Heory of Active Voice and Passive Voice

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heory of Active Voice and Passive Voice Active voice is the sentence that accompanied the transitive verb

with the subject in front of verbs such as actors who perform an act. Passive voice is a form of the verb phrase that accompanied the three (Past Participle) describe the thing done (by the perpetrator) B. E ample ! Active voice sentences are as follows ! ". #e eat rice every day $. %ou drin& mil& every day '. (hey loc& the gate every night ). (he (eacher is e plaining the lesson *. (he +tudents are writing a story ,. -e bought the house last year .. / too& the hammer yesterday 0. #e have finished the wor& 1. 2ohn has sent the letter "3. #e shall invite simon "". Albert will arrange the boo&s "$. 4i5a is going to contact 6r.-udson E ample Passive voice sentences are as follows! ". 7ice is eaten every day $. 6il& is drun& every day '. (he gate is loc&ed every night by them ). (he lesson is being e plained by the teacher *. A story is being written by the students ,. (he house was bought last year .. (he hammer was ta&en by me yesterday 0. (he wor& has been finished by us 1. (he letter has been sent by 2ohn "3. +imon will be invited "". (he boo&s will be arranged by albert "$. 6r. -udson is going to be contacted by 4i5a Active sentences into passive sentences ! +ubjects in active sentence has been at the front of the verb8 and object there behind the verb. 9ote the changes in passive sentences below. :bjects can be located in front of the verb. Past Participle (Verb to ') is always used in active sentences. E ample ! ".(Active) ! #e need water (Passive) ! #ater is needed $.(Active) ! (hey admire 6adona (Passive) ! 6adona is admired '.(Active) ! #e educate our children (Passive) ! :ur children are educated

).(Active) ! (hey built this house last year (Passive) ! (his house was built last year *.(Active) ! (hey will forget this case (Passive) ! (his case will be forgotten ,.(Active) ! +omeone has split the oil (Passive) ! (he oil has been split ..(Active) ! / have pushed the cupboard into the corner (Passive) ! (he cupboard has been pushed into the corner 0.(Active) ! #e re;uested the police to find the girl (Passive) ! (he police were re;uested to find the girl 1.(Active) ! -e wants you to give up (Passive) ! %ou are wanted to give up A. Active and Passive sentences in +imple Present < Active sentences in Present tense mengguna&an =ata &erja " < Passive sentences in present tense mengguna&an am>is>are ? &ata &erja ' E ample ! a.(Active) ! / turn the light off at bed time (Passive) ! (he light is turned off at bed time b.(Active) ! #e import a lot of cars from japan (Passive) ! A lot of cars are imported from japan c.(Active) ! 7ecless drivers cause many accidents (Passive) ! 6any accidents are caused by recless drivers d. (Active) ! 7oad accidents injure many people every day (Passive) ! 6any people are injured in road accidents every day e.(Active) ! #e e port oil to other countries (Passive) ! :il is e ported to other countries B. Active and Passive sentences Past (ense < =alimat a&tif dalam Past tense mengguna&an =ata &erja &e<$ < =alimat pasif dalam Past tense mengguna&an was>ware ? &ata &erja &e<' E ample ! a.(Active) ! (hey signed the agreement (Passive) ! (he agreement was signed by them b.(Active) ! 4ightning struc& the tree last wee& (Passive) ! (he tree was struc& by lightning last wee& c.(Active) ! (he bad news shoc&ed me yesterday

(Passive) ! / was shoc&ed by the bad news yesterday d.(Active) ! +teven too& my picture (Passive) ! 6y picture were ta&en by steven e.(Active) ! / told him to come bac& the ne t day (Passive) ! -e was told to come bac& the ne t day @.=alimat A&tif dan Pasif dalam bentu& Present @ontinuous < =alimat A&tif dalam present @ontinuous =ata &erja &e<" ? /9A < =alimat Pasif dalam present @ontinuous am>is>are ? being ? &ata &erja &e<' E ample ! a.(Active) ! (hey are loo&ing at you (Passive) ! %ou are being loc&ed at by them b.(Active) ! (he men are cutting down the trees (Passive) ! (he trees are being cut down c.(Active) ! (he police officer is ;uestioning the bad boys (Passive) ! (he bad boys are being ;uestioned by the police officer d.(Active) ! (he committee is considering your proposal (Passive) ! %our proposal is being considered by the committee e.(Active) ! (hey are decorating my room (Passive) ! 6y room is being decorated B. =alimat A&tif dan Pasif dalam Past @ontinuous < =alimat A&tif dalam past continuous mengguna&an #as>#ere ? =ata &erja &e<" ? /ng < =alimat Pasif dalam past continuous mengguna&an #as>#ere ? Being ? =ata &erja &e<' E ample! A.(Active) ! -e was teaching me at ten oCcloc& yesterday (Passive) ! / was being taught at ten oCcloc& yesterday B.(Active) ! (hey were beating up the thief until the police arrived (Passive) ! (he thief was being beaten up until the police arrived @.(Active) ! (he doctor was e amining you when we tal&ed with a nurse (Passive) ! %ou were being e amined when we tal&ed with a nurse B.(Active) ! (hey were following us when we wal&ed to the par& (Passive) ! #e were being followed when we wal&ed to the par& E.(Active) ! -e was advising the children when you went out (Passive) ! (he children were being advised when you went out

