Oct 29-Nov 1 2013 Eld2

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The Academy for Technology & the Classics

Lesson Plan Template

Instructors name: Kathy Rappaport Week of: Oct 28-Nov1 Course/Grade: ELD2 Unit Name: Reading Comprehension for fiction and informational texts

Common Core/ NM Content Standards: Reading Standard for informational texts Grade 7: 2. Determine two or more central ideas in a text, 4. Determine the meaning of words and phrases in a text. Writing Standard Grade 7.2a Compare and Contrast information, Identify Cause and Effect. 7.3 Write narratives of imagined experiences. Reading Standard For Literature Grade 7: 10. Read and comprehend literature with scaffolding as needed

Essential Question(s): What are effective strategies for reading fictional and informational texts?

Other considerations (modifications, accommodations, acceleration, etc.):

Connections (prior learning/prior knowledge): Continuation of strategies used in the prior week such as pre-reading strategies: defining tier 2 vocab words before reading the text, predicting main ideas; reading strategies: asking questions as you read, rereading for comprehension, looking for main ideas and supporting ideas; post reading strategies: comparing pre-reading predictions with post reading knowledge, answering questions that ask students to recall explicit ideas and infer implicit ideas, requiring students to summarize. Resources/Materials Informational Texts about Pandas Teacher: Students:

Assessment (How will you monitor progress and know students have successfully met outcomes?) Daily: Do Now checks for understanding of the previous days lesson. Written assignments and quizzes check for understanding of daily lessons. This Week: Students will fill out reading packet that focuses on vocabulary, comprehension, inferring information, identifying and summarizing main ideas and supporting details. Unit: Reading Comprehension for fiction and informational texts

Time allotted

Lesson activities for instructor and students

MONDAY Learning Target-

Assignment(s) Due-

TUESDAY Learning Target- Students will identify main ideas and supporting ideas in the text and show their knowledge by writing them down.

Assignment(s) DueStudents will take a Vocabulary Quiz Students will read the story as a class and write down Main Ideas and Supporting details on a graphic organizer. Assignment(s) DuePost-reading worksheets

WEDNESDAY Learning Target- Students will demonstrate comprehension of the article by answering questions that require students to recall information, recognize main ideas, summarize ideas and infer information.

THURSDAY Learning TargetStudents will apply pre-reading strategies before they read by: Demonstrating understanding of vocabulary words in an informational text by: 1) writing definitions in their own words. 2) Using vocabulary in sentences they make up themselves. Demonstrating an ability to make logical predictions by looking at the title, photos, chapter headings and then write down three predictions about what they will be learning as they read.

Assignment(s) DueStudents will copy down the vocabulary words and write definitions in their own words. Students will take a quiz in which they make up sentences using vocabulary words. Students will fill out a worksheet in which they make 3 predictions about information they will be learning.

FRIDAY Learning TargetStudents will apply reading strategies as they read and show that they are by: *recognizing main ideas and supporting ideas and writing them down. *asking questions as they read and writing them down. Students will make inferences and analyze content by answering questions and filling out a graphic organizer that requires them to contrast two

Assignment(s) DueStudents will fill out worksheets as they read that require them to summarize the main ideas of articles, list details that support the main idea, make inferences and compare and contrast information.

different types of animals.

Post-Teaching Reflections on Lesson

What went well?

What needs to be improved? Why?

Strategies to consider for improving lesson:

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