cysts 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 13.93, 204.51, 337.30, 331.00, 458.80, 462.90, 460.00
Parasites Besnoitia (lung sect.): protozoan 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 13.93, 204.51, 337.30, 331.00, 352.80, 361.40, 358.00
Parasites Capillaria hepatica (liver sect.): 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 13.93, 204.51, 337.30, 331.00, 424.25, 430.65, 428.00
Parasites Chilomastix cysts (rat): 2.50, 13.93, 204.51, 337.30, 388.95, 390.70, 389.00, 426.00, 425.20, 427.30
Parasites Chilomonas, whole mount: 2.50, 13.93, 204.51, 337.30, 388.95, 390.70, 389.00, 393.75, 400.00, 398.00
Parasites Clonorchis sinensis: 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60, 425.70, 428.75, 427.00
Parasites Cryptocotyle lingua (adult): 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60, 409.95, 416.00, 414.00
Parasites Dientamoeba fragilis: 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60, 401.35, 406.05, 404.00
Parasites Dirofilaria immitis dog heartworm: 2.50, 13.93, 204.51, 337.30, 388.95, 390.70, 389.00, 408.15, 411.15, 409.00
Parasites Echinoporyphium recurvatum: 2.50, 13.93, 204.51, 337.30, 388.95, 390.70, 389.00, 418.55 423.90, 421.00
Parasites Echinostoma revolutum: 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60, 425.70, 428.75, 427.00
Parasites Endamoeba gingivalis trophozoite: 0.81, 1.42, 4.32, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60, 433.80 441.00 438.00
Parasites Endolimax nana trophozoites and cysts 1.42, 4.32, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60, 394.25, 397.10, 396.00, 432.00
Parasites Entamoeba coli trophozoites 1.42, 4.32, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60, 394.25, 397.10, 396.00, 432.00
Parasites Entamoeba histolytica trophozoite 1.42, 4.32, 5.50, 13.93, 122.50, 322.60, 394.25, 381.10, 387.00, 385.00
Parasites Enterobius vermicularis 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 420.95, 426.30, 423.00
Parasites Eurytrema pancreaticum 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40 420.35, 422.30, 421.00
Parasites Fasciola hepatica 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40 421.35, 427.30, 425.00
Parasites Fasciola hepatica cercariae 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40 423.80, 430.60, 427.00
Parasites Fasciola hepatica eggs 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40 422.00, 427.60, 425.00
Parasites Fasciola hepatica miracidia 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 421.75, 424.70, 423.00,
Parasites Fasciola hepatica rediae 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 420.60, 427.50, 425.00,
Parasites Fasciolopsis buskii adult 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 427.70, 435.10, 434.00,
Parasites Fasciolopsis buskii eggs 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 427.35, 435.45, 434.00,
Parasites Fasciolopsis cercariae 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 429.50, 436.25, 434.00,
Parasites Fasciolopsis miracidia 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 427.35, 435.20, 434.00,
Parasites Fasciolopsis rediae 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 427.30, 433.00, 432.00,
Parasites filariose (worms in blood and organs of mammals, larvae passed from biting insects)
Parasites fischoedrius elongatus: 0.19, 0.52, 0.78, 1.22, 13.39, 5.20, 17.50, 72.50, 234.25, 425.43
Parasites flatworms: 0.03, 0.24, 0.70, 1.29, 12.33, 27.50, 35.41, 142.00, 357.77, 475.91
Parasites flukes blood: 0.14, 0.32, 0.87, 2.58, 17.50, 44.43, 72.50, 92.50, 151.00, 453.72
Parasites flukes general: 0.11, 0.32, 0.90, 2.53, 17.50, 47.43, 78.10, 90.00, 157.00, 425.41
Parasites flukes intestinal: 0.07, 0.32, 0.97, 2.38, 15.33, 46.37, 73.20, 87.52, 153.00, 415.70
Parasites flukes liver: 0.18, 0.40, 0.80, 5.50, 27.50, 45.37, 72.50, 92.50, 132.00, 478.50
Parasites flukes lymph: 0.18, 0.37, 0.80, 5.25, 13.98, 45.43, 72.50, 92.50, 351.00, 519.34
Parasites flukes pancreatic: 0.17, 0.32, 0.85, 2.75, 17.50, 47.30, 75.50, 97.50, 151.07, 451.04
Parasites flukes sheep liver: 0.15, 0.38, 0.93, 2.52, 31.20, 43.43, 68.50, 98.50, 149.28, 496.01
Parasites follicular mange: 0.52, 0.68, 0.97, 2.50, 27.50, 35.91, 95.43, 375.37, 533.63, 653.69
Parasites Gastrothylax elongatus 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 451.90, 457.10, 455.00,
Parasites giardia lamblia (trophozoites) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 421.40, 426.30, 424.00,
Parasites giardia: 0.05, 0.12, 0.90, 5.50, 27.50, 15.41, 45.00, 421.40, 426.30, 424.00,
Parasites giardia lamblia type 2: 0.04, 0.32, 0.65, 0.90, 5.87, 7.50, 37.50, 421.40, 426.30, 424.00,
Parasites Gyrodactylus 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 378.75, 381.80, 380.00,
Parasites general: 0.41, 0.60, 0.85, 5.17, 22.50, 57.50, 322.06, 475.43, 575.44, 627.00
Parasites general comprehensive: 0.16, 0.30, 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 356.72, 451.17
Parasites gyrodactylus: 0.16, 0.30, 0.57, 0.85, 12.33, 2.75, 20.00, 150.00, 326.07, 479.50
Parasites Haemonchus contortus 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 386.80, 395.50, 393.00,
Parasites Hasstile sig. tricolor (adult) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 448.05, 455.10, 453.00,
Parasites Hypodereum conoideum 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 424.45, 429.55, 427.00
Parasites Haemonchus contortus 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 386.80, 395.50, 393.00
Parasites heartworms: 0.13, 0.22, 0.93, 5.50, 17.50, 32.50, 52.50, 70.00, 92.50, 122.53
Parasites helminthsporium (worm eggs): 0.04, 0.32, 0.65, 0.90, 5.75, 7.50, 37.50, 150.00, 375.41, 496.01
Parasites hookworm: 0.16, 0.30, 0.57, 0.95, 2.50, 5.50, 20.00, 150.00, 319.34, 478.50
Parasites Iodamoeba butschlii 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 398.15, 404.75 437.85, 448.50, 445.00, 402.00
Parasites Leishmania braziliensis 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 400.05, 405.10, 403.00,
Parasites Leishmania donovani 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 398.00, 402.65, 400.00,
Parasites Leishmania mexicana 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 400.20, 403.80, 402.00,
Parasites Leishmania tropica 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 402.10, 407.40, 405.00,
Parasites Leucocytozoon 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 397.45, 402.55, 400.00,
Parasites Loa loa 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 388.00 360.55, 361.00,
Parasites Macracanthorhynchus 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 438.85, 442.80, 440.00,
Parasites Metagonimus Yokogawai 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 437.35, 442.10, 440.00,
Parasites Myxosoma 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 409.60, 416.95, 414.00,
Parasites Naegleria fowleri 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 356.90, 364.35, 362.00,
Parasites Onchocerca volvulus (tumor) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 436.30, 442.10, 440.00
Parasites Paragonimus Westermanii adult 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 437.80, 454.20, 452.00, 447.00
Parasites Passalurus ambiguus 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 428.80, 444.15, 441.00, 437.00,
Parasites pinworm: 0.07, 0.52, 0.75, 0.97, 2.50, 12.33, 22.50, 65.43, 322.06, 475.43
Parasites Plasmodium cynomolgi 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 9.20, 25.30, 13.93, 93.50, 417.30, 424.50, 422.00,
Parasites Plasmodium falciparum smear 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 372.30, 373.80, 373.00,
Parasites Plasmodium vivax smear 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 438.15, 445.10, 442.00,
Parasites Pneumocystis carnii (lung) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 405.75, 409.15, 407.00,
Parasites Prosthogonimus macrorchis(eggs) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 396.85, 404.75, 401.00,
