JASA 1st Anniversary Issue 2012 PDF
JASA 1st Anniversary Issue 2012 PDF
JASA 1st Anniversary Issue 2012 PDF
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TheJournalforAdvancementofStellarAstrology(JASA)isafree,bimonthlyinternationaljournalforthepropagation anddevelopmentofstellarastrologyandKrishnamurtiPaddhati.
MISSION InthepursuitanddiscoveryofTruthforcreatingUniversalwelfareofhumankind
(Volume 2, Issue 1)
1. Editorial 2. Case Studies in Predictive Astrology First PM of the World and then Lady Leaders Part II
Discussion on Happy Marriages Part I Application of Stellar Astrology in Deva Prasna Marriage Prediction: A 4 Step Theory Application Meena 2 Naadi Jyothisha - Jeeva And Sareera Method: Analysis on Matching Horoscopes (Marriage) Analysis of Professional life in Light of Krishnamurthy Paddhati: A Real Time Case study The Mystery Conspiracy About Paul McCartney Role of 12th Sublord-Imprisonment Marital Amicability: A KP appraisal When will my brother return home?
G.H.W. Silva G.H.W. Silva Madhu N Nair (Pranav) S. Gondhalekar R .Vijayalakshmi Kausik Roy O.V.N. Murthy & K.R. Kumar Vijay Kumar Dr. Rao Nemani Dr. N.V.R.A. Raja Vijay Kumar Dr. E.S. Neelakantan Subhash Ektare Subhash Ektare
12 16 20 24 28 33
4. JASA Idea Incubator 5. Suggestion Box 6. The Classroom: A KP Analysis on Marriage 7. Billet Doux 1
P.R. Muralidharan
89 101
Journal for Advancement of Stellar Astrology (JASA) is a free, bi-monthly international journal for the propagation and development of all forms of stellar astrology. It is developed, published and circulated on non-commercial basis and solely for educational and research purposes on philanthropic intention for the advancement of astrological science. No price is charged from the readers of this journal. The journal is published from India.
Editor: Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajit) www.astroandrewkp.org Contact: astrojasa@gmail.com Publisher:
Bhagya Ratna Gems & Jewellers and Srimati Deblina and Tapan Kumar Dutta
Kolkata, India. Advocates:
Price: FREE
Legal Disclaimer: The views, contents, interpretations and discussions presented in this journal belong to the respective authors/contributors. This journal, its editor and/or the publisher are not liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever to any person or organization living or dead or in perpetual existence for any horoscopes, views, contents, interpretations and discussions presented in this journal by the authors/contributors. All materials are accepted from authors/contributors for publication in this journal under explicit written declaration from the authors/contributors that such materials have not been published anywhere else and are not the intellectual property of anyone else. Any copyright infringement, therefore, is to be directly dealt with the respective authors or contributors and neither the editor nor the publisher of this journal will undertake any correspondence in this regard in any manner whatsoever. All quotes, citations and scanned images given in this journal are provided with proper references and due acknowledgements in accordance with provisions of various international intellectual property rights laws in general and the Indian Copyright Act 1957 in particular. The birth charts, horoscopic details and birth details along with any personal information about any person or organization living or dead or in perpetual existence is provided by the authors/contributors themselves, and this journal, its editor and the publisher are not liable or responsible to any person or organization, living or dead or in perpetual existence in any manner whatsoever. All software used for generating astrological charts or any other illustrations shown in this journal are used by the respective authors/contributors under their own liability as per the provisions of the End User License Agreement of those respective software and this journal, its editor and the publisher are not liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever towards any license infringements or agreement violations or any liability arising there from. All advertisements of all products and services are the offers made by the advertisers and this journal, its editor and/or the publisher are not liable or responsible in any manner whatsoever to any person or organization living or dead or in perpetual existence for any product or service, quality, promise, delivery or failure of performance or any other representations. Anyone making any purchase decision based on the advertisements made in this journal must do it at his own understanding, discretion, liability and peril. By registering oneself and downloading this journal from www.astroandrewkp.org, or by receiving or accessing from any other source, all readers are deemed to have carefully read, understood and agreed to abide by this legal disclaimer without any exception in all circumstances and is deemed to unconditionally agree to resolve any dispute only in courts of Kolkata jurisdiction to the exclusion of any other Courts of India.
M.Com.(GoldMedalist),Ph.D JyotishVidyaRatna(GoldMedalist) JyotishVibhakar,JyotishSurya
www.astroandrewkp.org www.astrojasa.blogspot.in
his Anniversary Issue of JASA is dedicated to all the readers, authors and patrons of JASA. And so, for this issue I will not write anything, but rather publish some of the voices that belong to the well wishers of this international journal.
I am doing this kind of a unique editorial because one year back in this same month when this international journal was launched, there was complete dogmatism, autocracy and dictatorialship in some KP electronic magazines. Many authors were disrespected, their write-ups were ruthlessly edited, and ideas were heavily discouraged. Sometimes it went on to the extent of copying others idea without any due acknowledgement. Many scholars and erudite authors were ill-treated and new comers in the field of astrology were considered as worthless by these electronic magazines in KP. But that day is now over. The write-ups from some sincere readers and authors are enough to prove the grand success that all of you have given to JASA and the field of stellar astrology in the last one year. All this success and all the future successes to come will really belong to all of you.
Good Luck!
Sanjay Tavargeri
May 11
to me
Andrew Sir, First of all, please accept my humble congratulations for the latest edition of JASA. Secondly, I thank you with utmost sincerity for furnishing evidences of how KSK Guru ji himself advocated Gemstones and was NOT against it in your editorial write up. This is a "fitting reply" to those "self proclaimed" stalwarts who, basis their seniority and by making thudding sounds try to establish "facts" and that too with a challenge to a custom and therapy which has its roots in our timeless Vedic system which itself is "apaurusheya" and has the highest authority in our system ! I congratulate and thank you for coming up with a master piece like "JASA" which is very educative for stellar astro followers and more importantly your all-embracing attitude and no mean minded restrictive approach which forms a foundation pattern for higher research and refinement to take the astrology to the next level ! Regards, Sanjay
Thank you Sri Sanjay ji!! What you have said is the sincere view of thousands of readers of JASA. Only few upright persons like you have shown the courage to stand-up against dogmatism and voice the truth. We at JASA salute you and feel proud that you are one of our esteemed readers.
DearAndrewji, CONGRATULATIONS!!!.........CONGRATULATIONS!!!........CONGRATULATIONS!!! for one year of successful publication of JASA. Next issue of JASA will be anniversary issue and I willbeeagerlywaitingfortheissueasusual. JASAhasgivenaworldwide platformfor Astrologers(stalwartsaswellasnewcomerslike me)topresenttheirrespectiveviewstoastrologicalfraternity.Franklyspeaking,initially,I was doubtful whether such Editorless, Advisorless and Reviewerless bimonthly can survive for a year. But I am proud to mention that you proved me wrong. You must have takenlotsofpainwhilechoosingMuhurtaforlaunching. Apart from thought provoking articles, researches and innovative ideas from very knowledgeable authors, in my opinion, nice presentation, wise selection of sections and timely publication has played an important role in achieving readership record covering nearlyonethirdcountriesoftheworld. Intheinauguralissueitismentioned Quote // The philosophy behind creation of this journal is to RESPECT differences of opinion, FOSTER DIVERSITY in different stellar astrology approaches, ENCOURAGE RESEARCH in all domains DEVELOPING NEW THINKING and sustain PEACEFUL CO EXISTENCEofallschoolsofthought.//Unquote I must appreciate that you adhered to this philosophy in Toto by respecting my research finding (though they differed from your findings) and publishing my article without any editing. Hats off to you, Sir. This is ideal example of PEACEFUL COEXISTENCE. However myexperiencewithotheremagazinesisnotthesame. IwishJASAaverysuccessfulfuture. SubhashEktare ManythankstoyouSriSubhasji!! JASAissuccessfultodaybecauseastroscientistslikeyouaredoingrealresearchin stellarastrology.Personslikeyouareshowingthetruelighttothegenerationsof astrologerswhoarereadingJASA. Allthereaders,authorsandpatronsofJASAtrulyfeelproudthatyouarewithusfromthe beginningofthisdemocratic,allinclusivejournal. JASAwillupholdthistraditionforyouandforall.
DearProf.AndrewDutta, Blessings. Your philosophy of creating a journal for stellar astrology is heading towards first anniversary. I appreciate JASA has given wonderful platform for great scholars to give their thought and writing for the astrolovers. Sri KSV Ramanis articles are really good. Dr.Rao Nemanis has given a very good introduction to Kashyapa hora. Wonderful Stellar principles of great Meena2 are being explained by Mrs Vijayalakshmi, I could see her enthusiasm in her articles indicating the methods to identify the timing of events with differentpracticalexamples. I could observe steadily readership for JASA is increasing is due to quality articles and as an editor you had given full liberty to writer to express their findings. My blessings to young Mr Kausik Ray for correctly understanding the meaning of Lagna and Lagna star lord linking the life event. So far the JASA had published quality articles; in future also I wish you should publish practically analysed articles. Articles like what is karakathwas of planets, stars and signs are cut pasted and being written by so called well known published by other magazines whereas JASA is working on advanced research in stellar astrologyandotheralliedsubjects. MybestwishesandmayLordgiveyouenoughstrengthtocontinuethegreatservice. Regards, Dr.NVRARaja Meena2Jr.
Uchista has helped me on giving correct intuition, proper guidance and a selective approach in the matter of prognostication. HE
has not confounded me; HE has not clouded my vision. Nor HE created any opportunity to regret. But, above all, he has set me on the correct path and with HIS Grace I have launched upon New theory.Now I say that though I gave the title to my theory as Krishnamurti Padhdhati, yet it is honestly Uchishta Mahaganapathi Padhdhati.
K.S. Krishnamurti (1908-1972). Astrology & Athristha, October 1967. Page 1 and 2
JASA, its Publisher, its Editor, patrons and all readers pay their sincere tribute to the propounder of Krishnamurti Paddhati (KP)
Photograph Acknowledgement: Astrology & Athristha, May 1979
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he birth charts of two of the former world leaders as Prime Ministers were discussed in the previous article in the esteemed journal JASA1 and observed the similarities in certain events of life of these two ladies. Now we are trying to discuss a little further to see the astrological similarities in these two birth charts along with another birth chart of a great lady of the century. In the birth chart of Madam Bandaranaike, the tenth cusp falls in the sign of Gemini, ruled by Mercury, Generally the tenth bhava shows the details about the occupation, popularity, how people will look at the native, role or position, command etc. in addition to a large number of other reasons. To be a leader, it is necessary to show the qualities of leadership in the birth chart. In Madam Bandaranaikes birth chart, the tenth cusp is ruled by Mercury as sign lord, Mars as star lord and Venus as sub lord respectively. This sub lord Venus is the lord of second and ninth bhavas and occupying the ninth bhava. Again this Venus is deposited in a star of Moon, the lord of the eleventh occupying the lagna bhava, So this sub lord is indicting the gains, fulfillment of expectations and the self motivation of the native to produce the qualities of the tenth bhava. The tenth bahava lord Mercury is in the eighth bhava in conjunction with Sun, lord of the twelfth bhava. The lord of fifth and sixth bhavas, Saturn is deposited in the tenth bhava. This Saturn is aspected by Venus and Mars, the lord of third and eighth, in semi-sextile aspect. Again this Mars is aspected by Jupiter in trine, the significator for eighth, seventh, first, tenth and fourth bhavas. These are favourable aspects and these planets are deposited in the stars as follows; Mercury and Sun are in a star of Kethu, a significator for tenth, eleventh, fifth and sixth. Saturn is in a star of Rahu, who is a significator for first, fifth and eleventh bhavas, Venus is in a star of Moon, who is a significator for eleventh, first, third and eighth, Jupiter is in a star of Mercury, a significator for eleventh, first, tenth and eighth bhavas. So these planets are favourable to her and offer very good results during their dasas and sub dasas. Nirayana Bhava Chart.
Vol2(1) X 03.12.12 04.20.34 Jupiter 22.44.33 VII Sun. 04.28.56 IX 02.39.16 Mercury.07.22.11 Venus.19.53.08 Pluto. 08.50.20 Saturn 18.10.12 XI VI 01.34.22 On 17th April 1916, Uranus. 26.32.23 Rahu. V 11.27.45 01.46.31 At 16.08 hrs Balangoda, Sri Lanka 80 N 42, 06 E 35 XII 01.34.22 Kethu. Mars
Naptune. 07.16.57
In Madam Indiras birth chart, the tenth cusp falls in a sign of Mars, star of Venus and a sub of Mercury. So in both of these birth charts, the tenth cusp is co ruled by the same three planets, namely Mercury, Mars and Venus. Jupiter. 15.05.45 XI 27.25.52 Kethu. 10.39.34 XII 28.16.53
In her birth chart, the lord of the tenth bhava is Mars who is deposited in the ascendent with square aspect from Jupiter, lord of sixth, ninth and occupied in the tenth bhava. Again this Mars is in the same aspect to Mercury in fourth, lord of third and twelfth bhavas. 13
Vol2(1) JulAug2012 These three planets, Mars is deposited in a star of Venus who is a significator for fifth, eleventh and fourth bhavas. Jupiter is in a star of Moon, a signifiator for fourth, sixth, second and first. Mercury is in a star of Saturn, a signifiator for fourth, twelfth, third, seventh and eighth bhavas. Accordingly these three planes offer both favourable and bad results to her during the maha dasas and sub dasas.
The Iron Lady, as you know the former Prime Minister of Great Britain, was in power from 04th May 1979 till 28 November 1990. She was born on 13th October 1925 at Grantham, England and her birth chart is given below; VI V 12.32.26 05.18.21
VII 22.32.59
VIII 22.04.37
IV 11.07.52
Rahu. 07.47.15
Jupiter 21.45.25
Venus 09.20.25
Her rising sign is Libra. The ruler of the ascendant Venus is in the sign of Scorpio in the first bhava. The lord of the second, sixth and seventh bhavas is in the eleventh bhava. Lord of ninth in the ninth bhava and the lord of fifth Jupiter is in the second bhava. The lord of the tenth bhava falls in Leo ruled by Sun. This cusp is in a star of Kethu and a sub of Saturn. In this birth chart, all the planets are moving in between Rahu and Kethu axis, which we name as Kaala Sarpa Yoga, an inauspicious placement of planets. But this yoga has not done any malfic effects on her life, even in the dasa of the planet Rahu, who is the creater of this Kaala Sarpa yoga. Actually she was elected as Prime Minister during her Rahu dasa period. In this birth chart, Rahu is in the ninth bhava is in good trine aspect to Venus, the lagna lord. Which is a good aspect to the native. Also this Rahu is in-conjunct aspect with Moon, lord of ninth in the ninth bhava. Saturn, the lord of third and fourth is in the twelfth bhava and in sextile aspect to Jupiter. The lord of lagna, eight and twelfth bhava, Venus is aspecting Kethu in the third bhava with sextile aspect. All these aspects are favourable to her and bring good luck to her. The tenth cusp is for leadership and fame. It is falling in Leo. The star lord is Kethu and the sub lord is Saturn. This sub lord Saturn is a significator for first, twelfth, fifth, third and fourth bhavas and Saturn is in a star of Jupiter, who is a significator for first, second, eighth, twelfth and fifth bhavas. So this sub lord promises gains, win in completion, power and authority related occupation. As this Saturn is in conjunction with lagna sputa, the native will be self oriented, magnanimous and self controlled. The native will never give up easily, but wins even after a lot of obstacles and disturbances In this birth chart, Moon is in the ninth bhava as lord of ninth. And again Rahu is in trine aspect to Venus in the first bhava. Mercury is in sextile aspect to Moon. In Madam Indiras chart, the tenth bhava lord is Mars and he is in the ascendant and in square aspect to Jupiter in the tenth bhava. Mars is in square aspect to Mercury and Sun is in sextile aspect to Moon. 14
JASA Vol2(1) JulAug2012 Madam Thacher sworn in as Prime Minister during the dasa of Rahu, bukthi of Saturn and the antara of Sun. This dasa lord Rahu is a significator for twelfth, ninth, third and fourth and in a star of Saturn, a significator for second, twelfth, third and fourth bhavas. Rahu was transiting in the tenth bhava, Leo 21 with exact trine aspect to natal Jupiter, semi sextile to Sun, sextile to Saturn. Star lord Saturn in the tenth bhava, Leo 14 with semi sextile aspect to Mars. Bukthi lord Saturn is a significator for second, twelfth, fifth, third and fourth bhavas. This Saturn is in a star of Jupiter, a significator for first, second, eighth, twelfth and fifth. In transit Leo 14, in the tenth bhava with semi sextile aspect to Mars. Jupiter was transiting in Cancer 8 in conjunction with natal Rahu, in semi sextile aspect to Moon and trine aspect to Venus. Antara lord Sun is a significator for eleventh; second, sixth, seventh and tenth bhavas. And in a star of Mars, a significator for ninth, eleventh, second, sixth and seventh bhavas. Transiting in Aries 20 and trine to natal Jupiter, seventh to natal Saturn. Moon transiting in Cancer 23, sextile to Sun, square to Saturn. Is a significator for third and ninth in a star of Kethu, significator for eleventh, third and tenth bhavas. In comparing the similarities of these three birth charts, we could see that all the important planets are good significators for tenth, eleventh and sixth bhavas, which are favourable for achieving power, specially the leader ship of a society or a country. All these analysis were done according to the rules laid in the infallible Krishnamurthi Paddhathi. LONG LIVE KRISHNAMURTHI PADDHATHI.
Participate in www.astrojasa.blogspot.in, the blog of Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri indrajit) and many sincere readers of JASA, for fearless and democratic discussion on KP astrology.
Your voice will be heard by the whole world. Your views will be shared with millions around the world. No need to depend upon moderators whims and fancies. No need to become a victim of dogmas of others. Share the real knowledge of KP and astrology. All are welcome!! www.astrojasa.blogspot.in
t is a pleasure to be with the contributing astrologers and supporters, along with the learned Editor, Dr. Andrew Dutta (Sri Indrajith) and all the well wishers in the celebration period of the first anniversary of the Journal of Advancement of Stellar Astorlogy (JASA).
