Maat Texts

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The key takeaways are about understanding the correspondence between the macrocosm (universe) and the microcosm (human being) through zodiacal sequences and evolutionary processes. It also talks about revising concepts of human psychological structure in relation to karma and spiritual hierarchies.

The six Buddhist virtues or Paramitas mentioned are: 1) Dana (Charity or love), 2) Shila (Purity or morality), 3) Kshanti (Patience), 4) Vairagya (Indifference to pleasure or pain), 5) Virya (Strength, energy or spiritual will), 6) Dhyana (Contemplation or meditation).

The requirements mentioned for disciples on the spiritual path are: having a clean life, an open mind, a pure heart, an eager intellect, spiritual perfection, readiness to give/receive advice and instruction, loyalty to the teacher, and obedience to truth.





Dr John Kirk Robertson


The claim of the Gnostics is that the Christos is the consummation of the inner
doctrine of the Mysteries, the end of them being the revelation of the Mystery of Man.
(G.R.S. Mead. Thrice - Greatest Hermes.)

Be of good cheer, O initiates in the mystery of the liberated god; for to you too out of
all your labours and sorrows shall come liberation.


Dedicated to Geoffrey Hodson for his published revelations in The Kingdom of the
Gods relating to the existence and functions of the Angelic Hierarchies. May the
brotherhood of angels and of man be made manifest on Earth.
Books in this Series. The MAAT Texts.
This is the second book of a series.

1. The Aquarian Bible of the Cosmic Christ.

2. The Aquarian Mandala : The Macrocosmic Universe in Man.

3. Aquarian Mythology ; A Comparative Study.

4. Aquarian Astrology and Medical Diagnosis

MAAT is the Egyptian goddess of Truth. It lies beyond teachers, books and schools
but can be reached through intuition. The language of Truth is symbolism because the
symbol is numinous and can be reached in essence only by meditation. Written
language is composed of signs and is related to the phenomena we see around us.

We treat people as separate individuals whereas they have one common source of life,
love and consciousness within them. The descent of the Many from the One is the
differentiation which occurs when the Monad or Spirit of the human being descends
into incarnation. Each Monad is a fragment of the Godhead.

The Aquarian Mandala describes the process of emanation from the Godhead, first in
symbolic form, then in terms of actual descent of the great Root Races. The second
part of this volume deals with man as the microcosmic reflection of the universe.

Introduction (A)

The purpose of this volume is to provide information on the direct zodiacal

correspondences between the universe or macrocosm and man, the microcosm, related
to the evolutionary process.
Not only is there the Law of Karma or Cause and Effect but, more important, there is
the machinery connected with the precipitation of karma, which demands that we
radically revise our concepts of the psychological structure of the human being.

To understand why a horoscope should have a valid connection with a human being it
is necessary to comprehend the cosmogenesis of the universe in terms of strict
zodiacal sequences, and to understand the reflection of this structure in man, the

The planets and zodiacal signs are not in themselves causative agents. They are the
mechanisms through which the celestial hierarchies operate. It is nonsensical to speak
of the planets as "ruling" man. They are merely physical centres for the distribution of
spiritual energies which are controlled at all times by the spiritual hierarchies
associated with the planets. The Lipika are the Lords of Karma who record and release
karma according to cyclic laws.

Introduction (B)
I have demonstrated that the cosmological sequences in various mythologies are
related to the signs of the zodiac. (See Aquarian Mythology). It can also be shown that
the philosophical, cosmological, psychological and astrological teachings are capable
of being integrated into a composite system which is self consistent. The system is
based on the fundamental axiom that the macrocosmic universe is reflected into
microcosmic man.

We must closely re-examine the teachings of ancient civilizations relating to the

cosmological processes described in the early mythologies. These teachings have a
direct and important bearing on the spiritual evolution of man in the twentieth century.
The Aquarian Mandala provides the framework for the integration as outlined in the
tables of correspondences contained within the various Chapters.

The integration of such knowledge fields is the work of the integrative Higher Mind.
We have reached a time at the commencement of the Aquarian Age when the
destructive analysis of the Lower Mind must be supplanted by new forms of
education. These will encourage students to integrate the teachings of various
disciplines into a composite whole. This Book is an introductory text designed to
foster such an approach in the colleges and universities of the Aquarian Age.

The Aquarian Mandala (A)

The mandala is the circle of the twelve zodiacal signs divided into four quadrants each
of three signs. The quadrants are:

1. Godhead (Aquarius, Pisces, Aries)

2. Monad (Taurus, Gemini, Cancer)

3. Higher Self (Leo, Virgo, Libra)

4. Lower Self (Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn)

Aquarius refers to the new Precessional Age which the Sun entered into at the end of
the nineteenth century. (See Precessional Cycle and Aquarius.) The Precessional Year
lasts for 25,920 years. The Sun spends 2,160 years in one sign such as Aquarius. This
new age will be typified by the integrative consciousness of the Higher Mind as
distinct from the analytical and divisive consciousness of the Lower Mind in the
structure of the Personality.

The key to cosmogenesis and the evolution of man lies in the sequence of the twelve
signs of the zodiac from Capricorn through Aquarius around the circle of the signs.
The analysis of the sequence into four triads of the mandala is set out below. This
sequence is directly related to the psychology of the individual and it is to be found in
various mythological sequences. (See Aquarian Mythology.)
The Aquarian Mandala (B)
Source Pluto Point Breath
1. Capricorn Saturn Darkness Pradhana
Macrocosmic Hemisphere
Cosmic Triad (Trinity of Godhead)
2. Aquarius Uranus Light Fohat
3. Pisces Jupiter Sea Virgin
4. Aries Mars Mount Demiurge
Monadic Triad
5. Taurus Venus Voice Verbum
6. Gemini Mercury Twins Monad
7. Cancer Moon Womb Birth
Microcosmic Hemisphere
Solar Triad (Higher Self)
8. Leo Sun Will Atma
9. Virgo Mercury Intuition Buddhi
10. Libra Venus Higher Mind Manas I
Bridge Earth Antahkarana
Lunar Triad (Lower Self) Lower Mind Manas II
11. Scorpio Mars Desires Kama
12. Sagittarius Jupiter Life Energies Prana
1. Capricorn Saturn Sensations Sthula

The macrocosm of six signs is the universe. The microcosm is man. They interact
through the polarities of the signs.

The Structural Test of Truth (A)

No major body of truth can exist without structure. No esoteric group can present
teachings which deviate from the macrocosmic order of the planets from Saturn to the
Sun or from the linear progression of the evolutionary process through the zodiacal
signs from Capricorn.

The test of esoteric truth is that it should be supported by the philosophical,

metaphysical, religious and mythological knowledge of ancient civilizations. Their
teachings should contain :

(a) Similar patterns of cosmogenesis.

(b) Common archetypal symbols in their language.

(c) Linguistic associations (names of the gods, etc.).

(d) The same classification of the planes of manifestation.

(e) Knowledge of the angelic hierarchies and their relations to the planes of
manifestation and the planets.

(f) The same planetary sequences as in astronomy.

(g) Exposition of natural laws such as reincarnation and karma.

(h) An account of the cyclic incarnation of the Soul.

(i) Parallel accounts of the lives of the Sun-gods. (These relate to the journey of the
human Soul.)

(j) Instruction on the solar cycle and the greater planetary cycles.

(k) Instruction on meditation and the process of spiritual unfoldment.

(1) A description of the non-physical bodies of man.

The Structural Test of Truth (B)

To understand the process of cosmogenesis it is necessary to comprehend the
language of symbols (Part I) and the linguistic correspondences (c). A classification of
the planes (d) and their respective hierarchies (e) is given in Part VI (a) - The Planes
and the Angelic Hierarchies. These planes are associated with the planetary sequences
(f). See Preliminaries Aquarian Mandala (B).

Reincarnation (g) and karma (g) are dealt with in Part X - Reincarnation and Karma.
The cyclic journey of the Soul (h) means descent through the planes (involution or
pravritti) and a subsequent ascent of the Godhead (evolution or nivritti ). This cycle is
related to cosmogenesis (a) and to the parallel accidents of the lives of the Sun-gods
(i). See Aquarian Mythology a companion volume to this. There are major (yuga)
cycles and minor cycles (j) of evolution, such as the solar cycle. (See The Precessional
Cycle and Aquarius.)

The relations between the chakras ( Part XI - Yoga and the Non-Physical Bodies) and
the planets are one of the links between the microcosm or little world of man and the
greater universe or Macrocosm. Man's non-physical bodies (1) are described in Part
XI - Esoteric Psychology .

A list of key esoteric ideas is given below. Meditation on these ideas leads to an
understanding of the Gnosis or Soul-Wisdom.

Key Esoteric Ideas

1. Svabhava Self-becoming Emanation of the Monad
2. Reincarnation Cycle of the Soul Zodiacal or Monadic journey
3. Karma Action of the Soul Cause of reincarnation
4. Hierarchies Angel builders Spiritual cosmogenesis
5. Pravritti Descent of Soul Fall into matter
6. Selfishness Cause of misery Bondage of the Soul
7. Self-gnosis Soul-Wisdom Spiritual knowledge
8. Meditation Path of Bliss Integration of Self
9. Nivritti Path of Return The Many become One
10. Brotherhood Oneness Unity of Life

Svabhava means the issuance forth of the Star-Monads from the One source in
Capricorn. From the Monad come the two reflected triads of the Higher and Lower

Karma is created continuously by our thoughts, emotions, words and deeds.

The Angelic Hierarchies are the Builders of the seven planes which are inhabited by
the Monad and its reflected triads. Pravritti and Nivritti are the descending and
ascending hemispheres of the zodiacal circle. The Soul can choose the Path of Bliss or
that of Selfishness.

Self-knowledge is Gnosis or Self-Wisdom. We must know who we are, where we

came from, and how to get back to our source of origin in the Godhead. There is unity
of life, love and consciousness in the universe. We are not separate from one another
but are all members of one brotherhood.



Introduction (A)

Introduction (B)

The Aquarian Mandala (A)

The Aquarian Mandala (B)

The Structural Test of Truth (A)

The Structural Test of Truth (B)

Key Esoteric Ideas

I The Evolution of Symbols
II The Kabala and the Platonic Solids
II (a) The Kabala
II (b) The Platonic Solids

IV The Aquarian Mandala

V The Precessional Cycle and Aquarius
VI Chains, Planets and Hierarchies
VI (a) The Planes and the Angelic Hierarchies
VI (b) Moon and Earth Chains. Root Races
VII The Descent of the Gods
VIII Zodiacal Cosmogenesis
VIII (a) The Cosmic Quadrant
VIII (b) Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Scorpio
IX Gnosticism and the Pistis Sophia


X Reincarnation and Karma
XI Esoteric Psychology
XI (a) The Nature of the Soul. The Golden Flower
XI (b) Yoga and the Non-Physical Bodies
XI (c) The Non-Physical Bodies
XII The Masters and the Path
XIII Annoted Bibliography
Glossary and Index



The Point as a Seed

The Circle as a Womb

Male and Female. The Circle Divides

The Circle as a Source of Emanation

The Lunar Key to the Mysteries

Cell Division and the Bisected Circle

The Diameter of the Circle (A)

The Diameter of the Circle (B)

The Cross (A)

The Cross (B)

The Spiral Path (A)

The Spiral Path (B)

The Cross and the Circle

The Triangle in the Circle

The Triangle and the Pythagorean Decad

The Emanation of the Trinity

The Circle of Seven Planes

The Line, the Triads and the Planes

The Pyramid

The Interlaced Circles and the Vesica Pisces

The Six-Armed Cross and the Rays

The Six-Armed Cross. The Octahedron

The Octahedron or Double Pyramid

The Double Triangles and the Seven Spheres

The Platonic Concept of the Atom

Atomic Evolution and the Seven Planes


The original esoteric symbolism of the Gnosis or Ageless Wisdom was embodied in
the Senzar language which predates Sanskrit. This language was used by the Initiates
of the Lemurian and Atlantean civilizations but was lost after the flood which
destroyed the remnants of Atlantis.

Prior to the flood there was a unified "myth"-ology of cosmology based on the
universal language of symbols. This explains why all major cosmological sequences
can be unified through the symbolic language of the zodiac.

In all civilizations we find the same symbolic glyphs and diagrams and certain key
words associated with the Mysteries. This esoteric science of the Ageless Wisdom was
taught after the Flood by the Initiates of the Mystery Schools. When they withdrew
from the physical plane the knowledge became fragmented and distorted. Fortunately
it was embedded in mythological and religious texts and also in the symbolic
language of the esoteric groups who remembered the ancient teachings.

Now it is necessary to examine the language of symbolism and present esoteric

astrology as a key to the Mysteries for the Souls of the Aquarian Age.

The Point of a Seed

The manifestation of a universe may be linked to the fall of a seed into a suitable
medium for growth. There is the story in Greek mythology of the god Uranus being
emasculated by Saturn-Cronus. The creative seeds of Uranus fall into the waters of
Space (Pisces) where they commence to generate.


Capricorn Saturn Cronus Darkness
Aquarius Uranus Ouranos Light
Pisces Neptune Okeanos Sea

There is an exact correspondence, following the order of the signs of the zodiac,
between the planets ruling these signs and the Greek gods.

The radiation from the Point has the expansive nature of Jupiter. The boundary or
circumference is the delimited area of Space and Time marked out by Saturn-Cronus
who is the ruler or chronocrator of the cycle. Saturn is synonymous with the Silent
Watcher who guards the Ring-pass-Not of our universe. This is partly the reason for
the restrictive quality associated with Saturn in astrological teachings.
The light of Christ emerge from the Rock-Tomb of the Winter Solstice. So the Sun
emerges from the darkness of Winter into the growing light of Spring and Summer.

The Circle as a Womb

The first expansion of the Point is as a diameter within the circumscribed Sphere
where its subsequent growth will take place. This glyph of the divided Circle
represents the first differentiation of the homogenous Substance of the Godhead,
known as Pradhana, into the original duality of Spirit (Purusha) and Matter (Prakriti).

One of the original names of God is Io (10). The name signifies "He of the Hidden
Face". This name is still used by the Maoris of New Zealand. The one (1) represents
the male phallus and the Zero (0) is the womb. In India these are the symbols of the
lingam and the yoni. Collectively, the name Io is also the number 10 of the
Pythagorean Decad, the number of the Sephiroth in the kabalistic Tree of Life, and the
original number of the signs of the zodiac (Libra being an added sign and Virgo being
split into Virgo-Scorpio.

Male and Female. The Circle Divides

Plato taught that man was originally a spherical being (before the division of the sexes
in the mid-Lemurian Root Race). In Indian temples we find the lingam (phallus) and
the yoni (womb) inside the main temple, there being a separate female temple
alongside which is dedicated to the shakti (female aspect) of the god. The Shakti
represents the manifested energies of the god.
This descent of the energies through the planes is symbolically related to the River
Ganges, or to the great Sea of Pisces and the Virgin Mother. She is also the Virgin
Maré (Binah in the Kabalistic Tree of Life) and Mulaprakriti. This fluid matter is the
medium in which the generative seeds of the Godhead will germinate before entering
into manifestation in Aries.

The Great Sea of Pisces is in effect the Cosmic Ocean of Love-Wisdom from which
the great spiritual teachers of mankind issue forth according to the major cycles of
manifestation. Manifestation is through Jehovah in Aries but this Jehovah is the
manifested god or demiurge and not the hidden god.

Jehovah is in reality Yod - HeVauHe or Adam-Eve. The god (Yod) manifests as a

female trinity through the female shakti of the Cosmic Ocean in Pisces.

The Circle as a Source of Manifestation

The circle without a starting point symbolizes endless Duration. When the Point
within the circle becomes the Diameter the two hemispheres represent the Macrocosm
or universe and the Microcosm or man. The diameter of the circle represents 10 as
One in the Zero. The unmanifest Circle is the Zero or No-Thing of the ten-sign zodiac.
The moving Circle which issues forth from it, is the twelve-sign zodiac. The
intersection of these two circles creates the Vesica Pisces.
The octahedron formed by the interaction of two spheres symbolizes the interaction
between the Triad of the Higher Self and the Triad of the Lower Self. The triangle in
the Circle is the symbol of the Trinity in the Godhead.

Son Creator Brahma Aries Mars

Mother Preserver Vishnu Pisces Jupiter
Father Destroyer Shiva Aquarius Cronus

God is sometimes symbolized by an Eye within a Circle or Triangle. This God in man
is the Monad. From it come forth the Triads of the Higher and Lower Selves. The
Sphere in man is the human aura around the physical body.

The Lunar Key to the Mysteries

The unmoving Circle depicts endless Duration. When the Diameter appears, the
intersection of the circumference means the commencement of finite Time as a
specific cycle around the Circle. When this diameter bisects the astrological signs of
Cancer and Capricorn it divides the circle into the macrocosm and microcosm.

The sign of Cancer is ruled by the Moon and is related to birth through the womb.
Cancer is therefore called the Gate of Birth of the Monad into the microcosm or little
world of man. This Gate is similar to the fish bridge of the Vesica Pisces created by
the intersection of the unmoving and moving spheres. This interaction creates the
octahedron or double pyramid which symbolizes the interaction of the Triad of the
Higher Self with the Lunar Triad of the Lower Self.

The symbol of the Moon is the ark or boat which carries the seeds of life across the
Great Sea of Pisces, the Fishes, into a new cycle of manifestation in Aries. This is the
real meaning of Noah and the Ark. The new cycle can be cosmic, planetary, racial or

The Cosmic Ocean of Pisces is the Great Sea of the Virgin Mary who is the Isis of the
Egyptian Mysteries. The Isis festivals held at Rome until 394 A.D. were called the
Navigium Isidis or Navigation of Isis. The statue of Isis was borne on a lunar boat,
ark or carrus. Therefore the Festival, held early in March, was also called the carrus
navalis or Carnival. It is a symbol of the projection of the seeds of life (animals) from
the Great Sea of Pisces into manifestation.

Cell Division and the Bisected Circle

The process of cell division duplicates the genesis of planets and of humans but is on
a much smaller scale. The Cosmic Egg is the germ cell. The duality of Spirit/Matter or
Father/Mother is related to the spermatozoon/ovum. In the process of cell division
called mitosis the chromosomes split across the diameter of the cell and the nucleus
forms two poles. The divided chromosomes then form a web-like structure prior to the
division and subsequent multiplication of the cell and its offspring.
In the Stanzas of The Secret Doctrine (H.P. Blavatsky) there is a definition of this
process applied to the manifestation of a universe which states that "Father/Mother
spin a web".

When the chromosomes divide they create a geometrical form similar to the
octahedron or double pyramid. The chromosomes form the base line and the split
nucleus is polarized above and below the line. In three dimensions this forms the

The Diameter of the Circle (A)

Manifestation requires the polarization of the original homogenous Substance

(Pradhana) in the process of its self-becoming (Svabhavat). In Chinese terms Tao
becomes Yang (male) and Yin (female). In Hindu philosophy Parabrahman divides
into Purusha (Spirit) and Prakriti (matter). In the Maori religion from Io come Rangi,
the Sky father, and Papa, the Earth Mother.

According to the Kabalistic doctrine Kether, the Point, divides into the male/female
polarity of Chokmah and Binah. This last Sephira of Binah is the Great Sea of Pisces
which is ruled by Saturn-Cronus from Capricorn. Binah is the Great Mother.
Chokmah the male Sephira or centre, is ruled by Uranus and related to the cosmic
energies of Fohat in Aquarius. In Greek mythology it is Saturn-Cronus in Capricorn
who emasculates Uranus (in Aquarius) so that his generative seeds (in Chokmah) can
fecundate the Waters of Space of Binah in Pisces.
In astrology Pisces is ruled by Jupiter. In the Kabalistic teachings the next lower
Sephira from Binah is Chesed, which is also ruled by Jupiter. It is in turn followed by
Pachad ruled by Mars. Similarly, in astrology, Pisces ruled by Jupiter is followed by
Aries ruled by Mars. This complete integration of the Kabalistic, mythological and
astrological teachings indicate the existence of a prior source of the teachings,
certainly in Chaldea and probable through the Egyptian Mystery Schools from

The Biblical story of Eve being taken from the Adam's rib relates to the original
androgyne nature of the Monad which divides in the Lemurian Root Race. The fall of
mankind to the physical plane requires a different form of sexual reproduction which
necessitated the division of the androgyne into male and female.

The Diameter of the Circle (B)

The dual forces of Spirit and Matter create as Father-Mother the web of the Universe
to be

Father Positive God Good Light

Mother Negative Devil Evil Dark

Manifestation requires duality which is found in the polar opposites of every atom.

Proton North Pole Centre Yang Male

Electron South Pole Circle Yin Female

The religions also have their dualities.

Osiris - Horus God Baal Mithra
Typhon - Set Devil Moloch Ahriman
The two halves of the Circle represent the
involution or descent of the Spirit into Matter
and the subsequent evolution of the Spirit out
of Matter.

The complete cycle is the Manvantara or Age

of Manifestation. The second cycle of the
lemniscate, or figure-of-eight, is that of Pralaya
where the Soul in Heaven World reflects on the
experiences gained during its life on Earth.

The Cross (A)

The vertical line of the Cross depicts the descent of the Spirit as the Monad into
Matter as the horizontal line. Every human being is crucified on the cross until he
learns to free the Christ-consciousness within. This Soul-wisdom is symbolized by the
Runes or Tablets of wisdom picked up by Odin whilst he was crucified on "the wind-
swept tree".

Every Monad must descend through the Higher Self and the Lower Self of Personality
into incarnation. It inhabits mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies. The
liberation of the Soul, as the consciousness of the Personality, lies in the freeing of
consciousness from the confines of these bodies through the practice of meditation.

The "seven-skinned egg" of the universe consists of the seven planes:

Adi Anupadaka Atma Buddhi Manas Kama Physical

Source Monad Spirit Intuition Mind Desire Sensation
See also Circle of Seven Planes

On the five lower planes from Atma to the Physical the Monad acquires five
permanent atoms. The emitted vibrations from these atoms aggregate the other atoms
needed to build the superphysical and physical bodies used by the Soul during its
incarnation on Earth. See Part XI (c) The Non-Physical Bodies.

The Cross (B)

The Collective Unconscious may be likened to a cosmic web of archetypal energies.

The intersections of the web are the Star-Monads of Space. These Star-Points are the
condensed ovules or eggs which represent centres of energy, each being a fragment of
the Godhead. Space is a homogenous Substance known as Koilon. This
undifferentiated Substance is also known as Pradhana, being neither Spirit nor Matter
but including both.

The action of Fohat (cosmic energy in Aquarius) causes the Star-Points of the Monads
to appear as luminous sparks in space. These are the Cosmic Eggs created by Saturn-
Cronus, he being the Potter who drives the wheel of the Zodiac.

The Nucleus of the Egg is the Cosmic Consciousness of the Star-Monad from the light
source in Aquarius. At a later stage of emanation the Star-Monad will descend from
Aries into the Higher Self, a fragment of which is destined to incarnate in the Lower
Self of the physical plane.

This is the crucifixion of the vertical line of the Spirit as the Monad into the horizontal
line of Matter. The symbol of the Cross is timeless, as is Christianity. This timeless
aspect is based on the language of symbols (which are the common basis of all
religions). To be eternally valid Christianity can never be historical because it is based
on the Cosmic Christ in each individual.

The Spiral Path (A)

The universe in its movement toward Vega causes the planetary orbits to appear as a
series of interlinked spiral paths. The interaction of the universe with man is
symbolized by the interlinked triangles of the Star of David or Vishnu's Seal.

To speed this evolution man must balance the mandala of his total psyche as depicted
in the combined glyph of the Circle and the Cross. The birth of Christ-consciousness
occurs when the Lower Self successfully integrates its consciousness with that of the
Higher self. The preparatory steps involve the integration of the energies of the polar
opposites in the psychic mandala. The four quarters of the mandala represent the four
triads in man and the four phases of the lunar month.

The Spiral Path (B)

The Spirit, as Theseus in Greek Mythology, enters the labyrinth of the lower planes of
manifestation to slay the Minotaur symbolizing the animal desires of the Lower Self.
He successfully leaves the maze by following Adriadne's thread. This is the thread-
self or sutr-atma of consciousness which links the Lower Self of Personality with the
Higher Self of the Individuality.
Achilles is vulnerable in his heel, which the serpent-Scorpio of the desire-mind in the
physical body. He enters Troy (the Lower Self) and kills Hector (the passions of the
Lower Self). This is symbolized by his slaying of the Queen of the Amazons. The
dragging of the body of Hector three times round the walls of Troy relates to the
triadic nature of the Lower Self (mind, emotions and sensations).

The double spiral depicts the descent of the Monad, first into the Higher Self and then
into the Lower Self. The descent is in the form of a triadic reflection.

In Egyptian ritual worship the three gods of the Egyptian Trinity were taken from
Karnak to Luxor in a boat and then returned. So the triad of the Higher Self reflects
during life into the triad of the Lower Self, and at death returns to the Higher Self.

The Cross and the Circle

The cross above the circle is the old symbol of Mars. The Tau Cross below the circle
is the Egyptian ankh cross of immortality. The cross below the circle is the symbol of
the planet Venus. The circle represents Spirit and the cross is Matter. We must learn to
raise our spiritual consciousness above the plane of materialistic desire.

The cross in the circle denotes a time in racial history prior to the fall of the Lemurian
Root Race into physical incarnation. This symbol is referred to as the Mandala. It
represents the integration in Jungian psychology, of the four functions of willing,
intuition, thinking and feeling.

The Mandala is also a symbol for a chakram or psychic centre connected with the
spine. It blossoms like a flower when energized by the flow of spiritual energies such
as kundalini up the spine. In the Bible Ezekiel's chariot, on which he rises to heaven,
is described as having fiery wheels. These wheel are the coloured vertical motions of
the energized chakras. In the enlightened man this energy activates the Ajna Chakram
or Third Eye in the forehead thus awakening spiritual vision.

The Triangle in the Circle

The original Point manifests in the Sphere and becomes the innumerable Points of the
Star-Monads on the circumference. These are the stars in Space. Manifestation occurs
through the genesis of the great polar opposites such as Yang and Yin from Tao. This
polarization can always be negated by the fusion of the polar energies on a higher
level of synthesis. This is the process of sublimation in psychology. For instance,
sexual energies can be transmuted to spiritual energies by channeling these energies
up the spine in meditation. In essence Freud is dealing with the energies of sex at one
pole and Jung is writing on the same energies from the spiritual standpoint at the other
pole. The spine is the bridge between the two apparently divergent viewpoints.

In Germanic philosophy the poles are the thesis and antithesis. Their mergence takes
the place on a higher level as a synthesis. We should treat religion as universal
because it has a psychological basis. The fact that the Godhead can be reached
through the meditative process makes nonsense of the conflicting claims of the
various religions and their squabbling sectarian factions. God is in man because He is
born in all human beings at all times. The consciousness of the individual is the
reflection of the God-consciousness to unity with the Godhead through meditation.
The eye in the triangle conveys the spiritual truth that the descent of consciousness
from the Monad is by triadic reflection from the Trinity to the Godhead. We are gods
in the becoming.

The Triangle and the Pythagorean Decad

The Triangle commences with the Point of no dimension. It expands to the line of one
dimension and is completes in the two dimensions of length and breadth. The Male
Point expands into the Female Line to create the Trinity of the Godhead. The radiation
of the Point generates the Sphere. The division of the Sphere by the diameter of the
Line creates the duality of Father/Mother. From the Sphere substance of Pradhana
comes the duality of Spirit/Matter or Parabrahman and Mulaprakriti. The One is the
Line and the Sphere is Zero. Together they are 10.

The One in the Zero is the Father/Mother in latency. The 10 yods of the Pythagorean
Decad are the 10 sephiroth of the kabalistic Tree of Life. The Ten is made up of the
powers of the Trinity expressed through the Seven Rays in Aries. The Monads are the
Sparks from the Flame of Godhead who descend into incarnation along one or other
of the Seven Rays.

The Seven Rays are controlled by the Spiritual Hierarchies associated with the seven
Sacred Planets (Sun, Mercury, Venus, Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn). The
Pythagorean Decad includes the three higher octave planets of Pluto, Uranus and
Neptune. So also do the energies of the three Kumaras connected with the Trinity
emerge as the three major and three minor Rays with a Fourth Ray balancing point.
The qualities of the Rays are those of the seven Sacred Planets.

The Emanation of the Trinity

The Trinity of Godhead is represented by a Triangle in a Circle. Each member of the
Trinity is co-equal and eternal.


Ineffable Chaos Space Unmanifest Brahman

Creator Theos Monads Partial Purusha

Universe Cosmos Atoms Complete Prakriti

The Creator God is the Demiurge in Aries. The Hidden God is Saturn-Cronus in
Capricorn. The Angelic Hierarchies are the Elohim or Builders of the universe in
Aries. Their collective consciousness is Mahat in the macrocosm universe and Manas
in man the microcosm. The Monads are the incarnating Sons of God who emanate
from the Cosmic Ocean of Pisces into the planes of manifestation dependent from
Aries. These Monads are the "little ones" of the Bible.

In Buddhism the Three Logoi are:


Amitabha Atman - Spirit Aquarius

Alaya Buddhi - Intuition Pisces

Avalokitesvara Manas - Mind Aries

(a) Amitabha is the Boundless Light of Aquarius which manifests as the Monad or
Atman or Monad in Aries.

(b) Alaya is the Great Sea of Cosmic Consciousness in Pisces into which the Monad
returns at the end of the cycle.

(c) Avalokitesvara is the Third Logos or Mahat in Aries.

The Circle of Seven Planes. The Egg

The Great Wheel of the Zodiac is the seven-skinned Egg of the universe. These skins
are the seven great planes of manifestation commencing with Adi on the Spiritual
level and descending to the physical plane. The outer circle is the sphere of the
Monad. The intermediate circle is the realm of the Higher Self. The smallest circle is
that of the Personality.

The fields interpenetrate, thus demonstrating the truth of the Eternal Presence in man.
"Nearer is He than breathing, closer than hands or feet." The consciousness of man
interpenetrates all planes because it is derived from the Monadic level of the Adic

The Line, the Triads and the Planes

The Line of the thread-self or sutr-atma represents the descent of the Monad through
the seven planes.


Adi One Alone (Source)
Anupadaka Parentless Monad
Atma Spiritual Higher Self
Buddhi Intuitional (Individuality)
Manas Mental (Bridge)
Kama Emotional Personality
Physical Physical (Body)

The Line (tree, Aaron's rod, staff, tower etc.) is also a symbol of the spine along which
are to be found the chakras or psychic centres connected with the planets and with the
endocrine glands. See also Vibrational Medicine for the 21st Century. Gerber, R. pub.
2001 [ISBN No. 0 4799 2187 0]
Spiritual Crown Sahasrara
Intuitional Brow Ajna
Higher Mind Throat Vishuddha
Bridge Heart Anahata
Lower Mind Solar Plexus Manipura
Emotions Gonads Svadisthana
Sensations Coccyx Muladhara

The heart centre acts as the Antahkarana or Bridge between the Higher and Lower
Selves. It is the centre known as Tiphareth on the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life.

The Pyramid
The spiritual significance of the pyramid can best be grasped by studying the structure
of the step pyramid or ziggurat. Each level of the pyramid is associated with one of
the seven Sacred Plants and bore the colour of that planet.


Sun Golden Gold Will

Mercury Yellow Mercury Intuition

Venus Blue Copper Higher Mind

Moon Grey Silver Lower Mind

Mars Red Iron Emotions

Jupiter Indigo Tin Life Energy

Saturn Green Lead Skeleton

The initiates with their disciples and pupils took their stance on the pyramid
according to their status. The temple situated on the flat top of the pyramid was used
to invoke members of the Angelic Hierarchies related to the planets and the zodiacal
signs. It is completely erroneous to assume that worship was at any time directed
towards the Sun or the planets. On the contrary they had specific knowledge of the
nature and functions of these Hierarchies no longer possessed by twentieth century
man. It is we who are ignorant because the church no longer teaches what the
Gnostics knew.

Using Christian terms the Hierarchies are the Thrones, Dominations, Princedoms,
Virtues, Powers, Cherubim and Seraphim, Angels and Archangels. The kabalistic
teachings still refer to these Hierarchies and in the not too distant future mankind is
destined to re-establish communication with the Angelic Hosts.

The Interlaced Circles and the Vesica Pisces

The perfect figure of the ten-sign zodiac relates to the heaven world of the
macrocosm. The subsequent twelve-sign zodiac of the Moving Circle relates to the
fall of mankind into physical generation. This is depicted by the splitting of the sign of
Virgo into Virgo-Scorpio with Libra being added as an intercepted sign.

The interaction between the Moving and the Unmoving Circles creates a common
space between the spheres which is called the Vesica Pisces. It has the shape of a fish
or womb in which gestation is taking place. It is therefore related to the Moon and the
zodiacal sign of Cancer. The fish also denotes the passage of cosmic energies through
the Great Sea of Pisces into manifestation in Aries. Pisces is the sign of the Fishes.
This transfer applies to planets, races and individuals.
The lunar germs are borne across the sea in the Ark (a lunar boat) under the direction
of the the Seed Manu for that Chain, Round, Globe, Root Race or sub-race. Refer to
the story of Vaivasvatu Manu and the fish who warned him of the flood in the Hindu
scriptures. The planetary cycles govern the periods.

The Six-Armed Cross and the Rays

The manifestation of the Trinity can be represented by a three-dimensional cross. See

also diagram in next Section. Each line of the cross is associated with two of the
Seven Rays. The central point of the cross is the Fourth Ray of balance and harmony.
By joining the end points of the cross we form the structure of the octahedron. The
octahedron depicts the interaction of the Higher Self with the Lower Self, as
symbolized by the Solar and Lunar Triads.


1. Leo Sun Will or Spirit

2. Virgo Mercury Love-Wisdom

3. Libra Venus Creative Intelligence

4. Earth Saturn Harmony, Art

5. Moon Moon Science

6. Scorpio Mars Devotion

7. Sagittarius Jupiter Ritual, Order

The signs of the zodiac listed above are those of the microcosm or lower hemisphere
of the zodiacal circle. The Rays also relate to the polar opposites of these signs in the
macrocosmic hemisphere. All Monads evolve along one or other of the Seven Rays.
However, the evolutionary Ray of the Personality can be different from that of the
Monad, or the Higher Self.
The ascription of the Earth and the Moon to Rays 4 and 5 respectively is related to the
position of the Earth between Venus and Mars in the heavens.

The Six-Armed Cross. The Octahedron

The descent of Spirit into Matter is symbolized by the vertical arm of the cross. The
field of manifestation is represented by the four arms of the horizontal cross. These
arms are connected with the four elements and the fixed signs of the zodiac.


Aether Spirit Atma Will
Air Intuition Buddhi Wisdom
Fire Mind Manas Intelligence
Water Emotions Kama Desire
Earth Body Sthula Sensations
Air Uranus Aquarius Man
Fire Sun Leo Lion
Water Mars Scorpio Eagle/Scorpion
Earth Venus Taurus Bull
In Christianity the representation of the four fixed signs of the zodiac are called the
Tetramorphs. these are the four beasts before the throne in the Book of Revelation.

The Octahedron or Double Pyramid

The triadic reflection of the Monad is embodied first in the Higher Self and then in the
Lower Self. The Octahedron is the Platonic Solid which symbolizes the interaction of
the Higher self with the Lower. The Plane of interaction between the two Triads
represents the perfect stillness of the lower mind in meditation. In this state of
contemplation the intuitions of the Higher Self can be received.

The conscious bridge between the two triads is known as the Antahkarana in Yoga. In
Japanese temples a mirror is used as a symbol of the tranquil mind. Religious
conversion is experienced when the suppressed needs of the Soul are met by a
conscious at-one-ment with the Higher Self. The direct and immediate aim of
education should be the provision of the psychological knowledge and meditative
techniques necessary to establish this bridge with the Higher Self.

In the Bible the Sea of Galilee is a symbol of consciousness. When the disciples are in
a fishing boat and a storm arises this represents the stimulation of the lower desires.
They call upon Christ (the consciousness of the Higher Self) to still the waves. He
does so and directs them to cast the net of the mind into the waters of the Higher Self
where they catch the fish of spiritual wisdom. This is the magic salmon of wisdom in
Celtic mythology.

The Double Triangles and the Seven Spheres

The seven planets of a Chain can be represented by six coins placed around a central
coin. If the centres of the outer spheres are joined we create the Star of David or Seal
of Vishnu which represents the interaction of the Higher Self with the Lower. There is
the central point connected with the Fourth Ray of harmony or balance. The other six
Rays are related to the outer Spheres and the Sacred Planets.

In the Fourth Chain of seven globes the fourth planet is the earth. Its role is to provide
a stable fulcrum for the manifestation of the energies connected with the Chain. We
have reached a point in Earth's evolution where the forces of involution have passed
their densest level of manifestation. What we call physical matter is in process of
change to an etheric or fluidic state. We speak of plasma physics and the convertibility
of matter to energy. We have non-physical bodies and can photograph ectoplasm (as
well as auras using Kirilian photography ed.). This is fluid matter.

The Platonic Concept of the Ultimate Atom

According to Plato the sphere of heaven contains the seven orbits of the planets and is
suspended from an axis or spindle. The revolutions of the seven orbits are guided by
the Fates, Lachesis, Clotho and Atropos. These represent the three aspects of karma
(agami, sanchita and prarabdha) and the Past, Present and Future. The distaff is the
axis of the Earth (the poles) and the axis of the universe (the Milky Way). The web
spun is that of Father-Mother or Spirit-Matter.

Lachesis offers the travellers a sample of lives to choose from. This is the fundamental
law of reincarnation. Then the Souls (travellers) go with their gurus (Higher Self) to
fulfill their lot on Earth.

Plato conceives of the atom as being composed of whorls, the inner being smaller and
smaller. These whorls are related to the seven Sacred Planets. He correctly ascribes
yellow to Mercury and red to Mars. His concept is in advance of twentieth century
atomic physics because what he is describing is the anu or occultist's atom, which
consists of a series of spirals and can be seen clairvoyantly. These spirillae are
associated with the energies of the Trinity and the Seven Rays.
The comparable structure in Man are the chakras or psychic energy centres running
from the spine. The seven main chakras are related to the seven Sacred Planets and the
endocrine glands.

Atomic Evolution and the Seven Planes

Koilin is the substance of Space. This fluid Root Matter is called Mulaprakriti and is
the Cosmic Ocean of Pisces. The force of the Great Breadth as Fohat or cosmic
energy acts on this fluid matter of the aether of Space to create tiny spherical bubbles
of Koilin. These spheres are the ultimate atoms or anu out of which, by aggregation
along geometric lines, are constructed the atoms of the physicist.

The archetypal Ideas from the Godhead have to be enclothed in forms. The
aggregation of anu needed to create these forms commences on the plane of Adi and
increases by powers on each lower plane of manifestation.


Adi One Alone 7 Godhead
Anupadaka Parentless 49 Monad
Atma Spiritual 49x49 Higher Self
Buddhi Intuitional 49x49x49 (Individuality)
Manas Mental 49x49x49x49 (Bridge)
Astral Emotional 49x49x49x49x49 Lower Self
Earth Physical 49x49x49x49x49x49 (Personality)

Each of these planes above has a tanmatra associated with it. This tanmatra represents
an embodiment or limitation of the pure consciousness of the Godhead. The effect
produced by this limitation is known as a tattva. In this manner the Divine outpouring
is given form. Each plane is represented by a spiral in the anu or original atom.
Evolution means the activation of these spirals. One spiral is activated during each
round of a Chain of seven planets.

