Unit 1 Ple
Unit 1 Ple
Unit 1 Ple
Unit Title
Grade Level
Time Frame
2-3 weeks
Power is acquired through a strong internal economy Power is increased through global influence Power is enhanced by knowledge which creates competition Leaders adapt to situations and circumstances to maintain influence and position on a global scale Events are interrelated across cultures and time Geographical landscape has a major influence on the acquisition of power
Power Conflict Adaptation Cause and Effect ocietal !nteraction !nterdependence How did the Muslim influence in the Middle East affect European Exploration What e!ents led to the European exploration of the "mericas What factors pla#ed into the e!entual de!elopment of "merican societ# How did the ac$uisition of knowled%e create competition and expand the influence of power How did the interactions &etween different cultures affect the societies and create interdependence How are cultures that are separated &# hundreds of #ears and thousands of miles connected in the %lo&al expansion of the '(th
centur# #et$odologies Explain the connection &etween e!ents) cultures) and societies "nal#*e the effect people had on the e!ents that occurred throu%hout this period "nal#*e how e!ents shaped the %lo&al picture we see toda# Discuss how thin%s would ha!e unfolded with the introduction of alternate or fictional e!ents or outcomes Descri&e the need for European countries to adapt to the ina&ilit# to reach "sia &# land and traditional routes Descri&e how the influence academics) reli%ions) and relationships created moti!e for the risk that came with explorin% the unknown landscape of the world "nal#*e the relationships &etween societies and how the# expanded world influence of cultures
Unit %arrative This unit has &een specificall# prepared for the 7th %rade social studies) &ut could &e modified to ser!e the needs of a hi%h school curriculum+ This framework allows for a two to three week unit on the European Exploration that led to the e!entual de!elopment of the "mericas+ The purpose of this unit is multi-purposed and is strate%icall# used as the first unit in "merican studies+ ,irst) it ser!es as an eas# wa# for students to &e%in thinkin% on a different le!el+ Man# times) students !iew histor# as a series of isolated e!ents that re$uire much memori*ation and low le!el thinkin%+ Howe!er) with the introduction of "merican studies &e%innin% with a !er# tan%i&le wa# for students to make connections &etween e!ents throu%h time forces students to &e%in !iewin% histor# as a series of related e!ents that are interwo!en in a lar%er picture+ When students are a&le to see e!ents throu%h this lens and think on this deeper le!el) the# will &e much more interested and en%a%ed in the studies the# encounter+ The# will also ha!e an easier time understandin% what the# are learnin% a&out as the# will &e a&le to reco%ni*e how and wh# the# occurred+ -econdl#) this unit is desi%ned to specificall# address how and wh# European explorers &e%an to push the limits of their knowled%e of %eo%raph#+ .mportant people and e!ents will &e explored+
The unit &e%ins with an anal#sis of what students know a&out the disco!er# of "merica+ Most 7th %rade students ha!e a !er# limited foundation of this su&/ect matter that t#picall# re!ol!es around 0hristopher 0olum&us and the Nina) 1inta) and -anta-Maria+ Now we &e%in lookin% at the wh#2s and how2s+ .n order to accomplish this) students will &e challen%ed to literall# answer those two $uestions and tra!el &ackwards to the earl# '3th centur# and the Muslim influence in the Middle East+ 3# workin% &ackward from the e!ent that the# all know and understand) students are a&le to make connections and understand how seemin%l# unrelated e!ents are stron%l# linked+ ,rom that point) students will en%a%e in anal#tical discussions that stem from readin%s of text and documents from important people such as Marco 1olo2s A Description of the World+ Throu%h these discussions) students will di% deep into the e!ents and mo!e forward throu%h the unit+ Throu%hout this entire unit) students will !iew all material throu%h the concept of power+ .t will &e a re-occurrin% theme that appears as a dri!in% force &ehind all the e!ents that take place) &e%innin% with the Muslim control of the 4oman 4oads) specificall# the -ilk 4oad) in the Middle East+ "s European leaders searched for wa#s around the dan%ers of tra!elin% to the east) the# sou%ht %reat riches and spices that were rumored to &e a&undant in that part of the world+ With the ac$uisition of those items) trade would increase and the economic status of that countr# would) in turn result) in more %lo&al power+ -tudents will stud# the European powers attempts at findin% water routes to the east includin% 3artolomeu Dias and 5asco de 6ama+ Throu%h the lens of power) conflict &etween countries will &e discussed+ 0onflict in politics will &e anal#*ed+ -tudents will !iew how leaders adapted to the temperature of &oth outside and inside pressures re%ardin% their role in %lo&al influence+ "s explorers inad!ertentl# disco!ered the existence of the "merican continent) students will assess the need for adaptation) interdependence) and the interactions that occurred &etween Europeans and Nati!e "mericans+ -tudents will ha!e the opportunit# to discuss and write a&out all the ke# concepts throu%hout this unit+ "%ain) the purpose of this unit is to train students to make connections without &ein% shown how future historical e!ents are interwo!en with each other+ The# will &e asked to take the information of this unit into account and write a&out how the# &elie!e specific e!ents influence the future+ ,or example) in the midst of this unit) a specific assi%nment is to write a&out how the tra!els of 7ohn 0a&ot 8En%land9 will impact the de!elopment of European settlements in "merica+ While it is somethin% most students know that En%land was the countr# patriots &roke from in the "merican 4e!olution) few
students understand that) thou%h he ne!er actuall# landed in "merica) 7ohn 0a&ot2s tra!els %a!e En%land le!era%e in claimin% North "merica as theirs when Dutch) ,rench) and other colonies &e%an de!elopin% in the ':;;2s+ This ultimatel# led to the '3 ori%inal colonies students all learned a&out in elementar# school) &ut without the exploration of 0a&ot) the landscape of North "merica could ha!e looked much different+ 3ein% a&le to see histor# as a series of completel# linked e!ents and circumstances will not onl# help students comprehend) &ut will also allow them to &e more e$uipped citi*ens of current "merican societ# in a sense that the# can see the lar%er political picture+ The skills the# ac$uire in this unit will help them across academic disciplines and throu%hout the le!els of education that the# enter into whether it &e colle%e) %rad school) or &e#ond+