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Haramain High Speed Railway Stations

H41.1101 H41.1102 H41.1103


Descriptive Works Scope of Works Particular Interfaces

1 1 1




Roof Systems
Type RFS-301 Roof System


H41.1301 H41.1302 H41.1303 H41.1304 H41.1305 H41.1306 H41.1307 H41.1308 H41.1309 H41.1310


Tender Submittals
Tender Response


Samples, Mock-ups, Prototypes and Quality Benchmarks

Pre-contract Samples Post Contract Samples Mock-ups Prototypes Benchmark Requirements

1 2 2 2 2

Test Requirements Sealant Testing Grout Staining Slip Resistance Testing

2 2 2 2

H41.1401 H41.1402 H41.1403 H41.1404 H41.1405 H41.1406 H41.1407 H41.1408 H41.1409 H41.1410 H41.1411 H41.1412 H41.1413 H41.1414 H41.1415 H41.1416

General Specific Movements Thermal Expansion Specific Dead Loads Specific Live Loads Wind Loads Deflections

3 3 3 3 4 4 4

Thermal Resistance Weather Resistance Glass Performance Requirements

4 4 4

Colour Demountability

5 5

Fire Performance Requirements


Performance Requirements Noise

5 5

Slip Resistance
Slip Resistance


H41.2101 H41.2102 H41.2103 H41.2104


Roof Systems
Type RFS-301 Roof System


Glazed-in Infill Panels

Glazed Units Design Life Warranty

7 7 7

H41.2201 H41.2202
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Systems Generally

Foster + Partners Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics Panel Cladding/ Features


Haramain High Speed Railway Stations

H41.2203 H41.2204 H41.2205 H41.2206 H41.2207 H41.2208 Ceramic Mosaic Tiles




Movement Joints Generally Sealant Joints Open Drained Joints

8 8 8



H41.2301 H41.2302 H41.2303 H41.2304 H41.2305

Tolerances for Manufacture Quality of Work Gel Coats(s) to External Surfaces (Without Applied Topping where applicable). Laminating Cores, Ribs, etc.

8 8 8 9 9

H41.3101 H41.3102

Generally Welding

9 10


Installation Tolerances


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Foster + Partners Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics Panel Cladding/ Features

Haramain High Speed Railway Stations





To be read in conjunction with Overarching and Architectural Section A and other related sections of the Specification, Preliminaries and Contract Conditions.



Descriptive Works a) b) For design and general performance requirements, refer to Section A of the Specification. Specific design and performance requirements are as defined in the particular trade sections. Complete the Detailed Design, manufacture, supply, install and warrant the works whilst complying with the visual intent indicated on the Design Drawings and criteria stated in the Specification. Where no material, product or supplier is indicated in the Specification, propose suitable materials and systems prior to Contract award which comply with the visual intent and performance criteria stated and remain fully responsible for the Detailed Design of the works. Where a particular material, product or supplier is indicated in the Specification, such material, product or supplier shall be deemed indicative representing the Engineer's design intent only. The Contractor may complete the installation using that product, or such other confirmed as acceptable by the Engineer in writing, but shall remain fully responsible for the Detailed Design and performance of the works.




Scope of Works This section of the Specification, when read in conjunction with the Design Drawings, provides particular requirements with respect to the works, which include the following: a) Roof systems. Complete the Detailed Design of all interfaces with adjoining trades prior to commencement of manufacture. Ensure that all interfaces are fully co-ordinated prior to commencement.


Particular Interfaces a) b)


Roof Systems
Type RFS-301 Roof System GRP composite panel roofing.



Tender Submittals
Tender Response a) b) c) Provide tender submittals in accordance with the requirements of Overarching Section A.3000 of the Specification. Submit a design response with the Tender proposal, to include all profiles of typical conditions, with dimensions. The Tender design response shall include: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Samples where specified. List of Tests included. QA/ QC programme. List of proposed Working Drawings. Summary of deviations from the Specification. Outline technical specifications reflecting proposed materials/ systems. A list of proposed suppliers and sub-contractors intended to be used.