GO to Part II or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents


The Kabalah


The Names of the Gods (A)

The Names of the Gods (B)

The Descent of the Gods (A)

The Descent of the Gods (B)

The Marriage of the Gods (A)

The Marriage of the Gods (B)

The Chaldean Order of the Planets (A)

The Chaldean Order of the Planets (B)

The Middle Pillar

The Light Cycle in the Kabalah

Kabalistic Correspondences

The Three Mother Letters

The Mystery of 777 (A)

The Mystery of 777 (B)

The Symbolism of the Kabalah

The Four Triads of the Kabalah

The Lower Triads of the Tree of Life

Perseus and Andromeda

The Snake and the Eagle (A)

The Snake and the Eagle (B)

The Planetary Key to Yoga and the Tree (A)

The Planetary Key to Yoga and the Tree (B)


10 is one of the key esoteric numbers. It is the foundation of the Kabalistic Tree of
Life and the Pythagorean Decad. It is the basis of the relationship between the Trinity
and the Seven Rays.

The first manifest Trinity in the Tree of Life consists of Kether, Chokmah and Binah.
The last two sephiroth represent the Father-Mother, Binah being the Great Sea of
Pisces. Daath is the Son. He is later manifest as Christ-consciousness in the heart
centre of Tiphareth on the Middle Pillar. This is the Solar centre which reflects into
the Lunar centre of the Moon Triad in Yesod which lies directly below Tiphareth on
the Middle Pillar.

The Kabalistic order of the planets is the same as the Chaldean except for the
transposition of the Sun and Moon. See The Chaldean Order of the Planets (A). The
Middle Pillar of the Tree is a symbol of the spine in the human body and the Cosmic
Tree in the macrocosm. The Higher Self in Tiphareth can be linked to the Lower Self
in Yesod through meditation. This is a psychological fact that is independent of any
body of teaching.

The sequence of emanation is:


Capricorn Akasha Source Saturn

Aquarius Air Space Uranus

Pisces Water Cosmic Sea Jupiter

Aries Fire Demiurge Mars

Taurus Earth Verbum Venus

The link between the chakras and the Tree is The Planetary Key to Yoga and the Tree

The Names of the Gods (A)

One of the earliest names of God is Io. The Maoris of New Zealand regard this name
as sacred. In the Greek religion Io became Jove or Zeus (Io-us or Jesus). Zeus is also
Zeus-Pitar or Jupiter. The Sanskrit pitri denotes one of the spiritual progenitors of
mankind. The Greeks and Egyptians were factually correct in stating the gods had
lived on Earth. These gods are the perfected humans of an earlier cycle. We, being
spiritually blind, cannot now see the members of the Angelic Hierarchies who
surround us and minister to us. So passes the glory of the world.

Io, as the generator of Cosmic Light in Aquarius, is Io-sef or Joseph. As Io-Set he is

Saturn-Cronus in Capricorn. Joseph comes from the darkness of the cave in Capricorn
to lead the Light of the Cosmic Christ into birth in the Virgin Mary or Cosmic Ocean
in Pisces. This Christ-Light is the Sun-Monad who is crucified on the Tree of Aries-
Libra by Io-Set who as Herod represents the Demiurge.

In Egypt the Divine Child Sut-Har or Horus is brought forth by Nut-Isis who is the
Virgin Mother in Pisces. Lucifer, who is the Light-Bringer, leads or tempts the
Monads into incarnation in Aries. He is mistakenly called the Devil by the ignorant
teachers of religion. He is in fact the Demiurge. As Set or Saturn-Satan he controls the
Light Source in Aquarius from Capricorn. The Elder Horus is Daiviprakriti, which
means the Light of the Logos in Aquarius. Hor-Makhu becomes Atum, which means
whose Light is the Toom, this being Fohat in Aquarius. The Light becomes the Sun-
Monad in Aries.

The Names of the Gods (B)

Tum or Toom, as the cosmic serpent-like energies of Fohat in Aquarius, is replaced

through the Equinoctial and Solsticial points. This is why Horus in Egypt is called
Lord of the Two Horizons. Tum as Ra-Atum is is the setting Sun because as a Sun-
Monad he must descend into incarnation through Aries which is linked to the Vernal
Equinox of 22 March.


Set Saturn Capricorn Kether

Horus Uranus Aquarius Chokmah

Isis Jupiter Pisces Binah

Ra-Atum Sun Aries Daath

Osiris Sun Leo Tiphareth

Horus the Elder as the Light-Child of Aquarius enters into manifestation in Aries
where the Sun is exalted. Set is Saturn as ruler of Capricorn. Set-Typhon is the
Demiurge in Aries who is responsible for the descent of the Soul as a Light-fragment
into the Lower Self.

Atum is Aton or Adam Kadmon. He is the archetypal man of the Kabalistic Tree of
Life. As the Sun-Monad in Aries he is the source of the triads of the Higher and Lower
Selves. Horus as Lord of the Two Horizons is related to the Cosmic Tree of the Aries-
Libra axis on which the Monad is crucified. The descent of the Monad from Aries to
Libra, which represents the Higher Mind of the Higher Self, is the real meaning of the
crucifixion of Christ. It is we who are now crucified.

The Descent of the Gods (A)

Consider the evolutionary process required to make the statement that a god descends
from heaven. We can define a god as an individual who has been perfected through a
series of lives on a number of planets. This statement requires the acceptance of the
concept of reincarnation and of the transfer of a life wave from one planet top another.
This implies guidance of the evolutionary process by the Angelic Hierarchies.

The structure of the Kabalistic Tree of Life depicts the downflow of spiritual energies
from the highest spiritual sephira in Kether to the physical base of the Tree of Life in
Malkuth. Each Sephira is related to an Angelic Hierarchy and to one of the ten
planets. The Tree of Life is a composite glyph or symbol of the microcosm.
The Middle Pillar of the Tree is the spine of man. The energies of the Spirit-Monad
flow from Kether through the heart centre of Tiphareth, symbolizing the Higher Self,
into Yesod, the Lunar Personality, then down to the physical plane in Malkuth. The
difference god-consciousness and man-consciousness is simply one of vibration. We
raise our consciousness towards the Godhead by the practice of meditation.


Joseph (Io-sef) Capricorn Earth Kether

Christ (Jesus) Aquarius Air Chokmah

Mary (Maré) Pisces Water Binah

Monad (Sun) Aries Fire Daath

The Descent of the Gods (B)

The cosmic Christ is the Light of Aquarius which is manifest from the Darkness of the
rock tomb of Capricorn. He is born from the Virgin Sea of Love-Wisdom in Pisces,
and he emerges into crucifixion on the Cosmic Tree of the Aries-Libra axis. He
descends into manifestation from the Monadic level through the Seven Planes and is
buried as the Soul in the rock tomb of the physical body.

In this tomb he represents the Personality who is spiritually "dead" until raised up
through meditation into the Christ-consciousness of the Higher Self. So Lazarus is
said to have been raised from the dead.

Christ thus ascends from the Gate of Death in Capricorn and reaches the Light Source
in Aquarius, where he sitteth on the right hand of his Father who is Saturn-Cronus in
Capricorn. This is the meaning of the birth of Christ and the other Sun Gods at the
Winter Solstice of Capricorn on 22 December.
Cosmic Space is filled with the ineffable Light of Fohat in Aquarius. This Light is Io
or IU. When the I is placed within the U we have the trident symbol of Shiva-Saturn
or Neptune-Okeanos ( ). The three prongs of the trident are the powers of the
Trinity made manifest from Capricorn. The trident is the Hebrew letter Shin or Fire
symbolizing the Monad in Aries.


Aleph Air Aquarius Uranus Chokmah

Mem Water Pisces Neptune Binah

Shin Fire Aries Mars Daath

The Marriage of the Gods (A)

The reference to God as "he" is an immature anthropomorphic concept of the Creator

as Man. In fact the whole of the manifest universe comes from the female Cosmic
Ocean of Pisces symbolized by the Virgin Mary.

When the primal Duality of Father-Mother emerges as the Diameter of the Circle they
then spin the Fohat web of Cosmic Energies through Space in Aquarius. The seeds of
Father-Mother fecundate the Cosmic Ocean of the Virgin Mother in Pisces. After this
process is complete the Father aspect withdraws and the Mother is said to become a
"widow". From the Cosmic Ocean of Pisces the Sun-Monad emerges into exaltation in
Aries. So Christ is crucified in Golgotha because Aries is the sign ruling the head and
Golgotha, like Calvary, refers to the skull. Christ is crucified in us now until we set
him free.

In the Kabalistic Tree of Life the Son (Daath) descends from the primal trinity down
the Middle Pillar of the spine through Tiphareth and Yesod into Malkuth. The energies
of the serpent-fire of kundalini plays up the spine from Scorpio at the base to Taurus
at the head. The other two fixed signs are Aquarius and Leo. The cosmic Fohat
energies of Space flow directly across the zodiac into Leo which is the Spirit-Atma in
man the microcosm.

The Marriage of the Gods (B)

In the Bible Joshua becomes Jehoshua when the Fire element of the Spirit descends
into Jehovah who is Jah or Yod as a male and He-Vau-He as the female Eve. In this
manner the cosmic energies of Fohat in the Space of Aquarius, related to the planetary
energies of Uranus in Chokmah, descends as seeds into the Great Mother of Binah in
Pisces. This process is under the control of Saturn-Cronus in Capricorn therefore
Saturn is said to rule the sephira Binah on the Kabalistic Tree of Life.

The energies of the Holy Spirit as the Fire of Fohat in Aquarius move across the face
of the Waters in Pisces and causes the fecundation of the karmic seeds brought into
the new cycle of manifestation. This is the cosmic marriage of Fire and Water. From
this marriage comes Air or Shu in Egypt who separates Heaven and Earth (Father-
Mother). This is the separation of Pradhana into the polar opposites of Purusha or
Spirit and Prakriti or Matter. Their interaction causes the generation of the Cosmic
Mind known as Mahat.

The Chaldean Order of the Planets (A)

When the order of the planets on the Tree of Life is
examined in relation to the descent of the Lightning
Flash it can be shown that the superimposition of the
Sun and the Moon will give what is known as the
Chaldean order of the planets.

The Astronomical Order

Saturn Jupiter Mars Moon Venus Mercury Sun

This is the order of the planets in the sky from the outermost planet Saturn inwards to
the Sun. The Earth is not one of the Sacred Planets but acts as a focal point for the
energies relayed from the Sun through the Moon.

The Kabalistic Order

Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun Venus Mercury Moon

Note that the Kabalistic order is closely related to the days of the week. Using the
daily sequence we need only to skip one day at a time to arrive at the Kabalistic order
from the daily sequence.

The Daily Order

Saturday Friday Thursday Wednesday Tuesday Monday Sunday

Saturn Jupiter Mars Sun

The Chaldean Order of the Planets (B)

The Kabalistic tree of Life is reflected in man. The sephiroth are symbols of the
planetary centres in the macrocosm and of the chakras or psychic centres in man.

Mars and Saturn which are the malefic planets in astrology are found on the left hand
of the Pillar of Severity on the Tree of Life. Venus and Jupiter, the benefic planets in
astrology, are on the Pillar of Mercy on the right hand of the Tree. There is a
relationship between the planets on the Tree and the Chaldean order of the planets.

The planets around the circumference of the circle are in the Kabalistic order
commencing with Saturn in the direction of Jupiter. Following the arrows from the
Sun at the top the correct order of the days of the week are obtained from the seven-
pointed star. The second diagram depicts the lightning flash commencing with Saturn
at the top of the Tree.

The Middle Pillar

The middle pillar of the kabalistic Tree of Life symbolizes the spine of man. (and is
the Path from Kether to Malkuth ed.)
The consciousness of the Lower Self is linked to the Lunar Triad in Yesod. It has to be
raised to Tiphareth at the centre of the Tree (the heart or Solar Triad) wherein dwells
the Inner Ruler Immortal, also known as the Holy Guardian Angel. This union of the
Sun and Moon is the alchemical marriage.

The path of the Lightning Flash from Saturn downwards to the physical plane stresses
the importance of the Great Sea of Binah as the source of the seven manifest planes.

The Light Cycle in the Kabalah

The Light of Ain-Soph-Aur, above the Primal Point of Kether, must descend into the
darkness of Malkuth. This darkness represents the material quaternary of the four
great elements. These are synthesized in the Lunar Mandala of the Lower Self.
Malkuth is the prison of the Bride or Microprosopus of the Lesser Face. As the Soul
she is destined to be raised up the Middle Pillar from Yesod to the alchemical
marriage with the Sun in Tiphareth. Thus the Lower Self marries the Higher. This can
happen in life through meditation, or at death of the physical body.
The Divine Ideas of the Logos are the archetypes. They must descend to Malkuth,
which is the physical plane. The descent of the Light into darkness through the seven
planes symbolizes the fall of the Soul into the physical body. The Kabalistic planes


Atziluth Spiritual Swords Air Aquarius

Briah Creative Cups Water Pisces

Yetzirah Formative Wands Fire Aries

Assiah Physical Pentacles Earth Taurus

Man descends through these planes to inhabit bodies that are developed in a separate
evolutionary wave. We must all ascend again through these planes as Prodigal Sons.

Kabalistic Correspondences


Ace Kether Spirit Akasha Capricorn

King Chokmah Air Swords Aquarius

Queen Binah Water Cups Pisces

Prince Tiphareth Fire Wands Aries

Princess Malkuth Earth Pentacles Taurus

The one homogenous Substance (Pradhana) divides in Svabhavat (self-becoming) into

Spirit-Matter or Father-Mother. Cosmically these are the Fire of Daiviprakriti (as
Light) and the Water of Mulaprakriti as Binah or Pisces. Mulaprakriti is the fluid
matter of the Great Sea.
The Light of Daiviprakriti descends through the Tree as the cosmic energies of Fohat
in Aquarius. Manifestation begins in Aries which is equated with Kether, the first
manifest point on the Tree. In man Fohat is kundalini, the serpent fire.

The Aces, Kings and Queens are the Tarot cards. The Prince is the Jack and the cards
from 1 to 10 relate to the ten planes of manifestation. The 22 Tarot cards are
associated with the paths of the Tree. These 22, plus the ten Sephiroth and their source
of origin give 33 as the number of completion.

3 is the Trinity.

6 (3 x 2) is the interaction of the Higher and Lower Selves.

9 is the Monad plus the Higher and Lower Selves.

12 (3 x 4) is the Godhead plus the other three Triads.

The Three Mother Letters

The Hebrew alphabet has 22 letters (0 + 21 or 3 x 7). The three sevens are the sub-
planes of the Physical, Astral and Mental Planes. They are connected with the spiral of
3½ and 3½ (7) in the Egyptian Mysteries, also with the 42 (2 x 21) assessors of the
Soul at the Judgment after death.

There are three mother letters (Aleph, Mem and Shin). These together with the seven
double letters of the planets and the twelve single letters of the zodiacal signs make up
the 22 letters of the Hebrew alphabet.
















From the three mother letters comes the six-armed cross of the lower elements of
Earth, Air, Fire and Water. These are related to the descent of the Seven Rays into

The Mystery of 777 (A)

When the consciousness of the Soul in the Higher Self falls into the Lunar Triad of the
Personality this creates the Lower Quaternary which is often symbolized by an
animal. At death this process is reversed.

Consciousness is the thread which links the three triads. At birth the consciousness of
the Higher Self descends through the bridge or Antahkarana into the Lower Self. This
means that the Higher Tetractys now becomes a triad and the Personality Triad
changes to the Lower Quaternary. This is represented by the four legs of an animal
which itself has to be "slain" or "purified". The four parts of the Lower Self are:


Mind Fire Manas

Emotions Water Kama

Life Force Air Prana

Body Earth Sthula

In totality man is a decad. When consciousness is drawn up to the Higher Self at the
death of the Personality the original order reasserts itself. The three-fold Higher Self
stores the experiences of the Lower Self in the Causal Body, known as the karana
Sharira or Body of Causes.

The Mystery of 777 (B)

7 x 7 x 7 x 7 = 343 = 10

The structure of man is:

Monad 3 3
Individuality 4 3
Personality 3 4
= =
10 10

The Egg symbolizes the Cosmic Sphere of the Universe. When it is divided by the
diameter this represents 1 in 0 or 10 ( or ed.). In the person the Egg is the aura. The
diameter denotes the temporary division of the sexes into male and female. The One
as a diameter is the monad. It descends into incarnation through the reflected Triads of
the Higher and Lower Selves. These Triads are the Solar and Lunar Mandalas which
are related to the "squaring of the circle".

The 10 of the Pythagorean Decad symbolizes the fall of the powers of the Trinity in
the Monad into the seven planes of manifested existence. The Monad is the tripartite
reflection of the Trinity. It reflects as a Trinity into the Higher Self or Individuality.
Part of the Higher Self descends into temporary incarnation in the Lower Self on the
physical plane.

The 10 is related to the 12 because the original zodiac had only 10 signs. Virgo was
split into Virgo-Scorpio when the division of the sexes occurred in the Lemurian Root
Race. Libra became an inserted sign. We return to the 10 when the present race of
humanity re-establishes the original androgyne form of the physical body. Concurrent
with this there is a gradual change taking place from dense physical matter to a subtler
etheric form which will gradually be moulded by thought. We already have etheric
bodies which interpenetrate the physical body and provide the pattern for its

The Symbolism of the Kabala. The Triads

The Four Triads of the Kabala
The four Triads are:-

COSMIC Godhead Space Aquarius

MONADIC Father Star Taurus

HIGHER SELF Individuality Solar Triad Leo

LOWER SELF Personality Lunar Triad Scorpio

The Light emanates from the Cosmic Triad in Aquarius. It is Daiviprakriti and is
associated with Fohat when it manifests as cosmic energy. It is generated by the
interaction between Spirit and Matter. Similarly, the transmutation of the human mind
in the microcosm is dependent on the effectiveness of the Bridge between the Higher
Self and the Lower. The Bridge is strengthened by meditation. Fohat in the Cosmos is
the serpent-fire of kundalini in man.

The Cosmic Triad is related to Kether, Chokmah and Binah. Astrologically, these are
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. They are ruled by Pluto, Uranus and Neptune. Saturn
controls the process of emanation. The ten rings of Saturn are associated with the ten
sephiroth and the Pythagorean Decad. Saturn is related to the Silent Watcher and
Sanat Kumara, controller of the Lords of Karma and the karmic records.

The forty-seventh proposition of Euclid relates to a triangle with sides in the ratio of 3
: 4 : 5. These add up to 12 and are related to the signs of the zodiac. (See The Triads
above) The five as a pentagram is connected with the Higher and Lower Selves. The
square of the triangle is the point of emanation of the Monad from the Godhead.

The Lower Triads of the Tree of Life

The marriage between the Sun (Individuality) and the Moon (Personality) is the
alchemical union which leads to the union of the Lower Self with the Higher. This is
what is meant by the descent of Christ-consciousness.
The two triads with there centre point are directly linked to the seven Sacred Planets
and to the Sephiroth of the kabalistic Tree of Life. There are four Triads in the circle
of the zodiac. Two of these form the macrocosmic universe. The lower two, depicted
above, represent the microcosm of man in the sequence of astrological signs from Leo
to Capricorn.

The Monad emerges from the Cosmic Trinity and contains the powers of the three
Logoi as the Trinity. From the Monad come the Triads of the Higher and Lower


Father Will Atma Sensations

Son Love-Wisdom Buddhi Emotions

Mother Integrative Mind Manas Lower Mind

The Personality reflects the qualities of the Individuality. Manas means "mind" hence
we have Man the thinker. In the early Christian Church the Holy Ghost was feminine.
This accords with the great trinities in the other religions.

Perseus and Andromeda. The Son and Daughter

The son who emerges in Aries is the Sun-Monad from the Great Sea of Pisces-Binah
ruled by the Virgin Mother as Venus exalted in Pisces. The daughter-Soul of the
Mother comes forth as the wife of the Son. The Son as the Monad is said to die, or fall
into incarnation therefore the Mother becomes a widow.

The Sun-Monad descends to Tiphareth on the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life and
becomes the Higher Self or Christ in each individual. It has to unite with the bride of
Christ, this being the Soul-daughter in Yesod on the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life.
Perseus is the Sun or Higher Self who has to descend into the Waters of the Astral
Plane to defeat the sea monster (the emotional desires or kama) which threaten the
Soul who is symbolized by Andromeda. He slays the lunar serpent by using the lance
or will of consciousness to direct the mind away from external temptations towards
unity with the Higher Self. The Middle Pillar is the spine of man. The bridge from
Tiphareth to Yesod is created and strengthened by meditation. It exists in latency but
has to be brought into actuality by the direction of the mind towards the Higher Self.

The head of the Gorgon Medusa is covered with writhing serpents. Those who see the
head turn to stone. This stone is the materialistic desire of the Lower Self. The hero
uses the polished shield of the mind (reflecting the light of the Solar Triad of the
Higher Self) to cut off the head of the Gorgon. The maiden or imprisoned Soul is then
free to marry the hero who is the Christ-consciousness of the Higher Self.

The Snake and the Eagle (A)

Scorpio, the Serpent or Scorpio,
rules the generative organs. Strictly
speaking the arrow of the sign
should be on the Middle Pillar,
which is the spine of man. It shows
the descent of the energies later
used in sexual procreation into
Malkuth through Yesod.

Yesod is ruled by the Moon,which

governs the menstrual cycle in
women. If the energies used in sex
are sublimated by being raised up
the spine in meditation, then
Scorpio becomes Virgo.

Both Scorpio and Virgo contain the three pillars of

the Tree of Life. In Scorpio the energies flow
outwards in the direction of the arrow towards
generation on the physical plane. But we are bound
sooner or later to marry the interior Soul through the
alchemical union of the Lower Self with the Higher.
This is the purpose of evolution. Why, therefore, is it
not taught?

The esoteric psychology of the individual is based on the sequence of the signs.


Will Leo Directive Sun
Love-Wisdom Virgo Intuitional Mercury
Integrative Mind Libra Weighing Venus
Bridge Earth Transforming Earth
Lower Mind Moon Analytical Moon
Emotions Scorpio Desiring Mars
Sensations Sagittarius Dispersing Jupiter

The Snake and the Eagle (B)

The composite glyph of Sagittarius-Scorpio forms the Tree of Life. They are adjoining
signs in the microcosmic hemisphere. Sagittarius, ruled by Jupiter, governs the Ninth
House of Philosophy and Religion (in the astrological zodiac ed.). Jupiter as Zeus-
Pitaris is the Father of the Gods. Scorpio, ruled by Mars, governs the Eighth House
and the generative organs.

The Scorpionic energies can be directed up the Middle Pillar of the Tree of Life
through the Lunar Mandala into the Solar or Higher Self. This regenerated Serpent of
Scorpio becomes the Eagle. This is the national symbol of Mexico. The eagle is
depicted holding the serpent in its talons.

The Phoenix of the Soul is reborn from the ashes of the risen kundalini at the base of
the spine. So Ganymede is taken up to Jupiter (ruler of Sagittarius) on the back of an
eagle. Ganymede is the cup-bearer of the gods, whose amrita or nectar is this
sublimated energy of the Holy Ghost in man.

This is no phantasy or myth. It is the spiritual mechanism of the scientific religion of

the Aquarian Age. Know ye not that ye are gods in the becoming?

The Planetary Key to Yoga and the Tree (A)

In the human body there are seven planetary centres or chakras which are correlated
with the endocrine glands.















The planets are given in their correct planetary order from the Sun outwards to Saturn.
In the Kabalistic order it is necessary to transpose the Sun and Moon. It should be
remembered that the Earth and the Moon lie between Venus and Mars and that the
primary function of the Moon (with respect to the consciousness of the individual) is
to reflect the Light of the Solar Triad or Higher Self into the Personality or Lunar
Triad. This is an interior psychological process which requires regular meditation.














The Planetary Key to Yoga and the Tree (B)

The ten Sephiroth on the Tree of Life are related to the Pythagorean Decad. The Seven
Rays manifest from the Trinity through a simple permutation of the three primary
Rays of the Logoi.

The two interlaced triangles depict the interaction between the Higher Self and the
Lower Self in the Microcosmic or lower hemisphere of the zodiacal circle. Similarly,
the Monad interacts with the Godhead in the Macrocosmic hemisphere.

The planetary order is:-

(a) as shown in the heavens from the Sun to Saturn.

(b) As shown in texts on yoga from the Crown or Sahasrara chakram to the Muladhara
chakram at the base of the spine.

(c) As shown in the Tree of Life from Yesod to Binah, following the Lightning Flash.
(The Sun and Moon positions are interchanged.)

The Seven Rays are:-

1. Will Leo Sun

2. Love-Wisdom Virgo Mercury

3. Creative Intelligence Libra Venus

4. Balance or Harmony Earth Saturn

5. Analytical Science Moon Moon

6. Devotion Scorpio Mars

7. Ordered Ritual Sagittarius Jupiter

GO to Part II(b) or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents



The Platonic Solids


The Platonic Toys of Bacchus

The Point, Circle and Tetrad

The Octahedron and Cube

The Cube and its Angles. The Zodiac

Pentagram, Dodecahedron and Icosahedron

The Sides of the Platonic Solids

The Pentagram and the Golden Measure

The Structure of the Platonic Solids

The Angles of the Platonic Solids


The Platonic Solids can be generated from the Point as a symbol of the Unmoving
Circle. When the Point radiates it becomes the Sphere or Unmoving Circle. The
change from Duration to Time commences with the establishment of a Point on the
circumference of the Circle. Time can then be measured from the Point. The Serpent-
Circle of Eternity unfolds and descends through the manifested planes. This is the
descent of the cosmic energies of Fohat in Aquarius.

This descent creates the Moving Circle of the ten-sign zodiac related to the ten-sided
polygon or regular decagon, the Pythagorean Decad, the ten Sephiroth of the
Kabalistic Tree and the ten manifested planes of existence. In the Decad the 3 is the
Trinity and the 7 represents the Seven Rays and the seven Sacred Planets.

From the decagon comes the icosahedron and then the dodecahedron, the twelve sides
of which are related to the later twelve-sign zodiac. Through the zodiacal circle the
Spirit descends into Matter. These two interact to produce the octahedron or double
pyramid which is a symbolic glyph of the interaction of the Triads of the Higher and
Lower Selves.

The eight tetrahedrons projected from the faces of the octahedron create the interlaced
tetrahedra or quaternaries.
These are joined by the energy fields of the twelve zodiacal signs to form the cube.
This fits within the dodecahedron, each face of which is crossed by a line of the cube.

The Platonic Toys of the Divine Child Bacchus

The toys of Bacchus, which were carried in the processions of the Greek Mysteries
were the :

Dice ( one of the five Platonic solids )

Top ( the whirling atom )

Ball ( the Earth, Globe or Chain )

Mirror (Astral Light as a reflection of the Archetypal Plane )

Whilst playing with these toys he was torn apart by the Titans who represent the
forces of the zodiac. This symbolizes the unity of the Godhead being fragmented from
the One Flame into the Many Sparks of the Monads about to descend into incarnation.
Through the evolutionary process the Many, as Monads, are destined to return to the
Godhead. Therefore it is taught that the many pieces of Bacchus were found and
reconstituted, as was the body of Osiris (in Egyptian Mysteries ed.). (Also the
Resurection in Christianity ed.) This is a Cosmic Truth which lies beyond all formal

The Platonic Solids are the :

Icosahedron 20 equilateral triangles

Dodecahedron 12 regular pentagons

Octahedron 8 equilateral triangles

Cube (hexahedron) 6 squares

Tetrahedron 4 equilateral triangles

If the Point and Sphere are added we have the seven regular figures related to the
seven planes of manifestation. The Platonic Solids represent the lines of force along
which energies flow on the various planes. The nature spirits dance in geometrical
patterns. The Universe is a mathematical and geometrical projection , the cycles of
which become perfect through evolution.

The Point. Circle and Tetrad

The Point represents Absolute Unity or Silence which is the Unmanifested God. This
is the Darkness of the Rocktomb of Capricorn through which play the energies of the
Great Breath of the Universe which is in sleep or pralaya. Space and Time are
unmanifest until the Point commences to expand in Aquarius which is Space into the
Great Mother in Pisces, the Great ocean of Love-Wisdom. At the end of the
evolutionary process we all return to the Great Mother. This is depicted by the
contraction of the Point. This outbreathing and inbreathing of the Great Breath is the
diastole and systole beat of the heart in the microcosmic man. This is the pravritti and
nivritti of the Hindu.

The circle is the limitation of the Space-Time field of manifestation by the Hierarchies
of Saturn directed by the Archangel Michael. Saturn is related to Sanat Kumara - the
Silent Watcher, Ruler of the Lipika Lords of Karma and Controller of the Ring-Pass-
Not for our system. Saturn rules Capricorn which is the Point of origin. Uranus
governs the energies of Fohat in Aquarius, and Jupiter is the ruler of the Great Sea of

The Tetrad is a symbol of the powers of the three Kumaras under Sanat Kumara or
Saturn. They are associated with the higher octave planets of Pluto, Uranus and
Neptune, related to the signs of Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. The ten rings of
Saturn depict the ten planes of manifestation. The divine Tetractys is reflected into
man through subsequent triadic reflections from the Monad.
The Octahedron and the Cube

The octahedron as a double pyramid is a symbol of the esoteric psychological

structure of man. Hence the association between the early religions and the pyramids.
Pyr means fire. It is related to the mind as Lower Manas in the Lower Triad of the
Personality and as Higher Manas in the Solar Triad of the Individuality. The mind of
the individual is the bridge or pathway to the gods.

The missing "capstone" of the pyramid is the Triad of the Higher Self, and ultimately
that of the Monad. The stilling of the Lower Mind in meditation, and its detachment
from the lower desires creates the necessary calm, undisturbed state of consciousness
which allows communication with the Higher Self. Intuitional promptings from the
Higher Self can guide the Soul which is entombed in the physical body during its life
on Earth.

The cube or hexahedron contains the dodecahedron. The cube has six faces related to
the six signs of the zodiac in either the macrocosm of the universe or the microcosm
of man. For this reason we find that the double cube is used as an altar. Each cube is a
hemisphere of the zodiac. The energies of the six signs of the macrocosm are reflected
into the six shaktis or powers of the microcosmic Virgin, which is the intuition of
Virgo in the Higher Self.

Man is described as a threefold Spirit in fourfold Matter. This Latin cross is the
cube unfolded. (Also Masonic Ball ed.)

The cross depicts the interaction between the Higher Self and the Lower self, or
the 3 and the 4.

The Cube and its Angles. The Zodiac.

The sum of the angles of the cube is 2,160. This is the time in years taken by the
Equinoctial point to pass through one sign of the zodiac, There are four angles, each
of ninety degrees, on each of the six faces of the cube. 24 x 90 = 2,160, The double
cube is the cosmic altar. Adding the angles of the two cubes

(2,160 + 2,160) gives 4,320

which is the key figure used to determine the major yuga cycles of the cosmic
evolutionary process.

The cube with its twelve edges fits perfectly within the twelve faces of the
dodecahedron which are related to the signs of the zodiac.

The tetrahedron has four equilateral triangular faces and four vertices. When it is
interlaced with a second tetrahedron it creates the six-pointed Star of David
representing the interaction of the Higher Self with the Lower. If the vertices of the
interlaced figure are connected a cube is constructed which encloses the tetrahedra.

The cube depicts the descent of the Higher and Lower Triads into the microcosmic
field of manifestation from Leo to Sagittarius. The double cube is the symbol of the
complete zodiac, Each of the two cubes encloses a double tetrahedron. These four
tetrahedra are the Triads of the Aquarian Mandala of the zodiac.

Godhead Aquarius, Pisces and Aries

Monad Taurus, Gemini and Cancer

Higher Self Leo, Virgo and Libra

Lower Self Scorpio, Sagittarius and Capricorn

Pentagram. Dodecahedron and Icosahedron

The pentagram as a five-pointed star refers to one or other of the hemispheres of the
zodiac. The star of the microcosm relates to the five manifested planes.

Atma Spirit Will Akasha

Buddhi Intuition Wisdom Air
Manas Mind Intelligence Fire
Astral Emotions Desire Water
Physical Sensations Body Earth

Capricorn is the commencement point of the zodiac. Under its Hindu name of Makara
it is associated with the double pentagram and the original ten-sign zodiac which had
Virgo and Scorpio joined and Libra excluded. Makara-Capricorn is the tenth sign of
the twelve-sign zodiac.

The dodecahedron is created by the interaction of the five planes with the sphere. It is
associated with Akasha. The octahedron corresponds to Air, the tetrahedron to Fire,
the Icosahedron to Water, and the cube or hexahedron to Earth. Projection from the 12
sides of the dodecahedron produce the twenty triangles of the icosahedron.

The icosahedron has 20 surfaces and 12 angles and is associated with the Astral Light.
As a reflection of Akasha from the Cosmic Ocean of Pisces into its polar opposite of
Virgo it is the consciousness of the macrocosmic Virgin in a microcosmic form as the
Soul. Virgo contains the six shaktis or powers (jnana or wisdom, kriya, etc.) of the
Monad as a reflection of the Godhead. These powers are symbolized in the double
triangle of the Higher and Lower Selves.

The Sides of the Platonic Solids

Taking the side of the cube as 1 the length of the sides of the other interrelated solids

Cube 1.000
Icosahedron (inner) 0.382
Dodecahedron 0.618
Octahedron 0.707
Tetrahedron 1.414
Icosahedron (outer) 1.618

If the Platonic solids are constructed to such dimensions then they will be inter-related
one with the other. The length of the side of the tetrahedron is that of the diagonal face
of the cube, which is the square root of 2. The length of the side of the tetrahedron is
twice that of the octahedron. The side of the dodecahedron (0.618) is the Golden
Section measure used in Greek architecture.

The florets of five-petal led flowers demonstrate these proportions based on the five-
pointed star. This star is built from five isosceles triangle around the sides of a
pentagon. The base angles are 72 degrees each and the vertex angle is 36 degrees. 5 x
36 gives 180 which has half the circumference of the zodiac. The two stars of the
macrocosm and the microcosm give the 360 degrees of the zodiacal circle. Makara-
Capricorn which is the tenth sign of the zodiac is represented by a double pentagram,
as was the earlier ten-sign zodiac.

The Pentgram and the Golden Measure

The mantram Klim Krishnaya Govindaya Gopijana Vallabhhaya Swaha creates a five-
pointed star when used in meditation. This star, which is the symbol of the
Hierophant, is related to the five great elements of Akasha, Air, Fire, Water and Earth.
The interlaced pentagrams are the symbols of the Macrocosm and the Microcosm, or
the universe and man.

In the diagram the downward pointing star is that of the Hanged Man in the Tarot. It
also represents the lower hemisphere of the zodiacal circle. When it reverses and
merges with the upwards pointing star man achieves full conscious integration with
the universe. This is the purpose of meditation. The diagram can be used for
meditation because the pentragrams move towards infinity which is the noumenon of
the central point. Each pentagram contains a smaller star, and each star represents a
movement of consciousness from a lower plane to a higher. The right to move
consciously from one plane to another is earned through initiation. This is controlled
by the Hierophant.

The Golden Measure and the Fibonacci Series

Arithmetical progression is 2 + 2 = 4., 4 + 2 = 6.

Geometrical progression is 2 x 2 = 4., 4 x 2 = 8.

Progression by powers is 2 ² = 4., 4 ² = 16.

The Fibonacci Series combines arithmetical and geometrical progressions to give the

0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, 13, 21, 34, 55, 89, 144

Each term is the sum of two preceding terms. Taken as fractions these are : 1/1, 1/2,
2/3, 3/5... 21/34 - 0.618. Subtracting 0.618 from 1.000 gives 0.382. The series grows
in the following manner: 0.382, 0.618, 1.00, 1.618, 2.618, 4.236. It is a mathematical
series by addition, and a geometrical series from 0.618. Reducing the series gives:
1.00, 0.618, 0.382, 0.236, 0.146, 0.090.

The three terms in the Golden Section are 0.382, 0.618 and 1.00.

The Golden Section can generate a logarithmic spiral from a rectangle whose side is
1.00 and height is 0.618. The logarithmic spiral is produced by joining the points of
the rectangles as shown.

The Structure of the Platonic Solids

Icosahedron 20 triangles 12 30 3,600
Dodecahedron 12 pentagons 20 30 6,480
Octahedron 8 triangles 6 12 1,440
Cube 6 squares 8 12 2,160
Tetrahedron 4 triangles 4 6 720

The sphere, another Platonic solid, generates the icosahedron. If 12 points are equally
spaced on the sphere and connected, each of the points generates five lines. The 30
edges of the icosahedron are the chords of the sphere.

If all possible chords are drawn within the icosahedron these lines meet in groups of
three at 20 points. This creates the 20 vertices of the dodecahedron. Similarly, the
dodecahedron can be expanded into an icosahedron. This latter solid represents
Purusha (Spirit) just as the dodecahedron is related to Prakriti (Matter). These solids
interact through their faces and vertices similar to the cube and tetrahedron.

If the points of the icosahedron are joined with the dodecahedron this creates the
octahedron or double pyramid. The octahedron depicts the interaction in the field of
consciousness between the Higher and Lower Selves, these being the Solar and Lunar
Triads. Each face of the octahedron can be used to create a tetrahedron the completed
figure forms the Star of David or Seal of Vishnu in the form of interlaced tetrahedra.

The Angles of the Platonic Solids

The addition of the plane angles of the solids gives 15,120 which is the sum of the
years taken by the Sun to move through seven signs of the Zodiac. 2,160 is the
precessional period of the Sun through one sign such as the Age of Aquarius.

Icosahedron (12 signs of three decans) 3,600

Dodecahedron 6,480
Double Tetrahedron (720 + 720) 1,440
Octahedron 1,440
Cube (processional period of 1 sign) 2,160

The double tetrahedron represents the Triads of the Higher and Lower Selves.

The total precessional time taken by the Sun to move through the twelve signs of the
zodiac is 25,920 years. The time taken to move through one hemisphere of the zodiac
is 12,960 years.

The Interchange points are the Gates of Life (Cancer) and Death (Capricorn).

12,960 (6) + 12,960 (6) = 25,920 (Precession period)

15,120 (7) + 15,120 (7) = 30,240 (Yuga cycle of 432)

GO to Part IV or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents

Part IV



The Magic Circle of the Mandala (A)

The Magic Circle of the Mandala (B)

The Dance of the Zodiac (A)

The Dance of the Zodiac (B)

The Microcosmic Mandala

The Macrocosmic Mandala

The Mandala of the Four Quadrants

The Astrological Sequence of Emanation

The First Cosmic Quadrant

The Second Quadrant of the Monad

The Third Quadrant of the Individuality

The Fourth Quadrant of the Personality

The mandala is a circle containing the cross, thus dividing the circle into four
quadrants. Using the zodiacal mandala these quadrants each contain three signs and
are related to the psychological structure of man.


Godhead Aquarius Pisces Aries (Cosmos)
Monad Taurus Gemini Cancer (Star)
Higher Self Leo Virgo Libra (Sun)
Lower Self Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn (Moon)
(Triads) (Fixed) (Mutable) (Cardinal)

The four quadrants are symbolized by four triads. The first two quadrants form the
macrocosm or universe and the last two together constitute the microcosm or little
universe of man. The interlaced triangles are known as the Star of David, or Seal of
Vishnu in India.

The psychological quadrature of the psyche is related to the Jungian division of the

Intuition Buddhi Causal Body

Thinking Manas Mental Body

Feeling Kama Astral Body

Sensation Sthula Physical body

An extended table of the planes of manifestation given in The Second quadrant of the
Monad. This is related to the descent of the Monad into incarnation in the Lower Self.

The Magic Circle of the Mandala (A)

The Mandala or sacred circle is that of the zodiac of twelve signs with the Spiritual
Sun in the centre. These are all connected with actual spiritual hierarchies.