Parasites roundworms: 0.06, 0.52, 0.62, 0.93, 2.50, 15.44, 42.50, 100.00, 376.29, 450.00,
Parasites Sarcocystis 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 450.55, 454.95, 452.00,
Parasites scabies: 0.07, 0.12, 0.80, 5.50, 15.00, 27.50, 510.20, 667.50, 890.52, 907.50,
Parasites Schistosoma haematobium 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 388.00 387.00, 473.00,
Parasites Schistosoma mansoni 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 388.00 387.00, 353.00,
Parasites schistosoma haematobium (blood flukes): 0.18, 0.24, 0.60, 0.87, 2.25, 27.50, 55.44, 181.21, 325.83, 625.43,
Parasites schistosoma haematobium: 0.17, 0.55, 0.95, 5.25, 25.00, 37.50, 162.50, 397.50, 536.42, 702.53
Parasites schistosoma mansoni : 0.37, 0.95, 2.75, 3.00, 72.50, 96.50, 375.43, 175.44, 375.91, 598.22
Parasites Stephanurus dentalus (ova) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 457.35, 463.10, 461.00,
Parasites Stigeoclonium 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 404.25, 415.25, 412.00, 407.00,
Parasites Streptococcus pneumoniae: 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 366.85, 370.20, 368.00,
Parasites Streptococcus pyogenes (tooth) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 360.50, 375.30, 373.00,
Parasites Streptococcus sp. group G (tooth) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 368.15, 368.85, 368.00,
Parasites Strongyloides (filariform larva) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 398.40, 402.00, 400.00,
Parasites Sub terminal spores bac. smear 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 388.00 385.15, 385.95
Parasites taenia: (use Parasites, tapeworms)
Parasites tapeworms: 0.10, 0.25, 0.68, 5.75, 2.75, 7.50, 96.50, 226.07, 475.44, 527.00
Parasites tapeworms echinococcinum: (dog and cats) 0.10, 0.25, 0.68, 5.87, 2.50, 7.50, 96.50, 215.70, 475.00, 527.00
Parasites threadworms: 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 398.40, 402.00, 400.00,
Parasites Tobacco mosaic virus 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 427.15, 420.55, 428.00
Parasites Toxoplasma (human strain) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 388.00, 395.00, 422.00
Parasites Treponema pallidum causes syphilis 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 346.85, 347.40, 347.00
Parasites Trichinella spiralis (muscle) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 403.85, 405.57, 404.50,
Parasites Trichomonas vaginalis 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 378.00, 383.60, 381.00,
Parasites Trichuris sp. (male) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 388.30, 408.90, 406.00,
Parasites Troglodytella abrassari 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 93.50, 416.90, 422.20, 385.20, 383.00, 419.00
Parasites Trypanosoma brucei 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 423.20, 431.40, 429.00,
Parasites Trypanosoma cruzi (brain tissue) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 460.20, 465.65, 463.00,
Parasites trypanosoma equiperdum: 0.13, 0.57, 0.85, 5.75, 7.50, 20.00, 52.50, 90.00, 358.57, 475.44
Parasites trypanosoma gambiense: 0.13, 0.57, 0.85, 13.61, 7.50, 15.91, 52.50, 90.00, 357.77, 534.25,
Parasites trypanosoma lewisi: (blood smear) 0.06, 0.57, 0.85, 5.25, 7.00, 20.00, 52.50, 90.00, 356.72, 425.43
Parasites trypanosoma lewisi: 0.15, 0.12, 0.62, 0.83, 10.53, 2.75, 15.91, 96.50, 225.41, 524.37
Parasites trypanosoma rhodesiense: 0.07, 0.22, 0.68, 0.97, 2.25, 5.75, 25.43, 125.00, 226.32, 456.50
Parasites turbatrix: 0.02, 0.23, 0.73, 2.50, 5.25, 7.00, 32.50, 95.91, 175.41, 475.43,
Parasites urocleidus: 0.08, 0.40, 0.73, 0.90, 5.17, 2.50, 12.71, 97.50, 250.00, 422.53,
Parasites trypanosoma rhodesiense: 0.13, 0.57, 0.85, 5.17, 37.10, 102.79, 352.50, 591.02, 652.93, 952.59
Parasites turbatrix: 0.24, 0.70, 0.97, 2.50, 27.50, 45.83, 67.50, 97.50, 325.36, 451.17
Parasites urocleidus: 0.13, 0.23, 0.75, 0.85, 5.25, 7.25, 45.00, 87.50, 95.36, 150.00
Parasites Veillonella dispar 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 401.75, 405.20, 403.00,
Parasites Wart human papilloma plantar 0.04, 0.32, 0.57, 0.85, 30.25, 173.21, 301.80, 404.70, 406.75, 405.00
Parasites Wart human papilloma virus 0.04, 0.32, 0.57, 0.85, 30.25, 173.21, 301.80, 402.85, 410.70, 475.47
Parasites Wart JB 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 418.75, 422.40, 420.00,
Parasites Wart L arm 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 343.65, 345.95, 344.00,
Parasites Wart papilloma cervix smear 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 404.05, 404.60, 404.30,
Parasites Trypanosoma equiperdum 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 434.60, 451.25, 448.00, 442.00, 438.00,
Parasites Trypanosoma gambiense 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 393.75, 398.70, 396.00,
Parasites Trypanosoma lewisi (blood smear) 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 424.50, 426.00, 425.00,
Parasites Trypanosoma rhodesiense 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 423.50, 428.55, 426.00,
Parasites Urocleidus 0.68, 0.90, 2.50, 5.50, 13.93, 93.50, 386.40, 442.35, 450.00, 447.00,
Parasympathetic Nervous System Diseases: (see Autonomic Nervous System Diseases)
Parathyroid Diseases: 0.19, 0.50, 0.70, 0.97, 13.39, 102.75, 342.50, 467.50, 696.50, 825.43,
Parietal Region Trauma: (see Craniocerebral Trauma)
Parinaud Syndrome: (see OCULAR MOTILITY DISORDERS)
Parkinson Disease: 0.08, 0.35, 0.65, 0.83, 9.50, 115.71, 354.95. 355.35, 368.00, 398.40
Parkinsonian Disorders: 0.57, 0.78, 0.90, 5.25, 7.00, 115.71, 255.83, 485.43, 692.50, 825.00
Parkinsonian Syndrome: (see Parkinsonian Disorders)
Parkinsonism: (see Parkinsonian Disorders)
Parkinsonism, Experimental: (see Parkinsonian Disorders)
Parkinsonism, Juvenile: (see Parkinsonian Disorders)
Parodontosis: (see Periodontal Diseases)
Paronychia: 0.02, 0.32, 0.62, 0.97, 112.85, 213.93, 325.28, 516.07, 616.52, 773.50
Parotitis, Epidemic: (see Mumps: (Infectious Parotitis))
Paroxysmal Cold Hemoglobinuria: (see Hemoglobinuria, Paroxysmal)
Paroxysmal Nerve Pain: (see Neuralgia)
Paroxysmal Nocturnal Hemoglobinuria: (see Hemoglobinuria, Paroxysmal)
Paroxysmal Sleep: (see Narcolepsy)
Parsonage-Turner Syndrome: (see Brachial Plexus Neuritis: (Parsonage-Turner Syndrome))
Passive-Dependent Personality: (see Dependent Personality Disorder)
Pearson's Syndrome: (see PANCREATIC DISEASES)
Pectus Excavatum: (see Funnel Chest)
Pediculosis: (see Lice Infestations)
Pellagra: 0.19, 0.23, 0.95, 82.50, 192.71, 227.50, 452.02, 592.50, 731.31, 815.72,
Pelvic Horn Syndrome: (see Nail-Patella Syndrome)
Pelvic Inflammatory Disease: 0.04, 0.46, 33.01, 72.50, 117.59, 231.90, 509.02, 645.44, 819.34, 915.00
Pemphigoid: (see Pemphigoid, Bullous)
Pemphigoid, Bullous: 0.17, 0.18, 0.83, 2.50, 27.50, 73.98, 135.43, 367.02, 497.50, 625.83,
Pemphigus: 0.03, 0.12, 0.95, 2.75, 12.71, 50.00, 90.00, 325.44, 433.63, 560.00
Pemphigus Vulgaris: (see Pemphigus)
Pemphigus, Benign Familial: 0.19, 0.57, 1.12, 7.50, 27.50, 42.50, 96.50, 325.43, 415.70, 562.91
Pendular Nystagmus: (see Nystagmus, Pathologic)
Penile Diseases: 0.04, 0.52, 83.62, 105.95, 179.50, 295.54, 487.50, 605.72, 723.82, 935.42,
Penile Induration: 0.04, 0.57, 0.62, 0.95, 7.50, 295.54, 487.50, 605.72, 723.82, 935.42,
Peptic Ulcer: 0.13, 0.49, 0.62, 9.93, 43.39, 105.67, 232.50, 342.52, 625.35, 975.54,
Periadenitis Mucosa Necrotica Recurrens: (see Stomatitis, Aphthous)
Perianeurysmal Fibrosis, Inflammatory: (see Retroperitoneal Fibrosis)
Periaortitis, Chronic: (see Retroperitoneal Fibrosis)
Periarteritis Nodosa: (see Polyarteritis Nodosa)
Pericardial Cyst: (see Mediastinal Cyst)
Pericardial Effusion: 0.19, 0.50, 0.57, 1.47, 19.52, 122.50, 352.50, 487.50, 695.35, 833.91
Pericardial Tamponade: (see Cardiac Tamponade)
Pericarditis: 0.08, 0.35, 0.75, 12.93, 50.59, 197.50, 482.21, 762.20, 891.51, 923.79
Perineurial Cysts: (see Tarlov Cysts)
Periodic Alternating Nystagmus: (see Nystagmus, Pathologic)
