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Conditions involving pelvic organs and producing varying degrees of pain are common

among women of reproductive and menopausal age. Any disorder of the reproductive tract may

lead to changes in sexual functioning or sexual identity. The uterus is the genital organ that

provides the environment for the growing fetus and at the end of which the baby is born. After

puberty the uterus goes through a regular cycle of changes, the menstrual cycle, which prepares

it to receive, nourish and protect a fertilized ovum. The cycle is regular, lasting between 26 and

30 days. If the ovum is not fertilized a new cycle begins with a short period of bleeding

(menstruation). A disorder involving the uterus is myoma. Myomatous or fibroid tumors of the

uterus are almost always benign (99.5%) and arise from the muscle tissue of the uterus. They are

common, occurring in about 20% of white women to 40% to 50% of black women. They

develop slowly between the ages of 25 to 40 years and often become large in size after this

period. There are instances in which such a tumor causes no symptoms. The most common

symptom is abnormal vaginal bleeding. Other symptoms are due to pressure on the surrounding

organs – pain, backache, constipation and urinary symptoms. In addition, such tumors often

cause metrorrhagia and even sterility.

Nurses may be consulted about these certain symptoms and need a working knowledge of

the kinds of conditions that might be involved. Because a large part of future patient care will

involve geriatric populations, awareness of teaching methods, disease states and manifestations

are of paramount importance to all nurses. Gynecologic health of older women is often ignored,

but some nurses have initiated changes in this area and others can continue current programs and

improve on them.

From this case study, the student nurse expects a deeper understanding about Uterine

Myomas and its surgical management of which in this case is Total Abdominal Hysterectomy. It

is also expected that adequate skills would be learned and practiced in the care of these patients

specifically in the preoperative, perioperative and postoperative stages as well as the nursing

responsibilities that goes along with its care.





After 3 days of giving holistic nursing care to the patient, the student-nurse will be able to

acquire knowledge attitude and skills about the care for patients with Uterine Myoma and its

management which may include Total Abdominal hysterectomy, as well as the continuing care of

these patients undergoing and as well as those who have undergone the procedure.


After 3 days of giving holistic nursing care to the patient, the student-nurse will be able


1. review the characteristic of an individual, the developmental stage of the patient, as well as the

ill person in such stage.

2. review the anatomy and physiology and function of the female reproductive system.

3. discuss Uterine Myoma as a disease condition and its management.

4. enumerate the types of myomas according to location

5. use the nursing process as a framework for care of the patient undergoing Total Abdominal


Patient and the family;


After 3 days of giving holistic nursing care or student nurse-patient-significant others

interaction, the patient as well as the significant others will be able to acquire knowledge,

attitude, and skills in the management of Uterine Myoma and the care of the patient especially

after Total Abdominal Hysterectomy.


After 3 days of giving holistic nursing care or student nurse-patient-client interaction, the

patient and significant others will be able to:

1. define what Uterine Myoma is, and its treatment.

2. enumerate the possible complications after Total Abdominal Hysterectomy.

3. identify the importance of undergoing a Total Abdominal Hysterectomy.

4. enumerate ways to promote health or recovery after undergoing Total Abdominal


5. perform self-care measures.



1. Personal History

1.1 Patient’s Profile

Name: Mrs. Jumalon, Lourdes Cynthia

Age: 51 years old

Sex: female

Civil Status: married

Religion: Roman Catholic

Date of Admission: November 13, 2007

Room No.: 264

Hospital No.: 188052

Complaints: fever, mild abdominal pain, dysuria

Impression/Diagnosis: Benign Uterine Myoma

Physician: Dr. Villamor, Dr. J. Young

1.2 Family and individual information, social and health history.

Mrs. Rosanna P. Pacquiao is a 51 year old married female. She is a Roman Catholic, a

plain housewife and resides at Banilad, Cebu City where she lives with her husband and five

children. She is a non-smoker, doesn’t drink alcoholic beverages and doesn’t suffer from food or

drug allergies. She is positive of hypertension and is taking maintenance drugs (Combizar 100

mg.:Cardiocel 100 mg.:Vidastat 40mg.:Heraclane 1 mg. And Iberet Folic 500 mg.), negative of

diabetes mellitus and bronchial asthma but she does have a family history of diabetes on her

mother’s side and hypertension on her father’s side.


November 12, 2007, patient noted some rashes on both arms and chest, as an immediate

intervention patient took Iterax 25 mg. She also had one episode of LBM with watery, black

stools and had mild abdominal pain, patient took Diatabs 2 mg. 2 tablets. The condition

associated with nausea and vomiting and again took Plasil. November 15, 2007, she also

experienced difficulty in voiding, a few hours before she was admitted she felt discomfort and

skipped lunch, hours after discomfort she felt near fever thus brought to hospital for admission

on the day of November 15, 2007.

1.3 Level of Growth and Development

1.3.1 Normal Development at a particular stage (Kozier, 2004)

Middle Aged Adults

In middle adulthood, the individual makes lasting contributions through environment

with others. Generally the middle adult years begin around the early to mid- 30s and last through

the late 60s (Edelman and Mandle, 1998), corresponding to Levinson’s developmental phases of

“settling down” and the “payoff years.” During this period, personal and career achievements

have often already been experienced. Many middle adults find particular joy in assisting their

children and other young people to become productive and responsible adults. They may also

begin to help aging parents. Using leisure time in satisfying and creative ways is a challenge that,

if met satisfactorily, enables middle adults to prepare for retirement.


Physical Development

Both men and women experience decreasing hormonal production during the middle

years. The menopause refers to the so-called “change of life” in women, when menstruation

ceases. It is said to have occurred when a woman has not had a menstrual period within a year.

This usually occurs anywhere between ages 40 and 55. The average is about 47 years. At this

time, ovarian activity declines until ovulation ceases. Common symptoms are hot flashes,

chilliness, a tendency of the breasts to become smaller and flabby, and a tendency to gain weight.

Insomnia and headaches also occur with relative frequency. Psychologically, the menopause can

be an anxiety-producing time, especially if the ability to bear children is an integral part of the

woman’s self-concept.

Physical Changes

In middle aged adults, hair begins to thin, and gray hair appears. Skin turgor and moisture

decrease. Subcutaneous fat decreases and wrinkling occurs. Fatty tissue is redistributed, resulting

in fat deposits in the abdominal area. Balding commonly begins during middle years, but it may

also occur in young male adults. Breast decrease in size resulting from decreased muscle mass,

but with normal nipples. There is no abdominal tenderness or organomegaly; there is decreased

strength of abdominal muscles. There is a change in the cervical mucosa for women, and

prostatic enlargement in some male individuals.

Skeletal muscle bulk decreases at about age 60. Thinning of the intervertebral discs

causes a decrease in height of about 1 inch. Calcium loss from bone tissue is more common

among postmenopausal women. Muscle growth continues in proportion to use. There is

decreased range of joint motion. Metabolism slows, resulting in weight gain. Gradual decrease in

tone of large intestine may predispose the individual to constipation. Nephron units are lost

during this time, and glomerular filtration rate decreases.

Blood vessels lose elasticity and become thicker. Normal heart sounds are as follows:

Systole- S1 less than S2 at base; Diastole- S1 greater than S2 at apex; Point of maximum impulse

at fifth intercostals space in midclavicular line and 2cm or less in diameter. Normal vital signs

are: Temperature 36.7-37.6, Pulse- 60-100, Blood pressure- 95-140/60-90 mmHg, Respirations-

12-20 breaths per minute. All pulses are palpable.

Visual acuity declines, often by the late 40’s, especially for near vision (presbyopia).

Visual acuity by Snellen chart that is less than 20/50 is common. There is still papillary reaction

to light and accommodation, normal visual files and extraocular movements, and normal retinal

structures. Common visual problems include: Presbyopia: A normal condition in which the lens

of the eye starts to harden, losing its ability to accommodate as quickly as it did in youth.

Symptoms include getting headaches or tired eyes while doing close work. Accordingly, most

people in their 40s find that they need glasses, especially to see near objects; Glaucoma:

Increased pressure caused by fluid buildup in the eye; Cataracts: Clouding of the lens; Floaters:

Annoying floating spots are particles suspended in the gel-like fluid that fills the eyeball; Dry

eye: Stems from diminished tear production. Can be uncomfortable and can usually be eased

with drops; Macular degeneration: Thinning of the layers of the retina. Begins as faded,

distorted, blurred central vision Changes in hearing usually begin about age 30. Auditory acuity

for high-frequency sounds also decreases (presbycusis: A fall-off takes place in the ability to hear

high-pitched notes), particularly in men. Taste sensations also diminish. Taste buds are replaced

every 10 days until the age of 40 or so when taste buds are replaced at a slower rate. Smell

receptors begin to deteriorate, affecting the sense of taste also.



Menstruation and ovulation occur in a cyclical rhythm in the woman from adolescence

into middle adulthood. Menopause is the disruption of this cycle, primarily because of the

inability of the neurohormonal system to maintain its periodic stimulation of the endocrine

system. The ovaries no longer produce estrogen and progesterone, and the blood levels of these

hormones drop markedly. Menopause typically occurs between 45 and 60 years of age.

Approximately 10% of women have no symptoms of menopause other than cessation of

menstruation, 70% to 80% are aware of other changes but have no problems, and approximately

10% experience changes severe enough to interfere with activities of daily living (Lowdermilk,

Perry, and Bobak, 1997).

Menopause and the Climacteric

The physiologic changes that occur in middle age can be prominent. In general

menopause relates to the syndrome of effects that occurs with a loss of gonadal hormone

production in women. Whether this is a natural process or a state of estrogen deficiency is a

matter of degree. For some women the transition is uneventful, for others it is difficult. The loss

of ovarian function occurs by one of two processes in general. The first is a gradual loss of

follicular production of estrogen. The second is by surgical removal of the ovaries. It is more

difficult to adjust to the sudden loss of ovarian. The climacterium is commonly used to describe

the period of adjustment of middle age. The climacterium is best described for women.

The symptoms of menopause are generally those associated with estrogen deficiency. At

the early stages of ovarian failure menstrual bleeding becomes more irregular and ultimately

ceases. The diagram below shows the changes in estrogen production over the lifetime.

Over 50% of women surveyed described menopause as an unpleasant period of their life.

