Writing Exam: Sophie and Carter

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Ramrez Rodrguez Mara Celeste 5 I

Writing Exam
According to your project book Sophie and Carter develop an essay. An essay es a written document were the writer expresses an opinion about the topic, that means he/she writes down the point of view in favor or against the topic.

Sophie and Carter

Sophie and Carter is a novella for teenagers written by Chelsea Fine. The purpose of this book is to give hope. It shows that even if sometimes life is hard; there are second chances and new beginnings. This book says: You are not alone. The writer presents us two teenagers: Sophie and Carter. Each chapter is intercalated between them: their points of view, their thoughts and feelings. They are best friends but something starts to change in their relationship. Through the pages we can feel their strong friendship and the tenderness of their hearts. These kids have to be parents at a very young age but always manage to overcome the obstacles. In my opinion is a great novella. In fact, it is one of my favorite books. The love inside of it is real and pure. You cant say that about many books nowadays. I highly recommend it.

But there are some kinds of love that you cant lose, no matter how hard you try. So theres no need for him to be afraid. Life is what we make it. Love. Not the kind you see in the movies or hear about on the radio. The real kind. The kind that gets beaten down and bloody, yet perseveres. The kind that hopes even when hope seems foolish. The kind that can forgives. The kind that believes in healing. The kind that can sit in silence and feel renewed. The real kind of love. It's rare and we have it.

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