Periodic Disease: (see Familial Mediterranean Fever: (Yerevanian Disease))
Periodic Paralysis, Familial: (see Paralyses, Familial Periodic)
Periodontal Diseases: 0.06, 0.32, 0.73, 0.87, 12.33, 15.00, 85.54, 150.00, 225.36, 575.83
Peripheral Angiopathies: (see Peripheral Vascular Diseases)
Peripheral Autonomic Nervous System Diseases: (see Autonomic Nervous System Diseases)
Peripheral Nerve Diseases: (see Peripheral Nervous System Diseases)
Peripheral Nervous System Diseases: 0.07, 0.24, 8.60, 75.25, 117.22, 237.02, 451.90, 561.51, 698.10, 812.77
Peripheral Neuropathies: (see Peripheral Nervous System Diseases)
Peripheral Vascular Diseases: 0.07, 0.22, 0.73, 75.25, 117.22, 237.02, 451.90, 561.51, 698.10, 812.77
Periphlebitis: (see Phlebitis)
Peritoneoscopy: (see Laparoscopy)
Peroneal Muscular Atrophy: (see Charcot-Marie-Tooth Disease: (HMSN I, II))
Peroxisomal Disorders: 0.06, 0.26, 0.57, 9.00, 12.85, 35.54, 125.00, 424.37, 760.00, 812.91
Personality Disorder, Borderline: (see Borderline Personality Disorder)
Personality Disorder, Dependent: (see Dependent Personality Disorder)
Perthes Disease: (see Legg-Perthes Disease)
Pertussis: (see Whooping Cough)
Pes Planus: (see Flatfoot)
Petechiae: (see Purpura)
Peter's Anomaly: 0.07, 0.12, 0.65, 118.83, 202.50, 315.32, 481.51, 525.83, 622.50, 791.52,
Peutz-Jeghers Syndrome: 0.14, 0.55, 0.95, 35.71, 71.25, 82.50, 142.50, 393.50, 632.41, 719.34
Peyronie's Disease: (see Penile Induration)
Pfeiffer Syndrome: (see Acrocephalosyndactylia)
Phakomatosis, Bourneville: (see Tuberous Sclerosis: (Bourneville's Disease))
Phakomatosis, Sturge-Weber: (see Sturge-Weber Syndrome)
Phantom Limb: 0.16, 0.55, 0.95, 17.50, 93.98, 137.50, 396.50, 575.83, 824.37, 963.19,
Pharyngeal Diseases: 0.04, 0.50, 0.95, 2.75, 82.85, 122.01, 237.50, 422.53, 635.35, 873.53
Pharyngeal Diverticulum: (see Zenker Diverticulum)
Pharyngitis: 0.14, 0.22, 0.73, 5.25, 7.25, 52.03, 157.51, 290.20, 675.35, 821.37
Pharyngoesophageal Diverticulum: (see Zenker Diverticulum)
Phenylalanine Hydroxylase Deficiency Disease: (see Phenylketonurias)
Phenylketonurias: 0.07, 0.41, 0.73, 5.85, 72.50, 135.00, 367.50, 550.30, 725.34, 920.32,
Pheochromocytoma: 0.06, 0.49, 0.73, 3.21, 30.89, 115.83, 322.50, 452.50, 697.50, 875.35
Pheochromocytoma, Extra-Adrenal: (see Pheochromocytoma)
Phimosis: 0.08, 0.24, 0.57, 0.97, 2.50, 103.00, 222.50, 345.00, 497.50, 725.35
Phlebitis: 0.05, 0.37, 0.87, 2.25, 33.50, 75.85, 105.83, 275.54, 475.35, 857.77
Phlebotomus Fever: 0.03, 0.25, 2.78, 35.93, 115.71, 237.50, 495.00, 734.25, 852.59, 915.35,
Phlegmasia Alba Dolens: (see Thrombophlebitis)
Phlegmon: (see Cellulitis)
Phobia, School: (see Phobic Disorders)
Phobia, Social: (see Phobic Disorders)
Phobias: (see Phobic Disorders)
Phobic Disorders: 0.02, 0.23, 0.65, 16.95, 73.50, 120.53, 355.54, 607.59, 816.51, 979.93
Phobic Neuroses: (see Phobic Disorders)
Phorias: (see Strabismus: (Squint))
Photodermatitis: (see Photosensitivity Disorders)
Photophobia: 0.50, 0.57, 0.87, 12.33, 42.50, 152.50, 287.50, 392.31, 810.50, 901.04,
Photosensitivity Disorders: 0.13, 0.24, 1.70, 34.87, 62.25, 102.75, 232.50, 425.54, 725.35, 869.71
Phycomycosis: (see Zygomycosis)
Physiological Stress: (see Stress)
Phytanic Acid Storage Disease: (see Refsum Disease)
Pica Syndrome: (see EATING DISORDERS)
Pick's Disease: (see Dementia)
Pilonidal Cyst: (see Pilonidal Sinus)
Pilonidal Sinus: 0.13, 0.57, 6.75, 71.25, 101.15, 347.50, 579.50, 690.00, 775.87, 816.90
Pin Worms: 0.07, 0.52, 0.75, 3.97, 8.50, 13.61, 22.50, 265.83, 425.34, 879.50,
Piriformin Syndrome: (see Nerve Compression Syndromes)
Piroplasmosis: (see Babesiosis)
Pituitary Diseases: 0.37, 0.97, 2.75, 15.03, 71.50, 196.50, 275.87, 419.34, 612.74, 858.57
Pityriasis: 0.20, 0.32, 2.88, 5.25, 132.50, 237.50, 496.50, 626.07, 875.34, 927.00
Pityriasis Versicolor: (see Tinea Versicolor)
Plagiocephaly, Nonsynostotic: 0.08, 0.24, 0.67, 5.17, 17.25, 57.00, 152.50, 362.50, 593.21, 873.30
Plague: 0.05, 0.26, 0.57, 2.50, 12.85, 35.34, 57.50, 96.50, 322.06, 475.87
Plant Poisoning: 0.13, 0.52, 1.73, 7.25, 15.71, 35.34, 272.51, 512.91, 775.83, 815.38
Plasma Cell Dyscrasias: (see Paraproteinemias)
Plasmodium Infections: (see Malaria)
Platelet Storage Pool Deficiency: 0.11, 0.49, 0.78, 12.50, 63.00, 102.50, 402.50, 651.20, 821.52, 924.37
Plegia: (see Paralysis)
Pleural Diseases: 0.13, 0.35, 5.85, 17.50, 87.50, 137.50, 457.50, 695.87, 850.00, 919.34
Pleural Effusion: 0.17, 0.31, 0.82, 7.50, 117.52, 237.58, 357.53, 495.34, 533.91, 661.20,
Pleurisy: 0.08, 0.41, 1.47, 5.25, 47.53, 121.21, 357.50, 497.50, 612.50, 821.02,
Pneumococcal Infections: 0.05, 0.35, 2.75, 30.93, 75.81, 187.50, 405.32, 715.00, 803.51, 905.32,
Pneumonia: 0.05, 0.35, 0.75, 0.93, 5.71, 7.50, 345.83, 465.34, 593.50, 725.00,
Pneumonia, Interstitial: (see Lung Diseases, Interstitial)
Pneumonia, Lobar: (see Pneumonia)
Pneumonic Plague: (see Plague)
Pneumonitis: (see Pneumonia)
Pneumonitis, Interstitial: (see Lung Diseases, Interstitial)
Pneumothorax: 0.24, 0.70, 7.50, 12.33, 5.50, 42.50, 172.50, 493.02, 622.53, 819.34,
POEMS Syndrome: 0.04, 0.22, 0.62, 13.52, 5.50, 40.00, 175.83, 432.41, 565.36, 709.83
Poikiloderma of Civatte: 0.11, 0.49, 0.78, 12.50, 43.00, 122.50, 272.50, 545.34, 612.50, 829.34,
Poland Syndrome: 0.19, 0.26, 0.60, 11.09, 37.50, 250.00, 425.34, 571.00, 868.00, 938.00,
Polio: (see Poliomyelitis)
Poliodystrophia Cerebri: (see Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis of Schilder)
Poliomyelitis: 0.02, 0.12, 0.75, 37.93, 105.17, 213.71, 465.00, 597.50, 724.37, 825.34
Poliomyelitis, Nonpoliovirus: (see Poliomyelitis)
Poliomyelitis, Preparalytic: (see Poliomyelitis)
Polyarteritis Nodosa: 0.08, 0.32, 0.73, 3.87, 19.12, 159.32, 285.00, 654.03, 724.34, 933.91
Polyarthritis: (see Arthritis)
Polychondritis, Chronic Atrophic: (see Polychondritis, Relapsing)
Polychondritis, Relapsing: 0.04, 0.12, 0.95, 19.30, 121.44, 201.33, 485.83, 653.02, 807.50, 973.34
Polycystic Kidney Diseases: 0.16, 0.55, 0.95, 7.50, 12.71, 37.50, 125.00, 175.34, 434.25, 567.70
Polycystic Ovary Syndrome: 0.04, 0.50, 0.97, 2.75, 12.85, 20.00, 37.50, 122.53, 325.87, 840.02
Polycythemia Vera: 0.14, 0.22, 0.73, 13.02, 55.37, 121.20, 271.01, 694.00, 715.70, 824.37,
Polyendocrinopathies, Autoimmune: 0.05, 0.26, 0.57, 2.50, 13.39, 85.34, 157.50, 525.83, 757.77, 975.34,
Polyglandular Type I Autoimmune Syndrome: (see Polyendocrinopathies, Autoimmune)
Polyglandular Type II Autoimmune Syndrome: (see Polyendocrinopathies, Autoimmune)
Polyhydramnios: 0.18, 0.55, 1.00, 5.25, 27.50, 42.50, 72.50, 195.87, 420.02, 719.34
Polymenorrhea: (see Menstruation Disturbances)
Polymyalgia Rheumatica: 0.17, 0.55, 0.95, 5.71, 13.93, 137.50, 262.50, 497.50, 626.07, 822.53,
Polymyoclonus: (see Myoclonus)
Polymyositis: 0.07, 0.93, 2.95, 17.50, 78.89, 182.39, 332.50, 537.50, 732.01, 896.52,
Polymyositis-Dermatomyositis: (see Dermatomyositis)
Polyneuropathies: 0.13, 0.83, 3.73, 17.85, 105.34, 217.25, 445.00, 587.50, 795.34, 953.00,
Polyneuropathy, Acquired: (see Polyneuropathies)
Polyomavirus Infections: 0.13, 0.52, 6.75, 71.25, 105.15, 347.50, 572.50, 690.00, 775.87, 826.90
Polyopsia: (see Diplopia)
Polyposis Coli, Familial: (see Adenomatous Polyposis Coli)
Polyposis Syndrome, Familial: (see Adenomatous Polyposis Coli)
Polyradiculitis: (see Polyradiculopathy)
Polyradiculoneuropathy, Acute Inflammatory: (see Guillain-Barre Syndrome)
Polyradiculopathy: 0.11, 0.49, 0.78, 12.50, 43.00, 122.50, 262.50, 555.34, 692.50, 819.34,
Polyradiculopathy, Abdominal: (see Polyradiculopathy)
Pompe's Disease: (see Glycogen Storage Disease)
Popliteal Cyst: 0.17, 0.35, 8.85, 57.50, 117.50, 237.52, 357.50, 691.02, 810.50, 915.70,
Porphyria, Erythropoietic: 0.08, 0.41, 2.83, 15.25, 67.25, 221.01, 471.02, 597.52, 722.30, 822.57,
Porphyria, Erythropoietic, Congenital: (see Porphyria, Erythropoietic)
Porphyrias: 0.15, 0.25, 3.97, 27.50, 110.53, 215.87,467.50, 715.34, 802.41, 952.20
Postcommissurotomy Syndrome: (see Postpericardiotomy Syndrome)
Proctosigmoiditis: (see Proctocolitis)
