Branch Reinforcement Pad Requirement Calculation PDF
Branch Reinforcement Pad Requirement Calculation PDF
Branch Reinforcement Pad Requirement Calculation PDF
3 1996 Edition:
Enter the followin data in the units indicated
1. 2. 3h=..3 o' hea"er or run $i$e in mm 3b=..3. o' branch $i$e in mm Nomina! hic)ness o' branch $i$e in mm.(b :orrosion a!!o+ance 'or branch $i$e in mm. :b 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 * Nomina! hic)ness o' run $i$e in mm (h :orrosion a!!o+ance 'or run $i$e in mm. :h In erna! "esi#n #au#e $ressure $si % -asic a!!o+ab!e s ress 'or ma eria! o' run $i$e2( ab!e ;>1) $si(#)2 Sh -asic a!!o+ab!e s ress 'or ma eria! o' branch $i$e2((ab!e ;>1) $si(#) Sb ?ua!i @ 'ac or 'rom ((ab!e ;>1-)2 'or run $i$e.9Ah ?ua!i @ 'ac or 'rom ((ab!e ;>1-)2'or branch $i$e.9Ab Ne#a iBe mi!! o!erance 'or run $i$e in C . Nh Ne#a iBe mi!! o!erance 'or branch $i$e in C . Nb
(for nomenclature refer ASME 31.3 1996 Edition) Nom. run size (inch) x Sch Nom. branch size (inch) x Sch 762 508 6.35 1 7.92 1 278.77 20000 20000 0.95 0.95 12.5 12.5 YES 30 X Sch10 20 X Sch10
$ressure "esi#n hic)ness 'or he run $i$e mm $ressure "esi#n hic)ness 'or he branch $i$e mm
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499 5.56 3.70 259.93 498.89 498.89 185.86 14.83 16.52 14.83 &ei#h 25.24 5.133 5.133 2508.74 4.45 39.53 3.63 3.63 13.18
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