Samples, Mock-ups, Prototypes and Quality Benchmarks

H41.1302 Pre-contract Samples In accordance with Overarching Section A.3000, pre-contract samples of the following shall be provided: a) b) c)
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300mm x 300mm sample of the actual GRP roof fabric. 300mm x 300mm sample of the specified tiled finish on a representative GRP background including grout. 300mm lenth of the trafficable capping plate.
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H41 / 1

Haramain High Speed Railway Stations

d) e) H41.1303

Fastening devices and anchors. Bolts and exposed fittings.

Post Contract Samples In accordance with Overarching Section A.3000, post contract samples of the following shall be provided: a) b) c) d) e) 500mm x 500mm sample of the actual GRP roof fabric. 500mm x 500mm sample of the specified tiled finish on a representative GRP background including grout. 600mm lenth of the trafficable capping plate. Fastening devices and anchors. Bolts and exposed fittings.


Mock-ups In accordance with Overarching Section A.3000, a mock-up of the following shall be provided: A representation of Type RFS-301 roof system illustrating the geometric form - the extent of which shall be 3.4m x 6.75m. a) A representation of Type RFS-301 roof system illustrating the geometric form - the extent of which shall be 3.4m x 6.75m.

Not required. H41.1305 Prototypes The following prototypes shall be provided in accordance with Section A.3000: a) H41.1306 Type RFS-301 Roofing (as part of the holistic assembly). An indicative scale shall be of full size bay or as required by regulations.

Benchmark Requirements The following quality benchmarks shall be provided in locations to be agreed with the Engineer, in accordance with Section A.4000: a) First installed full height structural bay of roofing type.

H41.1307 Test Requirements a) b) Testing shall be carried out in accordance with Section A.6000, subject to agreement with the Engineer. Test reports shall be furnished by the manufacturer in accordance with the Specification. The manufacturer shall submit certified test reports independently verified for each type and class of panel system. Reports shall verify that the material will meet all performance requirements of the Specification. Previously completed test reports will be acceptable if current and indicative of products used on this project. Test reports required are: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) ix) x) xi) H41.1308 a) b) H41.1309 Flame Spread and Smoke Development. Burn extent. Colour Difference. Impact Strength (free falling ball method). Bond Strength. Bond strength of the ceramic mosaic tile to resist wind loadings. Evidence of achievement of designated U Value. Condensation resistance factor. Thermal expansion including coefficient. Laminate Properties (strength, stiffness, bearing strength).


viii) Fire Approval (NPFA codes and the provisions of the Fire Strategy Report).

Sealant Testing Staining: Test in accordance with BS 3712: Part 2. Perform test on each type of tiling in contact with sealant(s). Adhesion: Test elastomeric sealants for peel strength in accordance with BS 3712: Part 4.

Grout Staining Evaluate the risk of staining, as recommended by the manufacturer. Seek advice of specialist/ manufacturer if discolouration occurs on trial areas.


Slip Resistance Testing a) Testing for slip resistance shall comply with the following documents:
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Haramain High Speed Railway Stations

i) ii) iii) b) c)

CIRIA document C652 entitled, Safer 'Safer Surfaces to Walk On: Reducing the Risk of SlippingSlipping'. 'Assessing the slip resistance of flooring' by The Health and Safety Executive (latest published version). 'The assessment of floor slip resistance, the UK Slip Resistance Group guidelines' by The UK Slip Resistance Group (latest published version).

Testing shall be performed at an independent UKAS accredited laboratory accredited to perform the specified test methods. Pendulum Test: Trafficked surface shall be evaluated in both dry and wet conditions using the TRL Pendulum Tester in accordance with BS 7976 and the recommendations of the UK Slip Resistance Group to obtain the pendulum test value (PTV) specified. Roughness Test: Trafficked surface shall be evaluated using a surface roughness meter, in accordance with the recommendations of the UK Slip Resistance Group, to obtain the surface roughness (Rz) value specified. Samples shall be tested at the following stages of the project: i) ii) iii) Approval. Production. Post-installation (in situ).



f) g)

Submit test results to the Engineer for acceptance in the time frame accepted by the Engineer, prior to each of the project stages or as agreed with the Engineer. Proof of regular, independent quality control monitoring under a building code review and list programme shall be submitted.