(Christ and the twelve disciples are physical plane representatives of this, as are the
Knights of the Round Table.)

The field of manifestation is the enclosing sphere of the cosmos or sacred enclosure
known as the temenos. The circle or mandala has four gates or quadrants. In
Christianity these are connected with the fixed signs of the zodiac known as the
Tetramorphs (Eagle, Bull, Lion and Man) as on the tapestry in Coventry Cathedral
and connected with Scorpio Taurus, Leo and Aquarius.

The great city, the holy Jerusalem is described in the Book of Revelation as having
twelve gates with an angel at each gate. In the city there is the tree of life. The twelve
represent the twelve hierarchies connected with the signs of the zodiac. These are
divided into four quadrants of three.

Likewise, there are four rivers flowing from the Garden of Eden. The Celtic cross is a
similar Christian mandala. In Gothic churches the four evangelists related to the
tetramorphs in a mandala, often depicted in stained glass.

The Magic Circle of the Mandala (B)

The mandala is a magic circle in which it a cross is inscribed. It can be depicted as

Christ with the four Evangelists, or Horus with his four sons. In Jacob Boehme's For
Forty Questions of the Soule (1602) he calls the mandala the "mirror of wisdom"
referring to a body of secret knowledge.
A seventeenth-century pupil of Boehme, Gichtel who was a lawyer, published a
similar mandala showing the planetary centres in the human body related to their
respective psychic centres or chakras. This clearly demonstrates the direct links
between the microcosm or man and the macrocosm or universe. The very anatomical
atomic structure in man's superphysical bodies is a celestial mechanism.

Boehme depicted God at the centre of the spiral between Man and the Universe. Fludd
showed man's spiral path to God through the planes with their angelic hierarchies.

There are the circles of Stonehenge and Avebury, the calendar stone of the Aztecs, the
Tibetan mandalas and the Rosicrucian "rose-cross". These all relate to the spiritual
hierarchies of' the zodiac.

The Dance of the Zodiac (A)

The powers of the zodiac whirl and bow before the Spiritual Sun.

And we all circled round him and, responded to him, Amen.

The twelfth of the numbers paces the round aloft, Amen.

To each and all it is given to dance, Amen.

(Apocryphal Acts of St. John)

The Jew has his spiral Bethel stones of four quadrants.

The Moslem takes his circle path around the Kabala.

The Dervish has his planetary swirling dance.

The Buddhist depicts the Wheel of the Law.

The Bible cites the circle dance of David.

The Indian makes pradakshina around the sacred hill.

The English have the Maypole dance

Shiva is the dancing Nataraja.

The Cretan had a spiral labyrinth.

The Celtic races use the spiral (found on Tors. ed.)

The Maori tattoo is a spiral design.

Fohat moves in a spiral path.

Kundalini in meditation moves in a spiral path.

The Lightning Flash spirals through the Kabalistic Tree.

The anu or Occultist's atom, has ten spirillae.

The planets spiral through space. (As above so below. ed.)

The Chinese interweave Yang and Yin.

In science the DNA chain is in two spirals.

The spiral coils of the Mehen serpent protect the night Sun.

The Bhutanese create spiral mandalas.

The Moslem mosque domes have spiral patterns.

The Dance of the Zodiac (B)

There is the dance of the gopis of Krishna and the circle dance of David in the Bible.
Also we have the Maypole dance in England and the whirling dance of the Sufis
paralleling, the orbits of the planets.
Annually in Seville Cathedral there is held the Dance of the Seises (sixes) once
performed by twelve boys representing the signs of the zodiac. It is connected with
the Feast of Corpus Christi and the Carnival. The two sixes are the division of the

Macrocosmic Sextile (Signs and Planets)

Aquarius Pisces Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer

Saturn Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury Moon

Microcosmic Sextile (Planets and Signs)

Saturn Jupiter Mars Venus Mercury Sun

Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio Libra Virgo Leo

The Sun and Moon are interchangeable. The other five sacred planets each rule two
signs. Therefore there is a direct correspondence between the macrocosm and the
microcosm caused by the energies released through the sacred planets which affect the
universe and man through their parallel structures.

The Microcosmic Mandala

The simplest representation of the mandala is the cross in the circle.

These are the Jungian terms for the four ways we experience phenomena (Martin,
P.W. Experiment in Depth. London, Kegan Paul, 1955, p.21). Plato described this
fourfold use of consciousness in his Republic. The English translators of Plato's terms
give these descriptions:
Reason Understanding Belief Conjecture (Spirit)
Reason Undestanding Faith Perception (Jowett)
Intelligence Imagination Opinion Demonstration (Spens)
Thinking Intuition Feeling Sensation (Jung)

These four functions of consciousness can, in Jungian terms, be related to the planes.

Atma Will (Spirit)

1. Buddhi Intuition (Causal Body)

2. Manas Thinking (Mental Body)

3. Astral Feeling (Emotional Body)

4. Physical Sensations (Physical and Etheric)

Manas, provides through its dual nature the bridge between the Intuition and the
Emotions, between the Higher Self or Individuality and the Lower Self of the

The Macrocosmic Mandala

This mandala is the fundamental symbol expounded in detail in the chapters of this
book dealing with zodiacal cosmogenesis.

The upper hemisphere is the macrocosmic field of consciousness commencing with

Capricorn through Aquarius to Cancer.
The lower hemisphere in the microcosmic field of consciousness which deals with the
interaction of consciousness between the Higher Self and the Lower Self as triadic
manifestations from the Godhead typified in symbology by the interlaced triangles of
( ) the Star of David or the Seal of Vishnu. The meaning inherent in these triads
are then given following the order of the zodiacal signs from Capricorn.

The Mandala of the Four Quadrants

The First Quadrant is controlled by the Silent Watcher known as Saturn/Cronus. He is

the ruler of the subsequent cycles and is known as Sanat Kumara. The four gates of
the mandala relate to the four Kumara or Virgin Youths who are also the Lords of
Karma. The seeds of space from the previous universe fall into generation in Pisces,
through Daiviprakriti - the Light of the Logos - into Mulaprakriti, the fluid matter of
the Great or Cosmic Virgin of Pisces.

The Second Quadrant commences with the manifestation of Mahat, the Cosmic Mind,
which expresses itself on each subsequent level of manifestation through the spiritual
hierarchies, or angelic kingdom. Aries is connected with the Demiurge, or Great
Architect of the Universe and the birth of Wisdom (Buddhi, Buddha, Mercury) from
the union of the Moon with the wife of Tara (Jupiter's wife), Jupiter being the ruler of

Taurus (throat) relates to the Verbum or Logos Doctrine (Vach). Venus (ruler of
Taurus) symbolizes the manifestation of the Divine Plan as vibrational frequencies
associated with geometrical forms (archetypal symbols).

The Astrological Sequence of Emanation

Emanation commences in Capricorn and manifests through the four quadrants of the
zodiacal mandala.
For more information on the planes see "Second Quadrant of the Monad" below.

The First Cosmic Quadrant

Toynbee speaks of "a Kingdom of God which in not in Time at all but is in a different
spiritual dimensions and which, just by virtue of this difference of dimension, is able
to penetrate our mundane life and to transfigure it". The psychological structure of the
human is related to the four quadrant of the mandala.

(a) Cosmic Logos as a Trinity

(b) Monadic The god in man as a reflection of the Trinity. Our Father in Heaven.
(c) Solar The Higher Self as a reflection of the Monadic Triad.
(d) Lunar The Lower Self incarnated as a fragment of the Higher Self.

The zodiacal structure of the microcosm is a direct reflection, polar axis after polar
axis, of the macrocosmic hemisphere of the zodiac. All major religions have Trinities
of gods. The symbols in religions and mythologies are based on triads because these
derive from the quadrants of the zodiacal mandala. We are transfigured when we
become receptive to our Higher Self and ultimately to the Monad.

The Second Quadrant of the Monad

The Monad is a direct spark from the One Divine Flame (Mahat). It contains the
complete powers of the Godhead. It is our "Father in Heaven". It is is found on the
two planes of Adi and Anupadaka (the Parentless).

The Monad is found in the Macrocosmic Hemisphere of the Wheel of the Zodiac. A
fragment of the Monad containing the triadic powers of the Godhead descends on the
Sutra-Atma, or "thread-self" which contains the energies of Fohat. This thread has five
permanent atoms related to the five planes of Atma, Buddhi, Manas, Astral and
Physical. These atoms by the emission of specific vibrations aggregate similar atoms
necessary to create man's physical and superphysical bodies.

The Third Quadrant of the Individuality

The fragment of the Monad descends through the Gate of Birth (Cancer) into its
tripartite expression in the Higher Self or Individuality, sometimes referred to as the
Ego. (This is an unfortunate term because it has connotations in psychology which
relate to the selfish or egotistical nature of the personality.)

The Higher Self in its Causal Body retains all of the experiences of the previous
Personalities who have reincarnated on Earth (physical or non-physical) to gain
knowledge and develop their faculties. Therefore it is the Higher Self which
progresses to perfection through a series of incarnations.

In Christian terms Christ is the Higher Self; Jesus, the man, is the Personality; and the
Monad is our "Father in Heaven". Therefore, it is we who are and always have been
gods. We are in reality the fragments of the dismembered God. (cf., Teilhard de
Chardin's statement: 'We are all cells in the body of CHRIST'. ed.) The evolutionary
process is destined to awaken our knowledge of this fact by the development of an
ever-expanding consciousness which will eventually embrace the Universe. We are
truly cosmic macrocosms but think we have a limited microcosmic mind. We must re-
establish the bridge between the Lower Self or Personality and the Higher Self or
Individuality. So Jesus becomes Jesus Christ. (The Higher Self is the Christ
Consciousness.) Christ correctly states:

"I and my Father are One."

The Father is the Monad.

The Fourth Quadrant of the Personality

The order of the planets in the sky from the Sun to Saturn accurately portrays the
structure of the microcosmic man.

Sun Leo Atma Spirit-Will

Mercury Virgo Buddhi Intuition
Venus Libra Manas I Creative Mind
Earth (Bridge)
Moon Manas II Analytic Mind
Mars Scorpio Kama Emotions
Jupiter Sagittarius Etheric Sensations
Saturn Capricorn Physical Body

This is the order of the planets in the sky. The rulerships of the signs are those
according to traditional astrology. Each sign corresponds exactly with the description
of the tripartite powers of the Individuality and the Personality. The meanings of the
signs are in accordance with Hindu nomenclature, are supported by their relations
with the archetypal symbols and are confirmed, not once but repeatedly, by the
esoteric truths embedded in mythology.

This is the composite Science of the Self. It is the expression of the Ageless Wisdom.
It is the astrological key to the Mysteries of the Kingdom of Heaven.

GO to Part V or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents


Man and the Cycle of the Year

The Equinoxes and Solstices

The Precession of the Equinoxes

The Date of the Aquarian Age

The Pythagorean Triangle. Symbolic Numbers

The Musical Scale and 3, 4 and 5

Cycle Generation From 5 and 6

The Precessional Cycle Number

The Genesis of Cycle Numbers From 6

The Precessional Cycle and Man

The Esoteric Basis of Planetary Cycles

The Planetary Ratios and the Platonic Solids

The Yugas

The Evolution of the Yuga Cycle


The Passage of the Sun through the Cycle of the year depicts the involution of the
Soul into the physical body as its crucifixion. Then comes the ultimate ascension from
the rock-tomb of Capricorn. This is the birth of the Sun-God at the Summer Solstice.
The concept is dealt with from the Christian viewpoint in The Aquarian Bible and the
comparable mythic cycles are contained in Aquarian Mythology. The cycle is related
to the Equinoxes and Solstices, also to the stone circles such as are found at

In addition to the yearly cycle there are larger cycles of time known as yugas which
are connected with manifestation and evolution. The precessional cycle of the Sun
through the signs of the zodiac takes 25,920 years. Its passage through one sign lasts
2,160 years approximately. This latter period relates to the Age of Pisces which ended
in 1899, and to the new Age of Aquarius which we have entered now.

(2160 = 3³ + 4³ + 5³ and 3 + 4 + 5 = 12.)

The musical scale is related to 3, 4 and 5 (See The Musical Scale). From 5 and 6 we
obtain the numbers of the greater cycle (See Cycle Generation From 5 to 6). The
Platonic Solids are related to these cycles (See Genesis of Cycle Numbers) and to the
planets (See Planetary Ratios and the Platonic Solids). The universe is a mathematical
and geometrical creation. The cycles become perfect through evolution.

Man and the Cycle of the Year

The cycle of the year, depicted by the passage of the Sun through the equinoctial and
solsticial points, parallels the life of man. He is born from the womb (or rises from the
tomb or grave) at Easter. He grows to maturity as the Sun reaches its zenith in Cancer
at Midsummer. He harvests the experience of his life, coinciding with the Harvest
Festival, and dies, as the Sun dies in Winter, only to be reborn again for a new cycle of
life on Earth. (See Aquarian Mythology.)

Thus Esoteric Astrology embodies the Law of Reincarnation. Man progresses to

perfection through a series of lives on Earth. His actions on Earth create Karma which
will affect his present and future lives. Essentially, the study of Esoteric Astrology
provides us with the mechanism of Karma and demonstrates how the release of
Karma is determined by the positions of the planets in the natal horoscope and the
subsequent progressions of these planets and transits over the natal and progressed
planets. (A later section deals with the planetary centres in man, known as chakras,
which are in turn related to the endocrine glands. This is the means whereby the
macrocosm directly affects the microcosm.)

The Equinoxes and Solstices

Aries is the Spring
Equinox (22 March)

Libra is the Autumnal

Equinox (22

Cancer is the Summer Solstice (22 June) and Capricorn is the Winter Solstice (22

The equinoxes and solstices are the times of important spiritual festivals when
spiritual energies are released and play upon the Earth and its inhabitants. Examine
the importance of the Winter Solstice and its link with the birth of Jesus Christ and the
other sun gods. Christmas falls on 25 December, exactly three days after the
commencement of the Winter Solstice, which denotes the entry of the Sun into the
zodiacal sign of Capricorn. Capricorn is ruled by the planet Saturn, hence the name of
the Roman festival of Saturnalia.

The festival celebrates the death of the Sun which is at its lowest point as seen from
the Northern Hemisphere. The Sun stays three days in the grave and then rises from
the dead to give fresh life to the Earth. Note the siting of the passage in the mound at
New Grange north of Dublin, Ireland, which was designed to receive the light of the
Sun at the exact time of the Winter Solstice.

The Precession of the Equinoxes

The Earth's orbit is tilted at an angle of 23 degrees to the Celestial Equator due to the
inclination of the Earth's axis. The plane of the Ecliptic, or planetary path, acts the
Equator at two points of the Prime Celestial Meridian which is a Great Circle. These
are the Spring and Vernal Equinoctial Points.
The planetary orbits move within the Ecliptic belt of some 18 degrees wide. The stars
within the belt form the 12 great constellations of the zodiac.

The Earth's axis moves in a clockwise circle around the Pole of the Ecliptic in the
constellation of Draco. The circumference of this circle is 23½ degrees from the
ecliptic pole and so subtends an angle of 47 degrees. Every star on that circumference
is destined to become the Pole Star for a time.

The cause of this phenomenon is the gravitational pull of the Sun and Moon on the
Earth, which is not completely circular. There is therefore a gyroscopic effect an the
Earth. Because of this the Sun appears to regress through the signs of the zodiac - the
complete cycle being made in 25,920 years. It regresses through one sign in 2,160

The entry dates of the Sun into these signs are estimated as follows:

Aries 2423 B. C. (2410 B. C.)

Pisces 263 B. C. (255 B. C.)

Aquarius 1899 A. D.

Capricorn 4058 A. D.

The Date of the Aquarian Age (1899 A.D.)

In H. P. Blavatsky's essay on "The Esoteric Character of the Gospels" published in

Lucifer (v.I) in 1887-88 and later republished in the Collected Writings (v.VIII) she
"There are several remarkable cycles that come to an end at the end of this century.
First, the 5,000 years of the Kali-yuga cycle; again the Messianic cycle of the
Samaritan (also Kabalistic) Jews of the man connected with Pisces (Ichthys or Fish-
man Dag). It is a cycle, historic and not very long, but very occult, lasting about 2,155
solar years, but having a true significance only when computed by lunar months. It
occurred 2,410 and 255 B.C., or when the equinox entered into the sign of the Ram,
and again into that of Pisces. When it enters, in a few years, the sign of Aquarius,
psychologists will have some extra work to do, and the psychic idiosyncrasies of
humanity will enter on a great change."

This date also coincides with the close of the first 5,000 Years of the Kali-yuga or
"Black Age''.

Because of this movement there is a change of one degree every 72 years, or 24

minutes every year.

The Pythagorean Triangle. Symbolic Numbers

Man is a threefold spiritual being (the Higher Self) reflected in a fourfold Lower Self
(the Lower Quaternary). This is represented geometrically by the right-angled
triangle, the square on the hypotenuse of which is equal to the sum of the squares an
the other two sides. (Pythagorus Theorem ed.)


3² + 4² = 5²

9+16 = 25 => 2 + 5 = 7

3 + 4 = 7 (Sacred Planets)

3 x 4 = 12 (Signs of Zodiac)
The Cube unfolded is the symbolic representation of the 3 in the 4 or pillar of the
Latin cross.

7 + 12 = 19 => l + 9 = 10.

This is the perfect number of the Kabalistic Tree or the Pythagorean Decad.

5 + 2 = 7. The 5 relates to the five present senses of man (one for each Root Race) and
the 2 refers to the two senses of clairvoyance and clairaudience yet to be developed.

7 x 7 = 49, which is a square of the diameter of a figure the side of which is in the
ratio of 5:50. 50 = 49 + 1 (the source). The 49 are the seven subplanes of the seven
planes. 50 is used as a composite symbol of the seven planes (such as in the 50 cattle
stolen by Mercury in Greek Mythology). It refers to the microcosm therefore

50 + 50 = 100 => 10 or the ten-sign zodiac.

The Musical Scale. 3, 4 and 5*

2,160 years is the time taken for the Sun to move through one sign of the zodiac by
precessional movement.

216 = 3³ + 4³ + 5³

9 + 16 + 25 = 50

216 = 27 + 64 + 125 = 6 x 6 x 6

3 represents life, 4 is form and 5 is synthesis. 3 is the Spirit (Higher Self), 4 is Matter
(the Lower Self) and 5 symbolizes the five senses and the five planes (Atma, Buddhi,
Manas Astral and Sthula) inhabited by the Spirit during incarnation.

The Life and Form Planes

Life Side Physical Physical Form Side

Buddhi (Intuition) 30 40 Atma (Spirit)

Astral (Emotions) 27 36 Manas (Mind)

Prana (Life Energy) 24 32 Sthula (Etheric)

Physical (Sthula) 45

The Musical Scale


192 216 240 256 288 320 360 384

24 27 30 32 36 40 45 48

÷3 ÷3 ÷3 ÷4 ÷4 ÷4 ÷5 ÷4

8 9 10 8 9 10 9 12

In adding: 24 + 27 + 30 = 81 => 9

32 + 36 + 40 = 108 => 9

and 45 => 9

[*See also Harmonies of Heaven and Earth by Joscelyn Godwin ISBN 0-500-01403-5
pub. T & H (1987)

Cycle Generation From 5 and 6

5x1 5 Dawn 6 6x1

50 Day 60
5 Twilight 6
-- --
60 72
== ==
5x6 30 36 6x6
300 360
30 36
---- ----
Perfect Year 360 432 Cycle Number
=== ===
5x6x6 180 216 6x6x6
1,800 2,160
180 216
------ ------
Zodiacal Sign 2,160 2,592
==== ====
5 x 6 x 6 x 12 2,160 2,592 6 x 6 x 6 x 12
21,600 25,920
2,160 2,592
-------- --------
Precessional period 25,920 31,104 Yuga cycle number
===== =====
6 Venus Number 5 Man as Pentagram
6+6 Zodiac 5 + 5 Male + Female
6x6 Decans 5 x 5 = 25 => 7
6 + 6 + 6 = 18 breaths per minute 5 + 5 + 5 = 15
6 x 6 x 60 = Precessional Sign 5 x 12 x 36 zodiacal sign
2160 is the Platonic Day 25,920 is the Platonic Year

The Precessional Cycle number

According to occult teachings each cycle has a dawn and twilight period equivalent to
one-sixth of the total period. If the total period is 60 years the dawn is 5 years and the
twilight 5.
5 x 10 5 x 60 5 x 360 10 x 2,160

Dawn 5 30 180 2,160

Period 50 300 1,800 21,600

Twilight 5 30 180 2,160

--- --- ------ --------

60 360 2,160 25,920

== === ==== =====

Note the great importance of the last cycle of the precessional year 25,920. The
original zodiac was of ten signs. Virgo was then split into Virgo-Scorpio and Libra
was inserted. The ten-sign period is 21,600 years the other two sign periods give the
total required for the precessional period.

The division of the sexes in the Third Lemurian Root Race represented a critical
changeover point from one cycle to another, hence the comment on the ten and twelve

The ten sign zodiac is created automatically by genesis from the

upper circle. So Father-Mother spins the Web of the Universe.

The Genesis of Cycle Numbers From 6

6 x 10 6 x 60 6 x 360 6 x 2,160

Dawn 6 36 216 2,592

60 360 2,160 25,920

Twilight 6 36 216 2,592

--- ---- ------ -------

72 432 2,592 31,104

== === ==== =====

72 is the average life of man.

432 is the key cycle figure.

25,920 is the precessional year figure.

31,104 is the total yuga figure of 311,040,000,000,000.

This last number is the total years in the Life of Brahma.

The total angles of the Platonic Solids are all multiples of 720:

Tetrahedron 720 1 x 720

Octahedron 1,440 2 x 720

Cube 2,160 3 x 720

Icosahedron 3,600 5 x 720

Dodecahedron 6,480 9 x 720



All of these numbers are thus divisible by 9.

The numbers 3, 4 and 5 generate 12 and 60.

3 + 4 + 5 = 12 and 3 x 4 x 5 = 60

72 = (3 + 4 + 5) + (3 x 4 x5)

12 relates to the 12 signs of the zodiac.

12 x 60 = 720.

720 is the total number of degrees in the two circles of Father/Mother. One of these
circles is the projected universe.

The Precessional Cycle and Man

The precessional cycle is 25,920 years in length caused by the apparent regression of
the Sun through the signs of the zodiac at the rate of one sign in 2,160 years.


In 72 years the cycle advances 1 degree.

In 72 years man lives an average life span.

The pulse rate of man is 72 beat per minute.

The Earth turns 1 degree on its axis in 4 minutes.

The Earth has a perfect year of 360 days.

5 (the Pentagram) x 72 equals 360.

The Hexagon (honeycomb or snowflake) is the base for the construction of the regular
polyhedra. It is composed of six equilateral triangles.

When expanded it gives the six-pointed star. The star cuts the circle at six points
representing a precessional period of 4,320 years. This is the key cycle number.

The Esoteric Basis of Planetary Cycles

The planetary orbital periods are irregular because we are involved in an evolutionary
period which is slowly being perfected.


Mercury 90 (90 x 4 = 360)

Venus 216 (216 x 20 = 4,320)

Earth 360 (360 x 12 = 4,320)

Mars 720 (720 x 6 = 4,320)

Jupiter 4,320 (4,320 x 5 = 10,800 x 2)

Saturn 10,800

Once in every 60 years the planets are in syzypy (i.e., in a straight line related to the
Using the key cyclic period we have:

60 72 360 2,160 25,920

Mercury 240 288 1,444 8,640 103,680

Venus 100 120 600 3,600 43,200

Earth 60 72 360 2,160 25,920

Mars 30 36 180 1,080 12,960

Jupiter 5 6 30 180 2,160

Saturn 2 2.4 12 72 864

The table is based on the Earth period of 360 days being regarded as a unit. Each of
the columns provides meaningful ratios.

(Note that Jupiter who is the Father of the Gods contains the key cycle number of
4,320 based on the 12 year cycle multiplied by 360 days - the perfect Year cycle

The Planetary Ratios and the Platonic Solids

The Platonic Solids have specific faces, vertices and edges. They are reflections of the
mathematical and geometrical Laws governing manifestation. The Sacred Planets are
the centres for the emanation of the Seven Rays and these Planets have definite and
repeated relationships with the Platonic Solids.



Mercury : Earth 4:1 4 Tetrahedron

Mars : Jupiter 6:1 6 Cube

Mercury : Mars 8:1 8 Octahedron

Earth : Jupiter 12 : 1 12 Dodecahedron

Venus : Jupiter 20 : 1 20 Icosahedron


Mercury : Earth 4:1 4 Tetrahedron

Mercury : Mars 8:1 8 Cube

Mars : Jupiter 6:1 6 Octahedron

Earth : Jupiter 12 : 1 20 Icosahedron

Venus : Jupiter 20 : 1 20 Dodecahedron


Mars : Jupiter 6:1 6 Tetrahedron

Earth : Jupiter 12 : 1 12 Cube

Earth : Jupiter 12 : 1 12 Octahedron

Earth : Saturn 30 : 1 30 Icosahedron

Earth : Saturn 30 : 1 30 Dodecahedron

Jupiter (12) x 7 = Uranus (84), x 14 = Neptune (168) and x 21 = Pluto (252).

The Yugas

"The early Hindu Astronomers selected a period in the course of which a given order
of things is completed by the sun, moon and planets returning to a state of conjunction
from which they started. This is known as the Great Age of 4,320,000 sidereal solar
years." (Encyclopaedia Britannica.)

The Pythagorean Decad of 1, 2, 3, 4 is applied to this number to obtain the yuga



Satya 4 Golden 1,728,000

Treta 3 Silver 1,296,000

Dvapara 2 Bronze 864,000

Kali 1 Iron 432,000

10 Maha Yug 4,320,000

10 Maha Yugs (Great Ages) make 1 World Period of 43,200,000 years This is the time
spent on one Globe of a Chain of seven globes. 4,320,000,000 is the time spent on one

The First and Second Root Races (Polarian and Hyperborean) correspond to the
Golden and Silver Age periods. Each Root Race has its own four Ages on a smaller

1898 is the 5,000th year of the Kali Yug, therefore the commencement of the Kali Yug
for the 5th Root Race is 3,102 B. C. This Race therefore commenced its Golden Age
400,000 years ago, and still has 38,200 years to go to complete the Kali Yug period of
43,200 years (5,000 = 38,200).

The Evolution of the Yuga Cycle


Golden Krita 1,728,000

Silver Treta 1,296,000

Bronze Dvapara 864,000

Iron Kali 432,000

Great Age (MahaYug) 4,320,000

71 maha yugs form the x 71

Period of 1 Manu. = 306,720,000

x 14

= 4,294,080,000

There are 6 Pralayas, one between each Round. The Round has a Seed Manu for the
Pralaya (Sandhi) and a Root Manu for Manvantara.

(7 x 2 = 14) and (71 + 6 = 77)

Add 6 Maha Yugs for the Sandhis. + 25,920,000

= 4,320,000,000
This gives a day of Brahma (Manvantara).
Add a Night of Brahma 4,320,000,000
(Pralaya) = 8,640,000,000
One Year of 360 Days (x 360) x 360
= 3,110,400,000,000
100 years (x 100) x 100
= 311,040,000,000,000

GO to Part VIa or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents


(a) The Planes and the Angelic Hierarchies


The Moving Axis of the Zodiac (A)

The Moving Axis of the Zodiac (B)

The Poles of the Zodiac and the Chains

The Triangle and the Square in the Zodiac

The Four Chains and Their Hierarchies

The Angelic Hosts

The Asuras (Pentagrams)

The Barhishad Pitris (Cubes)

The Agnishvatta Pitris (Triangles) (A)

The Agnishvatta Pitris (Triangles) (B)

The Four Bodies of Brahma

The Four Planes and the Seven Life Waves

The Four Levels of Manifestation

The Caduceus as a Macrocosmic Symbol

The Planes, the Tattvas and the Spiral

The Planes, the Spiral and the Mysteries

The Three and the Seven

The Seven Rays


The zodiac is a comic clock. The two hemispheres of the zodiacal circle form the
macrocosm or universe and the microcosm or man. The diameter is the Gate of Birth
(Cancer) and the Gate of Death (Capricorn). These signs are polar opposite. The
movement of the Sun by precession brings the energies of certain poles into activity.
The Age of Aquarius activates Aquarius and Leo related to the Will aspect of our
Higher Self and the cosmic energies of Space (Fohat) in Aquarius. This is an age of
space exploration both outer (the universe) and inner (the atom and depth

The zodiacal axes are related to the Chains of evolution (see The Moving Axis of the
Zodiac (B) ) and to the planes of manifestation (see The Poles of the Zodiac and the
Chains ). Each Chain of seven planets is associated with an Angelic Hierarchy (see
The Four Chains and Their Hierarchies ). So also do the four planes of manifestation
in the Kabalah relate to the Hierarchies.

The life wave evolves through the four planes in a seven-fold cycle. One half of the
cycle (3½) is that mentioned in Revelation in the Bible. The cycles are related to the
serpent on the caduceus (see The Caduceus as a Macrocosmic Symbol ). This is also
the human spine.
The Moving Axis of the Zodiac (A)

The simplest way to deal with this complex subject is to present the evolutionary
process in terms of a symbolic sequence. There is a circle of descent into
manifestation (pravritti) and ascent into the heaven world (nivritti). This circle or
cycle (yuga) takes place in Time therefore the circle has a half-cycle of a descent into
Matter and a half-cycle of an ascent into Spirit.

This cyclic movement relates to the upper hemisphere as the Macrocosm, or Universe,
and to the lower hemisphere as the Microcosm, or Man. The astrological signs
dividing the wheel of the zodiac are Capricorn, the source of emanation, and Cancer.
These are the two Gates between the hemispheres.

Somewhat like an electric timing-clock key, the diameter of the circle turns by cyclic
movement to two zodiacal signs which are polar opposites. The turning of the axis is
related to the Precession of the Equinoxes in a 25,920 year cycle.

The Moving Axis of the Zodiac (B)

Cancer-Capricorn Axis

The Asuras are the products of the First Chain and are related to Makara-Capricorn

Gemini-Sagittarius Axis

The Agnishvattas are the Lords of Fire of the Second Chain. Sagittarius is a Fire sign

Taurus-Scorpio Axis

The Barhishads are the Lunar Lords connected with the sign of Scorpio (Lemurian).
Bridge Axis

Humanity is connected with the Earth and the Moon during the Atlantean period
where Lunar magic was used (Atlantean).

Aries-Libra Axis

Humanity is connected with Venus in the development of Higher Manas in the Fifth
Root Race (Aryan).

Pisces-Virgo Axis

Humanity is related to Mercury (Virgo) in the Sixth Root Race when Intuition is

Aquarius-Leo Axis

Humanity is associated with the Sun (Leo) in the Seventh Root Race when Will is

SIGN Capricorn Sagittarius Scorpio Earth Libra

RACE Polarian Hyperborean Lemurian Atlantean Aryan

HIERARCHY Asuras Agnishvatta Barhishad Human Aryan

ELEMENT Earth Fire Water - Air

PLANET Saturn Jupiter Mars Earth Venus

The psychological structure of man is in exact accord with this progression through
the of the zodiac.

The Poles of the Zodiac and the Chains

The Chains are related to the Poles of the zodiacal signs:


7 Leo Spiritual Atma

6 Virgo Intuitional Buddhi

5 Libra Integrative Higher Mind

4 Bridge Men Lower Mind

3 Scorpio Barhishads Desires (Astral)

2 Sagittarius Agnishvattas Prana (Etheric)

1 Capricorn Asuras Physical

In the Microcosm, Cancer is the Gate of Birth for the descent of the Monads. Leo is
Atma, Virgo is Buddhi and Libra is Higher Manas. The polar opposites of Capricorn,
Aquarius and Pisces reflect the energies of the Macrocosm or Universe into the
Microcosm or Man

We live in the Scorpio quadrant of the Lower Self.

Triad of the Lower Self

Earth Lower Mind

Scorpio Desires, Emotions

Sagittarius Sensations

(Capricorn Physical Body)

The Physical Body is a locus or foundation for the Triad. We must reflect the Triad
upwards into the Higher Self.

Earth (Lower

Scorpio (Desires)


to Libra (Higher

to Virgo

to Leo (Will)

The Triangle and the Square in the Zodiac

The placing of an equilateral triangle in the zodiacal

circle joins the signs of the same Elements such as
Earth, Air, Fire and Water. (These triangular aspects
are called trines.) The placing of the square in the
circle creates the four quadrants of the zodiacal
The interaction of these Triads in their respective hemispheres is shown by the
composite symbol known as the Star of David or the Seal of Vishnu.

The microcosmic

run from Leo to Buddhi

Capricorn and these

are the planes of

manifestation of Man Kama

in his Higher and
Lower Selves.


The Four Chains and Their Hierarchies

A Chain is a group of seven planets.


1 Asura Star Hexad Monad God

2 Agnishvatta Sun Triangle Higher Self Fire

3 Barhishad Moon Cube Lower Self Water

4 Human Earth Pentad Physical Man

The first two triangles represent the Macrocosm and the next two
are together the Microcosm or Man.

The Asura is the Stellar Lord or Monad in Man, his Father in

Heaven. The Agnishvatta is the Solar Triad of the Higher Self.
The Barhishad is the Lunar Triad of the Lower Self. These three
are not hierarchies separate from Man - they are in us as part of
our very being.
Asura Lord of Spirit Monad

Agnishvatta Lord of Fire Higher Mind

Barhishad Lord of Form Lunar Personality

We evolve through the Barhishad Pitris to the Agnishvattas and then to the Asuras,
from whence we came. Pitri means Father as in Zeus-Pitar or Jupiter the Father of the
Gods (Monads) who rules Pisces, the Cosmic Ocean of Emanation from which we as
Monads commence our cyclic journey through the zodiac.

The Angelic Hosts

About A. D. 500 Dionysius gave the nine orders of angels as Thrones, Dominions
(kuriotetes), Authorities (exousiai), Powers (dunameis), Principalities (archai),
Archangels and Angels, Cherubim and Seraphim.

St. Paul mentions Thrones (thronoi), Dominions (kuriotetes), Principalities (archai)

and Authorities (exousiai). They are the elemental spirits (stoicheia) of the universe.

In Matt. 26.53 Christ refers to twelve legions of angels; these are the hierarchies of the
twelve zodiacal signs.

In the Book of Enoch are given the names of the seven archangels (seven Spirits
before the Throne) who are the controllers of the Seven Rays. He who controls Death
(the descent into manifestation) is Samuel (Samuel or Satan-Saturn) as the Great
Serpent Fohat who guides the Monads down through the seven planes to the Earth.

Philo of Alexandria (30 B. C. to 45 A.D.) called the angels daimones (Greek) or genii
(Roman) because they mediated between God (the Cosmic Triad) and Man (the Lower
Self). The angel is the Angel-Monad or Twin. He is the andres (man) in Luke 24.22-3
(? Ed.).

Each human being has a guardian angel because it is the informing spiritual entity or
genius in man as his Monad or Father in Heaven.

Therefore do the Angels and Archangels constantly laud and magnify His glorious
Name forever and forever.

The Asuras (Pentagrams)

They are born from the Body of Darkness (Atma) and are turbulent and aggressive,
independent and separative. They are the fruits of the first Chain. (Asu means "breath"
or "life"). They represent Ahamkara - the "I-making." faculty. (Sura means "passive",
hence A-sura "not passive".)

In Indian mythology they are shown at either end of the great serpent Shesha around
the pole of the Universe. They pull on the serpent to churn the "Ocean of Milk" and so
gain Amrita, the nectar of Immortality. The Pole is the spine. The nectar is the lunar
seed which is raised up to become a spiritual power in man. Shesha is kundalini. They
represent Divine Will (Atma) fallen into desire (Lower Mental). They reached the
human in stage of evolution on the first Chain.

They form the fifth Great Creative Hierarchy of Capricorn-Makara. Varuna, Indra and
Agni were Asuras.

The Asuras of Makara-Capricorn are called the "six-principled Dhyanis". They do not
have a physical body. Their pentagram symbol relates to the five fluids or essences
they contain, namely, Buddhi, Manas, Prana, Kama and Etheric. These essences lie
between the Spiritual (Atmic) and physical Planes. Man contains all of these essences
because he is composed of the matter of these seven planes. These Dhyanis are
described as having "the five virtues of the six-fold Heavenly Man." This Heavenly
Man of the Macrocosm is Adam Kadmon. The Asuras are the fruits of the First Chain.

The Barhishad Pitris (Cubes)

Lords of the Moon, Arhats of the Moon, Sons of the Moon, Progenitors, Cubes,
Seventh Creative Hierarchy, Architects.
They are called Architects because they give the plans or models of man's
superphysical and physical bodies to the hosts of "Builders" who are the nature spirits
under their control.

They are known as Cubes because they conquered matter on the Moon Chain on four
levels (Higher Mental, Lower Mental, Astral and Etheric). They brought matter with
them for its further evolution on the Earth Chain. Humanity on Earth works on Lower
Mental, Astral, Etheric and Physical Matter through the Mental, Astral, Etheric and
Physical bodies connected with each of these atomic planes.

The Pitris (advanced men) with Causal Bodies (Higher Mental) are the most advanced
progeny of the Moon Chain and are responsible for the First Round of the Earth

Those with Mental Bodies assume charge of the Second Round.

Those with Astral Bodies assume charge of the Third Round.

Those with Etheric Bodies assume charge of the Fourth Round.

They develop their higher bodies during these Rounds. Mankind in the Fourth Round
is learning to control the Physical Body on the densest of all Planes - that of the Earth
Globe of the Fourth, and densest Chain.

The Arhat Initiation was the highest level of human attainment an the Moon. This
level was reached by the Barhishad Pitris, who then stayed with the Earth Chain to
help struggling humanity. We are indebted to them for this assistance.

The Agnishvatta Pitris (Triangles) (A)

The Agnishvatta Pitris are the fruits of the Second Chain from Brahma's Body of
Light or Day. They are called the Sixth Creative Hierarchy, being like angels with a
sense of unity. They are Sons of Wisdom, Sons of Fire, Lords of the Flame, Fire
Dhyanis, Heart of the Body, Triangles (Atma-Buddhi-Manas) who become
Pentagrams (i.e. their Manas becomes dual, Lower and Higher, and Buddhi reflects in
Kama, the lowest Astral plane planet in the Second Chain).

They are Pranidhananatha (Prana - life energy), Lords of Yoga, Virgins, Kumaras,
Sons of Marichi, sons of Pulastya, Pitris of the Devas.

These Arupa (formless) Pitris are the Solar Lhas or Manasaputras (manas - mind) who
awaken the minds of humanity in the Third Lemurian Root Race in the Fourth Round
of the Fourth Earth Chain. Their symbol is that of the fire of mind (the pyr-fire of the
pyramid, or triangle of powers in the Higher). Self They are the fruits of the Second

They cannot give Atma to man but they send its force into the ether to create Prana
(the life-force), thus giving the spiritual plasma or life side of the Permanent Atoms
that flows from the Dhyani or "six-fold Heavenly Man".

The Lords of the Flame are manasaputras (mind-born Sons) from Shukra or Venus
(in her Seventh Round). The spiritual teachers of the Third Lemurian Root Race came
from Venus which is the nursery of the Adepts under the Virgin Kumara or Sanat
Kumara, the Great Initiator. The Sons of Venus form the nucleus of the Great White
Lodge. They brought wheat, ants and bees to Earth.

The Agnishvatta Pitris (Triangles) (B)

At the end of the Lunar Chain there were three main classes of the Agnishvatta Pitris
waiting to be transferred to the Earth Chain, there to become the three classes of
Manasaputras. (The word manas means mind.)
l. The first is the spiritual hierarchy.