We are well aware that it was not an easy journey to the editor and his staff to bring this esteemed magazine compiling all the subject matters in a pleasing manner and to offer advanced knowledge in all the avenues on stellar astrology in an open forum for a readership over 9000 in more than 65 countries, if not for the genuine effort of the captain and the soldiers involved.. While wishing you and JASA good luck and a long journey in the astrological world, I am trying to contribute this article on an interesting subject. One of the most celebrated film actresses, Elizabeth Taylor, queen of the silver screen for more than a half century, is the person we are going to discuss about. She was born in England on 27th February 1932 and left England and settled down in Los Angeles with her parents. Liz Taylor started her film career at the age of ten and continued as a very efficient and talented star in the silver screen. In this birth chart, the ascendant falls in the sign of Scorpio. The first cusp is ruled by Mars, Mercury and Venus as sign, star and sub lords respectively. Sub lord of the ascendant Venus is a significator for a number of favourite bhavas. This Venus is receiving a trine aspect from Jupiter. Both these planets are in trine to the ascendant, making a favourable triangle from the lords of fourth, second, sixth, seventh and eleventh bhava lords. This placement has given her a very luxurious and a talented life. She passed away in March 2011 due to a heart failure, after having a very happy and enjoyable life of about 79 years. She enjoyed her beauty, talent and lived in a very luxurious way. In her lovely life, she got married in eight times and enjoyed her life in a variety of styles and ways, which no one has enjoyed before, we hope. So we are trying to make an astrological analysis on her birth chart about the multiple marriages, a native could enjoy. Nirayana Bhava Chart.
04.47.08 20.27.57
III 14.55.12 Mercury.14.39.29 Sun. 14.28.34 On 27th February 1932, Mars 08.45.22 At 02.30 hrs London, England 51 N 30, 00 W 08 Saturn 07.29.27
Jupiter 22.21.28
Kethu. X
04.26.29 21.25.03
Planetary Positions In stars Planet Star Sub of deposited Rahu Kethu III Sun Jupiter Saturn VIII Moon Rahu Jupiter III Mars Kethu III Mercury Rahu Mercury Moon II Jupiter Mercury Rahu II Venus Sun Kethu II Saturn Saturn II Saturn Rahu Saturn II Sun Kethu Bhava Positions In stars Deposited of owner II XI II IV II II VIII VIII X VIII X IV II III III IX
In stars deposited -
of Deposited -
In stars of owner Owner Mars Moon Rahu Moon Jupiter Saturn Jupiter
Sun Rahu
Mars Kethu
Mercury Venus
Rahu Kethu Saturn Jupiter Sun Mercury Venus Mars Saturn Sun Mars Rahu M Venus
Jupiter Kethu
Moon -
Saturn -
When we talk about marriage, we need to analyse the seventh bhava of the birth chart. The seventh bhava stands for companions, marriage partners, partners in business, opponents etc; so this bhava gives all the details about marriage and other activities with companions or opponents. In this birth chart, the seventh cusp falls in Taurus, ruled by Venus, star ruled by Moon and the sub is ruled by Venus. This sub lord is a significator for second, seventh and eleventh bhavas. Therefore the native is destined to get married according to the rules laid in the infallible Krishnamurthi Paddhathi. As this Venus is in Pisces, a dual sign, the native is destined to have multiple marriages. This Venus is the owner of second and seventh bhavas and deposited in a star of Mercury, who is also the owner of dual signs. Thus it is again confirmed that the native will enjoy the taste of more than one marriage. Even though this Mercury is deposited in a fixed sign and conjoined with Sun, owner of a fixed sign. But both of them are in the stars of Rahu, who is in a dual sign, Pisces. Therefore Sun and Mercury will also corporate to have plurality in the marriages. Therefore it is confirmed that the native is fortunate to have more than one marriage. The owner of this birth chart enjoyed not only more than one but more than seven. Therefore it is very interesting to see the astrological indications and combinations for the plurality of marriages. Her first marriage had been celebrated on sixth May 1950 at the Church of the Good Shepherd, Hollywood. In this period she was under the influence of Saturn mahadasa, Mercury bukthi and Saturn antara.
Mercury. 04.08
Jupiter. 10.24 Marriage on 6th May 1950, Hollywood, California 34 N 06, 118 W 20
Saturn. 28.59
19.35 Mars.
Kethu. 12.24
The dasa and antara lord Saturn was transiting in Leo sign and a star of Venus. The star lord Venus is a significator for second, seventh and eleventh bhavas. Therefore it is seen that the marriage was taken place in a dasa of a planet, who was transiting in the ninth bhava of the native. Thus the star lord has given the results signified by him in the natal chart. In this period the Saturn was aspecting sextile to the natal Moon. Again this transiting Saturn was giving a trine aspect to transiting Moon and Sun creating a beautiful triangle in the transit chart. This is a very auspicious combination to the native. The bukthi lord Mercury was transiting in the fifth bhava, in a star of Sun, a significator for second bhava. This Mercury was transiting with a sextile aspect the natal position of Rahu, and a trine aspect to natal Kethu. Transiting Rahu was in conjunction with the fortuna in the natal chart, offering good fortune. First luminary Sun was transiting in Aries, in a star of Venus. This Venus is aspecting to its natal position with semi sextile aspect and in exact opposition to natal Moon. This Sun was again aspecting the natal Jupiter, in square aspect. The second luminary Moon was in Sagittarius with sextile aspect to its natal position. And transiting in a star of Venus. This Moon was aspecting to natal Venus in square aspect. So the transit of dasa lords and luminaries were on the stars of significators for second, seventh and eleventh bhavas. To be continued in Sept-Oct 2012 Issue
he scribe wishes to share with readers of this esteemed journal , his experience in experimenting with the stellar theory in Deva Prasnam ; the first time by anyone in kerala, where the science of Deva prasnam originated.
Deva Prasna --- Brief Introduction --Sri Krishna Paramatma , in the battle field of Kurushetra tells Arjuna , Idam shareeream Kauntaya , Kshetramithibhidhiyathay Ethaybyo vethy tham prahu Kshterajay ithi thadwitha Means the body itself is the Temple and he who knows that is known as Kshtrajna The advice of Lord Krishna is addressed to spiritual aspirant in pursuit of jnana marga. However for a common man, a place of worship is certainly required . A place where he could download his worries and woes of daily life and from where he could derive peace of mind . The ancients who were aware of that constructed Temples. If you look at the history of olden Kealite Temples, you could note that, they are never built in vantage areas like that of today but they happens to be constructed in the Samadh sthal that is , in the place where tomb of some Sages were there . Needless to say, the place will certainly be blessed with lot of greenery around and adequate water supply. Despite urbanization and the resultant mushrooming of concrete jungles , one could still feel the serenity and the sathwic vibration when one enters the sanctum sanctorum of olden Temples Each Temple has its own custom, culture, rituals and mode of worship. . Even a lifelong study wont be enough if one ventures to learn the Temple culture. Deva Pransa is the horary form of Jyotish used in Temples to ascertain the presence, well-being and various other matters pertaining to the deity of the temple . The significations of each Houses are quite different from the one to which we are accustomed. The first House of the prasna chart stands for all aspects of the presiding deity. Similarly each House represents some aspects of the Temple .
Deva Prasna is conducted usually once in 12 years (One Jupiter Return). It is also conducted when something unnatural or untoward occurs in the Temple. Earlier Deva prasna used to be conducted by spiritually evolved Astrologers having mantra siddies. Times have changed . Moral degeneration that has crept in the society has its way in Astrological world also. Today the Deva Prasna is nothing but a money spinning mechanism. Even before a Deva prasnam, the outcome is known even to a lay man. It will be a suggestion regarding construction of a new Temple or renovation of the existing one; that requires crores of money . Some times it will be very expensive poojas that will serve the interest of only the priestly class. . Pathethic state of affairs What that goes on as Deva Prasnam(DP) these days, is nothing but a farce. DP use to last for 2-5 days usually attended by a team of Astrologers. Many contention of the participating astrologers , if challenged by anyone in the audience ,will silenced by these unscrupulous astrologers by asking the dissenting person to quote the relevant sloka from Prasna Marga or Brihat Jathaka which they use to address as Pramana or authoritative slokas. A big crowd consisting of the devotees will assemble to witness the Deva Prasnam. The Astrologers quoting slokas in the guise of divining the will of the Lord , cleverly befool the audience who neither knows Jyothish nor the language Sanskrit in which the slokas are composed . Astrologers cooks some stories and justify it with slokas . The predictive part is completely ignored despite the availability of innumerable predictive tools that had been graciously bequeathed by the sages and had come over through generations, like Pancha Maha Suthra chintha planets linked with five primordial elements and 27 sutras (longitudes of planets calculated in different manner ) and ofcourse the Nimithas or omens that supplement prediction. Scribe read a write-up of Deepak Kapur who successfully applied the stellar theory in a Deva Prasna in North India . Ever since then, I was waiting for an opportunity to experiment the stellar theory in some Deva Prasna. So when the Temple committee members came to invite the scribe for Ashta Mangala Deva Prasna in a famous Sarpa Kavu (Serpent shrine ) , I asked them not to say anything about the issue for which they are seeking a prasna . After elaborate pooja , the Arooda (Ascendant ) is secured by a girl below the age of 10 , ignorant of the Zodiac and planets , placing the gold coin sanctified by prayers , in the zodiac drawn in the floor using udi (ashes) Me 12:42 Sun 27:01 Arooda 10:30 Ju 14:56 Ve12:18 Ke15:13 Planet Sun Moon Ma Merc Jup Ven Sa Star Ju Ma Ve Sa Ve Ke Ma Sub Ve Mo Mo Ma Ve Me Ve
11.02 hrs IST 11 March 2012 Ma Trivandrum Kerala 16:44 Ra 15:13 Mo6:03 Sa4:34 Sat Mo Ju Ju
Rah Ket
In this prasna , Arooda or the Ascendant mainly stands for the presiding deity , its power to respond to devotees , details of the idol etc. The Rising degree of the Arooda (Ascendant) is in Sravana nakshatra whose tutelary deity is Lord Sri Hari Vishnu, giving the clue that the presiding deity of the Temple is Lord Ananth Nag , the divine serpent of Vishnu Stellar Theory As per the stellar theory propounded by late Prof K S Krishnamurthy, a planet will predominantly give the result of its stellar dispositor. Saturn , the Ascendant lord representing the deity in retrograde mode is in Libra in the lunar mansion of chithra that is a chopped Nakshatra ( NotesChopped Nakshatras are those that are spread in two consecutive signs respectively egKrittika , Mrigasira , Punarvasu etc). On seeing this, it was queried whether the life force of the presiding deity was Tantrically (Jupiters aspect to Saturn ) chopped . The answer given by the audience was YES Again it was asked whether such Tantric division occurred 4 years back (Saturn at 4* in Libra. The answer was again YES. Saturn as lord of 2H of coffers of the Temple is in the star of Mars owning IV (Land) and XI (Income ) placed in VIII (other mans wealth ) .So it was asked whether land belonging to the shrine were usurped by someone else . The answer from the audience was YES Since Nodes traverses anti-clock wise in the zodiac, it will be logical to assume , involvement of Nodes in general and Kethu , the tailend of the dragon , in particular indicates some error or something against the accepted norms .
Jupiter the ruler of the 3H of accounting. Jupiter is in the sub of Venus having planets in its star whereas Venus is in the star of Ketu , a Node. So it was told that accounts were not properly maintained and internal audit is not done at all. The answer from the audience was YES. Nodes stands for unnatural death. 3H is for neighborhood. So unnatural death like suicide might have taken place in the neighborhood . The answer of the audience was YES The 4H is for Upa Devas (deities other than the main one) vehicles , temple well, pond etc . Mars, the 4L is in the sub of Mo having planets in its star but placed again in the star of Ma in Leo , a dry sign . Since Ju aspect the sublord Ma, certainly there has to be a well or pond but Ma is in trika house or dusthana 8H (death) . So it was told a well or a pond may be there but now it is not in a useable condition. This too was accepted by a devotee . Many other points are similarly unearthed but stopping short due to reason of brevity Scribe came in for sharp criticism from a section of the priests and astrologers who are against any sort of research
None of the sloka quoting Astrologer would have mentioned even a single point mentioned above unless he had some prior information. The purpose of this write-up is only to high-light the scope of stellar Astrology and to bring to the attention of the jyotish scholars, that stellar Astrology too could effectively be used as a predictive tool in Deva Prasna. Let me close by Thanking Dr Andrew for being magnanimous to include all innovative ideas in JASA and wishes all success to this esteemed journal , when it completes its one year of meaningful existence .
Name: Sharvari D.O.B.: 14th December 1981 T.O.B.:20-05 PM Place: Dadar/Mumbai 19N10; 72E51 KP Ayanamsha: 23-30-30 This case is solved through 4step theory. Rule: 7th sub if signify 2 or 7 or 11 house strongly then marriage will be celebrated during the chain of these houses. 5th and 8th houses are also supportive houses for marriage. (ref: 4th reader, page no.200,Jan 1978 edition) The chart is attached herewith. In this chart 7th sublord is Moon. Since this is a natal chart due to uncertainty the birth time may not be correct, hence I have used RP to confirm the sub. Moon was not in RP and presence of Mars was found in RP hence decided Mars as a sublord of 7th house. Now let us check the signification of Mars. The bracketed houses are strong significators. PLANET : MARS Itself :-------------- Mars:- 3 6 11 It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (6) 3 Cusp Yuti: (6) Mercury-Yuti (6) 1 4 Saturn-Drusht (4) (8) (9) It's Sub :------------ Mercury:- 6 1 4 Sun-Yuti 6 3 It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Ketu:- (7) Cusp Yuti: (7) It's N.Swami :-------- Sun:- (6) 3 Cusp Yuti: (6) Mercury-Yuti (6) 1 4 Saturn-Drusht (4) (8) (9) So Mars signify 7-8 houses, so the marriage is promised but due to presence of 8th house marriage may be delayed. Now we will check DBA.
lady approached me for the marriage probability of her daughter. And I have analyzed the chart on 29th April 2010. The birth details are as follows:
At the time of judgments Venus dasa, Venus Bhukti was from 2 Nov 2009 to 3 April 2013. Let us check the signification of Venus. PLANET : VENUS Itself :-------------- Venus:- (7) (5) (12) It's N.Swami :-------- Moon:- (1) (2) It's Sub :------------ Moon:- 1 2 It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Saturn:- (4) (8) (9) So dasa and bhuktilord Venus signifies 7-5-2-8 houses, so marriage possibility will be during this period. Now to select Antara, for to complete the chain we have to select such a planet who signify 11th house. If you check the significations of all planets you will found that there are only 2 planets who signify 11th house are Sun and Saturn. Let us check the signification of these planets. PLANET : SUN Itself :-------------- Sun:- 6 3 Cusp Yuti: (6) Mercury-Yuti 6 1 4 Saturn-Drusht 4 8 9 It's N.Swami :-------- Mercury:- (6) 1 4 Sun-Yuti (6) 3 It's Sub :------------ Saturn:- 4 8 9 It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Mars:- (3) 6 (11) PLANET : SATURN Itself :-------------- Saturn:- 4 8 9 It's N.Swami :-------- Mars:- (3) 6 (11) It's Sub :------------ Jupiter:- 4 7 10 It's Sub's N.Swami :-- Rahu:- (1) Cusp Yuti: (1) Rashi-Swami Moon (1) (2) Aspect (7) It's N.Swami :-------- Jupiter:- (4) 7 (10) Sun antara was from 24th May 2010 to 23rd July 2010 and Saturn Antara was from 23rd Dec 2011 to 3rd July 2012. Since ascendant is of dual sign and 7th sub was also indicating delays I have consider that marriage will be celebrated during Saturn antara. For to predict further finer period I have chosen again Venus sookshma as Venus signifies 2-5-7-8 houses and also a karaka planet for marriage. This period will be from 1st March 2012 to 2nd April 2012. So I declared that the marriage will be during April 2012. The lady was shocked by knowing such a delay for marriage and asked me the remedy. I told that remedy may not work but I will pray for god to fail my prediction. In actual native in question got married on 22nd April 2012. Hats off to 4 step Theory.
JASAcongratulatesauthorSriSunil Gondhalekarforhiscorrectpredictions!!
Mrs R Vijayalakshmi(44) is a practicing Naadi astrologer from Barur Dharmapuri Dt.TN. Did her M.A. (astrology) from Potti Sreeramulu Telugu University, Hyderabad. She is one of the founder trustees of JKR Astro research foundation, Secunderabad. She participated in many Astro conferences and seminars and delivered talk on importance of stellar astrology. She has honorary titles like Jyothida Thendral, Jyothida Ratna, etc.,. She is a resource person to Department of Astrology, Annamalai University, Tamil Nadu. She hadcontributednumberofarticlesinTamilastrologymagazines.SheisakeenfollowerofNaadiJyothisaof Meena2systemandalsodiscipleofDr.NVRARajaJr.Meena2.
amil proverb says Thirumanam Sorgathil Nichayikkappadukinrana It means Marriages are made in Heaven. You cannot foretell who will marry whom. Two people may love each other very much but may end up not marrying each other, and two people who do not even know each other may marry each other in the end. Marriage is considered various factors demand our attention, important ones being physical fitness, mental qualities, heredity, sexual compatibility and social and economic status. Eight types of marriages have been mentioned in Manusmriti. These are Daiva, Brahma, Arisha, Prajapatiya, Asura, Gandharva, Rakshasa and pishcha. The marriage that takes place in the normal course is called Prajapatiya.