Comply with the general performance of Overarching Section A.4000, the FacadeFaade Performance Matrix and the following specific performance requirements.

H41.1401 H41.1402 General Refer to Overarching Section A, clause series A.4300. Specific Movements a) The works shall be designed, fabricated and installed to withstand all movements of the building structure under all design loads or combination of loads without damage or any reduction in the performance of the works. All fixings shall be capable of providing adequate adjustment with the minimal use of packing shims, which shall be agreed with the Engineer. All necessary movement joints shall be designed to accommodate the maximum movements that can be derived from the specified and determined design loads and movements. Under maximum movements the joints shall meet the requirements of the Specification. The works shall resist all specified static and dynamic design loads likely to be encountered without causing permanent deformation of components or the failure of members or seals and shall transmit such loads safely to the points of support. The works shall not deflect under loading in any way that is detrimental to any elements of the works or adjacent structural or building elements. The works shall accommodate the following movements without any permanent deformation or reduction in the specified performance: i) ii) iii) iv) v) g) h) H41.1403 a) b) Deflection under design loads. The effects of internal/ external wind and pressure loadings. Changes in dimension and shape of components arising from building movements, including settlement, creep, twisting and racking. Movement of any joint whether designed to permit movement or not. Thermal movements.

b) c)


e) f)

When subjected to all loading the GRP skin strain shall not exceed 0.11%. Refer to the Structural Movement and Tolerances Report. The works shall be supported by the primary steelwork which shall be provided with movement joints at 81m maximum centres. The ambient temperature range is 0-50 C. In order to provide some variation in the temperature at the time of construction, the steelwork support structure has been designed for a temperature range 40 C.

Thermal Expansion

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Haramain High Speed Railway Stations


The specialist sub-contractor's design must allow for potential differential temperature movements between the steelwork support structure (which is shaded) and the roof cladding (which will be in direct sunlight) anhd for the different coefficients of thermal expansion. The works shall be capable of accommodating the following dead loads without any reduction in performance: i) The works' own dead load shall be accommodated locally and without causing deflections or movements, which adversely affect the performance or appearance of the system components. The dead loads derived from permanent fixtures or services attached to the surfaces of the works.


Specific Dead Loads a)

ii) b)

When calculating loads the worst cumulative combination shall be considered, taking account of the fact that the pressure coefficients at various locations may determine more than one design criterion.


Specific Live Loads The works shall be capable of accommodating the following live loads without any reduction in performance: a) b) The works shall be designed to safely withstand occasional loadings associated with maintenance operations of 0.6kN/ m. Horizontally applied loads acting on the surface of any component. The works shall sustain safely, without reduction in performance and without permanent deformation to any component, a static 500N load applied horizontally through a square of 100mm sides on any part of the framing. The works shall be designed to safely withstand all loadings imposed by faade cleaning cradles. The works shall resist wind load pressure of 1.82kN/ m without detriment to its integrity, function or performance. Refer to clause A.4305. Calculated pressure loads shall include the effect of internal air pressures within the building, taking into account the presence of significant openings that might arise occasionally within the building enclosure. At both positive and negative applications of the peak test pressure, the allowable deflection when carrying full design loads, shall not exceed 1/ 200 of their span and 47.5mm, whichever is the lesser. The maximum skin strain shall not exceed 0.11%. The works shall not deflect under loading in any way that is detrimental to any element of the works or adjacent structural or building elements.

c) H41.1406

Wind Loads a) b)


Deflections a)

b) c)

H41.1408 Thermal Resistance The roofing system shall achieve a thermal resistance U-value of 0.25W/ mK stipulated on the Faade Performance Report. H41.1409 Weather Resistance a) b) The panels and associated features shall be weathertight under all conditions with full allowance made for deflections and other movements. Design GRP panels/ joints and methods of attachment to resist all wind loads and design live loads and accommodate all deflections and movements without damage or permanent deformation. Calculate wind loads in accordance with BS 6399EN 1991: Part 21-4. The works shall accommodate without damage all drying shrinkage. General: i) Data sheets for project specific glass build-ups in accordance with BS EN 410 (light transmittance, radiant transmittance of glazing) with tolerances of 3% for flat glazing, shall be submitted in respect of solar and visible light performance confirming compliance with the Specification. Facilities shall be maintained to evaluate and report on expected solar performance under varying conditions of solar radiation and external/ internal air velocity. Where exposed, the works shall be designed to ensure that the glazing does not crack or distort or is damaged in any way through differences of temperature on the surfaces of the glazing.

