Indicatori de Timp Timpuri: Present Simple
Indicatori de Timp Timpuri: Present Simple
Indicatori de Timp Timpuri: Present Simple
Indicatori de timp
usually, always, frequently, seldom, never, two times a week, every other day, daily, everyday, sometimes, on Tuesdays, occasionally, every month, every year, every century SAU Cand nu avem alti indicatori de timp sau vreo propozitie care sa ne indice timpul inainte Right now, at the moment, at this time, at this moment, now, these days, nowadays SAU Cand propozitia e precedata de un imperative (Look!, Hey!, Listen!) Just now, the other day, yesterday, last month/year/century, the day before, a day ago, two days ago, etc.
Present Simple
Present Continuous
Past Simple
At specific times in the past: at 12 oclock yesterday, at 5 oclock last Sunday, etc -during(in timp ce) daca propozitia e la trecut -while (daca propozitia e la trecut) -when (daca propozitia de la trecut)
Past Continuous