Common unpleasant symptoms include vasomotor instability (hot flushes), profuse sweating,

headaches, dryness and thinning of the vaginal walls increased vaginal infections, sensation of

cold in the hands and feet, pruritis of the sexual organs, constipation, arteriosclerosis,

osteoporosis, loss of breast firmness, depression, irritability, insomnia, and dizziness. When a

large group of middle aged women are surveyed, the only ones to be associated with menopause

consistently are hot flushes, night sweats, osteoporosis, and thinning of the vaginal mucosa.

These effects are also the ones most responsive to estrogen replacement. As with Vaillant's study

of men, LaRocco found that pre-menopausal adjustment was predictive of post-menopausal

adjustment. Depressive syndromes during menopause are found most often in women who had

poor premenopausal adjustments.

Psychosocial Development:

Havighurst outlines seven tasks for this age group: achieving adult civic and social

responsibility, establishing and maintaining an economic standard of living, assisting teenage

children to become responsible and happy adults, developing adult leisure-time activities,

relating oneself to one’s spouse as a person, accepting and adjusting to the physiologic changes

of middle age and adjusting to aging parents.

Erikson views the developmental choice of the middle-aged adults as generativity verses

stagnation. Generativity is defined as the concern for establishing and guiding the next

generation. In other words, the concern about providing for the welfare of humankind is equal to

the concern of providing for self. In middle age, the self seems more altruistic, and concepts of

service to others and love and compassion gain prominence. These concepts motivate charitable

and altruistic actions such as church work, social work, political work, community fundraising

drives and cultural endeavors. Erikson believes that people who are unable to expand their

interests at this time and who do not assume the responsibility of middle age suffer a sense of

boredom and impoverishment, that is, stagnation. These people have difficulty accepting their

aging bodies and become withdrawn and isolated. They are preoccupied with self and unable to

give to others. Some may regress to younger partners of behavior, for example adolescent


While society tends to define masculinity and femininity in traditional ways, a cross-over

of gender identity in middle-age is predicted by many theories. Research is mixed on this

factor but seems to suggest that gender identity is stable throughout young adulthood, the

differences in middle-age decline. Both men and women describe themselves as more

nurturing, intimate, and tender with increasing age, though this may not be as clearly

represented in actual behavior.

Most theories and descriptions of the stages that include a midlife crisis were based on

research and observations of nonrepresentative groups and interviews. More recent, well-

constructed studies seem to indicate that a midlife crisis is not a universal or even

normative experience for middle-age. While no hard evidence exists that middle-aged

adults experience a particularly tumultuous time, special challenges do exist and may

require ego resilience. Midlife is often associated with change and with losses.

Depression in midlife is common but often under-recognized and under-treated. Suicide

risk increases with age, particularly in adult males.

Peck’s tasks of Middle Age


 Valuing wisdom versus physical power and attractiveness. As individuals approach middle

age, physical strength and attractiveness decline. It then becomes necessary to gain

satisfaction and ego strength through mental and intellectual abilities. Middle-aged persons

must learn to rely more on their physical powers.

 Socializing versus sexualizing. In middle age, people should begin to redefine their

interpersonal relationships. It is no longer appropriate t relate to the opposite sex in terms of

physical attractiveness; other criteria such as friendship, warmth, and understanding should

be adopted.

 Emotional flexibility versus emotional rigidity. This task concerns the ability to become

flexible, such as being able to shift emotional investment from one person to another and

from one task to another. During this phase of life, the children often leave home, and

parents may die. Middle-aged adults must be able to develop new roles; socially and

emotionally, or they may find themselves isolated.

 Mental flexibility versus mental rigidity. Individuals often become set in their ways as they

approach middle age. They may not seek new ideas or accept the novel solutions of others.

To cope most effectively, however, middle-aged adults should strive to remain flexible in

their thinking. The solutions of the past may not solve today’s problems. New ideas and

perspectives should be considered.

Cognitive Development:

The middle-aged adult’s cognitive and intellectual abilities change very little. Cognitive

processes include reaction time, memory perception, learning, problem solving, and creativity.

Reaction time during the middle years stays much the same or diminishes during the later part of

the middle years. Memory and problem solving are maintained through the middle adulthood.

Learning continues and can be enhanced by increased motivation at this time.

Middle-aged adults are able to carry out all the strategies described in Piaget’s phase of

formal operations. Some may use postformal operations strategies to assist them in

understanding the contradictions that exist in both personal and physical aspects of reality. The

experiences of the professional, social, and personal life of middle-aged persons will be reflected

in their cognitive performance. Thus approaches to problem solving and completion will vary

considerably in a middle-aged group. The middle-aged adult can “reflect on the past and current

experience and can imagine, anticipate, plan and hope.”

Moral Development

According to Kohlberg, the adult can move beyond the conventional level to the post

conventional level. Kohlberg believes that extensive experience of post moral choice and

responsibility is required before people can reach the post conventional level. Kohlberg found

that few of his subjects achieved the highest level of moral reasoning. To move from stage 4, a

law and order orientation, to stage 5, a social contract orientation, requires that the individual

move to a stage in which rights of others take precedence. People in stage 5 take steps to support

another’s rights.

Spiritual Development

Not all adults progress through Fowler’s stages to the fifth, called the paradoxical-

consolidative stage. At this stage, the individual can view “truth” from a number of viewpoints.

Fowler’s fifth stage corresponds to Kohlberg’s fifth stage of moral development. Fowler believes

that only some individuals after the age of 30 years reach this stage.

In middle adult, people tend to be less dogmatic about religious beliefs, and religion often

offers more comfort to the middle-aged person than it did previously. People in this age group

often rely on spiritual beliefs to help them deal with illness, death and tragedy.

Stage demand process theories

For many persons middle age is the time during which you reach your peak

professionally. Either you have realized that your goals of youth are not yet attainable, or you

have reached them. The result can be similar. The typical responses to the crisis of middle age

are either self absorption or involvement with the next generation. Involvement with the next

generation is seen as an attempt to leave a part of yourself for society. As such it is not

necessarily procreative. The self absorption is often a response to the realization that your time is

finite. A pressure to change occurs. This may result in a change in the guiding question of "what

would my parents have me do?" to "what do I want to do?” It is a continuation of the separation-

individuation process that began during childhood. In some ways this time is similar to

adolescence. This has lead to the characterization of middle age as a second adolescence.

At times the pressure to change can be quite intense with the result of what has been

termed the mid-life crisis (Jacques). Clearly this time has several physiological as well as

psychosocial changes. The ability to adequately confront the crisis and stress of middle age is

determined by the coping resources that were developed during earlier developmental struggles.

As such simplistic explanations of behavior during this period are inadequate.

The stage demand process theories suggest that the stressors are intrinsic to the specific

life-cycle stage. In reality it should be remembered that the middle aged adults of the 1950's and

1960's had similar situational demands. This cohort went through the great depression, WW II,

Korean War, Vietnam era, and the generational shift of the 60's. The fact that these people had

similar responses to middle age could be due to a cohort effect and not a product of a specific life


Other than Erikson there are two major contributors to life cycle theories of middle age.

Levinson and Gould developed theories that were probably remnants of their psychoanalytic

training. Levinson emphasized that there were transitional periods that were separated by

relatively stable periods of psychological functioning. The transitional periods yield to periods of

stability following a consolidation of achievements internally and externally. Gould described a

somewhat similar model but framed it in terms of the change between childhood and adulthood

fantasies. During middle age Gould describes the progressive concerns with one's health, loss of

loved ones and personal status, and ultimately death. In his model these concerns confronted

childhood fantasies of safety and ultimate justice. Successful transition in Gould's model requires

the development of internal controls based on an accurate assessment of reality and not

childhood fantasies. A common criticism of these models is the degree of 'psycho-babble' used to

describe common events. Generally, these theorists have said basically that there are

characteristic stressors throughout adult life that challenge us to adapt. Successful adaptation

increases your abilities and prepares you for the next stressor.

1.3.2 The ill person at particular stage of patient (Kozier, 2004)

Many middle-aged adults remain healthy; however, the risk of developing a health problem is

greater than that of the young adult. Leading causes of death in this age group include motor

vehicle and occupational accidents, chronic disease such as cancer and cardiovascular disease.

Lifestyle patterns in combination with aging, family history, and developmental stressors (e.g.

menopause, climacteric) and situational stressors (e.g. divorce) are often related to health

problems that do arise. For example smoking and excessive alcohol consumption places an

individual at greater risk of developing chronic respiratory problems, lung cancer, and liver

disease. Overeating can result in obesity, diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, and its associated risk

for hypertension and coronary artery disease.


Changing physiologic factors, as well as concern over personal and work-related

responsibilities, may contribute to the accident rate of middle-aged people. Motor vehicle

accidents are the most common cause of accidental death in this age group. Decreased reaction

times and visual acuity may make the middle-aged adult prone to accidents. Other accidental

causes of death for middle-aged adults include falls, fires, burns, poisonings and drownings.

Occupational accidents continue to be a significant safety hazard during the middle years.


Cancer accounts for considerable mortality and morbidity in both men and women. The

patterns of cancer types and incidences for men and women have changed during the past several

decades. Men have a high incidence of cancer of the lung and bladder. In women, breast cancer

is highest in incidence, followed by cancer of the colon, rectum, uterus and lung. The incidence

of lung cancer is increasing in women.

Female clients may need to be reminded to perform monthly breast self-examinations and

male clients to perform monthly testicular self-examinations in order to detect growths.

Postmenopausal women should report any vaginal bleeding.

Cardiovascular disease

Coronary heart disease (CHD) is the leading cause of death nowadays. Several factors

contribute to risk of CHD. These include smoking, obesity, hypertension, hyperlipidemia,


diabetes mellitus, sedentary lifestyle, a family history of myocardial infarction or sudden death in

a father less than 55 years old or in a mother less than 65 years old, and the individual’s age. Men

over 45 years of age and women over 55 years of age are at greater risk of developing CHD than

younger adults. Physical inactivity places individuals at greater risk of developing CHD than any

other factor.


Middle-aged adults who gain weight may not be aware of some common factors about

this age period. Decreased metabolic activity and decreased physical activity mean a decrease in

caloric need. The nurse’s role in nutritional health promotion is to counsel clients to prevent

obesity by reducing caloric intake and participating in regular exercise. Clients should also be

warned that being overweight is a risk factor for many chronic diseases such as diabetes and

hypertension and for problems of mobility such as arthritis. Clients should seek medical advice

before considering any major changes in their diets.