Progeria: 0.04, 0.12, 0.95, 12.85, 32.50, 50.00, 235.31, 603.50, 747.50, 823.30,
Progeria, Adult: (see Werner Syndrome)
Prognathism: 0.08, 0.24, 0.92, 1.80, 2.25, 127.50, 255.31, 693.20, 893.50, 926.07,
Progressive Intracranial Occlusive Arteropathy: (Moyamoya): (see Moyamoya Disease)
Progressive Muscular Atrophy: (see Muscular Atrophy, Spinal)
Progressive Supranuclear Ophthalmoplegia: (see Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive)
Prolactin Hypersecretion Syndrome: (see Hyperprolactinemia)
Prolactin, Inappropriate Secretion: (see Hyperprolactinemia)
Prolapsed Disk: (see Intervertebral Disk Displacement)
Prosopagnosia: 0.24, 0.73, 0.87, 7.50, 30.00, 67.50, 95.90, 92.50, 524.37, 650.00
Prostate Cancer: (see Cancer: Prostatic)
Prostate Enlarged: 0.83, 1.87, 5.63, 152.30, 328.92, 424.21, 482.13, 502.93, 553.70, 591.42,
Prostate Infection / Pain: 0.83, 1.87, 5.63, 152.30, 328.92, 424.21, 482.13, 502.93, 553.70, 591.42,
Prostatic Diseases: 0.13, 0.57, 0.83, 2.25, 5.71, 32.50, 97.50, 332.41, 372.00, 520.00,
Prosthesis Implantation: 0.10, 0.52, 0.87, 3.20, 15.89, 32.75, 132.00, 437.50, 525.83, 725.31
Prosthodontics: 0.17, 0.72, 1.65, 16.85, 55.25, 127.50, 455.87, 565.00, 752.00, 975.31
Proteinuria: 0.05, 0.41, 0.87, 57.50, 78.00, 132.30, 351.50, 652.31, 825.87, 915.83
Proteus Syndrome: 0.06, 0.25, 0.87, 12.30, 55.71, 85.00, 187.50, 442.50, 696.50, 875.31
Protozoan Infections: 0.02, 0.23, 0.85, 5.71, 55.83, 172.50, 317.50, 663.50, 725.31, 853.02
Prune Belly Syndrome: 0.08, 0.52, 30.65, 24.50, 117.30, 335.00, 536.42, 611.00, 804.28, 941.02,
Pruritus: 0.06, 0.49, 9.65, 57.50, 219.51, 370.40, 472.50, 625.31, 725.87, 871.00,
Pruritus Vulvae: 0.16, 0.35, 0.95, 5.50, 27.50, 47.50, 357.30, 478.50, 527.00, 717.00
Pseudoaphakia: (see Cataract)
Pseudoexfoliation Syndrome: (see Exfoliation Syndrome)
Pseudofolliculitis Barbae: (see Hair Diseases)
Pseudo-Gaucher Disease: 0.06, 0.25, 0.87, 12.33, 5.31, 125.83, 287.50, 442.50, 696.50, 825.31
Pseudo-Hurler Polydystrophy: (see Mucolipidoses)
Pseudomelia: (see Phantom Limb)
Pseudomonas Infections: 0.06, 0.23, 8.85, 45.25, 115.30, 215.31, 437.50, 662.50, 825.34, 917.03
Pseudomyxoma Peritonei: 0.08, 0.52, 0.65, 2.50, 10.53, 35.83, 224.37, 675.87, 727.00, 867.00,
Pseudopelade: (see Alopecia)
Pseudopolyarthritis, Rhizomelic: (see Polymyalgia Rheumatica)
Pseudosclerosis: (see Hepatolenticular Degeneration)
Pseudotumor Cerebri: 0.06, 0.49, 0.68, 7.50, 102.50, 231.70, 472.50, 625.69, 705.70, 857.20
Pseudoxanthoma Elasticum: 0.16, 0.35, 0.95, 5.50, 27.50, 47.50, 350.00, 425.31, 571.00, 859.00
Psittacosis: 0.04, 0.23, 1.97, 25.71, 132.50, 332.50, 415.02, 675.23, 858.59, 915.38
Psoriasis: 0.05, 0.55, 1.78, 5.97, 85.15, 117.15, 453.20, 692.23, 824.37, 951.00
Psudogout: (see Gout)
Psychoses: (see Psychotic Disorders)
Psychosis, Brief Reactive: (see Psychotic Disorders)
Psychosis, Manic-Depressive: (see Bipolar Disorder)
Psychotic Disorders: 0.57, 0.68, 0.87, 2.50, 5.71, 32.50, 92.50, 322.53, 519.34, 653.69
PTA Deficiency: (see Factor XI Deficiency: (Rosenthal Syndrome))
PTEN Hamartoma Tumor Syndrome: (see Hamartoma Syndrome, Multiple: (Cowden's Disease))
Pterygium: 0.08, 2.18, 17.93, 71.50, 121.80, 217.50, 431.69, 615.85, 791.52, 923.31,
Ptosis, Eyelid: (see Blepharoptosis)
PTSD: (see Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic)
Puerperal Disorders: 0.14, 0.89, 1.92, 5.85, 67.10, 135.50, 432.50, 525.31, 734.25, 878.50,
Puerperal Infection:
Pulmonary Alveolar Proteinosis: 0.05, 0.41, 0.92, 1.97, 207.50, 315.93, 587.50, 625.31, 776.29, 826.07
Pulmonary Atresia: 0.15, 0.41, 0.68, 0.98, 7.52, 11.81, 89.51, 417.43, 671.98, 905.70
Pulmonary Cancer: 0.23, 0.41, 0.72, 0.87, 5.50, 13.01, 81.53, 410.41, 527.21, 915.91
Pulmonary Disease, Chronic Obstructive: 0.37, 0.41, 0.62, 0.97, 7.50, 15.31, 87.50, 419.43, 773.98, 845.70
Pulmonary Diseases: 0.16, 0.21, 0.42, 0.97, 7.54, 11.81, 67.58, 415.43, 671.98, 905.70,
Pulmonary Edema: 0.75, 0.41, 0.82, 0.97, 7.50, 19.89, 37.53, 125.31, 375.93, 519.34, 682.02, 750.00, 898.00
Pulmonary Embolism: 0.35, 0.41, 0.92, 0.97, 7.50, 13.42, 71.50, 205.41, 476.29, 515.70, 691.27, 754.19, 995.21,
Pulmonary Emphysema: 0.55, 0.41, 0.62, 1.97, 7.50, 15.93, 67.50, 209.31, 345.69, 502.51, 595.29, 776.87, 901.50,
Pulmonary Fibrosis: 0.65, 0.41, 0.62, 4.97, 7.50, 15.31, 87.50, 325.93, 385.90, 504.37, 651.63, 764.89, 912.50,
Pulmonary Hypertension: (see Hypertension, Pulmonary)
Pulmonary Inflammation: (see Pneumonia)
Pulmonary Neoplasms: (see Cancer: Lung)
Pulmonary Sarcoidosis: (see Sarcoidosis, Pulmonary)
Pulmonary Thromboembolism: (see Pulmonary Embolism)
Pulmonary Valve Atresia: (see Pulmonary Atresia)
Pulmonic Plague: (see Plague)
Pulsatile Tinnitus: (see Tinnitus)
Pulseless Disease: (see Takayasu Arteritis)
Pupil Disorders: 0.02, 0.24, 1.57, 9.85, 201.75, 364.00, 423.01, 697.30, 875.93, 979.53,
Pupil Reaction Absent: (see PUPIL DISORDERS)
Pupillary Functions, Abnormal: (see PUPIL DISORDERS)
Puppet Children: (see Angelman Syndrome)
Purpura: 0.13, 0.23, 0.65, 18.20, 57.50, 108.02, 305.31, 606.30, 719.94, 822.53,
Purpura Hemorrhagica: (see Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch)
Purpura, Nonthrombocytopenic: (see Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch)
Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch: 0.06, 0.50, 0.60, 3.87, 212.50, 323.00, 502.10, 690.09, 722.92, 951.00
Purpura, Thrombocytopenic: 0.04, 0.50, 0.60, 9.07, 73.50, 283.50, 502.50, 635.00, 805.31, 975.90
Purpura, Thrombopenic: (see Purpura, Thrombocytopenic)
Purpura, Thrombotic Thrombocytopenic: 0.05, 0.50, 1.90, 112.87, 312.50, 405.50, 652.50, 726.07, 802.06, 923.20
Rabies: 0.07, 0.18, 1.65, 7.93, 102.53, 165.50, 415.00, 693.50, 875.31, 915.93,
Rachischisis: (see Spinal Dysraphism)
Rachitis: (see Rickets)
Radiation Detox: 0.25, 0.50, 2.75, 65.35, 105.31, 328.21, 357.00, 405.15, 424.65, 575.20
Raillietiniasis: (see Cestode Infections)
Ramsay Hunt Auricular Syndrome: (see Herpes Zoster Oticus)
Ramsay Hunt Paralysis Syndrome: (see Parkinsonian Disorders)
Ranula: 0.18, 0.55, 1.00, 7.50, 30.00, 42.50, 72.50, 95.75, 90.00, 519.34,
Rasmussen Syndrome: (see Encephalitis)
Rat-Bite Fever: 0.17, 0.55, 0.95, 35.12, 85.31, 137.50, 562.50, 697.50, 722.53, 920.00
Rathke Pouch Tumor: (see Craniopharyngioma)
Raynaud Disease: 0.07, 0.50, 0.97, 9.00, 11.09, 131.50, 237.50, 415.70, 725.00, 825.95,
Reading Disability, Developmental: (see Dyslexia)
Reading Disorder: (see Dyslexia)
Reading Disorder, Developmental: (see Dyslexia)
Reaven Syndrome X: (see Metabolic Syndrome X)
Reconstructive Surgical Procedures: 0.06, 0.23, 0.73, 0.87,105.72, 237.25, 432.50, 526.07, 669.71, 819.34
Reconstructive Surgical Procedures, Cosmetic: (see Reconstructive Surgical Procedures)
Recruitment, Loudness: (see Hyperacusis)
Rectal Cancer: (see Cancer: Rectal Neoplasms, Anal Cancer)
Rectal Diseases: 0.19, 0.52, 0.57, 0.80, 2.25, 17.50, 30.00, 573.20, 665.31, 822.30,
Rectal Prolapse: 0.13, 0.23, 0.75, 0.85, 51.31, 327.25, 495.00, 681.50, 791.95, 953.00,
Rectal Tumors: (see Cancer: Rectal Neoplasms)
Rectocolitis: (see Proctocolitis)
Rectocolitis, Hemorrhagic: (see Proctocolitis)
Rectocolitis, Ulcerative: (see Proctocolitis)
Rectosigmoiditis: (see Proctocolitis)
Refetoff Syndrome: (see Thyroid Hormone Resistance Syndrome)
Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: 0.09, 0.52, 0.65, 0.93, 5.71, 87.50, 255.31, 525.29, 675.31, 878.50
Refractive Errors: 0.03, 0.24, 0.70, 15.83, 29.75, 187.50, 345.95, 592.50, 820.11, 923.53,
Refsum Disease: 0.04, 0.41, 0.62, 0.97, 7.50, 20.00, 87.50, 342.06, 635.31, 834.45,
Regurgitation, Gastric: (see Gastroesophageal Reflux)
Reinke's Edema: (see Voice Disorders)
Relapsing Fever: 0.08, 0.57, 0.90, 5.71, 45.20, 152.59, 262.50, 695.02, 715.73, 819.34
Remittent Fever: (see Malaria)
Renal Artery Obstruction: 0.07, 0.55, 0.85, 7.58, 132.60, 347.50, 472.50, 597.50, 775.95, 925.31,
Renal Artery Stenosis: (see Renal Artery Obstruction)
Renal Calculi: (see Kidney Calculi)
Renal Dialysis: 0.06, 0.50, 0.87, 12.85, 27.50, 141.59, 301.23, 453.02, 783.40, 825.03