c) H41.1410 a)

Glass Performance Requirements



Confirm the total solar transmission (G-value) for each glass type specified for review by the Engineer. Glass manufacturers and types shall be acceptable to the Engineer only if they meet the performance and visual requirements defined within the Faade Performance Matrix.
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Haramain High Speed Railway Stations


Individual GL Types: i) ii) iii) iv) Glass Type GL-301 shall be clear, double glazed, high performance, insulated, low E laminated safety glass units. Glass Type GL-302 shall be clear, single glazed, high performance, low E laminated safety glass units. Glass Type GL-303 shall be translucent, double glazed, high performance, insulated, low E laminated safety glass units with colour interlayer. Glass Type GL-304 shall be translucent, single glazed, high performance, low E laminated safety glass units with colour interlayer.


Refer to the Faade Performance Report to determine the following criteria for the individual glass types. i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) ix) x) Light transmission factor. External light reflectance. Total solar transmission (G-value). Colour rendition index of glass. U-value. High performance coating. Low E coating. Values indicated are regarded as the minimum the glass must achieve. Determine safety glass requirements to outer panes of the double glazed units. All inner panes shall be safety glass to BS EN 12600.

viii) Acoustic treatment shall meet the requirements of the Acoustic Report.

H41.1411 Colour a) Generally, the GRP face shall not change colour as recommended by BS EN ISO 105, determined by the average of at least three white samples without a protective film or coating to ensure maximum, long-term colour stability. The exterior face shall have a permanent glass veil erosion barrier to provide maximum long-term resistance to reinforcing fibre exposure and shall be warranted against the same for 25 years. Plastic film overlays are not acceptable. Opaque GRP - Colour fastness: i) ii) iii) iv) v) Before undertaking the verification work required by this clause, confirm choice of colour with the Engineer. The manufacturer shall report to the Engineer if use of the proposed pigments and resins is considered likely to result in an unacceptable change of colour with time. Pigments shall have a colour fastness to daylight of not less than standard 6 when measured to BS EN ISO 105: Part B02. Submit evidence of compliance. If available, obtain samples of GRP, made from the proposed pigments and resins, and naturally weathered for not less than 2 years. If naturally weathered samples are not available, prepare samples using the proposed pigments, resins and gel coat thickness, and test for 1500 hours in an accelerated weatherometer, which subjects the samples to both moisture and ultraviolet light. The weathered samples shall not show significant change of colour. Obtain acceptance of the Engineer of colour fastness before commencing manufacture.



vi) H41.1412

Demountability a) Elements of the works shall be individually and independently removable ensuring access for maintenance and/ or replacement of glazed and solid panels/ components in the event of breakage or damage. i) b) Spread of flame index 25, smoke developed index 450 tested by NFPA 255 or ASTM E84.

The removal of panels/ components shall not affect the performance or safety of adjacent or any other part of the works.

H41.1413 Fire Performance Requirements a) Fire exposure and surface spread of flame shall meet NFPA codes and the provisions of the Fire Strategy Report. i) Spread of flame index 250, smoke developed index 450 tested by NFPA 255 or ASTM E84.

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Haramain High Speed Railway Stations

b) c)

GRP assembly shall withstand fire for minimum time as required in the Fire Strategy Report and the requirements of the NFPA 130codes without collapse of exterioradjacent framing. Combustion: The works shall not be easily ignitable with low flame spread characteristics, and to prevent excessive quantities of smoke or toxic gases.

H41.1414 H41.1415 Performance Requirements Refer to the Acoustic Report. Noise a) b) H41.1416 Loads, movements and changes in the environmental conditions shall be accommodated without levels of noise likely to be intrusive in and around the building. Ensure that thermal movements do not result in unacceptable levels of noise.