The excessive use of alcohol can result in unemployment, disrupted homes, accidents and

diseases. Nurses can help clients by providing information about the dangers of excessive

alcohol use, by helping the individual clarify values about health, and by referring the client to

special groups.

Mental Health Alterations

Developmental stressors, such as the menopause, the climacteric, aging, and impending

retirement, and situational stressors, such as divorce, unemployment, and death of a spouse, can

precipitate increased anxiety and depression in middle-aged adults. Clients may benefit from

support groups or individual therapy to help them cope with specific crises.

2. Diagnostic results


Complete blood

Hemoglobin 11.6 g/dl 14.0- 17.5 g/dl Anemia, pregnancy, chronic

renal failure
Hematocrit 35.0 % 41.5- 50.4 % Severe anemia, acute massive
WBC count 8.56 x 10^9 /uL 4.4-11.0x10^9 /uL Normal
Neutrophil 86% 40- 70% Increased with acute
infections, trauma or surgery,
leukemia, malignant disease,
Eosinophils 20% 20- 40% Normal

Lymphocyte Decreased with aplastic

08% 0- 8%
anemia, SLE,
immunodeficiency including
Monocyte 4.18 x 10^12 /L 4.5-5.9 x10^12 /L Normal
Red Blood Cell 72.9 fL 80- 96 fL Normal
MCV 30.2 pg 27.5- 33.2 pg Normal
MCH 33.1 % 33.4- 35.5 % Decreased in microcytic

Platelet count 145.920 /cumm 150,000- 450,000/ Decreased in severe hypochromic


Hepatitis panel negative negative Normal

Glucose exam: 84 mg /dL 65- 110 mg /dL Normal

Creatinine serum 0.7 mg /dl 0.7- 1.5 mg /dL Normal


Color Light yellow Yellow/ amber Normal
Appearance Clear Clear Normal
specific gravity 6.0 <5-6 Normal
1.006 1.010 – 1.025 High fluid intake, diabetes
insipidus, glomerulonephritis,
severe renal damage

glucose negative negative Normal
ketones negative negative Normal
blood negative negative Normal
leukocyte negative negative Normal
negative negative Normal
negatve negative Normal
negative negative Normal

(Brunner and Suddarth’s

Medical Surgical Nursing, 10th

X-ray (Chest PA) results:

Impression: No acute pulmonary findings.

CT Scan (Whole Abdomen) results:

Impression: Uterine myoma

Ultrasound (Lower Abdomen):


Impression: Uterine myoma


3.1 Health Perception / Health management

Patient describes herself as generally healthy. She doesn’t have complete immunization,

and isn’t sure which shots she didn’t receive. She also didn’t have complete TT shots during her

past pregnancies but has gone to prenatal check ups. She hasn’t tried having a Pap smear. She

complains of her inability to void and was diagnosed to have multiple uterine myoma. The

reason for her hospitalization is to have her myomas surgically removed along with her uterus

since the myomas have invaded a large area of it. She has anemia which needed to be treated first

before she could go under surgery.

3.2 Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern

Prior to admission, patient’s meals usually consist of rice and chicken, and often

sometimes during lunch and dinner time and usually eat bread with coffee or milk during

breakfast. For her snacks she eats banana or bread, and when she is still up during midnight she

usually nibbles on some biscuits. Her fluid intake is about 3 glasses a day. She does not have any

problems with her appetite. Her weight has not changed for the last six months and she does not

have any problems with her ability to eat such as swallowing or chewing liquids and solids. She

is currently on NPO status prior to scheduled surgery tomorrow.

3.3 Elimination Pattern


Patient reports of difficulty voiding. She often feels the need to void but has difficulty

doing so. She goes to the bathroom frequently but can only pass off a little amount of urine. She

experiences dribbling, urinary frequency and retention, and dysuria. Since she couldn’t void by

herself any longer, she has been inserted with a Foley-bag catheter. She usually defecates twice a

day. She says that the usual characteristics of her stools are brown, hard and well-formed. Patient

does not make use any assistive device. Patient has a good skin turgor, no edema formation and

no pruritus.

3.4 Activity / Exercise Pattern

Patient works in a factory in Mepz. She doesn’t really do regular exercises but considers

walking and doing the household chores as such. She is fond of going on gimiks and likes to go

out at night and have fun. She often experiences dyspnea and fatigue due to her anemic state. She

had no limitations in ability to move up until her condition worsened and she couldn’t void,

stating that the pressure on her bladder is so bad that she can hardly walk. This was relieved

when she was catheterized.

3.5 Cognitive / Perceptual Pattern

Patient doesn’t have any problems with her sight, hearing or tactile sensation. She

complains of vertigo at times. She is not insensitive to superficial pain, cold or heat. She could

read and write well.

3.6 Rest / Sleep Pattern

She doesn’t have a regular sleeping pattern since her job requires her to work in shifts.

For the first week, she might be on AM shift, the next week on PM shift and the following week

on Night shift. She feels that she is not getting enough sleep. To help her sleep, she drinks a cup

of warm milk. She usually feels tired even after she sleeps. Now that she’s in the hospital, she

has been able to give herself a little more time to rest than usual.

3.7 Self-perception Pattern

Though she somewhat sleep-deprived most of the time, she thinks of herself as energetic.

This was before her diagnosis though, when her concern wasn’t really much focused on her

health but about having fun, living life, having a stable job and family.

Right now, she is mostly concerned about the outcome of her surgery, about the pain she

would feel afterwards and possible complications that might arise intra-operatively. But she

really wants to have the goiter removed since it has been very inconvenient for her that she is

willing to undergo surgery for that.

3.8 Role-relationship Pattern

She can speak English, Bisaya, Tagalog and Arabic. Her speech is clear, relevant, and

coherent. She is expressive and has good comprehension. She is aware and oriented to time, date

and place. She lives with her husband and two children at home. In times of need, she turns to

God and tells Him of her troubles.

3.9 Sexuality – Reproductive Pattern

Patient had her first menarche when she was 11 years old, she said that it was regular,

with a duration of 7 days and she usually consumes up to 2-3 pads per day; she does not

experience frequent dysmenorrhea. She has not tried to use pills nor IUD. She is now diagnosed

with uterine myoma, and experiences difficulty in voiding. She doesn’t feel any unusual pain in

her abdomen. She reports that she has an abnormally heavy bleeding during menstruation but

without dysmenorrhea. Coitus is somewhat uncomfortable because she doesn’t get as well

lubricated as when she was younger but states that this was so even before she was diagnosed

with uterine myoma.

3.10 Coping – Stress Tolerance Pattern

She usually makes decisions by herself. The only regret she has in her life and would

want to change it if she could is that she would have taken care of her health better. She would

have gone to more check-ups, rested a little more during her day-offs and taken health

supplements. When under stress, she relaxes by chilling out, listening to music, sleeping, and

doing anything to keep her mind off what was bothering her in the first place.

3.11 Value-belief System

The patient as well as significant others is a Roman Catholic. Patient claims to be

attending masses regularly but is inactive in any spiritual groups or activities. Her faith is strong

but she claims that after she was diagnosed, her values have changed a little. She found herself

questioning God, “Why her?” but later on accepted her fate and was thankful that it wasn’t

something worse that befell her.


Physical Assessment(Preoperatively)

 Head is
-Smooth, uniform
 Proportionate to
in consistency of
the whole body
skull contour
 Presence of
-Absence of
normal facial
nodules and
 No congenital
Head and scalp -Scalp slightly
malformations if movable
the face was -(-) pain and
noted tenderness in the
 Dry, and pale scalp
 Absence of
(-) pain upon
palpation in
all (-) pain
sinuses(fronta upon
Sinuses l, maxillary, percuss
ethmoid, ion
 Black colored
 Dry and
uncombed hair
 Short hair in line
with the occiput

 Eyebrows evenly  (-) pain

distributed  (-)
 Black colored tendernes
 (-) scaling s
 (-) swelling  (-)lesion

Eyelids and  Smooth

Eyelashes  Symmetrical in to touch
shape  (-)pain
 Upper lids curled  (-)

outward and
 Lower lids
curled outward
and downward
 Pale brown tendernes
colored lids s
 Dry  (-) lesion
 Absence of
 Absence of
swelling or

 Mosit
 Translucent
 Pale both palpebral
and bulbar
 Anicteric sclera
 Rounded
 Colored white
Sclera  Translucent
 Moist

 colored black
 rounded
 translucent
 equally round
 colored black
 dilates when
unexposed to the
 constricts when
exposed to the
 able to focus on
 smooth
 symmetrical
 (-)pain
 proportionate to
Ears (-tenderness
the whole body
o Symmetr (-) pain
Nose ical Smooth
o Dry (-)lesion
o Presence

o Proporti
onate to

o Dry cracked
o Even when
o Able to open

o Centered
o Pinkish
Uvula o Moist
o Slightly
o Centered just
below the
o Pinkish
o Moist and
o Pinkish and
o Centered
o Freely moves
o Symmetrical
in shape
o Proportionate
Neck o Centered Non tender
o Pale brown in
o Dry
o Equal rise and
fall of the Clear
thorax breath
o Respiratory Equal lung Resonance sounds
rate=18 expansion is elicited (-) rales
breaths per and
minute crackles

Abdomen o Flat Tympany is (+)

o Rounded elicited gurgling
o Dry sounds 1-3
o Absence of sounds per

o Equal minute

o No
o Muscles have palpable
equal size no mass.
deformities, -Absence
o joints move of
s and Blood
o Complete set of
swelling. pressure:
o Periphera 120/80 mm
o Nails are short
l pulses Hg
Upper o CR- less then 2
Extremities seconds strong.
o with IV#2 D5LR o Pulse
1L @30 gtts per rate= 75
min @ left beats per
forearm minute

o -Muscles have
equal size,
- No palpable
mass. -Absence
o -joints move
of tenderness and
smoothly, no
Lower swelling.
o -Complete set of
toes. –short

Nursing Care Plans(Preoperatively)

Problems/needs/ Nursing Scientific Basis Objectives Of Nursing Actions Rationale

Cues Diagnosis Care

Altered Myomas on the uterus can

After 3
A. Physiologic cause constipation and
overload Urinary days of
urinary problems due to
Elimination: pressure on the
Altered urinary Dysuria sorrounding organs. nursing
elimination: Related to caring care,
Source: Medical-
Dysuria pressure by the client
Surgical Nursing by
the uterine will be able
Cues: Suzanne C. Smeltzer
tumor to the to:
and Brenda G. Bare;
bladder 1. empty 1. empty bladder
-dificulty in 9th edition
urinating bladder regularly 1.1 MAY INDICATE
-pain upon forced
uterine myuma OUTPUT. AMOUNTS (<100 ML).

