Femtocell Solution Radio Access Network Features
Femtocell Solution Radio Access Network Features
Femtocell Solution Radio Access Network Features
otherwise real Power Tx CPICH Min Power Tx CPICH
Mn Power Tx CPICH real Power Tx CPICH if
Adjustment CPICH
, _ _ _ _ _ _
_ _ _ _ _ _ , 0
dBm Min Power Tx CPICH 10 _ _ _ =
, is the lower limit of the CPICH transmission power range and
real Power Tx CPICH _ _ _
, is the actual CPICH transmission power of the FAP.
Adjustment CPICH real Power Tx CPICH Power Tx CPICH _ _ _ _ _ _ + =
The range of Uplink Interference is given as -70 to -110 dB. On occasions where the measured Uplink
Interference is at the lower limit, for example when an exclusive carrier has been assigned to the
femtocell network and there is no macrocell/femtocell activity on the carrier, there will be no headroom to
apply a bias value. However, in such a situation, as no femtocell or macrocell activity was detected,
transmitting at too high a power would not be interfering with any FAP or Node B. The variable
Adjustment CPICH _
is stored in the system database.
Downlink Open-Loop Power Control
In the downlink, the open-loop PC is used to set the initial power of the downlink channels based on the
downlink measurements reports from the UE. This function is located in both UTRAN and UE. A typical
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algorithm for calculating the initial power value of the Dedicated Physical Data Channel (DPDCH) when
the first bearer service is set up is:
( )
= PtxTotal
power Tx CPICH
DL o b Initial
_ _ ) / (
Where R is the user bit rate, (E
is the downlink planned E
value set by Radio Network Planning
for that particular bearer service, W is the chip rate, (E
is reported by the UE, is the downlink
orthogonality factor, and PtxTotal is the carrier power measured at the Node B and reported to the RNC.
For a modified radio bearer the scaling is done with the new user bit rate and new downlink E
Power Control on Downlink Common Channels
The transmission powers of the downlink common channels are determined by the network. In general
they are specified at the network set up but could be changed dynamically. Typical values for the
downlink common channels powers are as follows:
DL Common
Typical Power Level Note
P-CPICH 5-10% of the maximum cell Tx
P-SCH and S-
-3dB Relative to P-CPICH power
P-CCPCH -5dB Relative to P-CPICH power.
Carries BCH information
PICH -8dB Relative to P-CPICH power.
Paging Indication Channel. Np =
AICH -8dB Relative to P-CPICH power
S-CCPCH -5dB Relative to P-CPICH power.
Carries FACH and PCH (Paging
Table 1: Typical downlink common channel power levels
Please note that CPICH, P-SCH, Secondary Synchronisation Channel (S-SCH) and Primary Common
Control Physical Channel (PCCPCH) are cell specific configuration parameters which through radio
network planning set the actual cell size. It is expected in the FAP that cell size will need to be
dynamically controlled to provide the most optimal trade-off between FAP QoS while minimising the
macrocell interference impacts. To retain a fixed scaling relationship between the individual control
channels and the data channels it is expected that the maximum downlink power will be controlled to
adjust the FAP coverage as a function of macrocell CPICH RSCP. This is different to managing the
individual control channels. Inner-Loop Power Control
Inner-loop power control relies on the feedback information at the Layer 1 from the opposite end of the
radio link. This allows the UE/Node B to adjust its transmit power based on the received SIR level at the
Node B/UE to compensate for radio channel fading. Inner-loop PC is used for dedicated channels in both
uplink and downlink. Fast PC update rate is 1.5kHz.
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The following RRC information is communicated from the RNC to the UE: Downlink Target Block Error
Rate (BLER), Uplink gain factors, Uplink TPC (power control step size), Power Control Algorithm, Uplink
Resource Management values, (DPC_MODE (Algorithm 1 or 2).
The following RRC information is communicated back from the UE to the RNC: actual BLER, CPICH
Ec/No, CPICH RSCP, path loss, traffic and UE internal measurements.
Uplink Fast Closed-Loop Power Control
With respect to this function the following brief summary is provided:
The Node B receives target SIR from the uplink outer loop PC located in the RNC and compares it
against the estimated SIR measured from the pilot symbols on the DPCCH (note DPCCH and DPDCH
are multiplexed on the I/Q channels). If measured SIR exceeds the target the Transmit Power Control
(TPC) down command is issued to UE. If the estimated SIR is less than the target SIR then the TPC up
command is issued.