Slip Resistance
Slip Resistance Refer to the Faade Access and Maintenance Report to determine the strategy for safe trafficking of the roof surface.



Roof Systems
Type RFS-301 Roof System GRP composite panel roofing. a) The roofing system shall be supported by the primary structure using suitable metal support, bracketry and fixings which shall meet the Structural Engineer's requirements whilst facilitating assembly speed and minimising assembly duration. The system shall comprise prefabricated, traffickable, doubly-curved GRP faced insulated core composite panels. The system shall have a modular form of fabrication to enable individual panels to be replaced in the unlikely event an isolated sector becomes damaged. i) The external surface of the panels shall have factory bonded stainless steel (brushed to 240 grit satin finish) faced ceramic mosaic tiles with suitable non-shrinking grouting which shall be durable, traffickable and provide UV protection. The core shall be a foamed material providing rigidity to the outer sheets and meeting the thermal performance. The core shall act compositely with the skin in order to meet the structural performance requirements. The panels shall have suitable stiffening ribs/ flanges at the edges, profiled as indicated on the Design Drawings. Flanges shall only be provided where the panel soffits are visually concealed by the ceiling system below. Where the soffits are exposed to view the panels shall be linked together by means of discreetly overlapping flanges. Brackets and fixings shall allow for installation adjustment to achieve proposed alignment with adjacent panels. The system shall include GRP ridge upstands, bonded to the panels using a system compatible, epoxy based adhesive. The upstand shall receive a trafficable slip resistant stainless steel capping plate (such as chequer plate) complete with suitable integral concealed support framing. The ridge upstand shall include waterproofing membrane crossing across the roofing panel-to-panel joints and below the capping plate which shall accommodate any movements. Include for thermal movement permitting fixings. The roofing shall be punctuated with weather-sealed fibre-reinforced plastic lightpipes (UV- radiation stable and with gel coating), as indicated on the Design Drawings. The lightpipe shall incorporate Type GL-301 and Type GL-303 Double-glazed Units wherever it is adjacent to an internal controlled-air space. Refer to the Design Drawings to establish location of each glass type. The lightpipe shall incorporate Type GL-302 and Type GL-304 Single-glazed Units wherever it is adjacent to external or internal uncontrolled-air space. Refer to the Design Drawings to establish location of each glass type. The lightpipe shall have a flat aluminium sheet inner lining and fixed anti-glare lamellas, which shall both have anodised surface finish to achieve high reflectivity ( minimum 95%). The inner lining shall be fixed to the lightpipe as indicated on the Design Drawings. The lamella shall consist of blades set at an angle which shall be determined in liaison with the Engineer to achieve the proposed light reflection to the space below.

b) c)




Incorporated Components: i)


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Haramain High Speed Railway Stations

iii) e)

Ridge capping shall be provided to ensure water/ sand-free ingress into the internal surfaces and spaces. All GRP components shall be smooth and through-coloured. Where the panels are not concealed by the ceiling below them, they shall receive a suitable factory-applied paint coating in a colour to be advised by the Engineer. Unless otherwise stated herein, all other materials shall be finished as advised by the Engineer.

Finish/ Colour: i)

ii) f) g)

Configuration: The profile, arrangement, and dimensions of all components shall be as indicated on the Design Drawings. Associated Systems: i) ii) iii) The system shall be designed to accommodate Type CLG-520 Internal Acoustic Ceiling and Type CLG-522 External Non-acoustic Ceiling as contained in Section K40. The system shall be designed to accommodate Type DRS-604 Access hatch specified herein. The system shall be designed to accommodate Type RWS-602 Drainage Overflow, Type RWS-603 Drainage Outlet and Type RFS-605RWS-605 Hopper, as contained in Section R10. The system shall accommodate Type ASE-101 Fall Prevention System. Refer to Section N25. The system shall accommodate Type ASE-201 Fall Prevention System. Refer to Section N25. The panels shall accommodate light fittings and assoicated wiring specified in the Services Engineer's documentation.

iv) v) vi)

Glazed-in Infill Panels

H41.2102 Glazed Units a) b) c) Glass Type GL-301 shall be clear, double glazed, high performance, insulated, low E laminated safety glass units. Glass Type GL-302 shall be clear, single glazed, high performance, low E laminated safety glass units. Glass Type GL-303 shall be translucent, double glazed, high performance, insulated, low E laminated safety glass units with colour interlayer (milky colour or as otherwise advised by the Engineer). Glass Type GL-304 Glass shall be translucent, single glazed, high performance, low E laminated safety glass units with a colour interlayer (milky colour or as otherwise advised by the Engineer).