-“maglisod ko ug 1.2 PERCEPTION OF

pangihi day” BLADDER FULLNESS,
1.3Promotes relaxation of
1.3 Provide routine perineal muscles and may
voiding measures, facilitate voiding efforts.
e.g., privacy, normal
position, running
water in sink,
pouring warm water
over perineum. 1.4 Promotes cleanliness,

good perianal cleansing reducing risk of
and catheter care (when ascending urinary tract
present). infection (UTI).

1.5 Assess urine

characteristics, 1.5 Urinary retention,
noting color, clarity, vaginal drainage, and
odor possible presence of
catheter increase risk of
infection,especially if
patient has perineal

1.6 Catheterize when

indicated/per 1.6 Edema or interference
with nerve supply may
protocol if patient is cause bladder
unable to void or is atony/urinary retention
uncomfortable. requiring decompression
of the bladder. Note:
Indwelling urethral or
suprapubic catheter may
be inserted
intraoperatively if
complications are

1.7 Decompress 1.7 When large amount of

bladder slowly. urine has accumulated,
releases pressure on
pelvic arteries, promoting
venous pooling.

1.8 Maintain patency 1.8 Promotes free

of indwelling drainage of urine,
catheter; keep reducing risk of urinary
drainage tubing free stasis/retention and
of kinks. infection.
Source: Nursing Care

B. Physiologic Alteration in Myomas on the Measures to:

Overload comfort: uterus can cause pain
lower and back ache due to 2. . 2. verbalize methods
Alteration in abdominal pressure on the verbalize that relieve pain
comfort: pain pain related sorrounding organs. methods
to growing that relieve 2.1 encourage 2.1. to explore methods
Source: Medical- for alleviation of pain
uterine Surgical Nursing by pain verbalization of
cues: myoma Suzanne C. Smeltzer feelings about the
-Pain scale of 6 and Brenda G. Bare; pain
out 10 which is 9th edition
the highest
p.1427 2.2 provide quiet 2.2. to help control the
-Intermittent pain environment , calm pain
aggravated by activities
movements 2.3 provide comfort 2.3. to help control the
relieved by measures(e.g. back pain
complete bed rest rub, change of
and proper position)
- benign uterine 2.4 encourage 2.4. to help control the
myoma relaxation techniques pain
with the use of
Subjective cues: music, etc
“magsakit ang
ako tiyan kung 2.5 encourage the use 2.5. to help control the
mulihok ko” of diversional pain
activities( e.g. TV/

2.6 encourage 2.6. to prevent fatigue

adequate rest periods

2.7 Observe and 2.7. Assists in

document location, differentiating cause of
severity (0–10 scale), pain, and provides
and character of pain information about disease
(e.g., steady, progression/resolution,
intermittent, colicky). development of
complications, and
effectiveness of

2.8 Note response to

medication, and 2..8 Severe pain not
report to physician if relieved by routine
pain is not being measures may indicate
relieved. developing
complications/need for
further intervention.
2.9 Control
environmental 2..9 Cool surroundings
temperature. aid in minimizing dermal
2.10 administer
analgesics as 2.10. this is inhibits
prescribed prostaglandin release thus
inhibiting pain

Source: Nursing
Diagnosis with
interventions, 3rd edition
by mary frances

Activity Intolerance Activity Fatigue is a common 3. report a 3. report a

:fatigue Intolerance: symptom of many measurable measurable increase
Fatigue diseases and their increase in in activity tolerance.
related to related treatments that activity
energy spent results in diminished tolerance. 3.1 plan care with 1. to reduce fatigue
-Always seen
during energy and mental rest periods between
lying on the bed
medical and capacity and activities
nursing weakened
-Inability to get in
intervention physiologic status.1 3.2. provide positive 2.to reduce fatigue
and out of the bed
Pain, difficulty atmosphere, while
sleeping, concern acknowledging
-Appears weak
about one’s condition, difficulty of the
medication, situation for the
-Slow guarded
psychologic patient
movements noted
dysfunction, and
-“kapoie man ayu physiologic 3.3. encourage 3. to reduce fatigue
akong lawas day” conditions may participation of
contribute to fatigue. patient in planning
activities as much as
Source: possible
Medical and Surgical
Nursing By Brunner 3.4. monitor activity 4. to prevent

and Suddarth, 9h of the patient overexerttion

3.5. assist patient 5to provide safety for the
with activities and patient
providing assistive
devices as indicated

3.6. promote comfort 6. to reduce fatigue

measures and provide
for relief of pain

3.7. provide
information about 7. to promote wellness
how overall health
measures affects
activity tolerance

Source: Nursing
Diagnosis with
interventions, 3rd edition
by mary frances

SOAPIE Charting(Preoperatively)


S- “Naglibog man ko sa giingon sa doctor bahin sa akong sakit dong” as verbalized by

the patient.
O- Patient is seen lying on bed in a supine position, properly groomed, confuse about
her medical conditions, unable to follow the medications prescribed for he, anxious
and frequently asks questions.
A- Knowledge deficit: lack of knowledge about present medical condition related to
misinterpretation of information
P- To impart knowledge to the patient regarding her condition
I- Measures to educate client about present condition
- Assessed the level of client’s capabilities to learn
- Discussed with the client the disease process of benign uterine tumor
- Taught the patient about the prescribed and restricted diet
- Imparted health teachings about the interventions of benign uterine tumor
- Question and answer was done to evaluate learning

E- Patient understood the health teachings imparted.


S- “maayung buntag day, o ugma na lagi ang schedule sako operation, medjo nakulbaan ko dong
unsa diay mahitabo ana?”as verbalized by the patient

O- seen patient lying on bed awake, conscious and crying. With IV #1 D5LR 1L infusing well
@ 30 gtts/mins securely inserted at the left forearm. The patient’s temperature is 37.9 degrees
Celsius, respiratory rate of 18 breaths per minute, pulse rate of 75 beats per minute. The patient
appears weak and anxious as evidenced by frequent asking of questions.

A- Knowledge Deficit related to unfamiliarity of the surgical procedure

P- to encourage verbalizations about the understanding of the surgical procedure

I- introduced self to the patient

-established rapport with the patient and significant others
- informed the patient of the surgery to be performed the following day
-explained the nature of the surgery(total abdominal hysterectomy)
-enumerated different preoperative care prior to the surgery
-cited some possible rare complications
-explained what will happened after the surgery
-reassured the patient that he is in safe hands that the surgical team will do their best

E-“ salamat ayu day ha”as verbalized by the patient.


Health Teaching Plan(Preoperatively)



General Objectives
After 8 hours of nurse-
patient interaction the
client will be able to
gain knowledge, attitude
and skills in the care for
preoperative patients of
Total Abdominal
Hysterectomy with

Specific Objectives:
After 45 minutes of
nurse patient interaction
the client will be able to:
1. define I. Definition Informal discussion The patient was able to
TAHBSO TAHBSO (Total Abdominal Hysterectomy define TAHBSO in her
with Bilateral Salphingooophorectomy)- is own words.
the removal of the entire uterus and ovaries.
2. demonstrate II. Deep breathing techniques: Return The patient was able
proper deep 1. Inhale slowly and through the nose Demonstration to demonstrate
breathing for a count of 2
techniques for
proper breathing
2. Exhale slowly and evenly against techniques.
lung hygiene pursed lips. Avoid exhaling
and pain relief forcefully. Inhalation to exhalation
rate is 1:2
3. Breathe slowly in a rhythmic and
relaxed manner.
3. know some III The flow of the operation
details about 1. patient will brought to OR Informal discussion The patient asked some
the flow of the 2. once all are ready, the operation will questions and was
operation begin answered by the SN.
3. operaion will last not less than 3
4. after the operation, patient will be
brought to the recovery room until

status is stabilized
5. patient will be brought back to her
4. verbalize Informal discussion
feelings about IV. Ask the patient what she felt about the The patient verbalized “
the interaction interaction salamat day ha,
nakuhaan ug gamay
akong kulba”

Drug Therapeutic Record(Preoperatively)



Amoxicillin Broad Spectrum Indications: 1. Use cautiously in 1. Monitor

(Himox) 500mg antibiotic Sinus infections, pneumonia, patients with renal vital signs.
IVTT ANST to O.R otitis media, skin infection, impairment severe 2. Monitor
Action: UTI; effective for strains of hepatic dysfunction. input and
interferes with Escherichia coli, Proteus 2. Use cautiously in output.
mirabilis, Haemphilus patients with 3. Perform
cell wall influenzae, Streptococcus hypersensitivity to regular hand
replication of faecalis, Streptococcus cephalosporins and washing.
susceptible pneumoniae, and some β- renal leukemia.
organisms; the lactamase-producing organisms 3. Report sore
cell wall, throat, fever, fatigue
Contraindications: (may indicate
rendered Hypersensitivity superinfection or
osmotically agranulcytosis).
unstable, swells Side-effects:
and bursts from Bone marrow depression,
osmotic granulocytopenia, leucopenia,
pressure; pseudomembranous colitis,
combination glomerulonephritis, seizures,
increases anaphylaxis, respiratory
spectrum of distress, serum sickness,
activity against superinfection

4. Pathophysiology and Rationale (Wilson, 1999)

4.1 Explain the normal anatomy and physiology of organ/system affected


The uterus is a hollow muscular pear-shaped organ, flattened anteroposteriorly. It lies in

the pelvic cavity between the urinary bladder and the rectum in an anteverted anteflexed

position. Anteversion means that the uterus leans forward. Anteflexion means that it is bent

forward almost at right angles to the vagina with its anterior surface resting on the urinary

bladder. As the bladder fills the degree of anteflexion is reduced slightly. When the body is in the

upright position the uterus lies in an almost horizontal position. It is about 7.5 cm long, 5 cm

wide and its walls are about 2.5 cm thick. It weighs from 30 to 40 grams. The fundus is the

dome-shaped part of the uterus above the openings of the uterine tubes. The body is the main

part. It is narrowest inferiorly at the internal os where it is continuous with the cervix. The cervix

protrudes through the anterior wall of the vagina, opening into it at the external os.