Selecting and matching of the charts for marriages are mostly based on the Birth Stars of the Boy and Girl. More the points, more chance of success of the marriage but it is not so. Marriage and other looking compatibilities are based on different consideration and combination of planets between the charts. Though method mentioned and analysd for marriage is not restricted to marriage only but can be used for compatibility. It is not practically possible for the parents of the boy or girl to go and negotiate as for one boy ten horoscopes of the girls are found to be matching, it is possible to select two or three charts which are loosely probable for fructification of the marriage this is what an astrologer can do. The destiny connects the links of the boy and the girl in marriage. When a boy is fated to marry a particular girl it cannot be avoided, the charts and the situation may arise in a way that they will be linked in wedlock. Guruji Sri NV Raghavachary (Meena2) said that after checking dasavidha porutham or obtaining minimum points of 18 out of 36 from matching table and checking the Kuja dosha ,dasa sandhi and compatibility, he had advised to follow the matching techniques linking first house of boy with girls 7th house and vice versa, similar combination to 5th and 9th houses of the boy and girl may bring the selection of horoscope for marriage between them closer. When the girl and boy are linked for marriage by destiny, males chart will be a replica of the female horoscope and vice versa connected with required houses.. The main houses to be considered are Lagna, 5th house, 7th house and 9th house. It will be pertinent to note
here that the connection of the Lagna of the one with the 7 house of other. A close scrutiny of the charts will reveal that the 7th house of the one will be analogous with \lagna of the other2. Dr NVRA Raja(Meena2 Jr.) in his work Stellar effects in Astrology Jeeva and Sareera, he has further fine tuned the above said Meena2 methods with linking Jeeva and Sareera concept and states that for marriage matching Whenever Jeeva or Sareera planet of husbands 5 and 7th houses connect to wifes 5th and 7th house then the couple will lead a happy married life. Whenever Jeeva or Sareera planet of husbands 6th house is connected with 7th house Jeeva or Sareera planet of wife or vice versa, then there will be very little or no mutual happiness in their marital life.3 To understand the concept very well , I had analysed a single chart by applying both the concepts explained by Meena2 and Meena2 Jr. A) Analysis based on Guruji Sri NV Raghavachary (Meena2)s method of Meena2 system of Marriage Matching
Husbands Chart: Date of Birth: 16.01,1981 12.35pm at Dharmapuri TamilNadu 2Mo 1Asc 12 11 10Su Ma,Me,Ke 7 9ve 8
Moon Rahu
Jup Sat Star Aswini Uttarashada Rohini Sravana Sravana Hasta Moola Hasta Aslesha Pada 4 2 1 3 1 3 4 2 1 Sign Mesha Capricorn Taurus Capricorn Capricorn Virgo Sagittarius Virgo Cancer
Name Ascendant Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu
Vol2(1) Capricorn
11 12
1 4
Mars Ketu
Ven Sat
6 Sun 5Mer Mo
Name Ascendant Sun Moon Mars Mercury Jupiter Venus Saturn Rahu Ketu 1. Lagna
Pada 2 4 1 4 4 4 4 4 2
sign Capricorn Virgo Leo Scorpio Leo Sagittarius Libra Libra Taurus Scorpio
Sravana Uthrapal Uthrapal Jyesta Pubba Moola Chitta Visaka 1 Krithika Anuradha
Husband: Aries Lagna, Lagna lord Mars posited in Capricorn sign, which is Wife is Lagna, Mars is in Sravana Star, whose lord Moon is wifes 7th lord. Wife: Capricorn lagna, lagna lord posited in Libra sign, which is husbands 7th house. 2. 5th house Husband: Lord of 5th house is Sun and the Sun is aspected by Rahu Wife : Rahu is posited in 5th house and is in Suns Star Krithika Husbands Moon sign is Taurus which is Wifes 5th house, Wifes Moon sign is Leo, which is Husbands 5th house. 3. 9th house
Husband: Lord of 9 house is Jupiter posited in Mercury house Virgo, who is in Moon star Hastam. Wife : Lord of 9th house is Mercury aspected by Jupiter.
While selecting the horoscopes for marriage if the combination houses of boy and girl are linked as said above then more likely they will be get married. B)Analysis based on Dr.NVRA Rajas (Meena2 Jr.) Jeeva and Sareera method of Marriage Matching Husband: 5th house lord Sun is in the star of Sun himself, hence Sun is Jeeva planet of 5th house, Sun occupied sign lord Saturn become Sareera planet of 5th house 7th house lord is Venus who is in Ketu Star hence Ketu is Jeeva planet of Venus. Ketu is star of Moon, hence Moon become Sareera planet of 7th house Kalathra karaka Venus is in the star of Ketu hence Ketu is Jeeva planet of Venus. Ketu is star of Moon, hence Moon become Sareera planet of 7th house. Wife: 5th house lord is Venus is in the star of Mars, hence Mars has become Jeeva planet of 5th house, Mars is in the star of Mercury, hence Mercury has become Sareera planet of 5th house 7th house lord is Moon is in the star of Sun, hence Sun become Jeeva planet of 7th house,. Sun is in the star of Sun himself, Sun occupied sign lord Mercury become Sareera planet of 7th house. Karaka Venus, Venus is in the star of Mars, hence Mars become Jeeva planet of 5th house, Mars is in the star of Mercury, hence Mercury become Sareera planet of 5th hosue Husband House 5 7 Venus Jeeva Sun Ketu Ketu Sareera Saturn Moon Moon Jeeva Mars Sun Mars Wife Sareera Mercury Mercury Mercury
Jeeva and Sareera(Rules pl refer my earlier articles published in JASA) From Husbands Chart Jeeva and Sareera planets of 5th house is Sun and Saturn. Sun posited in Capricorn sign which is Wife Lagna, Saturn posited in Libra sign which is wifes 10th house, Saturn is wifes Lagna lord. Jeeva and Sareera planets of 7th house is Ketu. Moon, Ketu posited in Capricorn sign which is wifes Lagna, Moon posited in Taurus sign which is wifes 5th house(love and affection) Karaka Venuss Jeeva and Sareera planets are Ketu and Moon. Ketu posited in Capricorn sign which is wifes Lagna, Moon posited in Taurus sign which is wifes 5th house(love and affection)
From Wifes chart Jeeva and Sareera planets of 5th house are Mars and Mercury. Jeeva planet Mars is husbands Lagna lord, Sareera planet Mercury is posited in Husband 5th house. Jeeva and Sareera of planets of 7th house are Sun and Mercury, the Sun is husbands 5th lord, Mercury posited in husbands 5th house Leo sign. Karaka Venuss Jeeva and Sareera planets are Mars and Mercury. Jeeva planet Mars is husbands Lagna lord, Sareera planet Mercury is posited in Husband 5th house. In the above analysis we can clearly see that the Jeeva and Sareera planets of 5th house and 7th house are mutually linked by the way of either position or as house lord. This type of analysis while selecting horoscopes for marriage also will give a clear indication of marriage between them. Astrology is indicative science and if one follows scrupulously the methods indicated by a great legend like Meena2, I am sure; he will become a great astrologer and helping society in a great way in guiding in marriage matters. Reference: Practical Stellar Astrology by Sri NV Raghavachary (Meena2) page No. 167 ed.2 Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva and Sareera by Dr.NVRA Raja (Meena2 Jr.) pg.no 331
The author is from Howrah, West Bengal, working as a telecom professional in a MNC in Kolkata. He learnt Vedic & KP systems of astrology and is practicing Vedic astrology since last few years. The author is also practicing KP astrology and is interested in research on KP astrology. He is also providing online astrology consultancybasedonVedic&KPprinciples.
n this Anniversary Issue of our loved magazine JASA , I will cover a very relevant topic in modern era, i.e. Profession/our Work Life as per KP. Dear friends, Our profession is determined mainly by 10th house. So in order to know the potential of our professional life we need to test the 10th CSL (Cuspal Sub Lord) and its connection with different houses. This 10th CSL planet will reveal the cuspal promise present in our chart for our professional life. These promises are time stamped during our time of birth. Let me explain with an example Chart of one of my client; He consulted me via mail on 28.10.2011, and asked me the following things; Sir I am Jobless since 31st of May(148 days). I truly believe in astrology. I have already changed 6 jobs in 7.5 years. From birth chart also good period is running(JUP-SUN) from 1st August,2011. Sun signify 3,11 houses but yet i am unable to get job. Currently JUP-SUN-JUP is running. Is the present planet transit not good? My birth detail is :My DOB-21/08/1975 TOB-01:45AM POB-BALLIA(Uttar Pradesh) Accurate longitude & longitude of birth place. Latitude:--- 25(N) 45 7.8618 Longitude:---84(E) 8 17.6532 Which one is better for me, job or business. Thanks & Regards, Now his main concern was job, salary & money. As per KP, house grouping for those is 2,6,10,11. Here 10th is the main house to determine job prospect in a particular nativity. So lets test 10th CSL, which is RAHU in this case. First of all, let me clear you few things, I have observed from my personal experience that 'RAHU' as a 10th CSL gives disturbing professional life ( job or business anywhere you go.) irrespective of its cuspal promise. Also RAHU is debilitated (in Scorpio at 2 deg 53 min) in his birth chart which is not at all good for his job prospect/social reputation. CUSPAL PROMISE OF PROFESSIONAL LIFE:33
Lets see what is promised for him in job life, 10th CSL RAHU =>( occ 5, MAR, occ 11/12(being within 3 deg 20 min of the orb of 12th cusp), own 6,11) --> stl JUP(occ 10, own 7,10); RAHU aspected by MAR, hence again 6,11/12 i.e. RAHU= 5,6,7,10,11,12 Now sublord of Rahu is also RAHU in this case, so this is fully supportive of 10th CSL RAHU's promise. As 6,10,11 is there job is well promised for you. Only 5,12 is bad and 7 indicates he will try to do business as well, but whether that will be a success or not depends upon the promise of 7th CSL VEN. Now VEN=occ 3, own 5,12; VEN in self star and sub; so VEN=3,5,12; it indicates 7th CSL is not supportive of earning through business( as 10,11,2 missing). Further as we all know, 2nd house denotes our earned money/bank balance; so the connection of CSL of 2nd house will denote from which sources one will earn his money. In this case, 2nd CSL is KET. Now, KET= conj MAR( 11,6,12), sign lord VEN=3,5,12, starlord of KET is SUN=3; So, KET= 11,12,6,3,5. So it is clearly denoted during birth (Cuspal promise) that source of income will be primarily paid job(6,11) and not any business( 7 missing). DBA Analysis:But this is not the only reason for your poor job life, now DBAS(Dasha-Bhukti-Anthara-Sukshma) will reveal why he had such bad experiences since last 7.5 years, ie almost from starting of JUP>SAT from 10.2.2003. MAHADASHA he was facing, JUP= (occ. 10, owner 7,10) --> stl KET(occ 11,VEN occ 3,own 5,12) Ket conj. MAR (occ.11,own 6,11); so JUP=7,10,11,3,5,12,6. here both [6,10,11] &[7,5,12] significtions are there, but the sbl of JUP is VEN, and this is the ultimate culprit, bec VEN=( occ 3, own 5,12) conj MER ( occ 3, own 1,4)--> stl VEN, so sub lord VEN strongly signify 1,3,4,5,12, none of which is supportive of job prospect ( 2,6,10,11). So in this JUP mahadasha job prospect will be at a medium tempo. SAT=> 1,8,9.in self sub, so this SAT is also very bad for job, he got very bad exp regarding job and his mental tension increases in SAT bhukti (i.e. 10.2.2003 to 23.08.2005). Next MER {(1,3,4,5,12) in sub of JUP(5,6,10,11,7,3,12)} from 23.08.2005 to 29.11.2007 & KETU {(3,5,6,11,12) in sub of JUP(5,6,10,11,7,3,12) from 29.11.2007 to 04.11.2008 will be medium to good for job prospect. Next VEN {(1,3,4,5,12) in self sub) is very bad for job matters( from 4.11.2008 to 6.07.2011), Then comes SUN Bhukti (6.7.2011 to 23.4.2012), {(3,5,6,11,12) in sub of MON(2,8)} in this running bhukti although job prospect is somewhat good, but he can get a job only during Bhukti of fruitful significators of 2,6,10,11. MON=8,2 in sub of SUN(3,11,6,12); so in MON bhukti chances of getting job are higher compared to SUN bhukti as sublord is more favourable in case of planet MON. PREDICTION:I predicted for him the following things on 28th October 2011; Now the predicted time frame for you to get a job; JUP->SUN->KET ; 17.2.2012 to 6.3.2012------- very weak chance JUP->MON; 23.04.2012 to 23.08.2013----- strong chance In this SUN bhukti he will exp mental agony(8) related to finance and family(2) due to sublord connection. But due to RAHU as 10th CSL huge/frequent job change is destined for you at any Dasha Bhukti Anthara. ( I have already changed 6 jobs in 7.5 years.)
FEEDBACK OF CLIENT & REALITY, Analysis with transit Support:I had received a feedback mail from this client on 27th May 2012; Dear Kausik ji, Thanks for good prediction! This is feedback mail. I was interviewed & joined the new Job on 7th of May,2012. On 7th may 2012, he was running JUP-MON-MON-JUP(5.5.2012 to 10.5.2012), both JUP & MON are fruitful significators for job(2,6,10,11) as can be seen from the above analysis. On 7th may 2012 Transit ; a) It was Monday ruled by MON(2,8); b) SUN was in Aries ruled by MAR , a significator of 6,11 in natal chart. c) MON was in scorpio, so MAR(6,11) again d) Mahadasha & Suksmadasha lord JUP was in Aries in 11th bhava of the native in transit. e) Bhukti & Anthara lord MON was in close to 6th natal bahva in scorpio in transit. So, very strongly & clearly the signification of 2,6,11 reflected in transit and hence getting of job happened. LONG LIVE KRISHNAMURTHY PADHDHATI
JASAcongratulatesauthorSriKaushikRoy forhiscorrectpredictions!!
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The cover-story ( Chiedi chi era quell beatles ) for the July 15 2009 issue of Wired Italia, the Italian edition of the US magazine Wired, describes the analysis of the McCartney conspiracy theory conducted by two Italians, Gabriella Carlesi and Francesco Gavazzeni experts in facial comparison. Their purpose for analyzing this conspiracy theory was to provide indisputable, scientific evidence that would put an end to the persistent rumors that Paul McCartney had died in a car accident in 1966. However, the results of their analysis surprised them. Instead of putting an end to the rumors, their analysis provides scientific evidence that the Paul McCartney of today is not the same man as the Paul McCartney prior to 1966. I will try to put an end to the rumors looking at his longevity analysis using the scientific KP astrology. Chart courtesy given by Astrodatabank Mary [Paul's mother] was given the luxury of a private bed when her first son was born at Walton Hospital, shortly after two in the morning on 18 June 1942. He was baptised Catholic, and named James Paul McCartney. (page 18)" KP LONGEVITY RULES
FOR LONG LIFE: Combinations of 1, 5,9,10,11,(3,8) : over 66 y FOR MIDDLE LIFE: Combinations of 1,3,5,9,10,11+ 6,8,12 : up to 65 y FOR SHORT LIFE: Combinations of = Bhadaka , Maraka+6,8,12: up to 32 y 1st sub-lord is Sun in star of Mars and in sub of Venus. Sun in 4th cup owner of 7th Maraka. Star-lord Mars ( karaka for incidents) in 6th (injuries) owner of 7th Maraka and 9th Bhadaka, sub-lord Venus( karaka for vehicles) in 2nd cup Maraka and owner of cups 3, 8( incidents). Sun signify all the bad cups Maraca, Bhadaka, 6 and 8 , the ascendant shows possible accidents with injuries . Are the rumors about his death true? The data given is not an A-A rated , it is rated as B (from biography) so we can not trust it for 100%. If we move the tob by 10 seconds forward the sub-lord will chance and also the longevity. The sublord will become of the Moon and it will show most probably the true span of life? 1st sub-lord Moon in star and sub of Mercury. Moon in 6 cup owner of 6 cup. Star-lord and sub-lord is Mercury in 3rd cup owner of 4 and 5th cups. Moon does not signify any Maraka or Bhadaka cups here we find signification of 6 in sign and 5 in star -sub level indication for a long life more than 66 years. Mr Mcartney at the moment has 70 years, a long life for the KP Astrology rules. Conclusions It is my humble opinion that Mr Paul Mcartney did not die in a car accident in 1966 , however the first analysis with Sub-lord of Sun perfectly indicate a short life and death by an accident with injuries . With no birth chart rated A-A the analysis is not a 100% , so I conclude that by at least 90% i am sure Paul Mcartney of today is the same as the Paul McCartney prior to 1966.
JASAthanksauthorSriVedikoforsharingthiswonderful articlewiththewholeworld!!
Mr. Murthy did is Primary at Balajipeta, secondary at Badangi & Sompeta of Srikakulam Dist. SSLC at Vizianagaram. He started his career at his tender age of 16 and did his higher education while in job. He did his Commerce Graduation at Badruka College, Hyderabad and Post Graduation from Osmania University. He did is Post Diplomas and a Fellow Member of Institute of Company Secretaries of India New Delhi and Costing from Institute of Cost & Works Accountants, Calcutta. He worked in Government since 1975 viz. A.P. Small Scale industrial Development CorporationLtd.,&A.P.StateEssentialCommoditiesCorporationLtd.Andworkedas a General Manager (Fin) & Company Secretary in Kumars Group of Companies (Kumar's Metallurgical Corporation, Stilbene Chemicals Ltd., Kumar's Cotex Ltd., & Kayquinone Organics (India) Ltd., at Hyderabad. AP. INDIA. Presently working as Consultant to Nizam Sugars Limited and Practising as Company Secretary. He did his Computers Courses initially and later developed himself in the Computer Awareness bothHardware&Software,wellversedwithDOS,WINXP,MSOFFICE,MULTIMEDIA, INTERNET, EMAIL, HTML AND JAVA, & WEB DESIGNING. The native learnt Astrology from his maternal uncle, whose family belongs to Astrologers. Later from 1975 onwards for the last 33 years the native is engaged in Manual casting of birth charts on Nirayana system basing on Ephemeris and Raphaels Tables of Houses, till the computers era started. From 1994 onwards, the manual casting has been dispensed with and obtaining birth charts through computerized programs was started. The Astrology consultancy was practiced as an Hobby with minimum charges from the clients, becaz the native is otherwise engaged in his professionviz. a Fellow Member of the Institute of Company Secretaries of India, New Delhi, Post Graduate in CommerceandalsoaFinalstudentofInstituteofCost&WorksAccountantsofIndia, Calcutta. Worked as General Manager (Finance) & Company Secretary till 2000 and switched over to Practice. Upto 1990 the native worked in Govt. & Public Sector Undertakings then switched over to Pvt. Sector. He has been awarded Daivagnya Ratna title in 1994 for his Astrological research work by the Speaker of AP Govt. in Ravindra Bharathi and Daivagnya Siromani in 2004 by Universal College of Astro and OccultSciences,Hyderabad.
