Isolation and Identification of Enteric Organisms
Isolation and Identification of Enteric Organisms
Isolation and Identification of Enteric Organisms
Uninoculated: Burgundy (redpurple)
Fermentable carbohydrate
Uninoculated: pink
Neutral red
LF-pink to red NLF-colorless LF-carrot orange(normal flora/coliforms) NLFgreen(stool pathogens) LF-red NLF-colorless
Bile salt
Bromthymol blue
With thiosulfate FeNH4 Citrate as H2S indicator
Bile salt
Neutral red
Bile salt
Neutral red
LF-red NLF-colorless
Selective Media
Bacteriostatic dye
Fermentable carbohydrate
Colony color LF-red NLF-white with black center (Salmonella) without black center(Shigella) SF-yellow
(V. cholerae)
Lactose w/ Na thiosulfate and Brilliant green Fe NH4 Citrate as H2S indicator Sucrose Oxgall, sodium w/ FeNH4 cholate Citrate as H2S indicator
Neutral red
Bromthymol blue
(V. parahemolyticus)
Brilliant green
Bismuth sulfide
H2S indicators: HEA- sodium thiosulfate, ferric ammonium citrate SSA- sodium thiosulfate, ferric ammonium citrate TCBS- ferric ammonium citrate
Day Two From MacC Inoculate on TSI (Triple Sugar Iron) and LIA (Lysine Iron Agar)
TSI Reaction uninoculated: red orange A/AG Lactose and/or sucrose fermentation Glucose fermentation with acid and gas Lactose or sucrose fermented Glucose fermentation with acid and gas H2S production Lactose or sucrose not fermented Glucose fermentation with acid but no gas No H2S production Lactose or sucrose not fermented Glucose fermentation with acid and gas No H2S production K/A
Escherichia Klebsiella Enterobacter Citrobacter Shigella Providencia Serratia Anaerogenic E.coli Morganella
Lactose or sucrose not fermented Glucose fermentation with acid but no gas Lactose or sucrose not fermented Glucose fermentation with acid and gas H2S production
TSI- screening medium for the identification of Enterobacteriaceae on the basis of glucose, lactose and sucrose fermentation and H2S production; detects LLF because this sugar is the one 1st attacked
Carbohydrate present-glucose, lactose and sucrose pH indicator-phenol red H2S indicator- ferrous sulphate or ferric ammonium citrate indicated by black ppt. in butt
Acid fermentation yellow color (A)
No acid fermentation red color (K) Gas production cracks or displacement of medium (G or encircle) H2S production blackening of butt (+)
LIA Reaction uninoculated: purple Lysine decarboxylation H2S production Note: lysine decarboxylation produces cadaverine. This cadaverine neutralizes the organic acids formed by glucose fermentation and butt reverts to alkaline state Lysine decarboxylation
Salmonella Edwardsiella
Enterobacter Escherichia Klebsiella Serratia Citrobacter Enterobacter Shigella Proteus Providencia Morganella
LIA-useful in the identification of Samonella, Proteus, Providencia and Morganella by virtue of its ability to decarboxylate or deaminate lysine and form H2S and ferment glucose Carbohydrate present glucose Amino acid present lysine H2S indicator ferric ammonium citrate pH indicator bromcresol purple
Lysine decaroxylation purple butt No lysine decaroxylation yellow butt Lysine deamination red slant H2S production blackening in the butt
Day Three From TSI Inoculate on TB (Tryptone Broth) indole production test (uninoculated: straw colored) MRVP (Methyl Red Voges Proskauer) methyl red test (straw colored) MRVP Voges Proskauer test (straw colored) SCA (Simmon Citrate Agar) citrate utilization test (green) UB (Urea Broth) urease test (straw colored) SIM (Sulfite Indole Agar) motility test, indole production (off white) 1. Indole Production Test: identification is based on the ability of organisms to produce indole for tryptophan Tryptophan
Indicator Kovacs or Ehrlichs reagent (main ingredient: paminobenzaldehyde) Result positive (red ring) Negative (yellow ring) 2. Methyl Red Test: identification is based on the ability of organisms to produce and maintain acid end products Glucose Pyruvic acid lactic, acetic, formic, succinic pH less than 4.4 MR indicator Positive: Red solution Negative: yellow 3. Voges Proskauer Test: identification is based on the ability to produce neutral end product
Glucose Acetoin or acetyl methyl carbinol KOH in 0.3% creatine Alpha naphthol in ethyl alcohol Diacetyl or dimethyl carbinol Pink-red complex Negative yellow to brown
4. Citrate Utilization Test identification is based on the ability utilize citrate as its sole source of carbon Sodium citrate Indicator bromthymol blue Positive Prussian blue (Klebsiella) Negative green (E.coli) 5. Urease Test
(NH4)2CO3 Indicator phenol red Porsitive cherry red color (Proteus, Morganella, Providencia) Negative pale yellow 6. SIM: to test A) H2S production B) Indole production C) Motility