Renal Disease, End-Stage: (see Kidney Failure, Chronic: (End Stage Renal Disease))
Renal Failure, Acute: (see Kidney Failure, Acute)
Renal Failure, Chronic: (see Kidney Failure, Chronic: (End Stage Renal Disease))
Renal Failure, End-Stage: (see Kidney Failure, Chronic: (End Stage Renal Disease))
Renal Osteodystrophy: 0.04, 0.55, 0.78, 0.97, 5.87, 57.05, 152.03, 592.50, 602.59, 953.72,
Renal Rickets: (see Renal Osteodystrophy)
Reptile Diseases: 0.16, 0.57, 0.65, 0.87, 2.50, 15.75, 232.50, 492.50, 826.07, 925.95,
Residual Cancer: (see Cancer: Residual)
Residual Tumor: (see Cancer: Residual)
Respiratory Chain Deficiencies, Mitochondrial: (see Mitochondrial Diseases)
Respiratory Distress Syndrome, Newborn: 0.07, 0.55, 0.65, 0.87, 7.50, 16.02, 42.01, 190.00, 675.29, 826.90
Respiratory Hypersensitivity: 0.06, 0.55, 0.70, 9.87, 74.50, 130.00, 240.00, 490.00, 675.29, 879.50,
Respiratory Syncytial Virus Infections: 0.04, 0.55, 0.57, 0.87, 7.50, 50.19, 140.00, 390.00, 624.37, 819.34,
Respiratory Syndrome, Severe Acute: (see Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
Respiratory Tract Disease: 0.10, 0.55, 0.73, 0.87, 67.20, 172.85, 230.00, 533.20, 675.95, 875.29
Respiratory Tract Infections: 0.10, 0.55, 0.73, 0.87, 67.20, 172.85, 230.00, 533.20, 675.95, 875.29
Resting Tremor: (see Tremor)
Restless Legs Syndrome: 0.16, 0.57, 7.78, 23.97, 125.95, 327.50, 422.50, 590.00, 715.70, 836.42,
Retardation, Mental: (see Mental Retardation)
Saccular Aneurysm: (see Intracranial Aneurysm)
Saethre-Chotzen Syndrome: (see Acrocephalosyndactylia)
Saint Anthonys Fire: (see Ergotism)
Salaam Seizures: (see Spasms, Infantile)
Salivary Gland Diseases: 0.41, 0.73, 0.87, 7.50, 230.00, 367.50, 525.75, 619.34, 896.01, 982.45,
Salivary Gland Virus Disease: (see Cytomegalovirus Infections)
Salmonella enteriditis intestinal: 0.18, 0.57, 1.85, 7.50, 329.00, 354.00, 386.00, 380.00, 575.28, 724.37
Salmonella paratyphi: 0.18, 0.57, 1.85, 7.50, 329.00, 365.05, 370.10, 368.00, 385.00, 724.37
Salmonella typhimurium food poisoning: 0.18, 0.57, 1.85, 7.50, 329.00, 382.30, 386.55. 355.00, 386.00, 390.00
Salmonellosis: (see Salmonella Infections)
Salpingitis: 0.17, 0.55, 0.95, 75.00, 125.28, 237.50, 362.50, 597.50, 775.95, 915.70,
Samter's Syndrome: 0.18, 0.57, 1.00, 5.25, 27.50, 72.50, 172.50, 395.75, 575.28, 760.00,
Sandfly Fever: (see Phlebotomus Fever: (Sandfly Fever, Pappataci Fever))
Sandhoff Disease: 0.17, 0.55, 0.95, 5.15, 13.98, 137.50, 362.50, 697.50, 775.00, 922.53,
Sanfilippo Syndrome: (see Mucopolysaccharidoses)
Santavuori-Haltia Disease: (see Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses)
Sao Paulo Typhus: (see Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever)
SAPHO Syndrome: (see Acquired Hyperostosis Syndrome: (SAPHO Syndrome))
Sarcoidosis: 0.07, 0.50, 37.50, 75.56, 325.27, 475.27, 527.00, 661.71, 742.00, 988.90
Sarcoidosis, Pulmonary: 0.08, 0.35, 37.50, 115.70, 322.06, 325.27, 175.00, 475.19, 527.00, 834.50
Sarcoma: 0.04, 0.37, 0.87, 2.25, 2.50, 70.00, 95.27, 269.71, 175.27, 350.00
Sarcoma, Cerebellar, Circumscribed Arachnoidal: (see Medulloblastoma)
Sarcoma, Epithelioid: (see Sarcoma)
Sarcoma, Ewing's: 0.03, 0.25, 0.78, 0.93, 7.50, 95.75, 300.00, 454.37, 615.19, 784.81,
Sarcoma, Germinoblastic: (see LYMPHOMA)
Sarcoma, Osteogenic: (see Osteosarcoma)
Sarcoma, Soft Tissue: (see Sarcoma)
Sarcoma, Spindle Cell: (see Sarcoma)
SARS: (see Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome)
Scabies: 0.24, 0.70, 7.50, 10.89, 5.50, 142.50, 372.50, 490.00, 825.27, 919.34
Scalenus Anticus Syndrome: (see Thoracic Outlet Syndrome)
Scapuloperoneal Form of Spinal Muscular Atrophy: (see Muscular Atrophy, Spinal)
Scarlet Fever: 0.11, 0.23, 0.85, 5.15, 15.00, 115.27, 240.00, 462.50, 750.00, 957.30,
Schamberg's Disease: (see Pigmentation Disorders)
Schaumann's Disease: (see Sarcoidosis)
Scheie Syndrome: (see Mucopolysaccharidoses)
Scheuermann Disease: 0.05, 0.46, 0.90, 2.50, 27.50, 132.50, 342.50, 485.19, 550.00, 825.71,
Schilder Disease: (see Diffuse Cerebral Sclerosis of Schilder)
Schilder-Addison Complex: (see Adrenoleukodystrophy)
Schistosomiasis: 0.13, 0.23, 0.73, 0.85, 5.25, 137.25, 545.75, 687.50, 895.27, 976.29,
Schizencephaly: 0.19, 0.50, 0.57, 0.95, 52.30, 112.50, 342.50, 567.50, 796.50, 825.27,
Schizoaffective Disorder: (see Psychotic Disorders)
Schizophrenia: 0.07, 0.50, 0.97, 9.00, 12.85, 132.50, 337.50, 524.37, 758.57, 955.72,
Schizophrenic Disorders: (see Schizophrenia)
Schizophreniform Disorders: (see Psychotic Disorders)
Schmidt's Syndrome: (see Polyendocrinopathies, Autoimmune)
Schnitzler Syndrome: 0.13, 0.23, 0.75, 0.85, 5.69, 117.25, 345.75, 587.50, 695.27, 875.98,
Schoenlein-Henoch Purpura: (see Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch)
Schwannoma: (see Neurilemmoma: (Neurinoma))
Schwannoma, Acoustic: (see Neuroma, Acoustic)
Schwannoma, Vestibular: (see Neuroma, Acoustic)
Schwannomatosis, Plexiform: (see Neurilemmoma: (Neurinoma))
Sciatic Neuralgia: (see Sciatica)
Sciatica: 0.19, 0.50, 0.70, 0.97, 14.63, 42.50, 67.50, 196.50, 452.93, 777.50,
SCID: (see Severe Combined Immunodeficiency)
Scimitar Syndrome: 0.08, 0.35, 5.15, 55.75, 85.27, 92.50, 355.72, 477.50, 527.00, 661.71,
Scleritis: 0.08, 0.35, 5.19, 55.00, 72.50, 92.50, 322.06, 475.27, 827.00, 967.00,
Scleroderma, Systemic: 0.02, 0.32, 0.62, 0.95, 124.37, 325.19, 175.00, 479.50, 527.00, 667.00,
Scleroma, Nasal: (see Rhinoscleroma)
Sclerosis, Disseminated: (see Multiple Sclerosis)
Sclerosis, Hereditary Spinal: (see Friedreich Ataxia)
Sclerosis, Systemic: (see Scleroderma, Systemic)
Scoliosis: 0.05, 0.24, 0.60, 5.25, 62.50, 90.00, 219.34, 422.53, 561.93, 987.23
Scotoma: 0.07, 0.73, 2.50, 5.81, 50.00, 175.27, 434.25, 566.41, 847.96, 930.12
Scotoma, Arcuate: (see Scotoma)
Scotoma, Bjerrum: (see Scotoma)
Scotoma, Central: (see Scotoma)
Scotoma, Centrocecal: (see Scotoma)
Scrub Typhus: 0.02, 0.32, 0.62, 0.97, 12.69, 112.50, 265.75, 425.71, 745.19, 935.70,
Seasickness: (see Motion Sickness)
Seasonal Affective Disorder: 0.13, 0.22, 55.00, 73.30, 92.50, 132.41, 233.91, 475.27, 527.00, 667.00,
Seasonal Mood Disorder: (see Seasonal Affective Disorder)
Sebaceous Cyst: (see Epidermal Cyst)
Seborrheic Keratosis: (see Keratosis, Seborrheic)
Second Cranial Nerve Diseases: (see OPTIC NERVE DISEASES)
See-Saw Nystagmus: (see Nystagmus, Pathologic)
Seizure Disorder: (see Epilepsy)
Seizures: 0.46, 0.95, 67.50, 150.00, 275.19, 519.34, 682.45, 711.21, 859.83, 922.53
Seizures, Convulsive: (see Seizures)
Seizures, Focal: (see Seizures)
Seizures, Generalized: (see Seizures)
Seizures, Motor: (see Seizures)
Seizures, Sensory: (see Seizures)
Semilobar Holoprosencephaly: (see Holoprosencephaly)
Senile Dementia, Alzheimer Type: (see Alzheimer Disease)
Senile Osteoporosis: (see Osteoporosis)
Senile Paranoid Dementia: (see Dementia)
Sensory Agnosia: (see Agnosia)
Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathies, Hereditary: (see Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathies)
Sensory Neuropathy, Hereditary: (see Hereditary Sensory and Autonomic Neuropathies)
Sepsis: 0.07, 0.22, 32.50, 93.50, 175.75, 479.93, 527.00, 667.00, 721.00, 986.22
Sepsis Syndrome: (see Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome)
Septic Shock: (see Shock, Septic)
Septo-Optic Dysplasia: 0.22, 0.97, 7.50, 85.19, 96.50, 95.75, 175.00, 524.37, 655.20, 995.20,
Serotonin Syndrome: 0.07, 0.78, 1.30, 21.90, 65.19, 322.06, 479.93, 527.00, 667.00, 742.00,
Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome: 0.06, 0.52, 15.17, 42.50, 125.71, 376.29, 514.35, 682.45, 759.83, 918.50,
Severe Combined Immunodeficiency: 0.07, 0.24, 35.19, 150.00, 375.00, 477.50, 527.00, 662.71, 749.00, 969.67
Sever's Disease / Calceneal Apophysitis: 0.04, 0.41, 0.73, 0.90, 65.17, 234.25, 300.00, 479.50, 527.00, 838.90
Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Bacterial: 0.04, 0.41, 17.50, 65.19, 222.53, 315.50, 477.50, 527.00, 667.00, 752.70,
Sezary Syndrome: 0.18, 0.30, 2.33, 17.50, 45.75, 375.17, 475.00, 527.00, 662.71, 723.01,