Design Life Satisfy all obligations required by Design Life criteria outlined within clause series A.4200 with the Overarching Section A.


Warranty The works shall have a minimum 25 year warranty covering all constituent elements of the roof system described herein.


GRP The GRP material shall satisfy the following: a) b) c) GRP to BS 4154, BS EN 2746, BS EN 2747 or equal. BS 4549 Part 1 which refers to quality control requirements for reinforced plastics mouldings. Light diffusion shall be opaque as BS 4203.

H41.2202 Systems Generally a) b) Select all glazing materials and systems to comply with the performance requirements. To alleviate concerns and reduce the risk of glazing panels failing and affecting the safety of personnel using the interior space, the double glazed units shall have toughened outer skin and laminated inner skin as the preferred solution. The final glass thickness, type and make-up in the various locations shall be determined, paying full attention to the safety requirements. Final selection of glass thickness, together with type and location of interlayer and coatings shall remain the Contractor's responsibility. Comply with the requirements as stated in Section Z25.


Stage 3 Deliverable 05 - Rev 03 05/05/2010 H41 / 7 Foster + Partners Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics Panel Cladding/ Features

Haramain High Speed Railway Stations


Ceramic Mosaic Tiles The ceramic mosaic tile for use on the roof surface shall be entirely appropriate for use in an external context and be able to demonstrate compliance with the following: a) b) c) d) e) BS EN 14411 and BS 5385: Part 2. Linear expansion and thermal shock in accordance with the requirements of BS EN ISO 10545. Adhesives shall be in accordance with BS EN 12004 and BS EN ISO 13007: Part 2. Grout shall be a system compatible product of the tile manufacturer's recommendation and entirely appropriate for the UV exposure it is destined to be subjected to. Grout colour shall be determined through the sample submission process.

H41.2204 General Metalwork shall be in accordance with Section Z11 of the Specification.

H41.2205 Movement Joints Generally a) b) H41.2206 Movement joints shall be as indicated on the Design Drawings. It shall be ensured that the works shall accommodate all movement of the joints in a manner that does not compromise the integrity or appearance. Sealant: Silicone to BS EN ISO 11600. Refer to Section Z22 of the Specification. Colour: To be selected from the standard range by the Engineer. Ensure that rear seals are completely airtight. Install baffles and flashings securely and accurately to ensure that they function as intended.

Sealant Joints a) b)


Open Drained Joints a) b)

H41.2208 General a) b) Fixings shall be of a suitable type of stainless steel, non-ferrous metal or GRP and shall be such as to avoid bi-metallic corrosion. The fixings shall be adequate to comply with the requirements of the Specification. The Engineer may require revised positioning of the system in the future and the selection of fixings shall ensure that this flexibility is available. All necessary gaskets, fasteners and fixings shall be provided for the works and associated flashings and closures. Fixings, within the aluminium framing components, shall not be visible unless indicated on the Design Drawings. Visible fixings shall be restricted to the assembly of the aluminium elements to the support steelwork using types described on the Design Drawings. Refer also to Section Z20 of the Specification.

c) d) e) f)


Tolerances for Manufacture a) b) Deviations in panel length, width and diagonal dimensions shall not exceed 1mm. The twist and warping shall not cause any point of the panel to be more than 0.5mm out of plane including across joints. The twist and warping shall not cause any point of the structural frame to be more than 2mm out of plane. All return edges to metal components shall be formed to a minimum external bending radius of 1.5mm and a maximum of 3mm. Confirmation of the preferred radius, which shall be consistent throughout the works shall be given to the Engineer for review. Tiles shall be manufactured with the tolerance not greater of 0.5mm. Manufacture GRP units carefully to ensure compliance with design and performance requirements, using materials and workmanship appropriate for the purpose. All materials must be compatible with each other, and must be stored and used in accordance with the manufacturers' recommendations. Resins must be used as supplied and not adulterated: fillers and admixtures may be used only where authorised. The standard of finish must be appropriate to the end use and position in the building. Ensure that defects such as wrinkling, spotting, striations, fibre patterning, fish-eye, blisters, crazing, cracking, dry patches and uneven or inconsistent colour do not occur.