Om Gajaananam Namamyaham During these days the hot news in all channels are against corruption leading to litigations connected to Courts and imprisonments. The Role of 12th house plays a very important role by its co rulers sign lord, star lord and sub lord (which gains importance). The KP rules connected to imprisonment relating to judicial remand, imprisonment and getting relief from the hardships are outlined hereunder: 12th Sublord connection to 2,3,8,12, primarily Rahu who is karaka of present day world connection to material aspect and jail; apart from this any other planet particularly malefic like Saturn, Mars, etc. also indicates imprisonment. In this situation it is also observed that not only 12th cuspal Sublord but also sign lord also is competent in creating imprisonments. Getting back to home joining with family is indicated by 2,4,11 signification in the DBA and getting relief / such as bail is 6,11 and 10. In connecting 2,4,11 is jointing with family and home. 6th signification is always getting benefit from the litigation and 10/11 says benefit from authorities i.e. Courts/ Police/ Jails.
Basing on the above principles we can take up 3 three birth charts of the natives who suffered imprisonment and getting bail from the court of law. ANALYSIS:
1 Jayalakshmi: Date 07/04/1960 Time 09:50:00 Place undisclosed Day Thursday Lat17:00:00N ]Long 81:46:00 E TZ 82:30:00E KP-NA 23:12:29 Birth Star: Ashlesha -3 Rasi: Cancer Asc. : Tau 27:20:01 The native underwent to imprisonment during Moon Mercury for a scam in scholarships as the 12th cuspal Sublord is Mercury who is the star Jupiter and Moon Major who is in Mercury star and Jupiter sub and Mercury in Jupiter star. Here a research point that whenever Dasa lord is in a particular sub and that Sublord antara or another antara whose starlord is the Sublord of Dasalord. The native got bail as well because of 11 and 5 connection.
2 Hemanth Joshi : Date 23/04/1965 Time 19:41:00 Place AMS Hosp. Hyd. Day Friday Lat 17:23:48 N Long 78:31:08 E TZ 82:30:00 E KP-NA23:16:42 Birth Star: Uttarashada-4 Rasi: Capricorn Asc. : Lib 26:09:15
The native underwent to imprisonment due to financial scam connected to a bank. During Jupiter Saturn he native has imprisoned without bail. Jupiter is with Rahu in 7th Bhava and Saturn being 12th cuspal Sublord in Jupiter star who is conjunct with Rahu and no planet in Saturn star has not given the relief of meeting the family. Jupiter association with Rahu has made this situation without any mercury through financial defalcation. The native underwent to imprisonment due to financial scam connected during Rahu Mars both are connected to Venus who is 12 sign lord. and during Jupiter major the native has got relief in getting the bail due to Jupiter as slord of 2 in 8th House has given lot of suffering.
3 Malhotra: Date 16/09/1954 Time 11:58:00 Place undisclosed Day Thursday Lat 16:34:00 N Long 81:35:00 E TZ 82:30:00 E KP-NA 23:07:49 Birth Star: Bharani-2 Rasli: Mesha Asc.: Sco 24:02:26
Birth charts from next page onwards. Pranams to Guru Prof. KSK. Om Tat Sat
WeregrettheincorrecttitlecaptionoftheArticleRoleofSun&Subsub lordsinTwinBirthsbySriO.V.N.MurthyandSriM.C.Appa,publishedin theMayJun2012issue. InsteadofRoleofSub.ThecorrecttitlewouldstartbeRoleofSun& SubsublordsinTwinBirths
This is a case from my file of records. This case pertains to the query from one of my colleagues in the office who came up with the query When will I start staying together with my wife. On my request he gave me the horary number 1001 out of 1-2193. I was aware that the colleague stayed in Bangalore in his own house and his wife was engaged in a job at Hyderabad since about last 4 years. The question was obviously to find out if his wife was to leave the job and join him at Bangalore. The prashna chart with cuspal details is produced here.
Rah VI
23-56-09 13-18-30
Horary Number : 1001 10-01-2007 (Wednesday) 18 : 33: 23 Hrs IST Bangalore (77E40, 12 N 51)
PLSP 24-1510 (KP Ayanamsha: 23-56-36) ALSP 15-01- Geocentric corrections: Applied 00 Rahu/Ketu: True Ven 14-03-59 V 12-44-05
16-09-58 13-44-25
Cus p 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SgL Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar Ven Mer Mon Sun
StL Mon Rah Sat Ket Mon Rah Sat Ven Mon Rah Sat Ket
SbL Rah Mer Rah Mer Rah Mer Rah Ven Rah Mer Mar Mer
SsL Mon Rah Sat Sat Sat Sun Sat Mon Mon Ven Ven Sat Planet Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat-R Rahu Ketu SgL Jup Mer Jup Jup Mar Sat Sun Sat Sun StL Ven Mon Ket Sun Sat Mon Ket Jup Ven SbL Ket Jup Ven Mon Jup Jup Ket Mer Sat SsL Ven Mar Mon Mer Mon Jup Ket Mer Jup
The chart is being analyzed from the point of view of conventional norms of KP along with LSPs as follows: Analysis by conventional KP norms
The Query The mental setup of the native is judged through Moon. Moon is found to be placed in Lagna as 11th lord and thus poses the sincere interest of the native for a harmonious life. Moon is in its own star and in the sub of Jupiter, placed in the 3rd house ensures his effort to pursue his partner. Thus, the chart is considered genuine. Lagna sub-lord Rahu is the sub-lord of 3-5-7-9 cusp as well, thus Rahu controls the matters of staying and interacting together with wife (3rd, 9th and 7th cusp) and leading to harmony (5th cusp). Looking to the disposition of Lagna sub-lord and Moon, the horary chart seems to be genuine and it is safe to proceed further. Co-ordinates of Judgment In a query for harmonious life with wife and children; Lagna, 5th and 7th cusp must get involved with the 11th house to indicate the promise in the chart. The fructification of the desire to stay with family may be realized only if the 11th cusp indicates its linkage with the Lagna, 5th and 7th house without getting linked to the adverse houses.
From LSP point of view, Punya LSP is relevant from the point of view of luck that native has in realizing his desires. The Punya LSP would need to supplement Asha LSP to fructify the desire. Vivaha LSP may be relevant to assess the quality of marital life and its status at present. In case, if some misfortunes are expected on the way, Kali LSP may be assessed to pinpoint where does it link. Likewise, the scope of other LSPs comes in as and when the desired matter at hand is required to be assessed.
Analysis of the Chart Look for the promise in the chart from various angles: Note that Rahu dominantly holds its say on the matters of the native, wife and the harmony because it lords 1-7th cusps, 3-9th cusps (harmonious negotiations) and 5H (children). Thus, it is important to analyse the signification of Rahu as seen from various reference points. Looking from the view point of the native:
Rahu is placed in the star of Jupiter, placed in the 3rd house meaning the request of the native to his wife for leaving the job and staying together. Note that the job of the wife is indicated by the 4th house (10th from 7th) and 3rd house would mean the wife to join the native by quitting her job. Since, Rahu falls in the sub of Mercury placed in the 4th house, the profession of the wife has the promise of continuing, bleaking the chances of staying together. Looking from the point of view of wife: Study the chart from 7th house
Sub-lord Rahu in the star of Jupiter placed in 9th house might led her to think about quitting the job but Mercury (sub-lord of Rahu) placed in 10th house promises her to continue in the job. Note that there is no planet in the star of Rahu, thus Rahu is a strong planet to dictate the indications largely on the matter in question based on its placement in the horary chart. Since Rahu is placed in the 6th house, it poses a setback on the desire of the native and it seems that the wife does not approve her staying together with the native.
Rahu, by way of being a shadowy planet, disposes Saturn (sign dispositor). Let us see, if the Rahus dispositions of Saturn provide some additional viewpoint. Saturn is in the star and sub of Ketu and the placement of Ketu in the 12th house seems to weaken the hopes of the couple to stay together, as Rahu by itself signifies 6th house by its strong placement and 12th house through its sign dispositor-Saturn. Whether the desire of staying together in harmony is going to be realized or not may be seen from the 11th cusp.
Mars is the sub-lord of the 11th cusp. Mars is in the star of Ketu placed in 12th house and does not offer the choice to the wife to quit the job (12th house is 6th from the 7th cusp), which puts off the native (12th house). Mars is in the sub of Venus placed in the 5th house, a house of harmony. Venus falls in the star of 11th lord Moon that form trinal aspect on Venus, thus transferring the beneficence of 11th lordship to Venus, offering some solace to the desire of the native, as it is the beneficial house for the native for marital felicity. This may see the marriage continuing.
Looking at the promise and fructification aspects, it was concluded that there could be some hope of staying together for brief periods but amongst a lot of serious constraints. Wife was going very strong and would not be interested to leave the job.
Analysis by LSP principles Refer my article in inaugural issue of JASA for the concept and usage of LSPs. The analysis of LSPs would throw some more light to the chart. 1. Calculate Punya LSP (PLSP) to assess the luck Due to the Prashna assessment in night hours, the Punya LSP is calculated by the formula (Sun Moon + Lagna). There is a need of adding additional 30deg, as the Lagna does not fall between Moon to Sun. By the manipulation of the longitudes, the Punya LSP falls in Capricorn 24-15-10 (dm-s) lorded by Sign lord Saturn, Star lord Mars, Sub-lord Rahu and Sub-sub lord Rahu. Note as follows. a. Punya LSP falls in the 5th house, thus the luck carried in the Prashna seems OK for marriage ongoing. b. Rahu is the sub-lord of Punya LSP and its placement in 6th house does not speak of the marital amicability that is asked in the question. Saturn is the dispositor of Rahu and its retrogression in 11th house does not help in the near future. The positional status of Rahu further strengthens its desire to give marital discord by its placement in 6th house. c. At the stellar level, Rahu falls in the star of Jupiter placed in 3rd house, but its sub-lord Mercury as strong 10th lord falls in 4th house in conjunction with 12th lord Sun. While, the sub-lord Mercury does not speak of the luck of marital reconciliation due being strong 10th lord, Sun does indicate ego issues not allowing much progress in the matter. d. Rahu is the sub-lord of 1-7th cusp (Native and his Spouse) and house of negotiations (39th cusps). Hence, the luck for marital reconciliation through mutual negotiation does not seem possible. Thus, the native does not carry with her the luck and punya for prolonged family life. 2. Calculate Asha LSP (ALSP) to assess the desire Due to the Prashna assessment in night hours, the Asha LSP is calculated by the formula (Mars Saturn + Lagna). There is no need of adding additional 30deg, as the Lagna falls between Saturn to Mars. By the manipulation of the longitudes, the Asha LSP falls in Capricorn 15-01-00 (d-m-s) lorded by Sign lord Saturn, Star lord Moon, Sub-lord Jupiter and Sub-sub lord Venus. Note as follows. a. Asha LSP falls in the 5th house, thus the desire and aspiration of good family life fits the question. This LSP closely conjuncts Venus thus the scope of marriage break-off does not sound.
b. Jupiter is the sub-lord of Asha LSP and its placement in 3 house occasionally raise the good hopes. Jupiter as strong 7th lord placed in 3rd house does give room for the family life continuing. It may be noted that the native is married and wants to keep the marriage going. This matter is indicated by the Asha LSP. 3. Calculate Vivaha LSP to check the quality of marital life. Due to the Prashna assessment in night hours, the Vivaha LSP is calculated by the formula (Saturn -Venus + Lagna). There is a need of adding additional 30deg, as the Lagna does not falls between Venus to Saturn. By the manipulation of the longitudes, the Vivaha LSP falls in Aries 29-33-02 (dm-s) lorded by Sign lord Mars, Star lord Sun, Sub lord Rahu and Sub-sub lord Jupiter. Note as follows. c. Vivaha LSP falls in the 8th house, thus the issue of marriage is in doldrums and it could gradually be leading towards serious discord and possible break off. d. Sub-lord of Vivaha LSP is Rahu and as discusses in the delineation of Punya LSP, Rahu does not provide any scope of marital amicability. Thus, the marriage felicity and family life is totally discarded by Vivaha LSP. Note: So far, it has been assessed that the outcome of the native for a compatible family life is negative. To further probe the matter, following LSPs are analyzed. 4. Calculate Kali LSP (KLSP) that shows the area of misfortune Due to the Prashna assessment in night hours, the Kali LSP is calculated by the formula (Mars Jupiter + Lagna). There is a need of adding additional 30deg, as Lagna does not fall between Jupiter to Mars. By the manipulation of the longitudes, the Kali LSP falls in Libra 28-51-43 (d-m-s) lorded by Sign lord Venus, Star lord Jupiter, Sub lord Sun and Sub-sub lord Moon. Note as follows. a. Kali LSP falls in 2nd house of family life, meaning that the misery lies in the family domain leading to disturbed marital life. b. Sun is the sub-lord of Kali LSP placed in 4th house again meaning the deprived home and family life. Sun also indicates a lot of ego issues that operate between the native and spouse. Since, Sun is the 12th lord it indicates the ego issues from the natives side continuing the clouds of discord. c. At the stellar level, Sun falls in the star of Venus placed in 5th house and sub-lord Ketu placed in 12th house. Here again, 12th house plays its role and the native becomes the sole cause of inviting miseries. Thus, the marriage amicability is denied and the misery operates in family life. 5. Calculate Shatru LSP (ShLSP) that shows the area of enmity.
This LSP is examined to identify where the enemy exists. Due to the Prashna assessment in night hours, the Shatru LSP is calculated by the formula (SaturnMars + Lagna). There is a need of adding additional 30deg, as Lagna does not fall between Mars to Saturn. By the manipulation of the longitudes, the Shatru LSP falls in Gemini 12-11-40 (d-m-s) lorded by Sign lord Mercury, Star lord Rahu, Sub lord Saturn and Sub-sub lord Rahu. Note as follows. a) Shatru LSP falls in 11th house of amicability, meaning that the Shatru lies in the circle of friends and advisors. Importantly, Saturn lords the 5th house and placed in 11th house, bringing the children in picture. Saturn being in retrogression, the children may be playing a negative role to keep the parents separated. b) Just to assess the role of children, the 5th cusp may be looked into, which has Rahu as its sub-lord. As discusses in preceding paras Rahu is totally against in giving any respite in marital amicability, thus the role of Children is confirmed who are responsible to add fuel to the fire of discord between parents. c) Further note that the star lord of 5th lord Saturn is Ketu placed in 12th house that indicates the expenditure of money which the native is undertaking on the children. Thus, the natives children; particularly the first child (5th house) is against the native and fuels the fire of discord between parents. 6. Calculate Santap LSP (SaLSP) that shows the area of miseries This LSP shows how the miseries manifest in life. Due to the Prashna assessment in night hours, the Santap LSP is calculated by the formula (Moon Saturn + 6th Cusp). There is a need of adding additional 30deg, as 6th Cusp does not fall between Saturn to Moon. By the manipulation of the longitudes, the Santap LSP falls in Aries 28-38-18 (dm-s) lorded by Sign lord Mars, Star lord Sun, Sub lord Mars and Sub-sub lord Rahu. Note as follows. a. Santap LSP falls in 8th house where marriage breaks. It is expected that there should been constant dialogues of breaking marriage. b. Mars is the sub-lord of Santap LSP and by way of the sub-lordship of 11th cusp it endangers more on the lines of discord. Mars has the positional status and its placement in 3rd house always might be creating hot talks detrimental to the matters of amicability. The sublordship of Mars of 11th cusp keeps the marriage ongoing in the eyes of society. The misery lies in the faculty of mutual talking which may not be in amicability to sort out the matter. Dasha results Take a cursory glance on the dasha result.
Moon dasha runs up to 2013 within which, Moon-Jupiter dasha runs till 18-04-2007 and thereafter the bhuktis of Saturn, Mercury, Ketu, Venus and Sun are pending.
Dasha lord Moon is in its own star placed in Lagna and its sub lord Jupiter gets placed in the beneficial 3rd house. Note that Jupiter (sub-lord of Moon) gets the sextile aspect of the 11th lord Moon and Jupiter offers its sextile aspect on Venus placed in the 5th house. Thus, Moon dasha does offer a possibility to have re-union. The next dasha is of Mars for 7 years. Mars has the positional status by way of having no planets in its star, thus it is strong to give results of its placement. Mars is found to be placed in 3rd house that might be creating the persuasion by hot talks detrimental to the matters of amicability. Mars by way of sub-lord of 11th cusp may give hope of some reconciliation. At this juncture, Ruling planets were taken at 18-54-21 Hrs on 10-01-2007 at Bangalore to gauze the possibility of a fruitful dasha spread, which came out as Saturn-Moon-Mercury.