The optimum PC step size depends on UE speed 1dB step size will track up to 30km/hr (55Hz fading
There are two inner-loop Power Control algorithms Algorithm 1 and Algorithm 2. Algorithm 2 provides
superior performance for fading rates lower than 3km/hr. FAP should be configured to use this algorithm.
Algorithm 2 effectively reduces the update rate to 300Hz.
In starting the uplink DPDCH, a terminal is instructed to send an uplink DPCCH PC preamble and ranges
between 0 and 7 frames as set by the Radio Network Planning. During this time period Algorithm 1 is
activated to result in fast convergence.
During the PC communication after applying the DPCCH power adjustments and gain factors the UE is
not allowed to exceed the maximum transmit power as set by the Radio Network Planning.
Downlink Fast Closed-Loop Power Control
The downlink inner-loop power control sets the power of downlink DPCH and the following brief summary
is provided:
The UE receives from the higher layers the BLER target set by the RNC for the down-link outer-loop PC
together with other control parameters. The UE estimates the downlink SIR from the pilot symbols of the
downlink DPCH. This SIR estimate is compared with the target SIR. If the estimate is higher than the
target the UE transmits the TPC command up and if the estimate is lower than the UE transmits the TPC
command down.
The relative power differences between the DPDCH and the Transport Format Combination Indicator
(TFCI), TPC and pilot fields of the downlink DPCCH are determined by the power offsets P01, P02 and
Figure 12: Power Offsets for Improving the Downlink Signalling Quality
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The Downlink power control range is defined by the diagram below:
DL Total power
dynamic range
DL PC dynamic
No traffic channels activated
Minimum Code channel power
Node B Max
output power
Figure 103: Downlink Power Control Range Outer Loop Power Control
The aim of the outer-loop power control algorithm is to maintain the quality of the communication at the
level defined by the quality requirements of the bearer service in question by producing adequate target
SIR for the inner loop power control. This operation is carried out for each DCH belonging to the same
Radio Resource Control (RRC) connection. Adaptation of Maximum Powers
The maximum uplink and downlink power adaptation algorithms use the following concepts when
adjusting the uplink and downlink transmit power levels:
- During the first few voice calls the FAP builds a histogram of the indoor path loss, the RSCP and
the CPICH Ec/No values of the active FAP cell and neighbour cells by instructing the UE to make
the appropriate measurements.
- The objective of adapting the maximum downlink and uplink transmit power levels is to improve
the local coverage and QoS for the FAP UEs but minimise the interference effects on the
neighbour macrocells and FAPs. To do this, the basic assumptions are as follows:
- The majority of the calls made by FAP users will take place within the expected coverage
area (e.g. home and/or office) and that the maximum uplink transmit powers will be set such
that the noise rise at neighbour Macro neighbours is minimised while the downlink transmit
power levels will be set to achieve a certain CPICH Ec/No value for a predetermined number
of samples (e.g. 90%).
- Within the expected FAP coverage area there is a low probability of unregistered macrocell
- The difference between the uplink and downlink power is then a function of the power
allocation between the different downlink channels (i.e. proportion of downlink power is
allocated to control channels, High Speed Downlink Packet Access (HSDPA)) which limits
the power available to a particular DCH.
- The macrocell uplink noise rise can be limited by using the knowledge of the path loss
spread between the FAP UEs that are roaming within the expected FAP coverage area and
the neighbour macrocell Node Bs to set a limit on the maximum allowed FAP UE Tx power.
Clearly the macro layer to FAP UE path losses measured will be different from the initial path
loss calculations made by the FAP in Downlink Listen Monitor Mode. Measurements will
typically be taken from the FAP UE when in CELL DCH.
- From measurements conducted, it assumed that the typical indoor propagation losses are
within the range of 60 to 95dB.
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- The maximum uplink and downlink transmit powers may converge to different values. The
maximum uplink transmit power may be larger than the downlink transmit power allocated to
that particular FAP UE/DCH. The extra uplink power headroom will accommodate the
situation when unregistered users come into the FAP coverage area hence leading to the
FAP-UE requiring more power to overcome the resulting interference scenario.