d) H41.2302 a) b)

Quality of Work


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Manufacturers shall keep a record sheet for each unit manufactured, containing a unique reference number, date of casting, mix details and test carried out including the subsequent results obtained thereafter. Each unit should be weighed after curing (to establish the right proportion of reinforcement and resin). The manufacturers must also have an established procedure for remedying minor blemishes and defects discovered in the units at various stages. Mix resins thoroughly. All units of one colour to have gel coats from the same colour batch of resin. Apply evenly to give an overall nominal thickness of 500 micrometres. Check the wet film thickness(es) of the gel coat(s) of all units in accordance with BS EN ISO 2808 four readings per m per coat over the external surface area. If single gel coating is used, no reading shall be less than 400 micrometres nor more than 600 micrometres. Average of readings for each unit shall be within the range 450-550 micrometres. If double gel coating is used, submit proposals for coat thickness limits based on the resin manufacturer's recommendations, and obtain acceptance of the Engineer. If surface tissue is to be embedded in the gel coat, submit proposals for coat thickness limits based on the resin manufacturer's recommendations, and obtain acceptance of the Engineer. Each GRP skin shall contain not less than 900 g/ m of glass fibre, in not less than two layers. Random reinforcement shall be distributed uniformly, and non-random reinforcement shall be correctly positioned and aligned. Each layer of woven fabric reinforcement shall have a layer of chopped strand mat on both sides. The glass shall be fully wetted out by the resin, with a resin:glass ratio (by volume) of not less than 2:1, higher as appropriate. There shall be good overall bond between all gel coats and all layers of laminate. The GRP shall be well consolidated and free from air voids or an air void content that the Contractor shall demonstrate to the Engineer that it has no detrimental effects on the appearance, integrity, function and performance of the works. Ensure that all core materials, ties, ribs, fixings and accessories are fully bonded to the GRP skin(s) over the full contact surface area. The adhesive bonding line shall be straight, cover the entire face of the applicable core components and have a neat sharp edge.

e) f) H41.2303

Gel Coats(s) to External Surfaces (Without Applied Topping where applicable). a) b) c) d)

e) f) H41.2304

Laminating a) b) c) d) e) f)


Cores, Ribs, etc. a) b)


Generally a) b) c) d) e) f) g) h) i) j) The works shall be manufactured with continuous profiles being free from marks, defects, flaws, steps, waves, or damage of any nature. All elements of framework and associated beads and strips shall be stored on Site such that they are not damaged, distorted or weathered unevenly. All finished components shall be carefully packed in stillages or crates such that they are separated and protected to prevent scratching, scuffing, or other surface damage. All cladding, sealants, and gaskets shall be stored on Site in accordance with the manufacturer's written recommendations. Dimensions and levels of the structure shall be verified. The framing members for the works shall be set out and installed in the correct position, within tolerance, and in the correct relationship to the building structure. All fixing bolts and anchors shall be installed in accordance with the manufacturer's recommended procedures. Internally, the protection shall remain in place until the works are complete. All protective measures shall be replaced following any inspections by the Engineer. The Engineer shall be informed before drilling or cutting parts of the structure, other than where shown on the Working Drawings. Isolating tape, plastics washers, or other suitable means to prevent bi-metallic corrosion shall be provided between dissimilar metals.
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Haramain High Speed Railway Stations

k) l) m) n)