We find that Moon is a RP, thus running dasha period of Moon could pose some short situations of them being together. But the absence of next dasha spread of Mars, Rahu, Jupiter and Saturn not figuring from RP does not pose it to be going on in long terms. Since, Mars and subsequent dasha periods do not have any link to the RPs the marital amicability looks remote even in long terms. Conclusion The overall indications of staying together in this prashna are not seen straightaway, though some threads are available for felicity. Since, 6th and 12th houses are signified very strongly, it was concluded that staying together might not be possible on permanent basis, except for some brief periods as indicated above. Base on analysis by LSPs, the children are identified as the source of fuelling discord between parents, though the native might be spending on the children heavily. The facts of the case After, the conclusion was communicated to the native, he mentioned that he had faced hatred from his wife since the time they married and that was the principal driving force for the wife to take up the job outside Bangalore, meeting her requirements of keeping off from the husband. Well, in this prashna chart, the 6th house was in focus of signification from Lagna sub-lord and that was almost overriding on the entire prashna chart. The 12th house signification was also dominant and that made a thread of mutual discord in the larger domain. The 11th cusp does link to the 5-11th signification through Venus-Moon aspect and is thus able to barely maintain the marriage in the backdrop of discord. He also expressed his spending on his daughter for her maintenance of education both by cash and kind, yet she is in no way with him. He patiently heard the assessment and affirmed that the chances were far apart for any marital amicability. Acknowledgement The KP principles are infallible and are crystal clear, although, they require genuine efforts for understanding and application. The efficacy of LSPs in KP domain ever proves to be valuable that
provide sound second opinion to the KP dictate. Prof. Krishnamurti has devised a pioneering predictive model in astrology, which deserves sincere appreciation.
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Dr. Rao Nemani lives in the USA and a jyotish student of Sri. H. Ramadas Rao, Pt. Sanjay Rath, Swami OmKar, Pt. Dakshinamoorthi and Madhubabu Prakhya. Dr. Rao practices Vedic and Traditional Jyotish principles, along with Traditional, K.PandNadibasedPrashnamethodstoanswerquestions.Hiswebsiteishttp://www.PrashnaAstrology.com
Nakshatra PrashnaLagna
A female native came upset and explained her brother who was mentally ill left the home suddenly by saying he will never return home. She asked will he come back home? If yes when? A Prashna was casted and analysis was done using Meena2 Naadi System (Stellar Effects) Nakshatra Prashna(1) principles of Dr NVRA Raja. To save some space I have not given here how
to calculate the Horary Rising Moon Nakshatra based on the sunrise and the Prashna time etc., Please read Dr. Rajas Nakshatra Prashna book for detailed explanation and also the article written by Dr Raja in JASA earlier issues. 1) Horary Rising Moon (HRM) is in Visakha Nakshatra, whose lord is Guru; generally Guru is karaka for siblings (sons and daughters of same parents), so the Prashna is confirming the where about of her sibling. Day Rising Moon (DRM) is Arudra placed in Mithuna rasi. HRM is in Visakha Nakshatra which is in Tula rasi and these two are trines, which is a good. Now this Guru (HRM Lord) and DRM which is placed in Mithuna rasi are in 3 and 11 relationship indicating about 3rd(inquiry and communication about brother) 11th (desire for his returning) of the missing brother of the native. So this is a favorable position and indicates the missing brother will come back. 2) HRM is with Shani in a chara rasi, he is mentally upset and left for shorter distance but this combination is being aspected by Guru, who is the 9th lord from Nakshatra Prashna Lagna (NPL), hence this indicates he will come back. 3) Now, if we take Horary Moon's Star Lord Guru as Nakshatra Prashna Lagna (NPL), Guru is in Mesha rasi with Surya and Kuja (Kuja will come here after Parivartana) is being aspected by Shani. But Gurus presence in NPL and aspecting HRM placed in Tula rasi shows a positive indication for the native will return home. Using now Meena2(2) Jeeva and Sareera(3) Principles: 4) HRM is in Visakha Nakshatra, whose lord is Guru. Guru is in the star of Bharani whose lord is Sukra, hence Sukra will become the Jeeva planet of Guru. 5) Jeeva Planet Sukra is in the Star of Mrigashira, whose lord is Kuja. So Kuja becomes the Sareera planet of Guru. 6) Jeeva Planet Sukra and Sareera planet Kuja are posited in Vrishabha and Simha rasis respectively. Sareera planet is being aspected by Guru the Yogakaraka from Mesha rasi . This indicates that Sareera of missing person is intact, no damage to his body, so he is safe. The Jeeva Sukra is with Ketu, hence some tension or suppression indication to Jeeva or Atma. Here Jeeva is strong, he will overcome the difficulty and may not take any drastic steps on atma/soul level. 7) Now let us analyse by connecting NPL, Sukra (Jeeva) and Kuja (Sareera) planets respectively with Guru. 8) Both Jeeva and Sareera planets are fast and medium fast planets. Here NPL is posited in Chara rasi and HRM is also posited in Chara rasi. This indicates the events will happen quickly, that means boy will come home quickly. The question is When?. So, when HRM crosses Rahu and HRM has connection to Guru or Sukra then only the boy will come back. It was informed to the native, that the boy will come back home between17:17 to 18:25 or 21:15 to 21:45, since HRM should cross Rahu and be in Jyeshta Nakshatra, then the boy will come back or when HRM get into Poorvashada Nakshatra, then the boy will come back home. Actually the boy returned home at 18:15 per his sister. See how quickly and easily we can answer the question by using this Nakshatra Prashna with Jeeva and Sareera concepts (3). I will write again with some more practical examples in coming days, meanwhile please read Nakshatra Prashna book (3) and see if it works for you.
1. Nakshatra Prashna by Dr. NVRA Raja, www.astrologytraining.com 2. Practical Stellar Astrology by Sri.N.V.Raghava Chary (Meena2) 3. Stellar Effects in Astrology -Jeeva and Sareera by Dr. NVRA Raja
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Meena 2 Naadi System: Stellar Effects Timing of Events
Nadi Jyothisa Kesari Dr. NVRA Raja, PhD, Jr.Meena 2
JyothisaAcharya,,NaadiJyothisaKesari(JKR)Dr.NVRARaja,popularlyknownasMEENA2JUNIORisaneminent philosopher,counselorandpracticingAstropsychologistsince1993.HeisinMiningprofessionforthepast30years.His academictrackrecordincludeshissuccessfulpursuitsMAinAstrology,M.A.inPhilosophy&Religion,PGDiplomain BusinessManagementandPhDinAstrology.Dr.NVRARajahadbeeninterestedinthephenomenonofoccultrightfrom theverybeginning.HehadthefortunateguidanceofhisfatherSriNVRaghavaChary(Meena2)whodid60yearsof researchinJyothisaparticularlyinStellarAstrology(Naadi)andpublishedNaadiJyothisa(Meenasystem)alongwithSriRG Row(Meena1).Hewasdrawntooccultismandgraduallydestinedtowardstheastrology.DrNVRARajawasconferredas AsthanaJyothisaVidwanofSriAhobilaMuthbyHisHoliness45thSrimathAzhagiyaSingaratAhobilamon27thJune 2009.Hehasmanytittlesofhonorandpublicationtohiscreditinthefieldofastrology.HisrecentpublicationsareStellar EffectsinAstrologyJeevaandSareera,StellarEffectsNakshatraPrtashnaforinstantpredictions.Hehasaflairforteaching, counselingthepeopleintheastrology.Hedesiresthatthesubjectastrologyshouldreachtheenduserwhoneedsitand hasbeenworkinghardtowardsthisnoblecausecontinuously.HeistheguestfacultyandExaminertotheTeluguUniversity inAstrologytothemastersprogramme,TrusteeofUniversalCollegeofAstrology,Hyderabad,ChairmanofJKRAstro ResearchFoundationandvisitingprofessortonumberoflearnedinstitutionsofAstrology. astroraja@gmail.com drjkr@yahoo.in
I am very happy to write this article based on Meena 2 Naadi System on the occasion of JASAs first anniversary. JASA is the only electronic international journal contributing a great service to Astro community by spreading purely stellar astrology.
uruji Sri NV Raghavachary(Meena2) had spend his entire life in spreading stellar astrology and given wonderful stellar astrology principles for the benefit of every one. There are over hundreds of points of life that are rules over by these twelve bhavas, nine planets and twenty seven stars. But an intelligent astrologer has to decode the significance of each planet and its star lords position in the zodiac to arrive timing of event, which is essential in predictive astrology. Theyre very few books available in stellar astrology to guide us to perfect the timing of events. Here I have taken two principles from Practical Stellar Astrology written by Meena2 to emphasise how inner stellar effects playing a great role in delivering results to a native. I had taken late Sri PV Narasimha Raos chart to state that how the striking events had taken place in his life and how stellar effects played role in his Dasa and Bukthi periods. Principle: 1 Dasanatha gives the results of the star lord and his connections. Similarly the Bukthinatha also refelects the results of its Star Lord. - Meena2 Principle: 2 Whenever Dasanatha is in the star of Bukthinatha and Bukthinatha is in the star of Dasanatha, depending upon the connection striking event will take place in natives life during this period.- Meena2
Life Events:
PV's father was Sri P. V. Ranga Rao. He belonged to a wealthy Telugu Niyogi Brahmin family from a village called Vangara (pedda),Bheema Devara pally mandal in the Karimnagar district of Andhra Pradesh, India. Sri.Narasimha Rao was popularly known as PV. PV studied at Fergusson College and at the Universities of Mumbai and Nagpur where he obtained Bachelor's and Master's degrees in law.4 Political career: Sri.Narasimha Rao was an active freedom fighter during the Indian Independence movement and joined full time politics after independence as a member of the Indian National Congress. Sri.Narasimha Rao served brief stints in the Andhra Pradesh cabinet (19621971) and as Chief Minister of the state of Andhra Pradesh (19711973). Significant Period: Joined in Andhra Pradesh cabinet (19621971), when he had joined as state minister he was running Venus dasa Rahu Bukthi. This was the period which had given him a push and given respectable public and political life. Striking Period: Prime Minister of India 21 Jun 199116 May 1996 , when he was running Mars dasa and Rahu bukthi and continued in political power till the end of Mars dasa. Path to Prime Ministership: He raised to national prominence in 1972 for handling several diverse portfolios, most significantly Home, Defence and Foreign Affairs (1980-1984), in the cabinets of both Smt.Indira Gandhi and Sri. Rajiv Gandhi.5 PV very nearly retired from politics in 1991. It was the assassination of the Congress President Rajiv Gandhi that made him make a comeback. As the Congress had won the largest number of seats in the 1991 elections, he got the opportunity to head the minority government as Prime Minister. He was the first person outside the Nehru-Gandhi family to serve as Prime Minister for five continuous years, the first to hail from South India and also the first from the state of Andhra Pradesh. Since PV had not contested the general elections, he then participated in a by-election in Nandyal(AP) to join the parliament. PV won from Nandyal with a victory margin of a record 5 lakhs votes and his win was recorded in the Guinness Book. How all this could happen to him? Let us analyse! Principle: 1 Dasanatha gives the results of the star lord and his connections. Similarly the Bukthinatha also refelects the results of its Star Lord. - Meena2 Event: Joined in Andhra Pradesh State cabinet (19621971) at that time he was running Venus dasa Rahu Bukthi, note here that as per Meena 2 that events will happen as per the dasa lords star lord and Bukthi lords star lord and their connection. First time entry in to government had happened to him in Venus dasa and Venus is in the star of the Sun who is posited with Mars and the lagna lord Mercury in 10th house, the house of authority, name and fame. Similarly note that Rahu bukthi was running at the time of joining and Rahu is in the star of Mars, Mars is posited in 10th house with the Sun and Mercury. Always we will have to observe while arriving timing of events or likely events to happen, we will have to link the dasa lords and bukthi lords posited star lord and their connections.
Principle: 2 Whenever Dasanatha is in the star of Bukthinatha and Bukthinatha is in the star of Dasanatha, depending upon the connection striking event will take place in natives life during this period.- Meena2 Striking Event: Mars Dasa and Rahu Bukthi was running at the time of taking oath as Prime Minister of India .As per Meena2, whenever dasa lord is in the star of bukthi lord and bukthi lord is in the stars of dasa lord then note worthy or striking event in the life will take place during that period linked to the houses..
Here Dasa lord Mars is in the star of bukthi lord Rahu and Rahu the bukthi lord is in the star of Dasa lord Mars, mutual parivarthana in stellar. Dasa lords star lord Rahu is posited in Libra the 2nd house, representing the Venus, the yoga karaka and at the time taking oath Rahu was transiting in the star of Venus (Poorvashada), perfect link of Yoga. Next when we come to bukthi lord Rahu, is in the star of Mars, and this Mars is posited in 10th house along with the Sun and the Lagna lord Mercury in the natal chart. This had given a perfect combination of name and fame, power and authority, since Mars and the Sun are posited in 10th house and getting strong digbala. At the time
of swearing in as PM, this Mars was transiting in Mercurys star once again transit linking Lagna and 10th house in the natal chart. Transit Chart on 21-6-1999
How could he get this type elevation in his life? When he had planned for retirement from active polities and also not contested in general election. Is it not because of the constellations blessings? Yes it is! Since dasa and bukthi lord at the time of elevation played a very good role and they are in mutual exchange in constellation and also they are linked in the natal chart to give yoga and blessed him to get a great name and fame & power and authority . We should note that planets posited in a house may not give results but results are depending upon its (posited) the star lord and its placement in the chart. Over and above, we will have to carefully watch dasa periods if planets are in mutual exchange in stellar. Meena2 had given lot of principles to link the planets with the stars to arrive timing of events in his work Practical Stellar Astrology. Ref: Practical Stellar Astrology by Sri NV Raghavachary, (Meena2) Jai Guruji Meena2 Ref: 1. Practical Stellar Astrology (Based on Naadi Principles) by Sri NV Raghavachary (Meena2) 2. Stellar Effects in Astrology-Jeeva & Sareera (Based on Meena2 Naadi principle) by Dr. NVRA Raja.(Meena2 Jr.) Copy right with the author
EditorsComment Sucharticle,aswrittenbyDr.Raja,isaRAREGEMSTONEinthefieldofastrology.Dr.Rajahasdoneagreat serviceandpricelesscontributiontothefieldofastrologyandalsotobelieversandusersofastrological sciencebyauthoringthisarticle. ThisisatreasurethatwillremainasoneofthemostprizedpossessionforallreadersofJASA. JASAEXTENDSTHEIRGRATITUDETODr.NVRARaja 63
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Infertility: A Research Study Part II6
Vijay Kumar
The author hails from the Electronics and Communication engineering background, who has headed Senior Managerial positions with telecom majors over years. Besides teaching Parasharic and Jaimini astrology at ICAS, Bangalore and contributing to The Astrological Magazine in Jaimini theme since a decade till its closure in 2008; the author has special interest in The Krishnamurti Paddhati and is a seriousstudentofthissubject.
This research article was written for International Journal of KP Astrology and was published in the inaugural issue of KP International Journal, Issue-1, Vol-1, Jan-June 2008, Page 43-53. This theme was also presented at the KP International conference at Hyderabad in Nov-2008 organized by KP Astrologers Forum. The permission for re-publication of this article to the larger forum of KP community through JASA is given by Shri Rajendra Nimje, President, KP Astrologers Forum, Hyderabad, for which the author owe sincere thanks to him. The author has expanded the article with few more observations.
------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------he Beeja Sphuta (BS) computes to 263-48-06 deg after adding the longitudes of Sun, Venus and Jupiter. Thus, Beeja Sphuta (BS) gets plotted to Sagittarius 23-48-06 deg as shown in the chart. The BS falls in the sign of Jupiter, Star of Venus, Sub of Saturn and Sub-sub of Jupiter. Note the husbands general analysis as follows: a. In this chart, Saturn as sub-lord rules the 5th cusp. Saturn by itself lords the 8th house strongly and gets placed in 9th house. Since, Saturn is not positionally strong, its placement in trine to the 5th house is not of much avail. Saturn is placed in the star and sub of Mercury placed in 12th house. The Mercurys lordship of 14th house is of no avail, as the houses are not vacant. Thus, Saturn effectively signifies 8-9-12th houses. Since the 5th cuspal sub-lord Saturn does not signify 2-5-11th houses and signify the adverse 8-12th house, the childbirth is questionable. b. Look to the 11th cusp whose sub-lord is Jupiter. While, Jupiter strongly lords the 7th house, it gets placed in 1st house. Jupiters signification of 10th house is not considered, as the house is not vacant. Jupiter falls in the star of Saturn, which strongly lords the 8th house and gets placed in 9th house in close conjunction to the 10th cusp, thus working for the 10th cusp in preference. Thus, the 11th cuspal sub-lord Jupiter effectively signifies 7-1-8-9th houses, which in no way promote the childbirth.
c. During the last 8 years of married life, the husband was running the dasha of Moon. Since, the general indications already deny the childbirth; the dasha lord Moon may not alter the dictate. However, the dasha lord Moon gets placed in the star of Ketu placed in 4th house whereas its sub-lord Saturn as lord of 8th house gets placed in 9th house. Thus, the Moon dasha also did not promote the childbirth. In view of the above, the prospects of childbirth do not get indicated in the husbands birth chart. Note the husbands analysis from the point of view of Beeja Sphuta as follows. a. BS falls in the 6th house, which is the maraca house of childbirth, hence does not sound well towards the natives fertility. b. BS falls in the star of Venus, a strong lord of the 5th house placed in lagna. The 12th house lordship of Venus is not of much avail. The BS at the stellar level thus effectively signifies 1-5th house. c. BS falls in the sub of Saturn who strongly lords the 8th house and gets placed in the 9th house. Saturn is placed in the star and sub of Mercury placed in 12th house. The Mercurys lordship of 1-4th house is of no avail, as the houses are not vacant. Thus, KS at the sub level effectively signifies 8-9-12th houses out of which the significations of 812th houses are detrimental to the fertility and childbirth. This is in line with the significations of the 5th cusp at the sub level (Saturn again) and the decision goes for the infertility even seen through the Beeja Sphuta. Thus, the analysis of Beeja Sphuta does not support the fertility and denies childbirth as already assessed by the general analysis through 5th cusp. Chart-02 for the wife is as follows.