Sharp Syndrome: (see Mixed Connective Tissue Disease)
Sheehan Syndrome: (see Hypopituitarism)
Shingles: (see Herpes Zoster: (Shingles))
Shigella Infections General: 3.00, 73.30, 95.75, 175.00, 269.71, 318.00, 390.09, 394.00, 426.22, 512.81
Shigella dysenteriae intestinal problems: specific single frequency use <RUN> mode: 390.09
Shigella flexneri depression: specific single frequency use <RUN> mode: 394.00
Shigella sonnei invades tumors: specific single frequency use <RUN> mode: 318.00
Shock: 0.17, 0.32, 0.95, 115.50, 210.50, 475.19, 527.00, 667.00, 742.00, 985.67
Shock, Anaphylactic: (see Anaphylaxis)
Shock, Endotoxic: (see Shock, Septic)
Shock, Hemorrhagic: 0.17, 0.35, 55.75, 60.00, 115.70, 250.00, 524.37, 655.20, 754.19, 919.34
Shock, Septic: 0.18, 0.22, 55.00, 62.50, 132.41, 210.50, 475.17, 527.00, 667.00, 749.00,
Shock, Toxic: (see Shock, Septic)
Short Bowel Syndrome: 0.18, 0.30, 45.75, 72.50, 92.50, 375.19, 477.50, 527.00, 662.71, 727.05
Shoulder Injuries: 0.12, 5.50, 32.50, 125.71, 229.32, 479.50, 527.00, 667.00, 789.00, 918.20
Shoulder-Girdle Neuropathy: (see Brachial Plexus Neuritis: (Parsonage-Turner Syndrome))
Shoulder-Hand Syndrome: (see Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: (Type I Complex Regional Pain Syndrome))
Shy-Drager Syndrome: 0.07, 8.00, 13.98, 42.50, 97.50, 325.17, 515.70, 650.00, 750.00, 927.10,
Sialidosis: (see Mucolipidoses)
Sialorrhea: 0.24, 0.90, 9.00, 13.52, 85.00, 92.50, 250.00, 376.29, 425.75, 845.10
Sicca Syndrome: (see Sjogren's Syndrome)
Sick Building Syndrome: 0.02, 0.77, 2.50, 3.00, 92.50, 357.30, 425.17, 571.00, 845.00, 937.41,
Silicosis: 0.09, 07.25, 45.75, 72.50, 150.00, 325.19, 477.50, 527.00, 667.00, 761.20,
Simmonds Disease: (see Hypopituitarism)
Sinusitis: 0.11, 0.40, 0.83, 5.50, 25.00, 125.17, 225.75, 475.19, 527.00, 662.71,
Situs Inversus: 0.05, 0.12, 0.87, 5.00, 27.50, 62.50, 193.00, 322.53, 475.17, 527.00,
Sjogren's Syndrome: 0.13, 0.40, 57.50, 92.50, 175.19, 479.93, 527.00, 667.00, 742.00, 988.90
Skin and Connective Tissue Diseases: (see specific Skin Diseases List)
Skin Cancer: (see Cancer: Skin Neoplasms)
Skin Diseases: 0.19, 0.37, 7.25, 45.75, 96.50, 325.00, 519.34, 655.20, 750.00, 922.53
Skin Diseases, Bacterial: 0.19, 0.37, 7.25, 45.75, 96.50, 325.00, 519.34, 655.20, 750.00, 922.53
Skin Diseases, Fungal: (see Dermatomycoses)
Skin Diseases, Infectious: 0.19, 0.37, 7.25, 45.75, 96.50, 325.00, 519.34, 655.20, 750.00, 922.53
Skin Diseases, Parasitic: (see parasites and select specific parasite species)
Skin Scar Tissue healing: 0.19, 0.37, 7.25, 45.75, 120.50, 401.00, 409.31, 552.20, 750.00, 922.53
Skin Collagen Building: 0.19, 0.37, 7.25, 45.75, 120.50, 424.00, 467.00, 493.10, 750.00, 922.53
Skin Mole: 0.19, 0.37, 7.25, 45.75, 120.50, 401.00, 409.31, 552.20, 750.00, 922.53
Skin Ulcer: 0.05, 0.95, 7.50, 8.00, 40.00, 57.50, 125.75, 325.17, 522.53, 655.20
Sleep Apnea, Central: 0.07, 0.37, 12.71, 47.50, 97.50, 225.75, 377.91, 519.34, 691.27, 753.07,
Sleep Disorders: 0.13, 0.40, 0.62, 42.50, 57.50, 92.50, 175.00, 475.17, 527.00, 667.00,
Sleep Disordered Breathing, Central: (see Sleep Apnea, Central)
Slipped Disk: (see Intervertebral Disk Displacement)
Slow Virus Diseases: 0.19, 0.37, 0.75, 45.19, 65.00, 96.50, 225.75, 514.35, 652.43, 759.83,
Smallpox: 0.08, 0.35, 5.50, 35.17, 62.50, 93.50, 225.00, 496.01, 682.45, 753.07
Smell Disorders: (see Olfaction Disorders)
Smith-Lemli-Opitz Syndrome: 0.08, 0.35, 5.50, 35.19, 72.50, 93.50, 342.06, 524.37, 655.20, 754.19
Smith-Magenis Syndrome: 0.95, 2.25, 32.50, 67.50, 97.50, 322.06, 375.17, 497.61, 653.69, 750.00
Smooth Pursuit Deficiency: (see OCULAR MOTILITY DISORDERS)
Sneddon Syndrome: 0.04, 0.35, 0.70, 60.00, 150.00, 322.53, 479.50, 527.00, 662.71, 749.00,
Sneddon-Champion Syndrome: (see Sneddon Syndrome)
Sodoku: (see Rat-Bite Fever: (Haverhill Fever))
Somatization Disorder: (see SOMATOFORM DISORDERS)
Somatoform Disorders: 0.07, 0.57, 23.10, 50.00, 375.19, 477.50, 527.00, 667.00, 753.23, 986.22
Somatotropin Hypersecretion Syndrome: (Acromegaly): (see Acromegaly)
Sore Throat: (see Pharyngitis)
Spasm: 0.06, 0.32, 0.60, 32.50, 67.50, 97.50, 325.75, 519.34, 691.27, 754.19,
Spasmodic Torticollis: (see Torticollis)
Spasms, Infantile: .06, 0.32, 0.60, 32.50, 67.50, 97.50, 325.75, 519.34, 691.27, 754.19,,
Spasmus Nutans: (see Spasms, Infantile)
Spastic Diplegia: (see Cerebral Palsy)
Spastic Quadriplegia: (see Quadriplegia)
Spastic Spinal Monoplegia Syndrome: (see Brown-Sequard Syndrome)
Spermatic Cord Torsion: 0.07, 0.46, 0.83, 2.50, 150.00, 225.75, 475.16, 667.00, 742.00, 985.67
Sphaerophorus Infections: (see Fusobacterium Infections)
Sphenopalatine Neuralgia: (see Facial Neuralgia)
Spherocytosis, Hereditary: 0.19, 0.30, 0.87, 137.94, 322.53, 477.50, 527.00, 667.00, 749.00, 988.90
Spider Veins: (see Telangiectasis)
Spielmeyer-Vogt Disease: (see Neuronal Ceroid-Lipofuscinoses)
Spina Bifida: (see Spinal Dysraphism)
Spina Bifida Occulta: 0.18, 7.50, 25.17, 52.50, 112.33, 175.00, 524.37, 682.45, 753.07, 927.10,
Spinal Adjustment, Chiropractic: (see Manipulation, Chiropractic)
Spinal Bifida, Closed: (see Spina Bifida Occulta)
Spinal Cord Diseases: 0.18, 0.32, 0.95, 7.50, 25.75, 52.50, 425.16, 571.00, 841.00, 932.00,
Spinal Cord Inflammation: (see Myelitis)
Spinal Cord Injuries: 0.18, 0.32, 0.95, 7.50, 25.75, 52.50, 425.16, 571.00, 841.00, 932.00,
Spinal Cord Myelodysplasia: (see Neural Tube Defects)
Spinal Diseases: 0.18, 0.32, 0.95, 7.50, 25.75, 52.50, 425.16, 571.00, 841.00, 932.00,
Spinal Dysraphism: 0.32, 0.80, 7.50, 25.16, 52.50, 255.93, 522.53, 691.27, 753.07, 912.33
Spinal Muscular Atrophies of Childhood: 0.18, 0.32, 25.00, 52.50, 134.25, 175.75, 426.90, 571.00, 843.00, 937.41,
Spinal Muscular Atrophy: (see Muscular Atrophy, Spinal)
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Infantile: (see Spinal Muscular Atrophies of Childhood)
Spinal Muscular Atrophy, Juvenile: (see Spinal Muscular Atrophies of Childhood)
Spinal Osteophytosis: 0.10, 0.32, 52.50, 112.33, 175.17, 475.00, 527.00, 662.71, 742.00, 986.22
Spinal Stenosis: 0.14, 0.32, 0.97, 7.50, 125.71, 175.75, 512.33, 682.02, 759.83, 927.10,
Spinocerebellar Ataxia Type 3: (see Machado-Joseph Disease)
Splenic Diseases: 0.04, 0.35, 7.25, 2.50, 60.00, 125.00, 300.00, 475.17, 527.00, 752.70,
Splenic Rupture: 0.03, 0.57, 50.00, 205.83, 358.57, 475.16, 527.00, 667.00, 749.00, 985.67
Spondylarthritis Ankylopoietica: (see Spondylitis, Ankylosing)
Spondylitis, Ankylosing: 0.19, 0.18, 8.00, 55.75, 322.06, 477.50, 527.00, 662.71, 742.00, 988.90
Spondylolisthesis: 0.46, 0.68, 32.71, 96.50, 319.34, 428.17, 512.33, 682.45, 753.07, 922.53
Spongiform Encephalopathies, Transmissible: (see Prion Diseases)
Spongiform Encephalopathy, Subacute: (see Creutzfeldt-Jakob Syndrome)
Spongy Disease of White Matter: (see Canavan Disease)
Sprengel's Deformity: 0.14, 0.30, 0.95,178.72, 375.17, 477.50, 527.00, 667.00, 761.85, 988.90
Sprue, Celiac: (see Celiac Disease)
SSPE: (see Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis)
St. Anthonys Fire: (see Ergotism)
Staphylococcal Infections: 0.05, 0.41, 0.80, 5.25, 87.50, 42.50, 376.27, 378.00, 380.85, 381.00,
Stargardt Disease: (see Macular Degeneration)
Status Dysraphicus: (see Spinal Dysraphism)
Status Lymphaticus: (see LYMPHATIC DISEASES)
Status Marmoratus: (see MOVEMENT DISORDERS)
Status Migrainosus: (see Migraine Disorders)
Steele-Richardson-Olszewski Syndrome: (see Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive)
Steely Hair Syndrome: (see Menkes Kinky Hair Syndrome)
Stein-Leventhal Syndrome: (see Polycystic Ovary Syndrome)
Stenocardia: (see Angina Pectoris)
Sterility: (see Infertility)
Stevens-Johnson Syndrome: 0.19, 7.50, 8.00, 55.75, 225.00, 477.50, 527.00, 662.71, 742.00, 985.67
Stickler Syndrome: 0.46, 2.50, 30.00, 57.50, 95.17, 325.71, 524.37, 691.27, 753.07, 927.10,
Stiff-Man Syndrome: (see Stiff-Person Syndrome:)
Stiff-Person Syndrome: 0.14, 0.95, 5.75, 12.71, 45.00, 125.17, 250.00, 479.93, 749.00, 986.22