2. The second is the average good man.

3. The third is the laggard or savage.

The Manasaputras of the Earlier Chains have long passed through the human stage as
Kumaras and are now the Agnishvatta Pitris. Their very nature is spiritually illumined.

We are dependent on their light of spiritual consciousness which is embodied in our

Higher Self. We in turn must become the Manasaputras for the humanity which
follows. That is to say our Lower Self in the next cycle will be the Higher Self of a
human being on a lower cycle of evolution. So we form part of a conscious chain of
beings reaching to the very Godhead.

1. Masters are perfected men.

2. Chelas are their disciples who strive to integrate their Personality consciousness
with that of the Higher Self.

3. Good men have some knowledge of mortality but lack the esoteric knowledge of
their true nature.

4. Evil men are born to suffer through the Law of Karma until they learn by
experience the folly of wrong action.

The Four Bodies of Brahma


Darkness Asuras 1 Atziluth Archetypal

Day Agnishvattas 2 Briah Creative

Twilight Barhishads 3 Yetzirah Formative

Dawn Men 4 Assiah Physical

The Hindu Trinity is Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva. Brahma has four bodies which are
the four Chains, each of seven Globes. Each Chain is of increasing density. The Lower
Mental to the Physical denotes the level of the fourth Globe in each Chain. The
Kabalistic terms relate the range covered by the seven globes of each Chain.

Bodies of Brahma Hierarchy Man Cosmos



Twilight Asuras Monad Stars

Dawn Gods Higher Self Sun

Ratri Pitris Lower Self Moon

Ahan Men Physical Earth



Kabalistic Planes States of Consciousness



Atziluth Svapna

Briah Jagrat

Yetzirah Samadhi

Assiah Deep
pal Dream

Creative Waking

Formati Spiritual


The consciousness in man can be deliberately transferred to any plane. On the

emotional plane this is called Astral Travel - which is an out-of-the-body experience
connected with the education of the Soul during the sleep of the physical body.

The Four Planes and the Seven Life Waves

There are three Life Waves embodied in three Form Kingdoms through a dense
physical fulcrum.

The Life and Form Levels

Life Wave Form Planes

1. Elemental Essence I 7. Human Kingdom

2. Elemental Essence II 6. Animal Kingdom

3. Elemental Essence III 5. Plant Kingdom

4. Mineral Kingdom

Planes of Manifestation

EE I Human

Astral EE II Animal

Etheric EE III Plant

Physical Mineral

(EE stands for Elemental Essence.)

Evolution of the Kingdoms

Mineral 1 7 Divine
Plant 2 6 Angelic
Animal 3 5 Superhuman
4 Human
The First Chain develops the Mineral Kingdom which is perfected on the Fourth
Chain. The Human Kingdom is developed on the Fourth Earth Chain and is perfected
on the Seventh Chain. The humans of Chains earlier than the Fourth now form the
"gods" who rule and direct the process of evolution. We ourselves are destined to
become gods.

The Four Levels of Manifestation

The Pythagorean Decad is 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10.

Archetypal Atziluth Cosmic Scheme Cosmos God

Creative Briah Sidereal Chain Star Monad

Formative Yetzirah Solar Round Sun Higher Self

Physical Assiah Lunar Planet Moon Lower Self

The four planes of the Kabala relate to the reflection of the Monadic Triad through the
four quadrants of the zodiac.

There are four major classes of the Barhishads - one for each of the four Planes. Each
Plane has seven sub-divisions therefore there are 28 sub-classes of the Barhishads,
who are the Lunar Lords. Similarly there are 28 days in the lunar month, which has
four major cycles. (2 + 8 = 10).

The four Planes are related to the Seven Planets in this manner.

1 1 7 Atziluth

2 2 6 Briah
3 3 5 Yetzirah

4 4 Assiah

The Caduceus as a Macrocosmic Symbol

The Caduceus is the Staff of Hermes, the Spiritual Teacher of the Greeks and
Egyptians known as Thoth-Hermes or Hermes Trismegistus. He is Mercury the
Psychopomp - leader of souls to God. He is the Power of Fohat descending in spiral
emanation through the Seven Planes. He is the healing God Aesclepius of the Medical
Profession. The staff of Aesclepius is the Caduceus.

Macrocosmically the energy is Fohat.

Microcosmically the energy is Kundalini.

When the Primal Circle of Duration is Unmoving it is the Perfect Circle. When
Duration becomes Time (the commencement of a cyclic period) then the Circle
moves. The serpent ceases to bite its tail and uncoils in spiral form. This is Draco.
This is the basis of serpent or so-called snake worship.

The Seven Planes are entered on a path of 3½ cycles of Involution and 3½ of

Evolution. This is the descent and ascent of the Soul.

The Planes, the Tattvas and the Spiral

The Tattvas are the materials from which the planes of evolution are constructed. Each
Tattva produces from within itself a host of elementary lives. Each is related to one of
the Platonic Solids.

The Seven Planes and the Tattvas

1. Addi Divine Source

2. Anupadaka Spiritual Parentless

3. Atma Akasha Space Will

4. Buddhi Air Vaya Wisdom

5. Manas Fire Tejas Mind

6. Kama Water Apas Emotions

7. Sthula Earth Prithivi Sensations

The Pentagram relates to the five Great Elements (3 - 7). We descend through the
Talas (planes) and ascend through the Lokas. The Talas provide the tattvic materials
required for our physical and superphysical bodies. The Lokas are realms in which we

Key to the Egyptian Mysteries

The Planes, the Spiral and the Mysteries

The spiral descent is through 3½ planes from the realm of cosmic consciousness

Each plane has seven sub-divisions. (3 x 7 = 21.) The descent and ascent (3½ + 3½ =
7) is therefore a descent through the Evolution of the Soul (Nivritti Marga) and an
ascent through the Evolution of the Soul (Nivritti Marga). One is the Path of Descent
and the other the Path of Return. There are therefore (3 x 7) 21 + (3x7) 21 or 42
Assessors mentioned in the Book of the Dead. Similarly there are only 21 numbered
tarot Cards related to the Kabalistic Tree of Life. The Gods are arranged in two
columns (Boaz and Jachin) of 21.

References to 3½ as a Symbol

Butinone's painting of Christ (15th Century) shows Him atop a spiral of 3½ turns. The
tower of S. Ivo della Sapienza has 3½ turns. The caduceus of Hermes has 3½
descending and 3½ ascending spirals. Kundalini in the spine flows as a serpent in 3½ -
turns. The Book of Revelation refers to 3½ days. Gichtel shows the chakras
connected by a 3½-coil spiral. Sesha, the cosmic serpent, is wound around the world
pole to churn the Milky Ocean and produce Amrita. So kundalini flows in serpent
fashion through 3½ spirals to awaken the spiritual vision of man. This is the staff, rod
or symbol of Thoth Hermes - teacher of Egypt.

The Three and the Seven

The twelve Chains are divided into five unmanifest and seven manifest Chains. These
seven are connected with the Seven Rays and their Planetary Lords.
In Order of Evolution
I Elemental Essence
II Elemental Essence 3
III Elemental Essence

1 Mineral Chain - Physical

2 Plant Chain - Etheric 4
3 Animal Chain - Astral
4 Human Chain - Mental

5 Dhayan Chohans (Maha Chohan)

6 Dhayan Buddhas (Bodhisattva) 3
7 Gods (Monads) - (Manu)

343 or the Number of Perfection =10

343 is the Mystery of 777

the Cube Root of 343 is 7

ie. 7 x 7 x 7 = 343.

(a) In the Godhead the three Logoi manifest through the Seven Rays.

(b) In Esoteric Astrology the three higher-octave planets of Uranus, Neptune and
Pluto manifest through the seven Sacred Planets.

(c) In the Kabalistic Tree Kether, Chokmah and Binah manifest through the seven
lower Sephirothal Centres connected with the seven Sacred Planets.

(d) In Yoga the three higher centres manifest through the seven major chakras along
the spine.

(e) In the Pythagorean Decad the external triangle surrounds the seven inner yods
(Thor's Hammer).

The Seven Rays.

The Spiritual Light emanating from Aquarius is refracted through the lens of Pisces
into the Seven Rays, focussed through the Seven Sacred Planets and controlled by the
Seven Spirits before the Throne, mentioned in the Book of Revelation.

The One Ray issues forth through the Trinity and by permutation becomes seven.

The Three Rays (2) Abc aBC (5)

ABC (1) (3) aBc AbC (6)

(4) abC ABc (7)

The Seven Rays and the Hierarchy

The Light of the Triple Logos is differentiated through the spectrum via the seven
Sacred Planets. Each Ray is governed by the Master associated with its respective


1 Will Morya Atma

2 Love-Wisdom Koot Humi Buddhi

3 Creative Intelligence Venetian Manas I

4 Harmony, Art Serapis Bridge

5 Science Hilarion Manas II

6 Devotion Jesus Emotions

7 Ritual in Service St. Germain Sensations

The Seven Planes are Atma, Buddhi, Higher Manas, Manas, Astral, Etheric and
Physical. Also Adi, Anupadaka, Atma, Buddhi, Manas, Astral and Physical.
GO to Part VIb or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents



Moon and Earth Chains. Root Races


The Evolutionary Schemes and the Hierarchies

The Scheme of Evolution

The Twelve Signs and Their Life Forms

The Seven Planes and the Twelve Signs

The Moon and the Earth Chain

Chart of the Moon Chain Transfers

The Earth Chain and its Levels

The Root Races

The Timing of the Rounds and Root Races

Geology and the Root Races


The Fourth Atlantean Root Race

Racial Evolution and Esoteric Psychology

The Silent Watchers

The Barhishads and the Manus

The Buddha and the Bodhisattva


The ten Schemes of Evolution are related to the Angelic Hierarchies and to the
Planets. We worship neither planets nor hierarchies but simply recognise their
controlling functions as emanated powers from the Hidden God (Saturn-Cronos)
which manifest in Aries through the Demiurge or Architect of the Universe. The
Chain diagram is given in The Scheme of Evolution. Particular attention should be
paid to this gradual materialization of the Chains followed by their subsequent
spiritualization. This also applies to racial and to individual manifestation. The
symbols have many applications. Learn by analogy. Use tables of correspondences in
your studies. This is the integrative education of the Aquarian Age.

A Table relating the planes of manifestation to the zodiacal signs is given in The
Seven Planes and the Twelve Signs. The cycle of manifestation for the Earth Chain
(The Moon and the Earth Chain) is related to the transfers from the Moon Chain (See
Chart of the Moon Chain Transfers).

The great Root Races of humanity are set out in The Timing of the Rounds and Root
Races, they are in relation to the chronological periods or ages. They are associated
with the geological ages see Geology and the Root Races. The following pages relate
to the sub-races of the Atlantean and present Root Races and their spiritual leaders and
The Evolutionary Schemes and the Hierarchies

There are ten Schemes of Evolution in our solar system. Each Scheme has seven
Chains, each of seven planets.

Each Chain has seven Rounds.

Each Round is of seven Planets.

7 x 7 x 7 = 343 => 10 Schemes of Evolution.


Godhead (Milky
Vulcan 3 Pluto Aries

Seraphim (Comets) Neptune 4 Neptune Pisces

Cherubim (Stars) Uranus 3 Uranus Aquarius

Thrones Saturn 3 Saturn Capricorn

Dominions Jupiter 3 Jupiter Sagittarius

Virtues ? 1 + 2 Mars Scorpio

Powers Earth 4 Earth Moon

Principalities Venus 5 Venus Libra

Angels ? 1 + 2 Mercury Virgo

Archangels ? 1 + 2 Sun Leo

The numbers alongside the column headed "Scheme" refer to the planet on which
evolution is at present focussed in the Round. For instance in the Earth Chain
evolution is now centred on the fourth planet, Earth, but there are another six planets
(some non-physical) in the Chain. Esoteric evolution cannot be described solely in
terms of physical planets or bodies.
The Scheme of Evolution


One Scheme of Seven Chains

One Chain of Seven Rounds

One Round of Seven World Periods

One World with Seven Root Races

One Root Race with Seven Sub-Races

The Chain Diagram

PLANE 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Atma OO OO
Buddhi OO OO OO OO
Astral O OO OO OO O
Etheric O OO O
Physical O

The planes are arranged from Atma in increasing density of their atomic structure.
Only in the Fourth Chain is there a physical plane: planet Earth.
Definition of Terms

Atma Spiritual Will

Buddhi Intuitional Love-Wisdom

Manas I Higher Mind Creative Intelligence

Manas II Lower Mind Analytical Mind

Astral Emotional Emotions

Etheric Higher Physical Prana

Physical Material Sensations

The Serpent Fohat descends for 3½ planes then ascends for 3½. This is the 3½ found
in the Book of Revelation in the Bible. Fohat is the Serpent in the Pit. This is the
Serpent Kundalini at the base of the spinal column.

The Twelve Signs and Their Life Forms

There are 12 globes connected with the l2 signs of the zodiac. Five are out of
manifestation on the Arupa or formless level. Seven are in manifestation on the Rupa
or form level.

On the descending arc there are three levels of Elemental Essence seeking to be
embodied in forms. Then come the Mineral, Plant, Animal and Human Kingdoms
associated with the four Chains.
Humanity on the Fourth Earth Chain are destined to become Dhyan Chohans (Lords
of Meditation) on the Fifth Chain and Buddhas on the Sixth Chain. They become
Lords or Rulers of their respective Universes in the Seventh Chain.


? Elemental Essence I
Elemental Essence II
Elemental Essence III
Mineral (Earth) Gnomes Asuras
Plant (Etheric) Nature Spirits Agnishvattas
Animal (Emotions) Savages (Desires) Barhishads
Man (Mind) Men (Manas) Men
Intuition (Buddhi) Dhyan Chohans Mahachohan
Spirit (Will) Dhyan Buddhas Bodhisattvas
(Atma I) Atmic Lords Manu
Anupadaka Monads Pratyeka Buddha
Adi Monads Lord of the World

The Seven Planes and the Twelve Signs


1. Capricorn Godhead Source Saturn
2. Aquarius Cosmic Triad Light Uranus
3. Pisces (Trinity) Sea Jupiter
4. Aries (Logoi) Adi I Ares
5. Taurus Monadic Triad Adi II Verbum
6. Gemini Anupadaka Parentless
7. Cancer (Father in Heaven) Atma I Will
8. Leo Will-Spirit Atma II 1 Divine
9. Virgo Intuition Buddhi 2 Spiritual
10. Libra Higher Mind Manas I 3 Angelic
Earth Bridge (Earth) 4
Moon Lower Mind Manas II 5 Human
11. Scorpio Astral Kama 6 Animal
12 Sagittarius Etheric Prana 7 Plant
Capricorn Physical Sthula Mineral

The first column gives the numbers of the twelve signs of the zodiac, the names of
which are in the second column. The Cosmic Triad is 2, 3 and 4. The Monadic Triad is
5, 6 and 7. These are in the Macrocosmic half of the zodiac. The Solar Triad is 8, 9
and 10, and the Lunar Triad is Moon, 11 and 12. The sector from 8 to 12 is the
Microcosm or Little Universe of Man.

The Moon and the Earth Chains

The Cycle of the Earth Chain

Only the fourth planet of the Earth Chain is physical. The Life Wave transferred from
the Third Moon Chain to the Earth Chain. This explains the Moon as a satellite of
earth. Similarly when the Life Wave transfers to the Fifth Chain the Earth will become
a Moon to its companion globe.

Humanity evolved on the Moon Chain of 7 Globes before the life wave transferred to
Earth Chain.

In the Earth Chain we were on Mars, prior to the Earth and continue our evolution on
This movement is represented by:

Scorpio Libra Virgo

Mars Venus Mercury

The Earth lies between Mars and Venus. The Lords of the Flame from Venus gave
mind to Man. (Venus rules Libra). The perfection of this mind by Intuition leads us to
Virgo (Virgin Consciousness) ruled by Mercury. Then we move to Leo (Atma) ruled
by the Sun in the seventh and final cycle of the Earth Chain.

Mars Earth Venus Mercury

Scorpio Moon Libra Virgo

Chart of the Moon Chain Transfers

Moon Chain Earth Chain Fifth Chain Sixth Chain

3---------------> 4---------------> 5----------------> 6
1. Asuras
2. Agnishvattas Asuras
3. Barhishads Agnishvattas Asuras
4. Men Barhishads Agnishvattas Asuras
1 First (Arupa) Arhats
2 First (Arupa) Arhats
3 First (Arupa) Arhats
4 Second (Rupa) Adepts
5 Second (Rupa) Disciples
6 Second (Rupa) Advanced Men
7 Second (Rupa) Good Men
5. Animals Men Barhishads Agnishvattas
1 Animal-Men Ordinary Men
2 1st Class Low Humans 2
3 2nd Class Unemployables 3
4 3rd Class Criminals 4
5 Savages 1
6 Savages 2
7 Savages 3
6. Vegetables Animals Men Barhishads
7. Mineral Vegetables Animals Men
8. Elemental Mineral Vegetable Animal
III Mineral Vegetable Animal
II Elemental III Mineral Vegetable
I Elemental II Elemental III Mineral

The Earth Chain and Its Levels

There are five signs unmanifest and seven manifest.

The Earth Chain of seven globes is manifest on the four lower levels of Manas II
(Lower Mental), Astral, Etheric and Physical. It is the fourth of seven Chains. The
first Chain was manifest on the four levels of Atmic II, Buddhic, Manas I and Manas
The three upper levels are Arupa or Formless. The four lower levels are Rupa or Form
Planes. Therefore the first descent to a Form Plane occurs an the fourth planet of the
First Chain which is composed of Lower Mental matter.

Each Chain to the Fourth is denser than the previous. Our Earth is the only physical
planet in our Chain. The Earth Chain has seven Rounds of the seven planets. On each
planet there are seven major Root Races, each with seven sub-races.

(See also Godwin, Joscelyn. Harmonies of Heaven and Earth ISBN No. 0-500-01403-5, p167

The Root Races

Our humanity on Earth, the fourth and densest globe, has passed through four major
Root Races - Polarian, Hyperborean, Lemurian and Atlantean. Only in the Lemurian
period overlapping with the Atlantean did man receive a physical body. Prior to that
he used superphysical bodies which he still possesses. Being non-physical, or less
dense, these bodies are larger than the physical. Therefore, correctly, men were
referred to as giants in the early races because they were not dependent on the bearing
load of the physical skeletal bones to support port their weight.

Man is now ascending in the present Root Race from the Physical Plane to the non-
physical levels where he will live in his present astral and mental bodies. Physical
matter is becoming etheric.

The Polarian Root Race evolved on the Lower Mental Plane and was ruled by the
hierarchies of the Sun and Uranus connected with Capricorn and Aquarius.

The Hyperborean Root Race (Second) evolved one level lower on the Astral Plane.
They were called Kimpurushas (Purusha means Spirit) and were Children of the Sun
(Higher Self, or Yellow Father) and the Moon (Lower Self or White Mother). They
were a golden-yellow race with a form of asexual reproduction by expansion of the
aura (budding) to detach a second being. They extruded progeny like drops of sweat
(the "sweat born'') because at that stage of evolution there was no physical plane.

The Timing of the Rounds and Root Races

"Make thy calculations, O Lanoo, if thou wouldst learn the age of thy small wheel."
(S.D. (1928) I 226)

Time for 1 chain (seven rounds) 4,320,000,000

One Round is 617,000,000
Half is manifest and half pralaya 308,500,000
Time spent on one Globe (÷7) 44,100,000

Timing of the Rounds

1. 2,000 M.Y.B.C. - 1,200 M.Y.B.C.

2. 1,200 M.Y.B.C. - 600 M.Y.B.C.
3. 600 M.Y.B.C. - 45 M.Y.B.C.
4. 45 M.Y.B.C. - to Present
5. Present

Timing of the Root Races

1. Polarian 45 M.Y.B.C. (45 - 27 = 18)

2. Hyperborean 27 M.Y.B.C. (27 - 14 = 13)

3. Lemurian 14 M.Y.B.C. (14 - 5 = 9)

4. Atlantean 5 M.Y.B.C. (= 5)

5. Aryan 100,000 B.C.

6. Sixth 2,000 A.D.

7. Seventh

The division of the sexes began in the Lemurian period and was completed about 10
M.Y.B.C. The Lords of the Flame came 6½ M.Y.B.C. The first Atlantean catastrophe
was in 860,000 B.C. In the second (200,000 B.C.) Atlantis split into Ruta and Daitya,
in the third (75,025 B.C.) Poseidonis remained until 9,564 B.C. when it sank causing
the Great Flood.

Geology and the Root Races

Race or Round Geological Era Time Period

1st Round Archeozoic 2,000 M.Y.
2nd Round Proterozoic Primeaval 1,200 M.Y.
3rd Round Paleozoic Primary 600 M.Y.
3rd Round Mesozoic Secondary 180 M.Y.
4th Round Cenozoic Tertiary 50 M.Y.
1st Race Eocene 50 M.Y.
2nd Race Oligocene 30 M.Y.
3rd Race Miocene 17½ M.Y.
4th Race Pliocene 10 M.Y.
5th Race Pleistocene ½ M.Y.

The five major geological periods correspond approximately to the five major Root
Races. Between the Mesozoic and Cenozoic eras there was a major change in the
types of animal and vegetable life, probably associated with the densification of
matter from the Etheric Plane to the Physical Plane. Reptiles rapidly decreased and
were supplanted by birds and mammals.
The duration of the Periods in the Cenozoic Era are from The Science of Life (Pt. 7)
by H. G. Wells and Julian Huxley. For further references see:

1. Besant, A. and C. W. Leadbeater. Man: Whence, How and Whither.

2. Holmes, A. The Age of the Earth. London, Benn, 1927.

3. Schikert, C. and C. Le Vene. The Earth and its Rhythms. N. Y. Appleton.

4. Scott EIliott, W. The Story of Atlantis and Lemuria.

5. Spence, Lewis. Atlantis the Vanished Continent.

6. Preston, E. W. The Earth and Its Cycles. London, T.P.H., 1931.


"This is the famous legend of Atlantis, the great island which once existed in the
Atlantic and afterwards sank beneath the waves… The story is probably only the birth
of Plato's prolific fancy ... He invents, therefore an imaginary Athenian
commonwealth which is supposed to have waged a victorious war with the people of
Atlantis." (Jowett, B. The Works of Plato. N.Y., Tudor, n.d.)

I trust that the erstwhile Master of Balliol College and Regius Professor of Greek in
the university of Oxford will change his opinions in his later lives to fit the facts
taught by Plato.

In my book Aquarian Mythology I have given information on the linguistic and other
links between the Mayan and Egyptian civilizations. These races were the remnants of
the Atlanteans who settled in Egypt about 400,000 B.C. It is impossible for nomadic
herdsmen to possess the medical, mathematical, astronomical and architectural
knowledge held by the Egyptians. The Aztec-Mayan cultures had very highly
developed social systems and architectural structures which are very similar to the
The extensive flood legends relate to the sinking of Atlantis and the subsequent
inundation of the Middle Eastern coasts.

The Fourth Atlantean Root Race

Period: 59,000,000 to 10,000 B.C.


1. Rmohal 5 - 4 M.Y.B.C. (Ashanti, Atlantis)

2. Tlavatli 3 - 2 M.Y.B.C. (Asia and South SAmerica)

3. Toltec 2 - 1 M.Y.B.C. (Mexico and Peru)

Empire of Golden Gate 1 M.Y.B.C.

4. Turanian 900,000 B.C. China

5. Semite 850,000 B.C.

800,000 B.C. First catastrophe of Atlantis

6. Akkadian 700,000 B.C.

7. Mongolian 600,000 B.C.

Significant Atlantean Dates

White Lodge transfers to Egypt

Gizeh pyramids

Atlantis splits into Ruta & Daitya

150,000 Egypt repeopled by Toltecs


Rise of Akkadians

75,000 B.C. Third Atlantean catastrophe. Poseidonis remains

70,000 B.C. Egypt Third Dynasty. Karnak built

35,000 B.C. Cro-Magnons form from Tlavatlis in Europe

20,000 B.C. Turanians in Chaldea

14,000 B.C. Toltec form Mayan civilization

9,564 B.C. Poseidonis sinks. Flood in Mediterranean

See Zodiacal Cosmogenesis for further information on Atlantis. Further information is

given in the companion volume Aquarian Mythology.

Racial Evolution and Esoteric Psychology


Seventh Spiritual Sun Leo Will
Sixth Intuitive Mercury Virgo Love-Wisdom
Fifth Aryan Venus Libra Creative Intelligence
Fourth Atlantean Earth Earth Analytic Mind
Third Lemurian Mars Scorpio Emotions
Second Hyperborean Jupiter Sagittarius Sensations
First Polarian Saturn Capricorn Physical

The signs from Leo to Capricorn represent the interaction of the Higher Self with the
Lower. They are in perfect accord with the symbol of the Asuras as a five-pointed
Star. This relates to the five planes.

Atma Spiritual Akasha Smell Polarian

Buddhi Intuitional Air Hearing Hyperborean

Manas Mental Fire Sight Lemurian

Kama Emotional Water Taste Atlantean

Sthula Physical Earth Touch Aryan

There are Four Noble Truths and Four Vedas in India. The four Gospels are the
teachings for the Four Root Races. The five Kings of Edom and the "five loaves of
bread" are the Five Root Races. The "'two fishes" are the two Root Races to come.
Five senses have been developed. The two still to be developed are clairvoyance and
clairaudience. Man who was separated in the Third Lemurian Root Race into male
and female will become androgyne in the Sixth Root Race. Plato refers to the "circular
man" who was and is to come.

The Silent Watchers

The Silent Watchers are the rulers of the Seven Rays through the Seven Sacred
Planets. The Watchers, or guardians of mankind reigned on Earth until the Third
Lemurian Root Race. Then came the Patriarchs, Heroes and Manes who represent
perfected men. The Watchers are Rectors, Lords of Being, the even Sublime Lords,
Lhas, Dhyanis, Manus and Dhyani-Buddhas.


Adi-Buddh Chain Adi

Dhyani-Buddha Round Anupadaka

Dhyani-Bodhisattva Globe Atma

Race Buddhi

Manu-Buddha Sub-Race Manas

Each Round Manu emanates his chhaya (mind-born son) a Dhyani Bodhisattva, who
in turn emanates seven Manus for each Root Race and, seven Manus for each Sub-
Race - making 49 Manus plus their Source. (49 + 1 = 50)

In each Round there are seven Root Manus and seven Seed Manus therefore:


7 x7 + 1 = 50 7 x 7 + 1 = 50 => 50 + 50 + 100

The Hebrew letter HE (5) is a womb. There are two wombs (macrocosmic upper
hemisphere and microcosmic lower hemisphere of man). The Gates are Cancer and

So 5 + 5 = 10 or .

Ten is the key to the Pythagorean Decads and the Kabalistic Tree of Life.

The Barhishads and the Manus

Those Barhishads who individualized on the Fourth Round of the Moon have attained
Adeptship. Amongst them are:

Sixth Root Race

Leader of the
Morya "Mars" 1


Koot Humi "Mercury" World Teacher 2


Lord of the Forces 3

The Chakshusha Manu is an Adept from Venus who was the Manu of the Fourth
Atlantean Root Race. Vaivasvata Manu leads the Fifth (Present) Root Race. The
Bodhisattva is the direct representative of the Lord Buddha on Earth. The
Mahachohan controls the Third Ray and through it the four lower Rays emanating
through the Seven Sacred Planets.

The Barhishad Pitris as Lords of the Moon work under the direction of the Root Manu
of the Earth Chain. The Root Manu evolves as follows:

1 Man

2 Lord (Barhishad)

3 Pratyeka Buddha
4 Lord of the World

5 Root Manu

6 Seed Manu of Round

7 Root Manu of Chain (Earth Chain - Vaivasvata)

Seed Manu of Chain (Moon Chain - Chakshushas)

The Buddha and the Bodhisattva

Lord Buddha is the Teacher of angels and of men. He is in charge of the Second Ray
of Love-Wisdom and his assistant and Bodhisattva is the World Teacher on the lower
(rupa or form) planes.


4th Chain of
Moon Globe F Dipankara

Earth Kashyapa

Lemurian 3 Kashyapa Gautama

Atlantean 4 Guatama Maitreya

Aryan 5 Maitreya Koot Humi

Sixth 6

The Bodhisattva of one Root Race becomes the Buddha of the following Root Race.

The Buddha as a World Teacher

1st Sub-Race


2nd Sub-Race


3rd Sub-Race

4th Sub-Race
Music & Sound (Orphic)
5th Sub-Race Love-Wisdom


Kashyapa Buddha ruled the Third Lemurian Root Race, Gautama ruled the Fourth
Atlantean Foot Race, and the Lord Maitreya is in charge of the Fifth or present Race.
Bodhisattvas of 5th Sub-Race

Krishna India
Jesus Palestine
Apollonius Egypt

GO to Part VII or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents


The Spiritual Sun

The Seven Sacred Planets

The Seven Gods as Teachers of Men

The Teachers of Cyclic Laws


The Two Kabiri and the Earth's Poles

The Poles

The Ladder of the Gods

The Sidereal Year

Measurement of the Polar Movement

The Inversion of the Poles

The Three Virgins

The Root Races and the Seven Rays

The Planetary Teachers of the Lemurians

The Races and the Sexes

Atlantis and the Kali Yug

Venus, Ruler of Taurus and Libra

Venus and the Root Races

The Fall Into Generation

Jupiter, Moon, Venus and Earth

The Marriage of Tara

Mercury as Buddha


The history of civilization on this Earth will never be fully understood without a
knowledge of the early Root Races such as the Lemurians and Atlanteans. We are
destined, through the Akashic Records, which are imperishable, to obtain full recall of
any past historical event. The Akasha is a supersensible essence which pervades
Space. It is the origin of the four Great Elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water. All
objects contain Akasha therefore an ancient artifact can provide an account of the life
history of its creation, creator and the race who lived when it was made, through the
process of psychometry which means "Soul-measuring". This requires the faculty of
clairvoyance which uses the mechanism of the ajna chakram or "third eye" in the

The Sun and the planets are spiritual relay stations for cosmic energies administered
by the Angelic Hierarchies. These energies are related to the Seven Rays and are
distributed according to the planetary and zodiacal cycles.
The history of the great Root Races is linked to the precessional cycle. (See
Precessional Cycle and Aquarius.) See also Atlantis and Fourth Atlantean Root Race
for information on Atlantis. The companion volume, Aquarian Mythology, gives
further proofs of Atlantis.

The Spiritual Sun

(S.D. = Secret Doctrine by H.P. Blavatsky)

"The 'Central Sun' of the Occultists even science is obliged to accept astronomically,
for it cannot deny the presence in sidereal space of a central body in the Milky Way, a
point unseen and mysterious, the ever hidden centre of attraction of our Sun and
System ... The 'Central Sun' is simply the centre of Universal Life-Electricity." (S.D.
(1928) II 250 f.)

"The Sun gives life to the Planets. The spiritual sun gives life to the whole Kosmos."
(S. D. (1928) II 26)

The Sun is "the chief, esoterically, of the twelve Great Gods or zodiacal
constellations; and esoterically the Messiah, the Christos," also "subordinate ... to each
of the seven Mystery-Gods of the Planets." (S.D. (1928) II 26)

"The Spirit-Guardian of our Globe ... is subordinate to the chief Spirit (or God) of the
Seven Planetary Genii or Spirits." (S.D. (1928) II 25)

"Every Race in its evolution is said to be born under the direct influence of one of the
Planets - the First Race by the Sun" (S.D. (1928) II 27)
The Seven Sacred Planets

"The seven Rishis are the Regents of the seven stars of the Great Bear and therefore of
the same nature as the Angels of the Planets or the seven Great Planetary Spirits."
(S.D. (1928) II 332 f.)

"Clement of Alexandria says that according to Mosaic doctrine the seven Planets help
in the generation of terrestrial things. The two Cherubs standing on the two sides of
the sacred Tetragrammaton represent Ursa Major and Ursa Minor." (S.D. (1928) II

"Occultism divides the 'Creators' into Twelve Classes; of which four have reached
liberation to the end of the 'Great Age', the fifth is ready to reach it, but still remains
active on the intellectual planes, while seven are still under direct Karmic Law. These
last act on the man-bearing Globes of our Chain." (S.D. (1928) II 81)

"... the whole of Antiquity believed with good reason, that humanity and its races are
intimately connected with the Planets, and these with the zodiacal signs. The whole
world's history is recorded in the latter." (S.D. (1928) II 449)

The Seven Gods as Teachers of Men

"It is indeed, from the spheres of the stars wherein dwell the gods of light, that
wisdom descends to the inferior spheres … all things without exception, Gods, Genii,
Souls (Manes), the whole world, are conjointly developed in space and duration. The
pyramid may be considered the symbol of this magnificent hierarchy of spirits." (S.D.
(1928) III 366)
The descent of spiritual teachers to instruct man prior to the Great Flood is
commented on by H. P. Blavatsky.

"During those thousand years (before the Deluge) the Reign of the Seven Gods who
rule the world took place. During that period those benefactors of humanity descended
on Earth and taught men to calculate the course of the sun and the moon by the twelve
signs of this Ecliptic." (S.D. (1928) II 385)

"When the Gods are said to forsake the Earth it means not only the Gods, the
Protectors and Instructors, but also the minor Gods - the Regents of the Zodiacal
Signs." (S.D. (1928) II 374)

The Teachers of Cyclic Laws

"Shesha (Ananta the infinite) is the great teacher of astronomy. Garga, the oldest
astronomer in India obtained his knowledge from Shesha." (S. D. (1928) II 52)

"Narada surpasses Garga's Guru in his knowledge of cyclic intricacies. He has charge
of our progress and national weal or woe. He brings on wars and puts an end to them."
(S.D. (1928) II 53)

"Narada is closely connected with the Occult Doctrines and the Secret Cycles and
Kalpas." (S.D. (1928) II 86)

"Narada is the Deva-Rishi of Occultism par excellence. The Occultist who does not
ponder, analyze and study "Narada from his seven esoteric facets will never be able to
fathom certain anthropological, chronological and even cosmic mysteries.
"Narada persuades the 10,000 sons of Daksha to remain holy Ascetics and eschew
marriage. For this Daksha curses Narada to be reborn as a man and to take up his
abode in the womb. (S.D. (1928) II 86


"Pesh-Hun is the mysterious guiding intelligent power which gives the impulse to, and
regulates the impetus of Cycles, Kalpas and universal events." (S.D. (1928) II 52)

"Pesh-Hun is credited with having calculated and recorded all the astronomical and
cosmic cycles to come. Asuramaya is said to have based all of his astronomical works
upon those records. The chronology and computations of the Brahmin Initiates are
based upon the zodiacal records of India, and the works of the above mentioned
Astronomer and Magician - Asuramaya. The Atlantean zodiacal records cannot err, as
they were compiled under the guidance of those who first taught Astronomy, among
other thing, to mankind." (S.D. (1928) II 153)

"The Egyptian zodiacs preserve irrefutable proofs of records embracing more than
three-and-a-half Sidereal Years - or about 87,000 years - the Hindu calculations cover
nearly thirty-three such years, or 850,000 years. (S.D. (1928) II 347)

The Two Kabiri and the Earth's Poles

"There are only two Kabiri. These were exoterically, the two Dioscuri, Castor and
Pollux, and esoterically, Jupiter and Bacchus. These two personified the terrestrial
poles, geodesically; the terrestrial pole and the pole of the heavens, astronomically;
and also the physical and the spiritual man. (S.D. (1971) III 362)
"The two figures in white and black stone are the two Kabiri personifying the opposite
poles." (S.D. (1928) II 376)

"The Kabirim are a measure of the heavens ... The two poles would thus become the
generators of other powers of nature - they could be the Parents of the other powers,
therefore the most powerful Gods." (S.D. (1928) II 378 f.)

"The Titan-Kabirim were the Generators and Regulators of the Seasons, and
cosmically, the great Volcanic Energies ... the beneficent Entities who, symbolized in
Prometheus brought light to the world, and endowed Humanity with intellect and
reason." (S.D. (1928) II 319)

The Poles

"The North Pole represents the region of Atma, of pure Soul and Spirituality." (S.D.
(1928) II 421)

"Every beneficent (astral and cosmic) action comes from the North; every lethal
action from the South Pole." (S. D. (1928) II 418)
"The Lemurians gravitated toward the North Pole ... the Atlanteans toward the South
Pole, the Pit, cosmically and terrestrially." (S.D. (1928) II 339)

"Meru and Patala refer to the 'two poles'." (S.D. (1928) II 373)

"As Meru is the high abode of the Gods these were said to ascend and descend
periodically, by which (astronomically) the Zodiacal Gods were meant, the passing of
the original north pole of the Earth to the south pole of the Heaven." (S.D. (1928) II

"When the Wheel runs at the usual rate, its extremities (the poles) agree with its
middle Circle (the equator), when it runs slower and tilts in every direction, there is a
great disturbance on the face of the Earth." (S.D. (1928) II 339)

The Ladder of the Gods

With the shifting of the Poles to the Equator "the ecliptic would be parallel with the
meridian, and part of the Zodiac would descend from the north pole to the north
horizon; crossing the eight coils of the serpent (eight sidereal years, or over 200,000
solar years), which would seem like an imaginary ladder with the eight staves
reaching from the earth up to the pole, i.e., the throne of Jove. Up the ladder, then, the
Gods, i.e. the Signs of the Zodiac, ascended and descended. (Jacob's ladder and the
angels.) It is more than 400,000 years since the zodiac formed the sides of this
ladder." (S.D. (1928) II 373)

"The long narrow passage of the Great Pyramid was pointed to Alpha Draconis in
2,170 B.C. and in 3350 B.C. Since the Denderah Zodiac shows the passage of three
Sidereal Years, the Great Pyramid must have been built 78,000 years ago." (S.D.
(1928) II 451)
"The rise and fall of peoples and nations are connected with the Sidereal Year, which
is equal to 25,868 of our solar years." (S.D. (1928) II 345)

The Sidereal Year

Assuming the Sidereal Year to be 25,920 solar years in length this gives twelve
zodiacal periods each of 2,160 years. These periods arise because of the apparent
regression of the Sun through the Signs of the zodiac. It is now in Pisces
(approximately 6º) and approaching the first degree of the astrological sign of
Aquarius - so we have current references to the coming Age of Aquarius associated
with an understanding of cosmic energies (manifestations of Fohat through Aquarius)
and a knowledge of the etheric and astral planes and the corresponding superphysical
etheric and astral bodies which each person possesses.

The twelve ages related to the zodiacal signs have certain interesting correspondences
with the religious symbols of antiquity:


Gemini Monad The Twins (founders of Rome, Kabiri).
Taurus Bull Taurobolium (Roman) Nandi (Shiva).
Aries Ram Golden Fleece (lamb of God).
Pisces Fishes Christian (Greek ICHTUS - "fish").
(Iseus Christos Theos Soter:- Jesu Christ son of the Father.)
Aquarius Man with the Waterpot (21st century cosmic scientific religion.)

Measurement of the Polar Movement

"Every Sidereal Year the tropics recede from the pole four degrees in each revolution
from the equinoctial points, as the equator turns through the Zodiacal constellations.
The present tropic is approximately 23½ degrees from the equator hence it still has 2½
degrees to run before the end of the Sidereal Year. This gives humanity in general a
reprieve of about 16,000 years." (S.D. (1928) II 345)

"The equinoctial point falls, back 50.1" annually. But there is another cycle within this
one. As the apsis goes forward to meet it at the rate of 11.24" annually, this would
complete a revolution in 115,302 years. The approximation of the equinox and the
apsis is the sum of these motions 61.34", and hence the equinox returns to the same
position in relation to the apsis in 21,128 years." (S.D. (1928) II 345 f.)