II 00-02-48 Mer 19-45-47 Jup 23-46-01 III 25-22-29 Sun 29-00-00 Ven-R 19-33-14 IV 24-40-32
KS Mars Ket
Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SgL Mer Mon Mon Sun Mer Mar Jup Sat Sat Sun Jup Ven
StL Mar Jup Mer Ven Mar Sat Ket Sun Mar Jup Mer Sun
SbL Mon Mon Rah Mer Sat Sat Rah Rah Rah Mer Sat Sat Planet Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven-R Sat-R Rahu Ketu KS SgL Mon Jup Ven Mon Mon Sun Jup Mar Ven Ven StL Mer Ket Jup Mer Mer Ven Mer Ket Rah Jup SbL Sat Rah Jup Ven Mar Rah Ket Jup Rah Sat SsL Sun Mon Ven Sun Mer Ven Sun Sat Ven Merc
The Kshetra Sphuta (KS) computes to 202-09-11 deg after adding the longitudes of Moon, Mars and Jupiter and expunging the multiples of 360 deg. Thus, Kshetra Sphuta (KS) gets plotted to Libra at 22-09-11 deg as shown in the chart. The KS falls in the sign of Venus, Star of Jupiter, Sub of Saturn and Sub-sub of Mercury. Note the wifes general analysis as follows: a. In this chart, Saturn as sub-lord rules the 5th cusp. Saturn by itself is a very strong planet as there is no planet in its star and its lordship of 8-9-10th house and its placement in 10th house is detrimental for the prospects of childbirth. The retrogression of Saturn adds up to great karmic compulsions of past births. However, Saturn falls in the star of Mercury, which is lagna lord and gets placed in the 2nd house. The 5th lordship of Mercury is of no avail, as the house is not vacant. Thus, the 5th cuspal sub-lord Saturn effectively signifies 1-2-10-8-9th houses. The only relief is by the signification of the 2nd house, though majority of significations are adverse for childbirth. b. Look to the 11th cusp whose sub-lord is also Saturn. As per the analysis of Saturn above, the 11th cusp also does not promote childbirth. c. Though the fixed indications of the chart cannot be changed by the dasha, it is noteworthy that during the last 8 years of married life, the wife was running the dasha of Sun and a part of Moon. Dasha lord Sun is very strong as 4th lord placed in 3rd house. The sub-lord of Sun is Saturn, which is analysed in detail above. Thus, in the backdrop of negativities of general significations, the native could not rear childbirth. In view of the above, the prospects of childbirth do not get indicated in the wifes birth chart. Note the wifes analysis from the point of view of Kshetra Sphuta as follows. a. KS falls in the 5th house, which gives some positive hopes.
b. KS falls in the star of Jupiter placed in 2nd house, a better placement. The Jupiters lordship of 7-11th houses is of no avail, as the houses are not vacant. Thus, the stellar signification of KS is limited to 2nd house only. c. KS falls in the sub of retro-Saturn who strongly lords the 8-9-10th houses and gets placed in the 10th house. Saturn falls in the star of Mercury, which is the lagna lord and gets placed in the 2nd house. The 5th lordship of Mercury is of no avail, as the house is not vacant. Here, KS at the sub-level effectively signifies 1-2-8-9-10th houses, out of which the signification of 1-8-10th houses is detrimental to the fertility and childbirth. Thus, the KS conclusively denies the fertility and childbirth. Thus, the Kshetra Sphuta of the wifes chart does not support the fertility and denies childbirth. Since, both the charts of husband and wife (charts 01, 02) do not show the scope of fertility, they have remained childless even after 8 years of marriage. Chart-03, 04 This is again the case of a childless couple, data taken from The Astrological Magazine, June 2007 issue, Page 517, Chart-6 (Husband) and chart 7 (Wife). The couple reportedly did not have any childbirth since 18 years of marital life. Chart-03 for Husband is as follows. 29-15-54 25-31-05 16-31-29 04-04-47 Mars Merc XI Moon Ven 06-04-15 13-51-10 20-18-45 27-44-38 29-39-32
BS Sun X Jup
Cus p 1 2
3 4 5 6
7 8 9 10 11 12
Planet Sun
SgL Jup
StL Mer
SbL Rah
SsL Ven
The Beeja Sphuta (BS) computes to 359-15-24 deg after adding the longitudes of Sun, Venus and Jupiter and expunging the multiples of 360 deg. Thus, Beeja Sphuta (BS) gets plotted to Pisces 2915-24 deg as shown in the chart. The BS falls in the sign of Jupiter, Star of Mercury, Sub of Saturn and Sub-sub of Moon. Note the husbands general analysis as follows: a. In this chart, Jupiter as sub-lord rules the 5th cusp. Jupiter strongly lords the 7th house and is itself placed in the 9th house. The Jupiters lordship of 10th house is weak so not considered. Jupiter is placed in the sub of retro Saturn who strongly lords the 8th house and gets placed in 3rd house. The 9th house lordship of Saturn is weak and thus not considered. Thus, Jupiter as 5th cuspal sub-lord effectively signifies 7-9-8-3rd house. While, the 5th cuspal sub-lord Jupiter does not signify 2-5-11th houses at all, its placement in the star of 8th lord Saturn gets more dominating to deny the childbirth. b. Look to the 11th cusp whose sub-lord is again Jupiter and as per the assessment made above; it does not recommend for the childbirth. c. During the last 18 years of married life, the husband was running the dasha of Jupiter, which denied childbirth, as described above. Note the husbands analysis from the point of view of Beeja Sphuta as follows. a. b. BS falls in the 10th house, a maraca house, thus is not conducive to the fertility. BS falls in the star of Mercury, which strongly lords the 1-4th house and gets placed in the 10th house. The stellar signification of BS thus points to 1-4-10th houses, hence not conducive to the fertility, as all the houses are negative towards the fertility and childbirth. BS falls in the sub of retro-Saturn who strongly lords the 8th house and gets placed in the 3rd house. Here, the lordship of 8th house is detrimental to the childbirth. Saturn falls in the star of Sun placed in 10th house. Suns lordship of 3rd house is weak, hence not considered.
Thus, the BS at the sub level effectively signifies 8-3-10th houses, which are not supportive of fertility.
Thus, while the general indications of husbands chart do not support the fertility, the Beeja Sphuta also does not support fertility and denies childbirth. Chart-04 for the Wife is as follows. Merc 14-54-14 Ketu 16-02-58 I 21-09-15 Ven 08-08-58 KS 11-47-20 II 15-24-11
09-10-12 29-05-41
VIII 15-24-11
Cusp 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
SgL Ven Mer Mon Sun Mer Ven Mar Jup Sat Sat Jup Mar
StL Mon Rah Sat Ket Sun Rah Mer Ven Sun Mar Sat Ven
SbL Ven Ven Ven Rah Ven Ven Ven Ven Ven Mon Ven Ven Planet Sun Moon Mars Merc Jup Ven Sat-R Rahu Ketu KS SgL Mar Mar Sat Ven Mon Mer Mar Mar Ven Mer StL Ven Ven Mon Mon Mer Rah Sat Sat Mon Rah SbL Ket Rah Ven Jup Sat Rah Mer Jup Jup Sat SsL Rah Mar Ket Ven Sun Ven Sat Ven Mer Mon
The Kshetra Sphuta (KS) computes to 71-47-20 deg after adding the longitudes of Moon, Mars and Jupiter after expunging the multiples of 360 deg. Thus, Kshetra Sphuta (KS) gets plotted to Gemini at 11 69
47-20 deg as shown in the chart. The KS falls in the sign of Mercury, Star of Rahu, Sub of Saturn and Sub-sub of Moon. Note the wifes general analysis as follows: a. In this chart, Venus as the sub-lord rules the 5th cusp. Venus is placed in Lagna. The lordship of Venus of 6th house is weak, hence not considered. Sub-lord Venus falls in the star of Rahu. Rahu is placed in the 6th house, which is the maraca of 5th house, hence detrimental to it. Thus, the 5th cuspal sub-lord Venus effectively signifies 1-6th houses, both not conducive for the sustenance of pregnancy. Rahu may be taken to dispose sign lord-Mars and star lord Saturn as per its placement. Mars as 7th lord is placed in the 9th house in strength. Saturn on the other hand strongly lords the 10th house and placed in its own star signifying 6th house by placement. Thus, Rahu by its disposition also does not promote the childbirth. b. Look to the 11th cusp whose sub-lord is Venus again. The analysis of Venus is already done above which signifies 1-6-7-9-10-12th houses (including disposition of Rahu), not conducive to the childbirth. c. During the last 18 years of married life, the wife was running the dasha of Rahu, which was not fruitful for the childbirth, as described above. Note the wifes analysis from the point of view of Kshetra Sphuta as follows. a. b. KS falls in the Lagna, not good for the childbearing. KS falls in the star of Rahu placed in the 6th house, thus she has abortive tendencies. The sole stellar signification of KS is thus for the 6th house, not conducive to the childbirth. Taking the dispositions of Rahu, as studied above, the situation is not relieved. KS falls in the sub of retro-Saturn who strongly lords the 10th house and gets placed in the 6th house, both being detrimental to the childbirth. Saturn falls in the star of its own and thus maintains the signification of denying the fertility.
Thus, the Kshetra Sphuta does not support the fertility in line with the general analysis of the natal chart for fertility and childbirth. Since, both the charts of husband and wife (charts 03, 04) do not show the scope of fertility, they have remained childless even after 18 years of marriage. Conclusion: This write-up attempts to highlight the role of sphutas in the assessment of fertility. While, this is a widely used parameter in parasharic domain of astrology, I found it prudent to import it to the KP styled delineation, which seems giving very pointed results.
This concept need be tested on a larger database and the hypothesis be updated to take the shape of rules. While, this write-up is limited in examples of birth charts due to the constraints of brevity, the concept of sphutas for fertility has been plentiful tested by me for very conclusive results in the horary domain also.
I sincerely thank Prof. Andrew Dutta for giving me the constant motivation to write a research-oriented article for the JASA, which made me document my sincere observations on sphutas for fertility and childbirth. In my futuristic articles in JASA, I would exhibit many examples of usage of Sphutas along with LSPs. I close this write-up with my sincere thanks to The Krishnamurti Paddhati, which is instrumental to give us learning in the wisdom of astrology from newer perspectives.
exxtv{ cxxv|x
The Lunar Constellations (Part 3): Krittika
Dr. E.S. Neelakantan
Dr. E. S. Neelakantan was born on 5th August 1967 in Kannimangalam Village, Palakkad District , Kerala. He completed his graduationfromLoyalaCollegeInStatisticswithdistinctionin1987.HequalifiedasaCharteredAccountantin1992.Heisalsoa qualified Information Systems Auditor since 2004. He developed interest in Astrology by reading the works of Dr. B. V. Raman . He learnt Astrology in a formal way under Prof. K. V. Seshadrinatha Sastri , a renowned authority on Jyothisa and Ayurveda. For his thesis on Medical Astrology, he was awarded Ph.d. , by Sri Chandrasekarendra University, Kancheepuram, which is recognized as a Deemed University in 2005. He is a practising Chartered Accountant in Chennai since 1993. He is at present a regular contributor to four of the leading journals on Astrology in India viz, Express Star Teller, Modern Astrology , Astrological eMagazineandJASA.
hus far, we have seen Ashwini and Bharani. Out of the three, which constitute Aries, we shall see the final one, Krittika here. This stars narration is inextricably woven with the birth of Skanda. Sati (Daakshayani?), the consort of Shiva immolated herself at Daksha yagna. She is reborn as Uma (Parvathi) as the daughter of Himavan. Meanwhile Shiva withdraws himself from the activities of the Universe and enters into meditation in the Himalaya.The Gods conclude that only a son of Shiva could exterminate Surapadma, the demon.To achieve this goal, they connive with Kamadeva to tempt Shiva to make him fall in love with Parvati.. The sparks that emerged from Shiva were so hot that even Agni could not bear the heat. These sparks were transported by the River Ganges to the pond Saravana river, where the sparks turn into six babies. These six babies are brought up by the six Krittika divine maidens (who constitute the Krittika constellation). Parvati converts the six babies into a single child with six faces. Hence Skanda is also known as Shanmukha (or one with six faces). Even today Krittika Vrtam is observed as a day of penance by many believers in Hindu faith both in India and abroad. Because Skanda brought up by the six Krittika maidens, He bestows happiness and grants boons to those who observe the Krittika Vrtam. The Krittika triad of stars comprises Krittika, Uttara Phalguni, and Utrashada. Sun is their ruling planet. The uniqueness of Sun in the Vimshottara Dasa system is that it is the planet, which rules over a person for the least time (measured in number of years). To recapitulate, Sun dasa operates for only six years; contrast this with that of Venus, which rules for 20 years. The second peculiarity of Krittika triad is that all of them have their first quarter in a sign and the remaining three quarters in the next sign as indicated in the table below: SIGN OF THE FIRST QUARTER Krittika Aries Uttaraphalguni Leo Uttarashada Saggittarius SIGN OF REMAINING QUARTERS Taurus Virgo Capricon.
Krittika is linked fire( Agni).Note that Skanda is associated with the fiery planet Mars. There is a saying in southern parts of India, Bharani and Krittika are inauspicious for all activities. The logic is simple: Bharani is ruled by Yama and Krittika is ruled by Agni. Yama rules death and Agni rules fire. During summer, the time span of Agni nakshatra is inappropriate for auspicious events. The Sun takes about three weeks to move from the third quarter of Bharani to the first quarter of Rohini, which is Agni nakshatra span. It spreads over the last two quarters of Bharani, whole of Krittika and the first quarter of Rohini. In old books on Astrology, woodwork and work involving either soil or stones are prohibited, when Agni nakshatra period is in progress. It is quite possible that in view of the hot weather
prevailing in our country in summer, our ancestors considered that such labour-intensive work should be avoided at such times. Even today we have summer vacation for courts, schools and colleges in our country In Astrology, the first lunar asterism is Ashwini and the last one is Revati. But according to the Vedas, Krittika is the first star and the sequence ends in Apabharani (or simply Bharani). There is a logical reasoning for this also. Consider a volcanic eruption. The build-up of temperature and pressure within the mountain induces the volcano to erupt. Similarly creation started with Krittika, which is ruled by Agni. Yama, rules Bharani. So Bharani is the terminal point in the sequence. This is the Vedic view of creation. According to Brihat Jataka of Varahamihira (Chapter XVI,Verse 2), a person born in Krittika star will be a glutton, fond of others wives; of bright appearance and famous. According to Parasara, a person born in Krittika will be charitable, rich, learned in Vedas, of noble lineage and handsome. When born in first quarter of Krittika, one will have regal appearance; in second, one will be learned; chivalrous, will be the one born in the third, and being blessed with children in the fourth. For Krittika, the Rasi depositors could be either Mars or Venus; while navamsa sign dispositors could be Jupiter or Saturn. Note that Moon is exalted in the second quarter of Krittika and therefore is most beneficial when at Taurus Rasi and Capricorn navamsa. When a girl attains puberty during Krittikas ruling, she will lose her children. Krittika is a favourable star for buying cattle, especially sheep. Paradoxically Krittika is an inauspicious star for selling cattle. So in a transaction involving sale of cattle, either the buyer or the seller can benefit by following this astrological rule, but not both. One who gives Hiranya dhanam or gift of gold on a day ruled by Krittika, will in course of time become a pauper; he who receives the gift on Krittika day will flourish. Krittika belongs to a category of asterisms called sadharana stars. New ornaments for the head can be worn when Moon is in the third degree of Taurus in Krittika, coinciding with the Ascendant. Construction of restaurants can be done, when the ruling star is Krittika. To construct a place for installing a lamp, Krittika star is suitable. In todays context, we can say that a streetlight can be set up in Krittika star. Solar panels for generating electricity from Sun can also be installed, while this star operates. Butter is clarified to ghee. Our Rishis used to choose an auspicious time for this activity. If the following criteria are satisfied, time is auspicious for clarifying butter. Star is Jyeshta or Krittika Day is Wednesday Moon is in the navamsa of a benefics.
A separate rule exists for clarifying butter, from the milk of either a goat or a buffalo. Star should be Visakha Day is Monday. From a combined reading of the above two, the inference that needs to be drawn is that Krittika is suitable for clarifying butter, which is from cows milk.To adorn weapons --- either one of defence or one of offence, Krittika is auspicious . A person who commences a journey in Krittika star will wander aimlessly. For commencement of medical treatment Ugra yoga is good. When Krittika star occurs coinciding with Navami tithi, the above yoga is said to occur. The patient who suffers from diseases of either vata (wind) or kapha (phlegm), should start treatment on a Tuesday in a movable sign, when the ruling asterism is either Bharani, or Krittika or Ardra. Even diseases such as leprosy and ascites could be cured if the above muhurtha is adopted. Once the patient has fully recovered he/she can bathe on a day ruled by Krittika. Fullmoon day is generally considered auspicious. When Moon is in Krittika, with the Sun in Scorpio, we
celebrate Karthigai Deepam the festival of lights. An interesting legend exists behind this celebration. In days of antiquity, a controversy arose between Brahma and Vishnu, who was greater. Brahma said to Vishnu, "I have created the five elements and all the living beings with their endless differences in form and sound. Therefore I am the greatest." Vishnu said, "The whole universe is but an aspect of mine. Of what use is your creation if I do not protect it? It is my thought-power that creates, sustains and destroys the whole Universe. So I am the greatest. Their dispute resulted in misery in the manifested world. Parameswara saw this and turned compassionate. To settle the discord and subdue their pride, Shiva appeared before them in the form of blazing column of light and a voice issued from it asking them to seek its upper and lower limits and he who found either of these is the superior one. Both gods stopped fighting and decided to explore the ends. Brahma took the form of a swan and flew up to reach the top of the column of light, whereas Vishnu became a boar and started burrowing into the earth to find its base. A thousand years passed as Vishnu dug deep into the nether worlds and the journey seemed endless. With all His power He could not discover the base and He got lost in meditation with the result that he experienced the Supreme Light, which dwells in the hearts of all. He soon realized and recognized that His true strength was derived from this Supreme Light that is Shiva. He prayed to Shiva seeking His pardon and then returned to earth. Brahma who flew up as a swan was mounting the sky and the higher He soared, the column of light rose higher before him. He was growing despondent and was about to return when he saw the fragrant Ketaki (screw pine, Pandanus odoratissimus) falling towards the earth. On asking from where it had come, the plant revealed that it had come from the crest of the fire column that was none other than Shiva himself and that it had been descending for thousands of four-fold Yugas. Brahma requested the plant to say that both of them came down after seeing the crest and thus the flower swore to Vishnu in the presence of the column of effulgence that Brahma had reach the summit. Splitting as under the column of Light, Siva appeared before the two. When the lotuseyed Vishnu saw him, he danced with joy. The guilty Brahma on seeing the Lords true form was confused and frightened. Mahadeva said, "The two of you need not be ashamed for having transcended your limits. Hari (Vishnu) pondered deeply and became enlightened. But Brahma has uttered falsehood and I now cut off his fifth head for that perjury. Brahma shall not hereafter be installed in any Temple. And this plant, which bore false witness, shall never again find a place on my head and shall not be used for my worship." After cursing Brahma and the screwpine plant thus, Siva turned to Vishnu and said, "Child! Be composed, I am pleased with you. You are one of my foremost devotees. You originated from me and are my sattwic part. At the end of the kalpa you shall merge in me." Brahma and Vishnu prayed to Siva to abide there forever as a Tejo Lingam. In answer to their request, Parameswara established himself as the Arunachala Hill and also as Siva Lingam at the eastern foot of the Hill for the welfare of the world and for those who desire to worship Him and obtain enlightenment.It is only on the day of Mahashivaratri (third Kala Puja) that the screwpine is used for the worship of Siva . Karthigai is essentially a festival of lamps. The lighted lamp is considered an auspicious symbol and believed to ward off evil forces and usher in prosperity and joy. It occurs on the day when the moon is in conjunction with the constellation Krittika . The constellation, which appears as a group of six stars in the shape of a pendant, is considered in mythology as the six celestial nymphs, who reared Skanda in the Saravana river. Skanda is therefore also known as Karthikeya, the one brought up by the Krittika maidens.