The walls of the uterus are composed of three layers of tissue: perimetrium, myometrium

and endometrium.

Perimetrium consists of peritoneum, which is distributed differently on the various

surfaces of the uterus. Anteriorly it extends over the fundus and the body where it is reflected on

to the upper surface of the urinary bladder. This fold of peritoneum forms the vesicouterine

pouch. Posteriorly the peritoneum extends over the fundus, the body and the cervix, then it is

reflected on to the rectum to form the rectouterine pouch. Laterally only the fundus is covered

because the peritoneum forms a double fold with the uterine tubes in the upper free border. This

double fold is the broad ligament which, at its lateral ends, attaches the uterus to the sides of the


Myometrium is the thickest layer of tissue in the uterine wall. It consists of a mass of

smooth muscle fibers interlaced with areolar tissue, blood vessels and nerves.

Endometrium consists of columnar epithelium. It contains a large number of mucus-

secreting tubular glands. The thickness of this layer varies during he monthly menstrual cycle.

The upper two-thirds of the cervical canal is lined with mucous membrane. The lower third is

lined with squamous epithelium, continuous with that of the vagina.


Supports of the uterus

The uterus is supported in the pelvic cavity by: surrounding organs, muscles of the pelvic

floor and ligaments that suspend it from the walls of the pelvis.


After puberty the uterus goes through a regular cycle of changes, the menstrual cycle,

which prepares it to receive, nourish and protect a fertilized ovum. It provides the environment

for the growing fetus, during the 40-week gestation period, at the end of which the baby is born.

The cycle is regular, lasting between 26 and 30 days. If the ovum is not fertilized a new cycle

begins with a short period of bleeding (menstruation).

If the ovum is fertilized the zygote embeds itself in the uterine wall which relaxes to

accommodate the fetus as it grows. At the end of the gestation period labor begins and is

concluded when the baby is born and the placenta extruded. During labor, the muscle of the

fundus and body of the uterus contract intermittently and the cervix relaxes and dilates. As labour

progresses the uterine contractions become stronger and more frequent. When the cervix is fully

dilated the mother assists the birth of the baby by holding her breath and bearing down during


Discussion of the Pre-Operative Preparation of the Patient

Physical preparation

o The lower half of the abdomen and the pubic and perineal regions may be shaved, and

these areas are cleansed with soap and water.

o The intestinal tract and the bladder need to be empty before the patient is taken to the

operating room to prevent injury and contamination to the bladder and intestinal tract.

o Enema and antiseptic douche maybe prescribed the evening before surgery.

o Preoperative medications such as antibiotics are administered.

o Ensure that patient’s vital signs are within normal limits.

o Remove all dentures, jewelries and nailpolish.

Emotional preparation

o It is also important to assess the client’s knowledge of her condition and the surgery.

o Educate the client on what to expect during the operation.

o Listen carefully for any questions she has and any other concerns.

o Explanations must be given about physical preparations and procedures that are

performed to lessen the axiety of the patient.

Spiritual preparation

o Give the patient time for herself to reflect on anything or for her to offer prayers.

4.3 Discuss the disease process and its effects on different organ/system (Black, 2003)

Benign Uterine Tumors (Leiomyomas)

Leiomyomas are the most common tumors of the female genital tract. They occur in more

than 20% to 30% of all women during the menstrual years. The incidence is two to three times

greater in African American women than in white women. Leiomyomas are more common in

women approaching menopause. They are known by various names related to the tissue involved

such as fibroids, fibromas, fibroleiomyomas, myomas, and fiber balls. Leiomyomas are

composed mainly of muscle and fibrous connective tissue.

Etiology and Risk Factors

The cause of leiomyomas is unknown. Their growth seems to be related to estrogen

stimulation because the fibroids often enlarge with pregnancy and shrink with menopause. A

leiomyoma begins as a simple proliferation of smooth muscle cells. It has been suggested that

this type of proliferation is stimulated by physical or mechanical means and may occur at points

of maximal stress within the uterus resulting from contractions, fibroids are often multiple.


Leiomyomas develop from the uterine myometrium. Growth is usually associated with

proliferation of the smooth muscle cells. Estrogen and other hormones influence growth of the

muscle cells. Manifestations decrease after menopause.

Leiomyomas may be classified according to their location (those occurring in the uterine

body are most common):

1. Intramural. Found in the uterine wall, surrounded by myometrium. Clinical

manifestations include increased uterine size, vaginal bleeding between menses and


2. Submucosal. Located directly under the endometrium, involving the endometrial cavity.

May become pedunculated (grow on a stalk). Clinical manifestations include prolonged

vaginal bleeding and cramps, and the tumor may be seen protruding through the cervix.

3. Subserosal. Found on the outer surface (under the serosa) of the uterus. Tends to become

pedunculated, to wander, and to be multiple and large. Clinical manifestations include

backache, constipation and bladder problems.

4. Wandering or parasitic. A pedunculated leiomyoma that twists on its pedicle, breaks off

and attaches to other tissues, particularly the omentum.

5. Intraligamentary. Implants on the pelvic ligaments. May displace the uterus or involve

the ureters.

6. Cervical. Occur infrequently and may obstruct the cervical canal.


4.4 Comparative chart to show the classical signs and symptoms of the disease and the

manifestations of the patient with rationale.




AbnormalUterine Manifested With large myomas, the endometrial

Bleeding - patient experiences an cavity is expanded, creating a larger
abnormally heavy bleeding surface from which menstrual shedding
during menstruation that can occur. With intramural myomas,
sometimes she needs to impedance of venous return from the
change pants because the endometrium may produce heavier
blood will still seep through flow.(Novak’s Textbook of
even if she has just recently Gynecology pg.447)
changed pads.

Pain- sensation of Not manifested Acute onset of pain in previously

weight or asymptomatic myomas raises the
dysmenorrhea possibility of necrosis, inflammation
with visceral adhesions, or torsion of a
pedunculated subserous myoma.
Prolapse of a submucous myoma may
present as intense cramping pain. .
(Novak’s Textbook of Gynecology

Urinary Frequency Manifested Large myomas may produce extrinsic

-urinates 3 to 6 times a day pressure on pelvic viscera. Urinary
in minimum amounts frequency or urgency occurs because
-frequent trips to the toilet of diminished bladder capacity. .

(Novak’s Textbook of Gynecology


Hydroureteronephrosis Not manifested Compression of the ureters may result

in hydroureteronephrosis. .(Novak’s
Textbook of Gynecology pg.447)

A mass in the cul-de-sac may produce

Obstipation, Not manifested obstipation, constipation or
constipation or hemorrhoids. .(Novak’s Textbook of
hemorrhoids Gynecology pg.448)

This may be due to anemia secondary

Weakness and lassitude Manifested to menorrhagia or, in rare cases, to
-patient sometimes polycythemia caused by ectopic
complains that she feels erythropoietin production. (Novak’s
tired and listless. Textbook of Gynecology pg.448)


Pain Manifested Pain is a subjective symptom in which

-patient reports of the patient exhibits a feeling of
intermittent gnawing pain distress. Stimulation of, or trauma to,
felt at surgical site lasting certain nerve endings as a result of
from 30 to 60 seconds surgery causes pain. (Lippincott’s
aggravated by coughing and Manual of Ng Practice. By Sandra
movement relieved by Nena pg.119)
proper positioning, splinting,
deep breathing and use of

Constipation Manifested Trauma and manipulation of the bowel

-still unable to pass stool, during surgery, as well as narcotic use,
abdominal pain, nausea, will retard peristalsis. (Lippincott’s
NPO temporarily Manual of Ng Practice. By Sandra
Nena pg.119)

Headache Not manifested Most patients experience some

Feeling of weakness Manifested discomforts postoperatively. These are
-patient stays in bed most of usually related to the general anesthetic
the time and carries out and the surgical procedure.

activities with assistance; (Lippincott’s Manual of Ng Practice.

complains of fatigue By Sandra Nena pg.118)

IV. Nursing Intervention

1. Care guide of patient with disease condition (Black, 2001)

 Medical Management

A plan of treatment for leiomyomas depends on manifestations, age of the client, location and

size of the tumors, onset of complications, and client’s desire to preserve fertility. Leiomyomas

can be assessed every 6 months by a practitioner if the client is not pregnant; if there is no

excessive bleeding or pressure on the bladder, bowel, or ureters; and if the tumor is not rapidly


GnRH analogs may be administered to reduce size and inhibit growth of tumors. Malignant

degeneration is rare. A rapid increase in the size of the leiomyoma, as indicated by

manifestations or detected on examination, should be thoroughly evaluated, and aggressive

therapy should be considered.

 Surgical Management

Surgical treatment may involve cutting off the blood supply to the fibroid or myomectomy

(removal of a tumor without removal of the uterus). Both preserve the reproductive organs and

reproductive capability. However, because of the increased risk that additional leiomyomas may

develop later, a hysterectomy may be the preferred procedure


A total hysterectomy involves the removal of the uterus, including the cervix. This procedure

is performed for many conditions, including dysfunctional uterine bleeding; endometriosis;

malignant and nonmalignant growths on the uterus, cervix and adnexa; problems of pelvic

relaxation and prolapse; and irreparable injury to the uterus. Malignant conditions require a

total abdominal hysterectomy and bilateral salphingooophorectomy.

Indications. Three types of hysterectomy may be performed:

 Total hysterectomy – removal of the uterus and cervix. Can be performed either

abdominally or vaginally.

 Total hysterectomy with bilateral salphingooophorectomy (TAH-BSO) –

removal of Uterus, cervix, fallopian tubes and ovaries. Can be performed

vaginally or abdominally.

 Radical hysterectomy – same as TAH-BSO plus removal of the lymph nodes,

upper third of the vagina, and parametrium. Usually performed if a malignant

tumor is found.

Contraindications. The only contraindication to hysterectomy is any health condition

that prevents surgery.

Complications. Hemorrhage and infection are the primary complications.