- When neither FAP nor macro neighbour cells are detected then the same histogram method
of the reported FAP UE measurements will be used to limit the maximum downlink and
uplink transmit powers.
It is important to note that by setting the maximum uplink and downlink transmit powers it does not have
any effect on the power control loops and functionality that are active within the UMTS uplinks and
2.2.3 Admission Control
Admission control needs to check, before admitting a new UE, that the admittance will not sacrifice the
planned coverage area and the quality of the existing connection. Admission control accepts or rejects a
request to establish a radio access bearer in the radio access network. The admission control algorithm is
executed when a bearer is set up or modified. The admission control algorithm estimates separately in
uplink and downlink the load increase that the establishment of the bearer would cause in the access
network. The requesting bearer can be admitted only if both uplink and downlink admission control admit
it, otherwise it is rejected because of the excessive interference that it would produce in the network. FAP capacity
In the context of the FAP system, Admission Control function is handled by the FAP RRC, and the
admission policy is dictated by its limited processing resources. The FAP can serve up to a maximum of 4
users depending on the mix of services of the users on a first come first serve basis. For example, the
FAP can hold up to 4 simultaneous Adaptive Multi Rate (AMR) calls, but if a 384/64 Packet Switched call
is active then only 2 new AMR calls can be admitted. However, admission control allows modification of
the service rate of existing PS calls to accommodate extra users. For example a 384/64 Packet Switched
connection will be modified if need to accommodate up to 3 AMR users.
In addition, for new Packet Switched type connections, FAP admission control attempts to verify that the
default (or requested ) downlink/uplink data rates can be sustained in the current radio environment of the
UE based on the UE reported CPICH Ec/No measurement reported on the RACH during call set up and
the FAP measured SIR during call setup.
In the local FAP case, a mixture of data and real time traffic Admission control must be established as
data traffic is seen from the radio side as a call and consumes bandwidth on the backhaul that might
affect the performance of other real time traffic. Admission Control mechanisms complement the
capabilities of QoS tools to protect real time traffic from the negative effects of other voice/data traffic and
to keep excess voice/data traffic off the backhaul network.
If Admission Control is enabled, new calls are allowed only if there are enough DPCH channels,
bandwidth and processing power left to be able to handle the resulting media streams effectively. This
Admission Control mechanism is a proactive mechanism that reduces the user possible bad service
perception at the beginning.
If the unit is being overloaded it is better to deny further calls, and thus maintain quality of the ones
currently in progress, rather than allowing too many calls that would overload the unit and reduce quality
of all calls in progress. This must be associated with calls priorities defining what call can be rejected or
redirected and with dynamical congestion control mechanisms.
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30 Summary of Capacity Management
As a summary, the following table list all methods and tools that FAPs use for Admission control handling:
Method Description
Admission Control Reject new User Requests
Redirect New User Request to another UMTS carrier or
neighbour GSM Cell
Switch the Channel type of existing PS call from DCH to
FACH (Release 2.0)
Reduce the data rate of existing PS call (Release 2.0)
Give priority to Emergency call
Table 3: Admission Control New Call Handling at full capacity
When the FAP is running at its full capacity, e.g. 4 simultaneous voice calls at AMR 12.2 Kbps, it can use
following mechanisms to handle the 5
voice mobile originated call request:
- Redirection at Radio Level: Redirect the Radio Resource Control (RRC) connection request of CS
MO call to 3G/2G macrocell
- Channel Type Switching to Cell FACH (Release 2.0): Push the existing PS call in Cell DCH state to
Cell FACH state in order to accommodate a new CS call request
- Reduce the data rate of existing PS call (Release 2.0): Reconfigure the data rate of existing PS call
to lower data rate
- Directed Retry (Release 3.0): Reject the Call Request from Gateway with cause directed retry and
Redirect the RAB Assignment establishment request and relocate to Macro Cell
Redirection at Radio Level
Call Establishment starts with the UE sending RRC Connection Request with appropriate cause value.
When the FAP receives the message, it checks if there is any room to accommodate this new call request.