EditorsNote WeatJASAareverydelightedandproudtohaveDr.Neelakanatan,oneofthemosteruditeastrologyscholarsin India,towriteon27starsinthisjournal.Writeupsaboutthe27starsaremainlyauthoredbyWesternscholars andweseldomfindanyIndianscholarauthoringanythingaboutit. Dr.Neelakanatan,aPhDinastrologyandasuccessful,awardwinningpractitionerofthisscience,hasdivulged manyunknownsecretsaboutthe27stars.Thisdistilledknowledgeisanessentialtoolforanyseriouspractitioner ofstellarastrology,be74 itKPoranyotherforms.
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Rule of Assassination: An Empirical Research Part II7
Subhash Ektare
Author is a retired Civil Engineer by profession. He is well known KP Astrologer practicing for last 10 years. He regularly contributes articles for Nakshatrache Dene only KP periodical in Marathi edited by renowned astrologer Mr. Sunil Gondhalekar. He contributes astrological articles for Astrovision emagazine also. He is anactivememberofmanyastrologicaldiscussiongroups.Accountofhisaccuratepredictionscanbereadon http://forecastlife.com.
Many readers of JASA may get surprised by reading this article as to how I can allow someone in my own Journal to write about a subject matter that revisits my own research, refutes some previous findings of mine and offer new results for a newerperspective. The fact is that I rather feel PROUD that serious researchers like Sri Subhash Ektare ji has not only taken pains in revisiting my research work, but also had the faith and trust on JASA that JASA is a truly democratic journal that propagates the truth. Even I, as the Editorand my published work, am open to scrutiny, criticism and revisits byscholars who follow good method ofanalysis. It is only when we will welcome and supportdemocratically such efforts as SriEktare jisthatthisnoblescienceofastrologywillmoveforward. JASA is not like other KP electronic magazines on the internet, which mercilessly strangle the voice of anyone who dares to questiontheworkofeditorsandselfstyledreviewers.
Table 2 - Four Step Theory Signification of 8th CSL and 12th CSL Case No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
11 12 13 14 15 16 Total %
Y Y Y N Y N 13 81.25
Y Y Y N Y N 10 62.50
Y Y Y N Y N 11 68.75
Y N N N Y N 9 56.25
Y Y Y Y Y Y 11 68.75
N Y N N N Y 5 31.25
N Y N Y Y N 7 43.75
N Y Y N N N 5 31.25
Observations: Rule # 12 i.e. 8th CSL signification of 8 (68.75%), 2 or 7 (81.25%) and badhak sthana (62.5%) passes the test. Rule # 22 i.e. 8th CSL signification of 12 (56.25) does not meet minimum criteria and thus fails. Rule # 72 i.e. 12th CSL signification of 8, 12 fails miserably.
Table 3 - Four Step Theory Signification of Dasha/Bhukti/Antara lords Case No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 N16 Total % Dasha Lord signifies 2 or 7 Badh 8 Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y N N N N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N 13 11 10 81.75 68.75 62.50 12 N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y Y Y 11 68.75 Bhukti Lord signifies 2 or 7 Badh 8 Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y Y N Y N N N Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y N 13 8 10 81.75 50 62.50 12 N Y Y N N N Y N Y N N N Y N N Y 6 37.50 Antara Lord signifies 2 or 7 Badh 8 Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N N N N N N Y Y N Y N Y Y N Y N Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N N Y N Y Y Y N 12 8 10 75 50 62.50 12 N Y Y N N N N Y N N Y N N N N Y 5 31.25
Observations: Rule # 5 and Rule # 63 i.e. Dasha lords signification of 8 (62.5%), 2 or 7 (81.75%) and badhaka & 12 (68.75% both) passes the test. Rule # 5 and Rule # 63 i.e. Bhukti lords signification of 8 (62.5%) and 2 or 7 (81.75%) passes the test. However Bhukti lords signification of badhaka (50%) and 12 (37.5%) does not fulfill acceptance criteria and thus fails.
Rule # 5 and Rule # 6 i.e. Antara lords signification of 8 (62.5%) and 2 or7 (75%) passes the test. However Antara lords signification of badhaka (50%) and 12 (31.25%) does not fulfill acceptance criteria and thus fails.
Table 4 - Krishnamurti Paddhati Signification of 8th sign lord and 8th star lord Case No. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total % 8 Sign Lord (total number of cases 16) 2 or 7 Badhak 8 N N Y N N Y N N Y N N Y Y N Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y Y N N Y Y N Y N N Y Y Y Y N N Y Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y 9 5 16 56.25 31.25 100 signifies 8 Star Lord (total number of cases 16) 12 2 or 7 Badhak 8 N Y Y N N Y N N Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y N Y N N Y N N Y Y N N N N N N N Y Y Y N N N N Y N N Y N Y N N N N N N N N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y 4 8 8 5 25 50 50 31.25 signifies 12 Y Y Y Y N Y N N Y N Y Y Y N N Y 10 62.50
Observations: Rule # 44 i.e. 8th sign lords signification of 8 (100%) only passes the test. However 8th sign lords signification of 2 or 7 (56.25%), badhak sthana (31.25%) does not meet acceptance criteria and hence fails. Rule # 34 i.e. 8th star lords signification of 8 (31.25%), 2 or 7 (50%) and badhaka sthana (50%) does not meet acceptance criteria and hence fails.
Table 5 - Krishnamurti Paddhati Signification of 8th CSL and 12th CSL Case 8 CSL signifies No. number of cases 16) 2 or 7 Badhak 8 1 Y Y Y 2 N Y N 3 Y N N 4 Y Y N
12 N Y N Y
(total 8 N Y N Y 12 N N Y N
5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total %
Y Y Y Y N Y Y Y Y Y Y N 13 81.25
Y N Y Y Y N Y N Y Y N N 10 62.50
Y Y N Y Y Y Y N Y Y N N 9 56.25
Y Y Y N Y Y N Y N N N N 8 50
N N Y Y Y N Y Y N N Y Y 8 50
N N Y Y N Y N Y N N N Y 6 37.50
N N N Y N N N Y Y N Y Y 7 43.75
N Y N N N N Y Y N Y N Y 6 37.50
Observations: Rule # 15 i.e. 8 CSL signification of 2 or 7 (81.25%) and badhaka sthana (62.5%) have passed the test. However 8 CSL signification of 8 (56.25%) does not meet acceptance criteria and thus fails. Rule # 25 i.e. 8 CSL signify 12 (50%) does not meet acceptance criteria and hence fails. Rule # 75 i.e. 12th CSL signification of 8 or 12 does not meet acceptance criteria and thus fails. Incidentally its signification of marak or badhak sthana also does not meet acceptance criteria.
Table 6 - Krishnamurti Paddhati Signification of Dasha/Bhukti/Antara lords Case No 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 Total % Dasha Lord signifies 2 or 7 Badh 8 Y Y Y N Y N Y N N N N N Y Y Y Y Y N Y N Y Y Y Y N N N Y N Y Y Y Y N Y N N N Y N N N Y N N Y Y Y 10 8 8 62.50 50 50 12 N Y N N N Y Y N Y Y N Y N Y Y Y 9 56.25 Bhukti Lord signifies 2 or 7 Badh 8 Y Y N N N Y N N Y N N Y N N N N N N Y Y Y N N N N Y Y N Y N Y N N Y N N N N N N N N Y N Y N N Y 5 4 7 31.25 25.00 43.75
12 N N Y N N N N N Y N N Y N Y N N 4 25.00
12 N N N N N Y Y N Y N N Y N N N Y 5 31.25
Observations: Rule # 5 and Rule # 66 i.e. Dasha/Bhukti/Antara lords signification of 2 or 7, badhak sthana, 8 and 12 fail because it oes not meet acceptance criteria, except in case of Dasha lords signification of 2 or 7 (62.5%).
COMPARISION OF RESULTS BY FOUR STEP THEORY AND KP (Based on table 1 through 6) System 4 Step KP 8 Sign lord (total number of cases 16) 2 or 7 Badhak 8 75 43.75 68.75 56.25 31.25 100 8 CSL (total number of cases 16) 2 or 7 Badhak 8 81.25 62.50 68.75 81.25 62.50 56.25 Dasha Lord signifies 2 or 7 Badh 8 81.75 68.75 62.50 62.50 50 50 signifies 8 Star Lord (total number of cases 16) 12 2 or 7 Badhak 8 50 75 43.75 68.75 25 50 50 31.25 signifies 12 CSL signifies number of cases 16) 12 2 or 7 Badhak 56.25 68.75 31.25 50 50 37.50 Bhukti Lord signifies 2 or 7 Badh 8 81.75 50 62.50 31.25 25.00 43.75 signifies 12 50 62.50 (total 8 43.75 43.75 12 31.25 37.50
System 4 Step KP
System 4 Step KP
12 68.75 56.25
12 37.50 25.00
12 31.25 31.25
CONCLUSIONS From statistical analysis of actual cases of assassinations and the comparison tables above, it is observed that analysis by Four Step Theory reflects the event (of assassination) in much better way than reflected by K P analysis. Based on above statistical results the Rule for assassination can safely be concluded as follows. RULE: 1. 8 CSL shall signify 8, marak (either 2 or 7) and/or badhak sthan. 2. Simulteneously, 8 sign lord and star lord shall signify 8 and marak sthan (either 2 or 7) and/or badhak sthan. 3. Simulteneously, Dasha/Bhukti/Antara lords shall signify 8 and marak sthan (either 2 or 7). The role of 12th CSL and its signification of 12th house and/or 8th house are not important as none of them meet the acceptance criteria. --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------79
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Deafness through Astrologers Microscope: An Empirical Research Part I
Subhash Ektare
Author is a retired Civil Engineer by profession. He is well known KP Astrologer practicing for last 10 years. He regularly contributes articles for Nakshatrache Dene only KP periodical in Marathi edited by renowned astrologer Mr. Sunil Gondhalekar. He contributes astrological articles for Astrovision emagazine also. He is anactivememberofmanyastrologicaldiscussiongroups.Accountofhisaccuratepredictionscanbereadon http://forecastlife.com.
he subject of deafness was not dealt in any KP Readers. However this topic (along with dumbness) was discussed to some extent, with example, in a book Medical Astrology for All by K. Subramaniam, K. Balachandran and Vaikari Ramamurthy. Generally, in Krishnamurthi Paddhati, the rules for analyzing any aspect of life from natal horoscope are very crystal clear. This enables astrologers even learners to predict any event with amazing accuracy. Unfortunately such clear cut rules in respect of Deafness and Dumbness are not available in K. P. at present. My humble effort in this research work is to find some nectar by churning and analyzing sufficiently large data sample under microscope of an Astrologer. Hope readers will take it in right spirit. Cause of Deafness Hearing organs are pair of ears- left ear and right ear. The ear has a diaphragm and intricate chain of small bones in internal part of ear which are connected to brain through a network of veins forming nervous system. Here sound waves are converted into electromagnetic waves. These electromagnetic waves are then carried to brain through a network of nervous system where it is decoded and we feel the sound. Naturally any damage or malfunctioning of this system of internal ear will result in partial or total loss of hearing. Scientifically speaking this is known as Deafness. Which House(s) need to be analyzed for Deafness? Ears and entire nervous system comes under the jurisdiction of third bhava (or third house)1. Third house as well as third sign of Natural Zodiac is GEMINI. Therefore Gemini, its ruler Mercury and Virgo (the other sign owned by Mercury) will naturally get the jurisdiction on hearing. Secondly Mercury (lord of Gemini and Virgo) controls entire nervous system of body. As a result Mercury has been accepted as chief Karaka for hearing and ear diseases. Therefore one needs to analyze 3rd house, its cuspal sub lord, the planet Mercury and signs Gemini and Virgo for any afflictions by malefic planets. In Medical Astrology for All2 it is stated that: As per K.P. one has to judge the sub lord of the second cusp for Dumbness and of the third cusp for Deafness. The sub division in the sign Taurus, i.e. Venus-Moon-Ketu Taurus 190 40 00 to 200 26 40 tells about the defective voice or mute. The following sub divisions in the sign Gemini tells about the ear troubles and deafness. 80 40 00 to 100 26 40 -- Mercury-Rahu-Jupiter -- Ear Trouble 120 33 20 to 140 26 40 -- Mercury-Rahu-Mercury -- Ear Trouble 150 13 20 to 170 26 40 -- Mercury-Rahu-Venus -- Ear Trouble
0 0
18 06 40 to 19 13 20 -- Mercury-Rahu-Moon -- Ear Trouble However it is not clear whether appearance of these sub-divisions on 2nd/3rd cusp or on 6th cusp (disease) causes dumbness or deafness.
1 2
Page 193 of K. P. Reader II 10th Edition, Aug 2002 Page 95 of book Medical Astrology for All 4th Edition 2005 Another rule given by renowned K. P. Astrologer Mr. C.R.Bhatt3 in this connection is if cuspal sub lords of house 2 and 3 are connected with malefic, mute signs and the houses 6, 8 and 12 the native is deaf and dumb by birth. Here it is obvious that cuspal sub lord of house 2 is to be analyzed for dumbness and cuspal sub lord of house 3 is to be analyzed for deafness. Scope & Hypothesis to be tested From the discussion in preceding paragraph it is clear that third house of the Natal Chart is the main house connected with deafness. Therefore we will have to focus our attention to 3rd house with a view to check following parameters. 1. Affliction to THIRD house. 2. Affliction to Cuspal Sub Lord of THIRD house. 3. Cuspal Sub Lords connection with Mercury, the Karaka planet for deafness. 4. Cuspal Sub Lords signification of 6, 8 or 12 (Dussthanas) 5. Affliction to signs Gemini/Virgo which are owned by Mercury. Note: The word affliction is generally taken as bad effects as a result of conjunction with or aspect of malefic planets such as Saturn, Mars and Rahu. Rahu/Ketu are universally accepted as malefic. What about Saturn and Mars? The reason why Saturn and Mars are said to be natural malefic appears to be based on Ashtak Varga System of Vedic astrology. In Ashtak Varga beneficial power of each planet is represented by Bindu (i.e. dot) and malefic power by Rekha (i.e. dash). Maximum beneficial and malefic powers of each planet are given in following table. TABLE 1 Max benefic bindus 48 49 39 54 56 52 39
It can be seen that Saturn and Mars possess max. malefic rekhas viz. 57 while benefic bindu are 39 only. So they are classified as malefic planets. While the planets Mercury, Jupiter and Venus have max. benefic bindus and correspondingly less malefic rekhas. Therefore they are said to be benefic planets. However in K. P. no planet is said to be malefic unless it is connected with dussthannas (i.e. 6, 8 or 12) by placement or lordship. Therefore we will find out the percentage of cases where Saturn and Mars are malefic due to their connection to 6/8/12.
In all 60 cases will be studied. 28 cases out of these are from Astrodata Bank and remaining cases are taken from various sources through internet. Birth details for each case along with analysis are available in Annexure A. Methodology and acceptance criteria All cases will be analyzed as per principles of Four Step Theory. Detailed analysis of each case is available in Annexure A. Summaries of the results for checking various hypothesis are given in Tables in respective paragraphs along with conclusions. Acceptance criteria: Any hypothesis valid for at least 75 % cases is deemed to pass acceptance test unless otherwise specifically stated to that effect. Analysis of Data and Observations Observation No.1 Regarding 3 CSL (Cuspal Sub Lord)
There are in all 9 planets. Any one of these planets can appear as cuspal sub lord of a particular house. Therefore probability of this event will be 1 in 9 i.e. 11.11%. Any planet appearing as cuspal sub lord in 16.66% cases or more (which is 1.5 times 11.11%) will be eligible to be take seat of 3 CSL as a Rule. Following Table shows appearance of different planets as 3 CSL. (Total number of cases= 60) Sun 2 3.33 % Moon 5 8.33 % Mars 3 5% TABLE 2 Mercury Jupiter Venus 9 4 10 15 % 6.66 % 16.66 % Saturn 15 25 % Rahu 10 16.66 % Ketu 2 3.33 %
It can be seen that Saturn, Rahu and Venus have passed eligibility test, closely followed by Mercury. Eligibility of Mercury can be understood because, as seen earlier, it is chief karaka for deafness. But, what about Venus? Venus is lord of Taurus, the second house and second sign of Natural Zodiac. Incidently speech, tongue and larynx are under jurisdiction of second house of natal chart. Naturally Venus gets control over speech, larynx and vocal cords. Medically speaking Ear, Nose and Throat ( ENT ) are a group of organs connected to each other, meaning any infection or malfunctioning in one affects other. In my opinion this is the reason why Venus becomes eligible. Surprisingly, Mars (which is always taken as malefic number 2) has miserably failed to qualify. Conclusion: If Saturn or Rahu appear as 3 CSL the native is likely to suffer from Deafness. Sometimes Mercury (chief Karaka for deafness) or Venus (chief Karaka for dumbness) can be likely candidate as 3 CSL. Observation No. 2 Regarding 3 CSLs connection to Mercury as Karaka for deafness.