Outcomes. It is expected that the client will return home in 2 to 4 days and resume and

regular activities within 4 to 6 weeks, depending on the type of hysterectomy performed.


Pain, abnormal bleeding and anemia, if present, will cease. For all procedures except

myomectomy, menstruation ends.

 Nursing Management of the Surgical Client


The client seeks medical help because of some form of abnormal uterine bleeding,

dyspareunia, or pelvic pain. Obtain a thorough history from the client, especially if there are

complaints of irregular bleeding. It is also important to assess the client’s knowledge of her

condition and the surgery. Listen carefully for any questions she has about sexuality after



Before surgery is performed, the client can be taught ways to reduce pain associated with

intercourse, such as assuming positions in which leiomyomas are not pressed on during

intercourse and using water soluble lubricants. Pain medications can be used for severe pain.

Sometimes, sitz baths or the application of heat to the lower abdomen may be helpful.


Anxiety in the woman undergoing a hysterectomy stems from a number of variables:

unfamiliar environment, effects of surgery on body image and reproductive ability, fear of

pain and other discomforts, and sensitivity and possible feelings of embarrassment about

exposure of the genital area in the perioperative period. Conflicts between medical treatment

and religious beliefs may be troubling. It is necessary for the nurse to determine the meaning

of this experience to the patient, and it is also necessary for the patient to verbalize her

feelings to someone who understands and can help.


The nurse identifies the patient’s strengths that will produce a positive effect. Through the

preoperative period, explanations are given relative to the phases of physical preparation.


The client undergoing a hysterectomy has many learning needs. Frequently, a woman

undergoing gynecologic surgery needs help understanding the problem and the proposed

operation. She needs to understand her options and the differences among the procedures


If a hysterectomy is planned, inform the client about the loss of fertility. If the ovaries are to

be removed in conjunction with the hysterectomy, discuss surgical menopause and HRT.

Some women are relieved that the operation will remove the risk of unwanted pregnancy and

monthly menstrual manifestations.

He client whose ovaries are removed may complain of a decrease in libido (sexual desire).

This is due to the loss of testosterone that is normally produced by the ovaries. HRT may

include a small daily dose of testosterone. Tell the client that once healing has occurred,

intercourse should be pain-free. Answer any questions asked, and encourage the client and

encourage significant others to express their feelings and concerns about sexuality.



Perform the usual postoperative assessments. Evaluation of psychological manifestations is

also important.

The proximity of the bladder to the female reproductive organs increases the risk of urinary

problems, which must be monitored postoperatively. A Foley catheter is usually inserted at the

time of surgery to prevent bladder distention and injury during surgery; the catheter is often left

in place for 24 hours postoperatively. Potential postoperative problems related to the placement

of a Foley catheter are UTI and temporary urinary retention due to voiding dysfunction.

Assess GI function by listening for bowel sounds, noting distention and seeing whether the

abdomen is soft or firm. Passing of flatus (bowel gas) indicates the return of GI function. After

an abdominal hysterectomy, assess the abdominal hysterectomy; assess the abdominal incision

for bleeding and intactness.

Assess vaginal bleeding. One saturated pad should be necessary in 4 hours after abdominal or

vaginal hysterectomy. Excessive bleeding should be considered if one sanitary napkin is

saturated in one hour or less.


Pain and abdominal discomfort are not uncommon. Analgesics are administered as

prescribed to relieve pain and promote daily ambulation.


When a Foley catheter is in place, instruct the client to keep the urinary drainage catheter

below the level of the bladder, drink at least 2 to 4L of liquid daily, and report any urinary

pain or discomfort. Check the urinary drainage system closely for leaks and kinks in the

system, provide complete perineal care every shift, and report any change in color or odor of

the urine. When a Foley catheter is discontinued, monitor the client for the first void. Voiding

frequently in small amounts, inability to void, and bladder distention or hematuria should be

reported to the physician.


Often, a suprapubic catheter is placed instead of a Foley catheter. This allows the client to

clamp the catheter and attempt to void as soon as she is ambulatory. If the suprapubic area

becomes distended when the catheter is clamped and the client is unable to void, the

suprapubic catheter can be opened and drained. Using a suprapubic catheter avoids the need

for recatheterization of a client who cannot void.


Pain and discomfort after abdominal hysterectomy usually center on the on the incision and

postoperative gas pains. After abdominal hysterectomy, GI functioning returns slowly.

Uncomfortable gas pains are often experienced during the early postoperative period. Early,

frequent ambulation helps to improve GI function. If gas pains persist, a small enema may be

prescribed to facilitate peristalsis and to prevent constipation. Continue to encourage frequent

ambulation to facilitate the return of normal GI functioning. Drinking warm fluids may

encourage return of peristalsis.



3.1 Health Perception / Health management

1st day post-operation, patient appears tired as she has slow guarded movements and could only

speak minimally. Discomforts of postoperative surgery were evident as the patient felt pain and

fatigue. However, she verbalizes that she is happy for a successful operation, and describes her

health better, now that she is slowly recovering. She is infused with D5IMB 1 liter at 30 drops

per minute and is still on NPO. She is catheterized and an hourly intake-output monitoring is to

be observed.

2nd and 3rd day post-operation, patient is encouraged to sit up in bed and do breathing

exercises. She is now allowed to take in clear fluids, and eventually a soft diet. Her catheter is

removed and she can now urinate; she states that she noticed a spot of blood in her underwear

but without blood lumps.

3.2 Nutritional-Metabolic Pattern


1st day post-operation, she is currently under NPO but is allowed to take sips of water and

usually nibbles on some crackers. On the 2nd day, she is now allowed a soft diet.

3.3 Elimination Pattern

(Post-operatively) Patient is currently using a Foley-bag catheter, and approximately collected 80

cc of urine during the morning shift of her 1st post operative day. She has not defecated yet.

Patient’s skin exhibits good color and turgor, stable temperature and no edema noted.

3.4 Activity / Exercise Pattern

(Post-operatively) Patient was found lying in bed and still asked assistance from significant

others for help. She can’t change positions, as she complained of pain in her incision site. She

looked tired and worn out. On her 2nd day post-operation, she was encouraged to sit up and do

breathing exercises.

3.5 Cognitive / Perceptual Pattern

(Post-operatively) She complains of pain in her incision site.

3.6 Rest / Sleep Pattern

(Post-operatively) Patient was seen sleeping most of the time after the surgical procedure. When

awake, she complains of fatigue and a feeling of weakness.

3.7 Self-perception Pattern

(Post-operatively) She is very much concerned of her health now. Having been

diagnosed with multiple uterine myoma has really opened her eyes to the importance of having

check-ups, taking vitamins and managing her health as well as she could. She regrets not having

gone to Pap smear exams before. She wants to regain maximum functioning and be discharged

without complications as soon as possible since she is very much concerned about the hospital

bills they have to pay.


3.8 Role-relationship Pattern

(Post-operatively) Her speech is limited as of now since she seems too tired to answer questions

verbally. She merely nods or utter words in phrases or short sentences. She is still aware, and

oriented to time, date and place. Her husband comes to the hospital everyday to keep her

company. A friend or two often drops by to visit and wish her well.

3.9 Sexuality – Reproductive Pattern

(Post-operatively) She had just undergone Total Abdominal Hysterectomy. She has slight

bleeding which she compares with the kind of bleeding one experiences on the last day of

menstruation. She reports that she wasn’t planning on having any more children so it wasn’t

much regret that she had to give up her uterus as long as she can have the myoma removed as

well. She does speak of a slight feeling of inadequacy since having her uterus removed

somewhat makes her feel less like a woman.

3.10 Coping – Stress Tolerance Pattern

(Post-operatively) She is currently resting since she feels tired after the operation. She

feels somewhat better talking to other patients in the ward who have also undergone TAH or

TAHBSO because she knows that they could relate to what she is undergoing right now.

3.11 Value-belief System

(Post-operatively) Right now, she is just grateful that the operation went successfully and she is

not suffering from any complications. She thanks God that her myoma has been removed and she

can now void with ease.


Physical Assessment(postoperatively)

 Smooth,
 Head is in
symmetrical consiste
 Proportionate ncy of
to the whole skull
body contour
 Presence of  Absence
normal facial of
structures nodules
Head and scalp  No congenital and
malformations masses.
if the face was  Scalp
noted slightly
 Dry, and pale movable
scalp  (-) pain
 Absence of and
pediculosis tenderne
ss in the

(-) pain upon

palpation in all (-)
sinuses(frontal, pain
maxillary, upon
ethmoid, percus
sphenoid sion

 Black colored
 Dry and
Hair uncombed hair
 Short hair in
line with the

 Eyebrows
 (-) pain
distributed  (-)
Eyebrows  Black colored
 (-) scaling
 (-)lesion
 (-) swelling

 Symmetrical in
 Upper lids
curled outward
and upward  Smooth
 Lower lids to touch
curled outward  (-)pain
Eyelids and
and downward  (-)
 Pale brown tenderne
colored lids ss
 Dry  (-) lesion
 Absence of
 Absence of
swelling or

 Mosit
 Translucent
Conjuctiva  Pale both
palpebral and
 Anicteric sclera
Sclera  Rounded
 Colored white
 Translucent
 Moist

 colored black
 rounded
 translucent
 equally round
 colored black
 dilates when
unexposed to
the light
 constricts when
exposed to the
 able to focus on
 smooth
 symmetrical  (-)pain
 proportionate (-
Ears to the whole tenderne
body ss

o Symmet
o Dry
o Presenc
e of (-) pain
minimal Smooth
Nose cilia (-)lesion
o Proporti
onate to

o Dry cracked
o Even when
o Able to open

Uvula o Centered
o Pinkish
o Moist
o Slightly

o Centered just
below the
o Pinkish
o Moist and
o Pinkish and
Tongue o Centered
o Freely
o Symmetrical
in shape
o Proportionat
o Non
Neck tende
o Centered
o Pale brown
in color
o Dry
o Equal rise
and fall of Clear
the thorax o Equal breath
o Respiratory lung Resonance sounds
rate=22 expan is elicited (-) rales
breaths per sion and
minute crackles

o Flat
o Rounded
o Dry
o Presence of Tympany
Abdomen sounds 1-
Surgical is elicited
3 sounds
incision per minute
o Equal

o weak Blood
o Pulse
Upper o with IV#2 pressure:
rate= 90
Extremities D5LR 1L @30 130/80
beats per
gtts per min @ mm Hg
left forearm
Lower - No palpable
Extremities o weak mass. -Absence

o -CR- less than of tenderness

2 seconds and swelling.