In case that the FAP is running at its full capacity, it rejects the request by sending RRC CONNECTION
REJECT (with cause: Congestion) and with necessary parameters to redirect the call request to either 3G
Macro Cell or 2G Macro cell. In the case that the 5
RRC Connection Request is placed for CS MO call,
then the FAP will still redirect the request to Macro Cell. In case that 5
RRC Connection Request is for
CS MT call or PS MO/MT call, then the FAP will reject the request and UE will stay in idle state in the FAP.
Channel Type Switching to Cell FACH
When the FAP receives the message, it checks if there is any room to accommodate this new call request.
In case that new RRC Connection Request for CS MO call and the FAP is running at its full capacity with
one of the occupied DPCH resources used by PS RAB, FAP free up DPCH resource by Channel Type
Switching of PS RAB to Cell FACH state.
Reduce the data rate of existing PS call
When a new PS connection is requested, call admission control will check the current usage of downlink
(DL) OVSF codes and uplink (UL) spreading factor resources in the modem. If sufficient resources are
available, it will attempt to assign the new user a 384k DL / 64k UL bearer, unless the user is R5 capable
in which case they will be assigned HSDSCH DL / 128k UL. If insufficient resources are available to
assign these high data rates, then the user will be assigned the maximum possible data rate based on
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the remaining available resources. If no resources are available for the minimum PS service (64k DL / 64k
UL), Call admission control will search the list of current users to find candidates that can be reconfigured
to lower data rates.
Directed Retry mechanism
In this mechanism, the FAP does not reject the UE at radio signalling level, i.e. by sending the RRC
CONNECTION REJECT, instead the FAP sets up the RRC connection with the UE. On receiving the
RAB ASSIGNMENT REQUEST message from Core Network, the FAP rejects the request with cause
directed Retry to perform the handover to macrocell. In this case the FAP initiates the Relocation
Preparation procedure as follows:
- The FAP terminates the request indicating unsuccessful RAB configuration assignment with the
cause "Directed retry".
- The RAN GW reports the outcome of the procedure in one RAB ASSIGNMENT RESPONSE
- The FAP invokes relocation by sending RELOCATION REQUIRED message to the Core Network
with the cause "Directed Retry".
- The Core Network terminates the RAB Assignment procedure at reception of the RAB
- The Core Network establishes the relocation procedure with target macrocell.
Figure 1411 : Directed Retry
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2.2.4 Capacity and Multi-RAB Combination
The following table shows the services and RAB combinations supported by the FAP. The FAP will
support multi RAB allowing concurrent voice and data calls. The QoS mechanism in place will prioritise
voice connections over and above the data connections.
RAB Type
Max Users (all users on
same RAB combination)
AMR 12.2k 4
Video 64k 3
Packet Switched Downlink :64k/Uplink:64k 4
Packet Switched Downlink:128k/Uplink:64k 4
Packet Switched Downlink :384k/ Uplink :64k 2
Packet Switched Downlink :384k/ Uplink :128k 2
Packet Switched Downlink :384k/ Uplink :384k 1
Packet Switched HSDPA/64 4
Packet Switched HSDPA/128 2
Packet Switched HSDPA/384 1
AMR + Packet Switched 64/64 4
AMR + Packet Switched 128/64 4
AMR + Packet Switched 384/64 2
AMR + Packet Switched HSDPA/64 4
AMR + Packet Switched HSDPA/128 2
AMR + Packet Switched HSDPA/384 1
Video + Packet Switched 128/64 2
Video + Packet Switched 64/64 2
Video + Packet Switched HSDPA/64 2
Video + Packet Switched HSDPA/128 1
Table 7 : Services and RAB Combinations
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The NEC femtocell solution currently supports HSDPA 7.2 Mbps. HSDPA was introduced in UMTS R5;
the feature introduces the HSDCH which essentially is a downlink channel shared by multiple UEs UEs
are allocated downlink resources within the HS-DSCH in real time, depending on the presence of
downlink data for them.
2.3.1 Expected Throughput
For a HSDPA 7.2 Mbps bearer, there are a set of protocol and other overheads that will limit the rate that
a user experiences.
Therefore the absolute maximum theoretical data rate is 6.72 Mbps. However this does not take account
- Hybrid Automatic Request Request (HARQ) re-transmissions.
- RLC status PDUs.
- RLC re-transmissions.