Connection of 3 CSL to Mercury is possible in many ways i.e. through conjunction/aspect to and from (1) 3 CSL, (2) its star lord, (3) its sub lord and lastly (4) star lord of its sub lord (this is because the analysis is based on 4 step theory). Therefore to accept this as a rule, in my opinion, the connection should be established in more than 75% of cases. However it is observed that this connection is seen in 32/60 cases only (53.33%). Conclusion: 3 CSLs connection to Mercury does not fulfill acceptance criteria. Observation No. 3
Regarding Affliction of 3 CSL through malefic planets Saturn/Mars/Rahu Among these malefic planets Rahu is definitely malefic. Generaly, in Traditional (Vedic) Astrology, Saturn and Mars are considered to be Natural malefic. But, in K. P. a planet is considered to be malefic if it is either deposited in Dussthanas (i.e. 6, 8 or 12) or it is the Lord of the 6th, 8th or 12th cusp. All the cases in the data were reviewed from this angle to verify whether Saturn/Mars are really malefic as per K. P. standards. The results are tabulated in a Table 3 appearing on next page, which are self explanatory. Note: Since this part of study is for academic interest only, the acceptance criteria for this shall be further reduced to 56.25 % i.e. 75 percent of 75 (as mentioned in acceptance criteria in earlier paragraphs). TO BE CONTINUED IN THE NEXT ISSUE.
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Name: Chi: XXXX Question: MARRIAGE WHEN? Date of Birth24 -11 -1987 Time of Birth10 -59 -00 PM IST Place of Birth: Mumbai Davanagere Astrological Analysis Houses to be judged: 2, 7 and 11 are to be considered. .Venus is the karaka for marriage .In case of women Jupiter is to be seen as it signifies husband. The 2nd house Signify family .The 7th House is the prime House of Marriage /Partner /Spouse .The 11th signify Fulfillment of Desires, Gain of Life partner, Spouse. Family. There are two houses 5, 9 which will always facilitate marriage .5th being 12th from 6th will negate no marriage, it is also the house of love .9th house being 12th from 10th and house of Fortune. Two hoses 8 and 12 facilitate marriage when it signified with 2, 7, and 11, since 8th house signifies sexual parts and dowry .12th house is the house of bed pleasure. It also signifies expenditure in marriage. However these two houses will signify bickering, insults and loss of married life when they signify 1, 6, and 10 also. Sun, Saturn and Rahu are called Separative planets .3rd and 4t remain neutral to marriage and marital life. Is it Promised or not: Marriage is an institution of varied association. Marriage is made in heaven. Marriage is fixed by destiny. The promise or denial of marriage depends largely upon the condition and aspects of the Moon and Venus in a males horoscope, Sun and Venus in case of females. In case of Males the signs of marriage are: Mars in aspects to Venus and Venus Strong. The Moon in a fruitful sign and strong .Venus in a fruitful sign and strong .Jupiter or Venus in the seventh house The fruitful signs ,Cancer ,Pisces ,Scorpio ,on the seventh ,or intercepted therein :the Moon in a fruitful sign in the first ,fifth ,tenth ,or eleventh :Venus similarly placed : The Moon and Venus unaspected by Saturn and stronger than Saturn: The lords of the first and seventh house in conjunction or good aspect.
Pluto or Neptune in the seventh although emphasizing the idealistic marriage again brings a liability towards unfaithfulness on the side of the partner , leads temptations towards adultery which ,if given away to, will break the marriage The Moon in a males horoscope ,being in a fruitful signs in aspect to Saturn ,disposes late marriage .The Moon oriental and unaffiliated .Mars in aspect to Venus ,Venus or Jupiter in the seventh ,or lord of first going to an aspect with the ruler of the seventh denotes early marriage The Moon and Venus well placed in congenial or fruitful signs ,and not aspected by Saturn or Uranus ,the native le feel to marry .If Moon is found to be ore natal of the Sun .i.e. increasing in light . and oriental i.e., between fourth and seventh ,or the first and tenth cusps ,the native marry early ,but Moon in occidental and decreasing in light , denotes marriage taking place in later part of life .Moon and Venus are in good positions ,and not aspected by Saturn or Uranus ,but Moon in occidental and decreasing in light , then marriage take place at a moderate age .,neither early nor late .In Case Of females Sun and Venus aspect one another, whether they are square or trine, or inimical to another must be carefully be studied The Moon strong in the fifth or seventh , aspects to many planets ,denotes early marriage . Marriage is intended for the growth of family, at the same time it permits husband and wife to legally live together to perform certain rights, duties and for pleasures. In a horoscope 7th house signifies legal bondage, partnership in life. The potentiality of the 7th house in a chart is governed by the nature of the 5th, 9th, and 10th houses. In addition to this we have to consider the 2nd house, which signifies additional member to the family by birth of children, 11th house signifies permanent tie of friendship for pleasure and progeny. Venus is said to be the chief governor of marriage .or a karaka. Further, as for as men is concerned, the chief indicator of marriage is the natural seventh house from Aries i.e. Libra and its lord Venus , in case of women it is Aries, being the seventh from Libra i.e. Aries and Mars and also Jupiter. In a womens chart it is also necessary to consider Moon and Mars, since the menstrual period is regulated by these planets. In man chart Sun is to be examined.
In mans chart, we have to consider Libra and 7th house from the ascendant, Sun and Venus, and in women chart we must note Aries and seventh from the ascendant/, Moon and Mars and also Jupiter. The eighth house signifies sex life, from these houses and Scorpio in case of men and Taurus in case of women have to be added. Then the extra marital life is determined by the twelfth house from the ascendant and Pisces. While in womens chart Virgo needs to be included. However in man chart the ascendant, Sun and Venus, in case of men and in case of women the ascendant, Moon and Mars apart from Jupiter is to be considered. A strong, well placed, unaffiliated Venus gives a harmonies and balanced marital life of man. Similarly Mars governs the balanced sex life of women. Venus is to be examined with the Sun, and Mars with Moon. The position of Venus is in a male chart is to be compared with that of Mars in the wife chart and in case of women to be seen with that and similar comparison is to be made between Sun of husbands chart and the Moon in the wifes chart is necessary. Either they agree or not. The next step would be to look for Navamsa and note the agreement. Saturn in seventh house frustration and disappointments. If afflicted in the eighth it makes one serious in matter of sex life. Sun and Moon are in a close conjunction along with Jupiter in a fruitful sign .Venus is in own sign in 6th house, but nearer to 7th cusp Sun and Moon are not afflicted by Saturn .Jupiter is not afflicted. Sun and Venus is in NO ASPECT. According to K .P Note the 7th cusp if the sub lord of the seventh house is in any manner connected 2, 7 or 11 ones marriage is promised in this chart the 7th cusp falls in19 -43-10 CAPRICORN -It is Saturn Sign Moon Star Kethu Sub.-Venus Sub-Sub .Saturn the sub lord of the 7th cusp is in exaltation, and lord of 2and 3 .Saturn is in the Rahu star Venus sub..Saturn is in fifth house and aspects 2, 7 and 11. Saturn aspecting all the houses concerned to marriage is generally delays marriage very much and also causes some troubles during marital life during certain period unless he gets other beneficial connections Saturn is not a Yogyakarta for Cancer Born but in this case he
is posited in a fruitful sign which favors to certain extent further Jupiter aspects Saturn by 9th aspect who is in his own sign occupant of ninth, lord of 6and 9, Jupiter to Saturn is in Trine aspect as per western system. It is stated that Jupiter aspecting Saturn in Trine will mitigates all the evil effects of Saturn .which is most beneficial .which mitigates the evil effects of Saturn . Kethu the sub lord of the 7th cusp is in 2nd Kethu is in Mercury sign sun star Mercury sub Venus sub sub. Kethu is aspected by Jupiter by 7h aspect that is in his own sign, a Karaka for husband. Jupiter the karaka for husband is in 9 lord of 6 and 9 in own house which is favorable. Saturn in the fifth house normally makes delay in fixation in marriage as it aspects 2,7and 11, all the houses concerned with marriage .Saturn may delay or in selection of bridegroom may not be easy or second or subsequent selection may finalize, however in the present case Saturn in no way harm, as it is aspected by Jupiter a karaka for husband from his own house and both Saturn and Jupiter are in a fruitful sign.. No Planets occupies the seventh house. Saturn is the lord who is in the fifth aspecting 2 ,7 and 11,from the above considerations planets are, in one way or other connected to 2 ,7 or 11 ,hence Marriage is promised but with litter delay. With least problems.
SIGNIFICATORS Planets in the constella tion of the lord of the sign KETHU Planets conjoined with or aspecting the Significators or houses Effe ctive Lord of Hindu Western cusp the B M Favorable Unfavor al sign able links SUN
Hou ses
Planets in the constella Occup tion of ants the occupant VENUS KETH U-
Moon Sextile (A) Mercury Sextile (S) Kethu Vigintile (S)) Saturn Mercur Sextile (A) y Square (A) Rahu Semi Square (S) Kethu Sesiqua drate (A) Moon _ MarsBiSesiqua Quintile drate (S) 9S)
Sun Moo n
Ven us
Significa [VENUS* ][ KETHU * ] [ SUN * , RAHU ,MOON [ [ SATURN ] [SUN , ] [ tors in SATURN ** ] ]MOON * ,MERCURY ,RAHU ,SATURN ,JUPITER ] ] their [MERCURY* , ,RAHU ,KETHU ]MARS ,] [ MOON *,VENUS *,KETHU ,SUN ] order of strength
Planets conjoined with or aspecting the Significators [5+/5- ] Planets Conjoined Aspecting Significators. Vedic Sun -
the Western Mars SemiSextile (S) Saturn Vigintile (S) Rahu Trine (A) Kethu Sextile (S) Sun Semi Square (S) Mercury Sextile (S) Jupiter Square (S) Kethu Tredecile (S) Rahu Quin (A) Kethu semi Sextile (S) Mars Vigintile (A) Saturn Decile (A) Rahu Sesiquadrate (A)
Mars Mercury
Saturn Rahu Kethu Note: A benefic aspect means 5+ Malefic aspects means -5 Ruling Planets ON 5 /6 -11 -2010-@ 5-38-00AM IST @DHARWAD Details Degree Sign Star Lagna 187-05-49 Venus Rahu Sun 195 -33 -09 Venus Rahu Planets Sun Rising Moon Mercury Planets Jupiter Aspected by aspects Lagna lord Lagna and /Rising its Lord Venus Planet in Domination Moon 196 -54 -36 Venus Rahu Day Lord Venus Rahu 251-21 -14 Jupiter Kethu Kethu 71 -21 -14 Mercury Rahu Ruling Planets; Venus, Venus, Rahu, Venus, Rahu Common Significators Venus, ** Rahu Selection of strong Significators, Venus, ** Rahu FRUITFUL SIGNIFICATORS: Signif Stren ies the gth house 2 /7 1 /11 2 /11 3 11 52 /7 5+/5 -
Saturn Conjunction (S) Separate sign. Rahu Square (S) Kethu Square (A) Jupiter Trine (A) Mars Sextile S) Jupiter Trine (S)
Significa tors
Deposi Deposite Signifi ted in Signif d in the Stre Stren es the the sub ies the Star ngth gth house ruled house ruled by by Saturn Venus Rahu Jupiter 2 /7 3 /11 2 /11 1 7 11
2 /11
3 5-
2 /7 5+/5 /11 7 3 2 /7 3
/11 11
2 /11 1 2 /7 3 /11 7 3 2 /7 2
/11 11 2 /11 11
51 5-
5 1 1 2 2
DBSA SIGNIFICATIONS Dasa Signifies PLANET Mars 3 /10 Star Lord Rahu 8 Sub Lord Rahu 8
Signifies 2 4/ 4 /3-12
DASA DETAILS: DETAILS DASA BHUKTHI FROM Mars 16 -02 -2007 Mercury 17 -08 -2010 Kethu 15 -08 -2011 Venus 14-01 -2012 ANTHRA Mars Kethu 23 -08 -2011 Venus Mars 16-04-2012 Venus Moon SOOKSHMA Su 27 -08 -2011 Saturn 1-05-2012 TRANSITS ON 04-05-2012 @ 10-43AM IST Description DASANATHA BHUKTHINATHA ANTHRANATHA: Planets Mars Venus Moon Degree 132-0039 57-42-25 172-4744 180-5151 20-12-32 172-4744 86-34-25 Sign Sun Venus Mercury Venus Mars Mercury Mercury
TO 16 -02 -2014 15 -08 -2011 14-01 -2012 16-01-2013 17 -09 -2011 21-05-2012 29 -08 -2011 6 -05-2012
Day Lord
RESULTS: Marriage will take place during Mars Dasa Kethu Bhukthi in Venus Anthra i.e. ., between 23 -08 -2011and 17 -09 -2011. In this Select Venus Sookshma which will be from 23 -08 -2011and 27 -08 2011or in Sun Sookshma i.e., between-27 -08 -2011 and 29 -08 -2011 in this most favorable period is Sun Sookshma i.e., between 27 -08 -2011 and 29 -08 -2011, as such marriage is likely to happen during this period. It is expected that the marriage will be on or around 28 -08 -2011.or as an alternate 11 -09 -2011; however it is likely to be postponed to Venus Bhukthi. Venus is considered to be the strongest one. [Grade 1], as such Venus may be considered. It is certainly expected that the marriage will take place only in Venus Bhukthi. In this select Moon Anthra. Mars Dasa Venus Bhukthi is from 14-01-2012 to 16 -01-2013 In this Moon Anthra is from 16-04-2012 to 21 -05-2012. Saturn Sookshma is from 01-05-2012 to 06-05-2012. .Marriage will take place on 04-052012 when Mars Dasa Venus Bhukthi Moon Anthra Saturn Sookshma operates. Fourth cusp falls in 20 -10-10Libra .It is Venus sign Jupiter star Jupiter sub Jupiter Sub sub. .The fourth house is occupied by Mercury and Sun. Venus is the lord of this house, well placed by occupying the fifth Trinal house. Venus to Jupiter is in Trine aspect and Sextile to Mars. Venus lord of 4and 11. , Venus is in close conjunction with Uranus which signifies electronics. The Significators of 4, 8, and 12 denotes the profession of the partner. Mercury, sun is the occupant of fourth house and Rahu occupies the eight houses. Saturn is the Lord of this house. No planets occupy the twelfth house. Mercury is the lord. Twelfth house and is aspected by Venus and Moon. Venus Jupiter Jupiter is the sign, star and sub lord,which denotes varied interests in many subjects and in varied profession mostly an Engineer with specialization in Electronics and computer science and Management in finance / Human recourses mostly an M.B.A or a post graduate? Venus is in Jupiter Sun sign along with Moon, both are in Jupiter sign. Jupiter is for finance, bank, Law, teacher where as Mercury for business, engineer, journalism etc, Moon denotes public relation, as Venus and Mercury are predominates mostly an engineer With Electrical and Electronic. Or computer / industrial information science Good knowledge in computer science. A Post Graduate. Mercury star denotes engineer with wide knowledge in computer science and he will be highly qualified, and a post graduate. According to K .P. the sub lord of the7th cusp falls in 19-43 -10 Capricorn .It is Saturn Sign Moon Star Kethu Sub.-Venus Sub-Sub .Kethu the sub lord of the 7th cusp is in second house aspected by Jupiter by 7th aspect. Kethu is in Mercury sign in the second house , .Jupiter denotes proper age difference mostly five years but Kethu is in Mercury denotes less age difference as such the age difference will be mostly in the range of about four to five years . 7th cusp Sub lord .Kethu is in 2in Mercury Sign aspected by Jupiter. Who is in 9, lords of 6 and 9 as such a new relation, a stranger comes from not for from the place of birth. Normally Tenth house means the partner is from home town and 3rd signifies short distance. , the partner maybe a co-tenant, or live in ones street, town, district etc., after marriage it does not involve a distant to reach husband place .but in this case Kethu is in Second aspected by Jupiter who is in Ninth house lord of 6and 9 signify new relationship and not for from the birth place . Ninth signify long distance, a stranger and ninth signifies who stays in foreign countries. , .The birth star of the native is in Saturn sign Sun star i.e., Capricorn. The most possible Ascendant is Sagittarius ruled by Jupiter in Kethu Star. The following stars are suitable :Aswini -30,Bharani -31 , , Mrigasira -20 /13Pushya -32, 27Pubba 32,Amerada -31 Jyeshtha -24Moola -29 , Poorvashdha -34 , Shthabhisha 24, 30 /26Pisces,UttraBhadrapada -33and ,Revathi -21 . Probably the partners star will be Saturn. 7th house is UN occupied Saturn is in a fruitful sign Jupiter is well placed in own and fruitful sign in the ninth house denotes Spouse just and honorable comes from a respectably family and good Married Life. .
Selections of Week Days Planets Dasanatha Conjoined and aspected by Dasanatha Mars Star in which Rahu Dasanatha /Bhukthinatha is Occupied Normally the week day will be Bhukthinatha Star .Or one who is repeated
Planets Conjoined and aspected by Bhukthinatha Rahu is in Venus sign and Kethu is in Mars Sign
Venus Kethu
Normally it should be Friday as Rahu is in Venus sign. , however I preferred Thursday as Jupiter is in his own, and aspects the 7th and in Venus star. A strong Significators of 7and 11 .and also aspected by Saturn who signifies 2 and close to 11th cusp. However Friday is day preferred. As Venus is in Jupiter sign as such Reception will be on Thursday and Friday Marriage will take place. . .
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Casting the Horoscope - Reader I Predictive Stellar Astrology - Reader III Transit - Reader V
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