Still's Disease, Juvenile-Onset: (see Arthritis, Juvenile Rheumatoid)
Stings: (see Bites and Stings)
Stomatitis, Aphthous: 0.05, 0.41, 0.80, 5.17, 42.50, 119.34, 357.30, 527.00, 662.71, 789.00,
Stomatognathic Diseases: 0.17, 0.37, 0.90, 2.75, 5.12, 52.50, 90.00, 234.25, 842.00, 937.41,
Storage Pool Deficiency: (see Platelet Storage Pool Deficiency)
Strabismus: 0.17, 0.57, 37.50, 87.50, 90.00, 452.59, 519.68, 684.81, 712.23, 997.87,
Strabismus, Comitant: (see Strabismus: (Squint))
Strabismus, Convergent: (see Esotropia)
Strabismus, Divergent: (see Exotropia)
Strabismus, Internal: (see Esotropia)
Strabismus, Noncomitant: (see Strabismus: (Squint))
Streeter Syndrome: (see Amniotic Band Syndrome)
Streptococcal Infections: 0.15, 0.70, 2.50, 5.25, 47.50, 70.00, 369.75, 385.40, 842.00, 932.00,
Streptococcus pneumoniae Infections: (see Pneumococcal Infections)
Stress Disorders, Post-Traumatic: 0.14, 0.68, 2.50, 60.00, 122.53, 300.00, 496.01, 655.20, 750.00, 912.33
Striatonigral Degeneration, Autosomal Dominant: (see Machado-Joseph Disease)
Stridor: 0.03, 0.46, 0.83, 37.50, 62.50, 150.00, 225.75, 519.34, 652.43, 927.10,
Stroke: 0.09, 0.12, 0.62, 15.17, 96.50, 225.00, 425.16, 571.00, 841.00, 937.41,
Stromal Dystrophies, Corneal: (see Corneal Dystrophies, Hereditary)
Strongyloidiasis: 0.06, 0.25, 0.95, 65.17, 92.50, 210.50, 525.71, 650.00, 759.83, 912.33
Sturge-Weber Syndrome: 0.40, 0.95, 72.50, 124.37, 97.50, 269.71, 476.50, 527.00, 667.00, 729.06,
Stuttering: (see Speech Disorders)
Stye: (see Hordeolum)
Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis: 0.05, 1.52, 5.69, 55.15, 375.03, 479.93, 527.00, 662.71, 789.00, 987.23
Subcortical Arteriosclerotic Encephalopathy: (see Dementia, Vascular)
Subdural Hematoma: (see Hematoma, Subdural)
Subglottic Stenosis: (see Laryngostenosis)
Subvalvular Stenosis, Idiopathic Hypertrophic: (see Cardiomyopathy, Hypertrophic)
Sudek Atrophy: (see Reflex Sympathetic Dystrophy: (Type I Complex Regional Pain Syndrome))
Suffering, Physical: (see Pain)
Supraglottitis: (see Epiglottitis)
Supranuclear Palsy, Progressive:
Suture Techniques: 0.16, 0.35, 2.50, 15.75, 47.50, 275.00, 512.33, 655.20, 750.00, 925.71
Swallowing Disorders: (see Deglutition Disorders)
Sweat Gland Diseases: 0.12, 0.40, 0.90, 119.34, 175.15, 475.03, 527.00, 667.00, 753.23, 986.22
Sweet Syndrome: 0.06, 8.00, 25.75, 65.00, 40.00, 92.50, 250.00, 536.42, 682.45, 753.07, 927.10,
Swimmer's Itch: (see Dermatitis)
Swine Flu: 0.02, 0.45, 0.65, 2.21, 6.15, 10.23, 15.91, 30.28, 77.50, 327.11
Sympathetic Nervous System Diseases: (see Autonomic Nervous System Diseases)
Symptomatic Infantile Spasms: (see Spasms, Infantile)
Syncope: (see Unconsciousness)
Syndrome X, Angina: (see Microvascular Angina)
Syndrome X, Cardiac: (see Microvascular Angina)
Synesthesia: 0.40, 0.95, 72.50, 112.33, 97.50, 275.15, 477.50, 667.00, 742.00, 987.23
Synovitis: 0.05, 0.52, 0.62, 10.89, 32.57, 479.50, 527.00, 662.71, 752.70, 985.67
Syphilis: 0.02, 5.25, 25.15, 125.75, 275.03, 477.50, 527.00, 667.00, 749.00, 987.23
Syphilis, Congenital: 0.02, 0.18, 25.00, 125.15, 269.71, 475.03, 527.00, 667.00, 761.85, 986.22
Syringomyelia: 0.12, 5.12, 7.00, 32.50, 95.75, 175.00, 522.53, 682.02, 759.83, 900.00
Systemic Inflammatory Response Syndrome: 0.13, 0.43, 7.00, 13.98, 132.41, 275.75, 512.33, 650.00, 753.07, 926.70,
Tick Paralysis: 0.08, 0.52, 0.68, 0.97, 2.50, 324.37, 522.53, 655.20, 750.00, 926.70,
Tick-Borne Diseases: 0.08, 0.52, 0.68, 0.97, 2.50, 324.37, 522.53, 655.20, 750.00, 926.70,
Tietze's Syndrome: 0.05, 0.24, 15.75, 45.00, 93.50, 376.29, 512.33, 689.93, 759.83, 925.71
Tinea: 0.05, 0.41, 22.50, 57.50, 325.16, 476.50, 527.00, 667.00, 749.00, 986.22
Tinea Pedis: (see Dermatomycoses)
Tinea Unguium: (see Onychomycosis)
Tinea Versicolor: 0.05, 0.41, 0.60, 0.85, 350.00, 479.50, 527.00, 663.71, 752.70, 987.23
Tinnitus: 0.07, 0.24, 0.57, 87.50, 175.16, 322.06, 476.50, 667.00, 742.00, 985.67
T-Lymphotropic Virus Type III Infections, Human: (see HIV Infections)
TMJ Syndrome: (see Temporomandibular Joint Dysfunction Syndrome)
Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome: (see Ophthalmoplegia)
Tongue, Geographic: (see Glossitis, Benign Migratory)
Tonicclonic seizures (gran mal) 0.05, 0.12, 0.22, 0.58, 1.38, 5.39, 15.25, 30.71, 50.11, 66.21
Tonsillar Cancer: (see Cancer: Tonsillar)
Tonsillitis: 0.25, 0.87, 5.12, 85.00, 100.00, 355.72, 425.16, 571.00, 837.00, 937.41,
Torticollis: 0.18, 0.30, 5.50, 22.50, 40.00, 96.50, 332.41, 475.11, 667.00, 752.70,
Torulosis: (see Cryptococcosis)
Tourette Syndrome: 0.16, 0.23, 12.85, 55.75, 125.00, 210.50, 479.93, 593.20, 761.85, 987.23
Toxic Shock Syndrome: (see Shock, Septic)
Toxocariasis: 0.18, 0.24, 10.53, 27.50, 35.00, 57.50, 96.50, 325.11, 475.16, 527.00,
Toxoplasma gondii Infection: (see Toxoplasmosis)
Toxoplasmosis: 0.17, 0.32, 32.50, 47.50, 60.00, 125.71, 476.50, 527.00, 749.00, 987.23
Tracheal Cyst: (see Mediastinal Cyst)
Tracheal Stenosis: 0.07, 0.37, 8.00, 13.98, 47.50, 96.50, 150.00, 519.34, 689.93, 923.70,
Tracheoesophageal Fistula: 0.13, 0.40, 0.73, 5.62, 7.25, 42.50, 90.00, 479.50, 527.00, 986.22
Trachoma: 0.19, 0.37, 0.78, 0.95, 2.25, 5.25, 45.00, 65.75, 752.63, 924.37
Transient Ischemic Attack: (see Ischemic Attack, Transient)
Transmissible Dementias: (see Prion Diseases)
Transport Disorder, Neutral Amino Acid: (see Hartnup Disease)
Treacher Collins Syndrome: (see Mandibulofacial Dysostosis)
Tremor: 0.40, 0.60, 0.85, 5.09, 7.25, 92.50, 175.00, 476.50, 527.00, 663.71,
Trench Foot: (see Immersion Foot)
Trichinelliasis: (see Trichinosis)
Trichinosis: 0.10, 0.52, 0.87, 2.50, 13.39, 325.16, 475.00, 527.00, 759.00, 985.67
Trichomonas Infections: 0.17, 0.62, 2.75, 15.75, 42.50, 62.50, 97.50, 357.30, 712.23, 997.87,
Trichophytosis: (see Tinea)
Trichorhinophalangeal Syndrome Type II: (see Langer-Giedion Syndrome)
Trichothiodystrophy Syndromes: 0.14, 0.49, 0.73, 0.95, 7.50, 2.50, 20.00, 136.42, 376.29, 458.50,
Trichotillomania: 0.24, 0.75, 0.95, 95.00, 358.57, 475.16, 527.00, 667.00, 742.00, 987.23
Tricuspid Atresia: 0.17, 32.50, 52.50, 72.50, 95.11, 175.75, 455.82, 518.92, 684.81, 962.00,
Tricuspid Valve Atresia: (see Tricuspid Atresia)
Trigeminal Neuralgia: 0.02, 0.37, 22.50, 52.50, 90.00, 275.00, 275.16, 310.25, 425.11, 838.00,
Trimethylaminuria: (Fish Odor Syndrome ; not on MeSH)
Triosephosphate Isomerase Deficiency: (see Anemia, Hemolytic, Congenital Nonspherocytic)
Triple-Symptom Complex: (see Behcet Syndrome: (Silk-Road Disease))
Trophoblastic Cancer: (see Cancer: Trophoblastic Neoplasms)
Trophoblastic Tumor: (see Cancer: Trophoblastic Neoplasms)
Trypanosomiasis: 0.07, 0.23, 5.62, 7.00, 32.50, 47.50, 95.09, 175.11, 475.11, 527.00,
Trypanosomiasis, African: 0.07, 0.23, 5.62, 7.00, 32.50, 47.50, 95.09, 175.11, 475.11, 527.00,
Trypanosomiasis, South American: (see Chagas Disease)
Tsutsugamushi Disease: (see Scrub Typhus)
Tuberculosis: 0.08, 0.40, 0.73, 0.90, 5.11, 47.50, 97.50, 222.70, 527.00, 663.71,
Tuberculosis, Spinal: 0.08, 0.40, 0.73, 0.90, 5.11, 47.50, 97.50, 222.70, 527.00, 663.71
Tuberous Sclerosis: 0.08, 0.35, 5.50, 35.16, 72.50, 93.50, 525.71, 650.00, 759.83, 924.37
Tubular Aggregate Myopathy: (see Myopathies, Structural, Congenital)
Tularemia: 0.06, 0.32, 2.25, 32.50, 67.50, 97.50, 96.50, 150.00, 682.02, 752.63,
Tumor Virus Infections: 0.07, 0.35, 25.40, 50.00, 60.00, 150.00, 475.11, 527.00, 667.00, 987.23
Tumors: (see Cancer: for exact identification)
Turner Syndrome: 0.07, 0.57, 0.73, 2.50, 50.00, 150.00, 475.00, 527.00, 663.71, 776.50
Turner Syndrome, Male: (see Noonan Syndrome)
Turner-Kieser Syndrome: (see Nail-Patella Syndrome)
Tympanic Membrane Perforation: 0.06, 0.18, 0.78, 7.50, 8.00, 55.75, 96.50, 657.11, 749.00, 987.23
Tympanic Membrane Rupture: (see Tympanic Membrane Perforation)
Type I Hypersensitivity: (see Hypersensitivity, Immediate)
Type III Hypersensitivity: (see Immune Complex Diseases)
Typhoid Fever: 0.13, 0.40, 0.87, 43.20, 92.50, 310.25, 479.50, 527.00, 789.00, 985.67
Typhus: (see Typhus, Epidemic Louse-Borne)