Even in very good channel conditions, there will always be a residual block error rate, so the HSDPA
scheduler can trade off power against block error rate to optimise overall throughput and minimise
interference; this means that in all practical scenarios, there will always be a certain block error rate that
reduces the observed throughput.
Therefore the maximum practical data rate for a HSDPA 7.2 Mbps carrier in good laboratory conditions,
when measured at the IP layer by a personal computer with a HSDPA data card, is approximately 6.4
The HSDPA 7.2 Mbps implementation supports up to 10 codes and 2 users per Transmission Time
Interval (TTI). Up to 4 active users are supported, multiplexed in time across multiple TTIs.
HSDPA 7.2 Mbps service begins to hit limitations on the processor power of the embedded processor.
Also, HSDPA service from a FAP is still subject to RF issues of interference and the changing channel
conditions of the UE, which can make the peak rate vary.
RLC header size: 3 bytes (AM PDU)
MAC header size: 4 bytes (for HSDPA)
The RLC/MAC total packet size is 656 bits
(this is the transport block size configured)
Therefore Payload size per MAC PDU is: 656 ((4 + 3)*8) = 600 bits
A 1500 byte TCP packet will be split into: 1500 / (600 / 8) = 20 RLC PDUs
FAP can send up to 112 MAC PDUs every 10ms to a category 8 UE
Maximum Payload transfer rate: (600 * 112) / 0.010 = 6.72 Mbps
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2.3.2 HSDPA Scheduler in FAP
Resources are allocated in terms of transport block size, modulation, channelization codes and transmit
power in particular TTIs and are signalled to the receiving UE by the femtocell. The entity in the femtocell
which selects these parameters is called the scheduler, and is implemented within the MAC-hs entity of
the PS-mode HSDPA protocol stack.
Regarding the tuning and control of the scheduling mechanism, it is very important to note that:
- Whilst in a macrocell, which will have large numbers of contending users, the tuning and efficiency of
the HSDPA scheduler is of paramount importance.
- In a femtocell, which has at most 4 HSDPA users and most likely will only have one or two in the vast
majority of cases, the tuning and efficiency of the HSDPA scheduler is far less important.
In all cases, each scheduled user is allocated transmission resource by the MAC-hs scheduler on a per-
TTI basis - this defines the number of codes to be used, the modulation scheme and the transmit power.
The selection of these resources is based on the UE's reported Channel Quality Indication (CQI) and
limited by their UE category (each category places a limit on the number of codes the UE can handle and
some categories can only support Quadrature Phase-Shift Keying (QPSK). It supports both QPSK and
16 Quadrature Amplitude Modulation (16QAM) and can transmit different modulation schemes
simultaneously to different users.
The MAC-hs implements a proportional fair metric based scheduler the metric for each user is derived
from their average throughput and their reported maximum instantaneous data rate. This means that:
- For multiple UEs the amount of resource allocated is according to their metric value (bigger metric
= more resource).
- If a UE is receiving downlink data, then their metric will go up and they will get more allocation.
Therefore more active users get more allocation and less active users get less allocation. If all users are
equally active their metrics will converge and their allocations will likewise converge.
Any pending re-transmission for a UE is automatically selected ahead of making a new initial transmission.
HSUPA is the next evolution step for 3G/UMTS networks. The HSUPA which is also known as FDD
Enhanced Uplink (EUL) has been introduced in the release 6 of 3GPP standards. Objective of HSUPA is
to enhance uplink packet data transmission by achieving data rates of up to 5.76 Mbps. Furthermore,
HSUPA will increase uplink capacity and reduce latency. A combination of HSDPA and HSUPA is
especially beneficial, since it will allow optimized packet data transfer in downlink and uplink. Services
that benefit from HSUPA are multimedia applications requiring excellent uplink performance, e.g. gaming,
video streaming, file upload. There are following UE categories on support of HSUPA. HSUPA would be
supported in Release 2.0 and would support Categories 2 & 3 at that release
HSUPA Category Max Uplink Speed
Category 1 0.73 Mbit/s
Category 2 1.46 Mbit/s
Category 3 1.46 Mbit/s
Category 4 2.93 Mbit/s
Category 5 2.00 Mbit/s
Category 6 5.76 Mbit/s
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HSUPA uses an uplink Enhanced Dedicated Channel (E-DCH) on which it employs link adaptation
methods similar to those employed by HSDPA including:
Higher-order modulation in addition to the existing Quadrature Phase Shift Keying (QPSK) - a
phase modulation algorithm - and 16-QAM (Quadruple Amplitude Modulation) (four amplitudes and
four phases) is used enabling higher data rates under favourable radio conditions (i.e. over less
noisy channels)
Shorter TTI (Transmission Time Interval) enabling faster link adaptation
HARQ (Hybrid ARQ (Automatic Repeat Request)) with incremental redundancy making
retransmissions more effective
Similarly to HSDPA, there is a packet scheduler, but its operate on a request-grant principle where the UE
(User Equipment) requests permission to send packets and the scheduler decides when and how many
UEs will be allowed to do so. A request for transmission will contain data about the state of the
transmission buffer, the queue at the UE and its available power margin.