E.=alimat A&if dan Pasif dalam Present Perfect < =alimat a&tif dalam present perfect mengguna&an -ave>-as ? =ata &erja &e<' < =alimat Pasif dalam present perfect mengguna&an -ave>-as ? been ? &ata &erja &e< ' E ample! A.(Active) ! A mos;uito has bitten me (Passive) ! / have been bitten by a mos;uito B.(Active) ! #e have warned him about that (Passive) ! -e has been warned about that @.(Active) ! (hey have signed the agreement (Passive) ! (he agreement has been signed B.(Active) ! #e have delivered the catalog (Passive) ! (he catalog has been delivered E.(Active) ! -as the government changed the regulation yetD (Passive) ! -as the regulation been changed yetD

E. =alimat A&tif dan Pasif dalam bentu& Past Perfect < =alimat A&tif dalam past perfect mengguna&an had ? &ata &erja &e<' < =alimat pasif dalam past perfect mengguna&an had been ? &ata &erja &e<' E ample! A.(Active) ! 2ohnson had bought my horse when you met us (Passive) ! 6y horse had been bought by 2ohnson when you met us B.(Active) ! Paul told me that somebody had hit him (Passive) ! Paul told me that he had been hit by someone @.(Active) ! +omebody had hurt the woman when she reported to the police (Passive) ! (he woman had been hurt when she reported to the police B.(Active) ! (he &itchen loo&ed better yesterday. +omebody had cleaned it (Passive) ! (he &itchen loo&ed better yesterday. /t had been cleaned E.(Active) ! A tree was lying across the road. (he storm had blown it down (Passive) ! A tree was lying across the road. /t had been blown down in the storm A.=alimat A&tif dan pasif dalam bentu& +imple Euture < =alimat A&tif mengguna&an Euture tense mengguna&an +hall>#ill ? &ata &erja &e<" < =alimat Pasif mengguna&an Euture tense mengguna&an +hall>#ill ? be ? &ata &erja &e<'

E ample ! A.(Active) ! #e shall serve dinner to the guests in ten minutes (Passive) ! Binner will be served to the guests in ten minutes B.(Active) ! #e will send you your e amination results as soon as they are ready (Passive) ! %ou will be sent your e amination results as soon as they are ready @.(Active) ! (hey will advise me about the price of the boo&s (Passive) ! / shall be advised about the price of the boo&s B.(Active) ! #e shall ma&e a decision at the ne t meeting (Passive) ! A decision will be made at the ne t meeting E.(Active) ! :ur company will employ twenty new men ne t month (Passive) ! (wenty new man will be employed by our company ne t month -. =alimat A&tif dan Pasif dalam Euture Perfect < =alimat a&tif dalam Euture Perfect mengguna&an shall>will ? have ? &ata &erja &e<' < =alimat pasif dalam Euture Perfect mengguna&an shall>will ? have ? been ? &ata &erja &e<' E ample! A.(Active) ! At ten oCcloc& we shall have chec&ed the machines (Passive) ! At ten oCcloc& the machines will have been chec&ed B.(Active) ! #e shall have finished this programmer in a few days (Passive) ! (his programmer will have been finished in a few days @.(Active) ! By the end of the day you will have done the e ercise (Passive) ! (he e ercise will have been done by the end of the day B.(Active) ! (omorrow Paul will have fed the rabbits by si oCcloc& (Passive) ! (omorrow the rabbits will have been fed by si oCcloc& E.(Active) ! / shall have wo&en +usan by midnight (Passive) ! +usan will have been wo&en up by midnight

/. =alimat A&tif dan Pasif dalam 6ust < =alimat a&tif mengguna&an F6ustF ! 6ust ? &ata &erja &e<" < =alimat pasif mengguna&an F6ustF ! 6ust ? be ? &ata &erja &e<' E ample! A.(Active) ! / must carry out this plan (Passive) ! (his plan must be carried out B.(Active) ! %ou must not leave the baby alone (Passive) ! (he baby must not be left alone

@.(Active) ! %ou must obey the law (Passive) ! (he law must be obeyed B.(Active) ! #e must protect wild animals (Passive) ! #ild animals must be protected E.(Active) ! #e must punish criminals (Passive) ! @riminals must be punished

2.=alimat A&tif dan Pasif dalam @A9 < =alimat a&tif mengguna&an @A9 ! @A9 ? &ata &erja &e<" < =alimat pasif mengguna&an @A9 ! @A9 ? be ? &ata &erja &e<' E ample! A.(Active)! %ou can practice English every day (Passive)! English can be practiced every day B.(Active) ! #e canCt cheat them (Passive) ! (hey canCt be cheated @.(Active) ! @hildren can see this film (Passive) ! (his film can be seen by @hildren B.(Active) ! %ou can borrow my motorbi&e (Passive) ! 6y motorbi&e can be borrowed E.(Active) ! (hey can arrange a meeting (Passive) ! A meeting can be arranged Bipos&an oleh ris&isura&hman di "..)0 0 komentar: Pos&an =omentar Posting 4ebih Baru Posting 4ama Beranda 4angganan! Pos&an =omentar (Atom)

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