Typhus, Abdominal: (see Typhoid Fever)
Typhus, Epidemic Louse-Borne: 0.37, 0.75, 23.90, 45.00, 96.50, 202.59, 522.53, 655.20, 750.00, 923.70,
Typhus, Sao Paulo: (see Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever)
Typhus, Scrub: (see Scrub Typhus)
Tyrosine Transaminase Deficiency Disease: (see Tyrosinemias)
Tyrosinemias: 0.05, 0.35, 0.68, 2.50, 5.50, 35.16, 93.50, 682.45, 752.63, 910.25
UDPglucose 4-Epimerase Deficiency Disease: (see Galactosemias)
UDPglucose-Hexose-1-Phosphate Uridylyltransferase Deficiency: (see Galactosemias)
Ulcer, Aphthous: (see Stomatitis, Aphthous)
Ulcer, Rodent: (see Carcinoma, Basal Cell)
Ulnar Nerve Compression Syndromes: 0.07, 0.32, 0.60, 0.83, 2.25, 225.00, 476.50, 527.00, 742.00, 987.23
Vaginal Disease: 0.07, 0.12, 0.85, 5.62, 15.16, 40.00, 419.34, 561.93, 640.00, 985.90
Vaginal Prolapse: (see Uterine Prolapse)
Vaginitis, Monilial: (see Candidiasis, Vulvovaginal)
Valvular Heart Diseases: (see Heart Valve Diseases)
Van Bogaert's Leukoencephalitis: (see Subacute Sclerosing Panencephalitis)
Varicella: (see Chickenpox)
Varices: (see Varicose Veins)
Varicocele: 0.19, 0.57, 5.91, 52.50, 95.00, 210.25, 400.00, 568.43, 642.91, 978.05
Varicose Veins: 0.18, 0.55, 0.85, 12.85, 15.00, 47.50, 97.50, 376.29, 425.09, 571.00,
Variola: (see Smallpox)
Variola Minor: (see Smallpox)
Vascular Accident, Brain: (see Stroke)
Vascular Dementia: (see Dementia, Vascular)
Vascular Diseases: 0.05, 0.24, 0.60, 62.50, 93.50, 224.37, 522.53, 653.69, 752.63, 923.70,
Vascular Diseases, Intracranial: (see Cerebrovascular Disorders)
Vascular Diseases, Peripheral: (see Peripheral Vascular Diseases)
Vasculitis: 0.08, 0.22, 0.73, 2.50, 5.81, 50.00, 310.25, 532.41, 689.93, 750.00,
Vasculitis, Churg-Strauss: (see Churg-Strauss Syndrome: (Allergic Granulomatosis))
Vasculitis, Hemorrhagic: (see Purpura, Schoenlein-Henoch)
Vasospasm, Intracranial: 0.19, 0.26, 0.57, 7.50, 12.69, 35.33, 322.06, 425.71, 564.28, 930.12
Velocardiofacial Syndrome: (see DiGeorge Syndrome: (Thymic Dysplasia))
Venous Insufficiency: 0.12, 0.65, 13.98, 87.50, 96.50, 222.53, 325.00, 475.16, 749.00, 986.22
Venereal Diseases, Bacterial: (see Sexually Transmitted Diseases, Bacterial)
Ventricular Dysplasia, Right, Arrhythmogenic: (see Arrhythmogenic Right Ventricular Dysplasia)
Ventricular Fibrillation: 0.14, 0.57, 7.25, 32.50, 42.50, 90.00, 275.09, 410.25, 642.06, 978.05
Ventricular Hypertrophy, (see Hypertrophy)
Verruca: (see Warts)
Verruga Peruana: (see Bartonella Infections)
Vertical Nystagmus: (see Nystagmus, Pathologic)
Vertigo: 0.05, 0.41, 7.85, 27.00, 57.50, 97.50, 175.00, 424.37, 567.70, 985.90
Vertigo, Aural: (see Meniere Disease)
Vesication: (see Blister)
Vesico-Ureteral Reflux: 0.19, 0.26, 0.57, 9.00, 17.20, 35.75, 176.09, 355.08, 642.91, 978.05
Viral Meningitis: (see Meningitis, Viral)
Vision Disorders: 0.12, 0.65, 25.05, 87.50, 125.33, 222.53, 479.93, 527.00, 667.00, 987.23
Visual Agnosia: (see Agnosia)
Vitamin A Deficiency: 0.14, 0.57, 0.95, 23.50, 269.71, 57.50, 175.16, 436.42, 642.91, 978.05
Vitamin B 12 Deficiency: 0.05, 0.41, 1.00, 45.00, 97.50, 324.37, 410.25, 566.41, 709.83, 930.12
Vitamin B Deficiency: : 0.05, 0.41, 1.00, 45.00, 97.50, 324.37, 410.25, 566.41, 709.83, 930.12
Vitamin C Deficiency: (see Ascorbic Acid Deficiency)
Vitamin D Deficiency: 0.17, 0.22, 0.62, 11.09, 40.00, 57.50, 150.00, 175.00, 426.90, 826.00
Vitamin Deficiency: (see Avitaminosis)
Vitiligo: 0.15, 0.26, 5.25, 7.00, 37.50, 60.00, 119.34, 210.50, 458.50, 684.81,
VITREOUS DISORDERS: 0.14, 0.52, 2.50, 12.85, 35.16, 97.50, 200.00, 476.50, 665.34, 986.22
Vocal Cord Paralysis: 0.08, 0.12, 15.33, 85.00, 90.00, 357.30, 527.00, 657.11, 833.20, 987.23
Vogt-Koyanagi-Harada Syndrome: (see Uveomeningoencephalitic Syndrome)
von Hippel-Lindau Disease: 0.03, 0.46, 2.50, 7.50, 17.50, 96.50, 355.08, 517.50, 687.62, 712.42,
Waardenburg's Syndrome: 0.04, 0.52, 5.09, 35.00, 175.33, 432.41, 561.93, 714.82, 823.00, 987.23
Waldenstrom Macroglobulinemia: 0.08, 2.75, 20.00, 62.50, 322.06, 410.25, 567.70, 642.91, 805.00, 930.12
Wallenberg Syndrome: (see Lateral Medullary Syndrome: (Wallenberg Syndrome))
War Neuroses: (see Combat Disorders)
Warthin's Tumor: (see Salivary Gland Diseases)
Warts: 0.16, 0.35, 17.50, 37.50, 210.50, 476.50, 527.00, 665.34, 789.00, 987.23
Weber-Christian Disease: (see Panniculitis)
Werner Syndrome: 0.02, 0.25, 0.97, 9.00, 13.39, 15.00, 67.50, 52.50, 92.20, 569.71,
Wernicke Encephalopathy: 0.23, 0.95, 12.85, 25.05, 97.50, 110.25, 229.32, 536.42, 650.00, 752.63,
West Nile Fever: 0.04, 0.52, 0.75, 2.50, 5.07, 47.50, 175.16, 525.71, 759.83, 932.41
West Syndrome: (see Spasms, Infantile)
Vestibular Neuronitis: 0.03, 0.18, 0.65, 0.93, 10.89, 5.50, 93.50, 210.50, 424.37, 978.05
Wet Lung: (see Pulmonary Edema)
Whiplash Injuries: 0.12, 0.25, 0.73, 5.62, 2.50, 57.43 125.00, 376.29, 475.05, 727.00,
Whipple Disease: 0.87, 7.50, 2.50, 32.50, 97.50, 250.00, 479.50, 527.00, 789.00, 987.23
Whipple's Disease: (see Whipple Disease)
Whipworm Infections: 0.03, 0.52, 0.57, 0.80, 10.53, 30.00, 72.50, 225.33, 425.16, 571.00
White Dot Syndrome: 0.12, 0.49, 0.68, 2.75, 32.50, 72.50, 45.00, 95.00, 497.61, 923.70,
Whitmore's Disease: (see Melioidosis)
Whooping Cough: 0.10, 0.35, 0.95, 13.61, 27.50, 47.50, 60.00, 110.25, 425.05, 932.00,
William-Beuren Syndrome: (see Williams Syndrome)
Williams Syndrome: 0.14, 0.41, 8.00, 30.00, 57.50, 125.00, 357.77, 689.93, 750.00, 934.25
Wilms Tumor: 0.02, 0.49, 0.78, 7.50, 2.50, 20.00, 62.50, 322.06, 425.71, 568.43,
Wilson Disease: (see Hepatolenticular Degeneration)
Wolff Periodic Disease: (see Familial Mediterranean Fever: (Yerevanian Disease))
Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome: 0.08, 0.55, 7.50, 8.00, 12.33, 96.50, 175.16, 410.25, 642.91, 978.05
Wolf-Hirschhorn Syndrome: 0.16, 0.57, 0.78, 12.33, 22.50, 40.00, 96.50, 224.37, 825.96, 930.12
Wolfram Syndrome: 0.20, 0.46, 2.50, 7.50, 37.50, 96.50, 222.70, 527.00, 749.00, 985.67
Wolman Disease: 0.10, 7.50, 8.00, 5.05, 13.93, 35.00, 90.00, 377.91, 564.28, 985.90
Wounds and Injuries: 0.16, 0.25, 0.62, 7.00, 12.71, 35.00, 90.00, 410.25, 560.00, 714.82
Wounds, Penetrating & Nonpenetrating: 0.16, 0.35, 0.85, 5.81, 17.50, 37.50, 229.32, 425.16, 826.00, 932.00
WPW Syndrome: (see Wolff-Parkinson-White Syndrome)
Wryneck: (see Torticollis)
Xanthoma: (see Xanthomatosis)
Xanthoma Disseminatum: (see Histiocytosis, Non-Langerhans-Cell)
Xanthomatosis: 0.12, 0.23, 0.87, 5.50, 97.50, 376.29, 432.41, 563.19, 642.06, 983.17
Xanthomatosis, Familial: (see Wolman Disease)
Xanthomatosis, Wolman's: (see Wolman Disease)
Xeroderma: (see Ichthyosis)
Xeroderma Pigmentosum: 0.08, 7.50, 12.85, 40.00, 65.16, 96.50, 175.05, 653.69, 759.83, 923.70,
Xerostomia: 0.12, 5.81, 25.00, 87.50, 225.00, 458.50, 522.39, 683.00, 712.23, 992.00,
X-Linked Adrenoleukodystrophy: (see Adrenoleukodystrophy)
X-Linked Lymphoproliferative Syndrome: (see LYMPHOPROLIFERATIVE DISORDERS)
X-Linked Retinoschisis: (see Retinoschisis)
XXY Males: (see Klinefelter Syndrome)
XYY Karyotype: 0.11, 2.50, 32.50, 125.00, 275.05, 451.17, 515.16, 684.81, 712.81, 997.87,
Yaws: 0.57, 5.00, 32.50, 50.00, 90.00, 319.34, 522.53, 689.93, 752.63, 910.25
Yellow Fever: 0.05, 7.50, 17.50, 47.50, 96.50, 475.05, 527.00, 657.11, 753.23, 987.23
Yersinia Infections: 0.15, 5.50, 12.85, 35.16, 93.50, 269.71, 426.90, 571.00, 822.00, 937.41,
Yersinosis: (see Yersinia Infections)
Zellweger Syndrome: 0.16, 0.57, 0.78, 0.93, 2.75, 7.50, 22.50, 40.00, 125.00, 225.71, 434.25, 566.41, 709.83, 985.90
Zellweger-Like Syndrome: (see Zellweger Syndrome)
Zenker Diverticulum: 0.23, 7.50, 22.50, 35.05, 95.00, 375.33, 424.37, 563.19, 714.82, 978.05
Zenker's Diverticulum: (see Zenker Diverticulum)
Zollinger-Ellison Syndrome: 0.10, 0.90, 2.50, 20.00, 37.50, 97.50, 325.00, 419.34, 561.93, 823.96
Zona: (see Herpes Zoster: (Shingles))
Zoonoses: 0.17, 0.52, 2.75, 17.50, 45.16, 72.50, 122.53, 175.00, 475.05, 527.00,
Zoster: (see Herpes Zoster: (Shingles))
Zygomycosis: 0.14, 0.49, 0.73, 0.95, 97.50, 175.33, 476.50, 527.00, 667.00, 752.70,