Weisner Social Studies Lesson-1
Weisner Social Studies Lesson-1
Weisner Social Studies Lesson-1
Rev. 2013
Lesson # __3____
Subject/Grade: Social Studies/ 6th grade Date/Ti e o! Lesson: "o#$ %& '()3/)(:*( Learning +bjecti#e: After vie in! different pyramids from E!yptian culture" students ill
construct their o n pyramid successfully and pyramids ith #0$ accuracy. rite a messa!e usin! hiero!lyphics on their
ent -ith Standards: %must support unit standards identified in T&' 3( 6-1.3 )ompare the river valley civili*ations of the Ti!ris and Euphrates %+esopotamia(" the ,ile %E!ypt(" the -ndus %-ndia(" and the .uan! .e %)hina(" includin! the evolution of ritten lan!ua!e" !overnment" trade systems" architecture" and forms of social order.
This objective is appropriate because the students have been learning about Egypt as a civilization. They first learned about Sumer and esopotamia and no! have been studying "in# Egypt. They have prior $no!ledge of !hat Egypt is and characteristics of civilizations. This lesson !ill be revie!ing pyramids !ith the students and allo! them to create their o!n. This lesson is integrated !ith art through creating the pyramids and !riting their names in hieroglyphics. ,ssess ent0s1 o! the +bjecti#es: %must support unit assessments identified in T&' 3(
%re-assessment& ' !ill orally as$ the students in a !hole group setting (uestions to assess prior $no!ledge of pyramids and hieroglyphics. "E)ample& *hat is a pyramid+ *hat shapes are found in the pyramid+ *hat !ere their uses+ *hat is hieroglyphics+# ,uring assessment& ' !ill assess their understanding by their ans!ers to (uestions and their engagement in the lesson. %ost-assessment& The student creates their o!n pyramid creation and utilizes the symbolic !riting to !rite their name. -esson .bjective"s# After vie in! different pyramids from E!yptian culture" students ill construct their o n pyramid successfully" applyin! one reason /ehind /uildin! pyramids ith #0$ accuracy. /ssessment"s# of the .bjective"s# ' !ill assess their understanding by their ans!ers to (uestions and their engagement in the lesson. The student !ill produce their o!n pyramid creation and utilizes the symbolic !riting to !rite their name. 0se of 1ormative /ssessment "T*S section 2# ' !ill use this lesson to gauge !hat they have learned about the !ritten language and architecture of Egypt. ' !ill use the post assessment to see !ho comprehends the information and !ho is not. The students !ho do not comprehend it !ill receive e)tra
.bjective 3 "if
Lander University Teacher Education Lesson Plan Template applicable# 3 practice in this area. The practice !ill come from their 4istory /live !or$boo$ and te)t.
Rev. 2013
odations: %should parallel information in T&' 3 and sho use of T&' 1 data( ' !ill read the information to the students about the different pyramids because they all re(uire oral administration. ' !ill also help assist in ma$ing the pyramids and have a model for the students to loo$ at !hile they are ma$ing their pyramids. 'f students finish early they can decorate their pyramids !hile !e !ait for the other students to finish up. 2aterials: hiero!lyphics sym/ols chart5 pyramid template5 construction paper5 colored pencils5
scissors5 tape5 pencils and Smart6oard
1. ' !ill start off the lesson by as$ing the students (uestions to assess their $no!ledge of pyramids and hieroglyphics. -*hat is a pyramid+ -*hat shapes are found in a pyramid+ -*here are pyramids+ -*hat !ere their uses+ -*hat !as the !ritten language+ Tal$ about the symbols and the art involved in the language. 3. ' !ill then sho! a picture of a step pyramid and read a passage about step pyramids -The earliest !or o! .4ra id& the ste.& dates bac5 to the 3rd D4nast4&
and consists o! se#eral ste.s$ , descending .assage !ro the north leads to the burial cha ber$ 6nderground galleries surround the .4ra id on all but the south sides$ The !irst& and .robabl4 the onl4 ste. .4ra id e#er co .leted& is that o! 7ing "etjer45het Djoser at Sa88ara$ The Ste. .4ra id is not near as .leasing to the e4e as the True .4ra id& -hich could e9.lain the 8uic5 abandon ent o! this t4.e o! .4ra id. 2. - ill then sho a picture of a true pyramid and read a passa!e a/out a true pyramid. 0The true .4ra id is a natural de#elo. ent and i .ro#e ent on the ste. .4ra id$ The !irst true .4ra ids -ere introduced in at the beginning o! the %th D4nast4$ The structure o! a True 34ra id is #irtuall4 the sa e as a ste. .4ra id$ 3ac5ing bloc5s are stac5ed until the di ensions -ere right& and then !inishing bloc5s 0usuall4 li estone1 -ere the last touch$ The aesthetics are uch ore .leasing than the ste. .4ra id& but the construction isn:t reall4 that di!!erent$ 3. Then - ill pull up some E!yptian hiero!lyphics and discuss the art and ho the art stands for a lan!ua!e and that is ho the E!yptians communicated. 1. - ill then as2 the students to use the hiero!lyphics on the /oard to rite their o n name. 3. - ill then pass out the art materials so that they can create their o n pyramid. -f they finish early" they can decorate their pyramids ith hiero!lyphics. 4. &ith 10 remainin! minutes" - ill as2 the students ho ant to" to share their pyramid. Activity Analysis5 %must support T&' 3 and sho
use of T&' 1 data(
Rev. 2013
/ctivity .ne& ' am going to sho! the students t!o different $inds of pyramids and read a passage about both. .nce the students learn about the pyramids ' !ill give the students materials to create their o!n pyramid. ' !ill as$ them to thin$ li$e an architect during the Egyptian days !hen they are creating their pyramids. They !ill receive a pyramid template5 construction paper5 scissors and colored pencils to create their individual pyramid. ' !ill have one made before they start creating so that they $no! !hat it is suppose to loo$ li$e and it !ill help me help the students if they have (uestions.
/ctivity T!o& ' !ill put up hieroglyphics on the Smart6oard so that all students have access to the information. *e !ill tal$ about ho! hieroglyphics !ere used and ho! they relate to today7s !ritten language. ' !ill then as$ them to use the hieroglyphics chart to !rite their o!n name. The students connect !ith dra!ing therefore this !ill $eep the students engaged and active in the lesson. Technology !ill be used !hen ' pull up the hieroglyphics chart on the Smart6oard.
Leistner" Timothy. 6-nte!rated Art Lesson.6 /rt and 8ulture 8enter of 4olly!ood . &e/. 27 8ct. 2013. 9http5:: .artanculturecenter.or!;.