Bars shall be set out at evenly spaced centres and aligned with other features where indicated on the Design Drawings. The works shall be square, regular to line, level, and plane, with all junctions fitting to the stated tolerances. All works shall be installed to give the necessary edge cover and clearance to ensure a permanent and safe installation. All GRP panels shall be capable of replacement. A method statement showing the method of removing damaged glass and any associated metal framework and installing new components shall be provided. The installation of the works shall be carried out in accordance with the manufacturer's written recommendations and acceptable good practice. Surfaces to be joined shall be cleaned and fit using clamps and jigs where practicable. Tack welds shall only be used for temporary attachment. Joints with parent and filler metal shall be bonded with no inclusions, holes, porosity or cracks. Weld spatter shall be prevented from falling on surfaces of materials, which are self-finished and visible in the completed work. All traces of flux residue, slag and weld spatter shall be removed. Metal arc welding shall be to BS EN 1011, or other methods subject to review by the Engineer. Brazing shall be carried out in accordance with BS EN 14324. Finishing welded/ brazed joints: Butt joints or fillets that are visible in completed works shall be smooth and flush with adjacent surfaces.

o) H41.3102

Welding a) b)

c) d) e)


Installation Tolerances a) b) A high degree of accuracy shall be employed in the installation of the works and associated support structures. At the time of completion, the visual requirements of the works shall be within any planning grid section and allowable tolerances shall be equally distributed to ensure that: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) c) i) ii) d) The works are vertical. The vertical joints are of equal size and at equal centres. Any support mullions are vertical and at equal centres. The works and supports have straight lines and flat planes. The horizontal joints are of equal size and in line between adjacent panels. The gap between the works and the mullion structure is constant. All dimensions shall be checked on Site with reference to the "Movement, Tolerances and Loadings Schedule". The final installation shall accommodate all specified tolerances and differences between actual Site dimensions and dimensions indicated on the Design Drawings. The works shall be erected in proper alignment in relation to established lines and grades as shown on the Working Drawings. Account shall be taken of the installation tolerance requirements of the screen system such that units are accurately located, relative to grid lines. Joints between: The average width of any joint shall not deviate from the nominal width by more than 1mm. Any variation shall be equally distributed with no sudden changes or steps. The maximum variation in plan location from the planning grid of any part of the works, shall be 2mm. The maximum variation in height of any part of the works from given datum shall be 2mm. The maximum offset in plane, level or section between any 2 adjacent parts of the system shall be 1mm. Cut-outs for interfacing works shall be to the dimensions shown on the Working Drawings 1mm. Joints between support mullions: The actual width of any joints shall not deviate from the nominal width by more than 1mm. Any variation shall be equally distributed with no sudden changes. The centre of the joint shall align with the centre of the support mullion, except where shown otherwise on the Working Drawings. The misalignment between joints shall not exceed 1mm.
Foster + Partners Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics Panel Cladding/ Features

On-Site Dimensions:

Installation Tolerances: i)


iii) iv) v) vi) vii)

Stage 3 Deliverable 05 - Rev 03 05/05/2010

H41 / 10

Haramain High Speed Railway Stations

viii) The works shall be erected such that no joint on any panel or support mullions is more than 1.5mm from a vertical plane. The cumulative slope between the same locations on any vertical plane shall not exceed 1 in 1000. The vertical plane of the works shall be within 1.5mm of the theoretical position. ix) x) xi) xii) e) The misalignment between the works and the structural mullions shall not exceed 1mm. The vertical and horizontal gaps between the works shall be no less than 5mm and not more than 7mm. The base plates and floor sockets shall be fixed to an accuracy of 1mm on line and level. All bolts in slotted holes shall be within 2mm of their intended position.

Submit a detailed list of tolerances to which the works will be installed for review by the Engineer. As a minimum this shall include the following: i) ii) iii) iv) v) vi) vii) Position on plan. Level. Alignment. Joints between. Diagonal. Eccentricity. Inclination.

f) g)

Sufficient analysis of the erection sequence and the overall method statement shall be performed to ensure that the installation tolerances stated above are met. The Working Drawings show the dimensional and detailed provisions intended to accommodate the construction tolerances of surrounding elements in order to ensure that all aspects of the works relate satisfactorily to the works as a whole. End of Section

Stage 3 Deliverable 05 - Rev 03 05/05/2010

H41 / 11

Foster + Partners Glass Fibre Reinforced Plastics Panel Cladding/ Features

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