Anticipation Guide Hamlet: Agree Strongly Disagree Strongly

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Anticipation Guide Hamlet

Directions: On the line in front of each of the numbers, write the number that indicates where you stand in regard to the statement that follows. Be prepared to defend and support your opinions with specific examples. After reading the text, you will compare your opinions on those statements with the author's implied and/or stated messages. 1-----------------2-----------------3------------------4------------------5-----------------6 agree strongly disagree strongly ------------------------ 1. Siblings should never date each others exes.

------------------------ 2. Having a clear goal, and the ambition to achieve it, is honorable.

------------------------ 3. Power eventually corrupts the people who have it.

------------------------ 4. Revenge is sweeter than forgiving and forgetting.

------------------------ 5. A persons intelligence is largely based on their economic class and educational background.

------------------------ 6. One must take a stand against injustice, even if the personal cost is great.

------------------------ 7. A womans primary concern should be her childif she has one.

------------------------ 8. Moral courage is more difficult to accomplish than physical courage.

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