"Our Globe is subject to seven and entire changes which go pari passu with the
Races." (S.D. (1928) II 344)

"There have already been four such axial disturbances." (S.D. (1928) II 344)

The Inversion of the Poles

"The assertion of the Egyptian priests to Herodotus, that the terrestrial Pole and the
Pole of the Ecliptic had formerly coincided, has been corroborated by Mackey, who
states that the Poles are represented on the Zodiacs in both positions." (S.D. (1928) II

"The Denderah Zodiac with its mysterious three Virgos between Leo and Libra show
that the poles of the Earth and the Ecliptic had formerly coincided. That even since
their first zodiacal records were commenced, the Poles have been three times within
the plane of the Ecliptic." (S.D. (1971) III 367)

"In the Zodiac, as given by Denon we see three Virgins between the Lion and the
scales (S.D. (1928) II 452)
"The poles inverted, in consequence of the great inclination of the axis, which each
time resulted in the displacement of the oceans, the submersion of the polar lands, and
the consequent upheaval of new continents in the equatorial regions and vice versa.
These Kabirim were the 'Deluge' Gods." (S.D. (1928) 11 452)

The Three Virgins

The three Virgins, or Virgo in three different positions, meant the record of the first
three "Divine or Astronomical Dynasties", who taught the Third Root Race; and after
having abandoned the Atlanteans to their doom, returned, or redescended rather,
during the third sub-race of the Fifth, in order to reveal to saved humanity the
mysteries of their birth place - the Sidereal Heavens." (S.D. (1928) II 454)

The Root Races mentioned above are:


1. Polarian Capricorn Sensations

2. Hyperborean Sagittarius Prana

3. Lemurian Scorpio Emotions

4. Atlantean Moon Lower Mind

5. Aryan Libra Higher Mind

6. Sixth Virgo Intuition

7. Seventh Leo Will

"We are in (the fifth sub-race of) the Fifth Root Race of the Fourth Round. Each Root
Race has seven sub-races; each sub-race has seven branch-races."

(S.D. (1928) II 452)

"Our Fifth Root Race has already been in existence about 1,000,000 years." (S.D.
(1928) II 453)

The Root Races and the Seven Rays

"Like each of the Seven Regions of the Earth, each of the seven first born (the
primordial human groups) receives its light and life from its own especial Dhyani -
spiritually, and from the Palace (House or Planet) of that Dhyani - physically; so with
the seven great Races to be born on it.

• The First is born under the Sun.

• The Second under Brihaspati (Jupiter).
• The Third under Lohitanga (Mars) and Shukra (Venus).
• The Fourth under Soma (Moon) and Shani (Saturn).
• The Fifth under Budha (Mercury).

So also with man and every 'man' (every principle) in man. Each gets its own specific
quality from its Primary (the Planetary Spirit) therefore every man is a septenate ...
Every active power or force of the Earth comes to her from one of the seven Lords."
(S. D. (1971) III 42)

"Svayambhuva, or Self-born, is the name of every Cosmic Monad which becomes the
Centre of Force, from within which emerges a Planetary Chain. The Manu
Svayambhuva becoming, as a Host the Creator of his own Humanity." (S.D. (1928 II

The Planetary Teachers of the Lemurians

"They are the Lares, the Conductors and Leaders of men. As Aletae, they were the
seven Planets - astronomically; and as Lares, the Regents of these Planets, our
Protectors and Rulers - mystically. For purposes of exoteric or phallic worship, and
also cosmically, they were the Kabiri." (S.D. (1928) II 377)

"The Sabaeans who worshipped the 'Regents of the Seven Planets' just as the Hindu
worship their Rishis, held Seth and his son Hermes (Enoch or Enos) as the highest
among the Planetary Gods." (S.D. (1928) II 377)

"Seth is the founder of Sabaism, and the pyramids which embody the planetary
system are regarded as the place of sepulchre of both Seth and Hermes (Enoch or
Hermes is a generic name for all the early "Seers"). Each pyramid was consecrated to
a Star Regent." (S.D. (1928) II 378)

"Seth is the 'Progenitor' of those early men of the Third Race, in whom the Planetary
Angels had incarnated." (S.D. (1928) II 377-8)

The Races and the Sexes

"The First Race was sexless. This was the race of Adam. The Second Race was Adam-
Eve or Jod-Heva, inactive androgynes. The Third Race, separating hermaphrodites,
were Cain and Abel. The Fourth was Seth-Enos." (S.D. (1928) II 142)

"Compare the evolution of the Races, the First and the Second which are of the nature
of Atma-Buddhi, of which they are the passive spiritual progeny, while the Third Root
Race shows three distinct divisions or aspects physiologically and psychically - the
earliest sinless, the middle portions awakening to intelligence, and the third and last
decidedly animal, i.e. Manas succumbs to the temptations of Kama." (S.D. (1928) 256
"Jehovah can be divided into Yod (Male) and Heh-Vau-Heh or Eve (Female)
signifying the division of the sexes during the Third Root Race." (S.D. (1928) II 136)

"The pure Virgo is separated and falling into generation or the downward cycle,
becomes Scorpio, emblem of sin and matter. The Terrestrial Races are led on by
Enoch (Hermes) or Libra. Scorpio is the astrological sign of the organs of
reproduction." (S.D. (1928) II 137)

Atlantis and the Kali Yug or Black Age

After the division of the sexes in the Third Lemurian Root Race there came the Fourth
Atlantean Root Race. Because of the misuse of their spiritual powers it became
necessary to destroy most of the Race by a volcanic cataclysm.

"The 'Aryan-Asiatics' witnessed the doom of the last populations of the Giant
Atlanteans (the Ruta and Daitya Island-Continents)." The first cataclysms were some
850,000 years ago. (S.D. (1928) II 452)

"The fourth sub-race witnessed the destruction of the last remnant of the Atlanteans
some 11,000 years ago." (S.D. (1928) II 452)

During and after this period came the development of the present Fifth Root Race,
which entered its "dark age" (Kali Yug) 5,000 years ago.

"The cycle of the Kali Yuga is said to have begun between the 17th and 18th of
February in the year 3102 B.C." (S.D. (1928) II 454)
"The lunar eclipse arriving just a fortnight after the beginning of the Black Age - took
place in a point situated between the Wheat Ear of Virgo and the star of that
constellation. One of the Hindus' most esoteric cycles is based upon certain
conjunctions and respective positions of Virgo and the Pleiades (Krittika)." (S. D.
(1928) II 454 )

Venus: Ruler of Taurus and Libra

"Venus is the most occult, powerful, and mysterious of all the planets; the one whose
influence upon, and relations to, the Earth is most prominent." (S. D. (1971) III 42)

"Venus is represented by a Globe paired over a Cross and the Earth as a Globe under a
Crow. The esoteric meaning of this is the Earth fallen into generation." (S. D. (1971)
III 42)

"Light (for the Earth) comes through Shukra (Venus) who receives a triple supply and
gives one-third of it to the Earth. Therefore the two are called 'Twin-sisters' but the
Spirit of the Earth is subservient to the 'Lord' of Shukra." (S.D. (1971) III 42)

"Pythagorus calls Shukra-Venus the Sol alter, the 'other Sun.' According to the Occult
Doctrine, this planet is our Earth's primary, and its spiritual prototype.

"Every sin committed on Earth is felt by Venus-Shukra. Every change on Venus is felt
on, and reflected by Earth." (S.D. (1971) III 44)

In esoteric astrology Venus represents the Higher Mind of the Individuality. Since
man's actions, emotions and thoughts are registered completely on the Akashic
Records through the bridge of consciousness linking man's earth brain with the Higher
Mind ruled by Venus through Libra - Venus is the receptive 'elder sister' of the earth's

Venus and the Root Races

"It is through Venus that the hermaphrodites of the Third Root Race descended from
the first 'sweat born'." (This refers to the means of reproduction of the earlier races by
extrusion of part of the original body.) (S.D. (1971) III 43)

The Third Root Race (Lemurians) were separating hermaphrodites. The upper part of
the circle represents Spirit and the lower part Matter. Therefore in the Lemurian Race
the fall into Matter (physical bodies or 'coats of skin') took place. The division of the
lower hemisphere into two parts represents the division of the hermaphrodite into
male and female bodies - the completed process being achieved in the fourth
Atlantean Root Race (there being an overlapping of the time periods of these Races on

"The diameter when found isolated in a circle stands for female Nature; for the first
ideal World, self-generated and self-impregnated by the universally diffused Spirit of
Life - thus also referring to the primitive Root Race. This Race became androgynous
and the symbol became a circle with a diameter from which runs a vertical line,
expressive of male and female, not separated as yet - the first and earliest Egyptian
Tau after which it became ( ? ed. this is the symbol for the Earth - vertical line =
male; horizontal line = female), or male female separated and fallen into generation."
(S.D. (1971) 111 43)

The Fall into Generation

"The Egyptians symbolized Ankh, 'life' by the ansated cross, or , which is only

another form of Venus (Isis) , and meant, esoterically, that mankind and all
animal life had stepped out of the divine spiritual circle and had fallen into physical
male and female generation." (S. D. (1971) III 43)

From the Spiritual Sun (Atma) we follow the sequence of planets to Mercury (Buddhi
or Intuition) then to Venus (the Higher Mind or Creating Intelligence). These three
innermost planets are focal points for the energies of the Godhead embodied in the,
Higher Self as:

The Divine Circle is the spiritual field of the Higher Self from which the soul
incarnates in the Lower Self or Personality. At death the Soul and its experiences once
more traverse the bridge and enter into the higher spiritual consciousness of the

Jupiter, Moon, Venus and Earth

"Venus adopted the Earth, the progeny of the Moon. The Regent of Venus incarnated
as Ushanas and gave Earth perfect laws. Every world has its parent Star and sister
Planet. This Earth is the adopted child and younger brother of Venus." (S.D. (1928) II

The laws are those of "Nature" or the cosmos such as those governing Reincarnation
and Karma. They are given to man directly by the Lords of the Flame from Venus
when they also gave man a mind.

"Venus is the bosom friend of the Moon and the enemy of Jupiter. Jupiter stands for
ritualistic worship. (The Seventh Ray of Ordered Service and Ritual is related to the
astrological sign of Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter and governing the ninth house of the
horoscope related to philosophy and religion.) Jupiter's wife, Tara, symbolizes the
worshipper who prefers esoteric truths to ritual. Therefore Tara is stolen by the Moon
(representing the mystical and occult nature of man and the Universe). The Moon is
called Soma, which is a sacred juice giving mystic visions and trance revelations. The
union of Soma and Tara is Budha (Wisdom) Mercury, Hermes, etc." (S.D. (1928) II 49

The Marriage of Tara

Jupiter represents the ritualistic form of religion which is followed blindly by the mass
of humanity without question. Religion means the linking of the consciousness of the
Personality through the Higher Self (Individuality) to the Monad who is our Father in
Heaven. This linking can best be achieved through meditation. To understand the need
for meditation we must acquire a knowledge of occult anatomy and the mechanisms
whereby spiritual energies flow through our superphysical and physical bodies. We
must also know the timing of the cycles which govern the release of such energies.

Tara represents esoteric knowledge of the various occult groups.

The Moon in Pisces is resented by Neptune which is the mystical and intuitional
higher octave of Venus which in turn is exalted in Pisces. The Intuitional Plane
(Buddhi) is directly related to the Astral Plane (Moon/ Water/ fluidic emotions)
because these are Life Planes as distinct from the Form Planes of Atma, Manas and
the physical.

The lunar consciousness of the Personality when married to Mercury (ruler of Buddhi
- intuition means the direct revelation of spiritual truth as an interior experience
through the antahkarana or bridge of consciousness to the Higher Self.

Mercury as Budha

"The 'Lord of Wisdom' is Mercury or Budha." ( S.D. (1928) II 131)

"Mercury as an astrological Planet is still more occult and mysterious than Venus. He
is the leader and evocator of Souls, the great Magician and Hierophant." (S.D. (1971)
III 41)

"Mercury in his psychopompic character, conducting and guiding the souls of the dead
to Hades with his Caduceus, and even raising them to life with it, is a simple and very
transparent allegory ... displaying the power of calling to life that which is dead - a
very deep metaphor." (S.D. (1928) II 381)

It is, of course, the Personality, in most human beings which is dead to the reality of
the spiritual life. "Mercury is always credited with having transferred all the sciences
from latent to active potency, i.e., with having been the first to teach magic to Egypt
and to Greece." (S.D. (1928) II 383)
"Says the Egyptian Isis, 'I am she who rises in the constellation of the Dog'. Sirius was
called the Dog-Star. It was the star of Mercury, or Budha, called the great Instructor of
Mankind." (S.D. (1928) II 391)

GO to Part VIIIa or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents


(a) The Cosmic Quadrant


Outline of Zodiacal Cosmogenesis

Serapis as Aeon. Cronos and Scythe

The Great Breath, Motion and Duration

The Cycle of Time. The Persian Zurvan

The Hindu Concept of the Wheel

Hermes, Karma and the Wheel

The Emanation of the Three Logoi

The Rock-Tomb of Capricorn. Initiation

Saturn-Chronos. The Ruler of the Cycles

Capricorn-Makara Ruled by Saturn

Saturn, Samael and Mikael

Saturn the Creator and Uranus the Transformer

From Capricorn to Pisces

The Great Elements and Akasha

The Emanation of Fohat (A)

The Emanation of Fohat (B)


The four triads of the zodiacal mandala are set out in the following section. They are
related to the manifested planes, the principles in the individual and the Seven Rays.

The Great Breath, Motion and Duration are linked with the cosmic processes in
Capricorn, Aquarius and Pisces. Pradhana is the original Substance before the division
into Father-Mother or Spirit-Matter occurs. Duration is Time before a cycle of
emanation commences from Capricorn. It becomes Time when the cycle (yuga)
commences for a finite period. Motion is represented by the serpent-energies of Fohat
in Aquarius or Space. The Great Breath is latent in Capricorn and manifest when
expressed as the Verbum in Taurus. The control of the cosmic energies is the
responsibility of the Demiurge (Elohim) in Aries. He collectively represents the
plurality of the Angelic Hierarchies in Aries. They are the Elohim. He is the Creator-
God as distinct from the Hidden-God in Capricorn.

The Three Logoi as the Trinity refer to birth or emanation which commences from the
Rock-Tomb of Capricorn at the Winter Solstice. This is the birth of Light from
Darkness. Cronos as Saturn, the ruler of Capricorn, is Visvakarman (Saturn the
Creator) the original Source and ruler of Karma.
Outline of Zodiacal Cosmogenesis


Source - - - -

Capricorn Saturn Source Darkness 4


Cosmic Triad (Godhead as Trinity)

Aquarius Uranus Light Space 1

Pisces Jupiter Ocean Virgin 7

Aries Mars Adi I Demiurge 6

(Father-in- Heaven)

Taurus Venus Adi II 3

Gemini Mercury Adupadaka Parentless 2

Cancer Moon Atma I 5


Higher Self (Solar Triad)

Leo Sun Atma II Will 1

Virgo Mercury Buddhi Wisdom 2

Libra Venus Manas I Intelligence 3

(Bridge) Earth Manas II (Bridge) 4

LOWER SELF (Lunar Triad) (Moon) 5

Scorpio Mars Kama Emotions 6

Sagittarius Jupiter Prana 7

Capricorn Saturn Sthula Physical -

Serapis as Aeon. Chronos and Scythe

The Circle represents Time and Space. It is split into the Light half or macrocosm
represented by Ormazd and the Dark half or microcosm depicted by Ahriman. The
ruler of the Circle is Saturn-Chronos, also known as Serapis (ruler of death. and the
mortuary or as Aeon, the ruler of the Ages or Cycles).

The Astrological Sequence from Capricorn

Time is Saturn in Capricorn,

Space is Uranus in Aquarius

Sophia is Venus exalted in Pisces.

Ildabaoth is the Demiurge in Aries.

There are four quarters in the Cosmic Mandala (see Part IV The Aquarian Mandala)
which relate to:

Gods Cosmic Triad Serapis Chronos-Capricorn

Angels Monadic Triad Wolf Sun in Aries (Monad)
Men Solar Triad Lion Leo (Higher Self)
Demons Lunar Triad Dog Scorpio (Lower Self)
The Trinity or the Three Logoi give birth to the Monad (Angel) which reflects through
the Higher Self to the Lower Self. The dog relates to Thoth-Hermes, or the mind of
man. This manifestation follows exactly the progression of the signs of the zodiac
from Capricorn through Aries. Therefore, Heimarmene or Destiny (the Lords of
Karma, the Lipika) does rule the process of manifestation.

The Great Breath, Motion and Duration

The Great Breath forever is until manifestation commences in Capricorn. It is

Duration as a Circle and Time when a Point of commencement for the new cycle is
described on the Circumference.

Motion is the action of Cosmic Electricity, the Cosmic Rays of Space, throughout the
Sphere of manifestation of the Universe to be.

Great Breath Law Pradhana Capricorn

Motion Force Fohat Aquarius

Duration Substance Mulaprakriti Pisces

Pradhana is neither Spirit nor Matter but the homogenous Substance of Space before
differentiation into polarities commences. It is Tao before Yang and Yin arise.

The Substance is that which endures or has Duration. From this Substance, known as
mulaprakriti (root matter) in the Cosmic Ocean of Pisces, emanation proceeds into
Aries, the first point of manifestation under the hierarchies of Jehovah, the Demiurges
or Creative Architect as Mahat or Cosmic Intelligence. The angelic hierarchies
supervise the descent of the energies throughout the manifested planes. They are
therefore described as Builders.

The Cycle of Time : The Persian Zurvan

Cronos-Saturn as Zurvan rules Time or Duration as akarana or infinite Time,
represented by the Circle without division. Daregho-chvadhata is finite Time or the
unfolded circle. The serpent has ceased to bite its tail and now descends the Tree of
Aries, each coil representing a cycle or serpent-coil on the caduceus wand of Mercury.

Commenting on the teachings of Zurvan or Saturn:

(a) The "eye Time has sown ups" is the "third eye" or ajna chakram in the forehead
active in the Lemurian Root Race.

(b) "Pain comes upon his heart" refers to Leo ruling the heart or Atma-Spirit of the
Higher Self. It is "pained" because the Soul must descend into the Lower Self.

(c) The "hand or foot broken" refers to the fall of the microcosmic pentad into

(d) The "stars came upon him" - these are the Star-Monads in Aries who must descend
according to cyclic law.

(e) "Fate came upon him". This fate or karma is the Law of Saturn-Zurvan which
governs cyclic emanations.

(f) "He goes not out another time." The cycle ends when the Monad becomes One
with the Father by being perfected. So the Circle of manifested Time ends and
Duration once more reigns.

The Hindu Concept of the Wheel

The role of Shiva-Rudra is that of the Creator and Destroyer of the Universe. Rudra
turns the Brahma-wheel of the zodiac for he is kalakara, the creator of Time. The year
or cycle is Prajapati in which Brahman manifests for the duration of the cycle. Shiva
is the Creator-Lingam of the Universe and as Kala-Rudra he is all-devouring Time. As
Nataraja he is the dancing cosmic power of Fohat in Aquarius. His Shakti or female
energy is Kali.
Varuna is Space or Aquarius ruled by Uranus the Sky-Father. He is the guardian of
Rota, the fundamental law of the Wheel of the Zodiac (Rota) connected with the Tarot
and Hathor as Venus in Pisces. The Soul on the Wheel evolves to perfection through
repeated incarnations. Space (Aquarius) is Topon and Time or Chronon ruled by
Chronos as Saturn from Capricorn. From these come:

GOOD (Theon Agathon) Agathodaemon Ohrmazd

BAD (Daimona Kakon) Kakodaemon Ahriman

The good is the macrocosmic hemisphere or heaven.

The bad is the microcosmic hemisphere of man composed of the Higher Self and
Lower Self in manifestation. The Cinvat Bridge of the sign Cancer created by
Ohrmazd is one of the links between the hemispheres. Capricorn is the other.

Hermes, Karma and the Wheel

The Poimandres of Hermes-Trismegistus used the following terms:

Nous (Saturn in Capricorn).

Phos (Light in Aquarius).

Zoe (Life in Pisces the Cosmic Ocean).

Anthropos (the Demiurge - Jehovah in Aries).

Seven Governors (the Seven Rays in Aries).

Anthropos, as Adam Kadmon or the Monad, must descend through the Seven Planes
to the physical (Phusis or Earth). He is subject to Destiny (Heimarmene) which is the
Law of Karma administered by Saturn-Kronos. He frees himself from the Wheel of
Destiny by Gnosis because he knows who he is, where he came from and where he is
going. He unites himself with God, just as the Lower Self unites first with the Higher
Self and then with the Monad.

The Demiurgos of the Gnostics is Jehovah, the Great Architect of the Universe.
Sophia is the fallen Soul and the Saviour (Soter) is Christ, the Higher Self in man.

The only evil that exists is spiritual darkness - the state of the Soul in the physical
body. Lacking Gnosis the Soul commits is wrong actions which are evil if against
God's laws. God is the Monad which is Man. The fallen man can and does commit
evil because he lacks Gnosis. Ultimately he will become a Gnostic and will go out
(into incarnation) and "sin no more".

The Emanation of the Three Logoi


Saturn Shiva Capricorn

Uranus Subramaniam Aquarius

Neptune Parvati-Vishnu Pisces

Mars Brahma Aries

Venus Saraswati Taurus

Mercury Ganesha Gemini

The Three Logoi

1. Father Shiva-Saturn Will

2. Son Vishnu-Christ Love-Wisdom

3. Holy Ghost Brahma-Mahat Creative Intelligence

The First Logos is present in the Unmanifested Potential of the Father-Mother. (Shiva-

The Second Logos is the abstract collectivity of the Builders or Spiritual Hierarchies.
The Virgin Mary rules the Great Sea of Consciousness and is therefore the "Star of the
Sea." (Vishnu rests on the ocean of Mulaprakriti or fluid matter.)

The Third Logos represents the ultimate differentiation of the Second Logos where
there is an individualization of the cosmic forces as Monads. (The Holy Ghost or
Brahma as Fire/Ares/Mars or Mahat - the Cosmic Intelligence of the hierarchies.)

The Rock-Tomb of Capricorn. Initiation

The rock tomb of Christ is connected with the death of the Sun in Capricorn from the
22nd to the 25th of December, the Roman festival of Saturnalia (Saturn ruling
Capricorn) and the spiritual rituals connected with the Winter Solstice. These three
days are the three days in the tomb before the resurrection of Christ. They also relate
to the three days spent by Jonah in the whale - connected with initiatory rites where
the candidate was placed in a coffin (the so-called "corn-bin" in the Great Pyramid)
and taken out of his body by the use of the thyrsus. This is a rod of power with a
symbol similar to a pine cone at the top by which the hierophant could raise the
kundalini of the neophyte from the base of the spine to the head centres. This
awakened the spiritual vision of the candidate for a brief period, during which he
could be taken out of the physical body for visible spiritual training and testing on the
astral and mental planes. This is why the Egyptian Book of the Dead is more
correctly called The Book of the Coming Into Light. All initiations signify the
greater illumination of the mind brought about by the raising of consciousness in
specific terms of vibrational frequencies.

Saturn-Chronos. The Ruler of the Cycles

"Saturn is in reality the highest divine Spirit - occult Wisdom on Earth.' ( S.D. (1928)
II 394)

Saturn/Cronos is the ruler of the sign of Capricorn the commencement point of pre-
cosmic evolution. His connection with Wisdom (Pisces - the sea of cosmic
consciousness lies in his role of the emasculator of Uranus (ruling Aquarius whose
seeds (of the universe to be) then fall into the Waters of Space (Divine Wisdom)
which are represented by Pisces ruled by Jupiter or Zeus-Pitar, the father of the gods.
Wisdom is Mahat. In man this is Manas.

"The first and eldest of the gods in order of microcosmic (divine) evolution, Saturn
(astronomically) is the seventh and last in the order of macrocosmic evolution." (S.D.
(1928) II 245)

The sign of Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and it relates to the Earth or densest level of
manifestation. Therefore humanity evolving on the densest planet of the Earth Chain
is under the control of Saturn who controls the Lipika or Lords of Karma responsible
for man's evolution.

Microcosmically, man's physical body and skeletal structure are ruled by Saturn
astrologically. Weaknesses in the bodily organs are often related to the sign of the
zodiac in which Saturn is placed, especially if in the sixth or twelfth house of the
Capricorn-Makara Ruled by Saturn

Makara is the Indian name for the astrological sign of Capricorn, the Sea Goat. The
symbol is part goat and part fish. The goat climbs the mountain of spiritual planes
controlled at each plane by the initiatory tests of kar-ma under the hierarchies of the
Lipika or Lords of Karma. The fish descends as a seed into the waters of space to be
precipitated under one of the seven Rays into the seven manifested planes associated
with the seven Sacred Planets. The rings of the planet Saturn are related to the
sequential manifestations of the planes from the Godhead.

The kar in Makara refers to the creative powers of the Godhead, which are about to
emanate from Capricorn under the control of the Saturnian hierarchies.

"Jah-Hovah is the generic name of that Group or Hierarchy of Creative Planetary

Agents. He is one of the Planetary Elohim of the Regent Group of Saturn." (S.D.
(1928) II 134)

The previous quotations relate to the pre-cosmic cycle of the zodiac in the correct
order of the signs from Capricorn (Saturn) to Aquarius (Uranus) then to Pisces
(Neptune) which is also ruled by Jupiter, who is the "Father of the Gods" for the new
cycle of manifestation.

Saturn, Samael and Mikael

"Mikael being the regent of the planet Saturn is - Saturn. His mystery name is
Sabbathiel." (S.D. (1971) V 326)

"Indra is St. Michael …In the Kabalah Samael, who is Saturn, is identical with St.
Michael, the Slayer of the Dragon. Samael is the concealed (occult) Wisdom, and
Michael the higher terrestrial Wisdom. Both emanate from the same Sources which on
Earth is Mahat, intellectual understanding, or Manas, the seat of intellect. They
diverge because the one (Michael) is influenced by Neshamah, while the other Samael
remains uninfluenced." (S.D. (1928) II 395)

Mahat is the macrocosmic intelligence of the spiritual hierarchies manifesting from

Pisces into Aries as the Demiurge or Viovakarman. Manas is the microcosmic
reflection of consciousness in Man - synthetic and creative in the Higher Self, analytic
and often destructive in the Lower Self of the Personality, especially when wedded to
kama or desire. (Hence the reference to the wedding of Venus to Mars (ruler of
Scorpio the desire plane) instead of to Mercury, ruler of Virgo and the intuition.
(Hermes-Aphrodite is the state of man prior to his fall into generation during the latter
part of the Lemurian Root Race).

Neshamah is connected with the lower serpent or Kakodaemon of desire which binds
man to the physical plane. The Good Serpent (Agathodaemon) is kundalini which,
unleashed by the practice of meditation, unveils our spiritual vision.

Saturn the Creator and Uranus the Transformer

"Cronos comes from the root kar 'to make, to create.' Karma or rather Visvakarman,
the Creative God, the 'omnificent' and the great architect of the world." (S.D. (1928) II
281 f)

"As Uranus destroyed his children by Gaea (Adite, the Great Cosmic Deep ) by
confining them in the bosom of the Earth so Cronos at the second stage of creation
destroyed his children by Rhea - by devouring them." (S.D. (1928) II 281-2)

"Uranus personifies all the creative powers of, and in, Chaos-Space, or the
Unmanifested Deity. He is mutilated by his son Cronus (Chronos) Time, who unites
himself with Rhea (the Earth or Matter in general) and thus produces the celestial and
terrestrial Titans." (S.D. (1928) II 281)
"Uranus is made impotent by Cronus as Horus it by Set." (S.D. (1928) II 296)

"Then comes Zeus-Jupiter who dethrones Cronus (Jupiter belongs to the human
Atlantean cycle.)" (S.D. (1928) II 282)

"Jupiter made the generation of Bronze." (S. D. (1928) II 282)

"Uranus is a modified Varuna the 'universal encompasser'. Varuna becomes a kind of

Neptune riding on the 'Leviathan' Makara. Varuna, like Uranus fell into generation."
(S.D. (1928) II 281 f)

From Capricorn to Pisces

In esoteric astrology Capricorn (the sea goat) is ruled by Saturn and represents the
commencement point of the great cycle of manifestation. It is the goat Amalthea who
is the mother of Jupiter and who nurtures him. The Knight Templars were wrongly
accused of worshipping the goat. In reality they re recognised the transcendent
importance of the sign of the goat Capricorn/Makara representing the hill of spiritual
ascension and the transfer point from the physical to the superphysical planes, hence
the name the "Gate of Death" applied to Capricorn.

The sign directly opposite is Cancer connected with the womb and the birth of the
microcosm. The interactions between the microcosm and the macrocosm are directly
connected with the opposite signs of the zodiac.

First Logos Second Logos Third Logos

Saturn Uranus Neptune

Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

Parabrahman Fohat Akasha

Spirit Life Form

Parabrahman is that which lies above or beyond Brahman, the Creator.

Saturn/Chronos controls through the Lipika, or scribes connected with the Akashic
Records, the release of the karmic seeds for the new universe.

The Great Elements and Akasha

The zodiacal signs are related to the four great elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water.


Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer

Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio

Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

The chemical elements known to scientists are derived from the great elements and
ultimately from Akasha. These physical plane elements change with time therefore we
should not expect these elements to remain in the forms that we know today.

Akasha is the supersensible essence which is the source of the great elements of Earth,
Air, Fire and Water. All of our actions emotions and thoughts are recorded on the
Akashic Records which form the basis for the release of our future karma through the
mechanism of the planets and the zodiacal signs.

The Lipika (from the Sanskrit lip "to write") are the Assessors before whom the soul
appears for judgement in the "Egyptian Book of the Dead". They are the recorders of
karma and the determiners of the type of life the soul will have in its future
incarnations. The soul is wholly responsible far its actions and Divine Justice is
immutable in its outworkings. As we sow so also do we reap.

The Emanation of Fohat (A)

Daiviprakriti is the Light of the Logos in Aquarius. It manifests as the Son or Cosmic
Christ through the Great Sea of the Virgin Mother in Pisces. The cosmic serpent-like
energies of the Light are Fohat.

Fohat is the generic term used to describe the source of the forces we describe as heat,
light, magnetism, gravitation and electricity. It is related to the zodiacal sign of
Aquarius and the energies associated with Uranus. This explains the references to the
emasculation of the god Ouranos by Cronos and the falling of these seeds through
space (Aquarius being an air sign) into the "waters of space" (the great ocean, the
Virgin Mary, maré meaning sea). This sea of fluid matter (mulaprakriti) receives these
seeds and fosters their germination. This water sign of Pisces represents Christ
consciousness or cosmic consciousness.

Fohat runs along the seven principles of Akasha (the seven manifested planes of the
seven-skinned Egg) and acts on manifested Substance (in Aries) - the One Element -
and differentiates it into various centres of energy. It sets in motion the Law of Cosmic
Evolution in obedience to the Ideas of the Universal Mind (Mahat in Aries). It is
personified electric vital power, the transcendental binding unity of cosmic energies,
and the living symbol and container of force directed by Will.

The Emanation of Fohat (B)

Vishnu, from vish "to pervade", refers to Fohat who shapes the atoms from crude
material - the action of the Third Logos as Creative Mind.
Fohat is the synthesis of the seven rays (the seven-headed serpent Ananta over the
couch of Vishnu). These rays are related to the Dhyan Chohans - and come from the
Light of the three Logoi. It is the shakti or force of the Divine Mind - its reflection.

Above, it is the aggregate of all creative ideations. Below, it is the aggregate of all
electro-dynamic and creative forces. It is the Intelligence of the Seven Builders who
operate through the Seven Rays via the seven Sacred Planets. The Light of Fohat is
produced by the interaction of Father (Capricorn) and Mother (Pisces). The Light of
Aquarius is reflected as Atma in the opposite sign of Leo. Uranus, ruler of Aquarius, is
therefore the spiritual planet behind the Sun as ruler of Leo.

Wisdom, the expression of the manifested energies of Fohat on the manifested planes,
descends to Earth in a sinuous or serpent-like manner. Fohat "hisses like a snake" as
he descends through the seven-layered Egg of the Universe. The planets move in
spiral orbits because our solar system is being carried through Space as an entity.

"The path of the Sun to the tropics of Cancer and Capricorn, as well as the Circles of
the Sidereal and Tropical Year were also called 'Serpents'." (S.D. (1928) II 372)

GO to Part VIIIb or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents


(b) Aquarius, Pisces, Aries and Scorpio

The Waters of Space

Aquarian Energies and the Piscean Sea

The Moon, the Great Sea and the Flood

Vishnu, the Manu and the Fish

Jupiter the God, Ruler of Pisces

The Manu, the Fish Avatar and the Ark

The Manu and the Fish

The Emergence of the Sun God

The Sun and the Moon. Kabalistic Emanation

The Fool and His Dog

Mars, Ruler of Aries-Scorpio

Mars, Brahma, Jehovah and Adam

The Seven Planes. The Lokas and Talas

The Birth of Mercury as Wisdom/Buddhi

From Virgo to Scorpio (A)

From Virgo to Scorpio (B)

Asexual Reproduction

The Sexual Energies of Scorpio

All manifested things come from Mulaprakriti which is the Cosmic Ocean of Pisces
ruled by the Virgin Mother who is Venus exalted in Pisces. We are all born from the
Virgin Mother in Pisces. She is the Virgin Maré or Mary, the Great Sea (See The
Waters of Space)

Eros, her son, is Mars in Aries in the macrocosm or universe. In Scorpio Mars as Eros
represents sexual desire in the Lower Self of the microcosm (See Aquarian Energies
and the Piscean Sea).

The ark refers to the transfer of the life-wave from Pisces the Cosmic Ocean, into
manifestation on the Mount of Aries. See The Aquarian Bible for a fuller treatment.

Mahat is the projected Mind of God from the Cosmic Sea of Love-Wisdom in Pisces
into Aries. It is the collective consciousness of the Demiurge or Angelic Hierarchies
who control the processes of manifestation from the spiritual to the physical plane.
See Jupiter the God. The ruler of racial evolution is the Manu. Manas means "thought"
and Mahat is from the same root. Man is the thinker. Through the control of thought in
meditation we can reach the Godhead.

Jehovah is Brahma-Mars as the Demiurge in Aries. See Mars, Brahma... The seven
planes are described in Lokas and Talas. We descend through these planes into the
Lower Self in Scorpio. See Virgo to Scorpio.

The Waters of Space

Kronos (Capricorn) is married to Rhea (Pisces) the Earth Mother. It is Rhea who
substitutes a stone for the infant Jupiter - so Jupiter emerges as the Father of the Gods
(Zeus Pitar) instead of being eaten (the assimilation of the fruits of an earlier cycle) by
his father Kronos (ruler of the cycles or great ages). Jupiter rules Pisces. Pisces
follows Aquarius which is preceded by Capricorn, ruled by Saturn-Kronos.
Ouranos/Varuna (ruler of the sky or space) is Uranus.
"Gaia (Rhea, the Great Sea) in its higher aspect is Prakriti, Nature, metaphysically
Aditi, and even Mulaprakriti, the Root of Prakriti, or its noumenon." (S.D. (1928) II

"All things, Gods included, owe their being to the Ocean and his wife Tethys, the
latter being Gaea, the Earth or Nature. Tethys is not the Earth, but Primordial Matter
in the process of formation. It is no longer Aditi-Gaea who begets Ouranos or Varuna,
but Prakriti, materialised and localized.

"Ocean (Okeanos or Pisces) is ruled by Neptune (Poseidon). Ocean is the

immeasurable Space - Spirit in Chaos - which is the Deity. From the 'Waters of Space'
the progeny of the male Spirit-Fire and the female (gaseous) Water has become the
oceanic expanse on Earth. Varuna is dragged down from the infinite Space, to reign as
Neptune over the finite Seas." (S.D. (1928) II 68)

Aquarian Energies and the Piscean Sea

"Water is the symbol of the Female Element everywhere; Water from which comes the
letter W is derived pictorially from [ being the symbol of the astrological
sign of Aquarius] a water hieroglyph." (S.D. (1928) II 68) [paradoxically Aquarius is
an Air sign in the astrological zodiac. ed.]

The symbol, pictorially, of Aquarius is the man with the water pot. Note that Christ
meets his disciples in the upper chamber where they flee a man with a water pot.
(Mark 14.13)

"Venus, the great Mother-Virgin issues forth from the sea-wave. Cupid, or Eros, is her
son; the Divine Will or Desire manifesting itself through visible creation. Thence
Fohat, the prototype of Eros, becomes on Earth the Great Power 'Life-Electricity' or
the Spirit of 'Life-giving'." (S.D. (1928) II 69)

"Poseidon is a 'Dragon' called by the profane 'Neptune' [ruler of Pisces], the 'Good and
Perfect Serpent, the Messiah of the Naaseni [Nass - serpent], whose symbol in Heaven
is Draco." (S.D. (1928) II 372)

The serpent is the manifested powers of Fohat issuing from space (Aquarius) in a
cyclic serpentine manner.

"Rahu [the North Node of the Moon] is a Daitya who stole and drank Amrita, the
Water of Immortality. The Sun and Moon denounced him to Vishnu, who placed him
in the stellar spheres, Rahu representing the Dragon's Head, and Ketu the Tail, the
ascending and descending nodes of the Moon." (S.D. (1928) II 398)

The Moon, the Great Sea and the Flood

The order of the astrological signs is:

Capricorn Saturn Kronos (Darkness)

Aquarius Uranus Space (Svabhavat)

Pisces Neptune Great Sea (Rhea)

Pisces represents the Virgin Mare (Sea) of Mulaprakriti - the fluid matter in which the
seeds of space germinate before manifestation in Aries ruled by Mars.

"The gods were generated in the androgynous bosom of the Wisdom (Svabhavat,
Mother-Space). Its reflection on Earth became the Chaldean Thavatth, the Greek
Thalassa, the Deep or the Sea, which esoterically is the Moon. (S.D. (1928) II 150-1)
"The Titans are the sons of Kronos, Time, and Rhea, the Earth. They are saved by a
boat, the Moon, being the Ark on the Watery Abyss of Space." (S.D. (1928) II 150-1)

The sign of Pisces represents twin fishes. The planet Venus is exalted in Pisces
(becomes stronger) in traditional astrological teachings. Venus represents the Higher
Mind or Mahat and refers to the emergence of Avatars, or spiritual teachers, from the
Sea of Cosmic Consciousness. The Moon is the Ark.

"Venus, the Lunar Goddess, is shut up in the ark and sends out a dove in search of dry
land." (S.D. (1928) II 154)

Vishnu, the Manu and the Fish

"Vishnu orders a ship [the ark] to be built, in which Manu is saved along with the
seven Rishis (the seven Principles, seven Races, etc.)" (S.D. (1928) 11 147)

"This ship is the female generative Principle typified in the heavens by the Moon, and
on Earth by the Womb [the Moon rules the sign of Cancer governing the Womb], both
being vessels and bearers of life and being, which the Sun, the male Principle vivifies
and fructifies." (S. D. (1928) 11 148)

The Manu is "saved" because he will conduct the fruits or seeds of that completed
cycle across the "waters of space" in the lunar ark to their subsequent point of
manifestation in a new cycle. This process refers macrocosmically to the transfer of
the life wave from the Moon Chain of seven planets to our present Earth Chain.
Energies are still being transferred from the Moon, now a dead planet, to the Earth.
Later in evolution our Earth will become a Moon for its parallel planet in the new
chain of seven globes.

Microcosmically, the seeds of the experiences gained by the soul in one life on Earth
are transferred as skandhas (a Buddhist term for the aggregate of mental and
emotional qualities or seeds) to future lives as karma.