2.1 NURSING CARE PLAN (Postoperatively)

Problems/needs/ Cues Nursing Scientific Basis Objectives Of Nursing Actions Rationale

Diagnosis Care
Physiologic Altered “Most patients After 3 days
Overload Comfort: Mild experience some degree of holistic
A. Altered comfort Pain related to of pain after a surgical nursing
operation procedure. The degree caring care,
Cues: performed and severity of the client will
postoperative pain and be able to:
-pain the patient’s tolerance 1. minimize
for pain depend on the discomfort at
-facial grimace incision site, the nature tolerable 1. minimize discomfort
of the surgical level at tolerable level
procedure, the extent of 1.2 provide comfort 1.1 to provide
surgical trauma, the type measures like nonpharmacologic relief
-presence of of anesthetic agent and therapeutic touch (NANDA 9th ed., p.368)
operative wound how the agent was
administered.” 1.2 perform assessment 1.2 to monitor progress
-throbbing pain on Source: Medical- each time pruritus of condition
the incision site of Surgical Nursing by occurs
the hypogastric area Suzanne C. Smeltzer (NANDA 9th ed., p.367)
for 2-5 minutes that and Brenda G. Bare; 9th
is aggravated by edition
sudden movement 1.3 accept client’s
description of itching 1.3 it is a subjective
but relieved by p.355 experience and differs
massage of from others
surrounding areas
and pain medication (NANDA 9th ed., p.367)

“sakit man ang gi- 1.4 encourage adequate 1.4 to prevent fatigue
operahan day” as rest periods
said by the patient (NANDA 9th ed., p.369)

1.5 to prevent further

1.5 perform tepid itching and aid in healing
sponge bath process

(Potter and Perry,

Fundamentals of Nursing
p. 1062)
1.6 modify environment 1.6 to provide comfort
like using electric fan and relaxation

(NANDA 9th ed., p.368)

1.7 review procedures
to client like blood
transfusion and sponge 1.7 to reduce concern of
bath the unknown and stress

(NANDA 9th ed., p.368)

1.8 advise client to wear

loose clothing
1.8 itching may be
initiated by physical

Nursing by Black, 7th
ed., p. 1394)
1.9 provide diversional
activities like social 1.9 to relieve mind of
interaction, hanging out discomfort
in the garden
(NANDA 9th ed., p.368)
1.10 administer
medications as ordered 1.10 to medicate
prophylactically as

(NANDA 9th ed., p.368)

Physiologic deficit Impaired skin “Surgery interrupts the 2. manifest Measures to:
B Impaired Skin integrity: integrity of the skin timely wound 2. promote good wound
Integrity presence of surface providing a healing as healing
surgical potential portal of evidenced by
Cues: incision invasion of bacterial” the absence 2.1 monitor site of 2.1 Poor assessment of
related to Medical-surgical of dehiscence impaired tissue integrity wound etiology is critical

-incision site on operative Nursing p.1573 by and and determine etiology for proper identification
hypogastric area 3-5 procedure Lemone and Burke ; evisceration of nursing interventions
cm 10th edition (Source: Nursing Care
Plans by Doenges)
-dressing on site
2.2 determine size and 2.2 wound assessment is
depth of wound more reliable when
-bleeding still performed by the same
present on surgical caregiver, the client is in
site the same position and
-skin seems a dry same techniques (Source:
and wrinkly Nursing Care Plans by
-“bag-o pa man ko 2.3.monitor site of
gi-operahan day” as 2.3 identify impending
impaired tissue integrity problems easily (Source:
verbalized by the
client Nursing Care Plans by
Nursing Care Plans

2.4.monitor status of
skin around wound,
2.4 individualize plan
monitor client’s skin,
according to client’s skin
practices, noting type of
condition, needs and
soap or other cleansing
preferences, avoid harsh
agents used and
cleansing agents, hot
temperature of water
water and extreme
friction. (Source: Nursing
Care Plans by Doenges)
2.5 avoid massaging
around site of impaired 2.5 research suggests that
tissue integrity and over massage may lead to
bony prominences deep tissue
trauma (Source: Nursing
2.6 assist with general Care Plans by Doenges)
comfort and hygiene
measures 2.6 to promote comfort
and sense of well
being (Source: Nursing
Care Plans by Doenges)
2.7 maintain infection
control standards 2.7 to decrease risk of
infection (Source:
Nursing Care Plans by
2.8 emphasize need of
adequate nutrition or 2.8 to maintain general
fluid intake of 8 – 10 good health and skin
glasses/day turgor

(NANDA 9th ed., p.467)

2.9 reassess signs of 2.9 to ensure free of

infection infection(NANDA 9th
ed., p.467)
3.0 administer
medications as ordered 3.0 to provide
pharmacologic relief
(NANDA 9th ed., p.467)

Physiologic Deficit Activity After surgery, the body Perform 3. Perform activities of
C. Activity intolerance: needs extra calories and activities of daily living at a
Intolerance difficulty in protein for wound daily living at tolerable level
feeding herself healing and recovery. At a tolerable 3.1 assess emotional /
Cues: related to weak this time, many people level psychological factors 3.1 stress and/or
muscle have some pain and depression may be
-difficulty in strength fatigue. In addition, they increasing the effect of
feeding herself may be unable to eat a an illness, or depression
normal diet because of might be the result of
-tired looking eyes surgery-related side being forced into
effects. inactivity
-can’t walk without
assistance http://www.cancer.org (NANDA 9th ed., p.61)

-thin looking 3.2 evaluate current 3.2 provides comparative

appearance limitations/degree of baseline
deficit in light of usual
-client has (NANDA 9th ed., p.61)
undergone surgery 3.3 cluster activities
3.3 to prevent

(NANDA 9th ed., p.61)

3.4 increase activities or 3.4 to conserve energy

exercise gradually
(NANDA 9th ed., p.62)
3.5 plan care with rest
periods between 3.5 helps to minimize
activities frustration, rechannel

(NANDA 9th ed., p.62)

3. 6 assist with
activities and monitor 3.6 to protect client from
use of assistive devices injury
(NANDA 9th ed., p.62)

3.7 promote comfort

measures and provide 3.7 enhance ability to

relief of pain participate in activities

(NANDA 9th ed., p.62)

3.8 review expectations 3.8 to establish individual

of client and/or goals
significant others
(NANDA 9th ed., p.62)
3.9 assist client to learn
and demonstrate 3.9 to prevent injuries
appropriate safety
measures (NANDA 9th ed., p.62)

3.10 encourage client to

maintain positive 3.10 to enhance sense of
attitude well-being

(NANDA 9th ed., p.63

2.3 SOAPIE Charting (Postoperatively)


S- “Sakit pa, labi na kung mulihok ko ug mu-ubo.”

O- received a 1-day post-operative, Total Abdominal Hysterectomy, 51 year old female patient

with wound dressing at hypogastric area, dry and intact, Foley bag catheter attached, lying in

bed, weak and tired, complains of intermittent gnawing pain felt at surgical site lasting from 30

to 60 seconds aggravated by coughing and movement relieved by proper positioning, splinting,

deep breathing and use of analgesics.

A- Alteration in comfort: Pain related to tissue trauma from surgical procedure.

P-to alleviate pain

I- Handled patient gently, encouraged patient to breathe deeply, assessed patient’s level of pain,

noted its location and intensity, monitored vital signs, monitored Urine output and also Fluid

Intake and Output, regulated IVF flow rate to 30 gtts/min as prescribed.


E – the patient is lying in bed, no facial grimace noted.

“Ma relieve na ang sakit basta mu ginhawa ko ug lalum ug dili kayo ko mag lihok-lihok.” As

verbalized by patient.


S- (---------------)

O- received a 2-day post-operative Total Abdominal Hysterectomy, 39 year old female patient

with wound dressing at hypogastric area of about 4 inches in length, dry and intact, with Foley

catheter inserted to genitalia, plain NSS at 30gtts/min sitting upright in bed, reading newspaper,

complaints of slight pain and discomfort.

A- Potential for infection related to traumatized tissue from surgical procedure and presence of

Foley bag catheter.

P- to prevent infection

I- assessed patient’s surgical wound for any infection, contained collected drainage and urine and

disposed of them properly, advised patient to keep legs straight when lying, Antibiotic

Amoxicillin(Himox) 500mg every 8 hours was administered c/o staff nurse, monitored vital

signs, Intake and Output hourly, regulated IVF to prescribed rate.

E- Patient is sitting in bed, with stable vital signs, temperature of 36.5 C, no reddening of site
surrounding the surgical wound.

2.4 HEALTH TEACHING PLAN (Postoperatively)



General Objectives
After 8 hours of
interaction the client
will be able to gain
knowledge, attitude
and skills in the care
for postoperative
patients of Total
Hysterectomy with

Specific Objectives:
After 45 minutes of

nurse patient
interaction the client
will be able to:

1. identify the I. Potential Complications Informal The patient was able

different potential 1. Incisional/pelvic infection-an Discussion to restate the
post-operative acute or chronic condition in possible
complications. which the uterus, fallopian complications
tubes and ovaries are discussed by the
infected. The inflammation is student nurse.
the result of infection
spreading from an adjacent
organ or ascending from the
2. Hemorrhage-the escape of
blood from a ruptured blood
vessel, externally or
internally. Loss of several
liters of blood in a few
minutes may result in shock,
collapse and death.
3. Urinary tract infection-are
caused by the presence of
pathogenic microorganisms
in the urinary tract with or
without signs and symptoms,
maybe due to inability or
failure to empty the bladder
completely, catheterization,
and decreased host defenses.
4. Bowel obstruction- physical
blockage of the passage of
intestinal contents with
subsequent distention by fluid
and gas.
5. Thrombophlebitis-
inflammation of the wall of a
vein with secondary
thrombosis occurring within
the affected segment of vein

2.enumerate II. Measures to relieve pain Informal The patient was able
measures for 1. Bed rest for the first 24 hours. Discussion to identify bed rest
pain relief 2. Splint incision when moving and deep breathing
or coughing. exercises as a
3. Ambulate as soon as possible comfort measure to

to decrease flatus and relieve pain.