2.4.3 HSUPA New Channel
Within the HSUPA framework, the Enhanced Dedicated Channel (E-DCH) is introduced as a new
transport channel for carrying user data on the uplink. On physical layer level, this translates into 2 new
uplink channels:
E-DCH Dedicated Physical Data Channel (E-DPDCH), and
E-DCH Dedicated Physical Control Channel (E-DPCCH).
The E-DPCCH carries control information associated to the E-DPDCH. In the downlink, 3 new channels
are introduced for control purposes:
- E-AGCH: E-DCH Absolute Grant Channel carrying absolute grants
- E-RGCH: E-DCH Relative Grant Channel carrying relative grants
- E-HICH: E-DCH Hybrid ARQ Indicator Channel carrying ACK/NACK
2.4.3 HSUPA Uplink Scheduling
The FAP maximum E-TFC selection mechanism takes into account the following for the HSUPA link
- scheduling information (UE power headroom, total E-DCH buffer status, Highest Logical Channel ID,
Highest Priority Logical Channel Buffer Status)
- QoS (User Priority and Guaranteed Bit Rate)
- reference power offset (E-DPDCH power associated to the reference E-TFC/DPCCH)
- the happy bit of E-DPCCH
- the uplink current cell load
The uplink scheduling mechanism is of central importance for HSUPA. As with HSDPA, the FAP supports
a proportional fair metric-based scheduling algorithm Task of the uplink scheduler is to control the uplink
resources the UEs in the cell are using. The scheduler therefore grants maximum allowed transmit power
ratios to each UE. This effectively limits the transport block size the UE can select and thus the uplink
data rate. The scheduling mechanism is based on absolute and relative grants. The absolute grants are
used to initialize the scheduling process and provide absolute transmit power ratios to the UE, whereas
the relative grants are used for incremental up- or downgrades of the allowed transmit power.
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The max E-TFC selection mechanism takes into account following:
- The scheduling information (UE power headroom, total E-DCH buffer status, Highest Logical
Channel ID, Highest Priority Logical Channel Buffer Status.
- The QoS (User priority and GBR)
- The reference power offset (E-DPDCH power associated to the reference E-TFC/DPCCH).
- The happy bit of E-DPCCH.
- The UL current cell load.
The HARQ protocol is a retransmission protocol improving robustness against link adaptation errors. The
FAP can request retransmissions of erroneously received data packets and will send for each packet
either an acknowledgement (ACK) or a negative acknowledgement (NACK) to the UE. The HSUPA
release supports incremental redundancy and chase combining HARQ types. There will be 4 HARQ
processes when TTI=10ms and 8 HARQ processes when TTI=2ms.
2.4.5 HSUPA Power Management
A mechanism is implemented in the FAP to prevent from downlink power shortage when HSDPA is
configured for the downlink HSUPA channels E-AGCH, Enhance Relative Grant Channel (E-RGCH) and
E-HICH. A fixed transmission power is allocated to these downlink HSUPA channels. Power is not
dynamically allocated between HSDPA and HSUPA downlink channels.
E-DPDCH power offset for HARQ power are configurable by the operator over the Layer 1 API. The
Node B Application Protocol (NBAP) optional parameters for E-AGCH, EHICH and E-RGCH power
offsets are not supported a fixed transmission power is allocated to these downlink HSUPA channels.