Jupiter the God, Ruler of Pisces

Jupiter is nurtured by the goat Amalthea who is Capricorn. Jupiter is the ruler of the
zodiacal sign Pisces. As Zeus-Pitar he is the Father of the Gods. The word Pitar
comes from the Sanskrit pitr which means "father." Peter is the rock (Capricorn) on
which the Church of Rome, or Christianity is founded.

Manifestation commences under Jupiter when the seeds gestating or fructifying in

Pisces are projected into Aries which, as a fire sign, represents at the Spring Equinox
the commencement of a new cycle.

Mahat - macrocosmic consciousness - rules the process of manifestation through the

spiritual hierarchies of the Demiurge or "Manifested God." This is the projection of
Wisdom from the sea of Pisces (cosmic consciousness) as a Fish or Avatar. So Dagon
(the fish-man) is said to be the instructor of early humanity.

Varuna (Uranus) rules Space (Aquarius) and descends into Pisces (the Waters of Space
or the Cosmic Virgin (Venus). Venus (Pisces) gives birth to Eros (Aries ruled by Mars)
related to the passions (kama or desire) of mankind.

The Manu, the Fish Avatar and the Ark

"The first Cosmic Flood refers to Primordial Creation, or the formation of Heaven and
the Earths, Chaos and the great Deep stand for the 'Flood,' and the Moon for the
'Mother' from whom proceed all the life germs [fishes]. Mortal woman was made
receptacle of the human seed at the end of the Third Race [Lemurian, when humanity
descended to the physical plane and had to adopt the new form of sexual reproduction
through the womb]. Vaivasvatu Manu [teacher or leader of the race] is connected with
the 'Seed of Life' fish or lunar germ] both physically and spiritually." (S.D. (1928) II

In astrology the Moon rules Cancer (the womb). The psycho-spiritual seed is
deposited in man every lunar month and can be sublimated by a pure life to awaken
man's spiritual nature. The powers latent within man are the siddhis described in texts
on Yoga. This spiritual germination in man of these seeds (fish) explain the use of the
fish in the Book of Tobit where Tobias is instructed by the angel to use parts of a fish
to remove his father's blindness. This blindness is the spiritual ignorance of the

The Manu and the Fish

The Manu is the teacher or leader who governs the process of manifestation
throughout a particular cycle. There is a Seed Manu who is in charge of the seed
groups of humanity when they transfer from one chain of globes to another, or from
one planet to another her or from one cycle to another. Thus we find the story of Noah
and the ark in the Bible.

The Root Manu is in charge of the great Root Races (Polarian, Hyperborean,
Lemurian, Atlantean, Aryan, etc.)

In the Mahabharata the story is told of Vaivasvata engaged in devotion on the river
bank. A fish craves his protection from a bigger fish. (The commencement of a
particular manifestation from the cosmic ocean.) He saves it and places it in a jar;
where growing larger and larger, it communicates to him (the magic salmon of
wisdom) the news of the forthcoming Deluge. (End of the cycle.) The Fish is the
Matsya Avatar, the first Avatar of Vishnu, represented as floating on the waters of the
cosmic ocean on a couch. The seven-headed serpent coiled over the couch of Vishnu
depicts the powers of the seven Rays associated with the seven Sacred Planets. The
Rays are about to be manifested through Aries under the control of the Manu from
Pisces, the great Ocean. (S.D. (1928) II 148)

The Emergence of the Sun God

The cycle of time/Cronos/Saturn/ is represented by a serpent biting its tail. Fohat a

synthesis of cosmic forces emerges from Space (Aquarius) as a serpent - bringing
cosmic energies down through the manifested planes under the direction of the
spiritual hierarchies. Chaos is the symbol of the Great Sea (Pisces of Life before
manifestation. The seeds of Space come into manifestation objectively from Pisces to
Aries. Thus the economic consciousness of Pisces manifests as Wisdom (the
collective consciousness of Mahat or Buddha/Mercury) - the aggregate of the
knowledge and wisdom of God as expressed through the spiritual hierarchies.
(Visvakarman, Ptah, the Demiurge, the Great Architect, Prajapati, etc.)

Wisdom is depicted as a good serpent and as the manifestation caused by Fohat hence
the term Sons of the Dragon or Fo-Hi related to Chinese mythology.

"Apollo arises from the Sun and kills Python, the Dragon. Apollo is a lover of pomp
and ritual. [The attributes of Jupiter, ruler of Pisces, from which the Sun God emerges
- the Sun is exalted in Aries], and is like Michael the slayer of the dragon." [This is the
lunar dragon of the Astral Light - the reflection of Buddhi. Michael is connected with
Saturn/Chronos. As Will he kills out the dragon of lower desires.] (S. D. (1928) II

The Sun and the Moon. Kabalistic Emanation

"The 'Father' of primitive physical man, or of his body, is the Vital Electric Principle
residing in the Sun. The Moon is its 'Mother', because of that mysterious power in the
Moon which has as decided an influence on human gestation and generation which it
regulates, as it his on the growth of plants and animals." (S.D. (1928) II 110-11)

"The Moon, the female generative principle represented by Water is admixed with the
Sun, the male generative principle, thus creating the progeny of the two - solid matter
such as minerals and earths." S.D. (1928) II 68)

"The Holy City on Earth is the human womb, the microcosmic copy and reflection of
the Heavenly Matrix, the female space or primeval Chaos, in which the male Spirit
fecundates the germ of the Son, or the visible Universe, When the Yod connects with
the Heb (Chokmah with Binah) they become impregnated and produce a Son." (S.D.
(1928) II 89)


Kether Capricorn Saturn God -

Chokmah Aquarius Uranus Father Yod

Binah Pisces Saturn Mother He

Daath Aries Mars Son Vau

The Fool and His Dog

Raphael, the archangel of healing, appears in the Book of Tobit accompanied by a

dog. As a healer he is Hermes, the physician of souls. He cures the blindness of the
father (Lower Self) of Tobias by anointing his eyes with the pieces of a fish (the
Christ-Wisdom of Pisces). This spiritual wisdom flows down from the angelic part
(Raphael) of the Monad and can inform and chemically change the Lower Self.

The dog is sacred to "Hermes as Anubis of the dog-headed deity (Egyptian. ed.). We
need to use our intelligence (the dog Mercury-Virgo) but first we must train it to be
obedient to the promptings of the Higher Self, in the Bible Joshua, who leads the
Israelites into the Promised Land (of the Higher Self), is accompanied by Caleb,
which means dog. Mercury-Hermes rules Gemini, the dual sign of the Monad and
Virgo, the virgin intuition of the Higher Self.

The Fool of the Tarot Card is seen stepping off a precipice (the Mount of Aries) into
the chasm of the lower planes of manifestation. The dog at his side is Hermes-
Mercury, the psychopomp or "leader of souls". His staff is the spine. The purse is the
cup or thyrsus, the wand of initiation. The rock is Capricorn and his motley coat is the
Robe of Glory of the Monad-Joseph which he will lose as he falls into the pit of the
physical body.

Mars, Ruler of Aries-Scorpio

"Mars was the Lord of birth and death. He held the birthplace of the day and year, the
place of its increases of strength, Aries, and likewise the place of its death, Scorpio.
He held the cardinal points, and as Cain or Vulcan, or Pater Sadic, or Melchizedek, he
was Lord of the ecliptic or balance, and therefore was the Just One, Lord of the
eighth, which was Mater Terra." (S.D. (1928) II 410)

Mars rules Aries, the Spring Equinox, where the Ecliptic (the path of the planets) cuts
the celestial equator.

As the "Just One" consider closely the links between Aries and Libra also Taurus and
Scorpio. The link between Aries and Libra could only occur after the splitting of Virgo
into Virgo/Scorpio and the insertion of Libra as the twelfth sign in what was originally
a ten-sign Zodiac, prior to the mid-point of the Lemurian Root Race.

The descent of the Lords of the Flame from Venus denotes the giving of mind to man
and the entanglement of the mind (Libra) with the desire element (kama) in Scorpio.
In Virgo the mind was pure (a virgin) because mankind could not descend to the
physical plane until the separation of the sexes connected with the separation of Virgo
into Virgo-Scorpio.

Brahma, Jehovah and Adam

"Adam-Jehovah, Brahma and Mars are, in one sense identical; they are all symbols for
primitive or initial generative powers for the purpose of human procreation. [Note
that these powers were on a spiritual level as was humanity up to the mid-point of the
Lemurian Root Race and that we are destined as a race to leave the physical plane and
return to a form of spiritual procreation namely the development of our androgyne
nature for we were originally hermaphrodites before the division of the sexes.] Adam
is red, and so also are Brahma-Viraj and Mars - God and Planet. Water is the 'blood' of
the Earth; therefore, all these names are connected with Earth and Water. There is the
shedding of blood in conception." (S.D. (1928) II 47)

Iron (Mars's metal) is carried in the blood as haemoglobin. In homeopathy Ferrum

Phosphate (Pisces) needs at times to be admixed with Kali Phosphate (Aries). Pisces
is related to the bloodstream and Aries to the brain cells and head - the processes of
"thought" just as Mahat is expressed from Pisces into Aries where it becomes the
manifested consciousness of the spiritual hierarchies.

The Seven Planes. The Lokas and Talas


Adi One Alone Satya -

Anupadaka Parentless Tapar -

Atma Spiritual Janar Sutala

Buddhi Intuitional Mahar Rasatala

Manas Mental Suvar Talatala

Kama Astral Bhuvar Mahatala

Sthula Physical Bhur Patala

The lokas are connected with the seven syllables of the Gayatri Mantram, the purpose
of which is to raise consciousness from the physical plane (Bhur) to the highest
spiritual level.

(a) Satya (sat or bliss) is the highest samadhi.

(b) Tapar is the Monadic realm of the Masters.

(c) Janar is the Atmic realm of the spiritual hierarchies under the Will (Mahat) of Mars
in Aries.

(d) Mahar is the Buddhi realm of the Devas or shining ones.

(e) Suvar is the Mental Plane extending to the Pole Star. It is the higher Heaven
World. of the angels.

(f) Bhuvar is the Astral plane extending to the Sun. It contains the nature spirits who
extend to the etheric levels of the physical plane.

(g) Bhur is the Earth. Patala represents Hell or Purgatory on the lower astral plane.

The Birth of Mercury as Wisdom/Buddhi

"Mercury is the son of the Moon, the intelligent and the wise, because he is the
offspring of Soma, the Regent of the visible Moon, not of Indu, the physical Moon.
Thus Mercury is the elder brother of the Earth, metaphorically the offspring of Spirit -
while the Earth is the progeny of the Body." (S.D. (1928) II 48)

"Nebo is the Deity of the Planet Mercury and, Mercury is the God of Wisdom, or
Hermes or Buddha ... and the Greek Nabo. Budha was the Son of Soma (the Moon in
India, and of the wife of Brihaspati (Jupiter). As Mercury the Planet, Nebo is a
Creator, like Budha, of the Fourth [Atlantean], and also of the Fifth Race. For the
former starts a new race of Adepts, and the latter, the Solar-Lunar Dynasty." (S.D.
(1928) II 477)

In astrology Mercury rules the signs of Gemini and Virgo. In mythology it is related to
travellers, the leading of souls to God either during dreams or after death. Mercury is
therefore designated as the psychopomp. Related to Wisdom it is associated with
Intuition (Buddhi) and the colour yellow. The Buddhic Plane lies between the. Atmic
or Spiritual Plane (God) and the Higher Mental Plane (Manas) associated with the
Higher Self.

From Virgo to Scorpio (A)

Philosophy means the "love of wisdom" or alternatively the ''wisdom of Love", love
being the keynote of the Buddhist and Christian religions. As we have seen "love-
wisdom" is the energy of Mercury connected with the second ray of "intuition" hence
the use of the term of "psychopomp" related to Mercury - he who leads the soul to

The planet Mercury rules the astrological sign of Virgo (the pure virgin - intuition) not
yet defiled by its association with the mind (or Manas) represented by Libra and fallen
into generation in Scorpio under the desire element of Mars.
Note the change from Virgo to Scorpio . The three lines represent the three
pillars of the kabalistic tree of life. The inward-turning line of Virgo depicts the
sublimation of spiritual energies up the Middle Pillar or spine of man. The energies
are the Kundalini, Ida and Pingala mentioned in texts on yoga.

From Virgo to Scorpio (B)

In Sanskrit the word kund means serpent. Kundalini refers to the serpent-fire. This fire
can flow in either direction. The interior flow up the sushumna canal in the spine
awakens the siddhis or spiritual powers of the chakras or psychic centres running from
tile spine which are in turn related to the seven Sacred Planets. This interior flow is
depicted in the sign of Virgo.

When consciousness is given to man by the. ''Lords of the Flame" from Venus ruling
the sign of Libra - the balance - so the mind becomes enmeshed in desire (kama/Mars)
and the creative energy flows forth to generate life on earth through physical
reproduction. This is the meaning of Prometheus stealing fire from heaven. Fire is the
mind of Agni. It can operate at any level from the Godhead downwards. In a pure
form it is represented resented by Mars/Aries (Aries being a fire sign). Mars also rules
Scorpio where the energies flow outwards from the base of the spine through the
generative organs.
The reason for chastity is plain. The energies used in generation must be transmuted
through meditation and raised from the base of the spine (the muladhara chakram) to
the pineal and pituitary glands to awaken the "third eye".

Asexual Reproduction

The early races, known as the Polarian and Hyperborean, had no physical bodies and
therefore propagated the race by an entirely different form of reproduction which
could best be described as budding or gemmation. Their bodies being of a fluid nature
could extrude sections which became separate beings.

Nor was there such a thing as male or female gender. Man in the early races was a
hermaphrodite being. The word "hermaphrodite" is interesting because it consists of:

Hermes - Aphrodite

Mercury Venus

Mercury is connected with the intuition of man through the sign of Virgo, and Venus
is related to the mind of man through the sign of Libra. These two signs are connected
with the Higher Self (Leo representing the Will) and represent a time in the early
history of man before mind became entangled with kama or desire in the later
Lemurian and Atlantean Root Races .

The entanglement of mind with desire is described as the marriage of Venus with
Mars. Venus is the ruler of Libra and Mars is the ruler of Scorpio. The term used for
this is kama-manas. It refers to the operation of the desire-mind on the astral or
kamic plane which surrounds our physical Earth.

The Sexual Energies of Scorpio

The early gods are hermaphrodite as typified by the Shiva/Shakti temples in India. In
modern depth psychology we find the same teachings clothed in the terms "anima"
and "animus". We, in turn, are destined to become hermaphrodite main by virtue of
the alchemical marriage which will fuse the elements of fire (Sun) and water (Moon)
in us. Our present form of sexual reproduction is destined to undergo change and we
will eventually occupy a body which is neither male nor female.

In astrological terms the entanglement of the mind (Libra) with kama or desire
(Scorpio) will cease and the mind (Libra) will once more be reunited with the intuition
(Virgo). This involves the sublimation of the spiritual energies, at present flowing
through Scorpio connected with kama or desire, and the transferral of these energies
along the polar axis from Scorpio to Taurus related to the voice or throat in the
microcosm and to the Verbum or Logos Doctrine in the macrocosm.

Note that the voice (Taurus) of the child breaks at puberty with the development of
sexual powers (Scorpio). The heart (Leo) is the balancing point along the spinal axis.
The Fohatic powers in man (Kundalini, Ida, Pingala, Prana, etc.) are relayed from
Aquarius directly across the zodiac from Aquarius to Leo, from macrocosm to

GO to Part IX or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents




(a) The Gnostics and Their Teachings

The Alexandrian School

The Gnostic Teachings of Paul

Simon Magus and the Gnostic System (A)

Simon Magus and the Gnostic System (B)

The Gnostic System (A)

The Gnostic System (B)

The Gnostic Aeons

The Lost Soul (Plotinus)

(b) The Pistis Sophia


The Mysteries of the Pistis Sophia

The Structure of the Pistis Sophia

The Spiritual Rulers of the Four Quadrants

The Gnostic Key to the Zodiacal Signs

The Relevance of Zodiacal Polarities

The Benefic Planets, the Virgin and the Lion

The Mystery of the Twelve Names

The Twelve Aeons, Triangles and Squares

The Criterion of Orthodoxy

The Descent and Ascent of the Soul

The Essene Creed

An Alternative Creed


The Gnosis is esoteric knowledge related to the mysteries of the Divine Spirit within
man and the universe. Sophia or wisdom can be acquired directly through the
intuition, but episteme is obtained by observation or study. (Epistemology with the
grounds of knowledge.)

The Encyclopaedia Britannica states clearly (vol. 8. 214.2) that the Christian
opponents of Gnosticism distorted their teachings and presented Gnostic views "in the
worst possible light."

Most Gnostic books were destroyed in the fourth century A. D. In 1945 a library Of
'Gnostic texts were discovered at Nag Hamadi near Chenoboskion. The 13 volumes
included the Gospel of Truth, a Treatise on Three Natures, a Letter of James, a
Coptic Gospel of Thomas and the Apocryphon of John. In all about a hundred
treatises were found on some thousand pages. They included the Gospels of Philip and
Mary and the Apocalypses of Adam, James, Paul and Peter.

According to the Gospel of Truth if one has Gnosis one can draw Truth towards
oneself. Gnosis is awareness of one's spiritual nature.

The Alexandrian School

In Alexandria the spiritual students of the Middle East and India had their university
supplemented by the great libraries of the Brucheum and Serapeum. Pantaenus, a
Sicilian, was the head of the catechetical school. His greatest pupil was the Greek,
Clement of Alexandria. Clement synthesised Greek philosophy with the Christian
teachings. He said:

Truth is One. Into it as a perennial river streams flow from every side. The true gnosis
is an inner illumination which is attained by a life of purity and love. Man must
eliminate his impurities before the power of intuition can illumine his mind. Through
wisdom, love and beauty man grows nearer to God.

Clement had to flee Alexandria to escape the persecutions of Septimus Severus,

therefore his pupil Origen took over. Origen was born in 185 A.D. and his father as
Leonides. Origen means "the offspring of Horus". He attended the lectures of
Ammonius Saccas, the father of Neo-Platonism and wrote the Hexapla, a comparison
of the Greek and Hebrew text of the Bible. He died at Tyre in 254.

Plotinus was born in 205 in Egypt and was taught by Ammonius Saccus. Both he and
Pantaenus acquired a knowledge of Indian philosophy. Plotinus settled in Rome where
his chief disciple was Porphyry. His most famous work is the Ennead. He died in
Rome in 270 A.D.

The Gnostic Teachings of Paul

The essential Gnostic teachings are that the immortal Soul of man must descend into
manifestation in the physical body. It falls under the rule of Ildabaoth, ruler of the
seven manifested planes and the seven Sacred Planets. (These are the Christian Seven
Spirits before the Throne in Revelation.) The Soul (Sophia) is rescued by the Gnosis
or Soul-Wisdom, thus gaining an understanding of its real nature, its source of origin
and its goal.

Paul uses stoichea (elementary spiritual powers) (Gal.4.2-5) to describe those who
control the bondage of the Soul. In I Cor. 2.7-8 he speaks of "God's wisdom
foreordained before the aeons". These aeons are the cycles of the zodiac, the time
cycles or yugas. The "archontes of the aeons" in the same passage are the stoichea or
planetary and zodiacal powers under the Demiurge in Aries. These are referred to as
"rulers of the Ages" but mean the spiritual powers who rule the zodiacal and planetary

Christ can redeem us from these rulers because Christ is the Higher Self in each of us.
We are fragments of Christ fallen into manifestation, whether we are Gnostic, atheist,
communist or Christian. We are psychologically formed in Christ from birth and from
"the beginning of the world."

This Christ is truly our hope of glory.

Simon Magus and the Gnostic System (A)

Christ was said by the Gnostics to have revealed the mysteries of spiritual cosmology
as an avatar or teacher related to Simon Magus.

The early teachers of the Gnosis or Wisdom used the allegorical or symbolical method
of interpretation. Simon and his disciple Menander, who lived in the first century A.
D. taught the existence of a female creative principle (the Virgin Mary or Great Sea of
Pisces) who emanated the creative angelic hosts or Elohim.

The Pleroma is the sphere of the fixed stars. It has 30 Aeons, corresponding to the
days of the month and the lunar cycle. Marcus taught that:

(a) The Ogdoad (8) are the 4 elements of earth, air, fire and water plus cold, hot, dry
and wet.

(b) The Decad (10) are the seven planets, Monad, Sun and Moon.

(c) The Dodecad (12) are the twelve signs of the zodiac. These three (8+10+12) are
the 30 Aeons.
Three main schools emerged in the second century; the Syrian connected with
Saturninus of Antioch and Bardesanes a Valentinian; the Egyptian which developed
the teachings of Valentinus and Basilides; and the Pontic school.

Simon Magus and the Gnostic System (B)

The origins of Gnosticism are associated with Simon Magus.

"There was a certain man called Simon (Simon Magus) to whom they all gave heed,
from the least to the greatest, saying, This man is the great power of God." (Acts 9.10)

The Essene Teacher of Righteousness was connected with Simon Magus, a major
teacher of Gnosis or Wisdom. Another powerful spiritual teacher shortly after the time
of Christ was Apollonius of Tyana. Apollo was a generic term for a Sun-Initiate or the

Egypt was the major centre of spiritual education especially in 1,500 B.C. Moses was
learned in all of the wisdom of the Egyptians. (Acts 7.22) Paul makes specific
mention of Apollos (Sun) born at Alexandria in Egypt as being "an eloquent man and
mighty in the scriptures." (Acts 18.24) Apollos "spoke and taught diligently the things
of the Lord" as well he might, Alexandria being the city where the major university
centre of the Serapeum was located together with a secondary centre at the Brucheum.

"The people seeing Paul said, The gods are come down to us in the likeness of men.
They called Barnabas Jupiter and Paul Mercurius (Mercury) because he was the chief
speaker." (The planet Mercury rules speech and the god is Thoth - Hermes, teacher of
the early Greeks and Egyptians.) (Acts 14.11-12)
The Gnostic System (A)

The circle of the zodiac has four quadrants each of three signs. These number from
Capricorn. The twelve houses of the zodiac number from Aries at the top. Pisces is the
twelfth sign and Sophia (the pure Soul) is the twelfth Aeon. Ildabaoth is in Aries.
Horus (the Sun-Monad exalted in Aries) rules the Limit (the Aries-Libra axis). Down
this Tree of Life Christ descends to free Sophia when she falls into the physical body
in Scorpio in the Fourth Quadrant. Sophia then becomes Sophia Achamoth, the fallen

The Aries-Libra axis is the Stauros or Stake of crucifixion. In man it is the spine. The
Fourth Quadrant is the Kenoma. Virgo is the Intuition or Christ-consciousness of the
Higher Self.

The Gnostic System (B)

The Pleroma or Fullness contains the Trinity of the Godhead and the 30 Aeons. In the
ten-sign zodiac (with Libra excluded and Virgo-Scorpio joined) each of the ten signs
has three decans giving 30 Aeons around the zodiacal circle. The seven Sacred Planets
are related to the Seven Rays, the 360 degrees of the zodiac and the 365 days of the
solar year.

Sophia or Wisdom is the Virgin Mother of the Great Sea of Pisces, the twelfth or tenth
sign of the zodiac (if having 12 or only 10 signs). Therefore Sophia is called the 12th
or 30th (10x3) Aeon. When the Soul (Sophia) emanates from the Great Mother she
becomes Sophia Prunikos or the Soul fallen into the darkness of the physical body.

Her desire (potos) to emanate (from Pisces) leads to the creation of Ildabaoth
(Jehovah, or the lame Demiurge-Smith). He controls the Angelic Hierarchies through
Aries, and he creates the Seven Angels or Seven Spirits before the Throne who control
the Seven Rays.

Marcion clearly distinguished between the Hidden God (Saturn in Capricorn) and the
Demiurge (Ildabaoth or Jehovah in Aries).

The Gnostic Aeons

The world is created from unions (syzygies) between the pairs of Aeons. All
manifestations require polarities. The original source (Capricorn) becomes Father-
Mother or Spirit-Matter from the original Substance (Pradhana).

- Sign

Capricorn Saturn-Cronos Supreme Being

Aquarius Ennoea (Uranus) Cosmic Intelligence

Pisces Bythos, Depths Great Sea, Virgin Mother

The Ogdoad consists of 4 pairs:

1. Silence (Sige) and Grace (Charis).

2. Mind (Nous) and Truth (Aletheia).

3. Word (Verbum) and Life (Zoe).

4. Man (Anthropos) and Church (Ecclesia).

Word and Life (3) produce a further five pairs to create the Decad (Macrocosmic

Man and Church (4) produce a further six pairs to create the Dodecad (Microcosmic

The Pleroma can be defined as the Cosmic quadrant of the zodiac (Aquarius to Aries)
from which Sophia is expelled (from Pisces) by the Demiurge-Architect Ildabaoth, to
inhabit a physical body. The lower region of the Kenoma (devoid of Spirit) is the
Fourth quadrant of the zodiac commencing with Scorpio.

The Lost Soul (Plotinus)

In the Ennead Plotinus describes the fall of the soul from its divine homes

"Like children separated from their family since birth and long educated away from
home, who finally lose knowledge of their parents and of themselves, so our Souls, no
longer seeing either the Divinity or themselves, have become degraded by
forgetfulness of their origin, have attached themselves to other objects, have admired
anything rather than themselves, have like prodigals scattered their esteem and love
on exterior objects, and have, by breaking the bond that united them to the Divinities,
disdainfully wandered away from it." (Plotinus Ennead V 1.1.)

Man first must disengage himself from outer appearances as a preparatory step
towards meditation.

"The divinity is present wherever there is any person who is capable of entering into
contact therewith." (Plotinus. Ennead VI 9.7.)

"To obtain the view of the Beautiful and of the Divinity we must begin by rendering
ourselves Beautiful and Divine." (Plotinus. Ennead I 6.9.)

"To contemplate Unity we must retire to our inner Sanctuary and there remain tranquil
above all things." (Plotinus. Ennead V 1.6.) The doctrines of Plotinus were expounded
by Hypatia and her disciple, the Christian bishop Synesius.



A Latin version of the text was made by Schwartze in 1851, in French by Migne in
1856 and in English by Mead, G.R.S. (Pistis Sophia. London, Watkins, 1921). Mead
refers to Schmidt's German translation of 1905 and also that of Amelineau in 1895.
The manuscript was bought by the British Museum in 1785 from their heirs of Dr.
Askew for ten guineas. It is written in the Sahidic dialect of Upper Egypt but was
originally composed in Greek.
Amelineau attempted to prove the Egyptian origins of the Gnostic teachings and
ascribed the work to Valentinus who died about the middle of the second century A.D.
Jesus gives instruction to his disciples in terms of the greater mysteries. Teaching is
given on the spiritual hierarchies, purification, redemption and salvation. There are
important passages on the signs of the zodiac commencing with Capricorn (as in this
Book). The polarities of the zodiacal signs are dealt with as axes connected with the
precessional movement of the Earth or "turning" of the Earth. Reincarnation of Souls
and the development of the "light body" (astral body) are taught. (See The Secret of
the Golden Flower for a deeper exposition of the formation of the light body.)

Fragments of astrological teachings were also found in the Dead Sea scrolls. This
supports the proposition that the astrological mysteries were part of the cosmic or
stellar religion from which later religions diverged.

The Mysteries of the Pistis Sophia

Those who receive the higher mysteries will abide in the higher regions, and those
who receive the lower mysteries will abide in the lower regions of the Light in my
Kingdom. (245)

The Mystery Schools had two grades, Higher and Lower. There are three parts of

(a) Monad, with the powers of the Godhead (Father in Heaven)

(b) Higher Self (Greater Mysteries, Leo to Libra) (Individuality)

(c) Lower Self (Scorpio to Capricorn) (Personality)

Pre-cosmic Triad Aquarius to Aries

Monad Triad Taurus to Cancer

Individuality Triad Leo to Libra

Personality Triad Scorpio to Capricorn

These are "the great mysteries of the three allotments of my Kingdom." (246)

I spake with Enoch out of the tree of Gnosis and out of the tree of Life in the paradise
of Adam. (246)

The Tree is the Kabalistic Tree of Life which shows the arrangement of the seven
Sacred Planets with their respective planetary hierarchies. Adam is Adam Kadmon -
the perfect archetypal man, before incarnation.

The Structure of the Pistis Sophia

(a) Realm of Light the Ineffable Cosmic Triad

First Space (Capricorn)

Second Space (Aquarius) (1st Space of 1st Mystery)

Third Space (Pisces) (2nd Space of 1st Mystery)

Middle Light
(b) (Region of Right) Monadic Triad

The Treasury of

(Taurus) (Logos -
The Emanations

Orders (Gemini)

(c) Lower Light World (Region of Midst) Individuality Triad

13th Aeon (Leo-Lion Ruler)

12 Aeons (Virgo - 6 shaktis)

[Firmament (Earth
Sphere)] Intercepted

(d) Microcosm (Regions of Left) Personality Triad

Amenti (Astral) Scorpio

Chaos (Etheric) Sagittarius

Outer Darkness

They went forth three by three to the four zones of heaven (Mead. Pistis Sophia p.

Thou art the key which openeth the door of the universe and shutteth the door of the
universe, and thy mystery comprehendeth them all. (331)

The Spiritual Rulers of the Four Quadrants

The bound rulers are: (361)

Kronos Orimouth Saturn, ruler of Capricorn

Hermes Tarpetanouph Uranos, ruler of Aquarius

Zeus Chonbal Jupiter, ruler of Pisces

Aphrodite Chosi Venus exalted in Pisces

Ares Mounichounaphor Mars, ruler of Aries

He drew a power out of the great Invisible, and bound it to him who is called Kronos.
(Saturn Kronos is the Lord of Space-Time and ruler of Capricorn.) (361)
He drew another power out of the triple-powered gods and bound it to Ares. (Mars,
ruler of Aries, has the manifested powers of the Trinity.) (361)

He established the circling of his order (signs of the zodiac) that he should spend three
months in every aeon. (Three signs in every quadrant of the astrological cosmic
mandala.) (362)


Cosmic Kronos Saturn, ruler of Capricorn

Monadic Ares Mars, ruler of Aries

Individuality Hermes Mercury, (Moon), ruler of Cancer

Personality Aphrodite Venus, ruler of Libra.

These are the four cardinal signs ruling the four quadrants. He who hath received the
mystery of the third Thrice-Spiritual (Pre-cosmic Trinity of the Godhead), which
ruleth over the three Thrice-spirituals (Monad, Individuality and Personality) hath the
power to go into all the orders which are below him. (205)

The Gnostic Key to the Zodiacal Signs

The Fourth Book

There are 12 mighty chastisement dungeons (signs of the zodiac). (320)

1. Crocodile Enchthonin Capricorn Source

2. Cat Charachar Aquarius ) Cosmic Triad

3. Dog Archaroch Pisces ) Great Sea

4. Serpent Achrochar Aries ) Demiurge

5. Bull Marchur Taurus ] Verbum

6. Boar Lamchamor Gemini ] Monadic Triad

7. Bear Luchar Cancer ] [Father in Heaven]

8. Vulture Laraoch Leo ) Solar Triad

9. Basilisk Archeoch Virgo ) [Higher Self]

10. Dragon Heads

Xarmaroch Libra ) [Individuality]

11. Cat Faces (7) Rochar Scorpio ] Lunar Triad

12. Dog Faces (7) Chremaor Sagittarius ] (Lower Self)

Every one of them changes his face every hour. (12-hour day of Zodiac.) (322)

I will give you the mystery of the twelve aeons of the rulers, and their seals and their
ciphers and the manner of invocation for reaching their regions. (363)

I will give you all the mysteries and all the gnoses, in order that ye may be called
children of the fullness, perfected in all the gnoses and all the mysteries. The children
of the Light are come in your time. (364)

The Relevance of Zodiacal Polarities

When the sphere turneth itself Zeus cometh to the first of the Aeons of the sphere
which is called the Ram (Aries) and when she comes to the seventh house of the
sphere, that is to the Balance (Libra), then the veils which are between those of the
Right and those of the Left draw themselves aside. (366) (These are the Spring and
Autumnal Equinoxes dividing the sphere.)
When the sphere turneth itself, Zeus cometh to the fourth aeon of the sphere that is the
Crab (Cancer the Crab is the fourth sign of the zodiac) and Aphrodite cometh into the
tenth which is called the Goat. (Capricorn is the tenth sign of the zodiac. Its symbol is
the Goat.) The veils which are between those of the Left and those of the Right are
drawn aside. (386)

When the sphere turneth itself Zeus cometh to the eighth aeon, the Scorpion (Scorpio)
and the Bull (Taurus). (369)

When the sphere turneth itself Zeus cometh to the ninth Aeon of the Archer
(Sagittarius, the Arrow) and the Twins (Gemini). (370)

When the sphere turneth itself Zeus cometh to the Waterman (Aquarius) and to the
Lion (Leo). (371)

(The Virgo-Pisces axis is missing from the text.)

The Benefic Planets, The Virgin and the Lion

(a) The Virgin or Virgo

In astrology Kronos (Saturn) and Ares (Mars) are the malefic or harmful planets. Zeus
(Jupiter) and Aphrodite (Venus) are the benefit (good) planets.

Jesus said unto his disciples when Kronos and Aries come behind the Virgin of Light
and Zeus and Aphrodite come in face of the Virgin, they being in their own aeons,
then the veils of the Virgin draw themselves aside and she falleth into joy. (389)

This means that the beneficial powers of the Soul when in the ascendancy over man's
lower nature (the malefic influences) lead man to the Intuitional Plane of Virgo ruled
by Mercury, through control of the Mind (Libra) from the desire plane (Scorpio) of
the Lower Self.

The sex energies depicted by the arrow of Scorpio are turned upwards in Virgo

to flow up the Middle Pillar of the Virgin (Virgo) and so awaken man's spiritual

(b) The Spirit-Atma in Man and the Lion of Leo

For I was not self-willed as the lion-faced power, which had taken away the light-
power from Sophia, and had also oppressed her in order to take away from her the
whole light in her... Sophia then saw me ... and she knew that I came out of the Height
of Heights in whose light she had had faith from the beginning. (99-100)

The Mystery of the Twelve Names

If they know the mystery of one of the twelve names of the angels while they are in
life and are in the world, and if they speak one of their names while they are in the
midst of the chastisements of the dragon, - then at the hour when they shall speak it,
the whole dragon shall be tossed about and most exceedingly convulsed, and the door
of the dungeon in which the souls of those men are, openeth itself upward. (332)

(The recital of the name awakens kundalini in the muladhara chakram at the base of
the spine thus freeing consciousness from imprisonment in the physical body.)

The Father bound them to a Fate sphere (signs of the zodiac). (360) There are 12
aeons, six ruled by Sabaoth (microcosm) and six ruled by Yabraoth (macrocosm
universe). (360)

He set 360 over them (degrees of the zodiac). (361)

I will tell you the decans (each zodiacal sign has three decans) who will build it ... in
seventy days (the seven planes). (347)

They went forth three by three to the four zones of heaven. (325)

(This relates to the division of the zodiacal mandala into four quadrants, each
containing three signs of the zodiac.)

The Twelve Aeons, Triangles and Squares

Every one of all those who were in the twelve aeons (zodiac) was bound to their order
… They spend six months turned to the left (six signs) and accomplishing their works
in their squares and their triangles, and another six months facing to the right and
toward their triangles and their squares. (42)

This provides the key to the division of the zodiac into two hemispheres. One is
macrocosmic ruled by Yabraoth (360), the other is microcosmic ruled by Sabaoth who
is called Adamas (360) or Man (microcosm) who "persisted in the act of congress''.
This refers to the fall of man (the descent of the Lemurian Root Race) from non-
physical to physical or sexual generation.



]Cosmic Triad


] Sea


] Demiurge


)Monadic Triad


) Twins


) Womb

Leo - Atma The Monad descends through the Gate

of Life (Cancer the Womb) and
]Solar Triad
The Criterion of Orthodoxy

If ye have known the face of the heaven ... then know ye exactly if any come now
unto you and proclaim unto you a godhead whether their words have harmonized and
fitted with all the words I have spoken, and whether they have harmonized in the
netting of the heavens and of the stars and of the light-givers. (353)

The disc of the Sun is a great dragon (Fohat) whose tail was in his mouth and who
reached to seven powers (the Seven Rays) and whom four powers drew (the 4

The base of the Moon (Pisces) had a type of ship (Ark transferring the seeds from
Pisces to Aries where the Sun is exalted) which a male and female dragon (Ida and
Pingala) steered and two white bulls drew. The figure of a babe (Son of the Sun) was
on the stern of the Moon who guided the dragons. On its prow was a cat's face. (359)

The zodiacal order of the signs is the key to the evolutionary cosmological process.
Any system, as Jesus taught, could be tested in this way. Emanation proceeds from the
Great Sea (Pisces) in the symbolic form of an ark or lunar boat bearing the seeds of
life which are made manifest in Aries (Sun exalted). The cosmic energies are depicted
as a dragon (Fohat) because they move, like kundalini, in a serpentine Fashion. The
seven powers are the Seven Rage of the seven Sacred Planets.

The Descent and Ascent of the Soul

The soul is led before the seven virgins of the light. (The seven sacred planetary
hierarchies ruling the seven planes.) (327)
The soul of such a man ... is led before the Virgin of Light (who will) cast it down in
whatever month into a righteous body. (Reincarnation of the soul in a particular
zodiacal sign.) (327)

They become flames of light-beams and penetrate all the regions until they reach the
region of their inheritance. (The soul rises through the seven planes to Atma) (329)

The fire in Amenti (purgatorial region of Astral Plane) is nine times fiercer than the
fire in mankind. (324)

The number of years the soul will spend in the body they seal on the forehead. (348)
(Karma determines the length of life.)

The destiny is not mingled into the body but followeth the Soul. (349)

Everyone who seeketh in truth will find. They are to seek the mysteries of the Light
Kingdom which shall purify them and lead them into the Light. (352)

Renounce the whole world. Cease not to seek day and night and remit not yourselves
until ye find the purifying mysteries which will make you into a refined light, so that
ye will go on high and inherit the Light of my Kingdom. (251)

The raising of consciousness from one plane to another means an increase in Light or

The Essene Creed

We believe in God the Father, from whom emerges the physical and superphysical
universes, including Earth and its beings, visible and invisible.

And in God the Son, most Holy Monad, alone-born from His Father before all the
Aeons, not made but emanated, being of the very substance of the Father, very God of
very God, Spark of the One Flame by whom all forms are made; the Son whom for us
came down from heaven through the Virgin Sea into manifestation, and rose again
from the tomb of the physical body, in ever greater glory, to his Father's kingdom.

And in God the Holy Ghost, the Lifegiver, who emanated from the Father as the
Power of the Virgin Mother, who is equal with Him and the Son in glory, and who
manifests through the Angelic Hierarchies in Aries.

We recognize One Brotherhood of holy men, the communion of saints, the just men
made perfect, the Adepts and Avatars of mankind. We acknowledge the initiations of
the Lesser and Greater Mysteries as leading to emancipation from the fetters of sin
which bind us to the physical body. We therefore strive to escape from the zodiacal
wheel of birth and death into the life eternal. Amen.

[It may be interesting to compare the above with a modern revised interpretation of
the established Creed (Roman Catholic). This was a result of J. Augustin's research
(internal and external) into comparative religion. ed.]