abdominal distention.
4. Sitz baths or ice packs as
prescribed to alleviate
perineal discomfort.
5. Proper breathing techniques
could promote relaxation and
relief of pain
6. Pain medications as

3.cite ways to IIIMeasures to prevent infection Informal The patient was able
prevent infection 1. Change of dressing by Discussion to ask questions
urologist on the first post- about wound
operative day; after that dressing.
dressing changes may
become nurse’s
2. increase fluid intake at least
2 to 4 L of liquid daily
3. always do perineal care,
emphasize to wipe from front
to back.
4. antibiotics as prescribed
4.ate general
post-operative IV. Measures of general post- Informal The patient was able
care measures operative care: discussion to ask questions
1. Advise patient against sitting about measures to
too long at one time, as in prevent
driving long distances, thromboembolism.
because of the possibility of
blood pooling in the lower
extremities, causing
2. Remind patient to ask her
surgeon about any strenuous
or lifting activities which are
usually delayed for 4-6
3. Instruct patient to report fever
higher than 37.8 C (100 F),
heavy vaginal bleeding,
drainage, increased pain or
cramping and foul odor of
4. Emphasize the importance of

follow-up visits and routine

physical and gynecologic

5. demonstrate V. Deep breathing techniques: Return The patient was able

proper deep 4. Inhale slowly and through the Demonstration to demonstrate
breathing nose for a count of 2 proper breathing
techniques 5. Exhale slowly and evenly techniques.
for lung against pursed lips. Avoid
hygiene and exhaling forcefully.
pain relief Inhalation to exhalation rate
is 1:2
6. Breathe slowly in a rhythmic
and relaxed manner.

2.5 Drug Therapeutic Record (Postoperatively)



Cefuroxime Antiinfective; Indications: 1. Should be 1. Monitor

(Zinat) 750 mg cephalosporin Gram-negative bacilli: taken 10-14 vital signs.
IVTT q hs 2nd generation Haemophilus influenzae, taken days. 2. Monitor
Escherichia coli, Finish the entire input and
Action: Inhibits Neissieria, Proteus course of therapy output.
bacterial cell mirabilis, Klebsiella; to prevent 3. Perform
wall synthesis, gram-positive organisms: superinfection. regular
rendering cell Streptococcus 2. If diabetic, use hand
wall pneumoniae, blood glucose washing.
osmotically Streptococcus pyogenes, testing.
unstable, Staphylococcus aureus; 3. Notify
leading to cell serious lower respiratory prescriber if
death by tract, urinary tract, skin, breastfeeding or
binding to cell bone, joint, gonococcal of any side
wall membrane. infections, septicemia, effects.
meningitis 4. Report sore
throat, bruising,

Containdications: bleeding, joint

Hypersensitivity to pain, diarrhea
cephalosporins or related with mucus,
antibiotics, seizures blood, may
Side effects: pseudomem-
Pseudomembranous branous colitis.
colitis, Stevens-Johnson
syndrome, nephrotoxicity,
renal failure, leucopenia,
pancytopenia, hemolytic
anemia, leukocytosis,
anaphylaxis, serum

Dynastat 40 mg Parecoxib is a Indications: 1. Patients who 1. Monitor

IVTT prodrug of Postoperative pain experience vital signs.
valdecoxib. dizziness, 2. Monitor
Valdecoxib is a Contraindications: vertigo or input and
selective cardiovascular disease, somnolence after output.
cyclooxygenase asthma, peptic ulcer, receiving 3. Perform
-2 (COX-2) sulfonamide allergy, nasal Dynastat should regular
inhibitor within polyps, cardiovascular refrain from hand
the clinical dose arteriosclerosis driving or washing.
range. unspecified, vasomotor operating
Cyclooxygenas rhinitis, chronic asthmatic machines.
e is responsible bronchitis, peptic ulcer of 2. Not to be
for generation esophagus, gastric ulcer, administered on
of duodenal ulcer, peptic women who
prostaglandins. ulcer - (PU) site breastfeed.
Two isoforms, unspecified, gastrojejunal 3. Anticoagulant
COX-1 and ulcer, gastrointestinal therapy should
COX-2, have hemorrhage, be monitored,
been identified. angioneurotic edema, particularly
COX-2 is the adverse reaction to during the first
isoform of the sulphonamides, adverse few days after
enzyme that has reaction to antirheumatics, initiating
been shown to adverse reaction to Dynastat therapy
be induced by mefenamic acid, personal in patients
pro- history of sulphonamide receiving

inflammatory allergy, non-steroidal anti- warfarin or other

stimuli and has inflammatory drugs anticoagulants,
been postulated contraindicated since these
to be primarily patients have an
responsible for Side effects: increased risk of
the synthesis of Backache, edema, bleeding
prostanoid dyspepsia, excessive complications.
mediators of flatulence, oliguria, 4. Caution
pain, agitation, insomnia, sore should be used
inflammation, throat, itching, when initiating
and fever. bradycardia, treatment with
hypoaesthesia, anemia, Dynastat in
ecchymoses, patients with
hypokalaemia, dehydration. In
hypertension, this case, it is
hypotension, alveolar advisable to
ostitis, gastroduodenitis, rehydrate
respiratory insufficiency, patients first and
thrombocytopenia, blood then start therapy
urea raised, serum with Dynastat.
creatinine raised
ALT/SGPT level
abnormal, AST/SGOT
level raised

Ferrous Sulfate Hematinic; iron Indications: 1. Administer 1. Monitor

(Sorbifer) 1 tab od preparation Iron deficiency anemia, between meals vital signs.
prophylaxis for iron for best 2. Monitor
Action: deficiency in pregnancy absorption; may input and
Replaces iron give with juice; output.
stores needed Contraindications: do not give with 3. Perform
for red blood Hypersensitivity, antacids or milk, regular
cell ulcerative colitis/ regional delay at least 1 hand
development, enteritis, hemosiderosis/ hr; eggs, milk washing.
energy and O2 hemochromatosis, peptic products,
transport, ulcer disease, hemolytic chocolate,
utilization. anemia, cirrhosis caffeine interfere
with absorption.
Side effects: 2. Teach patient
Nausea, constipation, that iron will
epigastric pain, black and change stools to
red tarry stools, vomiting, black or dark
diarrhea, temporarily green.
discolored tooth enamel 3. Tab is to be
and eyes swallowed

4. Avoid
position for 15-
30 mins. after
taking drug to
avoid esophageal
5. Follow diet
high in iron.

V. Evaluation and Recommendation

The patient had undergone Total Abdominal Hysterectomy last January 22, 2007. After

the operation, she stayed at the recovery room for close monitoring. Her vital signs remained


The patient is already one day postoperative. She still complains of pain at the incision

site, aggravated by movement and coughing and relieved by medication. She is still under NPO.

The patient is inserted with a Foley Bag Catheter, and is not yet able to pass out stool. Her vital

signs remained stable.

Proper compliance to medication, diet, and treatment prescribed by the doctor is highly

recommended. Straining should be avoided to prevent bleeding or further trauma to the incision

site. Hygiene measures should be properly observed, dressing changes should be done regularly.

The patient should eat a well balanced diet, drink six to eight glasses of water daily and

get plenty of rest. She should avoid heavy lifting for about 6 weeks, to prevent straining on the

abdominal muscles and surgical sites. Avoid activities that increase pelvic congestion, such as

aerobic activity and prolonged standing. Optimal circulation is necessary to promote healing of

pelvic tissues. Vaginal and rectal intercourse and douching until healing is complete, usually in

about 6 weeks. These activities can interfere with healing of the vaginal cuff or other healing

tissues and can introduce infection. Any fresh bleeding and any abnormal vaginal discharge

should be reported to he surgeon. All these are recommended for early recovery and


VI. Evaluation and Implication of this Case Study To:

Nursing Practice

This case study provides information about Benign Uterine Myoma and its treatment

which includes surgery. In this case, the surgery performed is Total Abdominal Hysterectomy.

This case study would serve as a help to the nursing practice since it provides an appropriate plan

of care for patients who undergo this operation for efficient nursing care.

Nursing Education

To the nursing education, this case study would help in sharing data or information about

the disease condition, which is Uterine Myoma, and its management as well as the preoperative

and postoperative nursing interventions needed for the promotion of patient’s recovery. With

these, the students as well as the teachers would gain additional information about the disease

and patient’s condition so that it would equip them for an efficient nursing care in the future.

Nursing Education

This case study would help in the nursing research as a source of data for example, in

tracking the population of persons with this condition. With this information, it would make

people aware of its growing incidence rate and the need to treatment and share the importance of

early detection or early prevention of this disease condition.

VII. Referral and follow-up

In about 6 weeks time the patient would be able to recover postoperatively. With proper

compliance to medications and treatments prescribed, further complications would be prevented.

In contrast, patient must be alert for complications such as signs of infection, hemorrhage and

thrombophlebitis. If signs occur, patient must refer to surgeon immediately. In addition, follow-

up visits are also recommended for continuous monitoring to ensure a smooth recovery.

VIII. Bibliography

Beare, Patricia G., et al. Adult Health Nursing. 2nd ed. Mosby- Year Book, Inc. 1994.

Black, Joyce M., et. al. Medical Surgical Nursing. 6th ed. Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders Company.


Cotran, Ramzi S., M.D., et .al.. Robbins Pathologic Basis of Disease. 6th ed. USA: W.B. Saunders

Company. 1999.

Jones, Howard et. Al. Novak’s Textbook of Gynecology 11th ed. USA: Williams and Wilkin’s


Kozier, Barbara, et. al. Fundamentals of Nursing: Concepts, Process, and Practice. 7th ed. USA:

Pearson Education, Inc. 2004.

Nena, Sandra M. et. Al. The Lippincott Manual of Nursing Practice 7th ed. Philadelphia:

Lippincott Williams & Wilkins 2001.

Ryan, Kenneth J. et. Al. Kristner’s Gynecology 5th ed. Chicago: Mosby ,1990.

Smeltzer, Suzanne C., Bare, Brenda G.. Brunner and Suddarth’s textbook of Medical Surgical

Nursing. 7th ed. USA: J.B. Lippincot Company. 1992.

Wilson, Kathleen J.W., Waugh, Anne. Ross and Wilson Anatomy and Physiology. 8th ed. London.

Churchill Livingstone. 1999.


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