An Alternative Creed
























J. Augustin Easter 1993 (Brighton)

GO to Part X or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents



The Various Types of Karma

Predestination and Free Will

The Karmic Consequences of Thoughts and Actions

The Administrators of Karma

The Akashic Records. The Recording of Karma

The Decision to Release Karma

The Spiritual Hierarchies and Humanity

The Monad and the Seven Rays

Atomic Structure and the Seven Rays

The Monad and Karma

The Monad and Its Subsequent Emanations

A Definition of the Soul

The Sublimation of Elemental Desires

The Modification of Karma

The Review of a Life. Looking Backwards

The Mechanism for the Modification of Karma

The Symbolic Descent of` Karmic Seeds

The Skandhas. Transmission of Karma

Karma and the Circle

Astrological Precipitation of Karma

The Difficulties of a Life. The Timing of Disease

The Active Destruction of Disease States

The Power of Creative Thought

Action Without Karma


We create karma, by thought, word and deed. These actions have an effect on our
future lives through which we reach perfection under the Law of Reincarnation. To
hasten our progress we should attempt to bring our present actions under the guidance
of our Higher Self. We can gain an understanding of our esoteric psychology through
the teachings of the Ageless Wisdom or Gnosis.

Our actions are recorded on the Akashic Records by the Lipika or Lords of Karma,
represented by the teacher Thoth-Hermes in Egypt. When we come to understand the
immutable nature of karma, the Law of Cause and Effect, we seek to modify or
weaken the effects of bad karma in the past by the creation of good deeds in the
present. We can review our actions day by day in an attempt to change our customary
behaviour for the better.

The release of karma is associated with the planetary cycles as depicted in the natal
horoscope. The onset of disease can, to some extent, be predicted, therefore we can
adopt preventive treatment of disease designed to offset or cancel negative vibration.
Disease is essentially disharmony.
Ultimately, when we learn to live completely unselfish lives we cease to create karma
and become perfect, even as our Father-Monad which is in Heaven.

The Various Types of Karma

Karma is the name given to the Law of Cause and Effect. As is stated in the Bible, "As
ye sow so also shall ye reap."

Therefore it is extremely important in our life on Earth to understand the nature of the
karma which we create daily throughout life. If this knowledge of karma is used to
modify our behaviour then we have applied Soul Wisdom or gnosis to remove barriers
from our pathway to perfection.

Karma is individual, group, national, racial or universal. We have several interwoven

karmas to deal with in any one life. Karma is not necessarily immediate because it can
be postponed to a future life. However, Divine Justice is immutable and cannot be
evaded. Hence the importance of understanding how it can be modified and ultimately

Karma is of three types (prarabdha, sanchita or agama.)

It is:

(a) Karma from the past which influences our present life.

(b) Present karma to be met in this life.

(c) Karma created in this life but held over to a future life.
The Law of Karma (Cause and Effect) is closely related to the Law of Reincarnation,
through which the Soul evolves to perfection via a series of lives.

Predestination and Free Will

It is argued that if our lives are dominated by karma then we no longer have free will.
This is an illogical conclusion. The creation of karma is the responsibility of the
Personality in this and previous lives. We mould our own destiny.

It is argued that if the Personality cannot remember past lives then it cannot, in a
sense, be responsible for the karmic disabilities it suffers from in this life. This is true
because the previous Personalities are in fact different fragments of the Higher Self
who have descended into incarnation in previous time cycles. Each Soul experience is
gathered up into the Higher Self and leavens the whole consciousness of the
Individuality. Each Personality is like a facet of the Diamond Self.

We free ourselves from the Wheel of Birth and Death by achieving conscious unity
with the Higher Self. This is the freedom of liberation. But it is freedom under the
Law. We are free when we live according to spiritual Law and cease from selfish
actions. When we act solely for others we then do not create karma. When we exhaust
the karma of past lives we are then freed from the need to incarnate.

Free will, if seen from the spiritual level, means that the will of the Monad be done on
Earth. The key is unselfish or motiveless action.

The Karmic Consequences of Thoughts and Actions

Our spiritual teachers and mentors teach that,

"This doctrine of Karma, when properly understood, is well calculated to guide and
assist those who realize its truth to a higher and better mode of life, for it must not be
forgotten that not only our actions but our thoughts also are most assuredly followed
by a crowd of circumstances that will influence for good or for evil our own future,
and what is still more important the future of many of our fellow creatures. If sins of
omission and commission could in any case be only self-regarding, the effect an the
sinner's Karma would be a matter of minor consequence. The fact that every thought
and act through life carries with it for good or evil a corresponding influence on other
members of the human family, render a strict sense of justice, morality and
unselfishness so necessary to future happiness or progress."

The consciousness of the individual becomes entangled with the desire world (kama
or the Astral Plane). By man's actions on the mental, emotional and physical levels
karma is created. Listen to a part of the poem of Francis Thompson.

All things by immortal power

Near or far, hiddenly,

To each other linked are,

That thou canst not stir a flower

Without the troubling of a Star.

(Francis Thompson)

The Administrators of Karma

The administrators of Karma are the Lipika or Lords of Karma who are the Kumaras
connected with the zodiacal sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.
"Connected as the Lipika are with the destiny of every man and the birth of every
child … they may also be said to exercise an influence on the Science of Horoscopy.
We must admit the truth of the latter whether we will or not." (S.D. (1971) I 166)

"Humanity and the stars are bound together indissolubly because of the Intelligence
that rule the Latter." (S.D. (1971) III 351)

The Sanskrit word lipi from which Lipika (Lord of Karma or Recorder) is derived
means "the written characters or impressions of the Archetypal patterns in the outer
though still invisible worlds."

"Mystically, these Divine Beings are connected with Karma, the Law of Retribution,
for they are the Recorders, or Analysts, who impress on the (to us) invisible tablets of
the Astral Light, - 'the great picture-gallery of eternity' - a faithful record of every act,
and even thought, of man; of all that was, is, or ever will be, in the phenomenal
Universe ... this divine and unseen canvas is the Book of Life." This is the Akashic
Record. (S. D. (1938) I 165-6)

The Akashic Records. The Recording of Karma

The word akasha is derived from the root kash (Sk.) "to shine" or "the shining
substance." It is described as the subtle spiritual essence that pervades space, the
primordial cosmic substance called mulaprakriti . On the highest plane it is Aditi,
known as Father/Mother in The Secret Doctrine. On the lower astral plane it is the
astral light. Akasha in its reflected state is the medium on which every event or act is
registered by the Lipika who are the scribes or recorders of karma. They are also the
guardians of the Ring-Pass-Not which separates absolute space from the planes of

The Ring-Pass-Not is the cosmic auric envelope like an akashic membrane or skin
forming the outer boundary of the manifested universe. Man as a microcosm also has
this auric body surrounding and interpenetrating his physical body. The aura has seven
grades or layers corresponding to the seven human principles and related to the seven
Sacred Planets and their corresponding chakras.

The storehouse of the experiences of past lives is the Causal Body of the Higher Self.
Meditation can bring these experiences into our consciousness.

The Decision to Release Karma

The amount of karma to be released into a particular life is determined after a

discussion between:

(a) a representative of the Lords of Karma

(b) the Angel Builder of the bodies

(c) the Higher Self of the Individual

The amount of karma to be precipitated can be increased or decreased during the

lifetime of the Personality. Generally, a Soul seeking hastened attainment of
perfection, through the adoption of laws governing the Spiritual path, will have more
karmic difficulties as a result of his endeavours. All of the weaknesses of the
candidate must be brought to light and be overcome. These are the trials of the various

The Soul successively inhabits mental, astral, etheric and physical bodies on its
descent to the physical plane. These bodies incorporate the strengths or weaknesses
caused by karma being released. The building of these bodies is done by the Builders
or Angelic Hierarchies. The vibratory energies of the Verbum or Logos emanate from
the permanent atoms of the Thread-Self or sutr-atma lowered from the Monad through
the planes of manifestation. These vibrations aggregate the atoms needed on each
plane to build the bodies the Soul will inhabit.
The Spiritual Hierarchies and Humanity

"Providence (or Karma) acts on us and directs men through those relations that it has
established between them and the visible objects and the whole universe ... Astrology,
in its essence, is nothing but that ..." (S. D. (1971) V 330)

"Sidereal influence is dual. There is the physical and physiological influences, that of
exotericism; and the high spiritual intellectual and moral influence, imparted by the
knowledge of the planetary Gods." (S.D. (1971) V 330)

"The ancient people saw in the stars and planets living bodies animated by spirits, as
they saw the same in every kingdom of nature ... This doctrine of spirits, so consistent
and conformable to nature ... formed a grand and unique conception, wherein the
physical, moral and political aspects were all blended together." (S.D. (1928) II 386)

"... the heavenly bodies are in direct and psychic communication, morally and
physically with the Earth, its Guides and Watchers; the visible orbs furnishing our
Humanity with its outward and inward characteristics and their Regents and Rectors
with our Monads and spiritual faculties.'' (S.D. (1971) II 299)

The Monad and the Seven Rays

"The Regent of every Planet-star, the Parent Monad, shoots out from itself the Monad
of every pilgrim Soul born under its house within its own group." (This refers to the
Monads evolving along one or other of the Seven Rays.) (S.D. (1971) V 333)

"There are seven chief Planets, the spheres of the indwelling Seven Spirits, under each
of which is born one of the human groups which is guided and influenced thereby."
(S. D. (1971) II 297)
The seven sacred planets are Sun, Mercury, Moon, Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn.
The seven Rays focus through these planets under the control and guidance of the
spiritual hierarchies. The Monads descend through one or other of the Rays.

The Monad is the highest spiritual part of man - in Christian terms "our Father which
art in Heaven". The Monad is known as a "spark from the One Flame". It possesses
the powers of the Godhead in latency. These powers become actual through "the
thread of Fohat" which links the Monad with its Higher and Lower Selves.

This "thread of Fohat" is the link between the Monad the Higher Self and the Lower
Self. It is also called the sutr-atma or Thread-Shelf.

Atomic Structure and the Seven Rays

All life forms evolve along one or other of the Seven Rays connected with the Seven
Sacred Planets. In Man these rays flow through the seven major chakras into the
endocrine glands. In each atom there are also seven spirillae which are related to the
Seven Rays. This atom is properly called an anu (a Sanskrit word meaning "the
smallest indivisible particle"). Aggregations of these anu go to make up the structure
known as the physicist's atom. This aggregation follows geometrical laws based on
the emanation of chords of sound from the permanent atoms.

The permanent atoms are the seed stems of the Monad which are the energy centres
for the aggregation of matter from each Plane used to build the bodies needed by the
Soul in its descent to the Physical Plane. What we call death is the discarding of the
physical and etheric bodies at the end of a life on Earth. Spiritual death is the decent
of the Soul into a physical body.
Modification of karma can be brought about by the raising of the vibrations of these
infinitely small atoms or anu to the point where they no longer respond to the lower
energies of the Desire or Astral Plane. This transmutation is brought about by
meditation, the effects of location on Earth and through purification. The Ray
influence an the spirillae is astrological. The Soul must transform itself.

The Monad and Karma

"Destiny is guided either by the heavenly voice of the invisible Prototype (Monad)
outside of us, or by our more intimate astral, or inner man, who is but too often the
evil genius of the embodied entity called man. Both these lead on the outward man,
but one of then must prevail; and from the beginning of the invisible affray the stern
and implacable Law of Compensation (Karma) steps in and takes its course ... When
the last strand is woven, and man is seemingly enwrapped in the network of his own
doing then he finds himself completely under the empire of this self-made Destiny. It
then either fixes him like the inert shell against the immovable rock, or carries him
away like a feather in the whirlwind raised by his own action, and this is - Karma."
(S.D. (1938) II 364)

This battle of the Lower Self against the Higher is symbolized in the account given of
the Great War in the Indian epic of the Mahabharata. The warfare must continue until
the Personality surrenders itself to the Higher Self. Like Arjuna we find we have to
fight our friends the Kurus (lower desires) but can be guided by our Higher Self
(Krishna) as expounded in the Bhagavad Gita or Lord's Song.

The Monad and Its Subsequent Emanations

The Monad in each one of us is a part of the Godhead. This is what Christ refers to
when he states, I and my Father are one. From the Monad come the Higher Self f and
the Lower Self as triadic reflections of the Monad from the Trinity or Three Logoi.
The Higher Self is the Christ-consciousness of each individual. A fragment of this
Higher Self incarnates in the physical body. This fragment is the Lower Self or
Personality. At the death of the physical body this consciousness (the soul) returns to
the Causal Body of the Higher Self.

The karmic seeds sown in the Earth Iife are recorded on the Akashic Records of the;
Body of Causes (karana sharira) or Causal Body. After a time, based on cyclic law,
another fragment descends from the Higher Self into evolution. It is therefore the
Higher Self which is evolving.

When the Monad as a Star is projected onto the Space-Time field it enters into a series
of relationships or entanglements with other Monads on these lower levels to gain
experience and help transmute the atoms of the lower planes from material to spiritual
centres of activity. Thus reincarnation of a fragment of the Higher Self into the
Personality through a series of lives leads us to perfection. This fragment is the Christ
in us, "our hope of glory".

Definition of the Soul

The Soul is that part of the Higher Self which descends or is crucified in the physical
body or Lower Self. In esoteric psychology there are three major parts of the

(a) Monad, Spirit or Father in Heaven

(b) Higher Self (Will, Wisdom, Higher Mind)

(c) Lower Self (Etheric, Emotions, Lower Mind )

The Higher and Lower Selves are threefold in nature, being reflections of the
Godhead as a Trinity through the Monad. They are symbolized by the interlaced
triangles of the Star of David or the Seal of Vishnu.
The trinitarian powers of the Higher Self are:

Atma Buddhi Manas I

Will Wisdom Intelligence

These reflect downwards into the Lower Self or Personality.

At death the Soul leaves the physical and etheric bodies (the etheric being the mould
of the physical body) and it continues to dwell for a time in the astral and mental
bodies before returning to its source in the Causal Body of the Higher Self. This
Causal Body is the storehouse of the experiences of the Soul, in all of its previous
lives. It is the Higher Self that evolves to perfection through these successive
emanations of fragments of its essence, represented in any one life by the descent of
the Soul into incarnation. The Spirit or Monad is the Point of origin of this process.

The Sublimation of Elemental Desires

The descent of the energies of the Trinity (in Man the Monad) is depicted by the sign
Virgo. The fall of these energies into physical generation (sex) is symbolised by

Man as a conscious entity inhabits mental, emotional, etheric and physical bodies.
These bodies are composed of atoms, physical and superphysical, which are imbued
with elemental life seeking to find the coarser thrills and vibrations of the lower
planes. This elemental essence is on the downward or involutionary arc of the cycle
whereas man is on the upward arc, or evolutionary path. The elemental drives, insofar
as it affects consciousness or desire, can actively impede our spiritual progress. These
essences can do this because they have a life end consciousness of their own.

In mythology the serpent biting the heel, killing Ra or steeling the "plant of
immortality", is the story of the descent of consciousness through the Antahkarana or
Bridge from the Higher Self into the Lower Self. The Lower Self uses its energies for
physical reproduction on the physical plane. To regain immortality it must sublimate
these energies to effect the alchemical marriage with the Higher Self or Christ-

We travel through the zodiac, which is the Circle unwound, and so fall into
manifestation. To escape from the Wheel we must transform our Lower Self.

The Modification of Karma

All the thoughts, words and deeds of each individual are recorded on the Akashic
Records. These Records form the basis of our karma based on the Law of Cause and
Effect. As ye sow so also shall you reap. This Law is immutable. We are told, Not one
jot nor tittle of the Law can ever pass away. How, therefore, is it possible to modify
the action of karma?

Observation of the lives of people bears out one striking fact. Since limitations can be
placed on an individual from birth there must be a previous state of the Soul when the
karma connected with the limitation was generated. The other twin Law of Divine
Justice is Reincarnation. When we are perfect we become a pillar in the Temple of the
Lord and go out no more into incarnation. We become perfect through the gaining of
experience over a series of lives. Divine Justice demands the ultimate necessity of
precipitating karma from the past into this or into a future life.

Modification of karma can occur simply because there is a delay in the precipitation
of past karma. The more we know about our wrong actions the more we can do to
correct them. By so correcting our actions we modify our future karma. To bring this
about every night examine closely all of the actions of the day to find out if a change
of behaviour is required.

The Review of a Life. Looking Backwards

At death there is the judgment of a Soul. It is said, in the Egyptian Book of the Dead
(more correctly the Book of Coming Into Life) that the Soul is weighed against the
feather of Truth, this being the symbol of the goddess Maat, who represents divine

The Soul can do very little in a normal life because it is devoid of a clear purpose. It
lacks a knowledge of the Gnosis or Soul Wisdom. Given this Wisdom the Soul can
begin to modify its own future by controlling its creation of karma. This necessitates:

(a) Control of thought, because these thoughts create thought forms in the mental
body which condition the mind towards particular beliefs or attitudes.

(b) Control of speech, because speech is a creative vibration of the Logos of the
Microcosm, who is the Soul within the physical body. Vibration, according to natural
laws, will always create forms in the aura around the physical body. So we create, day
by day, our spiritual and material environment.

(c) Control of deeds, because these are direct physical evidence of our philosophy of

If we calmly and dispassionately review all the events of each day and modify our
behaviour accordingly we can slowly but surely create new and helpful environment
for Soul growth.

The Mechanism for the Modification of Karma

If a thought, word or deed is created at a moment of time then it will have the qualities
of that moment of time. This is called the Principle of Synchronicity. Our actions in
the microcosmic or human field impinge immediately on the universal or
macrocosmic field, and vice versa. The energies of the evolutionary process
continually shape our destiny. These energies are primarily astrological. In addition,
our actions (however insignificant affect the evolutionary progress of the Universe.
We cannot pluck a flower without the troubling of a Star. That Star in each of us is a
symbol of our Monad, or Father in Heaven,
The energies of the Cosmos at birth are shown in the horoscope of the child. This
horoscope, with its depicted strengths and weaknesses, limitations and opportunities,
is a symbolic reflection of the karma from previous lives. What we do with a life is
dependent on our Soul Wisdom. If we take charge of our life and mould it in the
Divine Image we can make hastened progress towards perfection. If we know the
nature of the energies of the Cosmos we can apply these energies. We can time our
actions to blend harmoniously with the flow of cosmic evolutionary rays. So, flowing
with Tao, we can move effortlessly towards our goal of unification with our Higher

The Symbolic Descent of Karmic Seeds

The basic law of evolution is cyclic. The Circle of the serpent biting its tail becomes
the unwinding through Time and Space of the serpentine powers of Fohat.

The Circle dropping from the Cross in the Mandala gives the first stage of
manifestation represented by the Egg of the Universe. The Egg hatches after
fructification by the Divine Ray of the Germs (Skandhas) of karma brought over from
a previous cycle. Then the Circle unwinds in Time (Chronos) and Space (Uranus) to
give the symbol of Saturn/Chronos.

The descent from the Monadic level is related to the need of the Spirit to spiritualize
Matter. The original homogenous Substance, Pradhana, is neither Spirit nor Matter. It
separates into polar opposites. The reason for evolution is simply the need to resolve
these opposites into their primal Unity. We must spiritualize the atoms of our bodies
by actively bringing down the alchemical transforming power of the Spirit-Monad to
transmute or raise the vibrations of our atomic structure. That is the evolutionary
process in a nutshell.

Karma commences to be created when an imbalance occurs in the polar forces of the
universe. So manifestation begins. The action of karma is to restore a state of
harmony. Therefore disease is properly named dis-ease, or disharmony.

The Skandhas. Transmission of Karma

Within the aura is found the mental and moral qualities of man which aggregate after
the death of the physical body and the dispersal of the etheric body in units called
skandhas which contain finite causes, some of which will find their outworking in the
next incarnation. To soma extent they will determine the weaknesses or strengths built
into the future physical and super-physical bodies. Thus they are carriers of past

They can be modified during a lifetime by man's actions and thoughts, therefore some
of these skandhas can be minimized or negated. Others relating to positive qualities
should be actively developed.

The impetus provided by the skandhas must be negated because they distort the
fundamental harmony of`the psychic field which must be re-established so that
spiritual at-one-ment can be achieved with the Higher Self - this being the alchemical
marriage of the Lunar (personality) and Solar (Christ) consciousness of the Higher

Karma and the Circle

The Soul bearing its skandhas, or seeds of karma from previous lives, descends
through the planes into denser and denser bodies (mental, astral, etheric and physical).
This is the descending spiral or involution of the Soul through Time and Space.

If the soul creates karma it does so at a particular point of the circle in a specific sign
of the zodiac. If karma is to be released it will be at a time when the planetary aspects
in the natal horoscope are being activated, by transits or progressions. The karma to be
projected is dependent on:

(a) the nature of the planets in common aspect

(b) the signs of the zodiac the planets are in (eg.Mars in Leo ed.)

(c) the houses of the zodiac the planets are in (eg. Virgo in the first House ed.)

The karma which is created by actions or thoughts on the physical, emotional or

mental planes can only manifest at a similar point in cyclic evolution.

The Circle in Time is a Wave of Consciousness, descending into the Personality to

gain experience, and ascending at death to assimilate the experience. Karma created at
point A will be precipitated in the second or a subsequent cycle when the aspects of
the planets repeat the pattern which the karma was created.

Astrological Precipitation of Karma

The machinery for the precipitation of karma is that of the natal horoscope which is,
in essence, static presentation of the projection of a point in the Space-Time

The discharge of karma is determined by the angles of the planets in the natal chart.

angular relationships are the lines along which energies from the cosmos (macrocosm)
will discharge themselves at specific and predictable times in the life of the
Personality. This fact is the basis for preventative medicine. (See Aquarian Astrology
and Medical Diagnosis.)

Prior to the onset of disease-state the person can be treated for mental or emotional
conditions, or receive a thorough medical check-up. Medicine can be given to
alleviate or negate the incipient condition. Special diets can be arranged to offset the
results of, say, stress conditions.

A basic knowledge of astrology will enable individuals to recognize difficult periods

in their life. This not only applies to human but also to governmental policies. Karma
operates through all manifested life forms in accord with cyclic laws.

In addition to the personal precipitation of karma there is the release of specific

energies for the Earth as a whole such as those related to the Equinoxes and Solstices.
We are affected by the karma of the group, occupational class, or nation we belong to.
Each hour, day, week, year or greater period is affected by the particular type of
energy connected with a specific cycle period.

The Difficulties of a Life. The Timing of Disease

We all have our ups and downs, mentally, emotionally and physically. If we wish to
understand the reason for these fluctuations we must look outside of ourselves and
examine the relationships between ourselves and the Universe. In symbolic terms a
difficult period is expressed in terms of a square or opposition aspect in the horoscope.

If this square or opposition is in the natal horoscope it will be activated by transits and
progressions at regular intervals. Such an aspect denotes a limitation imposed by past
karma created by our actions in previous lives. If we know that such a period is likely
to arise we can prepare psychologically to meet the challenge about to be faced.
Therefore an understanding of one's natal horoscope gives one foreknowledge,
whereas a review of one's daily actions gives wisdom after the event. Both methods
should be used to modify karma.

Disease means dis-ease or disharmony in the mental, emotional and physical bodies. It
can to some extent be predicted from the natal and progressed horoscopes. This
statement has far reaching implications in the treatment of disease because it opens up
the field of preventative medicine. Disease can be treated before it reaches the
physical body. This is a very important field involving the modification of karma.

The Active Destruction of Disease States

We must deliberately engage in control of:

(a) the mental body (25)

(b) the emotional body (5)

(c) the etheric and physical bodies (1)

Control of the mental and emotional bodies is brought about by meditation. The
numbers in brackets indicate the spiritual value of the same amount of time spent on
the control of consciousness at a given level. Try to spend as much time as possible on
the control of thought and its transfer to an abstract or spiritual level. We must
endeavour to build, a rainbow bridge to the Higher Self.
At the end of its Earth life the Soul discards its physical and etheric bodies and lives
on the non-physical planes in its astral and mental bodies. In the after death state the
Soul then assimilates the experiences of its life on Earth.

The etheric body is the mould or pattern of the physical body. It incorporates karmic
weaknesses or disabilities later to be found in the physical body and is called the linga
sharira. It is the vehicle for the various pranas or life energies which flow through the
physical and non-physical bodies.

Keep the physical body clean and adopt a vegetarian diet. Avoid the poisons of
alcohol, tobacco and drugs. Practise meditation daily.

The Power of Creative Thought

Generally we must avoid repetitive thinking which leads to surges of feeling in the
astral or mental bodies. A balanced and harmonious state of mind, where all psychic
forces are in equilibrium, must be achieved. Therefore meditation is of great
assistance in consolidating the sattvic guna (harmonious quality) in the psyche.

Avoid lower desires for physical plane objects and seek spiritual growth. This raises
consciousness out of its prison-house of the flesh, and so breaks the chains with which
the bodies imprison consciousness on the lower planes of existence.

Practise non-attachment and develop dispassion. Learn to relax the mind, calm the
emotions and avoid tension or strain in the physical body. Choose a place of peace or
tranquillity for meditation. Avoid excitation of the emotions or the mind. A sudden
flare of anger can destroy the results of a week of meditation because of the intensity
of the energies suffuse the mental and emotional bodies.
Transmutation it achieved by rising out of the planes of polar opposites and entering
into the point of synthesis from which they spring. Avoid Yin and Yang and flow
effortlessly to the Sea of Tao.

Action Without Karma

The word "Self" must be defined at three distinct levels.

(a) The Monad or Divine Self is part of the Godhead and as such cannot act with any
selfish or separate motive. This typifies the role of the Angelic Hierarchies who in a
sense, represent the non-incarnating part of the Monad.

(b) The Higher Self is a reflection of the Monad and early in its evolution is quite
immature. At a much later stage in evolution it has the collective experiences of
thousands of lives stored in the Causal Body and is rightly termed the genius (Roman)
or daemon (Greek) in us. The Higher Self also will not, in its later development, act
from selfish motives.

(c) The Lower Self is a fragment of the Higher which incarnates in the physical body.
This is the death or crucifixion of the Soul. It is vital that this Truth be taught to all
human beings. To gain Wisdom the Soul must re-establish a conscious link with the
Higher Self through meditation.

Selfless action, without personal motive, is that natural motivation of the Master of
the Wisdom, he who has achieved unity with the Godhead. This is the goal of
evolution for mankind. May you all one day reach this Supreme Attainment.

GO to Part XI or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents

(a) The Nature of the Soul. The Golden Flower


The Great Breath and the Elements

The Breath and the Spirit

Spirit, Soul and Body

The Soul, Greek, Hebraic and Esoteric Concepts

The Hindu Concept of the Soul

The Soul, Egyptian and Mesopotamian Concepts

The Higher and Lower Selves

The Descent of the Soul

The Golden Flower (Chinese)

The Chinese Trigrams (A)

The Chinese Trigrams (B)

The Golden Flower

The Awakening of the Golden Flower

The Higher and Lower Selves (A)

The Higher and Lower Selves (B)

Occultism refers to that which is hidden or covered over. It refers, in one sense, to the
obscuration of one planet by another. Occult powers include the siddhis of yoga
acquired by meditation. Intuitions or guidance from the Higher Self come through the
serene and placid surface of the unruffled mind. Occultism is the science of life and
the art of living derived from the application of natural laws. Reincarnation is an
occult law when it is "hidden" by man's ignorance.

Occult ideas deal with man's true position in the universe, his origin in and density,
the relation between the mortal and immortal, the temporal and the eternal, the finite
and the infinite.

These ideas of spiritual Reality require the use of integrative consciousness which is
the intelligence of the Higher Self. True knowledge is of the Spirit and can only be
obtained through intuition. The lower mind slays the Reality of the Spirit and so
wanders in darkness. The Will must be employed through the use of imagination.
Then that which is hidden or occulted can he made manifest.

Intellect without intuition is tinged with selfishness and pride. Only Soul-Wisdom can
keep the mind from dangerous pursuits. The motive of the disciple must be pure and
altruistic if power is to be used wisely in the development of Self-awareness.

The Great Breath and the Elements

All forms of manifestation are subject to cyclic manifestation. In the universe there is
the Great Year of 25,920 years in length, caused by the precession of the equinoxes. In
man there is the cycle of life. In one year there is the cycle of the seasons the solstices
and equinoxes forming an energy cross. In man, Spirit (head to feet) is the vertical
energy which is crucified in Matter (the horizontal speak [spear? ed.] through the
side). The fixed cross of Matter relates to the four Elements of Earth, Air, Fire and
Water. These derived from Aether or Akasha, related to the Throat Chakram ruled by
The powers of the Trinity or Higher Self (Cardinal, Fixed and Mutable) are the three
gunas of Rajas, Tamas and Sattva. They work through the four Elements of the lower
Quaternary from the Heart to the base of the spine. Each element is connected with a
tattva, or mode of motion, and is affected by cyclic changes related to the zodiacal and
planetary motions.

Each major Root Race in Earth's evolution develops a sense (the five loaves) of which
we have five (five kings of Edom) with two more (the two fishes of clairvoyance and
clairaudience) to be developed in the Sixth and Seventh Root Race. Therefore the
multitude in the Bible is fed with sense data, with twelve baskets (powers of the
zodiac) left over.

The Breath and the Spirit

The outward and inward breaths are related to the Sun and the Moon. The inner breath
is inspirational leading to inspiration or buddhi, an air quality. The exhaled breath
carries poison from the system. Deep breathing purifies the system. The cessation of
breath (between the cycle of inhalation and exhalation, as with sunrise and sunset) can
lead the mind to a higher spiritual level. Breath is connected with the tattvas or
planetary and zodiacal periods.

The solar energy or prana through the right nostril is related to action or rajas. The
lunar energy of the left nostril is receptive. The Sun is the Higher Self, Atma the Spirit
related to Fire. The Moon is the Lower Self or Personality related to Water. When they
are chemically married man achieves at-one-ment. The breath changes according to
the cycles in the universe.

Breath as polarity is represented by the male and female forces of Pingala and Ida, the
twin snakes of the caduceus. Energy manifests through the chakrams as long as polar
thinking or emotions are present. When the alchemical marriage takes place the polar
energies are negated and kundalini flows like an arrow up the spine. If this happens in
life we achieve samadhi. At death we transfer our energies to our superphysical astral
and mental bodies. This is the second or spiritual birth which can be achieved whilst
living in the physical body.

Spirit, Soul and Body

The occult view of Substance is that it is composed of Spirit and Matter in a

homogenous undifferentiated state known as Pradhana. When separation occurs an
interaction between these primal opposites causes Consciousness to arise.

Soul Spirit Parabrahman Father

Mind Consciousness Mahat Son

Body Matter Mulaprakriti Holy Ghost

This is the first major triad existing within the Godhead. An examination of
mythological genesis shows that Shiva/Saturn/Cronos, the ruler of the astrological
sign of Capricorn, governs the process of manifestation.

In Greek mythology Saturn/Cronos governs the great cycles of time, hence our word
"chronocrator". It is Saturn who is said to eat his children who represent the fruits of
earlier universes. It is Rhea, the Earth Mother, who substitutes a stone for the infant
Jupiter thereby allowing Jupiter (Zeus Pitar) to become the Father of the Gods for our
The Soul.
Greek, Hebraic and Esoteric Concepts

The Soul is related to the anima which leaves the body during sleep (astral travel) or
at death. The body is the soma or the tomb (sema) of the Spirit.

(a) Soma pneumatikon Monad or Spiritual body

(b) Soma psychikon Higher Self, body of the psyche

(c) Soma Physical body (temporary dwelling)

The Hebraic version is:

Neshamah Monad

Ruach Spirit Higher Self

Nephesh Soul Air, Pneuma, Life, Psyche

Guph Body Physical

The esoteric version is:

Atma Neshamah ) Soma pneumatikon Spirit

Buddhi Ruach ) Intuition

Higher Manas ) (Thymos) Mind I

Lower Manas ) Nephesh ) Mind II

Kama ) ) Soma psychikon Desires

Prana (Napistu) ) (Pneuma, Life) Life

Etheric Linga
Physical Guph Soma Body

The eidelon is the etheric, astral and mental bodies as the shadow body or aura of the
individual which interpenetrates the physical body and extends beyond it.

The Hindu Concept of the Soul

The three major planes of manifestation are:

Volitional Will Atma Spirit

Rational Mind Manas Mind

Emotional Emotions Kama Emotions

The life principle (asu) in man is depicted by the parasu or purusha, the Spirit
dwelling in the heart of man.

The cycle of descent from the Monad is the pitriyana (Way of the Pitris or Fathers).
This leads the Spirit to incarnation on the physical plane. The cycle of ascent is the
devayana from the Moon (Lower Self) to the Sun (Higher Self) and then to the Monad
(Deva or Angel-Self).

The action of the individual causes karma under the spiritual laws of the Lipika. This
karma affects our future lives until we live wholly within God's laws. The soul slowly
attains to perfection through the acquisition of spiritual wisdom (atma-vidya). Wrong
doing is caused by avidya or ignorance. This is why we break God's law. The Spirit
(Atma) achieves liberation when it renounces illusion on the lower planes and unifies
itself with the One Source through meditation or yoga.

The Soul.
Egyptian and Mesopotamian Concepts

The simple divisions of man are:

Spirit Ka Higher Self

Soul Ba Astral and mental bodies

Body Het ka House of the ka

The Akkadian word napistu means throat because it relates to Taurus and the Voice or
Verbum. Taurus rules the throat or Word and is related to the Monad.

The Mesopotamian stimmu is the ghost or lower reflection of the Higher Self. It
dwells on Earth which is the "land of no return" where "dust is its food". The Soul in
the physical body "sees no light and dwells in darkness" because the physical body is
the tomb or sema.

The Zoroastrian classification is:

Spirit Daeva Monad Supreme Lord

Soul Daena Higher Self

Soul Travashi Lower Self

Image Eidos (Gk.) Astral and mental bodies

Vital Spirit Pneuma (Gk.) Prana

Body Tanu (Gk.) Physical

The psychological structure of man is unchanging. It is our definitions of the psyche

which change. The esoteric classification of Man as Monad, Higher Self and Lower
Self (each with a tripartite structure) provides the key to all the terms relating to the
Soul and its bodies in the early religions.
The Higher and Lower Selves

The critical factor in any one life is the degree to which the Personality will respond to
the promptings of the Higher Self. This in turn depends on the karma of the
personality and its association with an occult school. The definition of a goal should
be the spiritual striving towards unification with the Higher Self.

Unfortunately education forces young minds towards material goals by divorcing

instruction on religion from the educational curriculum. At most introductions to
comparative religion are provided without any attempt to provide a synthetic view of

The basis of religion has to be related to the anatomy of man and therefore is as
scientific as any other discipline. It is unfortunate that mythology has also been
divorced from religion. This in turn has deprived us of a knowledge of the spiritual
hierarchies who have direct control over the evolution of the human race.

College level education should include:

(a) Comparative religion

(b) Comparative mythology

(c) An introduction to the non-physical bodies

(d) A brief exposition of karma and reincarnation

(e) Information on the Angelic Hierarchies

(f) Training in meditation and yoga postures.

The Descent of the Soul

The Soul, which is a conscious entity, descends to Earth (the pit) and as it does so it
acquires mental, astral, etheric and physical bodies. It loses its spiritual knowledge
because of the deadening effects of gross matter and the closing off of the bridge
between the Personality and the Individuality.

Since human beings can be regressed through hypnosis into a sequence of former
lives it should be obvious that this knowledge cannot inhere in brain cells created at a
later stage in time. This memory of previous lives is contained in the causal body
(karana sharira) which encloses the Individuality or Higher Self. It is the Higher Self
which evolves by sending a fragment of itself as a Soul to incarnate on Earth. At death
the experience of the Soul is withdrawn into the causal body where it serves to perfect
the consciousness of the Higher Self.

The Soul needs the infusion of the spiritual wisdom from the Higher Self (cosmic
ocean of Buddhi or wisdom). Through Soul-Wisdom it realizes its true nature and re-
enters the Kingdom of Heaven across the bridge (rainbow bridge of Bifrost in
Scandinavian mythology). This is the antahkarana in yoga which leads from the
Lower to the Higher Self.


The Chinese Trigrams (A)

The eight major trigrams are:


1. Chien Heaven Atma I Monad Cancer

2. Chen Thunder Atma II Higher Self Leo

3. Ken Mountain Buddhi (Individuality) Virgo

4. Li Fire-Sun Manas I (Christ) Libra

Water- Manas
5. Kan Lower Self Earth
Moon II

6. Tui Lake, Mist Kama (Individuality) Scorpio

7. Sun Prana (Lunar Triad) Sagittarius

8. Kun Earth Sthula Physical Body Capricorn

The eight signs of the zodiac are related to the seven Sacred Planets and the Earth
which acts as the bridge between the Lower and Higher Selves (Sun, Mercury and
Venus rule Leo, Virgo and Libra respectively. Mars, Jupiter and Saturn rule Scorpio,
Sagittarius and Capricorn respectively. These are the Triads of the Higher and Lower

The Earth and its Moon receive the reflected light of the Sun (ruling Leo in the Higher
Self). The Moon as the Lower Mind lies between the desire-mind of Scorpio and the
purified mind of Libra. The lunar seeds must be gathered and transmuted each month
to effect the regeneration of the Lower Self. These seeds are the elixir of life eternal.
When preserved the mind is illumined by the light of Christ.

The Chinese Trigrams (B)

The arrangement of the Trigrams is as follows:


Monadic (Spiritual)

Atma I Heaven Chien Chien

Higher Self

Atma II Spirit Hsing Chen

Buddhi Intuition Shen Ken

Manas I Intelligence Hun Li


Lower Self

Manas II Lower Mind Po Kan

Kama Desires Kuei Tui

Prana Life Energies Ming Sun


Sthula Earth Kun Kun

The trigrams are perfectly balanced in terms of their polar opposites. The trigram for
Heaven (Chien) represents the Monad as our Father in Heaven. It is the polar opposite
of Earth (Kun). Together these are the first opposites of Yang and Yin, or Spirit and
Matter. The other six trigrams form the interlaced triads of the Higher and Lower
Selves. The purpose of evolution is the spiritualization of Matter - the resolving of
Yang and Yin into Tao.
The Golden Flower

The Golden Flower is an eighth century Chinese text on mediation. The Chinese
symbols Chin Hua (Golden Flower) mean Kuang (Light) when written one above the
other. This Light is the descent of the Intuition from the Higher Self as Christ-
consciousness. The descent of the Light is depicted by the eight Trigrams of the I
Ching which relate to the esoteric psychology of man. The awakening of the Soul is
dependent on the descent of the Light and its circulation.

The original source is Tao which divides into:

YANG Male Light Heaven Sun Spirit

YIN Female Darkness Earth Moon Matter

These polar opposites relate to the interactions between the Solar Triad (Higher Self)
and the Lunar Triad (Lower Self) through the meditative process. Tai Chi is the spins
or ridge pole of the Aries-Libra axis which serves as a transmitter of the Light as
Kundalini. This serpent-fire resides at the base of the spine in the muladhara chakram.
It is raised to the top of the spine in meditation and causes spiritual enlightenment.

The Atma or Spirit (Hsing) descends as the life energy, or prana (Ming) into the
etheric body. This body, which is the mould of the physical, is the vehicle for the
distribution of prana.

The Awakening of the Golden Flower

Chen or Thunder represents the Atma or Spirit of man in Leo. As lightning it breaks
out of the muladhara chakram at the base of the spine and awakens spiritual vision.
Leo in the microcosm is directly across the zodiac from Aquarius where the cosmic
serpent-like energies of Fohat reside in Space.

Chien as Heaven or Wood in symbolised by seven trees. These are the seven chakras
along the spine of man and the seven lamps on the menorah. The serpent energy of
kundalini must flow up the spine before the lotus of the Golden Flower can blossom
in the Light of the Higher Self.

The consciousness should be concentrated in the brow chakram for at least fifteen
minutes each day to develop the Light Body and effect the spiritual marriage with the
Higher Self.

Ho means the use of the power of the will or Atma to free kundalini within the
physical body (the enclosure) and so effect the alchemical marriage. The movement of
the Great Breath is allied to the circulation of the Light currents (pranas) in the
physical body. Hsin is the bridge of the anahata chakram in the heart.

The Higher and Lower Selves (A)

The Animus or Higher Self is Yang and the Anima or Lower Self is Yin. These
represent the Solar and Lunar Triads.


Chen Prana (Life

Intuition (Astral)

Li Kan
Sun (Fire) Moon

Each part of the Higher Self reflects into the Lower, it being the triadic reflection of
the Higher. Tui or Kuei represents the astral shell or body of emotions. The bodies of
the anima or Lower Self begin to decay after death. In the first three days the physical
and etheric bodies disintegrate and the astral and mental bodies separate from them.

During life the Lower Self is goaded or tempted by the animal passions of the
emotions on the astral plane related to the astral body. After the disintegration of the
physical body these desires become more vivid or intense and have to be burned out.
This in related to the purgation or purification of the Soul on the lower astral planes.
After this the astral body disintegrates and the Soul then lives in its mental body on
the higher levels of the Heaven World.
The emotions (Kuei or Tui) must be transmuted into intuitional awareness (Shen or
Ken) which is buddhic consciousness, knowing no sense of separation.

The Higher and Lower Selves (B)

The Higher Self or Solar Triad is related to Li (Fire) and the Higher Mind. The Lower
Self or Lunar Triad is connected with Kan (Water). The alchemical marriage is the
union between Fire and Water effected by meditation. The interaction of Li (Father -
Yang) and Kan (Mother - Yin) produces the Divine Child of Christ-consciousness
known as Ken (Buddhi or Intuition) or Shen. Shen is represented by a double
serpentine coil (the twin snakes of Ida and Pingala up the spine). In the macrocosm or
universe this is the serpent energy of Fohat. Through the power of Intuition (Shen) we
can rise above the dualities of Yin and Yang and enter into the Unity of Tao. This is
the Cosmic Sea of Love-Wisdom in Pisces from which we have emerged into

The Heavenly Heart (Tao) is said to lie between the Sun (Higher Self or right eye) and
the Moon (Lower Self or left eye). The brow centre between the eyes is the ajna
chakram or "third eye" of spiritual vision. When the Darkness (Lower Self) is at rest
(in meditation) the Light of the Sun (Higher Self) can be seen at midnight. This is the
Light of the Golden Flower which arises like the opening of the lotus from the crown
chakram at the anterior fontanelle.

GO to Part XI(b) or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents


(b) Yoga and the Non-Physical Bodies


The Caduceus as a Microcosmic Symbol

The Descent of the Races and the Third Eye

The Tree, the Dragon and the Golden Fruit

The Chakras and the Book of Revelation

Evidence of the Mechanism of Yoga

The Chakras and the Body

The Chakras and Their Symbols

Vibrations and the Chakras

The Chakras and the Planes

The Gunas (Tamas, Rajas and Sattva)

The Gunas and the Astrological Signs

The Human Temperament, Elements and Seasons

The Mind as a Bridge

The Teachings of the Upanishads


"Seek ye first the Kingdom of Heaven and all these things shall be added to you."
The Maitrayana-Brahmana Upanishad says,

"The happiness belonging to a mind, which through deep inwardness (mediation) has
been washed clean and has entered into the Self … can only be perceived by an inner

The Bruhad Aranyaka Upanishad says:

"If a man worship the Self only as his true estate, his work cannot fail, for whatever he
desires, that he obtains from the Self."

The Great Self as Space is everywhere and unchanging. Those things manifested from
the Self move and change within It but It remains unchanged. The Space within the
Soul is our entry to the Life Everlasting. The Space without (the Lower Self) is filled
with the mental images of desire for lower things. Enter this inner Space and rest
within It, for it is the entrance to all Life. Death can then no longer separate us from
those whom we love.

This Great Self is the Spiritual Sun shining in the hearts of all creatures. This is the
true nature of the Soul. This is the Kingdom of Heaven within us. The Father in
Heaven is the Monad of every human being.

The Caduceus as a Microcosmic Symbol

Mythology is needed to protect the language of symbols from the ravages of the
scientific barbarians. The caduceus refers precisely to the occult anatomy of man. It
illustrates the applied science embedded in texts on yoga. It denotes the specific
energies of:

Kundalini (the serpent fire)

Ida (female energy)

Pingala (male energy)

Which play up the spine of man through the sushumna nodi in the spine from the
Muladhara chakram at the base of the spine to the Sahasrara chakram at the crown of
the head. The two snakes twined on the rod of the caduceus are direct and specific
illustrations of the sinuous flow of Ida and Pingala up the spine. This flow can be
directly experienced as a physiological change of state. The cross-over points on the
spine are related to the granthis or knots where these energies meet during their flow
through the chakras or psychic spiritual centres in man, which are connected with his
non-physical bodies and his spiritual evolution.

Religion has this precise and scientifically definable mechanism inherent in every
human body, irrespective of the religious affiliations of that person temporarily
inhabiting that body.

The Descent of the Races and the Third Eye

The descent of man from the perfection of the Garden of Eden in Paradise means not
only the descent of man from a spiritual level to the physical plane, it also refers to the
loss of direct spiritual communication with the angelic hierarchies. There was a
change from the spiritual vision of the "third eye" or a ajna chakram in the: forehead
because man at the mid-point of the Lemurian Root Race had to descend into physical
bodies and use the physical eyes to see on this lower plane.

The Bible states, "If thine eye be single thy whole body shall be filled with light".
This refers to the re-awakening of the "third eye" (or single eye of the Cyclops)
through the practice of yogic meditation and the awakening of the psychic centres or
chakras along the spine by the flow of kundalini -- the serpent-fire.
Therefore the mythological symbols of:

(a) The rod of Aaron turning to a serpent

(b) The uraeus or serpent in the pharaoh's forehead

(c) The Cyclops single eye

(d) The scroll with seven seals in Revelation

(e) The dragon in the bamboo tube (China)

(f) The caduceus or staff of Mercury

(g) The healing staff of Aesclepius

all relate to the mechanism connected with spiritual vision.

The Tree, the Dragon and the Golden Fruit

One of the events in the Life of Hercules relates to the golden apples of the
Hesperides garden which are guarded by a dragon. In a similar fashion in Chinese
mythology the dragon in the bamboo tube guards the riches of the philosopher from
thieves (the lower desires or passions).

The tree or tube (scroll in Revelation, Aaron's rod, etc.) is the spine of man. The
dragon is the serpent fire of kundalini. (Sk. Kund - serpent) The golden apples are the
spiritual riches of the Higher Self, reached by the ascent of the creative energies up
the middle pillar or spine of the Kabalistic Tree of Life. This is also the tree and
serpent of the Garden of Eden before humanity descended to the physical plane.

St. John's Gospel states,

"Except a man be born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God. Except a man be
born of water and the Spirit (Fire), he cannot enter into the kingdom of God."
The Baptismal Service repeats this.

"None can enter into the kingdom of God except he be regenerate and born anew of
water and the Holy Ghost" (fire).

The Holy Ghost appears as tongues of flame on the heads of the disciples. This refers
to the raising of the serpent fire (dragon, snake) to the head centres. The Brahmins
have rites of rebirth at the age of 12 (zodiac) [Jupiter returns to its position at birth in
the astrological chart. ed.]. Christ taught in the temple at the age of 12 (having
assimilated the powers of the Zodiac he therefore was reborn of the Spirit in the
temple of the body).

The Chakras and the Book of Revelation

The seven main chakras or psychic centres connected with the spine (the scroll with
seven seals in the Book of Revelation) are the physiological means whereby the
energies of the macrocosm or universe flow into the microcosm or body of man.
These seven chakras are the focal points in the microcosm for the energies of the
Seven Rays, just as the seven Sacred Planets are the focal points for the macrocosmic
emanation of these Rays.

The Bible is correct in stating in the Book of Revelation that the dragon was cast
down into the pit. The muladhara chakram at the base (pit) of the spine is the residing
place of the coiled serpent of kundalini.

The energies of kundalini flow up the spine and energise the pineal and pituitary
glands at the head of the spine. The stimulated energy fields of these glands interact
and awaken the ajna chakram or "third eye" in the forehead. This eye was used as a
direct organ of vision in the early Lemurian Race (Cyclops). It can again be awakened
by any person through the practise of yoga. This eye is depicted as the uraeus or
serpent emerging from the forehead of the statues of various pharaohs of Egypt.
Evidence of the Mechanism of Yoga

There is direct sculptural evidence of the serpent fire of kundalini emerging from the
forehead. There is direct literary evidence of the "third eye" in the many books on

There is direct physiological evidence of the use of this centre by clairvoyants and
psychics who place objects on their foreheads to read the history of that object by
entering their consciousness into the akashic records of that object.

There is direct mythological evidence of the existence of the "third eye" as used by the
Cyclops. In China the dragon in the bamboo tube is kundalini in the spine. The
tridanda staff carried by sadhus in India is a symbol of the spine with its granthis or
knots representing the chakras. In the symbolism of the caduceus the orb at the top of
the staff is the ajna chakram which has two major petals, exactly and pictorially
represented by the two wings of the caduceus. The sun disc of the Egyptian mysteries
is a direct reproduction of the caduceus. It has two serpents - one on either side of the
sun disc - depicting the energies of Ida and Pingala.

The medical profession uses the symbol of the staff of Aesclepius to designate the art
of healing.

The Chakras, and the Body

Head Centre (Sahasrara Chakram) Aries

Volitional or autonomic nervous system.

Pituitary gland .

Brow Centre (Ajna Chakram) Gemini

Non-volitional or sympathetic nervous system.

Pineal gland and medulla oblongata. Clairvoyance of the "third eye" in the forehead.
The uraeus serpent.

Control of the sense organs.

Throat Centre (Vishuddha Chakram) Taurus

Cervical plexus of cerebro-spinal system.

Thyroid gland. Respiratory system and brachial plexus.

Heart Centre (Anahata Chakram) Leo

Circulation of blood. Purification in lungs by element of Air. Respiration. Cardiac


Solar Plexus Centre (Manipura Chakram) Cancer, Virgo

Assimilation, digestion transformation of food into energy by the pranic element of

Fire. Epigastric plexus. Stomach and intestines.

Eliminatory Centre (Svadisthana Chakram) Libra

The elimination of waste products from the system. Bladder, intestines, urinary ducts,
hypogastric plexus. Element of Water.
Sacral Centre (Muladhara Chakram) Scorpio

Reproductive sexual centre. Sacral plexus. Element of Earth. Residual centre of

kundalini at the base of the spine.

The Chakras and Their Symbols

Chakram Colour Symbol Element Plane

Crown - Point Adi

Brow - Duality Anupadaka

Throat White Circle Akasha Spiritual

Heart Grey Hexagram Air Intuitional

Solar Plexus Red Triangle Fire Mental

Naval White Crescent Water Astral

Sacral Yellow Square Earth Physical

The four elements of Earth, Air, Fire and Water are related to the physical, astral
(emotional), mental and intuitional planes. The Soul when freed from the bodies
connected with the Elements (physical, etheric, astral, mental and causal) becomes the
pure Spirit or Atma.

The process whereby the Soul gains freedom is meditation or control of the mind
symbolized by the planet Mercury, ruler of Virgo, the intuition of the Higher Self.
Mercury is the prima materia or quicksilver of the alchemists whereby the lead of the
Lower Self (Saturn exalted in Libra and ruling the Fourth Ray) is transformed by
Mercury (the intuition or Christ-consciousness of the Higher Self) to the gold of the
Spirit (the Sun as ruler of Leo in the Solar Triad or Higher Self).
Vibrations and the Chakras

The seven planes from Adi to the Physical are the Lyre or sounding board of Orpheus.
White light manifests through seven colours of the spectrum. The musical notes
represent the focal points of the Seven Rays operating through the planets and chakras
in man. This sounding board is the spine with its thirty-three vertebrae.

The frequency of the vibrations is depicted by the number of petals in each chakram
from the lowest at the base of the spine up to the crown (4, 6, 10, 12, 16, 96, 960). The
vibration through a chakram produces a mode of motion known as an element or

Akasha Egg Divine Mercury Intuition Sound

Air Circle Spiritual Venus Empathy Touch

Water Crescent Emotional Mars Sex Taste

Fire Triangle Mental Jupiter Food Sight

Earth Cube Physical Saturn Skeleton Smell

The throat chakram of Taurus ruled by Venus is intimately connected with the
reproductive chakram ruled by Mars/Scorpio. So the voice changes at puberty with
the transfer of energies from one centre to another based on the human cycle.

Physical 0-7 Intuitional 28 - 35

Etheric 7 - 14 Spiritual 35 - 42

Emotional 14 - 21 Monadic 42 - 49

Mental 21- 28 Divine 49 - 56

The Chakras and the Planes

The chakras are spiritual force centres running from the spine towards the surface of
man's s super-physical bodies. They are spinning vortices of energy related to the
endocrine glands and the seven Sacred Planets. Awakened by the practise of yoga they
are the seven seals of the scroll in the Book of Revelation and are connected with the
seven planes of manifestation which the Soul inhabits.


Name Meaning

Crown Adi

Sahasrara Divine Triplicities

Brow Anupadaka Fixed

Ajna Monadic


Throat Atma

Vishuddha Spirit Cardinal

Heart Buddhi Air

Anahata Intuition


Sex Kama Manas

Svadisthana Desire Mind Fire

Solar Prana Earth

Life Energy

From the Spirit at the crown of the head there is a descent to Matter at the base of the
spine. The flow of current (kundalini, the serpent fire along the spine creates a
magnetic field on each plane which is focalized through the chakram for that plane.
This field is the superphysical aura of man.

The Gunas (Tamas, Rajas and Sattva)

Karma yoga is the path of action. This action is dominated by the three modes of
motion in the universe known as the gunas and related to the Trinity.

Tams is darkness, sluggishness, inertia, sloth or negligence. It is a force to be

struggled against and overcome. This requires the development of will, effort, self-
control and self-discipline. We use the "weight" of tamas to develop our spiritual

Rajas is activity, the hurry bustle of twentieth-century civilization for ever going
somewhere and arriving nowhere because the goal of the Soul perfection has
disappeared from sight. The rajistic quality of self-gratification must be replaced by
the concept of duty to the Higher Self. Act always with the concept of duty to the
"The Highest" in mind. Carry out the promptings of the Divine Will (Leo) of the
Higher Self (Christ) by listening to the faintest whisper (intuitive guidance) of the
Master (Monad) above Earth's loudest throng (the clamorous demands of the desire-
mind for sensory stimulation).

Sattva is the bliss of meditation beyond the pull of the opposites (rajas and tamas). In
the stillness of the mind the voice of Christ reaches the brain consciousness through
the door of the antahkarana.

The Gunas and the Astrological Signs

The signs of the zodiac fall into three groups or Qualities. They form three squares of
four signs each:


(Rajas) (Tamas) (Sattva)

Aries Taurus Gemini

Cancer Leo Virgo

Libra Scorpio Sagittarius

Capricorn Aquarius Pisces

The twelve signs also fall into the four groups of the primordial elements, Earth, Air,
Fire and Water.


(Physical) (Astral) (Mental) (Buddhic) (Atmic)

Taurus Cancer Aries Gemini -

Virgo Scorpio Leo Libra -

Capricorn Pisces Sagittarius Aquarius -

There are four triads each of three signs. Concentrations of planets in a particular
element will give strength to that element in the psyche of the individual.

Fire - Active, leader, impetus, rash

Air - Thinker, philosopher, loquacious, flighty

Water - Emotional, changeable, sensitive

Earth - Fixed, determined, stolid, stubborn

The Human Temperaments. Elements and Seasons
These are:


Sanguine Active Blood Air

Choleric Passionate Yellow Gall Fire

Phlegmatic Passive Phlegm Water

Melancholic Depressive Black Gall Earth

The elements accord with the equinoxes and solstices.


Spiritual Atma Akasha Zodiac Year

Institutional Buddhi Air Libra Autumn

Mental Manas Fire Aries Spring

Emotional Kama Water Cancer Summer

Physical Sthula Earth Capricorn Winter


Ascension Air Intuition Communion

Crucifixion Fire Mind Epistle, Gospel

Baptism Water Emotions Hymns, Devotion

Nativity Earth Body Censing, Purification

The Church service is designed to raise the consciousness of the communicant

upwards to the point where a real experience of the consciousness of Christ in the
Higher Self is possible. (See C.W. Leadbeater's Science of the Sacraments.)
The Mind as a Bridge


Higher Leo, Virgo, Libra Universal (alayavijnana)

Bridge Antahkarana The stillness of meditation

Lower Scorpio, Sagittarius, Capricorn Particular (manovijnana)

The Higher and Lower Selves are reflected triads from the Monad. Universal
consciousness is the one undivided consciousness of the Cosmic Ocean of Pisces
which is reflected from the macrocosm into its polar opposite of Virgo in the

The impure mind (klista-manas) is the conscious of the Lower Self entangled in the
desire realm of the astral plane. Consciousness can be removed from the desires of the
senses by meditation. This process is the movement from Scorpio to Virgo. The
energies of Scorpio are out-rushing through the sense organs. The energies of Virgo
are inward turned up the spine. This sublimation of sexual energies is the means of
spiritual unfoldment. Virgo is the intuitional consciousness of the Higher Self.

The Teachings of the Upanishads

The central theme of the Upanishads (Indian spiritual scriptures) is the identity of
each individual with every other throughout the whole of mankind. We are all
fragments of the One God, as are the mineral, plant and animal kingdoms.
In the Khandogya Upanishad Svetaketu is taught by his father to realize his identity
with the very essence of each object by use of the phrase:

Tat Tvam Asi - That Thou Art

When we reject all of the external qualities of a thing we are left with the real spiritual
essence which is the universal Spirit. We must learn to separate the phenomena or
qualities from the noumena or real essences. These essences come from the Great Sea
of Pisces. They acquire qualities through karmic law. The process of learning to strip
aside phenomena is "discrimination". Only through this process can we disentangle
consciousness from the lower desires. Then consciousness can return to its source in
the Higher Self.

In the Bhagavad Gita (Lord's Song) we are taught of:

"Him whose Soul is purified, whose Self in the Self of all creatures."

The Svetasvatara Upanishad repeats this theme:

"He to the One God, hidden in all creatures, all pervading, the Self within all watching
over all our works."

This is the Monad in us.

GO to Part XI(c) or Mandala Contents or Maat Texts Contents



(a) Christian Teachings and Meditation

The Sin of Adam. Salvation in Christ

Original Sin, Hell and Christ

The Light of Our Father in Heaven

The Light of the Spirit

The Kingdom of Heaven Lies Within

The Gospel of Transformation

Christ Knocks on Your Door

Turn to the Christ Within. Change Your Mind

(b) Masters, Disciples and Requirements

Spiritual Law and Free Will

The Spiritual Directors of Humanity (A)

The Spiritual Directors of Humanity (B)

The Spiritual Path and Initiation

The Ladder of Initiation

The Great Initiations

The Divine Birth of Christ

The Integrative Mind. Thought Forms

The Training of the Mind

Requirements for the Disciple (A)

Requirements for the Disciple (B)


The fall of Adam and Eve from the Garden of Eden is not caused by "sin" and it is
certainly not "original". The "fall" is the descent of the Soul or Race into incarnation
to gain the experience necessary for perfection through a series of lives.

Christ in not primarily a historical figure. The Cosmic Christ is eternal and He
represents the Divine Life, Love and Consciousness, a fragment of which is in every
human being. Correctly speaking the Christian religion is a universal religion only
when it is seen to exist from the beginning of the world. Christ is in all beings as a
fragment of the Godhead. He is the Light that must be freed from the vestures of the
bodies, physical and nonphysical.

This Light of Christ must eventually transmute the atomic structures of the bodies
from matter into spiritual energies or siddhis. Matter and Spirit are but the illusory
poles of the one Substance of the Godhead. Evolution is the resolving of polarity into
its original homogenous state. Ultimately there will neither be male nor female for we
are all one in Christ.

This is the universal religion which is to come. It is based on the Divine in us which
some call Christ. This word in a term for the God within you.

The Sin of Adam. Salvation in Christ

The early evangelical fervour of the Christian missionaries was based on three simple

(a) Man, through Adam's sin was born corrupt.

(b) The fate of the corrupt man was eternal torment.

(c) By acceptance of Christ man could be redeemed.

The esoteric interpretation of these propositions is as follows:

(a) Men, races and universes descend from a spiritual level of manifestation into a
lower physical state. The Light of the Soul is obscured by the Darkness of the tomb of
the physical body.

(b) This Darkness of the Lower Mind causes us to turn away from the Light of Soul-
Wisdom or Gnosis. This Light is the Intuition (Christ) of the Higher Self. Wrong
action creates adverse karma which causes torment until wrongdoing is abolished.
This is the Divine Law.

(c) Christ is the psychological hidden part of man known as the Higher Self. It is the
triadic reflection of the Monad from the Trinity of the Godhead. The Soul in the
Lower Self is "blind" until it receives the Light of the Higher Self through meditation.
This Christ is the eternal Spirit in man from the beginning of the world. All human
beings live in Christ but know it not.

Original Sin, Hell and Christ

The doctrine of Original Sin of Adam has been quietly shelved by the Christian
theologians because it is absurd. Sin is caused by wrong action against Spiritual Law
(not temporal Law). This Spiritual Law is administered by the Lipika or Scribes of
Karma. In the Book of Revelation this is the "Book of Life" in which are inscribed the
deeds of all beings. The esoteric name of this Book is the Akashic Records.

Hell as a concept provided the theme of "central heating" for non-Christians because
they were certain to "burn in hell", even if born before the advent of Christianity. Such
blasphemous teachings led to the disintegration of Christianity.

The rock of Christianity is that Christ is in all beings from the beginning of evolution
and over millions of years. Inept theological scholars destroyed this Truth when they
implied that Christ could not be in man unless he became a Christian. This is a major
Christian heresy which must be deleted from the corpus of the doctrine.

Christ is in man because He is a psychological part of our very nature. This is not a
teaching or a belief. The atoms contain Christ immanent as Life and Consciousness.
He is the Light which must be freed from our atomic structure.

The Light of Our Father in Heaven

The pneumatikos is the Higher Self. The psychikos is the Lower Self. The bridge is
meditation. Be led by the Spirit of the Star-Monad within you. This Monad is our
Father in Heaven. The Higher Self of Christ is a triadic reflection from the Monad.
The Lower Self is a fragment of the Higher descended into incarnation to gain the
experience necessary for its perfection through successive lives.

"Suddenly my Spirit did break through ... even into the innermost ... Deity ... In this
Light my Spirit suddenly saw through all. It is like the resurrection from the dead."
(Jacob Boehme) "I come from Heaven; am an Immortal Ray Of God; O Joy! and back
to God shall goe." (Henry More")
"Mine are the angels and the Mother of God, for all things are mine, God himself is
mine, and for me." (St. John of the Cross)

Man can be led by the Spirit-Monad to the experience of Christ through meditation.
This is the purpose of your existence.

The Light of the Spirit

"I saw a light from heaven (the Monad) above the brightness of the Sun (Higher Self)
shining round about me (the aura)." (St. Paul. Acts 26.13)

"I entered into the chamber of my Soul ... and beheld with the mysterious eye (the
"third eye" of the ajna chakram) of my Soul the Light that never changes. ... He who
knows the Truth (Gnosis) knows that Light." (St. Augustine)

"You can only apprehend the Truth by a faculty superior to reason, by entering into a
state in which you are your finite self (Lower Self) no longer ... It is the liberation of
the mind from its finite consciousness ... It is only now and then that we can enjoy this
elevation above the limits of the body. I myself have realised it but three times as yet."
(Plotinus. Letters to Flaccus.)

"Spirits yonder see themselves in others. For there all things are transparent and there
is nothing dark or resisting ... for light is manifest to light. For every one (microcosm)
has all things (macrocosm) in himself." (Plotinus. Ennead.)

"Thus being renewed by the Holy Spirit of the Monad we grow into His likeness
being "transformed into His image from glory unto glory". (St. Paul. II Cor. 3.18)

The Kingdom of Heaven Lies Within

"The Kingdom of Heaven in within you. Whoever knoweth himself (the Gnosis) shall
find it." (Oxyrhynchus Papyri)
We all reflect the glory of the Lord (Monad) and are reflected (by meditation) into the
glory of His image. (II Cor. 3.18) Be ye therefore perfect even as your Father (Monad)
which is in heaven is perfect.

"They may all be one (Lower Self, Higher Self and Monad), as thou Father (Monad)
art in me, and I (Higher Self) in thee, that they (Lower Self) also may be one in us."
(John 17.21)

The Kingdom of God is universal. It is based on the psychological structure of man.

All mystics have the same experiences of the Divine Source through their elevation of
consciousness. All mythologies and religions point to the one Source. That source is
your human body. This is not a syncretist religion. It is the Scientific Religion of the
Aquarian Age based on the rock of the physical body which is the Temple of the Holy
Ghost. You are living in this Temple. What do you do within it that is worthy of God?

The Gospel of Transformation

Christ is the consciousness immanent in the Higher Self as Intuition. Direct realization
of this state of consciousness is samadhi. The process whereby this experience can be
attained is meditation. This is yoga, which is the uniting of the consciousness of the
Lover Self or Personality, first with the Higher Self, and ultimately with the Monad,
which is our Father in Heaven.

"One God and Father of all who rules over all, acts through all and dwells in all."
(Eph. 4.6)

We can be taught of the Christ within us through books or teachers. Ultimately we

must experience Christ as a conscious realization through meditation. He is the Inner
Light of the Quakers and the Intuition in each of as.

The Religion of the Cosmic Christ is Universal because He is in all beings throughout
all Time. It is erroneous to propagate a historical religion of Christ. This is a fallacy
perpetrated by the misguided savants of the Christian Church. Religion is based on the
psychological structure of the human being. It is an analytical science which leads in
its application to a conscious experience of the Godhead through meditation.

Christ Knocks on Your Door.

"The Kingdom of God is within you." (Luke 17.21)

"Behold I stand at the door and knock; if any man hear my voice and open the door I
will come in to him." (Rev. 3.20-21)

The voice of the Higher Self as Intuition forever knocks on the door of the Lower Self
or Personality. When consciousness turns upwards in meditation the vibrations of the
brain cells become conditioned to receive the higher frequencies of the messages
(intuitions) sent by the Higher Self. Only then can Christ enter through the door of the
antahkarana. (See Part X.) This is not a religious belief. It is a psychological fact
based on the atomic construction of the superphysical bodies and their vibrational
fields. Religion is a science in spite of the gross ignorance of those who teach it as a
"faith" and those who falsely decry it as the "opium of the people". The Soviet Union
is destined to undergo a spiritual revolution based on its findings related to the psyche
or Soul in the laboratory. God is not mocked. He will have His time on Earth when we
turn again to Him. So let it be.

Turn to the Christ Within. Change Your Mind

Repentance or metanoia means having a change of mind. This turning to Christ is an

inner conversion of the consciousness of the Lower Self when it begins to accept the
promptings of the Higher Self as Christ.

We can. bring about a metamorphosis within ourself by changing the focus of our
attention from the outer sense impressions to the Inner Light of Christ. This demands
meditation. Concentration on the Light Source within is the next step. Then follows
the illumination of Samadhi. This in the yoga of Christ. (See the companion volume,
The Aquarian Bible, for a suitable form of meditation.)

Learn to change the direction of the mind by meditation on spiritual truths. Know who
you are, how you are constructed, why you are here, where exactly you are bound for
as a Soul, and what you should do to attain Self-realization. This is gnosis or Soul-
Wisdom. Free yourself from the bondage of the physical body. It is the rock-tomb of
your crucifixion. Emerge into the Light of the Spirit by the cultivation of meditation.
The Light is within you. Set it free. You are the Light of Christ. Meditate on this as a
Light Source. "Except ye turn ye shall in nowise enter the Kingdom." (Mark 9.33)


We are made of three constituent parts in terms of our psychological structure and
each of these parts is a triad.

1. Monad - Father in Heaven

2. Higher Self - Christ or Individuality

3. Lower Self - Jesus or Personality

Consciousness is the bridge for the descent of the Soul from the Monad and its
ultimate ascent to its original state of unity with the Godhead. Each Monad evolves
along one of the Seven Rays and each of these Rays is controlled by an Angelic
Hierarchy. There is a Master or perfected being in charge of each Ray.

We evolve step by step up the ladder of consciousness. Each step of Jacob's ladder is
an Initiation. We pass spiritual examinations. Just as we have earthly teachers in
school or college, so we have spiritual teachers or gurus. Each Age has its avatar or
teacher. Meditation, purity and unselfishness will open many doors. Put first must
come an acceptance of the teachings.
These are neither Buddhist, Hindu nor Christian. The teachings are the universal Soul-
Wisdom or Gnosis. This is what you should be taught at school for this is the real
education of the Soul.

Spiritual Law and Free Will

There is but one Law in the universe. It is represented by the collective Mind (Mahat)
and Will of the Angelic Hierarchies and the Masters of the Wisdom. We cannot be
compelled to obey this spiritual Law. We must, through an inner acquiescence, accept
the Law by the exercise of our free Will (Atma). This is true freedom of choice. We
cause our Master to appear when we signify our decision to follow without question
the promptings of our Higher Self. Thus guided we ultimately reach our Monad or
Father in Heaven by becoming Christs. This is the real message of Christianity and all
other religions. We are truly gods in the becoming.

Infant humanity in the Third Lemurian and Fourth Atlantean Root Races was given
the power of free will, selfishness became rampant and this led to the planned
destruction of Atlantis. This was the mid-point of the descent of these mighty Root
Races to the physical plane. Our present Fifth Root Race is now living on an Earth
where plasma physics is becoming commonplace. This plasma is etheric or fluid
matter and it is related to the ectoplasm produced by psychic human beings and
capable of being photographed.

The Spiritual Directors of Humanity (A)

The evolution of humanity is guided at every stage by the Masters of the Wisdom, the
"just men made perfect", the "communion of saints". We are given free will. When we
use it wrongly and commit sin this creates karma. The limitations or pain imposed by
wrong doing eventually leads the person to a willing acceptance of Spiritual Laws. By
cooperation with the Divine Plan Soul development is accelerated because we "flow
with Tao" which is the predetermined path of the evolutionary life-wave.

We are destined to become perfect even as our guides and mentors are perfect. But
through our free will we stray from the path of righteousness. Sooner or later the Soul
must turn to the Light of Christ within and seek illumination. Christ is the generic
term for the consciousness of the Higher Self, therefore Christ is the motive-force
behind all religions. He epitomizes the Love-Wisdom of the Cosmic Sea of Pisces,
which is the Virgin Mother. Fragments of His consciousness (the "drops" from the
"ocean" of Pisces) are in all human beings from birth, irrespective of their religious

This is the basis of religion. We have a Higher Self (Christ) which is dependent from
our Monad or Father in Heaven. That thou art.

The Spiritual Directors of Humanity (B)

The Monads descend from Aries along one or other of the Seven Rays into
incarnation. Each Ray has a spiritual Director or Master. The Seven Rays are related
to the seven Sacred Planets in the macrocosm and the seven chakras of the human
body in the microcosm.

The Microcosm or Man



Leo Will 1 Sun Morya

Virgo Wisdom 2 Mercury Koot Hoomi

Libra Intelligence 3 Venus Venetian

(Bridge) Antahkarana 4 Earth Serapis

Moon Lower Mind 5 Moon Hilarion


Scorpio Emotions 6 Mars Jesus

Sagittarius Life Force 7 Jupiter St Germain

Capricorn Physical Body Saturn Kumaras

The zodiacal signs are in their correct order from Leo to Capricorn and the planets are
in their correct order from the Sun to Saturn. The planetary rulerships of the signs are
those of traditional astrology. The Rays are in their correct order from One to Seven.
These serve to demonstrate the validity of the correspondences in the Table above.

The Spiritual Path and Initiation

The word "profane" means those who are before (pro) the fanum (fane) or temple in
the Outer Court. The profane represent the ordinary citizens who lack Soul-Wisdom
or gnosis (the "knowing" of soul purpose). The "strait gate and narrow way" of the
Bible is the path which leads from the Outer Court of the Lower Self to the Temple of
the Holy Ghost which is the Higher Self of each human being.

The chela or disciple by reception and application of the teachings of the gnosis or
Ageless Wisdom passes through successively higher levels of consciousness which
are Initiations. Success in this requires regular meditation and adherence to ethical and
moral laws.

All initiations widen the channel for the downflow of spiritual energy between the
higher and Lower Selves. These impersonal energies stimulate the highest and basest
thoughts of the individual hence the need for purity of thought, word and deed. The
decision to be made is whether the subsequent actions are to be selfish or unselfish.
One must be devoted to the spiritual enlightenment of the human race so that they
may be made cognizant of the Light of Christ within them.

The Ladder of Initiation

When we are initiated into the mysteries of the spiritual life we progress step by step
up the Ladder of conscious expansion of our awareness until we become Masters of
the Wisdom, the "just men made perfect," the "Communion of Saints." We know the
gods by the process of becoming gods.

The Masters of the Wisdom are rulers of the Seven Rays.

The Names of the Initiatory Levels

10 Silent Watcher (Sanat Kumara)

9 Lord of the World (Buddha)

8 Pratyeka Buddha

Manu (Vaivasvata Manu governs the Fifth Root


6 Chohan (Mahachohan - Lord of the Five Rays)

5 Asekha (Master) Plane

4 Arhat (Venerable) Buddhic

3 Anagamin (Not-Returning) Higher Mental

2 Sakadagamin (Once-Returning) Lower Mental

1 Srotapanni (Entered the Stream) Astral

The Masters, having passed through the Fifth Initiation, assume offices in the
Hierarchy such as the Lords of the Seven Rays.

The Great Initiations

The First Initiation (Srotapatti)

He who has entered the stream. The man who has separated his inner life from the
world. The man freed from the fetters of place. Initiation in the astral (emotional)
body. Destruction of the illusion of a separate self. Replacement of doubt by
knowledge. The casting off of superstition.

The Second Initiation (Sakridagamin)

He who receives birth once more. Development of the powers of yoga (siddhis). The
arousal of kundalini.

The Third Initiation (Anagamin)

He who is born no more. (Hamsa.) The destruction of desire (kamaraga) and hatred
(patigha). The loss of separateness.

The Fourth Initiation (Arhat)

The casting off of the five fetters.

1. Ruparaga Desire for life in form

2. Aruparaga Desire for life without form

3. Mana Pride is discarded

4. Unruffled calm. Serenity

5. Avidya Ignorance

The Fifth Initiation (Asekha)

The Master as a jivanmukti or freed Soul.

The Divine Birth of Christ

When the consciousness of the Lower Self is linked to the Higher we are then reborn
in Christ and enter the Kingdom of Heaven (astral and mental planes) as a direct and
immediate experience out of the physical body. Such initiations of the Soul occurred
in the Egyptian pyramids and the crypts and towers of the Mystery Schools. It is the
Initiates of these Schools who now lead humanity along the Path that they have
traversed. This is the Path of Discipleship.

The first step along this path is the control of the mind through meditation or self-
control. The passions are killed out or transmuted into their higher qualities. Man is
the creator of his own thought-universe in the human aura which interpenetrates the
physical body. We can receive other people's thoughts and unconsciously act on them.
So also we influence others by our thoughts and can be influenced in turn from a
higher spiritual level in meditation.

The mind is impetuous, strong and hard to curb as the wind. (Shri Krishna.) The tiger
manas (mind) forever roams restlessly through the forest of sense objects.

Learn to curb the mind by the practise of meditation and by indifference to the lower

The Integrative Mind. Thought Forms

The intelligence of the Higher Self is made manifest by the constant use of the
consciousness of the Lower Self to seek out and unify principles and laws. This is the
integrative consciousness of the Higher Self. It is a latent universal possibility which
can be brought into actuality by the elevation of consciousness in meditation. The
mind should be strengthened by deep thought and study.

We create our future by the thoughts of the mind. These thoughts, if repeated, form
structures or thought-forms in the aura around the physical body. These forms can be
seen clairvoyantly. In some people their fixity of thought creates separate entities in
the aura which then dominate the thinking of the individual. These are obsessions. It is
vital to retain an open mind so as to prevent rigidity of thought.

Ponder daily on the unreality of the physical plane and the physical body. Only the
Spirit-Monad of man is real for the period of emanation in which we are immersed
through incarnation. Introversion is the concentration of the mind on the Higher Self
and Monad. This is meditation.

The physical is transitory and the spiritual is eternal. The material universe is an
illusion of the mind. Evolution is the spiritualization of matter. Therefore matter,
being energy, is illusory.

The Training of the Mind

The mind becomes that on which it reflects. Therefore centre the mind upon your
Higher Self which is the Christ within you. Make the lower mind into a perfect mirror
which can catch and reflect the Light of the Spiritual Sun or Monad from which the
Higher Self descends.
Meditate on purity, truth, compassion, beauty, fortitude, self-restraint, peaceableness
and fearlessness. What you build into your character is yours forever because you are
immortal. Only the physical body dies. Become a Pillar of Light on Earth to guide
young Souls to their salvation in Christ. Likewise your Master, seeing your Light, will
guide your feet on the homeward path of the Prodigal Son.

Develop :

Discrimination between the Real and the unreal, the Eternal and
(a) Viveka.
the transitory.

Dispassion. Have no regard for the fruits of action. Become

(b) Vairagya.
indifferent to earthly desires.

(c) Shatsampatti. The six-fold mental qualities.

1. Shama Control of the mind.

2. Dama. Control of the senses and the body.

3. Uparati. Tolerance.

4 Titiksha. Endurance, without resentment.

5. Shraddha. Faith or confidence.

Balance, composure, peace of mind.

(d) Mumuksha. Desire for liberation.

Requirements for the Disciple (A)

The true occultist is he who renounces thought of self and lives to benefit mankind.
The existence of selfishness in the Lower Self must be destroyed. Altruism leads to
the mergence of consciousness with the Higher Self where the intuition (buddhi) leads
to an immediate experience of the unity of life, love and consciousness in the
Who shall ascend into the hill of the Lord? Who shall stand in His holy place (the
Higher Self)? He that hath clean hands and a pure heart. (Psalm 24.3-4)

The way of accent is by the practise of the six Buddhist virtues or Paramitas.

1. Dana - Charity or love.

2. Shila - Purity or morality.

3. Kshanti - Patience. Absence of resentment.

4. Vairagya - Indifference to pleasure or pain.

5. Virya - Strength, energy or spiritual will.

6. Dhyana - Contemplation or meditation.

We commence on the Spiritual Path through the First Initiation which is associated
with a greater link between the Lower Self and the Higher (Christ-consciousness). The
First Initiation is on the Astral Plane, the Second on the Lower Mental, the Third on
the Higher Mental and the Fourth on the Buddhic Plane.

Requirements for the Disciple (B)

We must have :

"A clean life, an open mind, a pure heart, an eager intellect, an unveiled spiritual
perfection, a readiness to give and receive advice and instruction, a loyal sense of duty
to the teacher, a willing obedience to the behests of Truth, once we have placed our
confidence in, and believe that teacher to be in possession of it; a courageous
endurance of personal injustice, a brave declaration of principles, a valiant defence of
those who are unjustly attacked, and a constant eye to the ideal of human progression
and perfection".
In terms of personal qualities :

(a) Good health and mental and physical purity.

(b) Unselfishness, charity, pity and love.

(c) Truthfulness and faith in karma and reincarnation.

(d) Undaunted courage.

(e) An intuitive awareness of the Higher Self.

(f) Calm indifference to pleasure and pain.

When the consciousness of the person recognizes the unity of life, love and
consciousness in the universe this is the evidence that the Higher Self has been able to
influence the Lower. We are truly gods in the becoming.


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